#driving courses gloucester
My (@therainbowwillow’s Shakespeare sideblog’s) barely half-formed thoughts about Lear in response to @callixton‘s post:
Disclaimer: this is like 25% of a thought. I’ve only read this play once. PLEASE add to this or contradict me in the tags, RBs, and replies!
The “kids” in King Lear (Cordelia, Regan, Goneril, Edmund, and Edgar) all parallel each other and so do the adults.
Before the play starts and for a brief instant after, Cordelia and Edgar are their father’s respective golden children. Edmund, Regan, and Goneril are overlooked (or so we’re told). Beyond ambition, I’d argue that a longing for parental favor and/or resentment for having been “ignored” drives all three of these “sidelined” children to do what they do in the course of the play, at least initially.
Goneril & Regan pull their schemes quite early in the narrative, so for a moment, Edmund and Cordelia are the out-of-favor children. They, interestingly, parallel their parents! Cordelia has “fallen from grace” as Lear does (from a king to a madman to a father who cannot save the only child he has left) whereas Edmund is right where he started (like Gloucester, who “falls from the cliffs” but in actuality, never leaves flat ground- there’s nowhere to fall from.) The methods they use to get (back- Cordelia) into their parents’ good graces are completely opposite, which sort of frames them as foils. Edmund lies and sabotages whereas Cordelia remains true.
Once Edmund becomes the new Gloucester-golden-child, Cordelia and Edgar take on some parallels. These two both fell from their parents’ favor through no fault of their own, but remain loyal. Edgar guides his blinded father away from the cliffs and Cordelia tries to help Lear recover his mental faculties despite the fact that both of their fathers wronged them.
Eventually, the kids’ relationships with their parents somewhat return to the status quo we saw as the play opened (if considerably more strained). Lear loves Cordelia, Edgar reveals his identity, Regan, Goneril, and Edmund’s plots have been found out.
What does this mean? I dunno, man. I’ve read the play once. It’s on my list…
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wessexroyalfamily · 1 year
{Location: White Lodge, Winchester City}
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Princess Margaret of Lancaster: I thought the Queen was in residence at the Palace, why are we driving out of the city?
Anne Spencer-Lewis, The Countess Spencer: You’ve been invited for tea at Claremont House ma’am.
Margaret: You don’t think the Queen is angry about the protesters outside of the Cathedral the other day, do you?
Anne: No at all, no one can blame you for what people think.  
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Margaret: Well my mother already has. 
Anne: No offence to your mother, but she is not the Queen. 
Margaret: Exactly! If my mother was that upset, imagine how furious the Queen must be.
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Anne: After the war, the Queen’s popularity took a hit, and since then she’s prefers to spend her days out of the city, to be away from the crowds of protestors.
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Margaret: So?
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Anne: So, you might be surprised to find aa ally in her, who understands what you are going through.
{Location: Claremont House, Hyde Park - outside of Winchester City}
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Queen Anne II of Wessex: It was too soon.
Prince Christian, The Earl of Gloucester: How were any of us to know?
Anne II: We should have waited before having the two of them in a joint engagement. What was Alexander thinking?
Christian: We agreed to it. 
Anne II: His role is to advise us, with advise that will actually be helpful.  
Christian: I think he made the right call.  Now we have a chance to iron out the kinks before their tour around Dorset after the wedding.
Anne II: This  marriage was supposed to bring the country together, not have the people banging at our doors.
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*knock at drawing room door.
Anne, Lady-In-Waiting: Her Royal Highness has arrived.
Margaret: Your Majesty, it is so good to see you again.
Anne II: Yes, Margaret, welcome dear.
Margaret: Thank you, thank you both, for inviting me.
Christian: Of course , now come in and sit, we have tea already ready.
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Anne II: Did you get here alright?  
Margaret: Yes a car drove me straight here. It surprisingly isn't too far of a drive.
Anne II: Not at all, Hyde Park has been used as a retreat by the royal family for generations. William and his brother basically grew up in this house. I'm guessing soon you and William will have your pick of country houses in the Park soon, if you wish.  
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Margaret: Thank you ma'am, but honestly I haven't thought that far.
Christian: Smart girl. How are things going at White Hall?
Margaret: We are all settling in fine. My mother and sisters love the garden. and it is nice being in the city but having additional privacy of the surrounding park land.
Anne II: Oh that's excellent to hear.  
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Christian: And the press hasn't been giving you too hard of a time?
Margaret: No, security keeps the paparazzi at bay for the most part.
Christian: And the protestors?
Margaret: Luckily they aren’t allowed near the house, but I hear that a few have set up camp outside Woodstock Palace.
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Anne II: Yes, Will’s staff had to increase security around the entrances.
Christian: You should know this won’t be going away anytime soon. The pressure I mean.
Anne II: But our hope is to make it easier for you. 
Christian: Yes exactly.
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Anne II: We’ve arrange some engagements for you and Will to attend. The more the public see you two together, the more they’ll come around to the idea of the wedding.
Christian: And not just with you two, but you with the rest of the Royal Family. It will show the nation that you are one of us now.
Margaret: How many engagements? I was hoping to spend these last few weeks with my family as much as possible.
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Anne II: I’m sure Countess Spencer can ensure there is time set aside, but it will be a bit strenuous. 
Christian: We a lot of ground to cover before the wedding in a month. 
Anne II: There’s a tree planting ceremony in Woodstock Grand Park that has been planned as a photo-op for you and William, and the royal household scheduled for you and William to tour the new library at William’s old day school, and a walk-about was scheduled outside of Woodstock Palace.
Christian: Not to mention the Courts General and Royal Wycombe in two weeks, and the luncheon at the Palace this week for the family.
Anne II: But we’ll start with a simple trip to the bridal store with me, your mother, and your sister to try on some gowns for the wedding. I think that’s all right, Christian? 
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Christian: I know it sounds like a dreadful time. 
Margaret: Know I understand...just not much time left for me to spend with my family.
Christian: But you are apart of this family now, and it is important that the public understands that too.
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hibiscus-ships · 1 year
🌱🥀💭 For the ask game! ^ ^ (Any F/O you'd like for the last one👍🏿)
🌱 Who was your first F/O?
Silver from Pokémon HGSS when I was like..... 12. I distinctly remember having a big huge crush on him and writing self fanfiction on lined notebook paper during class. I was living my best life.
🥀 Talk about some of your fictional crushes and why they aren’t your F/O!
I've S supported legendary meme man Ferdinand Von Aegir, Jeritza Von Hyrm, and Lorenz Hellman Gloucester (which....... look. I'm sorry.) from FE3H. They're all lovely characters, but idk. They just don't destabilize my brain chemicals and drive me to madness the same way that Dimi and Yuri do. The vibes are not there.
💭 What’s your favorite uncommon headcanon about your F/O?
I once stumbled upon a headcanon for Tieria that said he's secretly afraid of thunderstorms and immediately incorporated it into my belief system before editing it a little to include general severe weather. He definitely won't be cowering under the blankets during a bad storm (especially because he does NOT want his teammates to know about this), but his demeanor is noticeably different whenever one is right on top of him. Of course, having Jenni nearby does soothe his frazzled nerves quite a bit.
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ideservecakeforthis · 5 months
okay after a shit drive home I just need to vent at the state of the fucking roads and road markings and how shit other drivers are. cause I have no trouble pulling off and turning on a sat nav when the motorway is shut. it’s fucking terrifying and nerve wracking and I want to scream the whole time but I have driven that way before so it’s not totally brand new.
but when you can’t tell what fucking lane you’re meant to be in because the markings are so fucked it’s basically playing car chicken. like turning onto gloucester road… fucking terrifying. use any lane to turn right…except there are NO FUCKING LANE MARKINGS ON THE RIGHT TURN AND I DON’T WANT TO BE TRUCK KUN’D BY THE LORRY NEXT TO ME.
oh and then I had to stop for a motorbike on the ring road last minute and got hit at low speed up the backside. luckily my car is that dirty at the mo and it was low speed that it has just taken the dirt off the car and not the paint (far as I can tell in the dark) but the fucker didn’t even pull over and stop. and like yeah I could have rang the police from there regardless of them not stopping but a) wasn’t about to get out in the dark on my own in an area with no lights as a woman and b) considering there is no actual damage and it was luckily just a love tap why bother, it’s not like they really care other than ‘here’s a crime reference’.
then when I got in I was really upset understandably cause fucking adrenaline and all I got from my stepdad was ‘that’s life’. like yes ofc it is but it’s also fucking scary? that I was on my own in the dark and had that happen? and they didn’t even fucking stop to check there wasn’t damage and that I was okay?
just I really could have done with my mum being at home instead to give me proper sympathy and a hug and work out what to do and tell me it’s all fine. but of course that can’t happen because I barely get to be in the same room as her nowadays with us having to trade off caring for grandad.
and just life fucking sucks at the minute in some respects. don’t get me wrong I feel a lot more positive than I was but just dementia doesn’t just suck away the soul of the patient but the carers too. I am so goddamn drained.
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wanderinglotus7 · 1 year
Postcards from VA
There's nothing like being able to go home and get a nice recharge from my typical day to day of my new life. It's kind of weird saying "my new life". I'm still figuring out if Boston feels like home; or even if I can call Boston home. Every place that you live at has its pros & cons, you just hope that wherever you reside that there's more pros than there are cons. Some things I do appreciate about living in Boston (Newton) is that most places are walkable, public transportation is easy to access, I can always find something to do, my church community at NewCity, the history, and the diversity. Some of the cons are the lack of parking, the high cost of living, the busyness of the city, difficulties of establishing new friendships along with dating, and the overt/covert racism (and other isms). There's no such thing as a perfect place unless it's in my dreams.
Thinking logistically, If I cannot longer financially support myself in MA, I began looking into other living situations. Like relocating to Rhode Island or North Carolina. North Carolina would be my first choice because it reminds me of Virginia without returning to Virginia. If I want to visit home or attend family functions, I won't be that far away from everyone. Maybe no more than a 4-to-5-hour drive at the most compared to a 9-hour drive. Like Massachusetts there are plenty of job opportunities it just depends on what I am interested in pursuing. The job opportunities in Rhode Island seem a little small however, I can still work in the same line of work I'm currently doing. Yet, the work would be more related to domestic violence and sexual violence. Not much related to trafficking. If I were to relocate to any state in the US, I can always get a job as a school social worker. I'm not permanently attached to any one job or place. I think this is becoming my catch phrase, but I'm riding the wave. I'm remaining in my stillness.
We received word on Thursday that Adelante was rewarded the OVC grant. This means that the trafficking program has funding for the next three years. This also means I have a job for three years. If I want to continue my work in the anti-trafficking field but want to change the population I'm working with, I would work with youth in a counseling or mentorship framework; no case management if I can avoid it. Or I could go another route and teach a psychology or social work course or two at a university or provide mental health services to young adults (college students). Time will tell. I know for sure that I don't want to work more jobs than necessary. My work ethic isn't based on money. My work ethic is based on my passion and interest in the work that I am doing. Either way, let's see in 2 or 3 years where I am at in my life. I may be single now, but I might find myself in a relationship next year or my financial situation may change.
Roots. Home. Gloucester will always be home. So much has changed, but so much has remain the same. I was happy to see that my dogwood tree came back to life because the last time I laid eyes on it it was on the brink of death. Spending time with Snoopy, family, and friends was comforting, but also disheartening. Some people just don't change (smh). The answer to that is it to love those from a distance if they are worth my energy in maintaining those relationships especially when it comes to family. And sometimes it's best to let those relationships dissolve for my own growth and emotional well-being. I still get emotional when I think and speak about my Grandma Shirley and my granddaddy. It hurts seeing their homes empty. It's like all the life around there has been sucked away. I did take the opportunity to visit their grave sites, but it didn't make things easier. I do know that I can still feel their presence, but they make themselves known in different ways. I wonder when the pain will settle. I wonder when the pain will become less to bare.
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angela-in-oxford · 1 year
Spring Breakdown
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Summary: A creative nonfiction story, in which spring break begins with the rockiest of starts.
WC: 850
TW: angst, kills self over minor inconvenience, angst with happy ending,
Of course it is pouring. Of course it is.
As soon as I shut the front door behind me, I am welcomed by a thunderclap and flash of rain across the dark night, water dripping off the edge of the roof. I duck back further into the meager patio. It hits my bag.
For a moment I stand there, watching the rain fall, mulling over my options. I have a tote bag full of my valuables: my wallet and my laptop. I have my rolling suitcase. I have a brown coat that I’m ninety percent sure is waterproof. I have a crappy, black umbrella I bought on a whim at Boots because it had started to drizzle that day. I am dressed comfortably in leggings, a sweatshirt, and sneakers because I am supposed to be on my way to the airport at 11:30 pm. It is 9:00 pm. Can I can make it to my bus stop like this? Not even to the bus station that will take me to the airport, to the bus stop that will take me to the bus station. Or should I pay for a cab?
I look out at the street, dark save for a two single streetlights at each corner of the block. The rain carries on.
I steel myself, pulling out my crappy umbrella.
Things could be worse, I think, stepping out into the downpour.
It is worse. It is so much worse.
"Your passport?" Jame asks with a slight smile. I just arrived to the station. The wind and rain worsened since I got to the city center, and already my leggings are moist and my shoes sodden. They asked on a whim after we laughed about how stupid the weather is, how the wind broke my umbrella’s back. The question was meant to be a light-hearted joke.
I blank, my heart sinking to my stomach. Shit.
I whip my tote bag to my front. Laptop, wallet, both unharmed from the rain–okay, so far so good—but that is where it ends. Neither my passport or abroad student documents are packed. I throw down my luggage and rip it open. Nothing.
I curse, Jame’s face is visibly crestfallen, and I weigh our options.
Waiting for the bus would be at least ten minutes. The ride back to the house alone is at least thirty, not including the eight minute walk through the rain which does not seem to be letting up any time soon. Then that is another forty-eight minutes I'll need to get back to the station. It is 10 pm. Our best option: pay a cab.
My phone is in my palm in an instant.
Warmth fills me, even just slightly as Jame takes it all in stride, doing the same. Neither of us had the app, so we start from scratch downloading Uber. Minutes tick by agonizingly slow, the imminence of the clock looming over our shoulders. My heart finally climbs its way out my stomach and into my throat when Jame gets the app first and begins searching for the nearest driver. By the time a driver is selected and we decide to move away from the station and onto the main street, the rain has stopped, and I'm left hobbling after Jame in moist pants and sneakers.
But as soon as we reach the pavement, the driver drops us.
Something inside me shrivels up. My heart, my sanity—I can not tell. I have never felt rejection like this before. Tears spring in the corner of my eyes. My heart roars in my eardrums.
There is no time, no other options. I would ask my housemate for help, but it is almost 11 pm at this point, and it seems too much to ask her to call a cab over to us.
So we settle. Start for the bus stop a few blocks from the station as it begins to drizzle again. The shivers subside—I’m too overwhelmed and stressed to be bothered by the cool sting of the late night winds. We reach the edge of the Gloucester Green plaza, catching glimpses of black cabs pulling in and snagging people in—tourists and residents dragging around luggage, drunkards.
My heart leaps, and Jame and I hurl ourselves into the next free cab that pulls up.
A part of me curses how slow everyone seems to drive here in Oxford, in general, really. Because it seems almost every driver wants to adhere to traffic laws, using their signal, staying just at the speed limit, refusing to pass other vehicles. But eventually, between all the wet socks, high-intensity, we arrive at my homestay. Asking the driver to give me five minutes, I sprint for the front door, my key already in my hand.
Throwing the door open as quietly as I can, I bound up the stairs, kicking off my wet sneakers before I burst into my room. Drawers thrown open, clothes out in piles, until memory flashes across my mind like a lightning bolt and I dive across my bed to my bedside table.
The red folder.
Looks like spring break is still on.
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ianmhill · 2 years
Tomorrow it will be six weeks since I last looked in on any social media accounts - unless you count this blog of course. I won't say my usage was getting out of hand, but I was getting a bit fed up of the hoo-hah around Twitter and its ownership so I just stopped opening the app. Although I miss finding out about a few things earlier, I can't say anything too important has slipped under my radar. And I doubt Twitter or CounterSocial have missed me much.
Snow! We actually had some on Saturday, but it was very much the 'conversational snow' that one of our neighbours described on Friday evening when we were over there for drinks. Flakes were falling from the sky, fairly consistently for more than an hour, but none were settling on the ground.
But Saturday wasn't all fun - Wales lost at home to England and Gloucester lost away to Northampton. Both were results I was anticipating, but I had been hoping for upsets. At least Gloucester managed to get two bonus points, which I wasn't expecting, with 20 minutes to go.
We finally got around to going to the National Zoo on Sunday afternoon. It's pretty much walkable from home, but we decided to drive. $30 felt a bit steep to park the car, given it's only two miles away, but entry to the zoo itself is free, so all-in-all not too expensive a day. It's not packed out with animals like zoos in my youth might have been, I guess because they want to give the animals a decent amount of room to wander around in. So no giraffes, hippos, rhinoceros', bears of any sort but the star attraction are the pandas! Which are a bit smaller than I was expecting them to be, though maybe these are still relatively young (Editor's note - the parents are both over 25 years old, so actually reasonably old age for a panda!)
Tomorrow we're driving up to New York, to see my wife's sister and also to take in the Old Glory game in the opposition's 'new' stadium on Sunday afternoon. Can the boys win this one? Well. The Ironworkers (as they're now known…go figure) haven't looked as good as they did last year…yet!
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fizziefizzco · 3 years
can I see what you've got for strawberry wine and lorenz is a fool, please?
hehehe thank you!!! of course you can!!
Strawberry Wine - Stardew Velley - Farmer oc x Alex. || Lilac Winchester spent most of her life growing up in Pelican Town, being quick friends with Sebastian, Alex and Hayley as they were all the same age growing up. During highschool she starts dating a guy from zuzu city and changes personality completely, burning every relationship and moving out as soon as she graduated. Seven years later and a bus from zuzu city pulls up with a familiar-looking young woman.
Sebastian froze as he entered into the saloon. Lilac was sitting and talking to the mayor over dinner and documents. It wasn't like she'd changed that much over the years, looking more tired and skinnier but it was still her. Yoba, it was still her. "What the fuck?" He found the words spilling from his mouth without his consent, though they were exactly what he meant to say. Lilac, and the other bar patrons turned to look at him - Abigail and Sam looking in the direction he was. Abby froze too, but Sam wasn't sure how to react. "Sebastian -" Lilac whispered his name, but he heard it over the deafening silence. "No." he spat "You don't have the right to say my name - to come back like nothing happened after what you did."
Lorenz is a Fool - Fire emblem three houses - Lorenz Hellman Gloucester x Myrrhine (oc) || Lorenz has tea with Myrrhine to apologize for insulting her in class the other day, further insults her bc he's an idiot
“Do you hate me?”Myrrhine broke the silence with a question, the words driving a stake through his heart as she hit the point dead on. Lorenz could not sputter and conjure up some fluffy, fancy words to try and brush her off. He hated this effect she had on him, ever since their first meeting. His hands shook as he set the teacup down, careful not to spill any on the table - or goddess forbid, on himself. “I… Not entirely. I do not trust you. Not as a person, and not as a fellow student. You are hard to place. Your face is marked by scars and your body is built like a warrior, yet your hold yourself with the practiced grace of a novice courtier ” Lorenz let his hands pool in his lap, scrunching up the kerchief that he’d kept in his pocket for safekeeping. “You are confusing and have come out of nowhere. I've studied everyone attending this year and yet I cannot find you - its as though you don't exist. We have only just met, and while I respect your ability on the battlefield, and believe in whatever caused you to be accepted as a student here - No. I do not like you, and I firmly believe I never will.” The words strangled themselves out of him, his throat desperately trying to cut them off before they exited. “I appreciate you getting that out into the air.” Myrrhine was far too mature, far too understanding for Lorenz to comprehend. She might not have the manners befitting a lady, but she had grace and a kind of sereneness that he only just caught a glimpse of on the battlefield. It made him even more embarrassed for the thing he said, and how he felt - still felt- about her. “I won’t bother to betray your ideas of me. I may never fit into them. My admission was of great surprise to myself. I am not a noble by any stretch of the word, in fact I've spent the last years training under Catherine. Make no mistake however," There was a kind of pointed glare as she took a deep sip of the Almyran Pine tea ", I will not tolerate any more backhanded measures like your reason for calling me here." Myrrhine set her cup down on the table and stood up slowly, tugging the hood of her uniform on - giving her some measured comfort in this awkward conversation. She stole him one last glance before leaving, adding to her words from moments earlier. “One last thing - you must also look within yourself as well. Surely you remember what Leonie said when we met? That you don’t care or like for commoners? "She notices his mouth open slightly, and raises a hand to cut him off. "The validity of the statement is beside the point. If you truly are as noble as you say, you’d do well to be kind - or at least learn to pretend like it. Otherwise, you’ll end up worse off than you perceive me to be. “ With those words, she left the tea garden - a half-lazy wave her parting gesture as Lorenz watched her retreating form with ... what? A mix of annoyance and anger and embarrassment.
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pamphletstoinspire · 4 years
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St. Joseph’s Table
The tradition of the St. Joseph’s Table began in Sicily probably in the Middle Ages.
There are many versions of how the tradition came about but the main theme is that people who were suffering from drought or hunger prayed to St. Joseph; their prayers were answered and in the following abundance they offered a feast for the poor in his honor.
As Sicilians immigrated to the United States, they brought their faith and devotions with them; continuing the St. Joseph table as well. The Table is usually done around the Feast of St. Joseph on March 19th. Though sometimes they are done in thanksgiving for favors given or asked and might need to be done at any time throughout the year depending on the urgency of the request or at the prompting of St. Joseph himself.
Traditionally, meatless dishes are served as well as the popular St. Joseph’s Bread, which is baked into elaborate crosses, monstrance's, wheat sheaves or even the staff of St. Joseph adorned with lilies. The Table is not complete without flowers, candles and of course a statue of St. Joseph. Once everything is prepared the people doing the Table invite family, friends, the poor and needy. Tables are offered in homes, parishes, restaurants and neighborhoods; some venues serving as many as 1500 people.
The city of Gloucester MA is a fishing community inhabited by a small population of faith-filled Sicilians who continue the traditions of devotion to St. Joseph. Many prominent families in the community host their own Table in their homes with family and friends traveling to each location to share in faith, fellowship and food. A local trolley company drives the faithful to each of the dozen or so homes where the ‘pilgrims’ are welcomed, fed and sent off with an orange, a lemon and a loaf of bread. These pilgrims pray the rosary and sing Sicilian songs along the way. If you don’t know the words at the beginning of the journey, you will by the end of the day.
Preparations begin months in advance with the production of homemade Limoncello by a small group of ladies. As the feast draws nearer the families offering Tables prepare their traditional foods such as noodles, sauces, desserts and breads. The local Italian bakeries, usually owned and operated by Sicilian immigrants or first and second generation Sicilian Americans are busy making St. Joseph’s bread, rolls, zeppole, sfinci and many other traditional delights that do not stay on the shelves for long. It is recommended that you place orders in advance because there is no guarantee that there will be enough to meet the demand for this celebrated Feast.
If you live in New England it may be worth your time to consider making the trip to Gloucester to experience the Feast of St. Joseph the Sicilian way.
by Kelly Flaherty
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lananiscorner · 3 years
When you unlock that C support with a mansplaining #NotAllMen dude
Lorenz: Professor. I understand that you were looking to speak with me. Perhaps you would like some insight on how to write your next lecture? While I do have a great many ideas, it would be inappropriate to – Oh? Am I mistaken? If that's the case, then what can I do for you?
Byleth: It's about the female students.
Lorenz: The ladies have complained? To you? About me? Preposterous. There must be some mistake. I am the heir of the noble House Gloucester. It is bred in me to treat all people with respect. Rest assured, you will not find anyone more upstanding than yours truly. Perhaps the issue is that the splendor of my noble presence is driving the ladies to distraction! If that is the crime, I do confess. I hope I've not troubled the ladies' hearts unduly.
Byleth: It is your advances they seem to find troubling.
Lorenz: Outrageous! That's absurd! Who would dare to allege such slander?!
Byleth: A number of female students, actually.
Lorenz: Of all the... Well I suppose I have offered several of them the honor of dining with me. It is impossible to tell if even the most well-bred young lady is a suitable companion for me merely by the sight of her. So in order for us to get to know each other properly, it is appropriate that we dine together. Thus far they have all declined, oddly enough. For some reason they seem to be exercising some form of restraint while speaking with me. I would never insist, of course. But I will admit I have, on occasion, after a day's pause, issued repeat invitations — in the fashion and style of a gentleman.
Byleth: That is the problem.
Lorenz: What?! Ridiculous! Dinner invitations from me, a problem? The very idea! I am a perfect gentleman. The son of a noble line! I've a wit like a rapier! And it takes but a glance to see that I'm gorgeous! No, I cannot believe such a thing. Are you sure this isn't the result of some sort of scheme? It cannot be otherwise. Someone has clearly devised a conspiracy against me. Someone who envies my position, who seeks to soil my sterling reputation with foul rumors. How cruel. Please, Professor. It is beneath you to fall victim to such petty and obscene tactics. I implore you to take greater care in the future. Now, if you will excuse me, I have a great deal of work to do. Farewell.
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legendsoffodlan · 4 years
Dimitri - Golden Deer Supports - Raphael
(I’m rewriting his supports with Raphael but not Marianne because his support chain with Marianne is perfect)
Raphael - Rewritten
C - Support
Raphael: Thirty-one! Thirty-two!
Dimitri: Ah, is that Raphael?
*Dimitri enters the training ground to see Raphael exercising*
Raphael: Heya Your Highness! You here to train with me?
Dimitri: Actually I’m here on cleaning duty. And please, call me Dimitri.
Raphael: Heh, sure thing Dimitri! But since you’re here, you wanna train? Maybe have a sparring match? I always wondered how I’d stack up against you. Muscle strength vs. Crest strength. Let’s go!
Dimitri: Heh, heh. You know, Raphael, I’ve always admired you.
Raphael: Eh? Me?
Dimitri: Your work ethic and your drive. It’s... admirable.
Raphael: Well, I don’t really have much of a choice. I’ve gotta become a Knight. It’s the only way I can support my little sister.
Dimitri: And an admirable goal to boot. I’d say you already have the heart of a Knight Raphael.
Raphael, rubbing the back of his neck: aw, come on Dimitri. You’re gonna make me blush. Now, how about we have that match!
Dimitri: Very well, let us go!
B - Support 
*note: this support only becomes available after the Paralogue : Death Toll*
Raphael: Ah, that was one fine meal!
Dimitri, off to the side: Ahem.
Raphael: I really outta thank the Kitchen Staff. They really went the extra mile on this one.
Dimitri: Ahem!
Raphael: Aha! I’ll cook for them this time and-
Dimitri: AHEM!
Raphael: Huh? Oh, hey Dimitri! Didn’t see you there! Are you hungry? I could order another meal from the kitchen.
Dimitri: No, Raphael. I actually wished to have a word with you.
Raphael: Oh. Okay! What’s up buddy?
Dimitri: Raphael... you loved your parents did you not?
Raphael: Huh? Course I did.
Dimitri: Then why, pray tell, are you allowing their deaths to go unavenged?!
Raphael: Huh? My parents were killed by monsters Dimitri. There’s not much to avenge there.
Dimitri: I am referring to Count Gloucester.
Raphael: Oh. That.
Dimitri: How can you stand knowing that the man responsible for their deaths is still alive?! How can you have any thought other than bringing them justice?!
Raphael: Hey, there’s no real proof he did anything! And besides, if I went running out there for revenge there’s a good chance I’d get killed. And then who’d look after my sister and grandpa?
Dimitri: So you are willing to let your parents’ deaths go unanswered to save your own hide?
Raphael: Look, Dimitri, I don’t know why you’re so upset, but I’ll tell it to you square. I’ve got people I love. People I’ve gotta look after. And I’m not about to make them lose even more by going and getting myself killed. If my parents do care about what I do now, they’d want me to look after what I’ve got left.
Dimitri: I was wrong about you Raphael. You are a coward.
A - Support
*note: this Support is only available after the Battle of Gronder Field*
Raphael, watering plants: There we go, all nice and watered! Drink up and you’ll grow big and strong!
*Dimitri enters the greenhouse*
Raphael: Oh! Hey Dimitri! You’re looking better.
Dimitri: Yes. I’m feeling better as well.
Raphael: I see that! You smell better too. You took a shower?
Dimitri: Ah-hah! Yes. The Professor insisted.
Raphael: I’m glad you’re doing better Dimitri. You were pretty scary there for awhile. Glad you’re back to normal.
Dimitri: Normal... I’m not sure what normal is anymore Raphael. I’m trying to be better, though. Better than what I was.
Raphael: Well, whatever you’re doing, it’s working for ya.
Dimitri: Indeed... Raphael... I wanted to apologize. For what I said.
Raphael: Huh? For what?
Dimitri: What I said to you before the war, when I called you a coward. That was wrong. I was wrong.
Raphael: Really? I’d practically forgotten about it all. Thanks, though!
Dimitri: … That’s it? You can forgive me that easily?
Raphael: Why not? You apologized.
Dimitri: Yes but, I was so cruel to you! I said such awful things.
Raphael: Hey, Dimitri, it’s okay. It was five years ago anyway. We’re buddies again now, so let’s put it behind us!
Dimitri: Heh, ha, a-hahaha! You truly are one of a kind Raphael. I wish I were half that man you are.
Raphael: What? But we’re the same height. I guess I might be a little taller than you...
Dimitri: Nevermind, my friend. Now, how about we get something to eat. You must be starving.
Raphael: Alright! Let’s go!
A+ - Support
Raphael, in the Archbishop’s Garden: Heya Dimitri! Didn’t expect to see you here.
Dimitri: Raphael. I’m surprised to see you up here... stargazing? I didn’t know you practiced that hobby.
Raphael: Nah, my little sister does though. I like to stare up sometimes I think that she’s looking up at the same stars I am.
Dimitri: I see... Raphael, I have a question for you.
Raphael: Eh? Sure, what is it?
Dimitri: I- How do you do it? How do you forgive so easily?
Raphael: Huh? Well geez, I dunno. I just, I guess I never really had time for grudges, you know. It just seemed like a waste of time to me. I mean, if someone apologizes and means it, why shouldn’t I forgive them?
Dimitri: Even the death of your parents?
Raphael: Oh, yeah, that. I mean, I don’t really think I do.
Dimitri: What do you mean?
Raphael: Well, if Count Gloucester was behind it, I don’t think I do. But revenge... I just don’t have time for it, you know? I got family to look after, a war to win. And it never really seemed worth the effort. Going out and causing more pain just to still feel bad about losing my parents.
Dimitri: ... Raphael, even if you never reach Knighthood, you have a the soul of one.
Raphael: Heh, thanks Dimitri.
Dimitri: Raphael... I care for you. a great deal. When this is over, I would ask if you would enter my service, as an advisor.
Raphael: Huh? Really? Me? I mean, I don’t know how good at it I’d be.
Dimitri: You would have to be made a Lord, of course.
Raphael: Really?! Me?!
Dimitri: Yes. You and your family would want for nothing ever again. And I cannot think of a person more deserving of the post.
Raphael: Well jeez. Sounds great! I just, you know, need to think about it.
Dimitri: Thank you, my friend. I... I would be happy to have you at my side.
Paired Ending: The Savior King and the Forgiving Knight: When King Dimitri returned home, he brought with him Lord Raphael and his family, set to become the King’s most trusted advisor and dearest friend. Some speculated that their relationship was more... intimate than that, but nothing was ever confirmed. Raphael remained by his friend’s side till their dying days. Whatever their relationship, there was a bond between them that could not be broken.
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illusion-of-death · 3 years
hey can you talk about the relationship between regan and cornwall in your ideal adaptation? i'm so into this murder couple, you have no idea!
Oh ABSOLUTELY this is like my OTP and I literally never shut up about them so
Regan and Cornwall are pretty much the polar opposite of Goneril and Albany—obviously this is venturing FAR into “purely headcanon” territory, but my thought process here is that while Regan’s marriage was surely political, she as a second-born child would not be nearly as sought-after as Goneril and therefore had more of a choice in the matter, and you know all this already; your post about it was so good and better than anything I could come up with at the moment. When I look at the text, I think they’re clearly in love, and even after Cornwall’s death Regan never quite seems to get over it. What bothers me about several of the adaptations I’ve seen is that they don’t seem to take this into account; they’re very “elder sisters evil” about it and make Regan behave ruthlessly to everyone, including her husband. Maybe this is because the first performance of this play I ever saw did not portray the sisters in such a black and white way, but all of the subsequent productions I saw that took the easy route just felt wrong to me.
I have Further Opinions about them all over my blog already, but we all know tumblr’s tagging system is broken so good luck finding it lol. TL;DR: Regan and Cornwall may be ruthlessly violent and textbook “evil”, but they are not so to each other: they both care very deeply for the other one, and also are constantly building each other up and egging each other on when their schemes turn more violent. Any adaptation of the play that I think portrays their relationship well ought to acknowledge that.
Here’s the thing about *my* adaptation of Lear: it’s a circus show, because I grew up performing in one and I only have one brain cell which is dedicated to combining things I love. This means that while there will be some voiceover, the majority of the story gets communicated through physical body acting rather than the actual words the characters speak. What gets semi-complicated about circus shows (but is also super fun) is that everyone in them is super typecast, since you’re not going to put someone who specializes in Acrobatics in a role that’s heavily composed of aerial acts. The way I wrote it, Regan and Cornwall have a lot of acts together, meaning that whoever’s in those roles are already going to have a ton of chemistry because they’ll have been training in said acts together even outside of the more theatrical choreography that they’d also be learning.
Let’s talk about 3.7 for a bit because that’s The Scene. Gloucester is bound to a chair on one end of the stage, a couple members of the servants ensemble are up on Silks in the background, and the main event is Regan and Cornwall on Pas de Deux, an apparatus very similar to Flying Silks but with narrower fabric (I think? I’ve never done this one; I have a few aerial acts but I mostly specialize in balance). Pas de Deux is arguably one of the most physically gruelling acts there is, and yet if you’re good at it you can make it look super easy, which is why it’s so commonly used for ~the romantic scene~ in contemporary circus shows like this one—seasoned audience members will probably get the vibe. This time, however, the soundtrack is not a soft romantic one, but a very driving, boarderline aggressive song to match the much more energetic way these two will be moving. Also of note about this act, since I realize many people are probably not familiar with it: you’re absolutely reliant on your partner to be able to do just about anything, and it’s pretty obvious to the audience that there wouldn’t be much of an act if it was just one of them. This makes Cornwall’s death halfway through the scene that much more jarring, because the act practically falls apart without him (I’m no choreographer, but I’d want to emphasize to whoever plays Regan that I want to see at least a few “attempted” tricks that just can’t be done without her partner before she exacts her revenge on the servant and takes Glousester’s second eye. Then she tries to help Cornwall stand—maybe they even manage one last finale trick where it looks like he’s barely holding on—I haven’t gotten too far into this yet, but my point here is that I’m going to be making this scene as emotional as possible). For the rest of the production, Regan no longer really has a partner in any of her acts—she had a few with Goneril at the beginning, but as their relationship falls apart so does their ability to perform together, Cornwall is dead, and anything she tries with Edmund will be undercut by Goneril getting involved as well. Visual symbolism!!
That’s the end, though—what about the beginning? Well, there’s the obvious “couple who yeets each other across the arena together stays together”, but also just general scene blocking; these two are always flanking each other’s sides, if one moves in a certain way the other will copy it, etc. Though I’ll be limited in the number of spoken lines I can include, since too much voiceover starts to sound clunky and fitting the actors with microphones is not an option, I’ll make an effort to include at least a few of the important ones (“my Regan counsels well”, “till noon? Till night, my lord, and all night too”) and of course direct the actors about the relationship these two have so that they can make their own decisions about the little things.
I don’t know where I’m going with this, really; it’s all still a fairly distant dream. I’ve got some people on board so far, but not nearly enough, and don’t even get me started on the complexities of finding a space to perform in or equipment to do it with, but things are slowly coming together and maybe some day Circus Lear will be a reality. For now, though, I just have four copies of this play on my desk to look at and I’ll have to content myself with those.
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theofficersacademy · 4 years
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Continental winds from the north take up their arms as the long daylight hours wane, and drive out the last of summer’s oppressive heat. As cooler air follows behind, signs of the vibrant harvest season bloom across Fodlan. Hunting dogs pull eagerly at their leashes, scythes are taken down to reap golden fields, and celebration rises in feasting to give thanks for another bountiful year.
The students and faculty sent out on the investigations of the Relic rumors have now returned to Garreg Mach, and life is once more back to normal. The students of the Blue Lions house do not get to rest long, however, as the Church has a new mission for them... The Five Great Lords of the Roundtable have received a threat to the relic Thyrsus’ safety. Aware of the situation surrounding the Relics in the previous moon, they have made a formal request for aid to protect one of the Alliance’s most sacred treasures. In spite of the Alliance’s Founding Day celebrations, the Blue Lions of Faerghus find themselves packing up for a trip to Gloucester territory...
Blue Lions Mission: Protect the Thyrsus!
We are back on our regular season rotation, and this one belongs to the Blue Lions! As before, threads using tasks from the Blue Lions board must contain a Blue Lions character as a participant, but there are also non-mission tasks available to everyone without restrictions.
It soon occurs to everyone involved that sending the Blue Lions during a time when the Alliance celebrates its independence from Faerghus is a gaffe at best and a serious insult at worst. The prideful lords outwardly take the assistance in stride, but in private you are all relegated to heavy labor and busywork in preparation for the festivities, far from the Thyrsus you're supposed to be protecting. It might be more tolerable if it wasn't for this feeling that the lords somehow blame you for the mixup, and not the schmoozing cardinal that arranged the mission in the first place...
BL Mission Task Board
Dozens of lords coming into the Gloucester Estate means dozens of horses that need to be stabled up and taken care of for as long as their owners are here. The tedious task of taking care of these animals has, unsurprisingly, been dropped on your lap. This morning, shortly after putting out some horses to pasture, a Demonic Beast attacks. You’re able to fend it off, but the horses have fled in the confusion. Hopefully you can round them all up before their owners begin to miss them…  
A personal invitation has been extended to Lord Acheron, fulfilling what rumors say is a political favor. You have the distinct honor of escorting him and his elderly aunt to the festivities. Remember to nod and smile. [grants Heavy Armor +1]  
This year, House Gloucester holds the distinct honor of hosting the Crescent Moon Ball, the formal ball meant for celebrating the Alliance's Founding Day this moon. Dress up and observe the latest fashion trends, schmooze like the good little nobles you are, and hit up the local hotties. You might get some information about the Alliance’s Relics for your trouble...  
Tourney time! Leicester takes pride in their own brand of knighthood and chivalry. The Horsebow Moon has always been a prime time for archery competitions and jousting. Try your hand at the games, and show off your skill with a bow! [grants Bow +1]  
Part of training to be a young Alliance noble is participating in mock roundtable meetings, and the three-day event this year is made even more exciting by the presence of students from backgrounds outside of the usual big names in nobility. According to Golden Deer students, the script is the same every year, and you prepare to state your facts for and against declaring war on Almyra. Yet when the meeting begins... you discover that the topic is actually about separating from the Kingdom. Bullshit your way through it and try not to offend anyone.
NEW! You’re given the bad news with the typical aristocratic tact: it would be prudent to recuse yourselves from the investigations as they are carried out. That is to say, that many of the Alliance knights won’t allow you to enter the Gloucester mansion to see the crime scene for yourselves. It seems like not everyone got the memo, though, as a pair of greenhorn knights seem willing to escort you inside. They’re suspicious, but if you act like you’re suppose to be here hopefully they’ll let it slide. [grants Authority +1]
NEW! Your investigations bring you to the hunting forests, sitting on the border between the counties of Gloucester and Riegan. As you make your way through the murky forest, pushing your way past overgrown brush and hedge, you spot a brilliant red light gleaming in the darkness. When you approach, you recognize Thyrsus... but see no hand that holds it. Moving under its own power, it fires a potent Ragnarok spell over your heads. Well.... unfortunately there hasn’t been a “Combat Against Flying Weapons” elective for you to take. You’ll have to improvise as you go! [grants Any Weapon +1]
Non-Mission Task Board
It’s time for the seasonal fishing tournament! This year, however, it seems a strange mixture of fish has been added to the pond. Why do these fish have teeth!? And why does this one give off an electrical shock!? Some anglers might find this just an exciting change to the ordinarily boring tournament, but others might feel they need to investigate the sabotage... Or perhaps YOU’RE the one who dumped these exotic fish in the pond. [grants Axe +1]  
Legend has it, any who chance to sit beneath the boughs of the old willow tree at the far back of the courtyard fall subject to a curious charm: they find their tongues tied if they should attempt to speak a lie, and they find themselves compelled to obey any instruction given them by another party, no matter how silly or untoward. Most sensible students diligently avoid this tree lest they find themselves put under its spell, but some braver souls take up a seat - after all, it’s the perfect place for a high stakes game of truth or dare. Is the legend true, however, or is it merely a matter of vain pride? [grants Reason +1]  
A new trend has swept over Garreg Mach in these early autumn days of the Horsebow Moon. Various notes have been springing up around campus. Some claim to be looking for love. Others simply want to yell into the void about a frustrating assignment they’ve been given. And yet others might bemoan the presence of ghosts in the monastery’s halls… The letters are many and varied. The one thing they have in common is the fact they are all anonymous, and there is an implicit understanding that discretion is required to play the game. Will you take up a mystery pen pal?  
The students return to the monastery with some answers, but more questions than ever before. What information you manage to uncover is swiftly censured by the Church as they continue to formulate their response on this matter. For those who live their lives pursuing knowledge, it’s time to bust into the restricted sections of the library and really start looking for the answers you deserve.
NEW! You spot a new, unsigned flyer tacked onto the school bulletin board, “Assistance Needed. Battle prowess required. All interested parties, please meet with me at the back of the marketplace.” You meet with a tall, cloaked figure with dark-lensed spectacles and white hair peeking out of his hood. He can’t introduce himself, but he at least elaborates on his mission. You are to travel to an abandoned quarry in Faerghus and gather a bag’s worth of Nepenthe Ore. Of course, there’s a catch: a large spider-like automaton guards the quarry, frightening away intruders with strange noises and a powerful beam of concentrated magic. No one knows who built it, but regardless you’ll need to figure out a way to get past it.
NEW! A small flight of wild wyverns have roosted in the mountains nearby, resting before their next leg in their journey to their wintering grounds in the east. You could observe them from a safe distance and take notes on wyvern behavior and social interactions... but that’s some nerd shit. You’ve heard stories of knights leaping onto the backs of wild stallions and taming them with sheer grit and determination. Would that philosophy work on a wyvern? It’s on you to find out! [grants Flying +1]
NEW! Each and every class of students has upheld the time-honored tradition of organizing a “House Prank” to pull on their beloved faculty members, and your class will be no different. With the stress and excitement of the upcoming Battle of the Eagle and Lion palpable in the air, it’d be good to get a little harmless mischief in and have some fun. At your professor’s expense, of course.
Frequently Asked Questions
How does the divided task board work?
This season’s mission is assigned to the Blue Lions. Therefore, tasks from the ‘BL Mission Task Board’ must be undertaken by someone that is affiliated with the Blue Lions.
Tasks from the ‘Non-Mission Task Board’ have no house restriction and can be undertaken by anyone.
These aren’t the only threads I can do, right?
Of course not! These are just prompts to help give some ideas of possibilities. You’re always free and encouraged to make up your own threads. You’re also more than welcome to worldbuild on your own, using these prompts as a base.
How do I claim the skill points?
In order to qualify for the skill point, the thread must clearly allude to the listed task and preferably feature the task being completed; however, the point can still be claimed even if your muses narratively fail the task (failure is sometimes just as fun to write as success, after all). You do not need to message the masterlist to claim your skill point.
Can I only do one task?
Nope, you can do as many as you’d like with as many different partners as you’d like! You can do the same task with more than one person! However, you can only claim the skill point for each task once.
What if my partner leaves or drops a skill point thread?
If the dropped thread has at least 2 notes (not counting likes, only reblogs with replies in them) and you have hit at least 400 words on your end, you may still claim the skill point.
Remember to use (and track!) the #toa open tag for any open threads, and you can also post a link to your open thread on the appropriate Discord channel! If you have any other questions or concerns, shoot us a message through the masterlist or on Discord!
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