#dream smp ??? in this economy???
kvaughanarts · 1 year
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Shoutout to the dream team, gotta be some of my favorite babygirls
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francium-hydroxide · 2 years
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my man could've talked about how he incorporated that eye scar that many fanartists & fanfic writers first headcanoned him with but noOOoooo he's gotta pull this shit
& just for a lil brain refresher in case any of y'all had forgotten, what exactly was the question wilbur had supposedly shut down the last convention??
"were c!wilbur & c!quackity ever romantically involved" (or smt along those lines)
...what's stopping me from thinking that cc! quackity is the #1 c!tntduo truther??
& you're telling me amongst the THOUSANDS of headcanons fans have created for your character, this one is your favourite??????
(ik he's probably just fucking with us but let me take this as a partial win for a second bc im surviving off crumbs rn))
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error-dream-was-found · 4 months
I always wondered do you prefer ctechno, cquackity and cdream as hybrids or as humans? I personally like both
oh my god what is this?! An ask?!??? A got an ask????
Hi! Thanks for the ask <3
I never really thought about it but I would say that overall I love both versions. All the different designs are just so cool. Though in my writing I usually prefer human Dream and hybrid Technoblade. Quackity is a bit more complicated. He is a human in few of my ideas but I also the idea of him having wings so it's 50/50. In two of my published works he is a hybrid but in fantasy au he is a human and ... I honestly have no idea what he is in crow's nest 😅 I don't think we've ever determined what he is in that one 🤔
I hope that this answers your questions, I know that it's not the best answer 😅
Have a nice day 💙
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uyun · 2 years
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snailsnfriends · 2 years
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chew on the scraps, a c!clingy poem - eat and be well
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i-anonymous-crow · 2 years
So I wrote a thing
I've been working on an angsty c!DnF fic for a solid month and you should totally read it. The link to it is here but here's a snippet to further entice you (man I'm so good at snippets)
And so he begins to sleep the days away, only finding solace in knowing that the days all blurred together into a great big thing he willingly allowed to rush by. Time becomes a foreign concept that holds no meaning in his dreamt up world, a palace of memories from a time gone by. 
But occasionally, he can feel himself surfacing. A pained voice beckoning him to rise, a weary one warning of the horrid state of the world. And every time he can feel himself surfacing, his mind threatening to break the smooth surface of consciousness, he fights. He inhales mouthfuls of fatigue, drowning himself in liquid stardust until his lungs are heavy enough that he sinks back to the bottom. 
A weightless state of being as he drifts in and out of dreams, blissfully ignorant about the happenings of the real world. Yet as he delves deeper into grander and more spectacular fantasies, the lines between these two states of being begins to blur. These two halves of his being begin to bleed into each other, beautifully vivid imaginations staining the dreadfully dry memories he has managed to retain. 
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rat-rosemary · 2 years
I am on the edge of getting a mild dabloon hyperfixation
I want to make a dsmp reincarnation au based off the dnd side of the dabloon economy soooooo bad you have to idea
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dodgebolts · 1 year
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I had a draft of about 5 of these results ready to go pre-face reveal but then everything went to shit so just for some closure here are the results (FROM SEPTEMBER!) ^_^
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This chart shows the percentage of total respondents who indicated that they mained the people above. This isn't a comprehensive list, with other streamers like SBI, Benchtrio, or other DSMP-adjacent streamers rounding the answers out!
of the 598 people who filled out the survey, 98.5% main one of the people in the above chart, and 92.8% main one or more of the Dream Team.
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From this question, it seems like DSMP creators are the main pipeline into dtblr—but a good 40% of us didn't start on the Dream Team side!
We have a good amount of people who came from the Corpse/OTV side of Twitch, and a decent amount of you who have been here a while, since SMPLive :]
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A lot of us have been here a long time—66% of us were here before 2021. The vast majority have been here since 2021, a good 93% of us!
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I thought it'd be super interesting to see how watching the Dream Team may have changed how we interact with their primary game, and it looks like a majority of us were crafters before and still are! They managed to get nearly a fifth of his audience here into playing as well!
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A toast to the loss of most of dtblr's favorite MCC player to watch, something that we definitely mourned when we heard the news. But if you're looking for a new POV to watch, survey respondents put down a wide range of players—just outside these top 8 were Ranboo, Tubbo, Grian, Illumina, Purpled, and Hannah!
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Another loss for 6% of dtblr with how this question aged, RIP Trust Issues :( But for the remaining 94% of us, our favorite Drusic is still on streaming platforms. Change my Clothes is only...500k listens away from 67 million listens on Spotify so 👀
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Wow ok as this goes on I realize just how many chapters have ended over the last few months but a salute to the 26% of loreheads on dtblr! On to the next chapter :]
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Now to a touchy subject...who's in the dteam privs? According to the survey responses, 39% of dtblr is in all three! Interestingly, there are more people who follow Dream's alt than his main. Fair enough, there are enough piss tweets on there to warrant unfollowing it!
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Word of mouth and the YouTube algorithm seems to have been the best way for the dteam to get to us—interestingly enough, a good amount of people found out through either Heat Waves the song or through the fanfiction, ranging from it crashing ao3 to commentary YouTubers talking about it on their channels!
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Now for some psychic damage, I'm seeing a lot more of RTAH posting on my dash nowadays but here's some solidarity for everyone who may have come from similar backgrounds ^_^
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Now for some more history—a vast majority of us came from gaming content backgrounds, and nearly 17% of us were primarily mcyt enjoyers. Personal shoutout to Team Crafted viewers we're holding hands <3
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Nearly half of dtblr doesn't consume much Minecraft content outside of the stuff our boys are in, though there's still a pretty large amount of people who watch other SMP's and keep up with the speedrunning scene!
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This one is an ode to the lurkers who keep the economy strong—even now you guys are an essential part of dtblr! Same to the 30-40% of people who post the stuff for lurkers and other dtblr members to see. Everyone is important to keeping our little island afloat <3
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Now onto Banter, most of dtblr doesn't make time for Banter Wednesdays, but if there's an interesting episode, it seems like the trio will capture our attention :]
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Adding some literal variety to our results, I thought it'd be interesting to see what common variety games are our favorites! 95% of us would be tapped in wholeheartedly for Geoguessr or Jackbox streams. On the other hand, Fall Guys and Fortnite are in the middle of the pack, whereas it seems like FPS games are our mortal enemies—62% of us would tap out during Valorant while 46% wouldn't be paying attention to CS:GO.
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Onto the topic of shipping, DNF steamrolled every other ship listed to have nearly 86% of responders saying they ship it. That lines up with the follow-up question, where nearly 90% of respondents either have experience with shipping RPF in the past, or have been caught up with DNFer supreme Dream's antics. Otherwise, there was a good distribution of love for most popular ships within DTQK+, with Karlnap, DNN, and Karlnapity leading the pack at around 25% each!
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Ever wonder how dtblr is spread out across the globe because of the dash being dead at different times? Well, the vast majority of us are in North America and Europe, with 86% of us being between GMT +4 and GMT -4. Much like our streamers, though, a lot of us have fucked up sleep schedules so time zones aren't as much of an issue LMAO
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Next up is a fairly simple one, I had another question that asked for gender but there was, as expected, a lot of variance and nuance that I couldn't fit into a neat graphic. But this one is a fairly simple one to graph so Well here's the 24/7 pride parade Dream mentioned coming in hot, with about 95% of us identifying as LGBT+ or questioning!
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I wanted to test out my theory that GNF mains are also biased towards CS/Engineering fields, so I asked what people were studying! There's a pretty big bias towards the arts and humanities around here, but we also have just as many STEM people around, good on dtblr for academic diversity! As for my hypothesis, 22% of people who indicated they were George mains studied some form of CS/Engineering. George mains also made up 70% of all people who studied CS/Engineering. So cheers to my stem kid gnfers o/
Finally, I don't really know the best way to make a graphic for the favorite colors question, but just know that 50% of us chose either green or blue, and it was a near-even 25%-25% split. Great job dnfers, Dream would be proud <3
Thanks for reading! I hope that this was fun to look through, and I'll be posting an identical one for new dtblr soon! Super excited to see how things have changed since Well. anyways. Also wanted to say thank you to everyone who filled it out, reading all your answers was a ton of fun and I got a ton of laughs out of some of y'alls bonus section content and the few joke answers I got throughout <333
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anarchy-and-piglins · 9 months
A weapon of war update in this economy? It's more likely than you think
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conarcoin · 2 years
Expandedverse - Locations: SMPLive
SMPLive, more commonly referred to by inhabitants as simply "Live", is a region that is known for its trade and commerce. It is often referred to as a "mixing pot" region, however, under the surface, hybrids are treated somewhat like outcasts compared to human players.
SMPLive is unique in that it does not have any ruling deities or religions, and that even its government is largely decentralized. Players who come from other regions often cite this as their reason, feeling trapped by other regions' ruling classes.
Its capital is Spawn City, a large city most recognizable for the large tree that rests in the center of town. Players are free to set up their own shops as they wish here, and charge others what they feel is appropriate.
It is one of the more technologically advanced regions in Minecraftia, due to its bustling economy.
Because it has no ruling deity, death is largely inconsequential in SMPLive as it defaults to the normal respawn system. Because of this, a sort of hybrid sport and industry has emerged where players will take payment to hunt others down. It is viewed as an integral part of the culture.
Dream SMP is its neighbor to the north, Epic SMP to its east, and to the west, a small collection of monarchist nations known as the "Westward Empires".
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stellocchia · 9 months
Woooooooo, day three is here!
This is a bit of a diversion from the usual as I wanted to have more of an outsider pov on Tommy and Dream and then it turned into a whole-ass fantasy AU. First time for this challenge, but it won't be the last ngl.
Anyway, hope you guys like it still!
Logstedshire was a quaint little village caught between the sea and a rather dense forest. It had a grand total of three hundred inhabitants and its economy was supported mostly by the primary sector, with farming and fishing at the forefront. The village didn’t commerce much with its neighbors as they could only leave through the water, and things could get dangerous beyond the coral reef. The weather there was unpredictable and more than one vessel had sunk throughout the years because some greedy businessman did not believe in the power of Mother Nature. Attempts at leaving through the forest never ended any better. The few survivors recounted tales of trees with eyes staring at them in horror, and mouths frozen on a scream. And abounding were the stories of a masked creature haunting them through their every waking moment well after they’d left the confines of the threes. The infamy of those stories was only increased by the rumor that every survivor was found dead from a heart attack within three months after leaving the forest. So, knowing all of that, Wilbur really did not understand why his father and said father’s best friend were so intent on annexing the village to the Antarctic Empire.
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zorishy · 4 months
Reclaimed bursona lore post
Wilson Minecraft (L’Manberg)
Wilson(Lmanbur) grew up in the Antarctic empire with his father Philza, adopted brother Tommy, and godfather Technoblade. As a child, Wilson had dreamed of becoming like his father and ruling an empire, though as he matured he had to accept that this would likely never happen.
Eventually, Wilson moved out, seeking to find adventure and fulfillment in lands beyond the frigid and war hardened empire where he was raised. Wilson tried to start a music career. Unfortunately, this ended in disaster and Wilson working minimum wage at a gas station.
One day, Wilson received a letter from Tommy, telling him of unclaimed territory in the newly discovered Dream SMP. Tommy had never forgotten about Wilson’s childhood dream and when he saw this land he knew this was the perfect place. Wilson left for the SMP the same day.
When he arrived in his van, Wilson met up with Tommy and Tubbo (Tommy’s childhood best friend) on a cliff overlooking the forest. On that very cliff side the boys decided to call their new country L’Manberg. The next day Wilson, Tommy, and Tubbo went to some neighboring settlements to convince people to join L’Manberg, painting the nation as one built on freedom, equality, and solving problems with words rather than violence.
Most people were fiercely loyal to their leader, Dream, and ignored the boys. However, a small group of people bought into the idea, seeking freedom from the labor that Dream was forcing them to do to start colonies. These 4 people, Niki Nihachu, Sally Soot, Eret Brine, and Jack Manifold became the first residents of L’Manberg.
The group was later joined by Wilson’s old friends Alexis Quackity and J. Schlatt. Quackity and Schlatt had recently gotten involved in the drug trade, leading Wil to bring them on board to boost the nation’s economy. About two months after L’Manberg was founded, Wilson had fallen in love with and married Sally and now they were expecting a child. Their daughter was born perfectly healthy and was named Floris (though he would come out as trans years later and change his name to Fundy).
Though things went well at first, peace would not last in L’Manberg for long. Only 6 months after L’Manberg’s founding, Dream (the man who discovered the Dream SMP) claimed that he found the land first and thus he owned it, demanding that the new nation be ruled by him. Wilson and the other L’Manbergians weren’t going to put up with tyranny, and so the Great L’Manberg Revolution began. The war lasted for several years but ultimately L’Manberg won its independence.
After the war, Wilson realized that he was no less tyrannical than Dream, having made himself the president without considering the opinions of his citizens. To solve this issue, Wilson decided to hold an election; however, Wil would soon come to regret this decision.
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snailsnfriends · 2 years
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dry grass, a c!wilbur poem - and when did it not hurt? and when was it not humiliating?
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munetune · 2 years
hitting on 16 annotation dump
originally created march 24th 2022
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transcript below for easy reading + extra notes at the end i added that aren’t in the image
note: some of this is disjointed, some of it is just random thoughts. this is just how I like annotating
Title: Hitting on 16 Annotation Dump 
Speaker: "Las Nevadas" as told by c!Wilbur (this is because all of the lines open with "I am" and the last line is "I am turgid Las Nevadas") 
Side Note: throwback to when you had to do those poems in high school/secondary school
Side Note 2: themes of artifice, healing, pain, and corruption?
First Line: I am the gilding of the gold 
gilding with gold: covering up appearances to look good, hiding (reminds me of Gilded Age) 
gold: power, righteousness, wealth
Second Line: I am the painting of the lily 
painting: artistic, passionate, 'higher class'/elevated, sophisticated, not real, imitation of the real thing 
lily: purity, death...
Third Line: I am the crushing of the sand 
crush: violent connotations 
crushing of sand: sand is already crushed. overdoing it? overcompensation? tryhard? grind down to dust? dust = death 
 Side Note: lol sand
Fourth Line: I am the tirading tide of bland 
tide: ocean = change, purity, vast 
tirade: long angry speech: c!Quackity DID make Las Nevadas as part of his defiant attempt to reclaim agency and power...
bland: c!Wilbur sees all of this and deems it boring... uninspired. tasteless. (which he doesn't actually because he wouldn't have wanted to join if he truly believed this) -> plays into the burger empire, bland food haha
Fifth Line: I am the taunting silver light which penetrates and scars the sky 
The Needle! Or the Effiel Tower, not sure 
taunting: reminder that c!Wilbur is rejected from Las Nevadas... He can probably see this from the Burger Van. 
silver: pure, holy 
penetrates: occupies his mind.
sky - mind, reminds me of c!Quackity's wings scars: reminds me of c!Quackity's scar... maybe equating Las Nevadas sky to c!Quackity? or maybe c!Quackity is the embodiment of Las Nevadas... also the fact that c!Quackity has his office in the Needle, and he bases his operations in there, so if the scar = the needle then it's like his actions stem from his trauma and pain... (percieved by c!Wilbur?) Additionally, scars are signs of healed over injuries... c!Quackity trying to heal from the past and move on even though it hurts sometimes. But if Las Nevadas is "artificial and fake", does this mean that c!Quackity's healing is fake? (c!Wilbur thinks c!Quackity isn't actually healing?) Alternatively, the light/tower is doing the scarring, so maybe this is hurting c!Quackity rather than helping
Sixth Line: I am the remnant hopes and dreams of all good men that come to die 
remnant = ghost: relates to "come to die" 
hopes and dreams: c!Quackity wanting a place to belong and call a home/reclaim agency & power 
good men: the corruption of c!Quackity Sadge
come to die: people gamble in hopes of winning it big but just end up in debt, maybe saying that c!Quackity is gambling on Las Nevadas making his dreams (previously stated above) come true, but it will ultimately fail (RUDE)
Seventh Line: I am the surgeon's chromium dagger 
surgeon: precision, skilled, career with a high percentage of sociopaths, able to ruthlessly do what others can't/maybe saying c!Quackity/Las Nevadas has no empathy. Maybe a callback to the healing in line five?
L'Manburg was made with the intent of being a drug empire and later prioritized being a home, Las Nevadas was made to control the economy on the SMP... maybe c!Wilbur feels like it is heartless in comparison to L'Manburg?  Even though they were both started as financial projects, Las Nevadas is on a very different scale... maybe some jealousy? 
chromium: shiny 
dagger: different connotation from sword, sword is more affiliated with knights and daggers are more associated with thieves = sneaky/cunning
Eighth (Final) Line: I am turgid Las Nevadas 
turgid: reminds me of turd not gonna lie 
swollen: infection? rotten, corrupted? impure intentions compared to L'Manburg? 
pompous: c!Wilbur thinks it is stuck-up 
Concludes that Las Nevadas has these qualities
Theory: self-projection by c!Wilbur. Might feel like he is putting on these ideas of grandeur but is actually investing into false hope and grasping at dreams to hold onto. Blandness... being tired... sounds like depression. Taunting light, he wants that healing for himself?  But he recognizes that it is unhealthy... unhealthy coping mechanisms? Jealous maybe? of c!Quackity who seems to have it together and wants that for himself while putting down c!Quackity/Las Nevadas because he wants them on the same level, to be kindred spirits. But he also recognizes that c!Quackity doesn't entirely have it all together, which is why he keeps poking at him to see the ugly, the anger. He doesn't want to be alone in his pain. Misery loves company and he is misery. He wants this shiny exterior to be fake, and to some extent he is correct. c!Quackity is in pain and he is hurting- he's trying to hold on and pull himself together and move on because if he doesn't it'll ruin him. Reminds me of c!Schlatt's ghost in the lore teasers...  c!Wilbur recognizes maybe that Las Nevadas is a place born from trauma and pain, and identifies with it. I am Las Nevadas, born from pain.
extras notes (created march 26th 2022): ADDING TO THE THEME OF ARTIFICE !! the fact that the desert is manmade!
inserted link to the following tweet
transcript of the tweet thread by @linktoo_craft (originally created march 25th 2022):
literally will never get over how poetic it is that quackity's las nevadas is an artificial desert
(addition march 26th 2022) The way it was originally a snow biome. Quackity rebuilt it by himself to his own vision of his city as a means to make it his own. It's a fake desert. Nevadas is translated to snow in spanish. Embellished and beautiful in its artificiality, a city of lights.
(addition march 26th 2022) Also something about foolish leaving his own home which is in a real desert and persuaded to go follow quackity, in a manmade desert. Like how cool is that when you look at all the miles and miles of sand and it starts goddamn snowing
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ao3feed-crimeboys · 9 months
Stalker's Tango
by Stellocchia
Logstedshire was a quaint little village caught between the sea and a rather dense forest. It had a grand total of three hundred inhabitants and its economy was supported mostly by the primary sector, with farming and fishing at the forefront.
The village didn’t commerce much with its neighbors as they could only leave through the water, and things could get dangerous beyond the coral reef. The weather there was unpredictable and more than one vessel had sunk throughout the years because some greedy businessman did not believe in the power of Mother Nature.
Attempts at leaving through the forest never ended any better. The few survivors recounted tales of trees with eyes staring at them in horror, and mouths frozen on a scream. And abounding were the stories of a masked creature haunting them through their every waking moment well after they’d left the confines of the threes. The infamy of those stories was only increased by the rumor that every survivor was found dead from a heart attack within three months after leaving the forest.
So, knowing all of that, Wilbur really did not understand why his father and said father’s best friend were so intent on annexing the village to the Antarctic Empire.
Words: 6761, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 3 of Stell's cPrimetober Collection
Fandoms: Dream SMP
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen
Characters: Wilbur Soot, TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Clay | Dream (Video Blogging RPF), Phil Watson | Philza, Technoblade (Video Blogging RPF)
Relationships: Clay | Dream & TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Wilbur Soot & TommyInnit, Wilbur Soot & Phil Watson | Philza, Wilbur Soot & Technoblade & Phil Watson | Philza
Additional Tags: Witch TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Cryptid Dream | Clay (Video Blogging RPF), BAMF Clay | Dream (Video Blogging RPF), BAMF TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Phil Watson is Wilbur Soot's Parent, Bad Parent Phil Watson (Video Blogging RPF), Alternate Universe - Fantasy, Self-Worth Issues, Wilbur Soot-centric, Found Family, Clay | Dream and TommyInnit are Like Siblings (Video Blogging RPF), Fluff and Angst, Happy Ending, Scopophobia, Stalking, Eyes, Good Clay | Dream (Video Blogging RPF), It/Its Pronouns for Clay | Dream (Video Blogging RPF)
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detectiveaku · 1 year
Could I ask what the fic you're writing is?
okay where do i start
when humanity was faced with extinction to a lethal withering disease, world leaders sent 0.01% of its population into underground bunkers and nuke the rest of humanity. Eighty years later, the bunkers reopened and their descendants were free to rebuild the world in whatever image they choose.
this fic, ive called it the reputation au, takes place twenty years after that, in the remnants of Las Vegas, Nevada, though its inhabitants renamed it Las Nevadas. (yes it is loosely inspired by fallout: new vegas, but not enough that I can really call it a crossover)
the plot begins with six people receiving a floppy disk from an anonymous buyer, four of which are decoys to the two that have the power to change the tides in a decade-long power struggle, and tasked to deliver it to different locations in the local area. as this is happening, the last outposts of Pogtopia, a democratic band of raiders seeking to bring law and justice back to the country and led by their president Wilbur Soot, are at their last stand against the fierce nation of Manburg, an imperial warmongering state led by Caesar Schlatt. Las Nevadas has built a flourishing economy inside the walls of its city, reinforced with robotic soldiers loyal to the elusive House, whose face hasn't been seen by anyone, dead or alive, but its leaders are looking to make moves outside its borders. and many people, including the technology developers of Snowchester and the charitable samaritans of the Eggpire, are wondering why they should have to care about these wars in the first place. it follows the cast of the dream smp as fight to carve out a reputation for themselves in the shape of the world they seek to build.
in other words it is a post-apocalyptic political drama combining every single arc of the dream smp into one very chaotic narrative. the main characters (at least three perspective chapters and the most important plot-wise) are Tommy, Quackity, Tubbo, (maybe) Niki, and (maybe) Ponk (I'm still outlining that part but I think it's them). it is my hope that everyone in the dream smp is in the fic, and most of them will have a perspective chapter.
if you want to know about a specific character or faction or whatever lmk ive been working on this for a while and im so excited to start posting :D
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