#dreamworks abominable
frie-ice · 1 year
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I had been thinking about doing a crossover collage on Chelsea and Dr. Zara ever since I saw Bunnymund05's Evil Princess ( Merida and Ariel ) Attack Elsa meme. Zara does look like Merida when her hair is down and her glasses are off, while many can agree that Chelsea is DreamWorks's evil take on Ariel. With it being Pride month it felt like the perfect time to make this.
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sarilolla · 2 years
So I finally watched dreamworks abominable yesterday, and I noticed the scientist lady looks a lot like another scientist lady I love. Like my actual first thought upon seeing her was “is that Riley?”
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Dr Zara and Riley looks a lot like each other…
Which also explains the gay panic I had when I first saw her akdjajsb
(The screenshot of Riley is from my own play through of the playtest btw, I didn’t want to use one with her mask cuz they look more alike like this)
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ecofinisher · 1 year
Jin and Yi from Abominable screenshots -
Season 1
I apologize if I get the episodes wrong. I'm planning to watch the S1 sometime again.
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(Episode Toad-al Recall)
Jin and Peng stood up alone on the roof, while Yi came to help out her mother at the restaurant. Jin comes down to report and shows her the new part he wished from the magic toad. Yi told him, he was abusing the frog, but he denied her comment as it only was "one wish" During the chat, he helps her get down an ingredient from up top the shelf.
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(Chinese Nian Year 1 + 2)
Yi went to look for Jin to report, that Everest and Peng went missing after she was busy all day. Jin had been busy as well and was participating on the festival as one of the dragon dancers.
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Jin and Yi reach Shanghai's tallest building hoping to encounter the first creature they helped find a home and see, he's missing.
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Jin and Yi witness Everest and Peng on their home's roof being taken by a mysterious creature.
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(Chinese Nian Year 1 + 2)
By the end of Part 1, Jin and Yi witness Everest along with Peng being taken by a large creature, then ran downstairs to encounter Nai Nai asking them to deliver the food. Trying to find an excuse to not to, both figure out Nai Nai has been aware of the trio's deeds from the past days, shocking Yi.
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Burnish appears by their house door, who happened to know about the issue and offered them a ride. Throughout their wild ride, Jin gets nauseous and gives Yi the phone to follow the tracker in Everest's fur.
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Their car is stuck in the mud and Jin doesn't want to get his shoes dirty.
Picture, I don't remember their origin.
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I have a feeling, that it could be the episode "A Cabagge kinda day"
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Jin comforting Yi.
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I don't remember, what was up here, but it gives meme vibes 😂
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I remember it was around the 2-4 episodes, not far away from the start. Jin was being Jin and Yi was just 😐
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In front of the computer from Burnish's built base.
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kawaiigirl14 · 9 months
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theburgessobserver · 2 months
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What might they be assembling for?I dont know!
But what i do know that on MARCH 27TH a giant threat will come for The Guardians.
List of character mashups: 1. Adult Hiccup (HTTYD) as Iron Man 2. Jack Frost (Rise of the Guardians) as Captain America(a real Winter Soldier) 3. Po (Kung Fu Panda) as Thor 4. RJ (Over The Hedge) as Rocket Raccoon 5. Puss In Boots (Shrek) as Ronin 6. Princess Fiona (Shrek) as Black Widow 7. Human Shrek as Bruce Banner 8. Toothless (HTTYD) as War Machine 9. Z (Antz) as Ant-Man (Or in this case Man-Ant more like) 10. Trudy (Bee Movie) as The Wasp 11. Ginormica (Monsters VS Aliens) as Captain Marvel 12. Gloria (Madagascar) as Okoye 13. Adult Astrid (HTTYD) as Rescue 14. Barb (Trolls World Tour) as Nebula 15. Wolf (The Bad Guys) as Avengers 1 Loki 16. Everest (Abominable) as Korg 17. Turbo as Miek 18. Tigress (Kung Fu Panda) as Valkyrie 19. Spirit (Stallion of the Cimarron) as Aragorn 20. Moon Boy (DW intro) as Milano 21. Lord Farquaad (Shrek) as THONOS!(Still compensating i see...)
Who is your favorite?Jack no doubt...take notes dreamworks gamedevelopers...I think quite a few people would like this..
And what is this giant threat that will imperil everyone including the Guardians!?Pitch while thi is more powerfull and dangerous....this....is far worse! There is far more at stake then just belief!
Hint:(It was alluded to in certain offical rotg content)
Credit to: https://www.deviantart.com/liu-psypher
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Here are the Contenders and Rules. Dreamworks did not theatrically release any films in 2018.
(Also feel free to add in the tags or notes whether I should still keep running the Dreamworks Tournament separate from the Illumination Tournament in the coming years)
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thes-hitoverlord · 23 days
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The official DreamWorks Facebook 
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misspeppermint2003 · 9 months
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Princess Fiona from Shrek film series (United States of America/Canada)
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Yi from DreamWorks' Abominable (United States of America/China)
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California Governor Diane Foxington from The Bad Guys (United States of America/Canada)
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Eep Croods from The Croods (United States of America/Canada)
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Ruby Gillman from Ruby Gillman, Teenage Kraken (United States of America/Canada)
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minijenn · 5 months
Jen Tortures Herself With Every Dreamworks Animated Movie Ever: Abominable
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Wow I can't believe Dreamworks made their own version of Up but without the Dead Wife and Flying House and with a Yeti instead of a colorful bird
Anyway, this movie was kind of a mystery to me going in, because I swear to god I've never heard anyone ever talk about this, so I had no idea what to expect out of it. As for what I got, well... it was... actually pretty ok! So let's get into it.
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After the death of her father, teenager Yi has grown distant from her family and her friends, Jin and his younger cousin Peng. That is, until she happens upon an escaped yeti, eventually named Everest, after she decides to help the creature get back to his home on Mount Everest, roping Peng and Jin along for the trip. All the while, they're being chased by the wealthy collector Mr. Burnish and zoologist Dr. Zara, who are determined to recapture the yeti and put it on display.
So yeah, a pretty simple "get mysterious creature back to where they belong" plot that we've seen in plenty of other movies in the past. The movie does kind of fumble over more than a few cliches when it comes to that plot, and the characters, for the most part, are a bit too simple and one-note for my liking. The tone is also a little strange, with some weird humor mixed in with often heavy-handed attempts at whimsy and drama. The pacing is also kind of strange? I don't know how to explain it but something is... off about the way this film presents its story and I can't... seem to articulate why.
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As for the characters, like I said, they're all pretty simple. I feel like Yi is a little confusing and doesn't really have a clear character arc? Like she just decides to help Everest almost immediately after meeting him? Like literally just travel across China on a whim??? What? I get she's an impulsive teenager but still, bruh, that's just wacky. Peng is your typical hyperactive kid character, and he grated on the nerves a handful of times. Out of our main human trio, I think Jin is the best, he's a pretty funny character who goes through an actual arc, starting off as a tech-obsessed stick in the mud before learning to enjoy the journey alongside the others. Everest is also just... your typical cute creature cliche? He doesn't have a ton in the way of a personality and he has these powers that are kind of just... whatever the plot needs them to be? Like deus-ex-machina yeti fr fr out here.
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Our villians are... surprisingly interesting! We start off thinking Mr. Burnish is our greedy big bad capitalist when, surprise! Dr. Zara actually is instead and I love her cause she goes from zero to 100 so fast and yeah, she's a twist villian cliche but I don't care because she kind of a baddie there I said it.
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As for presentation, this movie is honestly gorgeous. Like seriously, it is so damn pretty to look at. The set pieces are so vibrant and colorful and the scale of them is awe-inspiring. The character designs felt kind of weird to me at first, burt I grew used to them as the film went along, and they're animated very nicely. There's a lot of scenes in this movie that were clearly just Dreamworks flexing, and you know what? I'm not gonna fault them for it. They're beautiful.
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Something else that's beautiful about this movie is its score. Yi plays the violin and that actually becomes a major plot point throughout the film and every time she picks that instrument up, we get some truly soulful, beautiful pieces. This soundtrack is nowhere near as memorable as something like HTTYD's but its still absolutely lovely in its own right, I think.
So yeah, Abominable was one of the more surprising movies of the Dreamworks watch. I kept forgetting I would even have to eventually watch it until now, but I think, for what it is, it's ok. I wouldn't call it great, but I wouldn't call it terrible either. It's a perfectly servicable film about a bunch of kids and a yeti going on a cross-country adventure. And sometimes, that's all ya need.
Overall Rating: 6/10
Verdict: Evil Unetical Scientists Can Be Hot Sometimes, Actually
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Previous Review (How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World)
Next Review (Trolls World Tour)
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frie-ice · 1 year
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Who I would place in the main Owl House covens.
Original The Owl House - Coven meme Template by Negaboss2000 on DeviantArt.
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visdevart · 7 months
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Visual development for Abominable by Emil Mitev
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ecofinisher · 1 year
Jin and Yi from Abominable screenshots - Season 1
Meant to post this last week, but my page didn't want to load the images. I sorted the ones I could remember by episode, the rest is random.
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Both hide Everest away from Yi's family in the restaurant's refrigerator. (Everest returns (1) or Welcome Home (2) Episode)
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Yi discretely making Jin look out of the window at Everest (Everest returns)
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Using Burnish's new tech for their magical creature hunt (Sewer Koii and the museum heist (3)
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Jin feels bad about the heist and wants to turn himself in.
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Jin about to confess, Yi's a good leader.
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(Peng vs. Peng episode)
I think there were two more, but I forgot which ones 😭 Yi rejects Jin's idea of removing the unknown creature from Peng's body.
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(Jin's new look)
You're probably thinking, I only like this episode, because Jin wears a white coat.....Nah, actually it's cute, that there's the one magical creature Yi is trying to get to know better, but is all moody and the only reason, she came to their place was, cause she knew Jin was a doctor (Well, except he's studying for that) and hoped he could help her out.
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I'm not sure about the title (A cabbage kinda day), I know it's another episode and the same magical creatures appear (incl. the cubs) The trio found for Morty and her offspring a new place. Jin promises Yi to avoid doing "experiments" on the cubs again and Peng starts babbling about how their day was with one of the lost cub's watching Jin look shocked and try to make Peng shut up.
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(Yeti Superstitious) Jin and Yi are dumped by Peng, which thanks to Nai Nai's story related with the 12th birthday, presumed from the three have a different Chinese Zodiac, that they're not a good influence to him and he has bad luck. Jin and Yi want to make Peng realize he's wrong and film him playing basketball very confidently, but actually being terrible. With Everest's help they stay off Peng's sight.
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Peng doesn't get pick into the main team and is sad. He gets annoyed as Jin and Yi reveal themselves to explain what's up. Peng gets to see his footage and realizes he wasn't as good as he thought, admitting he did overreact.
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Jin and Yi at Peng's tryouts the next time.
Edit: Remaining pics, that didn't fit in the second post.
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Yi discussed with Jin how they could fake the video.
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THIS IS NOT WHAT YOU SEE. A sort of earthquake-like behavior threw Yi off the roof against Jin's arms. This lasted for like 0.3 seconds and he jumped down instructing how to behave on this scenario.
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katrinthecat · 1 year
You'd better talk to your fav human like that
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Proof that Jin had developed feeling for yi ( in the movie part 2)
6. After Jin is taken by burnish and company we see how once again he wants to make sure himself yi and peng can get home safely and asks them if they can do that and reminder he doesn't really have to make sure yi is safe only really his cousin (at this point in the movie we can tell he actually likes Everest too like yi and peng but he gets swayed into seeing Everest as a monster lowkey because he kidnapped yi as I mentioned in part one) but then he finds out that the actual villan is planning on getting Everest but also hurt yi and peng if they really have to which leads to my next point.
7. Okay so here's were it honestly more about the character development of Jin but something about the montage were we see him give up his phone and allow himself to get dirty without complaining which up till this point in the movie he was more uptight and egotistical with only hints of his true nature of being really caring but why I'm bring this up is because to me(I think yi really made him realize why they should be helping Everest and he doesn't admit/hint at this till the most real proof in the movie along with the ending of the movie which I think is really Senifacant when I talk about the series and it's proof)
8. Finally the main four all are together again while escaping from "burnish and company" though nothing here is hard proof of Jin's possible feeling for yi (I think this is were I got some of the most married couple vibes or fling in the movie at least and honestly their so funny and cute like in these gifs because they would just finish each other's sentences Jin is doing so here but early on in the film yi finished Jin's in the blueberry scene I wanted to add more gifs but tumbler only allows 10 so I making sure that I can use them up properly)
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9. After they escape this is when yi violen is broken which means alot for her since her dad also played and he passed away so since Jin knows the situation the best and know her since childhood he goes to talk to her in which he apologizes for what the said during their fight which I mentioned in the first post and yi tries to apologize back but then Jin makes a joke about he is in fact the worst and she was right causing her to smile after all that he and yi head back to (were peng and Everest was and we see that Everest fixed her violen with the strings being his magic fur )overall I love this moment be we really get to see how much he cares for yi through him and not someone else and how this is such a big character moment for yi (even just based of his expressions and body language you'd be able to tell how much he cares about her TELL ME THAT LAST LOOK ISN'T ONE OF LOVE LIKE COME ON!!!!!)
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10. After this they continue on their adventure and then they figure out that with Everest fur as the strings of yi's violen are actually magic (ok but I loved the looks that Jin gave the whole time even before they started noticing the magic because its the type of looks I see/give when you'd have a crush on someone but idk I might be stretching on this one) anyways Jin afterwards goes up and gives her a flower and says : " we're so going to the Himalayas " which is contrasting what he would say at the being it the movie when he does this you can tell yi is confused by all the things that are going on but also and her greif is starting to heal that's why I think that momment lingers for a bit then moving on (also I have a whole thing about the flower he gave here because for one it actually probably relates to yi's greif but even Jin's possible feelings for yi which will be it's own post)
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After the last 10 points their isn't really much showing proof of Jin's feeling since that's the climax of the film and any tiny moment the movie gave us we already figured out in the first couple of points I made or can be adressed in a future post of mine (honestly the climax is when there's like a tiny bit of proof that yi could also have feelings but I see more signs from her in the series which I'll probably talk about after my flower post and more moments from the film that I didn't post but I thought are Senifacant or cute/credits and even official books + concept art ) but here's a cute moment I love them so much
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Part 1 :
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hey-hey-j · 10 months
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theladysilvermoon · 2 years
Characters who don't know each other, but would be best friends:
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Hiro (Big Hero 6)
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Yi (Abominable)
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Fei Fei (Over the Moon)
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