#drunk and starting bar fights and a duel he could never win
marsupials-of-mars · 11 months
So, I don't think Stede wanted to kill Ned. Ed told him not to, and he did, but I don't think he wanted to.
I know it's been said that both sides still don't fully understand why the other would want them or the kind of life they have. They both think they have to change to be worthy, no matter what they are directly told by the other. It's a fundamental part of their identity that they hate their prior lives.
Think of the first scene of the season, a rugged bearded pirate stede killing his romantic rival in cold blood, an act of utter devotion and unbridled passion, and Ed loves it.
This part of his identity extends to how he expresses himself romantically. I'm not saying that he can't just be eager, like in the second kiss and the sex, especially because he's finally freeing himself from repression of his sexuality. But think about the context.
He wants to show Ed he cares. Ed has defended him with force. He sees Ed being berated and tortured, and he can finally do something about it. Ed tells him not to do it, but Ed is only saying that to spare his fragile mind. Ed would kill Ned in a second, and now Stede is a real pirate, and he is going to show Ed that he can pull his weight, protect his love, use his mean voice, be a proper captain.
So, afterwards, we have Ed, who didn't want Stede to kill Ned for not only Stede's sake, but for his own. Because he's even more sick of the brutality now than ever, he was finally a little settled with a boyfriend who can take things slow with him, and help him appreciate beauty. But he won't say that, because stede made his choice, and he's here to comfort him, because he must be having a horrible time, with how he's handled killing in the past.
But we also have Stede, who catches him entirely off guard. Because he sees the killing of Ned as a GRAND ROMANTIC GESTURE. The shedding of the self to become something new and worthy, not just for Ed, but because he said he wanted to be a pirate, and he'll never go back on that again. So he assumes, after this grand gesture, that this is the perfect moment for their first time. Because it's so romantic! And he even goes in with gusto, how sexy!
He's completely blindsided by Ed saying it was a mistake. Because if he went to the lengths of killing a man in cold blood to make absolute certain that he would do anything for this love to work, then Ed saying it was a mistake means that there's no hope of it ever not being a mistake.
And Ed watches Stede change like this, trying to be happy for him because it's not his place to tell him not to be a pirate after everything. And obviously Stede was spooked by the idea of starting new, plain lives, enough that he refused theirs and left his own twice.
And he watches, knowing that he's taught him this way and played a huge role in hardening him, making him lose so much of the softness and beauty that he fell in love with.
Because he can't help but defile beautiful things.
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pumukli74 · 3 months
Pairing: Jude Bellingham x Reader
- What did you do? - I roared down Dom's head.
- Minna! Everything will be fine. I will win - my friend tried to calm me down. We usually get along, but now he did something stupid.
- Don't worry - my girlfriend hugged me. Should I be calm? Should I not worry?
- He didn't offer you as a prize... I'd rather not say what it is! - Different shades of red danced on my face, from my neck to my burning ears. I tried to calm down with deep inhalations and exhalations, but I couldn't.
After partially regulating my pulse, I curiously glanced over to the far end of the pub. There, among his laughing friends, my pushed friend's opponent, Jude Bellingham, is the savior of the Real Madrid football team, the black-haired demigod of the Galacticos. The competition between them has been going on since his arrival, which they tried to keep within normal limits, their fight was never really bloody. Until now. I don't even understand how Jude could agree to the bet, why he allowed this challenge to my drunk friend.
If he wins, I mean Jude, I'll be his for a night. The thought of it touching me gave me chills, in a good way, of course. Like others, I was not left cold by his magical aura, which made most of the girls willing to do anything. Well, I really liked the guy, but I didn't want to be another name in his crowded notebook. As before, I couldn't take my eyes off him. My gaze wandered over his muscular figure, his narrow hips and long legs hidden in black jeans.
As much as I didn't mean to, it definitely had an effect on me. I envied the red and black arrows as he twirled them between his fingers, while his all-knowing eyes bore into mine. I answered his flash of a smile with a grimace, then turned back to my friend with a grunt, ignoring Jude's nod as he tried to greet me.
- Then let's start! - Dom waved at his opponent with a drunken grin. - There will be nothing wrong - he pressed a kiss on my cheek. Of course! The smell of alcohol, which could be felt from kilometers away, followed him like a shadow as he walked with uncertain steps to the throwing line.
- Minna - I trembled, she appeared behind me so unexpectedly.
- Jude.
- Don't you wish me luck? - My nose was hit by her acrid, citrus scent and the pulsation of energy that came from her body. I had a strong desire to snuggle up to Jude, hug him and never let him go. But I was able to resist the temptation, I pushed it away.
- I'm rooting for my friend, don't be angry.
-I'm not angry - he whispered. - How crampy you are today. I know a sure fire way to get you unstuck.
- Try a cold shower - I retorted.
- It can only be considered as a temporary solution.
- My body is not for sale.
- I'm glad. You know, I've never paid for sex before.
- Let's go! - Vini, one of the demigod's best friends, interrupted our verbal duel. - My stars! Work first, then fun.
At the beginning, everything went fine, but somewhere along the way, Dom lost control, the alcohol took over him. He made more and more mistakes and finally lost. And I turned around and walked away. I didn't want to see my friend's desperate face, nor Jude's smug look. I ran away, leaving the noisy pub behind. Neither the fresh, early spring air could soothe him, nor the beloved city of Madrid, whose streets were resplendent in the silvery light of the full moon shining in the sky. In my favorite nightclub, I was greeted by a gentle twilight, a lot of people and a fast rhythm. He was familiar behind the bar, he would have filled my usual drink immediately.
- No, thanks - I motioned to him. I didn't want the drink now, I was in a mess anyway, I didn't want to knock myself out completely. Rather, I gave in to the uncontrollable rumbling that hurt ears accustomed to silence, that the bass became one with my heartbeat. With arms raised high, hips swaying to the tune of the music, I raged for who knows how long. This night was different.
My skin heated up as the hand slid to my waist, my back pressed against the hard muscles. Glancing back over my shoulder, I detected a slight rebuke in the gaze framed by thick, dark eyelashes. I knew that no matter how much I resisted, I would only feel truly at home in his arms.
- You're bad, Minna. Very, very bad.
- Jude...
- We both have an unfinished business that...
- What?
- What we need to close. Now. Immediately - There was no escape.
- Well then, love me, Jude Bellingham! - I gave the order.
- Yes ma'am! - he leaned closer. - I will love you my beauty until the end of time.
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ash-and-books · 3 months
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Rating: 4/5
Book Blurb:
Two rival writers. One prestigious publishing contract. A bargain of hearts and seduction.
They say never bargain with the fae. They also say don’t get drunk on fae wine. Yet romance author Edwina Danforth has managed a blunder with both on her first visit to the infamous faelands. Now she’s trapped in a magic-fueled bet she barely remembers with a man she’d be happier to forget. The terms? Whoever can bed the most lovers during their month-long dueling book tour wins a coveted publishing contract.
The win should be easy for Edwina. She’s known for penning scintillating tales of whirlwind romance. There’s just one problem: her imagination vastly exceeds her bedroom experience. But when failure means plummeting her career back into obscurity, losing isn’t an option.
Her handsome fae rival, William Haywood, poses an even greater challenge. Not only are his looks as aggravatingly perfect as his track record behind closed doors, but he has his own reasons for playing to win, and he won’t go down without a fight. Unless, of course, it’s a different kind of going down. In that case, he’s fair game.
Edwina and William clash in a rivalry of romance. But what happens when their objects of desire…turn out to be each other?
A Rivalry of Hearts is a spicy standalone adult fantasy romcom in the Fae Flings and Corset Strings series. Every book in the series can be read on its own in any order and ends with a HEA. If you like academic rivals, enemies to lovers, and quirky heroines, then you’ll love this sizzling tale.
The Fae Flings and Corset Strings series is set in the same world as The Fair Isle Trilogy and Entangled with Fae. Journey back to this beloved fae world or fall in love for the first time.
Two rival authors, one prestigious publishing contract, and a bet to see who can seduce more people... yet the only ones being seduced are each other. Edwina Danforth is a romance author, she loves writing smutty romance novels and finds joy in them but she has yet to actually make a penny despite writing over 17 books. When she is late for her latest tour stop she arrives only to discover that they've also brought in another author... who is now also going on tour with her, the handsome William Haywood. The moment Will and Edwina meet is not great to say the least, with him calling her work "romantic drivel." Will and Edwina do not get along, and when they both find out that the person who sells the most books on the tour will be offered the new publishing contract, tensions only rise. One night out at the bar they come up with a bet: whoever can seduce the most people wins... and a deal with the fae is binding. Edwina, despite writing smut and romance, has actually had very little experience but her pride won't let her stop the agreement. Meanwhile, Will's attempt to tease and actually flirt with Edwina ends up with her misunderstanding and proposing the bet... and now they both are competing...yet the only people they seem to be seducing and wanting to go to bed with is each other. But if they admit to their feelings so much is at stake and their game could end up with one of them losing everything, with both of them having their own desperate reasons for winning and dealing with the feelings they are both trying to fight, can this book tour be a success and can they actually make a romance happen or was it doomed from the start? This was a really fun read and I liked the competitive game between the two. The rivalry was cute and honestly, Will was such a sweetheart. He was constantly looking after Edwina and trying to show her how much he adores her, Edwina was so stubbornly prideful and set in her judgements it made me want to shake her at times. It's a really fun read and I had a blast reading it and can't wait to see where the second book with the second couple goes!!! If you like fae realms, romance, and fun characters I would absolutely recommend this!
Release Date: June 12, 2024
Publication/Blog: Ash and Books (ash-and-books.tumblr.com)
*Thanks Netgalley and ARC provided by Victory Editing NetGalley Co-op for sending me an arc in exchange for an honest review*
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gridoc · 4 years
Copy aand Pasted from discord but I'm soft for the enemies part of the enemies to lovers in the pirate au
i been thinking abt doc/grian in this au again and esp the more the enemies side to enemies to lovers and i think that its fun to explore it cause both sides grew up learning and having reasons to hate the other.
even if you see Doc growing up w TFC and Ren, even before TFC actually died from the navy he would have been against them- who knows what would have happened to doc if tfc didn't adopt him, and its not like navy was gonna help right? Even after when he lived w TFC, tfc may not have told them he is THE Pirate tfc but like ofc alluded his ideals onto him and ren.
so like? navy hating would have been like learned into doc esp if tfc was hiding from them. and then TFC is murdered my te navy. thats a big why doc became such a ruthless pirate esp towards the navy!!!!!
and also grian?? we dont rly have a backstory for him but any child would have learned to listen to the navy, and that they are the good ones and pirates are evil. cause ofc? and grian would grow up learning about evil pirates plungering ships and towns, stealing things, nothing in the good light! and grian would maybe grow up in the orphanage so becoming part of the navy is the only future he had, because what skills could he have gotten?
so at a young age he would have become part of the navy as a crew member. maybe as young as 12 or 13 the moment he started growing and could learn how to be on a ship, so even then he would have heard about actual stories about pirates, actualyl seen pirates and witnessed what they can do as he grew up on the sea around sailors and soldiers alike!!! jumping from different crew to differnet crew as he grew up fearing pirates.
so like! enemies!! and then they meet, and Grian defeats him and Doc lets him live. and thats the weirdest part. he lets him live. he could have tortured him, forced information out and have the rest of the golden goat throw him off deck.
but he doesnt!
and its cause he knows respect, and he promises his deals and he never backed on a deal, especially a duel and he done deals like this before, fight the big bad captain and you get let go. and doc never lost on a deal like this, never considered the opposite of the deal if he lost once! and it was weird, and he hated it.
he lost to some navy, and he should killed him after, protect his reputation and thats what his rational brain tells him days later, back to his old mindset.
the same with grian, he should have killed the pirate. he had the sword under his neck, and he had time to just stick into the pirate. but he didnt. he was scared, thats what he tells himself, or just the adrealine of the whole battle and wanting to see the cpatian suprised made him stop and not finsiht the job. and thats what he tells himself days later. back to a pirate hating mindset as he joins another crew once again.
and well? they meet again, and again and again and they dont die. neither of them. grian wins the duels, and maybe thats why he doesnt kill the pirate? because he wants to fight him and beat him over and over and over again.
and doc doesn't know why he keeps seeking him out, he thinks its because he wants to kill him. and everytime they duel, at the start, Doc comes with the intent to kill grian as so Grian too. but by the end, when Doc is back on the floor w the blade under his neck they dont. neither ever use the oppurtunity to actually kill eachother although the farther they are away and more time they are apart the killing and hatred is back in the new spot back into the mold.
so many times eachother fucked eachother over when seeing eahcother, grian called the rest of the crew for backup so many times, earning so many gunshots through doc as he runs away then has to recover for weeks. grian nearly drowned so many times as doc just keeps throwing him offboard or his crew. its not pretty and they know it and its how it should be. and they hate the feeling they have when they other is hurt.
cause they have some sort of weird bond, theyve seen and talked enough times to have this bond and they actually end up some sort of friends but this is not how it goes, the times they talked normally, accidently meeting in a bar and both too drunk to lift up swords they talk and they enjoy it and they laugh. and the next day they are back to fighting. and somehow the fighting softens, their is no longer an intent anymore and by the end when one trips and falls over soemthing they dont worry that a sword will be in their chest the next second and thye hear a laugh from the other isntead cause they tripped
and ??? well maybe it could have gone on and on like that. cause they were enemies and maybe without grian ending up on docs ship, without the close quarters and with an excuse not to fight anymore thats how they go to 'the lovers' part of enemies to lovers. cause they seen eachother everyday and actually finnaly are on the same level, even under the resentment and the attempts to remind eachother that they arent on the same side although in the technicallity they are at the time.
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Wicked Surprises
Merribela Week, Day 1: Cards
fandom: Dragon Age rating: PG-13 characters: Merrill x Isabela words: 2.3k additional tags: Wicked Grace, flirty, first attraction description: Varric brings Merrill along to Wicked Grace, but after Varric leaves things get a little steamy between Isabela and the sweetest elf she’d never thought she’d have the hots for
For all the clever airs he put on, Isabela was always amused by how Varric ended up in a duel to the death against her during the final rounds of Wicked Grace. And he’d always start furrowing his brows a few hands in, because he’d go in so sure he could beat her. She knew well enough to let him win a few rounds, get his hopes up, just to destroy him when his self-confidence turned into unfounded arrogance. 
They were just hitting the tipping point, about five games in. He put too much money in this time after a streak of wins. And even though his mouth acted in control, it was always his eyebrows that gave it away. Isabela smirked. Everything was going according to plan.
Well, at least when it came to Varric and Hawke. She’d scared the sassy mage under the table two rounds ago and the dwarf was hitting his tipping point. But there was an unexpected element in the game tonight. 
At the end of the table, only inches from her, was a chipper little elf with gorgeous, bright green eyes, her feet crossed dainty under her chair. Merrill was sitting there smiling at her cards like they were candy. Most of the time, she figured the ex-Dalish was too saccharine for her tastes. However, tonight there was this mischievous little grin on her face each time somebody dropped out. 
Isabela couldn’t tell if she just had good cards and didn’t know how to lie, or was pulling off the most manipulative, yet wholesome looking heist she’d ever seen. 
Taking her eyes off the most interesting character at the table, Isabela leaned back in her chair and nodded at her dwarven buddy, his eyebrows looking so tense they could fly right off. She asked, “Going to do anything with your turn, Varric?”
After a few flitting glances between his cards and Isabela, he grumbled and threw his cards down. “Dammit, I’m out.” Even though he was glaring and crossing his arms, Isabela felt so much electric satisfaction. It sizzled under her skin. If she wasn’t such a good pirate, she might have made one hell of a gambler. 
Merrill pouted next to him. Bemused, Isabela wanted to see what she was up to. A cute pout like that had to be deliberate. Batting her eyelashes at Varric, Merrill said, “That’s no fun.” Isabela was caught off guard when those sparkly eyes looked straight at her. “Guess that just leaves me and Isabela, right?Or are you quitting, too?”
Running her tongue behind her teeth, Isabela shook her head. Not so easy, baby doll. Not that she minded seeing this new side of Merrill. “Don’t think your cute smile’s about to scare me away.”
“You think my smile’s cute?” 
Isabela wasn’t used to finding herself caught off guard more than once in a conversation. She also didn’t know how to respond to Merrill’s eyes sparkling extra while looking at her and talking about smiles. But whatever the elf’s ploy was, she wasn’t going to get in her head. “Not the point.” Isabela gestured to the finished game in front of them and said, “Time to show your hand, better hope it’s a good one.”
“I dunno, but I think I did okay for myself.” And then with that helpless, adorable grin Merrill flipped her cards to show the best hand Isabela had ever seen in this seedy bar. Guess the dark haired elf with had more surprises than she expected in her tiny little hands. 
“Well, well, can say I didn’t expect that.” Isabela showed her own abysmal hand and felt her entire body liven up with interest. There wasn’t much about this world that surprised her anymore, more like unfortunate possibilities that she hadn’t counted on happening.
But a surprise, and a pleasant one at that, was something she didn’t want to let go of so easy. Giving Merrill a once over, she said, “I have to see if you can make lightning strike twice. You in, Varric?”
“Nah, Hawke’s already weeping under the table because he lost so I’ll get his ass home.” After standing and dragging up the drunk Hawke with him, Varric gave Isabela a pointed look. “Take care of Daisy, will ya?”
Merrill didn’t look too happy about that, though she couldn’t tell if it was out of annoyance or guilt. “She doesn’t have to--”
“My pleasure.”
Varric seemed pleased with that and lef Hawke out of The Hanged Man, managing to miss other handsy drunk patrons along the way. They both waved the two off and watched the door open and close behind them. 
But the second Varric’s orange head was out of the way, Merrill was looking at her again with pinched lips and a wrinkled forehead. “I can take care of myself.”
It made Isabela laugh, how tightly wound Merrill looked. That was more like what she expected. However, Isabela was a little too intrigued to let the elf get all awkward and tense again. She wanted to see what else was underneath. The few glimpses already made her way too interested to let the more salacious side of Merrill slip away. But she did admit, “Sure you can. I’ve seen you in a fight. I’m just making the grumpy dwarf feel better.”
“Oh. Thank you, then.”
Isabela raised an eyebrow, flicked a card with her fingers, and egged Merrill on, saying, “So are you actually good at this game or was that just a lucky draw?”
“What? Think I can’t have beaten you on wits alone?”
Chuckling, Isabela leaned on the table and bit her lip. “No offense, but I doubt it.”
“I take offense to that, but I’ll let it go. Not your fault I have a “cute smile””
Of all things, teasing wasn’t what Isabela expected. This night was only getting better and better. She even was starting to wonder what other surprises those cute, pink lips of Merrill’s had for her. 
Maybe this night would get even more interesting than she ever expected. 
“Is that all you’re going to talk about now, the fact I said you have a cute smile?”
“When you normally tell people they have nice arse or tits? I take it as a uniquely rare compliment.”
Isabela bristled. She didn’t like that as much as the rest of this conversation. She cut her eyes at Merrill. “There’s nothing wrong with me enjoying company in my bed.”
Shaking her hands in front of her innocently, Merrill looked startled.“That’s not what I meant at all.” Then she looked down at her hands, this little blush covering her cheeks, and said, “I meant it’s nice to hear you say you like my smile.”
While most things about tonight were a delicious mystery, Isabela knew that kind of smile and it made her fingertips tingle. Little miss flower might just have a crush on her. Things just got so, so much more interesting. Especially when said woman wasn’t bad to look at. Good company, too, albeit like a sugar rush sometimes. 
In her element, Isabela brushed her foot against Merrill’s. Her posture shot straight up and the blush got a little more noticeable. “If I didn’t know any better, Merrill, I’d say you were flirting.”
“M-maybe it’s all a part of my grand scheme to beat you at cards.”
Winking, Isabela said, “You starting this kind of game with me, flower? I will win every time.”
“Will you? How so?”
Merrill was just making this easier and easier for her, huh? Well, either she was going to scare the elf off or get a much more evening than she bargained for. Whether it was some squirming or screaming, Isabela was open to either option. She twirled a lock of her hair with her finger. “With someone like you? All I have to do is have a drifting hand or to talk about what my tongue can do under your dress, and you’re done. I’ll have won.” 
Even though Merrill’s cheeks flared, she swallowed and didn’t flinch. Impressive. “Well you aren’t winning right now.” The little elf, exhaled, slow. Isabela watched the way her chest fell. Even though she was petite, she had to admit her body had to be beautiful under her green tunic. She did wonder how soft her skin that didn’t touch routine battle might be. 
But as Isabela was getting far too distracted about all the possibilities of tonight, even though she was pretty sure they’d never happen, Merrill tipped her finished hand and raised an eyebrow at Isabela. Another great damn hand. Merrill's eyes were practically gleaming when she winked at her. “So what do you want to do next?”
Okay, she had to admit that was a little hot. Her throat was a lot dryer than she remembered. 
Showing her own cards, she had to accept she got her ass handed to her. Again. “How--”
“A winner never tells their secrets.” Merrill’s cute smile was starting to have less than a wholesome effect on Isabela. She was fantasizing about what she had to do to get Merrill’s intentions to turn a little more than friendly. Cleavage and some mild flirting normally worked, but they were already past that point. “
Across from her, Merrill asked, Another?”
“I’m out of spare coin, I’m afraid.” Isabela couldn’t get the idea of that green tunic on her bedroom floor out of her head, though. It was time to put the ball in Merrill’s court, try to feel out where her head was at. After all, this wasn’t just some drunken, hot girl that she could make fall in love with her for a night. This was sort of her co-worker. She had to be a little more delicate with it. Raising an eyebrow, Isabela said,“But we can always wager more interesting things.”
“Like what?”
“Each failed round, loser drops a piece of clothing?”
Merrill's red cheeks were really starting to do it for Isabela, and it was getting really distracting. She replied, a little overwhelmed.“Not in the middle of the bar!” 
Isabela accepted the loss. This idea of her and Merrill wasn’t a real practical one. This was probably just a rare night that’d never happen again. Chocking it up to fun flirting that she’d have to work out of her system on some cute rando later, Isabel conceded, “Well then--” 
“W-What if we went to your room?” 
Her lips fell into an easy smile that warmed up her whole body. But Merrill just kept on surprising her, didn’t she? 
Cocking her head towards her back room, she collected the cards and brushed her fingers against Merrill’s. “Then I guess we have ourselves a game.”
When they got back to Isabela’s room, she was practically drunk on the thought of seeing how far her vallaslin really went. So drunk that Isabela lost a couple rounds way too fast. She had wriggled out of her boots and top less than half an hour later. Only upside was that the red-cheeked Merrill was having a hard time keeping her eyes off of Isabela’s, um, assets. 
So much trouble that after losing way too many helpless rounds, Isabela finally won.
“Ha! Seems your winning streak just ended.” 
When Merrill grabbed the edges of her shirt, though, her hands were shaking. No matter how much Isabela wanted to toss the elf on her bed and see how long it took to make her moan, it didn’t sit right with her, seeing her so uncomfortable. Before Merrill started pulling off anything, Isabela grabbed her hand and shook her head. “You know, you don’t have to--”
But Merrill took away her hand and peeled off the top like it offended her. “I’m not a child.” 
“No, you’re not.” Isabela took a deep breath, seeing the pale, pristine skin underneath. She could see Merrill’s chest rise and fall under her crossed arms. With a soft hand, Isabela caressed her side. Though her face was still red and she looked so unsure, Merrill didn’t pull away. 
Tucking a hand under her chin, Isabela pulled Merrill closer and said, “You’re beautiful, you know.”
“Funny, coming from the most beautiful woman in every room.” 
“You can’t mean that.”
“Of course I do.” When Merrill’s eyes flicked down to Isabela’s chest, she covered her red face with her hands. “A-And I’m not just saying that because you don’t have a top on!”
“You’re adorable.” Letting go of her, Isabela held back her more powerful feelings about looking at Merrill and said, “But don’t start this game unless you’re serious about playing it through.” 
“You dare ask that? I may be awkward and small and people don’t take me quite seriously. But I’m still a woman, Isabela.” She unfurled her arms and held her head high. “Don’t patronize me.”
With that, Isabela found her fingers on Merrill’s hips, pulling her in closer, whispering in her ear, “I’m not trying to patronize you. I’m trying to make sure you want this. Because I want you to end up in my bed because you can’t resist me, not because you weren’t sure how to tell me to stop.”
Isabela looked directly into those bright green eyes and waited for the delicious words she wanted to hear. “Don’t what?”
“Don’t stop.” 
One gentle pull and Merrill’s body was pressed against hers, and she could feel the elf’s heartbeat against her own chest. It made it hard to keep teasing her, but it was so damn worth it. “And what would you like me to start doing, then?” 
“Kiss me.” Hovering her lips over Merrill’s, Isabela chose to play the insatiable asshole. She wanted to see just how much she could make Merrill squirm. 
“All you have to do is say you want me.”
Merrill pulled back her face and glowered. “Don’t make some sadistic joke out of my feelings--”
“I’m not.” Isabela got close again, running her hand up Merrill’s back, pulling at the smallclothes left on her body. “Tell me you want me.”
“I bloody want you. Happy now?” 
And that was all she needed to hear before crashing her lips down onto hers. 
What a surprising night, indeed. She wouldn’t mind letting Merrill surprise her more often.
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linerwriter · 5 years
Primrose is useless (and here’s why)
*slight spoilers for Octopath Traveler and Persona 5*
In my 50 hour, several month long voyage through Octopath Traveler, I have learned a number of things about the game. I have learned that Alfyn, while sweet, has a vindictive street a mile wide. I have learned that Cyrus, though oblivious, is actually quite charming. And finally, I have learned that Primrose, as a fighter, is useless.
Now, before you come at me with flaming torches and pitchforks, shouting about You just don’t like her as a character!- her character has nothing to do with it. I like her story, in fact, I would say it’s one of the more unique stories in the game, which is saying something (besides Tressa’s. Hers is just... ugh). Wants to get revenge for her parent’s murders and her family’s fall from grace in the aristocracy? Sign me up. Her personality? Also a win. It’s sarcastic and flirty, just the type of thing to keep me going in a bar full of drunk men.
Her actual gameplay? Not so much.
I have a theory that when Square Enix was making the characters, Primrose’s story was one of the firsts. But then, when they got through everyone else, they were left with Primrose, and their creativity kinda ran out.
My protagonist (or the first person I played as) was Ophilia, and I slowly worked my way clockwise around our heroes. When I got to Primrose, I was thinking “This is the character that has knives and dark magic! That’ll be useful!” And then she didn’t end up that way.
See, Primrose, at first, is useful. She’s one of the few that starts out with a knife, and the only one that has dark magic naturally. Sounds pretty helpful, right? Well, uh, not quite. There’s another character who uses a knife- his name is Therion, and he is one of two Best Boys- and has a higher attack stat than her. Which, okay, that’s fine. Primrose seems to be more focused on magic, like Cyrus. Maybe her dark magic is powerful?
I don’t know what it is, but the elemental spells that only attack once are incredibly weak. Like ice is absolutely fine at dealing damage, but as soon as wind is played, it feels like you did 30 points of damage (dealt by a very high leveled character!) Dark magic, in particular, seems to have gotten the short end of the stick in that the spells just aren’t very powerful. Period. I’ll use them to break an enemy’s shield, and that’s pretty much it.
‘But if she uses such weak magic then why does she have such high SP?’ You may be asking. I’ll tell you, friend- it’s because she buffs others. Buffs, in itself, isn’t bad. In some cases, they can even be incredibly useful, like when you want to defeat an enemy quickly. But besides boss fights or impatience, I’ve never really used buff spells, and I rarely use them during boss fights
Finally, the big cherry on top- her ability. In case you don’t know, one of Octopath’s game mechanics is special talents the character uses during their story or regular gameplay. Such abilities include Olberic and H’annit’s challenge ability, Therion’s steal ability, and Ophilia and Primrose’s guide/seduce ability.
Abilities in Octopath are often used again, like with H’annit and Olberic. However, besides H’annit’s ability to challenge others to a duel, she can capture monsters to summon again later, differentiating herself from Olberic. Primrose doesn’t do that. Ophilia has the skill Guide, where she can talk to townspeople and summon them later in battle for help. Primrose’s skill, Allure, does the exact the same thing with no variation. See where I’m going with this?
With all four of these problems mixed together, my motivation to use this player is pretty low. If one of these things were by itself, it would’ve been fine. If she used knives but her dark magic was pretty good? Cool, I’ll use her. If she had the same ability as Ophilia but good at attack? Eh, I could ignore it. But it was the fact that everything she could do was done better by other characters was what really made me lose my incentive to use. To be honest, she kinda reminds me of Haru from Persona 5, with a few differences.
For one, I actually had a reason to use Haru. She’s the only one (besides Joker) that is able to use physic moves. For another, when I didn’t need to use her, she still earned EXP from battles. I wish Square Enix did what ATLUS did, where characters still earned EXP and leveled up even when they weren’t being used, but alas, they did not. Because of this fact, whenever I wasn’t using Primrose, the others’ levels would slowly creep higher and higher, up into the 40s, while poor, poor Primrose stayed at lvl. 20. 
The thing with Octopath is that, despite having to juggle through and play 8 different characters, you can only have four party members with you at a time. This can lead to some characters being forgotten until you reach their story, or having to grind for several hours until everyone is at an acceptable level. This cycle of continually being forced to grind, play, forget with Primrose led to my motivation and reasoning to use her to become nonexistent. After all, who wants to use a character with skills and abilities that were already done better?
In short, Primrose, as a playable character, was unneeded. With her forgettable and, quite frankly, lazy abilities, need for grinding every chapter, and overall lack of motivation to use her, it is with no surprise that I think she is unhelpful. 
I really want to use Primrose, honestly, I do! Her story seems really interesting (from the first two chapters I’ve played through) and her interactions with other characters during travel banter feel really genuine and fun. It’s just, with all of these things piling up against her, I can’t be bothered to use her as much as Cyrus or Therion. At the very least, I can say that she isn’t my least favorite character. That spot belongs to a certain merchant.
Thank you for listening to me rant about this. It’s been building up for a long time. It was kinda fun to write all this out, if I’m being honest. Maybe I should do it again for Tressa... welp, that’s something entirely different. See you next time if I do this again!
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berserker-official · 7 years
For Honor 1.15 Patch
This is the big patch for Season 4. Here’s a link to the patch notes, if you don’t want to read them here, but I’ll put them under a line now.
The Shaman fights like a wildcat on the battlefield. She uses a dagger and hatchet to stab and slash relentlessly, overwhelming their opponents. When she smells blood, she will pounce upon her prey and remorselessly deliver the deathblow.
Difficulty: Medium
Fighting style details:
Predatory combatant
Fast attacker
Special Capabilities:
Fast attacks let her strike at will
Short range stabs inflict Bleed
Becomes more deadly when the opponent is Bleeding
The Aramusha uses his blades for offense and defense. He can move very carefully or dodge very quickly on the battlefield. He capitalizes on the mistakes of his opponents to unleash a never-ending flow of fast attacks in every direction.
Difficulty: Hard
Fighting style details:
Counter Attacker
Fast attacker
Special Capabilities:
Infinite chains
Very good special block move
Very good dodges
New Maps
The Gauntlet
A pair of massive stone skulls stand as welcome or warning to those who seek to enter the Viking Fortress. Perched high on a hill, the Fortress is protected by a defensive gauntlet, built by seasoned warriors to stop attackers from reaching their most valued haven.
Few have ever made it in the Viking citadel, and none have made it out.
Available in all gamemodes except Tribute.
Market Town
Out of tranquil marshland rises a Samurai village, a densely populated maze of twisting alleys and unusual architecture. Here the people live in stilt houses above the water, and the landscape has necessitated a push skyward, creating multi-tiered neighborhoods at varying elevations.
Navigating the village is a significant challenge for visitors and invaders alike, but a system of ziplines is sure to expedite travel.
Available in all gamemodes except Dominion.
New Gamemode
Two teams of four players fight for the favor of the gods. Each team must gather or steal offerings and bring them back to their shrines to unlock powerful blessings. The first team with three offerings (or the team with the most offerings at the end of the timer) wins.
Tribute is playable in Tower Ruin, Canyon, Shipyard, Cathedral, Cinder Mill, Forest, Viking Village and Market Town.
Improvements since Public Test
When the timer reaches 0:00 (during any phase of the match) the phase will not resolve until the latest interaction with a Shrine is completed or interrupted. The match carries on or finishes according to the result of that interaction.
Example: If the score is 3-0 for the blue team. Win confirm state starts. After 40s an orange players tries to steal an offering. Before he finishes, the timer ends. On Public Test, this meant a victory for the blue team. Now, if the orange player successfully steals the offering, the match exits the win confirm state and goes back to the regular timer with the score being 2-0.
This effect can be triggered with a steal AND/OR a secure.
Drop conditions when carrying an Offering have been refined, they should now be consistent throughout:
On PTS, moves and feats that controlled other players would not make the offering drop. They now do.
Being in revenge gives you the same immunity super armor gives you pertaining offering drop conditions
Renown gain has been rebalanced, players should unlock their 4th feat towards the end of the match if all teammates contributed equally to the game. It was too fast on the Public Test.
The damage boost from the “Vindicator’s Blessing” has been reduced to 20% (from 25%) and it does not affect feats anymore.
The shield from the Guardian’s Blessing now has accurate regen rules, it will fill back up to 25 health (same amount as Public Test) 9 seconds after the last attack received (blocked or successful). This timer resets every time the character is attacked. The shield can still regen while in combat.
Respawn rules have been improved to greatly reduce the chance of players respawning in front of an opponent.
New Features
New patching system
In order to significatively reduce the size of all future content updates, the team had to repackage parts of the game data in a more efficient manner.  This is why this content update is bigger than our past season content updates.  That one time increase only applies to players who currently have version 1.14.1 (our last patch).
Loading times
The optimization included in the new patching system is reducing the map loading times by more than 10% in most cases.
Anti-Run system
Players were quickly locking and unlocking when fleeing from enemies, allowing them to run forever without activating the debuff for dishonorable play. Though players could still reach them, it was too easy to simply dodge one attack every time they locked on and time-out the match. So we are slightly increasing the dishonor gauge incrementation to stop the bar from stagnating and allow the runner to receive the debuff as intended. This change has no effect in normal play.
Level 3 Bots
Level 3 bots should appear more often during matches based on the skill level of the players in the match.
Developer Comments: This change has been very popular during our last Public Test, so we decided to include this in the main game. The threshold, player Kill Death Ratio, at which Level 3 Bots appear has been reduced to provide a better challenge.
Out of Stamina State
Light Attacks are uninterrupted while the opponent is Out of Stamina.
Developer Comments: This change allows players to be more aggressive against targets that are Out of Stamina. Since your lights are now uninterruptible by Block, they will chip, and the opponent’s only option to break your chain is to Parry.
Roll stamina cost increased to 50 (from 40).
Roll no longer has defense.
Developer Comments: We’re increasing roll stamina cost by 25% in order to make it riskier for players to spam Roll and escape. Roll still works as a strong escape tool, but if you spam it you’ll run out of stamina faster. We’ve removed defense for all characters too. It was inconsistent across characters and generally not coherent with the nature of the move.
Navigation speed tweaks prevent characters from gaining speed while switching between locked and unlocked modes.
Developer Comments: This fix addresses the issue referred to as “shuffle”. You would lock/unlock rapidly to navigate faster than you would by simply strafing. This was caused by inconsistent speed data’s in our transitions between locked and unlocked modes, especially for slow characters. We’ve made those transition speeds consistent with the base navigation speeds of each character to prevent that from happening again.
Critical HP Regen Removed
Critical Health regeneration has been removed in all game modes.
Developer Comments: Critical HP regen encouraged stalling tactics and slowed down the pacing of the game, especially in Duel. We’re removing this from all PvP modes. It’s still available in Campagin though.
Sprint Attacks
Sprint Attacks can acquire target dynamically if they started without one.
Developer Comments: This is an improvement on our latest update to targeting in order to limit unlock tech. Some long-range sprint attacks could still be unlocked if you attacked out of the set range of the attack and a target would come in range after it started. Now sprint attacks can dynamically acquire a target if they started without one.
Dodge and roll can now be used to avoid the effects of Traps and Bombs. Dodging these at the right time will allow the player to avoid all damages.
Developer comments: To provide better ways to avoid Traps and Bombs while in combat, we introduced the ability to dodge, as the explosion occurs, to avoid the damage. We hope that this will provide challenging situations during breaking!
[Bug Fix] Resolved an issue causing Guardbreak not to connect when both heroes are fighting on certain stairs in “The Forge” and “The Sentinel” maps. This was previously planned to release with 1.14.1 but it could not make it in time, so it is released with 1.15.0.
Top Heavy opener range increased to 4.7m (from 4.5m).
Top Heavy chain range increased to 3.75m (from 3.5m).
Top Heavy chain finisher increased to 4.75m (from 4.5m).
Developer comments: We’re updating the attack range of Lawbringer’s Top Heavy attacks in order to improve range perception. In some cases, it was hard to read if the attack hit or missed.
[Bug Fix] The Lawbringer could not performs his parry into “Make Away” if his opponent was Out of Stamina, instead of was performing the “Light Riposte”. It is now fixed.
[Bug Fix] When the Raider performed the grab in his Light Attack chain against Minions, he was knocked back (bumped) and he did not finish his animation. It is now fixed.
[Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused the parry to sometimes not play the animation.
[Bug Fix] Execution "Punch Drunk" is now properly interrupted by external attacks. This allows a not-yet-executed opponent to be revived by their teammate.
[Bug Fix] The Berserker was sometime bumped back when killing Minions. Minions can stilll bump other Minions but this prevents a Berserker from being bumped by the very Minions he is killing.
[Bug Fix] Fixed the weapons of the female Berserker flying out of her hands when recovering from hits, blocks and stance changes.
[Bug Fix] The Kensei can no longer activate Revenge during an Out Of Lock Roll.
[Bug Fix] The Kensei can no longer perform “Sprint Attacks” when Out of Stamina while “Iron Lungs” feat is active.
Developer Comments: “Iron Lungs” allows you to sprint while Out of Stamina but it should not allow you to “Sprint Attack” while Out of Stamina. This is now consistent with the other characters who have “Iron Lungs”.
[Bug Fix] The Shugoki “Zone Attack” can no longer hit a locked opponent behind him.
“Blissful Rest” feat was replaced with “Second Wind” on the Nobushi.
Developer Comments: We felt the feat was providing too much, between nerfing and replacing with Second Wind, the latter made more sense.
Guardbreak input buffer has been increased from Forward Dodge to make it more reliable.
[Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that sometimes cause the parry to not play the animation.
[Bug Fix] The Highlander can no longer “Caber Toss” an enemy out of Shugoki's “Demon Embrace”.
[Bug Fix] Heavy opener block recoveries increased to 900ms (from 800ms).
Developer comments: No characters, beside Gladiator, can counter the Guardbreak after a Conqueror’s block. Gladiator is strong enough in its current state so we decided to correct this to be consistent with other character matchups.
[Bug Fix] Delayed cancel of the “Zone Attack” by 200ms and reduced the trajectory angle.
Developer Comments: When the “Haymaker” feat is activated during Revenge, the Gladiator could make infinite “Zone Attacks Punch” cancels and kill an opponent without giving him the possibility to react. Feint on “Zone Attack” has been delayed, the Gladiator must wait 500ms instead of 300ms before making a new attack.
Feats Rework
Removed the Uninterruptible flag on all feats except the following:
“Second Wind”
“Stalwart Banner”
“Champion's Aura”
Developer Comment: This is a change we wanted to make for a long time and we are happy to finally release it. With this change, you can interrupt any feat activation except Healing feats and “Juggernaut”, which has a Full Block Stance built in.
“Smoke Bomb” now denies interactions, including Capture Zones.
Developer Comment: We want feats to provide tactical advantages and this change helps make “Smoke Bomb” a better choice for certain game modes like Tribute. It also makes it a more viable choice in game modes with Capture Zones, like Dominion.
“Deadly” (Warlord, Gladiator, Valkyrie, Aramusha)
Passive feats now have a clearer cooldown feedback
Feat becomes active for 3 seconds when hitting an enemy
Cooldown raised to 5 seconds
“Flesh Wound” (Warlord, Shaman)
Passive feats now have a clearer cooldown feedback
Feat becomes active for 3 seconds when getting hit
Cooldown raised to 5 seconds
“Thick Skin” (Peacekeeper)
Passive feats now have a clearer cooldown feedback
Feat becomes active for 3 seconds when getting hit
Cooldown raised to 5 seconds
“Bloodlust” (Valkyrie)
Bloodlust was activating on minion kills, now only activates on player kill
Passive feats now have a clearer cooldown feedback
“Slip Through” (Oroshi, Shinobi)
Passive feats now have a clearer cooldown feedback
“Righteous Deflection” (Lawbringer)
Passive feats now have a clearer cooldown feedback
“Winner's Advantage” (Highlander)
Passive feats now have a clearer cooldown feedback
Sanctuary Bridge
Moved a Duel location from Cliffside Path to Drawbridge Exterior.
Moved a Duel location from the Narrow Bridges to Main Gate Exterior.
Moved a Duel location from beneath the Ship to the Interior Storehouse.
Tower Ruin
The location for Brawl has been changed. Players now fight in a Close-Quarters Brawl setup in the Fountain Courtyard. Railings have been added along the Fountain edges.
The location for Brawl has been changed. Players now fight in a Close-Quarters Brawl setup in the Saw Mill.
All Pre-Season 4 heroes are receiving
5 new Weapon visuals
2 Epic
3 Legendary
2 new Armor variation visuals:
1 Heroic
1 Epic
The Shaman & Aramusha each have
30 Weapon visuals
6 Basic
4 Advanced
7 Heroic
6 Epic
7 Legendary
12 Armor visuals and variations
3 Basic
3 Advanced
4 Heroic
2 Epic
Please Note: The Aramusha and Shaman will not have unique Legendary Armor visual at the start of the season. They will still loot Legendary Armor, and unique Legendary visuals will be included in the next patch and will be seamlessly replaced in your inventory.
New Gear Statistics
New combinations of statistics are available for all existing gear items:
Extreme bundle - One very powerful stats bonus, two big stats penalties - Only for Heroic, Epic and Legendary Gear
Simple bundle - One small stats bonus - For gear of all rarities
Please note: This season we do not introduce a new rarity of gear.
We reduced the effect of the stat “Stamina Cost Reduction” slightly. This stat was too powerful at high levels, especially with the Extreme bundle.
Equipping 4 Executions is now possible
Each Hero can now equip up to 4 executions instead of 2. Please note that you must still acquire that many executions before you can assign them, the default is still 2 executions.
Cloth Embossing
It is now possible to “Emboss” cloth parts on armors. You can now find this option in the Heroes Barrack for all cloth armors.
Developer comments: After resolving this issue on the Gladiator, we decided that it would be a great customization tool for all characters to have. So the “Engraving” tab has been renamed to “Embossing” to make it clear that embossing can now be applied to all materials including cloth!
Hero Customization is available while Matchmaking
Players can now access the Hero Menu and customize their Heroes while waiting for a match. Please note that this is not available after the session is started.
Duel Tournament
Tournament Rewards
New exclusive Tournament rewards were added for Season 4. Season 3 rewards are not available anymore.
Tournament rewards now prioritize the last played Hero in that Tournament. For example, if you played the Orochi during all qualifier matches and played the Warlord during the finals; you will get a Warlord reward. If you already have acquired all the rewards for the last hero played, the reward system will be giving you a reward for a random Hero.
Developer comments: With the new season, the tournament rewards were updated. It is no longer possible to get rewards from Season 3. In addition, the long awaited request from the community to prioritize the rewards by the last hero played is in!
Faction War Presentation Update
Developer Comments: This season we have completely overhauled the presentation of the Faction War, here’s a few reasons why:
We found that the Faction War was hard to understand as our terminology did not evoke the world wide conflict of our gameplay. So we reoriented our terminology around the concept of Battles between the Factions, so every turn you’re preparing for an upcoming Battle to bring glory to your Faction.
Another addition is that the Faction War is now shown from your Faction’s eyes!
We also want to be more transparent: the growing bars on the map represent which faction is leading did not do much to convey the scale of the conflict, or help people identify windows of opportunity. Now we are giving you real numbers to work with, you’ll see the numbers of Troops on territories grow along with your efforts and be able to make better strategic decisions.
To help players communicate and organise, we also named all of the territories on the map. Every single one and it was a lot of fun.
We look forward to seeing the whole community’s response to this update.
Terminology around the Faction War has been updated to be clearer:
War Assets are now Troops
Rounds are now Campaigns
Turns are referred to as Battle Preparation
Territory updates are Battles
Tactical view is now War Map
Showing the state of the War
Now the Faction War is seen from your Faction point of view.
Instead of showing proportional bars of Troops placed by each Faction, we now show the amount of Troops your Faction Leads or Trails by on a specific territory.
The 3 territories with the smallest Lead or Trail are emphasised.
By selecting a territory, you can see the total amount of Troops deployed by each Faction on that territory. This value updates every minute or so (not in real-time).
By selecting a territory, you can also see how many Troops you personally have placed on that territory during Battle Preparation.
The crossed swords icon that represents a territory being lost is replaced by new arrows, which point from the winning Faction’s territories to the territory being conquered.
Territory Information
Each territory has a unique name.
We now display the icon of each playable map located on that territory.
3D Models of Troops now appear on Territories where the player has deployed them manually.
The War Map’s appearance was changed to make it easier to understand.
Added audio feedback to messages when Troops are deployed between matches
Added a breakdown of the overall amount of territories your Faction is currently Winning or Losing to give a better overview of the battles.
Faction War Map Updates
9 new Faction War territories have been added to the map, 3 per faction.
Moved existing maps to different Faction War territories so the new maps are placed on, or close to, the front.
Faction War Rule Changes
Developer Comments: In addition to presentation and readability updates, we’ve updated some of the rules to build lasting impact. We found the Faction War Rules were too elastic, Territories changed hands too frequently and there was a general feeling that only the last 3-4 Battles of the Faction War really mattered.
The Faction War schedule has changed:
Each Battle Preparation is now 11 hours long instead of 6h. It is now feasible to participate in every Battle Preparation without sacrificing your sleep.
Each Campaign is now 31 battles instead of 57 (to keep the length of the Campaign the same as before).
Each Season is still 5 Campaigns
Faction War territories start each Campaign with Troops deployed to them.
Territories closer to Citadels receive the most troops. Territories on the front receive none.
Territories Troops carry-over
For every territory, 50% of the winning faction’s Troops advantage (winning faction Troops over the runner-up faction’s Troops) are now carried over from Battle to Battle.
For example, if you won a territory by having 5000 Troops and your runner-up has 3000 Troops, you will retain a base amount of 2000 Troops, which will then be divided by the 50% modifier. The winning faction will start the next Battle with 1000 Troops.
Developer Comments: We established that 50% is a good base value in order to balance between elasticity and faction’s ability to take over territories during a Battle.  This value can be adjusted over time, as required, based on data collected and player’s feedbacks.
PC Improvements
Multiple Executions
Added Execution 3 & 4 in the Keyboard mapping screen as separated line for visibility.
Screen Space Reflections
Improved the quality of water reflections.
Adaptive V-Sync
The “Double Buffering” V-Sync option has been changed to be Adaptive.
Developer Comments: Lower end hardware that didn´t deliver consistent 30 frames per second was dipping from 30 to 20 frames per second (FPS) directly due to the double buffering implementation.
With the new “Adaptive” double buffering, V-Sync will be automatically disabled when the framerate falls below 30 FPS to maintain a better gameplay experience and will result in less “latency kick” caused by temporary performance reduction.
Bug Fixes
[Bug Fix] Duels will now properly forfeit when the opponent leaves.
[Bug Fix] Leaving a duel by accepting a group invite now properly triggers a forfeit. Please note that quitter penalty will apply.
[Bug Fix] Revenge duration stat was not affecting the Revenge Shield duration. This is now fixed.
[Bug Fix] Fixed a conflict between interacting with the Ballista and reviving a teammate.
[Bug Fix] Death Camera now automatically switches to another teammate when the one we are spectating dies.
[Bug Fix] Moving from 3rd person to 1st person camera while using Ballista to resolve the issue that caused some large Ornament to block the view of the player.
[Bug Fix] Fixed bug that caused the killer information interface to sometimes not show in Duel and Brawl.
[Bug Fix] Fixed the speed rotation on all samurai bow feat so it would correctly aim at the target even if the opponent dodges early.
[Bug Fix] Fixed an issued that caused an interaction prompt to appear when doing an attack next to an interactive object.
[Bug Fix] Fixed false detection of target while in the Ballista, the reticle would show that you were aiming at a target while he is behind a wall.
[Bug Fix] When a player is in a Super Armor state, they will no longer flash went hit with a tick of bleed or fire.
[Bug Fix] Fixed issue where the Centurion bot could become stuck if heroes like the Conqueror blocked some of his attacks.
The Valkyrie bot had her “Rage” feat replaced with the “Fire Flask” feat.
The Nobushi bot had her “Heal” feat replaced with the “Focus” feat.
Custom Match
[Bug Fix] “Last Laugh” & “Auto revive” were not working with the Full Renown Boost in Elimination & Skirmish
[Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that could cause player to get stuck in a collision on the balcony area, Brawl area, of the Tower map.
[Bug Fix] Fixed multiple issues affecting collisions with Demon Embrace. The move could cause enemies to get through walls on the drop at the end. On the grab, characters could go though each other under certain circumstances.
[Bug Fix] Fixed a collision issue in the Overwatch map where a player could be stuck on the stairs near Capture Zone C.
[Bug Fix] An area in Sanctuary Bridge has been modified to remove the possibility of the player ending floating when pushed off specific ledges.
Duel Tournament
[Bug Fix] Fixed issue where waiting in the barracks during post-game presentation (before the progress bar reaches the end) prevents the player from joining the next match.
[Bug Fix] Matches are now properly ended if your opponent is kicked due to low Frame Rate.
[Bug Fix] Getting kicked from Low Frame Rate or High Packet Loss is now tied to anti-cheat and considered an abandon
[Bug Fix] Fixed issue where players could remain stuck in the celebration banners during various parts of the flow until their next match started.
[Bug Fix] The announcer will now be more chatty at the end of a tournament match.
[Bug Fix] Fixed placeholder icon showing up for Tournament Rewards.
[Bug Fix] Added the missing Tier Reward ornament for the Highlander and the Gladiator.
[Bug Fix] Added a missing Paint Pattern ‘Brush Stroke 5’ for the “Impressionist Battle” Outfit for the Gladiator.
[Bug Fix] Reframed all the Gladiator Outfits thumbnails so the shield is not off frame anymore.
[Bug Fix] Female Raider outfits thumbnails have been updated to take into consideration the cloth piece dye.
[Bug Fix] Fixed many issues related to outfits not applying the materials, tattoos and symbols the player selected.
[Bug Fix] The visual hint that occurs when an opponent goes Out of Stamina has been reintroduced.
[Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that could cause group members to remain stuck on an inactive World Map during matchmaking.
[Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused Legendary gear thumbnails to use placeholder images.
[Bug Fix] Map Overview screens now support colorblind mode.
[Bug Fix] Fixed back button legend in matchmaking parameters menu page.
[Bug Fix] Fixed overlapping Round information in faceoff that was showing too soon.
PS4 Specific
[Bug Fix] Fixed the User interface for control layouts.
PC Bug Fixes
[Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused the Tobii SDK to open too many remote connections when checking for new Tobii devices
Developer Comments: Members of the community made us aware of a non-standard connection pattern on game start-up. This issue is now fixed; please note that to use a Tobii device, it now needs to be connected before launching the game.
Thanks to “Anumrak” from the Ubisoft forums for reporting this issue.
[Bug Fix] Display mode can now be changed after playing a match.
[Bug Fix] Fixed a visual overflow issue in the GPU memory usage indicator.
[Bug Fix] Icons in Event Playlist were sometimes not reacting correctly to mouse clicks.
[Bug Fix] Mute player click area does function on "Defenders" side now.
[Bug Fix] Mute player click area does not move with team selection.
[Bug Fix] When Gamepad Layout is changed, Limbo Mode options are not functional (except for quickchat, menu and scoreboard). This is now fixed.
[Bug Fix] “Show Killer Info” button does not work if the player changes Gamepad Layout to anything other than Default after dying. This is now fixed.
[Bug Fix] Refuse revive action does not work if the player changes Gamepad Layout to anything other than Default after dying. This is now fixed.
[Bug Fix] User unable to switch display mode after returning from a match. This is now fixed.
[Bug Fix] In the Emblem Editor, the player can select the game modes on the world map when trying to select a symbol. This is now fixed.
[Bug Fix] "Create an Emblem" screen is blank when accessed the second time through the player widget icon. This is now fixed.
[Bug Fix] “Left CTRL” is displayed as the assigned key for Quick Chat/Call for Help. This is now fixed.
[Bug Fix] Starting in windowed mode, causes the game to launch in a tiny window in the top-left corner. This is now fixed.
[Bug Fix] Game gets stuck on the Uplay overlay after using "alt+tab" on the store page. This is now fixed.
[Bug Fix] Having data files from older or different builds in the For Honor installation folder could cause matchmaking to not be able to find any matches. This is now fixed
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weirddemiwood · 5 years
Warlock Pirate, Part 24
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The group stopped walking as the foliage in front of them started rustling. They drew their weapons, only to see Regina come out of between the greens with Gold walking after her.
"Well, if this is your version of a rescue party, we got here just in time." The Queen said, stepping closer.
"What are you two doing here?" Snow asked as they put their weapons back.
"The same as you. Except we actually have a chance." she motioned to the box Rumplestiltskin was holding, "Pandora's box. It could trap pan for eternity simply by opening the lid."
Neal turned to Emma. "You didn't tell me my father was with here," he said, in a lowered voice.
"I didn't know."
"Wait, your father is the Dark One?" Tinker Bell asked.
Neal looked down at the fairy, "Yeah, and he's not getting anywhere near Henry."
"Bae..." the Dark One tried to reason.
Emma turned to her former lover, "Why? What are you talking about?"
"There's a prophecy that says that Henry will be his undoing. He didn't come here to protect him. He came here to kill him."
"That's why you didn't want to find Neal before you got Henry back?" Regina asked, "Because you knew he'd spill your secret."
"Everything I did was to protect Henry, to rescue him from Pan." The Dark One argued.
"It all makes sense." Emma realized, "You left before we even made shore."
Snow now aimed her bow at him while Charming unsheathed his sword again, "You wanted to get to Henry first." Snow said and her husband added, "to be on his own..."
Killian now pulled his sword too, pointing it at his archnemesis, "So no one could stop you..." Majo's eye's flashed dangerously and she pulled her sword from under the coat she had put back on, "So you can kill him." she finished.
"It's not gonna happen," the Savior said, "Not unless you go through all of us first."
Majo waited on deck for Killian to come back. He would be drunk, of course, but that didn't matter, as long as he got back on board so they could set sail.
As her Captain finally came, he seemed as sober as ever and had a wide smile on his face.
The warlock narrowed her eyes in suspicion, "Why are you so happy?"
"I met a woman."
Majo raised an eyebrow, "And..."
"And her name is Milah."
The warlock looked behind him as if he was hiding a woman behind his back. "And she's not with you because...?"
Killian sighed, "She's married."
"That hasn't stopped you before."
The Captain shook his head, "She...she was different than the others. I saw something in her eyes...she wanted to come but she is loyal although she wants to break free and..." Killian sighed with a smile on his face.
"You're like a teenage girl with a crush."
"You are making a mistake," Rumplestiltskin told the group, "I don't care if the boy is destined to be my undoing. I won't hurt him."
"Because that sounds just like you," Regina remarked.
Majo held her sword a bit higher, "Why should we trust a man who ripped out the heart of his son's mother?"
"Because without me, you will fail. I'm the most powerful amongst us."
Neal looked at his father, "Which is why we can't trust you."
"If I could give you my dagger, I would. But I can't."
"But you can give me Pandora's box. I don't have to trust you if I could stop you."
The Dark One hesitated, "Son..." realizing that his son would not change his mind, he sighed and handed the box over.
"Look at me," Neal said as he took the box, "If you so much as lift a finger to perform magic, you're gonna spend an eternity in this box."
"Let's go." The Savior started walking again and the group followed behind her.
"We need to talk." Emma stopped Killian by placing a hand on his shoulder.
"I've found when a woman says that, I'm rarely in for pleasant conversation."
Majo smirked, the two already acted like a couple. She walked a bit faster to give them some privacy.
Tinker Bell suddenly stopped Snow, Charming, Regina, and Majo and motioned for them to walk back to the rest of the group. "We're here. Pan's perimeter." She told Neal, Emma, Killian, and Gold.
"It's time," Emma said. "Tink will sneak us in the back like we planned. We grab Henry. In and out, simple. You good with Pan patrol?" the last part was directed at Neal.
"Locked and loaded." he patted his satchel.
"You mind if I, uh..." The Dark One took Killian's sword out of its sheath at the man's belt, "borrow this? You said no magic, I agreed. But I'm not walking in there with nothing but my good looks."
"What good looks?" the warlock asked quietly.
Killian looked at the retreating crocodile, "Now, I on the other hand-"
"Here," Charming threw him a sword, "in case your good looks fail you."
"Thanks, mate," Killian said as Majo snorted.
Emma looked around the small group, "Let's get Henry."
They turned and walked closer to the camp. Regina performed a sleeping spell from the one side of the camp and Majo quickly used her magic to rope up the sleeping boys.
"Where's Pan?" Neal asked.
"I don't know," Emma replied as the group looked around the camp. "Henry!"
"He's gotta be somewhere." Her father said.
Suddenly they heard the voice of a girl, "Help!"
Emma ran towards the sound. Neal followed after a moment. After a while, they came back with a little girl.
Milah had now made herself comfortable aboard the ship but although Killian told her that she just neede time, Malo had yet to warm up to her.
Now, they were about to sail out of the port again, loading the last barrels of supplies. Milah was underdeck and Killian overlooking the crew, his lieutenant at his side as a man stumbled on board with a walking cane in hand.
He fell to the floor in front of Killian, clearly not used to the ship's movement. The crew laughed.
"On your feet for the Captain," Majo told him and two men picked him up by his arms, setting him onto his feet and giving him his cane to stand.
The man looked around fearfully ill his eyes landed on Killian. "I-I remember you," he said pointing at him. "F-From the bar."
"It's always nice to make an impression." the crew laughed again, "Where are my manners? We haven't been formally introduced. Killian Jones. Now, what are you doing aboard my ship?"
"W-Well...You have my wife."
Majo laughed, "We've had many a man's wife." The crew laughed with her.
The man looked around unconfidently, "No, you-you see, we-we have a son, and he needs his mother."
The warlock's smile fell for a moment before she covered it up and she knew that also Killian knew more than enough about being abandoned, but he had a reputation to uphold.
"And see, I have a ship full of men who need...companionship." the crew laughed, although they knew Milah was off-limits. Killian had made sure of that.
"I-I'm begging you. Please let her go."
"I'm not much for bartering. That said," he turned away, "I do consider myself an honourable man, a man with a code. So..." he turned around again, now standing on the quarter-deck, "If you truly want your wife back..." Majo summoned a sword in front of the man who gasped. Killian pulled his own sword, "All you have to do is take her." the man was shaking now as Killian pointed his sword at his chest, "Never been in a duel before, I take it?"
Majo looked at the shaking man, "You know, its pretty simple, actually. The pointy end goes in the other guy." Once again, the crew laughed. "Whoever wins, gets the woman."
"Go on. Pick it up." Killian taunted. His sword was now on the man's neck. "A man unwilling to fight for what he wants deserves what he gets."
The man cried softly, "Please, sir." he said, his voice breaking, "What am I gonna tell my boy?"
"How about the truth," Majo sneered, "That his father is a coward."
"Hey, Wendy," Neal said as he crouched down in front of the girl who was now wrapped into one of the blankets they had been carrying with them. "Since you've been here, have you seen my son? His name's Henry."
To help the girl, Majo let a holographic picture of him appear.
Neal nodded in thanks and turned back to the girl, "Pan need his heart."
"Has he said anything about the heart of the truest believer?" Emma asked.
"No. I'm sorry. He never mentioned anything about a heart."
"She's lying." The Dark One said. "Where is he?" he came forward with his sword.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa. What the hell are you doing?" Neal asked and Majo stuck The Drak One's feet to the ground.
"I've carried enough lies in my life to recognize their burden. She knows where Henry is."
"I never thought I'd say this, but the Crocodile's right," Majo said.
Neal looked at the girl, "Is that true?"
"You don't understand."
"You're helping Pan?" Emma asked.
"He's keeping John and Michael alive, only if I do as he says."
"Trust men," Rumplestiltskin said. "Whatever he's promised, he will go back on his word."
"And why should I trust a man who abandoned his own son?"
"Because your brothers did," Regina told her. "They trusted a woman named Belle. They helped her get this box so we can defeat Pan."
"They're okay?"
"For now, and only if we succeed." The crocodile told her.
"Wendy..." Neal said, "We will save John and Micheal, I swear to god. But right now, I really need your help. Please."
The girl looked down, "Pan told Henry that...he needs his heart to save magic. But it's a lie. He needs it to save himself."
"What do you mean?" Killian asked.
"Pan's dying. He needs the heart of the truest believer to absorb all the magic in Neverland. And once he does... he will be Immortal, all-powerful."
"And what happens to Henry?" Snow questioned the girl.
Majo turned to her, a look of realization on her face, "He dies."
Only two more chapters left, I'm freaking out.
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olusegundare · 6 years
How My Life Regained Harmony After I Stopped Dating American Women - James Maverick
How My Life Regained Harmony After I Stopped Dating American Women
James Maverick
My last encounter with an American woman was such a soul-crushing and thought-provoking event that I was forced to go back to Europe on a yet another soul-searching mission.
It made me realize how much less I’m able to connect and “get” American girls; where as before I could at least tolerate them.
Over the years I’ve adjusted my interaction with non-American and non-Western women in many ways — ways that I’m afraid could be completely irreversible if I ever need to get into the pants of an American girl.
I Almost Never Tease or “Neg”
With American women it’s always a contest: who has a better job, who makes more money, and who has bigger balls.  If you prove worthy to merit her limited attention span, your reward will be a series of tests designed to elicit self-validation and put you off balance.  One misstep and game’s over.
You’re supposed to bring out this so called “alpha male” persona — the one women have been conditioned over and over by Hollywood and other media to accept as the only one worthy of their time.  If you don’t possess the movie-star looks of Brad Pitt or Tom Cruise, then you better make that up by out-dueling her with witty conversation.  And that’s why teasing and “negging” works so well: you’re finally able to showcase your natural or learned “alpha” traits and win her attraction.
In the rest of the world being a confident man is more than enough to win attraction from most women.  You just have to approach, and the rest naturally falls into pieces.
I compliment more
On one of my most memorable nights in one of Rio de Janeiro’s best nightclubs, I remember approaching a beautiful woman without any games, lines, or gimmicks.  I simply smiled and said that I couldn’t believe a beautiful woman like herself was sitting all alone (she was truly stunning).  She smiled, and feeling flattered responded whether I start a conversation with every woman like that.  Can you imagine a beautiful American woman responding the same way?  She sure wasn’t bitchy and defensive like a typical American woman in similar situation.
Women love compliments they deem as sincere and genuine.  Know the typical Italian behavior towards women?  How they usually go overboard complimenting every woman by calling them “bella donna, beautiful, etc”?  Well, that stuff works very well because non-American women usually respond very warmly to compliments.  Of course, you must fine a fine line between being too stoic and too complimenting, and recalibrate that line for every woman you meet.
Overtime my game has naturally adjusted more to the complimenting and sweet-talking side rather than my dick and combative side.  It has worked pretty well.
I’m More Chivalrous
Many years ago when I went on one of my first dates with an American girl (most of my conquests in US were South American and Eastern European), I behaved the same exact way as I used to with other girls: I opened doors, let her go in first, got the check — except this time my date couldn’t help by blabbing out, “are you going to keep doing this all night?” as if her state of femininity was somehow threatened by my “condescending” behavior.
Being of Eastern European descent, I always felt it was important for men to be chivalrous to a certain extent.  I find it natural behavior to let a woman go in somewhere first, open doors, and help them with putting on coats in winters.  I’ve done it for my mother all my life, and continue to do it with women in certain situation.
A Latvian girl I met in Sweden commented right away how she found it strange when Swedes never opened the door for her.
This is has nothing to do with somehow pedestaling the girl, but more about being a bit more considerate to the weaker sex in non-feminized countries (which includes most of the world).
I’m Willing To Spend Money
Typical American dating rituals involves going to a bar, jumping through a few hoops so that you don’t buy her drink (i.e., I’ll buy the first round, if you buy the next), getting her drunk, then taking her home.
But the expectations are different in other parts of the world.  In Eastern Europe, it’s fully expected for the guy to pay for the girl (at least initially), since he was the one who invited her initially.  In exchange, you get to have a great interaction with a quality woman, instead of some crackberry addict with prepared interview questions or an over-the-hill stalker with family aspirations.  You may pay for dinner and drinks one day, but next time she’ll gladly come over and whip up a great meal for you, or even clean your house wearing nothing but high heels.
One night at a salsa club in Medellin, Colombia, after I bought a bottle of rum, my date quickly fixed me up a drink without me saying a word.  She then asked me if I liked the drink, else she would fix it to my satisfaction.  When was the last time an American girl EVER did something like this to you?
And I’m perfectly OK paying more than my share if I get non-tangible benefits in return.
I Don’t Play Games
When I called an American girl 3 days after our first date to see how she is and possibly schedule a future date, she immediately asked if I’m running some “3 day rule”.  It’s hard to describe in words how pissed off I felt when the first thing someone tells you is not a simple “Hi” or “how are you?” but throw a test your way to see how you would react.
Are you that insecure that you don’t believe some guy actually called you without any premeditated planning whatsoever? That perhaps the world is not a series of planned steps to be executed in perfect sequence?
In most of the world outside US and Canada (e.g., in Brazil, Argentina, Romania and Ukraine), one can invite the girl out the same night after meeting her earlier during the day.  I invited a Brazilian girl I met at a cafe for a drink the same evening, and since she had no plans yet, she gladly agreed.  In America you can forget about this tactic mostly because the girl will think you’re desperate by not keeping yourself busy seven days a week like she is: by attending Yoga, Pilates, Cycling classes or simply having a slumber party with her girlfriends even though she’s well over 25 or 30 years old.
I’m happier
I no longer view seduction as “work” like I did in America, but a fun and fulfilling activity for both parties.  Where as in America guys strongly believe in the numbers game since that’s the only way to rationalize the amount of work one must put it, abroad things are skewed towards quality.  I know for a fact that the cute brunette sitting at the coffee shop will most likely be polite to my advances whether she’ll want to talk to me or turn me down; and regardless if she had a bad day, etc.
I don’t get cock blocked, I don’t get into fights with aggressive “mother hens” and it’s back to actually seducing women instead of “gaming” them.  And truth be told, why would you have it any other way?
Interested in building your own passive, location-independent business? Want to avoid needless trial and error? Want to start off on the right foot under proper guidance?
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byron1 · 6 years
Microwave door bouncer to keep you from eating garbage. "Where do we Go now" guns & roses/ picking a restaurant Fallout joke: I was at work while you cheating all day. Punchline: I never even got to cheat AND she would tell me about her bounty EVRyday SKIT: Danielle cooking pie (or anything really) and you have headphones on improve rapping to her and it sounds good to me but cut to her with no music and she looks at me very annoyedly Opener: Walks on stage, grabs mic and lays down. "Instead of stand up up I'm gonna try "lay down", it's way more comfortable.. That joke needs a Mitch headberg voice" repeat joke in Mitch headberg voice "com-fort-able" Hotel TV remotes have never been cleaner. Everybody on the phone watching porn and Netflix. The last person to use a hotel remote for porn died years ago Terminator cop in San Diego -what it felt like on mushrooms (terminator slo mo walk by) -what really happened (cop just walks by and shrugs) "Whenever I start dating a girl I buy her a really nice, big purse as a gift. ...Cuz she's gonna be carrying a bunch of my shit around for the next 4 1/2 months" - jack bliss Old west - duel going on in the middle of town. Mayor stops everything -"what are you guys arguing about" "is it worth dying over? I mean I can look this up on my phone" Mayor looks it up on the phone and who ever was wrong gets shot with no countdown ..Watch a little porn. Once you get too familiar with a site you drift to the lesser known porn sites ...This particular website has a top 50 viewed videos.. And you can sort em by 1 day, 7 days, 30 days, and my favorite, "all-time". ..That's just a buncha like minded individuals helpin' each other out.. But you can always tell when a bunch of likeminded weirdos find the site cuz for the 1 Day Most Viewed, it's just a ton of videos of people peein' on each other. And now it's like "maaaan, now I'm not even in the mood. AND I'm disappointed in you PornoTime, I didn't even now that was so prevalent on your site!" And it's usually on a Sunday... All you pee heathens jerkin off on the toilet with your computers on your laps should be at church! But then I'm like ".....let's see what all this hype is about" If I eat Asian food and drink a glass of milk, will I explode? Asians they don't drink milk! I think it's cuz they know. It's like when you have Indian or real African neighbors and that food smell just permeates ev-er-y thing. Unpleasant for the most part. Asians think white people smell like rotten cheese or like the cow aushwitz off the 5. <----Cowlinga. Nasty place. I was on a road trip with my wife and "she's tired" (bitchy voice) so she wants to stop for the night. At night she couldn't tell but in the morning when that sun came up?.. And that stink starts stinkin?.. She's like "oh those poor Asians. We should stop eating cheese for them" And then she puked. Friendricks Smitreaux - hands too small, not allowed in Burger King. Has quarrels. (Jack) Calling GameStop, having a nerdy conversation, with a funny voice. Rb movie voice could be a thing. Do you have x y z Round table pizza local interview podcast Wife's mom with gigantic fat pet and gets scolded by vet. Mom is pissed new underwear lint gets stuck to your dick. About to get a blowjob and she freaks out cuz there's fuzzy berries all over your jimmy wang dong. (Explain in between these sentences how fuzz sticks to your dick when you have new unwashed out of the box underwear) I've done this to my wife since we started dating "Chivalry Gone Wild" - pushing girls out of the way to open the doors for them. Later girl has chivalry ptsd (now she shivers when a guy reaches for the check at a restaurant) "Once I got roofied..." Story ensues "Once I had a crazy dream..." Story ensues Either way you're bored Went into the bank, for the candy of course, why else would you go inside these days. As I reach for the candy, the lady behind the counter says "DON'T TAKE THAT CANDY!...... It's super old.. Here take this, I have a 'secret stash' back here" I was like "You Smoke Weed, huh?" No I didn't say that, I just did the stoner laugh, which basically communicates the same message I have road rage. Like.. bad. But they're really cracking down on that now. I mean you can't even throw the bird these days. So I'm trying to advocate this, in place of the bird, you hit the rear window spray 2 times. (doesn't work if your window is dirty) I'm trying to spread this so people know I'm insulting them..... Also the "up hand", thumbs up is for assholes...... I just don't want road rage to go away, you know?! Went to the grocery store at night and someone was sleeping in the car I parked in front of. I see a middle finger come over the dash. I quickly kill my headlights and the middle finger turns into a thumbs up and recedes below the dash. I like that person.. Soccer needs timeouts like catholic priests need to be able to fuck. Flopping soccer players = selabate priests Lost lake truck sinks into water. Guy goes back for cigarettes brings one pack instead of the ENTIRE CARTON White people now can only do other ethnicities voices while reading a name. (List 3 different "ethnic" names) Buttercup story: weed in New York Trying to get a random buddy to be the third player in the game of RISK is like trying to get a random girl to come back to your house and suck you AND your buddies dicks. "Wanna play a game of risk?" Shit no Instead of people saying "Grizzly Adams DID have a beard" I think we should change it to "Kurt Cobain DID have a gun" "no I swear I don't have a gun" ...too soon?! Liqueur Control Board. Two young kids walk into a bar. They order jäger. Liquor Control comes in and says to the bartender: "do you those kids you served are underaged?" Bartender says "you're out of your Jurisdiction!!! Call the Liqueur Control Board!!" Liqueur Control Board shows up lookin like French cops "(( assholeish French accent thing here))" I work construction..... (Frown face) You THINK you want to shit in a freshly clean porta-potty. But that's not the case. You drop any size turd in that blue water and it's coming back up to splash your asshole. You need a big pile of turd to cushion the blow. I frequent a sports bar, and they allow kids in a certain section and sometimes you don't see these children behind you. So you day-drunkenly yell out "well I can't exactly tit fuck 'er, but they're perfectly shaped!" ((Rule of thirds here, needs 2 more examples)) History Lesson: •Good at art cuz no porn - there was much better art, and I mean paintings, back in the days of yore. Do you know why so many iconic paintings come from this era?! Because there was no porn. You think these guys (Rembrandt, Van Gogh, Monet) weren't drawing weird sex stuff in their spare time?! Of course they were. People think porn took over in vhs days but it's gone back much further than you think Way back in the day, I don't think they had the ADA (American Dental Association), but if they did it would be The Association of Guys that Own Pliers. If you had a tooth ache in the 18th century, your barber would pull your tooth!.. Guess the barber had a set of pliers.. therefore making him.. also a dentist. Hatred for people with red hair bleed over from hatred for the Irish? I just found out I'm Irish.. My dad was adopted and he just did the genealogy thing. Piss on a stick, or something.... I may be thinking of something else.. Anyway, it makes a ton of sense cuz my mom was Swiss. And if you know anything about the Swiss, they don't tend to takes sides, (hmhrph wwii). So when I get high, I'm Swiss: "hey whatever your views man, let's just have a dialogue.. Orrr not, I really have no stance on the issue." But when I drink whiskey: ..I wanna fight people. And I'm not a big guy soooo, I try not to drink whiskey.. I try to test myself against my friends, but they are all bigger than me so it never ends well. There is one guy who's bigger than me, but I can just psychologically break him down, and it's all true so I always win. And those other big guys are around and laughing so I have some protection. Things like "good thing those chicks can't see how many times you swipe right, otherwise they would call you a "Desperate Bitch!" Or: "you're so pathetic, how do you not have a crescent wrench?!" Things like that. One Friday night, He was a coward and attacked me while I was fall over baby deer legs drunk. We shut the bar down and as we're walking out he shoves me and I go flying into the ashtray. Butts are flyin.. I was not happy with him and I think I had some whiskey that night because I plotted revenge for the next day, I say "I'm gonna fuck this guy up". Saturday morning we always go back to the bar for breakfast. He says "you gonna be at the bar for breakfast?" I say "yeah buddy, 20 minutes". That's when I start loading the quarters into the sock. But yeah, whiskey makes me angry, I guess. Did anyone notice how the hitler youth haircut came back right around the time most of the wwii vets were pretty much all dead? The hipsters were scared of some old vet having a flashback to the war. "YOU.. NAZI.. BASTARD!!!" So my wife says to me while we're in the kitchen, out of nowhere, and I quote, "yeah I drop craisins" I'm thinking this is some new thing the kids are doing. Then she points to the floor and..there is a craisin. She says "watch this" and shoves a gigantic handful in her mouth and a few fall on the floor. She then walks away Slava drug store story. "What kind of a name is that?!" Shia vs. Tink The wiener dog comes in the house, if it smells the cat, he goes crazy. (Killed the neighbor tea cup something or another) the cat hears his collar and jumps up out of range and watches us shower the dog with love. ((Cats reaction is the punchline)) "What the fuck, that dude is trying to kill me!! Benedict friggin Arnolds" Danielle: "Willy Wonka" is like "Saw" for kids Never touch a mans belt buckle. Cuz they drape their balls over them while taking a piss "Hey lesbians, do you have your gloves in the car? They said yes. Well let's get a pickup game going! Hunters heroin people story - "she's sucking his DICK!" MMA fighter goes back in time to 1907. Breaks 1907's guys wrist because of his dumb boxing stance Lady at rite aid going through gender reassignment. I use my chip and she tells me to slide. I say "yeah we're going through a transitional phase right now" instantly realize what I just said Back to the bar. Being a smoker you know everybody's car.. you've seen them come and go enough because you're that much of an alcoholic and smoke on the half hour for the six hours you're there. (Well not you, me) So you'll walk up to the bar and be like "oh hello, jacks car, let's just lift up your windshield wipers there buddy" or "oh yup, Old Man Roy parked like a dick again.." Or "Hey look! there's Kevin's truck, let's draw a dick on it". <---Another thing about being a smoker that brings me joy, is watching the horror on people's faces when they scape the plastic underneath their bumper when pulling to close to the curb. I always give a look implying "you just fucked up your bumper!" Bar, Interior: If I'm on my phone and you come sit next to me at the rail, do not get on your phone, cuz then I feel like we look like assholes and I put my phone away.. But I still have shit to do so you're really being a real monkey wrench in my operation People who do bird calls: trying to trick birds? Stock internet passwords make you seem like an insane person. Jolly ocean 3, rapid pineapple 0. An insane person looks at it and goes "....that works. No need to even change it.." Bevmo event planner needs an option for your alcoholic friends. 3 pictures. What do your friends look like at the end of the night; 1. Someone smiling 2. Hot mess 3. Just a toilet Sleeping in the wrong car overnight My wife put my jerk off blanket out for people to use. "You sicko!! You were gonna let my friends use that blanket" I'm thinking of the scenario where somebody goes to grab and I say "oh that's my baby blanket, I don't know how that got out here, let me get you another one.." And..((eyebrow)) I wouldn't be lying about the baby blanket thing. Old men's memory's are bad because their spank banks are 70 years full. Head Bobbers of Noddingham My wife said "you know how I know you're an alcoholic? Because your handwriting is shit but your numbers are beautiful. Signing tabs everyday for the last 10 years will do that" You know what really freaks out the ladies? When you immediately realize what you did wrong. You start apologizing too soon and it somehow makes things much worse. So if you one day have an immediate realization about something you did wrong... Play the dumb card for a day or 3 to make it seem like you've put deep thought into your mistake. Skinny guys dating fat chicks: what if she gets cold, how can you share your jacket?! My dad was adopted and finally did that genetics test •"spit"• hey, we're Irish. That makes a ton of sense. Too much whiskey and all of the sudden I get ridiculous agry Power went out in target. Here's how weird I am: I stole a snoop dogg cd and a Björk cd. To all women: if one is partaking upon a banana in public, use a knife. This will discourage onlookers. #yesallwomen Anyone old enough to send away "proof of purchases" for a prize from the back of a cereal box? Had to ask your mom for $2.50 to cover shipping and handling.. Waiting for it made you realize there is no true instant gratification. The waiting! Everyday: did it arrive, mother?!... No? (sulk away) then FINALLY when your 6 piece Lego set shows up you think: "I'm 27 I don't care about Legos anymore!" (Needs a tag) ((maybe:)) but I forgot to pull out when I was 21 so my 6 yr old will enjoy it) Old phone when unlocked will have a random screen of something from earlier. Sometimes it's porn. Gotta be careful Nowadays you see an old lady walking around and you think "that lady looks as old as my grandma when I was 9. She's got the old lady hair, the old lady sweater, old lady shoes, old lady jewelry" but then she has some rockin' tits! They do a "facelift" for those titties Gotta be careful watching porn with headphones. The getting caught factor isn't even what I mean, I leave one ear off for that. I only do les porn with headphones. cuz you don't need some dude "ugh ugh ugh! Oh Ya baby suck that cock" RIGHT IN YOUR ear. Not what I'm goin for there. White people always put housin sauce in the pho. Next to the bar I go to is a pho place. Smoking with Paul Teaching us how after we go in drunk.. (Housen sauces for dippin the meat)((white people put it in the broth)) "oh really?? Cut to me at home- it's delicious!!" Free bottle of siracha Pouring the old pho in the toilet ("how else do you get rid of old pho?!") How pissed off are you when someone in a Tesla SUV doesn't open their back doors? "Lemme see that back to the future sheeeit!" Old guy coughing sounds like someone taking crap to you. "What the hell did you say to me, old man?
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auroriaverse · 8 years
Yonah Basselphire
Tumblr media
Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D’s OC: Biography
Basic Info:
Full Name: Yonah Opal Basselphire
Gender: Female
Age: 27 (The Collide) 28 (Together) 29 (Bundle of Joys)
DOB: November 13th, 20XX
HT: 5'03"
WT: ~120 lbs.Appearance: Fair skin Short height and roundish body shape Peach-colored hoodie, faded purple jean shorts, brown-purple cap and tan sandals/shoes
Likes: Savory foods, Hard-boiled eggs, danger (only if it doesn’t involve driving), dirty jokes, action/adventure genre, her step-father (adores him), Crow Hogan
Dislikes: Dumb guys (especially ones who are majorly perverted and sexist), being annoyed, children (until later on), Her EX
Abandoned as a baby, she was taken in by a passerby known as Ronnley Basselphire, a man who lives in these low-class neighborhoods of New Domino City. He decided to raise her like she’s one of his own, and being on a low budget would feed her applesauce but able to get some baby formula from the neighbors. At the age of three the Zero Reverse happened, as she and Ronnley ended up being in Satellite as the result. The two live on whatever they could, and Yonah is always told to stay in the neighborhood so she wouldn’t get herself in trouble. In frequent times during her youth they would play Duel Monsters together, as she and Ronnley would build their deck from cards they got from convenient places and duel each other game after game. The result normally ends up Yonah losing the duels, and she would throw a fit asking why she isn’t able to win, saying her deck sucks. Her foster father then states that it’s not always the deck, but also the player who withholds the deck. Not understanding his statement, she demands another rematch. She loses again, and rage quits as she said she’ll never play the game again. Through her teen years she would fight off any intruders that come near their household, whenever they came to steal or just tease on the neighborhood people. During one of the occasions she spots a group of individuals picking on the elder neighbors and steals their food supply. She gets angered by the insults passerby’s do on the innocent neighbors, although Ronnley warns her not to get involved with the situation. After them taunting her and the others, she does so anyway and tells them to back off or else. The intruders, not even threatened by the girl, mocks her saying what is she going to do about it. This gets her angry even more, and ends up throwing the first punch. Not appreciating her attitude, one of the intruders comes up to her and decides to throw a punch at her, only Ronnley getting in the way and stopping his punch. The gang then flees, threatening the two that they will be coming back for them. A couple of years after the event (at the age of 17) a group of individuals broke into their household, as they were armed and caught both Yonah and Ronnley. Yonah was able to escape due to Ronnley’s sacrifice, as she ran away from the neighborhood, for good. She was on her own afterwards, having nowhere to go or stay, as she just sleeps in places she can find. One day an elder lady named Kepi finds her sleeping on her rooftop. She yells for her to get off, but Yonah was still soundly asleep. The lady then hits her ceiling with her staff, scaring Yonah as she woke up and gets off immediately. She was going to run away in case of any trouble, but the elder called for her. She stopped, fearing for the worse. Instead the elder lady invited Yonah to her household, as she kindly accepts her invitation. Kepi then makes a meal for Yonah, and places it on the table for her to eat. As Yonah started eating the lady then hits her on the head (with her staff), making Yonah stop and look in irritation. Kepi stated she shouldn’t eat so fast, or else she would get an upset stomach. After the meal Kepi offered a job, which is her doing household chores for her as her payment will only be food and a roof over her head. She says this in a serious tone, having Yonah hesitated before answering. Yonah accepts the offer, but then asks why she’s doing this, saying she could just find any other hobo on the streets and have them work for her. Kepi replied sternly saying because she slept on her roof and she’s going to have to pay one way or the other. This puzzles Yonah, but since she already accepted the position Kepi already got her all set up, except without any proper instructions. Kepi wouldn’t answer her when she asks what is supposed to do exactly. So she finds something to do around the house, but later on as she was working on a different chore Kepi comes by and hits her on the head, again. Yonah gets irritated saying what’s her problem, as Kepi points out that she did “it” wrong. She walks away and Yonah calls out what she did wrong, as she didn’t specify on the subject. This has been going on for weeks until one day she didn’t get bunked on the head this time. She notices later on that whenever she comes to cleaning in tight spaces she would find ramen cup noodles at random places of the house. She tries to ask her about that situation, but Kepi being Kepi, she doesn’t answer. One day, a couple of months working for the lady, Yonah looks around, thinking she finished her chores, going around for Kepi, only to find her sobbing. She quietly goes up to her, asking what the matter is. She then finds out it’s the anniversary of her and her deceased husband. She apologizes for her, along with her disturbing, and goes and leaves her room. Kepi calls her back, as Yonah does so, and Kepi requests for her to get some groceries. Yonah act upon her request, and was about to leave when Kepi called her back again. She felt annoyed with this coming back to her, but comes back anyway knowing that she would do whatever she can to help with her grief. Kepi smiles, which she never sees her do before, and says thank you for her work and dedication. Yonah bows and says in gratitude as well, saying she wouldn’t know where she would be without her.
Yonah goes out to shop for her necessities, and by the time she came back sees a bunch of police officers around Kepi’s home. She goes to the officers asking what happened, but they tend to push away from the home, saying she’s not allowed in. She sees broken windows on the house, and asks again what happened. She overhears one of the neighbors saying she might’ve committed suicide, while the other people said someone broke into their home and kidnapped her. The officer pushes her away again saying she has to move away from the scene, as Yonah thinks something suspicious is going on. She then assaults the police officer as one of them touched and pushed her harshly, throwing punches as she then was taken in custody for the assault. She was then sent to Sector Security and obtained a criminal mark on her face, and sent to prison of what’s supposed to be six months.
The Breakout After their escape, Adrian invited her to his place to live, since she has nowhere to go. She accepted, and the two lived together for about a half a year. At first their relationship went nice and smooth, yet a little bit wild. When one time when they trespassed an abandoned building when it was about to be taken down. Having no clue, they barely made it out alive, sometimes looking back and laugh. One night they went to a bar and she got drunk, which is why she got a Dove Tattoo on her left calf. The two became troublemakers and party once a week. But during the time he started to be more demanding, wanting her to do things for him that made her more like a slave. She had enough, saying she isn’t his maid and that he should treat her with respect. He denies her request, instead forces himself on her. She was shaken up by his disgraceful ways, but it took her a long time to recover before she plans to leave him. For good. ______________________________________________________________
1st Arc: The Collide
It was nighttime, and Yonah ran out of the house and took Adrian’s car and sped off. For the first time she felt free, but still scared. Not knowing she was going over the speed limit, sirens was heard behind her. Crow was able to catch up to her vehicle when she crashed it at a nearby tree. Crow got up from his Blackbird and walked over to the crashed car, seeing if the driver is OK. The car door slammed his face, having him fall over in agony as Yonah makes a run for it. He chases after her and was able to take her down, him getting on top of her and locking her in place. Yonah thought for Plan B, as she kneeled him in the groin and was able to escape for good. Crow, very upset of letting the girl slip, then starts looking for her on his own, until few days later he finds her on the streets, chasing after her once more. This time he was able to capture her, and send her to Sector Security. Seeing her at the security, he sees that she… not what she seems to be. Crow was known to help bail other prisoners in the past whenever he believes they deserve a second chance, and Yonah was no exception. Crow bailed her out before she was able to receive a second criminal mark. Confused, Yonah leaves with a goodbye, until Crow stopped her. Feeling annoyed by him already, she tried to avoid him. Crow stopped at her tracks to ask her a question, which is where she was going. Yonah bluntly said anywhere, which is a not surreal answer. Seeing that she has nowhere to go, he suggested she crash at his place. Even more confused, and a little unsecured about the situation, she says a no thank you, and leaves once more. She went on her own again, trying to find her own home but ends up getting nowhere. She finds somewhere to sleep for the night, and took a snooze. Someone woke her early in the morning and kicked her from her sleeping area, injuring her as she fell down. It was a group of guys who hates having strangers going around and sleep wherever they want. She apologizes and tries to leave, but they won’t let her. They wanted to make sure she doesn’t come back again, starting a fight with her. They threw the first punch but she was able to dodge them, throwing a punch of her own at them. Due to the match she was outnumbered, but she didn’t care. Her cockiness got her beaten to the ground as they were to make the final blow, until sirens was heard. Crow stepped out of his D-Wheel and demanded to leave her alone. Refusing, one of the guys declared a duel. Crow wins the duel and chases him away, and ran to Yonah. She wasn’t badly hurt, but Crow insisted she should go to the hospital to get fixed up, or could get herself a hotel instead of getting into trouble. She said she’s fine, but as soon as she got up she fell back down, her vision became hazy before fainting. She woke up at an unknown home, and looked around just to see Crow who saved her earlier. Yonah makes her chance to leave until Crow stopped her. After much convincing and backup reasons, Crow was able to have her live at his place for a temporary time. She tends to make herself at home, with much judgement about the place. It’s not a mess, but it’s not luxurious either. A tiny, one-bedroom house. We’re gonna have a problem, she thought. Crow starts by flipping his furniture where it becomes a bed itself. She asks if that where she gonna sleep, seeing it looks pretty cool for a furniture-bed. Crow said no, as this is where he’ll be sleeping as Yonah will take his bed. He says it’s way more comfortable. Yonah was known for crying in her sleep, and most of the time she doesn’t even know why. One night Crow accompanied her for the night since she was crying non-stop, and she felt a little lonesome at the time. During the time being, as Yonah was first shown of hesitation when he comes near (and sometimes accidentally punching him without looking) she starts to feel trust with him, as she finds him to be an honest guy (and a virgin, having her make fun of him for being one), they became “decent enough” friends. During the friendship-only relationship they tend to go out oddly a lot of times. Hangouts later on turned into dates, giving Jack something to explore about. At first meet Jack despises Yonah, as he judged her “by the book’s cover”. After running into each other again Jack starts insulting her, accusing her as, on quote, “A filthy-gold-digging whore!”, Crow finding that insulting and gets in a fight with Jack (In my verse Crow is known to be somewhat middle-class due to seeing that Professional Turbo Duelists could possible make so much money. And ironically Crow lives in a cheap apartment). Carly fights against Jack too, saying that is completely disrespectful of him, and should be ashamed for calling her that. Jack, being proud as always, had no regrets. As Crow goes to Yonah, she was gone. Crow looks for her and finds her sobbing from the insult, sitting against a wall. As Yonah is known to be hard-headed who can take insults, this one was an exception. Thinking back when her Ex said the same word he used against her, it flipped the switch. She doesn’t say she is crying, and just leaves the house undetected. It started raining by the time Crow went out to look for Yonah. After what seems like hours, he finds her, hiding underneath a tarp, far from his home. He convinces her to come home, giving her his jacket and walk all the way to his place. It’s been some time until Jack finally apologizes to Yonah for what he called her last time they met (Carly made him apologize). Yonah forgives (somewhat) and gave him a punch at the rib for his disrespect, calling it equal. Throughout the weeks Yonah got to know more of Crow’s friends, especially Carly. Carly got a liking to her quick, and insists her, Aki and Yonah would go out for some girl time. Hearing the term like a swear word, she denies the request, and tries to escape the hangout, unfortunate Carly basically takes her out anyway, no one stopping her. The first thing they did is went out to a cafe, Yonah Not finding this to be too bad. She thought too soon. Then they went out shopping for clothes, as she despises shopping… especially clothes! They had her try everything on (which is when she develops a personal wardrobe), and they bought the ones that fits her the most. They did this again when the whole gang decided to go to a beach, Aki specifically having Yonah trying on bikinis and swimsuits (she was gonna go out with a T-Shirt and boy shorts, and Carly wanted her to try something else). As Yonah despises the bikinis, Crow whistled at her on one of the good ones, making Yonah flush and hide back at the fitting room. Crow, being a daredevil himself, took her for a ride one day, as Yonah hates the idea of him speeding and jumping over cliffs, really scaring her (and Crow enjoys it). Yonah and Yusei have some contact with each other, as they consider each other friends, Yonah has hard times starting conversations which gives that some lacking of knowing each other (it’s like an awkward roommate lol). Jack and Yonah actually hit it off, both of them liking their adventurous and daring stories. Their first conversation was making fun of Crow, saying how the both find him odd in some ways and laugh about it (due to Crow’s dismay). As Yonah and Crow spent more time together, she started to have this odd feeling: a crush. She later on becomes more awkward towards him for no apparent reason, making Crow awkward for himself since he doesn’t know what’s going on with her. This became really awkward for the two, as they randomly start stupid arguments. Crow started having feelings for her too, and doesn’t know what to do about it, and later tries to ignores it. One of their most significant argument was when she was being ignorant one day, she started a fight with someone who was picking on the two (mainly Crow which is why she got pissed off), her throwing the first punch. She said that’s all she could do, she said she can’t just stand there and do nothing. The argument went on, Crow then said she can just move out if she wants. Yonah says fine, she will, and then she left the house, saying she’ll pack up and leaves once she gets back, making sound like a threat. She shuts the door, and Crow didn’t go after her this time, too pissed to even care about her at the moment. During her walk she encountered a guy who ran into her. Her vision was hazy when she got abducted by the man. Crow waited all night for her to get home, until he decided to go out to look for her. He couldn’t find her this time, instead Sector Security were at the streets, saying that a young woman was abducted a few hours ago, as they found clues at the spot where the action took place. Finding out it was Yonah, he got on his D-Wheel and went out searching for her. Finding her at last, he also found the kidnapper. Adrian, her ex, declared a duel. He said that if Crow wins, he can take Adrian in and get Yonah for himself. If Adrian wins, he says he gets to leave with her, making sure Crow doesn’t send word out about this or go after them. He says this in a sadistic tone, and Crow accepts the challenge. Adrian has his own D-Wheel, and makes this a Turbo Duel. (NOTE: Adrian plays a Darklord deck, an archetype made up of DARK attribute Fairy monsters that focuses on sending monsters to the graveyard and bringing them to the field from the graveyard). As Crow was struggling at first, he was able to do some damage to the opponent, and later on in the duel summon Black-Winged Dragon, and finish him off using its effect. Crow then took him in, as he then was sent to Sector Security once again. Yonah looked scarred, as apparently Adrian threatened her as he said he’ll come back for her.
The Confession Still shaken of seeing Adrian once again, she secretly packs up to leave. It was early in the morning, and she opens her window and goes to escape through there. The lights turned on, seeing Crow by the door. Yonah didn’t know what to say, but then apologizes about her behavior last night. The apology then went to her confession about having feelings for him, which is why she started acting so weird (her words) and start having a fight with the guy. She slowly broke down, and Crow got right beside her to comfort her. He kissed her, and apologizes as well for his behavior. Thinking that Yonah will freak out about the kiss, he slowly moves away until she kissed back, surprising him. Her tears then went to tears of joy, both hugging each other as she get go of her bag.
2nd Arc: Together
It’s been over a year since the confession, and the two are living together at his apartment for sure. Yonah got herself a job as a Warehouse worker, load and unloading cases of material in various places in the city. She is known to come home with sores and aches but she tends to “tough it out”, much to Crow’s concern. Crow continues working at Sector Security. During the relationship process Yonah is known to be kinder to others and shows more respect. Their relationship moves slowly yet surely stable, as during the relationship Crow is known to be over protective. Like during one time Yonah called Crow saying she’ll be doing a double shift tonight, as Crow questions her and says she’ll hurt herself, seeing at the other side of the line Yonah has a annoyed look on her face, should’ve seen this kind of stuff coming from him. Even in their process Yonah shows sign of distress when it comes to close contact between her and Crow, mainly during love sessions. And during then Crow knows when to back off for her safety, not wanting to make her uncomfortable. Jack is known to annoy the two lovers overtime as when are they “gonna shake things up”. Crow finds him contemptible for saying those kinds of things about their relationship, especially since it’s none of his business. Jack just retorts in a disagreeable way and then states then he guess he has to call him “virgin” for the rest of his life. Yusei and Akiza are known to back him up saying it takes time to take a step in relationships and Crow and Yonah will if they are comfortable enough to do so. Crow then adds in he won’t even care if they don’t go that far, since he knows how uncomfortable Yonah feels in those kinds of situations (due to her past experiences). He then claims to Jack that he can call him whatever he pleases, as he wouldn’t mind being a virgin for the rest of his life. He moves when she moves, he added, and that’s how it’ll go for the two.
After a day from work Crow sees Yonah waiting for him outside the Sector Security building. He seems a bit confused, and then jokes if she got in trouble with the Sector Security again. Yonah makes an ironic laugh, and then says that she got off early due to some occasion, and thought she would stop by to see him. Later on that day Crow sees his pals from the Shingon League, and had a little reunion with them saying how long it’s been since they last saw each other. One of the guys sees Yonah and introduced himself to her, but then asks Crow who she is. Crow introduced her to the others, them just realizing they’re in a relationship. They had a conversation for a little bit as one of the guys asked if she plays Duel Monsters. Yonah replied she used to, but quit back at her early childhood, saying she doesn’t have her deck anymore. The four went out for a hangout, as Yonah gets to learn about Crow’s former members. The members then insisted of using his cards to make the deck she used to have, finding this interesting. Before Yonah said otherwise, Crow asserted that she will be happy to, although she actually wasn’t. The man got his cards out as Yonah looks through them and says she doesn’t remember her deck very well, so it would be hard for her to make the exact kind of deck she used to have. They didn’t mind her deck being altered, as she starts building a deck with the cards and sees the man doesn’t have the rest of the necessary cards for her deck, leaving it incomplete. She apologizes saying it’s nice for him to help, but they’re his cards, not hers. The man then insisted for her to keep those cards, saying he really doesn’t all of these as he normally just buys packs and keeps the cards he doesn’t use. The guys said they have to go, so they departed with a farewell. Crow then decides to take her to a local card shop, to get the cards that she needed. They went to a nearby shop as she shopped for the cards for her deck, and thanked Crow for helping her, along with his friends. Crow claimed it was nothing, and asked if she finds her deck satisfying enough. She replied a yes, and so Crow challenged her to a duel. Yonah hesitated, asking what he is doing. Crow took out his duel disk with his deck already in place, taking out another duel disk and passed it on to her. Yonah’s still trying to figure out what’s going on, or why he’s doing this. Crow proclaimed that he just wanted to see what she could do, excited to duel his girlfriend for fun. Yonah then agreed in dismay, says in warning that she may be too easy of an opponent. Crow states otherwise that this will be a blast, in hopes of seeing her spirit of determination during the duel. She does so during their first duel, until at the end when she lost. She demands another rematch, as it ends up in the same result. After multiple duels she gives up, saying there was no way to beat him. Crow tries to convince her to not think of it like that, instead finding ways to improve. He asks her to take a look at her deck, and so she gives it to him. He looks over them, questioning as he passes by some decent cards that could easily stop him. He then asks if any of these cards were in her hand during the duels. She answered yes, which then has Crow questioning why she didn’t use them then. She wasn’t sure why, as she even told him that. Crow just shrugged and handed the deck back to her, saying they can fix it up by going back to the shop. Yonah shook her head, saying she just wants to go home. The next following week Crow challenges her to a duel again, Yonah really getting annoyed on those random occasions, denies the offer. Crow questions, and then mentioned they could fix her deck if she felt that embarrassed about her deck. Yonah, couldn’t avoid his begging face, says fine, as Crow bursts with joy and says let’s go. After some time at the store, she fixed her deck a bit, seemly content with the new results of her deck. Just before Crow declares another duel, a Sector Security car rolled up to the two as Trudge and another officer (Mina maybe?) got out of the car and went to Yonah to ask some questions. The three went away for some privacy while Crow has to be away some certain distance. Trudge questioned Yonah about the disappearance of Kepi, as Yonah explains that even she doesn’t know what happened to her. Trudge decided to take her to the Sector building for further questions, as Crow follows them with his Blackbird.
Crow has to wait outside the office as Trudge continues to question Yonah about Kepi’s disappearance, normally what she knows about her and what she thinks why Kepi would’ve disappeared all of the sudden. After many questions Trudge lets her go, until someone else (will be character, maybe) comes into the office and notices what the conversation is about. The man then gives Yonah a business as he explains a prototype he is working on that can “travel back” in memory wherever a person wants to go, as that memory can expand as a map to see other places in that memory the person hasn’t even went to. The man says it’s the perfect opportunity to locate the missing Kepi, that while she goes to that memory she can look at the home in that same time to see what happened to her. Yonah just nodded and left the office, and Crow got up to ask what was going on. Yonah explains the whole situation on the way home, saying that she could find Kepi if she does the memory travel. Crow then questions why can’t anyone else do that themselves, then Yonah replies saying that only she can do so, since she knows Kepi in person and no one else. Since it’s only a sample, that’s the only way to locate a certain someone, as it’s not very advanced. Crow sees it as just a experiment, and tells her not to do it, as it might be very dangerous. She retorts and the two argued, Yonah ending that it’s her discussion, and she can do it if she wants to or not. [This will be during the Memory Travel (god I gotta give it a name)] Yonah decided to get involved with the prototype, and so the experiment begins. As she starts traveling back to her memory, she locates Kepi in her house, still weeping over the anniversary. She waited for the right moment, until she felt disturbed. Everything started to fizz, her memory isn’t being visualized properly. The machine fixed itself, and then she sees Kepi leaving her house. She then tries to focus on her next move. But the fizz came back again, blurring her image on what Kepi is doing next. Her head starts pounding as she tries to look through the fizz and sees Kepi, looking up at her direction. She hesitated, feeling like as if Kepi is looking straight at her. She is in fact; as it was seemly impossible. Her face changed, scaring Yonah half to death. The prototype’s monitor goes haywire due to her feeling of fear. The face then changed to Adrian, making an evil grin and laugh. The environment then drastically changed. Yonah is now laying on the ground, the sky is purple as it looks like she is in some sort of void space (it’s actually more of the scene during the Dark Signers Arc). She is trapped in the prototype, so the scientists can’t get her out of the zone. An hour came by with no response from Yonah and Crow grows worried back at home. She didn’t tell him where she went, since she know he will just try to stop her. His phone rings as it’s Trudge calling him. He picks it up, and Trudge told him that Yonah is in trouble.
The Rescue Crow was able to come to the laboratory where Yonah and the prototype is. The man suggested that he goes inside to get Yonah, having him go into the prototype to rescue her. During the time the scientists were doing everything they can to get the prototype working properly. Crow found Yonah unconscious, and goes to her to wake her up. She does wake up, and freaks out. He tends to calm her down, saying it’s OK now, and he’s here to help her get out of here. Shortly afterwards a figure comes coming out of the ground, the black aura vanishes, revealing Adrian. Crow automatically goes in front of Yonah, both wondering what’s going on. Adrian’s eyes became black and markings went around his face and arms, and bat-like wings started growing behind him. He then starts charging after them, as Crow stands in front of Yonah for protection. The illusion Adrian (so yeah it’s not him him) tackles Crow, almost falling over the edge of a cliff. He regained balance and avoids his next tackle, as he is now flying in the sky, swooping down. Adrian grabs hold of Crow, and drops him off at the edge. Silence grew, as Yonah thought he died, only to come back, with black wings coming from his back. The battle continues between Crow and Adrian, as Yonah freaks out of what she could do. As Adrian has his advantage on Crow and nails him on the ground, Yonah jumps onto him from behind and pulls him away from Crow, enough time to get back up. Adrian grabs her and throws her away from him, and Crow comes in with a heavy blow. As Yonah is laying on the ground wings grew from her back too. They’re small and white, and Yonah tackles Adrian down to the ground, and Crow finished him off. The dark aura then sinks into the ground, the the two hugged each other in victory. As Yonah tries to find a way to get out of this conscious, Crow suddenly fell to the ground. Yonah tried to pull him up as dark aura devours around him, he pushes her away so she wouldn’t contact the dark aura. It surrounds him completely, as his eyes became black and his gray iris becomes violet. His criminal marks changed color to red, and his outfit completely changed too. He slowly stood up from the ground and he faces Yonah with an evil grin on his face. Yonah backs away and tries to snap him out of it. Crow declares a duel, a dark-like duel disk appeared as Yonah’s randomly appeared too. Looks like she has no choice. During the duel some of Crow’s cards were unrecognizable, as he is already winning. Yonah doesn’t know what to do, as flashbacks shows her and Crow’s other duels, remembering Crow telling her what she could do in her situations in the duel, and not be afraid to use the cards she has. She gained some confidence and strikes a strategy and got the upper hand, being able to defeat Crow throughout the duel. She comes up to him as he is his old self again, and slowly disappearing. Just as he was fully gone she wakes up to reality. She got off the prototype, seeing Crow waking up from the virtual world as well. She tackles him into a hug as she has having a breakdown thinking she might’ve lost him forever. The prototype was then shut down for good, as the creators declared they won’t even touch it again.
3rd Arc: Intertwined
Few months after the prototype issue, Yonah had learned to let go of fear of Crow being so close to her. He got her to stop thinking about Adrian anymore, that he won’t even bother her again. Akiza did some therapy with her to cope her from her fear, and was able to live with Crow without fear nor hesitation. One night Crow threw a small celebration (and Yonah totally forgot) their second anniversary (since the Confession). They went out for dinner and came back home, deciding to end the day with a movie. Although during their night film things heated up between the two, as it went to a make-out session, and even went farther. The two hesitated before continuing. Yonah’s fear was long gone, and with an A-OK, they both decided to go all the way this time.
The News The morning Yonah wakes up with the bed all to herself, a sweet smelling aroma seeks to the bedroom coming from the kitchen. She walks over to find him cooking up breakfast, seeing he seems to be in a good mood. They exchanged a “Good Morning” along with a kiss, and starting to dig in once all the food was ready. The two didn’t even bother bringing up last night, even though it is a night to remember. Later on they decided to see their friends, Crow hangout with Yusei and Jack while Yonah got together with Aki and Carly. They were just having a regular time until Jack was picking up some hints on something between Crow and Yonah. Something…. he thought. He cunningly started asking him some questions and see what the two did in the past couple days. They both say not much, other than celebrating their second anniversary. Jack then questioned on more specific questions, like what they did exactly. Crow then stopped answering, saying it’s none of his business. Jack then says that “they did it”. Crow, not saying no, confirmed Jack’s theory. He then tells Carly, as she said it to Aki, Yonah seeing that everyone found out. Apparently Crow couldn’t hide it. One day at a local shop Yusei ran into Crow, by himself in the Jewelry store. He came up to him with surprise and asked what is he doing here. He then sees that Crow was looking for an engagement ring, and told Yusei about his plan to propose to her. Yusei promised not to tell anyone else, keeping it between the two.
A weeks have passed and the gang came together for a supper at Jack and Carly’s place (they’re known to have a big house), along with Martha and their kids. They all were having a nice time, Crow still thinking about an idea he has and then Jack turned on his television to watch some news. Everyone became quiet when they looked what was going on in the news. It shows a familiar face to Yonah, with the headline, “Man Broke Out of Sector Security”, showing Adrian the one who escaped. Everyone else notices, some of them looking at Yonah. Her hand holding a utensil started shaking along with her other hand holding her plate. Crow notices and tries to comfort her, but then Yonah immediately stood up from her chair and ran into the restroom, throwing up in the toilet. Yonah didn’t feel so good then. She didn’t eat much, she kept throwing up, and she started to bicker on random things. Aki decided to check up on her, seeing what might be the problem. Aki diagnosed it right away, and convinces Yonah to tell Crow about it. Apparently Yonah was a little scared to do so, thinking Crow may not accept the fact. Aki says he’ll be thrilled, and with some encouragement, she went up to Crow and asked if they could talk in private. Crow feared it might be something serious, and agreed to talk to her. Before she was able to say something, Crow asks if she’s OK, does she need to go to the hospital, ect. Yonah says she’s fine, somewhat. Crow seemed confused on that statement. She took a breath, and told him the news. “I’m pregnant.” He eyes went wide, as Yonah feared for the worst. Instead Crow picked her up and spinning her around with joy. At least she knows he’s happy, she begged him to get her go or she’ll make sure she barfs on him. He lets her go and hugged her again. Saying how happy he is, he starts making plans for the upcoming member, making a to-do list for necessities before Yonah stopped him from going any further. The Fudo and Atlas family donated some of their baby things to the soon-to-be-parents. Meanwhile Adrian went back to his old place to hide, and brew a new plan. Throughout the months of pregnancy Yonah was denying to go to the hospital. Due to some fears and conspiracies she hears about hospitals, she denies going. Aki made some frequent visits to make sure she’s healthy, as no one can convince her to go to the hospital.
(This part is a Work In Progress [WIP])
Adrian goes and finds her again. Seeing that she’s pregnant, he thinks of many ways to get his revenge on her, and Crow at the same time. However, before he was able to do anything Crow comes around with a tackle, knocking him down to the ground. Yusei and Jack notices and comes in to help him. Adrian escaped, however, as he leaves to trace of him. After a while Crow took Yonah out to a special place (due to Yonah’s surprise). He proposed to her that night, as Yonah happily said yes. They had a short and private wedding, as Yonah really didn’t want those fancy long-ass weddings (her words), and he complains about her belly not being able to fit into a wedding dress. But regardless they had a wedding, and had a great time together, now as Mrs. Hogan.
Bundles of Joys
Now that Adrian is long gone, Yonah feels safe from him for the very first time. At thirty five weeks pregnant (eight months), Carly decided for everyone to go on a camping trip. She had discounts on the trip that only lasted for the week, so she planned on the trip without warning anyone. Even with this short notice they got ready for the trip, taking Luna, Leo and the children along. Her water broke during the first week during camp, and since there’s no hospital nearby, they went into a cabin for her to give birth. Aki got ready as she brought the necessities (she had a feeling it may happen during the trip). Cursing with all her might, Yonah squeezed Crow’s hand and gave birth to a girl. When they thought it was over, Yonah starting screeching in pain again. Aki checked back and noticed, there’s another one coming. After minutes a boy was born. The two named the girl Raven and the boy Raptor. They then moved to a bigger house (A three-bedroom thank god!), as the kids will have their own room when they get older. Yonah is known to be a tough-love mother, wanting her children to be the best they can be (even if it means taking their games away nnnuuuuuu~). Crow tends to be the opposite, being sweet and a little too soft to do such punishments (he would though if he thinks it’s best). Raven became interested in animals and wanted to grow up to go around Japan to explore nature. Raptor wasn’t too sure what he wants to do, although he does enjoy sports and racing. Yonah accepts her kids for their destiny and encourage them to go (mainly so they can move out). She loves her kids very much.
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