#dropped back down to Kira's original numbers
grimalkinmessor · 1 year
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@nebulamist (Long answer so I couldn't reply directly so POST DUMP TIME)
Matsuda doesn't send the tapes! He's not quiiite as bold as Misa, plus he's also not quite as impatient, so the thought doesn't really occur to him.
Instead, since he's closer to Gelus than Misa was to Rem, and L's already narrowed down the region for him, he sends Gelus off house to house to find the other Shinigami. From there Matsuda moves in to meet Light :D ...And subsequently subtly threaten him into a relationship. Ah, Love!
As for if he gets confined,,,,ehh yes and no.
They don't have reason to suspect a second Kira until later; specifically when L discovers Matsuda and Light are dating. Or, the fact that they're not dating in secret. L gets suspicious of Light suddenly not giving a shit about other people's opinions enough to come out of the closet, much less with an older, famous boyfriend that he now spends a LOT of time with at said boyfriend's very unmonitored house. Then he takes another look at the killing patterns and susses out the scent of another Kira. He narrows down the date of when Matsuda started killing, along with the fact that a lot more criminals with misspelled names have been dying, and then reveals his suspicions to the Task Force under the guise that Matsuda is just another Kira suspect.
They bring Matsuda in and put him in a cell, but it's nothing so bad as Misa's, and they don't torture him because L has far less evidence to lean on with Matsuda and he can't justify it. BUT that also means that Matsuda doesn't give up his Death Note—and, as a consequence, neither does Light. Though he does still (eventually) also submit himself to confinement to free Matsuda at Gelus's uuhh behest.
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hersie44 · 1 year
Old Friends (Derek Hale x Reader)
Characters included: Derek Hale, Stiles Stilinski, Scott McCall, Lydia Martin, Kira Yukimura, Malia Tate, Jordan Parrish, Noah Stilinski, Chris Argent, Peter Hale, Liam Dunbar.
Requested: No
Type: Reader insert (no use of y/n though), fan fiction.
Word Count: 3520 words.
warning: Strong language used.
Note: I did make the reader be originally from Greece but it doesn't affect the story much so feel free to change it in your mind. :)
Chapter One.
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Being back in Beacon Hills felt weird, almost like a nightmare as I walked through the halls of the empty high school that I used to attend. I looked around curiously, the classrooms looked the same and so did the locker rooms. I smiled to myself seeing the boy’s locker room in the distance, memories of sneaking in there after everyone had left to talk to my best friend running through my mind.
“What are you doing here so late!?” I squinted my eyes as a bright light was shone directly at my face, I pushed it away and glared at the man standing in front of me. The coach.
“Oh, it’s just you.” He lowered the flashlight and gave me a confused look, like I was the only crazy person that was at the school late at night.
“Good to see you too coach, I was just leaving.” I moved around him, clutching my book bag close to my chest. I had just started teaching history at Beacon Hills High School yesterday, and this was already the second night that I had decided to stay late. I missed the library here much more than I expected. Especially seeing my initials carved on one of the shelves alongside my friend’s.
“You are seriously giving all the nerds bad ideas, what kind of teacher stays late at the school to read?” I let out an exhausted sigh, he had asked the same question when he caught me in the library last night. I put on a smile and glanced back at him.
“The kind that doesn’t want your players to fail a class, because if they do fail then they won’t be able to play, and we don’t want that now do we?” I turned back around and continued walking, knowing I had won the argument. I knew how much the coach cared about having his best players on the field, unfortunately for him most of them took history.
I would never fail a student if they didn’t deserve it, and I’ve been known to give plenty of opportunities to complete homework and assignments, but the coach has been pressing all the wrong buttons for the last two days and I just needed him to keep his mouth shut.
I guess I’ve changed a lot since high school, I would have never spoken back to someone like that in my teen years. If you weren’t close to me then I seemed like the quiet kid, you know the one that everyone just ignored and went about their day. However, if you knew me then I was the exact opposite. I would speak my mind, about anything and everything. I would babble on about the most random topics if you were willing to lend an ear, and that often ended up being my best friend’s ear.
I guess I should stop calling him that, we haven’t seen or spoken to each other since we were eighteen. He left Beacon Hills after an accident, he dropped all communication and left. I stayed here for as long as I could, waiting for him to come back so that I could talk to him and comfort him, but he never did come back.
 When the summer ended, I left my number on the door of his house in case he came back, and he wanted to talk. Then I left for home, I went back to Greece and continued on with my life, got my degree in teaching and then travelled for a year or two with my grandmother. Once she was ready to settle down, we came back to Beacon Hills. She said that this place had always felt like a second home to her.
I snapped out of my daydream as I realised, I had made it out into the outside corridor, I should really start paying more attention when I’m somewhere alone in the middle of the night.
“KIRA!” I stared ahead in disbelief; three kids were laying on the floor at the end of the corridor battered and bruised. It didn’t look like they noticed me but something that was growling at them did. On instinct I ran forward, skidding to a stop in front of them. Whatever the animal was, it would have to get through me first. Which looking back on that decision, that was probably the most stupid decision that I had ever made in my life.
The situation was extremely surreal, there I was standing between three kids and two grown men wearing animal skulls that covered their faces. They were clearly strong, that was the aura they gave off as they stared me down. I had so much adrenaline running through me that I stared back at them, with a glare of rage.
“Can you three move?” I glanced down at the ground for a second, noticing a sword laying on the ground between me and the men. If I could just pick that up, then I might stand a chance against these guys.
“No! Run!” I faintly remember one of the boys screaming at me, a boy I now know as Scott McCall. I ran forward, grabbing the sword off of the floor and leaping into the air with hope that the momentum would pierce the bone armour that the men had on.
But instead of making contact I was grabbed out of the air, it felt like the world slowed down to a halt as it happened. My eyes widened as a familiar face appeared in front of him, one that should have been much older by now.
“Derek?” He acknowledged me with a glance before throwing me to the side, I’m sure he meant to be gentler, but my body hit the ground with a harsh thud and my head hit the railings. My vision became blurry as I watched the scene before me, Derek, my ex best friend who hasn’t seemed to have aged a day since I last saw him, was fighting off these tall men with his bare hands. The only thing was that he had sharp canine-like teeth and claws to match as he did so. I left the image up to the concussion I had before I crawled forward towards the kids, I tried my best to stand up.
“Come on, you need to run…” I had trusted Derek with my life many times when we were younger, so now I trusted that he could hold off the danger long enough to get these kids to safety. Then I could question him on why he doesn’t look a day over sixteen, and if he’d give me the location to the fountain of youth he had found. As they got up the ache in my head became apparent, I stumbled to the side and started to fall again. However, this time I had a much softer landing, someone had been kind enough to catch me and when I looked up, I saw the most handsome man that I could have possibly ever imagined.
“Wow…so an angel really does come get you when you die.” I closed my eyes, and I could faintly hear the sound of someone calling my name.
The memory came flooding back to me like it was yesterday, it was the finals for our basketball team. We usually never made it that far, but we finally had an ace on our team, Derek Hale, my best friend. The only thing was that no one could find him, we were all waiting on the courts for him to start the match, but no one had seen him. That is when I noticed his uncle skulking around before disappearing in the direction of the locker rooms.
“I’ll be right back.” I gave Kate a reassuring smile before following him, I didn’t trust Peter at all, so I hardly felt bad about this. He was always too hard on Derek, there had been many times where Derek decided to sleep over at my place just to avoid the douche. He didn’t seem like the supportive type either, so I don’t understand why he was here.
“Even born wolves have to learn control on a full moon, Derek.” I heard Peter’s voice echoing from the showers, I blushed at the thought of bursting into the room while Derek was naked. Maybe there was an actual emergency, and I should just go, let his uncle help him for once if it fell in the department of him being naked during the issue or maybe I should have sent Kate because she’s told me many times, she had a crush on him. But then…
“Yeah, but it’s supposed to be easier for us, why does it hurt so much!?” Hurt? That sent alarm bells going off in my head, Derek was hurting. I rounded the corner and stared in shock as Derek was on his knees, completely drenched from head to toe. I could only see the side of his face, but his eyes were glowing bright blue and he had fangs like a wolf. Before I could stop myself, I let out a scream, then there was a pressure on my neck before I passed out.
I woke up with a jolt, my eyes snapping open as I heard voices coming from the distance. I was in a room I didn’t recognise, the ceiling was high and most of the bricks were exposed. It was cold, sending a shiver down my spine. I sat up slowly, my brain pounding against my skull as I did so.
My ears were still ringing from earlier, my heart was still pounding in my chest from the adrenaline. Then I heard my name again, it didn’t sound like it had any emotion in it at first but as I looked in the direction of the voice I could immediately tell there was a slight worried undertone to it…just like I could always tell when he tried to hide it.
“Derek…?” Just as I thought, the man from earlier was Derek. He had grown so much, he was taller, more muscular, he had a beard and damn was he gorgeous. I took several deep breaths as three pairs of eyes fell on me, which didn’t help the growing nervousness in my stomach. Was what I remembered real? Was what I saw earlier real?
“That’s my cue to leave.” The woman spoke, she got up and left without even greeting them. The other man followed her, locking the door behind her as she left.
“Are you crazy!?” He sounded shocked and angry, the emotions clearly directed at Derek.
“Not now.” He got up and walked towards me, my spine immediately straightened, and my eyes went wide as he sat down in front of me. I wasn’t scared of him, but I suddenly felt alert in the situation, there were so many questions swirling in my head that it was almost hard to keep track of.
“What do you remember?” No “Hi, how you doing?”, no “Sorry I threw you which made you hit your head and pass out”. Nothing, just straight to what I remembered? Yeah, this was definitely Derek or should I rather say the ‘new and improved’ one.
“A lot, enough to know you’ve been keeping secrets from me before you even left.”
“It was to protect you.”
“Bullshit!” I stood up, staggering slightly which sent Derek flying to his feet to catch me. His hands landed on my waist, holding me up.
“It wasn’t to protect me! It was for your own selfish shit! You didn’t tell me things, you didn’t let me in on your little world and then you just left me! No good explanation, no good-bye just gone! I stayed here for months for you! Taking care of your family after the fire, I spent my summer hoping you would come back but you didn’t! You ass!” I hit his chest hard which for once made him flinch, but he still had a glare on his face as he stared down at me like a predator warning his prey.
“You didn’t stay either so how is it fair that you can be mad at me, but you weren’t here when I came back?” I glared at him, absolutely pissed that he would switch the blame to me so quickly.
“I left you a note with my number on it and my new address, I couldn’t stay when my whole family was leaving! I was eighteen without a job, how would I live here!?” I tried to push him off, but he just tightened his grip on me.
“There was no note.”
“That might have been my fault.” Our heads whipped to the other man in the room, he had a sheepish grin on his face, but he didn’t look sorry at all as he shrugged and crossed his arms.
“I took it off, didn’t want you to have stalkers back home.” I blinked in disbelief, it was private property so no one would have went there besides Derek's family.
“In the flesh.” He did a small bow, now my blood was boiling even more. Of course, it was Peter who made sure we never spoke again, he never liked me since I always made Derek talk back to him, I made Derek stand up for himself against him. Rightfully so because he is an asshole.
“But how!? You were burnt and paralysed in the fire! I looked after you and Laura in the hospital for my whole summer!”
“Long story but thanks for that, cupcake.” My grip on Derek’s arms tightened, he took that as a sign that if he didn’t get me out of here that I would try to burn Peter to a crisp myself this time.
“I’m taking you home.” I screeched as he picked me up, something I definitely wasn’t used to. I was well aware that I probably couldn’t walk by myself, the longer I’m awake the more my body aches and pains. I let out a groan, closing my eyes as I decide not to protest.
“I hate you sometimes.” I heard a little huff, something he did when he was trying not to smile. Even though I was extremely mad at him right now, his warmth was welcomed. At least that hasn’t changed, he was still my personal heater.
“Just sometimes?” I opened my eyes as one of his hands wrapped around mine, my pain starting to slowly go away. I glanced down, there were black veins on his hand and arm where we were touching, another thing I suddenly remembered seeing before. Once we were outside, he put me in the passenger seat of a car, a car I was assuming was his.
“Derek, please talk to me. Explain this to me.” He sighed, I gave him my best pleading look which made him shake his head before he knelt down next to me.
“I’m a werewolf.”
“Yeah, I guessed.” I cleared my throat, my eyes meeting his. “I saw you before, before that basketball game when we were younger.”
“Before Peter knocked you out, I remember.”
“He is a royal pain in the ass, fucking asshole. But you know I wasn’t scared of you, right? I would have accepted you even back then.” I reached out for his hand and laced our fingers together, squeezing it tightly. His eyes flickered down to our hands, he seemed to be processing the feeling like no one has held his hand since he last saw me.
“I know, you were a weirdo that would have accepted me even if I had two heads.” I laughed at that, a smile growing on my face as I looked at him.
“Yeah, but your ego was enough to deal with.” He rolled his eyes at that, but I could see the smile he was hiding, beneath all the changes that he went through I could still see the old Derek. The person he was before all the pain. He took a deep breath and pulled his hand away from mine, the playful atmosphere now depleting.
“I wanted to tell you but the last person I told died, and then Kate…”
“Argent?” He nodded, then he began to explain what happened in the last few years. How Paige actually died, that Kate was the one who set fire to his house and killed his family because she was a hunter and that’s why she wanted to date him. He told me about when he came back to Beacon Hills, all the things that happened with a group of high schoolers he met. It was a lot to take in, but I paid attention, I knew he would never lie…well tell a whole fabricated supernatural story because he was never that creative.
“I’m sorry, Derek. I’m so sorry.” I leaned forward, hugging him with my arms wrapped around his neck. I could tell he wasn’t expecting it, he froze for a moment. Usually, I never cry about things but now that I knew the truth, I couldn’t stop the tears. The amount of times Derek could have died or was close to death while I wasn’t with him crashed down on me, I sobbed and hiccupped while holding onto him. That’s when his arms wrapped around me, holding me firmly to his chest as I cried.
I don’t know how long we sat like that, just on the side of the road in his car with his arms around me. The crying had given me a headache but being close to him felt good, being like this again felt good. My heart was beating a mile a minute.
“Please come home with me, please stay like you used to. I need you…” Another thing that was out of character for me, begging for someone to stay. I don’t know if fear had overcome me from realising there was a whole dangerous world of creatures that could kill me if they weren’t good like Derek, or if I was just scared that if he left me, he would leave again.
“Okay…okay.” His voice was soft, something that only happened when I was extremely upset about something. He got up, tucking me into my seat and putting on my seatbelt. Once he was in the driver’s seat I grabbed his hand again, holding it with both of mine. This time he squeezed my hand, starting the car with his free hand and then driving off.
When we arrived at my place Derek has decided that I still couldn’t walk on my own, he picked me up from the passenger seat and walked towards my front door. The little act of kindness made me giggle, knowing full well that if I ever asked to be carried again then he would say no.
“Welcome to my humble abode, my bedroom is upstairs.” He nodded, taking a quick look around my house before ascending to the second floor. I had boxes all around, not having unpacked anything besides my bedroom and the kitchen.
“Am I allowed to dress myself or are you going to strip me too?” He grunted, not enjoying my teasing as he put me down on the bed. He walked over to my closet.
“Still sleep in shorts and a tank top?” He barely asked the question before throwing those items at me, I laughed and caught them.
“Yeah, but only when it’s hot. Then again it should be very hot since my personal heater has returned.” He chuckled at this, looking at the wall as I got changed.
“I see you still have some of my sweatpants, I’m borrowing one.” I blushed and looked away as he changed, though I did take a glance as he took off his shirt. He had definitely worked out during the time we were separated and had gotten a tattoo on his back. It was safe to say he was an absolute catch. I shook my head, not believing my thoughts about a man that was my best friend for most of my childhood.
He walked over to me, he had opted to not put a shirt on which I was definitely complaining about.
“Where am I sleeping?” I patted next to me which made him raise an eyebrow, I guess now that we’re older it was a bit weird to share a bed as just friends, but I didn’t care. I had missed sleeping in his arms.
“Don’t question it, I missed you.” He sighed and laid next to me, I didn’t hesitate to crawl into his arms. When I pulled the blanket over us, I felt safe, it was just like when were younger again. Derek was my dream catcher, keeping the nightmares and bad thoughts away. Now being with him kept more than that away, I felt like as long as I was with him the new world, I knew about wasn’t so scary after all. His warmth made me sleepy, my eyes closing as I drifted off.
Just before I fell asleep, I felt his arms tighten around me.
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royonninjago · 3 months
A Funny Idea I had for Hands of Time
I believe that many people in the Ninjago fandom share the opinion that season 8, The Hands of Time, is one of the worst seasons of Ninjago. Weird writing choices, bad animation (even by Ninjago standards), and the confusing time travel mechanics plague the season making re-watches difficult.
I don't plan on making my own rewrite of Ninjago or anything, but I had an idea that's been rattling around in my head for a while that I will now share with y'all.
We all know that Jay is the comic relief and resident nerd of the Ninja, but most of these jokes are more current grievances addressed in an over the top and exaggerated way, which can sometimes get old.
We also know that apart from the Day of the Departed special, we are right off the heels of Skybound, the season that (arguably and within the context of the show) changed Jay the most, but since technically none of it ever happened the only one aware of it is Nya.
Another thing to keep in mind is that this is the arc that involves time travel shenanigans that many sci-fi and fantasy feel compelled to write, making it almost obligatory for the genre.
Keeping all this in consideration, I think a really fun way to demonstrate how much he has grown since Skybound while still staying true to his character would to have him take lead of the Ninja in very specific counter-time shenanigan strategies that he developed based off of all the time travel stories he's read and watched.
The idea originally came from a realization while rewatching the season while still somewhat fresh off the heels of watching the anime "JoJo's Bizzare Adventure".
I highly recommend this anime and that you go into it as blind as possible, but if you don't care about spoilers then here you go.
The abilities of the Hands of Time and the abilities of JoJo's main villains from parts 3 to 6 line up shockingly well. There requires some tweaking to the abilities to make them fit, but it still works really well.
The Pause Blade and Dio Brando's Stand "The World" have the same ability to stop time.
The Rewind Blade and Yoshikage Kira's Stand "Killer Queen: Bites the Dust" have the ability to rewind time, although Bites the Dust can't use it on Kira.
The Forward Blade and Diavolo's Stand "King Crimson" can both skip ahead in time to avoid undesirable outcomes.
The Slow-Mo Blade and Enrico Pucci's Stand "Made in Heaven" both have the ability to control the speed at which time moves, however Made in Heaven uses it to speed up time for everyone else instead of slowing everyone down, but its used for the same effect.
I like to imagine that while the Ninja are heading out to meet Master Wu at the burned monastery, Jay is just thinking to himself "Wait, this can't be King Crimson, can it?" and when they finally get there and Jay realizes that it is King Crimson he uses the same strategy they use in JoJo. Because the skip is instantaneous and imperceptible to everyone, the only way to possibly defend against it is to physically measure the time. The easiest way to do this without relying on watches or clocks that can be easily broken is to cut yourself and count the drops of blood that fall on your hand. If the number suddenly increases, that means a skip has happened and that the enemy is probably in your blind spot. Obviously this is a kids show and they can't show blood, but the point of the strategy is to count falling droplets of a liquid.
Not only would this demonstrate Jay's newfound leadership skills to the rest of the Ninja while showing off more of his nerdy side, but it could also be easily used as comedy since now he has a good reason to be watching TV shows and reading comic books when he could be doing something more productive.
"No, Lloyd, I am doing something productive! I'm watching Back to the Future because we need to understand the potential ramifications of time travel!"
If you have any similar thoughts or opinions about something like this, please feel free to share because I love reading them!
(P.S. Can you tell that Jay is my favorite Ninja?)
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livingd3adqpid · 1 year
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I've got your number but not once have you answered your phone till now, so now I'm at your door. (By FOB)
Part 1. (Maybe??? Idk tbh).
(Matt x Mello fanfic inspired by the song Emergency Contact by Pierce The Veil)
{Tags: slight angst, fluff, late confessions, reunions, a bit of crying}
[A/N: This is my first time writing a fanfic here, let alone writing one fully in English, so I apologize if my English isn't that good. Please enjoy!!]
It was raining at Whammy's, and the atmosphere at the orphanage was quiet and peaceful, which was kind of unusual for that late afternoon.
The clacking and tapping of the gaming controller echoed through the closed door of one of the dorms. A frustrated yell came right after the hard slam of another door, but this time, it came from Roger's office across the hall.
An upset blonde kicked the room's door open in the blink of an eye, revealing Matt, a redhead with glasses sitting on a beanbag, who greeted him in a monotone way without pulling his eyes away from the little TV screen.
"Hey Mells, why did Roger call you in?" The redhead asked, not gaining a single word from his roomie; instead, there were a lot of rustling sounds and things were thrown around.  Matt grew a little concerned, so he finally paused the game and turned around.
Mello looked back at the redhead with his big sapphire eyes, enraged and a little puffy, as he held a bunch of clothes he had just pulled out of the drawer they shared. Matt could tell from miles away the frustration building up in Mello's expression, he knew the blonde too well to tell.
"Mello?" Matt called out for his friend, whose expression tightened as soon as he heard the redhead speak. Matt just walked over to the door and closed it, turning to Mello with growing worry.
They both looked at each other in silence until the redhead walked over to the blonde. Mello just straight up pulled him into a tight hug, which Matt reciprocated, still confused.
"L's fucking dead..." Mello said as he buried his face in Matt's shoulder. Matt froze, then he squeezed Mello a little.
Those words felt like a bucket of cold water had been dropped on top of him. Even though Matt wasn't on Mello's level, let alone Near's, he felt some sort of admiration for the man who was the idol of the orphanage's kids.  Now that he was gone, all Matt could think of was his companion's grief. Mello was close to L; he looked up to him, which originated his rivalry with Near, but now the motive was gone.
"Did he..." Matt gulped, looking at their reflection in the window. "...Choose his successor?"
Mello felt a huge knot in his throat, getting tighter as he remembered what Roger told him and Near, along with the albino's words.
"This useless successor shit doesn't fucking matter anymore." Mello muttered, clenching his fists behind Matt's back. "I'm leaving this shithole for once."
Matt felt his stomach turn.
"You're leaving, then." Matt broke the hug, letting go of Mello as he lowered his head. 
"I'm sorry..." Mello mumbled, walking back to the drawer and throwing stuff inside a backpack.
The redhead turned away from the blonde, wishing deep down he could go and leave everything behind. He'd say yes to any invitation without hesitation; he just didn't want to leave his side so soon.
Matt cursed the orphanage quietly; he cursed L for allowing his family to bear such a heavy burden at such a young age—the same burden for which he saw others literally die for.
Mello zipped his backpack, signifying that he had finished packing. The blonde bit his lip as he saw the redhead with his back still turned to the TV. Some pressure in his heart emerged as he stared and couldn't sense if he was going to turn to face him.
"Matt, I need to catch Kira." Mello answered, clenching his fists. "He needs to be stopped and prosecuted for what he did to all of those innocent people, to L--"
"That's fucking bullshit!" Matt exclaimed, interrupting Mello as he threw his goggles against the floor. "Don't lie to me; you want to prove yourself to Roger and the others."You want to prove that you're capable of beating Near!"
Mello finally snapped; the pressure of having to bear the news of L's death and not knowing if he'd even chosen a successor was too much. Having his close friend, the one person who understood and stayed by his side for so long rightfully call him out, was just enough for Mello's emotions to overflow.
He didn't want to let grief make him snap at the person he loved so dearly.
"Okay, and what if I do?!" Near has done nothing but sit, build a shitty puzzle, and say something smart. I've done more than him, and my work is NEVER recognized; it wasn't enough for Whammy, nor Roger, not even FUCKING L."
Matt's eyes widened, and Mello's started to fill with tears.
"You don't get how hard it is for me," the blonde said, turning his head down to face the floor. "I refuse to let that fucker destroy me that easily..."
Hot, angry tears started rolling down Mello's red cheeks as he huffed in frustration. Matt just stared at him, eyes still wide, and his chest contracted from all the air he held in as he listened to Mello get off. The whole thing was so hard on both of them, and Matt finally acknowledged just how much this meant to Mello, and that realization hit close to his heart as soon as the first tear made its appearance.
"Mihael..." Matt approached Mello, who nudged him on the side of his arm as soon as he saw the redhead approach him. 
"Stop." Mello hid his face in between his hands; vague sobs were the only sounds coming from him. "Stop pitying me...”
But before anything else could be said, Matt stormed out of the room as everyone was gathered for dinner, leaving Mello with his heart on his sleeve, holding his tears as he sat on the bottom bed of the bunk they shared. 
He sure needed to think.
There was so much Matt thought about for those long 30 minutes he spent in line.
Maybe he and L weren’t as close as Mello and Near were with him, he had forgotten about that until he saw the other kids wailing silently in the cafeteria by the recent news provided recently. Through the crowd, Matt noticed Near in the living room, slouched and solving a puzzle all by himself; the albino’s face suddenly turned towards the redhead, which made him flinch.
“L is dead, Matt.” Near commented, his eyes stuck in Matt. 
“I know.” Matt answered, his head turned down to the carpet. “Mello wants to leave, he refuses to work with you.”
Matt’s words had some poison in them towards the other boy, who didn’t even blink in response, but he turned towards his puzzle instead.
“I hope you’re fucking happy now that you’ve got the title all to yourself.” Matt muttered, leaving Near in the living room by himself to leave to the big hall where the dorms were.
There he was now, walking through the halls of the orphanage  with the rain still going; only this time it was pouring stronger than before. He had actually managed to meditate on the line to get food and now he was determined to head over to their dorm room with two plates of warm lasagna and soft vegetables along with two cups of soda and some of Mello’s favorite chocolate brand. If Mello wanted to leave, then at least Matt would apologize and ask if they could eat together one last time before who-knows-when they meet again.
Matt wished for their last hours together to be nice, fun and grudge free.
The image of L came to his mind as soon as he touched the door knob to their room with his elbow. A shiver went down his spine as he opened the door to find Mello still there, asleep on the bean bag with trails of tear stains in his cheeks. Matt almost started to cry from both relief and grief, but he held it in before nudging Mello with his shoe. The blonde’s eyes fluttered before opening wide and sitting back up in the bean bag; Matt handed him the plate and sat beside him to eat his. As they shared some awkward silence, Mello placed his hand on Matt’s and squeezed it tight.
“I’m still leaving, you know that better than everyone.” Mello said, a teary tone remained in the sound of his husky voice. Matt turned back to Mello and sighed.
“I’ll take you to the bus stop myself.” The redhead replied without thinking, and the blonde’s eyes widened by his answer. “What? I mean it, just– finish eating and we’ll sneak out when everyone’s asleep. If leaving is what you want then so be it.”
Mello didn’t know what to say, he just nodded back at Matt and started to finish his food, munching it carefully as Matt looked with awe. At 10 pm sharp, Matt set an alarm before he and Mello lied down, hugging each other tight. Mello’s hand was caressing Matt’s head gently as they both tried to take a brief nap. 
Mello felt his heart beat faster and his face burn as he felt Matt cling onto him while asleep. This kind of proximity was common between both boys, and they both knew it was due to something else. This kind of scenario only happened when the other needed comfort, but Mello had not once mentioned needing it today. Today's events led his to scream and wail and push everything away-- he was about to run away at 15 all by himself in a couple of hours now!
As soon as he turned down to see Matt snoring soundly on the blonde's chest, Mello's lip quivered with doubts that invaded his head like a pest, making his arms wrap around Matt's sleeping body as his sobs were muffled by the pillows.
He didn't want to leave the only person who stayed by him during all of these years, but he knew bringing him with to catch an immature mass murderer could be the biggest danger he's ever been so far.
So the conclusion that Mello's mind came to, was to wait.
Wait before it was time to go.
Because the blonde knew damn well he didn't want to let go of the redhead and possibly die in this investigation, yet he couldn't bear with asking Matt and risking his life as well...
He loved him too dearly to even think about inviting him.
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Death Note, meet Supernatural- CHAPTER 1
Relationships: L (Death Note)/Reader, L (Death Note)/Original Female Character(s)
Summary: What if Death Note existed in a world with Winchesters in it? Would L finally have the evidence he needs to prove Light is Kira? How will L fare in a world where monsters are real and not every case is solvable by him? Lucky for him, there's a hunter here to work side-by-side with him.
Chapter Summary: With data from L's investigation, it wouldn't have taken long for a hunter to find the mystery of Death Note, find the Shinigami and Kira, and ganking them both. If you're curious about how it plays out, read on!
Chapter 1: Japan, here I come!
I open my burning eyes. Tears blur my vision as I try to forget the images from my latest nightmare. My boys…my poor boys…“I will bring you both back”, I promise…for over the 100th time. Shaking off my thoughts, I get ready for the day mentally ticking off my checklist for my trip to Japan. The first truly big nuisance since Dick Roman, this Kira, was killing off criminals left and right.
It was not my typical case but something about Kira’s requirements of killing was supernatural. He needed a name and face to kill. With just those, he could kill anyone from anywhere. Which human could do that? And even if they could, the means had to be supernatural. Perhaps they made a demon deal, or Kira used a cursed object. Not only that, there was perhaps someone else with Kira’s power who only needed a face to kill. 3 Japanese police officers dropped dead during a TV broadcast- names unknown.
The world’s security agencies were stumped. The number 1 detective in the world, L, was working on it but even he hadn’t been able to put a stop to Kira's killings till now. I could only assume it was because of the supernatural factor. Which made it my responsibility. What the hell those Japanese hunters were doing I didn’t know- and I couldn’t find out because not many hunters trusted my little Team Free Will after the whole opening of the Devil’s Gate, starting the Apocalypse and releasing the Leviathans into the world. Couldn’t blame them tbh.
It did make this whole investigation pretty hard though. If only Sam was here…This was my problem. I had become so tangled up with the Winchesters that it was impossible for me to not think about them for more than 10 minutes. I was on my own now. Alone. A lone wolf. And I was about to feel like absolute shit once I landed in Japan and my social awkwardness came out to play in a foreign country whose language I wasn't familiar with. Fingers crossed.
—One plane ride later—
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First stop, Wakoucha at the airport cafe. Overpriced but worth every yen. After a couple of sips, I got my bearings and hauled ass to the hotel the FBI director set me up at. Presidential suite, of course. Exorcising a demon outta his brother would go a long way.
A ping on my laptop draws my attention. A video call from the guy himself. Answering it, I say, “Hey, I just got to—” when he makes a shushing gesture. I pipe down, curious to see what he’s on about. He holds up a piece of paper for me to read. Surprisingly, I can read it perfectly. Which means someone must have taken the pain to write it inverted. There’s no doubt what it is. At my nod, he promptly sets fire to the paper with a lighter, gives me a thumbs up and ends the call.
Well, then. No time to waste.
I change into the charming suit that makes me look like a cinnamon roll, idiots never see it coming when I gank them. All geared up I go to my FBI-issued car (I miss Baby) and head up to meet the famous L and the officially “disbanded” taskforce.
—Time Skip—
The building is quite ordinary from the outside. The same old grey skyscraper with the corporate soul-sucking vibe. Somewhere inside there is a group of people with whom I will be catching a killer with supernatural powers. L’s right-hand man was informed of my arrival and he was waiting for me right as I step in the doors. He’s completely covered from head to toe so that I cannot even get one glimpse of his skin. The only thing I can say is he’s tall. The dude’s just standing there until I clear my throat and speak, “Verification?”. Nodding, he starts-“Jefferson” and I finish-“Starship”.
Codes confirmed, he wordlessly leads me down the lobby. The security inside is no joke. When the detectors beep, he gestures to me to upturn my pockets. Knowing there’s no way out of this, I take out the couple of guns and knives I had on me. He even confiscates my mobile phone. The holy water’s filled in a disposable plastic bottle so I can easily take it past the checkpoint. No way I could’ve broken in here on my own. I can’t help but feel like a dumb kid who doesn’t know the hell she’s doing. Before, with Sam and Dean, it was just natural to feel confident and self-assured. I try to channel some of that right now and attempt to make conversation. “Call me Anne (Pick your fake name). Pleased to meet you. How’s the case coming along sir? Any new leads since we last talked?” To my credit, my voice only wavers for 5 seconds max. The guy gives me a side glance but doesn’t respond. Not to be discouraged any more than I already am, I barrel on. “So I’ve been following this case like everybody and I already have a couple of theories- I can’t share them yet- but I’d like to ask you something about L. I’ve heard he’s a bit…moody and I don’t want to butt heads with him on the investigation or make him feel like I’m taking over. Any words of advice on how to make this smooth sailing?”
Silence. Fine then. I’ve already given too much power to him. Now it’s time to be all tough and laconic myself. We take the elevator and stop several floors up. My heart is fluttering as a tall dude leads me to a set of doors and just throws them open. Every head snaps my way. Well, shit.
I flashback to 1st grade when I changed schools. The teacher was mean and made me stand in front of the class and introduce myself. I hated her then and I hate the tall dude now. I turn to glare at him to find out he’s already left. Turning to face my audience, I wave and give a sheepish smile. I know I just look like a dork. God, what’s wrong with me? When did I suddenly become a schoolgirl? These guys will never take me seriously now. Damn it.
I jump when a voice pulls me out of my self-criticism, “Who are you? How did you get in?” It’s a guy about Bo…60 years old pointing a gun at me. Nearly everyone is except a couple of boys. I start to answer but another voice cuts me off. A warm, gravelly, soothing voice. “She’s our newest member.” It takes me a moment to realize the speaker is this cute little weirdo sitting in a big chair in front of a gigantic screen. Seriously, just wow. A moment of appreciation is required here. This guy is soooooo cute. I drink in his features- his big bambi eyes, his chaotic raven hair that I long to feel, his perfect mouth as he pops in a marshmall- “We have to tolerate her for now as the FBI has forced her upon us”, the said mouth pipes up. And just like that my fantasies take a sharp turn and I see my fist connecting with his teeth and his perfect mouth bloody.
Feeling sufficiently insulted, I snark back, “Shut the hell up, asshole. Like I’m thrilled to be forced to work with a bunch of incompetent jackasses who haven’t been able to catch a pathetic killer in months. The headquarters had to send in a babysitter to mind the greatly overrated L. Make sure you give me the case report before you choke to death stuffing your cakehole and do Kira’s work for him.”
His eyes narrow and I ain’t backing down. Let’s show him who’s boss.
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Thanks for reading my first work! More chapters to come- I've got the plot ready, hope you enjoy it :)
(Please reblog and comment if you please- they fuel my passion. Constructive criticism and genuine praise always help too!)
Until next time! CHAPTER 2
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captainhysunstuff · 2 years
Transcript:  The Chain - Too Close (or not Close Enough?)
The Chain - Too Close (or not Close Enough?) comic
Light:  *screams into a pillow* WHY IS SHE LIKE THIS?!
L:  Going off on her own after you told her not to?
Light:  Yeah!  She was with Kira!!  He could’ve killed her!  He still could!
L:  He won’t.  He wants to marry and use the 2nd Kira.  He’s dumb like that.
Light:  She was still in so much danger!  And YOU!
L:  Me??
Light:  You encouraged her in the first place!
L:  It’s not my fault you and your father canceled my original plan.  Which was going fine by the way...
Light:  *GLARE*
L:  U-umm... I’ll admit I underestimated how far she’d go to help.  She has guts.  Probably too much guts.  The effect of being in love?  *thinking* Or thinking you are...
Light:  *sigh* Well, I wish she’d knock it off.  Or at least cool it a little.  *plops down in despair* Why...??  I don’t love her.  I’ll never like her that way.  She has to know...  It’s... gross.  It makes me feel gross.  I would never forgive myself if she got hurt because of me.
*L leans over him*
Light:  ?
L:  *soft chuckle*
Light:  *irritated* ...What?  *thinking* Don’t laugh at me, bastard.
L:  *touches Light’s nose* When you say things like that so sincerely, it makes it just a little bit harder to believe that you’re Kira.  Your father would be so proud~.  *thinking* Cute.
Light:  *smacks L’s hand away* Hmph.  Almost like I’m not him or something.  Don’t touch my nose.
L:  *thinking* Very cute~.  *out loud* Well, you won’t have to worry about Higuchi hurting her.  His days are numbered.
Light:  She’ll just do it again.  She’s delusional.  I want to dump her as soon as I can, but I can’t as long as we’re both involved with this case.  It’s giving her false hope, making her latch onto me harder, and your encouragement made it worse!
L:  *touches his forehead to Light’s* I was desperate.  I’m sorry.
Light:  *sigh* I guess that’s not entirely your fault.  She was like that before you showed up.  You didn’t help though.
L:  Hmm.
Light:  Gaah...  It’s gonna be so messy when it ends!  I should kick your ass for that!
L:  Would that make you feel better?
Light:  Hmm... It might.  Not right now, though.  You could just make it up to me later.
L:  Sooo... I have a debt with you now?
Light:  Henh, you’d never be able to pay it off.
L:  Do you have any suggestions for doing so?
Light:  HA.  How about finally admitting that you’re wrong about me?  That I’m not waiting for the perfect opportunity to kill you?  Maybe make Misa less annoying?  Or--better yet!  Make her forget all about me!  Do that, and you’re instantly forgiven!  No questions asked!  *laughs*
L:  A repayment program could be arranged.  Should I make “advanced payments?”
Light:  *sigh* Please be serious.
L:  Her actions are understandable.  We want to capture Kira for our own reasons.  For her, so you’ll be proven innocent, and you two can be together forever...
Light:  Blech.
L:  ...And putting an end to this case for me.  We’re both a little desperate.  We’ll see what happens after we corner Higuchi.
Light:  Yeah, if solving this case means being stuck with her...
L:  You’ll successfully break things off with her.  I believe in you.
Light:  I told you!  It won’t be that easy.
L:  I’m sure you’ve dumped people before?
Light:  Yeah, but none were anywhere near Misa’s level of clingy and delusional!  I may even need to go into hiding...  Wait until she starts searching other continents before my life could go back to normal.
L:  I’d be more than willing to help you with that.
Light:  Pshhh, yeah right.
L:  I’m serious.  If anything, I’d prefer it if you’d just pack your bags and run away with me, but that’s just my opinion.
Light:  *shocked*  !!!
L:  I wonder how Watari would react to that?  Hmm.
Light:  HA! *laughing*
L:  What?
Light:  Could you imagine?!  Me, the top student in Japan, dropping everything here and just taking off with the “best detective in the world?”  *laughs*
L:  Is the idea really so funny to you?
Light:  My family would hunt you down to the ends of the earth!  My father would be convinced that you and seduced and stolen me~.
L:  *chuckles, caresses Light’s face* Is the seduction part of the plan working?
Light:  Hmm... It might be~.
*both lean in*
Light:  *pushes L away* Ehm... *clears throat* Sorry about that!  I totally distracted you!  My complaining.  Henh, thanks for listening.
L:  ?  ...Anytime.
Light:  ...Don’t give me that look.  Everything’s fine!  I feel 100 times better now.  You should go back to work.
L:  Right...
Light:  Well, goodnight then.  Remember, don’t stay up all night.  We’ve got a plan to perfect.  We need you at 100%!
L:  All right.  Goodnight.
Light:  *in shock*
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kira-angel24 · 2 years
Whumptober 2022 Day 24
Blood Covered Hands
!blood, mutilated bodies!
       Kira woke up, the room empty. She pulled herself up and stood on all fours. The bed she slept on was empty, Anna missing. The angel knew it was the room she normally slept in, but something felt strange. She looked around trying to find her. Kira hopped down and walked through the silent palace. Everything was empty. Not a single soul was in the palace. All the furniture had scratches on them. The walls were dark and no lighting worked.
       She turned the corner to jump back at the sight. Her eyes widened. A body was strewn across the floor. Deep cuts all over the chest and arms. She walked up to it. Her pupils shrank upon closer inspection. "N... Nick?!" She took a step back as the blood pooled around her hands. She looked around, but none of his aspects were there. Kira touched his cheek to find it stone cold. She kept walking trying to find someone, anyone. The angel kept going.
       She turned down another hallway and locked eyes with another body. She moved closer. There were feathers scattered on the ground, tinted red. She moved closer to find black and white feathers. Kira cried as she turned the body over. "N... Nikko..." she moved his wing to find Kuro in his arms. Both mutilated like the last corpse. Kira looked down to see blood filling the hallway. The red liquid rose to her wrists. She ran down the hall, the bodies growing more and more in numbers. She passed many of her friends, her eyes burning from her tears. She passed Christoph, Alois, Pittoo, and her family, all brutally murdered. Kira kept running till there was a dead end. The hallway ended with blood pooling everywhere. Kira sobbed at the sight. Sachi, Kiran, Insanity, and Fate were all cut down. Their bodies were gashed and torn apart. "But... this can't be. They're all... immortal..."
       "But... it is..."
       "Who's there?" She turned around. Her eyes frantically looked for its origin. "Wh... what... what's..."
       "You killed them."
       "N... no... no no no!" She clutched her head and tried to cover her ears. "That's not true!"
       "Oh Kira, it was you." The angel cried and looked up. "You killed them all... you killed me." Kira's stomach dropped as the voice finally showed itself.
       "A... Anna..." The angel fell forward. She caught herself with her hands. Her head hanging low and her hair covering her eyes. Anna's body was bloody and destroyed. Her was heart torn out and her eyes were locked on Kira. "I... I didn't mean it..."
       "Of course, you didn't. But, it's your fault. It's all your fault." Kira sobbed and looked at her hands. Blood covered her hands and up to her elbows. The blood kept rising in the hallway. It rose to her below her chest.
       "I'm sorry... I'm sorry..." Kira cried as her eyes stayed locked on her blood stained hands.
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crescentsteel · 4 years
Just Friends - Part 4
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plot: fubu set up with Kuroo as a university student, model fem reader
word count: 5612
A/N: I enjoyed writing this chapter, thus the extra thousand words. Don’t know how I should tag this. Smut, fluff, sexual tension (even though they had sex already?) I don’t really know lol. 
Listening to Over and Over Again by Nathan Sykes while writing the rooftop scene.
There’s still 4 chapters in my head. I know its so long already but like I just can’t let go of my original vision haha
Part 3 | Part 5 | m.list
After you finish reviewing your last paper for the semester, you walk to his couch and let yourself fall on it.
You’re done with the semester. You feel relief, but you also feel the weariness of the past weeks coming down on you. You thought that when you finish all your requirements and exams, the first thing you’re going to do is have sex with Kuroo. Especially since you were at his place already.
“You done with your paper?” he says loudly from his room.
You hear his footsteps approaching. He lifts your legs up and places it on his lap as he sits. You ignore him and continue to relax. His fingers start to slowly caress your legs up to your thighs. You know where he’s going with it, and it does feel nice, but not sexually.
You sit up, which gets his attention. He makes his move immediately and is about to kiss you. Before his lips touch yours, you cover them with your hands. He stops with a puzzled look on his face.
“Sorry. I know it’s been a while, but I’m still tired.”
He grips your wrist and puts your hand down. He holds both your shoulders and nuzzles your neck.
“Mmm. I can’t change your mind?”
You laugh weakly and ruffle his usual bed hair.
“Let’s watch something on Netflix. Maybe we can ‘chill’ later.” You give him a lopsided smile which he returns.
“Alright. What do you wanna watch?”
He frowns at you.
“What? I wanna watch something that does not need my full attention.” You defend yourself.
It’s been around an hour since the movie started. Your mind is afloat while you watch. You can’t follow the story, but you like this state of doing nothing and something at the same time. You check on how Kuroo is, only to find him asleep. You’re amused at how this isn’t so surprising. After all, you aren’t the only one who juggled studies. You’re not even sure if he’s done with his own.
You scoot beside him. You’re about to wake him up to tease him about sleeping, but he looks really out of it. You stare at him for a while. You don’t tell it to him because he’s going to rub it in your face, but he really is good-looking. You brush up his bangs that was always blocking his face. You get a full view of his features. You’ve never paid attention to how he looks when sleeping.
Before you know it, you lean closer to him and kiss him on the forehead. After your lips leave his skin, you freeze in horror. What the hell did you just do?!
You’re only friends with benefits. Nothing about that was sexual nor friendly. You know your boundaries. You shouldn’t have done that. You don’t even like Kuroo like that. Right?
You shake your head furiously. No no no. You’re just really tired. Maybe your brain absorbed the romance even though you weren’t fully paying attention to the movie. Yeah. That was it.
You like Kuroo for sex and sex only.
You shake him furiously. He sits up abruptly.
“Huh? What happened?” He’s obviously startled by how you shook him, but his eyes are still a bit disoriented.
You stand up and remove your shirt. Your shorts go next. He puts his arms on his thighs and slouches a bit to look at you more closely. His once-disoriented eyes are now completely focused on you.
You hold his gaze as you strip yourself naked down to your underwear. That was all it took for the air to sizzle with lust. Since you’re at it, might as well make the most out of it. You stride slowly towards him. You give your hips a bit of a sway, lingering minutely in each step you take. You keep your eyes on his, not faltering in any way.
When you reach him, you straddle his lap. His hardness that’s rasping his flimsy boxers instantly lets you know that he enjoyed the show. You cup his face and kiss him right away. You don’t waste any time. You stick your tongue on his mouth as you grind on his hard-on. You want to feel him more. You want it now. You have to harshly remind yourself that this is what you came for.
You take out his member and position it at your entrance.
Kuroo pulls away from the kiss. He holds your hips in place, stopping you.
“Is something wrong, kitten?”
His lust-filled eyes now have a hint of worry in them. Why should it matter if something is wrong? That shouldn’t be an issue. You want to be had. Plain and simple.
Damn it. You don’t like how this is making you feel.
“Nothing. Don’t you want it?” you ask impatiently.
“Hah! Of course I do. But you seem upset.”
You underestimate how he notices almost everything. No way you’re going to let him know what’s going on in your head.
You sigh. You hug him and purr on his ear.
“Tetsu, I badly need you to fuck me right now.”
He grunts. You never use his first name. You don’t use swear words as well. Only now.
That does the trick. You feel him twitch underneath you. You feel his grip tighten on your hips that it almost hurts.
“Oh kitten,” he places an open-mouthed kiss at your shoulder.
“I’m gonna ruin you tonight.” You shiver at how dangerously he said those words.
He pulls your hair, making you look at him again. You shudder at the raw desire completely visible on his face.
He plays with one nipple with his tongue while his right hand gropes the other. His left hand goes to your groin. He traces the warmth of your slit and rubs your clit at the end of his strokes. You grip his shoulders tightly for support. You yelp when he bites the hard bud while inserting two fingers inside you.
Ahh yes. This is what you want, to let both of your carnal hunger for each other take over you. To let it cloud your head and consume you until your mind goes blank.
You look for your laptop in the back seat, but it wasn’t there. You’re a hundred percent sure that you did not take it to your unit last night. You were so out of it that you just got inside, laid down, and slept. That could only mean that you left it at his apartment.
You hurriedly take out your phone and dials his number. After three rings, he picks up.
“Hey. Can I go there? I think I left my laptop there.”
“I’m not home, but I do have it with me. I was just about to call if you’re at campus.”
“Actually, yes I am.”
“I’m around the area. I’ll be there in 20 minutes or so.”
“Alright. Thanks!”
You drop the call first.
You find a seat at the benches near the university gate. You’ll just wait for him here so he won’t need to find you.
“Oh hi y.n. Have you submitted our last paper?” It’s Kira, one of your classmates from your Management Theories class. She’s with another classmate of yours, but you don’t remember her name.
You give both of them a frail smile. That was all you could manage.
“Not yet. I’m waiting for someone before I do.”
“You okay y.n.? You don’t look too good. You must’ve stayed up all night for our paper.”
“Hahaha. Yeaaah.”
Blatant lie. You finished your paper early. It was Kuroo that kept you all night. A man of his word he is, he ravaged you senseless. It was only sheer willpower that gave you the strength to drive home at 2am.
In fact, you don’t want to go outside today. Your shoulders are tender. Your hips and legs ache. You feel sore between your thighs. Even walking is a chore You just want to lie down and waste the day away.
You hear your text notification.
“I’m here.”
When you find him, his eyes are already on you. He grins and waves at you. You can see your laptop bag on his hand. You meet him halfway.
“Are you sick?” He puts his hand on your forehead. You swat his hand away.
“No. But my everything hurts.” You speak softly.
“Oya?” You pout and glare at him. He puts up his usual conceited grin.
“You asked for it, kitten.” He inches closer to you and tilts your chin up.
You feel your face getting warm. You always match his provocations. You don’t back down, but that was when you’re at the confines of his apartment. This is the first time you’re in a public space since you met at the bar. This is your university, your domain. You are very much aware that other students who might know you, are passing by.
You gently push him with one hand.
“Stop it. We’re in public.” You warn him while looking around.
“Alright, alright. Here’s your thing.” He hands you your laptop bag.
“Uhh. Thanks, Kuroo.”
He raises an eyebrow.
“It was Tetsu last night.” You scoff. “That was a one-time thing. You should’ve savored it.”
You freeze when you feel his hand on your cheek. You’re not sure which is warmer, his hand or your face.
“I did savor it.” He pinches it lightly before letting go.
Before you’re able to react, he scurries away with a stupid smile. “Hehe. See ya, y.n” he salutes with two fingers and finally leaves.
You want to be annoyed, but you’re too tired.
“You and your boyfriend look like you came from a magazine. You’re so tall and pretty.” You hear Kira’s voice behind you. You harshly turn around to explain. You wave your hands frantically. “No, no, no. He’s not my boyfriend.”
“Eeehh? But you were so sweet.”
You laugh nervously. “He’s just a friend.”
Kira nods. “You should go home after you submit our paper, y.n. Your face is very red now.”
Damn him.
When you passed your paper two weeks ago, that officially ended your semester. Aside from your modeling gigs, you’ve only stayed at home. Kuroo’s been asking if you want to hang out, but you’ve been ignoring him. You needed the rest from juggling sex, work, and studies. You thought that you need to focus on one for now - work. But now you’re getting bored. It’s been two days since your last gig. What should you do today?
An unknown number suddenly pops on your phone.
“Hello y.n.?” It was a familiar calm voice.
“Yea. But it’s Kuroo who asked me to call.” You hear fumbling on the other end.
“Oi. Y.n. Why do you answer Kenma’s call but ignore mine, huh?” You sigh. You don’t really want to explain that you need some time away from him.
“Never mind that. I’m at Kenma’s. Wanna play here?”
You perk up. That’s perfect. You don’t have anything to do today. It’s also been a while since you played altogether.
But, you’ve never been over at Kenma’s.
“Is it okay with him?” It might be Kuroo’s idea. You don’t want to impose.
“Kenma! You don’t mind, right?” You hear Kenma but couldn’t make out what he said.
“Yep. He said it was fine. I’ll text you the address.”
You drive to the address he gave you. He said to just enter, so you did. You follow Kuroo’s loud voice to locate them. You open the door where you hear his voice from. Both of them take their eyes away from the screen to see who entered.
“Look who’s back from the dead.” You don’t want to admit it but it was nice to see his usual grin.
“Missed me, Kuroo?” You tease back.
The two-week break did you some good. You’re back to how you are with each other, in your part at least. No weirdness involved.
“Hey Kenma.” you give him a warm smile. He greets back with a curt nod.
“So what’re we playing?” You sit beside Kuroo.
“I wanna race y.n.” Kenma says.
“Ooh. That means you’re in my seat, Kuroo.”
“Fine,” he unwillingly hands you the controller.
You switch places. Kenma goes to his disc collection and looks for the game you’re going to play.
“By the way y.n., aren’t you going to congratulate me?”
“For what?”
Pride shines on his face. “Hehe. I’ve passed all my subjects. I’m officially graduating this semester.”
You gape at him in astonishment. You know he’s a Senior, but you thought he’s going to graduate next semester, not this one.
“Whoa. I- uh.” You don’t know how to react. Should you hug him? Shake his hand? Kiss him?
Wait, what? You shake your head. Kenma’s here. No indecencies allowed.
“But why aren’t you celebrating?” you ask.
“I did already. I was gonna invite you actually, but you weren’t answering my texts,” he says it casually, but his face is serious.
It‘s nice of him to want to invite you to celebrate such a milestone in his life. Maybe you really are actual friends despite being shagmates. Now you feel bad for ignoring him because you felt strange around him lately.
“Um sorry. I didn’t know.” you apologize awkwardly while looking away. Your face lights up when you think of a way to make it up to him.
“Do you want anything in particular as a grad gift?”
“You can ask for that newly released game” Kenma quickly answers from across the room. You laugh when Kuroo makes a face.
“Hey. I’m the one she’s asking.”
Kenma returns to his seat and starts the game.
“Think about it while we play,” you say.
He doesn’t seem to be thinking though. While you’re racing with Kenma, Kuroo keeps on taunting you to beat Kenma. He abandons sitting and moves behind you.
“Left, left. GO LEFT!” With his hands on your shoulders, he nudges your upper body to the left as you swerve through a curve. You two are in sync in movement which adds to your excitement. You go through two nitrous while Kenma slips on a banana.
“Bye Kenmaaaa” you can’t help but egg him on. You’re grinning so hard your cheeks are starting to hurt. You’re almost at the finish line. Finally, you can beat Kenma at something on the first try.
“Haha! Good one, kitten.”
You go rigid. You glance at Kenma to see his reaction. He’s still focused on the game. Hopefully, he didn’t hear. When you return your eyes on the screen, you hit a shell. You slow down while Kenma gets back to being first. You do your best to catch up, but he’s already at the finish line.
“So close.” you groan in frustration. You could’ve won if Kuroo wasn’t such an idiot.
“Heh. My turn.”
“Don’t you need to be somewhere tonight?” Kenma asks Kuroo.
He looks at the time. “It’s way too early,” then he stills for a second before sitting beside you again.
“I know what I want y.n.” His smile tells you upfront that he’s up to something. You ready yourself for what it is.
“Come with me tonight.”
“Where? What for?”
“We have this batch graduation party at a hotel. We’re allowed a +1.”
“Uhh. Why me?”
“Cause you’re pretty.” Kenma says in a nonchalant manner.
“Not just pretty. You’re way hot. My batchmates will be jealous of me nyehahaha.” You just stare at his animated state of idiocy.
“Sorry about him y.n.” When you look at Kenma, he shares the same expression you have.
“Won’t you get bored if I’m there?”
“Nah. I planned to go alone before asking you.”
“Why not ask Kenma?”
“Pass.” Kenma says too quickly.
“That’s why.” Kuroo confirms.
“Don’t you want anything else? I can get you anything.” You try to negotiate something else that you can buy for him.
“That’s too easy for you. And I don’t really need anything.”
You exhale heavily while rubbing your face.
“Okay, sure.” You grumble.
“Yes!” He laughs maniacally.
To be honest, you’re a little uncomfortable about this. You’re sure people will think you’re dating. Ugh. Whatever. Since he asked for it as a gift, you’ll give it to him just this time.
“I’m thirsty. Does anyone want water?” Kuroo suddenly stands up and heads to the kitchen.
“I’m good,” you say while Kenma just shakes his head.
“So,” Kenma spoke as soon as Kuroo left the room. You turn to him.
“Kitten, huh?”
Your whole body tenses up. He heard it! You have no excuse this time. You feign innocence and smile so fake that it’s making you cringe. Kenma’s smarter than you thought. If he pulled this off before Kuroo asked you, you wouldn’t have agreed to it.
Wait. He’s also the one who reminded Kuroo of the event even though it’s still early in the afternoon. Did he do that deliberately because he knew Kuroo’s going to ask you in that instance?
You know that Kuroo is very perceptive, but Kenma’s just on a different level that it’s almost scary.
“I think I’m gonna get some water too.” You make your escape to the kitchen and give Kuroo some verbal beating.
Maybe he should’ve gone together with you. It’s been thirty minute since he got there. He’s even late, but he still hasn’t heard from you.
He takes out his phone to call you, but his thumb stops when he sees his outgoing calls history. It was mostly your number from the amount of times he’s called you from the past two weeks. They were all missed though. You never answered him.
Admittedly, he was worried when you were ignoring his texts and calls. That’s why you had to use Kenma’s phone to check up on you because he has no idea where you live.
Of course, neither of you is obligated to reply or show up to each other, but he does care more than a fuck buddy should. It wouldn’t hurt for you to take 5 seconds to reply to his texts. What bothered him the most is that maybe he went overboard with the teasing and pissed you off for real.
He’s glad that you seemed normal this afternoon. You were actually nice to have thought of giving him something for graduation. He didn’t think that you would. You even agreed to be his date tonight. He didn’t exactly phrase it that way earlier because you might feel off with the word ‘date’.
Instead of calling you, he sends a text message to know where you are.
Someone puts a hand on his shoulders. “Hey Kuroo. Are you with someone tonight?” It’s Reiji, a batchmate with the same major.
“Hell yeah I am.” The confidence in his voice makes Reiji curious. “Where is she?”
“Running late,” he answers thriftly. Reiji nods his head and looks around. Reiji suddenly stands up straight and shakes his arm violently.
“Someone brought a hottie. Look!” Reiji continues to shake his arm to urge him to look at said hottie. He doesn’t care though. He looks at his phone to see if you’ve replied.
“I swear, Kuroo. She looks like a freaking model.” The word ‘model’ didn’t go unheard. He instantly turns to the direction Reiji was looking.
Reiji is a fucking tool. You aren’t just hot. You look absolutely divine. You’re wearing a crimson dress that hugged your marvelous figure. It goes just above your knees, but there’s a knot on both sides that hitches the dress higher to show just the right amount of skin on your gorgeous thighs. It has flimsy straps that highlight your neck and shoulders.
The only time he saw you with makeup was the night you met, and that was only lipstick. Tonight, a glossy shade of peach is tinted on your lips. You’re wearing eyeliner that’s intricately drawn, giving your eyes that sultry look.
You’re also wearing heels which makes you stand out even more.
The most captivating of all is how you carry yourself. You are not overdressed in any way. The clothes are just right for the hotel setting. It’s the way you walk with finesse while occasionally glancing at corners that makes you look like royalty who’s checking on her subjects.
Others are also staring, but you don’t seem to notice or maybe you don’t mind at all.
Your eyes finally meet his. He suddenly feels nervous. He has all the cockiness, but he can’t muster any right now. You look down for a while and tuck your hair behind your ears. Then you give him a coy smile before you approach him. Ah fuck.
“What the- Did she just smile at you?!” His lips form a lopsided smile as his ego swells up. He pats Reiji twice. “Sorry dude. That hottie is with me.” He puts his hands on his pockets. He raises both eyebrows and gives Reiji a meaningful look before marching to meet you.
He puts a hand on your shoulder when you’re within reach. The stares that were previously on you are now shared between you two.
“You’re late,” he says in a hushed voice.
“Deliberately, of course. Now everyone knows the pretty girl is with you. Be a little thankful.” You respond in the same manner while giving him a pleasant smile for everyone to see.
You really are a sly one. His hand goes to your waist and leads you to his friends. He introduces you as a special friend of his. He gives them vague answers when they ask if you guys are dating. You ride with it. You don’t just nod when there’s a conversation. You actually join in it and keep up with what’s going on.
There’s a time when he had to leave you for a while because a professor from his department asked him about his plans after graduation. He doesn’t prolong the conversation because someone might hog you.
He excuses himself and finds you giggling with his batchmates. He smiles to himself. You really kept your end of the bargain. You aren’t just the hot chick, you also have wits to boot.
He goes back to your side. “Sorry folks, but I’m getting her back.”
“Whaat? Cmon.” He hears more grumbles of disagreement, but he doesn’t care. He wants you to himself now. You smile politely to them and bows your head. “Nice to meet you guys.”
“C’mon.” He guides you out of the hall. “Where are we going?”
“Just follow me.”
He goes in an elevator and presses the highest button.
“I have to say. I didn’t think you’d cooperate this well.”
You sneer at his indirect praise. “I’m an amazing trophy girl, aren’t I?”
He nods approvingly and claps slowly. “Brilliant honestly.”
You punch him playfully on the arm.
The elevator dings and reveals the rooftop. He lets you go first and follows. The floor is amazing. The lights are warm and there’s soft music playing in the background. The clear view of the city lights is the biggest attraction.
“Woooow,” the look of awe palpable on your eyes.
“Cool, right?” He asks, but you don’t answer. You just absorb the view in front of you. The breeze blows your hair gently, showing more of your profile.
“Don’t you want to sit? Your feet must hurt from those shoes.”
You shake your head. “Not really. I’m used to it. I’ve stood and walked in heels for long periods of time.”
“From work?”
“And family. I’m also their trophy girl sometimes.”
He looks for any hint of sadness but you say that as a matter of fact only. On the contrary, you look back at him with warmth in your eyes.
“Congratulations Kuroo.” The smile he sees is like the one he saw when he cooked for you. He’s a bit moved that you are truly happy for his achievement.
“Thank you.” He returns the sincerity.
You both enjoy the silence and the twinkling lights laid before you. The soft music in the background is the only sound audible presently.
“Come here.” He grabs you by your wrist and pulls you close. He puts your arms around his nape.
“What’re you doing?” You struggle a bit from his grip.
“My gift still hasn’t ended, right?” He outsmarts you, yet again. You blink twice and heave.
“You’re really milking this, aren’t you?”
He wraps his arms arounds your waist when you stop resisting. He starts swaying slowly, following the rhythm of the song. He revels in the feeling of your body pressed to him. The natural thing to do would be to whisk you away from here, take you to his place, and bang you wildly. But that’s not what he wants right now. This. This is enough for him for now. Having you this close gives him unspeakable contentment.
He lifts your chin with a finger so you’ll look at him. He returns his arm to your waist once you’ve locked eyes.
“You really look beautiful tonight.” He finally tells you. You’re too gorgeous not to let you know.
You blink twice at him with your mouth a few centimeters apart. The make-up doesn’t hide the subtle pink shade that suddenly glowed on your cheeks. Lovely. He won’t miss this opportunity.
He swiftly dips down just to stop with his lips a few inches from yours. He can feel you completely tensed. The breath you’re holding is apparent.
“Relax, y.n.” His one hand climbs to your back to caress it, ushering you to ease up. When you loosen up, he claims your lips. When you melt in his arms in complete surrender, it’s enthralling. The warmth of your mouth against his is too good for words. He can’t get enough. You open your mouth letting him slip in his tongue. He adores how you reciprocate with the same passion.
Your right hand travels from his nape to his chest. How this is still non-sexual is beyond him. He can kiss you like this all night.
The ring of laughter that echoed in the air breaks the enchanted bubble you two were just in. A group of people enters the floor. You get away from him hastily.
“We should go.” You tell him while avoiding his gaze. You make your way to the elevator without waiting for him. One of the girls who just came in lingers her eyes at your face. You ignore it and get in the elevator. Kuroo goes right after you.
When the elevator closes, you see your reflection. Your lipgloss was smudged all over. No wonder the girl was staring. You hurriedly get a napkin from your purse to wipe it off.
“Can I take my gift home?” You don’t know if it’s you or his voice lacks the regular egotism it has. You still steer clear of looking at him so you can’t see his face.
You still haven’t recovered. No one has kissed you like that. It was agonizingly delicate but ardent. It felt like drowning but floating at the same time. You can still feel your heart pounding at your chest.
You laugh timidly to shake it off. You need to get back to your cheeky self before he notices.
“Sorry, but the gift is getting tired.” You do your best to look normal when you finally face him.
“I’ll drive you home then.” You want to refuse, but it would be weird. You just told him you’re tired. It’d be obvious that you just want to get away from him.
You defeatedly give him your keys.
The ride to your place was spent in silence. You close your eyes to straighten your mind. It was nothing. That was just a regular make out session done in a very romantic setting. It’s probably completely normal for him, so it should be for you too.
“I’ll let you borrow the car so you don’t have to take a cab home.” You interrupt the stillness. “You don’t have to. It’s still early anyways.”
“Consider it a consolation since you can’t take the gift home.” You did it. You said something your usual self would.
“I’d rather take the gift itself, so no.” Damn it. Just when you thought you’ve regained your sass, he instantly shoots it down. You’re almost at your place.
“Holy shit. You live at Roppongi Hills?!” He says out of the blue. Oh right. You’ve never let him drive you home. You didn’t see the need for him to know where you live. You’re also wary of your privacy. You completely forgot about that because of what happened earlier.
“Parking is over there.”
He stops the engine when he finds a spot. You get out of your car immediately.
“Thanks for driving me home. Night.” You greet dryly.
“I want to see your place at least.”
“Buy why?” You whine in frustration. You just want to lie in bed and distract yourself from any thoughts about him.
“Oh y.n. You’ve been keeping me out since day 1. Now that we’re here, can’t you spare this unfortunate man a peek?” He laments dramatically.
His acting is so bad that your laugh echoed at the corners of the parking lot. God, his humor really gets you. You speak when you catch your breath, “A peek it is then, unfortunate man.” Finally, you feel the air between you two clear up.
He follows you when you go inside the building.
“Good evening, maam.” Ths security guard bows as he greets you.
“He’s with me,” referring to Kuroo. “Good evening, sir,” he greets Kuroo as well.
When you’re out of earshot, he says, “Sometimes I forget how ridiculously rich you are. Maybe I should start calling you milady or somethin.”
“Call me ‘Mistress,’ you lowly servant,” you say jokingly.
His eyebrow and the corner of his mouth both shoot up at the same time. “So you’re into that, huh?”
“I was kidding of course!”
“Let me stay and I’d serve you all night, y.n.”
The right response would be to ask him how he plans to serve you exactly. But you panic instead, the thought of even kissing him again makes you nervous like crazy. Crap, you’re really losing it. You pray that you aren’t blushing.
“Tough luck, Kuroo. I just want to lie down and do nothing for the night.” You bring the conversation back to normal before it escalates into something that involves you and him having any intimate contact.
When you get to your unit, you let him in. You keep the door open. You don’t want to be enclosed here with him in it. The last thing you need is him tainting your place. You don’t want to wake up and realize that he’s had his way with you on your own bed.
His eyes survey every corner, looking very impressed at the interior. “Daaamn. My place is shit compared to this.”
You check your phone. Five minutes from now, you’re kicking him out.
“You can get your water in the fridge if you want.” You mentally praise yourself for keeping the conversation light and breezy.
“Left or right?”
You sigh loudly. You make your way to your kitchen. Halfway through, you hear your door creak. Oh no. You hear it thud close.
“Say y.n., what should I do so I can stay here tonight?” Despite the huge space, you feel trapped. His eyes are intensely piercing on you. You gulp to clear the build-up of nerves that blocked your throat.
“Y-You just can’t.” How dare you stutter!
As he takes his steps to cross the distance between you, you grow even more fidgety. You want to step back, run away even. If he pulls off the same stunt on the rooftop earlier, you don’t know if you can hold back the unwanted feelings you’ve been disregarding recently. You’ve been pushing them at the back of your head, telling yourself excuses, and convincing yourself that it’s nothing. And until tonight, you were successful.
You don’t want to have feelings for Kuroo. You won’t be able to handle the complexity of the situation that would arise.
You waver when he gently strokes your cheek.
“Hey,” he says it so gently that your eyes reach for his, pulled in by the magnetism of his voice.
They hold the same mellow tenderness they had while ago. He’s never been like this with you. Only tonight.
Maybe he - no. You shouldn’t delude yourself like that. This can go very bad for you if you make a mistake. You’ll end up falling for someone who enjoys only the sex and company, nothing more. What you’ve been feeling since you left the hotel is fear. You’ve been repressing all these thoughts and they’ve built up to this situation. You are now in a sitch wherein you’re scared that if he makes his move, you’ll be too powerless to stop yourself.
He lowers his head, closing in inch by inch. Too close for comfort. His lips go past yours and lands on your cheek. It’s only a soft peck.
“I really liked your gift,” he says with authenticity, then lets you go.
He heads for the door. Your eyes absent-mindedly trail him as he exits.
“Good night, y.n” He winks and closes your door.
You go to your bed and sit. Your eyes are fixated at the wall while your brain tries to make out what just happened. You stuff your face in a pillow and squeal with frustration. Who are you kidding?
Kiss or no kiss, you fell for him.
Part 3 | Part 5 | m.list 
189 notes · View notes
writingsbychlo · 4 years
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more ways than one (01)
word count; 4951
summary; your first meeting with the stranger you rescued doesn’t go as smoothy as you’d hoped.
notes; I remind y’all that Stiles was possessed, but it veers off and it goes away, it’s not really mentions how, but the nogitsune never splits from Stiles. Allison is still alive, and Malia and Stiles are not a couple. Oh, and Derek is away travelling with Cora. That’s about it.
warnings; violence, choking, aggression.
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You chewed on the straw in your mouth absentmindedly, your gaze trailing off into the distance as the girls talked constantly around you. You were vaguely following the conversation as they spoke, the girls chatting loudly about everything you had all been through lately, as though the supernatural was public information and they didn’t care about the opinions of those tables around you all who could easily eavesdrop if they bothered to listen closely.
Your eyes were squinted a little, the sun shining down and giving a warm feeling over the day, despite the storm that was due to set in later on in the day, and Lydia had texted you all this morning and told you to be ready to go for a late lunch while it was warm. She claimed that after everything that had happened with Stiles’ brief run-in with possession, and the year of supernatural crap that had gone down during your sophomore year, that you were all well overdue a lunch date to chat. That, and she was taking the opportunity to introduce Malia to the world of once again being bi-pedal and human.
Said strawberry-blonde snapped her fingers in front of your face, calling your attention to her and your thoughts snapped away from the nightmare you had somehow landed yourself in, your eyes focusing in on her as you pulled your milkshake away from your mouth, smiling as casually as you could as you looked at her. Her eyes were narrowed, lips pursed as she studied you carefully, before her lips were twisting up in a smirk. 
“What’cha thinking about so hard there, girly?”
You cleared your throat, shaking your head and smiling casually as you lifted one of your fries to your mouth, chewing on the soft potato as you shrugged at her, trying your best to play it cool, but the four sets of eyes on you were throwing you through a loop. “Nothing.” You watched them carefully, swallowing the milkshake before taking a long sip of your milkshake, the chocolate flavour filling your mouth and she merely hummed, Allison was snickering as she turned to whisper to Kira, and Malia simply watched the interactions, taking the last bite of her double-cheeseburger and licking the sauce from the edge of her mouth, humming happily around the food.
“So, you’re not thinking about a pale and male-covered boy with brown hair and bright eyes?” You practically choked on your drink as Allison questioned you, your eyes wide as you wondered whether they’d found out about the lookalike you’d stashed at Derek’s loft, and you sputtered for an explanation, your cheeks heating up with a red flush, Kira cracking up and slapping the huntress on the arm as the two curled into each other in a fit of giggles. 
“She’s totally thinking about Stiles, look at her blushing!” 
You felt relief seep into your body as the tension slipped away, your body slumping in the seat as you rolled your eyes, your racing heart calming as your secret remained safe, for now. “Wait, am I missing something? Why would I be thinking about Stiles?”
Lydia picked at her acrylic nails, not even bothering to look up at you as she spoke. “Maybe because you’re totally into each other?”
“Oh, come on. You know the two of you have gotten super close, lately!” Allison insisted, and your brows rose as you glanced around the other girls, and Lydia mumbled her agreement as she sipped at her water, a half-eaten salad sitting in front of her. 
“When I first met you guys, I thought you were together,” Kira added, and you rolled your eyes, nibbling on your lower lip as embarrassment flooded through your system, the copy-cat male you’d hidden away yesterday slipping from your mind as thoughts of the original filled your thoughts. You loved your best friend, you truly did, and you couldn't deny how much closer you’d gotten to him lately, but it was only because he’d come to you when he started to feel the effects of his possession, confiding in you long before anyone else had. “I think you’d be cute together.”
“Are they not together?” Malia muttered, looking intently at the uneaten food on your plate, and you giggled as you offered it up to her, a bright smile taking over his face as she accepted the plate ad placed it down on top of her own empty one, quickly tucking into your leftover food.
“C’mon girls, he’s totally in love with Lyds, since like third grade. You know this, he’s not exactly subtle.” You teased, knowing it was true. The boy spoke about her all the time, and while he hadn't quite been as vocal about it, you knew he was still pining for the red-head girl. 
“Everyone’s a little bit in love with me, but not everyone holds hands with their best friend.” You snorted unattractively, giving her a side-eye and leaning back, your legs crossing proudly as you thought about it. 
“When have I ever held hands with Stiles?”
“Uh, like six times over the past three months?” Kira objected, the others all making various sounds of agreement as you watched Malia finish your meal too, a proud smile on her face as she leaned back in her chair, legs parted and hands sitting on her stomach as she groaned happily at the feeling of having a full stomach.
“Three of those times he was unconscious, one of those times he was going into a bathtub full of ice and one of those times he was checking into a nuthouse.” You pointed out, and the banshee counted them off on her fingers, wiggling a finger at you as she smiled.
“That makes five, what about the sixth time?” 
You shrugged, deciding to bait them a little, a sigh falling from your lips. “You’re right, me and Stiles are totally and madly in love. You caught us out.” Their jaws dropped as they leaned forwards, a collection of squeals sounding as you tried to keep a straight face, eventually cracking up, and one by one they caught on as they scowled at you, Allison flicking you in the arm and Lydia pinching the other one, and you jumped away from both of them, rubbing your arms as you all but cackled at having fooled them. 
The conversation moved on as they began to focus on other things, and you pulled your phone from your pocket, two messages flashing up on the screen and you clicked on the first, rolling your eyes as you opened the message from Stiles.
[batman 🦇💛] bring me ur leftover pizza back from lunch?
can’t, malia ate it, whoops x
[batman 🦇💛]  >:( I can’t believe this, does 12yrs of friendship mean nothing to u?!
You grinned, rolling your eyes and tuning out the taunts and whistles you got from the group around you as they realised you were texting your best friend, your fingers flying over the screen as you typed out your reply, checking the time before you did.
according to the girls, it means we r in love x
[batman 🦇💛]  ha. funny. ive seen u eat sand. couldnt kiss u now.
shut up, dumbass. I was 6 and u dared me x
[batman 🦇💛]  kinda sad to kno the girl i'm in love w/ thinks i love u but that's my luck.
You cooed, rolling your eyes and promising that you’d text him later as you swiped out to the other text, your stomach churning as you realised it was from Derek. Admittedly, he was only asking about his loft, and whether you’d been over to check everything was okay, but it still made guilt twist at your guts before you sent a half-true reply, choosing instead to cover up the real facts. 
Instead, you chose to tell him that you had definitely been over to check and that everything was tip-top okay, neglecting to tell him that you were stashing a supernatural double of your best friend only two weeks after he was mysteriously possessed and released, and that he was cut up and injured and arrived from a weird storm. Minor details.
Clearing your throat, you pulled out a handful of notes from your purse, placing them down in the amount that you owed as you excused yourself from the table, balancing the strap of your bag on your shoulder and smiling at the complaints of your friends as they encouraged you to stay, but it was already nearing the late afternoon and early evening, and you needed to grow the courage to return to the scene of your crime.
The pharmacy was only a quick walk around the corner, and you’d made sure to park your car outside of it so that none of them would see you leaving and entering the building with a suspicious amount of medical supplies, and you pulled the crumpled paper with your list pulled on out of your pocket. Smoothing the crumpled item out in the palm of your hand, the bell above the door jingled, the air conditioning washing over you immediately and you shivered at the sudden temperature drop upon entering the shop.
Peering at your own writing, you smiled uneasily at the cashier who was watching you, a kid who’d graduated just a year or two earlier, and her eyes narrowed on you as you moved through the shelves. Plucking one of the plastic shopping baskets from the side, you held it carefully in your arms, avoiding their scrutinising gaze.
Paper Stitches.
Your eyes scanned over the shelf, a surprising number of options displayed before you, and even the first option was already showing you the impact that this little shop was going to have on your bank account, and you simply prayed it would be worth it. Taking the largest size and strongest strength in your hand, you shrugged to yourself, dropping it into the basket and scanning the other ones. You could always pick up another size of you needed them, but you were definitely going to need at least two boxes of these ones for now.
You couldn't help the scowl on your face as the sum total began to add up in your mind, moving along the aisle to the wrapping sand covers,
Bandages. Gauze.
There were far too many options of bandages and covers, a jumble between compression wraps, light and thick material covers and thick and padded gauze. You could barely tell the difference between any of the options, and you began to think that maybe you should have paid a little more attention to the quick google search you’d done earlier as to what you actually needed. 
First up, a collection of thick, cotton wool paddings to place over the large gashes the man had obtained, followed by gauze and bandages, a hand rubbing over your forehead as the collection began to gather up in the bottom of the basket. Your fingers brushed over the rolls of medical tape, and you dropped a roll of that in too, knowing you’d need something to fasten the material to his torso with. 
You skirted around the corner to the next set of shelves, your cheeks flaring in a blush as you caught the suspicious gaze she was giving you, and you cleared your throat, holding your head high as you ignored the judgement hanging on her sights. 
Antiseptic Wash. Hand Sanitizer. Cotton Balls.
100 cotton balls in a bag for three dollars felt like a good enough offer for you, and you dropped it into the basket, humming to the tune playing over the radio above your head as you swiped a large bottle of antiseptic wash from its place, and finally, a few of the small bottles of hand sanitizer, because you’d been needing some more of that anyway. 
You hadn't quite been ready for the odd glare the ex-peer had given you when you placed the basket on the counter, and her eyes moved slowly between the items and your eyes, a sarcastic smile on her lips as she slowly began to ring them up, placing them all in a paper bag for you and ensuring they would all fit.
In a bid to avoid the wight of her stare fixed on you, you let your eyes scan over the ‘last-minute-purchase’ options on the counter, adding a packet of strawberry bubblegum to the collection and she scanned it through, reading your total to you and you jammed the card into the reader, wincing at the price that was displayed on the small screen. Your fingers punched into the buttons as you bit your tongue, taking the card and the bag as soon as you could and you darted from the shop, barely pausing to take your receipt from her as you fled. 
Placing the stuffed paper bag on the shotgun seat, you rounded the car, letting out a deep sigh as you strapped into the seat and stuck your keys into the ignition. Digging into the bag beside you, you fished out the bubblegum, taking a stick from the packet and unwrapping it, popping it into your mouth and letting the chewing motion and sweet flavour soothe you as you started up the car and began the well-ingrained journey to the loft, anxiety riddling your body.
The radio played quietly in the background as you made your way along, the only sounds filling the car being that of the quiet hum of the latest chart-toppers, and the occasional pop of the bubblegum in your mouth. You weren’t really too sure why you were still keeping this secret from everyone, you had the perfect chance at lunch to tell the girls about what had happened, to get help and confide in someone.
Deep down, it was about protecting Stiles. The ripples on the surface of the water had only just smoothed back down, and you weren’t willing to throw the next stone in a situation that you were absolutely certain you could handle yourself. How dangerous could someone who was 147 pounds and unconscious be?
That was the only thought that was strong enough to force you up and out of the car, your feet carrying you forwards as you unlocked the main door, clicking it shut behind you as you made your way toward the stairs, choosing to walk all the way up to the top instead of taking the rickety elevator. You could use the time to calm yourself down, work out what you were going to do if the stranger you were harbouring was now awake.
Your hands were shaking so much that the keys were jingling as you walked, and you clenched them in a fist, taking a deep breath as you reached the final level and pausing before the silver metal door. With a deep sigh, you unlocked it carefully, sliding it out of the way and looking inside carefully. Natural light was flooding in through the huge bay windows at the other end, the concrete room lit up with warm light that almost made the monochrome grey space look welcoming, and your eyes zeroed in on the space that had once occupied that man you had rescued. 
Nothing seemed out of place, the room wasn’t trashed and rummaged through, and everything was still and calm as you took a first cautious step inside. By the second step, you were sliding the door shut behind you, your brows furrowing. By the third step, a cold hand was sealed tightly around your throat, pinning you up to the wall as the tips of your toes brushed the ground. 
The bag in your arms fell away, the items within it scattering across the floor as you squeaked, coming up to grab at the wrist holding you so tightly to the wall as you struggled to drag in any breath at all, your gaze meeting the furious one of the face you knew so well on the person you didn’t know at all. Those familiar honey-brown eyes were scanning over you interrogatively, and the long fingers wrapped around your throat flexed, tightening for a second before you were released, and you fell to your knees, eyes watering as you took in burning breaths, rubbing soothingly at the skin on your throat as the man merely stood and watched you for a second, before spinning on his heel and walking away.
You watched him go, shaking your head as he stormed away, and once your breathing had finally calmed and your heart had stopped racing so had on your chest that you thought it may burst out, you began to slowly gather up the items you had dropped, stuffing them all haphazardly back into the now torn paper bag and standing it up. Sitting on your knees, you took a moment to gather yourself, your eyes locking with the narrowed brown ones watching you, goosebumps rising over your body and you tried to seem strong, not to let him know quite how terrified you really were, as you took the back, standing on unsteady legs and holding your head high as you stared him down.
Making your way over to him, you placed the bag down in front of him, raising your brows as you moved slowly, the warning growl in his throat being acknowledged as you held up your hands, palms out to him to show you meant no hard, despite the fact that he'd attacked you only moments prior. Instead, you slowly tipped the bag upside down, allowing all the contents to spill out across Derek’s plain black coffee table, the man’s eyes scanning over it all, his face twisted in confusion as he looked at each item.
You stood with him in silence for a moment, letting him look at all the items, before he was stepping away from you, a snarl on his lips as he moved as far back as he could while still being able to watch your movements, track what you were doing. With a heavy sigh, you backed away yourself, never taking your eyes off of him out of fear of what he might do once you did, and for each step backwards you took, he moved forward one, and you slowly guided him toward the kitchen.
He lingered in the doorway as you moved around, never taking your eyes off of him for more than a split second as you searched through his drawers and cupboards, a small sound of victory leaving you once you found something you could work with, and you slipped two packets of the instant-noodles from the collection, dropping them on the counter as you continued your hunt on your meal-making task. 
He flinched each time a pot or pan clashed, his eyes once again narrowing menacingly, and you had to suppress a chuckle because it was no longer focused on you, but instead on the source of the loud sounds, as he glared at a frying pan that had shifted and fallen loudly on another one. Selecting a pan big enough for the job, you quickly filled it with water from the tap, deciding that using the hob was definitely the safest bet, as you worked with this. Tearing open each packet, you held it up to show him as you watched on curiously, and you dropped the solid blocks of noodles into the water, waiting for it to begin to bubble over the flame. 
There was nothing in the fridge that you could use, he’d gotten rid of everything perishable before going away, and you made a mental note to buy food, your heart once again sinking at the savings-draining task you had taken on. Maybe if you told Lydia, she’d give you her card and allow you to pay using her platinum, but you highly doubted you’d get away with telling her now without having to endure a long sit down talk and a lot of disappointed looks, which you weren’t ready to deal with. Lydia Martin could be scary when she wanted to be. 
The silence hung heavily in the room between the two of you, and you tried to school your face into a stoic expression, despite the stormy scowl that was being directed at you, his body shuffling as you looked at him, his shoulders rolling from the discomfort of his injuries and he looked like he was going to try and dash at any moment. Taking two dishes from the lower cupboard beside your legs, you placed them out on the table gently, a fork beside each one and you stirred the noodles, the pasta soft and flimsy as it circled around, the savoury smell filling the air and you quickly dished up the food after switching off the hob, placing a fork in one bowl and pushing it across the countertop toward him. 
He stepped forward as you took a seat on one of the stools, and you watched as he lifted up the instrument, pushing the pasta around the dish, a growl leaving him as he dropped the fork back into the bowl with a clatter, and you raised your eyebrows as you ate your own food, fixing him with a judgemental look and shaking your head. He used a single, skinny finger to push the bowl toward you roughly, some of the soup sloshing over the side and you let out a sigh, continuing to eat your food as he glared at you.
You had never felt quite so intimidated while in the presence of a bowl of noodles, and had you been anywhere else, in any other situation, you might have found this situation funny, perhaps even laughed at it, but right now, you worried you may actually choke on the noodles from stress. When you finally finished, and he was still twitching from foot to foot in front of you, his nervous shuffling giving you anxiety, too. 
“What? You don’t eat, then?” He merely snarled at you, despite the rumbling in his stomach as the delicious smell drifted through the air and you raised a brow at him, shrugging and taking the bowl, his eyes watching as you snatched the food from in front of him. You made sure to make a show of tipping it into the garbage disposal, his eyes watching as the food slipped away into the drain and his jaw tightened, twitching as he ground his teeth together, his body jerking in shock as you slammed your hand down on the button on the wall and the loud grating filled the room, before you finished it, a smug look on your face as you cleared the dishes into the sink to clean later.
He stalked from the room as you did, his nostrils flaring at your actions and you wanted to stomp your foot on the ground and groan, but instead, you merely clenched your fists by your sides, following after him as he whipped his head around to see you following him, choosing to make his way over to the couch and poke through the items spilt out on the coffee table.
He picked up the bag of cotton wool balls, looking at them curiously before dropping them and you cleared your throat, his hard gaze directed back to you as you crossed your arms over your chest self-consciously. “Those wounds on your back are bad, you should let me take a look at you.”
He blinked at you, twice, eyes wide and his face didn’t move, giving you no indication that he was actually understanding a thing you were saying and you took cautious and slow steps toward him, his body tensing up as you did and you plucked the item from his hands, meeting little resistance as you held it up. 
“These are for cleaning the wounds. On your shoulders?” 
You placed the item down, motioning to your own shoulders as you tried to make him understand, and he twitched at the motion, his features falling from their hard glare a little his eyes softening and he swallowed thickly, his gaze dropping from yours for just a moment as he adjusted his arms. A wince was clear on his face as he moved his arms back, his lips parting and a quiet groan left him. 
Your own shoulders slumped as you watched him, and you picked up another couple of items, deciding to offer him a small smile as you held it up, jiggling the packages before him, and the crinkling caught his attention. “These are for wrapping and padding the cuts, because those are really bad, and they’ll get infected.” 
He pursed his lips, but for once they weren’t fixed in a heavy scowl and you felt as though perhaps you were making some kind of progress with him. Placing them down, you moved through the rest of the items, lifting each one slowly and telling him what it would be used for, only receiving the same blank looks and lonely silence as he stood before you, his gaze flicking over both you and the room multiple times. Despite the lack of verbal confirmation, you were choosing to believe that he understood you, because his posture had loosened, his body slumping forward a little and he seemed a little less like he was preparing to fight for his life at every turn of events. 
It wasn’t until you’d finished talking to him and moved toward him that his defensive stance returned to him. He jerked aggressively away from you as you took a step toward him, and you lifted your hands, reaching out to him carefully as you motioned towards his back. “Let me take a look at your injuries!”
He stepped back again, his legs hitting the edge of the couch and he went rigid as you closed in on him, a low growl sounding from his throat, the noise rumbling from his chest in a warning and his eyes were practically burning with rage, his anger having built in seconds and your jaw dropped.
“We just talked about your injuries! I told you what I need to do!”
You tried one final time, reaching for him carefully and he took your wrist in his hand squeezing so tightly that your knees buckled as you released a cry, and he growled once again, this time predatory, as if to tell you to back off or it would get worse. Then, he was using his grip on you to push you back as you stumbled over your own feet, just about stopping yourself from tripping up and falling on your ass.
“Fine!” You snapped, your arms flying out to your sides as you shouted at him, and his eyebrows raised at your increase in volume, his eyes wide as he watched you, your own jaw clenching and you pointed at him angrily. “Go ahead, die of fuckin’ osteomyelitis for all I care!”
Your cheeks were flushed, and you fixed him with the harshest glare you could, before letting out a deep sound of anger, a groan that rippled through your body as you threw your head back, eyes squeezed shut as you tried to calm yourself down. Taking a series of deep breaths, you calmed your racing heart and the heat that was curling up your cheeks died down. 
You mumbled curses under your breath, turning back to him to find him staring at you intently still, and you ran a hand through your head, grimacing as the tension in the air hung thickly. “Look, I’m going to go and get some warm water, we really need to sort out those gashes or you’re going to get really sick.”
You nodded at him, hoping that he understood before you were rubbing your hands together and turning on your heel, making your way into the kitchen. Fishing out a fresh bowl, you turned on the tap, running the water over the inside of your wrist to test the temperature, and when it became too hot for the skin there, you knew it was the perfect temperature. Gathering enough in the bowl, you placed it on the side, searching through the drawers for some clean rags.
When you first heard the metal of the door sliding, your brows furrowed, and it took a second before the realisation of what that particular grinding of metal meant, your eyes widening and you squeaked, dropping the material on your hands as you dashed from the kitchen, your eyes scanning over the empty loft area and your heart raced, bile rising in your throat as you guts twisted. “Shit!”
Your eyes focused on the open loft door, and you ran towards it, your feet moving quickly down the stairs as your tried not to fall, your blood pounding in your ears and you let out a panicked and frustrated yell as you noticed the main door now hanging open too, his taller stature and head-start ensuring you wouldn’t catch up to him even with his injuries, the area surrounding the loft still and empty, as though he had just disappeared. 
Your legs buckled under you as the consequences began to run through your mind. Worry, fear and anger flooded your system as you kicked at a rock on the ground, tears lacing your eyes from the overwhelming floods of emotion bubbling over inside of you as you tried to work out what the fuck you were going to do now. 
The sun was almost setting, dark clouds moving in over the sky and threatening to break at any time as the sun sank lower and lower on the horizon.
“I’m so fucking screwed.” 
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The Pull (86/?)
Summary: The Ragnulf’s are one of the oldest lines of werewolves known. A gift from ancient times was gifted to them. Though not all of the line will experience it. There are some who will experience a Pull. This Pull leads them to their true mate, a soulmate. The problem is, just because the wolf finds their true mate does not mean that they are the same for that person.
Author: @lettersofwrittencollective​
Pairing: Stiles x Hale!Cousin OC (Reader)
Word count: 2538
Warnings: angst,  some fluff, Norse storyline development, threatening 
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The old god watched his daughter curled into her mate.
Taking deep breaths he tried to breathe through his anger. 
The Norns would not be swayed… this he knew. But hadn’t the fox been enough? 
They’d faced the fox and she’d brought back her mate… 
She had faced losing herself in the process.
He had almost been destroyed.
Natasha Rafnulf and Stiles Stilinski would be a force to be reckoned with when they fully came into themselves and their powers… if they stay with Scott McCall they’ll be damn near impossible to stop… 
But the Ragnulfs tend to return to their pack… the protection of their family always stronger than any other pack as they knew the bonds and they were aware of the implications. 
Stiles Stilinski, however, was intensely loyal… to Scott McCall. The question wasn’t if Stiles would accept Natasha, the way he held her currently 
Sighing, Odin recalled Hugin and Munin to his side. 
As his ravens returned, he thought back to what he had learned a moon cycle ago. 
Munin had accidentally stumbled across the remains of a group of assassins. They had not been trained very well from Munin cold tell. 
He’d come upon the scene as a woman taunted a man. She’d not been on her own. 
What had caught Munin’s attention was the creature with the woman. The one that seemed to be doing her bidding.
It looked like a man with an animal skull on his head. 
Munin hadn’t seen one of those in centuries… The magic to create them having become almost non-existent.. but there was something off about this one. 
Berserkers were not meant to be puppets. Like their counterparts,  Ulfhednar and Svinfylking’s they were meant to be the most ruthless men and women in battle.  They were originally meant to be the bodyguards of noble families but had become elite warriors in their own right as time had passed 
Berserkers entered their trances when they would need to go to war and while a man in a true rite may not be able to tell the difference between friend or foe, they rarely did someone else’s bidding. 
This one was following the huntress, Kate Argent.
Munin had stayed to watch as the woman asked about who the “Benefactor” was. Whatever this name was, it had been enough to cause her to go after his men. From what Munin heard, he figured that this “Benefactor” was paying for assassins.
Before Munin could figure out who the assassins were supposed to go after, he’d been distracted by the sound of the huntress groaning in pain. Munin had turned his attention to focus on the girl solely when he’d heard the clatter of a gun against the asphalt. 
Munin had watched as the blonde in front of him had doubled over in pain before her skin had transformed and he’d watched as a nagual formed in front of him, this one a were-jaguar. One of Xolotl’s then… 
Curious as to why Munin had followed the woman as she’d gotten the Berserkers to listen to her. It hadn’t taken them very long to disappear and the woman had then made her way north.
It was when Munin had told him the story of what he had seen, that Odin had thought to ignore the Norns, to step in and have the consequences be damned but the problem was the consequences wouldn’t be his to face. They’d be hers. 
So, he’d done the one thing he could do- he opened up the link her mate had with instincts just a little wider. 
He’d managed it just in time… 
Natasha had been foolish in taking off on her own but Stiles had made it in time and though it took his mind a little longer to catch up to his instincts, his instincts had immediately called for the blood of the one that would harm what was his. 
You hadn’t let go of Stiles since you’d launched yourself into his arms. 
You’d had to remind yourself that he was okay… that he was here and that the stupid bitch Violet wasn’t going to be able to get to him. 
Stiles had let you hold onto him. Had wrapped his fingers in yours and you’d leaned your head on his shoulder. Taking in deep breaths, you let yourself be grounded to the moment in front of you, to the man in front of you when the sound of a gasping, wheezing breath pulls your attention. 
Looking around, you’re struck by the memory of earlier, Violet had been taunting Brett… Wolfsbane. 
Running over to the boy, you’re met with the sight of him literally foaming at the mouth as he wheezes. 
“I need a lighter!” you call out but, unsurprisingly, no one has one.  
Trying to think of other ways you can get rid of wolfsbane poisoning, you realize that each one has its own specific set of rules. 
Thankfully Stiles has already pulled out his phone. As he dials out, Brett lets out a gasping breath before he starts choking and the foam at his mouth turns yellow. 
Calling out for Stiles, he’s at your side a moment later as he hangs up the phone and tells Scott to help him out. The three of you quickly make your way towards Stiles’ jeep and you get Brett situated in the backseat.
You’re just about to jump in the passenger seat when a hand grips your wrist. Turning, you see Scott giving you an apologetic look, “I told them you were the one attacked.”
“What?! Why?” you demand, knowing this means that you’re going to have to separate and not liking the idea at all. 
Scott grimaces but points out that you had been attacked and that he’d told the Sheriff as much before they had figured out Brett.  
You want to tell him to figure out something else, tell the Sheriff that he’d been attacked or something… You’re about to tell him as much when Stiles speaks up, sounding less than pleased, “Tasha… you need to give your statement.”
You want to argue but Brett’s pained grunt distracts you. 
Sighing, you step back from the car and make your way towards the school. As you walk oer, you can hear Scott promising to Stiles that he’ll keep you safe. 
Just as you make it inside the doors, Liam calls your name and a moment later he’s got you wrapped up in a hug, “Thank God you’re okay…”
He ushers you towards Coaches offices, through the locker room where you Violet’s been tied up, and as you do, you can hear the sound of sirens approaching the school. 
It isn’t long before the school is bustling with the sounds of people. Officers, students, parents… they’re all there and everyone is trying to demand answers. 
Parrish comes in and takes your statement, it’s just a rehashing of what you remembered. Though, you told him you’d come back to the locker rooms because you needed some girl stuff from your bag that you’d forgotten to take with you earlier and that you had no idea how you had gotten the necklace off of you.  Which was partially true. 
“Adrenaline rush?” he’d supplied for you and you’d merely shrugged your shoulders. It made more sense than whatever you could tell him at least.
Nodding his head Parrish took his notes and made his way out towards the locker room, no doubt to get Violet.
“Guys, back off. You can get your gear tomorrow. If anybody sees Garrett, you notify the police immediately,”  you hear Coach informing the rest of the team before grumbling, “Then tell him he's off the damn team.”
You’re not 100% sure how Coach knows Garretts involved but you can’t help but chuckle softly, somehow you doubt Garret’s going to care about getting kicked off the team. 
Making your way towards the girl’s locker room. You figure now’s a good a time as any to try and change— only to discover that they’ve locked down both locker rooms. 
You’re making your way through the people when you catch sight of Kira who’s sprinting down the halls and out of the school. Curious as to what that’s about, you’re about to go after her when you hear the pup calling your name. 
He catches up to you and immediately puts a jacket in your hand, looking down you see the large white numbers, an inversion of your own number 42 and can’t help but raise an eyebrow at the pup in front of you. 
Liam offers no remorse, he simply shrugs his shoulders and advises, “He texted me, said to make sure you had a jacket since you’re apparently always freezing and then he told me where it was.”
Smiling to yourself, you shrug on the hoodie. As you’re putting it on, you hear the Suit’s voice. You had known that Scott’s dad was around but you hadn’t seen him at the game - though to be fair you hadn’t been looking for him. He’s asked Parrish to hold up and is walking over while Scott makes his way up to you and Liam. 
Scott questions the absence of Kira.
“Not sure,” you tell him, “I saw her running through the halls earlier though.”
“She took off,” Liam elaborates. When you and Scott both turn to look at the pup he informs you that, “As soon as you guys took off, she called Lydia about that list and well-“ 
“Her moms on it…” Scott picked up, putting the pieces together.
“Everyone’s on it.”
“Wait a second,” you cut him off before dropping your voice and asking, “Are you on the list?”
“Not yet,” he mutters, “but there’s still another third, right?”
Before you can respond, Scott’s dad’s voice catches your attention, mostly be aide it’s accompanied by the scent of anger bursting as he says, “... that’s right. You don’t have any parents. That’s why they call you The Orphans.” 
You can hear the rattling of Chains and can only assume that Suit got the reaction he was looking for.
A moment later he’s telling someone, “We need to find the boyfriend, Garrett.” 
“Coach —I’m gonna need both their locker numbers,” you hear Sheriff point out before he comes into the hallway, “And someone find me a set of bolt cutters.”
Pulling into the parking lot at Deaton’s, Stiles finds both Deaton and Derek waiting for him. 
“Scott called,” he offered when Stiles raised an eyebrow, “where’s Little Wolf?” 
“Stayed behind,” Stiles growls out, not particularly excited at the prospect,
Working together, Derek helps him get the apparent werewolf out of Roscoe and into the clinic where Deaton’s grabbing some stuff. 
With Derek’s help, he manages to get the boy laid out on the metal table. As they’re getting him situated, Brett starts to seize again, this time thrashing about and choking on foam at his mouth. 
“What the hell is happening to this kid?!” Stiles asks as he tries to hold the boy down on the table. 
“He’s been poisoned by a rare wolfsbane,” Deaton answers as he comes to the boy’s other side. “I need to make an incision and you need to hold him as still as possible,” he says as he the boy thrashes forward. 
Stiles can feel his irritation at the older man but decides against it, pushing down on the boy again. Finding that they’re having a hard time holding the boy down, he snaps at the other werewolf, “Hey Derek, how about a little werewolf strength?” 
“Yeah, I'm not the only one with werewolf strength,” Derek snips out. 
“If you can’t hold him still, the incision might kill him,” Deaton points out and in his frustration, Stiles tugs the boy towards him.
A terrible idea really, because Brett seems to slide over to him quite easily. 
Stiles tries to push him back but Bretts covered in sweat and the yellow foam and as he thrashes about he can feel the boy slipping. 
Calling out to Derek, he tells the man that Bretts slipping and he doesn’t think he can hold Brett down. 
A moment later, Brett is taking a deep gasping breath as his eyes open.  Stiles looks over to see the boys terrified eyes just as the smell of something sour hits his nose.  
Brett growls menacingly and Stiles can feel himself getting thrown back into the cupboards. Grunting in pain, he looks up to see that Brett had managed to launch himself up and off the table he was just on. 
Growling, he starts to stalk towards Stiles when he seems to think better of it and turns to take off. He’s cut off, however, when a fist collides with his face and Stiles turns to see a blue-eyed Peter pulling his hand back, “I guess I still have a little werewolf strength myself.”
“Yeah,” Derek scoffs before looking from Brett back to Peter, “Maybe more than a little.” 
Stiles turns back to Brett who’s currently unconscious on the floor and he crouches down beside the boy’s body. He’s no longer choking on the rare wolfsbane but he doesn’t seem to be breathing either. 
“Hey Doc,” Stiles calls over his shoulder as he checks Brett’s pulse to make sure the boy’s not dead at least,  “I don’t think he’s breathing.”
From his peripheral, Stiles watches as Deaton drops down next to Brett, scalpel in hand. He takes one look at the boy before he’s taking the scalpel and dragging it down Brett’s chest, slicing open along his sternum, releasing a puff of putrid-smelling yellow smoke. 
Brett gives a gasping breath before his breathing seems to even out. Breathing out through his nose, Stiles tries to clear the putrid stench from his nostrils he asks Deaton, “Is he okay?”
“I think he’ll be fine. But he’ll probably be out for a while,” Deatom answers with a nod of his head as he moves to check the boy. 
Brett seems to be breathing easier overall but his lips are moving and Stiles can hear the boy murmuring softly. 
“Guys, can you hear that?” he asks the others, “I think he’s saying something.”
 Looking up he sees Deaton giving him a confused look and Derek’s face contorted like he’s trying to focus. 
Deaton’s already leaning over Brett so Stiles follows suit and as can make out the words the other boy is whispering, “The sun… the moon… the truth…the sun… the moon… the truth… “ 
He knows the words from somewhere… he knows he does… he just can’t remember where. Looking over to Deaton, he watches the older man lean back as understanding dawns on him and he says, “Three things cannot long be hidden — the sun, the moon, the truth.”
“It’s a Buddhist proverb,” Stiles realizes before his face furrows, “Why is he saying a Buddhist proverb?”
Deaton’s face doesn’t seem to indicate that he has any idea why so Stiles turns to Derek who’s staring at Peter. 
“Satomi,” Peter practically growls out. The two werewolves having a silent conversation with each other and Stiles figures that either Derek or Peter will be hunting down Satomi real soon. 
After a moment, Peter turns towards Stiles and asks, “Where is Little Wolf?”
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A/N: Thank you so much for reading!! Let me know what you thought! Comments, reblogs, asks… all of these things let me know how you’re feeling about the story and give me life!
Everything taglist: @stiles-o-dylan24​​ @nicole-lynne​​ @mummybear​​ @emichelle​​ @genius2050​​ @suhoey​ @fullangelimagines​ @xceafh​
Series taglist:  @treestarrrrrrrr​ @redsalv20​ @truthdaze​ @cutiepiemimi13​  @unoriginallysara​  @the-three-eyed-ravenclaw​  @linktomyheartpiece​  @sasha-obrienn​  @piccasoe​​ ​@msrawog​ @eternallyvenus​ @michellebarista​
@lostinwonderland314​​ @katemusic​ @kiwihoee​  @thesailbells​ @1967-chevy-impala-called-roscoe​
Dylan Taglist @blvckcanry​ @fandom-princess-forevermore​ @theholydestiny​​ @delacxurs​​ @yaya2503 @thegirlwhoimagined​​
Do not copy and paste my writing anywhere without my consent. This work is the property of lettersofwrittencollective. Associated characters belong to MTV and are being borrowed for this work, all OC’s are the property of lettersofwrittencollective. These works contain material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of these works may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author/publisher.
Posted 13 March 2020
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sourwolfstories · 5 years
Hi! I know you're probably slammed with requests but i was wondering if you could rec some long fics without smut or skipable unimportant smut scenes? I'm sex repulsed and it's surprising difficult to find fics that don't make me uncomfortable
Okay so these are all at least 20 or 30 thousand words long each and are all either rated general audience or teen and up and I made sure to go through all of them so they shouldn’t have any smut or sex but if I did miss anything please let me know. Hope you enjoy!
Ghosts In The Suburbs by KaytiKazoo
Stiles gets cursed by a witch and can see dead people.
Here’s to the Static by matildajones
Stiles spends most of his college break in a coffee house where he stares after Derek Hale. For some reason, Stiles is unaware of the fact he’s quite the musician, and Derek amuses himself at Stiles’ obliviousness.
Cupboard Love by mklutz
He’s carefully balancing the sandwiches and the two biggest tupperware containers he could find that both had functioning lids when the front door opens and he almost drops everything right there in front of the stupid fountain.
If that’s Derek Hale, he’s definitely not a mountain man.
Strangers Like Me by Alphaboner
“Stay back! Don’t come..don’t come any closer! Please don’t! Wh..what are you doing?” he let out a little laugh when Derek started to play with his toes “Ah-haha, no, please, don’t, that tickles!” Derek’s hand traveled from Stiles’ toes to his leg “No, get off, get off!” …to his belt “GET OFF!” he kicked Derek in the face, leaving him confused and aching, looking at Stiles with a scowl.
Get Back Up by Hepzheba
After taking the blame for his so-called friend Jackson and his stupid pot, Stiles is forced to work for the Hales at their horse ranch the summer before his last year in high school. At first he absolutely hates it but he comes to realize that there is actually is something fun about this ranch thing and that horses are more likable and complicated than he’d previously thought. He also comes to realize that it’s not only the horses that are interesting; there’s also Derek Hale.
Scowl and Sarcasm by dr_girlfriend
It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single alpha in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a mate.
Whether or not Derek Hale felt that way was hardly a concern to the neighborhood — the very fact of his arrival was enough that the surrounding families seemed to consider him the rightful property of one or another of their eligible sons and daughters. That was, of course, before they met the man.
Only You, Sterek by im2old4thisotp
Derek gets the name of his soulmate off a Ouija board when he is ten. He’s obsessed with finding them, but then his life irrevocably changes. He erases the name from his life and determines to live free of those stupid words, “fate” and “destiny”.
But on the eve of his wedding, he gets a phone call that will change the course of his life forever, and show him that maybe destiny does have a hold on him, after all.
Or, the Sterek rewrite of the movie “Only You” that you never knew you wanted.
sorry about the elbows, sorry we lived here. by dreamer_of_dreams
“You’re doing it again, Derek. You’re running away. I know, alright? I’ve always known… You looked at him the way I wished you’d look at me. You came close some days, when you’re folding my tank tops and we’re talking about small, insignificant things. And I thought that was enough for a while. But it was plain to see, you were sitting around, waiting for him to call you home. He never did and you just carried on.”
“I wasn’t really waiting for him to call. I knew he wouldn’t. I don’t know how you got that impression.”
“Hmmm…Maybe because when we both thought you were dying, I leant over and kissed you… and you whispered his name.”
Just the Same by ericaismeg
Something is seriously up with the captain of the lacrosse team. There’s just no way Derek Hale is human.***“I was wondering if you’re even human. You move so quickly. I mean, it’s ridiculously fast. No human should be able to move that fast, y'know? It’s unfair for us. I mean, it’s obvious you work out, and I don’t, so that could be why, but like…I was just wondering if you were human, that’s all.”
“Stop talking, Stilinski, or I'll—”
“Put me on the bench all season?” Stiles asks knowing full well that Derek Hale can’t threaten him with shit.
To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before by Halevetica
What if all the crushes you ever had found out how you felt about them… all at once?
Stiles Stilinski keeps his love letters in a box his mother gave him. They aren’t love letters that anyone else wrote for him; these are ones he’s written. One for every boy he’s ever loved-five in all. When he writes, he pours out his heart and soul and says all the things he would never say in real life, because his letters are for his eyes only. Until the day his secret letters are mailed, and suddenly, Stiles’ love life goes from imaginary to out of control.
If I Followed You Home by tryslora
Stiles is living on his own in New York when he sees the unthinkable: one woman pushes another onto the tracks just before a subway comes. With Scott not moving in for several days, he is on his own with his grief and horror, and he decides to find closure by attending the dead woman’s funeral where he discovers that (1) the guy he’s been crushing on is the dead woman’s brother, and (2) her family somewhat adopts him, and (3) the woman who killed her might just want to kill him now. Life just got complicated.
Wolf Pack: Beacon Original by Beerwolves, fearfrost1211
When his father landed the Deputy Chief of police position in Beacon Hills, Stiles moved to his new town gladly, embracing the chance of a fresh start. What he didn’t expect was to find himself hopelessly drawn to the gruff Vice President of the local motorcycle gang, the Wolf Pack.Derek Hale, resident bad boy of Beacon Hills, spent his time helping his sister lead the Wolf Pack and working on motorcycles at his family’s automotive garage. Then, one hot summer afternoon a bright-eyed boy walked into his life and turned his world upside down.
There’s No Escape for the Potato Man by isthatbloodonhisshirt (wasterella)
“Who is this? Where’s Erica?”
“Wrong number, asshole!”
“Stop calling me an asshole,” the man on the other end snapped aggressively.
Stiles could understand. He’d be pretty aggressive too if he’d murdered someone and texted a wrong number to ask for help burying the body. This guy obviously failed How To Be a Serial Killer 101.
“What kind of idiot thinks I murdered someone?”
“The kind of idiot who got your text messages, you fucking dumbass!” he retorted hotly. “Maybe double check your contacts before sending a random stranger details on your nefarious plans to dispose of a freshly cut up body!”
“What?!” the guy on the other end demanded, crossed between horrendously confused and livid.
home isn’t a place by Spikedluv
Ithaca, New York is known as a sanctuary within the supernatural community, and Cornell University is where creatures such as Kitsune and Selkies can safely attend college. Though Stiles doesn’t think he’s anything special (despite having a ‘spark’, whatever that is), he attends on Satomi’s recommendation; he wants to learn everything he can about the supernatural world so he can return to Beacon Hills and help Scott.
The last person Stiles expects to run into at Cornell is Derek Hale. Derek is gruff and grumpy, but despite that Stiles is drawn to him. When someone begins murdering supernatural students Laura Hale takes Stiles under her wing. Between attending class, hanging out with Kira, adopting a dog, and keeping score for the baseball team, Stiles investigates the deaths to figure out who’s killing his fellow students before he ends up a victim himself.
Through it all, Stiles learns the real meaning of ‘home’.
SuperWing, Stucky and SlaDick, Oh My! by isthatbloodonhisshirt (wasterella)
“Well,” Nightwing said with an awkward laugh, “this is embarrassing. You are definitely not the Superman I was expecting.”
“You mean I almost missed out on having Nightwing leap into my waiting arms?” Derek asked teasingly. He couldn’t help it, the guy was adorable, and while he wasn’t exactly light, he already knew it was all muscle. This guy definitely worked out.
Nightwing let out a loud, boisterous laugh that had people around them turn to look, but he just grinned down at Derek before speaking.
“In that case, didn’t mean to keep you waiting.” He waggled his eyebrows and Derek let out a small huff of a laugh. “I should probably, uh—get down.”
Thanks for Thumper, But I Prefer Cheeseburgers by isthatbloodonhisshirt (wasterella)
The wolf’s head whipped around so fast, Stiles felt like he was watching The Exorcist.
Stiles wondered if he could just stand still enough to make the wolf think he was a tree. A very bright red and jean-clad tree. He doubted it, but one could hope.
He knew it was a lost cause when the wolf turned fully, lips pulled back from its sharp teeth—so very sharp, good fucking Lord!—and began walking towards Stiles.
“I didn’t see anything!” Stiles shouted, both hands out in front of himself and sweat instantly breaking out across his skin. “I swear to you! I didn’t see anything! I didn’t see anything! I won’t tell anyone! I won’t! I’ll keep this to myself, until the day I die! I promise! I promise!”
An Unexpected Familiar by BabyWeWillRise
Homework over break sucks, right? Harris is at it again with making Stiles’ life horrible by giving him an essay over Christmas break and Stiles could not be anymore displeased.
Except…this stupid assignment leads him to something he didn’t think he was missing.
After his mother died when he was eight, Stiles (and his father) ran away from reality without looking back.
Now, ten years later, when the eighteen year old runs into a familiar face, he’s thrown back into a life he had completely forgotten about and is welcomed with open and loving arms.
To say he’s freaking out would be an understatement.
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vespertine-legacy · 4 years
Sorry for re-posting this (not sorry, didn’t hurt enough of you the first time around), but I decided I wanted to put up my track list explanations.
I know I originally said I wasn’t going to share who I had assigned to each track and just leave it open to interpretation, but then I decided, fuck that, so here you go. It’s divided up by class because that made it easier for me to make sure I got everyone, but that’s not the order the tracks are in on the playlist, so sorry for that... POTENTIAL SPOILERS for ALL CLASS ROMANCES. Track explanations have snippets from the letters the PC receives from each romanced companion for all classes and Theron (and some of them fucking hurt).
(Here’s hoping the formatting doesn’t fuck up too bad...)
I’d love to hear your opinions on it (beyond “hey, fuck you,” though I do welcome those reactions too)!
The Night We Met - Lord Huron [Theron Shan]
[The thing that keeps me going is the knowledge that you’re out there. … I haven’t forgotten about you or our time together. I never will.]
I had all and then most of you Some and now none of you Take me back to the night we met I don't know what I'm supposed to do Haunted by the ghost of you Take me back to the night we met
[Sith Warrior]
Need - Hana Pestle [Vette]
[They say powerful Sith can come back from the dead and appear to the people they had strong connections to when they were alive. Will I wake up one day and see you? Will you finally tell me what happened? Will I know if you had the time to think about me before you died?]
My hand searches for your hand In a dark room I can't find you Help me Are you looking for me? Can I feel anymore? Lie to me, I'm fading I can't drop you Tell me I don't need you
The Other Side - Ruelle [Malavai Quinn]
[The Empire needs you. More than that--I need you. … I should have come with you aboard Darth Marr’s ship--stood in my rightful place by your side. … Now I’m faced with the possibility of never seeing you again… and it makes me ill. I cannot accept it. … No matter what anyone says--I know you’re alive, and I will find you. Even if it kills me.]
We are buried in broken dreams We are knee deep without a plea I don't want to know what it's like To live without you Don't want to know the other side Of a world without you Is it fair, or is it fate? No one knows The stars choose their lovers Save my soul It hurts just the same
Gone - Olivia Broadfield [DS!Jaesa Willsaam]
[You were always going to leave me. I knew that. … I’m more powerful than ever, and I don’t fear death. … Why should I cry that you’re gone? Why write words to a dead man? Why?]
And I finally found That I found my voice And I'm saying all these things Just because I've got the choice And it's gone
[Sith Inquisitor]
Stars - Grace Potter & The Nocturnals [Andronikos Revel]
[All I wanted was to fly free, no attachments. But what we have together--I wouldn’t give that up for anything. I know you’re alive. It would take more than an explosion to kill my girl. Even a really big one. If I don’t hear from you, I’ll commandeer a shuttle to find you myself.]
I can't look at the stars They make me wonder where you are Stars Up on heaven's boulevard And if I know you at all I know you've gone too far So I can't look at the stars
Grow - Rae Morris [Ashara Zavros]
[What does it mean, that you could die and leave no trace? … The Sith and Jedi are helpless against this enemy. I’ve left them all behind. I never belonged to those failed orders, no more than you did. We were always something special. Now it’s just me. Something is drawing me to the darkness beyond the edge of Wild Space. Maybe there will be answers waiting for me. Maybe I won’t be alone anymore. I wish you were going with me.]
Caught beaten by the edge Of the weight of the world Long live this pain Long live this feeling | Blind and childish I won't fight it Here I hide Underneath my innocence (Grow, Grow)
[Imperial Agent]
Already Gone - Sleeping At Last [Kaliyo Djannis]
[Truth is, I’m grateful. Obviously, I was getting soft. Won’t happen again. Just remember--I was the best thing that ever happened to you.]
I didn't come here to hurt you now I can't stop I want you to know That it doesn't matter Where we take this road But someone's gotta go And I want you to know You couldn't have loved me better But I want you to move on So I'm already gone
Saturn - Sleeping At Last [Vector Hyllus]
[The Song of the Universe crescendoed--its vibrations overtook the stars, then...silence. Your aura, normally so bright, dimmed, and the vessel we have made our home grew cold. … We do not know what we will be like without you. We do not want to know. Please come home.]
I'd give anything to hear You say it one more time That the universe was made Just to be seen by my eyes With shortness of breath, I'll explain the infinite How rare and beautiful it truly is that we exist
Scared - Delta Rae [Raina Temple]
[I thought about reaching out to Lana Beniko, but I can’t risk the Sith finding out about me. Especially not now, when I have no protection. … I should forget about you. But I can’t do that. I’m not ready for a life without you. … Please come back to me.]
Baby, can you keep your promise? Baby, can I keep you honest? 'Cause I'm scared There's nothing in the sky above me There's nothing strung below us, baby, if we fall We're caught between a spark and lightning We're caught between forever and nothing at all And I'm sorry, I love you
[Bounty Hunter]
Over - Johnnyswim [Mako]
[Not sure why I’m even writing this. Closure? Just to say “I told you so”? It doesn’t matter. The galaxy’s falling apart, and I don’t need a front-row seat. I’m done with the business. All it’s ever done is take away the people I cared about.]
So wake me up the dream I had is over We were so young and now we’re getting older And I can’t keep on giving you what might be meant for someone new Wake me up the dream I had is over
Who We Are - Tristan Prettyman [Torian Cadera]
[Sometimes, we only get a single battle. You and I had a few years. … You honored me. You saved my life. You loved me better than anyone ever has. I’ll repay those debts. I’ll carry your memory with me on every hunt I take until the day I die. … Ret’urcye mhi doesn’t mean “goodbye”--it means “maybe we’ll see each other again.” If there’s another life beyond this one, I hope we do.]
I will never love another like you So give me all your secrets Your fear and doubts, honey you don't need them I will never find another like you
[Jedi Knight]
Hands - Emily Jane White [Kira Carsen]
[Sometimes I dream that you’re standing in my doorway, but you’re not you anymore. You’re him. Everything’s gone wrong since you left. … You have to come back.]
You caught my bad dream A deathly guise took you by night And those hands turned the tide You were harmed by unsaintly arms We will take you in our arms This ain't no dream
Revelry - The Careful Ones [“Doc” Archiban Kimble]
[You’ve survived worse disasters without breaking a sweat. … I had to learn a lot of math in medical school, and I’ve run the numbers. You’ve gotta be alive. … enough’s enough. … You’ve been gone too long.]
Picture perfect home or no, so I was told It was meant to be no other way Pain it came and fell on me Damn, you put that spell on me That my mind could never erase
[Jedi Consular]
Pain Told Love - Tribe Society, Kiesza [Felix Iresso]
[I spent a lifetime trying to find you. If I have to, I’ll spend another waiting for you to come back. That’s what love is.]
No one knows you quite like me Pain comes and you find a way to build your world around it And when it hurts get inside the pain and wrap your arms around it I heard pain tell love, she said "where would I be without you?" So love I better find a way to build my world around you
Find You - Ruelle [Nadia Grell]
[I will rally these old friends and lead them to wherever you are. We will brave the dangers that await, my love. Stay strong. We will come.]
Just hold on It won't be long I will find you here inside the dark I will break through No matter where you are I will find you
The Place I Left Behind - The Deep Dark Woods [Corso Riggs]
[Go to Port Nowhere and send me the signal. I’ll come running. … Come home. I love you.]
I've got the ramblin' fever down in my bones And everywhere that I wanna go The only place that I ever loved Is a place I left behind
I Don’t Believe In Us (Acoustic) - Overcoats [Risha Drayen]
[I didn’t give up on you until today. I searched all over Wild Space, even after Corso said it was time to face the truth. … I’m the one who was supposed to leave when things got bad. Damn you for getting the last laugh, just like always.]
Please understand me, I can't live like this anymore I used to love the sound of it, but what is it we're fighting for I drift in and out of seeing us for who we are Get glimpses of what we're doing here and I don't buy it anymore | I love you, I love you, but all dreams must come to an end
Hold On - Brooke Annibale [Akaavi Spar]
[I’m still alive, but you are dead. I remember you, so you are eternal.]
We put our flame upon ice Watch it burn out All I want to do Feel the ache in my hands to hold on to you
[Republic Trooper]
The Last Time - Taylor Swift, Gary Lightbody [Aric Jorgan]
[We’ve been fighting these things for two months now. … Getting real tired of it. Might not be so bad if I just had my wife here with me like I’m used to. I know you’re still out there. No way you’re dead. Two months is long enough. Please come back to us.]
I'm not sure how I got there All roads, they lead me here I imagine you are home In your room, all alone And you open your eyes into mine And everything feels better
From the Wreckage Build a Home - The Wind and the Wave [Elara Dorne]
[We first met on a search and rescue mission. I suppose it’s only fitting we reunite the same way. Yours, always.]
We're built to last Well now it's clear you're the wind and I'm the wave Oh together we can brave all the things we never knew | If our ship does sink we will follow it like stones From the wreckage build a home
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miikewheelers · 4 years
HE★VENS - DON’T CALL ME ANGEL (Ariana Grande, Miley Cyrus, & Lana Del Rey Lyric Arrangement)
comin’ at you with the number two!! this is entirely a fucking heavens song don’t test me honey
NOTE: this arrangement was written for the original three-member heavens group. i might extend it to include all seven later!
color key: nagi eiichi kira all note: gradients are two members singing!
Boy, don’t call me angel You ain’t got me right Don’t call me angel You can’t pay my price Ain’t from no heaven Yeah you heard me right Yeah you heard me Even though you know we fly Though you know we Don’t call me angel
Uh, don’t call me angel when I’m a mess Don’t call me angel when I get undressed You know I, I don’t like that, boy Uh, I make my money and I write the checks So say my name with a little respect All my girls successful, and you’re just our guest
Do I really need to say it Do I need to say it again, yeah You’d better stop the sweet talk And keep your pretty mouth shut, boy
Don’t call me angel You ain’t got me right Don’t call me angel You can’t pay my price Ain’t from no heaven Yeah you heard me right Yeah you heard me Even though you know we fly Though you know we Don’t call me angel
See you here with somebody You sizin’ up my body, oh yeah Don’t you know that I bite when the sun set Yeah, so don’t you try come around me Might work with her but not me, oh yeah Don’t you know that I bite when the sun set
Keep my name out your mouth I know what you about So keep my name out your mouth (oh yeah)
Boy, don’t call me angel You ain’t got me right Don’t call me angel You can’t pay my price Ain’t from no heaven Yeah you heard me right Don’t call me angel You ain’t got me right Don’t call me angel You can’t pay my price Ain’t from no heaven Yeah you heard me right Yeah you heard me Even though you know we fly Though you know we Don’t call me angel
I appreciate the way you watch me, I can’t lie I drop it down, I pick it up, I back it off the county line I fell from heaven, now I’m livin’ like a devil You can’t get me off your mind I appreciate the way you want me, I can’t lie I drop it down, I back it up, I know you wanna think you’re mine Baby I totally get it you can’t guess so You can’t get me off your mind We in it together, but don’t call me angel
(insert vocal run here)
Boy, don’t call me angel Angel You ain’t got me right Don’t call me angel Angel You can’t pay my price Ain’t from no heaven Heaven Yeah you heard me right Yeah you heard me Even though you know we fly Even though we Don’t call me angel
Angel Don’t call me angel Yeah you heard me Don’t call me angel
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lubdubsworld · 5 years
Unloved. ( Jungkookx OC)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2 ~ 
“I think we should start the teasers this week. They’re ready, aren’t they?”  Jennie Kim looked sharp as a dagger as she glared fiercely at the head of the editing department, who squeaked a little in surprise.
 I watched as the grown man almost tripped as he scrambled off his seat , fingers getting caught in his tie when he tried to push a file across the mahogany table. 
Jennie huffed, looking long-suffering and put upon as she flipped the file open  , revealing some plastic filers,  filled with portfolio shots for the week’s issue. 
The head of the editing dept began to say something, only to have his voice crack. He cleared his throat before trying again. 
“We have seven shortlisted. We can start with one of them ...” He said hastily and she stared at them with a critical eye before nodding. 
“Send them to my desk later and I’ll pick the best one.” She turned around to stare at me, face unreadable, but a very shrewd glint in her eye. I managed to keep a straight face. 
“You’ll be the one covering the story, Ms. Jung? ” She said politely and i swallowed.
 Earlier that day, Jennie had dropped in to my office,  looking calculative and guarded. 
She told me that there was no compulsion for me to take this project from her side and she had been made aware of certain ‘ delicate ‘ issues between me and Jungkook . But she trusted me to rise above such ‘insignificant’  things and hoped i wouldn’t prove her wrong. It would be a shame to let such a ‘ senior’ writer ‘ go’ because of silly high school dramatics. 
As far as threats went, it wasn’t a particularly subtle one. 
But she had also assured me that if everything went well,  this would put me in the spotlight for a promotion and maybe my own weekly column, no restrictions , no set topics. I could be my own boss. 
My heart fluttered at the thought of an independent column, with my name on it. It definitely trumped getting fired and living on the streets. 
“uh... Yes. i’m scheduled to meet Mr. Jeon and his fiancee in two days.” I smiled weakly and she hummed.
“Get a haircut.” She said thoughtfully.
I blinked.
“I...sorry?” I stared at her, certain I’d misheard. 
“I think it would make the story more evocative if you put a personal spin to it. From your own point of view. You come from a, excuse my language, much plainer background than Mr. Jeon so it would be interesting to see your personal take on a luxurious wedding between two powerful people..”
She looked downright cruel as she smiled at me, teeth white and sharp. 
I gripped my pencil a little harder. 
“Of course.” I ducked my head. 
The rest of the meeting went much the same way, me scribbling notes to make sure i didn’t deviate from the ‘ vision’ she had for the story. The phrases stung. She talked about how it was fitting that a man like Jungkook chose a woman like Kira. How marriages built on compatibility and a common goal were far more likely to survive and how it was important for two people to be made from the same ‘cloth’ to truly be good enough for each other. 
By the time we were done , my head was spinning with regrets and my heart felt a little like it had been used as a punching bag. When i gathered my things to leave she gave me a tight-lipped smile.
“don’t forget what i said, Nara. If you keep it together the next six weeks, there’s a lot of good things heading your way. Don’t ruin it by making silly choices.” 
I realized that she truly thought that I was going to try and sabotage the wedding somehow. The mere idea was laughable.
“Trust me Ms Kim , there is absolutely nothing personal in my relationship with Jungkook.” I said tiredly and she hummed. 
“So they all say, Nara. Don’t forget the haircut. You’d look less like roadkill then.” She glanced disdainfully at my messy long hair. I stared after her, struggling to keep my emotions in check. 
I wasn’t going to get a stupid haircut. This wasn’t my wedding and i wasn’t obligated to look good for anyone. 
I woke up two hours early on the day i was scheduled to meet Jungkook and his fiancee for lunch. It was a little past five thirty in the morning and there was a thunderstorm raging outside. I dragged myself to the huge french windows on the corner of the living room, wrapping my blanket tighter around myself and peering out into the pouring rain. 
I felt ..odd. Not angry or lonely per se, but just a little empty. 
I was old. A lot older than what my nineteen year old self had deemed as ‘ old’.
Twenty nine was the age when...everything in my life was supposed to be already done and settled. Job, spouse, children , a house. 
Somehow reality had turned out to be a little different. 
 I was out on almost all counts. My job was fine, yes, but apparently i wasn’t as indispensable as I’d thought I was. It hung on this assignment . 
My dating life was non-existent.  It had been a little over eight and a half months since I’d been on a date . Almost two years since my last relationship , which could hardly be called that seeing as that hadn’t lasted even a full two weeks. The guy had been an exchange student just looking for a good time and had broken things off over a text . Over the next few months , I’d had a lot of mediocre to pretty average first or second dates but none of them had called back or made further advances. 
In time I sort of gave up.  
i gripped my hot mug of coffee and took a small sip.
“It’s okay.” i said out loud, watching my breath cloud the mirror in front of me. It was getting colder, although the sky was steadily brightening. 
“It’s going to be okay.” 
Jennie had told me that a camera crew would be accompanying me. Apparently, a very famous luxury lifestyle channel had picked up exclusive rights to run a small cover documentary on the couple and they would be having their own writers and producers and what not. Jennie assured me that they would stay out of my way , because the magazine article would be the priority. 
But apparently, they’d roped in an award winning cinematographer from Busan, a young dynamic chap who wanted to give a ‘fresh twist’ to the story. Incidentally, the cinematographer's hotel was just a couple blocks away from my sister’s home. 
So he had offered to pick me up on the way to the meeting. 
I spent a few extra minutes getting ready. There wasn’t much point in fixing my hair, the humidity in the air would have its way with my messy curls anyway. I did pluck out a few errant hairs on my brow, adding a small bit of lipstick just to stop my lips from looking too lifeless. 
I didn’t have a lot of bright or pretty clothes and I picked out a pale minty green dress with a stylish shoulder cape, a cinched waist and a pleated skirt that stopped just below my knee. I pulled a stool to the closet to rummage around in one of the top shelves, looking for the shoes my sister had got me for my graduation : cream- white strappy sandals with two inch kitten heels and dainty little stone studded flowers near the toes. 
i stared at myself in the mirror, feeling stupid.
I had seen pictures of Kira Hirakuma .
I didn’t compare in any way or form.
 What was i even doing? .
But it was too late now to change. And I doubted the Park Hyatt welcomed female guests who wore faded graphic t shirts and  worn-out mom jeans.
The phone rang. It was the front desk. My’ ride’ was here.
Grabbing my recorder, my handbag and my phone and keys, I dashed out of the apartment. I frowned when I saw a message in my phone, the number unfamiliar. 
 I could drive down with you. Let me know if you need a ride, Nara.  -jjk
 i stared at the message for a while, trying to process it. I’d almost fully forgotten that Jungkook lived in the same building. I considered responding but decided against it.
 He shouldn’t have offered in the first place, I thought firmly. 
it was still raining when i reached the lobby and I felt my anxiety and shyness rise like a crushing wave when I saw how handsome the guy was.
“Hello, Jung Nara right ?” He smiled wide, eyes crinkling beatifically and I felt my tongue stick to my roof. I could only nod wordlessly, palms starting to sweat immediately. He looked amused as he shook my clammy hand. 
“I’m..hi.” I croaked out. 
“i’m Park Jimin. I’ve heard great things about you. And i read a bunch of your articles on the way here. You truly have a way with words.” He said , voice warm and genuine.
“I..uh..buh.” My mouth proceeded to prove him wrong as i struggled to form legible syllables . He was very handsome and he seemed sweet. It was impossible to keep my heart from giving a pathetically hopeful little leap. The stupid things was notorious when it came to pining after men who were way out of my league. 
 I cleared my throat. 
Get it together, Nara. 
“ I’m sorry... it’s been a rough few days. thank you. I’ve heard good things about you too, Jimin ssi.” I smiled.
“Let’s go shall we? The Kook i know usually gets pretty cranky when people make him wait.” He laughed, signalling the valet.
“You know Jungkook?” I asked weakly and Jimin hummed.
“Not well. He was a few years below me in high school, but we ran in different circles. I heard that you guys uh... dated for a while. ” He gave me a quick, embarrassed glance and I flinched. 
“We’re all young and stupid sometimes. ” I laughed weakly and he chuckled.
“Well, all’s well that ends well. He seems pretty happy now and you’re doing pretty well as well.”
I swallowed and took a step away.
“I think the car’s here...” I croaked out , pointing at the valet who was looking around curiously. Jimin hummed and held a hand out.
“Want me to carry that for you?” He smiled, pointing at my bulky backpack and I clutched it tighter before I could stop myself. 
“Uh..I’m fine. But thanks . For, you know offering.” I hated myself. 
Surprisingly, Jimin laughed.
“You sound pretty wary. If it makes you feel better, I’m actually a cop.” He winked.
I felt my eyes go wide. 
He shrugged. 
“Well technically off duty. I’m originally a part of the force in Busan. I got injured about three weeks ago during a bank heist and they have me on paid leave.” He grabbed the the edge of his pocket, pulling it down a bit to show a shiny brass badge with a familiar crest. 
I could only gape.
“I’m so sorry...Are you alright?” I said glancing at him in confusion. He didn’t look injured in any way. He grinned and shrugged.
“it was mostly a flesh wound but it was a very close shave. Unfortunately, my father happens to be my commanding officer and my mother bullied him into getting me off field duty.” 
I smiled.
“They must love you very much.” I said and he shrugged.
“In their own stilted way, yes. But enough about me. Tell me more about yourself. You seem like a small town girl at heart. What are you doing here in the big bad city?” 
I turned back to the car , which the valet had brought over in front of us. I let Jimin open the door for me, waiting till he’d settled in next to me, before replying. 
“I can admit that it wasn’t my smartest move. things have been hard out here but I think i really needed to get out of my hometown. There was... well, things were happening there that I didn’t want to be a part of and it was hard for me to...”
I trailed off, feeling foolish. He had meant the question, probably as playful banter. And here I was, unleashing a vaguely worded sob story. 
Jimin didn’t push , merely humming thoughtfully. 
“I’m assuming there’s no boyfriend in the picture right now.” He said casually and I grimaced. 
“Been a long time since I’ve been asked out. Close to a year almost.  “ I shrugged. “ I had a bunch of blind dates when i first came here and even in Busan. But most of them didn’t call back. “
“In Busan? “ he sounded curious. 
I nodded.
“it was surprising. There’s one that I’m still bitter over. It was over two year ago. I really liked the guy too, He was an exchange student . I thought we had something special and just , out of nowhere he sends me a text saying that he’s tired of waiting for me to... sleep with him and he just breaks up with me over text. i never heard from him. His name was...Malin something? I don’t recall. ”
“Malin Maurer? From Thailand? ” Jimin said suddenly, sitting up straighter, eyes narrowed. 
I stared at him.
“Uh..yes?” i said nervously. 
Jimin frowned for a second before blinking thoughtfully.
“What’s wrong?” i said nervous.
“Nothing.... I maybe wrong, but I think I covered a missing person’s report with that name.... About two years ago, i think?”
I stared.
“Missing persons?”
He grinned then, shaking his head.
“i’m sure it’s nothing serious. Tell me more about yourself.” 
I felt a bit of disquiet but pushed it to the back of my mind.
“Well, there’s nothing much to say. None of my romantic prospects stuck around and I got busy with the magazine , so i just pushed it to the back burner, I guess.” 
He smiled. The car was beginning to slow down.
“Fair enough.  Looks like we’re here?” 
Kira Hirakuma , for all her glamour on screen was almost disappointingly plain in real life. I was a little jarred by the contrast, having been prepared for someone out of a fairy tale. 
She wore a burgundy suit , her thick black hair pulled into a no-nonsense pony, face devoid of make up and eyes looking just a little too miserable.  
She gave me a weak, almost tired smile.
“Hi, Nara. Jungkook told me all about you.” She said, voice scratchy. 
I glanced over her shoulders, over to the side , where Jimin and Jungkook stood talking . He kept glancing back at me and there was an air of urgency in the room that made me skittish. 
“What’s uh... Are you alright?” I blurted out, before I could stop myself. She looked awful. 
She smiled again, the expression not quite reaching her eyes. 
“We’ve been ...traveling a lot. it’s been taking a toll.” She glanced back at Jungkook and he gave her an even stare. When she turned back to look at me, her eyes looked blank. 
“My make up team is not yet here, but we could still start the interview..” She said, pointing at the couch in the side of the room and I nodded, following her over.
“The wedding planner is running late as well. We were hoping to finalize the dress today.” Kira said nervously and there it was , the same nervous little glance. 
Outside, the rain was steady and thunderous. The air was damp and gloomy and i felt like I was underwater, struggling to breathe as a heavy mantle of misery settled over me. Her sadness was contagious. 
I’d never believed in ghosts but the only way to describe the feeling was..... haunted. 
“You look exhausted. are you sure you’re up for this?” i said gently and she gave me a bitter look.
“Do you want him back?” She croaked out.
 I recoiled, stunned.
Of all the things I’d expected her to say, this was definitely on the bottom of the list. 
“I- What ?” I choked out. 
“If you do, you can have him.” She breathed out, “ I can’t....it’s too much... “ Her eyes shifted, looking wild, hunted. 
And then something like anger flooded them, the irises almost flashing red. “And it’s your fault, you know.” She hissed at me. “ All of it’s your fault. You should be the one paying for it.....not me....” She spat out, eyes flashing. 
I could only stare in stunned astonishment. 
Had i fallen into some wormhole? What was happening? What was she even talking about? 
 I opened my mouth to respond but nothing would come out. And then a shadow fell over us, and she pulled away sharply, eyes wide and face blank again.  
“Nara..... “ Jungkook’s voice said behind me, soft and even toned. 
I was still staring at Kira, but her face betrayed none of the agitation from a few minutes ago. 
“Good to see you again. Let’s get started shall we?” He said , staring right at me and I swallowed. i glanced over his shoulders, my eyes meeting Jimin’s . He gave me a cheerful wave before turning back to whoever he was talking to. 
Jungkook cleared his throat and I turned to look at him.
He raised an eyebrow and I realized that he’d asked me something. My throat was dry as a desert. 
“Oh..uh..Sure. Let’s start.” i managed a weak smile, glancing at Kira who was staring at her knees. 
What else could i say?
AUTHOR’S NOTE” I promised myself i wouldn’t turn this into a cliche so ....here goes... :D 
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pepucz · 5 years
Death Note personal thoughts
I saw a post about thoughts on “everyone goes to Mu” part of the manga by one of my favourite tumblr users - 13eyond13 and I originally replied to it, but I figured my thoughts were more about my personal feelings than adding something relevant to the original post, so I decided to post it totally separately here just for my own satisfaction. (also my English can suck hard, so if anyone decides to read this all, I’m sorry for any mistakes)
I must admit I was rooting for Light and was truly a KIRA supporter at the beginning (till the moment he killed Lind L. Tailor), I also took the information from Ryuk about Mu as a fact for everyone just like Light did, but that's probably because I'm an atheist and I have lots of nihilistic thoughts, so Ryuk saying the “Mu” part would only prove my own views and beliefs - the nihilistic aspect of the whole story is also one of the reasons why Death Note remained one of my most favourite mangas of all my time and why I’m so happy to have my love for it fully restored and be actively back in the fandom...
So yeah I agreed with the original intention of Light with the Death Note, he was pretty careful with what kind of criminals he killed, he "wouldn't kill those who killed accidentally or without malice like car accident deaths for example" (chapter 47), but I didn't agree with his God complex, that was probably the first thing that didn't click right with me even though it does make a sense as Light wanted to set new rules for humanity by his own standarts, I just don’t like the idea of “God” or whatever, but the real endgame for me was the moment he killed Tailor, he didn't know if he was criminal, he killed him just because he challenged him. That was the point where I stopped rooting for him. I also saw killing Raye Penber and the rest of the FBI agents as even more unnecessary steps and also a pretty obvious way to cast suspicion against himself. But we wouldn't have a story if it wouldn’t happen 🙃 And I still loved his character even after this tbh :)
I must admit I don't value a human’s life as something more valuable than an animal's life (of course I do value my dearest's lives super lot, I would die for them anytime or rather I do continue living for them, but those lost humans' lives of people, whom I hadn't known personally, haven't heard their story or whom I simply didn’t like just don't spur any real pity for them in me, earth is overpopulated anyway, what truly upsets me in the worldwide spectrum is losing some extinct animal species - I even cry when I see the planet lost some animal species just because of the human greediness) and I'm sick of ppl making so much fuss over the loss of a human life than over animal's one especially if they don't know those humans personally. Death is part of the human life, sometimes it’s unfair how some lives end, but the World won’t stop spinning because of it and it’s not like humans are endangered species... it’s pretty much the other way around. I mentioned this bit of my feelings about general mankind because I was pretty irritated when the task force or someone in DN universe was upset with ppl dying even if they were/might be a piece of shit, just because it’s “human life!! Human!!”. Like - I loved Soichiro Yagami as a father figure and I really loved his love for Light, but I was totally done with him ruining L’s plans in Yotsuba’s arc XD Same for innocent Light in this arc, but at least he didn’t try to do anything that would ruin L’s plans just to stop the criminal’s deaths (Misa managed it in the end and everyone was satisfied thanks to that for the time being) XD
Back to the topic of using Death Note - I would plan to use it as Light did in the beginning, but target mainly animal abusers, it would also be super hard for me to find names and faces and 100% proof that they are the guilty ones. Also I would never think of myself as a God, that's totally stupid IMHO. I would be just a mass murderer like Light by human's standards. 'Murderer' is still a word invented by humans alone, so it wouldn't faze me as much as it fazed Light being called like that... Also maybe I would never use Death Note to the extent as Light did, because now even criminals have GDPR protection and their names and photos are often kept secret (which I find to be super unfair). Light would never commit a murder without a Death Note, and I’m the same (even though I can’t guarantee what I would do if I saw someone torturing animals/my loved ones in front of me.... I still think I would go berserk probably). Anyway even with knowing there is nothing after Death for sure, I would still try to make the world a better place by what I believe is right, I don’t care that it would seem evil to some ppl, I also don't give a shit there is no meaning for human's lives in the vast of the universe, I wouldn't care that this plan of making the World a better place would also mean nothing compared the whole Universe and its timeline... I would still try to do it, because it would satisfy me for the time of me being alive...
All humans have a choice to not hurt others, those who decide to do it especially when it concerns truly innocent human's lives or animal's ones (I truly hate humans, who abuse animals just for fashion, cosmetics, household products, money or for some sick sense of fun) just don't deserve their life in my mindset and I don't care how wrong it is in human society's view. I get especially angry when some criminal runs away from Borstal (because he is not put in prison as he is mentally ill and commited crime because of it) or from prison, of even worse when a criminal is released by the court for good behaviour or some shit and then that individual ends innocent life again.... in such cases I just get furious at the impotence of our laws because it means this individual can harm someone close to me too just as simply because “as a human” he still has all the human rights even after he violated someone else’s rights, that’s just super unfair. I also don't believe in real peace, human race is not capable of it imho. That's why we have to have laws... and here I’m getting back to Death Note - our laws serve the same purpose as Kira's law did in my opinion, only Kira was more successful because it was pretty definitive and striked even those who otherwise wouldn't give a shit about our weak laws. There are people who want to live peacefully and don't need any law for that, then there are some who live in peace just because of the fear of our laws' consequences and then we have those who don't give a shit about laws because it won't cost them their lives... + a small group who don't give a shit even it would cost them their life... (we don't have a death sentence in Czech Republic anymore as it was deemed too "inhuman", I must add that I must agree that there are crimes where it's almost impossible to convict the criminal as 100% guilty and it's better to just put them in the prison - as I already mentioned I would have a really hard time using the Death Note because I would be too afraid I might kill someone innocent). So Kira's idea about peace was no different than the current worlwide idea of peace with our laws.
Now to get somewhere else for a bit - I fell in love with L and Near and I was quite happy with the ending of Death Note and how Light was served and killed by Ryuk. I felt a bit of pity for his death, but it didn't traumatize me like L's (or Mello's) death tbh. I woudn’t really change a thing about L’s and Light’s deaths anyway...
When I look at the overal picture of Death Note, Light still managed to save more innocent lives than Near and L imho. During his time the crime dropped by 70% worldwide. 70% is truly a large number considering the worldwide measure. A lot of innocent humans didn't die because of rapists and murderers thanks to Light. But as DN is pretty nihilistic the world returned back to the old standards after Light's defeat and the crime percentage grew back as it was before Kira's reign. So defeating Kira served right only to people who's life’s purpose is fighting criminals - they need them to exist otherwise their job would be meaningless - and Kira almost took it from them. L's life purpose was solving crimes, but what would there be to solve if criminals were ceasing to exist? I see it as the main reason why he got involved in the Kira case at first even if he himself wouldn’t admit it. Kira was threatening his life's purpose. But of course that's just my impression. I still fell in love with L the most even if our views differed.
Dunno if this whole rant makes sense or not but that’s just how I feel....
Death Note doesn't exist unfortunately and even if it would and I would get my hands on it, if it would be haunted by Ryuk, I would be definitely served by him pretty soon anyway, because he would probably get bored with me very soon 😂 I'm not a genius and I would be afraid of harming innocent beigns, so I would be extremely careful with using the Death Note.
Might try to bargain with apples but knowing Ryuk it wouldn't be enough to keep him from writing my name down sooner than my time is up 😂 I wouldn't even blame him 🙃 I'm simple and boring average woman, who is totally done with human race and most of the humans.
BTW I really love this little bit from the pilot chapter of Death Note:
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"But that would probably mean you'd have to kill the majority of mankind." 👍
(might delete this whole post later because of my social anxiety or if I get too roasted for my opinions, because I'm a coward 😄 I do stand firmly behind my beliefs especially IRL but I also prefer to be invisible on public sites 😄)
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mikami · 5 years
Death Note Audio Drama 08
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Disc 8: Live Transmission  - a summary / partial translation
Prior translations / an explanation as to what the fuck this is.
Despite the cover image, Near only shows up on the next disc, tragically.
In this disc, fundamentally nothing of interest happens. It entirely focuses on the span between the start of the Higuchi chase and Rem deciding to kill L, with very few additions that are at all intriguing.
Next disc though, major stuff is back in play, so look forward to that.
MISA: Save the world. Love the world.
OMINOUS VOICE: Cosmé.... Misa....
MISA: Love the world, live yourself.
MAN: For the modern girl. Hypoallergenic cosmetics. Good for you and good for our planet.  
MISA: Let’s turn the world into a better place together.
MAN: Cosmé Misa is without pollutants or preservatives. With sustainable ingredients from free nature.
MISA: Everyone should be free, right?
MAN: Newly released and only by Yotsuba.
We’re welcome back to Sakura TV’s special and reminded to stay tuned in for the shocking finale.
L and Light wonder about the person Higuchi is talking about in his car. They try to think of ways someone could sit on the backseat, but Wendy confirms there definitely is nobody there.
Higuchi begs Rem to kills Matsuda or to give him his name. She refuses.
L makes Misa call Higuchi.
Rem suggests to Higuchi to give up the notebook, but then Misa calls and confronts him on the ‘start running, whore’. He tries to call her baby and sweetie and begs her to kill her manager. She’s like “uhhh, he’s not a bad person so, no.”
But then she gives the name out and the fake real name they give is...... Tsugumi Ohba.
Higuchi stops the car to write that name and the task force speculate what he’s doing, but they can’t figure it out. They do see him using a pen though.
Higuchi counts down, but Matsuda obviously doesn’t die. Higuchi calls Misa again but Light tells her not to pick up.
Higuchi decides to shoot Matsuda again, but when Rem suggests the eye deal this time, he agrees to it.
L decides this mention of a contract is too suspicious and decides they want to make the arrest now.
Higuchi kills that traffic cop, like in the manga. Higuchi’s attitude here is super jovial, he’s totally overjoyed that the eyes are working.
L and Light figure out that Higuchi now only needs a face. They want Higuchi arrested immediately.
The TV show goes on commercial break, since they want to evacuate the studio now. 
Kitamura is watching his daughter’s Swan Lake ballet. L calls him for support. (Kitamura: “What do you want? And hurry up, I think the swan’s dying now.”) 
The police are instructed to keep distance and let Higuchi come into Sakura TV.
Higuchi is yammering to Rem about his wishes to kill, not only at the TV studio, but also to kill Misa. Rem reminds him that more victims mean more evidence against him. 
L figures out that Higuchi has a shinigami with him. L locks Misa to a chair, while he and Light take the helicopter to go to the TV studio. For this occasion, L ties Light to his hand with handcuffs. (Misa: “Hey L, don’t just leave me here. You’ve got two hands, why can’t I be chained to the other one?!”)
The TV transmission continues, slowly zeroing in on a Japanese company as main suspect. Demegawa wants to remain at the studio in order to film Higuchi’s entry, Soichiro tells him to come along and evacuate but Demegawa refuses.
A short snippet of Light being shocked Watari is a sniper, but no interesting info gets dropped.
Wendy tries to hand Soichiro a gun, but Soichiro refuses, like in the manga.
Higuchi arrives at the studio. Demegawa determinedly lets it all be filmed. We hear the whole scene from film crew perspective. Higuchi arrives and sees the dummies, he understands its a trap.
He is circled by Soichiro, Wendy, Ivor and someone from the task force. They start shooting. Soichiro gets nonfatally shot and Higuchi runs and drives away in his car again. Ivor and Mogi follow in their own car, Wendy steals the Sakura TV transmission car to also chase. The whole car chase scene unfolds without interesting detail.
Higuchi gets surrounded and arrested eventually. Soichiro takes the notebook, sees Rem, then Mogi sees Rem, too..... You know the deal.
Light insists on taking the book, regains his memories. Hurray.
TV report about Higuchi’s arrest. Demegawa’s broadcast was apparently completely cut off, just like all other media. But Demegawa is on the new report anyway and stating that the person arrested is Kira. He repeats his ‘not for awards, not for viewer numbers’ catchphrase.
They also let us know Higuchi is arrested alive.
Kitamura is fucking furious with L and Soichiro. He hates how they did this and how many crimes they committed along the way. He wants to sue them all.
They argue about who gets to keep Higuchi. Soichiro eventually brings up that he could publicize that the police has been blackmailed, thus he strongarms Kitamura into keeping the investigation.
We also hear that Light collapsed upon regaining his memories and is currently in the hospital. L casually remarks that maybe Kitamura should at least send him a fruits basket.
Ryuk eating apple noises. 
RYUK: I missed this.
LIGHT (weakly): Ryuk...
RYUK: How are you, boy?
LIGHT: I have a pounding headache...
RYUK: Well, it ought to hurt to get all those memories back into your head.
LIGHT: Wait... stop....
RYUK: Relax, boy. There are no bugs in this room. They’re too busy cleaning up after all this excitement. 
LIGHT: Well, then, do as you like. [in reference to Ryuk’s apple chewing]
RYUK: And even if so, you shouldn’t mind.
LIGHT: Who even sent me a fruits basket...?
RYUK: Wait, there’s a card.... Oh, you won’t believe this.
The task force examine the notebook and read its rules. L concludes there is more than one Death Note. They try talking to Rem, same-ish as the manga.
The 13-day-rule clears Light and Misa.
Light explains the fake rules to Ryuk, so apparently he literally just wrote them himself. Why Light even keeps his memories here despite Higuchi still being alive is a fucking mystery, but the writers just didn’t think it through, I guess.
Light now does kill Higuchi with his watch.
Soichiro then comes to visit and asks how Light is, expressing confusion that only Light reacted this badly to the book, but quickly forgetting about.
Phone ringing. L picks up.
L: What now? ... Uh-huh.... Oh really? .... Really, just like that? [starts yelling] Amazing! No, really! Amazing! Thanks for nothing!!
He hangs up. The call had informed him that Higuchi had a heart attack.
Misa digs up the Death Note. Misa gives Ryuk an apple for Light. (Ryuk: “That’s my man.”) She’s also... starting to regain her memories already? Despite not having touched the buried notebook yet?? Who knows what’s up.
She then reads Light’s letter, but she doesn’t remember L’s name anymore. Ryuk here is the one who actively talks her into making the deal again, rather than Misa deciding for herself.
L is still asking Rem questions, taken from the manga. Misa drops by HQ, L won’t let her in anymore. Light tries to convince L to say goodbye to her at least, but L refuses. He then tries to guilt trip L like “you just drop people when you stop needing them” but to no avail.
Rem confronts Misa about the new eye deal while Misa renews her lipstick in the lady’s room. She is upset. 
MISA: You didn’t care about that when we made the trade.
REM: That was before... before you meant something to me.
MISA: Oooh, that’s sweet, really, Rem. But Light needs me.
Rem still tries to convince Misa that she made a mistake, since L is never going to let her see him again.
TV report about all Yotsuba executives dying. It’s quick. More reports about how Kira is back and a lot of new murders are occurring. Higuchi’s name is explicitly mentioned and people wonder how he could die while in police custody.
Most of the reported murders are suicides? Because the audio drama just quietly changes this to a common MO for Kira, apparently.
L is really pissed Kira is back in the game, hurray. Light is pretty calm about it, as L points out. This immediately directs L’s attention back to the idea of an original Kira (hence, Light). He immediately doubts the 13 day rule.
LIGHT: Ah, I see. You’re completely in the dark, so you declare me the suspect. Aren’t you getting bored of that?
Rem is on the roof in the rain, talking to Ryuk. She’s mad at him for what he did with giving Misa the eyes again. Ryuk says that this looks like ‘plan B’, though he doesn’t know what that even means. Rem then figures it out.... that the plan is for Rem to kill L. “If I love Misa, I have to sacrifice myself.”
Thus she vows to kill L for Misa. And she flies off, with Ryuk calling after her to think it over once more.
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