#dragonball z alternative universe
jasmine-artblog · 4 months
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Choices - by saijanbulma
"You chose your life! You chose when to fight, and you chose when to obey! You chose when to lay down like a dog and you chose when to bite your master! And for what did you make that choice? Pride? Honour? Self-respect? No! You chose a new master! You’ve constructed a fantasy around yourself, willfully ignoring the consequences of your own actions and believing yourself no more capable of turning from the path you’ve put yourself on than a piece of debris lost in the ocean is capable of controlling the tides that carry it! You choose not to see yourself as a being of agency because it is easier that way! Had I made any other choice I would have died! And that would have been a choice!"
Chapter 24: Epiphany
My favourite vegebul fic, and one of my favourite fics of all time. I can't believe I only read it recently! I loved it so much, I just had to draw Resistance!Vegeta.
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gosha-chan · 5 months
"Who's that?" She wondered, her curious warm eyes glancing over the blonde haired beauty's shoulder.
"Oh, him? That's Son Goku. That's the guy your father hired to be your personal guard"
An AU story for my sweet friend @songochiox ❤️
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After losing the throne to the Ox King, the last descendents of the Saiyans, a ruthless warrior tribe, forge a plan to take the throne back. Son Goku, who takes on his new position as Royal Guard to the princess of Mount Fire, plans to learn all he can about the Kingdom, it's security and gain the trust of the princess and the King.
What he wasn't expecting, however, was to fall in love with the princess, and for her to make him question everything he was sent to do.
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shauntaysart · 6 months
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This took a long time and it’s not finished. Not sure if I want to continue this at the moment. If I do I’ll post it. But here’s a Son family walk🥰❤️
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sleeppyreader · 1 year
Dragon Ball would've been different if this was the case.
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big-boah · 2 years
Just posted Chapters 36 & 37 ‼️ Some stuff happened instead of a time skip!
It was cathartic to write, and it felt like a natural part of the story to include, but I'm sorry in advance it might be tough to read. 😅
As always, this is an 18+, self-projecting, NSFW DBZ Kakavege fic centered around Vegeta if he was a human semi-verbal autistic guy.
Enjoy! 🐉🟠💙
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vo-kopen · 4 months
I briefly was interested when I saw the first issue of a new Edge of Spiderverse comic was beginning before rapidly losing interest. The synopsis claims it will be starting “the build to the biggest Spider-Versal story (marvel) has EVER DONE!” And that immediately pushes me away.
I wanted to see some windows into other spider realities, this is an anthology about parallel realities, can’t that be enough? Does it need to lead into a crisis? Does it even make sense for there to be a crisis? The comics Spiderverse has been almost destroyed so many times in the last few years, it’s lost its impact. I just want an anthology, not another ever escalating event. Let us breathe.
I don’t crave to see Dragonball Z/Super levels of threats, I don’t want all of reality constantly at risk, I want a snapshot into another setting with its own heroes. Like give me a neat concept for a alternate version of a hero, have them do street level stuff or at least stuff limited to their own universe, and I am peachy. Maybe do a riff on Pokémon/his dark materials and have the spider hero be powerless but have a familiar that is a radioactive spider? Or a spider medic in WWI trying to save everyone caught in the war, bandaging wounds with webbing and sneaking through no man’s land to get the heavily injured medical treatment? Maybe follow up on the Hobie Brown Spider-Man from that Secret Wars tie in? Let Valerie the Librarian be the star of a setting? Or just revisit Spider-Rex again, at least that’s fun. Give me standalone snapshots (of Spider-Man)
Sorry for ranting. But remember how the og Crisis on Two Earths was just “Barry helps Jay come out of retirement and take down three villains who are just robbing people?” That’s the stakes, just helping a retired hero suit up again and solve a crime wave in one city? Why can’t we get those kind of stakes in multiverse stuff? Street level and person stuff? Why must every multiverse anthology lead into a crisis crossover? And *grumble grumble grumble whine whine whine*
@thefingerfuckingfemalefury @nitpickrider @espanolbot2 @docgold13 @newx-menfan am I so out of touch? No, it’s the children who are wrong.
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pin-crusher2000 · 3 months
Character files 008: Jonathan Samuel Kent
Superboy is a young superhero who is the third & biological son of Superman, & the youngest brother of Conner & Christopher Kent aka Valor & Super Phantom. He is the hope of his team: (New) Young Justice.
Appearance: a young white man with black shaggy hair with a S curl in front, violet eyes, & freckles.
Outfit: a red & blue Superman pullover hoodie with a red cape with a yellow S just below the hood. He also has an alternate outfit where he wears his dad’s suit with the red trunks while wearing a denim jacket with a yellow S on the back. (Look at the concept art for Jon with the trunks outfit & picture a jacket on him, plus no cape)
Personality: Kind, sarcastic, sassy, emotional, energetic, smart.
Powers: due to him being the son of Superman, Jon has all the powers of a kryptonian: super strength, speed, durability, senses like x-ray vision, heat vision, super breath/freeze, flight, & a “new” ability called solar flare which allows him to expel solar energy from his body like a bomb. In my universe, half kryptonians are way weaker than regular kryptonians but they can have transforming powers to become potentially stronger than pure ones; superboy gains red/orange spiky glowing hair that increases his powers & have the ability to shoot solar energy out of his hands & transmit it into swords & guns for extra damage. (& for the giggles, yes he can shoot it out of his butt & front area XD)
He loves baseball; he’s on his middle schools baseball team and his favorite baseball movies are The Sandlot & benchwarmers (his favorite moment is the infamous beef stew scene.)
A fan of Star Wars, his favorite is Han Solo & prefers originals than prequels (he likes both but prefers originals more)
Loves the anime’s Dragonball z & naruto (canon) a goku & naruto fanboy (dresses like naruto one Halloween)
He likes the TMNT franchise, his favorite is Mikey.
Can juggle, learned from Nightwing (saw Nightwing do it in canon)
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remyamikazuki · 2 months
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I wrote this Dragonball Z fanfiction when I was 19 years old. This was 17 years ago! I have since moved on from my previous two pen names, as life has taken many interesting turns. However, I never completed the story I started. I have come across reviews on my old Fanfiction.net account asking for updates and completions, but unfortunately, I am unable to access my old accounts. Nevertheless, I have decided to rewrite, update, and finally finish this story.
However, I must admit that the story may reflect a different perspective, as it will be written by my 37-year-old self rather than my 19-year-old self. I will do my best to honor the essence of the original while infusing it with the wisdom and experiences gained over the years. Thank you for your patience and support as I embark on this journey to revisit and complete a tale that has lingered unfinished for far too long.
The story follows Vegeta, A young prince of the Saiyan race, who discovers a shocking truth about his role as a hostage in a delicate political alliance between his father, king Vegeta, and the Kold Empire. As he grapples with feelings of betrayal and abandonment, Vegeta resolves to embrace his duty as a solder and proved himself part of the Elite. With determination and resilience, he vows to endure the challenges and training ahead, determined to emerge stronger and victorious despite the constraints of his status as a prisoner.
Bulma find herself in a tense and vulnerable situation with Vegeta, where her initial discomfort and fear give way to a complex interplay of desire and uncertainty, as Vegeta’s actions blur the lines between intimacy and intimidation. Bulma is forced to confront her own reactions and vulnerabilities in the face of his inscrutable demeanor.
An Alternative Universe (AU) where Bulma and Vegeta grapple with conflicting emotions and a sense of entwined fates. Unspoken desires, unspoken tension, all a setting stage for a deeper exploration of their complicated relationship and their undeniable love fate.
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Click the links for more info!
Starhenge: The Dragon and the Boar - “A future Merlin travels to 5th-century Britain to prevent monstrous time-traveling killer robots from robbing the universe of magic.” You ever read a synposis and go ‘um yes fucking please!’
Public Domain - “This fun and heartfelt series written and illustrated by Eisner winner CHIP ZDARSKY (SEX CRIMINALS, Daredevil) explores a WILD ALTERNATE WORLD where comic book creators aren't properly acknowledged or compensated for their creations!! Crazy, I know!!”
Sins of the Black Flamingo - “ OCCULT NOIR. MIAMI SLEAZE. Sebastian Harlow is the Black Flamingo, a flamboyant and narcissistic thief who gets his kicks stealing mystic artifacts from the wealthy and corrupt of Miami's occult underground. When his latest job leads him to his biggest score so far, the hedonistic outlaw discovers something he wasn't looking for-something to believe in.”
Do a Powerbomb - “Lona Steelrose wants to be a pro wrestler, but she's living under the shadow of her mother, the best to ever do it. Everything changes when a wrestling-obsessed necromancer asks her to join the grandest pro wrestling tournament of all time, which is also the most dangerous! It's The Wrestler meets Dragonball Z in a tale where the competitors get more than they ever bargained for!”
Seven Sons - “JAE LEE returns to creator-owned comics with his first new title since 1994, a seven-issue limited series. SEVEN SONS is The Fugitive meets the Book of Revelation. Delph, a young man who may be the Second Coming of Christ, runs for his life as he attempts to learn the truth behind his existence.”
Samurai Sonja - “ An ALL-NEW SONJA! The Sengoku period of Japan: A time of near-constant civil war. Sonja, daughter of a slain samurai, is eager to prove herself worthy of her family's glorious history. But in a desperate moment, Sonja will make an awful deal with a dreaded sea goddess: She will be gifted magical armor and weapons capable of slaying mythical beasts! But if she falls in battle, her bloodline will be erased, her family's name no more. “
The Closet - “ A tale of existential familial horror by JAMES TYNION IV (THE DEPARTMENT OF TRUTH, RAZORBLADES) and GAVIN FULLERTON (BOG BODIES, Bags). Thom is moving cross-country with his family and dragging the past along with them. His son, Jamie, is seeing monsters in the bedroom closet and will not let them go.“
The Ward - “From the writer of Star Wars: The High Republic comes an intense medical drama brimming with fairies, trolls, and real human pathos. St. Lilith's is a secret hospital for supernatural creatures. The personnel are overworked and the facility is underfunded. It's a place, and a life, Dr. Nat Reeves thought she left behind. Until a wounded woman (with a tail) appears on her doorstep.”
The Lonesome Hunters -  “An old and out-of-practice monster hunter in hiding crosses paths with a young girl that forces him to confront these chaotic creatures. As the beasts invade their tenement, they set off on a supernatural road trip to stop these ancient evils in a story that explores the ways that youth informs adulthood and how early traumas can haunt us of in old age."
Mindset - “When an introverted tech geek accidentally discovers mind control, he and his friends do something unexpected - they put the science into an app to help users break their technology addiction. But as their Mindset app achieves a dangerous cult following, lies, conspiracies, and murder come to light. Are they helping people or controlling them?”
Image Comics killing it as usual.
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aquillis-main · 1 year
Sonic Prime Notes Part 1
Episode 1:
Makes Green Hill the only place Sonic and his friends live in.
Sonic's friends immediately say that he's late, even though the episode starts in medias res.
Sonic talks nothing but good things about his friends within the first few minutes, yet the first interaction with them is an angry dismissal.
Tails looks pissed off even though Sonic came in regardless of how tardy he is.
Knuckles throws a dig at Sonic, instead of being jokey about Sonic's tardiness.
Doesn't take into account Knuckles' habit of being gullible in that games, thus contradicting canon.
Sonic is constantly needing to be bailed out, even though the show has stated that Sonic has been fighting Eggman for at least years.
Rouge just says 'Don't mention it, literally', which out of the others is the most nicest out of them all.
Amy's also is nice to Sonic, just simply asking where he's been in comparison.
Tails states that they don't know what the Prism is capable of.
Sonic is so slow in this urgent notice, not helped by how many times the scenes keep jumping to Sonic, then the Prism.
Instead of actually helping Sonic, All four of the group just put out a weak 'Sonic, no'.
Tails even yells 'Sonic wait' as if that'll stop Sonic from pulling a Knuckles shattering the ME
We don't actually see the actual point of Sonic hitting the Prism, thus it can be speculated that instead of Sonic reaching it, Eggman broke it by crushing it.
Sonic's friends in his floaty memory space all talk good things/non antagonistic things about him, even though we have not seen those moments due to the nature of in medias res opening
'That's a Sonic Boom of a headache'. Kill me.
"Truck stop chili dogs", implying that chilli dogs are drugged/food poisoned, even though he's talking about it in relation to his shoes being glowy and sparky.
Sonic immediately calls for Tails and Amy, even though he's supposedly on a 'bad relationship' with all of his friends.
Sonic acts like a petulant child in front of random strangers, even though he's more mature than this in the games.
Big exists in alternate universes even though he was not close when the Shattering occurred.
Signs of eggman all over, yet Sonic cannot put two and two together.
Show only focuses on Green Hill, thus all the alt universes are variations of Green Hill
Tails figures out that Eggman is pulling a ploy, yet sonic disregards it to make a quip.
"I don't see a trap, though I guess by definition I wouldn't see a trap if there was one." - Sonic, after being by Tails that Eggman is trapping him.
Tails fails to explain himself, instead repeating what he said.
Sonic mentions Tails being his best friend, even though the entire show's plot revolves around Sonic needing to reconnect with his friends.
Eggman's using Sonic to blow up the mountain instead of blowing up the mountain himself.
Tails leaves instead of explaining, and sonic sounds more like Dragonball Z Abridged Goku over actual Sonic.
Game Sonic would be able to tell Tails is upset, Prime Sonic doesn't.
Prime Sonic immediately apologizes and tries to set things right with Tails, yet still needs to 'reconnect with his friends'.
Sonic keeps on harping on how Rouge got in, even though he left the door open.
Sonic and the others converse about what Eggman's doing far away from the mountain, while Eggman manages to win within the same time frame.
This is the seventh time Eggman winning has been established. This is the second time Eggman used ultradimensional stuff in order to do this.
"What in the name of Green Hill is going on?" - Wait a Mobius Minute remastered.
Sonic immediately goes to try and find Tails, which again contradicts the whole plot of 'Sonic needs to reconnect with his friends'.
Sonic constantly changes between 'utter dumbass' and 'hyperaware' in several scenes.
Sonic immediately does not recognize Tails to be an alt universe self, despite meeting a Big that did not know him earlier.
To many instances of the word 'fox' in the recollection scene.
Sonic does NOT SHUT UP.
Another moment of Sonic leaning on the fourth wall occurs when he meets Rusty Rose.
None of the Chaos Council Characters are ACTUALY Dr. Eggman. The only one is Mr. Doctor Eggman, implying that this version does not have an actual doctorate.
Sonic is the slapstick target: 20
Episode 2:
Shadow literally starts the episode sounding like he's having diarrhea issues
Random Chaos Emerald in the middle of nowhere, and Shadow wants to fuck it.
Sonic has a weird ego trip, and Shadow threw the first punch.
Sonic and Shadow decide to fight in the middle of something for nothing but wanting to fight each other.
Sonic keeps provoking Shadow despite telling Shadow that he's on a mission earlier.
Shadow instantly punches Sonic, despite Sonic mentioning to Shadow that he is on a mission.
Sonic throughout the episode is not allowed to fight, because he gets dizzy. Even though he has been spinning into a ball multiple times, and has showcased more stamina before in the games.
Sonic doesn't hear Tails' shout, and gives Tails a thumbs up instead of stopping or slowing down.
Sonic slapstick count: 32
All the notes I have for Sonic Prime atm. Will not know when I get around to the next set, need time to digest this... experience.
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midnightactual · 2 years
I feel like there were no casualties because Kubo never wants to kill any of the captains. I mean when they first should up the sternritter one the fights they were in they just didn’t kill any of the main characters. Also the old gotei being the strongest incarnation doesn’t feel that weird I mean we’ve seen captains get replaced with weaker alternatives now.
Kubo is for sure extremely reticent to kill off Shinigami characters. (See: literally no loyal Shinigami deaths at all from Aizen's machinations; Gin and Kaname are the only Shinigami to die.) But again, this is a kind of Doylist explanation. In-universe, we've got some weird facts to wrangle with.
The contemporary Sternritter of Wandenreich are way stronger than the Quincy of Lichtreich, because 1. Yhwach himself is way stronger in 2003 than in 1004 because he grows stronger from Quincy deaths, and 2. notable Sternritter powers like both forms of Blut and Vollständig have their power levels directly controlled by this stronger Yhwach, and Vollständig is "new" (likely less than a century old).
The other threats to the contemporary Shinigami, like Hollows and Arrancar, are also implied to be rather more highly evolved now than in the past. Kuruyashiki in SAFWY is stated to have killed a Vasto Lorde which is a highly uncommon feat ("But you never hear about anyone taking down a Vasto Lorde like you did in the past, Captain"). It's anime-only, but it's worth noting it has one of Aizen's Arrancar almost defeating Harribel, a Vasto Lorde, suggesting Arrancarized Adjuchas are roughly as strong as natural Vasto Lordes. To go back to a superior threat, you have to go back to Ikomikidomoe, which beat Yamamoto... before he had a zanpakutō.
So, we know that of the original Gotei 13, all of them were dead by 1891 except Yamamoto and Retsu. What killed them all if they were so much stronger than the current Gotei 13 Captains, and all their opponents were so much weaker? That's a contradiction and a mystery. There are again at least two possible answers in my view.
The first is that they weren't that strong and it was all hype.
The second is that their strength didn't manifest in a straightforward fashion as so many like to imagine. Bleach fans like to imagine Bleach is like Dragonball Z and has power levels, but it doesn't. It's a lot closer to Pokémon elemental matchups. Kubo and Narita both more or less openly declare this; to return to Kuruyashiki, he asks Shunsui if Shunsui could beat a Vasto Lorde, and Shunsui says it all depends and that maybe he could beat a Vasto Lorde and yet lose to a Gillian. Kaien losing to Metastacia is another example, as is Rukia being crippled by Fishbone D in the very first chapter. Circumstance and matchup are vital in Bleach.
So it could be that the OG Gotei 13 was strong in highly unconventional ways. Think like Mayuri, whose direct personal combat power is relatively low but whose overall combat utility is exceptionally high.
We probably won't know the answers, to be honest. These guys appeared for literally one panel in the manga, and I don't expect the anime will be handing them a few episodes of flashbacks or anything.
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cc-dbz-skw · 2 years
(cc) Goku [Info]
LINKS: character tag | canondiv muse tag
Canon Divergent, tagged: ccVerse: ?
Raditz Saga
Saiyan Saga
Namek Saga
Frieza Saga
Android Saga
Cell Saga / Cell Games
Buu Saga
Dragon Ball Super
Tournament of Power
Dragon Ball Super: Broly
Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero
Dragon Ball FighterZ
End of Z
Alternate Universes // AUs
Future Trunks Timeline: Goku kills Frieza & King Cold
Goku does not let go of Raditz’s tail + Garlic Junior movie
Goku does not give a Sensu bean to Cell 
Xeno Goku: from Dragon Ball Heroes & Xenoverse (romantic) Ships
Chi Chi [GoChi]
Bulma [GoBul]
Snow [GoSno]
Headcanons (from RPs/crack scripts)
(still) thinks marriage = mayonnaise + porridge 
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galaxys-child · 6 years
AU Questions: If Raditz didn't come to Earth until much later, how much would Goku Son prepare for his fight against Piccolo Junior if he had kidnapped his boy, Gohan Son, told Goku to prepare for their rematch against each other within five days and finally told the hero that if he didn't go to him alone, he'll kill his son before flying away? ....And what do you think Chichi would say and do once she knew what happened to her and Goku's son?
You mean: What if Piccolo was the one who kidnapped Gohan instead of Raditz?
I believe Goku would try to go after his son immediately like he does in the Raditz arc.
According to the saiyan scouter Goku has already a higher power level than Piccolo at this time. Well, I don’t believe it would be an easy fight, but I think Goku would win against Piccolo eventually. Chichi would be furious, of course. Maybe she would go after Goku and Gohan like she did in the Raditz arc.
Yeah, I beleve the story wouldn’t be much different from the actual arc (only Raditz is replaced by Piccolo)
Has anyone else other ideas?
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shauntaysart · 7 months
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In a fit of rage at the sight of his Moon Princess hurt, Gohan snaps momentarily and beats the offender near death. When Chibiusa regains consciousness, her light brings Gohan back to himself. His relief at seeing Chibiusa alive and more or less well is disorienting. He basks in her light and warmth as she reassures him that she’s fine.
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katschusa · 5 years
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So apparently is happened that i became an author over the last monnths and this is my very first baby to be published (I‘m working on different stories at the same time, so there‘s more to come lol).
Luminous is a light fluffy story about Vegeta joining a squad of makeup artists and eventually falling in love (I know, shockingly surprising!) So if you‘re up for an kind of human AU (not really but you‘ll have to read yourself lol) with fashion and makeup, this might be yours lol.
To get a first impression, here‘s a snippet for you:
"Awww Miss! You look so gorgeous! We are not worthy of your presence!"
As these underlings went on with their hollering, a woman entered the room. She had a slim figure and legs so long, she could‘ve been a model. She was too short for modeling, of course, but she wasn‘t less stunning. Her blue eyes were only overwhelmed by her wavy hair of teal color, falling down like waterfalls on her shoulders.
He didn‘t know that this color actually naturally existed in this world but she was the living evidence.
But with all these gorgeous girls, the problem was that they always had an arrogance, almost poisoning the people around them. Vegeta already learned in North that those girls were nice to look at, but nothing more. He dismissed any thoughts of her, going back to his actual work.
"Guys, please. Whatever you think you‘re gaining with kissing my ass, just don‘t." And there it was. Diva attitude at it‘s finest
So if this sounds like anything you would read, I‘d be glad if you try it out and give me some advice on what to improve (no matter if it‘s writing, formatting, posting on AO3) or maybe just give me some love ♥️
Thank you all in advance!!
Check out the fic here:
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big-boah · 2 years
Guess what?! Chapter 26 was just posted ‼️ It's dating time 😈
Thank you so much for all the support, my heart (and ultra ego) hasn't felt this warm n fuzzy in a long time 🥲 I love you guys!
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