#dr. dana scully
sentientsky · 2 months
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oh forgot to post this. have a lil scully drawing for your troubles <3
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Xena vs. Dr. Dana Scully
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Remember: don't vote on "who would win in a fight", but on "who, when given a task that fits her skillset and talents, would do that task better: more comprehensively, faster, with more pizzazz, with less collateral, etc."
Endorsements! "What is she good at?"
Xena, Xena Warrior Princess: She has many skills. Fighting, healing (she invented cpr and field medicine and triage, etc), tracking, she has various spiritual powers, she can beat up literal gods, she gave birth to the messiah (which isn't precisely something she was competent at but it's worth mentioning), she's the queen of strategy and also she can embroider.
Dr. Dana Scully, The X-Files: I want to believe she needs no introduction but in case you don't know this about her: she is a medical doctor! Also she does eyerolls like no other... That's a skill!
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Dana Scully by Emily Weber
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msrforlife · 2 years
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I love her and her utilitarian feminine winter wear
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I need to settle and argument please reblog
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blufruity · 3 months
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A commission of Mulder and Scully as Ten and Donna for a Moot! Thank you very much <3
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twinktor-frankenstein · 6 months
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They're like Jim and Pam for people with mental health issues
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gaycrouton · 1 year
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She’s a medical doctor!
Alternatively, a chronological examination of all Scully’s scrubs.
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bobowbeau · 6 months
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rockingrobin69 · 11 months
Beyond the farmhouse the fields lasted forever, stretching goldeny-crisp in the morning air. The sound of cows in the distance, the gentle gurgle of the stream, but—
“No chicken,” the man in the red cowboy hat said. “Noticed? Not roosters, no clacking, no nothing. Usually at this time there’d be a racket.”
Some clacking: just Malfoy’s boots, with the sharp, pointy edges that Harry couldn’t help but stare at indefinitely. Coming out of the barn, and the gleam of his hair in the morning light made something clench in Harry’s belly, too tight.
“All there,” Malfoy said and came closer. The crease between his eyebrows was familiar: the look of a puzzle. Harry lived for the mystery: Malfoy lived for this. The answers. He was sort of perfect, as a partner, at least.
“See? Just as I said. Chickens all there, roosters all in their place, but nothing. Like someone’s come and zipped their little beaks shut.”
Malfoy jotted something down in his notepad. “You say it began three days ago?”
“At sunrise. Everything suddenly went quiet. Thought, something this weird, I gotta tell my Marge, and then she called you folks.”
“Has anything like this ever happened before?” Harry asked. “We got reports from the neighbouring farms about something they call ‘the alligator’. Ever heard of it?”
Cowboy-hat went still. “Alligator, you say,” with an exaggerated tilt to his frown he definitely didn’t have before, “no, don’t think I have.”
“Hmm,” Malfoy tapped the notepad with his pen. “Well, thank you for your time, Mr. Griffin. If you remember anything else, please let us know.”
He nodded, chewed his bottom lip, opened his mouth, then closed it. Walked away to his truck, to the sound of a tractor in the next field and, still, no chickens.
“He knows something,” Harry said.
“Obviously.” Malfoy was already collecting his things in that little bag he always insisted on carrying. He looked so strange in those boots, in that shirt, so oddly different and blaringly himself and annoyingly, overwhelmingly handsome. It was too early in the morning, and Harry was losing his mind. Malfoy being a condescending arse shouldn’t make him feel like that.
“Obvious? What’s so obvious about this?”
The tip of Malfoy’s mouth tugged upwards. “You mean you didn’t notice the secret hatch in the barn?”
Oh, he forgot how absolutely brilliant Malfoy could be. Fighting his own grin: “Of course I noticed it.”
“And you noticed, I presume, the carving in the chicken coop that is probably the password to unlock it.”
“A bit tacky, if you asked me, but then of course I don’t farm chicken, so. ‘Winner winner, chicken dinner’ it is.”
Harry shrugged. “Got a charm to it. So, do we try it right now, or…”
“Potter,” Malfoy laughed, a hand out to stop Harry, already on his way back to the barn, “I was joking. There is no carving. Although I do think there should be a way to crack the hatch open, in the right time. Sunrise or sunset, I reckon. Sorry, I just—you’re too easy.”
The problem was that Harry really was. Too easy for him, too charmed and too out of it in the heat of Texan summer, too early in the morning. “You’re an arse.”
“Astute observation, Special Agent Potter. Now, we have some hours to kill before out next chance at the spells. How about we take a drive to the river, see if we can dig up anything more about that ‘alligator’ from the fishermen?”
“Sure thing, Dr. Malfoy. If you wear the hat again.”
He frowned. “It really doesn’t match the shape of my face.”
“There’s nothing wrong with your face,” Harry growled, somehow not for the first time since joining the Hex-files. “Come on, let’s go. The river’s not a bad idea, but you still owe me breakfast.”
“Anything for you, Potter.” With that tiny almost-smile that drove Harry mad.
“I’m just saying,” Harry started, arms waving—
“Say it, then, don’t spray it!” Malfoy dabbed his face with a napkin. The movement so gentle, so prim, it dragged a reluctant smile out of Harry; made for something inside him go warm. Distracting. “Honestly, Potter. Don’t pout. One must insist on at least some table manners.”
Harry flipped him off with a chip. “All I’m saying is, it’s connected. The fish disappearing, the alligator, the chicken going silent—there’s something that connects them all.”
“The chicken curse,” Malfoy said with a delicately-arched eyebrow.
“Something of the sort.”
“You don’t truly believe it, do you?” without the mocking Harry still half-expected. “The chicken conspiracy those farmers were talking about.”
Harry took his time with the plastic cup of soda. Let the last couple of days untangle in his head, collected the bits and pieces of information. “I think I might,” he said carefully. Malfoy nodded, and laid down a couple of napkins on the table.
“All right. Show me.”
He’d do that sometimes: when Harry built theories upon theories in his head, make him stop and lay it out. Then say something that would shake Harry’s world to the core, like you’re a bloody genius, Potter or it’s amazing how you can do that, all delivered in a neutral, level tone.
So Harry pulled out his wand and threw a covert Notice-Me-Not. Drew it all out: from the fish in the river to the wheat in the fields to the ever elusive ‘alligator’ whom, he suspected, wasn’t so much a wild animal at all. Malfoy took it in with his calculating look, and tipped his head slightly in the way that meant he was interested.
“All right,” when Harry was finished, “if alligator is code, what do you think it stands for?”
“I’m not sure yet,” he confessed, heart hammering in his chest. This was the moment when his old partner would laugh at him, or his boss start shouting, or his friends would roll their eyes.
Malfoy said: “Okay. Where do you want to start?”
And Harry thought, I love you. Swallowed it, distilled into something he could use, the way he’s been doing for weeks now, for months.
“I think we should go back to Mr. Griffin. Got this feeling we’ll find what we need there.”
“Your feelings are usually right,” Malfoy shrugged, and got up. “Shall we? Sunset’s in about twenty minutes. Give it another try.”
I love you, Harry thought again, nonsensically.
It turned out the hatch opened to a wardrobe, and in it were—
“Alligator costumes,” Malfoy, with his eyebrow, with his eyes only slightly round in surprise. “Part Animagi, I assume?”
Mr. Griffin shrugged. “How did you know it was me?”
“Special Agent Potter figured out your schedule had to do with the fish disappearing.”
“I didn’t mean to scare the chickens,” Mr. Griffin said sadly. “Do you think they’ll ever forgive me?”
“Probably,” Malfoy again, more gently than Harry thought he was capable. “Let’s go inside and think of a way to reverse this. Suppose no one was actually hurt. No harm, no fowl.”
Harry grabbed his wrist to stop him. “Malfoy,” a little choked with it, “want to have food tonight? With me. I mean, a meal. I mean, a date. I mean—”
“Yes,” Malfoy’s lip did that thing, this almost-smile that was the dearest thing in Harry’s heart. “Yes, Potter, I’ll go on a date with you.” After a moment: “But I’m not wearing the hat.”
“I think you look very charming in it.”
The tiniest of blushes. “Wherever you take me, they’d better not serve chicken.”
I love you, Harry thought. Grinned with his whole face, and raced Malfoy back to the ranch, where Mr. Griffin was going to undo the curse.
Another mystery solved. And something bigger, too, he thought: something much brighter.
For my dear @short666bread​ who gave me the coolest prompt from this list. Hey, you could do it too! 
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Marie Laforêt, Marie Chantal contre Dr. Kha / She-Devils on Wheels / Türkan Şoray in Arım, Balım, Peteğim / Madeline Kahn, At Long Last Love / Filmfare, 1996 / Gillian Anderson, The X Files / Monica Bellucci, Malena / Sienna Miller, Factory Girl / Lana Del Rey, Complex Magazine / unknown / Hwa Sa, “Maria”
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nefertitisfjordd · 9 months
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🧎🏽‍♂️yes dr scully
anything you say dr scully 🧎🏽‍♂️
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Dana Scully vs. Root
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Remember: don't vote on "who would win in a fight", but on "who, when given a task that fits her skillset and talents, would do that task better: more comprehensively, faster, with more pizzazz, with less collateral, etc."
Endorsements! "What is she good at?"
Dr. Dana Scully, The X-Files:I want to believe she needs no introduction but in case you don't know this about her: she is a medical doctor! Also she does eyerolls like no other... That's a skill!
Root, Person of Interest:#vote root she’s literally the most competent ever#hacking gunfights conning sexual innuendos being hot torture again hacking and conning#SHES LITERALLY THE UNDERWORLDS MOST ELITE ASSASSIN thank you tumblr user @alghulnyssa
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bleakbluejay · 9 months
top five women
the hardest ask i've ever gotten as a lesbian. "all of them" is a funny answer but i will try to pick 5.
in no particular order:
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Lara Croft from the Tomb Raider series
She's smart, she's strong, she's witty, and she's hot. What else is there? I loved the Tomb Raider games as a kid. I used to make her do flips and swan dives and play around with her outfits (most relevant in Anniversary and Legend). She was so so cool. I'm not as big a fan of the reboot Lara, other than they made her queer, but :)
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Anna the Huntress from Dead by Daylight
My wife. The game lore did her kinda dirty, but that's what headcanon is for. She's a big strong tall Russian lady who lives in the woods and hunts people. She kidnaps little girls from villages so she can take care of them in her little cabin and give them toys. She kills nazis. She sings. I'm so, so in love with her.
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Ellen Ripley from the Alien series
Sigourney Weaver in general... but Ripley in particular. Brave, adaptable, intelligent. A girlboss if there ever was one. She's one of my favorite Final Girls (topped only by Nancy from the original Nightmare on Elm Street). Everything Ripley ever says is 100% correct and for some reason nobody wants to listen to her.
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Leia Organa from Star Wars
A princess. A general. A rebel leader. And a badass bitch. Leia was one of the earliest examples of a good, strong-willed and fearless female character I had as a kid. Even if she needs rescue from time to time, she does plenty of rescuing others herself. She takes no guff from scoundrels like Han Solo or fascists like Grand Moff Tarkin. Her parents would be so, so proud of her.
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Nani Pelekai from Lilo and Stitch
The relationship between Nani and her little sister Lilo reminded me a lot of my mom and me. And it takes a lot to raise a little kid on your own (especially one that is a little special needs like me and Lilo both were), working a crappy job, having no time for a social life, and having to fight against Child Protective Services. Being poor + indigenous + a broken family fucking sucks. But Nani held it together, just like my mom did. I can't forget a character like that.
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doommonsters · 2 years
I'd been assuming everyone got their limbs replaced with guns, and were thus unable to update
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masterfulhermit · 2 years
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PalmerStrange x Mulder & Scully
(edit by rmxcd)
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