#drew this as a catalyst when i summon for her
sealeeboi · 8 months
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Bazett decided to try on Angra’s bandana since he isn’t using it anymore. Unfortunately for her, the Avenger’s timing isn’t exactly the best.
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tainbocuailnge · 3 years
i love. bazett. i love that the catalyst for the valentines event is that she’s avoiding cu not because she’s unsure of how he feels about her (she proudly tells guda they were partners who trusted each other with their life) but because servants aren’t supposed to remember their past summonings and she doesn’t know if she can bear hearing him say he doesn’t know her. cu denied knowing her when they killed each other in fha, of course she doesn’t know if she can bear hearing those words again. but back then they both knew that was a lie because immediately after he drew the four branches to prevent either of them from withdrawing, an oath that only applies to the knights of the red branch so he could only have known that would work on her if he did know her. when the event has her faced with a manifestation of that fear she is the one to draw the four branches and recreate that encounter because painful as it was it is proof that even if he says otherwise, they did know each other and they were important to each other once. even if he genuinely doesn’t remember her this time it won’t change what he means to her and it’s with this resolve that she decides to give him a valentines gift to give form to what he means to her.
and they used cu alter as representative of her fears bc he's the big evil looking one but i think she'd actually work with him perhaps even better than lancer because they have similar mindsets of considering their only use to be as a tool of war. i think seeing cu like that would be good for her because the fallibility of her idol makes him less unreachable and even the cu chulainn who is like her has pride in himself so why shouldn't she when the difference between them is so much smaller than she thought. and there's also something in how cascu was guda's first ally back when they had just lost everything and knew nothing so while the circumstances aren't quite the same guda can relate to looking up to him as someone who gave you direction when you had nothing else to hold on to. and maybe there's some comfort in knowing he's just that kind of person and even if he did forget her he'd surely save her again, or rather show her how to save herself again.
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wesimpforxiao · 4 years
Say My Name and I’ll Be There: 7.1
"Don't make me say it again," Scaramouche warned.  He conjured his catalyst once more, this time holding his palm out to you rather than charging at you.
"You want to fight?  I'll make sure it kills you."  Your eyes shone enough to further illuminate the entire room. Dottore made one of the Fatui agents note the brightness of your eyes in a notebook.
You didn't wait for Scaramouche to make the first move, and instead lunged at him.  He evaded easily.  Then he sent another bolt of electricity your way.  You barely managed to duck in time, making sure to lower your weapon as close to the ground as possible to avoid shocking yourself again.  You put your weight onto your hands and flipped yourself over, then stabbed at him the second you were back on your feet.
He's no Childe, you realized with widening eyes.  I can beat him.
Childe leaned forward, his breathe hitching from the excitement.  He itched to join the scuffle while Xiao kept his eyes focused solely on you.  You performed his combo almost as flawlessly as Xiao did in past battles, this time being the one to pin the harbinger against the wall.
"How far do you want me to go, Master?" Your taunting angered the harbinger until a wild look consumed his face.  "Is this far enough? Or do you want me to injure you?  Tell me, what do you want me to do?"  You hit the catalyst out of the air and it clattered to the ground several feet away.
Xiao marveled at your sudden change in personality.  He had thought you were breaking, but maybe it was his own miscalculation?
"Since when did I give you permission to issue your own orders?"  He threw himself at you and conjured his weapon once more.  A fury of lightning strikes hit the air around you, but you were too quick in moving your polearm out of the way.  The air charged with electricity, but it didn't do anything to you.
Well, except ignite a metaphorical lightbulb above your head.  You sent a quick glance in Xiao's direction, but your attention was focused mainly on Childe.  I don't need a vision.  I can outsmart them.  You slowly drew Scaramouche towards you until he was in the middle of the room again, then you charged at Childe.
"Huh?"  It took a second for Childe to realize you were gunning for him and not Xiao.  An excited smile played across his lips, and he let go of Xiao's shoulder.  "I think I'll take this as an invitation."  He summoned his bow and aimed a charged shot at your head.  You ducked just in time, and it hit Scaramouche's catalyst.  It exploded in a fit of electrical bolts and shattered across the ground.  Childe cursed under his breath.
Scaramouche was beyond livid at this turn of events.  "You--!"  He turned his attention to Childe and was about to throw a punch.
"Now, Xiao!" You bolted for the exit as a precautionary measure.
"What?!  NOW?"  Xiao scrunched his brows together and glanced between the group of harbingers.  He immediately began to concentrate a force of anemo around his feet, and the power slowly came to its crest.
"Wonderful!"  Dottore cackled as he watched the two of you work together while Scaramouche and Childe were at each other's throats.  "These were exactly the results I was looking for!"
Almost there!  You nearly reached the set of doors when something pierced the back of your knee and sent you crashing to the ground.  "Ngh!"  Your fingers wrapped around Childe's arrow and yanked it out of your skin.
"--But unfortunately, this little performance is over," Dottore finished.  One of his previously sleeping machines awoke from its slumber and shot a dart that landed in your shoulder.  
"No!"  You looked behind you to find Xiao also being effected by the wounds.  "Xiao! Leave me! Go!"  A fierce kick to your jaw shut you up.
Xiao bit through the pain and was near breaking the seal when a few portraits flared through his head of a small, purple-haired girl.  Time seemed to slow down as he remembered her.  I can't... His gaze slowly floated over to you.  ...hurt you too...
You woke up in your cell with your hands tied tight behind your back.  "Dammit!"  Your growl caught Xiao's attention, but he didn't dare look over.  "I was so close--Wait.  Why are you still here?  I told you to get out.  Xiao?"  When he didn't look over to you, you wiggled your way into a sitting position despite the pain in your leg and scooted next to him.  Unlike you, his hands were free.  "Hey, are you okay? Are you hurt?"
"...I'm sorry."
"H-huh?  What are you saying that for?"  
Xiao leapt from the balcony of Angel Tavern and had just about reached to your hand when the portal closed and he was met with the empty night air.  'If only I had been quicker to hear her--'
The image flipped.
'Forgive me.'  The Guardian Yaksha closed the little girl's eyes as he whispered an incantation.  'I will give you a second chance at life.'  The purple-haired child mumbled something about herbs as she gasped for a decent breath of air.
"I..." You trailed off.  I wasn't the only one?  But he did something different that time...what was that?  Some sort of talisman? "Xiao--" You shifted so you were positioned in front of him, and he lowered his gaze to avoid yours.  
His eyes were part of an expression that was the saddest you've ever seen before.  The confident, collected yaksha had finally revealed his vulnerable side.  It never occurred to you that he had one to begin with, so you observed his precious state for a few quiet minutes.
"Was...she collateral damage?"  Xiao didn't answer.  "Hey.  Could you please look at me?"  He reluctantly gave into your request and raised his head, but kept his eyes at chin level.  "What happened to either of us wasn't your fault.  I'm not upset with you for not reaching me in time, either.  What matters now isn't failures of the past; we are here together.  You deserve to be free and happy.  I'm more than happy to sacrifice myself so you can escape and live on without me.  I mean, I'm going to die eventually anyway, right?"  You leaned your head forward so your foreheads touched.
"You are my...companion.  Even if you wanted to sever our connection, it would be impossible now.  It's too strong, even without my blood connecting the two of us."
"Just because I'm willing to sacrifice myself doesn't mean I want to sever our bond.  I've...never wanted to sever it."
"Hm?"  His eyes finally met yours, and his saddened expression held a tint of confusion.  "You never wanted to sever it? ...You...really are a difficult being to comprehend..."
"That's because I..." the words caught in your throat.  "I..."  Archons, why can't I get the stupid words out? "Xiao, listen," you took a deep breath to steady your racing heart as you stared directly into his eyes.  
"Let me untie your hands," he interrupted the moment and gestured for you to turn around.
"U-um, okay."  His fingers made quick work of the rope that had dug into your skin so much that the slightest brush of fingertips made you wince.
"There's something we need to discuss," he continued once you faced him again, eyeing the hallway to confirm that the bird device was completely out of the prison.  "The others will be coming soon."
"Others?"  The sudden change in topic made you want to kick yourself.  There's no way you could gather up the courage to tell him again.  "You mean Zhongli and Aether?"  Why did he have to change the subject like that?
"Childe intentionally set out to hunt us down on the Tsaritsa's orders.  I was woken by the fighting,"  Xiao continued to watch the door out of paranoia.  "I passed out before I could be of use in battle, and didn't wake up until I was brought here.  "Zhongli gave me a vision, a message while I was unconscious.  He said he will return soon with help, but something about this is off.  Something doesn't sit right with Childe."
"You think he might be helping us in some way?"  You scoffed.  "I'm not putting my faith in that monster."
"I'm not saying you have to.  Just trust me when I say they'll be here soon. Don't lose hope, and don't sacrifice yourself for me."  He put some distance between the two of you, and your heart shattered when you recognized he was emotionally distancing himself from you again.
You decided to chase after your own confession once more a few hours later.  "Do you have any desires, Xiao?"  You absently traced the seal lines on the ceiling while you lay on your back.
"Desire?"  The yaksha scoffed.  "Do not judge adepti by your mortal ideals.  I have no desire."  He too lay on his back, with his arms folded behind his head as he stared absentmindedly at the most powerful sigil that was painted above him.  
"That...kind of sounds like you're hiding something," you baited.
"Hiding? I'm hiding nothing.  I just won't speak of desire to others.  Do you mortals not have a rule about spoken wishes never coming true? Hm?"  The cute way he upturned his nose at you brought a blush to your cheeks.
"T-That's not really the same thing...!"
"What do you mean that's not the same?!"  He peered over at you when he heard a giggle escape your lips.  It was light and airy, and he cherished the joy in your eyes when you met his.  A small but unmistakable smile formed upon his lips.  The two of you were grinning at one another, and a comfortable silence ensued as you continued to hold his gaze.
"Okay then, since you put it that way," you grinned to yourself and faced the ceiling once more.  Xiao did the same.  "Do the adepti ever fall in love?"
"Occasionally, yes."  This prompted a side glance from you.  "There is a half-human, half-adeptus in the Liyue Qixing.  Ganyu."
"I think I've heard of her before."  His recollection ignited a portrait of her within your thoughts.
"She is constantly faced with living between two worlds, both never quite having a place for her.  She fought alongside Rex Lapis and I in the Archon Wars.  But returning to your question, yes, there are occasions in which adepti will fall for mortals.  I've never understood it myself."
"I see."  You fell into a small silence as you dug further into anxiety.  "Have you ever loved anyone?"
"No." The answer was way too quick for your liking, but Xiao continued.  "I know nothing but death and destruction.  Love does not interest me."
A weird feeling of vertigo hit you, and your eyes illuminated the cell a bit.  "That's a lie."
"Huh?" Xiao snapped his head in your direction.
"Why are you lying to yourself?  What are you lying to yourself about?" You weren't exactly conscious of the words spewing out of your mouth as if you were in some sort of trance while you gazed at him.  
"I'm not," he defended.
"That's another lie.  Whatever it is, you know you can tell me, right?"  Your eyes dimmed back to regularity.
"Tsk."  Xiao resumed his previous position on the floor and grumbled something under his breath that you couldn't hear.  "Then what about you?  Has a mortal as strange as you ever come to love someone?"  This'll get her to drop it--
"Yes, actually."  You regretted answering the second the words left your mouth, and heat rose to your cheeks.  "Er, I mean..."
Xiao received a pang of what he assumed was the human emotion of jealousy.  How absurd that he had been reduced to human standards of emotions ever since he joined Aether's team.  "You haven't mentioned them before," he commented.  "Does this happen to be the desire you spoke of earlier?"
"U-um...yeah..."  Your fingers fidgeted over your stomach, and you clenched the fabric of your shirt as you contemplated your next words.  You made a conscious effort to refrain from accidentally praying or wishing for him to know who you were referring to.
"Don't worry.  I'll bring you back to them safely."  He rolled onto his side so his back faced you.
"I-I...!" Your eyes wavered at his back.  I can't do it.  I can't bring myself to tell him.  Dammit, why does this have to be so difficult?  He's right here.  We could die any day now.  So why can't I just come out with it?
Coming up: Manipulating ojou-chan.  The yaksha bears his mask.  A breached contract.  A deal with the devil.
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To that one person who said they can understand why I'm so obsessed with summoning servants w/o a catalyst because that means they're specially compatible with you...
No, honestly thank you. I am so glad that somebody understands the nuance that I hid behind that post. I wish you an excellent day.
In this world, people are made to face many rejections sometimes; which can lead them to think "is there anyone out there that CAN understand me" and this kind of summoning system is like having the grail go, "YEA BITCH SOMEBODY FUCKING DO! AND GUESS WHAT, THEY AIN'T EVEN FROM YOUR DAMN ERA!" This now explicitly emphasizes that no, you are not as alone as you previously thought. If there is a servant out there who can relate to and has experienced similar difficulties and stuff as you; then who is to say that there aren't other people like that in today's world as well??
And I can imagine the servant can get a good laugh and share some stories too that they maybe didn't get to share so well in the past. I think it's like an extra form of comfort. For both parties (though i am using a more self serving lens here😉)
You're not alone. You don't need to fit society's rigid standards to be of worth. You're not the only one.
Best example that this keeps on reminding me of is Ryuunosuke/ Gilles who were so well in touch with one another that I genuinely feared for the safety of Fuyuki. Damn that was some scary shit. Especially when RYUUNOSUKE was the one to inspire Gilles to work even harder with his 'art'. ...😰
And Sakura/Medusa DID use a little catalyst however they emphasize that what drew them together is the similarities between their natures and experiences, and I certainly saw this with the way in which Medusa did her utmost especially in HF to prevent Sakura from falling into the same pit of never ending despair that Medusa herself fell into.
And alas, that's how I ended up perceiving a segment of the Nasuverse in an infinitely personal way.
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revrevrew-writblr · 4 years
Angels and War
Content Warning: Some themes of abuse, betrayal, and death.  
Against all odds King remained an idealist. He had only recently been called upon to make the more difficult decisions of war, the ones that made him doubt his beliefs. His doubts grew insurmountable at times, especially when his counselors brought up ‘necessary sacrifices.’ Surely there was a way to win the war without deliberately sacrificing a fourth of his armies. 
If it wasn’t for that damned royal no one would have to die at all. 
It had been three years since the nice of the angelic queen had spurned him and ignited this war. If she had gone through with the alliance and married him, like she had promised this war would not have happened.
It was fortunate neighboring kingdoms had taken his side in the debacle, otherwise his kingdom would already be under the rule of the Angelic empire. 
Now if he could only get his nobles on his side, he would be golden.
Nobel Archer knelt before King and rose before King acknowledged them; the boldness of that action spoke volumes. The Nobel was at fault for the deaths of many of his soldiers and King had already decided their punishment. 
“My King, you’ve summoned, and I am here.” A sly smile played on Nobel Archers face, his shoulders were back, his chest out, and his chin high. 
King leaned forward, arms resting on his stone thrown. “Nobel Archer, are you aware of the crimes brought against you?”
The Nobles' smile faltered, “Crimes? My King surely you misspoke, perhaps news of my recent successes has not reached you?” He sounded doubtful.
King’s jaw clenched, his head slightly shaking, “If you call sacrificing a third of your soldiers, three ships, and our good name among the north alliances a success then yes I’ve been debriefed.” King gave a tight smile.
“My King… They were only commoners, they are... easily replaced. What is not easily replaced is our strong defenses around the marina.” A nervous laugh bubbled out of Nobel Archer. 
“Just commoners?” A bitter taste filled King's mouth; his lip curled in disgust. It was true that the Marina had to be defended at all necessary costs, but Noble Archer had sacrificed more than was necessary. The most damning part being that the North alliances testified that Noble Archer had a less costly plan described to him but had shot it down, in favor of his own plan. 
If Noble Archer had spoken kindlier of the common guards, King might have written the fault off to a hasty judgment made in the heat of battle. He would have removed Archer from his station and placed him somewhere less trying, but the way Noble Archer justified it, the way he came in expecting praise, betrayed Noble Archer’s true character. 
“I think you will find, Archer, that nobles are just as replaceable. I am stripping you of your title, and sending you to the front lines,” to die. 
“My King, please, don’t be hasty.” Archer knelt gingerly on the ground, as if meaning to keep his fancy suit clean. King rolled his eyes and leaned back, covering his mouth with his hand. “I understand your frustrations but perhaps I can change your mind. I’ve bought you a gift.”
It was rather pointless to ‘give’ King what would soon be his, but he entertained the pleading man. Sometimes a gift was more than to give, but rather to show. In this case Archer was showing off his connections. As if saying ‘if you throw me away, you also throw away what I can do for you.’ 
King gave a nod, and Archer stood leaving for a few moments, presumably to yell at someone to retrieve the ‘gift.’ 
When Archer returned it was with two guards dragging an angelic slave behind them. The guards deposited the drugged angel on the floor; she collapsed to her knees and swayed forward. The angel’s clipped wings sagged around her in a partial cocoon. Dazed, she lifted her head to survey the room.
It took King a few seconds of hard staring before he placed the face, it was hard to tell it was them without her layers of makeup.
What the hell is my ex, catalyst to a war, doing in my throne room. She had made it quite clear last time she saw me that she wanted nowhere near me. 
Archer was still speaking when King cut Archer off, “Where did you get her?” His brows furrowed, his fists clenched, he barely glanced at Archer. He was watching Angel intently. 
“Excuse me?” 
“Where. Did. You. Get. Them?” King glared at Archer, his tone clipped and irritated.
“From a slaver in the south section of the city.” 
“Wonderful.” King spat the word out, his lip curling. King could see the moment when Angel recognized him. His name forming silently on her lips. “This changes nothing Archer. Report to the front lines in the morning.” King waved them off. When Archer stood there stunned, King gave an irritated glance in his direction and signaled for the guards to escort him out. 
King dismissed everyone else except Angel.
“Angel…” The word came out soft and full of past longing, though it was meant more as a curse. His hands shook as he grasped his knife, he felt every inch the spellbound boy he had been three years ago. Except this time, he would end it.
He stood on wobbly knees and began advancing on her.
Angel looked up at him with wet eyes, she started to tremble, hugging her torso. “King, I… You… what day is it?” Her voice wavered and was sluggish.
King paused at that, “It’s the third day in the year of Orioniah.” 
Angel let out a long sigh, and her eyes fluttered closed for a second, a peaceful smile on her lips, “You have three days. Three days’ time before my aunt attacks over the deadly pass.” 
King drew closer, using his knife to drive Angel’s chin upwards, exposing her throat. “Why should I believe a word you say?” Spittle flew from King's mouth.
Angel spoke softly and with her mouth mostly closed, careful to avoid the tip of the knife, “Because you know it’s true.” 
King gasped at that; she knew his secret. No one knew, not since his parents died. 
“I’ve known since the day I met you. I’m sorry I lied to you, but it wasn’t my fault.”
Like hell it wasn’t!
“We just established I can feel it when you lie to me, so I don’t know why you try.” King spoke through clenched teeth, pressing the knife closer to Angel's neck.
“Just because I don’t believe it, doesn’t mean it’s not true.” The knife scraped her throat when she spoke, blood dribbled down her neck. Guilt shot through King, but he didn’t pull away. He couldn’t feel guilty about a little blood spilt when he was about to spill all of it. 
Said the torturer to his victims. 
King eased the knife slightly back.
Magic wasn’t an exact science, King was more of a lie detector, which with a great deal of concentration, or ignorance of the actual facts, he could be deceived.
“So, I should just trust you?” King sneered.
“I never said that. We both know you can get answers. Or you could just kill me, at this point,” her chin trembled, and tears traced down her face as she looked to her clipped wings, “I don’t think I care either way.”
King moved his knife hand back and placed his other hand around her neck, his thumb resting in her blood. 
He was thrust into the past and into Angel’s memories. 
Angel knelt for long minutes, prostrated on the floor, gritting her teeth and took a few calming breaths, trying to hide her frustration. Her aunt had called her and was making her wait. Angel needed this time to prepare for her team's next deployment, instead she was wasting time catering to the demands of a power-hungry dictator. 
Finally, the queen spoke, “I’m cancelling your next deployment. I have a more important job for you.”
Finally acknowledged she could look at the queen, she sat up on her knees and feet. Watching the queen intently. 
“I need you to procure a marriage alliance with King. I need you to woo him.” 
Angel was going to be sick, “To what end?” The question boarded on insolence.
“Leave me.” 
Angel left as quickly as possible.
SNAP. A new memory replaced the old.
Angel was breathing erratically as her aunt shoved her way into her rooms, the smell of strong drink on her breath. Terror crowded Angel’s view, this memory was hazy, her aunt looming over Angel as she reared back to kick Angel in the gut. Angel curled protective over her stomach. 
I can’t fight back. I won’t fight back. I can’t… Angel coughed up a splatter of blood.
After some time, her aunt disappeared from her vision, and her cousin Alexa filled her view. Her tears fell on Angel’s cheeks. 
“Why don’t you ever fight back?!” Her voice hitched on a sob, “Dammit!”
Angel reached up to her cheek, “If I do…” She’ll turn on you. You may not be a child anymore, but you are no warrior. You are not familiar with the pains of battle, and the strategic losses that one must take. This is my strategic loss. If I fight back, she’ll come to your rooms when she’s drunk. “You’ll understand when you’re older.”
I love you.
Angel dipping into heavy makeup and reaching for a long-sleeved turtleneck dress.
Then memories of her and him, laughing, smiling, the feeling of love blossoming in her chest. She shied away from his touch in every memory, a fear lining her features for just a moment. How had he never noticed before? 
Angel was peering from behind a curtain, her aunt speaking in a hushed tone to her advisor. “You’ll have the cook line Angel’s cup with this, and I’ll insist that King pours the wine. We’ll pin the murder on King, maintain the good opinion of our alliances, and take over their kingdom while its rulers’ blood is still wet on the marble floors.”
Angel confronted him the night before the banquette, during a minor ball before the engagement. She approached hastily, he smiled at her, his eyes sparkling with humor. He opened his mouth, ready to share what was so funny. 
Angel hated herself for slapping the smile off his face. Her hand stung; she had prepared for this all day. “How dare you sleep with Carmen Jaxon! I deserve much better than cheating scum! I should have known. You’re only human after all.” Angel clenched her jaw, refusing to look at him. “You should leave, and never come back.” 
King gave Angel an incredulous look, his hand flying to his face, a gasp escaping him. “Y- you’re not making any sense!” Angel turned to leave; he grasped her arm to halt her. He looked into her watered eyes; her gaze unable to meet his. “What is going on!?”
Angel jerked out of his grip, “Just Leave! The engagement is off! I don’t want you here, I’m not going to marry you. I’m disgusted by proceeding any further.” 
He had departed that night; his parents were to follow tomorrow. 
Angel watching as King's parents were cut down where they stood. 
Angel battling on the front lines. 
Angel screaming at the crack of a whip.
Long days in prison.
Alexa opening Angel’s cage in the dead of night,
“Hurry, hurry!” She beckoned Angel. “You must warn King!” They were running through the battlefield, praying they wouldn’t be caught and cut down where they stood, not even a crown princess could escape the queen’s justice. 
“Mother is going to wage war through the deadly pass in two weeks' time.”
“She figured out the spell?!” The quickest path between the angelic kingdom and King’s kingdom was through the deadly pass, if you could avoid the thunderstorms, hurricanes, and whirlpools. Everyone who sailed in, had to fly out and many had drowned due to the long distance back.
A worried look filled Alexa’s eyes as she spoke, “yes.”
They were outside when Angel stopped them behind a tent, hidden in the darkness of night. “I have only ever stayed to protect you. The queen will know you freed me; she’ll kill you if I leave. What are you planning?”
Alexa teared up, “I have people, we’ll gather intel, and if the opportunity presents itself, we’ll throw a coup.” 
Alexa pulled her in for a fierce hug, “I’ve missed you so much.”
“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry.” Angel cried into Alex’s shoulder, “be safe.” Angel pulled back, grasping Alexa’s shoulder in a reassuring grip, “You’ve grown so much, your dad would be proud.”
Tears spilled over Alexa’s eyes, “Leave, while you still have a chance.”
King stumbled backwards shocked, the battle to come would be gruesome, and he was weeks behind. Angel passed out, falling forwards. King Henry dropped his knife and caught her. “I’m sorry,” he said ashamed now of how he acted, “and thank you.” 
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etlunainmorte · 5 years
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Rubble. And debris. And destruction.
Every place their eyes landed, there's nothing but the cold and harsh reality of the complete and utter destruction of the one place they called home. Despite the fact that they hardly called it that due to its,... unnatural and chaotic nature.
And now,... there's no more unnatural, or even chaotic, place called home.
Devil May Cry,... was destroyed. Reduced to a pitiable pile of smithereens.
And Dante, the son of Sparda, and the Legendary Devil Hunter, couldn't blame anyone else for the unfortunate occurrence other than the other person who survived the sudden assault.
The man,... who was standing next to him.
"HEY! WHAT DO YA THINK YE'RE DOIN'?!" A very curious - looking demonic bird with glowing blue feathers screeched at the Devil Hunter, who grabbed his Master's lapels and almost lifted the poor man off the ground.
"This is your fault, V!" Dante howled.
"And how is this," The man called V wheezed as he grabbed Dante's hand, trying to get the larger man off him. " ... my fault?!"
"You shouldn't have broken her heart! Now, look what happened to the shop!" Dante let go of the helpless V as he scanned the area for any piece of furniture that survived the onslaught. "Freaking Elves,... hey!" The man called, trying to get the attention of the one Elf who saved them from the attack. "Where do ya think you're going? You're just leaving us here after what happened?"
The Elf in question turned towards the men, her blue eyes full of scrutiny and disgust. "I have saved you, lowly mortals, from your own demise, and yet you mock my own kind?!" She glanced at V and gave him a look of utter hatred. "And my own sister, the future Queen of our land, falling for the likes of you?! You, who will perish of old age or wilt of illness? You, who are loyal only to the desires of your own flesh?
"You, a mortal who stooped so low as to make a pact with,... Demons?" The Elf emphasized the word as if she was disgusted with the mere mention of such Underworld beings, and this offended the demonic familiar so much that V has to summon him back to prevent even more conflict with her. "How,... shameful!" She turned once more and walked away from both Dante and V.
"Hey, hey, hey, lady!" Dante, who easily caught up with her, stopped the Elf, grabbed her shoulder, and forcefully made her turn to face him, which angered the being even more. "Just walkin' away after all this, huh? And what about my shop? You and your Elves caused this! I'm neck deep in debt. I can't afford to rebuild this! You'll have to pay for the damage!" The man turned around just in time to see more and more people gathering right before them to witness what was going on.
"I don’t care! You should not have hurt and cornered her to use her power to begin with! Maybe then she would not be traced here in the first place! But, of course, you, mortals, have weak, pathetic, and closed minds!" The Elf swatted Dante's hand off her, turned once more, and went on walking.
"How could we know? We didn't even know she has powers in the first place!" Dante argued.
"That's because you, men, are so dense." The Elf answered with much emphasis on the word as she gave V a sideways glance. "And now, my sister has to pay for exposing our kind to the likes of you!"
"The Elves who caused this, the ones who traced her here," V, who was trying to catch up with both Dante and the Elf, added. " ... they will not stop until we’re both dead, will they?”
"Naturally. You just know too much." The Elf answered with disdain. "Now, if you, two ingrates, would not mind, I would return to my home and see for myself just how much damage my sister's blunder have caused because of you."
"Where is your home?" Dante questioned.
"It does not concern you."
"And how do we, weak, pathetic, and closed - minded mortals, defend ourselves from your kind, O Great One?"
The Elf, who didn't fail to catch the sarcasm in Dante's voice, stopped walking and placed her hands on her hips. "That is your problem!" She, then pointed an accusing finger at Dante. "You know what, I should not have helped you when all the payment I got for doing that is you pestering me with questions I will never answer! I' am also putting myself in grave danger here just by talking with you!" She raged on, then looked once more at V. "I should have let you die because you deserved it!" The woman turned away and finally left them.
Dante sighed as he watched her leave, crossing his arms and feeling the exhaustion creep up his system for the first time that day. He, then, looked at V and saw the man actually catching his own breath like he has just finished running a marathon.
If the Legendary Devil Hunter only knew,...
... the mysterious man known only as V has more things in his mind during that moment. He was confused, tired, shocked, even.
And he has,... a lot of questions.
Questions that needed answers.
"So," V looked up upon hearing the confidence in Dante's voice. " ... wanna go after the chick you just rejected?"
"I'm sorry?"
"You have a score to settle with her and I have to make those Elves pay for what they did to my shop. What do you say about following that high and mighty Elf back where she lives?"
"A score,... to settle?"
"Eh, yeah! None of this would happen if you didn't break her heart in the first place."
V winced at those words. Did he,... really break a girl's heart?
"I,... don't even,..." Like her, is what V wanted to say but, then again, he has made it quite clear to her.
And up until that very moment, he still couldn't shake the haunting image off his mind. Of her wide (E/C) eyes, of her tear - stained cheeks,...
... of the way she drew back and clutched her chest as if something unimaginable and really painful struck her heart,...
"I know. But," Dante answered in a much calmer tone. " ... you know how women are. Well, yes, she's an Elf but, sure! They're all the same. You know what I'm saying?"
"Oh. Right." The Devil Hunter answered, realizing that V doesn't have any experience with women unlike him. "The point is, we're both doomed here, V. And if what that Elf said about other Elves going after our necks because we know too much about them is true, then we might as well go to their den and face them head on! Bring the fight to them!”
"But, they're much stronger than the both of us. You've seen it with your own eyes."
"Eh, whatever!" Dante questioned as he started stretching his limbs in a clear gesture that he was fully accepting the challenge. "We'll see about that!" The man picked up his Devil Sword on the ground among the rubble and started walking towards the direction the female Elf went to. "Come on, Mister Poetry! She's quite slow, we're gonna catch up to her as soon as we could!" And with a smile, he added, "And you might as well use that poetry of yours to win back that girl. Or you could just say sorry, your call."
V wasn't able to do anything else but to pick up his metal cane from the rubble and go after the man in red. It's true what Dante said about those Elves paying for the destruction of the Devil May Cry but,...
... going after the girl, and facing her head on?
He knew that the catalyst to all of these events was him, his distrust, and his callousness. However, he never dreamed of breaking a girl's heart, let alone one who has enough power and influence to bring forth this chain of events that were starting to unfold right before his very own eyes,...
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littleladymab · 4 years
tiny cracks of light - chapter 5
(master post)
Prelude- The footsteps that approach her study room are careful, but heavy. Someone not used to being light on their feet, but also trying their best to not make a noise. 
Sasha knows right away it must be the newest assistant. 
She knows Tim's footsteps, someone who has never tried to tread carefully a day in his life. She is starting to learn Jon's, feather-light and unobtrusive — so much so that he has startled her several times when he's approached. 
(Every so often, she thinks she'll hear one of the others — Michael's echoing but deliberate step, Gerry's casual shuffle, Gertrude's sharp and pointed tap tap tap. But it is just the echoes of their memories. The Archives trying to keep her company when she is lonely, though she really wishes that they wouldn't try quite so hard.) 
A head pokes around the door, shortly followed by the shoulders and torso of the new assistant. "Uh-uhm, I'm sorry, are you Sasha?" 
"I am." She spins her pen around between her fingers before rising to her feet. "I'm sorry, the Watcher didn't give me your name—" 
"Oh. I'm Martin. Blackwood. Uh, Martin Blackwood, nice to meet you." He takes her offered hand and gives it a firm shake and gives her a shaky smile. 
"I take it that the Watcher was busy and sent you to me instead," she says with a smile of her own, and that seems to put him at ease. 
He nods and fusses with the cuff of his coat. "Yes, he… Seemed rather distracted." 
Sasha holds in her sigh and leads Martin out into the hall. "Then I'll be happy to show you around. There's not much to it, but I'm always available if you have any questions."
Martin nods again and follows after her, and she's suddenly overcome with the feeling that she has a puppy on her heels instead of a new coworker. 
But she catches the unabashed awe on his face as he listens to her words, and she knows that he will do just fine.
There is something missing, but Sasha doesn't know what it is.
The connection to the Eye is there, hovering, waiting. It is like she has the individual pieces of a spell pulled together, but they are waiting for the final key. A catalyst of some sort.
Does she need to go back to the Watcher for him to accept her on behalf of the Eye? Does she need something belonging to the Archivist, a focus while he is missing?
When she reaches, she can feel it humming, and when she lets her senses brush against it, it fills her with a fuzzy warmth. She can pluck the strings to see where the others are, and know how they are tethered to this place.
Basira's dark cord, threaded with gold, disappears off in the direction of the offices and the study rooms. Daisy's, sharp like wire but dusty and fragile, curls out onto the grounds.
Tim's burns, fire like teeth biting at the edges of her with an unfamiliar ferocity.
She pulls back so fast that she's sent reeling, dizzy with the phantom pain. Sasha extends a hand to catch herself on a shelf and instead someone catches onto her.
And then she feels like she's floating — the fire replaced by ice against her back, keeping her aloft. The sky overhead is dark, pitch, not a star in sight. When she breathes, her lungs constrict and water fills her nose as the hand that caught her pushes her down.
And then the hand is gone and she's standing knee-deep in the middle of a lake as the idea of trees crowd the shore and when she looks her arms aren't there, just darkness — like the sky, like when she closed her eyes and the Stranger's opened.
And then the first Eye opens, and the next and the next as it sees her, coils around the threads that she gathered, tugs on them hard enough to send her sprawling and she's somewhere else, on the shore of a different lake, this one vast and pale with fog, and Martin is kneeling before her with his arms around her shoulders and he is freezing.
"Sasha?" he asks, and she gets the feeling he has been repeating her name.
"What happened," she gasps, lifting one hand to cling to his arm, then his shoulder, as she tries to heave herself upright.
That's when she notices that everything is gone. No, not gone. Not like when Basira drew the closed eye on her forehead to summon the Blind to her. Muted. Softer. Indistinct, the way everything is under water.
Martin lets her stand, and glances over his shoulder to observe their surroundings.
"Where are we?" She spins in a slow circle, wobbling a bit as she regains her balance.
"I think," he says, cautious — testing every word before he says them. "I think that is where Jon is."
"What, here?" Sasha spreads her arms to encompass the expanse.
Martin shakes his head, and suddenly she realizes that he's not looking around.
He's just avoiding looking at her.
You scared him bad last time, didn't you? the thing inside of her purrs, delighted at her distress.
"Martin…?" Sasha reaches out and lets the tips of her fingers brush his shoulder, but despite how solid he had been seconds before when holding her, her hand goes right through. "Martin, what's happened?"
The question seems too big, all of a sudden, and she regrets even listening to Basira. She never should have left her cottage.
"Right now, we're in what you would call a pocket dimension, I think." Martin pushes himself to his feet and knocks the sand off his pants. Finally, he turns to her, expression drawn and exhausted. "We're safe here."
"Safe? From what?"
He gives her a meaningful look that quickly dissolves into something far more desperate. "Sasha, what you just saw… I think that's where Jon is."
She wants answers, and admittedly, that was one of her questions. But it's not the answer she wants, and it wasn't the question that was highest up on her priority list.
For a brief moment, she wonders if she would be able to force him to answer. But the thought leaves the taste of anise on her tongue, and so she pushes it to the back of her mind.
There's a sense of urgency in his words, though everything else about him is withdrawn and muted. That's when she realizes that she hadn't been able to hear his footsteps or sense his presence while in the Archives.
"No one will tell me what happened to you," she says, reaching for him again without thinking.
Martin flinches back. "A lot has happened since you left," he says, and she hates that this is the answer that everyone thinks is suitable enough to give her. "You were… The first, I think."
"The first what?"
"The first to crack," he says, and it is like she is suddenly looking through a fractured mirror. "There's something in the Archives that's breaking us apart." Martin is still able to speak, despite the heavy fog that seems to emanate from him with each breath. "Things bigger and stronger than us offering a solution."
This time, when Sasha reaches out, he lets her put her hand to his broken chest. "And this is your solution."
"And this is mine."
"So you won't help us look for Jon."
"I can't," he says, and she can feel the sorrow in his words. His shoulders sag, and the veneer is back and he is whole once again. "We can help in different ways, and the only way that I can is to make sure that whatever is trying to get to Jon is distracted enough that you can get to him first."
Sasha takes a hesitant step closer. He stands his ground, and gives a small nod.
So she closes the distance and wraps her arms around his shoulders, having to stand up on her tiptoes to reach him properly.
Martin returns her embrace. "Please find him," he says. "None of this means anything if he's not safe."
"I'll do all I can, Martin." She gives him one final squeeze before stepping back and letting him go. "Please, you stay safe too."
"I'm fine," he reassures, but she's not too sure how much she believes it. "I'm going to send you back now, but go to the others as soon as you can. This place has a way of sticking with you."
She wants to ask him what that is supposed to mean, if he’s not in danger of being pulled in completely, but by the time the question forms on the tip of her tongue, she's standing back at the center of the compass rose in the Archives — fog licking off her skin like steam, and the connection to the Eye lingering just beneath the surface.
She remembers the eyes opening across her skin as she stood in the lake, and a shiver runs down her spine.
Sasha takes a breath to steady herself, and rubs the heel of her hand over her forearm.
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Episode 29 Review: The Missing Cyanide
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{ Full Synopses/Recaps: Debby Graham | Bryan Gruszka }
{ Screencaps }
Welcome back to the isle of Maljardin, whose lush foliage and majestic château mask a deadly evil, one who has grown deadlier with the acquisition of a bottle of cyanide. SIx episodes ago, Jean Paul Desmond removed the bottle from the medicine poison cabinet in the former laboratory of the late Dr. Menkin, only for Jean Paul’s ancestor Jacques Eloi des Mondes to spirit it away shortly after and hide it the-Devil-knows-where. Now the inhabitants and detained guests of the island search for the bottle before its contents can spell their death.
We open with Alison searching for the vial of cyanide in the aforementioned poison cabinet. (Speaking of which, the fact that Dr. Menkin had a whole cabinet full of bottles labeled “POISON” makes him appear just as suspicious as Jean Paul. What kinds of experiments might he have performed that required the use of poison?) For those of you who love to make fun of YouTube’s automatic captions (I hope it’s not just yours truly), the opening scene is a treat, with a whole 30 seconds of subtitled background music:
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The YouTube caption bots have officially gone mad.
She sees Quito and asks him if he has seen the bottle, even drawing a picture of it to make sure he knows which one she’s referring to. He tries to tell her using various gestures, but she doesn’t understand the meaning, and neither Raxl nor Jean Paul is around to interpret. During his first two attempts, he touches his head and then sweeps a hand either outward or upward: “Jacques possessed Jean Paul and swiped it,” perhaps? For his third attempt, he points at himself, then towards the doorway, then makes a “chatterbox” motion with his hand, then points below. I think that means, “I’m going to tell Raxl” (or “I,” “go,” “talk,” “down below”) if only because he goes to fetch her to interpret next.
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THE DEVIL JACQUES ELOI DES MONDES, here playing the role of the Greek chorus. Colin Fox doesn’t appear in this episode[1], but he did record a voice-over for Jacques’ portrait in advance. Jacques is also looking especially rosy in this shot--very cute.
Back in the lab, Raxl interprets Quito’s signs, and it turns out I was close with my guess on the meaning of the first combination. According to Raxl, touching the forehead followed by the swiping motion means “the master took it.” Alison asks when he took the bottle, Quito signs some more, and Raxl translates: “Two days ago.” She adds that she doesn’t believe that Jean Paul intentionally took it, but that “I fear that he was under a spell of that accursed Jacques Eloi des Mondes.”
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After Alison says that the bottle contained enough cyanide to kill everyone on the island, Raxl makes the Sign of the Great Serpent for the first time, albeit with only one hand instead of both.
This brings up the issue of who killed Dr. Menkin (obviously Jacques) and Erica (true cause of death still unknown), and is reminiscent of the mystery of where the conjure doll and silver pin was hidden. Alison begs her to search everywhere including Jean Paul’s room--which is normally off-limits to her--for the doll and pin, even though that will end her erotic dreams about dashing chevalier Jacques. I suppose we all need to make sacrifices.
In the Great Hall, Raxl tells Quito that she is going to contact the Conjure Woman aka Vangie Abbott. Quito shakes his head and grabs her as though pleading for her not to do it. This is reminiscent of the scene in Episode 13 when Quito freaked out over Raxl’s mention of Vangie’s father, the Conjure Man, and also begged her not to. Kurt Schiegl did an excellent job conveying Quito’s thoughts and feelings without speaking. He could have gone into silent films, if they were still a thing in the sixties.
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Quito is undead. Does he even still have a heartbeat?
She descends to the crypt and then waits for Quito to join her before entering the Not-So-Hidden Temple (good, atmospheric scene).
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Some favorite shots from the scene.
Meanwhile, Matt finds Alison calling for her in the Great Hall:
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OK, Captain Obvious.
She tells him about the cyanide and convinces him to help her find it, but won’t tell him who she believes has it.
Meanwhile, Raxl lays out some Tarot cards in the Not-So-Hidden Temple. “The Tarot is as Evangeline Abbott said. Now with the help of the Great Serpent, I shall summon her.” She begins a ritual, bidding Quito beat the drums as she calls for the Conjure Woman to join her.
We cut back to the Great Hall and learn that Matt now considers Raxl’s beliefs superstition, because she believes in Jacques’ ghost and he does not. He doesn’t believe in witchcraft or possession either. Remember, this is a man who said nineteen episodes ago, “The Tarot is the soul’s way to God. Any path that leads to God should have a minister’s approval.” He’s far from anti-superstition when it comes to the Tarot--and besides, the Bible mentions witchcraft and possession, as Alison points out. But Matt denies that those two things exist and dismisses them as ancient, outdated beliefs. You know that his denial is making Jacques absolutely giddy and that somewhere in Hell (or wherever he goes when he’s not inside Jean Paul’s body) he is sitting on his throne grinning from ear to ear and polishing his ring.
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Jacques, upon hearing that Reverend Dawson doesn’t believe in possession.
In the temple, Raxl lays some Tarot cards onto the altar. I have no idea if these cards were deliberately chosen to predict future events on Maljardin or if Cosette Lee just drew ten random cards, but I like writing these Tarot analyses, so I’m going to assume it’s the former. First, a photo of the cards, cropped, lightened, sharpened, flipped to show from Raxl’s perspective, and with the card names marked:
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Because both the King of Swords and the Queen of Cups appear twice, these cards must be from two decks combined. (Normally, there is only one of each card in a Tarot deck, but some people choose to use multiple decks when doing readings. That's what I gather from a Googling "using multiple decks in tarot," anyway.)
Using  the meanings given to certain cards in previous episodes and the established interpretations on Tarot.com and The Tarot Guide for the others, here is my brief card-by-card interpretation:
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Strikingly, two of these cards, the Ace of Swords and the World, have very positive meanings. The Ace of Swords can be about force (in the sense meaning power, not the sense of being forced to do things) or it can foretell a new beginning or the start of a new project, according to The Tarot Guide. The World denotes success and the fulfillment of dreams; some interpretations such as that on Tarot.com consider it to always be a positive card, even when reversed (although The Tarot Guide argues in favor of a negative interpretation of The World RX). The Tarot Guide says that the Four of Coins/Pentacles can mean "possessiveness,” but I'm thinking that it, if this spread of cards was intentional, Ian Martin may have meant for it to mean "possession" instead. I included both Elizabeth and Holly as posible Queens of Cups in my interpretation, because, although I am inclined to believe Raxl’s and Vangie’s interpretation of the Queen of Cups over Matt’s, either one may be correct.
When examined together, these cards suggest a “new beginning” for Jean Paul, Elizabeth and/or Holly, and Dan. Jacques will either possess them or have them become possessed, and this scheme of his will be a success. We know that Jacques foreshadows Elizabeth’s eventual possession (in his original outline for the plot) as early as Episode 12, and we also know from Episodes 6 and 19, respectively, that Dan and Holly both had counterparts on 17th century Maljardin. If Martin had been allowed to stick to his original outline, would Dan have ended up being possessed by d’Anton and Holly by the blonde girl in her dream? Was that his original intention?
But I digress. The Tarot is less significant to this scene than the fact that Raxl is trying to summon Vangie again to the island. Quito pounds on the ritual drum, Raxl prays in a trance while kneeling before the altar. Unbeknownst to them, the Reverend Matt Dawson sneaks into the temple to search for both the cyanide and Erica’s notes.
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Raxl and Quito in the Temple of the Serpent.
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Matt discovers that he’s not strong enough to force the door open and so gives up. “What doors are closed to me I suppose I have no right to open,” he tells Alison cryptically as the “sad Jean Paul” music plays in the background. (That’s what I call the cue at least, because it mostly plays during sad Jean Paul scenes.)
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Vangie: “When I die, it will be here on Maljardin. Why did you call me?”
Vangie protests that “[she] must be brought [to Maljardin] some other way” instead of summoning, which is pretty pointless, because Raxl’s ability to summon her to Maljardin eliminates the need for an invite from Jean Paul or Jacques (or, in Holly’s case, skill with sneaking onto ships). She ends this episode with a cryptic line that could refer to one of several female characters on this show: “When the master of the house is no longer the master of his soul, the house needs a mistress."
Overall, a good but not very eventful episode--but then, at this point, you can’t really do much unless Jean Paul and Jacques are around to stir things up. They’re not the only interesting characters--I would be more than happy to watch this, too, if it were The Raxl Show--but Jean Paul and Jacques are the catalysts, the “movers and shakers” if you will. Fortunately, the handsome devil and his 20th-century descendant will be back next episode
Coming up next: Vangie tries to convince Jean Paul to bring her to Maljardin by boat and we try to determine if the Lost Episode summary for Episode 30 was truly for a lost episode.
{ <- Previous: Episode 28   ||   Next: Episode 30 -> }
[1] Steve (leafshimmer) sent me an article recently with behind-the-scenes information on the show, including the reason why Fox is absent from roughly one episode per week:
Last year [i. e. 1968], Fox broke his neck while taping the Stratford Festival company's Three Musketeers for CBC.  Although he doesn't have to wear a neck brace all the time, he still suffers pain. "Most of the early problems were cleared up, but it's much too exhausting doing this--working 12 hours a day," he said.  "My doctor has given me a letter which insists I get one working day off a week. I have less than 48 hours off, with rehearsals every night, including Sunday."
(Source: Sid Adilman, “TV’s Colin Fox and his Strange Paradise,” Toronto Telegram (Nov. 29 1969).)
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itsamiraculous · 5 years
Miraculer- A Look in on Future Episodes.
Miraculer was awesome! but I feel it was slightly overshadowed by the release of Timetagger with Bunnix. 
Don’t get me wrong! That is just as awesome also but I have things I want to say.
Miraculer follows the same plot line as Antibug. Literally. I’m sure people drew many parallels from the fact that Sabrina was akumatized again, having her and Chloe play as Chat and Ladybug and Chloe falling out with Ladybug, but there is so much more. Despite living through a previous episode again, there is a reason, and it also gives us (what I believe), a stark look in to what we can expect in the future. 
I think I will go through Miraculer and draw the parallels to Antibug and go from there.
Sabrina akumatized, one of the better ones I would argue. As Vanisher (invisible) and also as Miraculer. Of course Vanisher had a weakness; she was tangible.
Chloe and Sabrina having a falling out. Literally the same thing. Chloe takes things out on Sabrina, because she has no one else to take things out on other than herself (hurts anyone close to her. Mommy issues).
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Ladybug keeping Chloe out of the loop because she is trying to protect her and other people. In Antibug, it was also Marinette holding a grudge against her and we have clearly seen that develop (i.e. Despair Bear etc). 
Chloe just wants to help and she hates being cast out. It’s what Style Queen and Queen Wasp was about. She wanted people to notice that she is extraordinary. I would argue that she wants to grow up, but she doesn’t know how. Chloe is notorious for not caring about the consequences, to other people, but when it comes to matters with Ladybug, she won’t care. I think it’s possibly because she is grateful of Ladybug saving her, but also because Chloe wants to be better.
Chat being a prompt for Ladybug to trust Chloe. Chloe was needed.
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From here on out I will just mention things from both Antibug, Miraculer and other things because I think it's important.
So obviously we only saw one half of Antibug play out again, but we are left with the same premise for the other half; Chloe’s withering devotion towards ladybug.
But Chloe was upset about it. For the end of Miraculer we don't see it, only what she expressed on the surface with being defensive. It wasn't until we see Hawkmoth that she's angry and then starts crying and gets akumatized. This is what I'm slightly expecting from future episodes. The lead on from Miraculer ending up to be the loveater episodes most likely.
Again reference to one of Ladynoir turning bad. Both by Chloe being anti-bug (Heroes Day and other episodes such as Sandboy with LB being bad) and Chat going across to that side (Chat Blanc and other S1 eps like Dark Cupid with Chat being bad).
The Antibug sword comes up a lot; Sandboy, Chris Master etc. You get the picture. It is just to reference Antibug. It's a huge episode. It tells you a lot about Chloe’s story, but also Ladynoir's and clearly is used as a plot device.
It’s also fun to see the difference between how nicely Marinette treats Chloe now. She has seen the other side to Chloe and now actually wishes to see her grow. It’s really interesting. Especially when you see one of the scenes with the Superhero group, minus Sabrina. It’s a nice foreshadow in what it could look like in the future; masks on or not. Alya and Nino taking no BS from Chloe, Marinette and Chloe being able to breathe the same air. You know, all that good stuff.
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It’s also interesting looking at things with Ladynoir as well. You see Ladybug noping at every advance from Chat, but it changes after she comes back from de-transforming. I think it’s because of what Tikki says; sometimes you need to listen to others. Ladybug in S1 doesn’t always listen to Chat, she comes across as arrogant, this is why we see in Antibug Chloe saying “You’re nothing without Cat Noir” and also Ladybug’s speech(es) of her and Chat being an unstoppable team, and that they work together. Also showing us Chat’s loyalty. Totally think when Marinette is saving Chat, that its key. It’s a change. In fact it’s the change. Glaciator. Marinette/Ladybug see the different side to Chat, it changes her perspective, hence why we get Tikki saying about taking other people’s advice, doing things differently and listening. After that we see Ladybug listen to Chat about where the Akuma is (Chat being observational too, working as a team and communicating better) and then proceeds to tease him!!! That is no coincidence that it happens like that. It basically shows you the change from Ladybug not seeing Chat, to now seeing him. Hence why we are suddenly getting all those smiles and sudden puns and freaking Stormy Weather 2 to show all the changes. 
Funny we get the two pigeons as well, quite interesting after seeing Timetagger. 
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Miraculer, also reminded me how Marinette is the only one who doesn’t train...
Okay, arguably Adrien does and doesn’t- he does fencing, but he seems very agile without powers. Chloe we know has danced for years, Frighteningale proved that she is flexible and agile etc. Then we see Alya and Nino training together on the pier. Holy Moly that was cute. Ladynoir or Adrienette reincarnation of that scene pleeeaaaseeeeeee.
But yeah, Marinette just... doesn’t. It’s a shame because honestly.
Chloe was excellent when she went after Mayura, and also when she mentally fought off Hawkmoth. She is incredible in Miraculer. She almost took off the brooch, and she has a strong mentality in order for her not to be swayed, except of course she doesn’t fully accept what Ladybug is saying, believing that Ladybug doesn’t want to give her a proper chance. I think Marinette/Ladybug needed to word it differently, or maybe it just be them two instead of the whole team standing around. 
Secret Identities also coming back more and more. Honestly, everything in these two episodes makes me think it is laying the groundwork for Chat Blanc. I was talking with a friend and we decided it must be to do with Chat still being in the dark from everything with Master Fu. It is like Chloe’s situation; feeling like they are being left in the dark. There is also the temptation of trying to get the other to become corrupt, but they are too loyal to Ladybug. Which is why it’s hard to know what is going to happen to make Chat/Adrien go against Ladybug unless it is to do with his family situation. I don’t think it will be Ladybug’s rejection. It doesn’t fit exactly. The themes that always come up with Chat and Ladybug is her rejection or Chat feeling useless or being left in the dark. It is the exact same as Chloe. I’m wondering if Chat Blanc is actually Chat Noir Akumatized, because I honestly can’t comprehend it happening. They can make the description seem like something completely different.
Copycat comes back in both episodes “That little copycat” “Quit being a copycat”. Copycat also has a funny link. Alya says “Think of it this way. No more secrets” in response to Marinette accidentally telling Adrien. Something that Adrien was doing as Chat- explaining his feelings to LB. Not directly to Miraculer per ce, but a theme throughout that does kinda link
Something bad happening to Chat as well, concerning his own cataclysm. That’s going to be prominent one day. It also effected Plagg though, which means if he’s not careful it can damage his miraculous, like it does with Bunnix, as we are told, but that alters the timeline(????)... surely. Possibly is a hint at why/how the Peacock miraculous is damaged...
So other little things...
Ladybug more concerned over Chat, You saw her Gasp and watch him just before Chloe came in. 
As Heroes gain more allies, so do the villains. Seeing those two networks is just purely awesome.
Honestly thought Ladybug was going to do a pound it with Chloe, it would have made a difference instead of just holding out her hand for the miraculous.
Miraculer could summon the powers more than once. That’s always been a thing with most of Hawkmoth’s villains, but we know it’s now possible for proper miraculous holders to have that same power, as Hawkmoth can do it. It’s different from Antibug where Chloe has the exact same powers, only evil. All we know is that it can’t be possible for two or more at once yet.  Hawkmoth needed Catalyst to do that.
Even Hawkmoth says “We’ve set the stage for the future” 
Marinette is actually trying to be friends with Chloe... and Chloe was super close to seeing through Lila. 
List of Episodes Miraculer references: Every episode (more or less) that the Antibug sword has been used in, Every episode that has Chloe’s development (Zombizou, Despair bear! Queen’s Battle trilogy etc), Copycat, Antibug (of course), Gigantitan, Sandboy, Glaciator, Heroes Day. 
So much is going down.
Sorry if this is too long for some people. I thought of so much more, but I’ll do another post for it. I’m trying my best to cut everything down. 
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inviouswriting · 4 years
Prim-AU - Thoughts
I am enjoying writing this AU. This has two parts. I’ll post the second part on it’s own as it is more smut filled and will stand alone.
Starts out sweet but the last half is what I write best. This one has some mild spots but nothing compared to what I am writing in continuation.
Kiya was getting stir crazy being on bedrest. She would thrash her tail when she was alone, and in Aymeric’s presence. The knight only gave her a weary smile before he had to go back to his office. Assuring her he would return throughout the day.
The fire in her had returned fierce, and Whitecape saw it as a good sign. She would be able to go home with Aymeric at the end of the day. She knows he is ecstatic to be able to have his beloved in their bed again. Kiya had put on the right amount of weight to be able to leave. 
Kiya itched to adventure, but she will keep her promise to Aymeric, not to adventure for three years. Probably to rediscover their relationship more intimately. Aymeric holds onto her black mage soul crystal till he knows she can handle the responsibility again. At her request. Aymeric keeps it in his desk.
The aftermath of her return. There were many scared of her, but familiar faces and those that knew her, knew well that Kiya was no threat. Though now she is stepping down from her role as warrior of light with Divinity around.
Perhaps she should look at it as a blessing, given rest from everyones responsibilities. Till she can take on those roles again. 
Kiya’s attention is drawn out at the sound of the doors to the infirmary opening. In walks Divinity, dressed more casual. The healer staff leaned up against the wall close to the door.
Kiya finally gets a better look at the woman. An elezen, stark white hair with almost a blue tint to it. Soft blue almost white eyes. A gentle face almost as gentle as Aymeric’s when she smiles at her.
“Hey, how are you feeling?” Divinity takes a seat next to the black mage. Kiya gives a simpered smile and looks at her hands. Aymeric had her dressed in soft clothes.
“Going mad. I can see why Estinien ran off..” She murmurs under her breath. She couldn’t leave anyway, let alone cast a spell. 
“Estinien. Seems to do his own thing.” Divinity had only seen the dragoon scarce, she had bumped into him on the way here. 
“Anyway, what brings you here?” Kiya changes subject. Estinien along with Aymeric gave her such a scolding, Kiya can still feel her ears against her head.
“Checking in, figuring you might want to see a friend, since the only company seems to be medical and your husband. A refreshing face in a woman.” Divinity earns a smile.
“Appreciated.” Kiya’s expression changes.
“Why did you save me though?” Kiya knows the honor bound code of the Scions.
“Because you did not summon the primal. That entity did. You were a catalyst. I couldn’t bring myself to kill you in a manner that was unnecessary. I could not stand to see your beloved so heartbroken either.” Divinity explains, Kiya lowers her gaze to her lap. Hearing how Aymeric was beside himself drew pangs of guilt into her heart.
“Thank you...” Kiya trails off, she feels that overwhelming kindness, when she looks at Divinity, the elezen woman is gentle in her presence.
“You remind me of my leader.” Divinity muses aloud.
“What?” Kiya locks eyes.
“Oh, my leader. I’ll tell you some stories. To ease your mind. You see. I am not from this world initially. I came here from another realm entirely. My home was anything but kind.” Divinity sees the shock from Kiya, and continues.
“My life only knew relentless persecution. Many people were burned at a stake for practicing medicine. I eventually was dragged and tied to the pyre. But I had made a friend, and she stayed with me to the end.” Divnity smiles wistfully.
“I had spent my years in the afterlife blind, and as a healer then. Healing lost souls brought to me by her. My leader, was the opposite of you. She her lover was used as a catalyst for a spell. Only he had died... I did not want to see the same thing happen here. You being eternally lost to the one who loves you unconditionally.” Divinity sees Kiya smile warm. She also gets an idea.
“Can you stand and walk around?” Divinity asks. Kiya nods, she has been able to walk and sort.
“Come with me! There is something you need to see.” Divinity promptly drags the miqo’te out of her bed confinement. Kiya adjusts the robes around her, and under Divinity’s help, they make for the door that Kiya is all too familiar in with Aymeric’s office. It was left wide open. He keeps the doors open in case there is updates or news of his wife. Divinity has Kiya peer quietly around the corner of the door.
Aymeric has his head resting against his hand as he signed papers, or wrote them. He had on his desk Kiya’s soul crystal, and his eyes would drift to it from time to time.
Kiya sees how soft Aymeric’s gaze is on a piece of her. She also notes how worn out he looked. Even wondering if he has slept at home at all.
“He only goes home from what I gathered, to bathe and change clothes. He spends his waking hours here. He will sometimes smile to himself, or he will sit there and pray for you.” Divinity’s voice is quiet as she speaks to Kiya, not raising her voice enough to be detected by him.
Kiya feels a sense of love in her heart, seeing the way her beloved has truly stayed by her side. She knows he doesn’t go home at night, he spends them with her. 
Divinity sees the way Kiya stares at Aymeric, and slips back as Kiya crosses the path of the door. Aymeric looks up from his papers seeing his beloved in the doorway.
“Kiya? What are you doing up, My love?” Aymeric gets up and goes to her, his arms wrapping around her. Kiya presses her face into his torso. 
“I wanted to see you.” Kiya feels his fingers thread through her hair. Kiya nuzzles her face into his abdomen where she reaches. 
“You should be in bed still, but if you wanted to see me. I could have come to you.” He then remembers Saulette was taking the day from the Congregation watch. He tilts Kiya’s head back to look her in the eyes.  Thumbing away a stray tear.
Kiya looks up more into his eyes, and sees how he is looking at her. That prideful full love stare he always holds for her. Endearing, and soft at the edges of his eyes. The full blue, dark hair that frames his face, the odd tufts. The soft smile that curls at the edges of his lips. 
Kiya reaches her arms up, and Aymeric lowers himself down so she can wrap her arms at his neck. He stands with her, arms winding around her waist to hold her up. He feels her strength returned much to his liking. Kiya without hesitation or prompting, kisses him full. She doesn’t miss the surprise in his eyes, nor does he miss the soft in her green eyes.
Aymeric returns her kiss, full and deep. Wondering what came over his love to seek his affection first. Kiya pulls back from the kiss, and looks him in his eyes. Aymeric sees how her emerald green hues smolder at him, a look he is all too familiar with.
“Love me? Here?” Kiya requests, and Aymeric’s hands on her tighten a bit more. He sets her down seating her on his desk and goes to close the doors of his office. Locking them before he returns to her. She is a much relieved distraction from his reports.
Divinity had seen more than enough, and quietly walks off, she sees Whitecape wondering where Kiya went and informs him that Kiya is with Aymeric. The man sighs relief and knows his patient is in good hands. 
Divinity retrieves her staff from the room, and makes to go on her adventure. She takes a look at one of the mirrors and can see a different face in it. One smiling at her and nodding.
“I had a feeling you were behind sparing her.” Divinity sees Kivera for the first time since she began her adventures in Eorzea.
“All I did was pardon her name. You did the real work. You learned from me, how a disaster doesn’t need to end in death. At least for you, it worked in your favor.” Kivera smiles solemnly.
Divinity knows all too well.
“Can you continue to watch over them? Make sure she is protected?” Divinity requests.
“Only because you ask me.”
“I’ll send you more of those Ishgardian tarts you like.”
In Ayemrics office, Kiya feels nothing but absolute bliss with how he loves her on top of his desk. Papers scattered off, and Aymeric being tender with her. Kiya is wrapped well in his embrace, and Aymeric takes hold of her till she is a mess of emotions.
Aymeric had placed Kiya’s ring back onto her hand, and felt complete with his beloved under him again. Each adoration spilled from his lips. Their hands locked together and all Kiya can focus on, is how much she needed him. Aymeric must have felt her need with how hard she is clinging to him. Her limbs tangled with his to get closer. 
Kiya in the middle of everything she does, reaches into Aymeric’s perfect hair and fully messes it up. Aymeric eyes her and even slows his movements seeing her do something entirely different. He only smiles, and does the same to her. His hands threading and ruffling her hair till it matches with how full blown messed she makes his hair. 
Aymeric looks down at her through the messy bangs, and sees a look of triumph on Kiya’s face. He leans down and kisses her while tugging her more to him. Kiya feels more frustration in how perfect he looks, messed hair, lovely smoldering blue eyes mirroring her own heat as they’re connected intimately.
They look at each other, and Kiya starts laughing at how he looks with his hair sticking in different directions. Aymeric wonders how much she messed him up, he shakes his head and resumes his movements with her. 
When they both have had enough and felt each other peak. Kiya is sitting in Aymeric’s lap, legs strewn against his sides while he had them both on his chair. His hands petting her head and back. Kiya’s face pressed to his chest, and panting from the high she was brought to. 
“Feeling better?” He asks, tugging Kiya back to look him in the eyes.
“Much better. I feel complete almost.” Kiya sighs a little heavier. Aymeric lifts her hips enough to pull from her. Adjusting himself more comfortably with her on his lap, Kiya had stripped him of his clothes and they both bask in the afterglow.
“We should get dressed. As much as I want you naked every second of the day. We’re still in my office.” Aymeric coaxes her to put her robe back on, she just shrugs it off of herself earning him staring at her.
Kiya looks at him, and frowns a little at being made to wear clothes.
“A little longer like this? Please?” Kiya pleads, she was enjoying the skin to skin contact.
“Hmm... just a little longer.” He was easily persuaded. His hands roam her skin feeling how soft she has been getting again. She feels right in his arms. 
“I should put more of that oil on your skin later.” He comments idly, Kiya pulls back a little to sit on his lap better. Aymeric glances down her front, and steels himself from wanting to take her again. He leans down to where her robe was tossed and starts to tug it around his beloved.
“Aymeric?” She draws his attention to her. He starts to tug on his own robes, the blue cloth shirt underneath till the collar fit against his neck just right. Aymeric places Kiya on his desk, while he dresses himself. Kiya fits the robe on her properly. Her thighs felt a little sore, from him. When Kiya got down from the desk, her legs almost give out on her. 
Aymeric sees this and catches her, collecting her into his arms.
“I think you are having a little bit of a hard time standing.” He is amused.
“I think someone is responsible for that.” Kiya catches on, and earns him grinning at how much trouble she seems to be having staying upright. 
“We should get you back to bed. I think by now Whitecape should be looking for you.  We would not want for your stay in the infirmary extended because you wanted me.” Aymeric sees the fear on her face at the possibility of staying another night.
“I want to go home!” Kiya is met with a kiss a teasing one. He does it on purpose to remind her what awaits her at the end of the day. Aymeric lifts her and brings her back to the infirmary.
Whitecape was waiting for his patient to be returned to him. He shakes his head at the dishelved appearances of the two.
“I see she felt adventurous. Why not take her home earlier?” He grants permission, looking over Kiya once more till he was satisfied.
“I’d love to take her home.” Kiya is tugged back into Aymeric’s arms.
“Then get her home, but make sure she eats enough. She’s still a bit thin. I do think she aught to be able to get further care from you at home.” Whitecape explains, and Aymeric nods.
Kiya is carried to the bed and rested down. She looks over to Aymeric.
“Pray, allow me to clear the rest of my afternoon?” She nods and lets Aymeric go take care of things. Kiya waits, feeling relieved in how she feels. She doesn’t wait long for him, and Aymeric collects her into his arms and with her he takes her back home.
Kiya thinks to herself how lucky and blessed she truly is. While staring up at him as he walks with her in his arms out of the Congregation.
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dolphinitley · 6 years
Jacob Seed/F!Deputy Fic
“Love Like Revenge”
Chapter 4
Word count: 2,499
Full work on AO3
Summary: In this chapter we learn about Jacob and Dep’s pasts, as well as the deputy’s real name! Also they kiss for the first time!
Constructive criticism and comments are very welcome!
Tagging @theeonlyroman @colorguardian18 @flyawayturtle @farcrying5 @zacklover24 @sassenach-on-the-rocks @theromanianbookworm @afeverxlongingstill @mmechromancer @jacobmybeloved @jacobseedswife @theatmmmmm @liilaac @deputyoneill @jacobsrook
Rook woke up on her couch alone late in the morning. She pondered if last night was real or a dream. The Wolf came to her house, made her dinner, cried with her, apologized to her, and slept with her.
But that didn’t change the fact that he was still leading the PEG military. He was still part of an organization that kidnapped and killed non supporters without provocation. He still sponsored The Cook who butchered and burned families in front of each other.
When Rook lived in her hometown in Missouri, she would have consulted her best friend about her romantic life. However, if she were still in Missouri, she probably wouldn’t be having feelings for a killer. She wouldn’t be a killer.
Her new friends here in Montana understood her recent behavior that would seem horrific to people back home. Rook found great friendships in Hudson and Jess, but knew neither of them would condone her feelings for Jacob.
When she moved to Montana a couple of months ago, she intended to keep a low profile. She didn’t expect to make real friends or make a life here, but she did.
When Rook earned her master’s in criminal justice, she didn’t expect to be fighting a war against a militant cult.
When she began working as a detective in Minnesota, she didn’t expect to be killing zombie-like Angels.
When she was assigned to go undercover in Hope County, she didn’t expect to be the heralded catalyst of the end of the world.
But all of these things, she did.
Her exceptional performance as a detective in Minnesota drew the admiration of the U.S. Marshall Service. However, it also drew death threats from criminals she’d once put away. The USMS’s solution for this was to relocate her to Montana to investigate mysterious disappearances in Hope County. She was to take on the role of an unassuming rookie for Whitehorse and learn about PEG.
The USMS sent Burke in too early. They didn’t listen to her when she said that PEG was too strong for one squad to take on. With or without her, the squad was going to the compound, so she figured she might as well go and help any way she could. That was her first mistake.
That’s what she thought about when the helicopter was going down and when she was killing dozens of Peggies from the passenger seat of the getaway truck Burke drove. Then it was too late to escape Hope County, and she was in it too deep.
She trusted Dutch so quickly. She became a tool for him so easily. She wanted to rescue her team from the Seeds, but a lot of shit got in the way.
Rook was a natural leader, but didn’t enjoy being called a hero. She didn’t want to be deified. She just wanted to do the right thing. Her exposure to the Bliss and gruesome battle made her judgement more clouded over time. She had been trained to kill, but in Hope killing is quick and on a massive scale. It was war and it gave her scars.
She thought she’d be stronger than this. Life would never go back to the way it was before Hope. You can’t just fall back into your old life after war. The person who understood this more than anyone was Jacob. He was smart and strong enough to survive anything.
Since Rook left Hope County, she’d been working on her report to send to her sergeant from the USMS. When she finally sent it in, she made the call.
“It’s a relief to hear from you, Anderson,” the sergeant said. It was strange and comforting to hear someone use her real last name for the first time in weeks. “Your report is impressive. Good work.” This phrase reminded her of Jacob’s praise after she killed Eli, and she clenched her teeth.
“I wish I could say your assignment is over and that you can go home, but it’s still not safe for you in Missouri.”
Rook gave a disappointed sigh. She missed her family so much. “I understand.”
“I wish I could offer you some kind of treatment, but the budget has been cut again. Our resources are drying up. I don’t even think we can send a team into Hope County to deal with Eden’s Gate. Just stay where you are and relax. I’ll call you in a few months when it’s safe again. Take care of yourself Detective.”
“You too Serge.”
A few days later is was Rook who called Jacob in the morning.
“I’m standing in my kitchen right now, looking out the window, and there’s a Judge wolf who literally barked Tommy up a tree.”
“And you haven't shot it yet?”
“Hey, I’m doing a courtesy to you by letting you know. Anyway, I’m not going to waste ammo on it. I thought Judges were supposed to be obedient, soldier. Don’t tell me you sent it up here just to get my attention.”
“Don’t flatter yourself, Dep.” She could hear his smile in his tone. “It’ll be dealt with within the hour.”
Forty minutes later, Jacob’s truck came rumbling up her gravel driveway. She watched his tall and confident figure get out of the truck. Jacob sounded his dog whistle to summon the Judge to its kennel in the back of the truck. Rook felt pity for the poor wolf that now had to live as a Judge, and she didn’t like that Jacob was the person who made it that way. But, she still admired how strong he looked, how focused and blue his eyes were, and his unique red hair and beard. Despite everything she’s seen, Rook knew that there was a good man in Jacob.
When the Judge was secured in the kennel, Rook stepped outside. She didn’t quite know what to say to Jacob, so she went right for the tree that Tommy was in. Tommy could get down on his own, but she wanted to hold him now.
Jacob watched Rook call to Tommy with her arms raised and her head craning up. He chuckled and walked over to the tree. Quickly he climbed the tree to where Tommy was and grabbed the cat. Rook noticed how all animals seemed to obey him. Hell, even most humans did.
Jacob carried the fluffy orange cat over to Rook with a smug look on his face.
“Thank you,” she said.
“Yeah...sorry about that. Won’t happen again.”
Rook stroked Tommy’s fur happily and gave a shrug.
“Anything else I can do for you?” Jacob asked.
“Actually, yes. Follow me.”
There was a lightbulb out in her house that she couldn’t reach to change. She figured that she might as well use Jacob’s height while he’s here.
“How do you not have a ladder?” he asked.
“I, uh, haven’t lived here for very long.”
“Hm.” He wanted to know her story, but got the feeling she didn’t want to talk about it. He quite enjoyed helping her and seeing her satisfied with something he’d done, even if it was an easy task.
Jacob noticed a backpack on the living room floor with the name “Emily” embroidered on it. It was the answer to a question he’d often thought about.
She turned at the sound of her name. She saw what he discovered and grinned at the realization. “Yes?”
“I’ve always kinda wondered what your name was. I like it,” Jacob said while scratching his beard.
“At home people sometimes call me Em or Emma. But everyone here in Montana calls me Dep or Rook, except you. I’d like to keep it that way if you don’t mind.”
“Right. I’ve got to get the Judge back to the Center now.” Jacob walked to the door and stopped. “Hey Em,” he called. It was so intimate to call her by a friendly nickname. “Would it, uh, be alright if I came back sometime?”
“Doesn’t really matter what I say, right? You’re gonna come back anyway.”
Jacob realized that his past visits were intrusions and actually wrong. “If you don’t want me to, I won’t.”
“It’s alright. You can come back sometime.”
Em often thought about Jacob’s reason for his previous visit. “When I’m with you, like this, my head is clear.”
That was her purpose for him, she thought. She was his soothing drug. She viewed him as less of a threat now, but was still a little suspicious. Nonetheless, she very often dreamt of touching him.
Em got out of Hope County and listened to radio stations that weren’t controlled by Peggies. The news on the radio was still just as bad as it was in Hope and getting worse. The most recent report was that the U.S. government had lost communication with North Korea, and the first attack was to be expected at any time.
One of Em’s neighbors decided to move back to their hometown to be with their family, and gave their horse to Em. Her house had a barn and fenced in meadow, and she’d had horses as a girl. Her new horse’s name was Honey on account of her color and kindness. Riding her each day was rather therapeutic for Em.
She was riding at dusk one day when Jacob came to visit her. Tonight he wore dark jeans, a gray t shirt, and a black hard shell jacket while Em wore light jeans and a hoodie. Her brown hair was in a ponytail.
Em wondered how her horse would feel about Jacob. She shouldn’t have been surprised when Honey liked him, as all other animals did. Jacob climbed the fence to the meadow and held the horse’s head in his big hands.
“Are you hungry?” Jacob asked with his straight lipped smile. He was looking up at Em sitting on the horse. Usually she was the one looking up at him. She nodded in the affirmative.
“Good. I brought dinner. Here.” Jacob gestured for her to hand him the reigns.
He led Honey to the barn. Honey was a rather tall horse and Em was 5’4”, so it was quite a jump from Honey’s back to the ground. Right as Em’s feet hit the ground, she felt the slightest grace of Jacob’s hand on her back, just in case.
They went inside the house and washed the dirt off their hands. Em took off her hoodie to reveal a Rye Aviation t-shirt.
Jacob brought in a large paper bag of random things he grabbed from the Vet Center pantry.
He included a six pack of beer bottles, but it only took two for Em to loosen up and want to talk with him.
Sitting across from Jacob at her kitchen table she said, “You know, I’m not really into religion at all.”
“Me neither. But I take care of my brothers.”
“You guys are close, huh?”
Jacob had the remaining four beers which loosened him up as well.
“Growing up we only had each other. Or more like the thought of each other. Most adults were shit to us. We were poor. Our dad preached to us and beat us half to death. Our mom was a shell of a person. Our foster parents worked us half to death. I burned their barn and went to juvie, then I didn’t see my brothers again until I got out of the military. The thought of them was the only thing that kept me going until Joseph found me.”
Em was flooded with empathy for the brothers. His story made her want to adopt children so they’d not ever have to be abused by people like those from Jacob’s past, and she told him that.
“Do you want to sit on the couch? Watch a movie or something?” Jacob asked.
Em put in a soothing movie that she’d seen a hundred times while Jacob cleaned up dinner.
Em laid on the couch, and Jacob lifted her legs easily, sat on the couch, and set her legs on top of his thighs.
The movie was about 10 minutes in when Em asked, “You still brainwashing people?”
Jacob felt bad about his past actions. “No. I don’t do a lot of the stuff I used to. All I focus on now is building and training the Chosen. I don’t fuck with people outside of Eden’s Gate.”
“Why the change?”
“I never cared about anything other than my brothers. I was in pain and I had the power to make others feel pain too. Nobody could stop me. The first time I saw you, it was like a switch flipped. I wondered if I could care about you. You almost were the one to stop me. Then when you said you wanted me, I knew I couldn’t pass that up. Then you telling me to leave you alone had me thinking about what I’d done to you. And others.”
Em got up to her knees next to him. “Do you still want me?” Jacob asked her.
In response, Em placed her hands on his shoulders and slowly leaned in to cross the space between their faces. Butterflies fluttered in her stomach as she looked into his fierce blue eyes. Her gentle kiss on the cheek made Jacob close his eyes and exhale at the touch he had been so starved for.
When she pulled away from his cheek, Jacob brushed her hair behind her ear and pulled her over to straddle his lap.  
His tough hands settled on her waist and looked up from her legs to her expectant eyes.
Softly, he placed his right hand on the back of her neck and she moved in for a real kiss this time. With heads slightly tilted, their noses touched first. Jacob had the rare look of desire in his eyes and closed the last bit of distance between their parted lips.
Jacob gently enclosed Em’s bottom lip and took his time moving away. They felt a surge of intimate energy that spurred more kisses. Em realized how soft and kissable his lips actually were. Jacob forgot anything that wasn’t the act of kissing her. His eyes were closed and he allowed himself to just feel. The pair got more comfortable and settled into each other. Their kisses gradually became less gentle and more consuming. They were both so starved for this that they didn’t think they’d ever stop. They couldn’t get close enough. Em admired his beard and scarred skin with her grateful hands. Jacob kept pressure on her back and threaded fingers into her loose hair.
Finally pulling away and out of breath, Em said, “I still want you.”
Jacob smiled and pulled them down to lay on the couch. He nuzzled her neck and kissed her jawline up to her lips.
Em enthusiastically wrapped her limbs around him and continued to ride the high. Now he was her drug too, and they were both addicted.
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ergomaria · 5 years
Miles to Go Before I Sleep - Ch. 09
The cantina they entered was crowded but not overly loud, filled with various sentients meeting in quiet booths and shadowed corners to exchange secrets. Vann's dark eyes scanned the dimly lit space, his expression going lax for a moment before he whispered, "We've been here before, haven't we?"
"We've used this location a few times before and during the war. That's also how my contact knows it."
Vann accepted this, his gaze following Meetra's as she nodded towards a back table where a cowled figure sat stoically. Despite showing no visible features it was obvious that the individual was large, at least for a humanoid, yet possessed a certain meekness to his posture as though he was trying to hide from the outside world. It was a strange contrast but not one that was unexpected. A warm smile tugged at Meetra's lips as she approached with a quickness that bordered on excitement. Unsurprisingly, the former mercenary didn't share his companion's enthusiasm and suspicion immediately creased his brow as he studied the figure, his hands subtly drifting towards the lightsaber hilts that were hidden beneath the hem of his jacket. His eyes narrowed as his awareness extended to probe for further clues, a snarl tugging at his lips. When they were less than a meter away he stopped dead in his tracks, roughly grabbing Meetra by the shoulder to halt her as well.
"I don't think that's your contact."
Drawing a slow breath, Meetra steeled herself for the inevitable argument. "Yes, it is."
"No, that's…"
The cloaked figure lifted his head, pale eyes gazing at them from beneath the shadow of his hood. They were blue and not sickly gray, thank the Force. Shrugging off the former mercenary's hand, Meetra insisted, "I know who it is, Vann. I'm the one who called him here."
The mechanical sound tainting Alek's voice was startling as he hissed, "For once in your life can you not make a scene? We can explain, but I don't have much time."
If there was one individual in the galaxy who could talk Revan down when his temper struck, it was his best friend. Unfortunately, the pair hadn't been friends in six years. Quicker than most species could blink Vann drew his concealed lightsabers, igniting them with a flick of his thumbs and extending his arms so that one blade was pointed at each of the other Force users. His irises flashed an eerie yellow, the color making his skin appear sallow.
"Kriffing Sith hells, do you not understand Basic?!" Alek was still speaking in a hushed whisper but his exasperation was audible.
By now the entire cantina was staring at them. Despite the burning tip of the lightsaber aimed at her throat Meetra managed a smile. "Nothing to see here," she called, summoning the Force to add persuasion to her voice. "Just a little disagreement. No need to concern yourselves." Most of the patrons immediately turned back to their business, though it was unclear if this was due to her command or the fact that they were quite used to looking the other way during violent arguments.
Vann's expression was murderous. "You both have sixty seconds to explain. And you know that I'll be counting."
The situation was precarious but out of all the individuals in the galaxy, the two currently held at 'saber-point were the best equipped to diffuse it. Slowly and calmly, Meetra began to speak. "Alek and I have been in contact for just under two years. He's the reason that I was trying to return to Republic space." It was the first time she'd admitted that even to herself. "He felt something extremely dangerous, and I'm now certain that he was sensing the same Sith threat we're currently fighting."
"Forty-five, forty-four…"
"Before you ask, I got messages out through a few Republic officers who were still loyal to me… though not necessarily to the Sith. I contacted Meetra, and only Meetra, because she was the one individual I trusted to stop what I felt coming."
"Thirty-two, thirty-one…"
"I was having nightmares. I don't know if you remember Dromund Kaas, but…"
"I spent some time there recently. Lots of lightning and torture, can't say I'd recommend it."
Realization struck Meetra. "You were taken captive about two years ago, right? That's around the same time that Alek's dreams started."
Vann's lightsabers pressed just a fraction closer, the heat of the blade burning the delicate skin of the former general's neck. "Malak! His name is Malak and he's a kriffing Sith!"
"Was. Was a Sith." Alek heaved a mechanical sigh, sadness filling his gaze. "I fully admit that I was under the sway of the dark side the last time we met. I was trying to do the right thing, but my mind was too clouded by fear and rage for me to think clearly. But I did tell you the truth back on the Leviathan, all I wanted was to recreate your vision for the Republic."
The chill of anger surrounding Vann turned to a frigid torrent. "You wouldn't have had to 'recreate' anything if you didn't try to gut me and then shoot me out of the sky!"
A wave of determination washed over Alek and he pushed his face against the blade, the plasma singeing his prosthetic. "For Force sake, Deran! Put your damn 'sabers down and let's talk this out like adults. The entire Republic is once again at stake and if you're going to let our past interfere with saving it, you're no better than the Jedi Council who stood by while the Mandalorians…"
"What did you call me?"
Blinking in mild embarrassment, Alek stuttered, "Err… Revan. I called you…"
"He called you Deran, which is your real name." Meetra stared defiantly at Vann, watching as confusion danced across his features.
It was quickly replaced by frustration. "That's something I would have known if this kriffing son of a kath hound hadn't deleted all of my records…"
"That wasn't me! I know my word means nothing to you, but I swear that I didn't do it." Alek had never been as good at concealing his Force presence and the truth of his words was so blatant that even Vann couldn't deny it. The lightsabers gradually lower as the former mercenary considered this new information, finally deciding that despite everything that happened he needed to hear his former friend out.
As Vann's 'sabers snapped closed Meetra exhaled, gesturing to the empty pair of chairs placed around the table. "We should sit down. I think we have a lot to talk about."
The tension that filled the Force was new and uncomfortable. The last time Meetra had been around Revan and Malak they'd still been best friends and while they had occasional disagreements, those confrontations never contained the visceral aggression that she was currently sensing. But then, the pair had tried to kill each other twice in the intervening years.
"So, talk." Vann was still gripping both of his hilts, each pointed at one of his current companions.
Alek glanced at Meetra, who gave him a slight nod of encouragement. He drew a slow, tinny breath before speaking. "Obviously, I've had a lot of time to consider my actions and determine why I carried them out. That led me to meditate on all of the pieces that brought us to this point including the war, the Sith Emperor, and our journey to Dromund Kaas…"
"Which is still a horrible place, by the way."
Ignoring the quip, Alek continued, "I've come to believe that the main catalyst for all of the… mistakes that transpired occurred on that planet."
"Are you sure? I've also had a lot of time to think and I realized that I started to change towards the beginning of the war when I let go of my empathy to become a more effective commander. Even before Malachor, I realized that I could never truly return to the Order." Meetra looked down at the table. "I know I'm not the only one who barely recognized myself by the armistice."
"We may have stopped being Jedi during the war, but that's a lot different from what Malak did. I'm pretty sure that the jump from 'not Jedi' to 'fascist dictator' is a unique one." Scathing sarcasm colored Vann's voice. "I mean, raise your hand if you've ever tried to take over the Republic."
Alek leveled his gaze at his oldest friend, his mechanical tone deadly serious. "Revan, I thank the Force every day that you were the one who lost your memory and I was the one to return to Republic space. If it had been the other way around… No power in the galaxy can stop you once you set your mind to something. You might not remember, but you were planning big changes for the military once we returned home. If you had been given free rein to enact all of your ideas, I don't think any of us would be sitting here today."
"It's Vann, not Revan. Thanks to the aforementioned memory loss I barely remember being Revan."
"I didn't intend for that to happen but… I had to stop you. During that duel in the Emperor's palace, you were out of control and I was afraid for the future. I knew that if you were allowed to return to the Republic, tragedy would follow."
"Oh, I would cause tragedy? You're kriffing joking, right?" Vann's knuckles were white from the pressure he was putting on his lightsaber hilts. "I may not have all of my memories but I remember that fight and I know it wasn't fear that was driving you, it was hatred. I don't know why you hated me so much at that moment, but don't pretend that you tried to kill me for some greater good."
"I didn't hate you! If anything, I hated myself for what I knew I had to do!"
"Oh poor you! How terrible to 'have' to kill the one person standing between you and dominating the Republic. And don't try to tell me that I lost control. I know for a fact that I was the only one of us who was in my right mind at that moment! You went for the kill. I went for…"
It was Alek's turned to be incensed. "For what? The torture? The pain? The humiliation? Please, tell me more about your mercy."
As the Force grew bitterly cold from the strength of her friends' anger Meetra was overwhelmed by the regret that she had been harboring for years. It was all built upon the theory that if she had only been on Dromund Kaas she could have stopped the duel that tore the pair apart, both mentally and physically. Her irritation mounted and she shouted, "Both of you, stop! Arguing isn't helping anyone! I can't stand what this Sith has done to you. He took two of the closest sentients I've ever known and filled your minds with suspicion and doubt until you decided that you can never trust each other again. That the only way for this to end is with one of you dead by the other's hand."
"He's the one who tried to kill me! Twice!" Vann made a gesture towards his abdomen. "I can show you the scar if you want."
"And you cut off his kriffing jaw! I think you can call things even at this point." Drawing a steadying breath, Meetra stared hard at both men. "A Sith poisoned you against each other because that's what they do. But you're stronger than that. So, are you going to give in and let the Emperor win? Or are you going to resist his manipulations, put your pettiness aside, and work together to defeat him?"
Alek blinked back his frustration. "I'm not the one being petty."
"No, you're just being pedantic which might be worse." The former Consular sighed. "I'm not asking you to forget what happened. Hells, if anyone knows how hard it is to move out of the shadows of the past, it's me. But I also know that, once you do, there's something better waiting on the other side. Hatred left its mark on both of you, but that doesn't mean that you can't move forward and keep fighting for something so much larger than yourselves. This Emperor needs to be stopped and you're the best hope of doing it."
Leaning his head back, Vann groaned. "Ugh, has she always been this annoyingly good at being right?"
Read the whole chapter on FanFiction or AO3!
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phoenix-downer · 6 years
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The light was weak.
Aqua saw it in Mickey’s eyes, in Riku’s shattered Keyblade. The light held them back, restrained them. Riku was powerful when he used the darkness, but he insisted on turning it into light.
Typical. Aqua brandished Mickey’s stolen Keyblade in her dark grip, her fingertips a blood red. Her body finally reflected what had been inside her heart for a long time now.
See, Mickey? This is what happens when you abandon a friend.
He had no idea what it was like. He didn’t understand the misery of her existence, imprisoned in this hellish place with no way out.
Her almost rescue made it that much worse. To have what she wanted more than anything dangled over her, tempting, taunting, then yanked away at the last possible moment, all to save some boy she barely knew—
I doomed myself. This is what I get for always putting other people first. I’ve learned my lesson, and now they’re going to pay.
Because that same boy (more man than boy now) was here. He and Mickey had come to rescue her.
Aqua wanted to laugh. It was far too late for that. This was her home now. She belonged here. If they couldn’t see that in her tainted clothes, her golden eyes, her silver hair, then they were more foolish and naive than she’d originally thought.
She turned her back on them and did the abandoning for once. It was her lot in life to be alone. She’d learned not to expect anything different. There was no room for sorrow in her heart anymore. No room for a heart at all, really.
The darkness reached past her thighs and elbows now and ate into her clothes. Her fingers turned completely red.
It won’t be much longer before I truly feel at home here.
What else could she do to speed up the transformation? To end her loneliness and misery?
Because the Heartless were never alone. They always attacked in groups. And now, at long last, she was becoming one of them.
She wouldn’t be lonely much longer.
The next time Mickey and Riku came, she was at the Dark Margin again. There must be some kind of link between this place and the Realm of Light.  
That was fine by her. The more she could dish out her misery and anguish on the people who had left her here, left her to rot and wither and be swallowed by despair before drowning in the darkness, the better. It surged within her now, feeding on her anger, eating her resentment and gnawing on her rage.
How dare they show their faces here again. How dare they.
With Mickey’s stolen Keyblade gripped in her claw of a hand, she whirled around to face them and glared. “All that’s left in my heart is misery and despair, and I want you to feel it!”
Mickey braced himself as her Keyblade collided with the Kingdom Key D’s gold blade.
“Aqua, stop!” he had the gall to say. “We’re here because we’re tryin’ to help!”
Aqua cartwheeled backwards and glanced up. Grasped in Riku’s hand was a Keyblade. It was different from the one she’d broken. He must’ve repaired it somehow. He used the darkness to teleport behind her, and she just barely whirled around in time as his heavy silver blade collided with her more elegant weapon.
“Using my own moves against me?!”
Typical. They hadn’t seen anything yet. How’d they become masters when they were nowhere near her level, she had no idea. She summoned great spiky blocks of ice cloaked in the darkness and sent the projectiles hurtling after them. She laughed as she watched them splash around in the water of the Dark Margin and trip on its cold sand.
That ice was one of her specialties, and it tracked the movement of its target. Only by guarding or canceling it out with thunder magic could they protect themselves. Had they learned nothing from their previous fight with her?
Riku jumped in front of Mickey to shield him from one of the ice spikes, and they both went sprawling into the water. Now was her chance. She readied one last attack when—
“Now!” came Riku’s voice. A blinding light shone over the horizon, and it hurt. Aqua cried out and shielded her eyes from it. She stumbled into the water and sank deeper and deeper into it, into the darkness.
When she opened her eyes again, the light was gone and the waters of the Dark Margin were solid beneath her feet. Mickey’s Keyblade was still gripped in her fingers, but Riku and Mickey were gone.
She wasn’t alone, however. A little ways away from her was a boy with brown hair and eyes as blue as the sky.
The way he said her name made something stir inside her cold, dead heart. Almost like… like he knew her. Like he knew what she’d been through, and it broke his heart.
How dare he pity her. Whoever this boy was, she would take care of him, just like all the rest of her enemies. She didn’t want to feel anymore. Feeling anything other than anger and hatred just hurt too much.
She drew herself into a battle stance. He hesitated. His hands were free of any sort of weapon, but that didn’t make him a friend.
“Aqua, please,” came his voice. Desperate. Pleading. How many times had she begged someone to come rescue her, to no avail? His request fell on deaf ears and a hard heart.
He took a step towards her, ripples spreading out from beneath his feet. “I need your help to save—”
She sent a Dark Blizzaga hurtling right at him. He rolled out of the way and landed on his feet a little ways away from her, knees bent and arms extended to balance himself. They stared at each other for what felt like an eternity, his eyes sparking a strange sense of familiarity deep inside her heart.
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Then a determined glint filled them as a Keyblade appeared in his hand. But not just any Keyblade. The Master’s Keyblade. The Keyblade he’d left behind for her. She didn’t know what she’d been thinking, sending it away like that. At best it was a pathetic cry for help. Loneliness had a funny effect on the heart, but now she would never allow herself to get hurt again.
She’d prove it, starting with this boy. Defeating him would be the final catalyst. It would end her pain. It would transform her into the heartless creature she longed to become, free from misery and despair. She would empty herself of all that misery and despair, pour it out onto him and make him drown in it. Then her heart would finally be empty, free of the torment of her imprisonment.
She readied herself, switching into her Spellweaver mode of fighting as he started running on the surface of the water. She teleported and created two illusions of herself, siccing them on him as she likewise attacked. She caught him in the chest and he staggered backwards. Still he did not fall through the surface of the water. Already she was two steps ahead of him; she teleported out of the way before he could retaliate and prepared her next attack.
More of her dark ice. It chased him as he ran across the water’s smooth, glassy surface. He guarded with his Keyblade at just the right time. It crashed against it and broke into hundreds of shards of ice.
Another one was already coming at him. He held out his Keyblade and zapped it with Thunder. Shocks of electricity coursed through it, and it shattered and fell to the ground at his feet before melting into the waves beneath.
Huh. Not bad. She teleported all around him, throwing him off and catching him in the back. His sharp cry was like music to her ears. It meant someone else was down here with her, suffering; she wasn’t alone, she wasn’t abandoned, she wasn’t—
No. Stop. That had been close. She grabbed the inklings of hope trying to sprout in her heart and tore them out. They had no business being there.
The corruption crawled up her neck and spread its inky tendrils across her scalp. It wouldn’t be much longer now. She could feel the darkness closing in on her heart. It didn’t have much further to go.
But her momentary distraction had given him time to recoup and get away. And not just that. He launched an attack of his own. Orbs of light blasted out of his Keyblade and swirled around her, tracking her as she shouted and destroyed them.
Enough. “Feel my despair!”
She channeled her anger and rage and loneliness, her despair and pain and anguish, into her Keyblade. It created dozens of illusions of her, taunting, tormenting, telling him he would never understand, telling him he wasn’t good enough, telling him he couldn’t save her, telling him he would never see his friends again, telling him he was bound to die here, alone, abandoned, without hope.
She couldn’t hear him over the din of her voice telling him all the things she’d told herself. But she caught a glimpse of his face. Saw the tears streaking his cheeks and the pure anguish in his eyes as she subjected him to the torment that she herself had gone through. He dropped his Keyblade and crumpled to the ground in a heap. He didn’t lift so much as a finger to protect himself from the onslaught.
Why wasn’t he fighting back? Why wasn’t he defending himself?
How dare he. How dare he give up so easily. She’d fought and fought and fought, pushed through months of loneliness and years of misery before giving in, and at the slightest hint of pain he was ready to give up.
“That’s what I had to deal with for YEARS! How dare you—”
She stopped. He hadn’t given up. He’d grabbed the hand of the nearest phantom and purified her with light. His fingertips turned black for a brief moment, then she disappeared and he grabbed the leg of another phantom.
Aqua watched, speechless, as he repeated the process. The darkness reached his knuckles this time and took longer to subside. She looked at her hands. Her fingertips briefly turned normal again and then went back to red.
He grabbed the hem of a third phantom’s ruined sash, and this time the darkness made his entire hand transform and turned Aqua’s hand into light.
“Stop!” She dropped Mickey’s Keyblade and cradled the normal hand in her dark claw. She didn’t want him to do this. She didn’t want him to—
He lifted his eyes and looked right at her. His teeth were gritted and his face was contorted in pain, but he didn’t stop what he was doing and even spoke to her.
“Do you really think – we can’t – handle it?”
She banished the phantoms, and the remaining misery and despair returned to her heart. Sweat dripped down his forehead, and his face was deathly pale. He took several moments to get control of his breathing, then staggered to his feet, his legs wobbling as he faced her once more.
“You think that becoming a Heartless will make you feel better, don’t you? That if you can’t feel anymore, you can’t hurt anymore, either.”
He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Aqua gasped as the darkness wrapped its way around his arms and legs, turning his clothes and skin inky black and his eyes yellow. Dark smoke oozed off his body, and—
Just like that, he was himself again.
Was he like her? Was he a Heartless just pretending to be human? Then why—
“But you’re wrong,” he said, interrupting her thoughts. “You won’t feel better. You’ll feel worse. You’ll forget who you are. You’ll lose all your memories.” He paused, and when he spoke again, his voice was filled with anguish. “And… you’ll forget Terra and Ven.”
She thought she couldn’t break any more. She thought she was broken beyond repair already. But hearing their names proved to be too much.
How dare he. How dare he use them against her, after everyone and everything else had. She screamed and slammed Mickey’s Keyblade into him, and he cried out and fell on his back, his body skidding across the glassy surface of the sea.
Except it wasn’t him anymore. He’d transformed again. He had blond hair and blue eyes and Ven’s voice. He said her name the way Ven always did. He looked at her exactly the way Ven would have. Not with anger or fury, but with sorrow and compassion.
It was Ven. It was Ven she’d struck and Ven she’d hurt and Ven she’d tried to kill.
She was vaguely aware of her voice screaming his name. But she couldn’t reach him. She tried to grab his hand, but it was too late. She cursed herself, cursed her miserable existence as she broke through the water of the Dark Margin and sank into it, sank deeper into her darkness and despair.
It wasn’t enough that she’d been abandoned. No, fate had tricked her into hurting one of her dearest friends. And not just that. Now she knew. Now she knew why the boy’s eyes were so familiar. It wasn’t just because he reminded her of Ven, though he was so much like Ven it made her heart ache.
No, she had seen those eyes before, long ago. And she knew whose eyes those were now. It was the boy who had done so much for the worlds. The boy who had kept them safe, time and again. The boy who had helped her friends. The boy who had put his life on the line to try to save her, too.
“Sora,” she sobbed, her heart flooding with all the things she didn’t want to feel anymore. Sorrow. Pain. Loneliness. Abandonment. Despair. This was what she deserved. She’d had her chance to be rescued and she’d thrown it away. She’d tried to murder her rescuer. Surely he wouldn’t want to save her now.
Hot tears stung her eyes and were carried away by the waves engulfing her. At long last, she could finally become one with the darkness. It was what someone like her deserved.
But she wasn’t alone. She wasn’t abandoned. She wasn’t beyond saving. Sora’s hand broke through the waves and reached towards her. A lifeline, a way out of the darkness she’d fallen into, the loneliness and pain she’d drowned in. She took his hand, and his grip was strong and steady and firm. He brought her above the cold waves and led her into the warmth of his embrace.
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She’d been drowning for so long she’d forgotten what it felt like to breathe. She gasped for air, taking it all in and letting it all out in sob after sob after sob. The sun shone down on them, bright and wonderful and real, and the sparkling waves of Destiny Islands lapped at their feet. Her fingers were their natural color and her gloves were visible again, no longer covered in the darkness that had once cloaked them. Riku and Mickey and Donald and Goofy were on the shore nearby, the biggest smiles on their faces as they clapped and cheered.
“I’m free,” she choked out, not really believing it. Sora’s grip around her tightened, and it was like both he and Ven were hugging her at the same time. When she leaned back to look at him, to look at the face of her rescuer, tears shone in his eyes and a big, beautiful smile lit up his face.
It had been too long since she’d felt the warmth of another person. And this person, who she’d wanted to meet again more than anything—
His light shone bright enough to melt the darkness away.
This was written for the KH3 FAUX fanzine, organized by @kenzichi. I’d been wanting to write a piece about Aqua’s rescue for some time, and with the new TGS footage I found further inspiration. Hope you enjoyed!
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osmw1 · 5 years
Poison-Wielding Fugitive   Chapter 71
what would you like to read next? suggest titles for me to translate!
Though the dragonslayers all seemed to be afflicted by the miasma, they still wielded their weapons with resolution and took the fight to the Bio Corpse Hydra and the priest behind it. The plaza where everybody was situated was in a state of disrepair, and the homes surrounding the area were destroyed. The remaining dragonslayers who had not joined the battle were rescuing the townsfolk and carrying them to safety.
However, the hydra was much nimbler than its looks suggested. I was honestly could not have kept up with Celes and her squad as the buff from Veno’s poison had dissipated. Veno probably knew exactly how strong it was. Strong enough to wreck me, that’s for sure.
The Bio Corpse Hydra swung its tail and struck a dragonslayer, sending him flying. The dragonslayer landed some distance away and slumped over motionless. Don’t tell me… he’s dead…?! Did… did this all happened because I came to this town?
‘Nay. ‘tis because I resisted their Forced Possession Summoning. Thou oughtest not to worry.’ “Yukihisa. Lord Holy Dragon.” “Muuuu.”
Arleaf did her best casting Aroma Heal with Muu as a catalyst on the dragonslayers. Then, she grabbed me by the shoulders and started shaking.
“Get ahold of yourself!” “But… if I weren’t… it’s my fault they…” ‘Nay, I am to blame…’
Perhaps it was hubristic of me to think I could save anyone. It was because they got involved with me that first Nisua… and now Lif’el… Accompanied with a loud clap, my cheek seared with pain.
“Yukihisa! Lord Dragon! Have you snapped out of it yet? Please, stop blaming yourselves.” “But…” “Neither of you have done anything wrong. The one guilty of this all is… well, in the case of my village, it would be Elbatoxin and the followers of the Holy Yggdrasil. The ones guilty are whoever did this without so much a pang of conscience, the ones who tolerated all of this. They are the ones who committed these horrible deeds and not you, Yukihisa.”
When Arleaf spoke so bluntly… her expression and the way she spoke seemed identical to her ancestor.
“After learning of the truth, Celes immediately jumped into battle without even thinking about herself. What we should do is grant her wish and help take the townsfolk to safety. And then… we should defeat that foul creature and its puppeteer.”
Am I right?, Arleaf followed up her pep talk.
Muu seems to agree with what Arleaf had to say.
‘… aye. We should do exactly as the lass says: ensure safety for the few who are still alive, slay the beast, then deal with the priest.’ “Yeah… you’re right.”
I realized I didn’t have time to waste feeling sorry for myself. We’re a pretty capable party.
As I was pumping myself up, Celes found a gap through the Bio Corpse Hydra and she unleashed her Luminous Blade at the priest. It clashed against his magical barrier and then split through, cutting the priest’s veil. She was still following through her swing, but the priest… caught her blade with his bare hand?!
Even Celes was shocked. I mean, she’s the strongest one around, isn’t she? How can anyone stop her special move with a single hand?
The priest’s veil drops onto the ground, revealing a wrinkly old elf looking down at Celes with scorn.
“You have done well to make it this far, but you shall get no further! You filthy humans foolishly underestimate my power!”
Then, he sent his fist straight onto Celes’ abdomen. It might sound like an exaggeration, but he sent her flying for about five meters.
“Ugh… augh…” “Your misconception that defeating me would end everything is, unfortunately for you, incorrect. Ahh, it will be such a pleasure to torture Saint Yggdra’s finest warriors, ahahaha…”
The wrinkly old fart was extremely cocky. Well, if you’re so strong, you be the leader of the dragonslayers then. Anyway, the Karma Blaze strapped to Arleaf’s back started to glow like it never has before.
“Whoa?!” “W-What the…?!” “Hmm?!”
The bright light drew the attention of the priest.
“I-Is that the light of the sacred sword?! Impossible!”
Just as he was about to torture Celes to death, the priest began to panic.
“The sword…”
The sacred sword slowly lifted itself away from Arleaf’s back and floated upwards… and in front of me. … is it telling me I should wield it? I gingerly extend my hand out.
“Attack! Kill him now!”
The priest shouted his command at the Bio Corpse Hydra and it acknowledged the priest with a loud roar before charging over at us.
“Cohgray!” I immediately grab Karma Blaze and then… a scene unfolded in front of my eyes.
     This seemed like some laboratory or test facility but by the far wall stands a tree. Arleaf’s ancestor and the man who dreamt of reclamation rushes in… they look older than I remember. Standing across from them is an arrogant-looking elf.
“Virage, don’t do it!” “Hahaha… I did not expect you to be able to follow my trail.” “Do you have any idea what the hell you’re doing?!” “Of course I do. Since we have so painstakingly revived the world tree… we would be halting the progress of civilization if we do not make the best use of its graces. Everyone here understands. Everyone wishes to live with abundance. You, however, take it too easy.”
The prideful elf spits out his words.
“There is nothing wrong with treasuring the world tree. On the reverse, you are definitely in the wrong! Not only will your machines kill the world tree, it will go out of your control! The world cannot take any more damage! Why do you think Veno sacrificed his life?!” “Hmpf! Such foolishness… that stupid dragon wanted to see this world prosper? I am doing no more than hurrying that.”
With a snap of his fingers, the elf’s goons surrounded him… as he flicked the switch on, powering the machine. Then, the tree in the back started glowing.
“Hahahahahahaha! Do you understand yet? This marks the beginning of a new era!” “Stop!”
The man who dreamt of reclamation rushed over, but Virage showed no signs of stopping. It was immediately apparent what the machine did. A black, evil light began to flicker.
The earth began to quake as the needles snap out of the gauges.
“Cease it at once!” “I-I shall do no such thing! It is going critical!”
The evil glow filled the immediate area and, starting with the man who dreamt of reclamation, a force knocked them all over. In the middle of that light… was the shadow of a dragon much like Veno flying off somewhere. The only positive thing was that light seemed to have protected the men at the hypocenter. What we now call miasma began infecting the nation, forcing the survivors to take refuge. And in the middle of all of that… the shamefaced elf and his men all spout out the same rehearsed lines and blamed everything onto the man who dreamt of reclamation.
“I was forced to go through this inhuman plan by him!” “Lies! This was all you!” “What are you saying?! We are the victims here! How dare you lay the blame on us?! You despicable monster! You dreamer! It is your fault that everybody has now lost their homes!” “That’s right!”
Of course, there were people who still believed in the man who dreamt of reclamation… but it would be understatement to call it a tragedy. Dispirited, the man who dreamt of reclamation held his Karma Blaze and began to speak.
“We will be fine… no matter how difficult, how terrible the situation we get dragged into, we are simply back to square one. We simply have to once again build a better land for everyone to live, just as how Veno lent us this land before. Let us found a nation that they would envy… let us create the world that Veno envisioned, however…” He paused before continuing to speak to his sword.
“The only regret I have is that when Veno reawakens, he would feel utterly betrayed. He… he was a great guy. And even if I can’t do it in this generation, I want him to see how beautiful this world will become.”
I still don’t know whether his dream came true or not. I mean, I don’t really know this world and Veno doesn’t have any relation with the people alive now. I’ve been living as a fugitive, but I’m sure there’s a lot of the world I haven’t seen yet. There’s not much land people can live on because of the miasma. Arleaf’s family, his direct descendent, were forced to live right by the swamp.
But Karma Blaze witnessed those days. He passed down his world for us to see.
 Oh, by the way, Veno?
‘What is it?’
What exactly is Karma Blaze? Is this the only one there is in the world?
‘Must I explain it right here and now? Well, simply put, there are more than this one. I know not the true name of the lass’ sword, but there seems to be multiple. It activates only when it judges someone to be heroic and his enemy wicked. It is an inexplicable sword.’
I understood what Veno meant though. To get into more detail, it seems like when heroes visit a certain ancient temple, a sword would appear out of thin air on the altar. But if there are these hero’s swords in the first place, why would they come up with stuff like Forced Possession Summoning and that crazy living creature weapon? If people want heroes, they should at least live on as legend, right? Those heroes can just fight for world peace, can’t they?
‘I wonder. Even I til this day know not the location of that temple. However, it is surprising that the dragonslayers do not wield such a weapon. ‘tis as if they have discarded it for Forced Possession Summoning and that patchwork beast.’
You think so, too? From what I can tell, these sacred swords seem to mean bad business for some people. And then, Karma Blaze finds that one person.
      Without warning, I had been transported back to my body and the priest had just commanded to hydra to attack us. That priest… aside from more wrinkles on his face, he looks like a clone of Virage.
“Hurry and kill him! Do not let the sacred sword activate!”
Oh… I get it.
‘I do too. Uhh… testing, one, two, three.’
Veno’s voice suddenly became a lot louder.
“Wh-What?!” ‘What a coincidence to see you here, Virage. Everything had truly worked well for thee. Thou hadst successfully outwitted him and used the rest of us as scapegoats. Thou nearly deceivedest both me and the sword too.’ “Wh-Who are you?! Veno Yveval?!”
Oh, so Elfé’s real name is Virage then?
what would you like to read next? suggest titles for me to translate!
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FGO Destiny Awakenings: CDD #1
*Inside the Throne of Heroes* Announcement: Master Fujimaru Ritsuka and Master Fujimaru Ritsuko has requested for a Servant to aid their next Singularity. RNGesus: *nods* RNGesus: RNGesus: Seihai-kun. Could you please give the two young Masters the infamous bickering yaoi married couple to them? Seihai-kun: *nods; salutes*
AO3 || Fanfiction.net
Horrible RNG luck summons two eternal rivals together
“H…. Holy crap, this is amazing!!” Ritsuka’s blue orbs glittered as he took strides around inside the chamber. 
The first place after offering their respect to the late Director was towards the Chaldea Summoning room. 
Familiar black-green room with a familiar bright blue hologram of a magic circle in the midst. 
Ritsuko glanced around in admiration and quickly recognized, “Isn’t this the place where the Doctor communicated with us back inside Fuyuki?” 
Mash stopped beside her and acknowledged, “Yes, it’s the same as back there, Senpai. Not alone this is where the summoning of Servant takes place, it’s also where we deliver the rations supply to Master in a mission.” 
“Even so… It’s such a huge place to summon the Servants,” Ritsuka pointed out while glancing when he came back to their side. 
Mash nodded again and clarified, “Magus need an adequate and enormous space when doing so. It draws a lot of mana to summon them from the Throne of Heroes to our world, Ritsuka-senpai. 
“The mana from the Master transferred to the Servants to materialize takes a load of spirit to do so, and its output is the same.” 
Folded her arms, Ritsuko raised her hand to caress her chin. “So it sounds like calling for a powerful dragon but an ancient spirit from the past? Or even a legendary myth person?”
“Seems like it,” The raven-haired Master responded to his sister and shifted back to the Demi-Servant. “Since it’s like a magic ritual, I presume we require a catalyst to summon them? Human bones or…?” 
“Unneeded, Senpai. The artifacts could also be furniture or objects strongly ties to the Heroic Spirit. But…,” Mash’s brows furrowed before she resumed. “Because of what had happened in Singularity, we didn’t have the chance to find any relics.
“These are Chaldeas’s replacement for the catalyst to summon them.” From her jacket pocket, Mash dug and took out two small rainbow-colored star-shaped gems to the Fujimaru siblings. 
“Beautiful…,” Ritsuko muttered to herself then moved back to Mash. “So, we’re using this instead, right? How do we go about it? Do we set them in the magic circle's middle or?” 
Mash shook her head, “No, Ritsuko-senpai. Before I explained how I’ll explain what they are.”
Her violet orb directed to the gem and described, “These gems gathered from the residue mana of the enemy Servants we fought. We’re still able to summon them, but, we’re not able to determine who are we to summon.” 
“So, it’s up to the fate of who showed up and help us, huh?” Ritsuka summarized. 
The Demi-Servant nodded and added, “Yes, that’s correct. But, as the Director said… The summoning had likewise failed if they chose not to answer our call too.” 
“Hmm,” Ritsuka hummed to himself. A risk it was that the late Director had brought up before her passing. But Romani’s comments reminded how terrible situation now with no alternative source of manpower. 
With no further doubts to consider, Ritsuka gave a hopeful grin to the concerned Demi-Servant. “I’ll take my chances. We require all the help we could have right now.” 
“I agree. A risk of no one responding our summoning, but I think we should make our efforts to try. Better than have no offering to sacrifice…,” Ritsuko agreed and murmured to herself thoughtfully. “But I wonder if they would accept our hated enemy’s body as an offering.” 
Ritsuka glared right at her and reprimanded, “Okay, sis, we aren’t performing any voodoo black magic shit to curse ourselves if it backfires.” 
Mash returned a shy cheered-up smile and ensured to them. “Don’t worry, Senpai. There won’t be any curses if it fails. Only a matter of if they wished to answer your call.” 
“I guess… Let’s gamble with fate.” Ritsuka grabbed hold of one of the rainbow gems as Ritsuko did too. 
Staring at the gem, both felt an intensified warm inside. Mash’s voice however captured their attention back to her. “Does the Senpai wished to read through the summoning chant script again?” 
“I do!” Ritsuko raised her hand instantly at the offer presented to them. 
Ritsuka nodded and agreed, “Just to be safe than sorry.”
About 30 minutes passed after memorizing the incantation, both Fujimaru Siblings stood in the circle’s heart. 
Mash standing at the side with Fou carried in her arms, called out, “Anytime when you’re ready, Senpais!” 
The orange-haired Master examined the gem in her hold before shifting to Mash to verify her earlier instruction. “All we have to is to convey our spirit inside the gem, so it changes to liquid to fill it right?!” 
Mash nodded to repeat her instruction. “That’s right, focus your energy to transform into a single color, Ritsuko-senpai. You need to locate the color that stood out the most and turned the gem to that color.” 
A slight nod to acknowledge she understood, Ritsuko faced back at the gem in her palm. The rainbow aurora inside the gem swirled around in a slow movement. Her orange orbs staring at each of seven hues in following what Mash said. 
But, it didn’t take long once she scanned for the third round to recognize one stood out among all. A sharp breath breathed into her lungs, her mind settled into changing that gem into the said color.
In Ritsuka’s hand, he clutched close once it had settled to a distinct color. Blue orbs facing to the ground and his right fist stretched forward. 
When Ritsuko had drawn her right fist forward, both hands clutched tightly as two bright red and silver-colored liquid dripping out from the fist. Each droplet dying and filling the two magic circles in the respective color as they both chanted, “Fill. Fill. Fill. Fill. Fill. Let each be turned over five times, simply breaking asunder the fulfilled time.”
A glow of white light radiated from the magic circles once filled, a cue for them to step outside the ring. Both siblings walking out in a cautious step before facing back again with their right hand outstretched towards it. “Let silver and steel be the essence.
“Let stone and the Archduke of contracts be the foundation 
“Let silver the color I pay tribute to,” Ritsuka recited. 
“Let red the color I pay tribute to,” Ritsuko recited at the same pace. 
Silver and Red light shone in the own circle, the two Master went on. “Let rise a wall against the wind that shall fall. 
“Let the four cardinal gates close.
“Let the three-forked road from the crown reaching unto the Kingdom rotate.”
Each sentence of incantation, fierce winds, and electricity being drawn into the magic circles. Mash hugged Fou, which the latter buried closer into her chest for a cover. Ritsuka gritted his teeth to hold his ground. His left hand raised to support his right and maintained, “I hereby declare.” 
Ritsuko’s left hand lifted to cover from the current and drew a deep breath. “Your body shall serve under me.” 
Two voices reverberated in the room with a further resolute tone against the violent gust. “My fate shall be your sword.
“Submit to the beckoning of the Holy Grail 
“If you will submit to this will and this reason… Then answer!”
At their tone, the current turned violent as it threatened to devour them whole. However, blue and orange orbs determined gazed at the front and yelled as loud as they could from the winds howling. “An oath shall be sworn here! 
“I shall attain all virtues of all of Heaven. 
“I shall have dominion over all evils of all of Hell! 
“From the Seventh Heaven, attended to by three great words of power,
“Come forth from the ring of restraints,
“Protector of the Holy Balance!”
Bzzt… BOOM!
Blue and Red electric sparks burst out from the circle and rocked the area from its powerful discharge. It covered the chamber in gray smoke while both siblings knocked back down onto the ground.
Right hand raised and waved off the smoke, Ritsuka whizzed and coughed. “Are you guys all right?!”
“Yeah! Are you sure that’s how it’s done, Mash-chan?” Ritsuko coughed and peered behind to Mash.
“Yes, but…,” The said Demi-Servant coughing from the smoke replied. “You had used much mana, Senpai!”
Not solely the three, Fou coughed in a small squeaky noise. But his ears perked at the unfamiliar sound. He shot his head to the front and squeaked at what was in his view, “Fou, fou! Kyu, kyu!”
“Fou…?” Dumbfounded at what Fou squeaking at, Ritsuka followed his direction to the front. His blue orbs widened in surprise at what stood before him in his magic circle.
Fou’s squeaking catching the attention to the two girls also caused them looked in front. Both orange and violet orbs widened at the figure unveiling from the smoke. A familiar figure in a blue hooded cloak glanced around his surroundings.
He then shifted to get a good view of himself and mused, “Oops! I guess this time I am materialized as a Caster?”
His red orbs shifted towards the three staring at him. A familiar smirk curled his lips, “Oh, it’s you guys! We met before, right?”
“C-Caster?!” Ritsuko’s tone of surprise mingled with the comfort of a familiar face left her lips when he tugged down his hood.
“The one and only, but,” Caster grinned fondly at her reception. He again made a brief scan at himself before sighing. “Well, looks like you guys still got long ways to summon me as a Lancer instead.”
A wry grin splayed across Ritsuka’s lips and apologized. “Perhaps the next round of summoning, I should input more mana.”
“What’s done has been done. It’s great to see you guys again. Seems like I will be your permanent ally under the contract established,” As Caster waved his hand to brush it off, a knowing smirk made its way to Ritsuka. “Right, kid?”
Blue orbs blinked with surprise expression, Ritsuka nodded and shot a slight appreciation grin. “I can’t wait to work with you again, Caster.”
As a broader grin appeared on Caster’s lips, he whirled and headed to Mash. Once he came closer, he placed his arm around the Demi-Servant and drew her close. “And I look forward to working with you, lady.”
“Ah!” Mash gasped at the action in surprise. But, Fou in her arms growled at the unwanted movement.
Ritsuko agreed with the fluffy companion, shared the same annoyed face. She moved to them and tugged one of Mash’s arms to her side with a protective glare. “Maybe you could try keeping your hands away from her as our comrade now, Caster?”
Again, Caster laughed at ease at the orange-haired Master’s reaction. “As protective as always, huh? Please take care of me then, imouto-chan.”
Fou hissed another fierce growl to the Caster, making Ritsuka sighed and thought. “This will take a long while to get used to…”
As another sigh left his lips, Ritsuka realized, “Speaking of Servant…”
With the smoke gone, he switched his view to his sister’s summoning circle and asked, “Where is your Servant, Ritsuko?”
“Now you mentioned,” Ritsuko along with the rest turned to her summoning circle once Ritsuka’s remarks got their attention. Unlike her brother’s, hers had no sight of a figure manifested. Her brows furrowed with concern and worried. “Did it fail?”
“Fou, fooou! Fou!”
Nodded her head a few times, Mash turned to Ritsuko and returned. “There was an explosion outside the summoning chamber, Fou-san said. It should be there Ritsuko-senpai’s Servant was summoned.”
“Yeah, I sense a Servant nearby here too as the young lady mentioned. But…,” Caster confirmed. But his words trailed off, and his red orbs narrowed at the unpleasant tingling.
Oblivious to his discomfort, Ritsuko nodded eagerly, “Then, I got to meet them!”
Her legs dashed off to the exit without hearing the precise details. Ritsuka’s orbs widened before giving chase to his sister. “Wait for us!”
“Senpais, please wait!” Mash hurriedly followed her two Master with Fou in her arms.
“Oi!” The three had moved out of hearing range, leaving Caster alone in the chamber. He let out an exasperated groan, “I don’t like this feeling at all…!”
His body dissolved in blue light and vanished from the chamber to follow the three children’s whereabouts.
In a room, the door slid open revealing Ritsuko stopped her steps to take deep breathing. Not that tough to locate since there was confusion among Chaldea staff hearing furniture falling heard in the guest room.
“Made it…,” Ritsuko heaved out another breath. Her head turned upwards and soon gasped in horror. Both orange orbs widened in shock at the sight before her.
Unknown to her, Ritsuka entered the room and studied the area. The furniture and decoration toppled over the other from the blast. Though he had thought everything would be in flames, thankfully the damage they made from summoning wasn’t that big.
“This is my first seeing this, but I feel something like this had happened before…,” Ritsuka muttered to himself. His head swung to the front, blue orbs widened in shock and vigilance. He stood before his sister and exclaimed, “You’re from that time–!”
The Fujimaru siblings stared at the familiar white-haired, tanned figure sitting on a couch. Both of his eyes closed with one leg stretched out resting on the table. A calm, deep and familiar voice escaped his lips, “… Archer-class Servant. I have been summoned and come at your request.”
“Hm?” Curious at the silence, Archer opened his eyes to look at what happened. A smirk curled his lips, black orbs stared at them in amusement. “Well, well, isn’t this something? It must be a very lucky pull I’m summoned… To meet you both again.”
Ritsuko gulped worriedly at his shifted gaze to her. Even knowing they were enemies before, she held a wary gaze back at him and acknowledged, “Archer….”
Archer snorted at her attempted strong expression, “That’s rather a scary face you have. But, it’s good you’re wary at the same time. You’ll never know when a Servant will turn their back on you.”
The orange-haired Master added while she watched him rose up and heading to them. “You've got the point there… Considering you are our enemy who fought against us to prevent us from reaching Holy Grail.”
Once he had reached closer, Ritsuka stood between them with his sister behind him. Both blue and orange eyes gazed back at the observing black orbs. A problem it’d developed to if a fight broke out here.
Mash had yet to show up and still searching for them. On another part, he didn’t know where Caster was. Even if he did, a war between Servants was the last thing needed before they could save humanity.
As though knowing his concerns, Archer voiced out in a blunt yet taunting way. “If you’re worried, you could always use your Command Seals to bind me to your bidding.”
“Huh?” Both siblings stared at him with a bewildered face as it sounded weird to their ears.
The said Servant shrugged his shoulders and repeated. “As what I said, you could order me to swear loyalty to you, tell only the truth to you, or even use it to end my life. What would you do?” 
Her mouth struggling to express sounds to question his ridiculous proposition. But, her brain also trying to process them too. Ritsuko shook her head to ask, “You say that, but what do you mean–?” 
“If I were you, the last one would be the wisest decision to an Archer like him, imouto-chan.” 
Shifting their head over to the voice’s origin, a familiar blue-haired Servant stood by the door. Ritsuka turned to him and exclaimed, “Caster!” 
“I thought my streak of luck would be better this time when I was summoned…,” Archer turned over and threw a sharp glare to the newly arrived Servant. “But I had overlooked the moment another Servant was summoned… And, it became worse when it was you whom I was summoned with, Cu Chulainn.” 
Cu let out an irritated growl and shot a glare back at him, “Back at you too, Archer. Who would’ve guessed my luck would be bad enough to summon with you…”
Red orbs glaring against the black orbs, strained silence dominated the atmosphere. But, Ritsuka sucked a sharp breath into his lungs and strode in between the two. “Hey, if you two wish to fight, take it somewhere or back at Fuyuki or something.” 
Ritsuko joined her brother to his side and reminded the summoned Servants. “That’s right! Aren’t you supposed to be comrades now or something? Comrades shouldn’t be fighting one another!”
“Hah! That’s a horrible joke, imouto-chan. Even if he’s no longer under that black mud, there’s no way I’m cooperating with a nameless Servant,” Cu snorted at her remarks. 
The orange-haired Master’s mouth dropped at his blunt retort. Though before she could snap her own response back, Ritsuka raised his hand a little and questioned. “Hold on, you say he’s no longer under the black mud?” 
“Yeah,” Cu raised and gestured to the Archer and explained. “Whatever you guys did after both Saber, and I left, the effects from that bastard vanished once he’s summoned by imouto-chan here.” 
Her brother’s words made Ritsuko turned her mind back at the main problem. She glimpsed at Archer briefly before changing back at said Caster with a puzzled expression. “He’s no longer under the effect once Saber disappeared?”
Faint hum escaped the raven-haired Master’s lips from his pondering. His blue orbs blinked on a memory evoked in his mind and murmured, “Now I remember… You and the other Servants in that Holy Grail War…” 
“As expected, you remembered Fujimaru Ritsuka.” 
Archer complimented before nodding, “That’s right. When our human Masters vanished that Saber engaged the war once more.”
He folded his arms and went on, “I was slain by Saber along with five others Servants. And, we’re brought back under the newfound recognition he’s our Master now. For reasons or another.”
“And from there, you and the other Servants targeted us under the orders of Saber to prevent from our goal being reached, no?” Ritsuka queried without a beat. 
“Under the strange, mysterious effects from him? That’s correct.” 
“I see…” Ritsuka nodded, and his eyes shifted to the side to contemplate deeply. 
Ritsuko who had been listening through the full exchange, voiced in her concerns at the Archer. “That means you’re no longer under Saber’s control or anything? And, you’re a free Servant now since we defeated her?”
“Perhaps, you would prefer to use those Command Seals to try?” Archer suggested with one of his eyebrows lifted. 
As Ritsuko turned to her brother, he caught her worried expression while pondering. Like a magical familiar, there were chances they would deceive you the more intelligent they were. But, this was Servants who were mostly humans as far as he remembered. 
Though, the only issue was he still didn’t know his True Name. But, Ritsuka remembered their previous fight back in Fuyuki and thought. “Then again, he didn’t look that willing to serve Saber too. He was under her control by force, so…”
A slight grin curved on his lips and signaled Ritsuko of his conclusion. Her orange orbs blinked in surprise before chuckling, earning curiosity from both Servants. She then swung to Archer with a brilliant grin. “Sure, my sole command is to teach your new Master, or both of us, how to use those Command Seals, Archer.” 
“… The two of you…” Archer uttered in complete disbelief at their verdict.
“You’re not mistaken you would betray us any moment. But,” Ritsuka showed a sheepish grin and admitted. “At the slightest, you have surely no desire to harm us since you’re no longer in Saber’s control. We’ll look forward to working with you, Archer.” 
“That’s right!” Ritsuko nodded and included her own views to it, “And asking you to commit suicide or even using those ‘Command Seals’ to obey is way too much. We may be enemies before, but we’re friends now. As your Master, please take care of your rookie Master, Archer!”
When Ritsuko expressed her own bright grin, Archer stood there speechless from their remarks. Not a single trace of deceit in their actions or words. An honest answer from them made Archer sighed. “A troublesome and naïve Masters… But it may not be such bad luck if it’s from both of you.”
Hearing there weren’t any protests from the Archer, both siblings smiled to each other in getting a new comrade. But a blunt and cold voice objected their decision. “My bad, but there’s no way I will cooperate with him.”
Towards the statement behind him, Ritsuka noticed that Cu still had the glare on his face towards Archer. “Huh?! But, aren’t we comrades now?” 
“I was thinking just about that. Accepting you, Ritsuko, or the two of you as my Masters are one matter, working with him is another,” Archer agreed. His own glare shot back to the said Caster before him. 
An unleashed snort escaped from Cu, and he remarked, “No matter where I’m summoned, I see his face. It’s starting to feel like fate? Ugh, I hate it.”
Ritsuko’s brows furrowed at how their situation turned to square one. “But isn’t it important to set aside your differences and your pasts together?! Sure, you guys had issues before, but you both are adults. You guys are old enough to go past this!”
“I’m sorry, but I would personally request as your Servant to not put me together with that dog in your mission,” Archer replied without a beat. 
An ear twitched at the last comment unnoticed by Ritsuko and his Master before him. Ritsuka let out a frustrated groan and reminded, “Hey, Archer, you don’t have an option to be picky of your working comrades–!”
His words to convince Archer interrupted when a vexed voice spoke louder behind him, “Oi, bastard, I want to confirm something. You called me a dog, didn’t you?” 
“Caster—Um, Caster…?” Before he could reproach him to pick a fight with Archer, Ritsuka hesitated upon recognizing the completed provoked expression of Caster. If there was a spell in rune magic to kill a Servant by looks, Cu had cast that. 
Yet, the said Servant who started this was unfazed, unlike his orange-haired Master. He smirked wider and even asserted his earlier statements. “Ah, I did, hound of Chulann.” 
“Hey, you two… Hold on, this is–!”
Even Ritsuko’s seek to extinguish the fire failed, Cu replied with a taunt. “Aah, now I remember… I’m not convinced from our last fight. Even I had defeated you, you weren’t even going all out against us, were you?”
“Drop it, Caster. Just let it go–!”
So as Ritsuka’s attempt as well to his own Servant. Archer let out a snort and responded. “I don’t wish to exhaust my mana against a Servant who isn’t in their appropriate class. But if you insist on a change, I’d be willing to send you back into the throne of heroes.”
In the familiar blue light burst in both hands, his well-known pair of swords appeared in Archer’s hands. Cu summoned his staff in thin air and whirled it forward, “Hah! I was wondering about the same too. I’d do the kid and imouto-chan a favor and fire you back first before they get betrayed!”
“Caster!” Both siblings called out to their respective Servants before it escalated any further danger from the ongoing situation. 
Caster answered in an uninterested blunt tone without even glancing at his Master, “Stay out of our business, kid.”
“Just keep quiet and watch, Master. It’ll be a hassle if you stepped in,” Archer replied too without looking back at his own Master.
As it earned irritated vein appeared on both Fujimaru siblings’ forehead, both Servants remained ignorant with Archer taunted further. “Be thankful this time I’ll not be pulling any punches, Caster.”
“Hah! Then to thank you for that, I’ll repay it by going all out this time!”
With Cu’s quip, both arms moved readied to attack and even cast a rune spell. But as they were doing so, two voices muttered in synch, “Both of you…”
“You two…”
The wooden staff swung forward as Cu’s lips readied his incantation to crush the Archer before him. The said Servant turned his right arm forward before its blade struck against the Caster’s staff.
An immense heat accumulated within them from their pent-up anger. Ritsuka had glared at then while shouted, “Will both of you morons knock it off and listen to what we have to say?!
“Will you shut the fuck up and listen?!” Ritsuko yelled at the same time.
Unbeknownst to them, the red Command Seal on the back of their right hand glowed. And it burst into a blinding crimson light that affected both Servants. By the light, their hands swinging the weapons froze on the spot.
Alerted by their frozen position, they shifted to their Master with a bewildered expression. Cu at once shot them a pointed look at their own actions. “Oi, did you waste a Command Seal on us?!”
“Command Seal?!” Ritsuko stared at them with an expression mixed of incredulous and confusion.
The white-haired Servant opened his mouth to explain, but he realized his voice disappeared. The orange-haired Master turned to her Servant and asked, “A-Archer, what happened to your voice?!”
Rolled his eyes at her ignorant question, his black orbs gestured to the back of their right hand. Thankfully, Ritsuka followed his direction and took a peek at his own. Instead of two red markings, there was a single mark left with two in faded pink color.
“Command…,” Ritsuka’s eyes blinked as he understood what their Servants had been talking about. “Do you mean–?”
“M… Made it,” The familiar violet-haired Demi-Servant entered the room, heaving fatigue breath from her lips. With another gulp of air inhaled, she swung her head to the front. “I’m sorry that I’m late! I wasn’t able to find both of you, but is everything–?!”
Her own words halted words when everybody changed their attention to her. Cu let out a sigh of relief while Archers muttered soundlessly. Mash stared at the latter with a wary but puzzled face, “That Archer… But, his voice…?”
She spun back towards her two Masters and inquired with a worried voice, “Senpai, what’s going on–?”
Ritsuko interrupted her by dashing over to her and rested both her hands on her shoulders. A relief and grateful expression were written all over her face, Ritsuko answered with a too cheerful voice, “Ah Mash-chan, perfect timing! We need your help here! There are two frozen Servants and one of them being mute!”
“I-I’m willing to help as your Kouhai…. But what’s going on…,” Mash nodded weakly with a hesitant but concerned tone. Her words trailed off as her violet orb glanced towards her other Master.
Though, she wasn’t alone as two pairs of eyes of red and black stared at him. The considerable pressure he received from them as though demanding a solution to the position they’re in.
“Voted permanently as Commander-in-charge with no violent protests,” Ritsuka commented in his thoughts and let out a heavy sigh. “Before we sit down with a cup of tea to discuss how we even got into this situation…”
His blue orbs glanced behind at the chaotic mess, letting out another heavy and dreaded sigh, and shifted back to the four. “Let’s clean this place up first.”
There weren’t any objections from the two Servants since they nodded quietly as a response. While Mash had left to pick up cleaning tools, their two Master carried small furniture to arrange them. Archer and Cu just glared at each other while tidying the area in silence.
Gathered together after cleaning the mess, everybody except Archer sat around the table after reporting of all that had transpired after the defeat of Saber. 
Archer glanced at the crew and Cu sitting behind him. He let out a heavy sigh and shifted to them, “I see. Though I now have a better grasp of your disposition…”
His black orbs stared at the Fujimaru siblings and nodded in understanding, “You have my compliments for your blessed luck to survive throughout the whole Singularity, Masters.”
“Thank the lady luck instead, Archer. She thought it’s funny to watch us running through that hell,” Ritsuka retorted. A groan escaped his lips too from the memory they’ve been through. 
Snickered to himself at his Master’s response, Cu clarified on the earlier lecture while cleaning up back before. “Anyway, do you guys realize what the Command Seals are for now?”
“More or less,” Ritsuko examined the single red seal on the back of her right hand. “They are the Master’s given authority to have our Servants obey us three times.”
The violet-haired Demi-Servant beside her Master nodded and pointed out further, “Instead of the Holy Grail War system once it’s used up…. The previous Director changed the system, so the Command Seals it’s restored after three days afterward.”
“Or two days since we left only one,” Ritsuka corrected after glimpsing his own current and matching single red seal with his sister. 
Archer nodded and elaborated, “That’s right. They also compel a Servant to do an act that’s impossible with their power solely. But simultaneously with your mana combined, it’s workable to bring about that feat. They are the crystallization of high magic and overcomes the limit of flesh and blood.”
“But they can be less effective when you aren’t exact enough. Or at least,” Cu’s amused red orbs glanced at Ritsuko and smirked. “She was specific enough to shut that Archer up earlier.”
“R-Right…,” The orange-haired Master gave a timid grin to the two Servants. “I guess that clarifies why he wasn’t able to speak for a moment.”
A huff escaping Archer’s lips was the reciprocation to her before he proceeded, “But, no matter how many Command Seals used. 
“Not every order would be adhered to absolutely. Your first order was successful, but the second order only draws our attention to you both.” 
“I suppose that‘s assuming of an even stronger Servants we’re to summoned?” Ritsuka raised one of his hand to hold his chin and peered at the white-haired Servant. The nod from Archer affirmed his queries in his mind, leaving Ritsuka nothing to press further.
Red orbs from Cu swept across the area to see no one had any further queries to ask. Taking it as a signal to move to the next, Cu then clarified their earlier report. “My turn, you say right after Saber was defeated, you guys are to recover those 7 grails from the Singularities in human history?”
Shifted to Caster, Ritsuka nodded to affirm his question and included. “Aah, that was the task we’re supposed to do next. The Doctor suggested we should summon more Servants with us before the next Singularity since we will deal with possible enemy Servants.”
“Hmm… And all of it was because of that traitor from your organization? The one who killed the Director lady with you?” 
Ritsuko’s lips made a grim frown at Cu’s furrowed brows. “Yeah… He was using power from the Holy Grail as the Doctor said.” 
“I see…,” Cu turned his head aside with a frown appeared momentarily on his lips. The orange-haired Master bowed her head with a sad grimace of her own too. She wouldn’t fault him if he had any hopes he would also meet the Director once more.
As matters had to push on, Cu turned back to them and spelled out. “Anyway, you guys are locating him too, no? You’re dealing with a human magus holding the power of the Holy Grail.”
Ritsuko’s head swung back and nodded in surprise. “That’s right, but…”
Her orange orbs along with others followed her glance towards the Demi-Servant. Realized what her Master nudged her on, Mash shifted to Cu and revealed. “It’s a gut feeling I had when I saw Professor Lev before us. There was something very different about him…”
“Fooou, fou! Fou!”
Glanced at Fou before shifting back, Ritsuka added from what he recalled into the conversation. “A different life-form was what he claimed. And, along with the lines we have deemed failure towards his King which he pointed out too.”
“Hmm… So, the Holy Grail War Saber mentioned was all from him. Also, he’s the one who incinerated our human Master in the war too. And, every other human existed in your current era now,” Archer summarized all he tuned in to them.
“Yes, that’s what we learned so far, Archer-san,” Mash’s violet orb stared at Archer to confirm his words.
“A large-scale war than the ones we Servants summoned for. But instead of our usual war, you guys won’t be dealing with any other Master since you two are the sole humans alive.” Cu noted to himself before his red orbs once more stared at the surviving humans before him.
The hidden reminder in his last sentence made Ritsuka declared with a determined tone. “But we will definitely find him and bring back our home.”
“Even knowing your enemy holding the power of the Holy Grail itself? You knew well that’s a reckless move, no?” 
“Yes, I know!” Ritsuko’s hands tightened the grip of her black skirt from Archer’s blunt hit to the sore spot. Her teeth gritted at that final reminder. The memory of Olga being dragged and electrocuted by Chaldeas globe while they stood there helplessly was something no one would forever forget.
If it weren’t for Ritsuka and Mash’s intervention, she had found herself in Death’s hands. Despite the fear, Ritsuko’s orange orbs stared back at the two Servants and declared. “In honor for the Director, we won’t let him make humanity extinct at the end of 2017. We’ll fight, that’s the promise we made to Mash-chan and everyone in Chaldea!”
“That’s our answer, Archer, Caster,” Ritsuka turned to them with his sister after glancing at her. “Even if Death welcomes us as a friendly host at its doorstep, we’ll still battle to restore humanity.” 
Silence once more ensued as the three Servants stared at their Masters. An impassive expression showed on Cu and Archer. But, Mash awed at their courage and commitment of their position as the last human Masters.
Soon, a smirk curved on Cu lips and responded, “It’s a reckless and unreasonable order from you two, but hey, I prefer taking on impossible missions.”
He rose from his seat and approached to both to an appropriate distance. “I may not like all that’s happened so far, but, it can’t be that bad working with you guys again.”
“Caster…” Ritsuka stared back at his Servant with shocked yet dumbfounded of what he listened. 
“I’ll admit, the two of you are more foolish and brash than some Master we’ve experienced. But…,” Archer let out a murmur before heading and stopping at the same spot beside Cu. “Even if you do lack magic talents…. You both have remarkable potential as a Master.”
“Archer…” It’s Ritsuko’s turn to stare at her own Servant with a dumbfounded expression. 
“A child you two are, but, I’ll grant you both my strength as your Servant and mentor in this war.” Archer raised his right fist to his chest, his eyes closed and bowed to them, “It’s gratitude I’ll repay for freeing me from Saber’s control.”
Did they get it right? Both siblings now stared at each other with an awed expression before Mash, and they stood up from their seat. Ritsuka took a gulp before confirming his words, “So, you accept us, or my sister, as your Master?”
“Of course. Right now, we should be connected. As a mage, you should be able to perceive the bond between us through our pact.” Archers black orbs shifted towards Ritsuko. 
As Ritsuko repeated the exact word, Cu raised and pointed his finger at her heart. “Close your eyes and concentrate you two. You should detect something like a cord connecting to us.”
A soundless gulp made from their throat before the two Masters nodded and closed their eyes. 
Unnecessary thoughts and external interference blurred out to concentrate the vibration of their pulse. 
Doubts and questions surfaced once more when they weren’t able to feel what the Caster told them. However, a strange unknown heat surged back and forth within their body to the unknown.
Ritsuka opened his eyes and muttered. “I understand now. So, that’s what you meant by a cord that connects us to both of you.” 
“Pact…,” Ritsuko muttered the alien word to herself. Her head tipped back to Caster and clarified after understanding what she felt. “That heat in our body escaping from us is…!”
Mash nodded at her query and answered. “Servants may be summoned through the FATE system, but what anchors them is–!”
“Both of their magic circuits. We’re linked into this world by the mana you transferred to Servants,” Cu finished the Demi-Servant’s answer. A small breath left his lips, and he raised his hand to rub the back of his neck. “It isn’t the best, but I’ll take what I have. We can’t be picky with what we have, huh?”
Surprise expression occurred on the raven-haired’s face when Cu quoted his words. Ritsuka returned with his own wry grin to Cu’s smirk. “Yeah… Then, we’ll be in your care, Caster, Archer.”
Seeing Cu grinning brightly and Archer let out a small huff, Ritsuko took a step forward and smiled at her contracted Servant. “Yup, please take care of us too, Archer!”
Black orbs blinked at her outstretched hand and happy grin to him, the pair were indeed the strangest Masters he met. He grabbed her hand in a firm hold and acknowledged. “As you wish, Master.”
Bright beam also curved on Mash’s lips, satisfied that things ended well for her Masters. Yet, she’s amazed once more at how they could persuade both Cu and Archer to cooperate despite their antagonism to each other.
A fantastic pair they were, something Fou squeaked to her in agreement as though he knew her thoughts.
Both stomachs from both Master growled to them, faces turned crimson in embarrassment at how loud it caused. Ritsuko retracted her hand and spun aside from the group. “Erm…” 
Ritsuka coughed and expressed in a fail attempted impassive tone. “Well, looks like the outcome of cleaning this place is here…”
“Our priority right now is to have your stomachs filled. And, we’ll explain more during your meal.”
Noticed Archer’s black orbs staring at her, Mash nodded in understanding and his hidden implication. “I agree, I’ll take everyone to where the cafeteria is.” 
“Great!” Ritsuko’s relief and enthusiastic voice chirped to the proposal. Though, she turned red when her stomach growled once more. “Oh, come on, can’t you be more patient?!”
Both Cu and Ritsuka snickered and laughed at her outburst. Archer produced a slightly amused smile to her childish complaint and followed the three behind with Mash leading to the next stop.
End of Issue #1
*crawls out from the numerous events, babylonia singularity, real-life happenings, working life, procastination, writer's block & a slight fever* I LIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIVVVVVVVVVVVVVVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Perfectly right before the final Singularity... I'm not dead... I'm alive......!!! I'M NOT DEAD HERE I SWEAR!! I'M JUST MORE ACTIVE ON MY TUMBLR ACCOUNT: fgodestinyawakenings
*coughs* Right... Once again, I'm really REALLY REALLY sorry for the long delay to the very first issue of Chaldea's Daily Digest. Those who has been anticipating for the new Servants that's going to join them as a main group is finally here! Or those who followed me on tumblr, would've seen the spoilers of who are the Servants that's more notable to be out next ^^;
Mama Emiya and Caster Cu Chulainn answered to both their summons at last! And unfortunately... Why it took this long? Because 6 chapters on this arc before the first Singularity will behave very much like a tutorial mode. Involving learning actual magic and basics about Masters and stuff. I'll go brief on the Masters part since it's something most known, magic wise I'm cracking my head to see how magic was taught to beginners
Anyone who wondered why Caster Cu in particular and why not Lancer ver... I'm more going by what was summoned via story both available and story-locked. So when's the Lancer version? Err... I'll put this bluntly especially agreeing with one of the comments. There isn't going to be multiple copies of them like those two appearing at the same time. I have an original and probably not a good twist in this change.
I'll announce another time who are the Servants will have multiple copies of themselves summoned and/or ones affected by this twist. So, if you think this sucks... It's going to get worse from here. Because what I'm planning onwards just made me questioned myself but I'm going with this flow because I've dug my grave for this
Next chapter release will take a very long while, so this chapter hopefully you guys enjoyed and something to really make up for the previous and upcoming Hiatus! Those who have been giving kudos, following and favorite on ff.net... THANKS A LOT!! IT REALLY MEANS A LOT THAT KEEP ME WRITING DESPITE HOW MUCH THE WRITER'S BLOCK AND PROCASTINATION HIT OTL
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scarletraven1001 · 6 years
The Final Price (Chapter 4)
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Chapter Summary: Bulma’s curiosity leads her to make a few startling discoveries, while her and Vegeta’s bond continues to grow stronger. However, evil is always afoot, and Bulma finds herself in a situation where, possibly, not even Vegeta could save her.
Entry for the @tpthvegebulmayhem, Week 3.
Prompt: 1) Twenty mattresses and a pea; 2) Who is trip-trapping on my bridge.
Chapter Warnings: Rated E - Profane language; Crime and Violence.
All Chapters:  1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10
Also on Ao3.
Chapter 4: The Spirit Bridge
Note: The original Week 3 entry was more than 17,000 words long, so I have split it into three parts. This is Part 1 of 3. I hope you like it!
As a woman of science, Bulma Briefs was a naturally curious person.
Since she was a little child, Bulma had always been the type who would never be content with short answers. There always had to be an explanation… a logical reason behind everything, every concept and every occurrence.
She needed to be convinced… to know exactly how something worked, before she would ever begin to be at peace regarding anything.
It was because of her inherent inquisitive nature, that Bulma was perpetually aggravated about the one thing in her life right then that did not quite make sense.
He was the only person who thought of and believed in her abilities, spurring her to begin her research into the true embezzlers. It was something that she, in her focus on keeping her mother alive, had all but forgotten, but he somehow knew that she could have had what it takes to find the true perpetrators.
It had let the corrupt ones know that Bulma was still a player in the game, causing them to go after her, leading her into wishing her problems away. Even though her research had never needed to see the light of day after all, it had still been a catalyst in how everything had wrapped up.
There was also the fact that Vegeta always seemed to have a predilection for protecting her. He had saved her from her would-be rapists and murderers, and now kept near-constant vigil with her.
In the three months that she had known him, the Prince had become a steady companion to her, a regular fixture in her life, no matter how deeply he remained firmly hidden in the shadows whenever any other person drew near.
There were times when he seemed so normal, so unapologetically human, that she almost forgot that he was actually a mysterious phantom, a warrior spirit that she had summoned to grant her impossible wishes.
He was a demon of sorts, who seemed to still be biding his time until he finally revealed the final price that he would be taking from her, in return for his services.
She dreaded the moment when he would finally come up to her and ask for his payment, and that, within itself, aggravated her even more, since she had recently realized that it wasn’t her fear of the ultimate consequences of her wishes that she truly dreaded…
Bulma realized that she was terrified of the time when he finally stopped playing games with her, since she knew that upon gaining his price, Vegeta will, undoubtedly, leave.
It scared her witless when she understood that, all that spectacular golden-haired power aside, she did not want him to go.
She was dying to understand him, to know more about him, beyond the small snippets of random memories that he shared with her whenever he was lethargically pumped full of good food.
And ultimately… she wanted him to stay.
At the moment, she was content with having him literally floating with her in their family’s private swimming pool while they snacked on tropical fruits.
“And what is this one?” he asked, picking up a slice of yellow fruit.
“That is pineapple,” she answered. “You’ve had that before.”
“It looks different,” he said, popping the fruit in question into his mouth.
“This was sliced into chunks,” she commented, picking up a small bit of melon. “Bite-sized, easier to eat.”
“Tch,” he sneered. “You Earthlings… too lazy to even bite into food.”
She lowered her sunglasses, peering at him over the top of the rims.
She was on a pool float, wearing a blue two-piece bikini… one that she had purposefully picked out, as she recalled that it made her boobs look amazing.
The Prince was hovering in the air beside her, hand digging into her fruit bowl. He was wearing a pair of shorts and no shirt, an attire that she had coaxed him into, and as she ran her eyes up and down his obscenely defined chest and abdomen, she rationalized that her scheming to have him half-naked was her benevolent gift to mankind.
He was quite the view.
“Oh, don’t give me that, Mr. Prince of a warrior race. You can’t tell me that you didn’t have servants slicing your fruit for you.”
“My servants cooked my meat and peeled my produce. We didn’t have them cut the plants up into chunks,” he sneered, even as he merrily helped himself to another piece.
He was trying to find another slice of mango when he froze, and Bulma stiffened as she watched his eyes glaze over.
She knew what was coming next.
In a flash, he had materialized into his armor, eyes alert, body tense.
“I need to go,” he muttered tersely, before he brought two fingers to his forehead in a now familiar gesture, a second before he vanished into thin air.
Bulma sighed.
The man was a true mystery, one that she wished to unlock. She wanted to know who and what he was, forcefully casting aside her questions regarding why exactly she was so determined to get to know him.
Vegeta appeared into the middle of the tiny island house, looking around for the old woman who had called to him.
He keenly felt the ki signatures of his men, sensations that he had recently become reacquainted with.
He strode out of the house, noting the pandemonium happening just beyond the shore.
A tall, spiky haired Saiyan floated above the waters. He was wearing an orange martial arts gi and he was soaked in sweat, focusing a small and extremely potent energy ball into his hand, before he, with a strangled shout, blasted the tiny orb into the sea, forcing the placid waters to rise into towering waves of energy.
A few meters up into the sky, Vegeta spied the sparring forms of two disproportionately large men; both wearing the same orange attire as the first man, but while the first was lean, these men are both extremely muscular. For these two, however, one was completely bald headed, and the other had entirely too much hair.
Vegeta powered up, drawing their collective attentions to him.
All activity stopped, and the three hastily flew downwards, dropping down on one knee before him, with their right fists clutched tightly to the left side of their chests, heads down in supplication.
“Your Highness,” the bald one, the highest-ranked of the three, was in the middle.
“Nappa,” Vegeta greeted. “At ease.”
All three stood, facing their Prince.
Their race was gone, and only these three remained as his subjects. Though Vegeta would never admit it aloud, he was glad that they remained loyal to the crown.
“Raditz,” he turned to the man whose thick, dark hair was down to his knees. “I trust your travels went well.”
“Yes, my Lord,” he nodded. “I rushed here as fast as I could from planet Arlia, when I was told that you were back. I am honored to be in your presence once again.”
“And you, Kakarot, how fares your training?” he asked of the youngest one, who had barely been a man when he had last seen him.
“It has been going well, Prince Vegeta,” he scratched at his spiky hair as he went on, “I just need to relearn to focus my long-range attacks.”
“It is understandable that you are out of practice, as you have been at peace for several years,” Vegeta said. “Where is the crone?”
“Here, Prince Vegeta,” a hoarse old voice called out, making all four men turn to look back at the tiny house.
Uranai stood at the doorway, her crystal ball floating beside her as she took her slow steps towards the Saiyans.
“I am glad to see that you have all been reunited now. I am sure that the Prince is delighted to have his team back together.”
“Thank you for gathering us, Uranai,” Nappa said. “When the Prince was released, I felt his ki immediately, but Raditz was off planet, and Kakarot here had rather vague memories of our battles and was thus unable to quickly place the ki.”
“He had been barely more than a young boy at the time,” Raditz said. “Kakarot was only fourteen Saiyan suns old.”
“I am now twenty eight, by Saiyan count, right?” Goku asked. “Because we have been on Earth for nearly thirty years.”
Vegeta did the mental math. He had been imprisoned in the middle realm, within the ball, for fifteen Saiyan suns… thirty Earth years.
“Yes, and it has been thirty Earth years too long,” Vegeta said.
He took a deep breath, passion igniting in his eyes as he commanded. “Prepare yourselves, my loyal Saiyans. Soon, we shall go into war. And this time, we will win.”
Bulma tossed and turned in bed, unable to shake the feeling that something, at that very moment, was going incredibly wrong.
It was a gloomy evening, cool in temperature, but the darkness was so deep that it seemed even the moon and the stars hid from sight. The blackness was so disconcerting, more so since she was bogged down by worry for her missing non-human friend.
It had been three days since Vegeta disappeared, and she wasn’t quite sure if it was alright to call for him since he had looked so troubled when he last left.
She had waited for him to show up like usual, perhaps popping into existence beside her, or slithering into her bedroom in the dead of night.
She sighed, resolved to go to sleep, even as she offhandedly wondered if perhaps she was just uncomfortable on her new bed.
She had purchased a new, larger one after they came back to Capsule Corp, because she felt like the world owed it to her to let her lay on the largest possible bed after she had been forced to sleep on a narrow, hard cot for months.
She had taken forever to choose her bed, rejecting at least twenty mattresses until she finally settled on what she felt was the perfect one.
She was laying on the most amazing bed this side of West City, and yet, was unable to sleep because a certain pea-brained man had her worried to death over his whereabouts.
She was about to finally give up and just take sleeping pills when a dim flash of light appeared beside her, and she turned in surprise as she watched the form of the flame-haired man begin to form.
She almost heaved a sigh of relief, before she remembered that she was actually rather cross with him.
“What the hell have you been up to?” she asked suspiciously as soon as he was fully-visible before her. “I didn’t see you all weekend.”
Vegeta approached her side, floating gingerly beside her bed. “I have been sorting out some… private matters.”
She frowned, then reached over to flick on her bedside lamp.
A loud gasp was wrenched from her chest at the sight that greeted her.
“Oh my God! What happened to you?” she shrieked, one hand reaching out, as if to touch him, but her hand remained hovering a few inches away from his arm as confusion and alarm warred for dominance inside her head.
It was like Vegeta was there, but not completely. She blinked hard, until she finally accepted that what she was seeing was real.
Vegeta was nearly translucent.
It was like he was nothing but a mere reflection on a glass window, and Bulma was utterly mystified, worry eating at her as she looked at him, even while he himself remained nonplussed.
“Do not fret, woman. I am fine,” he responded, carelessly leaning back until he was floating beside her bed on his back.
“Are you… are you nuts?” she shrilled. “You’re see-through, Vegeta. How do you expect me not to freak out?”
“It is nothing. Besides, this is not the first time.”
Bulma’s eyesbrows shot up. “Yes it is.”
“It is perhaps the first time that I have come to you in this condition. I see now that I should not have done so.”
She felt a tiny pang of pain at this. “You… you regret letting me see you… like this?” she asked, and the hurt must have come through in her voice, since he turned to face her directly, brows lowered together as he spoke.
“I do not regret it. However, I did not intend to frighten you.”
She smiled. “I’m not scared, Vegeta. I’m worried for you… with you like this, I think… are you sick or something? Will you… will you tell me why this happened?”
He kept staring at her as she spoke, and she thought she saw a flash of emotion flit through his eyes, only to be rapidly dashed as he answered.
“This night… I am weak tonight, Bulma. My strength follows a cycle. It would have been wiser for me to remain hidden, alone, and yet… I don’t understand why but… but I wanted-” he shook his head. “Never mind.”
“Vegeta,” she whispered, reaching out, very gently laying a hand on his arm.
He felt cold.
It was a shock, considering that she could still remember the fiery heat of his skin, when she summoned him on that fateful night of the full moon...
“Vegeta, tell me? You wanted… what?” she said gently.
He looked away, crossing his arms tight across his chest.
“I don’t really understand my motives… but I wanted to be here tonight, Bulma.”
Her heart stopped, before it furiously began pumping so strongly that the beats seemed deafening within her ears.
He… he wanted to see her, when he was at his weakest.
She could not comprehend the elation that filled her entire body as she thought that perhaps… perhaps this meant that he felt at home with her.
“I can still destroy this entire planet with a single finger, I simply tire more quickly in this state,” he bragged, and Bulma noticed that, in spite of the bravado behind his words, she could still see a slight flush behind his translucent cheeks.
She was no closer to understanding who he really was… what he really was…
But Bulma now understood that on some level, the spectacularly powerful Prince felt at ease with her.
Perhaps.. Just as much as she felt safe, with him.
“Maybe… maybe you should get some sleep,” she said, moving over, patting the side of her bed invitingly.
He looked down at her hand on the sheets, and though he said nothing, she could sense the war going on behind his eyes.
“Vegeta, it is a very large bed. You could just… lay here. If you don’t feel your best today, maybe some sleep would help,” Bulma said as she began to pull the sheets back.
The Prince looked extremely conflicted, but Bulma noticed that he was floating closer and closer to her side. Before he could change his mind, she reached out and tugged him down to lay beside her.
He lay down with a small sigh. “These sheets really do feel good.”
“They do,” she said, turning so her back faced him as she settled into the comforter.
A yawn left her lips then, and she noted with surprise that she finally felt the desire to sleep.
“Good night, my Prince,” she said lethargically, before her eyes closed, and she was lost to slumber.
Vegeta never really seemed to need much sleep.
The morning after his night of weakness, just as he did every day, he woke at the break of dawn. He looked down at his chest, sighing in relief as he noticed that he was back to his tangible form.
However, unlike on all other nights, he woke surrounded by the soft scent of exotic flowers, the smell of fresh morning dew, teasing his body into wakefulness as it quieted the typical chaos of his mind.
Her scent… was like a salve for his exhausted, ravaged being.
He turned to his right, seeing the riotous wave of blue that partially covered the creamy white skin of the woman’s beautifully sculpted face.
He reached a hand out, wanting to brush the locks of hair away from her cheeks, before he caught himself, and with a disgusted huff, he rose, flying out of the room through her large, open glass window.
Perhaps, thirty Earth years without contact with anyone, other than the memories of his battles in his head, had made him soft.
It had been thirty Earth years since he was tricked into being trapped in that blasted orb. He, in a desperate attempt to tether himself to the living world, sent out a final ball of ki that contained a small part of his spirit.
He had intended to use that ball of energy to pull himself out of the middle realm, but as he had not fully mastered ki alchemy yet, the ki ball dissipated in an unexpected way that now landed him in this… problematic situation.
He knew what he had to do.
However, whenever he thought of going ahead with the next step, he would be halted by the image of smiling pink lips and light blue eyes, and his resolve would crumble into dust.
He had realized as soon as he gazed at her terrified face as she summoned him, that things had become a tad more complicated than he had originally intended.
He had stupidly indulged his curiosity that first night, when he had claimed that he was asking her for an “initial fee”.
He had not anticipated the electrifying heat of her skin, the exhilarating feel of her lips.
He was not prepared for how his blood roared to life, pumping madly through his veins as he clutched her close, feeding from her mouth as he appeased his hunger with her softness.
It was a mistake.
He thought of his small remaining team of Saiyans, remembering their determined faces, and he knew that for the sake of these few men who still believed in him, he could not afford to make any more missteps.
For the sake of his men… for the sake of all the Saiyans whose spirits are now clamoring for revenge against the man who betrayed them…
No matter how his own soul screamed at him that he needed to protect Bulma… His own personal inclinations be damned…
He must claim his price.
“Ms. Bulma, your next appointment will be in fifteen minutes.”
Bulma smiled gratefully at her secretary, knowing that the girl must have gone through enormous lengths to squeeze in those precious few moments as her break.
“Thank you, Lazuli,” she said.
The girl turned away with a small nod, leaving Bulma alone in her office.
She needed some spare time for her to be able to concentrate on her new discoveries.
Her curiosity regarding Vegeta, and the circumstances behind their meeting, never ceased to bother her, moreso now that she could not ever seem to get him out of her mind.
Now that she was back in Capsule Corp, she once again had the resources to help her find information, and though she was still unable to find anything about Vegeta, she realized that there was one character whom she could pursue, that could link her back to him.
The old woman who had given her the glass ball.
Bulma did not know much beyond the name that she had been given, but the more she thought about the day she met the old lady, the more she began to realize that their meeting was not by chance.
She was convinced that it had been deliberate, and Bulma used the only thing she remembered from that night to help her find the answers.
The old lady had called herself, Uranai.
The word was common, but fortunately, she had found one peculiar entry in a very old newspaper archive… from two hundred years ago.
She used this as her starting point, and from there, managed to find a contact that had promised to provide her with more information about the mysterious Uranai.
They had found that the old article was referring to a lady who called herself Uranai Kame.
Bulma was expecting an email from this contact, and as soon as Lazuli left, she immediately accessed her personal email.
The first unread email that she saw in her inbox was from her contact, Krillin.
Excitement flowed through her as she opened the attached PDF, and she sucked in a breath at what she saw.
The first page was a very old photograph, a very grainy and shadowy sepia image that showed a lady in her early fifties, wearing a very dark cloak and a stereotypical pointed black hat.
In spite of the clear changes brought by age, Bulma immediately recognized the light hair and small but angular face, and she could have sworn that she could see the eyes turn dark red, the longer she stared at the photo.
It was the old lady Uranai from that night in the dark street. She was absolutely positive.
On the second page was a strange set of coordinates, and Bulma realized that it was the last known location of the old woman.
Bulma nearly ran out of her office, instructing Lazuli to cancel all of her remaining appointments.
This, was more important than all of those meetings, combined.
The coordinates were leading Bulma to the middle of the sea.
She had taken off in a hovercraft, and as she flew deeper and deeper into nothingness, she was beginning to think that perhaps, the information from Krillin was inaccurate.
A large chorus of sparks in the distance caught her attention, and she realized that the sparks were almost right above the point that she was trying to travel to.
She sped up, turning on her cloaking mechanism as her earlier excitement began to return, and she gasped as she finally understood what, exactly, she had been seeing from a distance.
It appeared to be three large men, floating – flying! –in mid-air, simultaneously firing long rays of energy from… something. Whatever they were using, it must have been miniscule, as she swore that, from her vantage point, it appeared as if they were firing blasts from their bare hands.
She tried to slow down as much as possible, to keep the volume of her already silent car to a minimum.
Her head began to pound in anticipation as she saw a tiny island, in the middle of the vast sea, a ways away from the three men.
The coordinates were correct!
A small house stood in the center, shaded by a single palm tree. She parked her hovercraft behind the house, away from the three floating men, before she encapsulated it, storing the miniaturized vehicle in her pocket as she began to walk towards the house.
Her heels dug into the sand, and she knocked lightly on the back door, not waiting for a response before she tried the door knob.
The door was unlocked, and she pushed it open, walking into the tiny home that had sparse furnishings within a tiny living room, flanked by a kitchen and a narrow set of stairs leading down into what she could only assume was a cellar.
Bulma was about to head back outside to sit in the sand until someone came home, when she stopped dead, hearing a peculiar howling sound coming from somewhere close by.
It sounded as if the sound was inside the house, but the entire interior of the house was within her view, so that seemed rather impossible.
She stood silently, unmoving, listening for the sound again.
“Must have been my imagination, then,” she muttered, turning once again to leave.
Another sound, closer to a growling sound this time, sounded once again, and Bulma stilled as she finally realized that the sound was coming from somewhere beneath her.
Her eyes flew to the narrow set of stairs leading downwards.
Before she could think twice about it, Bulma made her way to the small entryway, peering into the darkness below.
The sounds she heard from within sounded inhuman, but even as she shook in terror, she started making her way down the stairs.
She still wore Vegeta’s amulet around her neck, on a longer chain, so it remained hidden behind her clothes. She clutched it through the cloth of her blouse, ready to scream for him at the slightest sign of danger.
The stairs creaked slightly beneath her light feet, every small sound making her cringe in paranoia.
The cellar grew darker as the growling and howling grew louder, and Bulma, startled, missed a step, catching herself on the narrow banister before she fell, but her abrupt movement made a loud, knocking sound on the steps, and Bulma heard the howling noises come to an abrupt halt.
“Who’s there?” a familiar voice, raspy and tinged with irritation, called from further into the cellar, making Bulma freeze.
She heard steps coming closer, small, slow steps…
“Who is trip-trapping into the cellar? I have told you all to stay away from this place when I am on my Spirit Bridge,” the old voice called.
Bulma sucked in a breath as the footsteps turned a corner, and she saw the tiny woman from before, fading pink hair covered by a pointed hat, flowing robes concealing her short and gnarled form.
“Prince, is that-” Uranai stopped mid-sentence as their eyes met, a small gasp leaving her as her eyes widened, jaw slack in surprise.
“Y-you!” the crone shouted, pointing a finger at Bulma. “What are you doing here?”
Bulma put her hands on her hips, glaring at the old woman. “I was looking for you! I want some answers about that orb, old lady!”
“You should not be here! This is no place for a young, living woman such as yourself!” Uranai said as panic settled onto her wrinkled features.
“Upstairs with you! You’re lucky the spirits did not sense you!” Uranai said as she forcibly pushed Bulma up the stairs, and Bulma, in her confusion, just went along with it, taking the steps two at a time as she felt the sense of urgency in the old woman’s hands.
When they were both on the upper floor, the tiny old woman quickly turned, pushing a slab of wood that Bulma had not noticed there before, to cover the entry into the cellar.
Bulma watched as Uranai huffed in exertion, and as soon as the cover was fixed, she turned back to Bulma, a look of astonishment mixed with the upset in her face.
“How did you even find this place?” she asked, and Bulma straightened, annoyed.
“I have my methods. But you!” Bulma pointed an accusing finger at Uranai. “You! When we met, that was not a coincidence, was it? You planned that meeting! Why? What is going on?”
Uranai cringed, and Bulma stared in defiance as the woman’s gaze flitted around, as if trying to find a way to escape.
All of a sudden, Bulma felt a large, incredibly heavy pair of hands clasp onto her arms at her sides, and she screamed as she felt herself lifted up in the air.
“Aiyeeeee! Let me go! Put me down!” she shrieked, trying her hardest to turn her head to see her attacker as her legs flailed helplessly beneath her.
“Oi Uranai? Who is this?” a loud, deep voice called out, and Bulma stiffened at the gruff tone.
“Who are you? Let me go! Just wait til I get Vegeta, he’s gonna kick your overgrown ass into space!” she screamed indignantly.
The man behind her jostled her a bit, before he addressed Uranai. “Oi. This woman. How does she know the Prince?”
Uranai sighed, seemingly in defeat, before she answered. “Nappa. That woman is the Blue Moon.”
The hands holding her suddenly released her, and Bulma fell to the ground, her butt painfully hitting the floor.
“Oof!” she cried, turning accusing eyes at the man who dropped her.
Her eyes widened as they travelled an inordinately long distance until she reached the top of her captor’s head. The man was humongous, a bald behemoth with arms wider than trees, legs twice as thick, and a torso larger than a buffalo’s.
Behind him stood two other men. Bulma realized that these were the three flying men from earlier, when she saw the long, wild hair of the second man, which she recognized even from her earlier distance.
The third man was tall, with unruly hair, and large round eyes… that looked a tad familiar.
Bulma craned her head, peering curiously at the thinnest man.
She gasped as a distant memory from her teens resurfaced, and she scrambled to her knees, not quite believing her eyes.
“Goku?” she asked, a bit uncertain.
Surely, it wasn’t possible…
The man in question perked up, looking at her questioningly, before his own eyes widened comically.
“Bulma?! You’re the Blue Moon?” the spiky-haired man exclaimed, pushing past the two other men as he ran excitedly to her.
“I can’t believe it! It’s been a while! Wow, you look so different!”
Bulma stared.
She had met Goku when she went on a mountain trek with her friends, fifteen years ago, when she was fifteen.
Goku had been a helpful older boy, leading her and her friends to the easiest paths, befriending them before he suddenly disappeared as they reached their destination.
Bulma almost didn’t recognize him, since Goku looked younger than her now.
“We came in because we thought we felt Prince Vegeta arrive,” the long-haired man said from behind Goku. “Now I see why something felt different.”
“It was her, Raditz, that’s why,” Uranai said, before she motioned for everyone to follow her into the tiny living room.
It looked rather ridiculous… three large, muscular men, squatted over a low table, flanking the shriveled old lady, all facing Bulma.
Bulma took a deep breath, before she spoke.
“What was that down there Uranai? And who are you guys? How do know me? And how were you all flying?” she asked, voice rising in volume as she felt her confusion mount.
Uranai regarded her carefully. “That down there, is the Spirit Bridge… a portal into the netherworld. I am the custodian of the portal. And you…” Uranai paused, fixing her red eyes on Bulma. “I know of you, because you share a spirit link with the Prince, whose soul has been under my watch for over a decade.”
Uranai coughed, gesturing at the three men. “These three, are Saiyans. They are Prince Vegeta’s warriors.”
Bulma swallowed. “And where is Prince Vegeta?”
Nappa spoke, brows drawn together in confusion. “We actually believed that he was with you.”
Uranai nodded. “He left today, saying he was about to get ready. You see Bulma… the Prince needs something from you… and we thought he was about to claim it today.”
Bulma stilled with realization. “The price? He needs to take it from me now?”
A bright, angry aura suddenly appeared, and all four jumped back as the red glow licked menacingly at them, moments before they cleared and revealed the golden form of the extremely livid Prince.
“Woman! What are you doing here?” he demanded. His fists were clenched tightly, eyes blazing, his voice a hair-raising, angry growl that had the three Saiyans cowering before him.
“My Lord!” Nappa said, scrambling to supplicate and get on one knee before him, his bald head down. “She just showed up. We were about to ask her to leave.”
Vegeta focused his intense green eyes on Bulma, and she cringed back, an apologetic grimace on her face.
“Vegeta,” she said gently, and she felt the eyes of Uranai and the three Saiyans turn sharply to her.
“I just…” Bulma stuttered. “I was searching for Uranai. I… I had a few questions…”
Vegeta swooped down and puller her up by her forearms, lifting her until she stood straight up before him.
He pulled her in with one hand, splaying her flush against his body, while he brought one hand up, two fingers raised to his forehead.
She felt that quick, dizzying sensation that made the bottom drop out of her stomach, a second before she found herself on solid ground, inside her bedroom, alone with the furious prince.
“Let me hear those questions,” he commanded as he released her, gently pushing her down to sit on her bed, while he backed away, leaning against a wall, arms crossed across his chest.
“You’re angry,” she muttered, casting her eyes down, not able to look at him as she saw the furious slant of his eyes grow narrower.
She heard him sigh, before she felt the furious aura surrounding him fizzle out. She heard his light footsteps as he approached her, sitting beside her on her bed.
He sighed. “That island is dangerous, Bulma. If you had been any other Earthling, the portal would have devoured you.”
She looked up, peering into his now dark eyes. “Why? Why me? I went there to ask Uranai why she gave me the ball that held you. I don’t understand… I want answers.”
She turned so her whole body was turned to him, and she slowly reached out until her hand covered his that were resting on his knees.
He turned his hand slightly, letting their fingers twine softly, and Bulma felt an incredible thrill at the feel of his gloved fingers gently linking with her own.
That feeling, was another thing that she needed to understand.
“I… Vegeta. I have grown fond of you. Maybe a little too much,” she whispered hesitantly, and she felt him stiffen slightly as she continued. “I just needed to know… more, before I get into a situation that I couldn’t get out of. I know that… there are a lot of things that you wouldn’t tell me but, can I just have… anything?”
Vegeta looked hard at her, before he too turned his body so he faced her on the bed. “Bulma. I will tell you all I can. But do not ask me for more, as I can tell you nothing beyond this.”
Bulma nodded, anticipation filling her as he took a deep breath, before he began. “I am the Prince of an extinct race. We were called the Saiyans, and we inhabited a planet called Vegeta-sei, a few light years away from Earth.”
She sucked in a breath. She had suspected, from his earlier slip-ups, that Vegeta was not from Earth. His powers, his strange behaviors, and the complete absence of literature for any possible legends behind his glass orb, now made so much more sense.
He continued. “Those three men you met back there, along with I, are the last of our kind. We were betrayed by an evil being thirty Earth years ago, who had not just destroyed our home, but also trapped me in the ball. We are here, waiting for the perfect time to take our revenge.”
“You got mixed up in this because of an earlier complication. We needed someone who wanted to free me, and since you needed a wish, your desire for the wish made it seem to the powers-that-be like you desired to release me. I do, however, need that final price from you still, since I need it to lead my remaining people to victory.”
Bulma nodded. She knew that what he was telling her was just the beginning, but she had agreed not to ask for more than what he could tell her.
There was one question that nagged her though, and unable to stop herself, she asked, “Why haven’t you claimed the final price, then? If you need it?”
He stilled, and she thought she saw a haunted look enter his eyes as he responded. “Because I am not quite ready, yet.”
He brought his two fingers up to his forehead then, and before Bulma could stop him, he disappeared.
She spent the rest of the remaining day mulling about his words, trying to figure out what he meant when he said that he wasn’t ready to ask her for the price yet.
He may have given her some answers… but he just made her come up with even more questions, as well.
Bulma was up to her neck in work, after her impromptu ditching from the day before. She was barely getting by, and not even Lazuli’s fastidiousness helped with the mounting paperwork and twice as many appointments, due to her regular ones and the previous day’s cancelled ones all being squeezed into one day.
She was dying to get to the last appointment of the day, a four o’clock meeting with the head of a refrigeration company.
The last of the paperwork finally petered down, and she looked at the clock in her office with exhaustion, relieved to see that it was finally three fifty-nine in the afternoon.
“One last meeting and I’ll be home free!” she sing-songed, and exactly as the clock struck four, her phone rang.
“Ms. Bulma,” Lazuli greeted. “Your four-o’clock is here.”
“Please send them in, and you can go on home,” she instructed, to which, Lazuli hummed in acknowledgement.
The blonde assistant was definitely not the friendliest or liveliest person, but she got the job done to a ridiculously efficient degree. If Bulma didn’t know better, she’d think Lazuli was a robot.
Her door swung open, and Bulma raised her head to greet her visitor, only for her voice to lodge painfully in her throat.
On the surface, the man was absolutely nondescript. He was rather short, pale, with narrow eyes and a bald head with a large purplish birthmark on his temple. He wore a pristine white outfit, and he was smiling politely at her as entered her office, a pleasant greeting on his lips.
However, something about his manner, his aura, if she could even say that, made her uneasy, but she stubbornly quashed the uncomfortable feelings aside as she smiled back, indicating the chairs before her desk so he and his assistant could sit and be comfortable as they discussed their business proposal.
The assistant was tall, with long greenish hair and a very handsome face. Bulma smiled at him as well, finding it strange that she was so uneasy around such an attractive man. She’d usually be more comfortable with an attractive visitor, but right now…
She felt for Vegeta’s amulet through her blouse…
“Don’t be silly, Bulma. It’s just a business meeting. You’re being paranoid,” she scolded herself as she mustered up a professional smile, leaning back on her chair as she regarded her guests.
“Good afternoon, gentlemen. I am Bulma Briefs, it is a pleasure to meet you,” she said, extending a hand to each of them as they sat.
“The pleasure is all ours, Ms. Bulma. My, but do you look stunning! The magazines do you no justice,” the shorter man said. “My name is Frost. And this,” he gestured to his companion, “is my assistant, Mr. Zarbon.”
“Pleasure to meet you, Ms. Bulma,” Zarbon said, extending a small box filled with chocolates to her. “We have brought you some pastries, hopefully so we can come upon a sweet deal.”
“Oh, thank you, you really shouldn’t have,” she smiled, placing the box before her on the desk. “Now, I received a fantastic proposal from Chiller Corp. about a possible refrigeration deal with some capsule tech. Mind enlightening me on the exact details, gentlemen?”
They spoke about the deal for more than half an hour, and Bulma’s feeling of unease slipped away as she became engrossed in what was rapidly appearing to be a very lucrative deal proposal.
She was about to make a suggestion to one proposed clause, when her stomach suddenly released a very loud, extremely embarrassing growl.
“Oh my God,” she laughed, face flaring red. “I am so sorry, I haven’t eaten all day, my body is just trying to remind me!”
Zarbon was quick to raise a hand in placation. “No worries, ma’am, we understand!” he said with a chuckle. He motioned to the box of sweets on her desk. “Perhaps you should have some of these pastries.”
“Oh no, I couldn’t possibly…”
“Please, Ms. Bulma, we insist. They are absolutely divine, and we feel terrible for taking so long here that you can’t take your meal!” Frost said, nudging the box closer to her.
She looked at the food, and her stomach grumbled at her once again.
“Ah, what the heck, right? I am famished,” she said, opening the box and taking a round, chocolate-coated piece.
She popped the pastry into her mouth, groaning gratefully at her first mouthful of food all day. “Gosh, you were right, this is delicious! Where did you buy these, I might have to place a bulk order.”
“We got it far from here, Ms. Bulma,” Frost said, and Bulma couldn’t help but feel like something about his tone had suddenly seemed strangely different.
Zarbon himself, was grinning, and Bulma, suspicious but with no idea why, simply went back to discussing their deal.
It was not until a few minutes later, when she felt an abrupt spell of nausea take over her, that she paused, placing a hand against her forehead as the dizziness persisted.
“Is something wrong, Ms. Bulma?” Frost asked when she cut herself off, mid-sentence.
“No, I…” she stopped as she realized that her words seemed slurred. “I am just not feeling well. I guess I am actually more tired than I thought,” she tried to excuse herself.
She tried to push herself up onto her feet, but her arms gave way as she tried to brace herself on the table so she can stand.
“Lazu…” she began, thinking of calling her assistant, before she remembered that she had asked the blonde woman to go home.
“Perhaps you should take a seat, Ms. Bulma,” Zarbon said, going around to her side of the table to help her sit comfortably once again.
“Thank you. I’m sorry… I’m not sure what is happening…” she began, panicking slightly when she looked at the tall man, only to realize that she was beginning to see double.
“Don’t worry about it Ms. Bulma, we understand,” Frost said, coming up to stand beside Zarbon.
Bulma stared at him confusedly, when she saw his smile widen into a smirk, and she swore that she saw small fangs peeking out from under his lips.
“After all,” Frost began, his voice now lower, more of a hiss than actual words, “we know fully well how Namekian root affects Earthlings. In just a few more moments, you will lose consciousness. Isn’t that right, Zarbon?”
Bulma’s blood froze in her veins.
“They drugged me?!” she thought, as she tried to lift her hand so she can clutch at the amulet at her chest.
Her limbs refused to move.
Frost watched her, before his eyes narrowed in on her chest.
The amulet had peeked out through the buttons of her blouse, and Frost smirked menacingly as he reached forward, slipping his fingers through the gap so he could hold the amulet between his fingers.
“What do you know? Look, Zarbon, the Prince gave her a keepsake,” Frost snickered, before he viciously pulled at the trinket, snapping the chain as he pocketed the amulet.
Zarbon smirked. “This may turn out to be even more interesting than we thought,” he said. “Perhaps we should begin cloaking before we take her with us.”
“I believe you are right,” Frost said, and Bulma, with progressively heavier eyes, watched as he raised his arms, making small beams of energy surround them in a circular shield.
She tried to keep her eyes open, to speak, to scream, but nothing in her body worked right, and she realized with dread that there was nothing more she could do to fight off the drowsiness that the drug had her under.
“Stop fighting it, Ms. Bulma. Don’t you worry, we will still be here when you wake up,” Zarbon crooned, and his aggravating face was the last thing she saw before the all-encompassing darkness of unconsciousness took over.
To be continued…
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