#dsmp hybrid au
nomsfaultau · 9 months
piglin Techno got irrationally irritated every time Tommy ate one of his golden apples postexile week, since it registered as stealing gold to his instincts. Well it was, since Tommy kept robbing his chests, but Techno held back the instinct to obliterate him since they’re supposedly partners now.
The first time Techno realized his feelings towards Tommy had shifted was when he caught himself handing Tommy golden apples whenever he thought the boy was hungry. Which was always, since humans were so tiny and Tommy especially was bone thin after exile. Well, Techno shrugged, deliberately ignoring the implications. Not like he wanted a weak partner. He’s just trying to beef Tommy up. That’s all. Yuuuup.
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behrjbehr · 2 years
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“Hey Phil! What’s this?”
“A car, it’s useless”
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eekonis · 1 month
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Tommy felt a strange flash of regret as Phil‘s feathers disappeared under the sage-green fabric, but he pushed it away. He‘d spent too long eying them, succumbing to the waves of emotions that came with the sight of those wings. Fear and apprehension, yes, but also suriosity. Envy. And worst of all, hope.
— few mercies for fools by @mathanlin
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cyncerity · 6 months
Karlnapity doodles??? 🥺 The bbs <3
ok so i kinda went crazy here cause it’s almost 2 am and i said “hey there’s an idea i’ve had for going on 3 years that i keep saying i’ll animate and never do.” so i finally did.
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this is for a very very old au, it’s actually the first au on this blog and has 1 story; which is karlnapity. I won’t go into all the lore and stuff but i’ll link that story here for those of you who weren’t here in 2021, it’s how they ended up together in this au <3. Basis is Sapnap is a human, Quackity is an avian, and Karl is an Ermine hybrid borrower.
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ideas-left-unwritten · 2 months
So here's a hybrid au I had in mind! For sbi, of course, though a bit of Quackity&Techno friendship because idk but I think it's neat
Philza is an ender dragon hybrid. They're not supposed to exist. Anyway, he lives in the end and does cool shit, and eventually the goddess of the end (who is literally the end dimension itself) falls in love with him. Which is nice, Kristin loves her dragon husband.
One day, they decide they want to have kids, so Kristin's like 'sure, you know what, I'll just rip a piece of void out and roughly make it kid-shaped, that'll be fine' but Phil's like 'hey how the hell did we get two kids instead of one and also one of them is literally floating'.
They're twins! Techno is a warden hybrid and Wilbur is a wither hybrid. Phil loves Kristin but she absolutely does not get the fact that this is not what normal children do. They also make another child a few years later, who turns out to be an elder guardian hybrid.
So Wilbur: can wither things with his touch, float and make explosions with his mind. He also has three eyes (like the wither has 3 heads) but he keeps the third closed most of the time. He can see through invisibility potions, and is immune to lava.
Techno: is blind, but senses vibrations in the ground around him and hears really well and can sense things through literally every sculk vines in the world all at once. He can also teleport through them and scream loud enough to physically hurt people. Yes, he was a fun baby to deal with.
Tommy: can control water and basically has x-ray vision. He can also slow down time for individual people (the fatigue effect) and of course can breathe underwater and swim really fast.
Random things about their house. Most of the floor is covered in sculk so Techno can sense people and move through it easily. Wilbur absolutely abusing the fact that he can be quiet and hover so he doesn't touch the vines so Techno can't sense him. Tommy making parenting a fucking nightmare when he slows down everyone around him and just screams. Techno retreating to a little cave he's got carved out in an island for some piece and quiet. Mumza being the void so she's basically immune to everything and can go anywhere in the end, so she is fine while Phil suffers.
Anyway, once they're at an age where they can hide their hybrid nature, Phil takes them out into the world. Techno makes a name for himself as a gladiator, and really, they all just cause chaos. Techno befriends this homeless duck hybrid who full on admits to wanting to start a mafia when he grows older and Techno goes 'sounds cool, I'm yoinking you now' and takes him home.
Phil sees Quackity and goes 'hatchling??? hatchling who cannot fly???' and immediately is on board with adoption. He teaches Quackity how to fly.
Wilbur and Tommy, who didn't realise you could just kidnap orphans off the street and take them home begin their own collection, taking home Niki and Fundy, and Tubbo respectively. Phil adopts all of them. They all eventually know about the sbi's weird hybrid status and are cool with it.
Then along comes Dream.
The early days of the DSMP play out as normal, Tommy joins and causes some chaos, and pisses Dream off. But then, they realise 'hey this Dream guy's kind of a bitch' as time goes on, and slowly a plan begins to form. Basically, everyone else is in on the storyline and just acting along. There are no traitors, and the main guys that Phil adopted are all still great friends and love each other, and the other that join outside that group are in on it too. But Dream doesn't know any of this. He thinks it's real. And as time goes on, and his actions get worse and worse, everyone kind of dislikes him, even though they know he's not actually doinf any harm.
Oh, and the sbi are all immortal. Philza will respawn in the end and can regenerate with crystals. Wilbur's body can be killed, but then he just walks around as a bunch of souls until he can get to some soulsand and reform his body. If Tommy gets killed, he just regenerates at the nearest monument because he's a sea guardian you can't just kill the guardian of the sea. Techno also can't really be killed because he's all the sculk at once, so you kill him at one place and he just pops up in another like a hydra. Kristin, who is all of the End at once, is the only one who really gets him in that regard. Also, because she's a goddess, basically Mumza says none of the dsmp deaths count so there's no way any of them are dying on that server.
So, the canon events happen. L'Manberg falls and Wilbur 'dies'. Tommy gets exiled. Exile is absolutely a breeze for him. Techno and Wilbur visit him all the time and he's right next to the ocean which is great. Tubbo also visits him too.
Random idea that Ranboo finds out Techno's hybrid status when they're fleeing from some pillagers in a mansion and Techno pulls them through the sculk too (it's not a pleasant experience for anyone other than Techno. The only one outside of the main sbi who is used to it is Quackity because they do it so often) and they wind up in a cave. Techno asks if he can 'see' Ranboo's face, which Ranboo is opposed to until they realise 'oh that blindfold isn't just for show this guy is blind' because most people forget that Techno is, in fact, completely blind. They allow him to 'see' their face, and in return, Techno takes off his blindfold to show that he has no eyes whatsover so he can't even look Ranboo in the eyes and make the enderman hybrid uncomfortable. Ranboo immediately like Techno more for this because people really consider eye contact important. They bond, Techno decides not to drag them through the sculk again and they walk back to the surface.
The rest of canon goes along up until Dream's imprisonment. They imprison him, and then they basically forget about him. Because that's all dsmp was to them, a prank on an asshole, but now that's over they can return to their normal lives. Quackity starts Las Nevadas as the base of operations for his burgeoning mafia empire, with Techno at his side. Wilbur is Not jealous and doesn't make his own little attenpt at a mafia in retaliation (it doesn't work). Bench trio do things togeth, Ranboo and Tubbo get Michael, they're all living their best lives.
And then Dream breaks out of prison, because Sam has left it basically unattended for months now. And Dream wants answers, so he goes to Las Nevadas to find Quackity (who he thinks will be easy to manipulate) and get some help. Of course, Quackity is now the head of a mafia empire with most of the dsmp members working as partners alongside him, or at least as business partners with their own ventures. And Quackity also makes sure all the flooring in Las Nevadas is carpeted in sculk. Quackity tells Dream to get out of his casino, and Techno shows up basically to help threaten him (Quackity is good in a fight, okay, but not Dream good)
Dream thinks it's Techno running the empire and tries to tell Quackity he's being manipulated, but these guys aren't having any of it. They've literally been best friends to the point of nearly being siblings for years, they know what's up. In a last ditch attempt to get someone on his side, Dream asks Techno where Tommy is, information which Techno gives willingly.
Dream goes to the island where Tommy is and tries every trick in the book to make him come to his side, banking on the belief the conditioning in exile worked. It didn't, of course, and Tommy winds up fighting him instead. Dream wins, though, killing Tommy and is like 'well, hey, at least I managed to get rid of that fucking menace' except NOPE! Tommy's back because you're on an island surrounded by sea, near his monument. And Tommy finally reveals to Dream his hybrid status and kicks his ass.
And everyone lives happily ever after :)
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More Raptorinnit as the first digital piece I’ve finished in months. I care himb a lot actually.
Also bonus little lineless boy I sped ran
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localsharkcryptid · 10 months
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This turned out wayyyy better than anticipated and is way closer to my vision than expected so I am excitedly posting it.
The design for Ouroboros!Dream is far from set in stone but this sets the tone well, he's serpentine and almost unnatural looking in a lot of aspects which is entirely intentional and a byproduct of being created as a personal pawn by a deranged might as well be god.
As you can also see in these sketches I haven't quite figured out which mask option to go with, though it will most likely be the half-mask (top half edition) or the full mask since the reason for it is due to that nature of his eyes - which are alarmingly similar to those of the Dragonbite Viper and well many dragons aren't exactly just comfortable with that.
Additional fun notes:
The "blade" on his tail is effectively a malformed stinger, it lacks any venom or toxin but can be used as a weapon along with the spines along the end of the tail.
He can in fact produce silk! There is Silkwing in his ungodly combination of "genes".
While his colors do not shift with his emotions in the same way a rainwing's do, he can shift through shades of green to darken/lighten his scales either to display emotional state or to provide camouflage in the right environment. He works kinda like a lizard, so his scales get darker/brighter when pissed off.
Anyways I am super proud of this and I think imma do more of these concept art things in the future for characters.
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mrfoxdeer · 2 months
Sometimes the short end of the stick is the sharpest...
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Sometimes the only way out is as a carcass...
This is my design for revived!Tubbo from my AU and fic One-Eyed Devil. Tommy survives Logstedshire, Tubbo doesn't. When Dream tries to revive Wilbur someone else tags along.
I'm a slow writer and I update it when I have time and motivation, but I just published chapter 10! If you like clingyduo and benchtrio angst and hurt/comfort(at least for now) with a side of plotting, vengeance and Tubbo being unhinged then I think you'll like it.
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jotabro · 1 year
Yes I am alive after months gone everywhere and entirely obsessed with QSMP + partially DSMP. i did a drawing rp so some of those responses are in here.
additionally i’ve decided on being a multi fandom art blog + ocs so i hope that you guys will stick around and enjoy my art even if it’s not jjba
ALSO I DID TURN MY JJBA DESIGNS INTO OCS, i want to withdraw from that fandom entirely but i wanted to bring my favorite aspects with, expect a post on them soon…. also i’ll be making my last genuinely jjba related post soon so expect that, IT’S LOTS OF OLD DRAWINGS SO EXPECT A QUALITY DROP (though it doesn’t help that i already only do sketches)
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mcg-127 · 6 days
Oughhh, I miss Hybrids AU all of a sudden, it makes me so unwell /pos :) :) :) I’m thinking about the potential bad ending, in which Hybrids!Dream reclaims his little fledgling, hehehe :) He would certainly be infuriated, but wouldn’t it be fun if he pretended to be understanding and took his precious time to make Hybrids!Tommy believe that he was safe, only to reveal his fury in the end, and punish him in the cruelest way imaginable? 
At first, Hybrids!Dream would hit Hybrids!Tommy on the nose, causing it to bleed, and smearing blood over its face, before harshly pushing the boy to the ground. Taking notice of its trembling lips, tear-stained eyes, and its desperate attempt to suppress an alarm call, the hybrid hunter would grin cruelly, anticipating the rest of this beautiful spectacle, before saying, “Aww, did it hurt, Toms? If you hadn’t foolishly escaped, you wouldn’t have to suffer… this much.” 
Then, Hybrids!Dream would beat Hybrids!Tommy into the ribs, each blow harder and slower than the last, until they break with a satisfying crack. After all, these protected the boy’s lungs as he escaped from his owner… 
Next, the man would pull out an axe, and break his legs with the blunt side. After all, these let the boy escape from his owner…
At this point, the poor fledgling would be in so much agony that he’d be lost in dissociation, but still incredibly responsive to every single blow, and fearing what might happen next.
And finally, Hybrids!Dream would painfully slowly pluck a couple of feathers from Hybrids!Tommy now freed wings (thanks to Hybrids!Emeraldduo, hehe), before pulling out a dagger, roughly clipping his wings, and cutting out his initials as a sign of ownership.
Omg, I miss Hybrids AU as well! I'm so proud of it, and I'm honoured you adore it too <3333 A bad ending would hit super hard and be heartbreaking in the best way, hehe :) Ohh, Hybrids!Dream would definitely be the angriest he's ever been, and Hybrids!Tommy would have the worst time he's ever had. The concept of Dream taking some time to lull Tommy into a false sense of security, only to spring a nightmarish punishment on him once the trauma bonding is back in full force, sends me utterly insane /pos >:3
Starting with an abruptly broken nose without any warning is absolutely something Hybrids!Dream would do :) And of course, you're right about him loving Hybrids!Tommy on the ground at his feet - where the avian belongs. Tommy would slip back into the habit of suppressing his vocalisations immediately, despite all the work Hybrids!Emeraldduo and others did to decondition him >:3 Grgrrgrrrr Dream's taunts never get less chilling, I love it!
The ribs, I imagine, is Dream's favourite area to injure on Tommy regardless of the AU :) There's just something so intimately agonising about it. Hybrids!Dream would definitely drag it out like you said; Hybrids!Tommy doesn't deserve a quick punishment after all. Every second of pain would hammer home the point that running away was a terrible mistake, and Tommy would regret it immensely >:3
Broken legs is such a wonderful whump trope, I adore it! Of course, it would make sense for Hybrids!Tommy to be unable to walk without his owner's assistance. Hybrids!Dream would ensure his little fledgling couldn't move a single inch without his discretion :)
Tommy falling deep into dissociation but still reacting viscerally to every blow is a brilliantly heartwrenching image! Those repressed memories of all the (torture) punishments would bubble to the surface like pus in a wound, and he'd drown in them >:3 Hybrids!Dream would take great pleasure injuring Hybrids!Tommy's wings, knowing exactly how traumatic that is. The effort Hybrids!Emeraldduo put into deconditioning the avian and helping him feel comfortable letting others touch his wings would all be for nothing :) The concept of Dream carving his name into Tommy will never not make me insane /pos, regardless of the AU!
Thanks so much for this ask and the other two Jesse, they mean a lot and I'm overjoyed to discuss these things with you <3333
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Trust Issues
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nomsfaultau · 3 months
Hybrid AU in exile week where avian instincts can take over to a degree that is almost horrific, erasing someone’s personality and rationality when they’re panicking. First part here.
“I can’t make promises that this will cure anything,” Philza reminds him. Tommy scoots towards the cliff ledge of the frozen bay, a kicked pebble plummeting, plummeting, crunching into the ground below, blood and pain spilling out of him. He tries to focus on fluffy white clouds and pretty scenery but all he can see is the tower from exile. The choppy, turbulent waters of the sea he always woke up drowning in. His chopped off feathers fanning around his abuser’s mask. 
He’s pulled away from the hypnotizing reverie when strong arms wrap around his chest. Philza’s steady heartbeat hums against the back of his head. It’s so wonderfully comfortable in a way that makes him nervous. He’s tried to avoid close contact with Phil, but there isn’t much of an option now. “.....ommy? Tommy? Mate?”
“Huh?” His head feels like it’s swimming. 
“I asked if you feel secure enough.” No. Tommy can’t remember the last time he felt safe. Well. Aside from what his avian instincts were tricked into believing. He doesn’t trust the feeling all that much. 
What he says instead is, “If you drop me I’ll stab you.” Philza chuckles. 
“Fair enough. If it helps I never dropped Techno the few times he let me fly him.” 
“Bruh. Never accidentally, more like,” Techno mutters darkly, earning a smirk. But Phil assures Tommy it’s going to be as gentle a flight as possible. Which probably isn’t a very accurate replication of a first flight. Vaguely Tommy remembers his own from when he was a kid, a scrambling terrifying elating freeing chaotic tangle rushing at him faster than the wind. It had felt so right, once. Natural, like he was growing up. Finally independent, not needing to rely on a guardian anymore. Tommy wants that feeling more than anything in the world right now. Tommy needs Philza to be right, for this flight to fix him. Even just a little, just enough to know it’s possible. 
But the memory of his recent failed flight is far sharper, of the moment he realized his abuser was right about him. An overhanging shadow of doom, despair, dependence. 
Phil tries to nudge Tommy forward, towards the edge, and suddenly Tommy’s panic spikes. He scrambles back, almost expecting resistance, expecting Phil to dump him off the tower. But Philza easily gives away, letting him retreat even as scarlet shame fills him. 
“Uh…are you scared of heights?” Techno asks. 
“No, don’t be stupid,” Tommy snarls. “Stop laughing at me, oh how ironic the avian hates heights, I’m not stupid, I’m not scared of the tower. How about you try jumping off a cliff and see how you like heights, pig boi. I’m not scared. I’m not stupid.” 
“Never said you were. I wasn’t making fun of you,” Techno replies mildly, hooves held out in pacification. “And, uh, what’s the tower?” 
Shame throttles Tommy. Philza frowns at a memory. “...is it the structure I found you at?” 
“I was trying to fly,” Tommy mumbles. He had been trying a lot of things. Some of them had very nearly succeeded. 
Techno and Philza wince as they remember the bloody, almost dead state they’d found Tommy in all those weeks ago. “Could do it with your eyes closed,” Techno suggests. “Just like when I clean up your wings.” Techno’s tusks twist in thought, then he roots around in his bag. He presses a glass bottle into Tommy’s hands. 
“It’s not going to work if I’m asleep, idiot.” 
“Nah, it’s Slow Falling. Just smash it if you need it, alright? It’s the extended version so no matter how high up you are you’ll get to the ground safely. Whenever I get anxious about somethin’ I like to over prepare. That way I have a plan to think about instead when my brain tries to run through disasters.” Oh. Tommy stares at the foggy, half frozen potion. The knots in his gut ease a little. Not the terrifying plummet of the tower, but something slow and gentle. It can’t quite ease the instinctive fear rolling inside his subconscious, but it soothes his more logical balking. What helps even more is knowing Techno cares enough to look at his fear and somehow untangle it in a way Tommy could never manage on his own. 
Techno and Phil are both trying so hard to help Tommy with the messy, ugly parts of himself. Not pushing him away because of it or ignoring the bad, but accepting and working with it. And if they’re trying so hard, they must think it’s possible for it to get better. Maybe they’re right, or will be if Tommy gives it his all, too. 
“... and if that’s not enough I can get you Feather Fall boots. I’d give mine but, well, hooves. It’ll take a bit to make, but you wouldn’t get hurt as badly if there’s ever another fall like that.” 
Tommy splits into a tentative smile. “Really? You’d do that for me?” 
The tension lining his broad shoulders eases, taking on a lopsided grin. “Well. Well you’d have to pay me. I’m not a charity out here, kid. But. Maybe I can get you a friendship discount.”
“We can wait till the boots are done to fly,” Phil offers. “There will be another windless day.” But Tommy clutches his potion. Now. He needs to do it now, when hope still hums in his chest. He can do whatever he has to for it to be easier for himself, not get overwhelmed with shame and loathing and refuse to ever make it better. 
And if what it takes for him to fly is a potion clutched for dear life, is large black wings that aren’t his own spreading out, is his face buried in the crook of Phil’s neck so he doesn’t have to see, then all that means is Tommy is flying. Maybe not the way he’s meant to, but the only way he can. Maybe it’s enough. 
He screams with the first swoop, clawing into Philza for safety. Strong arms press him closer to Philza’s chest, reassuring in their tight hold. The nascent reverberations of a coo Philza bites down rumbles in the throat Tommy’s tucked into, instinctively weakening his coiled tension. The flight smooths into a gentle glide, the plummet of Tommy’s gut vanishing. Only the wind tearing past assures him of their movement. 
He knows they can’t be falling, but he can’t shake the thought. Scared, he pries open a eye. Unlike the tower, the ground isn’t rushing up to shatter him. Icy waves scroll past slowly beneath them, almost still. Sunlight glitters across glaciers, burning in radiant streaks. The tranquil arctic sea is starkly incongruous with the terror ebbing in his chest. His urgent nightmares give way to new peaceful memories, the spark of fear unable to catch. Tommy’s death grip on the potion eases from its white-knuckled terror. 
It hasn’t been long enough when they’ve crossed the bay, Phil coming to a careful stop on an outcropping. There’s an awkward moment as Phil tries to set him down and Tommy still clings on. As cold as it is Tommy doesn’t mind being tucked underwing. 
“Alright, check in time. How was the glide? Do you want to try more compli- oh- oh mate,” Philza says in a soft, fragile way as he finally catches a look at Tommy. He bends slightly till they’re face to face, carefully brushing away blossoming tears. Tommy wants to shove him away, pretend it was the wind. But it feels so nice to sink into the warm, calloused palm cupping his cheek. “This cliff connects to the mainland if you’d prefer to walk back. We can try again later. Or never. Whatever you need…” 
Tommy shakes his head, dismissing his worries. “I didn’t know how much I missed it.” 
Philza’s smile is a mixed thing, half relief half heartbreak. “Flying should’ve never been taken from you. But before long your new primaries will come in and you’ll be able to soar on your own.” Before the thought had filled him with dread, but the memory of wind gushing through his feathers dulls the edge of his insecurities. One day he’ll have feathers his abuser never touched. 
On the return flight Tommy doesn’t need to hide, instead facing outward like Phil initially planned. Probably more aerodynamic that way, and it gives him a better view. Tommy’s wings scrunch up, trying not to get in the way of Philza. The flight is rougher than the glide, Philza flapping quickly to gain upward momentum. Tommy’s gut swoops, but the ascension is so unlike his plummet, a controlled and triumphant race towards the heavens. The arms wrapped around his midriff are secure and not for a second does he imagine falling. The shift of Philza’s muscles against his back with each beat of his wings almost feels like his own strain against the wind, almost feels like his own wings. He finds himself tensing in the pattern of it, echoing Philza’s minute adjustments to the wind current. 
Tommy’s wings instinctively begin to spread. They’re so ragged and ugly compared to Philza’s sleek ebony plumage. Mud colored, his abuser teased once. But in the streaks of close sunlight they glow with auburns and golds, the white undersides softer than the surrounding clouds. They wobble slightly as wind buffets the pair, and quickly Tommy straightens out fully, hesitance forgotten. As air slips through his feathers something wakens in him. It feels right in a way so little has recently. 
Philza caws at him, subtly rocking, and Tommy leans into it, copying the tilt of his wings as they arc into a loose gyre. Tommy grins as he earns an approving coo, dutifully mimicking Philza’s exaggerated, coached movements. He flaps, Tommy’s wings awkwardly crashing into his the first few times till he gets in rhythm, the pair climbing higher into the azure. Perhaps for Philza it feels like teaching, but for Tommy it feels like remembering. All the little instinctive details he’d forgotten, all rushing back like they’d never left, like an old nostalgic song he’d thought he forgot the lyrics to until he heard the tune again. His own short wings stretch out beneath Philza’s massive black ones, flapping and angling to match. It’s as if they become one. 
An elated chirp bursts out of Tommy, and for once he doesn’t slam his hands over his mouth. It doesn’t overwhelm him, this joy, doesn’t rob him of his senses. It feels like laughter, something drawn out, not forced upon him. A wild, booming caw explodes from Philza in response, vibrating deep in the chest Tommy is flush against. Tommy is delighted to discover his vibrant, bubbly chirps are prettier than Philza’s raspy caws, though they surely hold no less enthusiasm. Suddenly it makes sense why they’re always so loud and ear-piercing. Words are only whipped away in the rush of the wind. The pair twitter back and forth, less a language and more intuition and tone. It feels like pure joy. 
Their descent is slow and winding, Philza careful to avoid anything resembling a dive or swoop. He’s disappointed when they finally land at the first cliff. It’s dizzying to go from feeling like the wind itself to be standing on firm ground once again. Unconsciously Tommy’s wings flare out, echoing the memory of freedom still ringing in his head. The careful angling for aerodynamics, adjusting to currents of wind. He steps back towards the cliff, tensing as if to launch once more. 
A hand lands on his shoulder, and Tommy blinks. “Hold on, I need a break first.” Phil smiles at the impatience in his eyes.
“Tired old man! I bet I’ll be an even faster flier than you. I’ll leave you in the dust.” Tommy puffs up his chest, but mischief suddenly dances in Philza’s eyes, and Tommy huffs. “What’s so fun-”
“BOO!” Techno shouts, jabbing Tommy in his soft sides. The boy shrieks, feathers fluffing up as he’s seized and lifted into the air. He thrashes and flaps wildly, but the piglin’s long arms prevent retaliation. 
“OOOOOH I’M GOING TO STAB YOU. YOU DON’T EVEN KNOW HOW MUCH I’M GOING TO STAB YOU.” Tommy smirks in satisfaction as his wing bashes Techno in the snout. It falters as Techno swings him around and around until the world blurs. Tommy stumbles as he’s set down, then leans against Techno as he tries to overcome the vertigo. “There, now I got my turn flying you. I’m sure it was the exact same deeply bonding experience you just had with Phil. I’m guessing it worked?” 
“It was fantastic!” Tommy enthuses, stretching his wings out. 
“I meant the hatchling thing. Like, you didn’t freeze up when I spooked you.”
“Oh.” Tommy had…kinda forgotten about that part. “...maybe?” He catches himself and jerks his head up. “Actually, since I have no possible way of knowing we’ll just have to go on a bunch more flights. You know. Just in case. You never can be sure with these things.” 
Philza chuckles and tucks him neatly underwing, pulling him close. “Oh yes, really cement the milestone to your instincts.”
Tommy laughs as Philza scuffs up his hair, batting him away. “Oi! Don’t mess with the Tommy Charm™!” When meticulously fixing his locks, he freezes as his fingers encounter a foreign object. He slowly pulls out one of Philza’s feathers from where it had accidentally gotten lodged in his hair. He runs his finger along the vane, watching dark barbs ripple, iridescence catching the light in flashes of indigos and wines. 
Philza goes a little rigid. “Ah- sorry mate, didn’t mean to shed on you.” He reaches for the feather, but Tommy is mesmerized by it, flicking the edges so the barbs part then preening them back into smooth completion. 
“Can I keep it?” he asks before he quite plans to. He doesn’t mean to, knows he’s only getting Phil’s hope up. He wants to shove it back in his mouth. He doesn’t. 
“Y-yeah. Sure mate. If you want to.” Phil barely clamps down on bursting euphoria, trying to be as calm and nonchalant as possible. In avian culture, wearing another’s feathers is a promise to carry the person as safely as their own two wings. Hadn’t Philza already done that? Hadn’t he already promised to always? He’s so, so ready to be family, but even if Tommy is painfully aware of it, Philza never intentionally pressures him. He’s just…allowed to take things at his own speed. Tommy doesn’t slip the feather behind his ear, but he doesn’t let go of it, either. That night he tucks it next to a picture of the three of them. It doesn’t feel overwhelming, more like a gentle promise for when he’s ready for it. 
And one day he will be. Not now, though. Not when some small panicked creature in him wants to bolt at the thought of wearing Philza’s feathers, let alone how he feels about his own. 
But one day he’ll wear both their feathers with pride. 
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stemms · 9 months
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Hybrids AU c!Tommy stimboard made for kin reasons :)
🪶 | ❤️‍🩹 | 🪶
❤️‍🩹 | :( | ❤️‍🩹
🪶 | ❤️‍🩹 | 🪶
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rat-rosemary · 9 months
I'm a heavy believer in "C!Dream dated an entire family line" w/ him dating Fundy and Wilbur and Philza, but I just had the most crack au idea ever
Chayane and Tallulah both find pictures from when Dream used to date their Dads and in true c!Wilbur style they assume that that's their mom
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doggyfood · 6 months
New au in the making!! Y'all aren't even ready for this!!!
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Heheheheh more updates on this soon >:3
And @local-squishmallow , I know you love karlnapity!! Your gonna love it :33
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mellorphic · 1 year
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Axolotl hybrid Niki and deer hybrid Tommy! (New L’Manberg Niki and Exile Tommy)
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