#dr hunt you need to get to know these women before you wed them!
saviorinsilk · 10 months
Here I am, patiently waiting for Owen and Teddy to get together only 9 seasons in. Only to find out Owen has ANOTHER wife before he marries Teddy 🤦🏻‍♀️ Guess I'll be waiting for awhile.
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liloelsagranger · 3 years
Night shift - finally a new Rocketshipping-fanfiction
My dear friends,
it’s been a while since I last posted an entry. Let me tell you why and what, besides Covid-19, made me pause from publishing fanfictions over the last couple of months. Of course, Switzerland was very affected by the pandemic and still is today. We had numerous lock-downs or as Swiss people call it “slow downs”. My mother got very sick last year, I almost lost her. The doctors said she would only live two or three more days, but my mom is a fighter. She had to stay at the hospital for months, she endured countless medical examinations, had to take meds and slowly learned to live again. I’m so proud of my mother that she was strong and determined to get better. When she turned back home, I started to take care of her and I hate to leave her on her own, even if we’re talking about half an hour or less. Right now, she’s doing quite good, actually, we’re on vacation and she makes a great effort to participate in life in Italy. She’s my role-model! She will never be the same as before, but she won’t give up, she wakes up every morning to make progress. I prayed for her and her well-being, I prayed every single night she might get another chance and now we’re here at the beach and dining in fancy restaurants. It’s been a horrible year for everyone, a year full of sorrow, tears and desperation, a year where I was constantly afraid, the hospital would call me with some bad news, but she did it! She survived and she fights for her life! So proud! Good news is: I passed my doctoral exams and I’m officially allowed to call myself Dr. phil. des. Melanie C. but that won’t ever stop me from loving Team Rocket so here it is - a brand new Rocketshipping-fanfiction for you guys. LOVE YOU! Night shift
Chapter 1:
It was past ten o’clock when that miserable looking guy entered the diner. He inconspicuously sat down in the farthest corner of the café and immediately hid his face behind the menu card. Nevertheless, Jessie the waitress could make out the pathetic expression on his face, how he was cowering like a whipped dog. She had seen quite a bit in this diner. Drunks, thugs, addicts and other needy people who asked for a sympathetic ear, compassion and understanding, but that guy was different. He suffered terribly, but did not dare to communicate, instead he hid from the world so as not to attract attention and quietly endure his fate. Jessie had to do something about it. Of course, she didn’t want to play the Good Samaritan. She knew the tricks of the men who entered this diner. Most of the time, they told the waitress tall tales, hoping to be comforted, whatever they meant by that. But this young man did not make a shady impressionHe was well dressed, looked well-groomed, and Jessie was especially struck by his bright emerald green eyes, the only thing in his face that had not yet been veiled by grief and sorrow. She decided to do something about his displeasure.
“Did you have a rough day?” she asked while disinfecting the table.
He looked briefly into her eyes and nodded. “That’s one way to put it,” he answered, the gaze immediately lowered again.
This would be a taciturn conversation, but Jessie didn’t give up easily, she was a natural at making even rocks talk.
“Listen! No matter what happened, I’ve seen or heard some things. If I can help you in any way, my name is Jessie and I’m in charge of this table today. Let me just get the gum out from under your seat and get you a cold drink. What would you like?” She pulled a spatula from her apron and rubbed away the remains of the spoiled brats that marred her diner.
‘Wow,’ the young man thought to himself. ‘A strong, self-confident woman who lends a hand herself and who’s not above cleaning up dirt.’ Their eyes met briefly, and he forced a wry smile.
“You know, kid. You can’t rely on anyone. If you want to get everything done, do it yourself and don’t trust anyone. This world doesn’t give you anything for granted!” She briefly wiped the back of his chair before disappearing behind the counter and pouring the young man an ice-cold Coke.
“I have rarely seen you so concerned about a customer. Normally you show yourself aloof and only take the order, so as not to get involved in embarrassing conversations. Must be a really great pike, this pathetic creature in the far corner. Could it be that you’ve got a tiny crush on this guy?” For Eddy, teasing his best friend was the greatest pleasure. He didn’t know her like that. Jessie usually resisted any kind of small talk. This was due to her dark past, when she had repeatedly fallen for advances from men who were never looking for a steady relationship, but for a quick fix. Eddy had witnessed this bad time of his friend, how her heart was broken, how she was badly played with, and how she was simply dropped like a hot potato. Jack was the worst example of them all. While Jessie was already hearing the wedding bells ringing, he was making love to the women of the Strip and deceiving Jessie night after night with other broads. Jessie was devastated when she found out Jack was cheating on her. She was furious, not even at her lying boyfriend, but at herself for having been so stupid as to trust a man.
Jessie gave Eddy a light pat on the head. “Don’t be silly! That time is over. I can take care of myself, I don’t need male support for that. I’m a big girl, I make my own dough, and I keep my head above water pretty well. No, not a chance, I’ve sworn off flirting.” Nevertheless, she caught herself as her gaze wandered to the young man in the corner. “Oh yes, this time is definitely over,” Eddy smirked.
“Jessie, could you bring us a side of fries, please?” Misty’s order echoed throughout the hall. The twenty-year old waved her hands. She was used to speaking loudly, almost shouting, to attract guests to her daily water Pokémon show. Sometimes she walked up and down the streets of the Strip all day in the blazing hot sun, trying to win people for her underwater attraction. As an excellent student, she could have taught at any college, but she had decided early on to get into show business and make her living doing what she really loved, joined by Dewgong and Starmie. Her parents had not agreed with this decision at all, it was wasted talent, they had claimed, and had summarily turned Misty out the door. Since then, she had been struggling through life on her own, but could always count on Jess, the diner and her two best friends, Ash and Brock, young people who were also not favoured by fate.
“Temper your voice, twerp!” Jessie couldn’t help but grin. She spread the ketchup bottles around the table, hoping Ash wouldn’t spill on himself and the diner again. His constant companion Pikachu immediately hopped on his shoulder, grabbed a fry and popped it in his mouth. Ash and his Pokémon were carnies. He had trained his friend well and attracted many spectators with his performance. Most of them felt sorry for the guy and tipped generously. That’s why Ash was able to invite his friends to the diner every night, a place that gave them hope where they could experience security. They were convinced that nothing would ever disturb this idyll and that fate, for better or worse, had taken its course.
“Who’s that guy over there?” Brock wanted to know. He had barely sold chocolate and roses tonight. The others held back, but they were certain that their friend was just too pushy with women and that’s why he only collected rejections instead of green bills.
“I’ve never seen him here before. Must be from another area. I can’t tell you for the life of me why he’s wearing a suit at theses temperatures, he looks pretty pathetic to me anyways,” Jessie replied.
“Maybe his car has stalled,” Ash suggested, “and now he was forced to wander through the desert until the tasty aromas from your diner brought him back from his delirium.”
“Or,” Brock interfered, “he had to flee his own wedding because his wife is a real pain in the ass, unlike our sweet Misty,” Brock oohed at his friend. “Forget it, Brock! You and me, this will never happen!” She gave him a gentle poke.
“Enough now with your naïve speculations! Just let him enjoy his drink. We’re closing soon, so get going,” Jessie dismissed their absurd ideas with a wave of her hand, but at this point no one knew how right Brock was.
Dark thoughts hunted the young man. He knew what he would face at home if he was late. Beatings, torture, rebuke, harassment, were just a few words to describe his failed relationship. Unconsciously, he stroked his scarred arms.
“Can I get you something to eat?” Jessie pulled him out of the maelstrom of bad thoughts, of course she had noticed the wounds, but maybe he had gotten those injuries at work. The young man rummaged some coins out of his pants and let them jingle on the table. “Is that enough for a cheese sandwich?” Jessie hated small change, but she would make an exception for him. A friendly smile, a quick nod, and she passed on the order.
“Something’s wrong with this guy,” she whispered to Eddy. “He’s scarred, bruised and pays with penny coins. Possibly a vagrant.” Eddy couldn’t help but grin. “That guy’s been keeping you busy all night, Jess. What’s the matter with you? Are you getting weak?”
The young man could not overhear the conversation between the waiters, but he was sure they were talking about him. He sure made a rather frightening impression, but that was a private matter and not something you shared with a waitress in a diner.
His gaze drifted to the daily paper, which had two faces emblazoned on it: Butch and Cassidy. He had never heard of this odd couple, but according to the news, theses two were causing quite a stir and were terrifying the Strip.
“Oh, so you’ve already spotted them, those two knuckleheads! They keep the Strip in suspense, and heads roll when the taxes don’t add up,” Jessie served him the cheese sandwich and gave him a slight smile.
“Can I get you anything else?” He thanked her and took a hearty bite of his dinner.
The last half hour flew by and the remaining guests left the diner to spend the night on the Strip, as very few had a roof over their heads. Jessie set about cleaning up and Eddy checked the register.
The young man stood up and made his way towards the door. But before he left the diner, he glanced back at Jessie for a moment. A sigh escaped him. What if…?
Jessie returned his gaze and watched him go until the young man disappeared. She walked right up to his table and found a little note on the receipt.
“Thanks for treating me like a human being, James.” 
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hannigramficrecs · 4 years
Miške by rainbowdracula [words: 1,359]
In a world where Will and Hannibal grew up together, a single stormy night changes their relationship forever.
Little Arts of Vice by drinkbloodlikewine, whiskeyandspite [words: 44,991]
Cruel Intentions AU. “Tedium draws me to observation,” he murmurs. “Contemplation.” “Manipulation,” Mischa adds calmly, tilts her head when Hannibal narrows his eyes at her. “You wouldn’t deny it, Hannibal, you’re proud of that one. And in truth you do it well.” “There is little to manipulate when watching a dog chase a bird.” It starts with a bet.
A Past of Plank and Nail by gleamingandwholeanddeadly (something_safe), printersdeadly, printersdevils (tuesdaysgone) [words: 87,821]
Hannibal needs a kitchen remodel, and his colleague and friend Alana knows just the guy to help him with his rundown new home. Enter Will Graham, carpenter and contractor extraordinaire, and devastating addition to Hannibal's daily life. When he starts running out of new projects to keep Will around, Hannibal fast realizes his infatuation is more than simple attraction - and that getting Will to agree to dinner is only the first hurdle.
Identically Different by Pragnificent and sparkyhero [words: 14,248]
AU where Hannibal is an FBI profiler troubled by his own potential for violence and Will is a psychiatrist and serial killer.
Tired by Fun by stratumgermanitivum, whiskeyandspite [words: 4,641]
He needed some liquid courage anyway if he was going to attempt to seduce his roommate this evening. And he was. He absolutely was. That was the plan, and Will Graham, first year student of criminal psychology was certainly going to follow through, and not back out like he had the last four times he’d talked himself up.
Mazasis by slashyrogue [words: 13,849]
Will Graham is an awkward, antisocial, twenty nine year old grocery store clerk who would prefer being alone. He meets Hannibal Lecter, an older man who seems flirt with him but Will is insecure and does not accept Hannibal's invitation to a dinner party. When they meet again later, Will confesses that he's a virgin and is out looking to rid himself of his virginity. Hannibal volunteers to help him with his problem.
Today's Special by Devereauxs_Disease [words: 1,293]
Bev uses the coffee shop board to try and get Will a date. This...may not have been a smart move.
Chesapeake Mafia by Anna_Jay [words: 21,704]
Hannibal is the leader of the mafia organization that continually evade capture from Agent Jack Crawford. However, when Jack catches wind of who the leader's mate is, he does whatever he can to take Hannibal down. Will, who is Hannibal's pregnant mate is not too keen on the idea of being used as bait.
To Build Thy Kingdom, and Tear Me Down by cloudsarefluffy [words: 10,718]
Hannibal tilts his head, and a deep scowl begins to furrow his features, “Will, where are you going?” There is a soft smile gracing Will’s lips as he speaks, and he opens the door just as gently, “I am taking my permanent leave now that my services to you are no longer required.”
The Sultan's Boy by thisisthefamilybusiness [words: 788]
Will remembers when they were children, how Hannibal had cupped his jaw and kissed his cheek and promised him that one day they would be wed, that he would make Will his Sultana, regardless of what convention stated. He knows now that Hannibal cannot wed him, because he is a concubine and Hannibal is the Sultan. Hannibal needs a wife with noble or royal blood to bear his children and manage the palace and domestic life for him when he is away, not a boy who had been trained nearly his entire life to be a perfect lover and nothing else.
Rescues by drinkbloodlikewine and whiskeyandspite [words: 99,552]
Mischa is living with PTSD, and Hannibal seeks out a service animal to help her. He meets Will, trainer of therapy dogs - cue puppies, adorable interactions and lots of dogs. And smut. Of course.
Company by whiskeyandspite [words: 5,644]
Hannibal was a man of simple tastes, and while such things as erotic pet play piqued his interest, he’d asked for the man to shave, to dress well, and to come as exactly who he was: a beautiful man for hire.
Perhaps by whiskeyandspite [words: 1,888]
Will Graham is a crime novelist and Hannibal Lecter is the cannibalistic serial killer who begins to hear Will’s voice narrate his life.
This Was The Side On Which He Fell From Heaven by Fallswithgrace [words: 51,337]
A story about if Will and Hannibal had met as young men almost twenty years before their initial encounter in Quantico and how that would vitally change them but still retain the transgressions and longing at the heart of their relationship.
Smoke and Mirrors by honorablementioned [words: 2,282]
AU in which Hannibal attends a villain convention and Will runs a kissing booth.
Confess Only Your Sins by stratumgermanitivum, whiskeyandspite [words: 2,910]
The first time, Hannibal had been woefully underprepared. He’d had over-sharers before, usually lonely men and women for whom confession was their only chance to talk and know someone was really listening. None of them matched the man.
Fire in the Skull by stratumgermanitivum, whiskeyandspite [words: 5,785]
A young man comes to Dr Lecter seeking answers about his headaches and loss of time. Hannibal decides to see what will happen if he doesn't help him.
Patpong by drinkbloodlikewine, whiskeyandspite [words: 76,213]
Hannibal is a lone predator hunting in the deep bowels of a very corrupt city. Will just wants to be found.
Often, Always by stratumgermanitivum, whiskeyandspite [words: 4,870]
Will Graham has had a crush, a crazy crush, on Hannibal since high school, but he never made a move. Why would Hannibal be interested in someone like him? Hannibal Lecter has had a crush, a mad crush, on Will since high school, but never made a move. They're worlds apart, why would Will look his way?
If You Must Falter, Be Wise by stratumgermanitivum, whiskeyandspite [words: 4,482]
Kink, Will insisted to himself, even as Hannibal picked up a knife and snapped his fingers in front of the man’s face. Hannibal and his boyfriend were into really kinky sex, and Will was the pervert neighbor who was stalking them. or Will is on house arrest, bored out of his mind in the tiny radius his ankle bracelet allows him to explore in middle class suburbia. He starts chatting to the handsome guy next door, Hannibal, a doctor, just as boring and suburbian as the rest of them.
Mizpah by stratumgermanitivum, whiskeyandspite [words: 7,557]
Hannibal and Will met as young men in New Orleans, and fell madly in love. And then Will left. 23 years later, they met again.
Tricking Myself Nice by stratumgermanitivum, whiskeyandspite [words: 18,197]
Forcibly sent to therapy with Dr. Lecter, Will goes from wanting to mess with the doctor's head, to wanting to get inside of it.
Ship of Dreams by stratumgermanitivum, whiskeyandspite [words: 20,123]
The Titanic AU that everyone has been waiting for.
Strawberries and Champagne by stratumgermanitivum, whiskeyandspite [words: 17,469]
A Pretty Woman AU
A Hollow Ache by gleamingandwholeanddeadly (something_safe) [words: 41,097]
AU where Will is a civilian on vacation who meets Hannibal while he's on the run in Florence. Of course Hannibal is incapable of keeping a low profile, so he immediately offers to play tour guide. They fall in love.
1 (25/25)
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heavenlyrosegenius · 4 years
Cat and Mouses
A/N: Set during Entropy
Abigail had everything she could have dreamed, a wonderful but stressful job, a wonderful father, an impressive intelligence, but the most perfect thing of her life was waking up to her genius husband and brainiac girlfriend.
Abigail stirred as light poured through the black curtains in the bedroom. She sighed quietly as she rolled over, opening her green eyes meeting blue-green eyes. She let out a quiet sleepy sigh, “Good morning Maeve.”
Maeve let out a smile looking down at her raven-haired girlfriend, “Good morning, Abbie.” Maeve ran a hand through her hair. Abigail only had allowed Maeve and Spencer to call Abbie, it was special between them. Abigail remained on her side, wanting to remain in the warm bed when she felt Maeve’s delicate fingers trace down her stomach.
“Abigail, the faster you wake up and get ready, you will see Spence, he was supposed to get home last night.” 
“You are right, I forgot.” Abigail stood from the bed, making a gesture at Maeve to follow her.
After a streamy shower, Abigail stood in front of their vanity applying black eyeliner as Maeve’s arms wrapped her middle.
“You are so beautiful, how did Spencer and I get so lucky getting to be with you?” she breathed.
“My genius brain landed me in places where you two happened to be working.” Maeve let out a little chuckle in her ear. Abigail put the eyeliner down and turned giving Maeve a little peck before applying her dark lip gloss. She adjusted her choker in the mirror, it had been a gift from Spencer. Maeve took her hand into hers, walking down the stairs when Abigail caught the scent of pancakes in the air.
“Pancakes?” Maeve looked at her, realizing what that meant.
“Spencer is back.” Without a second word, Abigail and Maeve walked into the kitchen to see three plates of pancakes on the dining room table, and Spencer pouring two cups of coffee and a cup of tea sat on the table. Spencer heard the soft footsteps, causing him to turn. He let out a huge smile to see his two favorite girls in front of him.
“Good morning, sleepyheads.” he teased, opening his arms, Abigail ran into them quickly, he had been gone almost a month to visit his mother to help with her condition. Spencer’s strong arms picked up the small girl, holding her for a bit, placing a kiss on her head, as Maeve walked over, getting a kiss from the genius as well. 
“Abbie really missed you,” she said with a light smile. Spencer placed Abigail down, keeping his arms around her as Maeve hugged her as well.
“I missed you both too so much.” Spencer pulled away, taking both of their hands leading them over to the breakfast he had prepared. He handed a cup of warm coffee to Maeve and a warm cup of earl tea to Abigail.
“Two warm beverages for two beautiful women.” Abigail out a small giggle, she had missed Spencer’s sweet compliments, they still made her blush to this day even if there had been together for five years and married for half a year. As they were finishing up breakfast, Spencer’s phone pinged.
“New case?” Abigail asked as he pulled it out.
“No, Morgan wants to see him since he heard I was back, and he wants you to come with me since he referred to you as small fry.” Abigail let out a small smile. Maeve took Abigail’s hand.
“You two, go. I can clean up before heading to the lab.” Abigail gave her a kiss.
“I love you,” she said and got down from the table grabbing her keys and her bag as Spencer was grabbing his satchel and their guns out of their safe. She felt him sliding it into her holster. “Thank you.” She blew a kiss to Maeve.
“Be careful saving lives. I will be saving them as well. Abigail drove them over to Morgan’s where Savannah let them inside. Abigail stood as Savannah and Spencer hugged, he looked so uncomfortable, he always had a thing about germs. Morgan and Spencer talked for a bit before Spencer got a text. A text that got Abigail sitting at a bar sipping a glass of water with lemon.
“Hi. Table for two for Spencer.” Abigail looked up from she was sitting, she had been texting Maeve for a little bit, letting her know they were okay and would be home safely tonight. Abigail watched as Spencer sat at the table, pulling a red rose out of his suit placing it into the table. A woman with short black hair approached him.
“Spencer?” she asked.
“Cat? Hi!” 
“Hi. Hi. 
“Hello. Hi. Hi. Nice to finally-- “ Cat tried to hug him.
“Oh--sorry, I have a-- a germ thing. Oh. I'm kind of weird with hu-hugs. Sorry.” Spencer stuttered out, he was truly awkward. 
“Can I sit down?” 
“Yes, please. Oh, yeah. Of course. Sit down. 
“First time doing this?” Cat asked, sitting down.
“Yeah. I mean, yeah.”
“Yeah, I--I still get nervous, too. Really, it wasn't until an hour ago that I was like, wait, we've been trading emails back and forth, but I still have no idea what this guy looks like. Hence the... I know. And then I was like, wait, he's going to bring a red rose, so we need to go to a nicer place, which is why I switched the restaurant last-minute-- “
“Not a problem at all.
“And now I need to change and put something nice on for this place, 'cause I was totally underdressed, and my whole wardrobe makes me look like a Kardashian. You know who that is, do you?” Cat sighed.
“No, oh, yeah, Robert Kardashian. He got O.J. Simpson off. You--you don't look like his daughters.” Spencer said. Abigail out a quiet laugh at Spencer’s cluelessness, with him being married to a profiler and dating a geneticist, the three of them preferred enjoying a night at the opera instead.
“Yeah, no, I was making a joke about them,” Cat said plainly. 
“No, it was good. It was a good joke.”
“No, it wasn't.”
“It was funny.” They both chuckled.  “
“Can we start over? Hi, I'm Cat.”
“Hi--hi, I'm” Spencer let out a laugh -- I'm Spencer. It really is nice to meet you, in person, finally. It's nice to meet you.”
“Tell me a little bit about yourself. Do you really have 3 Ph.D.s?” Cat looked fascinated by the fact of it.
“Yes. Um, I--yeah, I do, I have 3 Ph.D.s.”
“What was your favorite book that you read last year?” Cat asked.
“Um, honestly, I've never read a book I didn't love,” Spencer admitted.
Cat switched the subject. “Tell me about your wife.”
“If you don't mind, I'd, uh, I'd rather not talk about her.”
Cat sighed, “Might as well get it out in the open, right? That's why we're here. How long have you been married? 4 years. When is she due to give birth?”
Spencer cleared his throat.“Uh...A couple of-- a couple of months. Should we talk about price now, or...”
Cat stopped him “Slow down, tiger. What exactly are we negotiating here? You know. I want to hear you say it.” Her voice dropped to a whisper. “To have her killed.” Cat pointed at the ring on his finger. 
“Let me see your ring. You know what that is? A noose. Only it doesn't kill you all at once. It kills you slowly, day by day. You ever feel that way? I feel that way all the time. Take it off.” Cat explained.
Spencer raised his eyebrow.“Why?”
“As a sign of your commitment. To me.” Abigail watched as Spencer slowly slid the ring off, the same one she had slid on his finger half a year ago, giving it to Cat.
“24-karat? 24k times... 4 years means this ring should be dinged and nicked. But the sucker is brand-new. You're not married.” Cat said. Abigail heard a click. 
Hotch spoke into her ear. “Everyone hold, but Abigail. You need to help Reid outsmart her.” Abigail placed some money on the table for the water before walking over to Spencer.
“It is true, he is married,” she said, holding her hand to show her silver wedding ring.
“Who are you?” Cat demanded. Abigail slid in next to Spencer.
“Dr. Abigail Reid, hello Catherine.”
Cat sneered at her. “No, you are Abigail Smith, I have heard of you.”
Abigail chucked. “I was until I married a few months ago. Cat smirked at her.
“Why are we here, Spencer?”
“We're here because you belong to a network of 4 hitmen who've been operating in the shadows of the Internet. You're known as Miss .45. My team and I have been hunting for months, and I knew that if I boxed you in, I could arrest you with as little resistance as possible.” Spencer explained.
“Your team being the behavioral analysis unit of the FBI? You guys are good. You're the only ones that got close to us. But we got kind of close to you, too, didn't we?” Cat taunted. “Hi, Penelope. Do you know why I'm so good at my job? 
“Because you kill without compunction or remorse.” 
“That only gets a girl so far in life. No, it's because I think through every potential outcome and then I plan accordingly. You see, I didn't walk into your trap. You walked into mine.” 
“Where's your head, Spencer?” Cat slid over to him. What are you thinking about?”
“I was thinking about entropy.” Cat hummed at him. “It's the thermodynamic measure of the degradation of matter and energy in the universe.” 
Cat slid over to him, taking his gun out of his holster as well as Abigail’s. “ To put it another way. There's your gun.” 
A waiter came over. “Good evening.” 
Hi, uh, you know what? We've been having so much fun getting to know one another, we'll let you know when we're ready, ok? Thank you.” Cat said with a sickenly sweet smile. “Now that we got that out of the way, will you do me a favor and tell Blondie McBlonderson over there at the bar to disappear.”
“JJ, stand down.” J.J got up pulling her fur jacket over her chest as she glared at Cat. “Thanks for playing, sweetie.”
“All right, you're in charge. Tell me what you want and I'll see if I can get it here for you.”
“Anything I want?” Cat questioned.
 Abigail nodded her head. “Anything you want.”
“Like a million dollars in unmarked bills, maybe a plane to Aruba?” 
“Is that what you want?”
Cat crossed her arms.  “And you'll say you'll bring it here, but the real plan is to distract me from what is, I'm sure, an impressive law enforcement response just outside that door. Is that the plan?”
“That's the plan.”
“Ok, let's talk, but let's talk about something interesting, at least. Tell me about me.”
Abigail smirked at her as Spencer as he profiled Cat. “You? You're a black widow hitwoman. You specialize in seduction and you're patient. You learn everything you can about the men you're hired to kill, physically, psychologically, and emotionally, because you want them in as compromised a position as possible so they don't see it coming when you pull the trigger.”
“And when I do it really well, they pull the trigger themselves.” Cat held out her hand. “Give me your phone.”
“Because I know what I want now. I want to play a game with you two. You like games?”
“I do,” Spencer said.
“Do you win?”
Abigail let out a little chuckle. “He always wins. 
“Give it to me.” Spencer handed it to her, the timer was set for 30 minutes.
“Ok, here's my game. You have 30 minutes to answer every question I ask. And if you lie, I'll know. Because I've spent the past 10 years of my life studying men and their lies before I kill them. Do you believe me? 
“I do.”
That was true. You're getting this. Now, here's how we'll know who wins at the end of 30 minutes. If you win, you'll drag me out of here in handcuffs. But if I win, you will escort me out like a gentleman, to make sure I exit safely. What do you say, Spencer? Think you can win this one?” Spencer gestured for Cat to lean forward, Abigail felt a blush on her cheeks. 
“Considering everything you've put Garcia and so many people through, you're going to have to shoot me in the face before you walk out of here.”
“Game on.”
“What do you want to ask me?” Spencer asked.
“How you found me, of course. A professional learns from her mistakes. 
“We got our big break in the case at the end of last year. I didn't learn how big until I came back from some time off.”
“Why'd you take time off?” Cat questioned. Abigail gulped, even she did not know why Spencer had taken time off besides going to see his mom at her hospital.
Morgan came into the room. “Hey, get your greasy hands off my girl. Nice to have you home, kid.”
Spencer laughed.”Good to be back. 
“Let me get my stuff.”
Savannah handed Spencer a file. “That thing you called about, here's some updated stats.”
“Stats? Stats from what” Morgan questioned.
“Medical research. Shop talk. Things you wouldn't be interested in.” Savannah explained. Morgan took Savannah in her arms. “Well, I can tell you what I am interested in, and that is you. You gonna love me forever?” Abigail looked away, their attraction for each other was romantic, but she preferred to keep it in private. Spencer’s phone pinged.
“Guys. Garcia and Hotch need us ASAP. for a briefing on the 4 hitmen.” Cat held a finger up.
“You didn't tell me why you took time off.”
“It's not relevant,” Spencer said.
 “That's not the game. The game is you answer every question I ask.” Cat explained.
“Is it a secret?” she asked.
 Spencer shook her head.“No.”
“Is it dirty?”
Abigail sighed. No. I was not with him, and he would never cheat on me.”
“Then tell me,” Cat demanded.
“It's not important to your story. “
“Out of curiosity, is it me you don't want to tell or the people listening in or your sweet Abigail? 
Abigail rolled her eyes, this girl was good, but she was better. “Is this really how you want to spend your 30 minutes? 
“Yes. No. Ok, so you were saying you showed up for work that morning and... 
“We learned that someone unexpected decided to talk.”
And who would that be?” Cat asked.
Hotch pulled a man onto the board. “Brian Cochran from the NSA. I've placed him on 24/7 lockdown at USP Terre Haute. The network has proven that they can kill anyone, anywhere, anytime, and now that they've targeted Garcia, we can't afford to lose another lead. Cochran used one of the hitmen to target DEA supervisor Graff. 
“But we can press him on that to get him to cooperate,” Morgan said. 
“Well, fortunately, that won't be necessary. He had a breakdown in solitary confinement and he was already willing to make a deal.” 
“We need to go talk to him.” Rossi stated.
“Garcia and I already did.”
“This is, we video-conferenced with him. He was limited in what he could tell us about the hit people. He didn't know their names, but he did know all of their areas of expertise.” Garcia explained.
“How specific do they get? Most successful hitmen are basically just Swiss army knives of murder. Spencer asked.
Well, take the O.G. hit guy who got us into this mess, Giuseppe Montolo. Remember him? He was a genius at making hits look like an accident. The others, depends what you're looking for. Take the guy that's still out there who's responsible for shooting poor Mr. Graff. He's known simply as the sniper. He can make a T-zone shot from over 2,000 meters. 
Morgan looked at “Which means he's ex-military. Not necessarily ours, but he's definitely trained. 
“So who's number two?” Tara asked. 
That would be the chemist. He works with poison.  He specializes in hits that don't leave a trace.”
“He sounds delightful,” Rossi said with sarcastic. What about number 3? 
“Well, that would be the bomber.” Garcia pulled a picture on the screen According to Cochran, he's responsible for this. It's a chemical fire in Tianjin, China. Apparently, a bureaucrat didn't pay his bribe on time. 
“You know that's conspiracy theory garbage.” J.J said.
“But what is credible is Cochran's insistence that he was trained by Mossad. Jack Garrett's following up on leads.” Hotch said.
“That leaves us with number 4, the one with the highest body count of them all. 
Spencer peered his eyes. “And who's that?”
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ “Me.”:
“Yes.” Spencer nodded
“Wow, that was really impressive. Yeah, the way you just made all those brilliant deductions with all that information that was just handed to you on a silver platter. “
“Quick question--are you guys really profilers or are you just lucky? Because this, what I'm about to say--” Cat cleared her throat is profiling. 
“The reason you took time off from work was to deal with the same girl who broke your heart.”
“No, Spencer and I are still happy together, very happy.”
“Then why do you wear two rings, both of them on your ring fingers,” Cat questioned, taking one of Abigail’s hands.
“It is none of your business.” 
“The death of a parent, then.
“Ah, hello, I'm getting close. It's mom or dad in the billiard room with the candlestick.” Spencer remained silent. “Oh, you're mad at me, aren't you? 
“Not even a little bit.”
“Yes, you are, I can tell,” Cat said with a smirk.
“No offense, but you're not really worth getting angry at.”
“So you figured out what the 4 of us did, and then what? 
“We profiled that you operated as spokes on a wheel. Somehow it had to be centralized, how you got jobs, who paid you. Somebody did all that for you. 
“You found the Snowman, didn't you?” Cat questioned.
Spencer explained how they found the Snowman, their technical analyst.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, I'm confused. What just happened there? 
“When we arrested Cochran, we found a flash drive, one that gave us access to a specific shadow of the Darknet, one we didn't even know existed.”
“Well, well, well, you took the chemist and the sniper out of commission, huh?” Cat taunted.
“Did you know?” Abigail asked.
“ I knew something was off. They didn't bid on some contracts. And this isn't the kind of job where you get to take time off to be with your... Mother? she asked. Is it your mom? It's gotta be your mom. Why'd you take time off from the FBI?” 
“I'm not gonna tell you.”
“Abigail, why did he take time off from the FBI?”
“You can ask us as many times as you want, and you can continue to waste your time, but he is still not gonna tell you. 
“Then you're cheating, and I don't like cheaters. “
You don't get everything you want just because you're pointing a gun at me under a table. You're not the first killer to point a gun at me. You're not even the first woman to point a gun at me. Sorry.” He apologized, Cat wished she was the first woman to point a gun at him, but that belonged to the woman who they saved Maeve
“You're really gonna take this all the way, aren't you?”
“So am I. Look at my face. Does it look like I'm bluffing? 
“I know you're not bluffing.” Cat moved back over, grabbing at his tie. “I'm gonna ask you one more time. Before you say no, I want you to consider something.” She pulled his tie back pushing on the microphone.
“I'll kill the fed walking toward me first. A stationary target's easier to hit. After that, it's a free-fire zone. 
“Fine, I'll tell you.” 
“Sorry, what was that?” Cat teased.
“I'll tell you. Rossi, stand down.” He looked over his shoulder. “Please.” Spencer fixed his tie before continuing. 
“My mom has schizophrenia, and the doctor has changed her medication, which seemed to agitate her, and so I went to the treatment center to help her.” He explained. Abigail looked a little surprised, she had not known she was getting bad, all she knew her medication was not working.
 That's it? That's it. 
“You just risked your life over mommy's pills? 
“It's the truth.”
 “It's part of the truth. You're holding something back. Here's what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna penalize you by adding 10 minutes. And keep in mind that the only reason you're not dead right now is because I did learn something important. 
“Oh, really? What's that?” Abigail asked.
“Your backup. I flushed them out. It's just you, Abigail and me now.”
“So when we left off, the score was you had two of our guys and the Snowman. You must have thought you were home free.”
“No, if anything the case was harder.” 
Soon Spencer had been able to figure out how to lure out Cat. Abigail walked into the room as he was explaining his plan.
“I'm going to pretend to be a husband who wants his pregnant wife dead.”
Abigail placed her cup of water down. “Well, I'd want to kill you if you told me that.”
“Exactly. Then all we have to do is set the right meeting spot. A bar or a restaurant we control so the odds are better of us taking her alive. That's our best strategy.”
“But there is one flaw. You. You're the flaw. You're might be married but you don't have children.” Abigail let out a chuckle and placed a hand on her stomach.
“Wrong again, Catherine,” she said. Spencer looked at her in surprise, “Abigail you are not pregnant..” he put two and two together, “You were going to tell me after I got back.”
“Yes, Spencer, I found out shortly after you left, now keeping taunting her.
“I'm the person on my team who's the closest to your age, and I knew that if I lost control of the situation, you'd be more likely to negotiate with a peer. 
“You have zero control here. None. I outflanked you from the beginning. “
“Some of your moves were pretty obvious. Spencer pointed out.”
“Such as?”
Such as showing up armed. Such as changing the venue at the last moment. 
I needed a restaurant full of innocents in case this was a trap.
 If you really suspected this was a trap, then why show up at all? Even when you first laid eyes on me, from the bar, from outside, from wherever you were, you should have seen through me and kept on moving, but you didn't. You couldn't. Because you can't get to the man you really want to hurt, so you need to hurt any man who reminds you of him. “
“That's kind of boilerplate psychology, isn't it? I'm just another girl with daddy issues.” Cat sighed.
“You'd be surprised how many killers do what they do because of their parents, but some of them use their skills to help others.
“Like me.” Abigail said. 
“If it's so boilerplate, why don't we test that theory? How hard did you look for him? 
“Very hard. “
“And how disappointed were you when you realized that you will never find him? You needed some other outlet for your rage, and for a while this worked, but it also tripped you up. Can I tell you a little secret? Everything eventually falls apart. The trick is accepting when it's over.” The stopwatch rang.
“Except it ain't over, is it?”
“Do you really think I'm just gonna let you walk out of here? 
“You profiled so much about me, except you forgot to ask the most important question. Why would I make you sit here for 30 minutes?”
“Because you're stalling.”
Then you don't know me at all. Did you guys show up here without an escape plan? Or is that what just another girl with daddy issues do? Maybe if you hadn't fallen victim to your own gender bias, and, yes, all men have gender bias, even you, Dr. Reid, you would have recognized that your entire strategy was based on one faulty detail. Can you see it?” Cat taunted again.
“You're not here alone,” Abigail said. 
And my partner? Less paranoid than you think. 
You planted a bomb in the building. We're on the move. 
“I didn't. My job was to keep your entire team focused on us, so he could do what he does best.” Cat said.
“There are innocent people here. 
Yes, there are. So let me remind you what we're playing for. Not only will I walk out of here, but you will make sure I leave safely. And from where I'm sitting... It looks like I've won. 
“You need to pay attention to this part. I'm going to tell you the terms of my victory. I want you to move all of your backup away from this building. If I walk out of here and I see one cop, I will incinerate us all. 
“We can't do that.”
Cat started to say his name. “Spencer--
“It's not me. What you're asking takes time.” 
“This is to whoever's in charge. Unless you guys want to be responsible for the biggest FBI disaster since Waco, you will back off now. Watch this. 
“There they go. All we want to do-- Minimize the collateral damage. I get it. I'm not mad. It'll give me the cover I need to slip out. I just need to know it's clear, so do me a favor and tell your boss that nobody leaves until it's safe for me to. Spencer remained quiet.
“You can leave.” Cat stood up, grabbing her jacket and bag, but for Abigail this was not over.
“But you won't.” Abigail said,
“I'm sorry?” 
Double or nothing. You need to sit back down. 
“Wow, now you're stalling.” Cat pursed.
“You played your trump card, but we have one, too.” Abigail explained. Cat was not buying it. “Thanks for dinner. I had fun.
“ I found your father. 
“No, you didn't. 
Look at my face. Am I bluffing? I'll tell you where he is. But you need to sit back down and listen to the rest of my story. No. Tell me now. Or I'll-- detonate the bomb? 
“You're not gonna do that, Cat, because then you won't learn anything. You said you were good at your job because you think through every outcome. Well, guess what-- so do I.” Cat sat back down.
 “All right. Finish the story.”
“ To prepare for this dinner, I had to learn everything about you, starting with your real name.”
Abigail was going undercover for this case, she had changed into a black lace dress with fishnet tights and black heeled boots. Meave had called her when she had finished getting ready.
“Hi, sweet girl.” she breathed.
“Hi, Abbie. I wanted to see how much longer my favorite boy and girl will be working on the case.” Maeve’s soft voice said on the line.
“We will be home tonight, I get to be a little sneaky tonight.”
“Oh, define sneaky.”
“Let’s just say I’m wearing your favorite dress on me.” 
“The lace one?” Maeve asked.
“Yes, You will see it tonight when Spence and I are home, I have to go. I love you.”
“I love you too.”
“Catherine Adams. Daughter of Daniel Adams, who did in fact leave the country in 1987 but returned in 2012. Based on confidential records in rehabs and sober living houses, which in turned pointed us to flophouses and soup kitchens. He couldn't put 24 hours together sober. And you can probably imagine my surprise when I discovered that he actually lives right here in D.C. 
“Where?” Abigail could sense they had a hit a nerve.
“It's not that simple. He was in bad shape when I found him.
 “He didn't remember me?”
“ The alcoholism shredded his brain. I'm sorry. 
“You're not sorry. Sorry is what people say when they don't understand. Cat had tears in her eyes. “Wait. Your mother--tell me.
“ Is--is this part of the game?”
“No. The game's over.”
“When I looked at her medical chart, it--it didn't make any sense. The medication that they gave her should have been helping, but I couldn't figure out what was making her so angry. So, I, uh, I went to see her. The moment I walked in her room, I saw it. Spencer had some tears in his eyes. “For 3 seconds... She didn't know who I was. I, um, I had her tested that morning, and I found out that night... That she had early onset of dementia. Most likely Alzheimer's.” Spencer explained. Abigail took his hand under the table, he had not told her this information. 
“Did you test yourself? Spencer looked down, he bit his lip. No, you didn't. You were too scared.”
“I thought I dodged a bullet when I turned 30 and didn't have a schizophrenic break like her, but, uh, this is somehow bigger and scarier because I can actually see it happening. All the memories that we used to share are just dying. I can't stop it. I can't help her. All I can do is find people that I can help. 
“Is that really why you showed up tonight? To help me? Do you know how many men have told me that they wanted to help me? How do you think that worked out for them?” Cat taunted with her questions.
“You're right. You don't need my help. You don't need anyone's help. You are completely in control.” Morgan grabbed a girl in a blue dress. Abigail suddenly felt a hard grab and a gun was pointed at her head.
“Oh, Cat, you aren’t the first woman to hold me hostage and I’m not the first woman in Spencer’s life to be held hostage either.
“Don't!” Cat yelled. 
“FBI. Everybody stay calm, please. “
Tara had the bomber in her tight grip .“We're gonna be smart about this and talk it out. Aren't we, Cat? 
“That's up to you. 
“Get everyone out of here,” Spencer said. “Morgan, you, too. I'm not going anywhere. “
“Guess we're right back where we started. You and me with a gun.” Cat said.
“Reid, it's time,” Morgan said. 
“No. “
We don't have a choice. We have to do it. “
“Do what?” Cat asked, holding the gun closer to Abigail’s head.
“ Morgan, shut up.”
“There's one thing he hasn't told you yet. “
“That's not true. He's lying. Don't listen to him.” Spencer protested
“What haven't you told me?”
“Nothing. I told you--nothing! Nothing!” Spencer said.
“What don't I know?” We brought your father here. 
Spencer sighed “Here? He's here? 
“He's right outside. Reid thought he needed every bargaining chip he could get. 
“Morgan, I'm begging you, don't. Don't.” Spencer pleaded.
“Every bargaining chip he could get to convince you to do the right thing. “
“How is this the right thing?” Cat asked.
“Your father killed your mother. And there's no statute of limitations on murder, so you really need to think about your options right now. You shoot her, I will kill you. Or if you surrender, you will live to testify against your father.” Morgan explained. 
“That's not good enough.”
“We can arrange it for the two of you to drive into custody together, and then you can remind him of who you are.”
Spencer sighed. “If you give her this, she wins. Don't do it.”
“Kid, I am trying to save Abigail’s life. Now let me do that. They're bringing him in right now.”
“You're really upset about this, aren't you? 
“This is what you wanted, isn't it, a chance to finally hurt the man who deserves it? 
“They all deserve it. 
“He deserves it the most.” Morgan said.
“Only if Spencer and Abigail escort me out. 
“Wait. Ok, I'm ready.” SWAT opened the back of the truck, revealing the empty back.
“You lied to me,” Cat said, as Spencer handcuffed her onto the chair.
“If it makes you feel any better, I really-- I did look for him. But...I couldn't find him, so, yeah, I did make it all up.” Spencer admitted.
“Not all of it. You don't pull a story about a parent losing her memory out of nowhere. Your mother and the Alzheimer's, that's true. And Abigail, you wouldn’t lie being pregnant especially everything you have gone through I won.”
“How so?”
 Because I will get out of here. 
Abigail laughed. “Yeah, in 20 years, maybe, if you're lucky.”
“Yeah, that's fine. You know why? Because in 20 years... I'll remember your name, but you won't remember mine.” Cat taunted. Spencer got out of the truck, leaving Abigail.
“He will remember your name thanks to me and well Maeve.”
“Maeve, who is Maeve?” Cat demanded, trying to grab at Abigail.
“She is the reason I wear the second ring, and like Spencer said, people like you do what they do because of their parents, and he is right, I am one of those cases, my stepmother is the reason why I became a profiler,” Abigail said and started to walk out of the truck.
“That is why, I know you, Abigail, but one day you will cross a line and never return.” Cat screamed. Abigail walked over to Spencer, they had gone back to Morgan’s to celebrate. She was texting them that they would be home soon.
“Abigail, are you really pregnant?” Spencer asked when they were alone, walking outside of a local park.
“Yes, Maeve noticed the signs so I got tested,” she said, feeling the soft lips of Spencer on hers. The familiar ones that were always chapped from him constantly licking him when focusing on a case or reading.
“Let’s go home.” He said softly.
Abigail laid on the bed, a blanket pulled over her, her hair flowing around, she felt a small hand rest on her stomach.
“Are you okay?” Maeve asked, looking at her.
“Yes, Maeve, I am, I am just blissful in everything, especially taking down Cat Adams.” she breathed then laughed feeling arms wrapped around as the bed dipped next to her.
“We both did, little one, but you were clever.” Spencer chuckled.
Abigail giggled, looking in Spencer’s hazel eyes. 
“She learned not to play a cat and mouse game with Dr. Abigail Reid,” she said with a laugh.
“Yes, Spencer and I have learned you are a brilliant young woman.” Maeve breathed and kissed the top of her head. Abigail sighed, she really did have a perfect life, well until Cat Adams came back.
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thorne93 · 4 years
Inside the Criminal Mind (Part 8)
Prompt: You’re married to Dr. Spencer Reid of the BAU, and are a distinguished doctor yourself on the team. You’re sent down to Miami, Florida for teaching and as a side request from the FBI, to investigate a string of missing persons. When you think you’ve figured out who the unsub is, your life becomes more complicated than you ever could’ve imagined.
Word Count: 1241
Warnings: (throughout the fic –>) death, blood, gore, killings, language, disturbing mental notions, mentions of rapes/murder/etc (You know, Dexter and Criminal Minds related business)
Notes: Thank you so much to @arrow-guy​​​​, @carryonmyswansong​​​​, and @mrs-dragneel-stark-solo​​​​ - without each of you, I couldn’t have finished, written, or properly navigated this story. Each of you helped me fish out details that were incredibly important to me. Beta’d by @carryonmyswansong​​​​ and @mrs-dragneel-stark-solo​​​​… Aesthetic by @mrs-dragneel-stark-solo​​​​
This is a crossover of Criminal Minds x Dexter. First time writing Dexter.
Also, the timeline is after Season 1 of Dexter, but during season 14-ish of Criminal minds into Season 15. Enjoy!!!
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A morning before your classes, your phone rang, the screen indicating it was your husband. A warm smile grew on your face and you answered it.
“Hey, sweetie,” Spence greeted. “Are you in class?”
“No, not yet. I’ve got about another hour. Everything okay?”
“Yeah, I wanted to let you know I got home last night. I got in late though, so I didn’t want to bother you.”
“So you solved the case?” you said, happily.
“Yep. It was actually the first victim’s brother.”
“Interesting, but that makes sense.”
“Hey, I wanted to let you know, I went ahead and called a place to come paint the bathroom and kitchen. I know you’d picked out the colors. I thought I might as well do it while you’re not here and I’m out on cases.”
This gesture reminded you of one of the many reasons you loved Spence to begin with. He was always thinking ahead and doing incredibly nice things for you. And here you were, about to kill behind his back, embarking on a second life he would know nothing about. 
“That’s great. Thank you. I can’t wait to see it when I get back.”
“Speaking of coming back, Rossi’s wedding is next weekend, can you make it?” 
“Yeah, absolutely. I can leave right after class and be up there.” 
Truth be told, you hadn’t seen Spence at all since you’d gotten down here. You never video chatted and making it up on the weekends just wasn’t an option when it came to Dexter’s teachings. 
But Rossi’s wedding wasn’t something you could get out of, not that you wanted to, but you only had so much time to learn absolutely everything for pulling off the perfect crime. 
“It’ll be so good to see you. I know the team’s missed you.” 
“I miss them too, and I really do miss you. It’s just that packing up to head up and come back would be expensive and exhausting and leaves little time for grading papers--”
In a soft voice, he assured, “It’s fine, Y/N. it’s me, remember. I know how hard it is to juggle being a professor and a profiler. We knew finding time together would be hard when you took this job, but it’s okay. We’ll survive it. It’s just a few more months. I’ll see you during Rossi’s wedding, and we have all of spring break.”
A sigh of relief came from you. “Yeah, you’re right. We’ll have plenty of time together.” 
“Oh, shoot, Garcia just called in case. Got to go. I love you! Have a good day.”
“You too.”
With that, you hung up and got ready for class.
“So what do you have for me tonight?” you asked when you entered Dexter’s apartment.
“We’re going on our first stake out,” he said with a raise of his eyebrows.
“Sounds exciting,” you stated. “Do I need to wear anything special?” 
“Nope, what you’re in is fine. I’m just going to show you how I get them.” 
“So is this your hunting outfit?” you asked, gesturing to his olive green shirt and matching pants.
“What? Oh, I guess, yeah.”
“Long sleeves, in Miami… That doesn’t stick out,” you retorted with a snide expression.
“Clearly I’ve caught no one’s attention so far,” he remarked.
“Okay, let’s go.” 
The two of you walked out and went to Dexter’s car before driving off.
“So who’s the target?” 
 “Local chef. People go to his restaurant and about a week later, they die.” 
“He’s poisoning a whole restaurant and no one is noticing?” you balked. 
“He chooses plates randomly and only does about one dish a week.” 
“That’s awful.” 
“Yes, it is. So, we need to stalk him, figure out his pattern, and strike when he’s vulnerable.”
“Sounds… tedious.”
“It is.” 
After a moment passed between you two, Dexter had found the restaurant he was looking for and parked in the back parking lot.
“So now what?”
“Now, we wait. We clock the time he comes out, how long he takes to pull away, and follow him.” 
“Ugh, even as a criminal, I have to deal with stakeouts.”
Dexter turned to look at you briefly. “Hey, the food can be alright.”
“Ah, yes, the lovely diet of fast food burgers and gas station burritos, what fond memories.” 
“Let me get you some real stakeout food before you knock it,” he encouraged.
You threw up your hands in surrender. “Fine, fine.”
The two of you watched the door in silence for five minutes before Dexter asked, “So, who do you want to be your targets?” 
“Hadn’t thought about it much really. If I do criminals that I arrested and that got off, might throw up a red flag.”
“True. What about criminals other teams have caught?” he offered.
“Still too close to home. Actually, if I’m being honest, animal abusers.”
He broke his focus on the back door to turn to you. “Really?”
Your eyes slid to his. “Yep.”
“Out of everyone in the world, you choose--”
“They don’t have anyone that can fight for them. People come by the droves to speak for kids. People rally together for women. Animals literally have no voice, they’re defenseless things that couldn’t have done or harmed anyone and some fucknut out there wanted to hurt them.” 
He seemed shocked, but didn’t argue with you. “Wow. Okay, so… animal abusers it is. And method?”
“Eye for an eye.”
“You realize that will be tedious, risky?” 
“No more risky than you running around Miami in a Henley and leather gloves,” you pointed out with a coy grin. 
“Haha, very funny. I’m serious though. You’ll have to suffocate, stab, shoot, strangle…”
“I have no problem with that,” you assured.
He bobbed his head. “Fair enough.” 
“I can tweak the cause of death if it’s too obvious but I’d really like to do that.”
“Hey, according to you and your area of expertise your MO can’t be changed.”
At this, it was your turn to roll your eyes. “Okay, I get it, you think my job’s a joke.” 
“I think the theories you blindly put your faith into is a joke, not your job.” 
“Thank you for clarifying that.”
A metal door slammed shut and you jumped. Dexter looked up. “That’s him.”
The two of you sat and watched for a short while, then suddenly, the silent chase was on. 
The following morning, you called your work to report back to them. 
“Ah, Special Agent Reid,” Director Robertson said into the phone. “So good to hear from you. I was starting to worry you’d become one of the missing persons.”
You laughed slightly at the thinly veiled acknowledgement of your slacking.
“Right, I apologize. School has kept me rather busy. I’ve just got done interviewing the families.”
“And?” she urged.
“And there isn’t a lot to go on, from them at least. I’m not done though. I’ve still got plenty more leads to follow.”
“Make it work. I’d like a suspect before you return from Miami, if at all possible. If any agent can crack the case, it’s you.”
“Thank you,” you said. You sighed when you hung up. This could be a huge career move for you, if you just gave them Dexter’s name.
But he didn’t deserve that. He deserved to be left alone. Right now, you were the only thing standing between Dexter and prison, and you intended to keep it that way.
Forever Tag:
Spencer Reid
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sherrybaby14 · 5 years
I Watched You Change
This is for YoungMoneyMilla’s 9k celebration.  Congrats darling!
Prompt:  Change (in the house of flies) by the Deftones (This song reminds me of Queen of the Damned, but I am too scared to write for Anne Rice so I went with the next thing)
Summary:  Dracula AU.  Victorian England.  After being neglected by your fiancé a certain vampire sets his eyes on you
Warnings:  Angst, Dub-con, Mind Control, Cheating, Blood, Death
Pairings: Vampire!Bucky x  reader, Clint x reader
A/N:  This story has 2 endings.  You get to choose your own adventure.  They are marked!!  
                  The air in your lungs burned, your body not wanting to release the oxygen. This was important, you had to talk to him, you could do this.  Right before you were about to pass out from holding in your breath you straightened your back and lifted your chin, releasing the air as you strode toward your fiancé.
                 “Clint, I have to speak to you.”  When you opened the door to the parlor you were not surprised to see the faces of four shocked men.  
                 Women were never to interrupt, but you’d had enough.
                 “Y/N.” He rose from the couch.  “Now is not the time.  I will find you later.”
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                 The other men went back to looking at the papers on the table.  Dr. Banner not hiding his annoyance with you.  
                 “There is no time!” Damned the proper etiquette. “You’re never around, and when you are it’s with these men.  We are supposed to build a life together and I have no clue what yours is anymore.”
                 A glance to the papers on the table showed a drawing of a fanged creature, some maps, and medieval-looking weapons.  A hand was around your arm and you looked into the face of your fiancé, his lips turned into a scowl as he dragged you out of the room.  
                 “I am working toward ensuring that life is one of purity and safety.”  He spoke through gritted teeth as he led you back into the hall.  “One where I can protect you.”  
                 “Protect me?”  You pulled your arm away.  “From what?”
                 “There is evil here.” Clint looked over his shoulder, almost ensuring his partners couldn’t hear. “I fear that the minds of women can’t grasp this level of danger.  I need you to trust me.  We are closing in on the beast.  Once he is killed we will be wed.”
                 “Beast?  Killed?” Your head started to swim with his cryptic words, let alone the insult against your gender. “What are you talking about?  You sound mad.”
                 “I’ve said too much.”  His expression melted into pity as he cupped your cheek.  “We have to return to the city for a few nights. It’s safer for you here.”  
                 “Now you’re leaving?”  You supposed it didn’t make much difference since he was never around either way.  
                 “When I return, things will go back to how they were.” He placed a kiss on your forehead. “Promise me, you won’t go outside after dark and wear your crucifix?”  
                 “Mr. Barton.”  Dr. Banner appeared in the doorway. “If we wish to act on this lead, we must prepare.”  
                 You glanced around your fiancé and swore you saw Tony Stark brandishing a crossbow.  Your mouth hung open as you looked up at Clint, desperate for an explanation.  
                 “Patience Y/N.”  He gave another quick kiss before leaving with Dr. Banner, shutting the door to the parlor behind him.  
                 At the start of summer, you thought it was kind Mr. Stark offered you a room at his country estate.  Memories of your arrival and how vibrant Clint had seemed further away than the ten weeks they were.  
                 Once Dr. Banner arrived it was like all the men had gone insane with some private obsession.  Clint no longer snuck into your bedroom in the evening, showed up for dinners or teas, and he halted all talk of your wedding plans, which you’d hoped would be set for some time in the early fall.  
                 Again you found yourself alone.  In a big empty estate.  You debated on finding one of the servants, but they did not hide their annoyance at your presence and refused to treat you like their equal. That drove you nuts, especially since you were nowhere near the class of Tony Stark.  
                 The tears of frustration were starting to pool, but if Clint saw you cry that would only feed into the stereotype he had recently painted you into. The sensitive woman who must be shielded from everything.
                 The suffocating feeling returned.  You grabbed your hat and purse from next to the door before yanking it open and walking out into the summer sunshine.  
                 A walk would do you good.  Calm your rage.  The town was only a kilometer away. Maybe seeing the faces of some people not obsessed with ‘beasts’ would help.
               Clint’s words kept circling you as you tried to make sense out of them. The minds of women can’t grasp this level of danger. More like the mouths of men can’t explain what the hell was going on. You brought your hand to your lips at the thought.  
                 Such immoral words would never leave your mouth, but you couldn’t help picture the look on Clint’s face had you spoken them out loud.   There would be a rage in his eyes, he’d never hit you, but probably think about it as his jaw clenched.  For some reason, the image of the reaction excited you.  
                 “Excuse me Miss?”  A voice shook you from your fantasy.  
                 You looked up at a striking man.  He had long brown hair slicked back, he wore thick sunglasses and a proper suit with a hat that looked tailored enough to rival one of Mr. Stark’s outfits.  But the most peculiar thing was his sun umbrella in his gloved hand.  You hadn’t seen many men carry those.
                 “I have just arrived and I was looking for the solicitor’s office?  Could you point me in the right direction?”  The man’s glasses made it difficult to tell where his eyes were looking, but his voice sent a chill down your spine.
                 You realized you were starring and looked down the street, more than familiar with the layout of the few shops and businesses in the small country town.  
                 “Yes.  It’s the third building on the opposite side of the street.”  You started walking.  “I am headed that way actually.”
                 “Is there a bookstore?” The man followed you.
                 “Excuse me?”  You didn’t know what he was implying.
                 “You look like someone well read.  In town unaccompanied, I assumed it was for a new book.”  He gave you a smile.  
                 “There is a bookstore, but unfortunately, I have read everything I care to that they have.”  You thought about his unaccompanied line.  
                 You were an engaged woman, maybe it was inappropriate to come to town by yourself.  What would Clint think? You walking down the street with another man. Internally you rolled your eyes, he was too busy hunting some beast to be worried about you.  
                 “That is a shame.”  Your companion stopped at the solicitor’s office.
                 In the window was a sign that read ‘Closed until Monday’.
                 “Would it be forward of me to ask you to accompany me to lunch?  I did notice a café down the street and I hate to eat alone?”  
                 His invitation made your mouth hang open, how brazen?  What did he take you for?  Some harpy?
                 “I do not believe my fiancé would appreciate that.” You started to turn.  “Good day sir.”  
                 “Apologies.” He called out before you got a step away. “I meant no harm, to you nor your fiancé. I am new to this country and clearly lacking in its social normalcies.  I understand women are all too aware of potential dangers around them.”
                 His word choice made your heart stop beating for a moment as you froze and turned back to him.  
                 “What did you say?  About dangers?”  You could not remember the last time you were so interested in an answer.
                 “As a species, women are much more practical when it comes to the evils in this world.”  He stepped toward you.  “And thus I clothe my naked villainy.”  
                 A smile spread to your lips as you let out a little laugh.  When was the last time that happened?  A smile or a chuckle?  
                 “Richard III.”  You nodded. “I’m impressed.”  
                 “And I am Count James Buchanan.”  He offered you an arm. “It was never my intention to offend.”
                 “I may have overreacted.”  You took his escort.  “Maybe a light lunch would be appropriate.  Especially if the conversation is about Shakespeare.”
                 “What is your favorite work?”  The Count asked.
                 You smiled, happy for once your brain wasn’t preoccupied with thoughts of your maddening fiancé.  
               The lunch flew by as quickly as the conversation. You lost track of time as the world faded away with the sun.  It was only when the sound of thunder shook the café you were jarred from the Count’s attention.  
                 “Blast!”  You rose from the table and looked out the window as the rain pelted down.  “I am afraid our afternoon must come to an end. I promised my fiancé to return by dark.”
                 “Wise man, obtaining such a promise.”  He looked out the window with you. “It was a pleasure meeting you, Miss. Y/L/N.  I believe your fiancé must be a very wise man for receiving your affections.”
                 The meaning of his words was not lost on you and again brought on shivers.  When you glanced over at him he finally removed his sunglasses and eyes too blue to be natural starred back.  It almost made you gasp, the handsomeness of this man.      
                 “Thank you for the company and compliments.” You didn’t look away from his hypnotic gaze.  “I was hoping I could ask you for a favor Count Barnes?”
                 “James.” He gave you a knowing glance. “And whatever your heart desires.”  
                 “Could I borrow your umbrella?”  You gave a half smile. “I walked here, and would hate to catch a cold in the rain.”
                 “No.”  His response surprised you.  “I have a carriage.  I will drive you home.”  
                 Before you could respond he was outside, waving his hand to the end of the street.  The horse and buggy arrived right when you walked out.  
                 The driver did not jump down as James held open the door for you.  It would be rude to decline, and with the weather, you were sure Clint would want you to accept the ride.  
                 “I’m at the Stark estate.”  You told James as you sat against the plush leather.  
                 “Anthony Stark, I didn’t realize he was engaged. Won’t he be thrilled when he finds out I’ve spent the afternoon with his fiancé.”  James took a seat next to you.
                 “He is not engaged.  Clint Barton, he’s an old acquaintance of Mr. Stark.”  You felt silly for not explaining yourself earlier. “But you know Mr. Stark too?”  
                 “Of course.  He is the reason I picked this countryside town.  He and his friends practically chased me out Romania to get me here, your fiancé included.”  He gave you a wink.  “Mr. Barton. I’ve never had the pleasure of meeting him in person, but I have heard he is quite strong and reputable.”  
                 “He is.”  You wanted to say ‘was’, but bit your tongue.
                 “It’s a strange coincidence.  After dropping you off my plans were to head to the Stark estate.” James removed his hat. “That solicitor has the keys to my new estate.  It appears I am homeless until Monday.  I was hoping Tony wouldn’t mind boarding me for the next two nights.”  
                 Even you didn’t call Mr. Stark Tony.  It made your eyebrows rise at the informalness.  
                 “Unfortunately Mr. Stark went to London for the weekend.” You gave a frown.  
                 “Is your fiancé acting as master of the estate in his stead?”  James’ confidence didn’t falter at the news.
                 “Actually, I am the only guest at the moment.”  You bit your lip.  Was it your place to offer Tony’s residence to the Count?
                 “I see.”  James nodded. “I am sure that there is an inn I can find a room at.  I would hate to put you in that position.”
                 “Nonsense.”  After how kind he had been to you, and the fact he called Mr. Stark Tony, there was no reason to make him stay at that bug infested inn.  “You are more than welcome to stay at Mr. Stark’s estate.  I will have one of the servants makes up a room for you as soon as we arrive.”  
                 “Thank you.  I am sure Tony would approve of your hospitality.”  James’ eyes flashed with his own approval.  “Does that mean we will be dining together this evening?”
                 Your heart fluttered at the thought, not over the food or the man himself, just the idea of company.  It had been so long.  
               Dinner was just as pleasant as lunch, if not more so and you drank in every word your new friend spoke.  Some of the servants raised an eye while serving the food, but nobody objected to your offering the Count a room.
                 “Would you like a nightcap?”  You rose from the table and started toward the parlor.  
                 “I really would.”  James stifled a yawn. “But I fear I am in need of sleep after today’s activities.”
                 “Of course.”  You felt foolish, forgetting your guest’s travels.  
                 “In fact, I will likely sleep through the day tomorrow I am so exhausted.  Please forgive my rudeness if that occurs.”  James stood up and left his seat, walking with you.
                 “Very understandable.”  You tried to hide your disappointment, knowing it was selfish but you wanted company again.  
                 “But I was hoping, tomorrow evening, the two of us could have a formal dinner?”  He offered you his arm as you walked through the hall to the staircase, which you gladly took.  “I’ve brought my dress coats and I would love to experience an English formal.”
                 “For two?”  You smiled. “I’m not sure you will get the entire experience.”
                 “Humor me.”  James climbed the stairs, leading you up.
                 “I suppose I’ll check with the servants in the morning.” You had a feeling they would jump at the chance, at least the chef. She’d been bored stiff whining about making quick meals all summer.  
                 “Well good night Miss Y/L/N.”  James stopped outside his bedroom, you hadn’t realized you’d walked this far, much passed your own.  
                 “Y/N, please.”  Your eyes didn’t leave him as his lips touched the top of your hand.
                 A lump came in the back of your throat and you swallowed it down.  
                 “Goodnight Y/N.”  James dropped your hand.  
                 Every nerve in your body flared for some unknown reason.  Tingles spread across your shoulders as you spun to walk to your room, muttering a goodbye.
               Thoughts went to tomorrow’s dinner.  You could distract yourself with getting ready and maybe the workers would let you help set the table or something, but they would probably fight you off wanting to tame their own boredom.  
                 At the back of your brain, there was a clawing this was wrong.  You shouldn’t be excited about dining with anyone but your fiancé.  But you told yourself you would be dining with him if he were here.  And besides, as the only current guest of the estate, it was your job to entertain Mr. Stark’s friends.  
               He meant to murder her the second they were in the carriage.  Leave her dead body on the side of the road for the men to find as a warning, but she proved to be much more than the delicate flower her husband talked of.  
                 And the way she smelled, Bucky could only imagine how good she must taste.  He ran his tongue over his lips as he undressed in Tony Stark’s mansion.  He imagined how enraged the would-be vampire hunter would be if he knew.  
                 Dr. Banner was responsible for this, bringing him here into poor Y/N’s life.  They should have left him be, but his arch nemesis thought if he got a gang together maybe he would stand a chance this time.  The poor mortals had no clue how powerful Bucky really was and he had no intention of giving them a demonstration.
                 Still, they had to be taught a lesson.  Killing vampire hunters tended to create more vampire hunters.  Usually hunting loved ones was enough of a deterrent, but it seemed nobody else had any family but Clint Barton.  His fiancé death would send the perfect message to the others, but Bucky didn’t want her dead any longer.  He wanted something more.  
                 He was certain she was asleep by now.  It had been hours since they parted, but she was still on his mind.  There was a risk in using the hallway, he was certain the staff was already suspicious of him.  So he went to the window and with minimal effort crawled across the stone siding toward her room.  
                 The warm summer air meant the panes were open and he went inside with the breeze.  There she was in her bed, a light sweat on her forehead as she tossed among the sheets.  Her nightgown was simple and white, clearly lacking in the wealth of this house.  He enjoyed how thin it was, as it stuck to her skin, the outline of her curves apparent.  
                  He couldn’t help himself as he dipped into the bed next to her.  Her lids started to flutter and he couldn’t have that.  
                 “Shhhh,” he ordered. “Sleep.”  
                 There was a relaxation to her body as Bucky position her between his legs with her on her side.  
                 “What are you dreaming of Love?”  He brushed her hair back and inhaled her intoxicating aroma.  
                 “You.” There was no hesitation in her response.
                 “I like that very much.”  Bucky ran his hand down her bare arm until he got to her gown and started to bunch it up.  “What about me?”  
                 “Kissing you. Touching you.” Her lips puckered at the last word.  
                 “Touching me?”  The white thing gathered around her waist, leaving her beautiful cunt open for his hand.  “I have a better idea.”  
                 She let out a moan as his fingers worked between her folds.  Bucky smiled at how wet she was for him, eager and inviting.   He teased her entrance with his finger, and she lifted her hips.  
                 “The first time I enter you there it won’t be with a finger.”  Bucky dragged along her slit, eliciting a disappointed whimper.  “That doesn’t mean I will leave you wanting.”
                 He pressed down on her tender bud and she gasped as her hands scratched at his chest.  She started rocking against him, grinding down on his hard cock with her movements while he circled and rubbed her clit.    
                 “Cum for me.”  He cared more about her release than his own, a strange occurrence for him. “Tell me what you need.”  
                 “You.”  There was a coo to her voice, but she rocked faster against him.  
                 Bucky increased the pressure and his motions, harder and faster.  Soon the gasping came again and the features on her face tightened.  She was close and he planned on tasting her ecstasy.  He opened his mouth and bared his fangs.    
                 The second her climax came over her Bucky removed his hand and flipped her on to her back.  His thigh pressed against her apex while his teeth sank into her neck.
                 He tasted her orgasm, a rush of pent up repression and denial mixed without any shame or remorse.  It was enough that he felt his cock spasm in his pants as her blood rushed down his throat.  
                 Her death would be a waste.  Bucky knew right then and there he had better plans in store for her.  
               “Miss.”  There was a handshaking you.  “Miss wake up.”  
                 You struggled to open your eyes.  The room seemed extra bright and you shielded your eyes.
                 “What time is it?”  You begrudgingly lifted yourself up on to an elbow.  “Who are you?”
                 “Count Barnes told us about the dinner tonight.” She wore one of Tony’s uniforms. “I am here to help you dress.  It’s 5 pm. Dinner is at 7, so we should get started.”
                 “Five pm?”  That made you jolt up in bed. “I’ve slept the day away.”  
                 “You do look a little ill.”  The woman tapped your neck. “And it looks like a spider may have taken a bite.”  
                 You stood up and went to the mirror.  There was an air of tiredness to your features and two strange puncture marks on your neck.  It must have been a huge spider.  
                 “Please don’t cancel the dinner.”  The girl appeared behind you. “The staff has been dreadfully bored and Count Barnes is paying all of us a very generous additional sum for tonight.”  
                 “I am tired, but I feel more relaxed than I have in months.”  It was like all the tension in your body ran out.  “I wouldn’t dream of canceling on the Count.”  
                 You would have to thank him when you saw him, especially since you said you would inform the servants.  
                 “He had a special dress sent over for you.”  The maid went to a bag hanging.  “I don’t even think Mr. Stark knows how to have something made so quickly.”  
                 She lifted the bag to show the most exquisite piece of clothing you’d ever seen.  It was the right color for you and the details were extraordinary.  
               “I think we should do your hair up.”  The main went on for her plans for you and you nodded along, eager to participate in the night’s festivities.  
               When you saw James he looked more handsome than you remembered, his suit the finest you’d ever seen.  
                 Dinner was another perfect conversation where it felt like he hung on every word you said.  
                 “If I ask for a nightcap will you accompany this time?”  You rose from the table.
                 “Only if you ask nicely.”  James stood as well.  
                 “Please, won’t you join me for a drink?”  You waited for him to offer his arm.  
                 “I must say, that dress looks stunning on you.” He looked you up and down. “Mr. Barton is a lucky man.”  
                 Hearing your fiance’s name made you cringe. It was the first time you’d given him any thought all evening.  
                 “Yes.  You will come to the wedding I hope?”  You looked at James and saw a twinge of disappointment, making you feel even guiltier.
                 “I hope to play a large part in your wedding.” The disappointment vanished.  
                 “Oh.  Of course. I forget you’re acquaintances with all the men.” You walked into the parlor and left James to go pour the drinks.
                 There was a scratching sound and then music filled the room.  You smiled as you looked over your shoulder at James with phonograph.  
                 “It’s a wonderful invention.”  You turned and handed him a drink.  
               “Dance with me.”  He took both glasses from your hands and set them down.  
                 “I don’t think…”
                 “Please.”  He held his hand out.  
                 You knew it was wrong, but you found yourself accepting his proposal and slipping your hand into his, while his other went around your waist and brought you closer.  
                 “You’re very special Y/N.”  James led you as you swayed.  “More than any human recognizes.”  
                 “I’m just a girl.”  You felt a heat growing in your heart between his compliments and the way he was touching you.  
                 “No.”  His had left yours and went to your chin, nudging it so that your eyes were on his. “You are much more than that.  You are a delicacy. One I would very much like to taste. Again.”
                 Hazy visions of laying on top of James, his hand on your most private areas.  The release the ecstasy, the bite on your neck.  
                 “What are you?”  You were curious, not scared, not angry, nothing else.  
                 “I am the only one who can satisfy you.  Give you what you crave.  Knowledge, equality, travel, the world.”  He leaned in closer.  “All you have to do is join me.”    
                 “You’re the beast they’re hunting.”  Things fell into place.
               The crossbow, the picture on the table of the fanged creature, the sun umbrella, the sunglasses, sleeping all day, the puncture marks on your neck.  
                 “You’re a vampire.”  You understood why Clint was acting so mad, had he told you the truth you never would have believed him.  “Am I under your spell?”
                 “Not at the moment.” The music stopped but you continued to sway.  
                 “Then why am I not scared?”  You kept your eyes on his, having no reason to trust him but doing so anyway.  
                 “Because you’re different.”  His gaze did not falter. “Leave with me, tonight.  Let me take you into the darkness.”  
                 He was asking, but you knew he didn’t need to. A mountain of feelings came toppling down.  He was a monster, you were engaged.  He was interesting, you were lonely.  He excited you, you were amazed by him.  Would a no mean death and did you even want to say no?  While your thoughts continued to scramble your heat knew the answer.  
                 You opened your mouth to speak when the door to the parlor flung open.  
                 “Y/N GET BACK!” Clint held out a giant crucifix.
                 James let out a screech and moved you behind his back.  Clint wasted no opportunity jumping forward, a wooden stake in his hand.  It came centimeters to James’ heart when he let go of you to defend himself.  You fell to the floor with a bump and scooted back against the wall.  
                 The two men struggled with each other.  The wooden stake going closer to James before another blow pushed it away.  
                 “STOP!  You’re hurting him!”  You screamed out from the floor.  
                 Both men looked at you.  
                 “Y/N run! Get out of here.”  Clint went back to trying to kill James.  
                 “Y/N you have a choice.  Make it.”  James didn’t sound nearly as winded as Clint.  
                 That’s when you realized this was all a show for your benefit.  James could have snapped Clit in two if he wanted.  That’s where this was headed.  Clint’s death.  James wanted you to do it, but could you?  
                 Two lives danced in front of your eyes literally. One a happy dutiful wife in the sunlight, the other a literal monster.   You knew the correct choice.  
                 Ignoring the faux struggle you walked over to the crossbow, the one Tony must have chosen to leave behind for some reason. It was loaded, all you to do was pull the trigger.  Without hesitation, you went over to the duo.  Neither of which were paying attention to you.  
                 “I wish there was another way.”  You sighed as you lined up and took your shot.
                 In an instant the struggle was over as the body hit the floor with a thud, your life forever changed.
 A/N:  We are going into a little bit of a choose your own adventure.  If you want to be a bad girl skip all the way to ***  
[Begin ending 1]
               “Y/N.”  Clint looked at you with shock.  “Thank God.”
                 He ran to you and tucked you against his chest, the entire time your eyes were glued to James, the arrow sticking out of his heart. His body started to shake and decay at a rapid rate, the beautiful face disappearing.  
                 “Where are the others?”  You didn’t notice the vampire hunting gang.
                 “London.  I just had a feeling that you needed me.”  Clint kissed the top of your head. “That it was wrong to leave you alone.  And I was right.”  
                 “Is it over now?  That he is dead.”  You pulled away and looked up at Clint.  
                 “It’s over.  Our lives are safe.”  He started to lead you out of the parlor.  “The others won’t believe it.”  
                 “Will you tell me the story?”  You looked at Clint. “Why was he here?”  
                 “For another time love.”  Clint squeezed you tight.  “You have had quite a night.  I’m sure you need some rest.”  
                 “To sleep, perchance to dream.”  You were still in a haze.
                 “What?”  Clint asked.
                 “I’m not familiar.”  He tightened his shoulders as he led you to the stairs, away from what could have been.  
                 [Begin Ending 2]
                 A failed grunt came out of Clint as he tried to reach for the arrow in his back.  It was short lived as he collapsed dead.   You lowered the crossbow as James stepped over his body.  
                 His eyes bore into yours with pride and amazement. When he reached you he cupped your cheek and lifted your chin, pressing his mouth to yours.  You dropped the weapon and put your arms around his neck, returning the kiss.  
                 “What a choice.”  He broke the kiss as he hoisted you in the air,  your skirts going to your waist as you wrapped your legs around him.
                 “There was never a choice to make.  You would always win.”   You went back to kissing him.
                 This was the kissing you’d always dreamed of, deep and unbridled passion.   You would spend eternity with someone capable of making you feel this way.  
                 You squealed when there was a sharp pang on your tongue,  followed by the taste of copper, then something else, something warm and tangy. James had bitten both of your tongues open and your blood swooshed together in your mouth.  
                 It made you moan as he set you down on the couch. He moved faster than your eyes could keep up with, undressing and then you.  It was dizzying to be naked so quickly, but in a second he bared his fangs and sunk them deep into your neck.
                 A moan left your lips as you felt your blood dripping down your back.  Warm and so filled with life.   Your head started to lull to the side as your soul slid into James’ mouth.  With it all your hang up and pretentions.  
                 Then he pulled your head away and looked at you as a nail ran across his chest, spilling his own.  You didn’t need instructions as your mouth went to him, lapping it up and taking as much of him in as you could.  He tasted like love.   Something you could never get enough and never quite understood how it felt.
                 He spun around and pulled you across his lap, straddling him.   You’d never been in such a lewd position before and loved it as he lined up his cock with your cunt and lowered you down.  
                 James tilted his head to the side and again ran a fingernail, opening up his vein.  You wasted no time dropping your head to taste him again while your body bounced up and down his shaft.  
                 Soon his teeth returned to your neck, crunching down again.   It made you cry out and lose your concentration on your own feeding.   But then the tingling in your pussy began to grow in a way you never experienced before.  
                 James was guiding you, up and down, back and forth. You started gasping, desperate for the release.  Certain that you were going to burst into nothingness.  When the pleasure came it made James suck down harder and you moaned uncontrollably.  Your orgasm was soon met with his own and he stilled your movements but continued to drink from your throat.  
                 Finally he lifted his head, showing his blood-soaked chin and lips.  You imagined you looked much the same when he pressed his mouth to yours, his cock softening inside of you.  
                 The deep kiss turned into a little peck and you fell forward, resting your head against James’ chest, the blood drying.  
                 “We have to get out of here.”  He kissed your head and slid you off of his lap.  “The others won’t be far behind.”  
                 “Where will we go?”  You weren’t sure you were capable of standing as sleep started to tug you down.  
                 “Wherever we like.”  He gave you a devilish grin and kissed your forehead.  “Sleep now.”  
                 You had no clue where you would be when you awoke but were ready to follow him into the night.          
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drbibliophile · 4 years
Nanowrimo 2020 Day 14
Word count:  26171/50000
Woo hoo!  More than halfway through and about 3000 words today.  Now it is late and I really should just go to sleep.  A longer excerpt for those who want to read where Trevelyan probably reveals a lot more in regards to his feelings around Jocelyn than he meant to.  Wexton is Trevelyan, our favorite hero.  Aerilon is his friend, Daniel.  Martin is the duke of Verilain and Xavier is the duke of Savone.  They are older by at least 15 years than Trevelyan and Daniel.  Henry is the king.  
The other men sounded agreement.  Xavier glanced at Henry who shook his head.  He shifted attention to Trevelyan.  “So, Wexton, when you are going to wed?”  
He shrugged.  “When I do.”  
Xavier shook his head.  “Come, come.  That won’t do.  There’s got to be someone in the court that interests you.”  
Martin grinned.  “Don’t you know?”  
“That’s Maggie’s sphere, not mine, and she hasn’t mentioned that you have a choice, Wexton.”  He stopped.  “Assuming that there is one worth the bother.”  
Trevelyan frowned in confusion.  “Meaning?”  
“Meaning if you’re going to marry, marry someone worthwhile, that makes your life easier and doesn’t waste away your time or energy on ridiculousness.  You need someone you can take on campaign or leave to defend your castle.  Doing otherwise is pure foolishness.”  
“Well, then I’m afraid that Wexton is doomed to foolishness,” Martin noted.  “He’s intent on the Lady Miranda.”  
“Miranda?”  Xavier frowned.  “Which one is she?”  
“The pretty buxom one with the whiskey eyes and the gold and brown hair,” Martin identified.  No recognition lit in Xavier’s eyes.  
“My cousin,” Daniel added. 
That did it.  “Her?”  Xavier’s face clouded before he shook his head.  “Not a good choice, Wexton.”  
Trevelyan was going to protest that he hadn’t formally chosen Miranda, just shown some interest.  Now, though, he needed to defend his choice.  “Why not?”  
“Not a good campaigner, that one.  She’s for the court.”  
“So she has diplomatic skill.”  
Xavier snorted.  “Don’t mistake the ability to smile while they twist the dagger in your back as a sign of diplomatic skill.  It’s more deceit than anything else.”  
“Deceit?”  Martin protested.  “I’d say it would be a good use of one’s charm and situation.”  
“Like I said, deceit.”  He shuddered.  “Good thing Maggie had no desire for a courtly life.”  
“She did until you seduced her away from it,” Martin countered.  
“Who told you that piece of nonsense?”  
“Bella.”  Martin looked triumphant.  
Xavier frowned.  “Well, Bella was for the court as well until you took her away.”  
Marin nodded.  “That I did.  Single best decision of my life.”  He looked at Daniel.  “How did you get Rebecca away?”  
“A better question is how did Rebecca rescue me from court for which I am eternally grateful.”  
Henry studied his dukes.  “You three have cast some fairly unsavory aspersions on my court.”  
Martin and Xavier looked at each other then at Daniel and Trevelyan.  The other two dukes shrugged.  Xavier sighed.  “We’re all warriors and campaigners, Your Majesty.  It’s our nature to prefer a straight up fight than one cloaked in insinuations and innuendos.”  
Henry nodded.  “Because your maneuvers against the Terygon were completely transparent.”  
Xavier frowned.  “That was different.”  
“Not that different.  Both require a use of strategy and a disguise of intentions, but the weapons are words instead of swords”  He took a drink from his goblet.  “However, we will concede that it is not a battle for everyone which is fortunate that your wife is a good campaigner in court.”  
Xavier frowned harder before it soothed away.  “Aye, well, Maggie’s wit is a potent weapon, that I will grant, and one I’m glad to not have used against me.”  
“That is truth.”  Henry glanced at Trevelyan.  “For all of Savone complaining, your fellow duke does make a good point, Wexton.”  
“Which is?”  
“Find yourself a wife that is suited to your life and will make it easier.  We grant that the Lady Miranda is beautiful and a good dowry, but she’s for the court.  Always has been.  Taking her away from it would not be wise.”  
“Perhaps I wouldn’t need to.”  
Henry shot him an incredulous look.  “No, Wexton.  The court is not for you.”  
“And yet you’d have me choose someone from the court as a wife.”  He didn’t want to complain, but their requirements weren’t tenable.  
“There are those who are more amenable to a warrior’s life than not,” Henry said dryly.  
“Like who?”  
“What do you think, Savone?”  
Xavier shrugged.  “Forgive me, Your Majesty, but as I have noted, that is far more Maggie’s sphere than mine.”  
“Your favored excuse,” Daniel said lightly.  
“Because it is true.”  
“Then whom would you choose, Aerilon?”  
Daniel shrugged.  “I am not in the business of matchmaking, Your Majesty.  That is more Rebecca’s realm.”  
Henry snorted.  “Verilain.  You must have someone.”  
Martin sighed.  “Only because Bella keeps me appraised of what is going on.”  He rubbed his chin in thought.  “What about one of Montrose’s brood?  They’d be used to the campaign trail.”  
“But then Wexton would have Montrose as a father in law and that would be a poor thing to wish on anyone,” Xavier said.  
“Aye, there’s truth to that.”  Martin leaned back in his chair.  “Haverlain’s eldest?”  
Trevelyan shook his head.  “Too young.”  
“Too young?”  
“Aye.  I have no desire to wed or bed anyone half my age.”  
“Ah, yes.”  Martin nodded.  “Wise that.”  
“What about Navarrin’s daughter?”  Xavier asked.  
“She’s married,” Daniel answered.  
“No, no.  Not that one.  The other one.”  
“Dedicated herself to the Goddess.”  
Xavier’s eyes widened in surprise.  “Really?”  
Henry nodded.  “We approved the vows last week.”  
“Oh, well then, that’s not going to work.”  
They fell into an easy quiet.  “What about the Lady Jocelyn?”  Xavier asked.  
Trevelyan shot a look at Martin.  As he did he caught Daniel frowning and Henry being still.  That puzzled and concerned him.  Henry was rarely ever still.  Then it was gone.  Daniel was back to his usual pleasantry and Henry was tracing a pattern on the tabletop.  Yet, he’d seen it.  He’d swear that that he had.  Why?  Why those reactions from his friend and his king?  
“What about her?”  Martin asked, distracting him from his thoughts.  
“Well, Maggie says she can ride and hunt and is decent with a sword,” Xavier said.  “Seems like she’d be all right as a campaigner.”  
Martin nodded.  “And Dragona is a good holding especially with Justice and his men as part of the bargain.”  His eyes settled on Trevelyan.  “And if I remember correctly, she did win at least one game of chess against you.”  
“So she did.”  
“Then a good enough match for you,” Xavier said.  
“She is Marsten’s widow,” Daniel said quietly.  
Trevelyan nearly frowned.  Why was Daniel objecting?  Was he even objecting?  His expression was neutral, but Trevelyan suspected there was a deeper emotion at work.  Sometimes he couldn’t read the other duke.  He knew that Daniel valued Jocelyn.  Did he think that Trevelyan was not worthy of her?  Was he wrong about Daniel?  Mentally he shook himself.  No.  He’d stake his life on his friendship with the duke of Aerilon.  There was something else at work.  There had to be.  
“All the more reason to marry her off to someone so she won’t cause more trouble,” Xavier announced.  “That woman is dangerous.”  
Trevelyan did frown.  “She was not the cause of Marsten’s rebellion,” he countered.  
Xavier shot him a skeptical look.  “And you know this how?”  
“Because she told me.”  
“And you believed her?”  
He leveled a hard look on the elder duke.  “Yes.”  
Xavier snorted.  “You’ve a lot to learn about women if you’re going to believe her at her word.”  
“And you have a lot to learn about the Lady Jocelyn.”  
“Educate me if you’re such an expert.”  His gaze matched Trevelyan’s while his voice carried no small amount of skepticism.  “I’m fascinated to know why the King’s Enforcer believes the wife of the traitor when she tells him that she had nothing to do with her husband’s plans.”  
“I never said I was an expert, Savone.”  
“Yet you seem ready enough to believe her lies.” 
Irrational anger flared inside him.  His hand closed into a fist under the table.  “She didn’t lie.”  
“And you know this how?”  Trevelyan didn’t respond immediately.  “A word to the wise and a pardon to my dear Maggie, but women will say most anything to get what they want, particularly in bed.”  
His anger flared.  “How dare you!”  
“How dare you!”  Xavier roared back.  “You’re taking the word of a traitor over your own good sense.”  
“She’s not a traitor!”  
“She is!”  
That did it.  He leapt to his feet, slamming his hands down on the table.  Blue fire flashed over his hands.  “Enough!”  Daniel’s voice kept him from leaping across the table to take Xavier by the throat.  “Stand down, Wexton, now.  Immediately,” he ordered.  “And Savone, have a care of how you speak of the Lady of Dragona.”  
Xavier kept his eyes on Trevelyan.  “I am merely pointing out what I see, Aerilon.”  
“Then you are blind,” Trevelyan snarled.  
“No more blind than you.”  
“Again, enough!”  Daniel snapped.  “Wexton, sit down now before I make you.”  Trevelyan shot his friend an angry look, but he did as he was bid.  “Thank you.”  He looked at Savone, his expression hard.  “I will say this once, Savone.  Slander the Lady Jocelyn again and you will answer to me.  Do I make myself clear?”  
Xavier frowned, confusion clear.  “You would defend her?”  
“Yes.”  Daniel sat up straighter.  “The Lady Jocelyn is many things, but she is not a liar nor is she a traitor.  If she says that she was not involved in Marsten’s plans, then she was not.  Are we clear?”  Xavier shrugged more than nodded.  He looked at Trevelyan.  “I am also certain that Wexton did not base his determination of her innocence on her word alone.  Did you?”  
He didn’t want to answer.  The anger roiled through him.  How dare Xavier doubt Jocelyn?  How dare he?  And yet even as his anger raged, the rational part of him understood why Xavier would speak as he did.  He opened his hands, closed them tightly then opened them again.  He drew a long breath and let it go.  He only spoke when he trusted his voice again.  
“No.”  He drew another long breath.  “From all accounts, Marsten had left Dragona with her men at least two months before he’d made his intentions known and without informing his wife of his intentions.”  
“And you know this how?”  Martin asked.  
“Talking with her captain, her men, and her people.”  
“They could be lying,”  Xavier started.  
Trevelyan sneered.  He couldn’t help it.  “That would require over two hundred people telling the same lie in the same way without anyone slipping up.”  He shot Xavier a hard look.  “Think that likely?”  
Xavier shifted in his chair.  “No.”  
“Dragona Castle was also besieged twice in the preceding three months.  I sincerely doubt she could be rebelling against His Majesty and defending her castle.”  
“What did you say?”  Henry asked.  
“Dragona Castle was besieged twice in the preceding three months,” Trevelyan repeated.  
“By whom?”  
“Count Farin.”  
Henry frowned.  “And what has been done about Count Farin?”  
“The Lady Jocelyn stated she handled the matter.”  
“Which was how?”  
“I am afraid that I do not know, Your Majesty.”  
“And why not?”  Clearly the king was displeased.  
“Because you wanted me back swiftly and taking a week to check on Farin’s stronghold didn’t seem to be swift,” he shot back.  “Your Majesty,” he added.  
Henry’s eyes opened in annoyance, but it faded quickly.  “Yes, I did rather remember asking you to bring her to me sooner rather than later.”  
Trevelyan didn’t answer.  Biting his tongue was the wiser move, but his anger still simmered.  If he wasn’t careful he was going to say more than he should.  He already had.  Gods, why did Xavier have to be such an ass about Jocelyn?  He didn’t know her, didn’t understand truly she could not, would not have rebelled against Henry.  It wasn’t her.  It just wasn’t.  He drew a deep breath, willing himself to calm.  Most of the time he could contain his temper.  This day, though, this day his temper was getting the best of him.  
“Well, Savone, it seems that the Lady of Dragona is not as traitorous as it would seem,” Martin said.  
Xavier nodded.  “Yes, so it would seem.”  He stroked his chin before seeming to come to a conclusion.  “My apologies to you and Aerilon if I spoke inappropriately.”  
“Apology accepted.”  Daniel said before Trevelyan could even think of disagreeing.  Trevelyan inclined his head in agreement.  “She is also a good friend to my wife and myself, Savone.  If Wexton had not defended her then I would have.”  
“So you are saying I should be careful.”  
Daniel sighed deeply.  “I am saying that appearances aren’t everything.  I would also advise that you ask your wife about the lady.  You may find her opinion illuminating.”  
Xavier frowned.  “You don’t say?”  
“I do say.”  
That cracked a small smile on his face.  “I will be sure to ask her then.”  He leaned back in his chair slightly.  “Well, Wexton, after all this, perhaps you should marry her.”  
Trevelyan counted to five before answering.  His anger was still there and he needed to control it.  He marry Jocelyn?  Internally he shook his head.  That was a foolish thought.  She didn’t want him.  She hadn’t wanted him then.  She certainly didn’t want him now.  He’d executed her husband.  
“I’ve made my interest in the Lady Miranda known.”    
“Until you’ve formally asked, you can always change your mind.”  
“Perhaps I do not want my mind to be changed.”  
He nodded.  “Ultimately, Wexton, it is your life, but I would think hard on why you were so quick to defend a traitor’s wife.”  
He bit back his first retort and settled on his second.  “Perhaps my sense of honor demands defending someone who is innocent.”  
“Glad that matter is settled then,” Henry said.  “Now, given we’ve troubled Aerilon for a feast tonight, it would be a pity if we were all late to it.”  He stood, causing the other men to stand as well.  “Good afternoon, gentlemen.”  They all bowed to him.  “Wexton, a word.”  
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alj4890 · 5 years
Prompt Request/Rachel Green Quotes Prompt
(Thomas Hunt x OC*Amanda) with the prompt: "If you like looking at butts so much, why don't you go look in a mirror?" As requested by @krsnlove
Tumblr media
(Thomas x Amanda) taken from my storyline of And Then I Met You.
A/N Here you go bff 🤣 I think I found a way to incorporate the prompt.
@lxaah11​​  @alleksa16​​  @penguininapinktuxedo​​  @blackcoffee85​  @stopforamoment​    @hopefulmoonobject​    @krsnlove​    @annekebbphotography​     @cora-nova  @hopelessromantic1352​  . @sunflowergirl05​  @desireepow-1986​ @greywitchyshots​  @lilyofchoices​  @emceesynonymroll​  @dr-nancy-house​  @aworldoffandoms​  @ab1901​    @lolablackwrites​    @flyawayboo​  @i-bloody-love-drake-walker​  . @trappedinfandoms​  @kate-mckenzie​
Posterior Problems
"Welcome back everyone." Jimmy said, smiling into the camera. "Our first guest tonight is a member of Hollywood's royalty. Seriously, the guy's got a title and everything." He pauses for the laughter. "Please welcome, Thomas Hunt!"
Thomas steps out from behind the curtain and raises his hand toward the audience while making his way to his chair. "Thank you." He says.
"Good to have you back.” Jimmy's smile grows. ”You've had quite a year." 
"I have." Thomas agreed. 
"First off: your film, The Devil's Siren, is coming out on blu ray this Friday. I saw it three times in theaters and, wow. My head is still reeling from all the twists and turns."
"My wife and I enjoy Alfred Hitchcock's films." Thomas explained. "This film was, in a way, an homage to his works."
Jimmy grinned. "Speaking of your wife, congratulations on becoming a father again."
Thomas truly smiled. "Thank you. Elizabeth and Ian are nearly six months old. Life is never dull around the house."
"Your daughter, Kathleen, is she enjoying being a big sister?" Jimmy asked.
"She is." Thomas said proudly. "She's always ready to help Amanda and I with them." His smile turned tender. "The twins smile and laugh everytime they hear her voice."
"I bet." Jimmy glanced down at his notes. "You and your duchess also have a pretty big milestone coming up in a few weeks, right?"
"Yes." Thomas answered. "Amanda and I will be celebrating our ten year wedding anniversary."
"Wow." Jimmy muttered. "That's practically twenty-seven years in Hollywood time."
Thomas chuckled. "Yes, well, I was fortunate to find the perfect woman. She makes it seem like no time at all has passed."
"And there goes the audience." Jimmy teases when all the aww's and clapping occurred. "I know you and your duchess have  the type of romantic relationship that draws envy from everyone else, but there had to be a moment this past decade where you were like the rest of us. You had to have had a fight over something stupid." Jimmy grinned. "Just yesterday, my wife and I argued over the brand name on the bag of coffee we had in the pantry. I'm still in the doghouse over it."
"Well," Thomas averted his eyes and softly smiled. "We have had a few arguments. No two people living together can avoid those occurring, especially in the beginning of a marriage." A particular fight was brought to mind. "I suppose there was one that escalated quickly into the realm of the ridiculous."
Eight and a half years earlier...
"I'll be there." Thomas repeated. "Hopefully we can get through it quickly. Between the two of us, we should find the right replacement."
He walked into the kitchen while ending the call.
Amanda looked up from removing cookies from the oven. "What's going on?"
Thomas reached over and took one of the cookies on the cooling rack. "That was Ryan. He's panicking over his first directorial endeavor." He took a bite and sat down on one of the bar stools. "I'm going to meet him at the studio and help him with casting."
"I thought he already had the actors lined up for the film." Amanda said, while preparing another tray of peanut butter cookies.
"He does." Thomas reached for another one. "One of the actor's doubles had to leave for family reasons."
Amanda's lips trembled with laughter. "Ryan’s nervous over recasting a stunt double?"
He chuckled and shook his head. "No. He's nervous about replacing the posterior double for Haley Brown."
Amanda paused. "You're going to go help him pick out a woman's bottom?"
Thomas nodded, oblivious to the anger flaring to life in the woman standing two feet away. "It will probably take a few hours, but I'm certain we will find the right one."
"You're going to spend hours looking at women's naked butts?" She choked out.
He looked up, recognizing the tonal difference in her voice. "I'm not going to ogle them. I am helping find a replacement for Haley's love scene. Her contract states that she only uses body doubles and--"
"And naturally Ryan can't do it alone." Amanda's eyes narrowed. "So he called in an expert? Is that it?"
His own narrowed back. "I am not an expert on women's anatomy, but I am in the field of directing."
She rolled her eyes. "Ah yes. How could I ever forget that I have married the greatest in the land?"
That stung. Thomas stood up. "I'm not discussing this anymore if you are going to revert to childish insults."
"Oh no!" Amanda mocked. "Surely you won't deny me the pleasure to hear more of your nude viewing plans?" She placed the back of her hand over her forehead. "Whatever shall I do without such stimulating conversation?"
"You're being ridiculous." He muttered, trying to keep a tight reign on his temper.
"I suppose being a former underwear model does give one an insider’s look into the world of posteriors." Amanda continued, ignoring his grumbling commentary.
Thomas folded his arms and glared at her. "Are you finished so that we can discuss this like adults?"
"Are you really going to go and assist in this search for the perfect rear?" Amanda countered.
"Yes." He snapped. "I am."
"So you don't care that I prefer my husband to not look at any other woman's naked body?" Amanda asked, feeling very vulnerable at the moment.
"I'm not going with the intention of becoming aroused. I'm going to help cast a woman to stand in at the appropriate moments in a film that I'm not even directing!" He yelled.
Amanda slammed the oven door closed. "Fine!" She stormed out of the kitchen and began to go upstairs.
"Where are you going?!" He followed after her.
"Upstairs!" She looked down over the banister at him. "I don't feel like being around you at the moment."
"We are settling this!" He picked up his pace and made it just into the bedroom before she had a chance to lock him out.
"We are? How lovely." Amanda sat down on the bed. "I do so love the times you lecture me into giving in to your way of thinking."
Thomas opened his mouth and then shut it, realizing he was about to launch into a speech. "You know that some movies have these type of scenes and I have had to cast both men and women for nudity."
"I've seen your movies and am well aware of what you have done." Amanda mumbled. "But that was all before we were married."
"Chances are that I will have other films in the future that require showing a person at their most vulnerable." He softened his tone. "Nothing conveys that better to a viewer than--"
"I'm feeling exceptionally vulnerable right now without the need of someone unclothed." Amanda snapped.
Thomas ran his hands over his face. "I can't fight against your absurd jealousy. You know I love and desire only you. I'm going tomorrow strictly to be an assistant to Ryan's artistic--"
"Will you stop making yourself out as some sort of martyr on the altar of cinema?!" Amanda flopped back on the pillows. "I'm sick of hearing it."
"Then I won't disturb you anymore tonight." Thomas was barely keeping a lid on the rage that had built up at her accusations and dismissal of his logical explanations. He gathered his pajamas and and went to one of the guest rooms.
"If you like looking at butts so much, why don't you go look in a mirror?" Amanda yelled out before he slammed the door. "Because you are being such an ass right now!"
Thomas tossed and turned that night, unable to rid himself of his anger. He couldn't believe that the woman he had bragged on to everyone about being so supportive of his craft had become this--this--unreasonable wife.
He glanced at the clock on the nightstand and softly groaned. It was only two in the morning.
He went downstairs, completely frustrated with the effect Amanda had on him. Her happiness brought out his own and now her unhappiness made him completely miserable. Was this what marriage truly did to someone?
He paused when he walked into the kitchen. Amanda was sitting at the counter with a plate of cookies.
Their eyes met before both looked away in embarrassment.
Thomas rubbed the back of his neck, unsure how to approach her. He cut his eyes to her while opening the fridge and watched as she dipped a cookie in her glass of milk.
Her hand was shaking.
He took the milk out, poured himself a glass, and approached her.
"Mind if I join you?"
She continued to look down at her plate. "I don't mind."
He sat down on the stool beside hers and took one of the cookies.
Awkward silence filled the room.
Amanda bit her bottom lip and then spoke up. "I'm sorry I made so little about you being a director. I am very proud with how accomplished you are."
His tense shoulders eased. "Thank you." He cleared his throat. "I'm sorry if this part of my job upsets you." He turned toward her. "I usually have my assistant director handle these type of situations. Ryan's been using Holly for that, but she's out of town visiting her family and he can't postpone filming."
Thomas gently brushed her hair back behind her shoulder so he could see her profile better. "That's why I've been asked and am planning to go."
Amanda sighed. "I can't pretend I'm happy about this...but I won't continue to fight with you over it."
Thomas leaned closer to her. "You have nothing to be worried about."
She finally looked up at him. "I hope I don't." She got up and threw her half eaten cookie away.
The next morning Thomas closely observed Amanda. She wasn't acting like her normal self. She was a naturally quiet person, but today she was subdued. Not quite depressed, yet she was much more somber than normal. Her smiles were brief and didn't quite reach her eyes as she listened to him.
This was driving him crazier than her anger.
"What are your plans today?" He asked.
She shrugged. "I haven't really thought about it."
"Perhaps tonight, we could go out to dinner, if you would like." He tried to coax her into smiling.
"Perhaps." She mumbled, picking at her eggs. She stood up from the table and tossed her barely touched breakfast in the trash.
Thomas closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "Why don't we plan a trip somewhere, just the two of us for a week or so? We can go wherever you want."
"I guess we could." She said while rinsing her plate. She forced a smile and left the kitchen.
He followed her. "Would you rather stay in tonight? I could pick us up some takeout and we--"
"Whatever you want." She said going upstairs. "I honestly don't have a preference."
He gripped the banister and watched her disappear into the bedroom.
A few moments later, she stepped out in her bathing suit. She hesistated halfway down the stairs. Thomas was sitting on the bottom step, holding his head in his hands.
"Thomas, what's the--" she nearly fell backwards at his sudden movement.
He grabbed her and yanked her into a heated kiss. She was at first passive but then her arms wrapped around him. His mouth slanted over hers, deepening the kiss, hoping to hear the usual soft moan from her.
It didn't come.
He lifted his head and gazed into her eyes. There was no hardness nor was there any tender softening that usually occurred when he kissed her.
The mantle clock chimed the hour, drawing her attention away from him. "You better go if you're to meet Ryan." She tried to smile. "I'll see you later."
He cupped her face and gently kissed her lips. She leaned in closer to his sweet touch, closing her eyes.
He pressed his forehead against hers and promised he wouldn't be gone long.
She nodded and walked with him to the door. "Good lu--." She grimaced. "I honestly don't know what to say with this particular search."
His lips firmed in a thin line. Her attempt to being kind about this was eating at him. He grumbled a thank you and got into his car.
At the studio he sat across from Ryan in a conference room. The table was filled with photographs of various women.
His irritation was growing at his inability to look at them. Each time he tried, his mind brought up the image of Amanda's vulnerable eyes.
"What do you think?" Ryan asked.
"What?" Thomas asked abruptly. "Oh, er, whichever you think."
"I think we'll have these three come in to audition." Ryan held up the pictures. "Then--"
"It sounds like you have this well in hand." Thomas stood up, accidentally knocking his chair over. "I need to go take care of something."
"I thought you were going to help me make the final decision." Ryan's brow furrowed as Thomas fumbled with his chair.
Thomas grit his teeth. "To be a true director, you must be willing to make all the tough decisions on your own." He walked towards the door. "I have no doubt that you are capable of making this one without any comments I make."
"Thanks for coming." Ryan yelled out. He was even more perplexed than before with Thomas's hasty exit.
On the way home, Thomas tried continuously to call Amanda. Each time it rang with no answer, made the guilt and worry gnaw at his stomach. By the time he pulled into the garage, he felt ill.
He called out for her as soon as he entered the house. He glanced out the window and saw her floating in the pool.
Thomas felt slightly better at now knowing she wasn't purposely avoiding his phone calls. He hurried upstairs to change before joining her.
Amanda looked up and nearly rolled off her float when his shadow fell over her. "You're back? Already?"
"I am." He pulled his shirt off and dove into the pool.
He resurfaced beside her. He pulled her off her float and held her close. "I told Ryan to be the director and make the decision himself."
"Thomas." Amanda lowered her head. "I didn't mean for you to--"
"I know." He murmered, kissing her. "I couldn't stand the thought of you being unhappy with something that I didn't have to do."
"It was wrong of me to do that to you." She wound her arms around his neck.
"I think I can make certain concessions for the one I love especially since she has made so many for me." He pulled her closer. "Your happiness takes precedence over everything else."
"I can't believe how I acted." Amanda's arms dropped. "You're being so kind after all I said and the names I called you," she lowered her head. "I don't know why you put up with me."
"Stop talking bad about my wife." He ordered.
She laughed and shook her head, causing him to feel that inner warmth only she brought him return. Her smile was tender as she hugged him. "Thank you."
Thomas felt all his earlier frustration disappear in seeing her happy once more. She pulled his head down and kissed him, making him forget everything with her touch.
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mxdanni · 5 years
We did have to deliver the royal baby
Author’s note: it’s complimentary for ‘‘Ever had to deliver a baby?’’
Pairings: Dr Ethan Ramsey x MC (Lin), Liam x MC (Riley Brooks)
Summary: the Ramseys go on their honeymoon... only to be interrupted by one more unexpected (?) baby delivery + a bonus
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“Looking lovely, don’t you, Mrs Ramsey?” Ethan smiled at his wife and stepped behind her woven armchair.
They were on a public terrace, just outside their hotel, but no one else seemed to have a wish to interrupt. Unless to catch their breath in the chilly Hawaiian evening was their last wish. Ethan could have glared the life out of the poor waiter who had walked in on them but ten minutes ago. They were left alone from then on.
Ethan kissed the top of her head as he placed their drinks on the coffee table and in front of Lin. Then his hands slid down her neck, fingertips nearly touching and sending goosebumps down her skin. Finally, his palms found her shoulders, and Lin leaned back into the touch.
“You are looking not so bad yourself, Mr Ramsey,” Lin mused, raised her cocktail and sipped on the straw. She closed her eyes. “Keep doing what you do,” Lin let out a soft moan as Ethan started gently massaging from her shoulders and lower, “with those magic hands of yours.”
He chuckled and leaned closer. His lips ghosted her temple, left a feather-like trail down her chin just hardly grazing the corner of her mouth, before leaving a heavier mark on her neck. Lin whimpered and fidgeted in her seat yet wouldn’t open her eyes.
“And I thought,” Ethan tucked a strand of her hair away and nibbled on her ear, “yesterday,” his hot breath tickled and ignited a fire deep inside her at the same time, “you claimed I had magic fingers.”
“Smooth, Dr Ramsey,” Lin teased. She snatched one of his hands from her forearm and kissed his fingers. “Very smooth. A silver tongue too, huh?” She squeezed his hand between hers and intertwined their fingers. “But I’m afraid we can’t put that to the best use until we return to our room.”
She could feel the heat radiating from his body as Ethan leaned even lower. He hooked the strap of her light dress and tugged it down. A quick kiss, and his chin rested on her bare shoulder.
“Then how about we do, Rookie?”
She tilted her head and grinned.
“Why, I thought you’d never ask, Dr Ramsey.”
He chuckled. It was almost perfect.
Unluckily for Ethan, the keyword was ‘almost’.
“Somebody, please, call a doctor!” shouted a man in the hotel lobby.
Ethan sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose. That waiter must have left the terrace door slightly open, and now Lin could hear what was going on inside.
“AAAA!” yelled another voice. “Call them! Get a doctor! Get a doctor! My sister’s giving birth! Oh, wait, my adoptive sister – that makes it even worse!”
Ethan helped his wife stand up and adjusted her dress. They walked to the door and peeked inside the hotel lobby. It was so much more than hectic and, Ethan thought, surely, more than he bargained for.
“Erm, our friend is giving birth?” A young woman in a flowery dress walked to the reception desk and tapped the bell. “Please, call an ambulance.”
The receptionist poked his head out from the staff room. “The nearest hospital is half an hour away, m’ am–“
“There’s blood, blood – I can’t watch!” A man was running in between the sofas and cushions as he was waving his arms around. “Tell him, Hanna, I can’t handle it any more!”
“Lord…“ sighed Ethan and grimaced. “He’s got some strong vocal cords.”
The woman, whose name appeared to be Hanna, looked around nervously, and then–
“It’s a political scandal!” She yelled putting the man to shame. Hanna slammed her hands on the counter. “You can’t leave the Queen of Cordonia–”
“Oh, I know. I see!” suddenly exclaimed the man as he stopped in his tracks, knocking over some unfortunate stranger. That stranger was offering him his phone but a second before. “Are there any doctors in here?” He ran around one sofa and fell to his knees disappearing behind it. From them on, the Ramseys could only hear him. “There should be doctors in here, Liam! Come on, there should be a doctor in here, they need a holiday on a Hawaiian island too, right?”
“We just have to.“ Ethan glanced down at his wife.
“Help them? Yes.”
“–and this is why that wasn’t a question.”
Lin nudged him.
“You know me too well. Come on, how about I make it up to you later, Ethan?”
“Taking you on your words, Rookie.” Ethan left a soft kiss on her temple. “But I have no idea what’s going on in here,” he confessed.
“Are there–“ the panicking man reappeared from the sofa.
“There goes nothing,” whispered Ethan as Lin has already made her way through the lobby. He caught up in a few strides.
“Calm down and lead the way,” Ethan announced. Yet the panicking man wouldn’t react. Ethan saw Lin walk up to Hanna by the reception counter instead so he joined his wife. “I’m Dr Ethan Ramsey, and that’s my wife Dr Lin Ramsey,” he said and paused for Hanna to explain anything.
“O, hi!” She waved at them and also didn’t wave at all. A nervous gesture, her hand freezing midair. “I’m Hanna Lee, that’s Maxwell Beaumont,” she pointed at the now not panicking but utterly confused man loitering in the middle of the hotel lobby, “and…” she whirled her head around, “ow. Wow. That’s the King of Cordonia on the floor? When did Liam pass out? Never mind, never mind,” she shook her head.
Lin tugged on the short sleeve of his shirt so Ethan leaned to her side.
She raised herself on her tiptoes, “So that’s where the first man went,” and whispered into his ear.
The elevator doors slid open, and another man tumbled into the lobby.
“Did you get an ambulance?” he shouted. “Even Olivia’s losing it, I never thought Brooks could curse like tha–“
“Drake, grab Liam!” Hanna shouted and pointed behind the sofa, then turned back to the Ramseys. “Our friend Riley went into labor a few weeks early, Liam carried her back into the hotel room, we left Olivia and Drake to watch over, well, not now, ugh, never mind, please come with me,” she blurted out and waved at them to follow her back to the elevators.
- -
<< let’s call this deleted scenes. Where everyone turns to look at the camera like in the Office >>
- -
“She was only eight months in!” exclaimed Hanna and collapsed into the armchair by the window. “And they were to meet the President, ugh, I remember now. At first, Liam was strongly against it…”
- -
“Eight months, right. Or so they say.” The redhead crossed her arms over her chest and glared him up and down. “What? It would look bad if the Queen was actually pregnant before her wedding.”
- -
“I must confess…” Bernard grabbed the room service menu from the table and fanned himself. “That was scary.”
On the corner of his shirt sleeve, a blood stain was drying off.
- -
“I’m so excited!” shouted Maxwell, dancing around the room. “Come on, show me, show me the baby! The cool uncle Beaumont wants to see the Prince!”
Drake sighed and downed his glass of whiskey.
- -
Liam stared down at the tiny human cradled in his arms, both of them wrapped in blankets.  
- -
Dr Ethan Ramsey shut his eyes but one would still twitch.
“What is it with women going into labor wherever we go on vacation?”
Lin giggled and kissed his cheek.
“Well, at least I can be absolutely sure you’ll be there for me when I do.”
“Yes, that… wait. Are you? Rookie? Rookie?”
She laughed and sprinted off down the corridor.
“Lin? Lin, answer me! Lin!”
Tags: @perriewinklenerdie @itspeonypie @confessionsofabrokegirl @lapisreviewsstuff​ @jlpplays1 @itsfabrayic @valiantlychaoticbarbarian @lilyofchoices @timmagicktoad @usuallyamazinglyaverage @istanallli @classylady1234  @give-me-ernest-sinclaire @regina-and-happiness  @lammaducks @drink-of-paradise @hopelessromantic1352 @omg-its-vixen @gettingonmykneesfordamiennazario @alj4890 @emceesynonymroll @topsyturvy-dream @ethanplaysfavorites @queenof1000days @abbyarchie @drangelaambers @sucker4aslowburn @pixelberrytrash @claudevonstruke @ heregoestheworld  @zeniamiii @paulfwesley​ @sophia-snw @momentarilyhere @msjpuddleduck @cordoniaqueensworld @raines-harrington-ramsey-hunt @emceesynonymroll @heyitsaznfangirl  @momentarilyhere @msjpuddleduck @cordoniaqueensworld @raines-harrington-ramsey-hunt @emceesynonymroll @heyitsaznfangirl  
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weekendwarriorblog · 5 years
It’s Valentine’s Day on Friday and President’s Day on Monday, which means that this weekend is going to be absolutely nuts in terms of getting four new wide releases.  Last week’s Birds of Prey did not do even remotely close to where I predicted/projected – almost half!! -- and here I thought all those raves reviews might help, but apparently not. It will still make money with its global release but it’s gonna fall short even of last year’s Shazam! and many have already started questioning whether an R-rating is the way to go with a movie semi-targeted towards younger women. (Warner Bros. has already sent out a mandate to theaters to change the title of the movie to Harley Quinn: Birds of Prey. I cannot believe that it took this long for them to figure out what a terrible title they had previously!)
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With the four-day weekend, it’s very likely that Paramount Pictures’ SONIC THE HEDGEHOG, will prevail, as it brings the beloved SEGA video game character to the big screen with James Marsdenand Jim Carrey, the latter starring in one of his first big-screen appearances in a while. It should be an easy victor this weekend in a market that could desperately use another strong family film.
For those unfamiliar with SEGA’s flagship video game “mascot,” Sonic has appeared in all sorts of other media including animated series and comic books, so one can say that the character is almost but not quite as well known and popular as Nintendo’s Pokemon, which has had a much wider reach in terms of both games and cartoons.
Of course, it’s impossible not to look at Sonic the Hedgehog and completely ignore the relative success of last year’s Pokemon: Detective Pikachu, which had the added benefits of a popular A-list star in Ryan Reynoldsand a summer release. That opened with $54.4 million and made $144 million domestic and $429.7 million worldwide.
On the other hand, Sonic does have Jim Carrey, who hasn’t been in an American wide release since the 2014 sequel Dumb and Dumber To, which only made about $156 million worldwide. At one point, Carrey was one of the biggest box office stars with multiple $240 million plus domestic blockbusters. Maybe the kids won’t be as invested in Carrey’s Mr. Robotnik, but many parents who grew up with Carrey’s comedies will be happy to see him in such a perfect role.
The Presidents Day weekend allows one extra day for parents with kids needing something to do with them sans school. Even so, the biggest movies on the weekend have been superhero movies, including Black Panther, Deadpool and Fifty Shades of Grey, the latter two definitely not for kids. (Daredeviland Ghost Rider also fared well on the weekend.) In fifth place for the weekend is Warner Bros’ The LEGO Movie, which made $62.5 million over the four-day weekend, but that was in its SECOND WEEKEND! So yeah, lots of money to be had for a family movie even though the biggest opener was Christopher Columbus’ Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Lightning Thief (now on Broadway!), which opened with $38.7 million ten years ago.
I have to imagine that Sonic is more popular, and even with the tragic misstep of that first trailer last year which got such a negative reaction to Sonic’s appearance, Paramount delayed the movie and went back to the CG drawing board, there will be enough fans interested to see how he translates to the screen that $40 million over the weekend should be doable even with three other wide releases. I also don’t think reviews will be so bad, so it should be good for $100 million plus.
Mini-Review: For whatever reason, Sonic the Hedgehog is the kind of movie that lazy critics love to dump on, maybe because it’s a kids’ movie or because it’s a movie based on a video game they played as kids, or more likely, a character their kids know from popular cartoons and comic books. It doesn’t help that judgments were mostly cast when the first trailer hit last year and Sonic looked different than what people expected. Regardless, I went into the movie with very low expectations, maybe because I really had no passionate connection to the character despite being generally familiar with some of the games.
We meet Sonic as he’s being chased by robots, and we flash back to him as a kid on a planet where he’s able to zoom around freely, until he’s discovered by predators that are hunting him (it’s never explained why), so his mentor owl gives Sonic gold rings that can take him off-planet. Sonic ends up in a small town called Green Hills where he watches the townsfolk in hiding for years, including a local police officer (James Marsden) and his wife Maddie (Tika Sumpter). The former eventually discovers Sonic after he causes a major power outage that gets the attention of the government and its genius robotics scientist, Dr. Robotnik (Jim Carrey).
Despite not having much previous connection to Sonic, it’s hard for me not to appreciate this character, because I’ve been known to zip around myself. I also enjoyed Sonic’s haste since who knows when we might see that movie based on one of my favorite comic characters, The Flash. Sonic does a good job capturing the intensity and yes, speed, of having speed powers in quite a masterful way compared to previous attempts, giving me hope that a Flash movie is possible. (Granted, they do rip-off the fun thing Quicksilver does in the recent X-movies by slowing everything around Sonic down to a halt, but it’s still amusing.)
Probably the most genius idea by Sonic’s filmmakers was to convince Jim Carrey to return to the big screen as Dr. Robotnik. He quickly reminds us how hilarious he can be when going as fully into a character as he does this one, and it’s prime Carey vs. the semi-lazy Carrey that made movies in the early ‘00s. Robotnik is a super-genius with no patience for anyone on a lower level of intellect (aka everyone), and Carrey takes that idea to the utmost extreme. (It’s hard not to compare what he’s doing in this movie to what Ewan McGregor does in Birds of Prey and see how Carey does it effortlessly whereas McGregor was clearly trying too hard.)
That’s not to take away from Marsden and Sumpter, Sonic’s other prominent human co-stars, who bring such a warmth and humanity to those characters that you rarely even think that you’re watching them interact with a fully CG-character. (Kudos to Ben Schwartz and what he brings to Sonic as his voice.)
Sure, the plot can be a bit predictable with certain parts clearly geared to kids, but there’s also slew of pop references that display some real talent in the writing of the movie so that it can be watched and enjoyed by people of all ages.
Is it possible that Sonic the Hedgehog is the first thoroughly entertaining movie of the year? Yes, indeedy. (Definitely stay through the first bunch of credits if you are a Sonic fan!)
Rating: 8/10
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One of the more interesting releases of the weekend is BLUMHOUSE’S FANTASY ISLAND (Sony Pictures Releasing), which as you can guess is a PG-13 horror version of the popular ‘80s show, starring Michael Peña as Mr. Rouke, the head of a program in which people can pay lots of money to achieve their greatest wishes… with a catch! Since this is Blumhouse, you probably know that the catch involves some sort of horror/thriller premise, and if you’ve seen the trailer, you might get some idea how it works… or not. (I wish I can say more but I’m under embargo!)
The rest of the cast is decent including Maggie Q (from Mission: Impossible 3), Lucy Hale, Portia Doubleday, Michael Rooker, Ryan Hansen, Jimmy O . Yang and more, plus it’s directed by Jeff Wadlow, who last did Blumhouse’s Truth Or Dare (a very bad movie!) and then Kick Ass 2 before that. (He was supposed to direct Sony’s upcoming Bloodshot movie but he left that to do other things, like this.)
Unfortunately, Sony Pictures Releasing (another specialized imprint from the parent company?) seems to have taken a cue from Screen Gems by deciding not to screen the movie for critics until Thursday afternoon (just like with The Grudge!), plus there won’t be ANY Thursday previews for this. It’s a shame since… well, I can’t really tell you if I liked the movie or not since I’m under embargo until Friday. J
Either way, it seems like a strong enough counter to Sonic and Birds of Prey that it should be good for $15 million plus over the four days. Personally, I think it would have opened even bigger if Sony and Blumhouse had shown some balls and screened it for critics in advance, but what do I know? I’ve only written about this stuff for ALMOST TWENTY FUCKING YEARS! (Not sure I’m gonna review the movie but we’ll see.)
I know far less about Universal’s Valentine’s Day offering THE PHOTOGRAPH (Universal), which I guess is a romantic drama that’s targeting African-Americans looking for something to see on the biggest date nights of the year. In fact, we’ve seen some interesting hits on this weekend just by putting “Date” in the movie title, as was the case with Adam Sandler-Drew Barrymore’s 50 First Dates ($45.1 million four-day opening) and even Date Movie ($21.8 million), which satirized romantic movies. But the real winner has to be a movie that went all out for Valentine’s Day by actually going with the title Valentine’s Day, which helped it open with $63 million over the four-day weekend ten years ago. ($23.4 million of that was on Valentine’s Day alone!)
Since I won’t see The Photograph until Weds. night, I can only talk about the little bit of marketing I’ve seen and what’s out there. Apparently, this is more in the vein of Valentine’s Day in that it’s a series of intertwined romantic stories, but it has an impressive cast of African-American actors who are on the verge of breaking out such as the great LaKeith Stanfield and amazing Kelvin Harrison Jr., as well as Rob Morgan (from “Daredevil” and Mudbound) and Courtney B. Vance. I’d be neglect if I didn’t mention any of the women involved and having Issa Raefrom the TV show “Insecure” as the primary female lead is something that shouldn’t be ignored. Stanfield isn’t the only connection to Jordan Peele, though, asLil Rel Howery from Get Outis also in this movie as is Peele’s actual wife, Chelsea Peretti!
I actually had to double check to make sure Peele wasn’t one of the film’s producers, but no, this is from Will Packer, a producer who is responsible for so many huge hits among African-Americans that one of these days I won’t underestimate his drawing power, even though all three of his 2019 movies underdelivered, including the comedy Little (co-starring Rae), although did well compared to their lower budgets.
In that sense, The Photograph could be compared to Packer’s Screen Gems comedy About Last Night, which opened with $27.8 million in just over 2,200 theaters in 2014, but that also had the power of proven box office draw Kevin Hartto bring in audiences. I certainly don’t want to be accused of underestimating Packer again, but with such a generic title and premise (and next to no marketing?), I’m just not sure the movie will deliver despite being decent counter-programming for AA audiences. With that in mind, I think the movie will probably make somewhere between $12 and 14 million.
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Then there’s DOWNHILL (Searchlight Studios), the new movie from The Way, Way Back directors Nat Faxon and Jim Rash (who also won the Oscar for cowriting Alexander Payne’s The Descendants), this one being a direct remake of Swedish filmmaker Ruben Östlund’s 2014 film Force Majeure.
In this version, Will Ferrell and Julia Louis-Dreyfus play a squabbling couple who travel to the alps with their kids, but after barely escaping an avalanche – one in which he runs away leaving his family behind – they start questioning their lives. The film also stars Zach Woods (also from “Veep”), Miranda Otto and Zoe Chao, and though it premiered at the Sundance Film Festival (just like the duo’s previous movie), it did not receive great reviews, as it currently sits at 48% on Rotten Tomatoes.
I don’t think that will matter since like Carey above, Ferrell hasn’t been oversaturating the market with movies in the past couple year, maybe because his last movie, Holmes & Watson, reteaming him with John C. Reilly from Step Brothers bombed with $41 million worldwide after horrifying reviews. Fortunately, Louis-Dreyfus is far more loved thanks to her run on “Seinfeld” and her Emmy-winning run on HBO’s “Veep,” and that should help get people into theaters despite all the competition aboe and below.
Searchlight (no more Fox!!) will be releasing the movie into roughly 1,500 theaters, a moderate release to see how it fares, and the extended holiday weekend (plus the chance of it attracting older moviegoers on Valentine’s Day) should help it make $5 million plus over the extended weekend.
Mini-Review: If you’re reading this review hoping for a play-by-play of how Downhill differs from Ruben Ostlund’s Force Majeure, then you’re bound to be disappointed, because a.) I don’t really remember it, b.) I wasn’t as big a fan of the movie as so many others, and c.) I’m going to assume that a lot of people never got around to seeing it.
In this version, it’s Ferrell and Louis-Dreyfus as Peter and Billie Stanton, and there’s much more focus on their roles as parents and the responsibility that goes with that. Once again, Peter runs off when a controlled avalanche comes their way, but they don’t really talk about it so much even as it hangs over their heads.
Nat Faxon and Jim Rash once again find a manageable way of making “dramedy” out of a situation, making sure not to go for constant visual laughs or the zaniness Ferrell usually goes for. (Granted, we can totally believe him as a careless father/husband who does dumb things.) In fact, Ferrell plays his role fairly toned down, which allows Louis-Dreyfus to shine in what’s, oddly, a quite rare movie appearance. How they deal with the aftermath of the avalanche comes to a head when Pete’s work-buddy Zack (Zach Woods) arrives with a ladyfriend (Zoe Chao) allows the two to go at each other. It doesn’t get quite as intense as Marriage Story, but it’s obvious that they both have reached the point in their marriage where they need a separation.
It is kind of amusing that Miranda Otto almost steals her scenes with the two leads because she’s so funny as a hot-to-trot European guest they keep running into and who sets Billie up with a hot Italian ski trainer. There’s a few other funny characters but it mostly stays on Ferrell and Louis-Dreyfus either alone or together, and that’ll be enough for most people.
Faxon and Rash find interesting ways to play with the basic premise, although Downhill is very much comedy with a lower-case “c,” and like the original movie, it should lead to some interesting conversations.
Rating: 7/10
This week’s Top 10 should look something like this… (bearing in mind that the below are all four-day projections). It’ll be interesting to see if the name change for “Birds of Prey” will make a difference, but look for NEON’s Parasite to make its first foray into the top 10 this weekend after 19 (!!!) weeks in theaters, thanks to its Best Picture win last Sunday.
1. Sonic the Hedgehog (Paramount) - $44 million N/A (up $1.5 million)* 2. Harley Quinn: Birds of Prey  (Warner Bros) - $20 million -39% (down $1.5 million)* 3. Blumhouse’s Fantasy Island (Sony) - $15.8 million N/A (up $.3 million)* 4. The Photograph (Universal) - $13.5 million N/A 5. Bad Boys for Life (Sony) - $8 million -35% (up .2 million)* 6. 1917 (Universal) - $7 million -23% 7. Downhill (Searchlight) - $5.6 million N/A (up .2 million)* 8. Parasite (NEON) - $5 million +300% (up .4 million and one place) 9. Dolittle  (Universal) - $4.5 million -30% (down .4 million and one place) 10. Jumanji: The Next Level  (Sony) - $4.2 million -24%
*UPDATE: A few minor updates based on actual theater counts with Parasite being expanded into 2,000 theaters, the widest its been so far. I feel like most of the new movies will do well, including Downhill (which will be in 2,301 theaters vs. the 1,500 estimated earlier in the week). Anyway, it should be a fairly hearty and robust weekend at the box office.
Before we get to the regular limited releases opening Friday, I want to mention two special releases for Weds. night, Trafalgar Releasing is giving a one-night screening of The Doors: Break on Thru - A Celebration of Ray Manzarek, which I haven’t seen but I’m definitely interested in as a fan of the ‘60s group (and Manzarek’s keyboard work). You can get tickets for that here. Also, Kino Lorber is giving one-night release of Emily Taguchi & Jake Lefferman’s doc After Parkland to commemorate the second anniversary of the shootings at the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida that killed 17 people and began a nationwide student movement for gun control. It’s a fairly sobering and emotional doc, as you can imagine, especially since so little has been done to prevent incidents like this even two years later.
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My favorite movie of the weekend is Jeremy Teicher’s OLYMPIC DREAMS ( IFC Films), opening at the IFC Center Friday. It stars Nick Kroll (who you’ll know from “The League,” “Oh, Hello” and other things) and (actual Olympian distance runner) Alexi Pappas, who you may or may not be as familiar with. Pappas plays Penelope, an American competitor in the 2018 Winter Olympics in South Korea, who is feeling lonely and unable to connect with others until she meets Kroll’s volunteer dentist, Ezra. While at first, it wouldn’t seem like they would have anything in common, they spend a night hanging out and while some might be expecting something romantic, since this is opening on Valentine’s Day, well I won’t ruin what does or doesn’t happen, k?  Either way, it’s a wonderful film co-written by Teichter, Pappas and Kroll, and if that sounds like a familiar formula, then it is indeed the one Richard Linklater used for his sequels to Before Sunrise with Ethan Hawke and Julie Delpy. Olympic Dreams isn’t nearly as deep and philosophical (or wordy), but the two actors are so wonderful together, and they actually filmed this in the Athletes Village at the Olympics (the first film to do so) which adds some authenticity to the sweet little movie. (There will be a sneak preview Weds night at the IFC Center with Teicher, Kroll and Pappas all in attendance!)
Danish filmmaker Lone Scherfig returns with THE KINDNESS OF STRANGERS (Vertical), a star-studded ensemble piece starring Zoe Kazan, Andrea Riseborough, Caleb Landry Jones, Jay Baruchel and Bill Nighy (who appeared in Lone’s previous film Their Finest). This is a New York City story about six strangers whose lives intersect and mingle while trying to find help, hope and love. I know it sounds like the Crash-style movie we’ve seen far too many times before, but I have faith in Ms. Scherfig and hopefully I’ll have a chance to watch it in the next day or two.
I also still haven’t gotten around to watching Kenji Tanagaki’s action-comedy ENTER THE FAT DRAGON (Go WELL USA), starring the always-amazing Donnie Yen as police officer Zhu, who is sent to Japan on a routine police escort of a suspect… who mysteriously dies, forcing Zhu to call upon a former undercover inspector to help solve the murder. I’m assuming the latter is the “Fat Dragon” and Yen didn’t gain 200 lbs. for the part.
Opening at the Quad Cinemaon Friday and in L.A. on Feb. 21 is Dimitri de Clercq’sFrench/Belgian film You Go to My Head (First Run Features) about an architect who finds a young woman lost, alone and in a fog in the Sahara after a mysterious accident, but when he takes her to the hospital, he claims to be her husband. As she gets better, he creates an elaborate life to fill in the life they shared which she can no longer remember. It also sounds perfect for Valentine’s Day, so you have plenty of options!
I didn’t have too much to say about Céline Sciamma’s PORTRAIT OF A LADY ON FIRE (NEON), because I think I wrote about it last year, and I haven’t seen the movie since the New York Film Festival. Set in the 18thCentury, it’s about a woman painter who travels to a remote island where she’s commissioned to do a painting of a grieving widow, who she ends up falling in love with. I probably should see the movie again as it didn’t really connect with me the first time, but I can totally understand why others love it so much. (Unfortunately, the 7:10 screening on Friday night at the Angelika with a QnA moderated by my pal, Valerie Complex, is already sold out!)
The second documentary in the last year about a man named “Cunningham” (a different one this time) is Mark Bozek’s The Times of Bill Cunningham (Greenwich) about the famed photographer who died in 2016… and whom I know even less about than I did dancer/choreographer Merce Cunningham. Apparently, he was a New York Timesphotographer for four decades and had a long relationship with First Lady Jackie Kennedy, and this doc is even narrated by Sarah Jessica Parker! It also opens at the Angelika and City Cinemas 1, 2 & 3, and maybe L.A.?
Due to the usual conflicts and circumstances, I wasn’t able to see Lisa Barros D'Sa and Glenn Leyburn’s Ordinary Love (Bleecker Street) as planned, but it’s an appropriately-timed romantic drama starring Liam Neeson and Lesley Manville as a middle-aged couple who must deal with her beast cancer diagnosis. I actually am interested in seeing this, especially to see Neeson back in serious drama mode (it’s been a while), so hopefully I’ll have a chance to see this down the road.
Also opening Friday is Tanya Wexler’s Buffaloed (Magnolia), starring Zoey Deutch as Peg Dahl, a young woman living in Buffalo, the debt collection capital of America but hopes to get out of town and into an Ivy League university. When she’s accepted to her top choice but can’t afford the tuition, she gets pulled into the rope of debt collection.  Also starring Judy Greer, Germaine Fowler, Noah Reid and Jai Courtney, it will open at New York’s Quad Cinema, the Loz Feliz 3 in L.A., Buffalo’s North Park Theater and more theaters.
Opening at the Quad Cinemaon Friday and in L.A. on Feb. 21 is Dimitri de Clercq’sFrench/Belgian film You Go to My Head (First Run Features) about an architect who finds a young woman lost, alone and in a fog in the Sahara after a mysterious accident, but when he takes her to the hospital, he claims to be her husband. As she gets better, he creates an elaborate life to fill in the life they shared which she can no longer remember. It also sounds perfect for Valentine’s Day, so you have plenty of options!
Another SXSW 2019 movie is Richard Wong’s Come As You Are (Samuel Goldwyn), starring Gabourey Sidibe, Grant Rosenmeyer, Ravi Patel, Hayden Szeto and Janeane Garofolo. The three guys in the middle play men with disabilities who go on a road trip to a Montreal brothel to get away from their suffocating parents. Sidibe (from Precious) plays their travelling nurse who drives them across the border to help them lose their virginity. This is an English remake of the Belgian Film Hasta La Vista about the real-life adventure of Asta Philpot.
Sara Zandieh’s indie rom-com A Simple Wedding (Blue Fox Entertainment) also opens in theaters and On Demand on Valentine’s Day, this one following an Iranian-American named Nousha (Tara Grammy) whose hopes for a Persian wedding are dashed when she falls for a bisexual artist/DJ named Alex (Christopher O’Shea). She has to make sure her parents don’t realize they’re living together before marriage. The film also stars Shohreh Aghdashloo, Rita Wilson, Maz Jobrani, Peter McKenzie and James Eckhouse.
Some cool festivals and series in New York are happening this weekend to offer competition for all the choices above.
Let’s begin with the “Winter Showcase” for one of my favorite annual film festivals, the New York Asian Film Festivalsubtitled “Love at First Bite,” since they’re including a special Valentine’s Day screening of the Korean hit Extreme Job followed by a reception including delicious Korean food. The rest of the line-up is probably more appropriate for the rep section as it will including Asian classics like Stephen Chow’s God of Cookery (1996), Ang Lee’s Eat Drink Man Woman (1994),Tampopo (1985) on Saturday, as well as Ritesh Batra’s amazing The Lunchbox and more on Sunday.
Up at Film at Lincoln Center, there’s the annual “Neighboring Scenes,” the annual celebration of “New Latin American Cinema,” opening Friday with Joanna Reposi Garibaldi’s Lemebel, a documentary about writer/visual artist Pedro Lemebel and his controversial performances amidst Chilean upheaval. Of course, I’m most interested in the Brazilian offerings, but sadly, there just isn’t enough time in the day/week to see as many of the films in this series I’m curious about including the New York premiere of Ema from Chile’s Pablo Larrain (Neruda, Jackie). Click on the link above and check out that line-up.
Further North (in terms of global geography) but South (in terms of New York City geography) is this year’s “Canada Now” series, taking place at the IFC Center from Thursday through Sunday. It will kick off with Guest of Honor, the new film from Canada’s Atom Egoyan, starring David Thewlis and Laysla De Oliveira as father and music school teacher daughter whose lives become complicated when she’s put in prison for earlier crimes. There are seven other movies in this series, most of them getting their U.S. debuts, so that’s another alternative for what could be a busy movie-going weekend.
Lots of stuff premiering on streaming services this weekend including the British animated sequel A Shaun the Sheep: Farmageddon on Netflix, as well as the rom-com sequel To All the Boys: PS I Still Love You, which will premiere on Weds and may end up being the “Netflix and chill” choice for many young people on V-Day. (I honestly never got around to seeing the first movies of either of those yet!)
Over on Hulu, they’re premiering the gender-swapped series loosely based on Nick Horny’s High Fidelity, this one starring Zoe Kravitz, the daughter of Lisa Bonet, who appeared opposite John Cusack in Stephen Frears’ adaptation of Hornby’s book from 2000 that was one of my favorite movies that year! Wait a second, even though Kravitz plays a character named Rob, just like Cusack, is she meant to be the daughter of Cusack and Bonet’s characters in that movie? That would be intense! (But probably not. I’m sure I’ll check it out.)
The Metrograph’s Valentine’s Dayweekend offerings include Casablanca (1942), Howard Hawks’ 1944 film To Have and  Have Not, the 1932 film Trouble in Paradise, Douglas Sirk’s Written on the Wind (1956) and another screening of Makoto Shinkai’s animated Your Name. The “To Hong Kong with Love” series continues through the end of February, this weekend screening Yellowing (2016), which I haven’t seen.This weekend, the  Welcome To Metrograph: Reduxwill offer two more screenings of Edward Yang’s 4-hour 1991 film A Brighter Summer Day, while Late Nites at Metrograph  will screen Nagisa Oshima’s 1978 film Empire of Passion, also which I have never seen! Rounding out the weekend’s Asian offering is the Playtime: Family Matineesoffering of Yoshifumi Kondo’s 1995 animated film Whisper of the Heart, which guess what? I haven’t seen that either! Clearly, I need to try to get to one of the four movies, right?  
Tonight’s “Weird Wednesday” is the Susan Sarandon-James Spader romantic drama White Palace (1990). Oddly, the Alamo is CLOSED on Valentine’s Day.. is this true?!? On Sunday is a special “Drew Believers: Drew Barrymore Movie Marathon” with four of Barrymore’s movies in 35mm! (As of this writing, there are a few seats available near the front.) Monday’s “Fist City” is Sam Raimi’s The Quick and The Dead from 1995 and that’s quickly selling out as well. The “Terror Tuesday” is James Gunn’s hilarious Slither and then next week’s “Weird Wednesday” is the 1987 Ken Russell film Gothic.
Wednesday’s “Afternoon Classic” is the 1961 Oscar-winning musical West Side Story. Weds and Thursday night’s double feature is Robert Altman’s 1971 film McCabe & Mrs. Miller and Sydney Pollack’s 1972 film Jeremiah Johnson, starring Robert Redford. This week’s “Freaky Friday” offering is the classic The Bride of Frankenstein (1935, while Friday’s midnight movie is True Romanceand Saturday’s midnight is 1978’s Mean Dog Blues in 16mm! This weekend continues the “Kiddee Matinee” run with the Alfonso Cuaron-directed Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. Monday’s matinee of David Lynch’s Wild at Heart is already sold out but that night is a Robert Clouse double feature of The Pack(1977) and Darker than Amber (1970). Tuesday’s Grindhouse double feature is 1976’s Sky Riders and 1981’s Force: Five.  
Thursday is a “Black Voices” double feature of Car Wash (1976) and Cooley High (1975) with guest including Bill Duke in person. John Sayles and Joe Dante will be on hand Friday night for a “John Sayles: Independent” double feature of Piranha (1978) and The Howling (1981). This weekend is the “HFPA Restoration Summit” including a Saturday afternoon presentation called “Serge Bromberg Presents from the Silent Era” with the Lobster Films founder, while the one and only Jane Fonda will be on-hand Saturday evening to present a 4k restoration of the 1972 film F.T.A., which she produced with Donald Sutherland. Saturday night is a screening of The Black Vampire, the 1953 Argentine adaptation of Fritz Lang’s M, and there’s more classic cinema on Sunday as part of the series.
Thursday’s “Antiwar Cinema” matinee is Richard Attenborough’s Oh! What a Lovely War from 1969 with an all-star cast, while that night is a Eugene Levy/Christopher Guest double feature of A Might Windand For Your Consideration. The AERO is ALSO showing Casablancaon Valentine’s Day and then Saturday is another Levy/Guest double feature of Best in Show (2000)and Waiting for Guffman  (1996) with Levy doing a discussion between films. John Sayles and Frances McDormand will appear in person for a Sunday afternoon double feature of 1996’s Lone Star and 1999’s Limbo.
MOMI is going a bit crazy with its Valentine’s offering but it’s a good one…Jane Fonda in 1968’s Barbarella as part of its new 2001-inspired series “See It Big! Outer Space”! (If MOMI wasn’t all the way in Astoria, I’d totally go.)  It will play again Sunday with Tarkovsky’s Solaris (1972) playing on Friday and Saturday and 1979’s Star Trek: The Motion Pictureon Sunday. Sunday will also be a repeat of Kubrick’s 1969 film 2001: A Space Odyssey in 70mm with a discussion before the movie between Doug Trumbull and Piers Bizony. There’s also the usual DCP screening of 2001on Saturday afternoon, as part of the exhibition. On Saturday, they’ll screen Marjane Satrapi’s excellent Persepolis(2007) as part of its “World of Animation.”
Starting Friday, the Forum will be screening a DCP restoration of Luchino Visconti’s L’Innocente (1976), starring Giancarlo Giannini. This weekend’s “Film Forum Jr.” is Guys and Dolls from 1955, starring Marlon Brando, Jean Simmons and Frank Sinatra. (If you read this on Wednesday, you can catch Joseph Strick’s 1963 film The Balcony, starring Shelley Winters, Peter Falk and Lee Grant, in 35mm.
The Quad’s run of Pandora and the Flying Dutchman continues through the weekend, and there will be Valentine’s Day screenings of Alex Cox’s Sid and Nancy on Thursday and Friday night. (How romantic!)
The Anthology’s great “The Devil Probably: A Century of Satanic Panic” continues this weekend with screenings of Robert Eggers’ The Witch, Alan Parker’s Angel Heart, another screening of Rosemary’s Baby, as well as screenings of Race with the Devil on Weds. and Thursday night. I missed it last week but they’ve been showing Mark Rappaport’s 1975 film Mozart in Love the past week, as well.
The Cage-athon continues Weds. with Neil Labute’s The Wicker Man (2006) and 2009’s Knowing on Thursday. Valentine’s Day sees screening of Baz Lurhmann’s Romeo + Juliet, starring Leonardo DiCaprio and Claire Danes, as well as the 1987 Nicolas Cage movie Moonstruck, co-starring Cher. Spike Jonez and Charlie Kaufman’s Adaptation (2003), starring Cage, repeats on Saturday.
Williamsburg‘s “Uncaged” series continues Friday with last year’s Mandy at midnight and 1983’s Valley Girl on Saturday morning. Casabalanca is also playing at the Prospect Park on Thursday, and unrelated but Back to the Future will play there on Monday night. Billy Wilder’s 1954 film Sabrina, starring Bogart, Hepburn and Holden will play on Saturay morning.
Weekend Classics: Luis Buñuel is back with Belle de Jour from 1967, starring Catherine Deneuve.  Waverly Midnights: Hindsight is 2020 will screen the animated Ghost in the Shell, while Late Night Favorites: Winter 2020 will also go with an Anime film, Paprika.
Modern Matinees: Jack Lemmon is off Weds. and Thursday but will return Friday with Billy Wilder’s Irma La Douce (1963).
BAM will continue to show Horace Jenkins’ 1982 film Cane River through the weekend.
Next week, the second to last week of February (man, it flew right by!) will include Fox’s The Call of the Wild, starring Harrison Ford, and the horror sequel, Brahms: The Boy II.
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cozy-possum · 6 years
Carlisle turns Rosalie, aka I’m trying to flesh out canon better
Edward seemed to flourish in New York, studying almost anything he could get his hands on and spending time doting on his mother. He’d accompany her everywhere, never letting her struggle with anything. Carlisle heart is warmed by the behavior his son is showing. He brushes off the worry it’s guilt for leaving. Edward comes to him that night nervous, as he sits asking to talk. “Remember how I spent time; away from you.” Carlisle nods knowing he’s referring to the years Edward abandoned their practices. “I only killed other monsters, human’s almost always males with the want and plans to hurt women and-“ Edward twists in on himself and Carlisle puts a steadying hand on his shoulder. “I think Royce King is one too.” His voice is soft and quiet and Carlisle nods. “You know how most of the upper class is. He can do no wrong in most people’s eyes. “But Carlisle, what about Rosalie?” Carlisle blinks recalling the announced engagement. “Rosalie? Do you think she’s in danger?” Edward shrugs brushing Carlisle hand off. “I mean it’s a possibility and-“ “Edward are you worried for her?” Carlisle’s hand return’s  to Edward’s shoulder where Edward places his hand over gripping it. His hand and entire body tremble slightly. “His thought’s Carlisle, no one should think that. It’s vile, he- he’s going to hurt her. I just know it.” “Edward, just because we have these abilities, doesn’t mean we can save everyone. I won’t interfere with your idea’s but you need to understand we would have to move if anything occurred.” Edward nods sighing. “Thank you.” He stands and as he leaves Carlisle starts to wonder if maybe he’s not just worried for her. He had noticed Rosalie, a beautiful young girl with a sharp wit, from seeing her talk at the parties he hosted. He debates the thought of Edward replacing Royce and he’s unsure why it sits uneasy with him. He banishes the daydreams, the thoughts of Edward finally being able to accept his new life with someone to share it with. He ignores them, reminding himself he cannot condemn someone to this life. He’s walking home after managing to take on two extra shifts without anyone noticing. No one seemed bothered when he had switches the roster around slightly, adding a double shift in his name instead of Wilkins. He can smell the blood and he almost recoils with worry. He can see the shadows of a group leaving and he’s about to call out, with how one of them limps, worried the man is injured. He catches a familiar scent, Royce King himself, it’s almost smothered by the alcohol and Carlisle realizes with sinking dread Edward was right. He turns down the alley, not needing the scent to find her. She lies curled into herself, bleeding onto the white coat; her once white beret is a deep red and he scowls. He steps closer and she cringes. “Rosalie, I’m Dr. Cullen, you’ll be alright. It’s okay.” She struggles slightly, trying to scream and fight against him, too weak to do more than stare terrified, he pauses his unnecessary exam. He sighs rubbing his nose. “Rosalie, I need you to think for a second okay sweetheart. I can heal you; it would give you the power to go after the men who hurt you. Do you want that?” He doesn’t mention the other option. She nods and he carefully uncurls her arm from around her waist. “This will hurt, but you’re more than strong enough. I’m so sorry this happened. I’m so sorry. But I’ll leave their fate up to you.” He bites her carefully; gentle enough to try to not cause more pain. He waits for a moment making sure all the footsteps from the street have ceased. He leans over picking her up gingerly and starting to run. She’s confused, the pain hasn’t registered from the bite, he wonders how much her head is swimming in it as he races home, carefully locking the door as she starts to scream. Carlisle sighs watching her on the bed, her body twisting and shaking as she screams. She stills and he knows he simply has to wait. Esme had the sense to take Edward away. Carlisle isn’t sure what thoughts Edward would hear and he finds himself not wanting to know. He can hear her heart stop. Carlisle stands watching as she sits up. He’s expecting her to cower, to ask questions, for the confusion to cloud over her thirst. She sits up pulling in a breath she does not need. Carlisle waits for her to cry out from her thirst, he has a deer outside for her. “Rosalie, Rosalie Hale.” He tries to jog her memory, worried the pain and circumstances of the bite had faded her human life too quickly. She snarls at this turning to him. “Rosalie Hale is dead. You made sure of that. She died in that alley, cold, alone and abused.” She stands up hissing at him and Carlisle holds out clean clothes as a peace offering. Dark colors; he didn’t want to remind her of the night. She takes them carefully dressing herself from the borrowed nightgown. She nods to him and he’s leading the deer in when he notes she’s gone, his wallet missing as well. She returns five days later, holding a garment bag and tossing it on the couch. “Rosalie please come meet the rest of your family. I’m sorry this all must be a shock and-“ “My throat hurts.” “Did you feed?” She blinks confused at him. “No I-“ She shakes her head. Esme pats her arm. “Let’s go for a hunt, just us girls, I’m sure you have a lot you want to talk about.” She folds the paper she was reading and they both leave the house. Carlisle glances down at the paper. Grimacing when he reads the headline. ROYCE KING FOUND DEAD ONLY TWO DAYS BEFORE WEDDING.
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New to me Movies in 2018
So I reached my goal last year of 75 movies! I know I probably shouldn’t because I only just made it but I think next year I’m gonna go for 80 as a minimum. I’ve got so many movies I would like to see and I need to actually get my ass in gear and watch some of them instead of just watching the office for the 20th time. Anyways, here is my list! If people care enough or are interested, I would be happy to make a list of some of my favorite films I watched this year.
The Road to El Dorado (2000)
Modern Times (1936)
Iron Jawed Angels (2004)
The General (1926)
The Freshman (1925)
Blue Steel (1989)
The Devil Wears Prada (2006)
Moonstruck (1987)
Bachelorette (2012)
My Best Friend’s Wedding (1997)
To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything! Julie Newmar (1995)
Thirteen (2003)
The Philadelphia Story (1941)
Icarus (2017)
Paris is Burning (1990)
Dixie Chicks: Shut Up and Sing (2006)
Jim & Andy: The Great Beyond (2017)
A Wrinkle in Time (2018)
Senorita Extraviada: Missing Young Woman (2001)
Tough Guise: Violence, Media & the Crisis in Masculinity (1999)
The Hunting Ground (2015)
Real Women Have Curves (2002)
Knocked Up (2007)
What Happened to Monday (2017)
Captain America: Civil War (2016)
Daughters of the Dust (1991)
Girls Trip (2017)
Go Fish (1994)
All Cheerleaders Die (2013)
Saving Face (2004)
Sisters (1973)
Wild (2014)
Something’s Gotta Give (2003)
Dr. Strangelove: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb (1964)
Best in Show (2000)
IT (2017)
Antonia’s Line (1995)
Wadjda (2012)
World’s Greatest Dad (2009)
Lovely and Amazing (2001)
Thor: Ragnarok (2017)
Avengers: Infinity War (2018)
Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri (2017)
Lady Bird (2017)
The Iron Giant (1999)
Deadpool 2 (2018)
The Last Laugh (2016)
Tarzan (1999)
Atlantis: The Lost Empire (2001)
The Rachel Divide (2018)
Monster (2004)
To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before (2018)
Black Panther (2018)
Mamma Mia! (2008)
I, Tonya (2017)
Sierra Burgess is a Loser (2018)
The Nun (2018)
Hush (2016)
Venom (2018)
The Stepford Wives (1975)
Halloween (2018)
The Stand (1994)
Suspiria (2018)
The Shape of Water (2017)
They’ll Love Me when I’m Dead (2018)
The Other Side of the Wind (2018)
Monty Python’s Life of Brian (1979)
Miracle on 34th Street (1947)
Won’t you be my Neighbor? (2018)
Hereditary (2018)
Die Hard (1988)
The Christmas Chronicles (2018)
Tig (2015)
Dumplin’ (2018)
Shirkers (2018)
The Autopsy of Jane Doe (2016)
Struggle: The Life and Lost Art of Szukalski (2018)
Casting JonBenet (2017)
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mmazzeroo · 6 years
Chapter 19: NED V - There’s Something About Wolves
@helloimnotawesome - VAAAAL, I’m so sorry, for being late. I got distracted. In case you haven’t noticed that’s a thing with me. Know you probably won’t have time to read this now, so maybe in a day or two after your graduation? ;) You’ll nock their socks off tomorrow, sis! 
Anyway, here’s chapter 19 for you. Another 3k whopper for you. Enjoy!
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NED V - There’s Something About Wolves
'That was immensely entertaining!' Well, at least someone is enjoying this! Underneath the table he gave his wife's hand a little squeeze and felt a tight one in return. Cat's attempt to comfort him while also showing her concern for Jon. He wanted to sigh, but this wasn't the time nor place so he settled for drawing a slow deep breath to calm himself. The day started off so well. From Jon's tears of joy, to Sansa walking so proudly in her beautiful dress, and of course the wedding ceremony itself.
All guests had been seated inside the Sept when the first big wave of cheering from the crowd outside hit, signalling the arrival of Robb and Jon. Rhaella had leaned past him whispering to Catelyn, 'let the swooning commence.' Once again he'd found himself between two grown women giggling like teenagers. When the young men entered the Sept and walked down the aisle there were gasps and muttering across the echoing room. 'Oh my, he sure does carry that uniform well,' Rhaella had said, 'if I was 25-30 years younger I would've climbed that like a tree.' Catelyn snorted before composing herself whereas he had been struggling to contain his laughter. Always trust a Targaryen to deliver the unexpected comment. Fuck's sake, Ella! When the bridal procession entered the room had filled with oh's, and aw's at little Rhaenys and Aegon, and ending with gasps and more muttering when they saw Dany and Marg. Again, Cat and Ella's predictions had been spot on: Neither of the couples could take their eyes of each other - nor  did they seem to notice anyone else around. Seeing Dany standing almost in a trance just staring at Jon throughout the ceremony had made him chuckle. Like mother like daughter it seems. Ella had given him a look saying she was thinking the same, and to avoid laughing out loud they'd had to both look away.
Now though... Gods! Who was that wretched woman to Jon? And what did he know of her past? The second he saw Dany and Jon entering for the dinner he knew something was off. Dany had managed to cast a quick glance towards the Ambassador before sitting down, but not able to give any clarifications she had to resolve to sharing worried looks with him and Catelyn across the table. Jon had kept to himself. Quiet. Head down. Short answers. Initially he'd thought his son to be sad or tired. Wouldn't blame him if he'd felt shellshocked from all the attention and people he'd been exposed to today. Turned out he was simply trying to keep his brewing fury under check.
Everyone at the table cast worried glances at each other; except for the Ambassador who was still smirking and the President who was still laughing. As Loras returned to the table shaking his head the President's laugh was instantly replaced with an intense look directed at the Melisandre. Loras whispered something to Dany who abruptly stood up and turned to Olenna.
Without taking her eyes of the Ambassador, the Queen of Thorns said, "don't worry about protocol, child, go find him. But Dr. Targaryen—
Dany, who had already been on her way, quickly turned to look back at the President, "yes, Madam President?"
"— do not rush him, he's a wounded caged animal right now."
"Understood, Madam President," and she was gone. Trying, and failing, to not run until out of the room.
Olenna just nodded still looking at the Ambassador. Is that a tiny smile on the President's face? For Dany or for the red woman?
In a calming gesture Margaery placed a hand on his arm as she leaned closer and whispered, "Ned, don't worry. Grandma is smelling blood. She'll put the Ambassador in her place." Then she winked, sat back properly in her seat and turned to smile at her husband. Hope you're right, sweet Marg!
"So Ambassador," Olenna said in her usual calm and dry tone, "do enlighten us as to why Lord Dayne so emphatically called you 'priestess'."
Statement, not a question. Once a lawyer, always a lawyer I suppose. Looking at Jon does she see Ashara too? In a few weeks he'll be older than his mother had the chance to be - and soon Arya too will have lived longer than Lyanna did. Why am I reminded of such tragedy at such a joyous occasion? Oh right, the bloody Ambassador from one of the Seven Hells!!
"Simple Madam President," the red woman said in same sultry tone she'd spoken to Jon, "because I used to be one."
"Oh I know." Olenna waved a dismissing hand at Melisandre. "As President I know that. I'm privy to such information, however it isn't common knowledge so try again, Ambassador." Somehow her intense look managed to increase in tensity. "It's interesting though, how information as to what temple or temples you must've served at is redacted from even the reports and files I've received about you, priestess."
That had the Ambassador shift in her seat. Slightly, but it was still noted around the table. As was the fact that she had to look away for a few seconds.
"Alright, you don't need to speak, Ambassador." If possible, the President's eyes would've burned a hole in the Ambassor by now. "I'll think out loud and if I say anything factually incorrect, you'll jump in and correct me. Deal?" Before anyone could utter a word she continued, "perfect. Marvellous!"
Again Oberyn and Tyrion chuckled. The little lion was trying to hide his smile behind his cup of wine. This must be like old times for the two of them! Both had trained as lawyers under Olenna's eagle eyes. When she accepted Doran Martell's offer of becoming Vice President she handed over her law firm and clients to her two apprentices. Later, Oberyn left to take up office as King's Landing's District Attorney which left Tyrion. He was currently juggling the law practice with being interim Lord of Casterly Rock. When Tywin Lannister died the seat had of course passed to Cersei, however since she was deemed a danger to herself, and society, she'd been placed in a mental facility. Luckily, Tywin had had Joffrey written out of the succession stating he was as insane as his mother. Next in line was Jaime who had declined saying he was a surgeon and knew nothing about running an estate, thus Tyrion had been the one to grab the piton. Though he swore he'd only do so until Myrcella or Tommen was 'ready, able and willing' to take the family seat. Cersei and Robert's divorce had been very public and very ugly. End result was Robert drinking and whoring himself to an early grave, and Cersei and Joffrey locked up in looney bins on each their continent. The two youngest Lannister children, however, had blossomed while living with their Uncle Jaime.
He turned to look at the table where Myrcella and Tommen sat together with Shireen, Sansa, Arya and the little Targaryens. Rhae, Elia, Missandei and Grey was there as well to help keep an eye on things. Arya and Tommen seemed to be having a laugh at Grey's expense, but the good natured Essosi just shook his head and smiled. He turned back to the drama at his own table and caught a look shared between Rhaella and the President. What was that about? Do they have a shared suspicion? Does Ella have an inkling about what might've set Jon off?
"The Captain met you somewhere in Essos. On a so called black op. The Lord Commander of the Night's Watch is authorised to assign teams for black ops without prior approval from the President." She paused to look at everyone around the table. Her grandchildren were both enjoying their meals. As a Tyrell I guess political drama and candid talk is just part of everyday life. As were Ella, Oberyn and Tyrion. Robb seemed mesmerised by the President, and Catelyn was clutching her wine cup in one hand and his hand in the other. "Given the sensitive nature of such missions the reports from the Lord Commander to the Minister of Foreign Affairs and the President are more often than not redacted. I'm sure you knew this and thought you'd be protected by it in some way."
Wait, did she say black ops? Jon joined the Night's Watch from North of the Wall. The legal age is lower up there. So Jon must've only been 15? Maybe 16 when he joined? He was just a boy! As far as he knew Night's Watch black ops teams was on a acceptance-by-rank procedure as they assumed rank meant experience. Jon had not joined from one of the military academies which made him infantry - also known as foot soldiers and canon-fodder. They move up the ranks faster because their Commanding Officers die in battle. He shuddered at the thought. Depending on the number of missions he was on the first years he could've joined the black ops teams at 17, max 18. Still just a boy!
He looked over at Rhaella. She was still Minister of Foreign Affairs then. She stepped down 5 years ago? Ellaria Sand had taken over and was still doing a wonderful job. Rhaella was enjoying her freedom and split her time between King's Landing and Dragonstone. Sometimes she even flew up to visit Benjen. Again the President threw a glance at Rhaella. Ohh, those two are like bloodhounds and they are on the hunt!  
"Just so we're clear, I take your silence as you being in agreement with what I say." The President gave the Ambassador a pointed looked.
Melisandre swallowed and gave a curtly nod.
"Good. Now, let's assume this black op was outside my legislative reach and, for your sake, also out of that of the Free Cities."
This time the red woman noticeably swallowed a bit more difficult. They're getting closer.
"Oh, I see! Hmm....yet for some reason they haven't taken action which tells me they don't know either." She gave a gleeful smile. " Interesting, very interesting."
Ella put down her cutlery and gave the Ambassador a hard look.
"Tell me Ambassador, you were a red priestess, yes? Priestess at a temple of the Lord of Light, correct?"
The red woman nodded.
"Speak up, I didn't make an agreement with you to stay silent."
"Yes, that's what red priests and priestesses are, Lady Targaryen."
They say it's nerve-wrecking to watch men strutting about like peacocks, but watching women with knives on their teeth take stabs at each other... Definitely worse!
Rhaella gave one of the most chilling smiles he'd ever seen when she said, "when those pirates where burned alive in Ar Noy 8 years ago, did you give the order?"
A collective gasp was drawn around the table. Even the President looked surprised at Rhaella's nerve and candidness. That was until Melisandre answered.
"I did, and I would again. I had been charged with the task to stop the pirates and an example had to be made." The audacity of this woman! Gods!
"Have you never heard of the term 'negotiation' or are you simply too dense to understand the concept?!" Tyrion couldn't hold his tongue any longer. Both Tyrion and Oberyn looked at the Ambassador in disgust. Quite an achievement really...
"No honourable person would ever burn another being alive!" He couldn't help himself from snapping. He'd heard enough now.
"Are you questioning my honour, Lord Stark?" The Ambassador bit back at him with a sly smile.
"I’m not questioning your honour, Ambassador, I'm denying its very existence!"
"You know, when the most quiet man in the room decides to speak up, that Ambassador —priestess whichever title you wish to go by— is the time one should truly worry." Sitting leisurely with one arm leaning on the back of his chair and the other holding a cup of wine, elbow resting on the table, Oberyn looked between him and the red woman. Leaning closer to Melisandre and tilting the head so it pointing across the table, he continued, "—and that, is always the most quiet man in the room."
The President spoke up again, "I'll be sending a letter of notification to the Triarch of Volantis and the Sealord of Braavos informing them that our acceptance of you as the Ambassador and Representative of the Free Cities has been cancelled and declared null and void from today's date. Of course I'll be obliged to explain, in detail, how and why such a grave course of action has been deemed fit. Westeros will support any and all legal actions they see fit to be taken against you to have you answer for your crimes."
That wiped all smugness of the Ambassador's face.
"But...but there are procedures for such a matter. You can't just send me home!" The woman looked shocked. Appalled that someone would that to her.
"I can and I will." Said in the calmest most matter-of-fact voice the President smiled back at the priestess.
As Melisandre opened her mouth to voice further protests, it was Robb's turn to snap.
Sneering, barring his wolf teeth he said, "with all due respect, Ambassador, I've had enough, and I'm sure my wife has as well, of your well-wishing on our most happy of days, so kindly accept our gratitude for having blessed us with your radiant self." Robb is only this overly polite when what he really wants is to ring someone's neck. Turning to the police officer who along with Ser Barristan was the President's guards for the day, he said, "Detective Bronn, please escort Ambassor Melisandre home, she's had an exiting day and is rather tired now."
"It'll be my pleasure, Dr. Stark." With a smug look on his face, Detective Bronn stepped up behind the Ambassador, pulled out her chair and 'helped' her up and out without further protests from the priestess.
Rhaella and the President looked at each other and shared a victorious smile. If they could, they would've high-five'd each other on the spot.
Catelyn cleared her throat. "I feel like that calls for a toast."
Everyone looked around at one another and then in unison said: "To the God of Tits & Wine!"
Their loud salute and laughter caught the attention of the other tables who joined in both, even the children who giggled at being allowed to say such a 'bad' word. This is for you, Jon!
Setting down her cup, Margaery looked at Robb. "You essentially sent one of the most powerful people in the country to bed without supper." She couldn't hold her laughter in.
"I'd do it again. You don't show up in my house and disrespect my family, and people in general, like that." Marg leaned in and gave him a swift kiss. "Though I'm glad Lady Targaryen and Madam President did the interrogation. Remind me never to end up in your claws, ladies." Finishing with a wink at Ella, Robb was back to being his charming self.
"Madam President," Tyrion interrupted, "may I ask how you plan to handle this with the press? You do know who reads the papers, right?"
"Oh you leave the press to me, Lannister, I know exactly who reads the papers." She stuck her tongue out  at Tyrion, who nearly choked on his wine laughing, before continuing, "The Looking Glass is read by people who think they run the country; The warden is read by people who think they ought to run the country; Westerosi Times is read by the people who actually do run the country; the Daily Post is read by the wives of the people who run the country; the Monetary Times is read by people who own the country; the Mockingbird is read by people who think the country ought to be run by another country, and the Telegram is read by people who think it is."
"What about the people who read The Dawn?" Tyrion asked.
"Dawn readers don’t care who runs the country, as long as she’s got big tits," Rhaella answered dryly.
Naturally that caused a burst of laughter from everyone. Tyrion leaned in as far as he could to toast her, though shaking with laughter made it difficult for the little man.
High-fiving her, Oberyn said, "I knew there was a reason why I always liked you so much!"
"By the way," Rhaella looked back at Olenna with a big satisfied smile, "I believe you owe me 50 dragons, Madam President."
"Yes yes, you won the bet." It's quite funny seeing her this annoyed with losing a bet after how cool she was during her 'interrogation'.
"I did! Just put on my tab." She gave a cheeky wink at the President.
"What did you bet about this time?" Catelyn chimed in now.
"Whether or not my daughter would start to drool when setting eyes on the handsome Captain Dayne."
"Unfortunately, Dr. Targaryen is better at controlling her mouth-water than I had hoped for."
"Grandma!" Marg couldn't hold back her laugh. "Although," she added, "there is something about a man in uniform."
"Hey hey hey, before you know it, I've signed up for the army just to have you swoon over me in my uniform."
"Don't you dare!"
Robb pulled her in for a kiss, she laughingly pulled away then leaned back in for another kiss.
"What did I tell you, child?" Olenna laughed, "there's something about wolves!"
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iris-writes-things · 6 years
Crazy, Millennial Love Story chapter 9
Read on AO3, FF.net or under the cut!
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After years of near radio silence, Shiro follows up on an invitation to have dinner with the Holts; the family he had carefully avoided since getting Matt and himself into an accident 3 years ago. On top of that, Pidge has an announcement to make!
Chapter 9 of ? Ongoing 2226 words Modern/romance
Shiro stood silently in front of the Holts' front door for a solid five minutes, contemplating whether he should ring the doorbell or go home. Deep down, Shiro knew Keith was right. Besides, now that he'd made contact with Katie-- Pidge again, there was no way he could avoid the family forever. They were a family of cops and cryptid hunters after all. If they wanted him, they'd find him.Finally, he took a deep breath and pressed the damn button. He flinched when the door was opened immediately, only to be greeted by Matt's smiling face. "H-How long were you standing there?!"
"About as long as you." He said, looking at his watch. "Give or take five minutes?"
"Was it really that long?" Shiro asked, growing flustered in embarrassment.
"Don't worry about it. I'm just glad you didn't bail on us." Matt said, ushering him inside, patting his back reassuringly. "Hm, no Keith?" He noted.
"No, he's taking pictures at his first wedding."
"Ah, so he's finally getting his photography thing off the ground, huh? You can take home whatever we don't eat today, so he won't miss out." Matt smiled.
Shiro found himself forcing a smile back, awkward and disingenuous, but it quickly faltered. He hoped Matt hadn't noticed, and when the other pushed him into the front room, he figured as much.
"Guys, look who's here!" Matt announced cheerfully.
The inside of the house was just as cute and quaint as he remembered it, very little had changed after all. The walls had been painted a slightly off-white, and the furniture was slightly rearranged, but other than that, it was the same. Where there was no furniture occupying the wall space, the walls were covered with family photos, meticulously arranged in chronological order. Shiro had been there for most moments since Matt’s teenage years, but he noticed there had been new additions to the photo wall since he last visited. Holy crap, had Pidge already graduated high school? She must have been so disappointed in him...
"Shiro!" Was the only warning he got, a mere fraction of a second before a much smaller body threw itself at him
"Oof..." He groaned from the sudden impact. "Hey Pidge."
"Honey, be careful with our guest, will you?" Her mother, warned. It was strange to Shiro, seeing the medical examinor in her very homey open kitchen instead of her cold lab in the precinct’s basement.
"Don't worry, he’s been tackled by people three times her size and made it out okay.” Matt chuckled.
“Only because you picked the fights. Don’t think I never read through your partner’s paperwork, son.” His father teased, glancing up from his newspaper.
“Aah, good times.” Matt sighed, a nostalgic grin plastered on his face.
“I’m really fine, dr. Holt, captain.” Shiro said as he attempted to pry their daughter off him.
The two looked at each other for a moment in surprise. “You know you can just call us by our names, right? We’re all friends here, Shiro.” Dr. Holt, Colleen, said, carefully choosing her words.
“Yeah, friends…” Shiro couldn’t help but look down as the feeling of guilt crept back up on him, spreading through his chest and mind like poison. His lip quivered, and his grip on Pidge tightened ever so slightly.
“Shiro?” The little girl whispered.
“Dude, are you okay?” Matt asked, reaching out for him, but Shiro recoiled, staying out of his reach. Matt’s face fell, he sighed. “Shiro, listen, it’s not like you didn’t lose anything that night. Hell, if anything, you lost more than me.” He mumbled, staring at his friend’s prosthetic arm.
“But you lost your future as a detective.” Shiro argued. “There’s no way you’ll get through the city police’s psych evaluation, and that’s because of me.”
“And neither will you! How long will it take to get that through your thick skull?! Look, I’m seeing a therapist to get back on my feet, and who knows, maybe I’ll be a detective like dad someday, but right now I’m having the time of my life working as a private detective and helping Pidge with her monster hunting. Just because maybe you weren’t as ambitious as I was doesn’t make what happened to you any more okay than what happened to me! And I know you’re getting there too thanks to Keith, but I’m going to need you to let go of that night, and for the love of God, stop avoiding us. We miss you.”
“You done, buddy?” Pidge asked, looking up at her brother. “I think you broke him.” She said as she nodded towards him.
Shiro stood speechless and unmoving, mind racing to catch up with what the Hell just happened. It was small and weak, his voice trembled when he spoke a few moments later. “I know. And I’m sorry, I knew I shouldn’t have avoided you guys, but there was just always this nagging voice at the back of my mind that you guys would never forgive me…” His voice was barely above a whisper as tears started to form in his eyes.
“It’s okay, Shiro. You’re here now, that’s what counts.” Captain Holt, Sam, smiled, placing an encouraging hand on Shiro’s shoulder.
“And, for what it’s worth, we never blamed you for what happened. Not for one second. You just got a call for backup and answered it. You couldn’t have known they would gang up on you guys. It was an accident. It could have happened to any officer in the area.” Colleen added, cupping Shiro’s face in her hand, forcing him to look at the melancholy expression on her face. “If you’d like, you could still come over for dinner once a month. You know, like you used to.” She offered.
“Yeah! He deserves at least one decent meal every month.” Pidge piped up. “Keith can come too! Or your girlfriend, maybe.”
“Girlfriend?” Matt asked, turning to Shiro, who only shrugged and smiled apologetically. “Shiro, you sly dog! When were you planning to tell me?”
“She’s not technically my girlfriend, yet. But I’d like her to be.”
“I sent my friend Allura that same Buzzfeed article I sent you. You know, the one with Shiro’s naked torso?” Pidge said, shit-eating grin plastered on her face. “She went on a date with him the very next week.”
“H-hey, that was for business! She wanted me to model for her…”
“And by ‘your friend Allura’ you mean your hot friend Allura, right?” Matt asked his little sister, ignoring Shiro’s excuse.
“Smoking.” Pidge pointed out, smirking devilishly at Shiro, who tried and failed to hide his embarrassment, burying his face in his hands.
“Oh my God, Shiro, you lucky bastard!” Matt chuckled, punching his friend in the arm. “Seriously, if she likes you as much as you like her--”
“And she does.” Pidge cut in.
“You should totally go for it!”
“A-are you sure?” Shiro asked them, stammering.
“Yes, we’re sure.” The Holt siblings insisted in unison.
“Just trust me, you have more than a chance with Allura. You guys are seriously good for each other.” Pidge winked, elbowing him in his right side.
“And if you need any help, we’d be more than happy to.” Matt said, mirroring his sister’s motions and elbowing him in his left side.
Shiro couldn’t help but laugh. Seriously, these two seemed to be linked on a telepathic level. It was like they should have been twins, but had been born seven years apart for some odd reason. “Okay, if you guys say so…” he drew a deep breath. “I guess I’ll give it a more serious shot.”
The siblings cheered, only to be cut off by their mother.
“It’s great that you guys are having fun, but can you please come and have dinner before the food cools down again?”
“Yes, ma’am!”
Even though Shiro had been hesitant to join the Holts initially, he was glad he showed up after all, and even more grateful that Colleen always made enough Thanksgiving dinner to last the family three days. If he was completely honest, this was the best home cooked meal he had eaten in literal years.
It was making him sentimental, not just about the good food, but about sharing it with so many people he loved, as well. Of course, Shiro loved Keith too, but it was different in a way. These were people he had called family for years before suddenly breaking almost all contact with them. The fact he was now re-establishing that relationship felt surreal to him, but in the best kind of way.
“Okay, so, now that we’ve all had dinner and everyone seems to be in a good mood, I have an announcement to make.” Pidge said as she stood up from her chair.
Shiro glanced around the table to find Pidge’s parents and brother wearing the same surprised expression as he was.
“Alright… I’ve been thinking about this for a very long time… And breaching this topic is pretty hard, because it’s both a complicated concept, and I have no idea how you guys are going to react to this, but anyway, here goes nothing.” She paused to take a deep breath before continuing. “So, uh, you know how computers work on binary code, right? Zeroes and ones?”
Shiro nodded, assuming the rest of the family did so too, prompting her to go on.
“Okay, so, like, that’s also the way society tends to look at gender identity, right? Even on the rare occasion the mainstream talks about transgender people, we’re still talking men and women, zeroes and ones, a binary of gender identities, if you will.” She said as she adjusted her glasses. “But it’s weird, because we all know there are more numbers in the Arabic numeral system than just zeroes and ones, right? So it’s not really that far-fetched to think that there are more than two gender identities. Like, if boys are zeroes and girls are ones, then twos could be agender people, bigender people could be threes, demiboys and demigirls could be fours and fives, and so on! There’s like a bazillion different gender identities out there that each don’t fit in the traditional gender binary, and what I’m trying to say is that I don’t fit in the traditional gender binary either, and I’ve decided I’m not gonna try to fit inside it anymore. So... If you guys could call me Pidge and refer to me with gender-neutral pronouns like they/them from here on out, that’d be great. Thanks for coming to my TED talk, I guess.”
The family kitchen was quiet for a time, but there was no real tension. Not like Shiro expected. Everyone was just collecting their thoughts, Shiro assumed. He knew he was. However, he could read in Pidge’s face that they were feeling the non-existent tension nonetheless. The speech they had just delivered was heartfelt and obviously came from deep within the kid, but was practiced and worded in a way that made the concept easy to understand. Despite being bi himself, he had never met many trans people, let alone non-binary ones. He had a lot left to learn, he felt.
Finally, the silence was shattered when Sam spoke up. “Honey, I’m glad you discovered this about yourself. I can’t imagine how hard it must have been to open up about this.”
“Exactly. And if you ever need help with anything in regards to your self expression, you just let us know and we’ll do what we can.” Colleen added. Shiro was sure he heard Pidge letting out a relieved sigh. “You’re still our little baby, and we’ll do anything we can to make you as comfortable as possible.” She reassured.
“Thanks, mom. Thanks, dad.” Pidge mumbled, smiling, but tearing up a little.
Shiro looked at Matt, wondering what he had to say on the matter.
“Honestly? I knew this was coming. I’m just disappointed you didn’t use the powerpoint presentation you made.” Matt shrugged, the same old, stupid grin plastered on his face. “I’m proud of you though, no matter what.”
“I’m with Matt.” Shiro said simply. “I thought something was up when you asked me to call you Pidge instead of Katie, but I decided not to push.”
“Yeah, I wasn’t very subtle back there, was I?” Pidge giggled. “I’m so glad you guys are okay with it, though.”
“What can we say? We’ve always known you were different from the other kids, but that’s the best thing about you.” Sam smiled at them, prompting Pidge to hug him tightly.
“I love you guys so much.”
“And we love you, too.”
“Whoa, like, I always thought Pidge was a bit of a tomboy, but she’s not a girl at all?” Keith asked, looking at Shiro. His eyes wide like saucers.
“Nor a boy, apparently. Pidge is just Pidge.” Shiro yawned. “It’s actually a pretty nice way to look at it; not being a boy or a girl, but just being yourself…”
“I guess. I’m still very comfortable with being a man.” Keith shrugged.
“Me too.” Shiro yawned again, his eyes starting to droop in exhaustion. “I don’t know what you’re doing, but I’m gonna hit the hay. If you’re hungry, there’s turkey, mashed potatoes and pumpkin pie in the fridge.”
“Thanks Shiro.” Keith smiled. “Good night.”
“Good night, Keith.”
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michaelandy101-blog · 4 years
You Need This 2021 Marketing Calendar [Free Templates]
New Post has been published on https://tiptopreview.com/you-need-this-2021-marketing-calendar-free-templates/
You Need This 2021 Marketing Calendar [Free Templates]
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With 2020 almost behind us, it’s time to set your sights on next year’s marketing campaigns.
That means a lot of #CatDad photos, “New Year, new you” messaging, and pumpkin spice lattes.
Consider this your ultimate holiday marketing calendar for 2021.
Many of the holidays listed here are classics; some are feel-good holidays, and some are made up by brand themselves.
Trust me, you’ll want to bookmark this.
Sidebar: Would you like me to add more holidays, topics, or just have feedback? Please fill out 👉 this form. I will review all the feedback and comments before building the 2022 marketing calendar. Thank you!
2021 Free Marketing Calendar Templates
Whether you’re the kind of marketer who starts feeling festive in July or you’re the wait-until-Christmas-break type, there’s no doubt that prepping your 2021 holiday marketing comes with a cornucopia of stressors.
The good news is that I’ve started the planning process for you.
Ahead, I’ve shared my two holiday marketing calendar templates for 2021 including a Google calendar and spreadsheet. That will help you get through the season like a boss.
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Yep – these holiday marketing calendar templates may be the best gift you’ve ever received.
2021 Marketing Calendar
Here is the marketing calendar for 2021.
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The tab titled “All Holidays + Google Calendar” can be used to upload to Google Calendar.
Your 2021 marketing calendar is going to be above and beyond – all with a seasonal twist. Let’s keep it going with a breakdown of all the holidays, big events, and inspiration campaigns.
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Your 2021 Holiday Marketing Calendar
I’ve separated this calendar by month, so you can jump to a certain month with one click below:
Right now, there’s a good chance that your target audience is getting bombarded by winter sales and gym workouts on Instagram.
The thing is, January is the time to experience a refresh. Along with this rejuvenation, comes college football games, SAG awards, and Elvis’s birthday.
If you’re not sure where to begin when crafting your January marketing campaigns, ahead are holidays, sporting events, birthdays, and more to celebrate in January.
Monthly Observances
Weight Loss Awareness Month National Blood Donor Month National Thank You Month National Hobby Month National Tea Month Girl Scout Cookie Season Begins
Weekly Observances
January 1-7 – Diet Resolution Week January 17-23 – Hunt For Happiness Week January 17-23 – Sugar Awareness Week January 24-30 – National School Choice Week January 24-31 – Meat Week January 24-30 – Clean Out Your Inbox Week
January 1 – New Year’s Day January 1 – National Hangover Day January 1 – Outback Bowl January 1 – Rose Bowl January 1 – NHL Winter Classic January 6-10 – PGA Tournament of Champions January 2 – Science Fiction Day January 3 – Festival of Sleep Day January 4 – Trivia Day January 10 – National Bird Day January 6 – National Bean Day January 6 – Cuddle Up Day January 8 – Elvis’s Birthday January 9 – National Take the Stairs Day January 10 – National Bittersweet Chocolate Day January 10 – Houseplant Appreciation Day January 11 – National Human Trafficking Awareness Day January 11 – College Football Playoff National Championship January 11 – National Clean Off Your Desk Day January 13 – National Sticker Day January 14 – Dress Up Your Pet Day January 15 – National Hat Day January 17 – Ditch New Year’s Resolutions Day January 18 – Winnie the Pooh Day (Author A.A. Milne’s birthday) January 18 – Martin Luther King, Jr. Day January 19 – National Popcorn Day January 20 – Penguin Awareness Day January 20 – National Cheese Lover’s Day January 21 – Get To Know Your Customer’s Day January 21 – National Hugging Day January 23 – National Pie Day January 24 – Compliment Day January 24 – National Peanut Butter Day January 25 – Opposite Day January 25 – Community Manager Appreciation Day #CMAD January 26 – Spouse’s Day January 27 – Chocolate Cake Day January 28 – Sundance Film Festival begins January 28 – Fun at Work Day January 28 – Data Privacy Day January 28-31 – Winter X Games January 29 – National Puzzle Day January 30 – National Hockey League All-Star Game January 31 – Backward Day January 31 – Grammy’s
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Popular hashtags for January:
Examples of January holiday marketing campaigns for brands:
How would you explain the repeal of Net Neutrality? We did it with the Whopper. Watch the video below: pic.twitter.com/9EWjtbenv8
— Burger King (@BurgerKing) January 24, 2018
.@Spotify I’m loving your New Years campaign! Proof that data collection drives headlines and is attention grabbing. #kudos pic.twitter.com/AKcWjLpIff
— Anderhays (@anderhays) December 7, 2017
Refugees travel about 2 billion km every year to find safety.
Show them they’re not alone & #StepWithRefugees https://t.co/VAgv1ZcCIA pic.twitter.com/TOTZEfdmRH
— UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency (@Refugees) January 27, 2019
Toothless already won New Years. #HowToTrainYourDragon pic.twitter.com/XeBXwGWNUM
— DreamWorks Animation (@Dreamworks) December 26, 2018
February is extra special this year. It’s not all about Valentine’s Day, Fashion Week, or Super Bowl Sunday (okay, maybe it is).
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This year, February packs a punch with an extra day because it’s a leap year. February 29 happens every four years to keep us aligned with orbit around the sun.
So, what’s a marketer to do in February to target the right audience?
First, wish for spring to begin. And, second, keep scrolling for all the inspiration you need to make February a high-performing month for your business.
Monthly Observances
Black History Month American Heart Month National Heart Month National Weddings Month National Cherry Month
Weekly Observances
February 7-13 – Eating Disorder Awareness Week TBD – New York Fashion Week February 8-14 – Freelance Writers Appreciation Week February 14-20 – International Flirting Week February 8-14 – Condom Week February 17-23 – Random Acts of Kindness Week February 19-23 – London Fashion Week February 19-24 – Milan Fashion Week
February 1 – National Freedom Day February 2 – Groundhog Day February 4 – World Cancer Day February 5 – Bubble Gum Day February 5 – World Nutella Day February 5 – National Weatherperson’s Day February 5 – Give Kids a Smile Day February 5 – Wear Red Day February 6 – National Chopsticks Day February 7 – Super Bowl Sunday February 7 – Send a Card to a Friend Day #SendACardToAFriendDay February 8-14 – AT&T Pebble Beach Pro-Am February 8 – Boy Scout’s Day February 9 – National Pizza Day February 10 – Umbrella Day February 11 – Make a Friend Day February 12 – Chinese New Year February 12 – Lincoln’s Birthday February 14 – Valentine’s Day February 15 – Susan B. Anthony’s Birthday February 15 – Singles Awareness Day February 15 – Presidents Day February 16 – Mardi Gras/Fat Tuesday February 17 – Random Acts of Kindness Day February 17 – Ash Wednesday February 18 – Drink Wine Day February 20 – Love Your Pet Day February 22 – Washington’s Birthday February 22 – Margarita Day February 22 – Walk Your Dog Day February 24 – National Tortilla Chip Day February 26 – National Pistachio Day February 28 – Floral Design Day February 28 – Golden Globes
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Popular hashtags for February:
Examples of February holiday marketing campaigns for brands:
Thank you, THANK YOU #SBLII @nfl @pepsi! Congrats @Eagles🏆! We out!! @thetnkids #PepsiHalftime 🏈 pic.twitter.com/xjcjqAyBAc
— Justin Timberlake (@jtimberlake) February 6, 2018
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Field Notes – Valentine’s Day Offer
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Google Pixel – President’s Day Offer
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Verizon: AllOurThanks.com
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Target: Celebrate Black History Month
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Just when you are finally out of your holiday winter slump, Daylight Saving Time catches us all longing for a nap.
Although there’s no amount of coffee that can help you prepare for the upcoming month, I did share a few marketing campaign ideas below to get you started.
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From the World Wildlife Day to International Women’s Day, March has a lot to offer.
Monthly Observances
Women’s History Month Nutrition Month Peanut Month Music in Our Schools Month Craft Month Irish Heritage Month American Red Cross Month March for Meals The Great American Cleanup
Weekly Observances
March 1-9 – Paris Women’s Fashion Week March 7-13 – National Sleep Awareness Week March 8 -14– Girl Scout Week March 12-17 – Campfire Birthday Week March 28 – Apr 3 National Cleaning Week
March 1 – Peanut Butter Lover’s Day March 2 – National Read Across America Day (Dr. Seuss Day) March 4-7 – Arnold Palmer Invitational PGA March 3 – World Wildlife Day March 4 – Grammar Day March 5 – Day of Unplugging March 5 –Girl Scout Cookie Booth Sales Begin March 5 – Employee Appreciation Day March 6 – Dentist’s Day March 6 – Oreo Day March 6 – Shaq’s Birthday March 7 – Cereal Day March 8 – International Women’s Day March 11-14 – The Players Championship PGA March 11 – Popcorn Lover’s Day March 12 – World Sleep Day March 12– Girl Scout Birthday March 13 – Jewel Day March 14 – Daylight Savings March 14 – SAG Awards March 14 – Pi Day March 15 – Napping Day March 15 – The Ides of March March 15 – Oscar Nominations Announcement March 16-20 – SXSW Online March 17 – St. Patrick’s Day March 18 –Awkward Moments Day March 20 – First Day of Spring March 21 – World Down Syndrome Day March 21 – International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination March 22 – World Water Day March 23 – Ag Day (Agriculture Day) March 23 – Puppy Day March 23 – American Diabetes Association Alert Day March 26 – Purple Day for Epilepsy Awareness March 27 – Earth Hour Day March 28 – Palm Sunday March 29 – Mom & Pop Business Owners Day March 30 – National Doctor’s Day March 31 – Equal Pay Day March 31 – Crayon Day March 31 – Transgender Day of Visibility
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Popular hashtags for March:
Examples of March holiday marketing campaigns for brands:
We’re celebrating #StPatricksDay the Jameson way at the office! Join the fun on Snapchat with @JamesonCanada filters, available across 🇨🇦🥃 pic.twitter.com/CWn905NH3z
— Corby Spirit & Wine (@CorbySW) March 17, 2017
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Brawny: #StrengthHasNoGender
“April showers bring May flowers,” makes April sound like…well…a real bummer.
April deserves silent golf clap because April is bringing us National Denim Day, World Autism Day, the Master’s PGA tournament, and so much more.
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And, to top it all off, springtime drops (hello, spring cleaning and pretty Peeps).
Monthly Observances
Earth Month National Volunteer Month National Autism Awareness Month Keep America Beautiful Month National Garden Month Stress Awareness Month National Poetry Month
Weekly Observances
April 18-24 – National Volunteer Week April 18-24 – Animal Cruelty/Human Violence Awareness Week April 18-24 – Administrative Professionals Week April 26-30 – Every Kid Healthy Week April 18-24 – National Princess Week
April 1 – April Fool’s Day April 1 – Baseball Opening Day April 2 – World Autism Awareness Day April 2 – National Peanut Butter and Jelly Day April 2 – National Walking Day April 02 – Good Friday April 3 – Don’t Go To Work Unless it’s Fun Day April 3 – Find a Rainbow Day April 04 – Easter Sunday April 6 – School Librarian Day April 6 – National Beer Day April 7 – World Health Day April 8-11 – Masters Tournament PGA April 9 – Winston Churchill Da TBD (Typically April 10) – Free Cone Day (Ben & Jerry’s) April 10 – Golfer’s Day April 9-11 – Coachella Music Festival April 11 – National Pet Day April 12 – National Grilled Cheese Day April 15 – National Titanic Remembrance Day April 15 – Tax Day April 15 – National High-Five Day April 19 – Boston Marathon April 20 – Lookalike Day April 21 – Administrative Professionals Day April 22 – Earth Day April 22 – Take Your Daughter and/or Son to Work Day April 25 – Oscars Ceremony April 28 – Denim Day April 28 – National Superhero Day April 30 – Arbor Day April 30 – National Honesty Day April 30 – National Adopt a Shelter Pet Day
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Popular hashtags for April:
Examples of April holiday marketing campaigns for brands:
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National Geographic: Partner Content for the North Face
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Burger King: The King’s Fool’s Challenge
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Packlane – Easter Offer
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This #EarthDay, we’re hosting cleanup events across the globe with @MissionBlue! If at least 1,500 #PokemonGO Trainers attend these events, Trainers will see special in game surprises! Find your closest cleanup event here: https://t.co/b9FJdxCW6O pic.twitter.com/8tFhW7HMC0
— Niantic, Inc. (@NianticLabs) April 4, 2018
May is here which means the nights are only getting hotter and longer.
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That also means that it’s time for #MayThe4thBeWithYou hashtags, tequila, big hats, and BBQ.
May doesn’t just celebrate the start of summer with a day OOO, it also kicks off our summer marketing campaigns.
Monthly Observances
ALS Awareness Asthma Awareness National Celiac Disease Awareness Month Clean Air Month Global Employee Health and Fitness Month National Barbecue Month National Bike Month National Hamburger Month National Salad Month National Photograph Month Gifts from the Garden Month Lupus Awareness Month Military Family Appreciation Month
Weekly Observances
April 25 – May 1 – Food Allergy Awareness Week May 1-7 – National Pet Week May 2-8 – National Tourism Week May 2-8 – Drinking Water Week May 2-8 – Teacher Appreciation Week May 10-16 – Nurse’s Week
TBD (Typically May 1) – Red Nose Day May 1 – May Day May 1 – Mother Goose Day May 1 – Kentucky Derby May 4 – Thank A Teacher Day May 4 – Star Wars Day May 4 – International Firefighters Day May 4 – National Teacher’s Day May 5 – Cinco De Mayo May 6 – National Nurses Day May 7 – World Password Day May 7 – Military Spouse Appreciation Day May 8 – World Fair Trade Day May 8 – World Red Cross and Red Crescent Day May 09 – Mother’s Day May 11 – Eat What You Want Day May 12 – National Receptionists Day May 15 – Armed Forces Day May 15 – National Chocolate Chip Day May 16 – Love a Tree Day May 17-23 – PGA Championship May 21 – National Bike to Work Day May 21 – NASCAR Day May 20 – Be a Millionaire Day May 23-Jun 6 – French Open May 24 – Victoria Day (Canada) May 25 – Geek Pride Day May 25 – National Wine Day May 26 – Sally Ride Day May 28-31 – Indianapolis 500 May 31 – Memorial Day May 31 – World No-Tobacco Day
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Popular hashtags for May:
Examples of May holiday marketing for brands:
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Today only: turn yourself into a taco using our @Snapchat lens. Because Cinco de Mayo. pic.twitter.com/P4KwLdFNFZ
— Taco Bell (@tacobell) May 5, 2016
Brace yourself, we’re halfway through the year. That means heat waves, #RadDadsSquad pics, rainbow flags in shop windows, and summer getaways.
So while you’re dusting off the BBQ or hitting the links, now is the time to create shareable marketing campaigns like the ALS ice bucket challenge or the IHOP’s IHOb campaign.
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Because if you don’t share it on social, did it really happen?
Monthly Observances
Men’s Health Month National Safety Month Acne Awareness Month LGBTQ Pride Month National Adopt a Cat Month Aquarium Month Candy Month
Weekly Observances
June 6-12 – Pet Appreciation Week June 14-20 – Men’s Health Week
June 2 – National Rocky Road Day June 4 – National Donut Day June 4 – Hug Your Cat Day June 4 – National Cheese Day June 5 – World Environment Day June 7 – National Chocolate Ice Cream Day June 8 – World Oceans Day June 8 – National Best Friends Day June 9 – Donald Duck Day June 10 – Iced Tea Day June 17-20 – Bonnaroo Music Festival June 13 – National Weed Your Garden Day June 14 – Flag Day June 14-20 –U.S. Open PGA June 18 – National Splurge Day June 19 – World Juggler’s Day June 20 – Father’s Day June 20 – First Day of Summer / Summer Solstice June 21 – National Selfie Day June 22 – National Kissing Day June 23-July 11 – Wimbledon June 24 – National Handshake Day June 25 – National Take a Dog to Work Day June 29 – Camera Day June 30 – Social Media Day
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Popular hashtags for June:
Examples of June holiday marketing for brands:
Life’s Good, Get Dirty
If we can clean up 65,000 fun-loving festival goers at #Bonnaroo, we can take care of your mess too with our long-lasting, durable washers. #LifesGood #GetDirty
Posted by LG Electronics USA on Thursday, June 21, 2018
The largest delivery in @Amazon history. pic.twitter.com/xOhuJ7dLFy
— Jurassic World (@JurassicWorld) June 2, 2018
July is more than just another summer month. It’s also a chance to celebrate America’s independence, order too much stuff on Prime Day, share your favorite emojis, and watch golf.
When it comes to marketing in July, there are tons of opportunities to engage with your customers – from pet safety tips during the 4th of July to free shipping.
Monthly Observances
Ice Cream Month National Grilling Month National Picnic Month National Independent Retailer Month National Blueberry Month
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Weekly Observances
July 18-24 – Capture the Sunset Week July 18-24 – Independent Retailers Week
July 1 – National Postal Worker Day July 1 – International Joke Day July 2 – World UFO Day July 2 – 25 – Tour de France July 4 – Independence Day July 4 – Nathan’s Hot Dog Eating Contest July 5 – National Bikini Day July 7 – World Chocolate Day July 8 – Video Games Day July 11 – National 7-Eleven Day July 12 – Pecan Pie Day July 13 – Rock Worldwide Day July 13 – French Fry Day July 16 – World Snake Day July 16-19 – Summer X Games July 17 – World Emoji Day July 18 – National Ice Cream Day July 20 – Hot Dog Day July 18 – Amazon Prime Day July 19 – National Daiquiri Day July 20 – National Moon Day July 21 – #NoMakeUp Day July 24 – Amelia Earhart Day July 25 – Parents’ Day July 26 – Aunt and Uncle Day July 28 – World Hepatitis Day July 29-31 – World Lumberjack Championships July 30 – Father-in-Law Day July 30 – International Day of Friendship
Popular hashtags for July:
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Examples of July holiday marketing for brands:
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Smirnoff: 4th of July Party Pitch
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Amazon: Prime Day Deals
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There are those who keep us cool by keeping theirs. Professionals in the art of refreshment – A/C techs, fridge specialists and pool professionals. We prefer to call them The Refreshionals. And they proudly present the only drink that’s certified refreshing – the #JimBeamHighball pic.twitter.com/EYcueRZw9J
— Jim Beam (@JimBeam) July 15, 2019
Google are also giving their emojis a refresh. Blobs are out, and this is in 🔥https://t.co/NiE13afwDC
— World Emoji Day 📅 (@WorldEmojiDay) July 17, 2019
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Let’s be honest: The reality is that August signals that summer will be over before we know it. It’s back-to-school season and every girl has a PSL on their Instagram feed.
So, whether your audience is heading off to experience dorm life for the first time, kicking back with a cold one for NFL preseason, or just Netflix and chill with your dog, August has something for every brand.
Monthly Observances
Back to School Month National Golf Month National Breastfeeding Month Family Fun Month Peach Month
Weekly Observances
August 1-7 – National Farmers’ Market Week August 8-14 – National Motorcycle Week (Always 2nd full week of August) August 8-14 – Feeding Pets of the Homeless Week (Always 2nd full week of August)
August 1 – National Girlfriends Day August 1 – Friendship Day August 2 – National Ice Cream Sandwich Day August 2-8 – World Golf Championships-FedEx St. Jude Invitational August 6 – International Beer Day August 5 – NFL Preseason begins August 8 – International Cat Day August 9 – Book Lover’s Day August 10 – National S’mores Day August 12 – Middle Child’s Day August 13 – Left-hander’s Day August 16 – National Tell a Joke Day August 18 – Bad Poetry Day August 19 – World Photo Day August 19 – World Humanitarian Day August 20 – National Lemonade Day August 21 – Senior Citizens Day August 26 – National Dog Day August 26 – Women’s Equality Day August 30 – Frankenstein Day August 31 – National Trail Mix Day
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Popular hashtags for August:
Examples of August holiday marketing for brands:
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Staples for Students Scholarship Sweepstakes
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Enter our #DormBattlestation Giveaway for a chance to win the ultimate college setup, including gear from MSI Gaming,…
Posted by Newegg on Friday, July 20, 2018
Target Run with the Stauffer Family
Back-to-school season is here! Follow Papa Buz, Mila and Emma from Kcstauffer on their #TargetRun. ✏️ 🗒️ Start your list here: http://tgt.biz/742yu
Posted by Target on Monday, July 23, 2018
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Break out those bathing suits and sunglasses one last time as September brings the first signs of fall.
I’m the kind of marketer who overplans. So, to help keep things on track, I have to narrow in on what the brands I work with really need.
With this list of popular holidays in September, you can decide if you want to skip Talk Like A Pirate Day (but, I mean, why would you?), or maybe you’re ready to cheers to the start of Oktoberfest.
Everything about September should be easy and breezy – your marketing budget included.
Monthly Observances
Wilderness Month National Preparedness Month National Food Safety Education Month Fruit and Veggies—More Matters Month National Yoga Awareness Month Whole Grains Month Hispanic Heritage Month Little League Month Better Breakfast Month
Weekly Observances
September 5-11 – National Suicide Prevention Week September 20-26 – Pollution Prevention Week September 19-25 – National Indoor Plant Week September 19-25 – National Dog Week
September 4 – International Bacon Day September 5 – Cheese Pizza Day September 5 – International Day of Charity September 6 – Labor Day September 6 – Read a Book Day September 6-8 – Rosh Hashanah September 11 – 9/11 September 11 – Patriot’s Day September 12 – National Video Games Day September 12– Grandparents Day September 13 – Uncle Sam Day September 15 – Greenpeace Day September 15-16 – Yom Kippur September 17 – Constitution Day September 17 – Citizenship Day September 18 – Oktoberfest Begins September 18 – Boys’ and Girls’ Club Day for Kids September 19 – Wife Appreciation Day September 19 – International Talk Like a Pirate September 21 – International Day of Peace September 22 – Car-free Day September 23 – First Day of Fall September 23 – Checkers Day September 24 – Native American Day September 27 – World Tourism Day September 28– National Voter Registration Day September 28 – World Rabies Day September 28 – National Good Neighbor Day September 29 – World Heart Day September 30 – International Podcast Day
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Popular hashtags for September:
Examples of September holiday marketing for brands:
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Whole Foods: International Bacon Day
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Celebrate 5778 with apples, honey and an emoji! Tweet using #RoshHashanah or #ShanahTovah to unlock a sweet emoji. pic.twitter.com/vLTwmN0trc
— Twitter Faith (@TwitterFaith) September 19, 2017
For some, October is about watching Hocus Pocus on repeat, pumpkin beer, and orange-stuff Oreos.
Then, there are those of us marketers who see October as a chance to promote your brand like the Dunkin Dress Up Contest, or Lush’s Halloween Collection.
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If you’re planning to work overtime to deliver a scary good marketing campaign for October 2021, this list of October holidays will help you climb uphill to holiday marketing domination. Unpleasant dreams! 👋👋
Monthly Observances
Breast Cancer Awareness Month AIDS Awareness Month Bully Prevention Month Adopt a Shelter Dog Month Halloween Safety Month Financial Planning Month National Pizza Month Allergy Appreciation Month
Weekly Observances
October 4-10 – Great Books Week (Always 1st full week) October 3-9 – National Work From Home Week (Always first full week) October 17-23 – Mediation Week (Third Week in October) October 17-23 – National Business Women’s Week (Third Week in October) October 23-31 – National Red Ribbon Week
October 1 – Coffee Day October 1 – World Smile Day October 1 – MLB World Series begins (date TBD) October 1 – World Vegetarian Day October 2 – Name Your Car Day October 2 – Brow Day October 3 – National Techies Day October 3 – National Boyfriends Day October 4 – National Taco Day October 4 – Oktoberfest Ends October 4 – National Kale Day October 5 – World Teacher’s Day October 8 – World Egg Day October 9 – Leif Erikson Day October 10 – World Mental Health Day October 11 – Columbus Day October 11 – It’s My Party Day October 16 – World Food Day October 16 – Boss’s Day October 16 – Sweetest Day October 21 – Spirit Day (anti-bullying) October 23 – Make a Difference Day October 24 – United Nations Day October 30 – Mischief Night October 30 – Checklist Day October 31 – Day of the Dead Begins October 31 – Halloween
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Popular hashtags for October:
Examples of October holiday marketing for brands:
Vanta Fanta? #OddThingsToAskAVampire pic.twitter.com/eOc3205c8d
— Fanta (@fanta) October 4, 2018
You win some, you lose some.
Posted by M&M’S USA on Friday, October 12, 2018
We see ice kühl shots in your future. pic.twitter.com/xSVtjtW13t
— Jägermeister USA (@JagermeisterUSA) October 6, 2018
November sparks the fact that the year is almost over. November creeps its way into our marketing campaigns with the official introduction of the holiday season.
And, that means holiday-themed marketing campaigns like HotelTonight’s humorous holiday ads or Oreo’s #colorfilled packaging.
So, in honor of those marketing comrades-in-arms who are planning their 2021 marketing calendar with you, I’ve shared some memorable holidays to make your calendar even more palatable than last year’s old dried-out turkey.
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Monthly Observances
November National Healthy Skin Month Gluten-Free Diet Awareness Month National Adoption Month National Gratitude Month Peanut Butter Lovers’ Month National Diabetes Awareness Month
Weekly Observances
November 8-14 – World Kindness Week (second week – Monday – Sunday) November 14-20 – American Education Week November 28 – December 6 – Chanukah
November 1 – All Saint’s Day November 1 – World Vegan Day November 2 – Day of the Dead Ends November 3 – Sandwich Day November 4 – King Tut Day November 7 – Daylight Savings Time ends November 8 – Cappuccino Day November 8 – STEM Day November 10 – Marine Corp Birthday November 11 – Veterans Day November 12 – Chicken Soup for the Soul Day November 13 – World Kindness Day November 13 – Sadie Hawkins Day November 14 – World Diabetes Day November 15 – America Recycles Day November 16 – National Entrepreneurs Day (third Tuesday of November) November 16 – International Tolerance Day November 17 – Homemade Bread Day November 25 – Thanksgiving Day November 26 – Black Friday November 27 – Small Business Saturday November 29 – Cyber Monday November 30 – Giving Tuesday
Popular hashtags for November:
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Examples of November holiday marketing for brands:
Like 💚 to get a reminder for your #2018Wrapped from @Spotify on December 6th. pic.twitter.com/3hANiMIWrM
— Spotify (@Spotify) November 28, 2018
Moustache Season is now open for business. Let’s do this for all the dads, sons, brothers, and mates in our lives. Sign up today at: https://t.co/fsfL58Ru3R pic.twitter.com/sO6Zo3aIwc
— Movember UK (@MovemberUK) November 1, 2018
In honor of Veterans Day, we’re offering 50% off when you upgrade your membership—for one day only.
Posted by Ancestry on Friday, November 10, 2017
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Discover’s Black Friday Deals: Shopping Survival Guide
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For some, December can be one of the merriest times of the year. For us marketers, it can be the busiest time of year.
From Google’s Santa Tracker and Office Depot’s Elf Yourself to Starbucks Give Good campaign and REI’s #OptOutside push, there’s something in it for every marketer and brand.
So, marketers, this list is for you to make the holidays a little merrier.
Monthly Observances
National Human Rights Month Operation Santa Paws Bingo Month
Weekly Observances
December 26-January 1 – Kwanzaa
December 1 – Presidents Cup PGA (MOVED TO 2022) December 1 – World AIDS Day December 1 – Rosa Parks Day December 3 – International Day of Persons with Disabilities December 4 – Cookie Day December 6 – St. Nicholas Day December 7 – Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day December 9 – Christmas Card Day December 10 – Nobel Prize Day December 12 – Poinsettia Day December 14 – Roast Chestnuts Day December 15 – Bill of Rights Day December 17 – National Ugly Christmas Sweater Day (Third Friday in December) December 18 – Free Shipping Day December 18 – Bake Cookies Day December 20 – Go Caroling Day December 21 – First Day of Winter / Winter Solstice December 23 – Festivus December 24 – Christmas Eve December 25 – Christmas Day December 26 – Kwanzaa December 26 – Boxing Day December 27 – National Fruitcake Day December 31 – New Year’s Eve
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Popular hashtags for December:
Examples of December holiday marketing for brands:
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Food52: Cookies of the World
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UPS: Wishes Delivered
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Cards Against Humanity Saves America
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Leesa – Giving Tuesday offer
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Image Credits
All screenshots taken by author
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notoriginalgirl · 7 years
Amelia’s (not) secret
So I know that Amelia's sisters were awuful to her with the wedding and all but I refuse to belive that's all they are, because as Meredith said to Lizzie about the Shepherds- they walk through fire for each other, and that's what I want to see. And of coursse some Omelia for the soul. hope you like it.
Amelia heard the door getting open but didn't bother to look up, thinking it was probably Meggie, who was a sweetheart but Amelia was definitely losing her patience, it was nice that Meggie was trying to help- bringing food and staff but Amelia would appreciate if she wouldn't come every two hours. Don't she has a job or something? Amelia had a tumor to figure out.
She finally looked up when she heard a throat cleaning from the opened door followed by "When were you going to tell us you have a brain tumor?" coming from one of her sister, the other two were just looking very pissed.
"Oh god" Amelia fell down to the bed she was sitting on, messing all the papers she was reading.
Amelia closed her eyes hopping to wake up to discover she was dreaming, but she could hear the three women come in the on call room and close the door.
"How told you?" Amelia sat up opening her eyes.
"Meredith, why does Meredith is telling us about it and not you?" asked Katlyn quietly as she sat next to Amelia.
"Because I didn't want you to know" Amelia said.
"Amelia we are sister you can't do something like that without having your sisters by your side" Lizzie said.
"I need to go have my blood tested for like hundred thing but please don't feel comfortable and go away" Amelia slammed the door behind her.
But of course they found her in there too.
"Amelia now that you can't run can we talk?" Katlyn tried again.
"No, I don't need you here" Amelia really didn't want to have this conversation.
"You need us, we are sister" Nancy said.
"And at my wedding day? I needed you back then too, but none of you were there. But still it was ok, so I don't see a reason for you to be for this one" Amelia said.
"Look we can talk about your wedding, and maybe there was a mistake made by us but" Katlyn was interrupted by Lizzie.
"Speaking about it, where is he? Because I saw Meredith and her sister, they met them when we got to the hospital but we haven't seen him. So I see your marriage is not very well" Lizzie accused.
"My marriage is amazing, don't get your nose in that too Lizzie" Amelia warned her.
"Amelia we are worried, and he should be here worried too" Nancy said.
"He is… just not here, leave it alone" Amelia's voice cracked at the end and she kept looking at the tubes that were in her hand.
When she looked up she managed to see her sisters looking at each other as Katlyn let an "oh" slip. At that moment Amelia realized how it sounded.
"I didn't meant it like that" Amelia said.
"I am going to kill that Owen Hunt" Lizzie said as she stormed out of the room.
"Lizzie come back" Amelia yelled after her. She started pulling the tube out of her hand but because it didn't go as fast as she wanted due to her not being focused she just pulled it out of her hand aggressively.
Amelia had to stop Lizzie.
Lizzie was thinking of places where she could look after her sister's husband and decided it will be best to start with the ER as he was a trauma surgeon. She remembered the way from her time in the hospital helping Derek.
"Accuse me, do you know where could I find Dr Owen Hunt?" Lizzie asked a red headed doctor in the ER.
"Yes, he should be in exam room 4 but you probably should…" Lizzie never heard what she was going to say as she was already on her way there.
She passed exam room 2, then three and then 4. Bingo.
She knocked and heard a familiar voice saying 'yes'.
She opened the door to find Meredith talking to a man and woman, the woman was obviously the patient.
"Owen?" Lizzie asked the same time Meredith said her name in surprise.
"Yes, how can I help you?" He asked.
"You can tell me why the hell my baby sister having a brain tumor and you are not by her side being the loving husband you should be.
Before Owen or anyone else had a chance to say anything Amelia run in the room, Nancy and Katlyn few steps behind her.
Looking at the room she knew she was late.
"Wow" Magen said.
"How about all the Shepherd sisters get out of here so I could finish with my patient?" Meredith said.
"There is more of them?" Magen asked, from the place she was sitting she couldn't see Nancy and Katlyn, so she leaned forward until she saw them.
"Right" Katlyn was the first to respond. She reached to grab Amelia and Lizzie by their hand but as she touched Amelia hand Amelia jumped from pain, her sister couldn't see that her hand was hurt as she was standing behind her, and to be honest Amelia didn't noticed it until now.
"You are bleeding" Owen finally found his voice.
"Oh" Amelia said looking at her hand "I probably should…"
"I can take care of this for you" Owen offered and Amelia agreed, leaving all the sisters behind in the exam room.
"Sorry about that, we will leave now" Lizzie said.
"No you should stay, I think we could have a very interesting conversation about our siblings" Magen said.
"Thanks for stitching me up" Amelia said after a long silence between her and Owen.
"You welcome, it's nothing"
"No… my sisters suck at stiches, they could do it but it will look really bad" Amelia tried to laugh but couldn't really do it.
"They are doctors, no?" Owen didn't look up from her hand.
"Yeah but Kat is psychiatrist, Nancy OB/GYN and Lizzie is a pediatrician, they don't do stiches on daily basis" Amelia explained.
"Amelia…" Owen tried to address the elephant in the room.
"Speaking on Lizz, I am sorry about her behavior, she can be a lot to take you know"
"I actually don't know. You rarely speak about your sisters" Owen decided to let it go for now.
"Well they are pain in the ass" Amelia was ready to take anything she could get "umm they are bossy and treat me like a child but they were worried when Meredith told them so they came because they are family, pain in the ass who don't understand how to use a phone to ask if they are wanted but whatever".
"Well worried people do different kind of things, we are done here" Owen said.
Owen stood up ready to leave when he changed his mind "How didn't you tell me about the tumor?"
"I don't know I just… we are not ok and…"
"I am still your husband even if you don't like it" Owen yelled or cried he wasn't sure anymore.
"And that's it!" Amelia cried "you will be here for me and you will take your place as a caring husband should do and you will look at me with those pitying eyes, and I don't want it I prepare you hating from afar if that's what you really feel then staying with me while not feeling anything to me".
"And how would you know what I feel Amelia? Have you spoke to me in the past few months? No. So I will tell you, my sister came back from the dead and it is great, my wife isn't talking to me and it awful and now she has a brain tumor and I may not get the chance to tell her how much I love her" Owen said.
"I don't want to die, not before I had an opportunity to have a full life with you" Amelia went over to Own and he hugged her tightly, trying to put all his feeling from their time apart into one hug.
"I am here, and I will be here every step of the way and then you will win it and we will take care of our problems and we will do it together and then we will have a chance of that life we want, and we will do it" Owen promised "This tumor isn't taking your future it's just postpone it a little bit and it's ok because you have years over years after that".
And Amelia believed him and felt safe for the first in a long time.
Your reviews means everything to me so please let me know what you think about it.
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