#dr delicate touch strikes again
ghostlypanda · 2 years
reasons to watch rise: "bullhop, we're friends, so this will be very easy to say. YOU GOT TO GO! HIT THE BRICKS, SLAPPY."
please go support rise of the tmnt by watching the series and movie over on netflix! 🧡
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hpnotfound · 2 years
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Here is chapter 2 of Mad Dog!
Leo wakes up in the morning and groggily heads to Mikey’s room to check up on him. When he sees that he’s not there he heads to the kitchen next. The smell of meat perks him up a bit.
“Hey Miguel-woah! Is it Raph’s birthday again somehow?”
Leo was startled by the sheer amount of food being cooked.
“Nope! Just felt hungry today.”
Mikey continues cooking.
Leo walks closer and gets a better look at what all is being made.
Ham, sausage, bacon, pork chops, it seemed like every single meat product from the fridge is on the stove.
Raph walks in next, taking a deep inhale before sitting at the table.
“That smells amazing Mikey! What’s the occasion?”
“The occasion is that I should make meat more often!”
“But….just meat? What about eggs? Toast? Pancakes?”
Leo stares at him suspiciously.
“Don’t feel like making them today.”
Leo stares at him harder and slips into the chair next to Raph.
“This is weird, right?”
“Eh, I get it. Sometimes a guy just wants to eat pork chops for breakfast.”
Raph shrugs.
Leo huffs and goes back to looking at Mikey.
Donnie sits next to Leo.
“Was there an issue with the space time continuum and it’s Raph’s birthday again?”
“That’s what I was saying!”
“Breakfast is ready!“
Mikey serves the food and balances the plates in a way to let him carry them all.
Three of the plates had a normal amount of food, and one was stacked as much as possible.
Mikey places the normal plates in front of Leo and Donnie.
Raph reaches for the stacked plate, but Mikey moves out of the way.”
“I don’t think so Raph!”
Mikey sits down next to him and hands him the third normal plate, placing the massive amount of meat in front of himself.
His brothers all stare at him in surprise.
“Mikey, there’s no feasible way you can-“
Donnie is cut off by Mikey starting to wolf down the meat like someone will take it away from him if he stops.
They start to get worried that he’s going to accidentally eat his fork as he mows down the breakfast.
“Slow down! You’ll choke!”
Raph reaches for his plate.
Mikey moves it closer and gives him the crazy eyes of Dr. Delicate touch.
Raph quickly takes his hand back.
Mikey gets back to eating and finishes before anyone can even start.
“That was great! I’m gonna be in my room.”
He hops off the chair and leaves like none of what just happened actually happened.
“Did….did you guys see that….? Am I hallucinatin!?”
Raph looks at Donnie and Leo.
“That was unfortunately reality.”
Donnie is still staring in the direction Mikey left.
“I told you this was weird! He always talks about how important sides are to compliment a meal.” Leo insists.
“It could have something to do with those bandages he has on his hand.”
Raph looks at Donnie in disbelief.
“Not to mention Leo definitely noticed but did not look surprised in the least.”
Donnie and Raph both look at him.
“Did you know about this!?”
Leo holds his hands up.
“I wanted to tell the truth for once! But he was embarrassed! We agreed we’d tell you guys together but he just left anyway!”
“It’s time to embarrass him! Spill the beans!”
Raph grips Leo’s shoulders and shakes him.
“Okay okay! Just let go!”
Raph does as asked.
“Get to talkin.”
“Mikey felt bad I lost my phone and went to go get it. He came back with it during the middle of the night, that and a wound on his hand.”
“I can’t believe you didn’t tell us!” Raph shouts.
“I can.” Donnie interjects.
Raph sighs.
“Alright, maybe I can too. But now that we know we gotta figure out what’s goin on with him. After we eat, we go talk to him. Agreed?”
Leo and Donnie nod in response.
They all eat their meat centered breakfasts then go to find Mikey.
They’re surprised when their search ends in the training room.
Mikey is striking a training dummy as hard as he can, which apparently, is really hard because the dummy keeps almost being knocked over.
“What the….?”
Raph trails off as he watches this unfold.
Mikey quickly turns to the three of them, panting slightly.
“Hey guys! You’re just in time! Let’s play capture the bandana.”
“We gotta talk about your hand first.”
Mikey’s smile drops as he looks at Leo in betrayal.
“You told them?”
“Raph wasn’t taking no for an answer!”
“My hand is fine, I feel great!”
“You should let me check it again just in case.”
Leo walks over and reaches for his hand.
Mikey moves it away quickly, fast enough for Leo to be confused.
“I’m okay Leo, I promise. There’s nothing to worry about. I’m full of energy today! That’s why we should get some training games going!”
Leo looks back at Raph and Donnie and sees the concern on their faces.
“Mikey, I don’t think that-“
“It’s a great idea! How about you set it up?”
Leo interrupts Raph and smiles at Mikey.
Mikey smiles back.
“On it!”
He hops to it, almost literally, moving just as fast as before.
“Leo, what were you thinking?”
Raph looks at him with frustration.
“He’s not listening to us already. The more we push it the more he’s just going to get angry. If we tire him out, Donnie can get some samples and I can check his hand while he’s sleeping.”
“Oh….that’s actually a good idea! Let’s do it.”
“I call dibs on first match. There’s no doubt that I am the champion of capture the bandana.”
Donnie poses dramatically and smiles smugly.
“You do remember that Raph was lying when you won before, right?”
Leo raises an eyebrow that he doesn’t have.
“I do not recall that no, let us begin!“
Donnie leads the way.
Raph and Leo follow behind, knowing this probably won’t end well for him.
Mikey had set everything up and looked ready and rearing to go.
“Who’s up first!?”
“That would be me. Prepare yourself brother, I won’t be going easy on you.”
“Do your best!”
“I believe the phrase is do your worst!”
Donnie comes at him with his bo staff.
Mikey grabs it, shoving it back into Donnie’s face.
Donnie stumbles to the side from the force and holds where he got hit.
Mikey takes the opportunity to grab the bandana from the dummy behind him.
“Ha! Got it!”
Donnies eyes widen at realizing he lost so easily.
“That’s impossible….”
“It’s my lucky day baby, let’s keep it going! Who’s next!?”
Donnie grumbles and goes to where Raph and Leo are.
Leo steps forward next after Mikey puts the mask back.
“You ready for this Leo?”
“I was born ready Miguel.”
They share confident smiles.
From seeing the previous match, he decides that charging him is a bad move.
So he waits for Mikey to come at him.
He doesn’t expect Mikey to basically teleport in front of him with how fast he’s going and wrap him up in his chains.
He gets yoinked from his spot and Mikey cheekily grabs the bandana.
Leo was fully freaked out now.
Mikey was definitely fast, but Leo was usually much faster.
This wasn’t normal in the slightest.
Mikey unchains him and looks at Raph.
“Wanna give up already?”
Raph stops staring in shock.
Mikey sets the bandana back up and they get into position.
“You can do it Raph! Take him down! Avenge me!” Donnie shouts.
“Get that bandana!” Leo joins in.
Raph charges at him.
Normally, this ends in the other person getting bear hugged and being unable to move while Raph grab the bandana.
What actually happens is Mikey bending his knees and using the momentum to lift Raph up above his head.
Leo and Donnie’s jaws drop.
So does Raph’s.
Mikeys smile couldn’t get any bigger.
He tosses Raph to the side and grabs the bandana.
He jumps around in excitement.
“Three for three baby!”
Leo and Donnie help Raph up.
“This is gonna be harder than we thought.” Raph sighs.
“I know exactly what’ll knock him out.”
Leo smirks.
They all end up on a basketball court.
Leo spins the ball on his finger.
“Orange and red versus blue and purple, as always. Let’s see you win now, Mikey!”
Mikey smiles once again with determination
Every single shot Leo tries to make is blocked.
Mikey moves too fast for him to do anything, and he racks up plenty of points for his and Raph’s team.
This leaves Leo’s ego more than bruised. Even though Donnie and Raph get somewhat of a kick out of it, Mikey eventually gets bored, so they have to think of something else to tired him out.
That proved to be more difficult than expected.
Even after those two already tiring activities, Mikey seemed to still be ready to bounce off the walls.
Which every new idea they have, it barely makes a dent
Throughout the rest of the day, they practice Lou Jitsu moves, spar, race across rooftops, have a skateboarding competition, and even do arm wrestling.
This completely wipes his brothers out, leaving them all barely able to stand from exhaustion. Donnie leans on his bo staff to avoid falling over, and Leo had to be carried by Raph.
Mikey only looked slightly sleepy.
“What a fun day! Goodnight, guys.”
He heads to his room.
“I’m not going to make it, the light, I see it, I’m coming Galileo-“
“Donnie! Agh, I can’t blame ya….okay, 3 hour nap, then we get to work. Got it?”
Donnie and Leo both nod.
Raph picks up Donnie as well and starts heading to his room.
“Waaaaait….let’s all sleep in mine….I’ve got the monster book in there.” Leo says through a yawn.
“Good idea….”
Raph changes his course and brings them all to Leo’s room. He drops them onto the bed, then face plants between them.
Donnie sleepily takes off his battle shell and presses a button on it, making it fly off to storage.
Raph lift his face enough to set an alarm on his phone for three hours and then places it on Leo’s bedside dresser.
He falls asleep immediately after, snoring up a storm.
Donnie does the same a few minutes later.
It takes Leo a little while longer, but he also follows suit and drifts off to sleep.
They all wake up before the alarm, shooting out of bed.
There’s strange noises coming from the direction of Mikey and Raph’s rooms.
They collectively shout.
They scramble towards Mikey’s room first.
Their hearts all drop into their stomachs when they see the room messed up.
Their fear only grows when the noises in Raph’s room get louder.
They run there next, even faster.
Raph is the first one to get there, moving the curtain open.
The moonlight illuminating nearby only gets partially into the room.
In the darkness, he sees something hunched over on the floor.
“Jumping Jack flash, what is that!?”
Leo and Donnie get there just as he says that.
Whatever is in there, it turns to look at them all.
Its eyes glow in the darkness.
Bright, and their color is golden.
Everyone screams out in fear, Donnie and Leo grabbing onto Raph with one arm.
Donnie fearfully taps on his wrist device with his other arm, causing it to go into flashlight mode.
He shines it into the room.
In the mouth of the monster, no, not a monster, something much worse, was one of Raph’s stuffed bears.
“Dr. Hugginstein! No!!!” Raph shouts in grief.
Leo does his best to hold him back from trying to go further in, Raph’s arm is outstretched and tears are coming from his eyes.
Donnie shines the light further up and the screaming turns into horrified gasps.
The figure growls, cotton and pieces of bear dripping from its mouth.
It has was looked to be sharp claws and thick hair.
It also looked to be-
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pathfinderunlocked · 2 years
Chime Maiden - CR6 Undead
A monster inspired by Bloodborne and Dark Souls.
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Artwork by Daisuke Satake, concept art from Bloodborne, copyright From Software.
A chime maiden is an undead creature that leads unending waves of weak undead into battle.  These creatures are created when funerals are attacked or subjected to deadly accidents, and mourners are killed while in the act of mourning their lost loved ones.  This cycle of death becomes a cycle of undeath when they rise again, determined to continue that cycle forever.
In battle, a chime maiden surrounds itself with fog using Haunting Mists, and then casts Nixie’s Lure to draw creatures into the mists.  If this plan fails, it puts one target to sleep, ideally within the Haunting Mists, and attacks/curses another.
If you feel mean today, put two or more of these in the same encounter so they can revive each other.
Chime Maiden - CR 6
Tattered, threadbare black robes hide the details of this creature, but you can see a gray, withered face under its hood, partially covered by wisps of long gray hair.  In one gaunt, gray-skinned hand it holds a delicate silver chime, and in the other a dagger.
XP 2,400 NE Medium undead Init +6 Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +11 Aura silent aura (50 ft., DC 17), desecration aura (50 ft.)
AC 17, touch 12, flat-footed 15 (+2 Dex, +5 natural) hp 59 (7d8+28) Fort +7, Ref +5, Will +7 Defensive Abilities channel resistance +2, from the mists DR 5/magic or silver Immune undead traits Weaknesses sunlight powerlessness
Speed 30 ft. Melee +1 dagger +9 (1d6+4 plus 1d6 negative energy plus energy drain) Special Attacks energy drain (1 level, DC 17), negative energy strike, reanimate undead
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 7th; concentration +11)     3/day—deep slumber (DC 18), haunting mists (DC 17)     1/day—bestow curse (DC 17, touch +8), haste, nixie’s lure (DC 18)
Str 14, Dex 15, Con —, Int 12, Wis 13, Cha 19 Base Atk +5; CMB +7; CMD 19 Feats Blind-Fight, Improved Initiative, Spell Focus (enchantment, illusion) Skills Knowledge (arcana, religion) +11, Perception +11, Perform (percussion) +11, Stealth +12 Languages Necril Gear mwk dagger, silver chime worth 40 GP
Silent Aura (Su) A chime maiden is surrounded by a 50-ft. aura of unnatural silence that only affects the living.  A living creature that fails a DC 17 Will saving throw against this aura is deafened while within the aura, except that it can still hear the chime maiden’s bell.  Any creature that successfully saves against this power cannot be affected again by it for 24 hours.  This is a mind-affecting illusion phantasm effect, not a silence effect.  The save DC is Charisma-based.
Desecration Aura (Su) A chime maiden imbues the area around it with negative energy, empowering undead that are created within this aura as well as those that remain within its aura.  This functions as the Desecrate spell, except that it moves with the chime maiden and has a 50-ft. radius.
The bonuses from Desecrate are already calculated into the chime maiden’s statistics.
Reanimate Undead (Su) As a one-round action, by ringing its chime, a chime maiden can reanimate up to 7 hit dice worth of destroyed undead within 50 feet of it, as long as those undead were destroyed within the last 24 hours.  The undead creatures regain up to 30 hit points each and stand to their feet (provoking attacks of opportunity as usual).  Undead reanimated in this way are considered to have been created by the chime maiden but are not under its control.  They gain bonus hit points for being created within the chime maiden’s desecration aura.
A chime maiden cannot reanimate undead without its chime, which is used like a focus component.
Sunlight Powerlessness (Ex) A chime maiden is powerless in natural sunlight (though not in an area of daylight or similar spells), and it cannot attack and is staggered.  It can reanimate skeletons in natural sunlight, but doing so is a 2-round action instead of a 1-round action.
From the Mists (Su) A chime maiden and any undead it creates with its Reanimate Undead ability are immune to the wisdom damage from its Haunting Mists spell.
Negative Energy Strike (Su) Any manufactured weapon wielded by a chime maiden gains a +1 enhancement bonus if it doesn’t already have one, and deals an additional 1d6 negative energy damage to living targets.  This effect does not heal undead targets.  These bonuses only apply to the weapon while the chime maiden is wielding it.
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a-crepusculo · 2 years
Hold On (Ethan x MC)
Part One
Book: Open Heart Pairing: Dr. Ethan Ramsey x Dr. Marchia Bisognin (F!MC) Series: Marry Me Series Premise: One simple question can change their whole lives forever. Rating / Category: Teen / Angsty Fluff Warning(s): Discussion of illness and/or death Word Count: 1,021 words
Previous Parts Here
A/N: Back with another chapter, babes. Prepare for a teeny-weeny bit of angst!
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“I’m scared, Ethan.”
The short, incessant sound that came from her heart monitor interrupted his train of thoughts and pulled Ethan back to reality. Engulfed by the darkness of the night, his striking blue orbs immediately directed its gaze to the small screen beside her; watching the little green line move up and down.
She was still there.
Weak. Breathing. Powerless. Barely holding on.
Nonetheless, Marchia was still there. His Marchia. Alive, unwell, sleeping—but there, alongside him. Waiting for a cure, hoping for one last miracle.
Under her oxygen mask, the faint swoosh of air circulated in and out of her lungs, preventing her from suffocating. He could hardly stand and bear to witness her like this; dark circles under her vibrant eyes, pink-flushed cheeks turning pale and lifeless, trembling under her cold sweat, vitality deteriorating with each passing second.
Yet somehow, he found himself unable to look away from her, too. The statistics, numbers of Maitotoxin survivors; they are all there, right in front of him. And the judge has announced their verdict: she might not recover from this.
He could sense his throat constricting impossibly tighter, subconscious fixating on the extremely high probability of losing her. Anxiousness infiltrated his bones, worried that this time— frightened that this would be their final moment to—
She will get better. She has to survive, there was no other option.
Because no matter how much he wanted to deflect his feelings for her, wanted to stay away from her, he knew one thing for sure:
That he could not live without Marchia Ivy Bisognin.
His gloved hand traveled to her head, slowly caressing her long golden hair. It was a desperate attempt to remember what it feels like to touch her, really. To hold her. To feel the warmth of her skin, the softness of her palm and fingers. To embrace and soak in all of her grace and charm.
Taking another glance at the young doctor, her body seemed brittle, fragile; unnaturally delicate in his grasp. Her cheerful presence—usually dominating any room she occupied—was now outweighed by the shadows of his fear. Shadows that appeared to take shape, forming itself into monstrous creatures of their own. Consuming, tearing the icy defenses within him that he had meticulously built over those years.
The vortex of emotions that twirled through his chest was almost too much to carry on his own. For he was strong, only because of her. For he was standing, only because she was his pillar.
And just as everything seemed to collapse in upon itself like a dying star, his eyes stung.
It felt foreign to him; a reaction that he had not experienced in such a long time. Only after a moment that felt like an eternity did he realize that the dampness on the corner of his eyes, heavy and unrelenting, was actually his tears.
He pressed his palms against the plastic window of his hazmat, hopelessly trying to push away the sickening panic that was tearing through his insides. She was far from done; far from yet again shaking up the medical industry, far from leaving her mark in this colossus world.
Finally, his first tear broke free, quietly rolling down to his jaw.
If he could turn back time, he would. He would do it in a heartbeat. No questions asked. He would take her on a proper date. He would shower her with all the gifts he could buy. He would contact her while he was in the Amazon. He would never leave her side.
They have wasted so much time. He had wasted so much time. He could have, should have used all that precious moments together to tell her how much he...
How much he loves her.
His arms, quivering under the emotional strain burdened on him, rested alongside her. Without much thought, he locked his hand with hers, pallid and frail in comparison to him. She does not move—too tired to wake up from her sleep—while he squeezed her tightly.
“Marchia, I—”
A deafening pause.
“I—” Another stop. “I can’t lose you. I can’t. I was idiotic enough to push you away, to keep you out of my life. I— We should have— We’re supposed to be—”
His sentences broke up into tiny shards of glass, lamented with agony and regret. The rest of his tears had followed in an unbroken stream, head hanging low, almost like he was kneeling in the eyes of God.
“Marry me, Marchia.”
The words came out in a soft, dainty whisper. It was so easy saying it, so natural; no doubt or hesitation slipped into it. The result of a tidal wave of his love for her, crashing down upon him.
“Evidently, I don’t have a ring yet,” he said, exhaling a dry laugh through his tears. “But you deserve the whole world, Rookie.”
The thumping noise of his heartbeat reached the shell of his ears, punctuating every single word that poured from his mouth. Ethan clutched firmly onto her; an anchor, a lighthouse in a dreadful storm.
“And I wouldn’t want to give you anything less,” he muttered closely to her hands, ghosting over each and every slice of her skin.
A small smile reached his lips as he studied her weary, yet almost peaceful face. He doubted that Marchia could hear him talking right now, but it was some solace to know that the awful pain she had to endure for the last twenty four hours did not meddle with her dreams.
“So, when this is all over, when you get better,” he stopped and cleared her throat, attempting to find his usual composure. “I promise I will marry you, Chia.”
In the stillness of the night, his tired face ultimately shone with newfound hope and determination. Fear would not stop him from persevering; he would not cower in the face of this hellish nightmare. Tonight, he made a promise—one that he was determined to fulfill.
“So we can spend the rest of our lives together, until the end of time.”
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Additional A/N: Okay, no more angst. I think. lol
I’ll be tagging in a separate post!
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kirieshhhka003 · 3 years
Pairing: teacher! Risotto Nero x fem! student! Reader
Warnings: NSFW, teacher/student dynamic, school sex, corruption kink, dirty talk, size kink, choking, protected sex
Part one
My favorite teacher pt 2
Again you stand in front of this dark pine door that leads to so hated by you physics cabinet with such a lovely teacher inside. You sigh, closing your eyes, and your mind immediately draws a picture of your professor crouched over you, how a drop of salty sweat runs down his Adam’s apple, making its way down his chest as man forces his dick deeper inside of your pussy with every new thrust
This is your fifths “extra physics lesson” with your impossibly sexy teacher, and every single one of them ended with sir Nero fucking all the brains out of your trembling heated body
You shake your head banishing all filthy thoughts from your mind. You rise your hand up, knocking on the door a short melody with knuckles. A little shiver runs down your spine when you hear muffled “come in” coming from the other side of the door. You take a deep breath before pressing on the doorknob and slightly pushing it forward, entering physics cabinet. You carefully close the heavy door behind you, trying to cause as little noise as possible to not distract your teacher from his work
- Oh, Y/n, it’s you, - professor Risotto says, rising his eyes from some copybooks laying on his table. You swallow a thick lump in your throat, inhaling deeply, and you notice how albino smirks slightly at your nervousness
Man stops scribbling remarks in someone’s homework, putting his red ink pen away, reclining in his black leather chair and you can see how his body relaxes gradually. Risotto takes off his glasses (that make him look even sexier than he already is) and slightly bites on the temple tip, his eyes run up and down your timid form
- Come hither, - your physics teacher says patting his lap, and you feel your heart making a backflip in your rib cage at how soft and velvety his voice sounds
You’re fain to obey, doing what you are told and come to your teacher’s seat. When you stop just in a few inches away from Risotto man wraps his heavy arm around your waist, softly pulling you closer to himself, helping you to get on top of him and making you straddle his form with your knees. He leaves his glasses on the corner of his table so that his hands can be fully busy with you
Bright blush strikes across your face, you timidly put your hands on top of professor’s muscular shoulders, and you fidget for a little, trying to find comfortable position on top your teacher. Risotto rests his huge palms on your waist, caressing your sides idly, and you feel the heat of his body through the thin fabric of your shirt. This man is always so warm, every time his hands glide all over your naked body it feels like albino leaves scalds on your delicate skin
- Did you miss me? - man asks, looking you straight in the eyes, and you don’t miss the way teacher’s lips curve in a roguish smirk. You falter under his intense gaze, nibbling on your bottom lip, remembering what exactly you were doing last night
- Y-yes, - you respond meekly, feeling blood rushing to your cheeks, making blush on your face even brighter. - I touched myself, - you confess, feeling teacher’s hands slide lower and lower from your waist, making their way down to your lower back and then to your ass, slipping underneath your skirt and gripping on your buttcheeks, jiggling pliable flesh in his palms
- Oh, you were playing with yourself imagining that it was me touching you? - Risotto asks softly, as if he was talking to a little child, and you only nod shyly, feeling heat emerging in the bottom of your belly. You grind your hips needily so that your pussy rubs tightly against teacher’s lap, slightly easing the filthy ache between your soft thighs
You lean forward, timorously pressing your lips against professor’s thin ones, and he kisses you back, shoving his tongue into the slicked warmth of your mouth. Risotto draws your tiny form closer and you move your hands from his shoulders to his strong neck, hugging albino tightly
Risotto lifts you up, sitting you on top of his table, not even bothering to take away all the documents and copybooks he was working with earlier. He presses his groin right next to yours, grinding his pelvis slightly, so that you can feel impressive protrusion in his pants through the layers of clothes
Albino breaks your kiss, unbuttoning your shirt and littering your chest with wet fervid kisses, leaving a few bright marks in those places where no one but you and him would see. You let the cotton garment slip off your body when Risotto unmakes hooks of your bra, exposing your sensitive soft breasts
Professor’s lips clasp on your nipple, circling the tip of his tongue around erected bud while his other hand runs down to your crotch, scratching your clit through the dampened fabric of your panties. You run your fingers through your teacher’s silver hair, drawing him impossibly closer to yourself. Soon the lacy pretty undies join your shirt on the side of Risotto’s table as man hikes your skirt around your waist. His experienced fingers glide in between your slicked labia, parting your folds and covering his digits with your juices
- How many fingers did you fit inside last night? - albino rasps in your ear, leaving a light kiss on your ear shell. You twitch when man strokes your clit with his thumb while his index and middle finger meander against your dripping hole
- F-four, sir, - you reply, feeling how his digits slip into you, not meeting any resistance at all. Albino hums contentedly, whispering “what a good girl” and curls his fingers up inside your pussy, rubbing your g-spot with his fingertips
You tug on professor’s shirt, asking shyly:
- Sir, can you take it off please? - man smiles at your request, exposing the row of his white teeth, and the picture of Risotto’s handsome face adorned with a smile makes your core drip even harder. He does quick work to the buttons of his clothing, taking it off and tossing to the side
Your hands avidly run up and down his torso, tracing every muscle with your fingertips. A soft sigh leaves Risotto’s lungs when you palm his arousal, massaging it through the layers of his pants and underwear. You hastily undo his belt, tugging zipper down just to see an impressive bulge of his erected cock restrained by his red boxers, and a damp patch of precum where the fabric is stretched by the erected tip
Your tongue runs along your lower lip as you tug the elastic of his underwear down, revealing professor’s dick and wrapping your fingers around his veiny shaft, stroking it softly, hearing man hissing quietly above your ear. Albino opens the second drawer in his table, delving into some papers and stationery, trying to find something
You see that he finally finds this item, pulling it out, and the next moment Risotto shoves it in front of you, just in a few inches from your nose. You pull back for a little to focus your gaze on this item and see nothing else but a small red square wrapping with a XXL sized condom inside
- Will you service your teacher or should I do everything by myself? - you stare at Risotto, completely perplexed. - Come on, put a rubber on. Or do you want me to put a baby in your pretty belly? - your teacher tuts teasingly, watching how your face screws in disgust at the thought of getting pregnant
- N… no, - you stutter, nibbling on your bottom lip. You definitely don’t want to get pregnant, but the thought of Risotto’s hot cum leaking out of your small pussy gives you the feeling of butterflies flare within your stomach
Your shaky hands snatch a small square-shaped package out of albino’s fingers, tearing the shiny foil wrapper and carefully taking the condom out. You place it over the tip of teacher’s dick, carefully stroking it, rolling the rubber down over all his length
Man then lifts your pelvis up, drawing you closer to himself so that you sit on the edge of the table. Risotto leads your feet behind his back so that you straddle his torso with your legs. He doesn’t waste any time, aligning himself with your pulsing hole, slowly pushing the tip of his dick inside, inch by inch forcing himself further into your tight cunny
You moan sweetly when you feel Risotto filling you full with his dick. Few seconds later professor starts moving, slowly churning his hips into yours, slightly throwing his head back in pleasure. Your hands grip on Nero’s strong arms, digging your nails into his bronze skin, your head in nestled into the crook of teacher’s neck. You leave a few kisses on his collarbones as man pounds your squelching needy warmth, his hands play with your soft hips
Your eyes run down your naked bodies and you notice a big bulge forming on your tummy every time Risotto buries himself deep inside your cunny. Albino follows your gaze, smiling at your reaction
- You see that? - professor murmurs against your ear, placing his thumb on the bump and pressing on it softly. - See how small you are compared to me?
And that’s undeniable truth. Even though Risotto stuffs you full with his cock he’s never fully deep inside, he’s just too big, your poor cunny can’t take all of his 9 inches inside (but your throat can, you two have already checked that)
Man puts more force in the next few thrusts, making your body jolt, dragging you together with some papers on the smooth surface of teacher’s table. Risotto’s hips fasten, driving in and out of your pussy on rapid pace. You whimper, rolling your eyes back in the skull, professor’s thick cock rubs every single sweet spot inside of your squishy cunny. His one hand runs down to your swollen clit, drawing circles around sensitive mound of flesh
- Honey, I really do like all those sounds you make, but you gotta be quiet if you don’t wanna us to get caught. The door isn’t locked, remember? - Risotto maunders with mirth, slotting his hips into yours, harsh sounds of his balls slapping against your ass bounces of the walls, filling the whole classroom
His huge palm slaps over your mouth to muffle all those desperate moans for a little, and you wrap your lips up his digits, sucking and twirling your tongue around them. You notice how intently professor watches you playing with his fingers and you feel his dick twitching inside of your soft cunny
Risotto’s other hand that was busy molding your thighs runs up to pinch your dark nipples. With a quick “be quiet” he takes his hand away from your mouth, caressing your tummy and rubbing your sensitive clit. You arch your back, moving your hips to meet professor on the halfway, making his thrusts even rougher and impossibly deeper
- That feels so good, oh shit, - you cry out and then feel Risotto’s hand squeezing your throat. The force he applies is not enough to choke, but is just right to have control over your whole body
- When will you learn to watch your mouth? Or should I teach you to? - Risotto snarls right into your face, his eyebrows are knitted together in anger. It’s amusing how man gets so pissed every time you swear and god, do you like that
You put your hands on top of his one straddling your throat, grasping it slightly, letting man know that you like it and want more. Professor hisses, tightening his grip on your neck, giving you what you want so eagerly, almost cutting you off the air. You open your mouth wide but not a sound comes out. All you senses go wild, you can’t see anything even though your eyes are not shut. You can only feel teacher’s thick cock humping inside of your needy pussy, pleasuring your body just like you love it - fast and rough
- Oh, so you like it? Like it when I’m rough with you? Should I call you a slut? I think “little whore” suits you way better, - albino growls next to your ear and you feel his hot lips brushing against sensitive skin of your ear shell
Risotto fucks angrily into your throbbing pussy and from all the force your body glides on the surface of the table, so man yanks you over by your thighs back to himself. Albino feels his orgasm building and he quickens the jutting of his hips, the feeling of his dick jerking inside of your velvet clutch pushes him closer and closer
Man looks down at your form, and just a few rubs on your clit are enough to make you cum. Your whole body tenses and you desperately grab on Risotto’s forearms as he keeps on fucking into you, wringing intense orgasm from your overstimulated body. The clamping of your gummy walls nears man’s own high and just a few thrusts later you feel him shuddering above you as he shoots his thick seed into the condom
Nero makes few more meek thrusts, riding out both of your orgasms, and god, you almost black out. Professor slips out of your body, taking a look at you writhed on his table, all soft, vulnerable and fucked-out, only on his mercy. Man runs his fingers through his silver hair, brushing it back from his eyes and peeks at the wall clocks, checking the time. Today it took you little bit longer than usual
- I think you’re not able to work, so make yourself look presentable and go home. We’ll catch up with material the next lesson, - Risotto says, taking used condom off and tying it into a knot, then tucking his waning dick back into his pants
Man crushes into his chair, looking at your half-conscious body laying on his table before him. Albino exhales loudly, his hand lays on your knee, caressing your it softly as teacher waits patiently for you to pull yourself together
His eyes wander all over your trembling form, and his gaze stops you your still open creamy cunny, then coming lower and seeing some student’s copybook, all crumpled and soaked with sweat and cum. Well, Risotto has nothing else to do but say that he lost it accidentally
Masterlist | Smut Masterlist
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langdxn · 3 years
Evan’s boys defending their (maybe preg? idk) lady from some douche who was flirting with/taunting them pls O Legend
gah, protective evans give me life! thank you for bringing me back to writing again, anon 🖤
Tate may be an eternal teenager, but he’s no idiot — he couldn’t trust Ben around his girl if his afterlife depended on it. “Hey asshole,” calls out that familiar sharp Langdon tongue from the hall as Ben closes in on you minding your own business in the house. “If your side chick hadn’t beaten me to it, I’d have killed you myself. Gladly, actually.” Tate’s lips curl into an accomplished smirk at the mere thought of bashing his brains in with a blunt object — anything to make the process longer, graphic and infinitely more satisfying. “I’ll give you one chance to back off my girl or I’ll have no choice but to remind you, Dr Harmon,” Tate slithers over to sneer into his ear. “Exactly what I did to your wife all those years ago.”
Kit Walker isn’t one for confrontation, but he’s quick to hear the rumbles of trouble in the common room beneath the repetitive echoes of Dominique. Your less-than-intimidating boyfriend suddenly becomes a juggernaut barging through the doors, steaming his way across the room and stopping only an inch away from the face of a particularly perverted fellow inmate. “I will gladly get fried for putting you in your place,” he spits through gritted teeth, leering at his prey as if his vicious transformation was complete in the moment he clocked your vulnerability around the man’s wandering hands. Kit clasps his fingers around his wrists and thrusts the offending digits up to the man’s face, grubby and clawed, a scowl sweeping across Kit’s face as if the act alone sickened him. “Touch my girl with these again and you’ll be begging for Sister Jude to save you from me.”
Dating the freak show’s voice of an angel was always going to be a challenge for Jimmy, at least in terms of competition. Your fellow freaks knew you both too well to try anything, not to mention they’d witnessed your announcement after the curtain dropped on the previous show that you and Jimmy were expecting a baby. A delicate yet protective hand placed in the small of your back everywhere you go reassures you that Jimmy would do anything to protect you. You know you’ve made a mistake going out to thank the crowd after the show when a policeman towers over you and tries his luck.  “I’ve killed a cop before, you know,” Jimmy mutters from the shadows, a slow clapping sound spacing out his words. “You’re small fry to me, picking on a vulnerable pregnant chick. Especially my pregnant chick.” As he emerges from behind the curtain, Jimmy’s gently slapping a baseball bat into his clawed palm, rhythmically and almost impatiently. “But just in case you wanted to start something,” he hummed as the rest of the freaks gathered behind him. “I brought backup.”
James is the furthest from insecure around any form of threat. After all, once they step through the doors of the Hotel Cortez, they’re simply his prey. The last eight months of your pregnancy, you’ve relied upon the constant presence of your husband by your side, a hand cradling your bump which was once cradling a whiskey glass. However, it’s Devil’s Night and Mr March is otherwise engaged attending to the entertainment of his guests... or so you think. Taking her chance to strike, the Countess sways over to you at the Blue Parrot lounge and stubs her cigarette out into an ashtray, leaving her encrusted, glistening clawed hand to hover over your bump blooming beneath your dress. One swift flick of her finger and her mortal competition will be gone forever. However, in the blink of an eye, James apparatus out of nowhere and pulls you out of her reach, standing between you and shielding you with his body. “Oh dear, is there no end to your idiocy?” He sneers at Elizabeth. “Did you truly believe I would avert my attentions from my wife and unborn child long enough to see you destroy them?” His hands swoop behind his back to wrap around you, keeping you close behind him so he can stare down his former wife. “You will not harm her, I assure you of that. I fear you must return to your current lover, whomsoever he may be this evening, and resign yourself to the fact that we are expecting a new heir to the Hotel Cortez, and there is nothing you can do about it.”
Councilor Anderson just dominated a council meeting, but actions in the political world always preclude consequences. Kai’s mere presence in the political arena would normally instil fear in others, a proverbial electric fence around him and those he loves. However, that kind of pressure doesn’t deter the likes of Serena Belinda. Swooping in on you as you leave the city hall unchaperoned, a microphone lunges at your face accompanied by numerous slanders on you and your husband, suggesting you are both part of a sinister cult responsible for many recent deaths in the local area. Flustered, you stutter a fractured response before a reassuring hand lands on your shoulder as Kai glides to your side. “What’s the thing that scares you the most, Serena?” he presses with his signature condescending tone, specifically reserved for the media and obstinate cult members. A menacing chuckle under his breath exposes his true intentions, but it’s not as if he’s trying to conceal them in the first place. “Is it clowns? Is it knives? Is it me? Please tell me it’s me. I’d love if it was me. Come on, babe, we’ve got some real journalists to speak with.” Cautiously leading you away from the gaze of Serena’s ever-present camera, Kai leans into the brunette to whisper a parting comment. “You’re gonna regret pulling that stunt on the mother of my child.”
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datleggy · 3 years
Albert Plots aka coda to 4x02
One of Bucks house rules is: don't barge into my room unannounced.
It only becomes a house rule, of course, after Albert inadvertently interrupts his therapy session as he's mid sentence. 
"Oh crap, sorry sorry, I didn't realize--I mean, I thought--sorry." Albert finishes lamely, cringing at his own intrusion.
Buck practically chucks his tablet across his bed, face down, in his surprise. “Dude, knock.” 
Albert shrugs, grimacing apologetically. “You don’t have a door though?” 
Buck sighs, running a hand through his hair nervously. “Just...announce yourself next time, ok? Like, yell ‘I’m coming up’ or whatever.” 
Albert nods. “Sorry.” he mutters again. 
Buck decides the kid looks contrite enough that he can brush the whole thing off--it’s not like he overheard anything. “It’s ok, don’t worry, we’re good. What’s up? You needed something?” 
“I wanted to see if you wanted to order pizza but um,” Chimneys little brother pauses and scratches the back of his head. “Are you ok?” 
Buck gulps. “Uh, yeah, I--why wouldn’t I be?” Well shit, Buck thinks, maybe he did overhear a tidbit or two, after all... 
“Well,” Albert purses his lips to one side. “What you said just now, about hiding your feelings? Sorry, I really didn’t mean to eavesdrop--I was hungry and didn’t think before running up here. But um, listen, if you ever need an ear or a shoulder,” he shrugs delicately. “You’ve been there for me before a few times now. I like to think we’re good friends, so I want you to know you can always count on me to be there if you need someone. That’s all.” 
Buck would be touched if he weren’t also kind of mortified over having been caught spilling his guts to Dr. Copeland. Albert must see that, because he immediately moves to change the subject. “So, pizza?” 
“Yup,” Buck clears his throat. “Sal’s is the best joint in the area, their menu’s on the fridge, call and order whatever you want. I’ll umm, I’ll join you in a little bit.” 
"Ok." Albert scurries off quickly enough and Buck feels a little bad for not being more reassuring that he's not upset with him. But it's hard; being vulnerable, that is.
An hour later dinner is silent and just a tiny bit awkward between the two men.
It's only after a couple of beers that Buck loosens up enough to blurt out, "I'm in love with Eddie."
Albert blinks up at him in surprise. "Oh shit." His face breaks out into a happy grin. "Dude, that's awesome! I always thought you two would be good together. Actually, I gotta admit, I thought you two were dating when we first met at that bar. So it makes sense." Albert's voice trails off upon realizing how red Buck's face has gone. "Wait, did you not--you know? Know?" Albert's eyes grow wide.
Buck shrugs. "I kinda always knew? But I mean, the Eddie thing is..." He groans, "How am I supposed to tell my best friend I'm in love with him? It would ruin everything."
Albert shakes his head adamantly. "No way man, you said it yourself, Eddie's your best friend, your feelings for him wouldn't 'ruin' anything. Even if by some crazy chance he doesn't feel the same way it's not like he'd stop being friends with you."
Buck rubs a hand up his shoulder and bites on his bottom lip. "But what if that's exactly what happens? I don't wanna hide my feelings anymore, from anyone, but I don't think I can take that risk--it's too big, I could lose too much."
Albert has seen the way Eddie looks at Buck when he thinks no one is else is paying attention. “Look man, I’m not exactly the observant type--Howie can tell you that--but even I can see Eddie’s heart eyes when he’s looking in your direction.” 
Buck groans, hiding his face in his hands. “I just don’t wanna mess up what we have.” he looks up, his expression sullen. “We’ve got a good thing going.” he shrugs. “If I confess my feelings there’s a chance--” he sighs, hanging his head. “I can’t do it.” 
Albert reaches over and squeezes his shoulder in support. Suddenly an idea strikes him. “Hey,” he jumps up. “What if I could prove to you that Eddie’s just as into you as you are, into him? Would you say something then?” 
Buck lifts his head to look Albert in the eye, “How would you go about doing that?” 
Albert waves him off. “You don’t gotta worry about that part. Just trust me.” 
Buck raises a brow, dubious. “Ok, but you need to promise you won’t say anything about my feelings to Eddie--or to anyone, for that matter. Not even Chimney can know.” 
“I swear, not a word!” 
Albert strikes over the weekend, during a friendly game of basketball with the 118. Albert had originally only been intending to play one on one with Chim, like usual, but had convinced him to invite everyone at the station, too, last minute. 
“Buck’s on my team!” Albert declares, before anyone can even truly get settled. 
Chim glares at Albert. “Oh yeah, call dibs on our tallest guy.” 
Albert shrugs, throwing an arm around Buck and pulling him close. “And let’s not forget the most handsome.” he winks at Buck with the subtlety of a fire engine racing across town. 
Chim raises a questioning brow at his brother but otherwise doesn’t comment. “Uh huh. Anyway, then I want Eddie on my team.” 
Eddie steps up beside Chim, giving Buck a look. “Ready to get your ass handed to you?” 
Buck scoffs. “I have the power of youth on my side, thanks.” he says, pointing to Albert. 
Bobby clears his throat. “This is starting to feel a lot like a middle school gym class, where I’m picked last for teams.” 
Hen bumps his fist in camaraderie. “Preach, Cap.” 
“Hen, I call Hen!” Chimney immediately announces, practically dragging his best friend over to his side. 
“Good, cause I was gonna pick Captain Nash anyway.” Albert sticks his tongue out. 
Buck grins when Bobby walks over to stand beside him. His parents never let him play sports when he was a kid--he had to forge their signatures for whatever ‘dangerous’ activity he wanted to participate in, and so he and his dad had never gotten to toss the ball around in the backyard the way most of his friends had, growing up. 
Being on the same team with Bobby now kind of feels like that. Not that he’d say it out loud. He’s way too old for that stuff now. Not to mention the fact that now he has to focus on both the game and on whatever Albert is plotting with him and Eddie. 
Buck sighs. He should’ve kept his big mouth shut. 
The game starts out friendly enough, some playful jabs thrown here and there, but Buck can tell Albert and Chimney are out for blood, knocking elbows and teasing the other when they miss a shot. Though, he concedes, they are siblings, and well, he and Maddie, even at this age, can still get a little overly zealous when competing with one another. So he’s not too worried. 
They take a break about half way through the game, sweaty and tired from running around so much, when Albert starts to speak. “Man, I can’t wait for that double date next Friday.” 
Chim glances up at him from the bench, where he’s rehydrating. “You’re going on a date? First I’ve heard.” 
Albert nods. “Yup. With Buck and these two really cool chicks I met at the coffee shop a couple of weeks ago.” 
Eddie furrows his brows. “Did you say Friday?” 
Albert nods, knowing exactly where this is going. 
Eddie turns to Buck, who’s trying his best to telepathically communicate with Albert to cut it out before he strangles the kid. “Uh, Friday’s game night.” he says, his tone slightly accusatory. 
Bobby’s eyes dart between the two men curiously. Hen presses her lips together. “Game night?” 
Eddie nods. “Every Friday we get together at my place and do a game night. Christopher looks forward to ‘em every week.” 
Albert cuts in before Buck can say anything. “Wow, you two sound like a married couple with a kid.” he teases. “But I mean, what’s the big deal, missing one game night? Buck could meet the love of his life Friday night. Isn’t that a little more important?” 
Eddie makes a face none of the crew can really read. “Guess you’re right.” he agrees reluctantly, picking up the ball and passing it to Chimney just a tad on the rough side. “Break’s over, let’s get back to it, yeah?” He steps out into the court without looking back, his shoulders set rigidly. 
Albert grins at Buck, whispering as the others head to the court as well, “It’s working!” 
“He looks like he wants to kill someone.” Buck half whispers back, eyes wide. “Your plan sucks.” 
“Shh, you’ll be thanking me later, now c’mon, let’s go!” Albert runs into the court and takes his position at the front, between Buck and Bobby. 
Buck can’t help but focus entirely on Eddie’s sour mood during the game, which is probably why he doesn’t notice the uneven asphalt as he goes to catch Bobby’s toss until it’s too late. He loses his footing and goes down hard. 
Buck’s back and side hit the pole connected to the basketball net and the damn thing actually shakes with the force of the collision. Bobby is on him instantly, helping him up and asking if he’s alright. Buck tries to say he’s fine, but the moment he’s standing he bends over, wrapping an arm around himself, wincing in pain. “Hurts.” he admits. 
Eddie sprints across the ball court to help Bobby get Buck to the benches where he can sit and they can see what’s going on. Hen lifts his shirt and grimaces tightly at the humongous ugly bruise already forming against his back and part of his chest. “Jesus, Buck.” she feels around that area. 
Buck gasps at the onslaught of pain and tries his best not to flinch away from her. 
“Definitely some bruised ribs, Buck,” Hen tells him sympathetically, pulling down his shirt as gently as she can. “Possibly fractured. I would definitely get this checked out in the ER, in case they’re broken. They’ll need to do an x-ray and a CT just to rule it out.” 
Buck groans. “Can’t I just ice it?” 
“C’mon,” Bobby shakes his head, helping Buck get up. “I’m taking you--” 
Eddie interrupts, his hand on Buck’s shoulder. “I can go. Christopher’s at a sleepover today, so I’m free anyway.” he volunteers. 
Buck is in too much pain to argue with either of them, and ends up in the front passenger seat of Eddie’s truck. Bobby makes Eddie promise to text the team updates. 
Eddie fills out Bucks form so he can hold an ice pack to his side while they wait in the ER. Once he’s done he hands it to the nurse at the front desk and sits down next to Buck. “How ya’ feeling?” 
Buck knows there isn’t a point to lying, not when he needed to lean the majority of his weight on the other man from the car to the waiting room, after all. “Like the whole left side of me got hit by a car.” 
“Here, gimme that, I’ll hold it for you.” Eddie takes the ice pack and places it gently against his side, grimacing when Buck cringes. “Hurt a lot?” 
“Only when I breath.” Buck jokes, though it’s not too far from the truth. “You know you don’t have to stay here with me, I can call an Uber to drive me home. The place is packed, we’re probably gonna be waiting for hours.” 
Eddie rolls his eyes. “I’m not leaving you, so this had better be your first and last attempt at getting me to go.” 
Buck sighs. “Fine.” 
“Good.” Eddie clears his throat. “So...” 
Buck turns his eyes towards him. “So?” 
“You’re really not coming to game night Friday?” 
Buck looks away. He doesn’t want to lie to Eddie, but how crazy would he look if he told him Albert made all that up--in order to admit the truth he’d also have to confess his feelings for his best friend, and there’s just no way in hell that’s happening. “Yeah,” he says instead, “Sorry, I was planning on telling you later today, it just kinda slipped my mind.” 
Eddie hums, pursing his lips. “No it’s cool, Albert’s right. She might be the one.” he says, though it’s said dryly. 
Buck looks up at him from underneath his long lashes, curiously. “And uh, if she is?” 
“Then,” Eddie shrugs, “Good for you.” 
Buck nods. 
An uncomfortable silence falls upon the two men and it’s another half hour of awkwardness before Eddie picks up the conversation again. 
“You know what,” he starts, turning to Buck, “I lied. Not good for you.” 
Buck blinks at the bluntness. “What?” 
“I don’t want you to go on that date. And I don’t want to cancel game night. I know it’s selfish and I’m being kind of psycho right now, but I think I’m jealous?” Eddie’s mouth snaps shut, as though he hadn’t meant to say any of that out loud. Like the words simply spilled forth without his brains permission. 
“You’re jealous? Of...what?” Buck doesn’t dare to hope this is what he thinks it is. 
Eddie groans, putting down the ice pack for a moment and turning his chair completely to the side so he can face Buck fully. “I know I said Christopher looks forward to game nights, and he does, but so do I. I look forward to spending time with the two of you together and I get excited when our shifts line up on certain weeks and I’m getting tired of saying goodnight and watching you walk to your Jeep, all because I’m too much of a coward to just say--” Eddie stops himself, his chest aching, the words caught in his throat. 
“I’m in love with you.” Buck blurts out. 
“You--” Eddie stammers. “You are?” he asks in disbelief. 
Buck gulps, his cheeks heating up. “For a while now, I think. I just...hadn’t realized until recently.” Dr. Copeland had been a huge part of figuring that out. 
“Christ,” Eddie doesn’t waste a second more. He takes Bucks face in his hands and brings their foreheads together right then and there. “Can I...?” 
Buck nods, their lips brushing slightly with the motion. “Please.” 
Eddie kisses him, softly, tentatively, before pulling away just a bit. “I love you.” he confesses breathlessly. 
Buck thinks his heart might actually burst out of his chest. 
Man, Albert is never gonna let him hear the end of this. 
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openheartfanfics · 3 years
Newly Added Fics
Sep 4 - 10
🎭 Angst  |  🛸 AU  |  ☁ Fluff  |  ♥ NSFW  |  📚 Series  |  📷 Edit  |  📱 TextFic
Bryce x F!MC
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Danny x Sienna
Incomplete - @cryomyst 📚 [mini: wip] Sienna misses Danny even after three years. Feat. Ethan x F!MC
Ethan x F!MC
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Part 1  |  2. Love Like Ours
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Five Senses - @a-crepusculo​ 📚 [mini: wip] Ethan navigates his thoughts and feelings towards Marchia using the faculties of sight, smell, hearing, taste, and touch.
Part V
Fix It Series - @gryffindordaughterofathena 📚 [extended: wip] Book 2 and 3 au 
5. Nemesis Strikes
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9. Height Difference
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11th Edition
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11th Edition
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11th Edition
Newlywed Weds - @headoverheelsforramsey 💒
11th Edition
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11th Edition
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I. Like Moths to the Flame
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The icy touch of two damaged hearts ♥
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Chapter 20: Thankful
Love for One - @jerzwriter​ 🎭 Tobias is secretly in love with Casey. Casey is happily in a relationship with one of his oldest friends. He deals with his heartache alone until, one night, he accidentally slips up to a friend. This excerpt contains his heartfelt confession. Feat. Ethan x F!MC x Tobias [Pining] 
The Gang
Foot in mouth - @twinkleallnight ♥🍘 Bryce and Casey tease Sienna for the way she described a diagnosis to Ethan. A smut-tember submission.
Tobias x F!MC
A Change in Plans - @jerzwriter 📚🛸 [extended: wip] A Casey x Tobias AU 
Part 3 Casey & Tobias are finally able to spend some time together, but her friends put a damper on their plans. Later, they meet up unexpectedly at Leland Bloom’s mansion where it becomes apparent that they have much more to learn about each other. [2.6] 
Unfulfilled Hunger - @sillydg ♥ what happens if they get back at Tobias’s apartment, after him carrying her out of the Laser tag game. A follow-up, for “Foul Play”. [Dirty Talk] 
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jamespotterthefirst · 4 years
Winner Takes it All
Pairing: Dr. Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Dr. Lilac Allende) Word count: 2K Warning: Language, Adult situations Summary: A kiss on a balcony in Miami (Ch 10) Series: Open Heart from Ethan’s POV
Author’s Note: I’m terrible at editing so sorry if there’s some Ethonks and Lilys. Also, I took a few liberties with the narration, even if the dialogue is the same. 
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The alcohol coursing through his veins did nothing to mellow out the pure blast of adrenaline Ethan was feeling. In suggesting they moved to the balcony, he had hoped the breathtaking view of the ocean would be enough to quell the excitement of the card game. His mistake had been thinking he could be anything but a whirlwind of emotions with her sitting by his side, looking so serene, it almost made the recklessness of the night appear like a lucid dream. 
“Naveen always hoped we’d find a way to make the diagnostics team publicly funded...So that no one will need to pay, no matter their insurance or income.”
She turned to glance at him and his breath involuntarily hitched. In the moonlight, cheeks flushed slightly from the wine, the blue of her dress complimenting her features perfectly, she looked nothing but striking. He was beginning to accept she would be lovely beyond comprehension in any light. 
“What will he think of getting Panacea Labs involved?”
Ethan paused, stomach coiling with guilt. “He’ll give me the worst chewing out of my life. And I’ll deserve it. I’ve compromised his vision, my ethics...But if he survives this...it’ll all have been worth it.”
“Do you really believe that?”
Ethan considered that, the music of the tide below them the only sound between them. 
“I don’t know. Ten years ago, I was right where you are. A wide-eyed intern, dreaming of what I’d do when I was an attending.” He glanced at her then, fighting the distraction of her clever eyes observing him so earnestly. “I certainly wasn’t dreaming of this.” 
Ethan glanced at the ocean again, letting his thoughts unravel. He would have never imagined back then that, as an attending, he would find himself desperately fighting to save his mentor. A flood of emotions overwhelmed him in the span of a second as he thought of what Naveen meant to him back then, of what he meant for Ethan now. 
Ten years ago, he also never imagined to be so utterly consumed by one of his interns. What would his past self think of Ethan now? Would the righteous, incorruptible young man he had been feel disgusted at how infatuated Ethan was with someone he was supposed to be mentoring? 
“But things change. People change.”
A comfortable silence settled between them. 
“What about you? What kind of doctor do you see yourself being in ten years?”
“The kind of doctor who could make a difference in patient care.” 
He smiled. “More than you do now?”
Lilac matched his own lighthearted amusement. “I’m only an intern! I do barely anything now!”
“Not true. I’ve seen how hard you work for your patients. Even if they don’t always value it, you do make a difference.”
She held his gaze for a few beats longer than normal, looking slightly taken aback by such a keen response from him. 
“But not enough,” she finally said with a sigh, her smile dimming. “I helped one uninsured patient receive care, but I can’t find loopholes for everyone. The entire system needs to change, and I want to be a part of it.”
A surge of pride swelled in his chest at that. “And I have no doubt you’ll find a way.”
By now, all traces of her smile disappeared entirely. Her voice was oddly quiet as she said, “It just seems like the higher I aspire, the more I stand to lose.”
His stomach plunged, reeling at how the words resonated with him. “I...certainly understand that.”
Suddenly, looking her right in the eye felt like a risk, as though he would expose everything plainly for her to read. Without another word, he stood and made his way to the railing. His mind raced with a multitude of thoughts. His heart, similarly, pounded against his rib cage, frenetic. 
“What you saw tonight, that’s not me. I don’t gamble...on anything. I don’t take chances.” The words left him before he could decide why he needed her to hear them. “Medicine is an assembly of facts leading to a conclusion. Once you know the rules and understand the diseases you’re working with, the risk should be minimal.”
Desperation hummed through him, rushing the words forward. 
“Your decisions are informed, and you chose the safest path. But that card game...I’ve never done anything like that before.”
He became too aware of her presence suddenly at his side. All the while, his pulse clamored at his ears, announcing something looming that was still unknown to Ethan. 
“I don’t know. It seemed like a pretty well-informed decision to me.” Her voice was soft, understanding, and even a little impressed. 
“Risking Naveen’s treatment on a game? Having to hope I’d judged Declan’s character well enough to risk losing instead of using a winning hand?” 
His every breath was an entity of its own, ripping from his chest with the building urgency. 
“There were too many variables! I could have lost everything!”
“But you were right. Your risk paid off.”
His eyes remained fixed on the ocean as a newfound bravery swelled inside him, as undeterred and formidable as the rolling waves. 
“It did...and I’m beginning to realize…” 
He turned to lock eyes with her. 
“There are some things that are worth any risk.”
Lilac froze for the briefest of moments and then understanding bloomed like the dawn in her features. Something softened in her eyes as she raised a delicate hand to stroke his cheek. 
“Lilac, I…” 
“I know.”
Ethan's eyes fluttered closed against her caress, swallowing hard. Every one of his senses was commanded by her —her heady perfume, the softness of her skin, the sound of her uneven breath, her beautiful face basked in moonlight. As his eyes fell to her lips, he felt the last remnants of his judgment fade. 
With rougher force than he intended, his arm circled her waist, their bodies pulling together like magnets. And then he was kissing her, long and hard. 
It was as though his body had found its home in her after months of aimlessly searching. The way she pressed herself even closer to him as she kissed him back, every soft curve molding against his hard chest, revealed to him that she felt the same way. A primal urge overtook him at the thought, his hands gripping the sandy sequin of her dress in a wild grip, his tongue prying her lips open with ease. With a dizzying groan, he realized she had given him access, enthusiastically tilting her head to the side to deepen the kiss.
“Dr. Ramsey, you’re—”
He had her pinned against the railing now, his lips descending down the graceful curve of her neck. 
“Ethan.” His voice was a low, dark murmur against her throat. It was almost a plea. He needed to hear his name on her lips. 
She did not disappoint. 
“Ethan,” she all but moaned. “I’ve been wanting this.”
He broke away to meet her gaze, his clamoring heart feeling lighter still. 
“So have I.”
To prove it, he brought their mouths together again, this time in a tender kiss. As his lips stroked hers in slow, deliberate movements, he poured every piercing emotion burning within him for the past few months. Every time he had longed to pin her against his office wall became a sweep of his tongue, every time he had yearned to silence her taunting quips with a kiss became a nip of her lower lip. 
 The kiss quickly moved from gentle to ravenous when her fingers began to undo his buttons. Lilac looked at him through dark, hooded eyes before kissing every bit of newly exposed skin. 
God above, she was going to kill him with that sultry little sigh. 
Ethan cursed softly when she took his mouth again, her fingers moving to lose themselves in his hair. His hands, meanwhile, had less honorable intentions, spurred by the indecent ministrations of her tongue. With ungraceful movements, Ethan's fingers claimed handfuls of her hips, causing her to hiss against his mouth. They moved desperately up the contours of her curves until they reached the swell of her breasts. 
With a guttural groan, he broke their kiss to lavish the plunging neckline of her dress with attention. Lilac clung to his shoulders, throwing her head back in pleasure as she breathlessly urged him on. Barely containing his want, he obeyed, using his lips and tongue to taunt the tops of her breasts. When his teeth grazed over the pebbled mound straining against the front of her dress, she moaned loudly. 
“What if someone sees us?”
Lilac opened her eyes from her bliss to give him a taunting look. Dark eyes and kiss stung lips made her so enticing that his fingers gripped further into her hips, despite his initial concern. Ethan could've taken her right there, against the railing, no matter who saw or heard. 
“Come with me then.”
The words had just left her lips before she kissed him fiercely, guiding him away from the railing by the lapels of his tux. They blindly bumped into furniture and when they clumsily knocked over the champagne bucket, she laughed against his mouth and tried to pull away. Ethan held her tight, however, not giving a single damn about the damage to property so long as she continued to kiss him like that. 
Lilac did pull back briefly and prodding a finger against his chest, she pushed him down on the chair. “Sit.” 
Ethan obeyed readily.
Another low, raspy curse left him as she straddled him and moved her hips against his. His body had been awakened by her from the first moment their lips touched. Now,  with only the thin barrier of their clothes separating them, she slid along the thick, hard column of her effect on him.
A surprised little gasp escaped her, turning into a maddening, wanton moan. Lilac glanced at the meeting point of their centers, incredulous about what she felt. When she glanced up at him, she gave him an impressed smile.  He felt himself grow impossibly harder.
She moved over him again, the skirt of her dress hiking higher still.
“Lilac…” he groaned.
Her response was another searing kiss. When they pulled apart for breath, he paused to take in the magnificence of her body from his new angle. What a lovely sight she made, hair tousled, skin flushed, and dark eyes fixed adoringly on him. He was about to tell her as much, when she smiled a lazy, captivating smile that made his every nerve ending flare up. 
“What are you doing to me?”
“Hopefully something good.” Her simpering smile was pure sin, made wickeder still by the way she guided his hands along her bare thighs and hips. 
He wanted her so badly it hurt. 
“Lilac, I’ve never done anything like this. Ever. This is—”
Their joined hands paused at the dip of her waist as she gently shushed him. Without uttering a single word, she freed one of her hands and placed it on his chest, right over his thundering heartbeat. Ethan watched her reaction closely, afraid his traitorous pulse revealed more about his feelings for her. 
Instead of teasing him, she guided his hand to her own chest. The wild drumming of her heart was unmistakable, keeping an easy pace with his. 
“You...feel amazing.”
“Wait ‘til you feel the rest of me.”
Ethan laughed. God, how he loved her. 
The laughter died in his throat as easily as it had begun, his heart sinking horribly as the thought caught up with him. As panic began to take root in his stomach, so did the realization of what they were doing. He had crossed a line with her that could never be undone. The longer he remained in her embrace, getting lost in her heady kisses, the more damage he caused her career. 
How could he be so fucking selfish? 
Completely unaware, Lilac shivered slightly from the bitter breeze swirling around them. 
“Let’s get you inside.”
Her green eyes were alight with promise as she took his hand and guided him inside. Imperceptibly, he unclasped their hands as they walked, letting his own fall to the side. Throat tight and stomach roiling with guilt, he forced himself to stop at the door, bracing himself against what he was about to do. 
Author’s Note: Ah, I had to stop there. My brain would explode if I wrote how he breaks MC’s heart next. 
THANK YOU for reading this.
 I will continue to post the “50 Ways to Say ILY” drabbles over the next few days. Thank you to everyone who sent one in. I promise I am working on all of them! 
Tags: @openheart12​​ | @ethandaddyramsey​​ | @aestheticartsx​​ | @noboundariesplease | @silverlitskies​​ |  @flyawayboo​​ | @paulfwesley​​ | @hatescapsicum​​ | @myusualnerdyself​​ | @thatysn​​ | @choicesyouplayandmore​​ | @chasingrobbie​​ | @trappedinfandoms​​ | @togetherwearerapture​​ | @nooruleman​​ | @axwalker​​ | @parkerattano​​ | @i-bloody-love-drake-walker​​ | @kaavyaethanramsey​​ | @edith-eggs1​​ | @choices-lurker​​ | @jens-diamondchoices​​ | @tefigranger​​ | @ethanrcmsey​​ | @coffeebeandragon​​ | @senator-adrian-raines-wifey​​ | @binny1985​​ | @mvalentine​​ | @sanchita012​​ | @drethanramslay​​ | @ramseysno1rookie​​ | @takeharryandgo​​ | @aworldoffandoms​​ | @desmaranj​​  | @oofchoices​​ | @ethxnrxmsey​​​ | @octobereighth​​​ | @kopenheart12​​​ | @lilyvalentine​​​ | @honeyandsunfl0wers​​​ | @virtualrain202 | @enmchoices​​​ | @tyrilstouch​​​ | @rookie-ramsey​​​ | @humanpokemon​​​ | @apphia12​​​ | @kiara-36​​​ | @eramsey28​​​ | @whippedforethanramsey​​​ | @custaroonie​​​ | @helloblueeyedcat​​​ | @dr-ramseys-rookie​​​ | @thegreentwin​​ | @decadentwinnerjudgedream​​ | @jeerapp​​
@dulceghernandez​​​​ |  @lion-ess24 | @emotionalswift2 | @the-soot-sprite |  @angela8756
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cyraclove · 4 years
Higher Pursuits
BOTW Grad School AU
“...so, if you do decide that you’ll be writing a thesis in lieu of the comprehensive examination, I’ll be the one you’ll need to speak with.”
Zelda scribbled furiously in her notebook as Dr. Kaneli continued to speak, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose every few minutes like clockwork. He’d come to Dr. Teba’s diagnostics lecture that morning to speak about research opportunities, accompanied by several of his current research assistants. 
“No need to decide right this moment, of course,” he said, “but we will be needing your name and thesis topic by the end of your first year if you do select that track.” 
Thesis by end year one, she scrawled onto the paper. 
God, a thesis. She’d dreamt of this moment. 
Had Zelda ever wanted anything more than to write a thesis? What greater pleasure was there than to delve so completely into research that you know every facet of it like you know the letters of your own name? The plethora of potential opportunities was exhilarating, her mind running rampant at the very notion of selecting one. 
A hand suddenly covered hers, causing her pen to scratch to a halt. 
She glanced up to see Link staring at her, an eyebrow cocked in her direction. 
“What?” She whispered, “I’m taking notes.” 
‘Just listen,’ he signed, ‘You don’t have to write down every word he says.’
She felt a smile tug at her lips as she rolled her eyes. “We’ll see who’s coming to who with questions in a few weeks.” 
Link grinned brightly, waving a hand at her in dismissal. 
“My personal field is neurological disorders,” Kaneli explained, recapturing Zelda’s undivided attention, “and if you have any interest in my research, do let me know. I am always in need of hardworking graduate assistants. It’s not easy work, mind you, but we do have fun.” 
The professor then paused to smile at a young man seated amongst the other second year students In the front row. 
“I’m sure you can attest to that, Mr. Medoh,” he teased cheerily. A few of the others around him chuckled lightly. 
From where she and Link were sitting in the lecture hall, it was impossible to see his face. Even when craning her neck a bit, Zelda could only glimpse locks of raven hair that dusted the man’s shoulders, several strands pleated into delicate braids while some was piled atop his head in a haphazard bun. 
Medoh, she wrote hastily in the margins. 
Link tapped the table to get her attention before furrowing his brow and asking, ‘Why?’. 
She shrugged. “Might be good to have second year connections. And quit reading over my shoulder.” 
Link’s face took on a sly expression as he eyed her curiously. With two fingers, he gestured a circle around his face before pointing to the man in the first row. 
“Handsome?” Zelda scoffed, “How can I think that he’s handsome when I can’t even see him? You hush.”
He waggled his brows at her. ‘I’m not talking,’ he signed. 
“You know what I mean,” she said. “You can make that joke all you want and it still won’t be funny.” 
“Ah, does someone there in the back have a question?” 
Zelda’s face prickled hot as nearly everyone in the room swiveled around to look at her. She froze, damning her immoveable tongue for not immediately coming to her rescue with a response. She barely heard Link sniggering beside her as she stared blankly at Dr. Kaneli, an expectant look on his face. 
Her gaze was drawn downward to a pair of green eyes staring up from beneath thick, dark lashes. 
The young man that Kaneli had called Mr. Medoh was now looking directly at her, incredulity marring his brow. His sharp, almost bird-like features gave him a stern appearance, the strong cut of his jaw curtained by wisps of hair. The striking emerald of his irises was offset by the deep, rich tone of his bronzed skin. 
Oh. He was handsome. 
Someone cleared their throat.
“Ms. Farore,” Dr. Teba prompted from his seat in the corner, “did you have a question or didn’t you?” 
“Oh, no. Uh, sir. No, sir,” she stammered, “I didn’t...um, no. Sorry.” 
Teba pursed his lips and hummed his disapproval, but said nothing more. He instead encouraged Kaneli to continue, apologizing for the interruption. Zelda’s pulse thundered in her ears as she caught a hint of a smirk on the dark-haired man’s face just before he turned back around. 
She wanted to die. 
And, maybe, smack Link. 
The remainder of the lecture went quickly, though Zelda registered only a quarter of anything that was said. She still felt hot with humiliation, her embarrassment taking the uncomfortable form of sweat; she could think only of how badly she wished she had a stick of deodorant and a new blouse. 
When Kaneli and Teba finally concluded and announced dismissal, Zelda slumped down into her chair and covered her face with her hands. She sat amidst the shuffling of papers and zipping of book bags, letting the rest of the class file out until she and Link were the only two left in the large hall. 
When she finally peeked through her fingers at Link, she saw him looking just as remorseful as he could, signing ‘sorry’ on his chest. 
Zelda sighed. “Oh, don’t look at me that way. I’ve already forgiven you, you know that.” 
He beamed at her, and she suddenly remembered why it was impossible to ever be cross with him in any capacity. He stacked his fists then, twisting one atop the other as he raised his brows in question. 
“Yeah, coffee sounds good. You’re buying.” 
The Café Bar was bustling with students just being released from class, flocking in from outside to escape the chilly October air and scrambling for a place in line. Others stood idly by and scouted for empty tables, often to no avail. Though there were several places to go for coffee on campus, the little, locally-owned coffee shop that sat just near the university was by far the most popular. 
The gentle hiss of milk being steamed and the pleasant gurgle of fresh coffee brewing could just be heard above the sound of light jazz mingling with idle chatter. Cups and saucers clinked as they were cleared from tables. Zelda inhaled deeply, the comforting scent of espresso a welcome respite. 
“I have a vanilla latte with extra whip on the bar!” 
She nudged Link with her elbow to get his attention. They had managed to procure their favorite spot; a small circular table over by the large bay window that sidled right up to the window seat. He looked up from his phone. 
“That’s you,” she said. He nodded and stood with a smile, lightly touching her shoulder and giving it an affectionate squeeze as he slipped behind her. Zelda smiled to herself before returning to the article that she’d been perusing, a clinical research study on the affects of naturalistic treatment protocols on aphasic patients. She’d not even read five words when she heard her name being softly called from across the café. 
“Zelda, over here.” 
A petite, red-headed young woman came striding towards her, her arms piled with books. Zelda hopped up from her chair to lighten her load, carefully taking a few of the books off of the top. 
“Oh, Mipha, let me help you. Where’s your--wait, here, set them on the table.” 
She thanked her profusely as she plunked the remaining books on the tiny table, making it wobble sadly on its narrow legs. She slid onto the window seat, shrugging her blue sweater from her shoulders. Her cheeks were a pretty, wind-bitten pink as she smiled warmly, releasing a sigh of relief. 
“I thought you’d already gone home,” Zelda said, “And what are all of these for?” 
 “Oh, these are my textbooks for this semester. I’ve just been to the bookstore to pick them up,” she explained. She screwed up her face. “They didn’t have the one I need for my biochem class, though. I preordered that one, too.” 
“You need all of these?” Zelda asked, brows raised in awe as she mentally tallied the books. 
Mipha nodded resignedly. “Yes, all of them. That’s what I get for deciding to get my master’s in marine biology, I suppose. I’m on my way to the apartment, but I thought I’d stop and grab a latte or so—” she paused, copper eyes shifting their attention from Zelda’s face to just behind her. “Oh, Link, hello.” 
Link nodded cheerfully at Mipha with a mug in one hand and a plate holding the largest muffin that Zelda had ever seen in the other. She kicked out his chair for him with her foot and he sat, gingerly placing his coffee on the table. He signed ‘thank you’ with his free hand, the other still absentmindedly clutching the plate as his eyes swept the café. Mipha and Zelda gave one another a quick, knowing look.  
“Sidon’s still at the rec with Bazz,” Mipha mentioned, a smile in her voice, “He told me to tell you ‘hi’, though.” 
Zelda watched Link’s jaw visibly clench as he sucked in a breath through his nose. 
‘He did?’ 
Mipha nodded. 
Link bit the inside of his cheek, and then quickly shrugged and focused his attention on making a dent in the mountain of whipped cream on his coffee. 
‘That’s cool,’ he told her, ‘Tell him hey, I guess.’
The redhead turned to Zelda for a translation; she was with the two of them so frequently now that she’d been able to pick up quite a bit of ASL, but still needed occasional help. Zelda found that Link was particularly difficult to understand when the subject of conversation was Sidon, simply because his hands moved twice their normal speed. 
“He said to tell Sidon that he’s the most handsome man he’s ever seen and that he’d love to go on a date sometime,” Zelda answered casually, unlocking her phone to open up her article again. 
Link nearly choked on a piece of muffin. 
“I have an americano with cream on the bar!” 
“Be right back,” Zelda chimed as she got up to get her drink, looking back briefly to see Link signing ‘wrong’ on his chin repeatedly. She chuckled inwardly and turned back around, only to collide with an oddly familiar looking green cardigan. 
“Oh, I’m so sorry,” she said, backing up, “That’s my fault. I wasn’t even paying attention.” 
“Evidently not.” 
Zelda’s eyes flicked up at the foreign voice, her heart leaping into her throat as she realized with whom she was speaking.
Oh, shit. 
Handsome braids guy. 
“Uh, hi. Again,” she muttered, hopelessly lost for anything else to say. 
He gave her a queer look. “Again?” 
“Um. I mean, yeah. You were just in Dr. Teba’s lecture? You came with Dr. Kaneli. For the, uh, research. Thing.” 
The corner of the young man’s mouth quirked up ever so slightly as he tucked a strand of hair behind his ear. “Right. You didn’t have a question.”
Zelda felt her cheeks burn at the very mention of the incident, her chest tightening at the memory. The man raised a brow at her, an irritatingly amused expression on his face. She felt her eye twitch. 
“Yes, well. If you’ll excuse me. Sorry, ag--” 
A barista interrupted.
“Americano with cream to-go!” 
Green cardigan stepped up to the bar to accept the coffee, thanking the woman who’d handed it off with an actual smile. Zelda watched him, dumbfounded, as he hoisted his messenger bag up onto his shoulder and glanced in her direction for a fraction of a second before heading for the door. 
The words had flown out of her mouth before she’d even had time to register them. Perfectly annoyed, he stopped to turn and face her, his eyes on her in silent query. 
“About Dr. Kaneli’s research lab,” she began, “are there still spots open for new assistants right now?” 
His demeanor changed at the question and he adopted a defensive, almost territorial stance. He studied her closely, eyeing her with an uncomfortable thoroughness; as though he were sizing up a rival. 
“Yes,” he drawled, “Why?” 
“I’d like to apply,” she responded, maybe too quickly. 
He sucked his teeth. “Interesting. Well, come by the office at the clinic if you want an application. They’re due in a week.”
Zelda grinned, nodding excitedly. “Oh, that’s excellent. I’ll definitely be by, then. Thank you, um...” she paused, chewing her lip, “Sorry. What did you say your name was?”
“I didn’t.”
Making for the door once again, he left Zelda with her mouth partly open, staring after him in quiet disbeleif. His fingers brushing the handle, he hesitated, looking back over his shoulder. 
“It’s Revali,” he said, and was gone. 
Zelda stood in place for a while until he was completely out of sight, her mind fumbling with the entire interaction. Her stomach had twisted itself into a squirmy knot, a feeling with which she was unfamiliar. She felt like she’d somehow been both insulted and praised at the same time. 
Revali, she thought to herself.
What a dick. 
I hope you enjoyed this completely self-indulgent drabble of a Grad School AU that I’m considering. The more I think about this ship the more I like it. Thanks for reading! @botwrareships
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ichayalovesyou · 3 years
Other Tribute: Amok Time (Pon Farr)
Peddlers of Flesh
~Act One: Man Was Meant To Fly~
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Bremen~by Pigpen Theatre Co. from Bremen (Album)
“I would at least like to know what’s going on!”
It wasn’t out of the ordinary, Jim running off into the unknown, Spock so quick to follow, himself, reluctantly trundling behind as always, but this time felt… different. They’d been hijacked by deific wannabes before, but not like this, was it just the transporter, the promise of being trapped underground (or worse, stuck in a wall)? Bones couldn’t put a finger on it, but it was… unnerving the way this, Sargon, had captured Jim’s interest.
Worse than that, he had captured Jim!
“I came across some robbers three, at first I took everything away from them, then they took everything away from me.”
Poor Atlas~by Dessa from A Badly Broken Code (Album)
“Our bodies Sargon, for what purpose?” “To build”
The timer on Jim’s body before this fever stopped the his heart kept ticking in Bones’s head. Were these creatures’ designs really beyond man’s comprehension? Could they really be their “children” as Sargon claimed? Was it their burden, then, to give these things bodies, even for a short, dangerous, time? For every Kolos there were a dozen things like Redjac, Landru, or who knows what else.
Bones didn’t know what to make of it.
“I’m building a body from blueprints in braille, I’m building a body where our design has failed.”
Grand Canyon~by Puscifer from Money Shot (Album)
“I was floating… in time and space…”
Fever scare aside, it had been a long time since he’s ever seen Jim this euphoric, this excited about anything. Of course it could be a high on whatever just happened to him. Yet, even as Dr. Mulhall said it aloud, he had his doubts. Those eyes… they were sober, if unusually bright with curiosity. Leonard found himself wondering, what it would be like to experience what Jim had described, it made him think of the Mind Meld… of Spock.
The way he spoke so fondly, so, familiarly of it to Spock.
It stirred uncomfortable feelings in himself.
“One among infinity, witnessing the majesty, calm in this humility, hope as far as one can see, standing on the edge of forever”
Time For Us~by Elsiane from Mechanics of Emotion (Album)
“Not a list of possible miracles, just a plain, simple why, that overrides all danger!”
Fear overrode curiosity in Leonard’s mind, he found it all too convenient that, for whatever reason, Sargon needed both the Captain and the Commander. He could maybe swallow the worry of risking one of them, but not both, not if he could avoid it. It was bad enough they nearly died on every other away mission. Besides, this all sounded too good to be true, why did these god-creatures always have to speak with condescension and vague riddles?! Of all the people in this galaxy they could’ve called upon… why did it have to be them?
No, a promised Renaissance was not enough.
“We need results from this now, we need resolving, cannot waste more time, get resolving now! This is a time for us only, only, only.”
Onward To The Edge~by Symphony of Science from Onward To The Edge (Single)
“They used to say if man was meant to fly he’d have wings, but he did fly, he discovered he had to.”
Oh no, here goes Jim into one of his speeches, there was no escaping now. Even Mulhall seemed interested… Jim was right of course, but the barbs in Leonard’s gut refused to abandon him. He could stop all of this by saying “no”, so, what was stopping him? Bones already knew the answer.
He may be able to say no to a mission.
But he couldn’t say no to that face, not when it was the happiest he’d seen Jim in months.
Here’s to counting on his gut being wrong.
“These are no longer abstractions, these are worlds, maybe there’s life there! They’ve changed how we think about Earth.”
~Act Two: A Sense of Foreboding~
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I Hope Your World Is Kind~by Auri from Auri (Album)
“Vulcans value peace above all else Henoch.” “Of course! As do we Doctor, as do we.”
Henoch’s comment about conquering others set Bones even more on edge, why would something benevolent so casually bring that up? He knew how deeply Spock loathed being controlled, worse, being made to hurt others because he was not in control. He thought back to the Blood Fever, he couldn’t let that happen to him again, not if he could help it.
Something about this Henoch was rubbing him the wrong way… Perhaps he’d better keep an eye on him.
“The rooftops all sleeping, underneath them brittle little man-things, unveiled clowns, false kings, every moment the world in writing.”
Close to the Sun~by Porcelain Pill from Close to The Sun (Original Game Score)
“I can find no reason for concern and yet, I am filled with foreboding.”
They’d almost killed Jim, again. Everything was going to plan, but… was he right? Bones couldn’t stop staring at those receptacles, delicate spheres holding three souls. What was it like in there? The promised infinity that Jim described, the oneness, he couldn’t even imagine. It was unsettling, it felt like they were all in the room with him, he felt, compelled, to touch one. It may as well be the closest, Jim’s, he really was there! It was like he was putting a hand on his shoulder like he’d always done.
They really were delicate…
Sargon’s people better hop to it on those android bodies, he didn’t know how long he could let this go on.
“I fear we’re sinking deeper with more speed the more we strive, is that what we get for playing too close to the sun?”
Beekeeper~by Dessa from Parts of Speech (Album)
“He’s dead…”
It was like all the light had left the world, cold and grey. He should’ve been faster, trusted less, fought harder, said “No!” For God’s sake! Leonard felt a strange kinship, almost a mourning for Sargon in that moment, they had both made the mistake of trusting Henoch, and now Jim has paid dearly for it.
He thought of the receptacle that still held Jim’s soul.
Could he find a way?
Was this one death… or two?
“The surgeon and farmer meet, and each greets the other with a bow, they’re kindred instruments you know, the scalpel and the plow.”
~Act Three: The Savage Doctor~
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Burned Out~by dodie from Human (Album)
“Doctor… would you like to save your Captain Kirk?”
Leonard’s gut twisted in protest, these people, these things that had stolen the bodies of others, that killed Jim, was there a chance they could be bargained with? What was so horrible that Sargon had forbidden it?
Oh God… That was it.
So, they intended on taking Spock from him too? It figured, but- maybe, if he could get Jim back, could they take both Henoch and Thalayssa on to save Spock? Was it worth risking Dr. Mulhall? His eyes were drawn to the Captain, or what was left of him, lying there, worse than dead…
Then, Thalayssa threatened him, and Bones snapped back to his senses. He knew what she was.
And he knew who he had to be.
“Make me a fairy whatever it takes, and just like her tale, my dream was a scam, you waited smiling for this.”
Girl Into Devil (I Belong To Me)~by S.J. Tucker from Stolen Season (Album)
“Neither Jim nor I can trade a body we don’t own.”
His utter disgust with this woman, this monster, outweighed everything else on Leonard’s mind, even the roiling cauldron of self-loathing that’d emerged from even having been tempted by her offer! How little this creature wearing Dr. Mulhall’s face regarded life that wasn’t her own! How could she think for a second that he, that Jim, would ever abide by something so, unbelievably callous. It would break every oath they had ever made.
Some oaths are worth keeping.
“Stolen fairy tale girls make the difference between life and death, it all comes down to choices now you’ve only the hard ones left.”
Hunger Strike~by Temple of The Dog from Temple of The Dog (Album)
“I will not peddle flesh! I’m a physician.”
Ever fiber in McCoy’s being roared at her meager attempt to convince him again. He was a Doctor damnit! He would not play god! Selfish creatures playing with other people’s lives is what had gotten them into this damn mess in the first place, he would have no part in it! He would not bargain in blood and guts like the dark age doctors that came before him, Jim would never forgive him, and he’d never forgive himself.
She could do what she wanted to him, take by force what she’d tried to bargain for, but he would never break his oath, never.
“I can’t feed on the powerless when my cup’s already overfilled. I’m going hungry.”
The Rains of Castamere~by Malukah from The Rains of Castamere (Single)
“Spock’s consciousness is gone, we must kill his body, the thing in it.”
Even after all of that, the temptation, the bargaining, the suffering, even after getting Jim back… he had still lost. He failed. Here Bones was, thinking that maybe Sargon and his people knew the value of a Human life, a Vulcan life, they proved him wrong. What in God’s- no, to hell with gods, what had Sargon said to Jim to convince him to kill Spock? There had to be a reason, all the torture in the world would never have made Jim give up that green blooded… was he, being controlled?
One look at Jim’s face told him otherwise.
There was nothing left to do, but make sure Henoch didn’t ruin anyone else’s life.
So much for his oath.
“And who are you? The proud lord said, that I must bow so low? Only a cat of a different coat who saw the truth unknown.”
~Act Four: Sacrifice~
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The Coldest Goodbye~by Mary Kate Wiles from Spies Are Forever (Original Cast Recording)
“Spock… my friend Spock… if only there’d been another way.”
It was bitter. Cold. Bones stood there frozen to the spot as though still paralyzed by Henoch, there was no comfort in him being destroyed. Part of Leonard wanted to go to Jim, but, what would be the point? Spock is dead. He made the poison that killed him, or at least, what was left of him. Why did death always make an easy solution? It was the past all over again. He was glad, in that case, that he wasn’t beside the Captain, he could tell without having to see, all the light had left the world. It was just like he felt when Sargon- Henoch, killed Jim’s body. And now…
“The warmest hello, to the coldest goodbye, remember, remember, spies never die… spies are forever”
Long Nights~by Eddie Vedder from Into The Wild (Movie Score)
“I could not allow the sacrifice of one so close to you.”
If the Lord giveth and then taketh away, then what did that make Sargon? Oh hell, what was he doing to Christine?! Hadn’t he made it clear to these people, these things, that there would be no trading of life?! It wasn’t as though he could stop it, it was only Thalayssa’s conscience that kept her from obliterating him on the spot. Bones hated being at the mercy of every other god-like being that turned up this side of the galaxy, nothing good ever came of it.
Then… he understood.
“I’ve got this light, I’ll be around to grow, who I was before I cannot recall.”
Bring On The Wonder~by Susan Enan from Plainsong (Album)
So many thoughts, words, feelings, carried by that name, Bones found himself unable to say anything else to this being, this god, that brought Spock back to hi- back to them, that would never have let Spock die in the first place. Maybe… maybe he was wrong. For the first time in a long time, Bones hoped he had just bad luck, perhaps there were more Sargons out there in the universe than Henochs, and they had only encountered more malevolent forces because the good had done what Sargon had to… he hoped that-
He prayed that was true.
“Bring on the wonder, we got it all wrong, we pushed you down deep in our souls for too long.”
Dark Days~by Punch Brothers from Songs From District 12 & Beyond (Album)
“Oblivion together does not frighten me beloved.”
Something about that… phrase, hit somewhere deep in Leonard’s soul, resonating with him, he barely heard Chapel though he certainly agreed. He thought about how close he had come to losing the two men closest to him in all the galaxy, just how hard he fought to beat off the specter of death from them, again. And worse! This time he could’ve prevented it all if he had just trusted his instincts! He couldn’t even put into thoughts how much he cared, all he had was this… genuine, warm, decent feeling in his gut.
Maybe together, shouldn’t frighten him.
There… there was something Jim, and Spock, deserved to know.
Fear be damned.
“We don’t have to reap the fear they sow, friends, as long as we hide our love away in the good they’ll never know.”
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justasparkwritings · 3 years
Codename Cupid: Chapter 14
Previous: Justifying Jimin
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Pairing: Kim Taehyung X OFC
Genre: Angst, Secret AgentAU, AgentAU, Government Agent AU
Rating: PG17
Word Count: 2.6K
Warnings: Swearing, Mentions of Non-Consensual Sex, Mentions of Rape, Rape Aftermath, Rape Recover, Rape Culture
Summary: Codename V and Codename Cupid begin their courtship, which ends rather quickly when Cupid crosses a line. 
TRIGGER WARNING: There is conversation regarding rape in this chapter. It does not glamorize, but does give modest details. 
Codename: Love Reimagined
Fall, One Year Post Grad
           Lee Euna met Kim Taehyung on a Wednesday. Both were attending a gallery opening, Taehyung as a friend of the artist, Euna as an investor. He knew the minute she walked into the gallery, the way her pearls glistened in the carefully planned lighting, her midnight locks curled to delicate tendrils cascading down her back. There were many adjectives to describe Lee Euna, and as a woman nearing the top of the largest company in the world, the one that was most often negated was beautiful. Lee Euna, a stunner, a total package, brilliant, kind, gorgeous. Taehyung could understand the draw to her, her demeanor was congenial, but her eyes were daring. They spoke when her lips didn’t, they saw what others tried to hide, they observed and recorded so that she could strike. To an untrained eye, in combination with the way tabloids depicted her, Euna wasn’t a threat.
           But Taehyung knew different.
           Armed with the knowledge of her last two relationships, Taehyung approached confidently.
           “The use of yellow is a fascinating commentary, don’t you think?” Taehyung asked.
           “Mm, I’m more intrigued by the abject use of black as negative space, particularly as it moves throughout the series, blurring ever so slightly with each piece,” Euna told him, eyes trained on the image in front of them.
           “Until you get to the end, completely white,” Taehyung finished.
           “You know the artist?” She asked him.
           “I do, and you?” He smiled brightly at her.
           “Let’s just say I have a piece in mind,” She smirked gently.
           “I’m Taehyung,”
           “It’s nice to meet you. May I walk with you to the next piece?” Taehyung asked, a gently smile dancing across his lips, the anticipation of understanding Cupid further, of getting to see the sides of her Codename Suga and Mr. Handsome, got to see. It was always exciting, he thought, getting to know a new mark, exploring the dynamics, flirting with the soon to be blurred lines. Ever the extrovert, he thrived when he was taken off surveillance and placed in the field, even when he ran missions on the ground, following marks, urging them in certain directions or to locations, the threat of being caught was high, and he loved it. Standing next to Cupid, waiting patiently for her response, he felt that first inkling of danger, of mystique, of upholding the narrative Namjoon had constructed for him.
           “That would be lovely,” Cupid smiled before turning to walk towards the next piece.
           Taehyung courted Cupid for the next few weeks, before she took him to dinner and into her bed. From there, it was a blur of museum openings, concerts, gala’s and drinks with friends. From the jump, Cupid was 100% in. She was immediately falling for Taehyung, making plans for their future, and bulldozing boundaries like traffic cones in drivers ed. Tired of being hurt, jaded from heartbreak, Cupid was already swimming in the deep end while he tiptoed in. Getting him to her side, though, proved difficult and frustrating. Taehyung tried to resist, to persistently put up new and more transparent boundaries, but they always seemed like a suggestion to Cupid. He allowed it to go on for a few months, until it became alarmingly clear that this was not acceptable, and she was going to move forward without asking him if it was okay.
           Taehyung scheduled a meeting with Namjoon, in the privacy of his fully walled office, and sulked in. The nerves at an all-time high, the panic he felt, the sickness in his stomach, the low taste of bile in his throat, loomed large over him.
           “Something’s not right,” Taehyung said to Namjoon. He sat opposite his brother on the couch Namjoon kept in his office for late night missions, or nights when he didn’t want to drive home.
           “Meaning?” Namjoon asked, confusion laced in his bespectacled eyes.
           “I think it’s getting out of hand,” Taehyung sat with his hands in his lap, eyes downcast as the tears began to fall. He’d shown minimal distress throughout their team meetings but was spending less and less free time in the office. A sign, that both Yoongi and Seokjin took to mean he was with Cupid, though transcripts weren’t showing up.
           Gently placing a hand on his forearm, Namjoon asked, “Tae, what’s wrong?”
           “I can’t do this, with Cupid,” He whispered.
           “What’s happened?” Namjoon asked, unsure where this was going.
           “She, she’s trying to get pregnant, Yoongi was right, she’s obsessed with it,” Taehyung inhaled slowly, rickety breaths leaving his quivering lips.
           “By you?” Namjoon was confused, it hadn’t been long enough for her to start making these claims, they’d only been seeing each other for a handful of months. Was she deviating from the pattern?
           “Yes,” Taehyung let out the sob he’d been trying and failing to hold. Namjoon had seen the man cry, in their years together, he’d seen everyone cry. They’d lost a mark, years ago, and Taehyung had just been a trainee. The man, in touch with his emotions and often lost in thought, took his job seriously, and worked diligently to do his best at all times. This, whatever was happening between Cupid and him, was abnormal.
           “Taehyung, what is she doing?” Namjoon’s voice was measured, gentle in tone and volume, deep resonance embracing Taehyung in support, in love, in familiarity, in understanding.
           “She’s scraping out condoms, not letting me pull out, and I’ve torn condoms before because there’s holes in them. Holes, Joon, I’ve found them in the wrapper!” Taehyung was shaking, tears still streaming from his emotive eyes.
           “Does she think you don’t know?”
           “I don’t know. She doesn’t care or she thinks I don’t care, or -
           “Is this nonconsensual?” Namjoon asked.
           A simple question, a measurement of balance of power, of two adults mutually agreeing on a set activity, of a designated maneuver, of an act, together, one not moving forward without the other, in tandem. Do you consent to this, or do you not?
           “Absolutely not. She has never asked, nor have I given any form of consent. I have actively tried to stop her, I have actively tried to not engage with her, I have said no and stop. She doesn’t.” The sobs return, shaking his entire body.
           Namjoon wrapped an arm around Taehyung and pulled him into his side. Taehyung didn’t need to look at Namjoon to know how incensed he was, how furious he was, how heartbroken and disgusted and devastated, he was. He felt it in the bear like hold he had over him, he heard it in his voice as he spoke again.
           “Your mission with Cupid is terminated immediately, get your phone, you will end your relationship right here and now.”
           “Will that ruin the plan?” Taehyung whispered.
           “What’s the number one rule?” Namjoon countered.
           “Our safety, and our emotional and physical health are more important than a mark or mission,” Taehyung didn’t need to think, it was written on his heart, he’d just hoped he’d never have to evoke it.
           “Exactly. Do you want to use your time off? I suggest you do, take a few days. Do you need to go back to your therapist, Dr. Aarons?” Namjoon rattled off the necessary measures Taehyung could take, knowing he would force him to rest and ease back into work.
           Nodding solemnly, Taehyung’s voice was a whisper. “Yeah, that might be a good place to start. I’m sorry,”
           “Sorry for what?” Namjoon shook his head, confusion in his tone.
           “For, I don’t know, disappointing the team.” Taehyung glanced up at Joon for the first time.
           “Taehyung, when have you ever disappointed the team?” Namjoon’s question was rhetorical. “You are risking yourself for a mission and it’s not worth it. She’s engaging in dangerous, illegal, immoral behavior. You have to look out for your personhood. I am so sorry that she has done this, and that you feel like you need to apologize to me at all. You are not at fault. I am only disappointed that when I noticed you pulling away, I didn’t seek you out to ensure you were okay. I am sorry for not doing my part as your leader.”
           Taehyung held Namjoon as they let the words float between them, Taehyung breathing them in as Namjoon’s softened gaze continued to hold him.
           “Thank you,” Taehyung whispered.
           “Do you want me to accompany you and Golden Maknae when you break up with her?” Namjoon stood up, stretching before sitting down at his desk.
           “Can’t I just ghost her?” Taehyung was surprised by the suggestion of doing this in person.
           Namjoon looked at him, realizing the suggestion he’d made. “Aren’t you past that point in your relationship?”
           “I don’t know, it’s only been four months?” Taehyung stood.
           “Four months and she already wants to procreate?” Namjoon was stunned again, nothing about Cupid predicted this. It wasn’t a pattern of behavior, but a hint at one, nothing had come to fruition and he wasn’t going to put another man on Cupid detail ever again.
           “You’ve seen my jaw,” Taehyung smirks.
           “Text her, don’t call, we know how that went for Yoongi,”
           “Can I do it in here?” He asks.
           “Conference room? I need to brief the team,”
           “You don’t have to stay. Once you break up with her, you can go home, Tae. You don’t need to stay for this at all, you aren’t required to,” Namjoon stood from his desk and guided Taehyung out of his office to the conference room.
           “I’ll stay,” Tae nodded, using the sleeve of his cardigan to blot his tears.
           “You do not to explain to them what happened,” Namjoon informed him.
           “I know,” Tae nodded again.
           “What’s up?” Hoseok asked sitting down at the conference table. He’d yet to finish his project, recreating a few false documents for Jimin.
           “Yeah, we’re having a full meeting at 3PM? Isn’t it almost quitting time?” Yoongi wondered as he twirled in his chair.
           “One step closer to Friday,” Seokjin reminded him.
           “We have an update on Codename, Hoseok, what did you name V’s mission?” Namjoon said, stuffing his hands in his suit pants.
           “Love Reimagined,” Answered Hoseok.
           “One of your shorter titles,” Yoongi quipped.
           “What was Yoongi’s?” Jimin asked.
           “Codename: Another Shot at Love,” Hoseok was proud of himself, beyond proud. He took great care to name each mission or task, ensuring it was fitting and catchy. He was waiting for their final mission on this case, a chance to reference one of his favorite Netflix Originals.
           “And Jimin’s?” Yoongi added.
           “The ongoing, Codename: The Mochi of it All,” Hoseok beamed.
           "What was mine?" Seokjin wondered.
           "Codename: The First Heartbreak," Hoseok couldn't stop smiling.
           “Why must you take the time to give such long names?” Seokjin laughed.
           “It’s part of my flair,” Hoseok giggled.
           “Alright, Codename: Love Reimagined is hereby closed, finished, completed.” Namjoon said redirecting the men. They all turned to face him, confusion and shock on their faces. This wasn’t the plan.
           “Really?” Hoseok asked.
           “Why?” Yoongi followed.
           “How come?” Seokjin rounded out the men.
           “It’s cancelled,” Namjoon’s voice was firm, a means to end the conversation.
           “Taehyung, are you okay?” Jimin asked. The two men shared an apartment, and Jimin had noticed on more than one occasion Taehyung retreating into himself. He felt it too, the absence of his best friend, his partner in work and in friendship, no longer wanting to spend time together like they always did. He hadn’t checked in as much as he wanted, his own mission filling his time as the relationship progressed consistently. Jimin spent time twirling his engagement ring on his finger, embarrassed by how much he liked the medal on his skin, the small encrusted diamonds twinkling in the light.  
           “No, I’m not okay,” Taehyung could always meet Jimin’s gaze, his hurt brown irises inked with tears told Jimin it was far worse than he realized.
           “You don’t have to tell us,” Yoongi said. “But if you do, I guarantee we’ll fuck them up.”            “Codename Cupid took advantage of me, more than once, in a sexual manner,” Taehyung pushed the words out of his mouth, the burden leaving his shoulders as he leaned into the comfort of his friends.
           “Are you fucking serious?” Yoongi yelled.
           “No, no,” Jimin shook his head, the tears already forming.
           “Tae,” Jin whispered.
           “You, are you, oh my god,” Hoseok couldn’t comprehend the words coming out of Taehyung’s mouth.
           “I’m done, cancel my mission,” Jimin declared.
           “We can’t cancel your mission,” Namjoon said.
           “Why not?” Jimin demanded, eyes on fire.
           “What good does that serve us?” Countered Namjoon.
           “I, you expect me to date this guy, be engaged to him, when his sister raped one of us? Are you fucking with me?” Jimin yelled again, standing to slam his hands against the table. Taehyung winced, not only at the volume, but because he hadn’t used the word yet, hadn’t thought it applied to what had happened to him… but maybe, it did.
           “I expect you to complete your mission as directed unless Codename Arrow is endangering your life,” Namjoon repeated.
           “I won’t,” Jimin said.
           “You will, you have what, three weeks left?” Namjoon asked.
           “The engagement party is December 21,” Jimin said.
           “Alright, it’s almost Thanksgiving. You just gotta make it until then,” Yoongi offered, a shrug of his shoulders. In Jimin’s place, he would absolutely end things with Arrow, but they needed the last set of Christmas bonus checks and the final 2020 financial reports, both of which wouldn’t populate on Arrow or Cupid’s computers until mid-December.
           “She abused him,” Jimin whispered, the tears falling down his cheeks.
           “Jiminie has a point,” Hoseok muttered.
           “We cannot let this slide,” Seokjin said. “I never thought, I never thought she’d do this.”
           “We will have justice when we bring them down,” Namjoon reminded them, his words hollow in the moment of their pain.
           “Do we have evidence of the, of the, fuck, I can’t say it,” Yoongi shook his head, the words stuck on his tongue.
           “You don’t have to say it,” Taehyung’s voice was raw, emotions bare. “I’ve documented what I can, bagged things, written a detailed report… I used one of Hobi’s forged Police Reports to document what I knew they’d ask and took pictures to accompany it. The evidence is sealed in my office.”
           Lifting his head to look at him, Yoongi asked, “Taehyung, how long have you been sitting on this?”
           “Not too long, a couple of weeks,” Taehyung shrugged. It had only happened three times, which is three times too many, and three times it shouldn’t have. He had been shocked the first time, unsure what had truly happened to him. The second time, she used a different tactic, and he knew what it was. The third time caught him off guard, unawares. He was embarrassed that he let it happened, mortified that he put himself in this situation, and angry that he was so mad at himself instead of being outraged, furious, loathing, towards her.
           “Tae,” Jimin said again.
           “We need to write an official report so we can put this into our official filing,” Namjoon’s voice had simmered, its resolute calm returning.
           “Not tonight,” Seokjin said, a reminder that Taehyung was still reeling from the trauma.
           “Have you broken up with her?” Yoongi asked Taehyung.
           “I texted when we sat down,” Taehyung fished his phone out of his pocket. “She responded.”
           “Do you want to read it out loud?” Namjoon questioned.
           “Hobi’s just going to send us a memo of it anyway,” Yoongi shrugged, his heart weighing down his entire body. “After this, can we call it a day?”
           “Absolutely,” Namjoon agreed. “Taehyung, you want to read it?”
           “It says,” He scanned the message, eyebrows shooting towards his hairline, jaw slacking as he reread the message. “She says, she says she’s pregnant.”
Next: How Cricket Got Her Name
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openheartchoices · 4 years
Mistletoe Kisses (Ethan Ramsey x MC)
Mistletoe Kisses
Open Heart: Ethan Ramsey x f!MC (Olivia Summers)
Words: 2.9k
Warnings: none
Summary: It’s the very first annual Edenbrook Christmas party, and Olivia can’t help but spend her night filled with jealousy and mistletoe.
A/N: just a cheesy little mistletoe fic because I’m a sucker for them. lots of love and happy reading! <3
“A certain doctor is going to fall over in shock when he sees you,” Sienna said with a wink as her and Olivia walked up to the hotel.
It was the first annual Edenbrook Christmas party. When the hospital ran into some extra money, Olivia had suggested throwing a “fancy” Christmas party to relax from all the pressure the staff had been put under recently. However, she didn’t think her idea would actually be taken seriously, but now she was currently walking up the steps to the hotel where the party was being held at.
The entire hospital wouldn’t be at the party since there was always sick people that needed care, and a hospital couldn’t just shut down for the night, obviously, but Olivia knew that Ethan had the night off (she may or may not have asked Naveen and made him pinky promise to not tell Ethan she asked) and was hoping he’d show up.
Before entering, Olivia turned to Sienna. “Are you sure I look okay? I feel like I did too much.”
Sienna rolled her eyes. “You can never do too much. You look incredible! It’s just a party. Don’t let it freak you out.”
Olivia nodded to her best friend as they entered the luxurious hotel ballroom to see it lavishly decorated. Soft music played while everyone mingled, a glass of something in their hand whether it was champagne, scotch, eggnog, or some fancy drink that Olivia really didn’t recognize. She soon realized that she wasn’t overdressed at all once she saw a lady walk by her in a full ballgown.
“Edenbrook can really throw a party,” Sienna muttered, her shawl wrapped tightly around her, eyes wide as she glanced around the place.
“Yeah, you’re telling me. I don’t even know half of these people,” Olivia replied as she was equally just as starstruck.
Across the room, Ethan, who was chatting to a colleague he really didn’t like, looked around in boredom. He hated dressing up and coming to formal events like this. His eyes darted across the ballroom in hopes to find someone he could strike a conversation up with to get out of the awful one he was in.
And he did.
He swore he stopped breathing when his eyes landed on Olivia who stood near the entrance with Dr. Trinh. She wore a long, red dress that was tight from her chest to her abdomen and then was flared out to the floor from there with a modest slit up her right leg. The dress had lace sleeves down the arms, and Ethan didn’t care that his staring was probably very obvious.
Her blonde hair was delicately braided into a low, messy bun that sat on the right side of her neck, a few pieces of curled hair framed her face that was just as stunning. Ethan couldn’t tell much about her makeup from where he was standing, but he definitely noticed the red lipstick that coated the lips he had kissed many times.
Dr. Trinh must have said something funny because Olivia let into laughing. Ethan felt his heart stop when Olivia’s face lit up. Her nose scrunched up, her head went back, and her mouth morphed into the smile that always left him speechless.
“Excuse me,” Ethan said to the colleague who would not shut up about his achievements before he made his way over to Olivia, his eyes never leaving her.
“Did it work?” Olivia muttered under her breath.
Sienna grinned. “Don’t look to your left, but he’s on his way over right now. I’m going off to mingle. Have fun!”
“Sienna!” It was too late as Sienna had already disappeared into a crowd of people when Ethan finally stood in front her.
Olivia took a look up at him. He was wearing a simple, yet expensive, black tuxedo with a black bowtie and his hair was neatly styled. Even with as simple as he dressed, Olivia still felt her heart race.
She smiled at him, making a mental note to not embarrass herself or be awkward. “Enjoying yourself or are you just being moody as usual?”
He rolled his eyes, opting to ignoring her comment.. “You look… nice, Rookie.”
“Just nice?” Olivia joked, earning a laugh from Ethan.
“Sorry. You look stunning, Olivia.”
Her eyelashes fluttered at the compliment as her cheeks turned a crimson red that was noticeable even under all the makeup. “You look nice, too, Ethan.”
Ethan raised his eyebrows. “Just nice?”
It was Olivia’s turn to laugh this time. She was too busy laughing to notice the way Ethan was looking at her as if she was the only girl in the room.
“Okay, fine. You look very nice. I’d say handsome, but saying that word makes me feel as old as you.”
“I’m only thirty-seven, Olivia, not eighty-seven,” he dejectedly said. “So, what are-“
“If it isn’t Dr. Ethan Ramsey!” A voice from behind Olivia interrupted. “I haven’t seen you in what feels like ages!”
Olivia watched as a woman, whose face she couldn’t see, stood right in front of her, throwing her arms around Ethan’s neck. She furrowed her brow as she tried to figure out why this mysterious lady was hugging the man she was talking to before they were rudely interrupted.
As the woman turned around to face Olivia, she moved her arm to snake around Ethan’s waist while Olivia attempted to not glare at it. Ethan looked a little shocked, but he loosely put his  hand on her waist just to look nice.
He cleared his throat, sensing the obvious tension. “Olivia, this is Dr. Katherine Greene. She’s the Department Head of Cardiology at Mass Kenmore, and we went to Johns Hopkins together. Katherine, this is Dr. Olivia Summers who is a junior fellow on my team.”
There was no denying that Katherine was extremely pretty. With her long, dark hair that was down to her waist, chocolate brown eyes, and perfect complexion, Olivia felt a little insecure. Katherine wore a long, silver dress with a low neckline that clashed perfectly with her tanned skin.
“Hello,” Katherine cooly said as Olivia forced a smile back in acknowledgement. “When Harper invited me, I was a little reluctant to accept considering the little rivalry we have with Edenbrook, but when I thought I’d get the chance to reconnect with Ethan,” she put her free hand on his arm, “I jumped to tell Harper that I would come.”
Olivia raised her eyebrows as she crossed her arms. “Glad you could make it.”
Katherine shot her a sickly sweet smile. “I am, too. It’s been so long since Ethan and I have seen each other. We haven’t been in touch since, what, our last date?”
Ethan dated her? As in a romantic relationship? Olivia couldn’t hide the look of genuine surprise on her face. Ethan sensed her surprise and was quick to say something. “I wouldn’t call that a date.”
Before Katherine could say anything else, Olivia had decided she was getting sick just looking at the intelligently graceful woman. Although she was extremely flirty and obviously was rubbing whatever relationship they’d had, platonic or romantic, in Olivia’s face, she still had a beautiful elegance about her. “I’m going to grab a drink.”
As she moved around Ethan, he gently grabbed her arm. “Wait, Olivia-“
“No, it’s fine. You two obviously have some catching up to do. I’ll see you later.” Olivia gave him the best smile she could, but the two of them knew it was fake. Ethan went to walk after her, but Katherine grabbed him again, forcing him into a flirtatious conversation he was not in the slightest bit interested in.
“Katherine, you know that wasn’t a date. We got lunch at the same place during the convention in New York, and you sat down at my table.”
Katherine laughed. “Lighten up, Ethan. That little girl is crushing on you and, by the way, it’s painfully obvious. Just letting her know that it won’t happen just so you won’t have to tell her.”
Ethan glared. “Olivia is anything except a little girl. She’s an exceptional doctor and, just like I told the governor, she’s the bright future of Edenbrook. She’s incredibly smart, mature, and can hold her own. I suggest for you to not make comments like that around me about members of my team, Dr. Greene. Especially Olivia Summers.”
“And she just put her arm around him. Openly flirting, Dr. Banerji!” Olivia exasperated. “I was standing right there!”
Naveen chuckled. “Sounds like Katherine. She’s always been like that.”
“You know her well?” Olivia asked, taking another sip of champagne.
She stood against the railing outside. The party was still going on inside, but Olivia needed a moment to herself. However, she didn’t decline Dr. Banerji’s company when he asked if he could join her. She liked him quite a bit and always enjoyed his company.
“I wouldn’t say I know her extremely well, but I do know her,” he said. “Ethan said she always tried to get him to go out with her when they were in school, but he was never interested. He finally decided to have dinner with her about two or three years ago, but he wasn’t feeling anything for her. She’s always liked him and always had that flirty attitude.”
“Do you think he’d… go out with her again?” Olivia asked as she fiddled with the lace sleeve of her dress, trying to not look Dr. Banerji in the eye.
Ethan was a grown man. He could date whoever he wanted, but Olivia hoped and wished that it wasn’t Katherine in her stupidly gorgeous silver gown and her long, goddess-looking hair. Deep down, she knew she wished it was her.
As unrealistic as it was considering how Ethan wanted to keep their relationship strictly professional, she did dream of a day when they could walk into a Christmas party hand-in-hand. When Ethan wouldn’t push her away, and when he wouldn’t remind her that their relationship wasn’t a good idea.
With a laugh, Naveen turned to face the younger doctor. “I’ve known Ethan for a long time. I consider him family. In all this time, I’ve never seen him look at someone the way he looks at you. You have nothing to worry about, Olivia. It’ll always be you. Even if he’s too stubborn to admit it.”
“Thank you, Dr. Banerji.” And she really did mean that.
The older man smiled kindly when he patted her shoulder as he walked by her on his way back inside after letting her know he had business to attend to. “It’s Naveen, Olivia.”
Olivia clutched her empty champagne glass after she took the last sip. The party had been in full swing for close to two hours now. She had spent more than half of the time hiding outside, a quarter of it looking for Sienna who was her ride home, and the other quarter hoping that she wouldn’t bump into Ethan and Katherine.
Her luck proved to not be in her favor when she felt a presence next to her. She didn’t even have to look to see who it was because she could smell the expensive cologne in the air that had been trapped on the pillow he slept on when he stayed at her apartment before he went to the Amazon.
“So this is where you’ve been hiding from me at.” Ethan turned to look at Olivia whose red lipstick had rubbed off on the empty glass she held. The moon illuminated her face, lighting it up in ways that made her look even more beautiful.
She turned to him, her perfectly styled hair starting to fall down even through all the hairspray Sienna sprayed on her. She laughed. “Guilty as charged.”
“I never dated Katherine,” Ethan told her. “It was one date, and I knew I wasn’t interested in her that way five minutes in. And the date she was talking about wasn’t even a date.”
“It’s okay. You don’t have to explain your love life to me. It’s not like we’re together or anything.” Olivia hoped she was hiding the sad tone to her voice, but felt like she let it slip. She felt like she let a lot of things slip around Ethan.
Ethan looked down and bit his lip. Olivia was right. They weren’t together, so why did he feel so extremely guilty? “We should head back inside. Lace sleeves aren’t made for December weather. I don’t want you getting cold.”
Olivia nodded, a chill coming over her as if the wind had been waiting for Ethan to say that. She sat the empty glass on a tray sitting on a table outside as she crossed her arms trying to get some warmth flowing through her body.
Ethan had discarded his tuxedo jacket on the hanger near the entrance or else he would’ve given it to Olivia who was obviously cold. His fingers lingered on her lower back as he guided her back inside, leaving Olivia’s heart to skip a beat.
“Was that there before?” Olivia asked, pointing up to the doorway.
Ethan followed her gaze to see a mistletoe hanging right above them. He frowned. That most definitely had not been there before when he came out to see her after Naveen had told him that Olivia was…
Realization hit Ethan like a truck as he let out a groan. “Naveen. It was Naveen.”
Olivia had to bite her lip to keep from laughing, but she failed to do so and burst out. She brought her hand up to her mouth to try and quiet herself, but she found the whole situation too hilarious. “Where did he get a mistletoe? And how did we not see him put it there behind our backs?”
“It’s Naveen, Olivia. He may be old, but he’s capable of more than you think.”
Now came the awkward part.
Olivia and Ethan refused to meet each others’ eyes. They really didn’t know how they were going to get out of this. Yes, they could just walk away, but they were both lingering for the same reason. There was no “walking away” and they both knew it.
“Well,” Olivia drawled. She cleared her throat. “It is a, uh, Christmas tradition.”
Ethan paused for a moment before regaining his composure. “Rookie, I don’t know-“
“Kiss on the cheek and we call it a night?” Olivia asked, looking straight into his eyes.
He thought about it for a moment. It was just a kiss on the cheek. That was all he was going to do. Pre-teens in middle school gave kisses on the cheeks. Surely he, at age thirty-seven, could kiss a girl on the cheek. In the back of his mind though, he knew it was because this wasn’t just some girl. It was Olivia.
Ethan grabbed the girl’s chin, moving her head to the side to gain access to her cheek. He leaned down and kissed her cheek slowly, letting his lips linger as Olivia slowly moved back to face him, Ethan’s hand still on her chin.
She put her index finger to his lips and stopped him before he could say anything else. Olivia trailed her finger to his shoulder where she gripped it with her hand. At last, she finally whispered, “Kiss me, Ethan.”
He was drawn to her and absolutely smitten to the blonde standing in front of him that he did exactly that. Ethan softly pressed their lips together in a sweet, yet passionate kiss that Olivia couldn’t help but smile in the middle of.
“What’re you smiling at?” He whispered, their faces still extremely close.
“Thinking about how Katherine wishes she was doing what I’m doing right now.” She let out a laugh that fanned across Ethan’s face, and he couldn’t help but laugh right along with her.
Once the laughter had stopped, Olivia wrapped both arms around his neck as his hands went around her waist. She laid her head on his shoulder, thankful they were having this private moment that no one else saw. The soft music playing from inside made everything even more like a daydream.
“Liv, you know that if things were different-“
“I know.”
The two relished in the moment because they knew that it was going to have to end soon. They had to go back to reality. For a moment, they could feel like a normal couple in love. They could pretend they had what they wanted. But only for a short amount of time.
But as Ethan held the girl in his arms that made him feel things he’d never felt in his entire life, he realized that he didn’t want this to just be a dream. He wanted this to be the real thing.
“We’ll talk, okay?” Ethan said after a moment of silence, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. “We’ll figure something out.”
He felt her smile and nuzzle deeper into him, and, for the moment, he couldn’t help but smile, too. She had that effect on him. The one that made him feel dizzy and out of breath, but in a good way. Olivia was everything good wrapped up into an incredible person.
From inside the hotel, unbeknownst to Olivia and Ethan, Naveen and Sienna high-fived each other.
“You think it worked for sure?”
“Absolutely, Dr. Banerji. Nice work. I think we just pushed them in the right direction."
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borrovvedyoongi · 4 years
dream state of mind
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Summary: bulleted scenario, in which you drunkenly end up kissing hyunjin at a party, and everything makes you feel like you're on a high
A/N: non idol!hyunjin, non idol!au, and underage drinking (plz listen to “tkm” by boy pablo when u get to the kissing part!!! it makes the reading experience really lovely uwu)
warnings: oral (female receiving)
ur both invited to this party by a mutual friend, jaemin
at frst u were all like “u gotta give me some sort of incentive to leave my bed, i’m not just going bc ur telling me to”
“there’s free alcohol”
“but i don’t even drink.”
“hyunjin is coming”
“..........go on”
“that’s the incentive pal, so go gussy up and look hot for your mans”
“ok first of all if i rolled up sporting salsa stained sweatpants all of these hoes would fall for me, so i don’t need to gussy up...but fine...i’ll do it for him”
you already take a long time getting ready but this time it takes a little while longer
you want to look flawless as humanly possible, but not so much so that intimidates him and makes him run off. your rbf already does that for you.
you arrive and hear the heavy bass and see the swarm of warm bodies up against each other, half of the ppl have drinks in their hands already. it’s not quite 10 yet, only 9:32 pm.
might as well grab a drink to loosen the nerves, you think
you go to the source of the drinks, and enter the semi crowded kitchen. right away, you see hyunjin.
you must’ve been eyeing him too long bc his eyes seem to shift to your figure. it’s probably the atmosphere of the place that gives you a little bit of some extroverted power, bc you wave at him.
..........he waves back, and smiles that grin u swear u fall for all over again each time you see it
r u smitten? mayhaps.
r u down to talk to him tonight and at least score his number? ye
but first, refreshments.
you’re not the best bartender in the whole world, but you try to eyeball the whole drink mixing to create your own understated cocktail.
a whooole lotta pepsi (or coke...or dr pepper... whatevr it’s brown and it’s good) and an ounce of what you assume, vodka, gets poured in your red cup
the whole thing burns the living shit outta ur throat but it’s definitely making you blitzed in the best way possible.
you casually look over your shoulder to hopefully meet hyunjin’s eyes once again, but is bombarded by a smiley jaemin
“jaem! hi :)”
“:D Y/N! welcome to the jamboree! did you uhhhhh talk to him yet?”
“not quite. but i waved and he waved back so i totally got it in the bag”
“what bag?”
“it’s a metaphor, jaem”
“r u drunk”
“hehe mabes.”
“anyway, i need to casually sneak over and strike up a conversation with him but he looks busy and i have no idea what to say to him.”
“leave it to me chum”
“yeah don’t ever call me chum ever again or i’m hitting you”
“well ok party pooper” jaemin then grabs your hand and strides to hyunjin’s direction.
panic finally begins to set in the pit of your stomach and you stop in your tracks.
“wait! jaem, idk if i can do this.”
“:/ i want to make a good first impression, but i don’t have a clue as to what to say. i wanna look cool..and hot..but also be an amazing conversationalist.”
“ur actually in good hands. i spoke to him earlier and he asked if you were coming.”
“yeah i know! let’s go”
he finally lets go of your hand, and you stroke the fabric of your midnight blue crushed velvet mini dress, the one where chenle blushes at the sight when you wear it
aaaaand here is chenle blushing and stopping mid-sentence and looking at you, jaw practically dropped.
hyunjin turns around to see as to what he’s looking at and he understands completely why.
you look ravishing, to say the least
lowkey gulps a little bc erm ur hot bb
and you feel really hot
“hyunjin, hi” your voice sounds a little sultry, not that you were trying
“hey” he says really cooly. you shiver at the sound of his voice, so melodic even through the loudness of the party
“HEY chenle can you help me move the ping pong table in the basement?”
“but me and jisung already-”
“welp we gotta move it again” and then chenle picks up as to whats going on a lil and is all like aight imma head out
hyunjin takes a sip of his drink and almost chokes a lttle bit when you suggest going somewhere more secluded to hang out
“like where?” he asks
“i’m not quite sure actually”
“how about a spare bedroom upstairs.” your eyes widen at his words and you short circuit a teensy bit.
he realizes this then stammers out a response “u-unless you don’t want to then-”
“that’s actually perfect”
internally sweet bb boy hyunjin is just “:o” bc he doesn’t know what will happen
he has heard some stories about you where you’re incredibly wild but at the other hand he has also heard that you’re just as much as a homebody as you are a party goer
“ok cool”
you lead the way and have to pull down your dress to prevent it from riding up so damn high and hyunjin can’t help but stare at your thighs
like, yeah it would be dope to be in between them but do you know what’s even cooler? resting his head in your lap
he’s a pure boy for the most part
both of you enter the spare bedroom and he shuts the door while you plop down on the bed. both of you are still holding cups, both pretty full
you’ve only spoken to him a few times, but enough to get a general idea of him
he’s soft spoken, a bit dramatic, is a lovely dancer and you noticed he has nice ass hands that could choke I MEAN hold your more petite hand
you blush at the idea
he finally sits on the bed beside you and opts to put his drink near the bedside table, you would rather hold yours, gives you something to do with your hands
“hi” he starts off
“hi” you say back
at first it’s a normal conversation
he asks how ur doing, you ask him the same
he says parties are kinda obnoxious
you partly agree and say “depends on if you’re with the right people or not really”
he hums in agreement
it’s back and forth conversation for a few minutes
and then you guys start drinking more in between responses
you don’t know when it happened but now the two of you are right beside each other, thighs touching, both tipsy from your drink
at some point you ditched your drink and got curious as to what his drink tasted like, and he offered you to sip. it’s fruity, and quite sweet
“fair warning tho, chenle suggested adding a lot of other alcohol in it so you might feel a buzz” he says
you’re slightly too far gone because you’re a giggly mess,
it’s ok, he’s giggling too
both of you are lightweight drinkers and get blitzed off of one cup sdjfhsdf you really should get better friends to supervise the two of you at all times
at some point you put your hand on his thigh
at some point he puts his hand atop of yours
you have always seen that cute freckle underneath his eye but up close and personal, it seems more cute
 “ur staring” he says
“i know”
it’s okay, he’s staring at your mouth
you finally notice his staring and out loud say “your lips look really kissable”
he smiles, and caresses your hand with his thumb
“i get that a lot. you have really pretty eyes.”
you smile softly, eyes somehow seem prettier in the dim light of the bedside table lamp.
both of you lean in at a slow pace, not wanting to rush
with all of the liquid courage you can muster you finally close the space in between you two
the kiss is so delightfully soft, so delicate
he cups your cheek with his hand as he kisses you
you don’t break apart just yet
you savor the feeling of the sensation of his lips molded into yours
he can taste the mango lip balm as he gently swipes his tongue against your bottom lip
you shamelessly moan and part your lips slightly
he smiles at the sound
he brushes his nose against yours, and then tugs at your bottom lip carefully with his teeth
your heart is beating rapidly, yet time seems to stop around you
hyunjin has been wanting to know what your lips would taste like for a while, and tonight he finally got the chance to know. it’s sweet, it’s soft, it’s dreamy
it all seems like a dream
you suddenly had the urge to bite at his bottom lip, and when you did, he released a guttural moan, and you take the chance to pass your tongue against his
he tastes like a daydream, and you feel tingly all over
you’re snapped out of your trance when he asks if you could straddle him
you nod your head yes, not trusting the sound of your voice
he lays back down on the bed, and you put each leg on either side of his body. you lean down, and once again, press your lips against his
he stops and asks “can i touch you?”
“yes, touch me anywhere you want”
he softly cups your breast in his hand, and begins to kiss you
your dress is definitely riding up, and you can feel wetness pool in the middle of your legs
hyunjin uses his other hand to softly stroke his fingers against your clothed clit
you hum into the kiss in appreciation, and he takes that as a sign to apply a bit more pressure
this time, the feeling takes over you and you hide your face in the crook of his neck, panting
the hand that was on your breast is now resting on your thigh, and gripping it rather harshly
“is it okay if i eat you out?”
he then grabs at your waist to set you on the bed
he pulls you closer to the edge of the bed and places your legs on each side of his shoulders
you pull up your dress while he pulls down your black lacy underwear
“you look so cute like this baby”
you giggle, and search for his hair to grasp on while he pulls his administrations on you
he kisses the inner part of your thighs, then places the flat of his tongue against your heat
he probes the tip of his tongue in your tight hole while using his thumb to rub agonizingly slow at your clit
moans fill the room, the sound echoing back to his ears, making him more determined for you to cum
he rapidly licks at your clit while inserting two fingers in you
he knows exactly what he’s doing, and because of that, you cum in only minutes
he puts your underwear back on and pulls down the skirt of your dress
he lays back down beside you and licks his fingers clean, looking right at you
your cheeks are flushed and ur a panting mess
“wonderful weather we’re having, hm?” you grab a throw pillow and hit him with it, to which he laughs
he places a hand on your hip and says “I don’t have your number”
you scour around the room to find your purse, which has fallen onto the ground
both of you exchange numbers, cuddle
a few hours pass by and both of you sober up, going your separate ways, but not before leaving a lingering kiss on each other’s lips
everything feels a bit hazy, like it’s a dream. but no, it happened.
he’s your biggest dream to come true
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More Than Words (TwentyThree)
Peter arrives back in his own timeline and Jean Grey makes an appearance.
Please heed posted TW within the chapter as the doctors/May discuss what they think happened to Peter and how to help him heal. We know that nothing bad happened to Peter, but they don’t, so there is discussion of a few TW worthy issues, I’ll mark with in the fic as needed. 
Also hey, I’ve been in love with Jean Grey since the first XMen (2000) so you’ll have to excuse my blatant Thirsting via the Omega nurses
Present Day
Fourteen days, eight hours, fifty seven minutes, thirty seven seconds after Peter accidentally activated Cable’s time travel device and disappeared into the past, the Omega reappeared in the emergency room of Haven Mercy Hospital wrapped in nothing but a blanket, a ring on his finger and a note with his name and contact information for one May Parker folded into his hand. 
No one knew how he arrived or where he’d had come from, but one look at the bruises marring the Omegas hips and thighs, at the ravaged bite marks on his neck, at the way his ribs sat too visible beneath his skin and the nurses screamed for doctors, for a bed, for a room and for the police. 
A week later, May Parker had answered no less than a thousand questions from a handful of different police officers and detectives, had told them over and over with tears in her eyes and panic wrecking her scent that no, she didn’t know where her nephew had gone for a few weeks, no, she didn’t know why he’d been bruised and hurt, no, she didn’t have any reason to think someone would have hurt him.
After the questions came the assumptions, and May had to sit and wonder if Peter had been kidnapped and hurt, if some Alpha out there was stalking around trying to find him, if her baby was still in danger even though she was sitting right there.  
After the questions and assumptions came the doctors, one right behind another with their white coats and clipboards, trailing in and out of the room taking notes and running tests and glancing at and then purposefully away from May as if somehow any of this could possibly her fault. 
Peter might not be her child, but he was her child all the same and after a week of non stop questions, assumptions that got worse every day and doctors that couldn’t seem to muster up the energy to even pretend they cared, the Alpha female was ready to take a swing at the next person that was even remotely obnoxious. 
“He woke up last night?” Today was yet another new doctor, someone May had never seen or talked to and someone who didn’t seem to care one whit about the boy lying unconscious in the white sheets. He didn’t look up from the chart long enough to greet May or offer her a conciliatory smile, and she had to work hard not to snarl over the doctor’s apathetic tone and bored expression. 
“Yes.” May grit her teeth and tried for some semblance of politeness. “Yes, right around midnight. But we had to--” 
“--sedate him.” the doctor interrupted. “Yes, I can see that here on his charts. The Omega woke up hysterical?” 
“His name is Peter.” the Alpha’s eyes blipped red in annoyance. “And yes. Peter woke up screaming and trying to hit someone or maybe to hit something. He was calling out for an Alpha, begging someone to stop and said that it--” 
May swallowed back the threat of tears. “--he said that it hurt. That it burned and that it hurt. The nurses gave him a sedative, but I don’t even know if Peter was actually awake at all. I think it might have been a nightmare.” 
“Mm-hmm.” the Beta put the chart down and moved up the bed to check on Peter’s bruises, flicking the blankets aside and opening the hospital gown to peer at the Omegas waist and hips. “Has the hospital psychiatrist been by to speak with you yet?” 
“No, no psychiatrist has been by to-- don’t do that!” May said sharply, and the doctor only raised his eyebrows in question. “Don’t just poke and prod at my nephew! He’s not a piece of meat, he’s a person! And Peter is an Omega! You shouldn’t be touching him without permission at all, much less grabbing at him like that! 
“I’m hardly grabbing at him Mrs. Parker.” A bland smile and barely leashed irritation. “I’m a doctor and a professional and it’s my job to check a patients bruises. To be quite honest with you, I don’t need your permission to inspect the Omega, and since it’s real difficult to ask permission from unconscious bodies, I’m going to assume he’ll want me doing this, and just move on alright?” 
The sixth floor of Haven Mercy was usually quiet, little to no activity from mostly unconscious or still heavily sedated patients, and only a few visitors at a time. Most days, there wasn’t anything going on at all so the nurses did their paperwork in between rounds and chat quietly to a background of bland easy-listening music.
This morning, the normally peaceful floor was wrecked with the sound of an Alpha’s roar and startled curses from the Beta doctor as he tripped over his own feet bolting away from the room and towards the elevator. 
“Doctor Asswipe strikes again.” One of the nurses muttered, and her coworker muffled a laugh. “Dunno what the hospital was thinking assigning him to Mrs. Parker’s case. The guy makes me want to get feral, can you imagine what he does to a stressed out Alpha?” 
“I think it’s good for him to be scared every once in a while.”  The other Omega decided. “Doctors think they can be terrible just because they have a little bit of training, it’s not the worst thing for them to be forcefully reminded that they actually work for the patients and not the other way around.” 
“I’m sure May Parker feels the same way.” the first one stood to her feet and trilled comfortingly at the female Alpha currently barreling her way towards the nurses station. “Mrs. Parker. Don’t take it too personally, hm? That particular doctor has the bedside manner of a jackass and the looks to go along with it. I’ll be sure to register a complaint and have him removed from your nephew’s rotation.” 
May Parker wasn’t as old fashioned as some of the older Alphas that clung to outdated notions about Omegas being inferior or overly delicate, but she still made an effort to temper her tone and blink the red from her eyes so she wouldn’t frighten the nurses. “I would appreciate that, thank you.” 
“Anything specific, ma’am?” 
“He uh--” May breathed  out a laugh and it wasn’t a good one at all. “He said something about touching unconscious Omegas and just assuming they wanted it, and I’m sure I’m over reacting but I was pretty close to breaking his neck anyway. After everything they’ve told me about how Peter was hurt, the thought of someone putting their hands on my baby when he can’t even protest...” 
She shook her head and tried for calm again. “Before I scared the crap out of him, he mentioned something about a psychiatrist? Is there one scheduled to speak with us today?” 
“Yes ma’am.” the nurse said promptly. “Should be here any minute now and I’ll send them right in.” 
“Thank you.” May turned on her heel and strode away, and once the door had shut behind her, one of the Omega’s whispered, “Everyone knows that poor kid went through something horrible. What the hell was the doctor thinking, saying something like that.” 
“I’m sure he wasn’t thinking.” The other nurse was already documenting the complaint. “But that’s a shitty thing to say about anyone, much less an Omega we’re pretty sure has been--” 
“Don’t even say it.” the Omega interrupted. “We won’t know anything for sure until Mr. Parker wakes up, and  we shouldn’t say that sorta of thing out loud anyway. That child needs positive thoughts and healing prayer, not speculation over what he went through and why he wakes up screaming in the middle of the night.” 
“Yeah.” the complaint went into a file along with a few others from May about the quality of care her nephew was or wasn’t receiving. “You’re absolutely right about-- oh hello Doctor Grey!” 
The Omega nurse stopped mid motion and handed the file to the psychiatrist instead, smiling up at the lady Alpha. “How are you today?” 
“Talking people through tragedies may be one of my greatest strengths, but it’s also my least favorite part of this job, so it seems rude to say I’m doing well, doesn’t it?” Jean answered mildly. “How are you today, loves?” 
“Oh I’m--” predictably, the Omega blushed and even though the other nurse elbowed her teasingly, neither one managed to do anything other than smile at the intimidating woman for a moment. 
Doctor Jean Grey was astonishingly smart and intensely beautiful, all iron clad will and steel determination and even today with her long hair pinned back and green eyes tempered to look kindly at the nurses, she still seemed... fierce. 
She was an unstoppable force when it came to fighting for the rights of her patients, an immovable object when she decided something was wrong and the staff at Haven Mercy were never sure if they loved the unorthodox doctor, of if they jumped to do her bidding because the Alpha was so intense. 
Either way- when Jean Grey spoke, even the other Alphas hurried to listen, and when she chose to smile and flirt a little there wasn’t an Omega in existence who didn’t want to be the sole recipient of that soul searching gaze. 
“Ah, another complaint about Haven’s worst doctor.” Jean tapped at the most recent page in Peter’s file, licked at the points where her fangs used to be and pursed her lips. “Should I dump him in the river for you, darlings? Save us all the Human Resources complaints and the board members doing absolutely nothing when the women complain he’s damn near assaulting us with every breath he takes?” 
“Our lips would be sealed, Dr. Grey.” one Omega answered immediately, and the other one stammered, “What--whatever you’d like, Doctor.” 
Fully aware of her affect on the Omegas, Jean sent them both a wink. “I’d bring you along as accomplices, but I don’t think my mate would approve of me bringing home such beautiful Omegas. Let me do the killing, loves.” 
Modern Omegas would never admit to being turned on at the thought of Alphas being vicious and bloody and fanged, but that core deep knowing was there all the same and Jean hid a smile into the folder when one of the nurses squeaked in alarm. 
“We um--” the other tried for a semblance of professionalism while her coworker just gave right up and sat down to fan herself. “We’re surprised to see you on call today Dr. Grey. Aren’t you supposed to be on vacation?”  
“Yes, and Scott wasn’t happy about me leaving him there on the beach.” the Alpha marked a few things in Peter’s file. “But an old friend called in a favor so I packed up and came home. Wish he would have given me a few more details about Mr. Parker, but I suppose I’ll work with what I have. If I send prescriptions from the room, you’ll get them started right away for me?” 
“Of course, Dr. Grey.” 
“Yes ma’am, Dr. Grey.” 
Jean turned on her heel and strode away towards Peter’s room, and one Omega sighed, “Do you ever feel like she’s reading your mind?” 
“All the time.” the other nurse confirmed. “Makes me want to think dirty things just to see if I could get her to blush.” 
“She doesn’t blush.” the first one countered. “Nothing affects her.  One time I heard her go toe to toe with the Director because he changed her schedule around with no notice and I swear her eyes went yellow and then black.” 
“Yeah, which begs the question, what sort of person can call in a favor and make Dr. Grey cut her vacation short?” 
“Someone scarier than her?” her co worker suggested, and after a few seconds of staring at each other, the two Omegas collapsed into laughter. 
As if there was anyone out there scarier than Jean Grey. 
“Good morning Mrs. Parker, I am Doctor Jean Grey.” The Alpha paused at the door to Peter’s room and waited for May to stand and motion her in. “I am a fully licensed physician as well as a currently practicing psychiatrist and I also hold a doctorate in psychology. I don’t work here in Haven Mercy full time but frequent the campus often to treat my own clients, and the staff knows me well. If you need further credentials I am happy to provide them but for now, why don’t we sit and talk for a while?” 
“I suppose that would be alright.” Even after days of little sleep and hours upon hours of worried vigil, May’s eyes were sharp as they tracked over Jean’s clothing, lingering at the buttons of her suit jacket, then dropping to the toes of her overly expensive shoes. “Tell me though, why does my unconscious nephew need a psychiatrist, a psychologist and another doctor?”
“A valid question.” Jean’s smile was tight and a little forced as she mentally cursed the cranky Alpha who had set her onto the Parker’s trail. She had been on vacation, damn it. “As a psychiatrist and physician I can prescribe medications to help keep yourself and your nephew as mentally and physically balanced as possible during this ordeal, and as a psychologist I am ready and willing to offer therapy as you come to terms with all the possible outcomes of the situation. I specialize in these...delicate cases, so you can be confident working with me.” 
“Myself and my nephew.” May straightened in her chair and cocked a knowing eyebrow at the other Alpha. “So you aren’t here just for Peter, you’re here to prescribe medication in case I can’t handle whatever has happened. Is this because of how I yelled at that other doctor?” 
“I am here because we cannot help the people we love until we ourselves are stable.” Jean countered smoothly. “You cannot save others if you are drowning. And as far as the other doctor is concerned, if you’d like I’ll call him back to the room and we can yell at him together.” 
Her smile was sharp and bordering on wicked, and May finally smiled a little in return, shoulders relaxing a touch when she realized the doctor was there with only good intentions. 
“You said you specialize in these cases?” she prompted. “You’ve helped others through this sort of trauma?” 
“I’ve never worked on a situation like this specifically. “ Jean clarified carefully, “But I work every day assisting adolescents and young adults as they transition through life changing events. I am the resident doctor at a private school in Westchester if you’d like to call my employer Charles and ask about me.” 
“No.” May waved away the offer and slumped back a little, pulling her sweater tight around her body and folding her arms. “You can be sure I’ll research you after you leave but for now if you can help…” she waved her hand again. “Please.” 
{{TW: Because Omegas are the ‘female’ gender, the doctors are approaching Peter’s case/condition like IRL would approach a woman who disappeared without a trace for weeks at a time and reappeared with specific bruising/trauma to her body. We know Peter wasn’t assaulted in any way, but the doctors do not so this part talks about healing from a s*xual assault in an ABOverse specific way. Nothing explicit, but it deserves a warning anyway}}
Jean gave another one of those tight smiles and sat down across from May with pen and paper at the ready. “Now then, Mrs. Parker. I want you to know I’m going to suggest some terrible things in the next few minutes I’ll be making  assumptions as to Peter’s mental and emotional trauma based on the physical findings in his chart and it won’t be easy.” 
“Nothing about this is easy.” May muttered. “But you won’t be able to tell me anything I haven’t already thought about. I’ve been sitting here for a week with all the worst case scenarios tumbling around in my head, and all of them seem perfectly, terribly plausible.” 
“Mm.” Jean clicked her tongue comfortingly. “I understand this has been awful, but it’s important to remember that the police, the doctors and I could all be wrong about this, okay? The moment Peter opens his eyes and can talk to us, we could find out that we were way off base and none of this will even matter. But right now it’s very important that we plan for the worst, so we are prepared to help Peter through it.” 
The other Alpha made a distressed but agreeable noise, so the Doctor began- “First thing, I’ll be writing you a prescription for an additional suppressant. Any strong emotions can bleed through a blocker, but grief and fear are always the strongest. If you’re going to stay in the hospital with your nephew, we can’t have anxious Alpha scent making it difficult for anyone else to work.”
“That’s probably not the worst idea.” May closed her eyes in a moment of weariness. “Thank you.” 
“We have to be stable before we can help those we love.” Jean repeated firmly, but not unkindly. “I’ll have the nurses down the way fill this for you immediately, it’s actually one I take myself since I have to keep my scent at complete neutral for all my clients. It works quickly, efficiently, and once you’ve settled it leaves you system within twenty four hours.” 
“That’s what’s off about you.” May realized, tipping her head back and breathing in deep to try and find Jean beneath the smell of antiseptic. “You scent of nothing real, just a bland sort of chemical. Do all psychiatrists mask their scent so much?” 
“The smart ones do.” Doctor Grey deflected. It wouldn’t do any good to tell Mrs. Parker that she took seven different pills whenever she traveled outside of Westchester to mask the odor of mutant in her blood. It was alot of effort just to blend in enough to not raise any alarms and it was exhausting. 
“The smart ones do.” she said again, then cleared her throat. “I’m going to briefly with review the most obvious physical evidence on Peter and then move towards talking about ways we can help once he wakes up. If at any time you feel as if you can’t continue, tell me to stop and we’ll pick it up another time.” 
May indicated that she understood, and Jean tapped at her notebook a few times before say quietly, “I’m sure the police explained to you what it means for an Omega to be bruised like Peter is, hips and thighs and especially with the extensive damage over his bonding spot.” 
“Yes.” May’s knuckles went white as she clenched her fists. “Yes they explained it to me, and if you don’t mind, I’d rather not go through it all again.” 
Jean dipped her head in sympathy and gestured briefly to the bed. “While an attack of that nature could need it's own round of therapy and medication, I’m more concerned that I cannot actually scent your nephew, Mrs. Parker. Could you tell me what Peter usually scents like?” 
“Honeysuckle and lavender.” May answered promptly. “Ever since he presented. It’s usually faint since Peter is diligent about his suppressants but it’s always noticeable even under the blockers.”
“Such a sweet scent would be very distinctive, yes.” the Doctor made a note on her pad. “Now when a patient is unconscious, doctors won’t administer suppressants and blockers since a person’s scent is the first marker of an intolerance to medication or a change in their condition and we need to be able to read it. Did you know that?”  
“I assumed they weren’t giving him suppressants yes, but I thought his lack of scent was because he was unconscious.” May’s stomach twisted with dread and she whispered, “Oh no. It’s something awful, isn’t it? Something I haven’t thought about yet?” 
“Medically speaking, there isn’t actually a reason for someone’s scent to blank out.” Jean wet her lips, kept her tone measured. “From an emotional standpoint, there is only one reason, and since your bonding mark is bronzed instead of silver, I’m sure you know that particular reason well.” 
The Alpha’s fingers went to her mating bite, brow furrowed as she felt along the muted mark. “...My mark changed from silver to bronze ten years ago after my mate passed away. But that doesn’t have anything to do with Peter, he doesn’t have a mark at all. Why--” 
May’s heart about dropped out of her chest, her throat closing up with fear. “My scent blanked for most of a year while I worked through my mate sickness. The bites on Peter’s neck and he doesn’t have a scent-- you think he bonded with someone? With-- with whoever did this to him? You think the Alpha that hurt him forced--”
“Based on the physical evidence alone, we need to assume Peter is bonded to whoever he spent the past two weeks with.” Jean watched closely as the other Alpha nearly folded in half with a sob of grief. “His mark isn’t silver so there was no mating heat and yes, that usually implies a forced or trauma bond.” 
“No.” May gagged like she might throw up, covered her mouth with both hands to try and muffle a wail. “No no no.” 
“If an Omega’s psyche is damaged to the point of a mental break, they will try and bond with the closest Alpha that is even remotely stable.” the Doctor stated slowly, calmly, keeping her voice level as May’s scent spiked with fury again before bleeding into sheer pain. “And in the worst cases, even abuse can seem like stability.” 
“A mate bond is a mate bond no matter how it's forged.” she leaned over and pressed a tissue into May’s hands. “And even though two weeks doesn’t seem like much time at all when things are good, when things are bad two weeks could be a lifetime. No matter what Peter’s gone through, it’s very important we don’t rush his healing. He will need time and maybe even space, he might be angry or because a trauma bond is the worst form of Stockholm’s Syndrome, he might be devastated. We just don’t know yet.” 
“... Peter never even had a serious partner.” May shredded the tissue between her fingers. “He-- he never paid attention to anyone in a romantic light, I can’t think he’d willingly bond with anyone he hasn’t known forever and that means- it means--” 
“I could be wrong.” Jean was quick to say. “Mrs. Parker, please. I could be wrong but there is also a chance I am correct and if that’s the case we need to take the appropriate steps to help Peter come through this as best he can. It’d be better to have everything ready and him wake up to say we’re wrong, than to assume the best and be unprepared for whatever Peter needs.” 
She allowed the other Alpha a moment to steady and then asked, “As you well know, familial bonds and mate bonds are two different parts of our biologies, so is there a familiar Alpha presence in Peter’s life besides yourself? One he’s shared a heat with, maybe?” 
“Um--” May breathed out shakily. “Three of his closest friends are Alphas. I know he’s shared at least one heat with each of them. Harry and Johnny, then Gwen.”
“That’s good.” Jean made another note on her pad. “It will be healthy for Peter to have an Alpha close by that could be a potential romantic partner. Not that he is any state to have a relationship, but just the thought, do you understand? Familiar Alphas, only good memories, and previous heats shared? If this is indeed a trauma or forced bond, it's good for Peter to have a constant reminder that stable, healthy relationships are not only possible but also within his reach. Any Omegas within his friend group?” 
“Mary Jane.” came the unsteady answer. “MJ and Peter have been friends the longest, worked through their earliest heats together before either was old enough for an Alpha. She texts me at least once an hour to check on him. The others do too. They’re all worried about him.” ” 
“I think Mary Jane would be a good choice for a first visitor.” Jean decided. “Having a close Omega friend could go a long way towards his emotional healing, especially since his first reaction to an Alpha might be fear, no matter who the Alpha is.” 
May grimaced and the Doctor added in a softer tone, “I know you are his family, Mrs. Parker, but there’s no controlling the consequences of something like this. We just have to try and stay one step ahead of what could happen. When Peter wakes up I’ll give him an in depth evaluation and hopefully--” 
She sighed. “-- hopefully everything I’m assuming is just flat out wrong. Until then I’ll recommend light sedation continue until the worst of the bruising fades so if there’s immediate memory issues he isn’t sent into a panic at being so obviously hurt.” 
“Right. Um-- of course.” May nodded jerkily, clearly overwhelmed and very close to tears all over again. “I just um-- I just--” 
“Mrs. Parker.”  Jean put a comforting hand on May’s knee. “I am the best at what I do. I’ve helped kids and families find their footing through some truly awful situations and I promise you, I will do everything in my power to help your nephew.” 
“...alright.” The Alpha made a half hearted attempt to smooth her hair and wipe at her face as Jean moved to gather her things. “Could I ask you how you heard about Peter if you work in Westchester? You said your own clients come here for treatment, but if there is an on staff psychiatrist here at Haven Mercy, why did they call you specifically?” 
“Oh.” Doctor Grey paused at the door, wondering exactly how to explain a psychic impression of ‘help’, a fleeting picture of Peter shoved into her mind at some ungodly hour, the too strong scent of burning like time had literally whirled around her and the lingering, nagging feeling to call Haven Mercy and ask about a young man who might have ended up there under.. unusual… circumstances.
“I received a tip from a friend in the hospital.” she finally said, refusing to acknowledge the friend had been here for no more than the split second it had taken to deposit the Omega unseen in the emergency room. “He knows I work special cases involving youth so he--” hijacked my brain. “-- called me.” 
“Well if you see him any time soon, thank him for me.” May moved to sit at Peter’s side again, resting her fingers against his thready pulse. “And thank you for coming to speak with me, this was a lot less irritating than talking with that asshole from earlier.” 
“Oh and Doctor?” Jean turned back one more time when May called for her. “Is there-- is there any reason besides trauma or being forced that Peter would be mate sick? Any reason at all?” 
“...do you believe in soulmates, Mrs. Parker?” Jean asked softly. “Scent matches and soul bonding and knowing your mate the moment you see them?” 
“I--” May gaped at her. “Soulmates? People don’t even scent match anymore. Soulmates?” 
“It’s the only other reason.” the Doctor tapped at her own silvered bite mark and decided to call her own mate immediately. She needed to hear his voice after being so close to so much heartbreak. “Send for me if you need anything at all, Mrs. Parker.” 
May didn’t answer and Jean let herself out without another word, stopped at the nurses station long enough to drop off a prescription for stronger suppressants and one for a sleeping pill, then hurried out the door. 
And not for the first time, Doctor Jean Grey M.D., PhD., Licensed Therapist and all around bad ass wished she could reach through time and smack the hell out of one metal armed cyborg. 
She had jumped at the chance to see inside someone who had somehow ran into Cable and survived but since it was too dangerous to poke about in an unconscious mind, she’d have to wait until Peter woke up again. 
But now that Jean had seen the bruises and scars, she didn’t know if she could handle looking deep and knowing what Peter had gone through.
Cable being involved or not, curiosity or not, some things weren’t meant for prying eyes. 
Cable, what the hell have you gotten me into? 
“‘I say,’ cried John, ‘the kennel!’ and he dashed across to look into it. ‘Perhaps Nana is inside it’ Wendy said, but John whistled, ‘Hullo! There’s a man inside it!’” Mary Jane paused in her reading out loud to take a drink of water then went right back to the book. This was her third time through Peter Pan since she’d come to the hospital last night, and she had every intention of reading Peter’s favorite story over and over until he woke up.
“‘It’s Father!’ exclaimed Wendy. ‘Well let me see Father.’ Michael begged eagerly and he took a good look. ‘Oh, he is not so big as the pirate I killed’. He said with such frank disappointment that I am glad Mr. Darling was asleep; it would have been sad if those had been the first words he heard his little Michael say.”
“Wendy and John had been taken aback somewhat at finding their father in the--” the pretty Omega stopped again when Peter’s heart monitor ticked up in speed. “--in the dog house. ‘Surely,’ said John, like one who had lost faith in his memory, ‘he used not to sleep in the kennel?’” 
The monitor ticked up another notch, then settled.
“‘John,’ Wendy said falteringly, ‘perhaps we don't remember the old life as well as we thought we did.’ A chill fell upon them; and serve them right. ‘It is very careless of mother,” said that young scoundrel John, ‘not to be here--”
“--whem’we com’back.” Faint and raspy and for a moment Mary Jane thought she’d imagined it. “‘Twas then Ms. Darlin’--” 
“--began playing again!” MJ tossed the book aside and grabbed onto Peter’s hand, vision blurring with tears when sleepy, hazy brown eyes blinked back at her. “Pete? Oh my god, are you awake?” 
“It’s me.” She trilled encouragingly, gratefully, when Peter managed to focus on her. “Heya Tiger. We’ve been real worried about you. Welcome home.” 
“I’m--” Peter tried to look around the room, grimaced away from the wires and cords and the IV on his arm. “I’m home? Where-- how--” 
“Well, I guess you’re not quite home, this is still the hospital.” Mary Jane’s smile stretched forced and anxious as she tried to hide a little bit of panic. “But you’re safe. You’re safe, Pete. Back with us and we’re gonna get you all better, okay? I’m going to call a nurse for you and then I’ll call May and I want to-- I mean, the guys will want to see you right away and Gwen’s been foaming at the mouth because the nurses won’t let anyone back here except me and May and--” 
“Wait-- but--.” 
“--sorry sorry, I’m rambling.” The Omega wiped carelessly at her face then just leaned down and kissed Peter square on the mouth, combing through his hair and trying hard not to cry right on him. “I’m rambling, but I’m so so happy you’re awake. We were so worried and you finally opened your eyes and--” 
“MJ.” Peter grabbed at her wrist, cursing under his breath when his fingers shook over just that simple motion. “Stop. Please. Just tell me something.” 
“Anything.” MJ kept touching him, playing with his hair and budging close to nose at his cheek and Peter hated how much he hated what should have been comfort from his oldest friend. “What do you need? What i it? Bathroom? Pain medication? May?”
“How--” He wet his lips and pushed the words past the migraine, past the numbness in his limbs, past the clamoring in his head that should have been relief at being home but was tipping quickly into terror. “How long was I gone?” 
“Two weeks.” Mary Jane said haltingly. “You were gone two whole weeks and you’ve been laying here in the hospital another week and a half. We thought we lost you, Pete. Didn’t know if you’d ever come home.”
“I was only gone two weeks?” A tear trickled from the corner of Peter’s eye and fell onto the thin hospital pillow. “It was only two weeks? That’s all I was--” he reached trembling fingers up to feel at his bonding spot, touching gingerly over the fading bruises and the darker puncture marks that had darkened to nearly black on his skin. “--Two weeks? That’s it? And I-- I’m back?”
“What do you mean, that’s it?” MJ whispered. “Are you-- should I call May? Or the doctor or--” 
“I’m back again?” Peter made a noise like his very heart was being torn in two, doubled up in the bed and cried out in agony, one arm wrapped around his stomach as if he were trying to keep himself from splitting apart, and the other pressed hard over the scarred bite marks. “How-- I don’t understand-- I need-- where’s my Alpha? My Alpha! I don’t want to be here, don’t want to be back, I want to go home!” 
“I want to go home!” 
The nurses came running down the hall with a sedative when Peter started screaming, and Mary Jane watched with tears pouring down her face and her hand over her mouth as her best friend thrashed on the bed, pulled at his IV’s and shouted for some one named Cable, someone named Wade, shouted that he wanted to go home. 
“It’s not fair.” The Omega was sobbing as the sedation hit his veins and stunned him lax. “It’s not fair-- not fair-- I wanna go home. Don’t wanna be back. Home--please--” 
I want to go home.
“Peter Parker, I’m Doctor Jean Grey.” Jean sat down next to Peter’s bed and stared deep into his blank eyes. “I understand you had a hard time when you woke up the other day. Would you like to talk about it?”
Two days since being forcefully sedated, Peter had been awake almost the entire time, unable to close his eyes and unable to sleep. Visitors weren’t allowed until he was cleared by the psychiatrist, so he’d spent long hours alone staring at a spot in the wall and rubbing his thumb over the fang marks at his throat. Peter’s dark eyes were unsettlingly flat, his voice pitched low and monotone and even though he’d obediently taken bites of whatever food was brought around, it was obvious even at a glance that he was still underweight. 
Still underweight and still too quiet and Jean waited a full two minutes for the Omega to speak before prompting again “Would you like to talk about what happened when you woke up, Peter?” 
“No.” Peter’s gaze flickered just briefly, if the Alpha would have blinked she would have missed the twitch. “M’fine now. Everything’s fine. I’m fine. It’s fine.” 
“You’re fully off your sedation now?” 
“And how are your nightmares?” 
“Don’t have nightmares.” Peter flickered again, his absent scent and unnaturally stiff posture making the tiny motion seem almost alien. “Just memories.” 
“Right. Memories.” Jean set her notepad away and held out her hand. “Could I touch you, Peter? Would you take my hand?” 
She’d gone back and forth for days about peering into the Omega’s mind like this. On one hand, reading his mind and memories was the only way to know just how much Peter had been through and how to help him. On the other hand, considering how the Omega had screamed both times he’d woken up, Jean didn’t know if she wanted to see what he’d been through. 
But the urge to help overrode any hesitancy, and the Alpha curled her fingers coaxingly. “Right here, would you take my hand for a moment?” 
“...you smell like him.” Peter didn’t make any move to take Jean’s hand, and his head lolled back alarmingly limp against the pillows as he repeated, “You smell like him. I probably wouldn’t have recognized it before, but I do now. Seems so obvious now that I know what I’m looking for. Probably won’t smell it again though, there’s hardly any of you left. Maybe none of you. I bet you’re halfway to ancient, just don’t age. Healing factor.”
“I smell like him.” Jean withdrew her hand slowly, something uncomfortable settling low in her stomach as the Omega rambled in broken sentences about her scent and healing factors. “Can you explain what that means? Who do I smell like?” 
“Like Bruce.” Peter closed his eyes and sighed like it was the last breath left in his body. “You smell like Bruce. Off. Muted. Mutant but you’ve suspended your-- your energy. Or something. I can’t really feel you like I could Logan. It’s probably extra suppressants. Or one of your powers, cloaking yourself. Eddie couldn't do that, couldn't cloak himself, couldn’t even pretend to be anything like normal. But you can. You can pretend. You can hide.” 
“I can hide?” Jean was starting to feel like a broken record, echoing everything the Omega said. “Why would I be hidden, Peter? And who is Bruce?” 
“You’re old enough to know who Bruce is.” Peter said listlessly. “I’m old enough to know who Bruce is but only through science books. You’re probably old enough to remember when he went missing. The explosion and all the gamma radiation and the government shutting it down.” 
“You’re talking about Bruce Banner.” the Alpha pieced together. “The scientist who was killed when his lab exploded in 1977. Your Aunt said you studied physics for a while before giving it up to be a reporter, isn’t that right?” 
“He didn’t die, he just disappeared. Was taken somewhere else.” Peter’s head dipped to the side and Jean found herself pinned by a suddenly aware gaze, the Omega’s eyes boring into hers. “But you know that. I’m sure you keep tabs on your own like that.” 
On your own. 
It moved past unsettling and right towards frightening when the Omega kept stating facts about things he should have no way of knowing, kept talking about healing factors and recalling truths that humans weren’t allowed to know anymore. Peter wasn’t even asking questions, just talking in a detached sort of voice like it was all normal. 
Nothing about this was remotely normal.
“Give me your hand, Omega.” Jean laced the sentence with a touch of Alpha, just a little persuasion to make Peter comply. “Right now. Let me see you.” 
And Peter-- Peter almost smiled like he already knew what Jean wanted, his wrist too thin and bones too delicate as he offered up his hand and despite her mounting worry, Jean held onto his palm carefully carefully before closing her eyes and pushing forward into the Omega’s being--
--and a moment later she was placing his hand carefully carefully back on the bed and recoiling in shock, bending over to cough and clear her throat as a tidal wave of sorrow crashed drowning against the back of her mind, echoes of the misery and mate sickness flooding Peter’s soul. 
The Omega was hurting, heart sick and bone weary, torn too soon from his mate and ripped through body rending time, sat back in the present day and abandoned as if he were supposed to be able to cope. 
It was brutal, all consuming and painful, noisy and wretched, a million bits of happiness-- smiles and teasing, fangs and kisses, horses and chickens, journals and questions-- all overshadowed by the gray of separation and anxiety, the sort of despair that sat black on top of shoulders and weighted heavy blue beneath every single breath.
Peter was suffering. 
The Omega was suffering and the scope of it took Jean’s breath away. 
“Sweet Omega.” she managed after another moment, and Peter’s smile wavered at the edges as the Alpha bent to push their foreheads together. “Such a sad Omega, so much hurt for such a sweet Omega, I am sorry. So so sorry, love. I had no idea. I had no idea--” 
“S’funny how all you Alphas talk alike around Omegas.” Peter turned his head away to break the contact. “The second you know some thing is wrong it’s all ‘sweet Omega’ and ‘such a sad Omega’. Even my Auntie talks like that to me now and she never used to. Or maybe she always did and I never noticed. I went away for a little bit and now I feel like I’m noticing everything.” 
“Peter.” Jean sat back in her seat and cleared her throat a few times before she could talk. “How-- how long were you gone?” 
“Two weeks.” the Omega plucked at the bed sheets, smoothed out the cords of all the various monitors, the motions unconscious and maybe a touch compulsive. “Two weeks. Then unconscious for six days. Sedated. Unconscious for another four days. Sedated. Awake for two days now. “
“I mean, how long were you gone when you met Bruce.” she clarified quietly. “And--and your mate. How long were you gone?” 
“One hundred and four days.” 
“One hundred and--” 
“One hundred and four days.” Peter nodded, then went right back to rearranging the cords, straightening the blankets. “Is that-- I mean, do I have to stay here one hundred and four days to even it out? I was there a hundred and four days, I can be here a hundred and four days and then I can go home again. Then I’ll go home again.” 
“Do you know who Cable is?” Peter whispered, broken and sharp. “Will you ask him if one hundred and four days is enough and then he can take me back? Is that enough time to stay away and get healthy and then I can go home again? Will you ask him?” 
“...will you ask him?” 
“You don’t have to hover at the doorway, I’m fine.” Another few days, and Peter’s smile almost looked real when he motioned his friends into the room. “Stop being crazy and come here and see me. Give me a hug.” 
“Pretty Omega.” Harry was the first to get to Peter’s bed and he wasted no time wrapping both arms around the Omega’s slim frame and hauling him up into a bone crushing embrace. “Been so worried about you Pete. Missed you. You doing okay?” 
“He’d be better if you stopped trying to suffocate him! Move and let me see him!” Gwen shoved Harry out of the way and snatched Peter up into an equally tight hug. “Are they feeding you okay in here? Need me to sneak in some pizza? Where’d your cute tummy go! You’re so skinny!” 
“Call it a tummy again and I’ll bite you.” Peter said flatly and it must have sounded convincingly enough like his old self, because both the Alphas laughed. “C’mere, MJ.” 
“Heya Tiger.” The other Omega still got a little teary eyed every time she came in the room, but she controlled it enough to kiss Peter gently hello and nuzzle at his cheek with a sweet purr. “You look better, finally got some color back huh? Are they making you get up and exercise every day?” 
“May’s been dragging me around whether I want to be moving or not.” Peter informed her, and Harry interjected, “That’s good, Pete. Lay around too long and you get all weak and useless. Ask Gwen, her office got moved next to the elevator--” 
“-- and I haven’t taken the stairs in weeks!” the pretty Alpha finished proudly. “I haven’t climbed a single step in like twenty days! Not to my apartment, not to my work, and you know I took the elevator up here! Dunno if i could climb a step if my life depended on it actually. I’ve gotta waaaaay too used to being elevated around places.” 
They all laughed again and Peter settled back into his pillows with a fixed smile and purposefully agreeable expression. Being with his friends was easy-- Gwen could keep up a conversation with a rock if she needed to, Harry was full of stories about the company and whatever weird mad scientist stuff his dad was doing and Mary Jane was pure and perfect and never once stopped checking on Peter to fix his pillows or grab him a water or--
“Where’s Johnny?” Peter suddenly asked, and the Alphas fell silent, MJ hesitating a little before replying, “He um-- he was busy, Pete. Couldn’t make it up this time. I’m sure he’ll be by soon though. Don’t worry, he’s half out of his mind wanting to see you again.”
She was lying, and Peter didn’t know why. Did Johnny not want to see him? Was it too weird to be in the hospital? Was he freaked out because Peter’d had to be sedated and was talking with a psychiatrist? 
Where the hell was Johnny? 
He pushed the thought away though, because he could only concentrate on one thing at a time these days. He could work at pretending to be okay only if he wasn’t thinking about anyone else, he could eat his food as long as he didn’t also need to talk to a Doctor, he could shower by himself as long as his mind stayed firmly on the task and didn’t wander beneath the white noise of the water. 
So no, he couldn’t think about all the reasons why Johnny wasn’t here with everyone else, not if he wanted to keep them convinced he was okay. 
Besides, Johnny would come the next time, right? He had to come, otherwise Peter would have to stop smiling and sit and think about how that meeting with Cable had not only led to soulmates and heartbreak, but had also ended up costing him a best friend. 
Nope. Couldn’t think about that. 
Johnny would come next time around. 
But Johnny didn’t come next time, or the time after that, and when the hospital finally released Peter into May’s care and Jean had given him both a subscription for sleeping pills and her number at the school in Westchester in case he ever needed help coping, Peter had all but forgotten why it had been so important in the first place. 
He was tired of pretending to be okay, tired of sitting on his hands so he wouldn’t touch his bonding spot in front of anyone, tired of smiling until his face hurt just so he didn’t break down and fall to pieces, tired of reaching for his ring and remembering that the nurses had put it in a bag along with the blanket he’d arrived in, and that was just as well because how would he explain a ring to everyone?
Peter wanted to be home but not this home, not the apartment May unlocked and urged him into. He wanted to sleep but he didn’t want to sleep without his Alpha and he didn’t know if he could sleep without his Alpha, so the moment the Omega sat down on his bed he opened the bottle of sleeping pills and shook a few out into his hand.
“Just the one, sweetheart.” May set a glass of water down on the end table and watched until Peter put the pills back. “Just one since you’re still a little underweight, okay? You’ll sleep for most of a week if you take too big a dose and we need to keep you on a schedule.” 
“Sure.” Peter lay back onto his pillows and settled his expression into something approaching compliant. “That’s fine. It’s fine. The apartment is fine.” 
“This is home, Peter.” the Alpha said quietly. “Not the apartment. Your apartment. Home. Or if it doesn’t feel right you can always come home with me, move back in for a while and--” 
“--No, I meant my apartment.” A forced smile and faux reassuring nod. “That’s what I meant. It’s fine. I’m fine.” 
May watched with watery eyes as Peter rolled to the other side and hid his face in the pillows, turning his back on her and effectively shutting May out of whatever he was feeling. 
Doctor Grey had been adamant that Peter hadn’t been hurt like-- like that, she’d promised over and over that his pain was more of a broken heart and less about any physical trauma but May still had a hundred different questions. 
Who could have stolen and then broken Peter’s heart in the span of two weeks? Her nephew, who had never showed any interest in relationships showing up unconscious and bruised, how could that not be trauma? Why was the Doctor suddenly so sure? Why had Peter clutched at that plastic bag with a ratty blanket inside like it was the only thing real in his life?
May had a hundred different questions but for now she settled for having Peter home and safe again. The Omega was far from whole, but at least he was safe. 
“I’ll be out on the couch if you need anything.” she said into the dark room and Peter mumbled back, “Just gonna sleep, Auntie. M’okay, you don’t have to stay. It’s fine.” 
“I’ll be out on the couch.” she said again, firmer this time, and Peter whispered, “Okay. Thank you.” 
After the door had mostly shut and he could hear May moving around in the kitchen, Peter rolled back over and scrambled for the plastic bag that held the blanket from the cabin and his ring. He wrapped the blanket around himself as many times as he could and inhaled deep the already fading scent of his Alpha, of them. 
And with his ring back on his finger, slipping loose from weight loss and seeming dull in the low light, the Omega opened the medicine bottle again and shook another few pills into his palm. 
He just wanted to sleep, just wanted to dream about his Alpha and maybe if he dreamed enough, if he slept enough, he’d wake up next to Wade again and everything about the past few weeks would just be some horrible nightmare. 
Just a nightmare. 
That’s all it was. 
He just needed to sleep enough to wake up in the right place again. 
I want to go home. 
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