#dragonfly ring
abhinavjeweller · 10 months
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Sterling Silver Spinner Ring, Anxiety Sunflower Fidget Ring, Silver Wide Band Ring Women, Bee & Flower Spinner Ring , Thumb Boho Ring Women
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leightworks · 2 years
Want to know encapsulate tips to help you play it classy with rings? Dive in now to read Sterling Silver Rings: A Subtle Yet Elegant Way to Accessorize blog.
Read more - https://leightworks.com/blogs/blog/sterling-silver-rings-a-subtle-yet-elegant-way-to-accessorize
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michaelnordeman · 3 months
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Four-spotted chaser/fyrfläckad trollslända and Golden-ringed dragonfly/kungstrollslända (bottom picture). Värmland, Sweden (June 14, 2020).
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estrangedandwayward · 2 months
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Figuring out that if I want to paint the faces on with gouache I need to do it a little bigger than I do with watercolor
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dmitriyuriev · 2 years
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Blood of the Slumbering Empyrean
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okiidokii · 1 year
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Obligotry Once-a-Month art post, and here's the main five designs lol.
I'm hella busy right now and I already barely had time to draw the Lagoona and Cleo designs, I then realized I had some problems with my first take on the big three so I redesigned them. I'll make bios for Lagoona and Cleo (as well as Ghoulia and Spectra, who are supposed to be part of this "Wave 1" lineup), but just unshaded full-bodies for now.
edit: Individual artworks cause the main image is blurry as shit 😭
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Tangent under the Cut!
I made some little changes for Frankie ( I now realize I didn't even complete the pattern of the leg warmers, but ngl I'm vibing with the asymmetry). I just thought their design was too busy to work for a doll. Not that I am planning on making these designs into dolls, but that was my mindset when designing them. The excessive patterns, while looking cool to me, might seem off-putting to see on shelves so I toned it down a bit. Also removed some layers of clothes cause LOL there is NO way Mattel would ever put that many layers on a playline doll. Also changed the shoes, kinda rushed the first ones I designed I didn't like them at all. I feel these one fit my direction for Frankie a lot more.
Cleo was very inspired by Mcbling era of 2000s fashion. I like G1 Cleo a lot, but I think she was of the main dolls who didn't really have a clear fashion style attached to her, just wearing Egyptian motifs. Which don't get me wrong, looked really good at times, but I feel a lot more could be done with her. I associate the Mcbling era with extreme consumerism and hyper-femininity, and like... if that's not Cleo. Gave Cleo hazy eyes, jaundice, and generally ashy skin so she looks especially dead looking.
I didn't really have that much beef with my Clawdeen design as much as I had beef with her drawing. Like it looked SO bad compared to the rest. I actually sat my as down and drew her braids this time. I also changed her bra-mesh shirt cause 1.) again, Mattel will never put that many layers on a playline doll 2.)IDK maybe I'm a prude but perhaps it was too much for a 15 year old?
Lagoona was really a case of having my cake (making her Australian) and eating it too (making her a WOC). My Lagoona Blue is a Yawk-Yawk, a sea creature with sea-weed hair from the Bininj indigenous people of Australia. I wanted to connect her to an actual sea creature because honestly G1 half-sea nymph thing was vague as hell, and G3 is giving us literally nothing.I'd like to imagine the seaweed being a plastic mold at the back of her neck, like Viperine snakes. A lot of redesigns of Lagoona tend to go for streetwear or sport-leisure, but I went for beach fashion cause I liked the vibes. To compensate for the utter mainstreamness of her fashion, I tried to give her weird makeup.
Drac changed significantly because she was the only one whose design I outright disliked, at least for a hypothetical core doll. I removed the pink streaks cause I thought while it might look cool as a drawing, it might look garish on a doll (that and It'd be difficult to root with a machine). Still think the design might be a hassle to translate to doll form (the skirt is WAY too much), so I might have to revise it, again. But I like this direction much more.
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dansnaturepictures · 4 months
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Our wild adventure in Yorkshire 1st-8th June 2024 
Over the past week we have had another fantastic, packed, relaxing and breathtaking wild holiday this year, this time returning to the Yorkshire coast for a trip based around visiting the incredible RSPB Bempton Cliffs. It was an amazing week. 
The main highlights came on the visits to Bempton on Monday and Friday, going on a boat trip underneath there and Flamborough Head on Wednesday and visits to Flamborough Head and North Landing and Thornwick Bay where we were mesmerised to be immersed in bustling seabird colonies. It was magical especially to be ensconced in the elegant world of Gannets, seeing these remarkable and bold sea kings and queens in huge numbers was an honour getting views of ones with vegetation in their bills, scuffles and many flying and still views. The enchanting Puffins with their parrot beaks were also stars of the trip, I can never tire of these birds which awaken by heart. As do Guillemots and Razorbills, more awesome auks treasured at close quarters this week. Another of my favourites the Fulmars meandered in the wind and brought me much joy. Also making Bempton and Flamborough stand out are true seagulls, the angelic Kittiwakes whose onomatopoeic calls provide the colonies’ main soundtrack, precious to witness seeing the quirky sight of the ones nesting on buildings in urban Bridlington too. The sight, sound and smell of seabird colonies enriched my soul. Also seen this week were Herring Gulls well including young, Shag, Sandwich Tern and loads of Little Terns on a first visit to places I had always wanted to go the peculiar and almost otherworldly Spurn and Kilnsea Wetlands.  
At Kilnsea Wetlands we saw a surprise bird of the trip with exhilarating views of our first Yellow Wagtails of the year, part of a rich farmland double of bird year ticks for me this trip alongside thrilling views of a grand pair of Grey Partridges on a walk from Bempton. We were spellbound to watch two owls, brilliant Barn Owl views at Bempton and epic views of stunning Short-eared Owl at Flamborough North Landing just before setting off for home today. Also standing out throughout the week were a scattering of other pretty passerines; luxurious views of Bempton’s gorgeous Tree Sparrows birds I love seeing, strong Sedge Warbler views, Whitethroat, Chiffchaff, Stonechat including young, Reed Buntings, Dunnock, House Sparrow, Starling, Goldfinch, Song Thrush, lots of views of hirundines Swallow, House Martin and Sand Martin including on nests and Swifts. It was good to see Pheasants and Stock Dove too. Beautiful Little Ringed Plover, Ringed Plover, Avocet, Grey Plover, Oystercatcher, Lapwing, Grey Heron, Teal and Wigeon mostly at Kilnsea Wetlands and Spurn were nice wader and waterfowl sightings with a Cuckoo’s call heard in a third area of the country for us this year alongside Hampshire and Scotland reverberating over the North York Moors landscape at Fen Bog Nature Reserve. 
Lepidoptera played a big part in the week with my treasured first sighting of a Small Copper this year a butterfly I needed to see at Fen Bog Nature Reserve and it was also good to see some of my last Orange Tips of the year I shall imagine with them coming to their end especially at home with lovely Painted Lady at Bempton Cliffs, Red Admiral, Dingy Skipper, Speckled Wood and Green-veined White other butterflies enjoyed. Silver Y and Mother Shipton were good to see too as was Brown House moth where we stayed. We also saw some nice caterpillars, burnet moth, Garden Tiger moth and Brown-tail moth. 
Onto other wildlife and mammals starred in the week with astonishing sightings of Weasel and Field Voles at Bempton Cliffs providing me some of my moments of the year, making my mammal year list my joint highest ever alongside last year’s total. It was breathtaking to watch iconic Grey Seals from land and from the boat at Flamborough Head with some powerful intimate experiences. Brown Hare on another holiday this year, Rabbit and Grey Squirrel were nice to see too. Fen Bog brought more marvellous moments with my first giant Golden-ringed Dragonfly and thrilling Common Lizard of the year, with bees, lots of snails and slugs including Black Slugs, flies, a Green Tiger beetle at Fen Bog also seen in Scotland, at home and Yorkshire for me this year and Long-bodied Cellar Spider at where we stayed other highlights. 
There were some fabulous flowers seen with hogweed and red campion painting swathes of colour on Bempton’s seaside meadows. Common butterwort and heath bedstraw at Fen Bog Nature Reserve and many marsh orchids adorning the coast were other key species seen. Other key flowers enjoyed across the week were meadow crane’s-bill, herb-Robert, yellow rattle, plantain, white and red clover, groundsel, oxeye daisy, daisy, chamomile, hawksbeard, sow thistle, milkwort, comfrey, poppies, mouse-ear chickweed, green alkanet, roses, buttercups, cuckooflower, vetch and seas of kidney vetch painting cliffs.
Thursday brought something slightly different for us with a look at nearby to where we stayed Sewerby Hall and Gardens; feeling inspired to see the Wildlife Photographer of the Year exhibition and enjoying gladiolus, roses and forget-me-not in the gardens and Humboldt Penguins, Racoon Dogs and Rheas in the Zoo among others. Quite something to see Penguins which I love then see the auks Guillemots, Razorbills and Puffin on a look at Thornwick Bay later in the day; my early childhood obsession with Penguins meaning I was drawn to these northern hemisphere counterparts when I first got into birdwatching in my mid-late childhood sowing the seeds for my hobby and passion something I reflected on a lot this week in this big seabird experiences. Finally particularly centring on rugged and stunning coast but also including meadows, moor and marsh and hints of woodland with picture postcard seaside at Bridlington too I have taken in some breathtaking views this week and nice sky scenes too. An unforgettable and extraordinary week. 
The photos I took in this photoset from the week are of; Tree Sparrow, Yellow Wagtail, carrot type flowers at Flamborough North Landing, hawksbit type flowers with a fly and beetle on at Fen Bog Nature Reserve, view at Spurn and snail at Flamborough Head, view at Thornwick Bay, Kittiwake at Flamborough Head and views at Flamborough North Landing and Sewerby Gardens.
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allaboutrings · 2 years
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Vintage Masriera 18k Gold Topaz, Diamond, and Enamel Dragonfly Ring
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hypn0sssss · 2 months
I got bored so I ranked all of the horror movies I've watched so far! (I'm definitely forgetting a couple but meh)
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Missing from the list:
-Dragonfly (2002), would've been C tier
-The Sixth Sense, would've been B tier
-Little Shop of Horrors, Would've been A tier
Update! Watched Halloween (1978) a day after making this and it would've been B tier
Check tags for some commentary!
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manorjewels · 9 months
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Tsavorite and diamond dragonfly ring in yellow gold
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redgryphon · 1 year
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Giant Dragonfly!
Notes and full res for Patrons.
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winter-clue-heart · 7 months
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Chats with Shang-Chi
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billoddity · 2 months
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taking all of my jewelry off the second i get into bed because of how overstimulating it is
+ i'm geeked
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michaelnordeman · 1 year
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Golden-ringed dragonfly/kungstrollslända. Värmland, Sweden (June 14, 2020).
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ryan-falx · 4 months
I seriously hate these things so much
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