#downton fanfic
loonatic260 · 4 months
So often, I think about how Thomas's relationship with Edward (the blind soldier in season 2) would have gone if Edward was permitted to stay and recover at the hospital. I mean, really, there's so many different scenarios of how things *could* have gone for Thomas if his love interests loved him back (and stuck around long enough to make it work).
During the confrontation in the courtyard (S2E2)... Corporal Barrow to his left, Nurse Crawley to his right, and a badgering doctor in front of him, Edward speaks his mind about wanting to stay. "Please— don't send me away. Not yet," the soldier states, contorlling his emotions. And instead of Thomas being cut off this time, he continues to speak, "Sir, surely we... can still take care of him, until the time comes that he is fully recovered." Thomas looks over to Edward, for the response in his gaze that supports and appreciates his efforts, but is quickly reminded that a look of condolence is hard to get out of a blind man. "Corporal Barrow, you will not speak out of turn—" his tone shifts, "every one of our beds is needed for the injurred and dying. Lieutenant, you will make your recovery at Farley. Corporal, I will see you in my office." The doctor pats Edward's shoulder and turns away, leaving the three in silence. Sybil looks to Thomas, then to Edward, "We are fully capable of keeping you here to treat you until you are better. Thomas, I'm sure we can find a way to change the doctor's mind." Thomas takes a long moment to think of what could be said, but Edward breaks his thought by looking up towards him. Thomas knows those bright eyes can't see him, but Edward's longing for an answer, and longing for some way to stay, are clearly conveyed by that deep stare. Thomas distracts himself from the way the light shown across his face and illuminated his scars. "I don't want to leave, Corporal, not right yet. I don't feel fully recovered yet— a convalescent home won't help me." Thomas looks to Sybil. They both know Edward's outlook on his own life; it isn't good, and if they can get him to stay under their care, they'd know he'd be a healthier man of it.
"Please, one man staying here to recover- or convalesce, as you put it- is not getting in the way of us taking care of other injurred soldiers." Thomas stands opposite of the doctor, only a desk between them but many dense layers of invisible emotions as well. "We have the equipment and time to continue to tend to Edward while caring for others' just as well," Sybil enters the office eagerly to back him up. "I am taken aback by both of your confidence. Nurse Crawley, you may be used to having the social upper-hand, but not here. My decision is final in keeping Ed—" The clicking heels of an adamant, old woman can be heard stomping nearer, alerting Clarkson of his likely misjudgment. "Doctor Clarkson, I do beg your pardon, but have you tended to Lieutenant Courtenay as closely as Corporal Barrow or Nurse Crawley?" Her distinct tone sends exaughst from every hole of the doctor's body. "I do recall Thomas talking with the Lieutenant, reading him his letters, and offering condolences, therefore giving him an accurate assessment of Lieutenant Courtenay's mental health." Sybil looks to Thomas from behind, looking to see even the slightest smile peaking through his cheeks, but Corporal Barrow stays straight-faced. Sybil knows they've won this argument now. "And Nurse Crawley has tended to his physical needs and growth in his condition, so she should be more than qualified- in this circumstance- to claim whether or not Lieutenant Courtenay should continue to be seen here, so if she claims he is still of our assistance, then we shall grant him that." Without much more word from Doctor Clarkson— at least not much anything that Thomas had to listen to due to smirking and showing Sybil his slight excitement— Corporal Barrow met Lieutenant Courtenay at his cot.
"Are you happy to be out of your bandages, Lieutenant Courtenay?" Thomas smiled towards Edward, finding himself repeating natural mannerisms from his service at Downton when it wasn't always necessary, especially right now. "Please, don't call me 'Lieutenant.' I've lost that privilege of title the moment I wasn't able to perform my duties properly anymore." Slouching halfway out from under his sheets, he turned away from the sound of Thomas's voice, imagining the disappointment. "You can call me 'Edward'," the soldier finished. Thomas furrowed his brows, "I told you not to be so hard on yourself. I won't lie to you, and I won't tell you that you'll be able to perform your duties properly again, but I can say that you will- and do- have the opportunity to live a good life." Thomas laid his palms on Edward's knuckles, carefully centered on the soldier's knee as if to plead. "I already told you: don't let other's drag you down. It doesn't matter what they think of ya, or do to ya, so you'll resolve things with your brother and mother—" Thomas saw the muscles in Edward's face start to quiver, "Or else I'll have to go knock some sense into them, and they don't want that!" A chuckle was pulled out of Edward as a tear strolled down his cheek, and Thomas gave a laugh of relief to be able to make Edward smile. "We'll take care of you as long as we can, Edward. We'll make things work. Despite what Clarkson thinks is best for someone he doesn't know."
Sybil smiled from the doorway, watching their interaction, and glad of their soldier's brightened spirits. She'd never seen Thomas so emotional before, but it was an effective way of getting through to Edward. Surprisingly, the doctor listened to Isobel once again; it seems that only Isobel can truly get through to Doctor Clarkson.
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“I want…” Mary trailed off. “Granny says I should say yes now and withdraw later if it’s a boy.”
Matthew stopped his pacing and stared at her. “To make that work, you’d have to be a good liar. Well, are you a good liar?”
 “Not good enough to try it.” Mary paused, looking at the ground. “Obviously. If I was, I’d have said yes ages ago.”
“What on earth is that supposed to mean?” he challenged.
“Oh…” she trailed off. This wasn’t how she wanted this conversation to go at all. She knew she couldn’t accept him without telling him about Pamuk, but she didn’t want him to be in a bad mood at the start of the discussion. “I guess I might as well tell you now anyway. I should have told you when you first asked, but…. Oh Matthew, I’m such a coward and I can’t stand the thought of you despising me like I know you will. Perhaps we should sit first.” She gestured at the bench they were standing next to.
Matthew looked at her skeptically but went to sit on the bench. He didn’t say anything. He didn’t want to rush her, but his curiosity had definitely been piqued.
Mary sat, carefully positioning herself to face out to the park. She didn’t think she could manage this conversation if she was looking at him. She took a deep breath to steady her nerves. “I suppose you remember when Mr. Napier and Mr. Pamuk came to visit last spring?”
Matthew nodded. It occurred to him that he had no idea what this had to do with her lying to him.
“And I suppose you remember how taken I was with Mr. Pamuk?”
Again, Matthew nodded. He hadn’t liked the Turk. It wasn’t just that he had captured Mary’s attention so thoroughly. There was something about the gentleman that had just seemed…ungentlemanly. Matthew had spent most of the evening trying to avoid Edith and capture Mary’s attention. He remembered bitterly when he had been trying to convince her to go riding with him and she had abruptly walked off to join Mr. Pamuk in the adjoining room. They hadn’t been gone long before Mary had reemerged into the drawing room, her cheeks flushed.
“Well, anyway, he didn’t die in his bed that night. He died in mine.” She stopped unceremoniously. For a minute Matthew remained silent expecting her to go on. When he realized that she was finished he thought for a moment.
“So, you’re saying…” he trailed off. He didn’t quite know what she was saying. A high-born young lady would not have risked her reputation for a foreigner. He could hardly believe that she would have invited him to her bedroom. Not when Mr. Napier had clearly been there as a potential match for her. But there had been that flush to her cheeks when she’d come into the drawing room.
“Oh, Matthew, please say something,” Mary cried. Her voice was quiet. Not quite a whisper, but not her strong calm voice either. Thinking back the only time he remembered seeing her so distraught was when he had talked to her in the days after the Turk’s demise.
“Well…” he swallowed, not really wanting to hear the answer to his next question. “Did you love him?”
She looked shocked. “How could I? I didn’t even know him!”
“Well, if it was love…”
“It was lust Matthew!” she sounded desperate “or something in him that excited me. What difference does it make?”
“I—I just don’t understand.” Matthew’s mind was racing. It felt like everything he thought he knew about her was wrong. “This just doesn’t seem like something you would do.”
“Well, it’s not exactly like I planned it.” She sounded a little hurt at the insinuation. “I didn’t think to myself ‘I know, let’s have a man force his way into my room and die here.’”
It took a moment for all of what she said to register. “Wait, what did you just say?”
“I didn’t plan to have a man die in my room?” She laughed.
“No, before that.” He rubbed his forehead. “He forced his way into your room?”
“Well, that actually seems a little dramatic.” She frowned, trying to remember the night. “He didn’t force his way in. He just walked in. I don’t even know how he found it. I was in bed, reading. He walked in and I told him to leave, but he didn’t. I threatened to scream, and he told me I wouldn’t so instead I threatened to ring the bell. He just laughed because I wouldn’t let a hall boy find him there. He kept saying that I’d be ruined anyway. I still don’t understand how he found his way into my room in the first place. I swear I told him he wasn’t welcome, but I must have led him on.”
As she was talking, her brow was furrowed. Her voice was still very quiet. Matthew got the impression she wasn’t actually talking to him anymore. She was puzzling through the events of the night. His heart was breaking for her.
“Mary, do you think this was somehow your fault?” His voice startled her. The tone of his voice was full of concern. There was no hint of judgement or disdain. She glanced at him for the first time since they had sat. He had turned to face her and was leaning closer, as if he was waiting on bated breath to hear what she had to say.  His eyes were filled with sorrow.
“Of course it was. I flirted with him shamelessly. I didn’t make him leave; I just gave into him. I am, as Mama says, ‘damaged goods.’ I completely understand if you want to withdraw your offer. I am Tess of the D’Urbervilles to your Angel Claire.”
“Don’t joke about it, Mary.” His voice was firm, but compassionate.
“You’re right. It’s a very serious matter. And there’s more.” She took a deep breath wondering how much more she should tell him, if she should bring up Edith’s betrayal. No, there was no point in that. She didn’t want to make him despise the entire family. “I cannot bring you into the scandal. News is already getting out in London. If you married me, you’d be a laughingstock. I can’t do that to you, especially now if Mama’s baby is a boy.”
He suppressed a laugh. It wasn’t funny, not in the slightest. He’d never seen her look so small or vulnerable.
“Mary, I don’t despise you. I love you. If it’s possible, even more than I already did.” He took hold of her hands, pulling her to face him. She was instantly reminded of the intense look he had given her right before he’d kissed her the first time, the night he’d proposed to her. She looked into his brilliant blue eyes, daring to believe what he was saying.
“You don’t mean that, Matthew.” She lowered her eyes so that he wouldn’t see the tears that threatened to fall.
“Why not? Because some cad took advantage of you?” He lifted her chin, but she kept her eyes downturned. “Mary, look at me,” he implored. “You are not to blame for this. You said yourself that you told him to leave; that you don’t even know how he found your room.”
“I could have stopped him.” One single tear fell down her cheek. “I could have screamed for Papa.”
Matthew wiped her tear away with his thumb. “No, you couldn’t have. After all he had done, he was not going to leave you alone until he got what he wanted. All you did was prevent him from beating you in an attempt to get it.”
“But what about the scandal?” Mary asked. “Even if you say it wasn’t, it was all my fault. I can’t let you ruin your reputation by tethering yourself to me.”
“Mary,” he smiled at her, “when have I ever seemed concerned about what people say about me?”
She thought for a moment, “Well, you didn’t take too kindly to being compared to a sea monster.”
He chuckled slightly, “no, I suppose I didn’t.”
“You have no idea how much it means to me that you seem to think this wasn’t my fault,” she began.
Matthew cut her off, “stop. It wasn’t your fault. I don’t know how you got it in your head that it was, but you need to put that out of your mind.”
“I wish so much that I could believe you,” she sounded far off again.
“Do believe me. And anyone who says differently, send them to me. I will not allow anyone to make my wife feel guilty for something that was beyond her control.”
“Your wife?” Her tone suddenly very different. “You don’t mean that, surely. You don’t even know if I still want to marry you if Mama has a boy.”
“Well,” he’d honestly forgotten that was how their argument had started after Mary’s startling confession, “I think you do. You implied that you’d have accepted me already if this whole sorry business hadn’t been hanging over you like a sword of Damocles.”
“That’s true, but how do you know I wouldn’t have changed my mind, or asked to delay until after the baby is born?”
“Because,” he smiled at her, a broad genuine smile, “I know I will do everything in my power to be worthy of you. You have shown so much strength of character today. I don’t know if I can make you a Countess, but I will strive to make you feel no less than a queen from now until the last breath leaves my body if you’ll let me. I know you have doubts about a middle class life, but I promise you, I will do all within my power to be worthy of you.”
She tilted her head to the side and appraised him carefully, a coy smile playing at her lips. “You know, you’ve never asked me properly. How can I be expected to answer anything that I haven’t really be asked?”
“Fine,” he grumbled, sliding from his seat on the bench to one knee in front of her. He took one of her hands in his and smiling said: “Lady Mary Crawley, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?”
“Yes!” she exclaimed, tears falling freely now. He was already rising, pulling her to her feet as well. He embraced her, lifting her from her feet and twirling her around. She kissed him, not caring that it was unladylike to do so.
“I don’t want to delay. I want to get married as soon as possible. I don’t want you to ever doubt that I love you and I don’t want anyone to think I am only after you for the title. Besides, with all the unrest since the Archduke’s assassination, who knows what will happen. I would hate for something else to pull us apart,” she said breathlessly.
“My darling, how could I ever argue with that?”
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shipthecarsons · 1 year
New chapter ♥️
The long-awaited beach day with the Carsons and Masons
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(Meet Me) Where the Sun Greets the Roses
Fandom: Downton Abbey
Rating: G
Relationships: Thomas Barrow/Richard Ellis
Summary: Thomas finds Richard out in the garden of their home one early morning, and they enjoy tea in the quiet, foggy morning as they reminisce on their life together.
This fic was inspired by the art the amazing @luxstarry​ posted for Barris Week 2022! And to all those who showed interest in reading this when it was written - it's been a while but here is it! I hope you like it @infinity2020corner​, @jolieblack​ <333
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onemorecoffeeee · 2 years
Chapter four of my cobert fanfiction ‘Flux’ has just been posted 🥰
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moclery · 2 years
Calling all DA fanfic readers/writers
I need help. Does anyone remember a story with Charles/Elsie and Richard/Isobel that had Violet and Isobel as partners in a lingerie company? Richard was a fashion designer. That's all I remember...I can't remember what Charles and Elsie did. I remember that the couples were friends but not much else.
Am I dreaming that storyline?
Or does it really exist?
If it does...can someone please tell me the name of the story/author?
Thank you!
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andromedacrawley · 2 years
Chapters: 35/?
Fandom: Downton Abbey
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Relationships: Tom Branson/Mary Crawley, Tom Branson & Mary Crawley, Mary Crawley/Matthew Crawley (past), Anna Bates/John Bates, Thomas Barrow/Jimmy Kent, George Crawley & Mary Crawley, Anna Bates & Mary Crawley, Cora Crawley & Mary Crawley, Mary Crawley & Robert Crawley, Tom Branson & Jimmy Kent, Tom Branson & George Crawley, Tom Branson & Elsie Hughes, Sybil Crawley/Original Female Character(s) (offscreen), Cora Crawley/Robert Crawley, Anna Bates & Tom Branson, Tom Branson & Edith Crawley
Characters: Mary Crawley, Tom Branson, Anna Bates, George Crawley, Robert Crawley, Cora Crawley, Edith Crawley, Jimmy Kent, Charles Blake, Henry Talbot, John Bates, Sarah Bunting, Sybil Crawley (offscreen), Rose MacClare
Additional Tags: Romance, Eventual Romance, Slow Burn, Drama, Angst, Secret Relationship, Forbidden Love, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Friends to Lovers, Friendship, Attempted Rape/Non-Con, attempted rape/non-con is for Mr. Green
If she were selfless, Mary would have set him free. He deserved to live a life far from here, maybe in Ireland or America, where despite his protest he might find someone worthier of him. Perhaps he could even stay in England, running for office or even a political reporter. Branson had a sharp mind, he was fully capable of such a thing... But Mary was selfish. And she would keep him here as long as she possibly could.
An AU starting in S4 where Mary grieves Matthew differently, Tom is still the chauffeur, and their friendship forms another way.
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Still holding out for that Cobert prequel Jfelz
This is available on multiple products in my Redbubble shop :)
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thenightblogjameth · 1 year
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Jimmy contra mundi
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ivoirloup · 13 days
So i'm writing about Downton Abbey now. That's my life ._. Futuring Anna and Thomas being friends BECAUSE WHY WE HAVE THAT FUCKING GREAT SCENE AFTER LADY SYBIL BUT NOTHING ELSE ?!
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Downton Ficlet #3
“You must be careful not to break Sybil’s heart. I think she has a crush on you,” Mary said fixing Matthew with a piercing stare as they sat in the dining room eating the sandwiches Mrs. Patmore had prepared.
“Well, that’s something no one would accuse you of,” he said putting down his glass.
“Oh, I don’t know….” He noticed her hand go directly to the necklace she was wearing. She always did that when she was anxious or uncomfortable. He wondered what she could be anxious about now. 
“I assume you speak in the spirit of mockery.”
“You should have more faith!” She said, sounding a little surprised. Matthew wasn’t sure what type of game she could be playing, but he wasn’t going to let her get away with it.
He leaned in closer to her. “Shall I remind you of some of the choicest remarks you made about me when I first came here?” She glanced down, looking almost ashamed. He repositioned so that he could regain eye contact with her, “because they live in my memory as fresh as the day they were spoken.”
“Oh, Matthew,” she smiled and shook her head, ever so slightly, still fiddling with her necklace, “what am I always telling you? You must pay no attention to the things I say.”
They stared at each other for the briefest moment, before coming together in a passionate kiss. Matthew felt Mary’s hand go almost immediately to his neck; soon her fingers were inching their way into his hair, her thumb gently caressing his cheek. His hands automatically went to her, one on her waist and the other to her cheek, his fingers brushing against her hair. She shifted in her chair, moving closer to him. He tightened his grip on her waist and felt her lean into him, encouraging him. Her other hand gripped the lapel of his jacket. His mind raced with need for her, all other thoughts completely abandoning him. He could feel his fingers tingling with excitement where they touched her bare skin. It was so soft and smooth; he’d never felt anything like it before. The only other time they had touched, she’d been wearing her evening gloves. He had felt exhilarated then, but it was nothing compared to this.
He had lost all sense of time. Had they been kissing for seconds or for an eternity? All he knew was that this was right. He needed to know that he could kiss her like this any time he wanted. He wasn’t aware of deciding to say anything when he heard the words “marry me” escape him. It wasn’t a question; he’d said it as a fact. He wanted her, no, needed her, to marry him. She felt him laugh slightly against him. He pulled away and fixed her with the most poignant look he could muster. “I’m serious, Mary. Marry me.”
“Are you sure, Matthew?” she asked. She looked at him significantly. What was behind that look, he wondered. It wasn’t shock, exactly. It almost looked sad.
“Yes, I’m very sure,” he said. He leaned in again to kiss her, willing her to be convinced.
“I…” she trailed off as he kissed her neck. “I’ll have to think about it.” Her words brought reality crashing down around him. He pulled away again and looked at her, a hurt expression on his face. “It’s not that I don’t care for you!” she said, trying to reassure him. “It’s just…you know how much marriage will affect me. I just need to make sure that I make the right choice, for the right reasons.”
“I don’t think I can begrudge you wanting to be sure you choose me for the right reasons,” he said smiling. “Do you suppose I could kiss you again?”
“Yes, but then I think we should let the maids in here to tidy.” He kissed her again and then reluctantly let her guide him back to the front door.
* * *
“Did Sybil get settled alright?” Isobel asked him, coming out of the drawing room at the sound of the door opening.
“Sybil?” He frowned, placing his hat and gloves on the hall table. “What about Sybil?”
“Matthew!” Isobel chided him. “She was injured, and you took her home. Did she get settled alright?”
“Oh, yes,” he said, suddenly remembering. “Yes, Robert was furious, of course.”
“I’m not surprised,” she looked at him frowning. “Are you alright? You look off. Have you had anything to eat tonight?”
The question took him by surprise and made him smile involuntarily as he remembered his quiet meal. “Yes, Mary had them make some sandwiches.”
“That was very good of her.” Isobel seemed contented with his answer. “Now, it’s late and we’ve had a long night. We should both turn in.” She turned and began to climb the stairs.
“I’ll be up in a minute,” Matthew said. “I’m actually rather keyed up after…well, after everything. I might read a bit.”
He wandered to the drawing room and picked up his book. He opened it, but couldn’t focus on the pages, his mind wandering back to the Abbey. He wondered if Mary was still awake as well. He had taken his time walking home. He couldn’t remember a thing about the walk. Normally he’d have enjoyed the sounds of the night: crickets, owls, even the swooping of a bat. Tonight however, he could focus on nothing but the memory of holding Mary in his arms.  He’d dreamt about it long enough; he’d loved her almost from the moment they’d met. He wet his lips, remembering the feeling of hers against them. He had never felt this way before. He’d kissed girls before, of course, but it was never like this. He could not imagine ever spending a day without Mary Crawley from now on.
* * *
Mary opened the door to her bedroom and saw her maid, Anna, laying out her night gown. “Did Mr. Crawley go home, then?” She asked. Mary tilted her head and smiled affectionately.
“Yes.” She came to stand in the middle of the room as Anna began undoing the buttons of her dress. “You know he did. I’m sorry we kept you all up so late. But I couldn’t let him starve. He completely missed his dinner, thanks to Lady Sybil.”
“That’s alright, milady,” Anna said. “Mr. Carson wasn’t too happy about the lateness of the hour, but he’d do anything for you, so he didn’t grumble too much.”
“I’m glad he wasn’t around when Mr. Crawley left,” Mary said with a slight blush.
“Oh? Why’s that, milady?” Anna asked. Mary sat at her vanity and started pulling off her jewelry as Anna began helping her remove her shoes.
“Mr. Crawley was quite flustered.” Mary smiled, recalling Matthew’s reluctance to leave. “If Mr. Carson didn’t like the time, he definitely would not have approved of that at all.” She gave Anna a significant look. There were not many people that Mary felt she could be completely open with, but Anna was high on the list.
“Are sandwiches so improper?” Anna asked as she began removing pins from Mary’s hair. “I can’t imagine how they could fluster Mr. Crawley so.”
“I don’t think it was the sandwiches that caused it.” Mary blushed again. Anna met Mary’s eyes in the mirror. It might be impertinent to ask, but she could tell that Mary was bursting to tell her more.
“And what did, milady?”
“He proposed to me.” A wide smile broke across Mary’s face. “We were talking and then he kissed me and proposed!”
“Will you accept him?” Anna smiled back. “Do you love him, then?”
“I think I do,” Mary said, turning to look at Anna directly. “I really think I do. I don’t even know when it happened. Probably much longer ago than I realized.”
“That’s wonderful, milady!” Anna was genuinely happy. “You deserve real love. I always hated the way they pushed you at Mr. Patrick. I’m sorry if it’s impertinent to say so.”
“Oh Anna,” Mary laughed, “I don’t care a fig about all that. You’re a better friend to me than anyone. I think you can say something like that without worrying.” She frowned suddenly. “The only problem is….” She trailed off, biting her lip.
“There’s a problem?” Anna asked, suddenly concerned.
“I have to tell him.” Mary looked into to Anna’s eyes. “I can’t keep it from him. Mama says I should, but I can’t. Matthew is so good. He would be crushed if I hid it from him. It wouldn’t be honest.”
“Can I say something, openly?” Anna looked thoughtful. Mary didn’t say anything but nodded. “Mr. Crawley is a good man, and he wouldn’t propose if he didn’t truly love you. If you’re honest with him, I don’t think it will change anything.  But secrets never keep. I wouldn’t try to hide it from him.”
“I’m sure he’ll despise me….” Mary looked down, her lip trembling. “How can I expect to be worthy of him when I’m damaged goods?”
“I don’t think you are, milady,” Anna said kindly. “Everyone makes mistakes, and I think Mr. Crawley will be very reasonable if you tell him.”
“There are rumors already, Mama told me a while ago.”
“All the more reason to tell him,” Anna said as a matter of fact. “It won’t help for him to hear it from someone else.”
“You’re right, I suppose.” Mary sighed as Anna finished tying her hair back. “I’ll have to tell him. The hard part will be getting the courage to do it. I wish I had Sybil’s strength.”
She bid Anna good night and climbed into bed.  There was a book on her bedside table. She opened it and turned to a page with a small note scribbled on the margin in pencil. She smiled at the words and ran her finger over them, wondering if their author could feel it.  She wondered if he was still up as well. If he felt anything like her, he was thinking far too much to go to sleep. She imagined how lovely it would be to have him here, just to talk to. Yes, she was sure she loved him. The big question was, did he love her. Not some image of her he had in his mind, but the real her. And would that love be enough to withstand the truth of her wretchedness? She didn’t know how she would gather the strength to tell him, but she would have to. The only other question now was when?
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shipthecarsons · 2 years
Chapter 8 is out 🙌🏻
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ohtobealady · 10 days
I have started posting a new little pre-canon story called The Mistakes of Our Youth. It's a WIP I've been playing with for a long time, focusing on Cora and Robert's time in Florence on their honeymoon. :) The plan is for it to only be 5 chapters, so short and maybe also a little sweet.
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onemorecoffeeee · 2 years
If anyone is reading my Cobert fanfiction, ‘Flux’ - I just published chapter 3 ✨
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Peerages & Titles: everything you need to know
[A heavily researched 6.5k+ hyperfocus from my Google docs, to help your fanfics]
Sources are not consistent. You’d think they would be. They are not. I’ve corralled several reliable websites and books into something that I think makes sense, is accessible, and fits [largely] with portrayals in Bridgerton/modern media.
That being said, Bridgerton/modern media make mistakes. You might notice in reading through all this that there is something different to how it is portrayed in media. Feel free to discuss with me, I could very well be wrong, but also know that you are consuming fiction and this is intended to be fact.
However, whilst trying to be correct, many sources are modern and it is difficult to confirm how titling and forms of address may have changed in the past 200–300 years. Though, I imagine not greatly given the peerage and aristocracy still exists.
Where possible, I have used Bridgerton characters as the examples so that it is easier to make sense/contextualise it. Names in red are not characters, just placeholder names. Hence I have reduced, reused, recycled these names.
On the note of using names from within the Bridgerverse, the Marquess of Ashdown was not married when we met him. I’d also like to know what Julia Quinn has against Earls and Marquesses, Marquesses especially.
Second note of using names in the Bridgerverse, I refuse to use Baron of Kent because it is a factual/historical disaster. More on that here.
This only applies to aristocracy of Britain/UK [minimally Ireland, read here], if I do more of Europe/anywhere else I will link it below but let me know if you want that.
All of these posts may be edited/expanded at any time as my research continues.
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Further posts:
General info, start here!
A brief history of the peerages/titles
The different peerages [England, Great Britain, United Kingdom, Scotland, Ireland]
How royal titles work
Peerage applications and functions in the modern day
Privileges of the peerage
How titles apply to the child of peers
Rank and precedence within the peerage
Titling rules for non peers
Other roles and titles I can give address information for
Female inheritance of titles
Territorial designations, and when the surname differs from the title name
Haven’t decided if I will do a post on grammar rules when writing peers because despite studying etiquette and titles for over a decade, and linguistics and grammar for seven years, the grammar/capitalisation rules of writing peers broke my final straw of sanity. Let me know how much you want it, or just drop any specific questions.
Put any questions about any of this in my ask :)
–GW xo
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disclaimer: I am dyslexic so their may be spelling errors but I use spell check. All are fem reader. Send me an ask if you want male reader.
(this series is Colby and y/n going to the sallie house and him comforting her)
midnight cuddles - chapter 1
good morning princess- chapter 2
Sallie house- chapter 3
The investigation- chapter 4
possessed- chapter 5
I love you- chapter 6
comments- chapter 7
Movies night/ Valentine’s Day (your sams sister and go on a date with Colby)
You slept with my sister!-part 2 (your sams sister and go on a date with Colby)
Halloween party (Colby gets jealous)
(you and finnick go into the arena)
Nightmares part 1
The ring part 2
Chariot rides part 3
Training part 4
Valentine’s Day
keep the door open!!! —(hopper is your dad and Steve is in your room)
vecna —(you get taken by vecna)
dragons days
Between the bars—(Coryo and y/n have their first kiss)
honeysuckle —-(what if Coryo met y/n in the arena)
the snap part 1 —(what if Matt disappeared in the blip)
better than the devil part 2 —-(what if Matt disappeared in the blip)
Sundays (newlyweds have a Sunday together and go to church)
Trust me there is many more to come.
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