dorblood · 3 months
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My new character is called Themis.
She is a business woman, office siren
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galderthefuzzy · 4 months
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Auchenai Whispers
The ruined halls of Auchindoun hold more than just memories. They hold screams, cries, whispers, and horrors from the past, along with the spirits of those who were laid to rest or perished here.
While some of the Auchenai who found refuge with the Brigade vowed never to return to the place, Khashee, a Death Speaker, still ventures into the ruins of the 'Home of the Honored Dead'. Any questions about the purpose of these visits are met with silence. The Brigade patrols simply act as an escort for the pale Draenei, who tends to disappear in the depths of the ruins and return hours later.
The piece was inspired by recent Brigade developments that saw a group of Auchenai Death Spaekers seek refuge within the Brigade. We shall see what kind of secrets come to light in time.
I hope you enjoy the final result!
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lilenaart · 2 years
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Silly comic I made of My druid Lilena and my bestie Icenea. We have a love/hate relationship and always playfully joke with eachother. =D
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druidonity2 · 1 year
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2022 Drawing - MLP main cast but as WoW races.
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viviae · 10 months
Blizzard was cooking when they made the dreanei in 2007 ngl they said i will severely impact your sexuality for now
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sesshy380 · 1 year
Still super early, and sleep still evades me.
I'm bored. Have some pics of the Sesshy that inspired my username :D (who was originally inspired by Sesshomaru from Inuyasha lol) (When I fixate on a blorbo, I fixate hard lol)
(Below image is from Lich King era)
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(The character screen image is from Battle for Azeroth era)
The below pic of Sesshy was created by the talented @brsoule (I've been looking for an excuse to share this lol) (Also she is an amazing WoW fic author! I love her Grim and Ana!)
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I miss playing my Dreanei Shaman, but WoW just hasn't been the same the past few expansions. The community I remember is pretty much dead. The game itself is focused on endgame raiding and Mythic plus. I prefer the story and the leveling experience. If you can't tell by the character screen image, I'm what's known as an altoholic. Each and every character I made had their own story. I never really roleplayed with any, but I did enjoy using emotes and having fun running content with friends. My friends list is now full of 'Last online X years ago'.
I've hopped across a few different MMO's, but still haven't found what I miss. I enjoy connecting with people online. Anxiety makes it difficult to connect with people for extended periods of time on a physical level, but online I open up. Anxiety still holds me back from trying new things at first (new things scary!), but after thinking about it (and prepping myself to do it), I usually find it's not so bad. My brain just gets intimidated.
Look at me ramble (yes, I am a rambler if you don't already know that by now lol). No idea where I'm going with any of this. I guess just wanted to share a part of me 🤷
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haelbox · 2 years
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Old Illynthera meets new Illynthera.
I used to play WoW when I was a teenager and mained a dreanei hunter named Illynthera. I stopped playing after Mist of Pandaria. Then I got back into Guild Wars 2 and made a Sylvari Ranger named after her, with her Sylvari hound named Cabbage.
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cosmererambles · 29 days
Leyla, once a rambunctious girl with dark curls and an eager smile, was not turning into a young lady. Entering her teens, she sat with poise she felt she had to practice at their customary table, nevertheless doodling runes and spells into the air, dispelling them as soon as she did so.
Alison smiled, squeezing her husbands hand, who chuckled beside her. The two of them as children had never been formal, had never taught Leyla formaility, and yet the girl, having spent so much time with the Stormwind royal family, had gained it.
She wore elegant robes; new ones that Alison had picked out with her, and as she sensed her parents presence, she turned around, grinning.
"Papa! Mother!"
Alison chuckled inwardly. The girl had dropped "mama" long ago, in favor of "mother." But she still referred to the father she idolized as "Papa." And he loved it. He strode over to her, kissing her dark curls and ruffling them with fondness. Alison sat beside her.
"What have you found out?" "Still working on it." "Are you?" Khadgar asked, taking the ready glass of wine already filled for him as they sat down. "I saw you tracing illusory magic, but nothing involving the theorem." Leyla grimaced.
"It helps me focus. I go through all the simple schools." Alison smiled. "Take your time with it." "It's a conundrum, for sure." She dug a notebook out of a pocket in her robe, holding it out to her father, who took it. It was filled with complicated mathematics. Khadgar looked over them, impressed.
"Leyla, you've grasped this remarkably quick." She shrugged, sipping on a fruity drink the waiter set in front of her. "It's not that hard." Alison took the notepad from her husband, who had underlined a particular problem for her to look at. Her eyes widened when she saw the page.
A particular problem was one she had devised herself; the Wayfarer Principle; but they hadn't taught Leyla that yet. She had learned it on her own.
"Leyla, are you familiar with this?" Alison handed her the notebook, pointing to the problem. "Yeah? I used it to calculate the innate arcane energy in any given crystalline structure, which directly correlates to the problem at hand, or so I believe." She shrugged. "Everything has to do with crystals, in the end." "Yes well." Alison grinned. "I devised that myself." Her daughters eyes widened.
"You did?" Alison took her glass, smiling over the rim. "That I did. Years ago now, but I happened to be a pioneer in the subject of Arcanogeology, at least at the time. The Dreanei artificers have run circles around me." Khadgar tilted his head in disagreement, smiling at her. She gave him a pointed look.
"Have they, my love?" She pointed at him. "Listen. Without what I learned in Dreanor, Dalaran wouldn't be standing today." "You merely extrapolated on their principles. Your work is entirely your own." Leyla watched the two playfully argue, smiling.
"Can I see your work? When we get home?" Alison nodded, tucking greying hair behind her ear as food arrived. "I'll have to dig it up. The amount of notebooks we've gone through in our lifetimes…" She gazed at Khadgar, whose gaze at shifted. He was clearly thinking about the task at hand.
"Papa?" Leyla's voice broke him from his reverie. "What's going on below? What are you working on?" Khadgar sighed. Gone were the days they hid their worries from their daughter. She was far too shrewd, and if they didn't indulge her, she would, inevitably, act just as they had: She'd seek out what she wanted herself.
"Azeroth is acting strange again…and we're worried for our world." She sighed. "Again?" Khadgar let out a laugh. "Yes. Again." Leyla stirred her drink, looking up in eagerness as her plate arrived. "Will we go anyplace fun this time?" She had enjoyed the Dragon Isles; of course, she hadn't been involved in the fighter. Alison took care of defenses while Khadgar worked on the front. Leyla had been shielded from the carnage. Both of them were worried that they wouldn't be able to do that. Not this time.
"Perhaps." Khadgar rubbed his chin. "For now…I'm just trying to get to the bottom of this."
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nevaire-everblaze · 1 year
It's been sometime since I moved to Stormwind. It's still difficult to think of these humans as 'allies'. And the others. The Dreanei, the savage worgen. Every time I see them, the beautiful memories of past experiments, past.. encounters, come back to me. They stir the voices, such a rush.
The voices. Such power. They murmur endlessly. Sometimes it's difficult to ignore their promises and suggestions. They know my desires, what I enjoy. Although, that also makes them easier to control. They are like a manifestation of my soul. Although, I must admit it's hard to keep myself in check.
Only yesterday, a lovely looking human woman made a pass at me. Her hair was like sweet honey, the bluest eyes. So full of life. Her touch was warm and soft. The way she blushed when I kissed her hand was endearing.
The void crackled through my body, the voices whispered. I felt the warmth of the familiar fel fires.
I could almost taste the power she wielded.
The urge to invite her out to my secluded second home was so strong. Had she been Sin'Dorei, I would have. As it is, I'm still not sure how much my new people are trusted. I can't afford some noblewoman vanishing and drawing attention to myself.
So, I invited her to dinner. Once I confirm her position in this society, I will decide how to proceed. Who knows, I may find her useful to elevate my stature and connections.
In the meantime, I have someone awaiting my attentions in the lab.
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druidonity · 5 years
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Lightfordged Dreanei Priest, Nightborne Warlock, Half-elf Paladin.
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ladypurplejanewrynn · 4 years
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Next WoW OC as a miraculous hero. I drew Lyncé @doudouyouli OC as a goat hero. ^^
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sparkw88 · 5 years
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ma girlz<3
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eluneisalesbian · 4 years
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big thicc kaiera coming thru
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lilenaart · 2 years
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Here’s part 1 of a HUGE Batch of Headshots I did a while back!
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druidonity2 · 6 months
OH May I ask what your headcanon dragon species are for each playable race? Or do you feel they differ? :0
Oooh okay uhh I have a few thoughts...
Considering my goal with this AU is mostly just to have fun and practice drawing/designing dragons, I havn’t really thought tooo hard about any serious headcanons for a dragon au, buuttt so far I do think i’ve realized a few things.
I’ve been approaching this less race by race and more individual character, where i take into account what flight the character has story with, what flight closely matches their powers, and just what colors that character shares design wise. (and then there are the two sen’dorei dragons based solely on mobs related to the race)
Wrynns, and stormwindians in general, i think of more as onyxian black dragons, because of their story being tied so closely. (it also makes it easy to flip their story, in that Onyxia is a cultist human who kills Varian’s mate and eggs and attempts to corrupt the only surviving whelp. Ive thought alot about this.)
Kal’dorei are very often green dragons, and for some reason I picture them all with long thin faces like alligators or crocodiles. 
Thrall is easily the black dragon aspect, but I had to ask a lot of people what they thought Baine was and I decided hes half black half green, but i’ve seen people go for red. Its funny how some characters are obvious (Jaina, blue) while others everyone says something different. Vol’jin is also one i’ve seen lots of differing answers on. 
Valeera i suppose is a red dragon with fel influence, but i didn't decide that until AFTER i drew her. I try to keep them recognizable, so I try not to switch their colors up to fit a certain flight if it doesn’t work. Im thinking about characters like Velen and I saw someone say a bronze dragon, and i can’t help but picture this old wise Crystalline-infused bronze with purple accents and like….ooh he’d look so cool. But he’d also be majority bronze in color? Maybe he should be stone drake…or like netherwing dragons just match dreanei so well. 
I’ve noticed of all flights the Bronze are the hardest to match characters too. I also want to draw someone as a fey dragon but I can't think of who would work well as one. 
Also something I think is interesting about this au is how it changes family dynamics. Like…Thrall, Baine, and Anduin are all black dragons. Do they have a closer relationship than canon, in which they view each other more akin to brothers? Looking at the Maw storyline again but this time Thrall and Baine have to rescue their brother, not just a friend. This time they're part of a flight known to be easily corruptable, how does that change things?
I feel like this dragon au is a gold mine and I hope other artists and writers join me in it cuz like....there is so much potential.
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Bread’s Game Journal 06/28/20: Through The Dark Portal, An Outland Retrospective, Part 7: Shadowmoon Valley
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Shadowmoon Valley is the eventual fate of any world where Fel Magic gets out of hand, and probably a preview of Azeroth as long as I keep maining my Warlock!  There’s a lot of places in Outland that are dead, or filled with weird chaos that’s tearing the land apart, but Shadowmoon Valley feels different.  Shadowmoon Valley feels like the source of all of Outland’s, and frankly most of Azeroth’s, misery.  Notably, Shadowmoon was also the final zone where players would encounter Illidan, hiding away in the Black Temple doing.....something evil we guess?  It was never quite clear what his story in this expansion was supposed to be, and it was only ever resolved five expansions later in Legion!
To call Shadowmoon Valley “bleak” would probably end up a compliment, considering the hellish state the region is in, calling it anything other than a nightmare would be a positive statement.  Shadowmoon got to this terrible state due to the actions of two orcs, two extremely famous in the lore orcs at that!  Gul’Dan is one, his reckless use of Fel Magic twisting the landscape, poisoning all the creatures of the land, and even raising up a huge hellfire volcano as a show of his power.  The other orc is far better known for his life after he died, Ner’Zhul, who’s desperation to escape punishment at the hands of the burning legion post the second war caused both his imprisonment as one half of The Lich King, and the events that led to Dreanor quite literally exploding and becoming Outland to begin with!
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The Skettis set up a small settlement here for.....some reason, seems like a bad idea to set up shop here of all places but alright.
The legacies of both of those orcs weigh heavily on the land of Shadowmoon.  Fel Magic has blackened the land itself and twisted all the wildlife into demonic beasts.  The Volcano “The Hand of Gul’Dan” spews fire and death out of itself at a constant clip.  There’s nothing here that’s of any value to anyone anymore, and yet it’s also here we see the culmination of a lot of storylines in the Burning Crusade expansion!  Illidan, hiding in what was one known as The Temple of Karabor, now known simply as “The Black Temple” leads his forced from this zone.  As does Lady Vasj and her Coilscar Naga.  The Burning Legion also has a large presence here, as would be expected given the state it’s in!
From a non environmental perspective though, this zone was also a huge deal for any players back during Burning Crusade, for one big reason: Flying Mounts.  At the respective Alliance or Horde town in this zone (both of which are somewhat disappointingly bland copies of the towns in Hellfire Peniunsula) you could find both your flight trainer and your flying mount vendor, ready to set you off into the sky....for a thousand gold!  That’s chump change now of course, but back in these days that price just about wiped out every cent you had made questing in Outland, and it was worth it.  The initial feeling you got when you realized all the things you could do and all the places you could go with a Flying Mount, it was huge!  Of course we know now that Blizzard has pretty absurdly soured on the idea of Flying Mounts, but man was it a thrill back in the day!
There’s lots of fun little lore touches here too.  Not just the aforementioned evidence of Gul’Dan and Ner’Zhuls meddling in powers greater than them!  You used to be able to find and visit Maeiv Shadowsong in her prison cell below a garrison near the Black Temple, though she’s since been removed given that it would’t make much sense for her to still be in there at this point.  The Ashtounge Dreanei are all over the place, the very same clan we saw swear allegiance to Illidan in The Frozen Throne, and before BC came out, the only real experience we had with The Dreanei as a race to begin with!  It’s weird to think of this dead and burned zone as one to explore and find fun Easter eggs in, but it is!  There’s lots to find a do in Shadowmoon valley, despite what the Fel would have you think!
Best Refuge In A Broken Land Award:  The Black Temple
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Alright, so I’m breaking the rules here as The Black Temple isn’t a town meant for players, but an iconic 40 person raid!  That said, it does serve as Illidans refuge!  And I think that counts for something.  The temple of Karabor has fallen on some....hard times, to say the least, and though Illidan tries to keep order, it’s clear that this is mostly a place of chaos and despair....damn is it cool to look at though!
Random Screenshot of The Day:
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Speaking of Easter eggs and looking cool, you can find this weird old hallucination of Gul’Dan performing the ritual that created his Volcano namesake, it doesn’t really have anything to with anything, but hey, lore nerds will get a kick out of it!
Stray Notes:
- I was gonna do my Last of Us 2 spoiler post tonight, but I’m holding off a bit, I want some more time to ruminate on that games story, it’s a lot!
- I finished Streets of Rage 4 today!  Hadn’t played it since Last of Us Part 2 hit, what a refreshingly simple game!  Lots of fun old school brawler action!
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