#dragon age: inquisition critical
thrumbolt · 2 years
So, in November my girlfriend gifted my all the Dragon Age games because our DnD sessions were cancelled. 'Go date some elves there!' - and so I did. I went in completely blind, knew basically nothing about the series (except that you could date elves). So now, a month after finishing the last one, I feel my thoughts have rested enough to voice an opinion™. I'll drop my personal ratings here and elaborate under the cut.
Dragon Age: Origins 8/10
Dragon Age Awakening 6/10
Dragon Age 2 9/10
Dragon Age: Inquisition 4/10
Dragon Age: Trespasser 7/10
In short, I thought DA:O was pretty dope. Very solid adventure rpg fantasy dating sim. The characters are very fun and mostly lovable and the lore is interesting enough even if the art direction was pretty generic fantasy.
I was really surprised just how much they crammed into this game. The several different origins was a huge surprise and very nice incentive to replay the game, though so far I only played as a melf (mage elf). The storyline was engaging enough for me to follow and it makes you travel to all the different origin places, so everyone gets to connect with something in the main plot - smart!
I have to add however that I played as a male character - as I usually do - and I am very glad I did because despite the promise that men and women are equal (and the dominant religion being female centric) the writers did not really manage to capture that as it seems haha. I would've probably given the game a lower rating if I wouldn't have played as a dude as I'm a sensitive snowflake that way. And not even because of the rape as plot device or the brood mothers, but more the casual 'wow a woman with sword wow' stuff. I'll excuse it as 'it was a different time' kinda, but still would ruin my immersion.
Awakening I mention separately as it's kind of a sequel rather than just a DLC. I liked it. It's a nice extra adventure for your Warden character and the companions are very good (though I could've done without Oghren, sorry Oghren fans). I especially liked the Legion of the dead dwarf, she was adorable - and Anders, of course. You can give him a kitty!
So why am I rating it so low? They changed how shit works, don't tell you about it and it makes you miss half the game lol. Idk, it just pissed me off you had to click on background shit to talk to your companions and I didn't notice it until I was already halfway done. It's such a stupid idea, too. Click on this tree to talk to Nathaniel?? Weird tbh. It's especially bad for me, as I am not playing a lot of games (I am a filthy casual) and am not a completionist - also I already know who Andraste is, so why would I click her statue?
So yeah, that's my personal gripe with Awakening. At least it's short enough to replay, so hopefully I will catch all the stuff next time haha.
Dragon Age 2....ahh, I was very surprised to hear that it was so unpopular, several of my friends said they had not played it at all because they heard it was so bad. And I am very confused, because it is my favorite. I can see how it got flack for being on a smaller scale, the dungeons and areas repeat - but honestly, I didn't care much. I enjoyed the smaller scale and the more personal story greatly. I feel it makes more sense for a 'choice' based game anyway, as it lets you tell more stories without problems. And in this instance, a story about a refugee family and a bigger focus on social justice issues just vibed well with me. I can see how it's not everyone's cake I guess, but it's definitely worth playing! I think it has the best companions in all the games. They're all great fun and the dating options are amazing. I personally prefer when everyone is date-able by either gender - it makes me not having to worry and research ahead of time on what character to make (looking at you inquisition) and I can just headcanon for myself who is queer, straight, whatever. Yes, I might still be upset I wasn't able to date Alistair haha in DA:O.
I loved the 3 act structure and longer time period. I liked how people you meet/help in your side quests write you letters or get updates. I just loved how personal it was.
My only gripes with DA2 is the rushed Act 3 (can't even give everyone another gift ;_; ) and how the ending was handled. Chosing between templars and mages - sure, fun. But when you choose the mages, how come 80% of the people you are fighting are mages? Why is Orsino turning into an abomination and attacking *you*? It makes no sense. Poor Orsino. They did him dirty.
But otherwise I had great fun. Needless to say this game cemented my chantry hate lol. Doesn't help I live in a pretty gay oppressing catholic country now, but it felt fucking personal. I cheered when that fucking building blew up. It was cathartic. So I was hyped for the next game!
Which leads me to Inquisition. By the rating you can already see: I didn't like this game. For many reasons. The church dick riding was definitely one of them. But I mean, if you write it well I probably wouldn't have minded to get a different viewpoint (and there was still plenty of critical content in this game like with the former Inquisitor and all), sadly though, for me it didn't work in so many ways.
First of all I had to restart the game after 30 minutes because my girlfriend told me I can only date the elves if I'm a girl. Gee, good to know, or my tripple elf combo would've been ruined.
And I have to say: I liked how un-segregated the whole gender selection screen was. I got to make a pretty boyish looking twink even by choosing female, up to the point I was forgetting I was playing a girl until someone called me LADY Lavellan and ruined my immersion, so....props to that. I also liked the art design? Like all the little character cards, all the artworks just felt like they finally found their own style, kinda. (This was already started in DA2, which I really liked, I feel this series needs it's own, distinct look in some way, so it was nice to see they were trying to). Anyway, nice looks.
But the gameplay immediately felt weird and sluggish to me. It was way too hard even on the easiest setting. Enemies take FOREVER to die, even a stupid wolf or bear takes a gazillion hits. It wasn't fun. Not for me anyway, just tedious.
And the story....I just didn't feel it. It didn't help that you don't even have a proper origin (for a good while you have amnesia even). It made it difficult to even understand my own motivations imho. Playing it as an elf was definitely a bad choice as well, as this whole plot was clearly written with a human in mind. Pretty wild a DALISH elf is even an option. If they kept you as a prisoner, it would've made sense, maybe? But it just feels off to put this random Dalish immediately on top of your organization and calling them the herald of Andraste even though you keep insisting you don't even believe in that stuff haha. A wild ride indeed. Also I screamed at the whole 'Dalish only have 3 mages per clan and just YEET THE EXTRA CHILDREN INTO THE FOREST TO DIE' retcon. It absolutely makes zero sense with how the Dalish were described up to that point (as people who greatly care for their own and also really want to honor and learn about their roots. They know the elves were all originally magical. Why would they have a fucking mage limit. Why would they yeet a child out to die when they already suffer from diminishing numbers? What the FUCK Inquisition?).
The maps were too big, the game is sooo bloated and the main plot for the larger part completely disconnected from everything else (and also, pretty short in theory). Because of this, the pacing was kind of off. The war table....the WAR table. I did not like it. So many things that got shoved there should've been quests, while many of the actual quests should've just been deleted. And apparently my whole clan can just die in a small war table side thing and no one will care. lol
I also did not vibe with most of the companions that much. I liked Dorian a lot, but other than that most were just a lot of missed opportunities. Like, they were ok, but not as great as any of the other games.
Though I feel nothing quite shows the pacing issues of this game like Solas' romance haha. I still can't believe he breaks up with you immediately after kissing you and offering to take your vallaslin. It would've made so much more sense if he left during the ending party ceremony. What were they thinking?
Generally my issue was how a lot of characters just talk at you, not so much with you. You ask them questions, but they hardly ever ask you questions back, even though it would've been a great way to learn more about your characters backstory as well. I think Josephine was one of the only characters who ever asks how you're holding up. In the other games, it is way more interactive.
This resulted in me just never really connecting as much in Inquisition. Felt more like hanging with coworkers than friends. It was also weird how everyone acts like you're achieving great things, when really, none of it is something you do. The inquisition itself, the army, it already exists. Solas literally just points at Skyhold (you do not even have to fight anything to get it) and so on.
I hated that you have an animated main plot cut scene where your Dalish elf asks a human who Mythal is. And of course I really disliked how the mage rebellion was handled. Why do I have to choose between templars and mages AGAIN when, in this game at least, being able to recruit both would've kinda made more sense? Unite against a bigger enemy, bla. I wouldn't have super liked it as a resolution for the mage oppression issue, but at least it would've given that conflict SOME form of resolution.
So yeah. Did not enjoy it that much. Was very surprised to learn how many did and that it won game of the year. Maybe it would've been more enjoyable just on its own, without context, but coming in right after DA2 it was quite the clash in my opinion.
There was definitely potential for a good game. It had good elements. I think they fixed a bunch of issues in Trespasser, which I quite enjoyed. But I kind of am not looking AS much forward to the 4th installment. I'll play it for sure, but I feel the writers just want to do something different with this series than what I enjoy about it.
Overall though I still had great fun! I like Dragon Age. Seeing everyone's oc's is so cute and I will definitely keep on enjoying that no matter what.
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illusivesoul · 9 months
People when game characters have their own goals and motivations, aren't yes men to whatever the player says and don't change their views and opinions just cause the player wants them to
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larkoneironaut · 2 months
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Yes, Solas is still playing the guitar and somehow he turned into a rockstar?? Look at the stickers on his sunburst guitar, he’s so adorable 🫴🏽✨💜
(Thank you, John Epler, for reminding me of my old art 🥺)
Old versions from 3-4 years ago below the cut in a Bluesky post 🫶🏽
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abyssal-ilk · 7 hours
replaying dao and da2 will really make you think damn. sure wish samson was my advisor in dai! why is cullen here.
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dragonageconfessions · 4 months
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So depressing that on tv tropes for dragon age, I’m reading up on dai characters and it’s so obvious whoever wrote it hated Vivienne.
Meanwhile Solas section he got excused for any racism, bigotry and hypocrisy. Every bad point of Solas was softened to make him sound better.
Vivienne, for her own bigotry and hypocrisy, gets absolutely slated and the whole thing just saddens me.
People in this fandom will bend over backwards for any subtext for a male character to prove that they’re kind and not at all bad deep down but God forbid they get a female character that’s the same.
If Vivienne or Sera were male, people would actually love them.
And I hate that because I like them, even with their flaws because they have them for a reason. It’s their backstory.
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drthrvn · 1 year
i've said it before and i'll say it again: DAI should be about the war between mages and templars exclusively. scrap Corypheus and all of the Fade-related mumbo jumbo, give me well-established socio-political conflict that's been developped for past 2 games. use Anders as a prominent yet controversial mage leader instead of painting him a villain, hated even by his friends. starting the game with the conclave and making the Inquisitor so easily solve the war was the biggest mistake the devs made with this game.
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dragonagepolls · 1 month
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aldruiel-scribbles · 4 months
The new trailer is giving me mixed feelings. On one side it seems like a fun and interesting game (a bit too much looking like a cartoony valorant game). And on the other side, it has been stripped of everything that used to identify a Dragon Age game. Like it genuinely doesn't look from the same franchise at all.
I'm happy to finally get a new game, get new lore and find out what happens, but honestly I'm worried they won't be faithful to DA essence. My faith is on the floor sadly, and my expectations limbo dancing in hell. I would like to be wrong.
P.S: The creative director has only worked in the Sims before and it shows.
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llysaan · 5 months
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This one was a reply rather than an ask, but I had to do it!! 🐝🐝🐝
Thank you for the suggestion @esteemedestbastard <3
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fair-art · 1 year
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We started this blog to find and support a human artist in the face of AI taking over the Dragon Age art tag some months ago. Through community effort, we managed to fund a commission of a stained-glass Blackwall portrait from a human artist, and also hopefully inspired others to create authentic human art in this style!
In a fandom brimming over with talented human beings, it was a tough choice settling on just one person that would reclaim the artwork concept from AI, but at last, our artist reported back to us with finished work! We are very excited to see it come to fruition! Be sure to support this gorgeous piece, and others like it, as an affirmation that passion and enthusiasm for genuine human creativity will always prevail.
The artist has also provided a high-res image, so if you are one of the lovely people who backed the Ko-Fi goal, expect Mod Judith to reach out to you, once her irl obligations allow, and arrange for a postcard with the artwork to be sent to you, as a permanent reminder that you contributed to supporting human-made art.
Thank you for taking with journey with us!
Mod Zefirka (and Mod Judith!)
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princessshikky · 3 months
No, but consider this: an anti-chantry, pro-mage Inquisitor could have had a blast if only Bioware let us have nice things.
"Yes, Josie, our official position is that Andraste chose me, a mage, specifically to show how mages should be able to have political power."
"You think magic is a sin in the eyes of the Maker? Well, why then would His bride choose a mage as her Herald, hmm?"
"Yes, I did meet Andraste in the Fade. She said Anders was right and should blow up more chantries, actually."
"The Chantry sucks balls and should be torn down. Trust me, I am the Herald and I speak Andraste's will."
"I say we spread information about the Tranquility cure immediately. What do you mean no? Cassandra, are you disobeying the word of the Herald of Andraste? This is heresy, Cassandra. I am a prophet of your church, Cassandra."
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bellamer · 9 days
Seeing everyone else pre design their white rooks and be all like “I can’t wait to create them in the game !”
Meanwhile me, a negro, who’s been suffering through Bioware’s character creation and having to give my black Shepard’s, Ryder’s and Inquisitors those ugly ass braids or fuck ass bobs because those are the only hairstyles that look semi decent and having all their skin tones be the same one because all the other skin tones were way too light or way too ashy looking, will wait until the game comes out because I don’t have high hopes. Like Davrin looks beautiful and I love the fact they took the time to design a beautifully designed black character but after dealing with so many fuck ass bobs, un moisturized afros, boneless braids and those ugly ass generic fades, I think I’ll wait until the game comes out to picture what my rook will look like in my head because I don’t want to take the time and energy to design and draw a rook who’s a total baddie and then I go and create them in the game and then history repeats itself and I have limited options and I have to wait and save for a pc so I can play with mods to have a decent looking character while the white players get to have beautiful looking characters right out the box
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illusivesoul · 9 months
Leliana in DAI: *just saw the woman she faithfully served for years and the peace effort she was leading get blown up, is declared an insurrectionist and a heretic by what's left of the organization that helped her find a new purpose in life after being betrayed by Marjolaine and has to deal with the massive number of assasins, threats and other enemies the inquisition faces (and depending on your choices may have romanced a Warden that died or was possibly killed herself by the Warden)
Players: "Why won't Leliana tell me stories ☹️?"
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ohnoitshappening · 3 months
I hope the Maker never turns out to be real in Dragon Age for reasons that should be obvious for anyone with a brain (aka making the christianity inspired god in name of which the fictional people In this setting and in reality were oppressed real, and even somewhat glorifying him and the chantry in inquisition, while the religion of the fictional nomadic people that are supposed to represent and are inspired by real life people got treated the way it did...😑)
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dragonageconfessions · 7 months
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Ok there was a confession awhile back about wanting Dreadwolf to copy BG3's character creator and it rubbed me the wrong way. First I think its fucking ridiculous to compare a character creator from a game that is a decade old to one that is from a game that is six months old. And while I agree that Inquisition's character customization was not the best, and the hairstyles do suck, I was still always to create my protagonists pretty close to what I wanted, especially with the face . I could not do that with BG3.
The face choices in BG3 are extremely limiting. And as a POC I felt even more limited because I couldn't really play a character with non white features. So I'm going to just say it, BG3 is just not great at letting you create people of color. DAI was not perfect but I'm grateful I was still able to craft my characters to look different from everybody else's. I don't want Bioware to forget that there are POC gamers and that we matter
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my favourite part about inquisition is when you go around claiming land and then everyone makes a surprised pikachu face when the locals don't greet you with open arms. inquisitor obviously they've got the wrong idea, we got to show them that they should be grateful for our presence here!!
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