#draco dragonheart
misterspectacular · 1 year
"Post 10 of your favorite characters"
(These are in order of when I got introduced to them)
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I tag (you don't have to do it if you don't want to):
@persephoneblck @thatfilthyanimal @cornistasiathecoblinking
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n1ghtpers0n15 · 8 months
This was meant for the dragon appreciation day thing I just heard about, didn’t look too deep into it but got inspired to draw the reason I like dragons in the first place
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Draco from the movie Dragonheart
I was going to just go off of memory then I went to references and then just tried to go with my style of him cause the big guy has SO MUCH detail, there was no way I could master all that 😅. Not too proud of this but I like how he came out, maybe I’ll draw him again eventually?
I recall I was REALLY obsessed with this movie as a kid, watched it whenever I could snatch a chance, to my familys dismay 😆 I can still remember the tune and I wouldn’t be surprised if my parents did too if they thought about it.
Guess u could say this big guy was a comfort character for me, it was always nice to see him on screen, cried almost every time in the end and was super hyped when I found they where making more, it was so exciting✨
I could probably again as well as the series
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the-emerald-wyrm · 1 year
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Some of my dragon pins on the dragon jacket 🥰
We’ve got:
King Ghidora from Godzilla (yellow pin up top)
Draco from Dragonheart (the brown dragon pin under Ghidora) [ His pin says “Look to the stars”]
Smaug from The Hobbit (the red dragon in a circle at the bottom left) [His pin says “I am fire! I am death!”]
The Green Dragon from D&D (the green dragon to the bottom right)
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drag0ncore · 2 years
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Draco from “Dragonheart” (1996)
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nevgig · 1 year
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“To the stars, Bowen. To the stars!”
Been depressed lately and I’ve been thinking a lot about mr Draco Dragonheart for some reason
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dra-aluxe · 3 months
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Draco - DragonHeart
Dragon 🐉 5/12
Two months late with this dragon challenge but here he is, the responsible for what I love dragons <3 I used to watch this a lot when I was a child and I still love it!! TQM Draco ❤
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westernstardh · 1 year
Draco (Dragonheart, 1996) Appreciation Gif Set
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precious-ketchup · 1 year
Toothless - How To Train Your Dragon
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Draco - Dragonheart
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Saphira - Eragon
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Spyro - Spyro the Dragon
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Ukrainian Ironbelly - Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows PT 2
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Drogon - Game of Thrones
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Caraxes - House of the Dragon
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unibat · 1 year
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Draco: “…and you’ll kill me for sport? And when there are no more dragons to slay, how will you make a living knight?”
Bowen: “SHUT UP!”
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Dragonheart. It was my first real experience of a dragon in a movie besides the 1 minute debut of Maleficent’s dragon in Sleeping Beauty.
The cgi still holds strong, 27 years later.
I loved working on this despite my hand cramping bad. I used lots of texture brushes in Clip Studio. I had to redo a bit of the line work since I wasn’t really aware of the shape of Draco’s belly plates. The reference was a bit too dark to tell.
I hope you enjoy!
Rest in Peace Sean Connery 🐉❤️
Sai/ Csp (12 hours)
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xain-russell · 6 months
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ouchlord-vivaldi · 3 months
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Dragon Heart, Dragon Priestess Heart, and Bayle's Heart via
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xserenemeadowsx · 1 month
A Chance Meeting Part 1
Dragonheart Draco x Female Reader
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Summary: You are on the run from thieves when you encounter the kind, but flirtatious dragon Draco. He helps protect you from the thieves and from there, a special bond forms and a new adventure begins.
Author Note: I haven’t seen a Dragonheart Draco x Reader story or one-shot. Thought I would give it a try with this short story. Hope you all enjoy!
“___” is used for your name.
You could feel them gaining speed on you. You clutched your brown knit bag tightly against your chest as you continued to run. Your body urged your feet to carry you away from the impending threat behind you. The thieves were desperate to have the possession within your bag. It was a rare family heirloom of a dragon statue made of gold. You were in the market to sell it for some coin when the thieves barged in to steal what you and others were selling.
You knew you could have left it behind, but part of you hoped to sell the item for coin to a potential buyer eventually. Fingers curled around the bag tightly, turning your knuckles white. Exerting more energy than originally planned for the day, your lungs worked hard on catching air. Your body screamed for you to slow down, but you pushed yourself onward.
There had to be somewhere you could go to and lose them at. The dirt from the path you were on kicked up dust from your feet pounding on the ground. There were several trees around you. Some had green while others showed their age. You could pick up the sound of running water fairly close to where you were at. You took a left on path to see about the water.
You followed the sound of the water, ears becoming attuned to the sound. It was louder now and then you saw it. A waterfall. The water crashed into the river below it, keeping up consistently in loud rhythm.
The thieves grumbled at losing track of the (hair color) girl. They had seen her take a left and tried keeping up with her. They weren’t able to tell exactly where she was at now. They talked amongst themselves and decided to split up. They would not give up the chase.
You took this moment by the waterfall to catch your breath. Bag still clung tightly to your body with your now sweaty hands, you heaved your lungs to breathe as normally as possible. You looked around yourself to ensure that the thieves weren’t close by. When seeing no sign of them, you wade through the river to the other side where there were some white, slightly gray boulders.
Some of the boulders looked to be climbable. Would it be a good idea? Maybe best to wait. You instead sat behind one of the boulders, leaning against it. At least this way, the thieves couldn’t spot you so easily should they choose to come in this direction.
You closed your eyes, body finally calming down from all of the running. You felt yourself begin to relax when you suddenly felt movement behind you. You widened your eyes and bolted away from the boulder, fearing it may have been one of the thieves.
There before you, a golden, orange eye looked at you. You wanted to scream but feared giving yourself away to the unwanted company looking for you. The eye took in your form; (skin color, eye color, ragged blue clothing, hair length, and hair color) is what greeted it. You didn’t understand how this boulder could have an eye on it.
Was this some sort of joke? Black magic? While it wasn’t doing anything horrible, you still could not help feeling nervous from it. Why did it keep looking at you so ardently? Before you could ponder anymore about it, the boulder that had the eye on it began to take on a different shape.
The boulder changed color to a copper and gold along with some black. A body with a head, four limbs, and wings appeared. White spikes protruded from the back and head of the creature that now faced you. Wings spread out as the creature extended them. A dragon.
You almost couldn’t believe what you were looking at. A real dragon. You knew of their existence but never thought you would come to witness such a magnificent existence.
“Well, well. What do we have here?” it spoke in a deep voice.
The voice caused a shiver to go down your spine, feeling your bones shake from the sound, “I uh…” You grew nervous. The voice from the male dragon was pleasant but overwhelming.
“You do not need to be nervous. I do not wish to hurt you.” He spoke with a kindness not often seen. “I am curious how someone as beautiful as you came to this place.”
You blushed. It had been far too long since someone complimented your appearance. You did your best to look decent for the public, but never went out of your way to make special impressions. Only the valuables you had received that special treatment.
“I…was chased down by thieves. I’m sorry for intruding your space…” You were beginning to feel that you had invaded his space, though it was all unintentional.
He sensed your unease, eyes softening, “You are not intruding at all.”
“Well, thank you but-“ you were interrupted by the dragon.
“The thieves you spoke of. They are nearby. Stay behind me,” he spoke. All his senses were on high alert.
You did as he said and stood behind him. You were thankful that he didn’t want to hurt you. You looked on as he stood with confidence and then could hear the familiar voices of the men.
“Aaaah!” One of the men screamed. “Dragon!” He cowered in fear.
The smallest of the thieves followed his comrade, shaking violently from the fierce gaze of the dragon.
The leader, a little intimidated, did not back down. He glared at the creature, “The lass behind you belongs to us.”
“Does she now?” the dragon asked.
“Yes and if you do not hand her over to us, I have friends that will gladly slay you.”
“Bold words coming from someone ill equipped.”
“I have what I need. My friends are just a whisper away.”
“Are they?”
“Well then. Let me see these friends of yours.”
The thief gulped, “R-Right now?”
The dragon smirked, “Right now.” He could see that the thief was all talk but decided to play along. He watched as the thief scrambled with his comrades to ‘whisper’ for the ‘slayers’ to come out from hiding.
“I’m waiting…” the dragon spoke once more, tapping one of his claws against one of the boulders nearest to him.
The thief watched the claw hit the boulder. The sound it caused and the mere length of the black claw made the hairs on the back of his neck and head stand on end.
“Seems your bluff has run out of energy.”
The leader and his comrades began to back up and the dragon stomped forward. The thieves did their best to back up with walking backwards in the river. They all crashed onto the river line behind them when trying to get up onto the dry land.
The dragon grinned showing rows of sharp teeth. He placed his left clawed hand down, pinning all three men to the ground.
“We dragons are smarter than we appear to be. Stronger than what others suggest,” he spoke with his lips curled into a smirk.
The men squirmed underneath the clawed hand, trying to squeeze their way out. The dragon pushed his hand down, causing all three to gasp for air.
“You dare try to take this maiden from me? She is mine. None may have her so long as I stand,” the dragon bellowed out.
“W-We’re s-s-sorry!” the leader cried out.
“You will be. If I see you come around here again to threaten me or my maiden, I will not hesitate to end your lives.”
The thieves sputtered, tears in their eyes.
The dragon put more pressure on the three men, “Is that understood?”
The thieves nodded, the tears leaking down each of their faces.
“Good.” He removed his hand and the men scrambled to get to their feet, tripping over each other. They finally found composure.
“Now get out of here before I change my mind!” the dragon roared to get his point across.
The men screamed in terror and ran with their tails between their legs.
You witnessed the whole event with widened eyes. Never had you seen men run so fast and you yourself had run at a decent rate to keep yourself far from the thieves. You blushed when remembering that the dragon had called you his. You didn’t even know each other’s names and already he was making you flustered. You supposed he could have said that to get the men away from you for good. It made the most sense.
The dragon turned to look at you, “Are you alright?”
“Y-Yes. Thank you,” you spoke gratefully.
“Those men should stay away from you permanently now.”
You nodded.
“We’ve yet to introduce ourselves. Ladies first.”
“Oh right!” You cleared your throat. “My name is ___.”
The dragon smiled, “A pleasure to make your acquaintance, my lady. I am Draco.”
“Draco,” you spoke softly. For some reason, that name sounded familiar…
“I am curious. What exactly is in your bag?”
You looked down at the bag that you clung to tightly, “It has a family heirloom in it.” You bent down setting the bag on the ground and fished out the item in question. In your hands was a golden statue shaped like a dragon. Not too big or too small in size. The only difference in color were the eyes that shone a brilliant red.
Draco peered his head toward the statue, carefully inspecting it, “That is not something you see all the time. A very rare item.”
“It is. I wanted to sell it for some extra coin. Trying to make ends meet any way I can…”
“I see…”
“I have sold off my other valuables. This was to be the last one. However…I have already used most of my coin for food and do not have much left…I do not know how much longer I’ll survive depending on what I can make from this statue…” You cast your head down, vision swallowed up from the golden dragon in your hands. It had worried you greatly on what you were going to do after the statue was sold off. You would only have coin for so long. How were you going to continue living?
“___…” Draco sensed your uncertainty. “Everything will be fine.”
You looked up to give him an appreciative smile and put the statue back into the bag.
“If anything happens, you could stay with me…”
You blushed at the suggestion, “Oh no. I could not do that…I mean…”
Draco enjoyed seeing your flustered reaction, a glint of humor shone in his eyes, “Why not?”
“B-Because. I have invaded your space and you have already helped me so much…I could not ask for…that…” You cast your gaze on anything that wasn’t him.
Draco chuckled, “Well, the offer stands should you change your mind.”
“Th-Thank you.” You gave a quick glance back up at him before looking around the ground. Then you remembered. His name. Why did it sound like something you had heard before? It was gnawing around your mind.
“___, would you care to hear a song?”
You smiled, “Sure but before that. Your name…it sounds like…”
“The constellation?”
“It is what I am named after, though it is just for pronouncement purposes.”
You tilted your head in confusion, “What do you mean?”
Draco chuckled, “My real name in my tongue would give humans great trouble if they were to try to pronounce it.”
“I see.” It doesn’t mean to say that you weren’t curious about his real name. You were wondering what it could possibly be.
“You’re wanting to know my real name.”
You looked at him in surprise, “Yes.”
“You’re very easy to read ___.” he smiled. “Cute nonetheless.”
“Oh well uh…” you felt your skin reddening. You fidgeted your hands together.
“Very well. I’ll tell you what it is. It’s __________.”
You blinked your eyes at him, shocked. The fidgeting stopped. How in the world were you supposed to say that? It was nearly impossible for you to even attempt the first letter.
“Care to try ___?”
“Uh…” You took a deep breath in and out. “Is it pronounced like this: __________?” You cringed. That sounded horrible.
Draco burst out in laughter, “A valiant effort, but not even close.”
You moved your head down in shame, embarrassed that you practically butchered his name, “I’m sorry.”
Draco shook his head, “Do not worry about it ___. You can just call me Draco.”
You moved your head up to see him look at you with soft eyes.
“Would you like to hear my song now?” Draco asked.
“Yes please!” You said appreciating the change in topic.
“If you’ll allow me to.” Draco extended his right clawed hand to you.
You looked up into his eyes and he nodded his head. You went to where his thumb was and used it to help you climb into his hand. His skin was rough and scaly, but there were a few soft spots. He moved you toward a boulder to sit on top of.
You carefully got out of his hand to sit on the boulder and he laid himself down in front of you. He cleared his throat and began to sing. His voice was very melodic. You had no idea what he was singing about, but he looked very pleased with his song choice.
He never took his eyes off you. You were enraptured with his song. He smiled at having you watch him as he happily sang his song. Even though you didn’t understand the language of the song, you could see how much joy it brought him. His eyes shimmered in absolute glee, but longing as well.
It was as if he was missing apart of his life from ages past. However, new hope and happiness is found in present time now as he looks deeply into your (eye color) eyes. He finished his song and you clapped your hands.
“Your voice is wonderful!” You said with a grin.
“Thank you!” Draco replied with a smile.
“I never thought I would meet a dragon.”
“Yes. I knew of the existence of them but I did not think I would encounter one.”
“What do you think seeing the real deal?”
“Honestly, it’s amazing! My father and mother had told me many stories about dragons. Each generation in my family had an encounter with at least one dragon. But learning that there are not many left, it made me feel that I would not meet one.”
Draco’s brows furrowed, eyes showing sadness, “Yes…my race has decreased greatly in number.”
You were still sitting on the boulder and extended your hand out to him. Seeing your hand, Draco moved his head toward your hand. Your brows were furrowed as well, eyes glistening in sorrow. You moved your hand along his snout, feeling each scale and crevice of his skin. You hoped your touch was soothing to him. You knew this obviously would not change anything, but you wanted to help him feel a little better somehow.
Draco enjoyed the touch and was grateful to have a human care for him like this. He closed his eyes, taking in the feel of your hand as you continued moving it back and forth. He then opened his eyes to look at you. He could see there were tears waiting to spill out.
“Your empathy is appreciated ___,” he spoke quietly.
You gave him a small smile. At least he could see that you were genuinely concerned for him. You decided to change topics and ask about his name again, “Was there anyone in particular who gave you your name?” You used your free hand to wipe your eyes of the tears wanting to spill out.
Draco looked at you and you stopped petting him. He gave you a kind smile, “An unexpected friend gave me the name.”
“Unexpected friend?” That confused you but made you more curious as to what that meant.
“Yes. His name is Bowen and he is knight. He was the one going around and slaying dragons before I made a deal with him. I go around and ‘terrorize’ villages and he ‘slays’ me for money.”
You blinked at him. What in the world? You were surprised that Draco would think of befriending a knight who had killed his kind. However, Draco seemed to be the type to only use violence if absolutely necessary. You snorted and laughed, “I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I mean, I am glad that the slaying is all pretend, but still. I did not think a dragon and a knight would scheme villagers out of their money. The villagers actually believe you to be dead?”
“Yes, they are very gullible.” He chuckled and then calmed himself, “I did not wish to kill Bowen. We cannot gain anything by killing each other so I gave him an alternative.”
“Hence the schemes?”
“I am glad that both of you were able to come to that conclusion,” you said with some relief. You did not enjoy violence either and to hear about how dragons are almost completely wiped out was too much. It brought on much angst. More than you could bear.
“Water under the bridge,” Draco said interrupting your thoughts. “Everything will be alright.” He said this to comfort you and to show that he has moved forward despite the hardship.
You smiled and nodded in understanding.
The rest of the day was spent with you and Draco talking about different topics. The sun was setting and you looked at the pinks, blues, and purples that greeted you both.
“___, you are welcome to stay the night with me. If you wish to leave on the morrow, I can take you back to your home,” Draco spoke softly to you.
You smiled at him, “Thank you.”
Draco helped to get you off the boulder and set you on the ground to retrieve your bag. You grabbed your bag and got back into his hand. He then walked the two of you toward the waterfall. You were instantly met with mist as water droplets splashed onto your skin.
Draco had tried to shield you as best as he could with his wing. You were not soaked, but you still ended up getting wet from the waterfall. You appreciated the gesture from him nonetheless. Going into the cave behind the waterfall, you couldn’t help noticing the skeletons that were scattered about. You shivered at the sight.
Draco noticed your nervousness and his face scrunched up in embarrassment, “I apologize for the…” he cleared his throat, “display. I can get rid of these.”
You looked up at him, trying to respond politely, “That would be nice.” Seeing the skeletons was nerve wracking, but you knew that he would not hurt you.
Draco set you down at the back of the cave on a rock platform and worked quickly at getting the skeletons out of there. It was easy for him to do. He tossed them outside of his cave and into some bushes that were not too far from him. He entered the cave and inspected it to be sure he didn’t miss any other old bones lying around. Seeing that the cave was now bone free, he walked back over to you.
You shivered from the drop in temperature from being in this cave. The clothes you wore were not fit to deal with the cold. Draco noticing your shivering form laid down and motioned for you to sit with him. You blushed and went to sit next to him. Heat instantly flooded your system from the closeness. Warmth enveloped you from his body as he wrapped his left front leg around you to have you sit against him.
You felt you would turn into mush or a tomato with how red you felt yourself become. The warmth was welcoming and you appreciated the care that Draco took with you. You were right next to his chest and by where the joint of his left leg started. You could hear his heartbeat. Soothing and gentle to your ears. You closed your eyes and let sleep take over. Draco, seeing you relax, laid his head down and closed his eyes.
The morning sunlight broke through what cracks and crevices of the cave allowed it to do so. Draco opened his eyes and saw that you were barely opening your eyes.
“Good morning,” Draco said softly, “Did you sleep well?”
You looked up at him, stretching your limbs as Draco moved his leg from you, “Good morning. Yes, I did sleep well. Thank you.”
“I’m glad.”
“I um…” You felt so comfortable with him. You could go back to your mundane life, but there was something different about him. He had offered for you to stay with him, so why were you hesitating to say that to him? Is it because you still don’t know each other very well? That would make sense, but you two would get to know each other. You already were making progress on that given everything that happened yesterday.
“Are you feeling alright ___?”
You snapped out of your thoughts, “Y-Yes. I’m sorry. I…” You took a deep breath before continuing, “I decided that I want to stay with you…”
Draco’s eyes widened at that. He had expected you to say you wanted to go back to your home. However, he was pleased with the news, “I’m very happy you have chosen to stay with me.”
You grinned, the nerves from moments ago easing away, “I have enjoyed your company.”
“It has been a delight to be in your presence.” He gave you a smile.
The two of you continued to chat a little longer until Draco flew out to fetch breakfast for you and himself. He brought back some deer and he worked on cooking it for you with his fire. You saw him shoot fire out of his nostrils. Did that not hurt him?
“What’s wrong?” he asked noticing how quiet you got.
“You blow fire through your nose instead of your mouth. I did not expect that of a dragon. I feel like that would hurt,” you answered with some concern.
“It doesn’t hurt me at all. This is normal for me,” he answered in reassurance.
“That’s good. I always thought dragons spewed fire out of their mouth though.”
“Most have and do. I am different in that regard.”
“You are.” You grinned at him and watched as he used his claws to cut through the now cooked meat of the deer.
You were handed a piece of the deer by Draco and you took a bite. It was quite savory and cooked perfectly, “This is delicious!”
“Glad you like it well done!” He smiled as he quite literally ate half the deer whole and swallowed with a satisfied sigh.
You giggled at that and continued eating your piece.
Before Draco could continue, another voice not familiar to you broke through, “There you are! You were supposed to meet me-“ the voice stopped when noticing you.
You looked at the new person. The man before the two of you had blue eyes and long, darkened blond hair tied back. He had a well trimmed beard and his clothes consisted of a dark blue and silver. His aura screamed knight of the past with a silver sword in hand. This had to be Bowen.
“Bowen!” Draco exclaimed. “I’m sorry to have kept you waiting.”
Bowen looked at him with a slight glare, then to you, then back at him, “Clearly you had other priorities.”
You were a little offended by that. You hadn’t meant to keep Draco away from performing the schemes with the admittedly handsome but brash knight.
“I was about to inform ___ that I needed to leave now,” Draco responded back with his own glare at Bowen.
The knight of the past sighed and shook his head, “Anyway, we should be going now.”
Bowen practically stomped out of the cave as he took his leave, not even bothering to acknowledge you again in his departure.
Draco turned to look at you and saw the hurt in your eyes, “I will personally have him apologize to you when we return. This should not take too long.” He was angry at Bowen for treating you harshly and not even properly introducing himself to you.
“Thanks Draco. You should go now,” You said in a rush. Your eyes glittered on the verge of tears.
Draco didn’t like seeing you this way. He nodded in understanding though and flew out of cave before Bowen could explode at him again.
After Draco left, you let the tears in your eyes fall. You still felt awful about earlier. Perhaps Bowen was getting his anger out at having to wait around for Draco. Bowen happened to see you and he let his anger out on you. Well, you and Draco both. You could understand that part of Bowen. You had done that before to your parents which made you feel guilty later. Lesson learned and apologies made, you always tried to get away from people when you could feel the anger inside you boiling. You hated the feeling you got when unleashing your pent up frustrations in such a fashion.
You sighed and decided some fresh air would do some good. You get off the rock platform you and Draco had rested on and wade through the water. Reaching the waterfall, you try to run as fast as you can without getting too drenched from the on pour. You yelped from the water hitting you. You still got a good amount on yourself, but you shrugged it off and continued onward.
The sun was shining brightly and you looked to a tree that that was full of green leaves. You made your way out of the river and toward the tree. You could just make out a group of birds perched on one of the many branches. They were a brilliant color of red, orange, and dark blue. The birds chirped their song and you smiled up at them. They looked adorable!
You then continued on the now dirt path. You didn’t want to stray too far for fear of getting lost. The sun was quickly making you feel warm and drying off your wet clothing. Passing by a bush, you heard some rustling. You stopped to see if a bird or another animal would come out of it. A gray bunny with a white tail came out of the bush.
“Aw! You’re adorable!” You said happily at the bunny.
The bunny noticed your presence and hopped away in a hurry.
You pouted. You did not mean to scare it, but you realized your excitement was too loud in your voice.
“Sorry…” you muttered to yourself.
You decided to walk a little further along and then you could hear the sounds of hooves running. You weren’t sure which direction it was coming from until looking behind you. The horse and its rider were coming right at you! You quickly got off the path to let them pass.
“A word of warning next time would be nice!” You shouted at the rider.
The rider stopped his horse and turned around. He urged his horse to walk back toward you, “What did you say to me girl?” His voice was gruff.
“I said a warning would be nice. Your horse would have hit me.” You glared at the man.
“You best watch that pretty mouth of yours before I do something about it.” His green eyes held malice.
You took in more of his appearance. His hair was graying with a beard that was in desperate need of a trim. His teeth yellowed and his breath…it was repulsive. You could unfortunately smell it from where you stood. You did not like the look of malice in his eyes.
“Heh. That’s right. Best stay quiet if you know what’s good for you. If you want a word of warning, get out of here. This is no place for a woman. The battle field of a dragon slayer and a dragon.”
Your eyes widened. Draco had not returned but the fact that there would be someone waiting for him here was not good either. His eyes made you nervous, but you did your best to swallow that down and speak once more, “You cannot fight the dragon!”
The man widened his eyes and got off his horse. He walked toward you and you stood your ground. Scared out of your mind, you could feel anger radiating from him as he got closer to you. In a menacing voice he said, “You do not tell me what I can and cannot do girl. You are trying my patience.”
Your heartbeat began to race, beating loudly in your ears. Your throat swelled up, your body shook. Why did you have to say more? You had just put yourself in a terrible situation.
The man smirked noticing how nervous you became. He suddenly took out some rope. Before you could attempt to run, you were shoved harshly to the ground. The man held you down with one of his arms while using his hands to grab your wrists.
He tied your wrists together tightly and then forced you to stand up. He then worked on tying your bound wrists to the saddle of his horse. He had moved with such precision. He stood back and smirked at you.
The look in his eyes was something you did not want to see come to light. Your gut told you that what he had planned would be absolutely sickening to the body and mind. You whimpered which made his smirk grow. You wanted to be rid of this rope. Run away. You wished this moment was nothing more than a nightmare.
The man got up onto his horse and gave it a light kick to turn around and go toward the river. You were forced to move along. It was hard to keep up and you almost tripped a few times. Eventually, you all made it to the river.
The man got off his horse and turned to you once more, “Now, you wait here for me like a good little girl. If you are good, I may lighten your punishment.”
You scowled at him, but kept your mouth shut. He ignored your irritated look and removed a red sword sheath that had been tied to the saddle of the horse along with a dark red shield. He put the battle armor on himself and made it to the riverbank.
Overhead, a large shadow was cast out over you and the older man. You moved your head up and smiled at seeing the familiar figure.
“Draco!” You shouted.
Draco had already taken notice of the situation and he was furious. He was happy that you seemed to be alright, but he wasn’t happy about you being tied up to the horse. Not far behind on horseback himself was Bowen.
Draco had scolded Bowen for treating you so harshly. Bowen understood where Draco was coming from and promised to apologize to you. Bowen noticed you tied to the horse and urged his horse to move faster toward you.
You turn to the sound of hooves running on the dirt path snd see Bowen coming toward you. You didn’t say anything to him and neither did he. He helped you get untied from the saddle of the horse and then helped to loosen the ropes from your wrists.
“Thank you,” you said to him quietly.
“You’re welcome,” Bowen replied. He then went to meet up with Draco.
Draco landed in the river before the older man and roared. The older man was slightly startled by the appearance of the dragon, but remained standing.
“So, another slayer I see! One who is also attempting to steal from me!” Draco growled out.
“Whatever do you mean by stealing from you? Oh! You mean the girl,” the older man answered.
“Indeed! Thievery will not be tolerated. However, if you think you can defeat me, go ahead and try.”
The older man smirked and moved forward, ready to swing his sword around at Draco when he suddenly felt something pierce his shoulder blade. He cried out and saw another sword. Bowen had tried waiting for the perfect moment to strike at the older man and found it. It wasn’t easy to wade through the river quietly, but the noise of the waterfall did help to cover some of the sounds.
“You!” The older man yelled at Bowen. “You dare work with a dragon?!”
“I do,” Bowen replied full of confidence.
The older man growled out and got ready to strike at Bowen who quickly used his shield to block the incoming sword attack. Swords soon clashed against each other, the clanking of metal against metal, loud and dramatic. You watched with widened eyes at the sword fight in front of you. It was intense seeing the swords clank against each other and even seeing a few sparks fly off the swords.
The older man was putting up a good fight against the seasoned knight. Both were obviously very skilled in sword fighting. The older man eventually let out an annoyed grunt.
“Enough of this!” The older man cried out. “I will be rid of you once and for all! Then it will be that blasted dragon’s turn!”
“Well come on then. Be rid of me!” Bowen taunted.
The older man cried out again and his sword clashed against Bowen’s once more. Metal against metal. Sparks galore. Bowen, beginning to feel annoyed with this battle now, decided to kick the man who was too slow to dodge. The man took a clumsy fall into the river. Bowen looked to Draco who nodded in understanding. Draco used his fire on the soul who screamed out in pain as he was being burned alive. Soon, there was nothing left of him.
Your eyes had been glued to the match the entire time. You could understand Bowen getting annoyed with the battle as well. Eventually, one would feel exhausted from all of that. Or it may have been because the older man himself annoyed him. Possibly both.
Draco and Bowen walked up to you. The horse of the older man had run off so only Bowen’s horse remained.
“___,” Draco spoke to you with some relief in his voice.
“Draco,” you replied happily.
“You’re not hurt are you?” Draco was worried you may have gotten injured.
“Other than some dust on my clothing, I’m fine,” you replied in reassurance.
“Uh ___ was it?” Bowen asked you.
You turned your attention to the knight, “Yes it is.”
“I’m sorry about earlier. I shouldn’t have been rude to you. I was in a foul mood.”
You gave him an understanding smile, “I thought that’s all it might have been. Apology accepted.”
The knight gave you a kind smile.
“Well now that that’s settled, I should like to speak with ___ alone,” Draco said.
“Alright. I will see you on the morrow. Don’t be late,” Bowen replied to the dragon, “Take care ___.”
“You as well Bowen!” You replied.
Bowen gave a wave and got onto his horse. The horse began trotting away from you and Draco.
“Tell Kara my greetings,” Draco called out to Bowen.
“Will do!” Bowen called back.
“Who is Kara?” you asked curiously.
“She is Bowen’s lady. They are engaged and will wed soon,” Draco answered.
“Aw! That’s nice!” You smiled.
“Indeed. Now ___…”
“I do not know if you would like to partake in this but…I am wanting to search for more of my kind.”
You looked up at him with a smile, “I would love to help you. What brought on this notion so suddenly though? If you don’t mind me asking.”
“I was thinking earlier while out with Bowen. What if there are others around here or scattered across this land in hidden areas? I have felt that I am the last dragon at times, but that cannot be…there must be more…I know there should be…” His gaze was on you the whole time. It was intense, nervous, but with a small bit of happiness.
“I see…I think you’re right. They probably have hidden themselves because of what’s happened before.” It was a good possibility to consider, “I’ll help you anyway I can.”
He gave you a grateful smile, “Thank you. The journey will take quite a bit of time but…I believe it would be a worthwhile one.”
“I think so too. I’m just sorry your race has been through so much…a lot of it is unjustified.” You truly did feel awful learning about the dragon race decreasing.
“We would start after tomorrow as I promised Bowen I would help him already.”
You nodded, “Sounds like a grand adventure.”
Draco chuckled, “It does. I also wanted to ask you more about the dragons your family encountered. Perhaps some of those dragons are among the living.”
“There could be. I hope so!” You could see the hope reflected clearly in his golden, orange eyes which made you feel better about the possibility as well.
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buriedaliens · 5 months
When Draco said, "Of course I long for death, but I also fear it." I felt that shit
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glimmerkey · 1 year
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1996 Kenner - Dragonheart Electronic Draco
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valoniaart · 2 years
✨Dragonheart "To the Stars"✨
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westernstardh · 1 year
This is one of the most tender scenes in Dragonheart (1996) and I am eternally in love with it.
The score, the lighting, Sean Connery’s absolutely delightful voice and Dennis Quaid’s acting, the chemistry between Draco and Bowen...! Truly a masterpiece.
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