#drunk posting cuz I don’t wanna go back to school
whumpy-wyrms · 4 months
are you okay?? what happened?
went to a party for the first time last night (senior party, we graduated and wanted to celebrate), drank for the first time, got drunk, crazy stuff happened. it was genuinely super fun though!! i knew everyone there since they were from my school so i was definitely safe the whole time, and i had a ride home.
ALSO (for context: i’ve always been the most quiet anti social kid at my school who literally never talks or gets involved in anything, just likes to draw and write and be an introvert. people have never bothered me about it either since i’ve always been like that and they all kinda respect it.) anyway the second i showed up at the party everyone in the room literally CHEERED because i was the one person they LEAST expected to be there it was awesome
i think i just liked having like no social anxiety and was able to interact with people really easy and stuff haha. like at one point i literally started rolling around in the grass and staring at the sky while giggling like a maniac it was awesome. everyone was calling me jay too which was so cool guys!!!! (for context i live in a very small conservative rural town which makes it very surprising that there aren’t that many transphobes) like i hardly talk to anyone in my grade but they’re all super supportive of me anyway and i genuinely felt so happy about that. like wooww these people can be assholes sometimes but they respect me and i’m gonna miss them
eventually everyone was kinda grouped at the front of the house and i went to check what was going on and there was a guy in a vest and the second i realized he was a cop i just ran to the backyard and followed like three other people out of there. we ran around town and eventually just sat in a field and waited for a ride it was crazyyy
i did get a ride home (not the one i originally planned lol) and everything turned out fine. i don’t think anyone got charged either (we all were underage drinking lol) so yeah. i also left my ipad there (brought it cuz i didn’t really know what to expect from the party and thought id go on it when i got bored lmao. i went on it once because i wanted to draw anton but gave up after like two doodles because drawing while drunk was literally impossible hahahha i’ll post the doodles when i get my ipad later though). anyways i feel completely fine now i just really wanna get my ipad back haha
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majesticbrownjawn · 4 years
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@soufcakmistress didn’t realize when she posted this that it would inspire me to write. Thanks boo. Here’s what happens when you so thick it makes Erik nervous...but not really cuz he doesn’t get nervous. 
“I ain’t shy, you just so thick I’m a little nervous.”
He laughed at her shock at his statement. The look she gave him as she stared up at him in awe was cute as shit.
“Don’t worry, when I’m fucking you, all that nervous shit gon be out the window.”
“Excuse me?”
The trap music was loud, but not that loud.
“You heard me Thickums.” He leaned in close, his beard tickling the side of her neck when he spoke.
Y/N squeezed her legs together involuntarily, the weight of her thighs pressing against the sides of her clit, causing a soft moan to slip from her lips. He definitely heard it and now she was nervous.
As fate would have it, she’d seen Erik on Instagram before on multiple occasions. He gained notoriety after one the mother of one of his students posted him on IG with the caption, “My son’s teacher bout to have my ass bringing him an apple everyday!”
Another user found Erik’s profile, and BOOM, 40K followers overnight. It was no wonder though. Y/N had seen the photos of him in the school’s navy blue polo, muscles protruding from his sleeves.
But seeing him in person was almost too much. Your heart and other bits went thumpity-thump-thump when you spotted him at the house party two hours ago. You weren’t surprised to see the swarm of women around him or the fact that he was enjoying the attention.
“I feel like I’ve seen you somewhere before...were you at the brunch on 14th a couple weeks ago?”
“No. I don’t go to brunch often.”
“Too many niggas like me hassling you, huh?”
You bit back a smile as he glazed over your frame again. Yea, niggas hassled you, but they certainly didn’t look like him.
“You’re not hassling me.”
“Aight good. But for real tho, like damn… you just so—“
A woman plopped down next to you with a cup full of alcohol. She was drunk and desperate for the attention of the man sitting to your right. She leaned into you hard, so you leaned into Erik. The pads of your fingers to gripped his thigh for leverage. You couldn’t have anticipated brushing up against the tip of his firm, warm dick. Time stopped and you momentarily forgot about the freshly spilled tequila on your white t-shirt dress. Erik’s mouth hung slightly ajar, clearly turned on by your accidental groping. You didn’t read it that way though.
“I’m so sorry!”
You flew up from the couch and ran to the first door you could find. As you raced through the party, you’d decided as soon as your dress was dry, you’d head for the front door and straight to your car. The music was so loud and you were so frazzled that you couldn’t hear Erik behind you trying to tell you to slow down. You nearly slammed the door in his face when you found a random bedroom just behind the DJ booth.
“You move fast girl.” You jumped in surprise at the sound of his velvety voice.
He was stuck when you finally turned around, revealing the mess the woman on the couch made on you. The cotton fabric of your dress was saturated with tequila, giving Erik a vivid display of your mesh bra underneath. He could just barely see the outline of your deep brown areolas. You watched his eyes dilate as he zeroed in on your pebbled nipples. You felt vulnerable and exposed and turned on as he stood before you, speechless.
“Yea, baby?” He slowly lifted his head to meet your eyes.
“Baby?” You giggled.
“Yea. You baby now…And, I don’t know your name. You dipped out before I could ask.”
“It’s Y/N.”
“Y/N, Y/N,” he repeated it like he was trying to etch it in his brain. “Why you run away?”
“I tend to do that when things get awkward. I’m sorry.”
“Shit ain’t get awkward until you took off.” He walked a few paces to lessen the space between you. “Don’t run away from me again. OK?”
His large hand gripped the side of your neck, his thumb caressing your jaw. He had to be the type of nigga that sprayed his colonge on his inner wrist. The sweet-spicy musk tempted you to turn your head and kiss the palm of his hand.  
“Umhm,” you nodded.
“Umhm, what?”
“I won’t run away from you again.”
“Good girl. Now, what were you going to say?”
He took a seat on the bed, keeping an eye on you like you’d still bolt at any second.
“Did I really make you nervous?”
He smiled so wide that the gold caps of his canines gleamed against the light in the room.
“Yea. I meant that shit. You perfect.” He reached out and pulled you in between his legs. “These thighs are what I noticed about you first.”
His hands slowly glazed over the back of your knees and upwards until he reached your thighs. He gripped them suddenly, making you gasp. His deep eyes grew dark with desire as he gazed up at you. The intensity in them made you want to look at anything but him.
“Look at me.”
Your eyes darted to his lips. They were so full and kissable.
You were already standing in between his legs staring down at the growing knot in his jeans.
“Sit down.”
You took a half step back to sit next to him on the bed, but his hand grabbing your ass signaled that wasn’t he meant by sit down. You carefully lifted your dress a bit and straddled his lap. It felt like you melted into his bulky frame. He gripped you so tight, it felt familiar. Safe.
“Imma be real witchu, Y/N.” Erik’s head was nestled in between your breasts, listening to your sporadic heartbeat. “I know where I know you from.”
You could barely hear him. His warm hands exploring your body clouded your senses. All you could do was feel.
“I asked Teddy to invite you tonight.”
You were surprised, but you were so relaxed that you didn’t react in the way you normally would.
“I DM’ed you like two years ago, but you never responded.”
All you could do was chuckle. You would have remembered him DMing you and you absolutely would have responded.
“You don’t believe me? Look—“
He tried to pull away from you to grab his phone from his pocket but, nah. You tightened your thighs around him, cementing yourself further in his lap. The heat of your pussy stilled him from moving further.
“So you already knew my name?” Your fingertips massaged his scalp. All he could do was hum in the affirmative. He allowed your hands to explore him as much as they wanted. Shoulders, arms, lips…
“Kiss me.” There was a hint of desperation in his voice that made you weak. The faint moan that slipped from him when your tongue entered his mouth made you weaker. The involuntary grind of your hips against his dick drove you crazy. You couldn’t get enough of the feeling of him pressing into you.
He leaned back with you still gyrating on him. Erik wanted to see more of you. You didn’t realize he slipped your dress over your head until you felt the pads of his fingers swiping back and forth across your nipples. You were so needy to cum now.
He drank you in, intoxicated by the look of you get getting off on his clothed dick.
“Erik,” you whispered. “Imma cum.”
Just the thought of his face between your legs, lapping up your pussy juices had you nutting all on his lap.
“Oh shit, oh shit….Fuuuuuuhhhhk.”
You whimpered into his mouth as you finished and he kissed you hungrily, suckling your lips.
“You feeling good as hell right now, huh?”
“Yes, nigga. What you think?” You laughed, looking down at the sticky puddle in Erik’s lap.
“I made a mess on you. I’m sorry—“
“I like that shit, Y/N. It lets me know how bad you want me…it’s good to know, especially since you was ignoring my DMs and shit.”
“Whatever. I know I would have talked to you if you DMed me.”
“You was with dude then.”
He was referring to your ex, Mark.
“I could tell you were a good girl so I figured you might not respond but it was worth a shot.”
“Would a good girl do what I just did with you?”
“Yea. Maybe with her man.”
You kissed him and smiled.
“Good thing I did it with you then. Wouldn’t want to ruin your opinion of me.”
Erik reached over and grabbed the dress from the other side of the bed and put it back on you.
“I love you so much, Y/N.”
“I love you too, Erik.”
“You ready to go home? I wanna be comfortable while I’m eating ya pussy. All this noise is too much.”
He held you close to him as you made your way back out into the crowd. You could faintly hear Teddy, Erik’s best friend yell, “Happy anniversary!” as you exited the party.  
@harleycativy @queenflaws @theogbadbitch @goddessofthundathighs @syndrlla97 @soufcakmistress @mbakusprincess @supersizemeplz @therealmrsrhodes @toniilaney @raysunshine78 @19jammmy@killmonger-fics @just-peachee @trinityaneise​ @wawakanda-btch @ladymac82@just-peachee @ladymac82​ @suburbanblackhoe
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wisteriasxx · 3 years
a/n: had this in the drafts since tfatws finished streaming and I forgot to post it but here haha
Warnings: Weed, mentions of alcohol, mentions of sex
Smoke sesh with Marvel characters 🍃
this one is for all my stoner marvel fans💕 just my thoughts on what it would be like to smoke with some of our favs✨
Well considering Steve is a super soldier, he can’t get drunk or high..........BUT for the sake of this let’s just pretend he can ;)
It would probably take loads of convincing for him to even try the stuff
If he decides to try it, he’s only taking one hit.
High Steve is definitely just super chill, and really cuddly, he’s gonna grab you and just hold you for the rest of the night.
When it comes time for munchies he will literally eat anything, but his favorite snack when the munchies hit is Mozzarella sticks.
He’ll start talking about how things were back in the 40’s, including how crazy the youth is today with this stuff you’ve just given him.
We all know that Tony is KNOWN for being a party animal, so he’s definitely down for a lil sesh with the avengers
Tony definitely likes to drink more then he would smoking, but he’ll still smoke.
Probably owns a dab pen with indica for for his anxiety
Prefers indica but will settle for a hybrid (sativa and indica)
Gets really giggly and even more sarcastic when he’s high
Will not move from his current place of rest, someone will have to bring him food when the munchies come or he will complain the entire time
Favorite munchies food is potato chips
High tony will definitely accidentally start spilling your secrets in front of people, you might have to physically shut him up somehow
Will give you a funny look when you hand him a joint or a pen or whatever it is that your using.
He’ll understand that you smoke it, but he’ll think it’s just tobacco or something
Before you can tell him what it actually is he’s already taken a couple of big hits
Once you tell him what it is that he’s smoking and what it does, the only response you’ll get is “this tastes funny and it will have no effect on me because I am mighty”
Fast forward to ten minutes later of Thor being loud and laughing at everything and just being an absolute goofball
Will eat and drink everything in sight once the munchies hit for him
“Where can I get more of this midgaurdian herb!??!!?!!” He’ll yell from the couch
Like Steve, he’ll get grabby and just wanna hold you the entire time. If you’re standing he’s gonna stand behind you with his arms wrapped around you and his chin resting on ur head. If you’re sitting he’s putting his arm around you and pulling you close.
Definitely ends with him passed out on the floor
When she sees everyone playing “puff puff pass”, she’ll roll her eyes.
“What are you guys in high school or something?”
She will insist that she wants nothing to do with it, but after tony makes some remark about it, she decides to prove him wrong.
After a hit or two, Nat becomes more comfortable, she becomes less uptight.
Likes to shoot out more sarcastic one liners then usual
Becomes very flirty ;)
She gets smiley but in a tired way
In fact, She doesn’t stay awake very long after she’s had a hit or two in her system, she gets too tired and calls it a night
By “calls it a night” I mean she basically droops onto you and refuses to move, you’ll have to move her if you want to.
Doesn’t get the munchies because she’s asleep before she can
Clint will take a hit or two, just because why not? He could use the relaxation
He’s super chill when he’s high, he keeps to himself
He’s quiet when he’s high, but that’s just because he’s vibing, he’s taking in the music or just simply listening to the nearest conversation.
Wears sunglasses the whole time because he doesn’t want anyone to see his red eyes
He doesn’t really get munchies, he just chills the entire time
You can’t tell if he’s asleep or if he’s just vibing
Will only give one word answers if you ask him something
Not the most fun to smoke with but he’s just chilling and minding his own business so he’s welcome.
Will look at you with irritable confusion when you offer him a hit
When you tell him what it is and what it will do to him he’ll simply ask, “why would I want to do that?”
He won’t do it in front of anyone, that would mean letting his guard down and becoming vulnerable
He will definitely try it later in private though
When he’s high, he’ll want you to join him
He’s still basically loki when he’s high, he’s just more relaxed
“This is quite nice I must say.”
There will definitely be a conversation about how he can’t believe this is what mortals do for fun
He’ll become a little more open with you because he’s more relaxed
He’ll become confused when the munchies hit, but after you tell him it’s normal he’ll go with it
His favorite munchie food is definitely popcorn
I’m gonna flat out say it, high loki has a higher sex drive
Gets lost in the moment type of guy
In his opinion, the weed helps him block out everything else except for you, and that’s why he likes it
His mischief meter also skyrockets, you thought normal loki was good at pulling tricks? Just wait till you see how creative high loki can get
Bucky is gonna look at you like your crazy
Then he’ll remember that he is also crazy, and figures the weed might help ease his mind a little.
Bucky becomes more relaxed when he’s high, his guard has dropped a little, but he’s still aware of his surroundings.
He’s funnier when he’s high 
Smiles more which makes you smile because you think he doesn’t smile enough
He still does the staring thing when he’s high, but it’s not as intimidating now, there’s a softer look in his eyes and a small smile on his face
Will open up a little more about his feelings towards you
After his first time trying weed, he’ll get some cbd gummies or something on a regular basis to help relax him
When the munchies hit for him, he’ll eat anything, but his favorite munchie food is anything Italian.
He just wants to cuddle man
Wanda is surprisingly chill
She’s more open, more humorous, and even nicer.
her magic can resemble her current state of mind if she wants it to
So when she’s high, her magic becomes really pretty and elegant, like it’s in slow motion
In fact, she glows a little when she’s high
She’ll make her magic do pretty things for your entertainment
Due to her magic though, I feel that her high wouldn’t last very long
For her, smoking is just a quick little get away from her mind, something that just takes the edge off a little
Doesn’t get munchies
Prefers indica
Peter (quill)
He’s never had earth weed, but he’s definitely smoked and drank all kinds of substances through out the galaxy
Definitely likes sativa
He’s down for whatever, he likes to try new things
He’ll complain about the taste, but then love the way he’s feeling in 10 minutes
He becomes very stupid when he’s high
He’ll turn his favorite music on full volume and just start doing things, he won’t be able to sit still.
He’ll try to do things to keep himself entertained, but he’ll be bad at doing them because he’s high
When later or the next day comes when he’s sober, he’ll look at the evidence of him trying to do whatever it was he was trying to do and be totally confused, but not surprised
When the munchies hit, he’ll eat anything he can find on the ship that’s edible
It will end with him passed out in some weird spot on the ship or wherever he’s at
He once got high and woke up cuddling with Drax-
Will not smoke
The designated driver
The “chaperone” of the night
Sam Wilson
When you offer him a hit, he’ll be unsure and say something like “man I haven’t done something this stupid since high school, I don’t know”
But he says “screw it” to himself and takes a couple of hits
Becomes really smiley when he’s high, like the dude won’t stop smiling. It irritates Bucky.
Definitely will start singing out of nowhere, even if there’s no music playing
He’s also gonna tell crazy stories about his past, things from high school stories to military stories
He livens up the session for sure, after a few hits in, he makes it his goal for the night to make everyone happy and vibing along with him
When the munchies hit for sam, he goes straight for pizza. This man absolutely loooovesss pizza when he’s inebriated
Is obviously familiar with the substance
Definitely used to do it all the time in college (helped with the stress of med school)
Will question if it’s the best choice for everyone to be making right now
Most likely will not do it, it wouldn’t look good if the sorcerer supreme was getting high
You’ll ask him if he knows some kind of spell that can sober you up
He’ll tell you “yes” and proceed to hand you a water bottle and roll his eyes
He’ll do the portal thing above you and a bunch of your favorite snacks will land on your lap when the munchies come
He’ll take care of you once you pass out, carrying you to your bed or your couch or whatever and setting a glass of water near you before he leaves you alone
Scott Lang
Oh yeah, he’s definitely taking a couple hits
Prefers bongs
Prefers hybrid blends (sativa and indica)
This man knows his kush okay? Would not be surprised if he had a plug, or if he was the plug
Weed makes him more productive, he’ll start doing things and multi tasking, he’ll do anything from messing around in the suit to playing rock band
Chinese take out is this mans go to munchie food, nothing brings him greater joy then inhaling wonton soup or lo mein when he’s high
He’s bringing his friends too, there’s no arguing
Like Sam, he livens the session up
Somehow become bolder, dumber and flirty at the same time when he’s high
When he comes down though, he comes down hard, and sometimes literally.
He’ll pass out or fall asleep in the weirdest places, but he’ll be enjoying it and wake up feeling well rested somehow
Bonus cuz i think it’s funny ++
John walker
Will be all cocky about taking a hit, thinking it won’t affect him or that it’ll make him cooler or something dumb
Gets scared and paranoid
Starts literally tweaking and saying stuff like “they’re coming for me”
Freaks out because he can’t handle the kush in his system
Definitely locks himself in the bathroom and cries, calls Lamar to come pick him up
Ends up becoming a hazard for everyone, so Bucky has to knock him out cold
Will probably snitch on everyone for smoking just because he had a bad time with it and he’s just jealous that he can’t vibe correctly
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crypty · 3 years
I come from scientists and atheists and white men who kill God They make technology high quality complex physiological Experiments and sacrilege in the name of public good They taught me everything Just like a daddy should
Almost everything Tommy knew, he learnt from Wilbur. How to make speeches, how to strategize, how to fight. They rebelled against Dream to make potions. They rebelled so everyone could benefit. They rebelled against tyranny. He would do anything for his brother. Tommy went to war with Wilbur but only found out what he lost afterwords. Sacrifices for everyone, put the burden on the children who fought for the land. The foundation of L’Manberg was blood, after all. 
And you were beautiful and vulnerable And power and success God damn I fell for you your flamethrowers Your tunnels and your tech I studied code because I wanted To do something great like you And the real tragedy is half of it was true
Wilbur was powerful and successful. He was general of an army, fighting against a nation much larger than his own. Tommy watched everything the brown haired man did. He wanted to be just like Wilbur. He wanted to be as charismatic and influential as his brother. He wanted to be great, to do great things. He ended up sticking with his brother to the end. He did end up doing great things, both of them. Both brothers ended up seeing their hard work blow up in front of them. Only one had a choice. 
But we've been fucking mean We're elitist We're as flawed as any Church And this faux rad west coast dogma Has a higher fucking net worth I bit the apple 'cuz I trusted you But it tastes like Thomas Malthus Your proposal is immodest and insane And I hope someday Selmers rides her fucking train
They ran for president. Tommy would have been Wilbur’s vice. The ones who fought with Wilbur, the ones loyal to him, would have been high ranking in their new government. Tommy trusted Wilbur. When they were exiled, Tommy stuck with his brother. The new government was flawed. Schlatt was a horrible president. He was drunk and abusive but he won the game of politics. Tommy hated him. He and Wilbur formed Pogtopia. He would have followed Wilbur to hell. Eventually, he did. 
I loved you I loved you I loved you it's true I wanted to be you And do what you do I lived here I loved here I thought it was true I feel so stupid I feel so used I feel so used
He loved his brother. Tommy felt broken when he died. As he saw the crater where his nation once stood, as he fought for what little remained, he loved his brother. He wondered if, at the time of his death, there was enough of Wilbur to love Tommy back. He fought for L’Manberg. He fought for his friends. He wondered what Wilbur fought for. He wondered how much was lies. He wondered how much his general used his blind loyalty. He still loved his brother. That’s what hurt the most. 
I was your baby Your first born The hot girl in your comp sci class And I was Darwin's prep school dream Bred born and raised to kick your ass I fell for circuit boards Rocket ships Pictures of the stars If you could only be what you pretend you are
Sapnap and George were left alone. The Dream Team. The ideal friendship. They were everything. They were strong and powerful. Two were genuine. Their leader wasn’t. The Dream Team fell apart. They should have seen the warning signs. They should have noticed Dream faking everything. They should have noticed the power hungriness. They watched the stars and fell into his trap. They should have noticed Dream’s manipulation. They were everything and then they were nothing. 
When I said take me to the moon I never meant take me alone I thought if mankind toured the sky It meant all of us could go But I don't want to see the stars if they're just One more piece of land for you to colonize For us to turn to sand
Dream ruled the SMP. He wasn’t a king or a dictator but he was the leader. He was a good leader for so long. Not all agreed. When Wilbur declared independence, George and Sapnap were the first to take Dream’s side. All three were ambitious and believed they could win. When the first battle came, George realized he was fighting and hurting his friends. Sapnap realized he was fighting children who didn’t truly know what war meant. Neither wanted the war to continue. Dream didn’t either. The war ended quickly. There were smaller battles, smaller wars. Nothing that involved a whole nation. No one in the Dream Team wanted that. As they kept upgrading, they watched L’Manberg have fun. They watched them lose and sometimes win. L’Manberg lost so much. Perhaps that was why it crumbled to dust when Schlatt came. 
Because we're so fucking mean We're so elitist We're as fucked as any church And this bullshit west coast dogma Has a higher fucking net worth I bit the apple 'cuz I loved you And why would you lie And then I realized You're just as naive as I am You're so traumatized it makes me wanna cry
Dream, George, and Sapnap. Some of the strongest fighters in the land. The best armor, the best weapons. They could buy, or steal, anything they wanted. The three of them trusted each other, relied on each other. Why would any of them betray the other two? Dream left them. He wanted more power. He landed himself in the prison and changed. He seemed smaller, sadder. Sapnap visited his old friend. He seemed traumatized. After the visit, Sapnap went to George’s houses. They talked. Sapnap returned to his own house and broke. 
You dumb bitch I loved you I loved you I loved you it's true I wanted to be you And do what you do I lived here I loved here I bought it it's true I'm so embarrassed I feel abused
He yelled at Dream in the prison. It reminded him of earlier arguments. Fights with clenched fists and subtle begs for Dream to go back to normal. Fights that broke their already crumbling friendship. Sapnap once wanted to be his friend. Confident and powerful. The land of the Dream SMP where Sapnap built his home. He should have seen the warning signs. His friend hurt him and now he didn’t know what to do. 
Well I don't wanna eat the rich I'd have to eat my hero's first And my tuition's paid by blood I might deserve your fate or worse But I don't need your goddamn money I don't need jack shit from you So when I speak you bet your life my words are true
Quackity was Schlatt’s right hand man. They were friends, perhaps more. He joint his votes with Schlatt’s during the election. When George bailed on him, Schlatt was Quackity’s hero. He went through so much to stay with Schlatt. He went through abuse, verbal, mental, and physical, to be with the president. He oversaw the Festival to keep power. He saw a young boy get torn apart by rockets to keep his position. He snapped by the end. He didn’t need Schlatt. He learn from the former president. He changed. 
Let me level with you man As someone guilty of the game I took the help I took the cash I would've taken your last name So if any girl on earth Should get to make a call about this It would be me and as I see it You're a dick
He tried to talk Schlatt out of it. By the end of his presidency, he was more drunk and crude then ever before. Quackity saw a man who had helped him and Quackity wanted him to be better. Schlatt wouldn’t change. Schlatt stiill saw himself as above others. Quackity rose up in the past few months. He took Schlatt’s help and influence. He took anything he was offered. Perhaps that’s why he wanted to help Schlatt. He saw Schlatt at his glory and his fall. He saw the best and worse and everything in between. Schlatt was beyond saving. 
So fuck your tunnels fuck your cars Fuck your rockets fuck your cars again You promised you'd be Tesla But you're just another Edison Because Tesla broke a patent All you ever broke were hearts I can't believe you tore humanity apart With the very same machines That could've been our brand new start
Fuck everything that Schlatt had. His power, his office, his mercenaries, his land. He tried his best to break the people who resisted him. He destroyed what the country stood for. He showed everyone his true colors at the Festival. He forced Technoblade into killing Tubbo with rockets. The same fireworks that could have signaled a new land. The same boy who represented the future. Schlatt destroyed L’Manberg, even if Wilbur was the one who blew it up. 
And the worst part is I loved you I loved you I loved you it's true And sometimes I feel like I still fucking do I lived here I loved here I thought it was true I'm so embarrassed I feel abused
The part that made shame rise in Quackity’s throat was that he did care about Schlatt. Maybe he still did. He lived in Manberg, he loved its president and yet he saw it turn to rubble. He was ashamed to have been the one who worked closest with Schlatt. Some people forgave him, some didn’t. Tubbo forgave him. He worked with Tubbo, after Schlatt’s death. He amassed enough power to still be part of the government. He wondered if it was worth it.
I feel so used I feel so used Take me to the moon Because I feel so used I feel so used
Inspired by Rät by Penelope Scott
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tamakissimp · 4 years
D.T/T.A- sharing is caring
𝕤𝕦𝕞𝕞𝕒𝕣𝕪: you didn’t expect your night to end a strangers bedroom with not one, but two hot men. But who are you to complain? 𝕨𝕒𝕣𝕟𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕤: alcohol, mention of weed, griding? kissing 𝕨𝕠𝕣𝕕𝕔𝕠𝕦𝕟𝕥: 2674 𝕒/𝕟: did I already post this? yes. did I delete it cuz I hated it? also yes. anyways, @uhhh-i-like-yaoi here u fucking 
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Truth be told, you didn't know what to expect when Mirio dragged you along to this party. All you wanted to do was lay in your bed and fall asleep but here you were, dressed in a way too tight outfit dancing along to shitty music.
The six shots you took before stumbling over to the dancefloor finally start to kick in. The soft buzz of alcohol flowing through your veins as you let your body move. Your hips sway along to the music while your hands run up and down your body.
It was probably the number of lustful gazes you got in this outfit but your confidence was skyrocketing. You open your eyes slightly as you gaze over the dancing crowd. Most people are grinding against each other like animals in heat, though one guy is standing stiffly amidst the crowd.
His dark eyes lock with yours. A smirk plasters itself on your lips as you curl your fingers in a 'come hither' motion. The guy's cheeks burn into a bright red as he takes quick strides towards you.
Once he's close enough, you wrap your arms around his neck and press his body against yours. "Hey, handsome," you say. His body stiffens as he looks down at you.
"Wanna dance with me?" you ask. He quickly nods as awkwardly places his hands on your hips. You move one hand from his neck to his ears, fingers carefully running over one of the pointy tips.
A whiney moan falls from his lips as he instinctively grabs onto your hips tighter. "I'm Tamaki," he says. His deep voice sends heat to pool between your legs.
"I'm Y/n," you say before turning around. He moans as you press your ass against his crotch. You can feel the muscles of his chest and abs against your back as you press yourself against him.
One of his hands travels down to press your hips against his while the other moves to caress your neck. His hips start to move against you, swaying in sync with yours.
You two stay like that for a while, grinding against each other to the beat of the songs playing. Your lustful dancing gets interrupted when a raven-haired man moves to dance in front of you.
Scarred skin adorned his face multiple piercings glow under the multi-coloured light. Three on his nouse and two on his bottom lip. His rough appearance makes you desperately want to press yourself against him, though he beats you to it.
He moves to press his hips against yours, his face moving to press itself into the crook of your neck. Burning lips press desperate kisses against your skin. His teeth drag themselves over your neck, earning whiney moans from you.
Tamaki groans with jealousy. You were dancing with him first, why is this guy suddenly getting all your attention? He moves to kiss the other side of your neck.
You feel like your on cloud nine as both men sandwich you between them. Your hips rut against Tamako's while your hands caress the other men.
"I'm Dabi," he says. Good, so he has a name. You moan out his name as he sucks on your neck. You'll probably have some hickeys tomorrow but there's nothing a good old turtleneck won't cover.
The three of you get lost in the music, swaying and grinding against each other. The alcohol takes its full effect as your mind become fuzzy and warm. Movements blur together as all you can focus on become the feeling of both Tamaki's and Dabi's bodies pressed against yours.
Their hands roam over your body, grabbing and squeezing any flesh they can. You probably shouldn't be dancing like this with strangers. But you knew their names, they aren't strangers anymore, right?
You push your doubtful thoughts to the side as you press your ass against Tamaki. He groans into your ears and he lets his head rest in the crook of your neck. You look at Dabi with half-lidded eyes.
Mischief glints in his eyes before he reaches a hand out to cup your face. He pulls you towards him and captures your lips with his. The roughness of his lower lip compared to his pillowy upper one makes you moan into his mouth.
His tongue glides over your bottom lip, begging for entrance. You place another sloppy kiss against his rough lips before letting your parts slightly. Dabi quickly pushes his tongue in, exploring your mouth.
You groan at his taste. Smokey yet fresh, like someone set a field full of mint ablaze. Tamaki pulls away from you slightly to enjoy the sight in front of him.
Dabi's hungry hands running over your body and your needing whines. It almost feels wrong to watch you two. Tamaki pushes himself over the edge and starts to place wet kisses onto your neck. You moan at the feeling of his teeth scraping against your skin. He leaves hickey after hickey, not caring about who might see them.
Ecstasy runs through your veins. Your nerves are tingling at the touch of the two men. You're pretty sure you've died and gone to heaven, that's the only explanation for this divine feeling.
"Do-Do you want to get-fuck. Get out of here?" Tamaki says loud enough for both you and Dabi to hear. "M-My place is just around the corner.".
You pull away from Dabi, letting your head rest against Tamaki's chest instead. Nodding against him, you looking at Dabi. Lust clouds his azure as he licks his lips sinfully. "God, yes," he growls. Tamaki locks his hand with yours while the other rests on Dabi's shoulder. He drags both of you out of the dancing crowd. Sweaty bodies bump into yours though you can't bring yourself to care.
You don't even register that you've left the party until the old night air hits your skin. Tamaki wraps his arm around your waist as he looks behind him for Dabi.
The raven-haired is fishing a carton of cigarettes out of his pocket. Tamaki sends him a sharp look though he only shrugs at it. He places a cigarette between his lips before taking lazy strides towards the two of you.
"Want one too, hotty?" he asks as he holds the carton out for you. You reach out to grab one but Tamaki slaps your hand away.
"Don't," he says lowly. His growly voice sends heat through your body. "I don't need you two to smell like smoke.".
Dabi rolls his eyes before stuffing the cigarette that was dangling from his lips back where it belonged. "You're no fun," he groans.
Tamaki simply shrugs before starting to walk towards his apartment. While he still has his arm around you, Dabi hand creeps down to rest in right against your ass. He gives it a squeeze earning a squeal from you and a chuckle from him.
You three remain relatively quiet for the rest of the walk. You bask in the fogginess the alcohol has left in your mind. A droopy smile adorns your lips and your steps are slightly wobbly, though you have Dabi and Tamaki to help you walk straight.
It's only now that you see the flush on Tamaki's skin and the haze in his eyes. He clearly had his fair share of drinks himself. And even though Dabi seems sober, the sticky sweet smell of weed wafting of him tells you differently.
Tamaki suddenly comes to a halt. He unwraps his arm from you and starts to fish his keys out of his pocket. Dabi takes this opportunity to smoothly press you against the wall. The cold bricks hit your burning skin.
His breath fans over your face. You try to push your lips against his but he just pulls away with a teasing grin. "Come on," Tamaki says as he holds the door open for the two of you.
You stumble into the building. The hot air circulating through the house is a stark difference from that of the cold night. "Up the stairs," Tamaki says with slurred words.
The three of you stumble of the steep staircase, praying to God that none of you trip and fall. You giggle to yourself as you think about how badly this situation can go. You, drunk off your ass in some strangers home.
Your worries get silenced when you see some of Tamaki's roommates walking around the house. The fact that there are others around in case the two men have malicious intents makes your muscles relax.
That's when you spot a familiar blond mop of hair. "Mirio?" you call out. Your tall friends turn around to face you. A girl with bright purple hair is clinging onto him, kissing up and down his neck. You had no clue when he left the club.
"Hey!" he says with a smile. "What are you doing here?". His eyes dart over to Tamaki and Dabi stumbling up the
stairs after you. "Oh, I see. Have fun!".
He sends you a wink before darting into his room with the girl. "Didn't know you knew 'im," you slur. Tamaki nods before pointing to a deep purple door, most likely his.
"I know him from school," he says before striding over to his door and holding it open for you and Dabi. "And he's my roommate.".
Dabi darts past you and into the room. He lets himself fall down onto the small couch in Tamaki's room. "Nice place you got here," he says. "Real nice.". His calloused fingertips run over the plush material of the couch.
Tamaki lays his hand on the small of your back before leading you into his room, closing the door behind him. Sweet citrus flows into your nose. His room is spotless. Light blue led lights illuminate the room.
"Want a drink?" he asks both of you before stumbling over to the mini-fridge standing beside his desk. You nod before walking over to the couch and letting yourself fall down next to Dabi.
Dabi wraps his arms around your shoulder and pulls you to lay comfortably against his chest. The rhythmic beating of his heart calms you down even further.
Tamaki pulls three bottles of beer out of the fridge, holding them up in the air for you to see. Dabi nods approvingly prompting Tamaki to open the bottles up for you all.
The soft pops of the caps being removed sound through the room. After the bottles are opened he walks over to the couch. You greedily grab the ice-cold bottle out of his hands before he sits down himself, beside Dabi.
You take a sip of the beer, savouring the bitter tingle it leaves in your throat. Dabi takes a swig of the bottle as well while Tamaki keeps on staring at the bed in front of him.
"Got some music?" Dabi asks. Tamaki nods. He pulls his phone out, quickly connecting with the speakers in his room. He opens up Spotify before handing the phone to Dabi.
"Y-You choose," he says before finally taking a sip of his beer. Dabi smirks as he browses through the app.
You perch up as familiar tunes start to fill the room. "Arctic Monkeys? Jezus christ, you're predictable," you say before taking another chug of your beer.
"Shut the fuck up. It's good music. Besides," Dabi says before leaning in to whisper in your ear. "It's good music to fuck too.".
Heat rushes up to your face. You already guessed that that was the reason why Tamaki asked you to go to his place. But Dabi confirming your suspicions still makes you get flustered.
Tamaki chokes on his beer as he hears Dabi talks. Dabi chuckles as he gives Tamaki's back a couple of slaps. "There there, shy-boy," he says. Tamaki holds his hand up to signal Dabi to stop. He obliges and leans back into the couch again.
It stays quiet for a moment as the three of you sip on your beers. Dabi's hand slowly creeps up your thigh, squeezing the soft flesh slightly.
"Bunny," Tamaki says. You gulp at the nickname, fuck, is it hot. "Why don't you come to sit on my l-lap for a bit?". His dark eyes bore into yours. You nod before handing Dabi your beer.
His eyes are glued on your eyes as you crawl over him before sitting down on Tamaki's lap. "You're so pretty like this," he says. Your skin is flushed, eyes droopy and smile loopy. One of his hands rests on your hip as the other moves to caress your cheek.
"You're gonna be a good little bunny for us, right?" he asks as he glances over to Dabi. He is still sipping his beer while his eyes are focused on your hips and the way they subconsciously grind into Tamaki's.
"If you don't want this, just-just tell me," Tamaki says. You shake your head as your hands move to play with Tamaki's hair. "You gotta say it.".
"I want this," you say. A smile creeps up on Tamaki's lips. He leans in closer. You quickly take the hint and press your lips against his.
The bitter of the beer he just drank still lingers on his lips. His lips move against yours softly and sloppily. His hand cups your cheek while yours tug softly on his hair.
He lets out a groan at a particularly harsh tug. Your hips grind into his on the beat of the music. Tamaki relishes in the heat radiating off your body. Your soft skin pressed against his, your sweet taste on his lips and fingers tugging on his hair.
Tamaki pulls away, earning a whine from you. "Fuck, bunny," he groans out. Your hips don't stop their movements even when you can feel him becoming hard under you. You let your head rest against Tamaki's chest as you look at Dabi.
He is still holding onto a bottle of beer in one hand while the other is palming himself through his jeans. He licks his lip, running over the cold metal of his piercings.
"You two sure know how to put on a show," he says. His voice borders a growl, making it all the hotter. You make grabby hands towards him.
Dabi obliges by placing his beer on the floor next to the couch and leaning forward until his body is pressed against Tamaki's. He starts to run his hands over your body. His fingertips linger around your hips and thighs.
"Whatever will we do with you?" he asks while looking at Tamaki. The indigo-haired in question leans towards Dabi to whisper something in his ear.
All you can do is stay seated in Tamaki's lap and grind your hips against his at an agonizingly slow pace. The small amount of friction goes straight to your stomach and helps to build up the knot forming.
Dabi smirks at Tamaki's words before he stands up off the couch. "Baby," he coons. "Why don't you go sit on the bed and be nice and pretty for us?". His cooky grin makes your heart skip a beat.
Tamaki nods at you as he lifts his hands off your body. With wobbly steps, you make your way over to the bed. You sit down on it, noting the plushness of the covers.
Dabi and Tamaki take their stand before you. They gaze down at you with lust in their eyes. "Think you can handle the two of us, baby?" Dabi asks. You nod at his words.
"Of course they can," Tamaki adds. He takes a step closer to you to gently cup your cheek. You melt into his touch. God, you could stay like this forever. "You'll be a good bunny for us, right?".
"If not, we might have to punish you," he adds, earning a chuckle from Dabi. You look up at the two men through your lashes. You can't help but get turned on beyond belief at the sight of them. You're in for a long night, that's for sure.
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noonmutter · 3 years
Kinky Questions, Go!! ALL 50! At least the ones you haven't gotten yet.
1: Kitchen Counter, Couch, or on top of the dryer?
"Yes. If I gotta pick one, couch. Th' dryer's noisy an' I like bein' able t' hear th' other person.
2: Your last sexual encounter: Good or Bad and why:
Answered here!
3: A fictional person that you think would be good in bed:
(I actually don't know any ingame fiction to draw an answer from here, sorry. <.<)
4: Something that never fails to make you horny:
"Pullin' me int' you. Up, down, chest-t'-chest, back-t'-chest, whatever. Not often I get manhandled, y'ken?"
5: Where is one place you would never have sex:
"I mean, never say never, but somewhere it'd take some real convincin' t'get me t' do it? Th' meetin' space at th' center o' th' Dreamgrove. I'd sooner set my 'air on fire than fuck where th' statue o' Malorne might watch me, an' Remulos would not approve."
(Rest below the cut! Yes I did do all of them!)
6: The most awkward moment during a sexual experience was when:
"...Wakin' up in a pile o' people after an especially long bender, none of 'om I recognized, an' not one stitch o' clothin' anywhere in sight except fer a gnome-sized miniskirt. An' there were no gnomes in th' pile! "Days like tha' are why I don't fuck drunk anymore."
7: Weirdest thing that ever made you horny:
"Tenderizin' steak." Sigh. "Pretty sure it was th' smell o' th' raw meat, mostly.
8: What is the best way to sexually bind someone: Handcuffs, Rope, or Other [if other please explain]:
"With my bare 'ands, or with my teeth 'oldin' somethin' sensitive. Wolf's snout kin fit all th' way 'round most people's throats without actually bitin' down as long as I get th' canines all th' way across, an' as long as neither of us move too terribly much, it's great fun."
9: What is the fastest way to make you horny:
"Hook a finger in my collar an' pull me t' yer eye level. Trouble is, if we're not already pretty damn close an' y' start grabbin' at my collar, I might punch y'."
10: Top or bottom?
11: We were about to ____________ but then ______________ [example: we were about to have sex but then his mom walked in] "We were about t' sneak off t' start our 'oneymoon but then I tripped through a portal some jackass dropped in th' middle o' th' weddin' party an' 'ad t' fly all th' way back first.
12: Is one orgasm enough? Are multiple orgasms necessary?
"Sometimes it's enough, sometimes it's a start, sometimes it's not even th' point. Really depends on th' mood at th' moment, dunnit? I like t'go as many rounds as either of us kin stand, most o' th' time, but I def'nitely find plenty o' value in just one long, slow go tha' ends when it ends.
13: Something that you have hidden in your room that you don’t want anyone to find:
His expression was less jovial than for most of these questions. "Th' collar I made for Vandy."
14: Weirdest nickname a significant other has ever called you:
"Squigglebird. Long story."
15: Two things you like [or dislike] about oral sex:
"Like th' noises it makes a person make--vocally, I mean--an' th' views it gives o' th' person I'm goin' down on an' th' person tha's goin' down on my. Don't like th' taste all tha' much, really 'ate some o' th' noises yer lips an' throat make if yer a li'l overzealous."
16: Weirdest sexual act some has performed [or tried to perform] on/with you:
"Li'l inflatable toy thingie in m' backside. Felt alright fer a while, cuz I mean it wasn't like it was th' first time I'd 'ad anythin' in there, but ah... she kept goin' past my willin'ness, an' it got pretty damn uncomfortable pretty damn fast. I might be willin' t' try it again but not without a lotta thought b'fore'and, an' not with my 'ands bound.
17: Have you ever tasted yourself? [If no, would you?] [If yes, what did you think?]
"Yeah." He shrugged. "Tasted like cum. Nothin' special."
18: Is it ever okay to not use a condom:
"I mean, if y'both agree to it an' y'don't fool around with anybody else, then yeah it's fine. Overwhelmin' majority o' th' time, I wrap up, even with m'wives."
19: Who was the sexiest teacher you ever had?
"...I din't 'ave any teachers I thought were sexy? My first shan'do was a 'andsome elven woman 'o could arm-wrestle a grizzly an' win, but she wasn't wha' I'd call sexy. Too gruff, too keen t' be alone."
20: A food that you would like to use during a sexual experience:
"Not somethin' I really think about in advance, t'be honest. Cook or no cook, food just kinda 'appens on a whim."
21: How big is too big:
"Can't get my mouth 'round it is usually a problem. Length isn't so much a concern, just means y' won't get t' bury it all th' way after a certain point unless y' want me dead."
22: One sexual thing you would never do:
"Mess with any bod'ly fluids besides cum. I tried real 'ard t'understand tha' one an' I just can't, sorry. Gross."
23: Biggest turn on:
"Depends on th' person; wha's 'ot from one is wierd comin' from another. Pickin' out of a hat? When Val'rin says somethin', then rolls 'is eyes up t' look at me an' tacks on a plaintive li'l 'Sir?' at th'end."
24: Three spots that drive you insane:
"Pretty much anywhere on m' throat, th' undersides o' my wrists, an' my 'air. Partic'larly yankin' on it. Just... don't come up an' do it outta nowhere. Like with m' collar, tha' shit'll get y' punched an' I'd argue y' prolly deserve it."
25: Worst possible time to get horny:
"Most times aren't really tha' bad, Iunno... middle of a warzone I guess?"
26: Do you like it when your sexual partner moans:
"I'm kinna suspicious of anybody 'o doesn't. Wha' kinna person doesn't love tha' kinda instant feedback? Tell me I'm doin' a good job, tell me 'ow t' do a better job, tell me just 'ow blown yer mind is by losin' track o' words, sing me a song."
27: Worst sexual idea you ever had:
"Really dunno why I thought it was a good idea t' let a blindfolded guy toss me anywhere, least of all into a bed with a solid headboard on it."
He touched the back of his head in remembered pain.
28: How much fapping is too much fapping:
"When yer chafed an' still 'aven't finished cuz yer too damned raw and desensitized t' get off, it's prolly time t' stop fer a while."
29: Best sexual complement you ever got:
Answered here!
30: Bald, landing strip, Jumanji:
"Landin' strip, ideally. I kin deal with whatever but tha's th' most convenient amount. Less potential fer mess."
31: Is it good sex if you don’t nut?
"What a bizarre question, 'course it is. Shit, sometimes tha's 'alf th' point."
32: Fill in the blank: “If they ____________, we are fuckin”
"Bite my neck 'r pin me t' a wall."
33: What your favorite part of your body:
"My 'air. It's gotten damned difficult t' take care of, but th' tradeoff's pretty worth it."
34: Favorite foreplay activities:
"Touchin'. Just... touchin'. Runnin' my fingers real light an' soft across ev'ry...single...inch...of a playmate's body. Learnin' th' curves, th' blemishes, th' scars, th' ins, th' outs, th' sensitive spots, th' ticklish bits, th' fav'rites all by touch. I kin do tha' fer hours if they'll let me."
35: Love (>,<, or =) Sex For those of us who don’t remember our math that's “greater than, less than, or equal to]
"Does not equal. Th' two kin be completely unrelated t'one another an' tha's perfec'ly fine. They kin en'hance each other when they're both involved, but they aren't incomplete without one another at all."
36: What do you wear to bed?
"If I kin get away with it, nothin'. I run 'ot these days, it's real easy t' overheat if I wear stuff t' sleep.
37: When was the first time you masturbated:
"Gods, Iunno. Thirteen? Fifteen? Somewhere in there."
38: Do you have any nude/masturbating pictures/video of yourself?
"Not tha' I keep fer very long. I make 'em an' send 'em t' people tha' I made 'em for, then I get rid of 'em cuz I don't wanna watch m'self wankin' or whatever."
39: Have you ever/when was the last time you had sex outside?
"So many times, gods alive. Last time was a few days ago, if y' count th' back acres on our property as outside enough."
40: Have/would you ever have sex outside?
Leon just kinda snorted. (See previous answer!)
41: Have/would you ever had a threesome?
"Sev'ral times, an' I would 'appily do so again with th' right people. Fun, but occasionally tricky t' figger out."
42: What is one random object you’ve used to masturbate?
"Most o' th' time I'm very borin' an' just stick t' my 'and an' maybe a dildo, but I got one o' those vibratin' sleeve thingers not too long ago tha' I've been meanin' t' try out..."
43: Have/would you ever masturbate at work/school?
"No, an' maybe. If I were still workin' in a kitchen where other people 'ad t' work an' there's food ev'rywhere, it'd be an absolutely not. I work in a private workshop by th' 'ouse now, so I kin get away with it more, long as 'm careful. Thus far I 'aven't been so tempted tha' I couldn't make it back in th' house first, though."
44: Have/would you ever have sex on a plane?
"Never been in one, be willin' t' try. I've 'eard 'ow tiny those bathrooms are."
45: What is one song you’d like to have sex to?
"...gonna 'ave t' ask me that'un again in a few months when I know more songs, sorry."
46: What is something nonsexual that makes you horny?
Answered here!
47: Most attractive celebrity?
"Do th' Tarts count as celebrities? I'm not even gonna try t' pick one, but tha's all I got."
48: Do you watch gay/lesbian porn? why/why not?
"Not a big porn-watcher in gen'ral, my life feels like a goddamned romance novel as it is. Not often I need more'n a couple o' particularly fond mem'ries."
49: If a child was born on the occasion of the last time you had sex, how old would that child be right now?
"Four days."
50: Has anyone ever posted nude pictures of you online?
(Hard to answer this one since the internet at large isn't really a thing in WoW, at least not in a widely-accepted enough way for me to answer it...)
51: What is one thing that NEVER makes you horny?
"Put-downs. Don't call me slut or boy or bitch--gods, especially not bitch--or th' like if y'want me t' go 'ome with y'."
52: Do you have stretch marks? (How do you feel about them? Has anyone ever had a problem with them?)
"Not tha' I've seen."
53: Do you like giving head? (why/why not)
"Like givin' it cuz it makes m' playmate feel real nice, don't like th' flavor s' much."
54: How do you feel about tattoos on someone you are interested in?
"Doesn't make a dif'rence t' me, aside from most tattoos bein' pretty."
55: How would you feel about taking someones virginity?
"Done it, though I'm not a fan o' th' phrasin'. They put some trust in me, I din't take anythin'."
56: Is there any food you would NOT recommend using during a sexual encounter?
"Nothin' spicy. Period. Just don't. It's not worth it."
57: Is there anything you do on Tumblr that you would not like your significant other to see?
(Another one that doesn't really have an answer in this context.)
58: Do you own any sex toys? (what is it? (how long have you had it?)
Leon burst out laughing and pointed at the full-size steamer trunk at the foot of his bed. "Tha's not even close t' all of it, either. Gods alive, wha' a question t' ask me!"
59: Would you give your significant other unrestricted access to your Tumblr for a day?
"Wouldn't give 'em unrestricted access t' anythin' private o' mine fer a day. If it's tha' private t' begin with, it's cuz it's my safe 'aven, an' they respect tha', same as I do their private stuff."
60: Would you be offended if your significant other suggested you get plastic surgery?
"A li'l bit if it came outta nowhere, but I've talked a fair bit about wishin' I could get rid o' some o' my scars. It's not somethin' I wouldn't consider tryin'."
61: Would you rather be a pornstar or a prostitute?
"Pretty 'appy doin' th' latter as it is. Don't think I'd wanna try th' recorded stuff, it seems like it'd be really awkward t' do tha' fer a cam'ra crew an' with somebody 'o ain't really enjoyin' it."
62: Do you watch porn?
"Not really. Most of it's not int'restin' t' me."
63: How small is too small?
"'Too small' is 'ard fer me t' quantify. I 'aven't found anythin' too small fer me t' work with some'ow."
64: Have you ever been called a freak? Why?
Bit of a flat look. "Worgen."
65: Who gave you your last kiss? Did it mean anything?
"Me an' th' guy 'o fucked me on th' fence out back shared quite a few kisses b'fore, durin', an' after. Mostly they meant 'fuck yer hot.'"
66: Would you switch phones with your significant other for a day?
"I mean, I could. Nothin' on there I wouldn't want any of 'em t' see. Be a bit inconvenient though."
67: Do you feel comfortable going “commando”?
"Frankly I'm more comfortable tha' way than otherwise. Spent too long with a big ol' poof o' fur around m' crotch t' be comfy with most undies. Same reason I'm not overly fond o' shoes either."
68: Would you have a problem with going down on someone if they hadn’t shaved their pubic hair?
"Purely in a logistical sense, yeah. I kin still go t' town an' do thin's right, but it's... sloppy. Those 'airs seem t' WANT t' get in yer mouth, an' all tha', an' it's just so much messier overall."
69: If you could give yourself head, would you?
"'O says I can't?"
70: Booty or Boobs?
"I am very much an ass man."
71: If you had a penis, what would you name it?
"I do, but I didn't. Namin' it seems strange."
72: Have you ever been on an official date?
"Sev'ral, but all of 'em only took place in th' last few years. Never when I was growin' up."
73: Have you ever cheated on someone? (Why?)
"No, an' I never will, an' you kin quote me on tha'."
74: If you were a stripper, what would your name be?
"I 'aven't th' faintest idea 'ow tha' works."
75: Have you ever had sex in your parents bed? (Would you?)
"Nope. Never 'ad th' opportunity, an' I think I'd rather throw up on th' floor an' eat it."
76: How would you react if you found out your parents had sex in your bed?
"Sweet, I'm gettin' a new bed!"
77: What was your reaction the first time you saw a penis/vagina
"Assumin' we're not talkin' about my own bits... 'That's not gonna fit!' fer a dick, an' 'This is a lot less sexy than th'other lads made it out t'be' fer a cooch."
78: If you had a penis/vagina for a day, what are five things you would do?
Answered here!
79: Oral, Anal, or Vaginal? 
80: What’s the first thing you look at on someone of the opposite gender?
"Their face. Also 'ow they carry themselves. But mostly their face."
( @pinpep @shckaewynn @valarin-sunstorm for mentions )
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jaegerboob · 4 years
i was tagged by @trashpocket​ (hey bae ;)) and since im lonely here on tumblr and have no one but the void to yell at, i won’t be tagging anyone :((
okay let’s start off with my published WIPS lol i have quite a collection and boy do i regret posting most of these, but anyway that’s here’s my hot girl shit
"i’ll figure it out with a little more time” - (if u knew me at my thai BL phase no u didn’t :)) anyways this was a supposed to be a pretty short fic that features an oblivious Sarawat not knowing how to navigate his feelings towards Tine and Tine being an equally giant dumbass. their school is hosting a school dance and Sarawat’s emotionally constipated ass doesn’t know how to SPEAK and just ASK Tine to go w/ him. i swear i might be the author of this story but i also get mad at these fuckers
“we’re boyfriends?” - ah yes another Thai BL fic, i will admit. i have NO idea where to take this story lmao. i still wanna finish it tho cuz i hate disappointing ppl. the fic starts with Ae and Pond making a dumb bet so Pond will stop jerking off in their shared room and promises that he won’t do that as long Ae dates someone random and based off of Pond’s choosing. sweet bby Pete wanders into their campus accidentally  and gets picked. Ae does the deed and tells Pete they’re dating. Ae thinks that Pete and Pond are scheming to make his life a living hell but lo and behold Pete has actually fallen in love with him (heheheh) 
“i wanna ruin our friendship” - hello lgbtq+ community :). we all know where this fuckin title is from don’t be sneaky. so here’s my KilluGon college fic. I initially wrote this like two years ago and uploaded it on wattpad lmaooo then i edited it and posted on ao3 and once again i have no idea where to take this (ive forgotten what my original idea for this was lol) so basically Killua and Gon are really close friends and Gon is sortof a player in this AU idk why khdkadha but anywayz all of Gon’s exes have left him bc they’re jealous of Killua but Gon would never pick his current S/O over him so HAAA. it all goes to shit tho when Retz decides to trick Gon to taking her back for the school dance and idk what path to go for T_T 
AIGHT now for my UNPUBLISHED WIPS buckle up yall this is a LOT. all the titles are WIPS so that’s why theyre iffy lol
“pussy talented”- (don’t mind the title lmao i just wanted a cat pun in there somewhere) basically, Bokuto is a firefighter and Akaashi an editor. They work near each other and Bokuto often visits Kuroo, who works with Akaashi. Ofc Akaashi falls in love at first sight but then he overhears that he has a "Kenma" waiting for him at home. Akaashi assumes that he's probably Bo's boyfriend and then leaves him alone, making Bo confused as hell. Little that he knows that Kenma is actually a grumpy calico cat.
“killugon flower shop AU” - Wing owns a flower shop and Killua helps out with Zushi along with Alluka out of boredom and one day Alluka asks Killua to help out with her client then he meets Gon and is immediately smitten until Gon says that he's looking for something that he can give to a girlfriend (it was actually Ging's request lol), lots of misunderstanding, Killua being too shy to ask the handsome stranger out and Alluka and Zushi being done with his shit 
“rice isn’t the only thing getting crushed here” - Osamu falls in love with one of his most loyal costumers—Akaashi and he thinks he might just have a shot at it until one day while Akaashi is ordering a bunch of riceballs, Bokuto Koutaro of Japan's National Volleyball team enters the restaurant and sweeps Akaashi of his feet, unexpected angst and a generous helping of unrequited pining :)) dw this fic can go two ways: Bokuto is just Akaashi's best friend who he hasn't seen in months or b. Bokuto is actually Akaashi's fiance maybe i’ll write both endings heehee
“killua is sad and gets lovebombed” - while staying in Whale Island, Killua thinks he that he doesn't deserve Gon and tries to leave him while he's asleep but his plan is stopped when Gon wakes up and they both end up revealing their true feelings for each other
“excuse to write charles getting fucked by two delicious men” - Erik and Charles have been in a relationship for years now and basically fell out of love so when Erik gets promoted and has to move, Charles agrees and so they break up. Charles turns to Logan (who harbors a giant crush on Charles) for companionship and sleep together once. Logan says it was an accident but Charles wants more and they establish a FWB situation of sorts since Charles isn't ready yet. But then Charles gets into an accident and can't remember what happened the past year and a half so he still thinks he's with Erik. Meanwhile, Erik is living a luxurious yet empty life and when he gets the call from Raven about Charles' situation, he immediately goes back running.
“killua in whale island” - KilluGon are like 20-ish and Killua visits Whale Island and Ging just happens to be there as well. Killua thinks about how even though Gon and Ging are near identical, Gon just looks so much more handsome. (probs just a oneshot) 
 “another horny cherik fic” - Charles is a demon who was accidentally summoned when Raven, Hank and Ororo uses Erik's blood to perform a demon summoning ritual (as a joke) they didn't know it would actually work so now Charles is stuck with Erik because the human absolutely refuses to sell his soul
“IwaOi overboard AU” - Oikawa is a rich pretty boy and Iwa a college dropout who works at his uncle's repair shop with his younger brother Tobio and cousin Kyoutani ( both 5 yrs old). One day he gets called over to fix one of Oikawa's cars and after a failed and disastrous encounter with a drunk Oikawa, Iwa leaves the mansion fuming. Later in the day, it's discovered that Oikawa got in a car crash that took away his memories and since Oikawa apparently lives alone, he has no one to get him. not until Iwa comes ofc and with a malicious and vengeful intent, he tells Oikawa that they're dating and live together in his crappy apartment
“dancer Akaashi” - Akaashi is a dancer, Osamu is a bartender at the bar he works at and has also been in love with Akaashi for the past two years. He doesn't confess since he knows Akaashi doesn't like romance but then enters a bright eyed cheery Bokuto who sweeps the unreachable Midnight Moon off of his feet, bokuaka but im leaning towards bokuosaaka since akaashi deserves two boyfriends
“watch me be poetically horny for Akaashi Keiji” - Akaashi is a vampire and Osamu, a skilled artist. Akaashi posing nude and delighted at how beautifully Osamu portrays him. Osamu says otherwise. 
Cherik College AU - drift by great gable.... late teens cherik... Erik being a misanthropic horny bastard and Charles a snarky piece of shit.... they get paired up for 7 minutes in heaven... turns out Charles has been ogling him for a while now..  hmmmm,,,.,. ( i wrote this when i was drunk and my og draft is too long so take this instead lolz) 
“ BokuAka (NSFW) ” - Bokuto pushing off a guy who tried to hit on Akaashi while they're at a club. Akaashi gets so turned on he immediately drags Bokuto to the bathroom where he gets his facefucked in one of the bathroom stalls or Akaashi getting his face fucked in a dirty alley at the back of a bar after Bokuto gets into a fistfight.
“KuroKen (NSFW)  ” -Kenma does top during sex but but he's just really lazy to put in the effort 
aight that’s it oh damn i just now realize how much i have T-T bruhhhhhhh and this isn’t even all of them damnnn 
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calpalirwin · 4 years
Life in Apartment 4D
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Summary: 2 musicians become roommates with a writer and a photographer. Shenanigans ensue.
A/N: @philthepegacorn​ and I are whores for Mashton. Because fuckin’ duh. A bit of a New Girl AU.
Word Count: 4.7k
And away, and away we go!
“Oh, c’mon!” Abigail cursed as the shower spurted water before stopping. “Dani!” the woman hollered.
“Yeah?” was the answer from somewhere else in the apartment.
“We paid the water bill right?”
“Yeah. Why?”
“Are they doing maintenance?”
“No idea,” Danielle’s voice sounded closer as she appeared in the doorway of the bathroom. “Why, what’s up?”
“Watch,” Abigail answered through gritted teeth, twisting the shower on.
“What the fuck?!” Danielle asked in aggravated shock when nothing happened.
“Time to move?”
“Fuck yeah.”
Danielle sighed. “No fuckin’ idea.”
Abigail brought a finger to her lips in thought. “Hmm… Oh! Eh, nah, nevermind. That won’t work.”
“What won’t work?”
“This guy I went to high school with. He posted something the other day about him and his roommate looking for someone.”
“And why won’t that work?”
“You really wanna live with 2 guys?”
“Are they cute?”
Abigail’s cheeks flushed pink. “No comment.”
“Oooo, you’re blushing! So high school boy and his roommate are cute! Or at least high school boy is. So what's the problem exactly? They need roommates, and we need a place to live.”
“Cuz we barely talked in high school. Like we were in the same grade, and shared some classes. But it’s not like we were friends or anything.”
“Aw, was he the cool kid, and you were the nerd? How adorable!” Danielle teased her friend.
“Hey!” Abigail gasped with mock indignation. “I could’ve been the cool one.”
“Mhm, sure ya were,” Danielle continued to tease. “You forget I’ve seen your yearbooks.”
“Okay,” Abigail relented. “I wasn’t the cool kid. But he wasn’t either? Like we were both dweebs. Just different camps.”
“Didn’t stop you from crushing on him though.”
“No, it did not,” Abigail laughed, remembering her high school days with a soft fondness. “But it didn’t matter. We were friendly with each other, sure. But we weren’t close. Certainly not close enough for me to call him up, and be his roommate.”
“Who said you had to call? Just send him a message.”
“Ugh, I hate you…” Abigail groaned, but reached for her phone anyway.
“Oh, you love this, don’t lie.”
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Ashton’s palms were sweaty as he paced about the living room. “Would you relax?” Michael asked, exasperated. “You said she was a cool girl, right?”
“Yeah, from what I remember. But I haven’t seen her in eight years. And it’s not like we were friends. Friendly, but not friends.”
“You had a crush on her, you mean?”
Ashton shrugged, a sheepish look crossing his features. “A little yeah,” he fessed up.
“Please don’t fuck our potential new roommate…”
Ashton’s eyes went wide, and he was about to berate his friend for insinuating such a thing, but was cut off by a knock on the door. “That’s them!” He wiped his palms against his jeans to dry them as he rushed to the door.
Michael sat up straighter on the couch. “Them?”
“Yeah, she has a roommate.” Ashton ran his fingers through his hair, giving it a devil-may-care disheveled look, before pulling the door open. “H-hey.” His greeting got caught in his throat as he looked at the woman in front of him, comparing her with the girl he remembered.
“Hey,” Abigail smiled hesitantly, analyzing Ashton in a similar fashion. “Um, this is my friend, Dani. Dani, this is Ashton. And you must be Michael?” Her teeth nipped into her lower lip as she glanced over to the green-eyed blonde still seated on the couch.
“Yep. Nice to meet ya girls. C’mon in.”
At Michael’s instruction, Ashton snapped out of his haze with a clearing of his throat. “Yeah, please. C’mon in. Have a seat.”
“Roomy,” Danielle commented, walking confidently across the floor and taking a spot on the couch.
“So, what do you girls do?” Michael asked, getting the conversation going as they all sat down.
“I’m a freelance photographer, and Abby’s a writer,” Danielle explained.
“Writer, huh? Anything published?”
Abigail nodded. “Yeah, I had a book of poems published a few years ago. And if you’re worried about space, don’t be. Dani and I both teach on the side, so it’s not like we work from home. I mean, we do. But, not all the time.”
“Nah, it’s not a problem,” Ashton told her. “We work from home a lot, too.”
“Yeah, when we’re not bartending down the street.”
“Oh, you bartend?” Abigail asked, leaning forward a little.
“Pays the bills when music doesn’t,” Michael answered with a shrug. “What was the name of the book you published?”
“Matters of the Heart.”
The green eyes lit up in recognition, a sly smile on his face as he looked over at Ashton. “Hey, i-” Michael started but Ashton gave him a sharp look. “I think I’ve heard of it,” Michael fixed. “Uh… Ash, should we give them a tour of the place?”
“Fuck!” Michael cursed, slamming the front door shut and stalking to the fridge.
Three sets of eyes watched as the man grabbed a beer, popped the cap, and drank deeply from the green bottle. “What?!” he demanded in agitation.
Abigail and Danielle raised their hands in surrender, leaving Ashton to defuse the situation as the reigning expert on all things Michael. “You alright?” Ashton ventured, sliding his headphones off to hang around his neck, drumsticks still in his hands.
“I’ll give ya two guess,” Michael grinned sardonically.
Michael made a string of noises, cutting Ashton off, “Buh, buh, buh! That name’s forbidden from the loft.”
“Okay,” Ashton said with a slow chuckle. “Did you break up?”
Michael leaned his arms against the countertop. “Can you call it a break up if it happens every other week?”
“When you keep getting back with her? No.”
“Fuck you,” Michael scoffed, but amusement laced the words rather than malice. “Like you and Kay were any better.”
“Yeah, but when things broke off, they stayed broken off,” Ashton pointed out.
Michael drained the last drop of his beer, flashing another sarcastic grin. “And you just stayed broken.”
“Fuck you,” Ashton laughed. “Back me up here, ladies. Which is better? A break up that stays a break up? Or a constant back and forth?”
“Oh, hell no,” Danielle said, waving her hands. “Nuh-uh, you’re not dragging me into this.”
“Boo, you’re no fun,” Ashton teased, before turning to Abigail. “Abby?”
“Depends,” the woman shrugged.
“Ooo, a cop out. Not much better than Miss Abstaining,” Michael joined in on the teasing.
The women laughed. “It’s not a cop out,” Abigail went on to defend. “It depends on a number of factors. How long you’ve been dating, break ups aside. How many break ups you’ve had. Whether or not you see other people in between the breaks. And how you feel about each other, of course. The problem is, your answer may be one thing while theirs is another.”
“When the love don’t line up!” Ashton sang for no reason other than he could.
Abigail laughed, “Yeah, kinda. So, I guess my question to you, Mikey, is whether or not you think it’s worth it to keep doing this back and forth?”
Michael shrugged, walking over to plop down on the couch, resting his head in her lap. “No idea. I mean, I like her. I like spending time with her. She’s hot. The sex is good.”
“Jar!” they all scolded, and Michael sighed. He dug into his pocket, pulling out a few bills and flashing them wildly until Ashton grabbed it and shoved it in the jar on the coffee table adeptly labeled “Douche Jar.”
“You sound like a teenager,” Abigail told Michael, her fingers scratching through his hair. “You gotta decide if that’s enough for you now in this stage of your life. And if you’re breaking up with her as frequently as Ash is suggesting, then I think you have your answer. You just keep crashing back together because it’s easier than facing something new. You know your pattern with her. Doesn’t make it a good pattern, though.”
“Yeah, suppose you’re right…” Michael sighed, his eyes closing as Abigail’s fingernails continued to scratch against his scalp.
While the sight of any of the roommates curled up in another’s lap receiving head scratches was not at all an uncommon occurrence as they had all grown rather close during the last six months of cohabitation, a twinge of jealousy stabbed into Ashton and Danielle’s hearts. And while Danielle didn’t fully understand hers, Ashton most certainly did. 
The drummer pocketed his drumsticks, rising to his feet. “What’re you doing?” they questioned as he started dragging chairs into certain positions.
With the chairs in place, Ashton moved to throwing the couch cushions haphazardly about the room. “True American,” he answered.
Michael’s head snapped up. “You don’t drink.”
“A bartender who doesn’t drink?” Abigail asked with an air of impressed approval.
“Staying sober while getting others drunk is my superpower,” Ashton winked, going to the fridge and grabbing the case of beer in there. He set that on the counter before grabbing a case of soda for himself.
“We’re forgetting a key component here,” Danielle interjected. “What the fuck is True American?”
“Drinking game,” Michael answered, helping Ashton set up a tower of drinks smack dab in the middle of the cushions and chairs. “Grab the king, Ash.”
“Catch.” A bottle of whiskey got tossed in the air, Michael catching it with ease, and setting it in the middle of the tower he and Ashton had crafted. “Rules are simple,” Ashton started to explain. “1.) You always have to have a drink in your hand.”
“2.) You have to finish your drink before starting another,” Michael added.
“And 3.) the floor is lava,” they both finished. “Pick your poison.”
Abigail grabbed a can of Coke, while Danielle opted for a beer, both of them waiting hesitantly for the next instructions.
“FDR!” Ashton shouted, cracking open his can, gulping it down fast, and jumping on a cushion.
“JFK!” Michael yelled in response, following suit, finding a perch on a chair.
“Wait what?!” the women asked in amused confusion and they each found their own lava-free spot.
“Drink!” was the only instruction they got.
For the next hour, the loft came alive with loud laughter, hollered American history references, and so much drinking, until the cases were drained, and discarded cans littered the ground. Eyes got glossy sheens or wild looks as the alcohol and caffeine buzzed through their veins.
“Hey, who’s that guy with Abby?” Ashton asked in a hushed tone.
Michael followed the hazel eyed gaze to where Abigail was sitting in a booth across from another man. If he had to guess, the way she was leaning across the table, a dreamy smile on her face, she was having a good time. And by the looks of it, Ashton didn’t like it one bit. “Oh, that’s um…” Michael scrambled to remember what the girls had been talking about before he left for his shift at the bar. “Nathan, I wanna say? Dani was helping Abby get ready before I left.”
Ashton scoffed. “And he brought her here? What a joke…”
Michael shook his head. “No, Abby arranged it that way. Something about neutral ground in case she was misreading signals.”
“Looks like she can read just fine.” Ashton’s grip on the glass he was drying slipped.
Michael’s hand flashed out to catch it. “Green’s not a good color on you,” he said, handing the glass back.
Ashton cheeks flushed with color. “I’m not jealous.”
The blonde scoffed. “Yeah, and I hate videogames.”
“You love videogames…”
“Yeah, thought we were lying to each other. You ever gonna tell her that you like her?”
Ashton sighed. “I dunno. How do you explain to someone that every time you see them you feel sixteen again? Like I’m seeing her for the first time again but instead of in a school hallway, it’s on my couch at the end of the day? That… all I’ve wanted to do for the last eight months is cross the distance between our rooms, but my head won’t let me believe that she could want me back. I mean, why should she?”
“I imagine you can tell her just like that. And why wouldn’t she want you?”
“Because I’m me. I was a loser in high school, and I’m a loser now.”
“A loser who makes her very happy whenever she’s around him.”
Ashton scoffed in disbelief. “Yeah, right.”
“I’m just saying… she’s never offered to have a writing session with me.”
Ashton blinked, thinking back on more nights than he can count where he and Abigail had stayed up well into the middle of the night, tossing ideas back and forth, some resulting in poems, and others in songs. Then, he looked back over at the woman who was laughing at something her date had said. “Doesn’t matter. Once again I lost out to the guy who didn’t overthink it.”
“Well, not that I’m rooting for her to have a bad time. But I’m always rooting for you.”
Ashton let out a small chuckle. “Thanks. But weren’t you the one who told me not to try and sleep with her?”
“I’m allowed to change my mind. Just when you do get her- and you will- don’t fuck it up.”
“Are you changing your mind because you’re rooting for me? Or are you changing your mind, so you don’t look like a hypocrite when you finally sleep with Dani?”
Michael sighed dreamily at the mention of the fourth roommate. He’d taken Abigail’s advice, opting to break his pattern with Crystal and look towards something new. A something new he hoped would include the snarky, and nerdy photographer.  “Little column A, little column B.”
“Jar,” Ashton deadpanned with roll his eyes. A compromise about when Michael asked Danielle out, he’d ask Abigail out was on the tip of his tongue when the scene across the bar changed. Abigail’s face was pinched with disgust. She sat back with a visible huff, crossing her arms tightly over her chest. There was a small squeal of outrage before Abigail splashed her drink in the man’s face, stalking off to the bathroom.
Michael’s hand landed on top of Ashton’s on the bar, the older man already in motion to hop over the bar and rush to her aid. “No,” Michael hissed.
“Why not?!” Ashton hissed back.
“Because if you go after her looking like a bat out of hell, she’s just going to get defensive, and take out her anger on you. Take your jealousy out on him. I’ll get her home.”
“What about your shift?”
“I got a break coming up in a bit. Just say I ate something bad, and got sick.”
With their objectives clear, they both jumped into action, Ashton stalking off to give Mr. Bad Date a piece of his mind. “You need to leave,” Ashton spoke clearly, authority ringing confidently in his tone, trying to keep his snarl at a minimum.
“That bitch threw a drink in my face, but I need to leave?”
“One, she’s been a loyal customer of this bar for several months now. Two, I don’t ever wanna hear you associate that word with her. Three, I don’t ever wanna see you in here, or around her ever again. Am I making myself clear?”
The man rolled his eyes, pushing himself out of the booth, the drink dripping down his shirt and onto the tips of his shoes. “Whatever,” he scoffed.
While Ashton watched Mr. Bad Date slink off into the night to go piss off some other girl, Michael was rapping softly on the single use bathroom. “Abby? It’s Mike. C’mon, let me in. I saw what happened. Abby… Don’t make me get the key.”
The door opened reluctantly, revealing Abigail with red-rimmed eyes.
“You alright?”
She shook her head. “No…”
“You handled him well. Nice throw. Ash is out there finishing the job. Tossing him out on his ass.”
Abigail laughed despite herself, imaging the sight of Ashton intimidating the everloving shit out of her date. The scum deserved so much worse than Ashton’s bad temper. “Thanks.”
“C’mon,” Michael beckoned. “I’ll walk you home.”
“Aren’t you on the clock?”
“I’m on my break. And my stomach’s feeling kinda funny.” He clutched at his stomach and dramatically groaned, his face twisting in fake pain.
With his arm around her shoulder, and hers around his waist, the duo made their way out of the bar, nodding at Ashton as they walked by. “God, guys suck!” Abigail complained as the night air hit her face. “No offense,” she added apologetically.
“None taken. I know you don’t mean me.”
“Do I have a sign on my forehead reading ‘please be a douche’ or something?”
Michael chuckled, giving a shake of his head. “No. You’re just looking in the wrong places.”
Abigail scoffed lightly. “What? Is this the part where you confess your undying love for me, and hope I feel the same?” she teased. “Ever since you first walked into my apartment,” she added with dramatic flair.
Michael laughed louder, pushing open the door to their building. “Not me, sorry.”
“Aw, you don’t love me?”
“I adore you,” he clarified. “My life has definitely changed for the better since you and Dani moved in. But-”
“Oh…” Abigail interrupted, his words clicking. “You like Dani, don’t you?”
That wasn’t what Michael had planned on saying, but he nodded anyway. “Yeah. Think I got a shot with her?”
“Only one way to find out,” she told him, unlocking the apartment. “Thanks for tonight, Mikey,” she said, stretching up on tiptoe to kiss his cheek affectionately before disappearing into her room.
Danielle waited for Abigail’s door to close before revealing her position on the couch. “You were her date?!” The words were a harsh accusation.
“What?!” Michael laughed.
“Abby! Her date tonight. It was you?!” Again, the words were harsh.
Michael continued to laugh, only making Danielle angrier. “And what if I was?” he taunted, closing the distance between them to tower over her.
“Well... I...” she sputtered, crossing her arms and having to tilt her chin upwards to look at him. “She likes Ashton, so you’re wasting your time,” she concluded with the confession that she thought would hit Michael the hardest.
“And Ashton likes her back, and I’d never do that to my best friend. Plus, I have my own eyes on someone else.”
“Oh, yeah? Then why’d you go on a date with Abby?”
“When did I ever confirm that statement?”
“Well… she just…”
“Thanked me for walking her home after the guy she was on the date with turned out to be a douche.”
“Why didn’t Ash?”
“Because Ash got jealous, and his temper would have clashed with hers. I felt bad her date sucked, but I was the one of us with the head cool enough to talk her down. So Ash used his temper to kick the guy out, and I used my cool head to not aggravate her further.”
“That’s really smart actually…”
“Mhm. Done being jealous now?”
“Jealous? Who said I was being jealous?”
Michael gave a shake of his head, chuckling lightly. “I’mma tell you the same thing I told Ash. Green is not your color.” And before either of them could get in another word edgewise, he ducked down his head, connecting his lips with hers.
In the morning, both girls were bursting with the news they wanted to tell each other. “So, how’d your date go?” Danielle asked as they ate their breakfast.
“Horrible,” Abigail laughed. “Just God fuckin’ awful. His jokes were cringey at best, and sexist at worst. I don’t know what I would’ve done if Mikey hadn’t saved me. Probably kept crying in the bathroom like a girl at Prom.”
Danielle laughed with her. “Thank God for Mikey, right?”
“Oh, definitely,” Abigail agreed. “Who knew guy roommates would come in handy. Although, for a second there, I thought he was gonna try, and hit on me himself.”
Danielle shuddered and pulled a face. “Bleck!”
Abigail shrugged. “Eh. Wouldn’t be that awful if he had. He’s a great guy. Just not the roommate I want hitting on me. So, how was your night? I heard you and Mikey going at it there for a minute. You guys good?”
Danielle’s teeth nipped into her lower lip, remembering how she’d woken up in Michael’s bed after their kiss had escalated at a rapid pace. “Oh, yeah. We’re good.”
If the words weren’t a dead giveaway, the blissed out smile was. Abigail’s mouth dropped open. “Ohmigod!” she squealed. Then, in a shocked whisper, “Did you?”
“Oh, yeah,” her friend nodded, the smile getting bigger.
“Ohmigod!” she squealed again, before both women erupted in childlike giggles.
“Ohmigod!” a high pitched shriek joined the mayhem, Michael flapping his hands as he wandered into the kitchen, a dopey grin on his face. “Mornin’ beautiful,” he greeted, placing a kiss to Danielle’s cheek that flushed brightly. “Abby,” he grinned across the table.
“Morning,” Abigail laughed, scraping her seat back, and carrying her plate to the sink. She sighed at the sight, checking the time on the microwave. “Hey, I’m gonna run the dishwasher. You guys got any dishes hiding?”
“Don’t think so,” Danielle said, getting up with her own plate.
“Nope,” Michael said with a shake of his head. “But you might wanna check Ash’s room. Man hoards cups like no one’s business.”
“Yeah, and I’d rather not wait for him to get in from his workout.” Her lips fluttered together in thought as she looked from the sink to down the hallway, deciding which to do first.
“I’ll start in here,” Danielle offered. “You go get the cups from Ash’s room.”
Abigail practically skipped down the hallway towards Ashton’s open door, pausing briefly in the doorway. She’d walked by the man’s room about a million times, but she’d never crossed the threshold. She supposed she could run up to the roof and interrupt his workout… No, she shook her head. They were just cups. It wasn’t like she was going to rifle through his belongings. And the cups were right there on his nightstand. She could see them from where she was standing. No. Ashton wouldn’t care.
With a deep breath, she crossed the imaginary boundary to retrieve the glasses on his nightstand, stilling when she noticed a book resting amongst discarded rings and silver chains; her book. The spine was worn down with deep crease lines, indicating that it was well read. Her heart started to hammer erratically in her chest. When had he bought it, and how much time had he dedicated to give it it’s well-loved appearance, and highly-prized spot right by his bed, always within grasp?
Before she knew what was happening, the book was falling open in her hands. Her butt found the edge of his bed, staring down at her book in her hands. Their hearts and souls resided alongside each other in the form of perfectly typed pages, scrawled blue ink, and streaks of yellow highlighter.
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“What are you doing?!” Ashton’s sharp tone snapped Abigail out of her daze.
Her body jolted, a startled gasp flying past her lips, the book landing face down on the floor, some of the pages bending. “Sorry!” she rushed, hurriedly picking up the book. “I was getting the cups off your nightstand, and I saw the book, and I…” she continued, brushing her hand along the cover, and setting it gingerly back on the nightstand.
“And you what?! Just thought you’d start peeking through my things?!”
“Well… I mean… it’s my book.”
“You wrote it, sure. But I paid for it. That’s my copy. You shouldn’t be going through my things.”
“I wasn’t going through them. It was on the nightstand. It’s not like I went digging through your underwear drawer for it,” she said through gritted teeth, her prior embarrassment turning into defensive anger the longer he stood there scolding her like a toddler caught with her hand in the cookie jar.
“Oh, so the book just magically opened up in your hands, and you just magically started reading it?!”
“It’s my book!”
“That I’ve written in!”
“Believe it or not, plenty of people do that, Ashton. That doesn’t make you special.”
“That doesn’t make it less personal!”
“Any less personal than you reading through my most private thoughts?!”
“You fuckin’ published your thoughts for the world to see!”
“And you left it on your nightstand for anyone to see!”
Ashton passed a hand through his hair, exhaling slowly through his nose. “Just get the fuckin’ water glasses…” he muttered after a beat, noticing the shine to her eyes as she held back tears. He didn’t want to be the reason she was crying, when he’d been the one stupid enough to leave the book by his bedside. He should have hidden it in his underwear drawer, but he didn’t like the idea of not having it close at hand. If there was a pocket-sized version, he’d carry that around so he always had it.
“How long?” she asked, her voice shaking with the effort to keep it controlled.
“How long what? How long have the glasses been in here? I dunno. A week maybe. It’s just water though, so it’s not like they’re gross.”
“Not the glasses… the book! How long?”
“4 years…”
“You mean when it got released?”
He gave a quick nod. “Day of.”
“Because it’s good. Because I was proud of you. For doing what you said you were gonna do. For putting your vulnerability out there for everyone to see. Because we’re friends, and friends support each other.” Ashton left out the part where it was also because he was in love with her, and wanted to know if she felt the same way. If she had written about him, the way he had about her.
She hung her head. “We weren’t friends, Ash. We are now. And I’m glad for that. But we weren't when you bought this book.”
“I wish we had been. I wish I’d been brave enough to know you the way I know you now. 4 years ago. Hell, in high school even.”
“Me too,” she whispered, a tear of regret sliding down her cheek. A decade’s worth of pent up feelings filled the air between them and she still wasn’t brave enough to break through it.
She wasn’t sure when he had crossed the room to her, his fingers hooking under her chin to guide her face to look up at him. “But I know you now. And I can’t make up for lost time, but I can make sure we don’t waste anymore.”
“Yeah,” she nodded, more tears sliding down her face as her heart broke in her chest. 10 years worth of longing to only have him halfway. She supposed it was better than not having him at all, but the pain stung all the same. “Friends?” Her voice cracked and she visibly winced as the word rolled off her tongue.
Ashton shook his head. “No. I, uh- I don’t think I can do that.”
“But you-” Her lip started to quiver, so she bit it harshly, averting her gaze.
“Look at me,” he coaxed, his thumb rubbing along her cheekbone. “I meant that I can’t be friends with you because I’m past that point. When I say I don’t want to waste anymore time, I mean I don’t want to waste it by trying for anything less than what I really want.”
“And what do you want?”
“You don’t know how long I’ve been waiting to hear you say that,” she breathed in relief.
He reached over to grab the book, waving it in front of her face. “4 years give or take?” he teased lightly, dimples indenting in his cheeks.
“Longer than that,” she admitted, her entire face warm with her confession.
“Oh?” he continued to tease with a bemused smile.
“Ash,” she redirected, stretching upwards to intertwine her fingers behind his neck. “Shut up, and kiss me.”
Ashton didn’t need to be told twice.
“Oh, looks like you two finally figured it out,” Michael said from the doorway, making the couple jump apart. “Oh, no. Don’t stop on my account. Just gonna squeeze by ya, and get these cups…” He made a show of tiptoeing by them to gather the glasses.
“Michael!” Danielle hissed, stomping into the room and dragging her boyfriend out by the arm.
“Ah, young love!” Michael marvel, allowing himself to get towed out of the room. “Kinda makes you wanna fuck, huh?”
Michael was already digging into his pocket. “Worth it!”
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tricktster · 5 years
Honestly, I cannot say enough about my german study abroad program, in no small part because the people i met through it were the wildest bunch i have ever met. We had:
Me, a cursed American stumbling through increasingly unlikely and unfortunate situations, including:
getting arrested and hauled off in a cop car for the serious crime of not transcribing the five digit number printed on the back of my bus ticket onto the front of my bus ticket
slipping on dog poop on a crowded street while running late for class (leading a number of tourists to run over and photograph me in my undignified heap on the cobblestones) only to suffer one final indignity when i had to leave my poop shoe out in the hall outside the classroom, and subsequently discovered after class that it had been (correctly) identified as garbage by the custodian, and had been disposed of
spending the entire month of November with essentially no money after a bank error caused me to be cut off from my US checking account, thereby forcing me to figure out how to survive by my wits alone in a series of schemes, cons, and 1€ sausages
burning my thumb so badly on an oven in an attempt to make the world’s worst stuffing for the world’s saddest expat thanksgiving that my friends all had an intervention where they gave me a single black glove to wear because it was grossing them all out.
Enough about me. There were also my closest friends:
L , a horrendously wealthy New Englander who would drop lines in her stories like “so we were all smoking opium in my parents library,” and, “so every time my room gets too dirty, i just move to the next one down until the whole wing is filthy.” In spite of everything I’ve just said, she was also a genuinely good and incredibly fearless person who would throw fists without hesitation if she thought anyone was insulting her friends. She had a weird sexual relationship with her obscenely wealthy family friend in Frankfurt, which the rest of us suspected maybe been part of a business deal that their parents arranged at birth. It was better than Game of Thrones, honestly.
Y, a four foot tall Puerto Rican that I met when we were both walking down the street kind of near each other and some wild impulse called me to say to her, without so much as an introduction, “Yeah, you walk pretty cool, but if you wanna walk REAL cool, you gotta do it like thissssss,” while kinda lunging around. Just as inexplicably, she chose to continue talking to me, and several months later the two of us ended up making a harrowing 2:00 am escape from the private bar of a frat house that we had suddenly noticed had an awful lot of Nazi memorabilia on the walls for a frat located in a country that had criminalized the display of Nazi symbols. “Why are you leaving?” The frat-nazis complained as we bolted. “You will come back tomorrow afternoon for the barbecue, ja?” “Ahahhahaha nein fucking way, motherfucker,” Y muttered under her breath as we smiled and nodded politely all the way out the private garden, through the enormous iron gates, and out into the night. Once we were in the clear, we stared at each other, shaken, until Y broke the silence. “Welp. Those guys were Nazis. That actually just happened. I can’t.... man, I dunno, i’m still processing, let’s just go get some fucking falafel.”
We did.
S, the Australian, who one time invited me over to her apartment, opened the fridge, grabbed a plate of cheese, shoved it under my nose while going “HERE SMELL THIS!” and while i lurched away, gagging, cheerfully added “IT’S REALLY FOUL, RIGHT? ONE OF THE WOST THINGS I’VE EVER SMELLED!!” She was also absolutely obsessed with High School Musical, and was very disappointed every time the Americans shattered one of her illusions about the US public school system.
K, the girl from New Zealand, who had broken up with her serious boyfriend shortly before leaving for Germany, causing her to mourn his loss every time she got drunk by describing his penis with increasingly strange metaphors, such as “like a big wax candle but part of it’s gone,” and “like one leg off a spider.”
So, i had a pretty solid crew of five big weirdos. But there were, naturally, more people than the five of us in our program. For example:
R, from Minnesota, who dressed like she was about 72 and glared at anyone who was laughing too loudly near her because “i just don’t think jokes are funny.” More importantly, she would post facebook videos of herself reciting, entirely sincerely and in a steady monotone, the worst fucking poems that I have ever heard. She posted them under a pen name that was along the same lines as “the lyrical falcon.” She was in a feud with not one but two poetry clubs at her christian college, and while she never admitted this, all evidence suggested that it was because they both kicked her out. She was the Tommy Wisseau of poems. They were so bad they looped back around to good. Also, one time on the train she told me that she liked to think that she was a very good kisser because she played the french horn so she had strong mouth muscles. when i finally recovered from the mortal blow that she just delivered my soul, I asked her if she blew into people when she kissed them, and she got so insulted that she blocked me from her facebook poetry page. let me back in, R. please, if you’re reading this, let me back in.
They’re good poems, R.
Zoolander, from Pennsylvania, who was so, so handsome, but so, so, so dumb. One time he told me about this dream he had, and it was just an entire episode of Dexter’s lab. No changes or anything, he just... dreamed that he was watching that episode, and then the whole thing played in his head until it was done. He said it was the best dream he’d ever had. I once watched him pick up the same coin off the street four times because he couldn’t figure out that his pocket had a hole in it. When he noticed me, he said excitedly “Somebody left money everywhere!”
Juan, who constantly confused all the kids from Spain who went up to talk to him in their native tongue, only to discover that he was a very sarcastic man from Liverpool who didn’t speak a word of Spanish and was sick of everyone trying to bond with him. He only liked the Americans, because that’s where the tv show Family Guy was from, and only the Americans liked him, because we tend to like surly british assholes for basically no reason. At the end of the program while we were all saying our goodbyes, he came up to me, looking really upset. “I can’t believe it,” He said, uncharacteristically serious. “I can’t believe it’s all over and i’ll never...” He looked like he was about to cry.
“Oh, dude, we can keep in touch on facebook or something?” I fumbled. He blinked.
“What? No, no, ugh, it’s just the last day of the program and I’ve LOST MY FOOKIN SCARF!” he roared.
God, I know this is weird, but I still really miss that guy.
The Croatian: There was a dude from Croatia in my apartment building who outright refused to tell me his name, because, “It’s an embarrassing word in English. You’d laugh.” I badgered him for five months, until finally, his defenses down, after many earnest promises that no matter what his name was, I would not laugh, he relented.
“My name is Tin.” He said sheepishly.
His name was fucking Tin.
Beardy, Beardo, Redbeard, and Weirdbeard: four drastically different young men from all across our beautiful planet who had one thing in common: thinking that they’d try out a beard while they were abroad. We always admired them from a distance, and compared their beards’ various unique and bad properties, until one day Beardy (who was australian and had developed a sort of flesh colored goatee) walked up to S, his countryman, in a club. “DO YOU WANT TO DANCE?” he yelled, trying to get her attention, but she was in a dance-off with K, and didn’t notice, so he tapped her shoulder. She whirled around, startled, and upon recognizing him, said without thinking, “OH, HI BEARDY!”
The song faded out.
Beardy stared at S.
“...Did you just call me ‘Beardy?’” he asked quietly. S looked like a deer in the headlights. She glanced towards me, hoping for an out, but I, dear reader, was laughing too hard to be of any use.
“You did,” he went on, “you called me ‘Beardy!’ Why!?”
“Cuz of your beard, probably. That’s a better name for you than Josh.” Zoolander interjected from out of nowhere, strolling out of the club, a beautiful woman on each arm.
“My name isn’t Josh...” Beardy tried to call after him.
“Who’s name isn’t Josh? Oh! Beardy!” A drunk K could be heard deducing from the back of the room.
He shaved it a week later, but the damage was done. He was Beardy for the rest of the semester.
When I look back on that period of my life now, I can’t help but reflect - with the clarity one only gets from experience - that my time in Germany was not as weird as I thought it was at the time. I lacked the perspective to see that it was all, actually, absolutely bonkers batshit nuts. It was some sitcom shit.
All in all, I highly recommend it.
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offtopicoverload · 4 years
🖊🖊🖊🖊, for any one of them you want to do or maybe multiple. idk i just wanna know more about your ocs and wanna see you talk about them so hfdghja 💕
im gonna go in on zeke, lilac, and daisy cuz i feel like it lmao
Zeke’s whole vibe is just… vibe
Like he’s so low-key and chill about everything, it doesn’t matter if you shot him in the leg, he’d just be like “yeah, whatever, it happens. no hard feelings, man” and I love that lmao
He’s also really tall and kinda bulky, he’s a bouncer at a club sooo
He’s gotta be like 6’3” or something, the tallest in the band
But he doesn’t even appear tall tbh, he has such calm energy that you would never associate him with being intimidating and unless you really know him, you’d never guess that he’s capable of beating your ass
And that’s never what he’s going for, even when dealing with drunk pricks, he’ll just lead them out or tell them to go get wasted somewhere else
I’ve also decided that Ciaran’s another bouncer and they’re best buddies, especially cuz Zeke trained him
Like sweet little Ciaran with Zeke just towering over him?? Telling him he’s doing great??? And offering to buy him drinks after every shift??? I love that
And Zeke’s pretty funny in a deadpan way, so I feel like he could make Ciaran laugh and just- yes
And Ciaran introducing Tai as his boyfriend???? The three of them??? And Zeke being shorter than someone for once??? immaculate, *Chefs kiss*, impeccable, best thing I’ve ever thought of
He’s for sure the one that fades into the background (even tho he’s huge) but that’s okay, he’s just here to have a good time and get a little high
Okay, Lilac straight up suuuuucks, especially pre-Love Island
Like I love her growth, but she starts out super self-centered, self-absorbed, apathetic, the whole shebang
She’s an athlete and a damn good one, so she literally grew up on praise and being told she’s amazing and can do anything
Then she started getting paid to be praised and travel and mess around, and it kinda grew
She didn’t have like a legit home for years, she didn’t like sitting still when there was enough adventure out there, so she never had any roots or relationships, no motivation to try and be better
So she went on Love Island expecting more of the same, to have some fun, get drunk, hoe it up a bit, which fuck yeah, you go girl, but that was decidedly not her experience
There was all the canon drama in the beginning, and the guys low-key irritated her with trying to be all moral or whatever asdjhfsk
And then out of fucking NOWHERE, there’s Talia flirting and shit
And Lilac’s very on board with flirting, but then it like… starts making her feel and she doesn’t like this sort of feeling
I wanna say the progression of them was cheeky flirting at first, sleeping together on the terrace when Cherry and Rohan came in, both of them kinda freaking out and keeping their distance for a few days 
Idk when, but a little before Cherrygate I feel like they had a talk about like what the fuck was going on with them, and it was basically summed up as it’d be cool if they hung out some more akdfj
Idk man I don’t remember the timeline
But they were definitely more open with each other from then on out, and (assuming s1 has days not covered) a few days later when Cherrygate hit, Talia was her ride or die
Talia had her back during all that mess and Lilac was not expecting anyone to care, she did a pretty good job of pissing off most of the Villa earlier in the summer, and that made her feel obligated to do the same for Tals
Things happened, they were both done with the having fun approach, and coupled up somewhat impulsively
Post-Villa, Lilac definitely tries to be more understanding, but sometimes she sucks at it enter the forever breakup lol
Overall, Lilac’s female Jasper off-Talia’s route, but with a better arc and I said what I said
So I adore Daisy, she was the first MC I wrote for and sparked the whole plant name thing, so love her for that
One of my favourite traits I made up for her is that she has the best poker face you’ll ever see, just no emotion ever
Which makes it even better that she’s with Leggy, who can’t hide her emotions in the slightest
It pisses Allegra off sometimes the way Daisy can just turn on that blank expression when she doesn’t feel like letting people in or dealing with things, the way its just a switch and basically her default, which leads to ~fights~
But it’s okay, cuz they’re both learning to meet each other in the middle and awwww
But I also love how much you can tell when she’s willing to open up based on her face. Like smiles and laughter are the best thing you can get from her and I just love that sort of thing akjdfhsl
And weirdly enough, she’s an artist and makes her living off being expressive as fuck ajsdf
And she’s a really good artists!!! She went to school for it and everything, and can work in so many mediums, but prefers sculpture and paint, I just can’t get the idea of her in a paint covered T-shirt working out of my mind lmao
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Survey #436
from a couple days ago again; still don’t feel like rewriting any answers.
Do you own many pairs of shorts? I don't own any. Have you ever taken a close up shot of a flower? A hell of a lot; I love doing that. Have you ever wanted to get drunk and get your mind off everything? Yup. But I don't like hard alcohol and only really drink light fruity stuff, and I'm apparently no lightweight, so I got to the point I just really didn't want to drink anymore. Anything you might be giving up on soon? I have felt very, very hopeless with photography lately that sometimes I'm tempted. I don't think I will, but... it's hard. When was the last time you changed your picture on Facebook? It's been months. Have you ever painted a piece of furniture? Yes, actually. I helped Jason paint his shelf black. Do you have a favorite quote? No. Have you ever made a business card for yourself? No, but I have thought about it. I just really don't have nearly enough popularity among the local photographers to feel like I really need to design one. Did you love playing hide and seek as a kid? YES. I loved it. Are there any recipes you have memorized? No. Do you know your multiplication times tables? ... no lmao Have you ever been severely burned? Not severely, no. Did you ever dream that you had a baby? I actually have more than once. What was the weirdest thing you ever saw cross the road? I think a turkey? Are you good at coming up with jokes? God no. Where do you prefer to sit when you catch the bus? When I used to ride home with Jason from school, we always sat way in the back. Do you ever listen to music to fall asleep to? No. I did when I was younger, though. I went through a loooong phase of sleeping with my iPod. If your parents... or anybody else... found your cell phone, would they be horrified at any of the messages in your inbox/outbox? No. Do you get offended if someone repeatedly checks their mobile phone when you’re out for lunch or dinner? That's very rude. What is the stupidest thing you’ve heard somebody say recently? Anti-vaccination bullshit from my stepmother. :^) Think about the last person you kissed - was it the very first time that you kissed them? No. When you drink alcohol with friends, do you play drinking games? We never did. Do you believe that there are certain circumstances where cheating is okay? Nope. Who was the last person to call you? My psychiatrist. What food disgusts you the most? Things like sashimi and caviar. I also think rare meat like steak, especially when it's still bloody, is absolutely disgusting. I could go on and on about this, 'cuz I think a lot of food is really gross. One place you would never want to get lost in in the dark? The jungle. Yikes. So many dangerous creatures, so claustrophobic, and with the canopy, I'd assume it'd be EXTREMELY dark. And it rains so much in the jungle, so it'd be hard to hear danger approaching. One thing that always creeps you out? Perhaps #1 is seeing an unborn baby move from outside their mother's stomach. I will fucking scream and want to puke. If you could be roommates with anyone of your choice, who would you pick? SARA!!!!!!!!! Omfg I'd LOVE to have her as my roommate. We've actually talked about the possibility, but that's nowhere near set in stone. What is the most ridiculous thing you’ve ever heard? In light of recent events, a high contender is shit like "vaccines cause autism." Would you rather be buried or cremated when you die? I'd strongly prefer to be cremated. What is your favorite food around the holidays? Spiral honey ham, for one. I love Christmas treats like chocolate-covered peanuts, fudge, cookies, etc. etc... Tell me about the greatest prank you’ve ever pulled? I don't pull pranks. If you could have the power to cast any kind of spell, what kind of spell would you cast? Maybe enchanting the human population to not be such violent and hateful fucks??? Have you ever gotten a flu vaccination? Only for Covid. Double dates: a do or don’t? They are SO fun, but I do feel like it's good to have individual ones, too. Do you know any guitarists? Yes. My old friend Tommy actually plays the electric guitar in a band, and Juan was really good at it, too. How do you feel about full-length beards? They look good on some people. It varies with everyone. Do you have any relatives that have shunned you, or vice versa? Not currently. My half-sister stopped talking to me many years ago when I was a homophobic fuck, and I don't blame her. We're perfectly cool now! Has anyone ever posted a HORRIBLE picture of you for everyone to see? omg no Does/did your high school have pop machines? Yes. Have you ever gambled? Nah. If you could work at any retail store, which one would it be? I am NEVER working retail again. I can't handle it. What’s the name of the last cat you pet? Roman. :') Have you ever stringed green beans before? Yes, actually, with Colleen's in-laws. They had a big garden that I helped tend to sometimes. I absolutely hated it with how sweaty I got even then, it was WAY too hot, and my body was also weak back then to where bending down was extremely painful. I just never wanted to say no. Have you ever had any painful dental work done? If so, what? No. What’s your favorite thing to do when you’re bored? It really depends on what I feel like doing, but I think playing World of Warcraft tempts me most often when I'm unbearably bored. What did you watch today? I've just been rewatching Mortem3r play Monster Hunter World. That game looks soooo fun, I wanna try it. ;-; True or False: Yoshi is the cutest dinosaur ever? No. I adore dinosaurs and dinosaur media, so I could name a lot if I thought long enough. Who is the last person you spent money on? My niece. I still feel awful I didn't buy Ryder a gift by myself; I just could NOT decide what to get him. I'm very thankful that Mom let me use one she got him as "mine." They were bright, light-up golf balls, and he loooooved them. What is your relationship like with various members of your family? I have a biiig extended family, man, so I'll try to keep this as brief as possible. I am EXTREMELY close to my mom, like there is no way I'd be alive without her, and her support for me seems endless somehow. I love my dad very much too, but I don't see him nearly as much as I wish I did. He tries to support me however he's capable, and he always lets me know that he's there if I need him for anything. I love, am very proud of, and look up to my two sisters, but I'm also very envious of them and how they are successful adults with direction and big accomplishments. We are very different, so we have difficulty with really bonding and talking about things regularly, and it really makes me feel like a terrible sister. My nieces and nephew are absolute diamonds to me, and I'm especially close to Ash's oldest daughter Aubree. She and I are very similar in a lot of areas, so I really relate to her, even in her young age. Ryder really seems to like me, and I love that little rascal, too. :') My youngest niece Emerson is still only a baby, so she can't really communicate in words yet, but she is still a beautiful darling that I'd protect with my life in not even a blink. That covers who I consider my "immediate" family, really, at least that I see regularly. What’s something you disagree with about the way you were raised? I am very firmly against spanking, but my parents did it. I think since Ash's kids were born though, Mom's opinion changed on it. It was around that time, I know. She won't lay a hand on them. Who was the last person to add you as a friend on Facebook? I have no clue, actually. Who was the last person that asked if you were okay? *shrug* The last time you were in a car, who was driving? My mom. Did you ever get into a bar and drink before you were 21? Never tried. What countries have you been to? I've never left the U.S. Honestly, is that car insured? I don't have my own car. What do you think about gay marriage? I vigorously support it. Do you like Carrie Underwood? I actually do. She has a beautiful voice. How far away do you live from your parents? I live with my mom. Idk how far I am from Dad, really... but not THAT far. How do you like your steak cooked? Medium well. Have you ever been to Mount Rushmore? No, and I don't want to. It is absolute vandalism. Where is your favorite place (that you have actually been to)? Chicago blew me away, but I think it's just because it was SO foreign to me. I actually don't like cities very much, but for a brief visit, I thought it was very cool. Do you believe places can really be haunted? Yes. Do you take anti-depressants? Sleeping pills? No. I took anti-depressants for I think most of my life, and they did nothing for me. Come to learn from the doctor who actually set my meds straight that anti-depressants for people with bipolarity do nothing but aggravate the symptoms of bipolarity, and I was living evidence. I take mood stabilizers for said disorder instead. I don't take sleeping pills; none seem to work for me. What’s your favourite brand of peanut butter? Maybe Skippy? Idk, I'm not very picky with pb. What’s your favourite Lunchables meal? The nachos one. How many languages can you recite the alphabet in? Two. Do you like Bob Marley? NOOOOOOOOOOOOO. I can't stand his voice. Have you ever eaten at Golden Corral? Yeah, but I'm not a fan. Buffets gross me out. Do you sit and eat dinner at the same table with your family? We very rarely sit at the table. Have you been working hard to achieve something lately? If not, what was the last thing you worked hard to achieve? Losing weight, yes. I am honestly trying so hard at the gym, like to the point I've almost fallen many times as well as been overtaken by incredible nausea a lot. I don't feel like I'm over-working, necessarily, just working my ass off. Do you use ice cubes in your fountain drinks? No, because it waters the drink down and I hate it. Would you ever want your very own library, or do you not read enough for it to be worth it? No. I don't read nearly enough, and besides, can you imagine all the dust? What site did you originally start doing surveys on? I actually don't know... Have you ever used something other than water to make ice cubes? What did you do with them? I've actually never thought to do that. Would you ever willingly experience life temporarily without sight, hearing, or any of your other senses, simply to know what it is like? Fuck no. I would go insane. In what ways are you very judgmental? I'll judge the fuck out of rapists, child molesters, pedophiles, people like that with no goddamn shame. But your average person, I try not to judge very much. What is your main problem in life right now? It's hard to determine my main problem, honestly. There are a lot of issues going on in my life that've just piled up into one big tangled mess. Do your “favourites” change often? Definitely not. I've had the same favorites in so many topics for forever. Have you ever read a biography on someone? I've read Ozzy's autobiography, and I also read the Some Kind of Monster Metallica book, which was written by I want to say St. Anger's musical director? This was a very long time ago, and honestly, I thought it was pretty boring, so my memory is faint. You learned quite a bit about the band in his time with them, but damn, I don't care about the musical director al;skdfal;we. Do you know anyone who has ever been in a movie? Who and what movie were they in? What was their part? Not to my knowledge. I have an acquaintance who's had minor acting roles, but I don't believe she's ever been in a film. When was the last time you brought a pet to the vet? What was wrong with it? I want to say around two years ago (probably less) when we got my cat neutered. Have you ever made your way through a corn maze? No.
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beecherdrysdale · 4 years
Hello my bbs, hope everyone’s ok!.
The amounts of screenshots I took for this....
To start: haha I guess brigid and Dylan are in the same car together, but who’s at the front? Like Dylan better keep his hands to himself of Jamie’s gonna get jealoussssss. And it’s gonna be chaotic and quinton is gonna jump out of the car lol. Unless you put quinton upfront with you? Haha yes you ignore them and just talking to quinton hehe.
Brigid I do that as well, so get ready to lose when the light turns green! Kesh also likes to drive fast so it’ll be chaoticcccc.I am banishing Ryan to the back because I would definitely lose concentration. Quinner or Braden are the only ones that can sit upfront. Preferably Quinner so that I can hold his hand🥺 but I love you too braden. There is so much to see while driving in Canada, so frequent stops will be made. Plus the boys love Canada #nostalgic.
Lmao being in the car together would be so fun!!. Haha Dylan and Jamie braiding your hair would be hilarious, like they get into the biggest knot, why do I feel like Ryan would take a picture of it and post it on his insta story and would write “nice”😂 I do wanna see it tho. but like kesh said they would be giving you puppy eyes because they don’t want you to be mad at them, I’m not sure how you would react tho?. Hehe me pulling over, and quinton and devon just redoing your hair, and then I’d make them do my hair as well:). Ok so driving with the windows down and blasting music is good with everyone, I think we would playing all music lol , country for Brigid and Kirby? I think you like country? I’m playing 2000’s music- like a g6 would be so fun to blast in the car. Everyone is just dancing in the car. Some rap will be played for the boys. Kesh what music do you like? Does anyone else have any music suggestions? Haha cozzy, Devon and Braden just being passed out for the drive and literally not waking up to the music. Late night drives are adorable, esp with the make outs hehe.
Ok so we have decided that kesh is the most responsible on the trip which I totally agree with, somebody’s gotta keep us in check. Cozzy is apparently still sleeping, boy must be tired from all those nhl games hehe. Lmao sending Kirby with us, and you yeeling at Dylan not to buy a tv😂. We would so chaotic in the grocery store, like riding in the shopping cart, but also everybody’s racing to get their food, which would be majority of junk food hehe. Honestly we would buy so much food we are literally on a vacay with hockey players who eat a lot haha. The cash register would be shocked. Awww kesh, you being like “kirbs I didn’t even give you that many directions” but him being totally clueless and just trying to kiss you. him being “hmmmm but we didn’t get a tv, and we got some carrots and veggies” lmao I love that kesh please keep writing those.
Haha you got it right, I would be so confused, like how did we get so much food ?! Brigid, you did go overboard but I love it and we will eat our candy :) Dylan bring a ps5 is the funniest shit ever. Food discussion: yes to all of those candies, all dressed ruffles are delish so imma throw in a few bags. Dark chocolate is a must, hehe we should buy fruit and veggies. I don’t think I last that long with junk food hehe. Oo yess we are go a get an Nanaimo bars and poutine :) ooo and BEAVER TAILS . Those are sooo good. I can buy for everybody, esp quinner so that we can recreated that gif of him eating one.
Haha yes, Ryan and I will be there with the non stop chirps. We love them, but still you and Dylan getting 🥵 is 🤌. Hehe yes I mean Dylan h is gorg as well so quinner better work quick lol. Ooo brigid is feeling up some muscles, we love that. But also yes to the straddling and being soft w Jamie. Kesh they are a blushing mess, because they wanna be with Brigid all the time. We are absolutely recreating those wakeboarding lake pics, we have to witness that again- esp you brigid w Dylannnnn. We love some sunscreen and aloe vera.
Thank you, boats are fun! Yess Brigid is sharing the tube with Dylan and Jamie or just making the boys jealous 😏 and me or Ryan would probably make you intentionally fall off the tube lol. Maybe I can get quinner to go with me. Ryan is just waiting for that moment for Quinner to leave to push me in but I would be to quick and grab him as well 😂. Haha brigid needs a break and is just watching us lol. Haha Braden and Ryan pulling pranks on dyl and Jamie we love that. Aww kesh Quinner is being protective and wants to be with me.oh yes, Jamie and dyl staring at Brigid cuz she’s gorgeous in her bikini. We all look hot tho. Kesh is just chilling w kirbs. Lmao “I feel like we should stop Dylan and Jamie before they hurt themselves” and then kirbs being like “Devon is with them, there goes Dylan and Jamie” I love these.
Awww Quinner following me around 🥺 we’d be cute drunks. Ooo yes, Dylan and Jamie getting jealous, but they wanna be constantly around you, so I understand. Clubbing is a success, we are all pumped up w alcohol hehe. Lmao Devon and cozzy trying to get a girl but Ryan and Braden keep foiling their plans 😂 hehe kesh just chilling and wanting to help dev and cozzy but Kirby is to busy watching quinner, also question who is he doing the body shot on?
Yess the locked room would be not a Lexi and Ryan chaos, aw yes I get to know Dylan better:)) I wanna be friends! He he yes he would start getting jealous but then maybe I’d help him get your attention, but we still gotta let you have your Jamie moments🥺
Awww we do love a body positive Queen, y’all are gorgeous !! Haha yes we need a girls day! Some good shopping will be happening, we gotta get Brigid some summery clothes. The guys would be in awe, esp Jamie Dylan and kirbyyyy !!. I do wanna steal their clothes tho. We got so handsy boys over here!. Aww kesh you would looks so cute in kirbs big shirt but also in a bikini.
Yesss Dylan and Jamie are in awe, like she’s gorgeous. Same with Kirby m.
Aww kesh you’re to nice😭 you made me cry. Me abs Quinner!
Ok imma add more gtg to practice
Xo Lexi
okkkk so i’m finally home from school and practice now so i’m ready to respond. i’m taking notes from kesh and adding a keep reading bc this is gonna be longgggg so be warned to anyone reading this
haha yes i’m keeping quinton up front with me bc i don’t want him to jump out of the car lmao. i’m not going to subject him to the possible sexual tension that would be going on in the car if dyl or jamie were in the front. like if one of them were in the front they would just start touching my thigh or something knowing the other one could see it but couldn’t do anything about it. and then i would get distracted from driving and we wouldn’t win lol. so i’m making jamie and dyl sit in the back so they mostly dyl can just yell at me to drive faster so that we win. and then i’ll just chill and talk to quinton bc i want to annoy the other two lol
haha don’t worry, me and dyl (and jamie and quinton) will dominate once again. like you guys might drive fast, but i can guarantee i drive faster. especially if dyl is yelling at me to go faster lol. haha but yes you’ll definitely have a better chance if you banish ryan to the back so he can’t distract you. so you let quinner sit in the front with you and hold your hand 🥺 but as soon as he tries to put it anywhere else you banish him to the back so you don’t get distracted lol. but we would definitely have to make a bunch of stops for the boys bc they’re back in canada
haha yes dyl and jamie try, they really do, but they can not seem to get the whole braiding thing down. and then it ends up in a huge knot and ofc ryan just laughs at my misfortune and takes pics of my hair to post on his story. haha and i’d pretend to be soooo mad at them, and i can be scary when i’m mad so they’d be freaking out and just giving me puppy eyes and being like i’m sorry i’ll make it up to you. but then eventually i can’t keep up the act anymore and just start dying of laughter and then they would be annoyed bc they were freaking out lol. but then we have to stop so that our hair can be fixed.
yesss i love driving with the windows down absolutely blasting music and then whenever you drive past someone they just turn and look at you lol. i’m really into rap and i feel like a lot of the guys are too, so we have to have a lot of rap lol. and then country for kirby and i like country too, so i’m down with that. and then for lexi we have early 2000s music, which i also like and i feel like the guys would be down with that judging by the fact that they played it in the locker room at wjc lol. kesh any other music suggestions? and somehow even tho the music blasting cozzy, devon, and braden are just out, like nothing is waking them up. omg yes late night drives are so cute 🥰 esp with a make out sesh lol
haha yes, kesh is definitely the most responsible one, bc most of the rest of us just have sm crackhead energy it’s unbelievable. somehow cozzy is still sleeping, like how? idk, but then he’s not coming with and neither is kesh so she sends kirby as the responsible one, and let’s just say that doesn’t end too well. haha us getting a million things, and then i, for once being somewhat responsible, say no we’re not buying a tv or a ps5, that’s so expensive. and they’re just like, but babe we have our nhl salaries, we can pay for it, so then i give in lmao. and everyone in the store would just be judging us bc we would be so chaotic and be running all over the store lol. and riding in the cart too lmao. and then we also have a shit ton of food and the cashier is just like wtf, but yk it’s fine. like we would have sm candy and chips, and then we would also get poutine and nanaimo bars and beaver tails. omg i want to try beaver tails soooo bad they sound so good. and then we can recreate the quinner gif lmao. but then we also have to have at least a little healthy food so we feel better about ourselves since we’re all athletes who are supposed to be following diets lmao
haha yes you and ryan would be chirping everyone for literally everything. but mostly me with dylan and jamie lmao. like literally anytime i even touch one of them you guys are all over us, and i’m just like whatever, but the guys are blushing sooo hard lol. but then since i don’t care i keep doing whatever, so like putting sunscreen/aloe vera on them and i’m straddling them, and ik we’re gonna get chirped, but i just don’t care
haha yes boats are so fun, but us on a boat = chaos. hehe all of us on our tubes, but then we’re all trying to flip each other over. and then when we’re finally being slightly calm on the boat and just sitting on the railing, ryan has to come and push lexi in, and then she pulls him in with her and it’s just chaos again. and then i’d be sitting there laughing my ass off, and then someone else decides to push me in lmao. and we’re all looking hot in our bikinis obviously so our boys are all trying to get our attention the whole time. lmao and then kesh is just chilling with kirby and trying to be the voice of reason to get jamie and dyl to stop trying to show off and then kirby’s like no they’ll be fine. they are not fine
hehe yes lexi and quinner being the cutest drunks, just being super soft with each other and clingy 🥺 but then also kind of wild bc apparently quinner is doing body shots off of you. which also i really want to do. like i don’t care if it’s jamie or dyl, but please can one of them do body shots off me? and then let’s say dyl does it first, then jamie sees him doing it and ofc he’s jealous so then jamie has to do one too. and then kesh is chilling with kirby and she’s like hey you should go be a wingman for devon and cozzy, make ryan and braden leave them alone. but kirby’s too busy watching the rest of us do body shots lmao
yes lexi finally gets to actually have an extended convo with dylan, when they’re not trying to annoy everyone who’s actually trying ofc. but then you notice him getting jealous of me with jamie, so you chirp him at first but then he’s getting really annoyed. so then you have to be like calm down, let them have their moment, you’ve have plenty lol. she likes both of you, you know
haha yes we def need a girls day where we’re not being chaotic for once lol. and then we get a lot of cute clothes and stuff. and then when we get back the guys make us model all of it for them lol. and all of them are in awe. like kirby and quinner are just like 😍😍 about you guys bc they think you’re so cute. but then also they love our clubbing clothes and are getting super handsy when we go lol. but then after clubbing we just steal their clothes and live in them for most of the rest of the vacation and they pretend to be annoyed, but they secretly don’t mind bc they think it’s hot when we wear their clothes, esp if it has their name
overall, yes i love all of this and both of you 💖 sorry it took so long lol
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yuna-dan · 4 years
48. meeting again at a high school reunion au with prinxiety?
Hi!! I live the way it ended, and while my intention was to write it romantically, i think it can be read as platonic. Also, wow, it’s been ages since i’ve written a straight relationship (it will make sense, roman is a bisexual™)
I like the way it ended, but not the rest of it. I think it’s very slow.
Warning: Mentions of bullying, racism and transphobia, nothing graphic though. 
Buy me a kofi? [Help me, pls] | Masterpost
Tag list: @just-some-gt-trash \ @theunoriginaldaisy \ @awkwardkindanerd \ @cas-is-a-hunter \ @underthesea73 \ @mariita-2006 \ @prinxietyforever \ @you-deserve-the-worlds \ @batpinkstudentpersona \ @such-as-we-are-made-such-we-be \ @obviouslyelementary \ @floatyghosty \ if you wanna be added to the tag list please interact with this
Highschool was weird.
That was an understatement, clearly. For Román Sánchez, a queer kid from an immigrant family, it was nightmare. When he graduated and went to college, he promised himself he would never look back.
Sometimes, he did regret it. Specially for Virgil.
A sigh escaped his lips and he leant his face against the window of the bus, Virgil was his best friend on that period of his life. He was his rock on that time, and Román was his. They stayed in contact a few months after graduation, until Román moved away for college.
It wasn’t that they ended up bad, fighting or just ignoring each other. They just… drift away. They sent each other merry Christmas or felices fiestas or even hey, lol do you remember that time I was so drunk I broke your closet? but somewhere in the middle they stopped.
It was sad, for him at least.
He wondered if Virgil was doing okay. He tried to look him up on his Facebook and Twitter, but apparently, he deleted his profiles.
Román pushed his twin slightly when Remus started dozing off, but at least that broke the train of thought going through his head.
To be honest, he was only coming to this “Lovely Highschool Reunion” in hopes to see Virgil again, and to maybe rubbed on the faces of everyone that bullied him that he was being a very successful actor, who wasn’t hiding his sexuality and was pretty much happy with his life.
Remus left out a snore, breaking Román’s thoughts once again.
“You’re gross.” He mumbled, staring into the window.
“Your face is gross.” His twin grumbled back.
Román laughed softly, and closed his eyes, hoping to sleep a little.-
They arrived at a hotel, a day before the party.
“I’m glad my bro is rich, otherwise I would’ve probably ended up sleeping on a park.” Remus said, entering their shared room because Román refused to pay $45 dollars for another one.
“I’m glid mi bri is rich, menso [dumb].” He mimicked, earning a playful glare from his brother who was unpacking.
Remus ended up majoring in psychology, and was working on a police station, helping with profiles of criminals and offering his shrinks advices to policemen who needed it. Román couldn’t be prouder of him.
He remembered, how back in highschool he would prefer dead rather than interact with his twin. They were, to this day, opposites. He hated his guts. That changed, of course, not only after their parents passed away but also as they matured and realized that they only had each other.
Román was bullied most of his highschool years for being a latino, so he tried to hide his heritage as much as possible, while Remus was the latino who would yell Cielito Lindo when something good happened, he even grew a mustache for fuck sake. Román hated it, it made his blood boiled with shame and rage.
Eventually, and with Remus help, he accepted that he wasn’t bullied because he was latino, but because people are assholes.
Now, Remus and Román were best friends, and he wouldn’t change it for the world.
“Wanna go out tonight?” Remus asked, throwing himself at one of the beds.
“Maybe, for a drink.”
“Or… we could stay up late trying to chismear [gossip], I heard that Brad isn’t coming cuz he’s in jail, can you believe?”
Román held back a tiny smile, “Why do you keep contact with this people, Re?”
He shrugged, “El chisme llega a mi, yo no lo pido.” [Gossip arrives, I don’t ask for it]
“Yeah, sure, viejo chismoso.”
In the end, they did end up just chatting and gossiping around their ex-classmates lives, even checking their profiles on the internet and laughing at the cringest photos.
“Do you think he will come?”
“Mmm? Vee?” Remus blocked his phone, “I mean, probably…” He trailed off, not knowing what else to say, “You want him to come?”
“I wish he did…”
Remus hummed, probably thinking as the shrink he is, but said nothing.
When Remus tried to speak again, Roman was already asleep.
This was a bad idea.
Annie stared into the mirror, at the purple dress that Patton had bought him. It was weird, how back in highschool he barely talked to him, and now he was his best friend. Even though, that word tasted weird on her tongue.
“I’m not sure about this.” She said, twirling with the dress on.
“I think you look great, Ann.”
She grumbled.
She would stare into the eyes of people who still thought about her as Virgil, and she wasn’t even sure how to feel about it. She wanted to see Román again, of course, and while she knew she still had his phone, still she wanted to tell him on his face.
“Hey Ro, guess what?”
She postponed it for three years, and now this was probably her last chance. Patton said she was being dramatic, but she felt as if she owed Ro an explanation on why she suddenly stopped talking to him.
She still stalked him on Facebook, more times than she’s proud on admitting. Since she deleted the Virgil Sanders profile and created Annie Sanders, she wasn’t brave enough to send a friend request to him, but she could still see some of his posts, as well as his Instagram account, and since Roman was an actor, he was more public there.
“Stop overthinking, An.” Pat hit her softly on her shoulder, “it’s going to be okay.”
“What if someone makes fun?”
“Then that’s their problem, sweetheart.”
“I hate when you’re optimistic and right.”
Patton chuckled, but didn’t say anything.
“This is boring.” Remus nodded, “The food it’s awful.” Another nod, “People are being hypocrites.” Nod, “And he’s not here.”
“Hey, Ro!” Someone interrupted whatever Remus was going to say, and he just shrugged and went back to his drink and probably texting his significant other. Román turned around, with a smile on his face waiting for another person to say something about how much he changed, only to find Pat and a girl.
“Pat!” He said, a little more excited. Patton wasn’t his friend, per se, but he wasn’t a jerk back then, “How are you?”
Patton seemed nervous, but then again, a highschool reunion wasn’t exactly a place to be calm. “Huh, I’m doing fine Ro, I see you’re in acting, I was very happy when I saw you got a leading role.”
Román felt himself smiling softly, a genuine one, “Oh, thank you very much.”
Then a wicked smile appeared on Pat’s face, grabbed the wrist of the woman behind him, “I actually went with An to see the movie, you should talk with her!” He then turned to Remus, who was watching the whole scene with an amused face, “Ree~ Please come with me!” and grabbed his twin’s arm and walked away.
That was weird.
“Hello? I’m Roman, nice to meet you, Ann.”
The girl looked away, she was blushing. Roman noticed that she was pretty, a sharp jawline, and pretty green eyes her eyes looked like Vee’s. Her gaze was on the floor, as if she was trying to make herself smaller.
“You, huh, I know you.” She looked up, like she was scared, “I meant it like, we’ve already met…”
“Huh? I don’t remember you. Higschool was horrible, for me anyways.”
Ann made a face, like she was hurt, “Then why did you came?”
“I wanted to meet someone. My bestfriend, we lost contact. Maybe you know him? His name is Virgil!”
She winced when the name left his mouth, “I huh, I am him. I mean… surprise?”
Román stared at her, “I’m not understanding you, Ann…”
She took a deep breath and lock her emerald with his own eyes. “I am Virgil.” She winced again, “I was Virgil. I’m trans. Nice to see you again.”
For Ann, time stopped the moment she said the last word. She knew that Román wouldn’t be transphobic, but at the same time she was so damn scared.
“Oh.” He simply said.
Then she felt the way Ro’s arms were circling around her, and she melted instantly on the embrace, “Goddamit Ann.” He was wetly laughing, “You could’ve just told me.”
“I didn’t want to tell you over text, and then… time flies.”
“I missed you so much! I have so much to tell you!”
And just like that, it was like time stopped around them.
It was like time didn’t even went by.
I don’t think there are a lot of MtF fics, and I really wanted to write one, but I wasn’t sure how to, so I hope this is okay.
Thank you so much for reading!!
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newcaptainofsquad9 · 5 years
Oh my God, we’re roommates!~ Kate x fem reader (Tanner Hall)~College AU- Part 2
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Here’s Part 1: https://newcaptainofsquad9.tumblr.com/post/185364926637/oh-my-god-were-roommates-kate-x-fem-reader
Pairing: Kate x reader
Summary: You and Kate go out for the night, and you can’t help but think of it as an informal date. Kate teases you like hell while getting to know you a little better than you did back in Tanner Hall. You both ended up at a party thrown by Dave and his acapella group.
Word Count: 1, 644
Writer’s Note: The long await second chapter is here guys, gals and my non binary friends! Again, tell me how you’re liking the series so far. Honestly I think it’s not that good, cuz I had to write something or this wouldn’t have happened so early so yeah here it is.
I can’t help but stare as Kate whips her blonde curls around, singing rather greatly to Ariana Grande. The moment her eyes landed back on me, I quickly avoided contact. I need to be more discreet about it. If I’m not gonna tell her about my feelings, then I shouldn’t make it obvious. Kate chuckles as she turns the car onto a nearby Denny’s parking lot. 
“Y/N, wanna know something?” she asks cheekily. 
Kate’s grin widens and she leans closer while putting a hand over the back of my seat while backing into an available spot. I readjust against my seat-belt, it abruptly feelings a little tight against my chest. Could she park a bit faster? Once the car comes to a stop I reach for the belt, only for Kate to take my hand.
“Wait, I didn’t get to tell you,” Kate says lowly.
“Ok,” I chuckle and play along, “what?”
Kate’s voice grows low all a sudden, her eyes lower too. 
“You make me feel like God is a woman, you know that?” she asks.
My face grows hot, I try to slink away, but Kate pulls me closer and leans in. She pecks me on the cheek and giggles. 
“God, your face, “ she giggles.
“Why do you always play around like that?”
Kate says something but its muffled because I shut the car door on her. I start toward the diner. She’s at my heels in a moment.
I turn toward Kate. I wasn’t expecting an attentive gaze and an arched brow. 
“You all right?” 
I nearly lose it at her sincerity. She may have irritated me, but I don’t want her to stay like that. I’d rather her tease the hell out of me for the rest of my life than to see her down like this. 
“Yeah, I’m good it’s just–”
I pause and remember how intimate she seemed with Dave. We weren’t super close at Tanner Hall, I never heard anything about her liking other women or a hint at bisexuality or pansexuality. I’m not even going to try to ask her about my feelings, don’t want to ruin our relationship since we’re going to be living together for the next four months. 
I blink and Kate’s hand brushes down my arm. It makes me bristle, in a good way. 
“Uh, let’s get pancakes, yeah?” I say and head to the door.
Kate and I both order two completely different dishes. I stick with a Denny’s staple: grand slam with two fluffy pancakes, bacon, eggs and grits. Kate ops for fish and chips, slathering her fries in ketchup and mayo. A disgusting combo if you ask me. 
“Why are you looking at me like that Y/N?” she asks obnoxiously.
She picks up a drenched fry and pops it into her mouth slowly. 
“Mmh, if you want one, all you have to do is ask,” Kate purrs. 
I shake my head before returning my gaze to the half eaten pancakes on my plate. Kate’s eyes are back on me as she whisks around the pieces of cod on her own. 
“What are you studying, Y/N?” she asks.
I sigh. Finally, a real question. 
“English,” I say, “taking a few creative writing classes as a minor.”
Kate perks up. 
“I’m an English major too!” she adds. 
I nearly choke on my bacon as she says that. 
“Uh, yeah,” Kate declares, “Y/N, I may have teased Mr. Middlewood a lot, but I payed attention. Literature is so fascinating.”
“Have you taken American Lit yet?” I ask.
Kate shakes her head. 
“Nope, I have it ten a.m. Monday. What about you?”
“I have it Tuesday and Thursday, “ I say. 
Kate’s gaze goes down to my plate. 
“That’s a shame, we could have sat beside each other, pass notes and what not,” she says with a pout. 
“I mean, we can still study together,” I let out. 
I immediately regret it as Kate’s eyes flicker back to me as she bites her lip.
“Yeah? We could pull an all nighter some time, could be fun,” she suggests. 
I pick up a piece of my pancake with my fork and Kate reaches for a smaller piece left by it, eating it swiftly as our eyes meet again. 
“You have your fries, why don’t you eat them?”
Kate shrugs at my question.
“Maybe I just want to eat yours,” she says. 
God, I don’t know if I’ll survive this semester.
We get back to campus prior to nightfall. Kate raved the entire ride back about a small party Dave and the acapella group were throwing. I didn’t even know the school had an acapella group.
“Not really sure about this Kate,” I say, “how long have you known this Dave guy?”
Kate grins as she parks her car. 
“A few years, and Y/N there’s nothing to worry about. Not like they’re frats or sororities,” Kate says. 
“I’m still not sure Kate,” I whisper. 
Kate pouts.
“Why not? It’ll be fun. C’mon Y/N! Please,” Kate urges with a tug at my hand. 
I try to pull away, but her grip is tight. Her saddened face appears again and I can’t help but sigh in defeat.
“Promise you won’t leave me--alone?” I ask.
Kate narrows her eyes at me. 
“Never roomie. Plus, I’m your ride back to our apartment,” she says in a matter of fact tone. 
“That means you have to stay sober,” I declare. 
Kate rolls her eyes. 
“Fine, as long as you have fun. Doesn’t mean you can’t take a few drinks too,” she jokes with a quick smile. 
I roll my eyes this time and open the door. 
“Let’s just get this over with.”
Dave’s apartment is filled with lots of preppy looking kids, most of them talking in their own circles. Some say ‘hey’ to Kate and I but that’s mostly it. I let Kate lead me around with her hand encircled around my own. One girl stops us in our tracks, giving Kate and I a nasty glare. 
“You two don’t look acapella material, not even musical theater majors either,” she snarks. 
Kate lets go of my hand and crosses her arms, she gives the girl a hard look. 
“Does that matter?” she asks.
The girl lifts her head, as if trying to intimate Kate. 
“This is a party for majors and acapella club members only,” she growls. 
I put a hand on Kate’s shoulder, this girl looks like trouble. 
“Kate,” I warn, “let’s just leave.”
Kate rests a hand on my wrist. 
“No, Y/N. Let me handle this,” Kate returns her attention to the girl, “we were invited.”
“By who?” The girl asks. 
“Kate! Hey!”
Kate smirks as the girl and I turn to Dave. He holds his arms out with a toothy grin. Kate giggles as she rushes toward him, meeting him in an embrace similar to the one earlier. I glance down at my shoes as the girl seethes. 
“You know this girl Dave?” she asks. 
Dave nods as Kate wiggles her eyebrows at me while her arms snake their way around the back of Dave’s neck. God, I can’t take this shit right now. I stalk over to the kitchen where there’s a group around the punch bowl. I don’t need punch right now, something a bit stronger. My eyes go back to Kate, she’s still busy flirting with Dave and I need to sink my sorrows into something. Honestly, just half a cup. Maybe two. I’m not that much of a light weight. No matter what Rob and Jane say.
I don’t even remember the words to Imagine Dragon’s Thunder, but here I am flailing my arms around like an idiot.
“Thunder! Thunder! Lightnin and t-the--thunder!” I shout.
Most of the acapella people join in with twisted grins, egging me on and it works. 
“Yeah!” I shout into the mic, “Kate’s totally missing out!” 
There’s a whoo and a line of snickers. 
I turn when I hear my name. Kate emerges from the line of aca-people with a frown. Why? She wanted me to have fun. 
“Yo, Kate! Come up, I’d love for a duet!” I shout through a fit of giggles.       
The aca crowd cheers and Kate purses her lips. 
“Y/N, not like this, “ Kate says, “how many drinks have you had?”
“I had two full solo cups--I think,” I reply.
Kate sighs.
“No wonder you didn’t want to drink--you’re a light weight,” Kate says as she takes a step toward me, “c’mon we’re going home.”
“Ah, man! Thought you wanted to have fun! I’m having fun!” I explain. 
Kate places an arm around my waist and my chest feels hotter than it ever has before. Something’s coming up too. 
She looks to me and my warning isn’t enough as I puke on her shirt. I’m never drinking again.
“I’m sorry,” I groan.
Kate helps with my shoes, they come off easily. 
“Y/N, it’s cool, it happens. Lay back and drink this water, ok?” 
She hands me the bottle with a tender glare. I take it and she walks away, slipping off her shirt. At this point, I still have some composure and cover my eyes. 
“I’m such an idiot, God I shouldn’t have drunk any in the first place,” I muffle into my hands, “all to impress someone who doesn’t even like me back.” 
I remove my hands and there’s Kate, leaning over my bed and hovering over me with a very revealing tank top. 
“Who’d you want to impress Y/N?” she asks again. 
“You can tell me anything, you know that, right?” she whispers. 
Her hazel eyes darken and I open my mouth to tell her, but no words come out. It’s a short breath as I lean up, my mouth meeting Kate’s in a kiss.
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caatws · 4 years
tagged by @justanalto to answer some questions !! :)
1. What is the color of your hairbrush? it’s like a blueish/greenish color and has moana on it! i usually comb my hair so i bought that brush just bc it was moana themed a few years ago lol. i don’t use it often
2. Name a food you never eat. there are many.....#justchildhoodocdthings ermmmm i don’t eat a lot of snack foods like chips or goldfish
3. Are you typically too cold or too warm? too warm, esp these days bc the weather is hella warming up so i wake up feeling hot a lot
4. What were you doing 45 minutes ago? i was working on some post-grad work stuff and then crossed over into my roommates’ room to watch the facebook livestream graduation 2020 thing cuz miley was on singing the climb
5. What is your favorite candy bar? i love a good hershey’s special dark chocolate moment
6. Have you ever been to a professional sports event? yes, quite a lot actually! my mom is super into sports, so i grew up going to a handful of pro sports games - mlb, nba, and nhl. never nfl tho bc my mom said the price of tix wasn’t worth it LMAOOOO. also when the olympics are here in la in like 8 years i wouldn’t mind checking out some events here !!
7. What is the last thing you said out loud? i asked my roommate if she wanted me to close the door as i was leaving her room bc she was abt to hop on a zoom call
8. What is your favorite ice cream? chocolate.....esp if it’s dark chocolate which is Rare
9. What was the last thing you had to drink? starbucks peppermint hot chocolate bc i’m a basic bitch!!!!
10. Do you like your wallet? yeah, i only upgraded from my middle school wallet like back in 2018 to a normal adult looking one. it’s purple and has enough pockets for all my shit! still bulky tho
11. What was the last thing you ate? ....nothing LMFAOOOO lunch is usually my first meal of the day and i haven’t had it yet. but last night i had ramen for dinner
12. Did you buy any new clothes last weekend? last time i bought clothes was i ordered one of the black widow hoodies from hot topic like a month ago....other than that i have not gone clothes shopping since pre-quarantine
13. The last sporting event you watched? i don’t even know....i didn’t watch the super bowl, so it’d either be some time my roommate was watching hockey on our tv or whatever sports my mom was watching when i was still home for winter break in january
14. What is your favorite flavor of popcorn? KETTLE CORN!!!!
15. Who is last person you sent a text message to? i sent a pic of miley singing the climb on the fb livestream on my friend’s laptop to my fam being like “lol miley is our commencement performer!!!!” and my mom was just like cool
16. Ever go camping? yes unfortunately....never for more than a night at a time tho bc i literally Cannot
17. Do you take vitamins? no bc what is Health
18. Do you go to church every Sunday? used to back in the days of catholic school (pre college), but now no longer
19. Do you have a tan? nah bc we can’t go outside bro
20. Do you prefer Chinese food or pizza? chinese food 100% i personally think pizza is overrated
21. Do you drink soda with a straw? i don’t believe i ever do tbh
22. What color socks do you usually wear? i only own socks with colorful patterns/designs on them which is extra but very me i suppose
23. Do you ever drive above the speed limit? always! (a reasonable amount over tho, like within 5-10 mph over...this is average for californians, while many others speed hella)
24. What terrifies you? not a fan of heights nor uncertainty, and this pandemic has essentially destroyed my post grad hopes/plans and now i enter an uncertain future
25. Look to your left, what do you see? my bed, with a lot of stuff piled on top
26. What chore do you hate? all of them???? i guess doing the dishes mostly tho bc i hate the smell of wet dishes with food waste/residue on them and it just feels so gross i can’t
27. What do you think of when you hear an Australian accent? i think wow australia sounds like a wild country
28. What’s your favorite soda? orange soda 4ever
29. Do you go into a fast food place or just hit the drive-thru? drive-thru if i can !!! but i don’t mind going in if there’s ample parking available
30. Who’s the last person you talked to? my roommate, when i asked if she wanted me to close the door LMAO
31. Favorite cut of beef? all of them????? i’m not picky with meat dsflkbn
32. Last song you listened to? as i was driving back into my garage the radio station i was listening to started playing sugar we’re going down which threw me for a time loop
33. Last book you read? i’ve been reading fanfic mostly recently so ig whatever the last thing i read for my internship weeks ago was, it would be that
34. Favorite day of the week? even tho time doesn’t matter in quarantine, i’ll always be a friday stan
35. Can you say the alphabet backwards? i used to be decent at it but i’m out of practice now. i’ll try to just type it rly quickly and see: zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcba (ok so this took me like 5ish secs to type so that’s p good!)
36. How do you like your coffee? i don’t! i just drink peppermint hot chocolate :^)
37. Favorite pair of shoes? my doc martens, but they are now out of season for most of the rest of the year bc i live in southern california where it’s Hawt so i probs won’t wear them again til december
38. The time you normally go to sleep? sometime between 1 and 3 am
39. The time you normally get up? sometime between 9 and 11 am
40. What do you prefer, sunrise or sunsets? sunsets are dope!!!
41. How many blankets on your bed? three, including my sheet, comforter, and a small quilt
42. Describe your kitchen plates. some are just round and plain white, some are round and white with a red decorative border, one is a pokémon plate meant for children that i bought cheap at target
43. Do you have a favorite alcoholic beverage? piña colada!!! but if i’m trying to get drunk i need vodka or somethin
44. Do you play cards? not much tbh! my apartment has been on a mahjong streak as of late
45. What color is your car? silver!!
46. Can you change a tire? no i’m useless but also my parents believe i’ll get murdered if stuck on the side of the road (which is possible) so they’d prefer me to call aaa for help
47. Your favorite province? uhhhhhhh no provinces here in the u.s. but canada has provinces and i went to british columbia (to visit vancouver) once as a kid so???? if we talking states tho y’all know i will die for california
48. Favorite job you’ve ever had? honestly my job at my school’s mail center this past year was rly cool! my boss was so great and the other student workers were chill, so it was a nice environment and i enjoyed learning all these mail-related skills
49. How did you get your biggest scar? i have no scars ;))))
50. What did you do today that made someone else happy? i had my final appointment with my therapist from my school since i graduated, so i thanked him for working with me the past year and a half!
i tag: anyone who wants to do this, i’m lazyyyyy hehe so feel free to steal!!!! i wanna read y’all’s answers
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gnohomaswitness · 5 years
Post-Highschool Adam: I stumble out of highschool thinking I'm gonna be an engineer. Everyone seems like they're off doing amazing things and I'm stuck in my small town where everything I used to love is gone and all that remains are syringes.
University Adam: I live in Toronto. RS tumblr is in full swing and I'm loving it and then I slowly watch it die. I begin to become more and more of a hermit as I become a complete slave to my crazy pills. I'm being driven insane by the workload. Donald Trump and Justin Trudeau win their elections. I drink a lot esp in the summer. I embarrassed my family during a dinner party and made the opioid addict at the table look good. At least my neighborhood was safe to pass out in. I wouldn't call myself a smoker but I smoked when I drank and I drank A LOT. Work fucking sucks being back in my home town during the summer but the weekend nights are awesome. You can go to a bar with a friend then run into a random person you knew from highschool (or even earlier) who's just as smashed as you are and have a cigar with them at the harbor.
College Adam: Donald Trump is president of the United States and Trudeau is prime minister. I live in a trailer park boys neighborhood. Everyone is a redneck and I'm basically high or drunk all the time. I start writing. Really into Billy Joel. Endless school with nothing to show for it is driving me nuts but theres a strange attraction to how empty my life is. The college goes on strike and I'm left with more free time than I've ever had before. You know when you're a kid in the summer and you don't even know what day of the week it is? Think that but add liquor and pot. I'm traveling all over the province and can do anything and get drunk anywhere. Nothing matters and it's the weirdest feeling. The only thing that stops me from doing EVERYTHING is the fact that I don't have any income except my savings from the summer. Trudeau finally legalized weed. At the end I'm looking for a job. My course coordinator has a ton of contacts and has sent out resumes to everyone he knows and I'm traveling around the province going to Toronto and the surrounding cities nearly every day getting phone calls from companies. It's a lot of fun being at a chatime with an RS friend and I get called by a company in the city asking for an interview. Summers are absolutely miserable throughout this whole period so I take the security+ exam and study in secret at my work. My summer job had nothing to do with computer security and it drove me insane. I also write fanfiction on the computer at work shhh. Also I'm pretty sure I'm a drunk at this point at least in the summers nvm I was drunk a lot during the semester too. I'm closer to home now and I don't really smoke anymore. Absolutely everyone I ever knew is gone now and there's nobody left. My hometown becomes synonymous with loneliness and the spinning of my wheels. I'm so lonely.
Cambridge Adam: I got a job as an analyst and I'm freaking out this is so difficult. I have more money than ever cuz rent is so cheap but this town is so scuffed I feel like I live in poverty. Also religion is fucking scary here. I slowly begin to grasp the fact that I'm no longer a student and it feels fucking great. I also realize that I need to start my adult life. It's weird how now that I have money I'm less inclined to uproot my life and do something completely different or immigrate somewhere like I was itching to do while I was in school.
Waterloo Adam: I don't have as much money cuz rent is more expensive. It's difficult trying to prove myself as a functioning adult without pushing my family away. All homesickness died in Cambridge so it's a strange feeling. I feel like I have to make an effort with my family in a way I didn't have to before. My old home in my old town doesn't feel like home anymore. Also I wanted to take closer a picture of this tree but there was a fence and I didn't wanna get shot.
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To anyone who has left their home town. What does home feel like to you? Do you have any sentimentality for your old town or for a particular neighborhood if you moved around?
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