#dragon ball super fic
rennsdovesarealive · 2 years
how do we feel about a dragon ball super fic?
and no this isn't the typical "i'm a sayian on par with goku who is dating Vegeta/Bulma" NO.
this would be a fic where Beerus is "kinda" forced to take care of a kid cause Xeno saw how Goku acted with Goten and decided that everyone should have that happiness (mainly his destroyers, cause their really crusty) and the angel attendants have to pick the kid cause ofc they do.
so Whis runs the situation by Bulma and she waists no time gathering some kids that were really screwed over by the system, all of them older than 10 and there is this 15-year-old girl named Megumi who has been treated horribly and is in the worst case scenario situation (hell even Vegeta and Goku know a bit about her situation and they want to help her out) and Whis takes her and she finally gets the help she needs and yadda yadda... yes? YES?
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saiyansimp · 2 years
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For shits and giggles, I asked chat GPT to write me a romantic story about Krillin and Vegeta falling in love. I was not dissapointed.
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rennsdeaddoves · 1 year
Let me Give the World to You Mater List
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Trigger warnings; Drug use, overdose, heavy injury, gang violence, child labour, prostitution, necrophilia.
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Nishiyama Yume - oc introduction The Complex Mama
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forgetitbeam · 2 months
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I hate drawing hats.
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dreadsuitsamus · 2 years
Protect | Gohan x Reader |
author's note: this lil story is inspired by an ask @loki-love answered, which i encourage you to check out here! thank you so much again for inspiring and approving me writing this short lil thing haha i appreciate it from the bottom of my heart. i just really wanted to write protective gohan!!
pairing: gohan x fem!reader
warnings: mentions of reader's past abusive relationship, gohan's anger
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A ping breaks the amicable silence between you and Gohan, and you groan at the realization it's your phone that's gone off. Gohan absentmindedly rubs your thigh as he continues staring at the bright light of his laptop screen as he works and your eyes flick to the message on your phone instead of the raunchy comedy on the television.
I miss you
"Ugh." You grumble under your breath. Your ex, once again. Lately he's taken to messaging you, not just through your phone number but even social media outlets. Ignoring him hasn't been working; he just keeps trying!
Please leave me alone.
You silence your phone and tuck it between the couch cushions, wrapping your arms around Gohan's and focusing on the movie again. He kisses your hair sweetly, resting his head on yours and watching as a naked man on the screen emerges from the trunk of a car and begins beating up three men with a crowbar. "What on earth are you watching?" He chuckles, perplexed but entertained anyway.
"A dumb movie." The murmur is sour on your lips— every time that bastard of an ex messages you, your mood turns. Where someone finds the nerve to harass their ex after the way they treated them in the relationship, you've got zero idea.
"You alright?" He murmurs in your ear and sets aside his laptop to turn his body your way.
"Yeah, yeah." You nod quickly. "Don't worry. Just… Watch the movie with me?"
"Of course." Gohan's smile is so damn pure; he loves you so much, and that's exactly why you love him just as much. He builds you up, telling you he loves you every day, listening to your boring workday stories, complimenting you even when you look a hot mess first thing in the morning. He's never left anything but a good mark on you, never ever caused one bad day.
Gohan and the movie are quick in breaking your downward spiral, and you cuddle into your lover just a little closer, grinning ear-to-ear when his lips press against your cheek.
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I'm sorry for everything. I've changed, just let me prove it to you
A low growl leaves your throat as you read the text. Bastard left you alone for one day! Instead of the rest of your damn life! Your thumbs tap quickly against the screen and you send the message with a huff, shoving your phone in your back pocket as you resume working; it's a busy evening at the rowdy Texas-themed restaurant you work at, and you've certainly got no time to text a shitty man.
I will never go back to you. Leave me alone!
The evening goes by quickly, your shift just about over as you're collecting your tip from your most recent table when there's a tap on your shoulder. And when you turn, it's none other than that bastard that literally left you for dead staring you in the eye. He's grown his hair out and started shaving, and in those green eyes you see images of the past— the way he berated you, cheated on you, beat you and then drained your joint account of all the money and skipped town when he left you.
"Babe-" He begins, and you gasp sharply and step away as if burned by his very voice alone.
"I am not your babe. Leave me alone!" You nearly drop the wad of cash in your hand as you scurry away to the employee lounge and call your boyfriend.
Gohan answers immediately, the angel. "Hey baby, are you off work already?"
"Yes." You fiddle with the hem of your shirt, hoping your voice isn't shaking like your hands.
"I'm on my way. See you in five!"
"See you." You quickly tap the red button and rub your face. Hopefully your ex is gone by the time Gohan comes.
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Gohan makes the quick drive between home and the restaurant in record time, and walks in as always to come and walk you to the car himself. He's done that ever since you took this job, as it's simply a gentlemanly thing to do, and also because who knows who's lurking in the shadows at this time of night? You're far too precious to him to go unguarded, so to speak.
He smiles and looks around, black hair wild as always after a research binge. Some of your coworkers wave and he waves back politely, smiling still. He can't remember the last time he's felt this happy all the time, at peace even during the most frustrating days at work. You've brought a balance to his life he can never thank you for enough.
"D'ya know where she is?" Gohan asks, and one of the blonde waitresses moves in closer to speak in a whisper.
"She ran to the break room, I'll go get her… And I'm not for sure, but that guy over there seems like trouble and won't give anyone his order or anything. We were just about to ask our manager to call the police and have him removed."
"Hmm…" Gohan looks over, the days of his vigilante justice flashing briefly in his mind when he gets a look at the man. Gohan doesn't love to judge, but the vibes of the man alone raise the hairs on the back of his neck. "Can I go with you to retrieve her?"
"Yeah, absolutely." The waitress nods and takes Gohan to the back where the lounge is, opening the door and allowing him in, leaving the two of you in private.
"Honey?" Gohan asks carefully. Something is definitely wrong, at this point. You're curled into a ball with your head tucked into your knees; and if he's not mistaken, it sounds like you're crying.
Dear Lord, forgive me if I have to fuck someone up tonight.
You sniff and look up at the light of your life— and subsequently surge into his arms as he gets closer to you.
"Baby…" Gohan murmurs, holding you in those deceptively strong arms. He's got every bit the look of a typical nerd, but underneath those clothes lie a very strong, durable Saiyan that should maybe train more than he does these days, but is still plenty strong enough to beat many, many foes. Especially human ones. "What's wrong?"
"M-My ex, Tyler, won't leave me alone." You sob into his shirt. "He keeps texting me and I tried ignoring him and I tried telling him to leave me alone but it didn't work and now he's here and-" Another sob breaks out and you lose your words, but Gohan's got more than enough information now.
"Is he that man sitting out there?" He murmurs lowly, body beginning to tense with adrenaline.
"Yes." You pull back and wipe your eyes, looking into Gohan's. "I'm sorry I didn't-"
"No, no." He says quickly. "You have nothing to apologize for. Not one single thing."
"But I didn't tell-"
"That doesn't matter, baby. You stay here— I'm gonna go talk to him."
"Gohan!" Your fingers curl into his white Henley shirt, holding him to you as best as you can. "You can't just…"
His warm hands cradle your face, swiping away your remaining tears with his thumbs. He looks at you as if you're a netherite ingot— the most valuable thing he could ever have. "I'm just going to talk to him. Okay?"
You falter, taking a deep breath. Of course your ex isn't scary at all to Gohan; he could obliterate the piece of shit with a single snap. And you know what lurks beneath Gohan's surface— the rage of the great beast within sometimes seems to buzz just beneath his skin. That alone should send your ex running.
Gohan smiles gently and kisses your lips so sweetly, so lovingly. "I'll be right back, okay? And then we'll go home and snuggle."
Your smile is hard for Gohan to break away from, but the memory of your tears anytime a nightmare arose that featured the man you used to be with is enough to pull him away from your arms and out to the table your ex is at, his back to Gohan's approach. Gohan sneers, the tingle of Super Saiyan crawling up his spine and he has to will it away as he firmly grasps the back of your former boyfriend's neck, leaning down to speak directly into his ear.
"Step outside with me. Now."
"Who the hell-" Tyler stops short when he turns his head and sees the fury in Gohan's eyes.
"Son Gohan." The half-Saiyan spits out. "Let's go." He practically drags Tyler out of the booth, his hold on his neck still strong. With just a simple squeeze, he could end this man's life as he'd nearly ended yours, and the beast on his shoulder yearns for it.
But he promised you he would only talk it out, and he'd certainly never break a promise he made to you.
Gohan releases Tyler when they're outside and at the perimeter of the parking lot, pushing him a short distance away. "Do you think harassing my girlfriend is going to do you any favors?"
"I'm not harassing-"
"She's asked you several times to leave her alone. And yet, you don't listen. What do you call it?"
Tyler's fists clench and god the fury inside of Gohan is hard to contain. This person, the one that tore you down to nothing stands before him, and words could never express the desires his primal, Saiyan blood has in the face of this cruel man. He's a threat to you, the one Gohan loves and will protect with his life, if needed.
Gohan speaks again before your ex even has the chance. "I love that woman with everything I've got. She means everything to me." He fishes a small box out of his pocket, opening it and showing Tyler the beautiful ring inside. "This is hers; it's just waiting for me to ask the question."
"Me and her have history, and if she would just hear me out-"
Gohan laughs rather menacingly, carefully putting the ring box back into his jeans pocket and stepping closer to your ex. "You still don't get it. She's with me now, Tyler, and she's happy."
"She was happy with me too."
"I don't doubt that she was at some point." Gohan shrugs. "Until you cheated on her, abused her emotionally and physically, and left her for dead in that old apartment."
Tyler blanches, as if he stupidly didn't expect Gohan to have the nitty gritty details. And that's when Gohan grabs him by his shirt so forcefully, pulling him close and ripping his glasses off his own face so he can truly look the scumbag in the eye.
"This is the only warning you get from me. Eye-to-eye, man-to-man. Leave my girl alone, and you won't have any problems. Understand?" Gohan growls, the inner beast screaming at him to destroy this man, to not even leave a corpse behind. He doesn't deserve to live, it calls. He hurt her, it reminds. 
"I'm not fuckin' scared-"
With a roar, Gohan releases Tyler's shirt and instead slams his fist into one of the nearby trees, splintering it to hell as it's ripped clean in half by the single punch. The nerve of this fucking guy! Gohan glances over his shoulder as the rest of the tree falls to the ground, and he can't fight the smirk on his lips when he sees the coward running for the hills.
"Guess I made my point."
Gohan wipes away any pieces of wood from his clothes, pulling a splinter from his hand and grimacing lightly at the scratches. They don't hurt, but they'll worry you. He jogs quickly into the restaurant again, and smiles when he sees you're out of the break room and sitting at a table with that same coworker from before.
"Hey!" He greets you with a swift kiss. "Ready to go?"
"Yes." You nod and perk a brow, but wait until you're at the car to ask any questions.
"He's not gonna bother you anymore." Gohan prefaces as he opens the door for you.
"You're sure of that?"
"Well…" Gohan gestures in the direction their conversation took place in, and you gasp at the sight of the destroyed tree.
Even with the beast inside proud of his work, Gohan blushes with a nervous laugh, rubbing the back of his neck. "I didn't hit him."
Your arms slip around Gohan's waist and practically crush him in a hug. His arms are gentle in contrast, but so warm, like a blanket around you. He smiles again and kisses the top of your head before bringing you home to snuggle, as promised.
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romantic-ageru-yo · 2 months
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Full uncensored version over on my AO3
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givemeonereason · 10 months
Meditations: First Meeting
Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
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Rating: cotton candy
Dragon Ball Masterlist Givemeonereason Masterlist
Plot: Can a green alien teach you to meditate? Or better yet, shut your mouth?
A/n: okay, okay, okay OKAY! Hear me out…I don’t see a lot of love for this green guy. I actually adore him as a character. He really grew on me while watching DB. I think he needs a little love and appreciation.
I think it has to do with the fact he doesn’t look like a regular human, and honestly I get it. But he could get it. And he should.
I will keep writing for him because Piccolo has such great fic potential that no one is utilizing.
Your lesson: we can’t judge books by their cover. It could just be the best book you’ve ever read ;) and that particular book might just be tall, handsome and green. You never know.
This wasn’t something that you were particularly skilled at.
You tried a few times to do a guided meditation with that popular app that was complimentary thanks to your company on your lunch breaks. After several attempts you just gave up. The cricket sounds were relaxing though.
Such poise.
He sat on the hillside every day crosslegged, eyes closed, faced out towards the valley.
What exactly he was thinking about you could not have guessed.
Even if someone paid you one million Zeni to guess, you still wouldn’t have got it right.
He just seems so peaceful, his cape flowing in the light breeze.
Probably one of those basement rats who work on software towers. You thought to yourself. Makes sense he would try and catch some sun during his break.
“Umm, excuse me?”
Your hands nervously fiddled with the hem of your shirt. You’ve heard the rumors about the people downstairs, however you were curious. And walking up the hill to speak to him had your nerves all over the place.
“Hmm?” It was if he broke out of trance.
The man looked over his shoulder in your direction, putting his feet back down upon the grass when he saw you standing several feet away.
It was easier now to take in his full form. He was large and green. Such an odd appearance, you think. Nothing like anything you’ve seen before.
No sunlight…
It was a lot to take in at once. Your eyes glanced over him. You didn’t imagine he’d be this tall. He practically towered over you.
He blinked a few times before you spoke up. “Oh! I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to interrupt you. I was just…” You voice trailed off as well as your courage. You turned on a heel to walk down the hillside you treaded up.
“Is there something you need?” His strong voice stopped you in your tracks. Of course, a voice that strong, and that deep would come from someone like him. It should almost be expected due to his size. But the tone alone was comforting to an extent. It didn’t enact fear in you.
You turn back around to look at him once more. Trying to find something to actually say that has real meaning. “I, uhh, see you from my window most days and I just wanted to know what you’re looking at?”
He looked down into the valley below. The blue of the nearby lake shined under the hot sun. Trees blowing in the humid summer breeze. “I wasn’t looking at anything.”
“No?” it seems your courage finds its metal and you walk up beside him, looking down into the same valley. “This is a very beautiful view, though. I would’ve never come up here, save for my curiosity.”
You backed away from the edge, remembering that you have a fear of heights. “Again, I’m very sorry that I bothered you. I just…”
There you go again.
He takes a seat on the ground near where he was before, crossing his arms against his chest. “I was only meditating. You are welcome to join me if you wish.”
Unmoving from where you stood and just above a whisper, “I don’t think I know how. I tried with the company sponsored app and it’s just too much.”
You heard him take a breath in. It was long and deep, and filled his chest.
“I’m not exactly sure what you’re talking about. However, take a seat here.” He pointed to a patch of grass near him. You obliged sitting down on the spot he designated.
His eyes were closed, his head tilted down towards the ground, relaxing.
“It’s your decision now if you wish to think or not.”
You looked over at him, his form unchanged. “Think of what?”
“That is what you must choose.”
“Do you work for my company? I don’t think I’ve seen you in the building before. I only see you on this hill.”
“I do not work for anyone.”
Your hands relax in your lap. “Oh, so you’re a freelancer then. You might make some good money, but no benefits is shit.”
“You are making little sense now. Clear you mind. Or keep your thoughts to yourself.”
You sat quietly for sever moments. You were watching him, taking in the strange details of his silhouette.
But you broke the silence again.
“Are you Yoda?”
“I’m Piccolo.”
“Is that your ‘Yoda’ name? Your like Yoda, but your name is Piccolo….Piccolo like the instrument.”
He took another breath this time it resembled more of a deep grown. His brow is furrowed with confusion and almost frustration at this point. His hand are gesticulating when he raises his voice. “I do not understand what you’re saying.”
What should have frightened you made you smile cheerfully. There is nothing you love more than to talk about one of your favorite things, Star Wars.
“Okay, so there’s this movie called Star Wars and there is a character in that movie called Yoda. Yoda is a small green character and he has pointy ears.” You looked over at him pointing, “Oh, yeah, kind of exactly like your ears.”
You look back out at the scenery, shoulders, relaxing, and the tone of your voice, so joyful. “And he talks so formal and it’s almost as if he speaks in riddles. You kind of remind me of him, though you’re not small like Yoda.”
Again, you look to him. But his eyes are open and he’s staring into the air blinking blankly. You went silent, then. Fear of irritating him once more. Your eyes darting between him and your fingers in your lap. “I’m sorry…I…listen, I have never met anyone like you. I can only compare you to what I think I know. However, I know that’s only fiction. I don’t mean to be rude or a burden.”
He’s floating several inches off the ground, his eyes closed.
You turn sitting on your calves now. “Piccolo, what are you exactly?”
“A Yoda,” he said very serious, his tone almost booming.
Your obvious confusion broke him as he began to chuckle.
“I am an Namekian.”
“A Na-mek-ian,” you said repeating the title, annunciating the syllables. “So you’re an alien.”
“Yes? Well, I guess I kind of figured you are green and everything.”
That made him turn to look at you. But you looked right back at him matter-of-factly.
“It is kind of odd, you know, the whole green skin. What are these rigid parts on your arms?”
That confused look painted his face again. “My skin?”
“Yeah, these parts.” You touched the and quickly retracting your hand. It was soft like your own skin. For some reason you imagined it’d be sticky or at least moist. “I did not expect it to feel like that.” You squinted your eyes looking at his arm again. “It’s like you have a worm in there.”
“A worm?” It sounded like a question, yes, but it was really just a confused statement at best.
“It’s like the ridges that a worm has….”
He’s not even listening, his thumb and forefinger pressed again the bridge of his nose.
I’m talking to much again.
“I’m sorry…”
You waited for his harsh tone to sting your ears again.
But it only came out in a calm, collected way.
“Perhaps, that is enough for today.” He put his feet on the ground. He faced away from you. “Farewell miss.”
That’s when he blasted off from the hillside into the air.
Only Superman can do that. Maybe only Clark and Namekians?
You couldn’t stop yourself from thinking.
Gosh, if Yoda could have done that then the entire plot of films would be different.
What if Yoda could fly, and we just didn’t know it.
Shut up!
You just spoke with a green alien, named Piccolo, who can fly.
A green alien.
Named Piccolo….like the instrument.
Who. Can. Fly.
©2023 givemeonereason
Don’t steal other people’s works! Respect creators!
Reblogs and likes appreciated :)
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shannonsketches · 27 days
I think I wouldn’t be as mad about Toei’s choices for Super if the things they overwrote wouldn’t have translated so beautifully to animation.
I have my beef with the gaps in my sense of humor and Toei’s writers room and our opinions on characterizations, sure, but so many of the cool things that happened in the manga and the movies that Toei reiterated were changed, botched, or removed completely, and that sucks.
Vegeta being so cool and so protective of his family during the Goku Black arc, and Gohan being a total badass during Ressurection F are my biggest “why did you change this??” beefs. But also man. The tournament had so many good moments in the manga that were totally snubbed in the anime.
As a fan it makes me angry but as an artist it makes me sad. Toya is such a cinematic storyteller and his pacing and compositions were just. Thrown away. :(
EDIT: Someone in the notes pointed out that the anime caught up with the manga before the GB arc so I do take back that they threw away Toya’s later work in the GB and Tournament arcs, but I will never understand why they weren’t sharing assets when they were in production at the same time. And I still can’t forgive them for fumbling the retellings of BotG and ResF so hard OTL
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mystery-occasion · 7 months
I’ve never posted on here and I don’t know how to go about this but at this point I’m BEGGING. Does anyone have access to the Broly x Reader fic “Run Wild” by alien-boyhasneeds(?). It was on ao3 and I think it’s been deleted but it was my all time favorite Broly fic and I’m so desperate at this point I want it back so bad
(also taking recs I’ve read almost everything on ao3 and here)
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haridkrish · 5 months
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Okay. I promise. This is the final set of my dbz artworks. Bye 👋
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kotias · 8 months
WIP Ask Game
The rules:
Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous.
Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! Then tag as many people as your have WIPs.
Thanks for tagging me, @gaiaseyes451 !
... I have a lot, and will categorise by fandom. THANKS, GAIA.
Dragon Ball (Z/GT/Super)
Wish of the Oozaru
Amber Lily
A Saiyan's definition of Love
Eyeshield 21
My Cover, My Shield
Ookami no koinu
One Piece
Cooking up trouble
Pirate King
Give me your hand
Bleeding Love
Good Omens
In Spite of Heaven and Hell
Lost Memories Still Cast Love (with @daneecastle )
We Are In Our Eden (with @daneecastle )
Down the Path of Sin (with @daneecastle )
Sense of Persuasion
Starved For Your Touch
The art and science of asking questions
Vein of Love
Sheltered Scars
The Unfortunate Door (for @daneecastle )
Smut prompts
My Arum Lily
Let's tag 30 people now.
@daneecastle @thescholarlystrumpet @cheeseplants @rhosmeinir @feiandart @saucysmutpigeon @gingerhaole @quona @aidaran-alha @hakunahistata @lauramoon1987 @vavoom-sorted-art @gahellhimself-blog @mintounette @nonbayanary @dbzsenpai @rykundsz-art @yumchxa @aolihui @jorongbak @amartbee @julia-shephard @imgomis @where-does-the-heart-lie @lirhyapetitpain @inpolariis @toboldlymuppet @astharoshe @hgatoart @saurgazing-arts
Good counting everybody!
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fandom-trash-xl · 3 months
Info on Berryblue and Kikono in the Kuriza Canon
Both non-combatants; their fields tend to last longer in employ due to safety from combat and a longer age to retirement.
They were off on other planets on scouting/fieldwork assignments during the Frieza Force's major purging events (Namek, both trips to Earth, etc.) by coincidence and sheer luck.
Sorbet legitimately didn't know they were out there.
Due to their long-time service to the Force, they also serve as head counselors/advisors to Frieza.
Nanny and pseudo-mother figure to both Frieza and Kuriza
High-ranking nurse in the med bay
Temporarily commanded the Frieza Force with a surprisingly tough whip between Frieza's two resurrections
Can swap from sweet and motherly to snappy and snarky on a dime
Now uses a cane in her old age
Kuriza called her "Mama" for the longest time until he learned the truth from Frieza that she wasn't actually his mother. The relationship was strained for a bit, but it eventually recovered. She's usually "Miss Berryblue" now, but he occasionally slips up.
The go-to chaperone for Kuriza's visits to Earth when Frieza's busy
Due to retire but claims that she's staying as long as Kuriza still needs her; Frieza won't admit he's stretching reasons for her to stay
Retires from the Force when Kuriza's around 14 (Age 796) leaving Frieza to deal with the latter half of adolescence, good luck buddy
Part of the science division, specializing mainly in tech
If there's a signature Frieza Force-patented innovation, there's a good chance Kikono had at least some input on it.
Tries to admit that he's aging gracefully
Exact opposite of the "grandpa getting frustrated with new technology" trope; he welcomes the innovations and adapts rather easily
Wears a pair of reading glasses (to show that time had passed /ref)
Third in line on Kuriza supervising duty (following Frieza and Berryblue of course)
Initially very resistant to the idea of having to babysit a small child, but has his mind changed when he realizes Kuriza is very quiet and keeps to himself, and, when he does speak up, he's usually curious about what Kikono's working on. He soon comes to very much appreciate Kuriza's presence. Feels like he's talking with someone who actually appreciates when he rambles.
Usually referred to as "Mr. Kikono" by Kuriza, but he won't admit out loud that he misses when he'd call him "Kiko"
Tends to be the one-person welcoming party when Kuriza and Berryblue/Frieza return from a trip to Earth
Retires from the Force when Kuriza's around 8 (Age 790)
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duhragonball · 5 months
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I COULDNT thiNK Of how to properly thank you for the birthday gift, like, genuinely speechless, SO here’s a LUFFA!!! thank you so so much again!!! AND KEEP ON BEING YOU 💕💕💕😭💕💕🗣️🔥🔥
And happy birthday again (give or take a few days)! I hope you're doing well!
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forgetitbeam · 2 months
Chapter 3 is now out! 😎
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jazzystudios82 · 3 months
Dragon Ball: Bride of the Destroyer AU 🌹
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"Follow the story of Brier, wife of God of Destruction Beerus, as she makes friends with Goku and the Z-Fighters and goes on wild adventures with her husband, best friend Whis, and Goku and co. Witness the chaotic misadventures as they encounter over zealous gods, partake in inter dimensional tournaments, and learn to combat against the return of the villainous Frieza, who's partnered with an ancient evil that is as old (perhaps even older) as Grand Zeno himself."
Book One: His Lovely Rose
Book Two: Black Magic
Book Three: Survival of the Fittest
Book Four: Divine Wrath
A Heavenly Marriage: A Bride of the Destroyer Novel
Black Jade: A Bride of the Destroyer Collection
I hope that you give this story a chance! Likes and shares are appreciated!
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shannonsketches · 29 days
something something foils moving in opposite directions Goku's always happy to seek and fight stronger opponents because he spent most of his life being the strongest guy in the room and Vegeta wants to be the strongest/is always exhausted to find stronger opponents because he spent most of his life having to navigate his survival around the whims of the strongest guy in the universe room and so Goku has a foundation of safety and stability and so spends his time craving challenge and adventure and Vegeta has a foundation of challenge and adventure and spends his time craving safety and stability and the overlaid section of their venn diagram is that the only way they know how acquire and maintain those things is through battle
#thank you this has been the laziest media analysis post of my career#dbtag#media analysis#something something a game to goku is a threat to vegeta etc#there's a pinned thought here about how Vegeta also didn't learn about the dragon balls until he was ?? 30?? and so all loss is permanent#and goku has been familiar since he was ~12 and hasn't faced a permanent consequence since he was 10 years old and even then he got closure#sometimes I think about how Vegeta saw Trunks die and how Krillin was mad at him for reacting since they could fix it with the dragon balls#but Vegeta has very limited experience with the dragon so to him in that moment that was permanent and Trunks was Dead. Forever.#And we talked before in a 2am post about Vegeta having never experienced grief born of love and I stand by it because his feelings then wer#still very new and very odd and not something he'd accepted until that moment so it was raw power but not as powerful as it could've been#all this to say in my heart of hearts I think Vegeta deserves to retire at the end of super (if super continues) -- not as a warrior#but as an infantryman. he's a prince and now he's got his domain and his family and his planet to look after and I think he deserves#to go home and stay home and help piccolo bully gohan into training more often when goku inevitably leaves to hop the multiverse#geets wanted to take a sabbatical when Bulla was born but didn't get the chance because Freeza coming back freaked him out too much#but whether freeza gets a redemption arc or gets defeated -- Granolah's arc seemed to shift his perspective on being the strongest#and I just grips fist I just think it would be a really nice full circle for Vegeta to inherit his throne in a way he never expected and#finally get his kingdom to look after and protect in the way that he was looking forward to being king of his own planet all those years ag#Goku's got Broly and Jiren and Hit and all the others to keep him busy and happy now -- and if Freeza gets a redemption arc he'll probably#continue playing slap-ass with Goku for the rest of his life -- and Vegeta's got Gohan and Piccolo and Goten and Trunks#I just think them getting a nice bittersweet 'This is where we part ways' would be really nice for both of them because !!#They couldn't have done this without each other. They couldn't have known this kind of life was possible without each other.#So they swap lots and live happier than they ever imagined they could be#especially since Vegeta has proved to himself that he can close any gap Goku creates in progress that's not a concern anymore#And obvs the door's always open!! There's no point closing it Vegeta's tried the locks they don't work on Goku#anyway here's me putting the whole essay in the tags again#this isn't an essay as much as it is stream of consciousness tag blogging#anyway i'm too lazy to write fic or draw comics so we get ramblings instead
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