#dr [name pending]
yourstrulynameless · 4 months
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Look at these FREAKS
Original sketch :3
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fuddieduddies-art · 5 months
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thinks about them so hard that my brain explodes
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zombvibes · 5 months
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OH I FORGOT TO POST THIS HERE (I actually didn’t I was a little anxious to)
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seventeenwizards · 3 months
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Soooo I thought of an AU idea: What if Sozonius helped hide the lamb during his research travels when the lamb was a kid? Special shout out to @panoffrying for making so much cool Sozo(nius) artwork and being an inspiration for this (especially her Memories comic, you should check it out!). Also credit to a TV show that I will name later (to avoid spoilers) for inspiring the main idea of the storyline.
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remesrobotics · 1 year
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Shell Woman
DHN.010 - シェルウーマン “I'm not going to misuse it! Please trust me! ”
Good Point - Principled Bad Point - Naive Like - Virtual Pet Dislike - Being Suspect
4’8” (142.24 cm)
A non-combat robot built for civil engineering projects by Dr. Harp. She is (loosely) based on the map turtle (Graptemys sp.).  She picks up Monitor Woman’s old job of constructing complex maps of work sites, but through a very, very different process.
This relatively small robot’s large shell houses massive amounts of storage, as well as sophisticated wireless hijacking functions, allowing her to tap into the visual data of any robots around her to record and piece together expansive 3d panoramas. It is also powerful enough to reach satellites, even those not owned by the companies she’s enlisted to work for.
Her somewhat nerdy appearance is fitting, as she is also quite a good hacker, in the event she needs to get around encryption or security of the robots, satellites, or other recording devices whose video feeds she hijacks. In her defense, she claims she only intends to use that information for the greater good, and if it were up to herself alone, she would hold that promise.
It does beg the question as to what would happen if her tech fell into the wrong hands...
Shell has no direct combat abilities, but when pressed into defending herself, she can reverse the stream of information and overload an opposing robot with a debilitating amount of spontaneous visual data (Feedback Jam).
Some of her core abilities seem awfully familiar to a certain robot of extraterrestrial origin…
When she’s not on duty, she enjoys collecting and playing with various virtual pet toys, though she rarely has more than two running at any given time, and if they have a pause feature she will use it if she has to go back to work.
Shell Woman’s name is straightforward, indicative of Dr. Harp having the least amount of say during her creation process due to corporate meddling with the labs’ primary shareholder, who directly ordered her creation and meddled in the process. However, Harp makes sure that fact is stressed as little as possible, because she doesn't want Shell to feel like she isn't part of the family.
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grapenehifics · 2 months
WIP Wednesday
Thank you to everybody who voted! The (pretty clear, honestly) winner is a modern AU I'm tentatively calling Office Hours (official name pending) in which Anakin tries bringing seven-month-old Luke and Leia to the first day of Professor Kenobi's English 1B class.
"I'm dropping this class," Anakin hurried to say. "Sorry about today. It won't happen again. I don't know what I was thinking. They're clearly not ready. Hell. I'm clearly not ready." He tried smiling, but Dr. Kenobi didn't smile back.
"Please don't."
"Don't what?"
"Drop this class."
Anakin snorted. "Oh, yeah, sure. You're just going to lecture all semester with my baby in your arms."
Dr. Kenobi shrugged. "Why not?"
"Why..." Anakin opened and closed his mouth a few times. "Why not?"
Dr. Kenobi nodded. "Yes, Anakin. Why not. Do you mind, if I hold your children?"
"Well, no, I guess not, so long as they don't mind, but..."
"Then there's no problem. I am here to support you and your learning. And if the support you need is an extra pair of hands, then I can and will do that for you."
Anakin opened and closed his mouth a few times. "I can't ask you to do that."
"You didn't. I offered."
"Professor, this is ridiculous," Anakin finally intoned, all but whining. "You cannot be serious. We're not...we're not supposed to be here."
Dr. Kenobi looked confused again. "Were you or were you not offered admittance to this university?"
"Yeah, but...I mean, that's not what I -"
"What grade did you receive in English 1A?"
"B-plus, but that was before -"
"Then I daresay you are, in fact, supposed to be here."
"I mean, like, cosmically."
Now it was Dr. Kenobi's turn to snort. "The philosophy department is down the hall, if you want to debate where any of us should be, cosmically. Here in the English department, however, I tend to grade more on things like reading comprehension and self-expression. As you will notice whenever you get a chance to read my syllabus."
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Harry’s Lawsuits and Legal Threats
So I started listing this out but there's just too many and too much information to share, so y'all are getting another screenshots-of-spreadsheets posts. But first, the TL;DR.
These are only the lawsuits that involve the Sussexes as plaintiffs. This does not include any other lawsuits or cases that named the Sussexes as interested parties (i.e., the Heritage Foundation FOIA lawsuit or the P Diddy case).
Since 2019, the Sussexes have sued 11 times. Of the 11 lawsuits:
3 are still active and ongoing.
The judge threw out 1 lawsuit.
Harry dropped 1 lawsuit and was fined either £316,000 or £376,000 (it's not clear).
The Sussexes together dropped or modified one lawsuit that turned into a second lawsuit.
The Sussexes received monetary damages in 5 lawsuits. We know the damages for 2 lawsuits (£1 and £140,000), and we know that for 2 other lawsuits Harry pledged to donate his damages to charity after legal fees were paid (and no, we don't know that he actually did).
The Sussexes also made 5 separate notices for action (aka threatened to sue) and filed 1 IPSO complaint. I believe the IPSO complaint was the gateway for the Sussexes deciding to start suing everyone, which is why I included it.
Despite the Sussexes winning damages and appearing somewhat, I am fairly certain that they aren't actually seeing a whole lot of that money because the legal expenses for 3 still-pending lawsuits are probably outrageous. Anyway.
The lawsuits:
Sussexes v Splash News - Cotswolds House (January 2019)
Meghan v Associated Newspapers - Tom Markle Letter (October 2019)
Active Harry v News Group Newspapers - Phone hacking (October 2019); this is the lawsuit where there's now concerns of Harry withholding or destroying evidence so Moehringer and some grey suits have been requested to give evidence.
Harry v Mirror Group News - Phone hacking (October 2019)
Sussexes v John Does - Privacy Invasion and Paparazzi Harassment (July 2020); this lawsuit was dropped after being modified into ⬇️
Sussexes v X17 - Privacy Invasion and Paparazzi Harassment (July 2020);
Active Harry v RAVEC - State-funded protection and security (July 2020); Harry initially lost this case, he appealed, the judge denied the appeal, Harry appealed the denial of the appeal, the appellate judge agreed and overturned the denial of the appeal, and now Harry is appealing the first loss.
Harry v Home Office - Personally paying for police protection (uncertain)
Harry v Associated Newspapers - Royal Marines (December 2020)
Harry v Associated Newspapers - Keeping the lawsuit to be able to pay for police protection himself a secret (February 2022)
Active Harry v Associated Newspapers - Elton John (October 2022); in November 2023, the judge ruled it could go to trial. It's expected to begin January 2025, so happy birthday to Kate.
The legal threats:
(IPSO Complaint) Harry v Daily Mail - Elephants (April 2019)
Vancouver Island Papwalk (January 2020)
Harry v The Sun and Dan Wootton (June 2020)
Harry v The Times - Invictus Fundraiser (September 2020)
Harry v BBC - Queen's Consent to use Lilibet (June 2021)
Sussexes v The Times - Archewell (January 2022)
Now the reason you're still reading this... (spreadsheets will blow up to be readable when you click on the image)
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vulpixisananimal · 3 months
So! You got interested in one of the other Aus for sale at this humble vulpix's blog?
My baby of a fanfic. I've worked in it for so long and will be working on it for so long.
The summary: post two hats ending Siffrin and co are living their lives! Met up with Nille, traveling all together! However, two things happen. One, Siffrin finds that there are others talking to him inside their head. And two, weird things are afoot in Jouvente with mind altering crafts.
It has it's own masterpost here! And thank you @neoncityrain for helping with it! Look at his stuff too it's so cool!!
An AU Where Cadence, from Crypt of the NecroDancer is thrust into the world of Vaugarde after the Kings Curse gets, stranger. The Saviors are all frozen on the day before their great victory, and now she must fix things with the help of a wonderful star~
[0] [1] [2]
Cadence Ref
(Better name pending.) An AU by @traumaboyexo that I kind of went crazy with and I'm gonna write a lot for now I bet. TL;DR Siffrin isn't normal, very, not normal. And they don't even know it yet. Warning for this one, there's gonna be horror, and body horror, and a lot of stuff.
[1 - Act 1] [2 - Act 2]
The world has ended. You was just going through another blinding room, but the world has ended out of nowhere. You and your friends where attacked by dark creatures and Dormont was torn apart untill nothing was left. What will you do now?
Split up into three perspectives, A-Side, B-Side, C-Side. You can follow the suggested reading order by following the links in the individual posts!
A-Side: The Bright One
B-Side: The Key
[1] [2] [3]
C-Side: The Star
[1] [2] [3]
Despite your body resetting every time you loop, for some reason, some how, some why, you can't move. The king snapped your back before killing you, and now, you, can't, move.
What do you do?
[1] [2]
Second Chance
The reflected spell from Mirabelle froze the King in time. He finally got what he want, but, what if it did not freeze time, but reverse it. What if after the spell was reflected it turned back time for the King only to when he was a child, with no memory of who he was or what he did.
How, do you deal with that?
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b1zmuth · 2 months
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The Mishaps of SITE: DD (Obey Me! X Reader) 
SC \\ Monsters, gore, the SCP foundation, you date everyone ig… slight angst but with a happy ending, fluff, sci-fi, experimenting, mentioned suicide, everyone is a little off their rocker, you are NOT innocent!! I'll add more tags later..
TL;DR - Think the SCP Foundation, but you are the researcher who unfortunately gets assigned to Seven Keter classified objects. 
This fanfic was inspired by: Goldfish in a Bottle by Lucky_Fluffy (AO3) & Uncontainable by JayWrites23 (AO3) <<< this fic was the shit in prime MCYT 
There you sat, illuminated by a blaring red light- in your desolate office, hunched over a stack of papers that you occasionally set aside after writing some confidential sentences, glancing towards a steaming cup of coffee that practically had your name written all over it- ‘’Can't. I have to finish this first..’’ after all, that stack of confidential papers wouldn’t sign themselves up to upper management. 
Only you would, after all. 
And this is how it would be for eternity, or until you finally took your own life from ‘’mental illness’’ (as they say) like the others.
This place operated like a fucking mental institution gone rogue, having researchers and workers fling themselves off of the concrete balconies to escape the neverending mind-fuck of a concrete complex this ‘’job’’ masked itself as. 
You’ve been working here for six years now, becoming a loyal and compliant worker that the higher-ups could depend on. 
Workers killed themselves again? You’ve got it covered. Another containment breach that killed nearly everyone in SITE: [REDACTED]? You're the one shipped directly to the nearest prison to get more subjects. The higher-ups need someone silenced? You're on it immediately.’’
It's safe to say, you are not innocent. You're just as bad as the next. 
If it wasn’t for them dangling the golden shimmering light of freedom over your head constantly, maybe you would have defected and saved just a couple of more lives…but god, the slight chance of freedom sounded better than certain death. 
Now that you think back on the chance of freedom, this red light was getting really fucking annoying. 
The telltale sign of a containment breach- following a loud and annoying blaring alarm that mentioned the highest class that could be roaming around the facility, scaring the everloving shit out of you when you were nothing but a rookie researcher in your original facility... To the present you who sat in your uncomfortable office chair, furiously clicking a hidden button under your desk- totally unphased by the current event that put you in imminent danger of being brutally mauled- but in reality, you couldn’t be more safe. 
Hiding in front of your chair really fools the anomalies into moving on to the next unfortunate soul- or really, letting the rookies scream and wail for help while you continue writing on those damned papers, because as you said- those papers won't be writing themselves anytime soon, and you’ll be damned if you get pink-slipped over one late paper like Thirteen did- and getting pink-slipped was bad, like extremely bad for off-fielding-researchers; getting transferred to a subject and your position being changed to on-field for months at a time.
You remember a time when you got pink-slipped, and got assigned to a misclassified anomaly… You're pretty glad that Thirteen doesn't want to build a bond with hers.
Speaking of Thirteen, you were seriously starting to worry about their safety- stopping your pen from writing the last few sentences and rising from your seat. 
You can't recall what the highest class in the facility at the moment was, especially since the newest anomaly that had been identified and completed its pending status was classified as a Thaumiel- which generally meant that nobody had a clue as to its danger status or WHAT it even is, except for the high, high, HIGHER ups, and the 05. 
And you turned off the siren in your room long ago, just so you could avoid having your ears ringing for the rest of the work day- so you would just have to gamble with your own life all over trying to check up on Thirteen. You're oh so compassionate. 
But it wouldn't be all in vain, she WAS working with that Thaumiel class anomaly who, according to her, was a complete pain in the fucking ass and purposefully did things just to get on her nerves- and that bare annoyance was probably out and about roaming the halls, most likely dragging a battered up and beaten Thirteen along with it! 
Now that was crossing the line, the only person that you got along with being potentially dead really fired up your ‘’heroic’’ nature, and had you sprinting down the hallway, which was unusually dead and quiet- save for the dying breaths of some class-D workers and researchers and the gut-wrenching metallic smell of dried and fresh blood, and intestines littered throughout the hallway, plastered across the walls, smeared all over the floors, and your slow realization of how you let your emotions get the better of you once agai- oh, would you look at that- Thirteens door is sealed shut with claw marks.
‘’Fuck.’’ you muttered under your breath, noticing a small-but-crawlable hole in the door- but you were already out here in a straight-shot line of fire from any roaming anomaly, so that hole was the only way you were going to be able to start pushing 26…
So you sucked in a breath and squeezed into the hole, cutting yourself lightly in the process before you emerged on the other side of the door- only to be greeted with the sight of Thirteen warming a hot pocket in her microwave, who looked baffled at your sudden appearance- ‘’Am I tripping balls or is there like NOT a containment breach going on?? The actual hell are you doing warming up food while people are dying outside?’’ you jokingly pointed a nagging finger at Thirteen who just crossed their arms and snickered back- ‘’I could ask you the same question, we work pretty far apart in the block… and there IS a containment breach going on, so how did YOU get here? 
You just rolled your eyes and plopped down on the nearby couch, waving off Thirteen with some dismissive motioning of your hand- “For your information, I was incredibly worried about you since you have to deal with your subject, especially in an active CB.” 
Thirteen scoffed, stopping the microwave right before it started to beep, taking out her hot pocket- ‘’Really, MC? Cmon now, I'm working with a Thaumiel class- and as much as I loathe the fucker, he’s pretty smart, even got himself a name.’’ she responded, taking a bite out of her hot pocket before she spoke again; ‘’but, the cocky lil’ shit keeps on telling me his name is ‘’Solomon The Great’’, so I guess it's a win/lose situation here?’’ she shook her head whilst tossing you a pair of sunglasses and motioning for you to follow- ‘’It’s not like this CB is going to last any longer anyways; too many precious valuables at risk, y’know?’’
As you followed Thirteen deeper into her laboratory- watching as the lights slowly got dimmer and dimmer before becoming almost pitch black, except for an unnervingly yellow light shining brightly somewhere in the distance- catching your attention almost immediately. 
Now that you look more closely at the light- you can see some faint strands of hair slowly moving around, turning towards your direction once you and Thirteen made it down to the bottom- ‘’And to your right, my precious tour’ee, is the famed attraction- Solomon The Great!’’ she said, enthusiastically waving her hands towards the direction of…nothing? 
‘’Solomon The Great? More like Solomon The Escapee Artist! Thirteen, we are quite literally in an active containment breach and you're waving about your hands up, down, left, right, and center towards a MISSING anomaly?!’’ you groaned, your breathing getting more and more frenzied with every nervous look Thirteen flashed at you as she desperately typed into the nearby keypad- her nervous laugh slowly dying more and more with every incorrect passkey she typed in. 
‘’Ahahah…’’ Thirteen grabbed you by the arm and pulled you into Solomon’s enclosure- making you yelp before she covered your mouth with her hand, forcing your head to look upwards towards the white-haired mass that was slowly crawling backward on the- ‘’IS THAT THING CRAWLING ON THE FUCKING CEILING? IS THAT THING SOLOMON?!’’- well, way to go you! ‘’Solomon’’ was now staring directly at you with a look of complete distaste and hurt! We’re officially fucked! 
You smacked your lips at the sight of Thirteen and….whatever that thing was doing up on the ceiling, looking at you like you just kicked a puppy- ‘’Don't even look at me like that! This motherfucker is full-on CRAWLING on the ceiling and yall are acting like this is just a normal daily occurrence!’’ you gestured over to the reversed spider who was HANGING from the ceiling now and got an unamused sigh from Thirteen and an even louder sigh from the albino monkey above you- ‘’MC…Solomon is a creature- of course, he’s going to be doing weird shit all over the place, not that even if he was a human he would cut the shit with all of these lame PRANKS!’’ Thirteen yelled the last part while throwing a rolled-up newspaper at Solomon, who just responded with a broken ‘’What gives?!’’ after catching the newspaper and falling back to the ground.
‘’What gives is you pulling pranks during bad times, again! We’ve been over this- god who knows how many times I've had to beat some sense into you! I’ve even forgotten myself!’’ And the white-haired-turned-stone-male suddenly stopped in an accusatory pose- ‘’some shit straight out of Ace Attorney’’ you cringed at his god-awful pose before Thirteen tapped you on the shoulder, motioning towards her covered eyes.
‘’The shades I gave you? They weren't just for decoration, MC!’’ she crossed her arms and huffed, eliciting a groan from you as you slipped on the shades she gave you and saw Solomon finally resume his original state, human-like, it seemed- ‘’You're just like Barbatos! So caring for me, even though your extremely small heart cannot display your affection through your facial features…’’ he dramatically twirled, landing his hand over his eyes as if that borderline pathetic display was going to stop Thirteen from threatening him with ripping off her shades and sending him back into his catatonic state. 
And you watched them bicker and duel it out on the floors of Solomon’s enclosure for a good fifteen minutes before the alarms started blaring- signaling the All-Clear. 
---------------------SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT-----------------------
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‘’Well, that means I can go back to my office and finish my work! Good luck Solomon!’’ you 
shouted back at the still-bickering-duo who were still going at it…fifteen minutes later.., throwing up your hand as a goodbye as you ascended back up the stairs and paused in front of the forcibly reinforced door. 
‘’Damn.’’ you muttered under your breath, shaking your head at the absurdity of the situation, and the whole idea of just crawling back through that hole you came in flying out of your head, as you decided if you should go all the way back down and get Solomon’s help or just drop to the floor and start working on your two-week notice and a will- well, that was right before the alarms started blaring, again.
---------------------SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT-----------------------
---------------------SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT-----------------------
And just like you mentioned before, this place is a fucking nightmare. 
‘’Well, at least when you're an On-Fielder you don't have to worry about being pink-slipped, your paperwork gets cut in half.’’ Thirteen who randomly appeared right behind your ear said, motioning for Solomon to get to work on the door- ‘’you have eight minutes to write like a bat out of hell, better hurry up and go before your stuck with someone as annoying as Solomon over there.’’ she patted your back and ushered you out of the newly made gaping-hole in the wall. 
Maybe being the next red splatter on the concrete floors of the cafeteria WASN’T such a bad idea, because this was just god awful- having to play Bollywood Subway Surfers throughout the hallway all the way back to your office isn’t as fun as it sounds. 
But luckily enough for you, you made it back with 5 minutes left to spare, and one last paper..wait, no two…three? 
Oh isn't that just great. The last paper you had managed to leave unfinished- to reveal itself as three papers stapled into one- all conveniently long enough to keep you sitting at your desk reading through all the material for fifteen minutes- you could just…sign the papers and worry about the consequences later… after all, it's not like taking one little risk would kill you! right?
‘’Oh godfuckingdammit! Give me a break! A COW! A COW!! A DEMON COW AT THAT! You’ve got to be joking- seriously! If I walk in that THING’s enclosure I'm going to be not pushing 26 but fuckin’ DAISIES!''
A/N - yello! biz speaking, i havent wrote for some days since I went on an trip to Florida with some schoolmates, and I really didn't feel like writing so I wasn't able to force myself to write.. this is a chapter story although! and I love writing chapter stories <3 so this will most likely be frequently updated and such!! also please go show some love to the inspo credits I mentioned in the beginning!! they are very talented and I loved reading their works!!!
i really hope you all enjoy this as much as I did writing it!
<<< ''You cant go back.'' || ''Are you sure you want to return?'' >>>
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yourstrulynameless · 1 month
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They live in my head. They won’t get out— /notsysthistime
⇩︎ Close ups ⇩︎
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urnumber1star · 4 months
Alright, updated masterpost!
Hi! I'm Star! I currently have one main WIP that I will be talking about on here called Bolt Runners! (Name pending) if you like to hear someone yap about writing and her book then you are in the right place!
Synopsis: Bolt Runners follows a sixteen year old boy named Micheal who, after getting into an accident at his fathers workplace, is granted the power to control and travel through electricity. He decides to try to protect the corrupt city he lives in and maybe even change it for the better with the help of his two friends. But he soon realizes being a public hero is not as fun as he thought it would be. As being nearly killed every day and attacked by people such as, a creepy dude who can puppeteer people's bodies, a girl with a knack for tech and robbing banks, and a corrupt politician. But it cant be all bad right?
Genre: Sci Fi, Dystopian, Superhero,
Tags: Bolt Runners, BRS
I mainly write Sci Fi and high fantasy, but I dabble in historical fiction and dystopian to!
Other interests include: Epic, TMNT, Arcane, any type of art, animation, Scott Pilgrim, and superhero shows/comics :]
Here is a list of characters and their profiles from Bolt Runners!/BRS (I don't have any profiles yet but I'm working on it)
Micheal Anson
Ray Krii
Talia Krii
Bianca Norman
Dr. Luis Galo
Serita Hart
Ford Dawer
No One
Issac Anson
🟊 Anyways feel free to drop in and say hi! (I love yapping) I'm also one hundred percent open to constructive criticism and questions!
BRS tag list! @wyked-ao3 @illarian-rambling @nine-enjoys-human-sacrifices @leahnardo-da-veggie Let me know if you want to be added/removed (+/-)
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diamondnokouzai · 3 months
The Facts of the Case:
Nicole and Richard Watterson, 30s. Richard is a pink stay-at-home rabbit dad and seems to have some kind of intellectual disability, severe enough for it to be sort of a "I Am Sam" situation; Nicole is a blue cat employed with customer complaints. Due to being a single-income family with three dependents and numerous medical and legal costs incurred by Richard's disability. Nicole also has anger issues; the relationship is certainly toxic, if not outright abusive.
Gumball Watterson, age 12. A blue cat who seems to have ADHD and transfeminine tendencies (He wore his mom's wedding dress for his whole day and his contrived nickname was just...his name, occasionally crossdresses in pretend games, has feminine hobbies, has expressed the thought at puberty (voice changes, looking more like his father, etc.)). Has poor grades in school, possibly trauma-related (after his "Granny Jojo" kissed him on the lips, Gumball dumpster dove (among other, more disgusting things) in order to forget; counselors have attempted to put their spit on his buttocks after counselor spat in his hands); as his teacher is the elderly “Miss Simian”, he may associate her stern behavior with painful responses at home. Has been the victim of bullying in the past, is self-admittedly “spineless”, but still seems to have an inflated ego. Emotionally late in development. Physically unfit and unmotivated; occasional auto-masochistic tendencies? A victim of bullying at school. The school nurse has sworn deposition that Miss Simian “tortured” Gumball and Darwin in an afterschool detention, including throwing cough syrup on the children.
Darwin (II) Watterson, age 10. A goldfish who grew legs and doesn’t wear pants. Alternately described as a foster son and a pet. Seems happy with this status, but seems delusionally happy with everything in his life (led Gumball’s aforementioned dumpster diving, speaks to rats on the street, hallucinates faces on trees). There are occasional references to “Gumball I”, a dead fish. Inadequate sleeping arrangements (sleeps in an undersized goldfish tank; needs a higher capacity tank. Financial assistance for this pending approval.) Seems approving of Gumball’s transfemininity. Advanced? (Enrolled in the same class as Gumball, possibly due to Elmore being underfunded and having mixed grades.)
Anais Watterson, age 4. An extremely advanced (she seems to be more intelligent and responsible than her father) pink bunny who seems desperate for approval. Stifled by her family, but she insists that she loves them (her family often infantilizes her and rarely listen to her needs and wants). Gets along well with her family.
All three
The aforementioned will now be referred to as THE WATTERSONS. THE WATTERSONS would like it to be noted that they are currently in debt (anywhere from $800,000 to the upper millions) and embroiled in other legal difficulties (see Legal Difficulties of The Watterson Family, Dr. Jennifer Strauss, Columbia Press, 2011) due to Richard’s and Gumball’s disabilities.
THE WATTERSONS described above is related legally to “Granny Jojo”, an elderly pink bunny and the mother of Richard. Stifled Richard to the point that she may have contributed to his mental disabilites. In a controlling relationship with her husband.
There are two principal incidents involving “Granny Jojo”. The first is referred to in documents and by the family as THE DRESSING ROOM INCIDENT; it involved “a shut door that was not a ‘locked’ door”, a dressing room [small cubicle for trying on clothing at a clothing store], and Granny Jojo (hereafter GJ). Mentions of said incident cause Gumball Watterson (hereafter GW) to shudder in disgust, and he moves on quickly from the subject. The second incident is focused on in great detail and is the subject of this case.
In the second incident, GJ kissed GW on the lips when she came to visit the family. Nicole and Richard left before Richard’s mother arrived, as was customary (they frequently left looking harried, once with Richard in the trunk of the family vehicle). GJ ordered Anais to take her luggage upstairs without helping her and sat down on the sofa to watch “her shows” according to Darwin. The luggage was later thrown out of the front window.
Gumball was frozen in catatonia on the street after this incident without Granny Jojo noticing. Gumball expressed his verbal discomfort to Darwin, who encouraged GW to “forget about it” and “find his happy place”, Darwin was later seen speaking to non-sentient rodents, dollar bills, and trash. When GW could not forget the incident, Darwin led GW through a series of insulting and publicly humiliating incidents—he was forced to dumpster dive, forced to ingest his father’s bodily fluids (without Richard’s knowledge), and forced between a classmate’s toes (Hector, a 90 foot tall yeti). Over the course of these few days, GJ did not notice or report GW’s absence. Once he had finally forgotten the incident, he returned home days later as GJ was leaving the residence. GJ then kissed GW on the lips again, rendering him catatonic on the streets again for an unknown amount of time. When Nicole and Richard returned, they did not notice GW’s state and left him on the street as night fell.
The evidence as it stands:
Nicole is married to a man (equivalent) with severe intellectual disabilities; presumably he is drawing on social assistance of some kind.
GW is transfeminine to some degree
GW has had two “incidents” with GJ
Both incidents disgusted GW
Neither Anais nor Darwin expressed any discomfort with GJ
GJ does not live with THE WATTERSONS
Anais seems to feel to some degree responsible for GW
GW has undergone a legal name change (from Zac)
The principal has also exposed himself to GW
Assume highest quality conditions of all social services, financial assistance, etc.
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bonefall · 1 year
i found a fan-made caard with cat sign language a bit ago if you want it - alright if not, this is a really cool system as well :)
I've seen a few of them! They're all super cool and inspiring and I commend their work!
I'm actually avoiding that on purpose though, because something feels right for the themes of BB to show such a thing evolving, if it exists. A lot of BB is about language, ideas, and cultural change. Millie's mobility device is an improvement on Wildfur's version, which itself will be an invention on-screen.
Littlecloud and Cinderpelt even get credited with their invention, and then Jessy is known as the person who improved that design!
Language, too, is a tool. We modify it to suit our needs and communicate what's important to us. Fighting the tide of linguistic drift is either a fool's game or a devil's errand.
What better way to say that than to show one being born? To make it unique to BB!Clan Culture, specifically with its inventors being Clanmew speakers in mind?
SO, in a nutshell, I'd want CSL (or whatever the name ends up being, let's just pretend Dr. Hunter doesn't know its name yet) to be fitted specifically to this project. Using someone else's work wouldn't be quite as interesting.
(Btw if you have links to the ones that are free to use, send them here in the replies and I'll compile them for anyone else who would like to use those in their own projects. CSL/Name Pending would also be free to use ofc, especially in tandem with Clanmew)
EDIT: Here is A LINK to @twiigbranch's kitty ASL for your projects! It is free to use with credit.
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What are some Gallifreyan wedding traditions (eg. standard vows, laws surrounding what counts as consummation, etc)
What are some Gallifreyan wedding traditions?
This is something we know sod all about, and there's literally not even enough information to draw any kind of vaguely probable conclusion. I recommend a quick read of the below post, then come back:
Some wild theories™ continue below:
🏛️ Alliances and Contracts
Marriages on Gallifrey often serve as strategic alliances between powerful Houses. These strengthen political positions, secure resources, and ensure the continuation of influential bloodlines.
Marriages might be arranged by the elders of the Houses, making personal choice a secondary role.
Intricate contracts might be drawn up before the wedding, detailing the terms of the alliance, each party's responsibilities, and any dowries or exchanges involved.
These contracts might be recorded in the Matrix, preserving them for future reference.
💍 The Ceremony
The bride and groom traditionally wear white, the Gallifreyan colour for the personification of Death. It might be a nod to the eternal nature of their commitment.
Long hair is braided, possibly interwoven with strands representing their House colours or symbols. This might signify the intertwining of their lives.
Instead of verbal vows, the couple might exchange telepathic vows, creating a mental link that lets them share thoughts and emotions during the ceremony.
These vows could be recorded in their biodata, like tattooing yourself with the name of your beloved.
📜 Consummation and Legalities
Consummation probably isn't a physical union. It could be a merging of biodata or a psionic union.
The act could be ritualistic, involving ancient rites of the Eternals.
For the marriage to be legally recognised, it might be registered with the Capitol and logged in the Matrix.
Witnesses from both Houses might be required to sign off on the union.
🎉 Post-Ceremony Traditions
The couple might create a time capsule filled with mementoes from their Houses and personal artefacts, which is then sent to a future date as a testament to their union's longevity.
As a gift to each other, the couple might weave a part of their biodata into a shared artefact, like a pendant or a ring.
The wedding feast might be an outrageously lavish affair, held in the grand halls of the Capitol or the House estates.
Celebrations might last for days, with each House showcasing its history and achievements like an Olympic host opening ceremony.
🏫 So ...
While much of Gallifreyan wedding traditions are a complete unknown, we've had a shot at some ideas that may or may not exist, and I'll leave it to you good people to decide or make your own.
How does marriage and dating work on Gallifrey?: The cultural norms of Gallifreyan relationships.
How does divorce work on Gallifrey?: How divorces might actually work, legally and socially.
How might Gallifreyans view divorce?: How divorces might be viewed on Gallifrey.
Hope that helped! 😃
More content ... →📫Got a question? | 📚Complete list of Q+A and factoids →😆Jokes |🩻Biology |🗨️Language |🕰️Throwbacks |🤓Facts →🫀Gallifreyan Anatomy and Physiology Guide (pending) →⚕️Gallifreyan Emergency Medicine Guides →📝Source list (WIP) →📜Masterpost If you're finding your happy place in this part of the internet, feel free to buy a coffee to help keep our exhausted human conscious. She works full-time in medicine and is so very tired 😴
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brian-in-finance · 5 months
I know this is a long shot but has Cait ever been on an EMMY prediction list? Usually she was on the GG. Amazed that she is here even if not in the top 6.
Thanks for the message, Anon. 😃
Your link includes Variety’s predictions of nominees in the Outstanding Lead Actress in a Drama Series category for the 76th Primetime Emmy Awards. Nominations will be announced on 17 July and the Emmys awarded on 15 September.
Variety included this photo in its story published yesterday, 11 April 2024:
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Photo : Robert Wilson for Starz
It’s not a long shot, as you suggest. To date, she’s never been nominated, but predictions lists have included Caitríona’s name every Outlander season. Here are some examples:
The Wrap 2015 / Season 1
E! News 2016 / Season 2
Awards Watch 2018 / Season 3
Spoiler TV 2019 / Season 4
Gold Derby 2020 / Season 5
We Are Actors (Variety) 2022 / Season 6
Variety 2024 / Season 7
Outlander has been nominated four times.
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Screenshot: IMDb
Regarding 2024 Emmys for Drama, Variety has published its predictions lists for Drama Series, Lead Actor, and Lead Actress. The lists for Supporting Actor, Supporting Actress, Directing, Writing, and Casting are pending. Maybe we’ll see more Outlander representation in those five categories? 🍿
Remember… I'm thinking about naming my first son Emmy so I can say I've got one. I want Emmy, Oscar, and Tony - and my daughter Grammy. — Noah Wyle
😂 According to IMDb, Noah Wyle has two children, sons, and neither is named Emmy. He received five Emmy nominations for playing Dr John Carter on ER.
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cookieeks-art · 9 months
Sorry for the delay, but here it finally is! A synopsis for the superhero au! (please note that details like names of locations can very much change in the future):
The strange case (title pending)
Our story takes place on a fairy tale island which has since long gone through it’s own sort of industrial revolution, and where the stories of kings and queens are for the most part ancient history. F7 is a group of hero’s who’s main headquarters is in Goldcity in the small central country of Mitlandia, which is also the county where the security company White Apple originates and is still mainly situated. White Apple was mainly ran by Mr White, but after Mr White is suddenly placed into a coma it’s taken over by his wife Regina White. As Regina steps into her new role the daughter of Mr White, Snow White, starts to grow suspicious of her stepmother, noticing how dismissive she seems of her fathers situation, and the strange decisions she’s made for the company since taking control.
At the same time a few smaller White Apple facilities have started to experience thefts and break ins by an unidentified masked individual. This individuals civilian identity is that of Dr Edda Andersdotter PhD, a analytical chemist who moved to Mitlandia for work at Silva labs, a small independent lab, and to put some more distance between herself and her relatives.
One day F7 in alerted to a break-in in the main White Apple building, and goes to stop it, in which they begin to uncover what Regina has truly been up to alongside Snow White and has their first encounter with the strange masked individual who introduces themselves as Doctor Hyde.
This, is also a romance.
Now, here’s some small sketches!:
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I might change designs for the super hero suits in the future, as I’m currently going back and forth on if they should have masks or not. I don’t really imagine any of them having any secret identities, so the masks might the sort of pointless, but it’s about the aesthetic you know.
(ID in alt and under cut)
A collection of pencil sketches that have been photographed and digitally shaded with warm grey tones.
First sketch depicts my oc Edda (A pale chubby woman, with deep eyebags, brown hair and grey eyes) and Snow White from Red shoes and the seven dwarfs, but from my superhero au. Edda’s hair is cut short, and she’s dressed in a dark button up shirt, a knee length office skirt, an open lab coat, and a lanyard with an attached card. She’s standing with her hands inside her pockets. Snow is wearing a blouse with short puffy arms, a belt, an office skirt and a lanyard with an attached card as well. She’s holding a file under her arm as she waves at the viewer. In the right corner there is a signature reading “Cookieek”.
Second sketch depicts my oc Edda and Arthur from Red shoes, in the superhero au. Edda is dressed in a dark button up, belt, dark pants and shoes. Arthur is dressed in full plate armour, carrying a helmet under his arm. He’s holding out a flower to Edda, smiling with hearts in-front of his face, while Edda looks down at the flower in confusion. In the right corner there is a signature reading “Cookieek”.
The third sketch depicts my oc Edda and Arthur from Red shoes, in the superhero au. Edda is dressed in a double-breasted vest, dark shirt, and dark cravat, with her hair pulled back with a hair band. She’s looking at something off screen with a perturbed expression. Arthur is dressed in full plate armour, and is holding a sword in front of Edda, while holding his cape over her back and looking at something off screen. In the right corner there is a signature reading “Cookieek”.
The fourth sketch features Merlin from Red shoes in the superhero au. He’s dressed in a super suit with lightning designs over his shoulders and waist, with the swirl designs from is original outfit on his stomach, along with a belt, a pair of gloves and a mask covering his eyes. He’s smiling at the viewer while making a finger heart. In the right corner there is a signature reading “Cookieek”.
The fifth sketch is of Jack from Red shoes in the superhero au. He’s wearing a super suit styled like is original clothes from the movie, but with dark accent to the sides, a par of diamonds encrusted gloves, a mask that covers all but his lower face (safe his chin) and the top of his hair, the swirls from his original vest placed on his arms under a dark pair of shoulder pads, and the invisibly cloak which he now carries around his neck. He’s looking at something off screen with a serious expression, lifting up his fist as if readying for a fight. In the right corner there is a signature reading “Cookieek”.
End of ID]
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