pulsarsound · 5 months
Inspiring & Emotional Cinematic Background Music For Videos by Audioknap...
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Chinese Instrumental Music Traditional-Chinese Classical Bamboo Flute & ...
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dmwrites · 2 years
It wasn’t like Zedaph to ever pay attention ever. He lived in a hole in the ground, did totally ethical science, and only left his home to find a resource he didn’t already have. Needless to say, it took a man literally crashing into him full force to figure out that something weird had happened on the Hermitcraft server.
“ZED! Holy s- crap!”
Zed turned around just in time to be knocked over by some blue and black thing.
“Ah! Please don’t hurt me, I’m only here for greenery!” Zed said. “Oh, wait, hello xBcrafted!”
xB was kneeling beside him on the ground, eyes wild. “Oh my gosh, Zed, you have no idea how good it is to see you!” xB helped him to his feet and put a hand to Zed’s face, eyes still wide but now with an almost desperate look in them.
“Are we about to kiss?” Zed asked.
xB took his hand away and laughed, eyes crinkling up. “My god, Zed, you sure are something else, I feel like I’m talking to Keralis.”
Zed chuckled. “I’ll take that as a compliment. So, why are you so excited to see me, of all people? And how have you been- oh! You should come in my hole, we can do a Zedvancement together!”
xB gave him a funny look. “Well, I’ve mostly been worried about where everyone else could have gone to in that rift.”
“Rift? What rift?” Zed frowned, racking his brain. “Oh, that rift thing in Grian’s basement? What, did it do something?”
xB raised his eyebrows. “You’re kidding, right?”
“Zed, where are we right now?”
“The shopping district.”
“And does anything seem… different here?”
Zedaph hummed, looking around. He always liked a puzzle. “Well, it is awfully quiet. Where is everyone, anyway?”
xB stared at him expectantly.
“Wait…” Zed turned on the spot in Cub’s shop, where they could see almost the entire shopping district. “Didn’t there used to be giant signs blocking some of the buildings here?”
xB put his head in his hands. “Zed.”
Zed huffed. “Don’t worry, xBcrafted, I will solve your riddle!”
“Everyone’s gone, Zed!” xB exclaimed. “It’s quiet because everyone’s gone! They all went through the rift- didn’t you get a compass?”
“You know, I did get a compass. It had coordinates on it, right?” Zed said slowly.
“Yeah!” xB replied.
“Oh, well, i thought it was a gift from someone, and put it in my hall of all, since I didn’t have one yet.” Zed laughed. “I guess the numbers being coordinates makes a little more sense!”
“Zed. I thought I was alone on this forsaken server. Started talking to… myself and everything. You’re the first person I’ve seen in like a week, dude!” xB said. “And you’re… you! The rift, I saw the hermits, like a whole bunch of them, going into the rift! We have to figure out where it goes!” xB took Zedaph by the shoulders. “I can’t be alone anymore, Zed. Please stay with me?”
Zed looked into xB’s eyes, saw the pleading and perhaps a bit of fear, too.
“Sure, xB. I love science, after all.” Zed said. “I can even get us lab coats.”
So, they set up at Grian’s base. The rift had changed since Zed had been in the basement to spy on Grian. It was darker now, weird and glitchy. xB and Zed spent the next few days just studying, testing, theorizing. Zed slept in a small room he’d found in one of the floating boulders. xB slept in the boulder covered in skulk, saying it almost felt familiar to him.
It was odd, to work so closely with someone else. Both he and xB were more of the independent types, but they got on quite well together. xB had a wealth of information about the rift, mostly from the security cameras that Zed did not ask about. They often worked late into the night, Zed usually turning in first, leaving xB still staring at the broken rift.
Perhaps it shouldn’t have surprised him that xB went in. xB was more… involved then Zedaph was. He was the one who would always mutter about finding a way in, the one up late and early just staring at the thing. And yet, it was surprise that Zedaph felt when he woke up one morning and went down to the rift, only to find a note on the loadstone in front of it that read “went in. sorry.”.
Zedaph consulted his notes worriedly. The rift still looked the same, still glitched and dark. It wasn’t fixed by any means, and they’d agreed that going in could be dangerous. Maybe it would lead to the other hermits, maybe. But nothing was known for sure. And it was then that Zedaph, for perhaps the first time, really and truly felt alone. He’d been alone before, but always on his terms. Now he knew there was no one. Well, assumed there was no one. But it wasn’t a long elytra flight to prove it.
Days passed, and Zed wondered if he was living the same timeline as xB had. How much longer until he started talking to himself? How much longer until he went in the rift himself out of desperation? It seemed impossible that everyone had gone, impossible that he was the only one left. He kept looking, thinking he’d find them all giggling in some tiny hole in the ground, watching him suffer.
It’s always the last place you check where you find what you’re looking for. And as soon as the whoosh of Beef’s nether portal cleared Zed’s ears, he heard what he had been straining to find for days. Someone humming to themselves.
“Oh, hey Zedaph! Nice to see you!”
Zed stared in shock at VintageBeef himself, who was sorting through some cards, completely at ease, in his own world out on the ocean.
“You’re here!” Zed gasped.
“Well, yeah, where else would I go.” Beef joked.
“I forgot you were here.” Zed whispered, horrified.
“Ah, well, you know how it is. Everyone forgets about good ol’ Beefers. I am kind of out in the middle of nowhere.” Beef chuckled.
“Well, now you’re the most important person in my life, Beef, because it’s just us here.” Zed said.
Beef frowned at him. “What does that even mean, Zedaph?”
“There’s- okay, do you know about Grian’s rift? That huge portal thing in his basement?”
“Hm, you know, I think I saw it once, yeah.” Beef nodded.
“The hermits all went into it. I don’t know what called them to walk into it, but I just lost xB to it too. And I thought I was all alone here. Beef, I need your help. We have to find them or get them out or something.”
Beef looked down at the paper in his hand and then back up at Zed. “Well, if there aren’t any other hermits around, my game won’t get played. So of course I’ll help you.” Beef chuckled, but stopped when he saw Zedaph not doing the same. “Are you alright, Zed?” He held out his arms, and Zed rushed into them.
“I just am glad I’m not alone.” Zedaph said quietly. “Im glad you’re here.”
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rrogueamendiares · 1 year
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trixstriforce · 1 year
who was gonna tell me in tp link can talk to EVRY animal oh my god???? WHERE r the tp link connected to the wildness fic ive only seen that for botw link wtf!!! ive seen him linked to dark magic a lot or talked about hsi country roots but hes LITERALLY a Disney princess omg...
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mvlkavian · 2 years
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srry just wanted 2 show off my renn faire fit ty !
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saintvampe · 1 year
—   𝐌.    |   THIS OLDNESS...    DOES IT NOT RADIATE FROM HER ?      it is something she worries of:   the uncanniness of age,    the never - ending of Herself...   can others tell ?   can others truly fathom what it feels like ?     time settles on her like a worn wool sweater,    heavier around the shoulders and armpits,    arms gone slack from cozy weight.     it shifts around her body as a deep lull:    for the moment...   she drifts into atmospheric nothingness.  the woman beside her has finished speaking   (  also,  for the moment,  )   and the quiet static of living fills her stomach,   her liver,    her kidney.      Don’t look at me like that.   it’s said with more contempt than sweetness  --- acid on the tongue,    tar down her throat.      It’s not becoming of you,    that pity.    I hate it.      her face remains stoic but the words are repelled as if toxic:    ( I ! ) hate it.      a renewal against her own skin,    ownership assumed and held close.     within,    the mind begins to race :    can you feel it, the never - endingness of this life? the hunger that is always there, that always gnaws? can you, too, feel the crushing infiniteness of this existence?
the vampire  [  @morovozanya​  ]  watches her for the moment,   regards her as if she were made of glass.   there is a moment of thinking.     slow,   gentle,   the words push through her throat like water skimmed.       ❝    time rattles on its hinges.    ❞      and Seraphina closes her eyes shut.
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I wish you would not be so dramatic,    she sighs against her teeth.     a wash of annoyance runs through her and then disappears,    unable to stick,    but eager to build.     it comes again and again,    again and again.      when the Saint opens her eyes again,   she turns to face the woman,   to rest her eyes on a skin that is so familiar to hers.        ❝   while i do love words of wisdom,   especially from your mouth,   i enjoy this little game i play.   it’s fun,    playing at humanhood.      if i did anything else,   why   (   ...   )   ❞
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angel-thoughts-dump · 2 years
ohh they are finally showing how the vampire protagonist met his best friend/love interest, amazing meet cute! he exploded in a horrible accident and the police sent him to the autopsy where she works, his body put itself together, and he woke up in front of her and jumped to drink from the nearest blood bag in the place, but this woman is so insane she wasn't scared just a little shocked, she asked "what are you?" "I'm a vampire" and she was like oh let me see! and went to touch his face, no hesitation lol
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trollbreak · 2 months
Ophi and ventre and yerren sillies, it’d the three of them yes-and-ing very seriously for a very long time till someone cracks first (most often ventre methinks)
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gosminhas · 8 months
this class suckssssss today i have to manage to pay attention because the test is in the next class and i know nothing but i'm so sleepy
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youcanfacethis · 8 months
I was explaining Swiftmas to my friend and how incredible it was…. I just can’t imagine it happening now.
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katyobsesses · 1 year
#i just need something to go fucking easy in my life#i just want to be able to get the thing i want without it falling through at the last fucking minute#or to go nowhere#or for it to be gone when i finally get the courage to go searching for it#jobs - a fucking advent calendar - a coat - plans to see friends - plans in general - a new phone#all i wanted today was to buy a new phone because mine is basically on it's death bed#i've spent the last 3 days searching and researching in my downtime because i know i'm getting money from my Opa at some point#and i /need a phone/#and just when i'm like “someone tell me to buy this because i need idk permission? someone to cheer me on and tell me this is the idea?”#my sister's partner says something about how they don't want me to get the dame type of phone they just got#and now i can't get it without feeling guilty as fuck#even though i love their phone a lot?? and have been looking at their's and my sister's and my mums to try and choose a new one#and even increased my budget to get their one because i liked it so much and like to try before i buy for things because *anxiety*#but nope they get defensive (not in a mean way) and my anxious autistic arse gets overwhelmed and disapointed and idek#and i have a breakdown and cry for idk how many hours#hell i'm STILL crying about it - and other things my brain decided to throw at me when it realised i was crying already#but like I am trying so hard to just stop the tears. i'm ignoreing them. it's just tears no sobbing nothing drmatic#but i can't fucking stop and i fucking hate it and i've tried fucking everything and the onlythink than has helped#is ranting like this. not even talking to my sisteror calming breaths. because here i can be honest and not care that people are seeing it#becaues you guys don't know who i am you can't try and fix it for me (my sister and mum's immediate reaction). i can just rant#and you can listen if you want. no obligation. im not a burden you can't see my face or hear my voice#but yeah idk im tired and dehydrated and sad and overwhelmed and dissapointed nad angry and frustrated and *sad*#katy liveblogs life 2022
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It’s a truck against race cars
And I didn’t hear the bang
Miles behind and all alone
And already so far from home
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gotchipoints · 2 years
listens to broken machine instantly leavesthe group chat
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beanghostprincess · 6 months
You know, One Piece is all fun and happyness untill you learn that the world and themes are actually some of the darkest and most depressing things that were ever put on paper. The biggest potrayal of this tho is the fact that many characters have different running gags and quirks that are actually products of their horrible past trauma and messed up life.
Luffy- Wants to befriends literally everybody because of his fear of being alone and picks fights with all the people he doesn't like because he wants to protect his friends.
Nami- Her greed and kleptomania were developed because her mom literally died because sge was poor and was never able to give her and Nojiko all they wanted/needed.
Usopp- Makes absurd lies about everything because as a kid he had to keep lying to keep his mother happy and when she died he kept on doing so to keep himself safe.
Sanji- Puts all women on a super high pedestal because growing up women like his mom and sister wrre the only good people in his life and men like his Judge and his brothers were fucking awful.
Brook and Robin- Super S tier dark humor to cope with S tier dark trauma.
In other words, One Piece is just a comedy passing drmatic anime, but I think we all already knew that.
Ah, yes, I love this topic so much.
But I wouldn't say One Piece is a "comedy passing dramatic anime". One Piece is both comedy and drama. The drama doesn't hide behind comedy at any moment. You don't have to actively look for it or read between the lines to understand the characters. I think Oda is an amazing writer because he manages to just tell us/show us about his characters in the clearest and most obvious of ways. He throws hints at us over the episodes to then explaining it to us very carefully how his characters are built. This is why I find so difficult to understand why people (mainly from the general audience or, y'know, dudebros) don't get the characters in the first watch/read. An example of a comedy passing dramatic show would probably be just any sort of satiric comedic show in which they don't actually address the drama but instead make jokes about it. Like It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia (God I love that sitcom).
I know what you mean, though. You're talking about the whole "making jokes/running gags about something when the reason behind them is actually way deeper". And I agree wholeheartedly.
Luffy has abandonment issues and that's why he keeps wanting to protect his friends and hates being alone, Nami sees money as safety and comfort because her mom died because they lacked money, Usopp's lies come from trying to make her mom happy because his dad left them, Sanji has an obsession with women because they're the only ones who never hurt him, Brook and Robin have no filter when it comes to dark humor because they've been alone for so long that the only way they have to cope is jokes and nobody gets them except them... And also:
We treat Zoro's relationship with Tashigi as comedic at some points but he has so much trauma regarding his best friend dying that he can't be close to someone who looks like her.
We make fun of and exaggerate Sabo's love for Luffy to the point of brocon/possessiveness because he literally spent most of his life having forgotten him and when he remembers his brothers, one of them dies, so of course he wants to look after the little one.
Boa's love for Luffy exists exclusively because she feels safe around him and it's the first man who has never seen her as a sexual object.
And a lot more of these but, basically, Oda is great at character building and writing because these are not things that you have to read between the lines. These are not exaggerations for the reader to understand what's going on with the characters. These are just trauma responses that constantly happen in real life. It's just a well-written story with awesome, realistic characters, and I absolutely love it.
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pareiwheeler · 1 year
okay i just have to type my thoughts out real quick because i cant stop thinking about mike wheeler.
he is such an important character. he is vital to the plot. there would be no stranger things without him. he isnt just a love interest (for el OR will) he is a complex character. the ga will watch scenes of him expressing emotion and say he is being drmatic, or dont talk about it at all and that pisses me off so much. his trauma and emotions and feelings and mental health are SO overlooked in this fandom it is wild. like. god. he is just so important to the plot and also important to me. will and el would have died if it wasnt for him in s2. probably before then too! there would be no show without mike wheeler
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