#dsmp villain au
zethsnex · 3 months
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It’s a pity Sir won’t visit him :)
This little guy is @rainystressed247 <3!
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carnatus89 · 2 months
I have a great apreciation to c!Dream, he's so moldeable. So, I decided to draw some Dream AUs I like.
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First two are my own Dreams I just rotate in my mind. The last two are Black Dog!Dream or Laelaps from @simplepotatofarmer and The Villain needs a therapist!Dream from @rainystressed247
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Version 2 since I looove drawing hair and I liked to draw the mask bloddied.
Close ups and rambling below
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Voices in my head Dream, my blorbo, my baby boy. This design is kinda in the future? The scars don't really heal and he get's a little gift from a special someone.
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Canibal Dream. My main source of inspiration is my spotify playlist and I have some, songs that talk a lot of blood and flesh and eating, so. In both DreamXD is a bitch, all my homies hates DreamXD. Basically Dream having the hungries but fighting it, geeting thinner and thinner until is just to much and just starts literally biting people.
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Black Dog Dream, one day I just scrolled all the tag on tumblr and I haven't know peace since. But holy fuck I hate the fucking mask, I spend like an hour on the sketch just for the dog mask. On the other hand, the hair? God. And the scars, I really like how it turned out. And dead eyes, loooove it.
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The villain needs a therapist Dream. I don't know, I just think he's neat. Also I love drawing eyes so I had an excuse to draw spiral eyes. And long hair.
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that-sweet-jester · 1 year
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I've yet again fallen into the superhero AUs
For those interested in checking my AU👀 pt.1 pt.2
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jackmanifold-daily · 1 year
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many manifolds d:)
+ closeups
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loneycorner · 2 months
Hey chat, I just wanna say, the song "Cannibal" by Neathan Apollo just fits Villain!Tommy (specifically the one in the actual DSMP after exile), especially in an AU I have been thinking about for the farthest time now
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pineapplecrushhh · 1 month
i didnt order this - a dteam + tommyinnit found family fic
Tommy grew up in the foster care system, struggling with violent thoughts and a powerful mind control ability that he couldn't fully understand, let alone keep under wraps. When the hero agency takes him in at a young age, they promise to help him master his powers and give him a purpose. Now, working at a quiet coffee shop, Tommy starts to find solace in the routine—until three new customers, Dream, Sapnap, and George, begin showing up more often.
What Tommy doesn't realize is that these three aren't just customers; they're the very villains he's been trained to fight against. But as Dream takes a special interest in him, Tommy starts to question everything he's been taught. With the lines between good and evil blurring, Tommy must decide who to trust and where his loyalties truly lie.
Tommy gains a new family in the most unexpected way. (our fic, please read and be tuned in for more chapters!)
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Chapter summary:
Wilbur sat down on the bed. “I almost watched you die to one, Tommy. I can’t teach you to fight, knowing that something like that might happen again. You’re my little brother.”
“And you’re my older brother. I still let you do this, knowing what might happen. Knowing what it feels like to… to hurt.”
“That’s different.”
“It’s not.”
Wilbur’s gaze drifted up to Tommy’s eyes, contemplative, and Tommy put effort into looking the part. He tilted his chin up, pushed his shoulders back, tried to bleed confidence as shimmering and brilliant as… well… gold.
“I’m not scared, Wilbur,” he said. “Please just let me help.”
Final chapter!!!! I hope you guys have enjoyed this fic as much as I enjoyed writing it :)
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kisuminight · 5 months
A very general outline of how this AU's Staged Finale goes down:
So Tommy swings the Axe of Peace. And instead of turning into golden dust like a respawn, Dream shatters into pieces of light. The axe catches on Dream’s core crystal and basically knocks it so it hits the ground behind Tommy, in the middle of the gathered server members.
“What the fuck?” says Tommy.
“Language!” from Bad.
“That’s a core crystal. Dream was a Blade?” says Punz. He steps closer to the core crystal on the ground.
“Don’t touch that!” says Sapnap. He also steps closer to the core crystal on the ground.
“Chill. It can take up to three days for a core crystal to recover enough to be Awakened again.” But Punz steps back.
“Dream can’t be a Blade.” Says Sam. “Are you sure that was Dream?”
“Of course if was fucking Dream! You think I don’t fucking recognize how he fucking fights?” Tommy again.
“But if Dream is a Blade, who was his Driver?” Tubbo.
The problem is that Blades, socially, are seen as extensions of their Drivers. Most people expect that, if a Blade is doing something, it is because their Driver told them to. Anyone who has interacted with Skeppy on a frequent basis (and is aware he is a Blade) knows this is nonsense, but ingrained prejudice is strong. Tommy and Tubbo being mostly clueless about the Blade system actually puts them at a better point for recognizing Dream’s agency than anyone else.
Sapnap is having a breakdown. He thought he understood his friend, and then he thought that he didn’t understand his friend but that was okay because Dream was a bad friend. Now Dream is a Blade and some things are making sense but more things aren’t and actually his friend is for-real dead now. Not dead as in a canon death, dead as in the Dream that existed just stopped the moment he was returned to a core crystal. If it is Awakened, the New Dream will be similar but will not be the same person. The last bit hasn’t really hit him yet.
Antfrost and Bad have both been corrupted by the Egg at this point. They are surprised about Dream being a Blade, but are pushed by the Egg to want to bring Dream’s core crystal back to it. The Egg has a hard time infecting Blades, and only got Skeppy by a combination of lingering influence coming from Bad and long-term direct exposure. It is aware that any Blade in its power that reverts to a core crystal will reAwaken without the corruption, and has plans that revolve around trying to corrupt Dream’s core crystal itself.
HBomb, Jack Manifold, and Niki are mostly satisfied that Dream is not going to be a Problem any more. They are content to leave at this point. Niki did guess that Philza was a blade, and since Techno contacted her prior to the confrontation, she does inform Techno (who she thinks is Philza’s Driver) about the situation with Dream.
Callahan is worried about the situation. He wants to know who Dream’s Driver was. As a Blade himself, he is aware that a Driver does not absolutely dictate what Blades can/cannot do. However, a Blade’s relationship with their Driver does greatly impact how they see the rest of the world. Callahan is also aware that a Driver does not necessarily have to be on the same server as the Blade, seeing as his Driver Alyssa is off-server.
Ranboo is staying quiet. He and Punz are staying out of this discussion. Punz makes an excuse to leave early, and dips out while making motions to or saying something about Dream’s core crystal, which is still on the ground. Ranboo is hovering around, acting hesitant.
Sam also wants to know who Dream’s Driver was. He is currently the Warden of Pandora’s Vault, and while his behavior has not reached the point where it would in canon-timeline after overseeing Dream’s imprisonment, the signs are already starting. Sam thinks that Dream should be reAwakened and that they need to be careful about who Dream’s new Driver is to make sure that Dream is a Good Person in his new life (Sam is advocating to be the new Driver).
Puffy agrees that Dream needs a good Driver to be a better person in his new life. She thinks Sam is a good person for that. Eret weighs in at this point and mentions that Dream was a citizen of the Greater Dream SMP and might be better with them (this is part of Eret’s quest for reconciliation, as well as a bit of power-hunger. Eret is a weird character). Puffy says that Sam would be better because Dream shouldn’t be around/have influence in politics. She says Dream probably shouldn’t go with Bad or Antfrost for similar reasons. At this point, Eret leaves.
Tommy wants to know what the hell are they talking about. Why is Dream a rock? Why are they trying to revive Dream at all? It’s like they think that Dream isn’t a wrongun’.
*Blade system is explained to Tommy*
Okay, so the New Dream will look exactly the same as Dream. And act exactly like Dream. And you think it’s okay to wake him up because he won’t have any memories? Tommy calls Doubt with lots of cursing. Bullshit Dream was doing it on orders. It was only Dream demanding Exile. It was only Dream during Exile. Yeah, Doomsday was Dream + Phil + Techno, but Dream wasn’t getting puppeted by either of them. And if Dream was a Blade, why didn’t Dream ever use any of his Blade powers? None of them even know what his Soul Weapon looked like. They don’t know what his element is. Even healer Blades have some weak attacks, and he didn’t use an of that shit! Maybe Dream should stay a rock.
“What the fuck, Tommy,” goes Sapnap.
“Maybe Tommy should reAwaken him,” says Tubbo. The issue is that Dream hated Tommy, right? If Tommy is Dream’s Driver, then that can’t happen again. Dream will help Tommy, be his friend. After all, Dream was nice in the beginning.
Dream will be Tommy’s friend sets Tommy off. “Dream was never my friend and never will be!” This is lingering trauma from the emotional manipulation from exile. Meta note, the relationship between Tommy and Dream would not be healthy at this point.
“Dream should stay with someone who was actually his friend,” Ponk disagrees. Giving a Blade to someone who was their enemy seems ethically dubious.
“Sapnap,” says Quackity.
“Not Sapnap,” says everyone else.
“Fine, George then.”
Sapnap, who is still having a breakdown and is processing 1000+ things and just realized that George might have been Dream’s Driver, based the fact that he re-met Dream as George’s friend and also George’s weird behavior around the dethronement, “Not George.”
“You should leave Dream as a rock,” Tommy repeats.
“I still think it would be better if he stayed with Sapnap,” says Quackity. This is partly to support his fiancé and partly because he thinks having a Blade in his sphere of influence would help his plans. “What do you think, Ranboo?”
“Um, Karl?” It sounds shaky, and the pronunciation is weird. Ranboo leaves.
People present: Tommy, Tubbo, Puffy, Quackity, Sapnap, Antfrost, Badboyhalo, Ponk, Awesamedude.
Karl is friendly. He is minimally involved in server politics at this point (since El Rapids is mostly forgot about in comparison to L’Manberg, and L’Manberg is a hole in the ground). He is Quackity’s other fiancé, so this is still a good solution for Q. Tubbo likes Karl. Tommy is kind of “eh” about it, but he also thinks that Dream should not be reAwakened at this point. Everyone else talks over him. Sam is okay with Karl, but he would prefer to have Dream as his Blade.
“Sapnap, can you bring the core crystal to Karl?”
The core crystal is Not There.
Everyone freaks out. Sapnap demands that everyone empty their inventory. Nobody present has the core crystal (or they are pretending they don’t. Sapnap isn’t sure how much he can trust them). When was the last time anybody remembered seeing it? Well, that was when Punz pointed to it and left. Okay, so Punz doesn’t have it.
Who left?
Ranboo, HBomb, Eret, Niki, and Jack Manifold.
On the Nether side of the portal, EW!Ranboo drops Dream’s core crystal into Punz’s hand. Even if someone were to come through the portal now, they wouldn’t be able to see them. Punz was actively pushing aether into his passive powers, rendering the two of them completely unnoticeable. Once Punz has the core crystal, he steps back. EW!Ranboo completely loses track of him as he leaves.
EW!Ranboo scribbles the basics of what happened in his memory book, Dream tried to kill Tommy and Tubbo. We rescued them. Dream is a Blade and they are fighting about who Dream’s new Driver will be. I am worried about the outcome. Then he gives control back to Ranboo.
So everyone goes into the Nether, and they see Ranboo standing there putting away with his memory book. Ranboo says, “What happened?”
“Ranboo, can you empty your inventory?” The core crystal is Not There (anymore).
Ranboo apologizes to Tubbo, “I’m sorry. Thinks were very stressful. I don’t remember what happened at the confrontation.”
Three days later, Punz Awakens Dream as his Blade. “Hey, buddy. You doing okay?”
“…Resonance feels different from George. It’s weird to have a comparison.”
Results of Staged Finale:
Punz is not under suspicion for having Dream or helping Dream before he was killed. Ranboo is also not under suspicion. Dream has been reAwakened with all his memories (the experiments worked!). They can now continue further experiments in peace. Everyone at Staged Finale is now very suspicious of each other. The idea of someone on the server can just pull a Blade with Dream’s fighting skills, unknown powers, and the blind loyalty of all New Blades out of their inventory unnerves people. Tensions are high, but most people are reluctant to get into actual fights for the moment because what if.
Dream is avoiding the SMP in general, but if someone does see him he can just say “I have no idea who you are, got to go.” There is a greatly reduced risk of immediate attack as long as he pretends to be an amnesiac new Blade if he is discovered.
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thesacredorb · 5 months
The Runaway
by sacreds_stories
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Short snippet:
And the fucker missed.
Atlas blinked and watched as the man's fist met hard brick, almost able to hear the way his skin tore open as he punched right where the man had sent the broken glass, the vigilante shrinking back and bringing his hands up to his ears when the telekinetic shrieked in pain. As the man drew back his fist, Atlas was able to see the blood that lined his knuckles, as well as a few small shards that actually stayed in his hand. That can’t feel pleasant, Atlas would feel sorry for him, had the asshole not thrown a whole fucking car at him earlier. That was just a dick move.
But something else Atlas noticed as the man pulled his bloodied fist away, and as he was released from the invisible force that had pinned him to the wall, was a strange green-ish tint that seemed to shimmer when he tilted his head a certain way.
Although it did take a moment, a wide smile appeared under Atlas's mask as he realized what was going on, and oh was he so ready to watch this dickhead get his ass handed to him.
I haven't updated this fic specifically in over six months, and I feel so bad because I really enjoy this one and am really fucking excited to see people sob over the ending I have planned :)
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anarchy-and-piglins · 4 months
when I realised the Dante in your fics was Dante from hypixel I nearly choked laughing. I completely forgot about him before then
It's just so very convenient because sometimes you just need a good name for a villain/whumper and you don't wanna make an 'OC' (technically, because the way I write Dante would frankly also be considered as an OC because he's more of a non-character). Using OC villains or whumpees can be fine (I did it in Weapon of War for example, where Techno's ex-owner is just a random unnamed guy) but named characters can be convenient. Dante is a classic, I sometimes also use Ender and I used to yoink Dream or Quackity more often o7
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The syndicates' identities are leaked, they all go into hiding but alot of the family members of said villains, including the angel of death's wife, are captured and all of them put in prison for conspiring.
Tommy, a hero who knows damn well other heroes and politicians interact with villains too, thinks that prison is a bit harsh.
most either didnt know about their family being villains, or weren't really involved outside of knowing and not snitching.
The angel of death’s wife, who hadnt even known about her husband being a villain, had been put in Pandora's prison.
Prison, tommy decides, especially pandora’s prison, is too much. 
Tommy tried to weigh in to get them to not put them all in prison, they say “lol no stupid young hero, we need an example, we dont care if its fair” 
tommy makes a reactionary decision
Tommy causes chaos by leaking files of all the only slightly illegal deals politicians and hero’s have made with villains for territory and co-operation and such
(tommy wishes he had the time to visit all the innocent people in prison, but he needs more time to compile the files and only has time to visit kristen because shes in pandoras vault and therefore closer)
Tommy gets in contact with quackity, who the gov commonly contact for deals, and tells him this is not hero business, he’ll have the family members of the syndicate including angels wife out soon and asks where they need to meet
Tommy leaks one last (horrible) file to ensure a larger protest outside the prison/hero’s hq
(its the same building to ward off prison breaks from the inside and out)
grabs the angels wife, kristen, first, and leads her out the side of the building, her and him both wearing janitor outfits to cover his hero fit and her prison uniform, the medical mask hiding tommy’s hero mask
Tommy delivers kristen right into her family’s arms and after their reunion ends he tells them he’ll be back with the other family members soon he just has to break them out of their individual prisons.
Kristens family, after sharing a look, offer their help. 
Tommy is stoked, the syndicate, his childhood idols, just offered to rescue people with him.
But he’s on a time limit so he can only bring one of them. (idk pick one yourself to go with him)
They bust into the prisons together, in the end they get and bring back all the family members from prison safe and sound.
He’s exhausted, but he’s also feeling very vindicated. He always knew he’d make a great jail break villain. Which he now technically was.
Eh, he was planning to defect anyways.
Then he like, becomes a separate villain who’s just like chill with the syndicate and who comes for brunch every once in a while with them
Or kristen gets phil to offer tommy a place in the syndicate and quackity like arranges a place for tommy or something idk
also side note i remember wanting to make more tommy and kristen bonding scenes into this but just didnt have the energy
so some lil bonus ideas i had
tommy finds out from kristen that while she didnt know about her husband and kids being villains, she isnt too torn up about it at all, because she had assumed from all the bruises that her boys were in a fight club again which she considered worse
tommy after begging sam nook, the regular gaurd, brings kristen paper mache animals and she gets to keep them in her cell
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plaguethewaters · 5 months
kinda batshit insane but. dsmp sk8 au where beeduo are matchablossom. Hear me out.
older beeduo perfectly comfortable in their marriage keeping it a secret at S because its fun. Ranboo's competitivness stirring up that "tactical flirting" theyre too socially anxious to try in their daily life and tubbo having loads of fun showing off his "lawyer with a stick up his ass" worksona while also cursing his husband off at any point in time.
Tommy is shadow, in this dynamic, a little bit different than in og sk8. Ig he's a little closer to adam inn that hes the same age as beeduo and went to school with them but also hes not a pedo with weird codependent relationships. And i love the idea of him having a little flower shop but also dressing in full punk demonic regalia at S. Let him be fucking weird and extra.
if i want to have adam be close to sk8 canon Dream is the obvious choice. Weird obsession with a singular kid and an incessant need to have power over everyone and everything, with a couple of guys who where super friends with him in his youth but ended up dropping him because of the weird controlling behaviour? perfect. I like the idea of tadashi being punz in this situation, even if george would probably fit better but idk.
It works very well actually because - reki and the babygang would be second gen dsmp kids. In particular, reki would be michael, langa would be shroud, and miya would be yogurt (little subplot- wilbur is Oka in this au, fundy is a random guy thats his son and kinda hates that his own child chose the same hobby as his father). Thus we would have dream getting super super obsessed with shroud - not inn a weirdly sexual way like adam for langa, but as a replacement. Tommy's all grown up, hes not fun to play with anymore. What better than tommy's precious son to fill up the role? Especially since it gets tommy so worked up.
This also opens the way to another secret plot, because te kids would have absolutely no idea its their parents in the masks at S. Michael probably finds out when Nuke gets decked in the face by dream's skateboard during the beef, they have to call the ambulance and - oh prime thats my goddamn dads.
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geese-bumps · 1 year
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THEY ARE BROTHERS, YOUR HONOUR!!! tommy and shroud from my villain au, brothers no matter how much time passes :)
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Everything in my Vision (Departure and Death)
“Tech-Techno!” Tommy shouted, trying to get Techno’s attention. Techno had turned his head towards Tommy. “Civilians!” Tommy tried to convey what he wanted to do, but Techno didn’t seem to understand. “There’s civilians at the top of the tower!” Techno and Tommy were near the bottom of the tower, one more floor between them and the lobby and the outside. “They aren’t our problem, Theseus, we need to leave.” Techno responded. Tommy’s eyes widened, and he tried to pull away, tried to yank his arm away from Techno, but he was unable. He was also unable to phase through the other. “Tech-?” Tommy was confused. He was scared. His eyes were wide, they were wet and watery from the smoke, and Tommy didn’t understand anything that was going on. ... Title from "Wildflower and Barley" by Hozier
Content Warning's/Trigger Warnings: hero villain au, villain Technoblade, mentions fighting rings, mentions child death, hero (attempted) tommyinnit, child weapon, implied kidnapping
Characters: Technoblade, TommyInnit, Philza
Chapters: 1/1
Words: 3,006
Status: Complete
Fanfic Links:
|| Ao3 || Fanfiction Net ||
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Tommy would say that he didn’t remember the first time that he’d been forced into the ring, forced to fight for his life with a knife that was too big for his hands. He hadn’t even grown into his hybrid traits yet, he was that young.
He was fighting another kid, nearly four years older than he was, clearly grown into her hybrid traits. She’d been a kitsune hybrid. Tommy remembered she’d had three tails, and Tommy remembered the fear in her eyes when he’d won.
He never saw her again after that.
He also remembered his first fight after he’d grown into his hybrid traits, not enough to control them, but he’d grown into them finally. He’d been so scared that he’d phased right through his attacker, but he wasn’t in control, and he’d accidentally killed him. Another kid, just wanting to survive another day in a hell that had sunk its claws into all of them.
He’d been a wolf hybrid.
The experiments had started after that. After it became apparent that he was a phantom avian, and not just an avian like his captors had suspected. Tommy was questioned about his heritage, starting with his parents… the same parents that Tommy didn’t even remember having.
The punishments hurt for not answering their questions more than knowing he’d taken someone’s life with his own hands.
He hated his wings, too. For being the same color as the blood that had coated his hands. For not being the same color as the blood that they would take from his body. He wished his wings were as golden as his own blood, an anomaly they’d said.
Tommy never uttered a word about the voices that sounded so much like those he’d killed, the ones that he was later forced to kill. He was used to kill people by making it so that they couldn’t breathe, but to preserve their lungs so that the scientists could learn how to survive Tommy’s ability.
Tommy refused to tell them that there was no way of preventing your lungs from being removed from your body. They were welcome to keep trying, however.
All they were doing was helping improve Tommy’s control, at any rate.
Tommy could also remember the first time he met Technoblade, a massive Piglin Hybrid that towered over Tommy, who had only been eleven years old. Tommy was small for his age, and for his species, and so it had made Techno seem even scarier to him.
Tommy was supposed to take a bone out of Techno, only a bone so as to not actually hurt him. The scientists wanted to know if Techno could regrow bones as well as organs and limbs, something Tommy hoped to never have to see happen.
Tommy had shaken hard, falling to the ground when the scientists had shoved him into the cage-like holding cell. Tommy had yelped, scrambling to get to his feet and looking up just in time to flinch back from how tall and bulky Techno had seemed then, Techno having approached him on near silent feet.
Tommy had frozen, eyes wide and no doubt shaking from fear.
“Theseus, get the bone. Let’s go. We don’t have all day.” The head scientist’s voice had sounded over the intercom. Tommy shuddered, hating the metallic sound to her voice when she spoke. The Blade was standing just three feet from Tommy, who felt so much smaller in comparison to the Piglin Hybrid.
“Theseus?” The Blade sounded unimpressed, and Tommy trilled slightly from fear. The Blade paused, taking a moment to stare and analyze Tommy, who’s wings twitched from his sudden fear. “What do they mean by ‘get the bone’?”
“I-I,” Tommy’s mouth closed with a click as he fought back a scream. The bracelet around his wrist buzzed with electricity and tears welled up in his eyes. Tommy flinched back as The Blade moved forward with surprising speed.
“How.” The Blade had asked. Tommy waited until the electricity turned off, before shakily raising his hand towards The Blade’s own. His hand went transparent, just slightly, as he reached into The Blade’s hand. Tommy knew how to put bones back should The Blade not be able to regrow bones.
Tommy pulled back once he’d had the bone, one of the ones in the pinky, and shuddered away as The Blade flinched. His pinky hadn’t been able to support itself, and had fallen limp towards the back of his hand.
Tommy watched as The Blade turned his hand, so the finger fell towards his palm instead of the back of his hand. And Tommy watched as The Blade’s pinky slowly started perking back up, like the bone was regrowing. It didn’t take long to happen, and even The Blade seemed interested as the two of them watched the bone regrow.
Tommy’s grip on the pinky bone he’d taken loosened, in curiosity.
“I think they have their answer.” The Blade answered quietly. Tommy still had to take another shocking for taking as long as he had; but it was worth it for the small hug that he’d gotten from The Blade.
Tommy hadn’t been as scared the second time he’d been forced into the cage with The Blade, this time just because they didn’t have a use for him, and his own had been destroyed when they’d brought in an avian and a phantom duo to see if they could make Tommy better.
Instead, he’d curled up as Techno read a book, not going near the other but listening when Techno had started to read out loud. Tommy had never seen a book before, he didn’t know how to read. He’d fallen asleep part way through the book, curled up in the corner.
He would wake up leaning against The Blade’s side as the Piglin Hybrid growled at the doorway, where a scientist stood with a gun and a warning.
The ensuing fight had scared Tommy more than anything else he’d ever experienced. With Techno killing nearly six scientists before Tommy’s cries had broken through whatever haze had overtaken The Blade.
Tommy didn’t see him for nearly a year after that.
“Theseus, where did your head go?” Tommy blinked, looking over and spotting Blinkstorm, one of the heroes that had saved him nearly two years ago. Tommy nodded, pushing himself back off of the floor. He’d been knocked down and it must have knocked some memories loose, ones he’d nearly forgotten about. He’d gotten distracted.
“Yeah, yeah, uh, sorry.” Tommy winced. Blinkstorm didn’t like it when Tommy stuttered, or stumbled over his words. Blinkstorm gave him a hard look, and Tommy bowed his head slightly. “Sorry.”
“Let’s get back to work.” Tommy nodded quickly, following after him. Blinkstorm was already upset with him, hesitating or dilly dallying would only upset Blinkstorm even more. He was behind the other recruits already, or at least that’s what Blinkstorm had said.
Tommy had never seen a single other recruit in the year and a half that he’d been training with Blinkstorm. He never even heard of another single recruit, never heard of other heroes needing the training room, even. Though he’d seen nearly a hundred heroes around the tower.
He also hadn’t gotten to see Techno recently, which upset him a little. But he needed to get better, get more control, get stronger so that he doesn’t need three or four heroes at his side when fighting bigger villains.
He wanted to get stronger so he could protect Techno, like Techno protected him.
Tommy got into position, getting ready for another sparring session.
Tommy groaned, forcing his eyes open and looking around in confusion. There was the sound of fighting going on somewhere. Tommy groaned again, pushing himself up and looking around, trying to gather his bearings.
People were shouting and running just outside his room. There was the sound of an explosion and Tommy pushed himself out of bed, stumbling to run to the door. Were they under attack? Why wouldn’t anyone make sure that he was on his way to help? He couldn’t be hurt by fire, and falling debris couldn’t hurt him or whoever he was touching. Why wouldn’t they come wake him up to help?
Tommy got to the door, hand on the handle and he pulled… and pulled… and pulled… Tommy’s door was locked.
Tommy’s breathing picked up, and he started pounding on the door in an attempt to get someone’s attention. The blue lights in his room made it so that he couldn’t use his hybrid traits, leaving him trapped in a locked room while they were under attack.
“Let me out!” Tommy shouted, pounding on his door harder. He wasn’t strong, he never had been. He was fast, he was clever, he was built for stealth despite his loud personality. Tommy didn’t like being trapped, hated it in fact. “I can help! Let me out!” Tommy shouted, his voice cracking in his panic.
“Theseus!” Tommy felt himself relax, hearing Techno’s voice. It had been nearly three months since the last time he got to see Techno.
“Tech! Techno!” Tommy shouted, pounding on his door again. “I can’t get out!” Tommy felt his eyes begin burning as his breathing hitched. “I can’t-I can’t get out!” Tommy hit the door again, coughing slightly.
Tommy looked around in confusion as he started smelling something burning. It took severla moments to realize that there was smoke filling in his room.
“Tech-Tec-Techno!” Tommy hit the door harder. “I-,” Tommy started coughing again. “I can’t breathe.”
“Thes, Theseus, back up. Get away from the door.” Techno’s voice sounded so close. Tommy couched harder, but he dutifully backed up back towards his bed, covering his mouth with the top of his shirt and crouching down.
His door shook once, twice, three times before it broke open and there was Techno. His eyes locked on Techno, who’s eyes were blood red, nearly entirely as he looked around for Tommy. They landed on him, and Tommy moved forward towards Techno.
“Come on Theseus, come on, we gotta go, we-” Techno managed to turn and stop a literal sword from piercing his back with his hands. Tommy’s eyes widened as he stared at WhirlWind and Armoury. They were heroes, and… and…
“They’re taking Him! They are trying to get away with Phoenix!” Tommy blinked in confusion, even as Techno grabbed his hand and started pulling him along. Tommy stumbled, his breathing becoming uneven as they got lower in the building, closer towards the door and away from where people needed help. There were civilians in the building, Tommy knew, and he had the urge to turn, leave Techno to run and to go help the innocent civilians that were near the top of the building.
“Tech-Techno!” Tommy shouted, trying to get Techno’s attention. Techno had turned his head towards Tommy. “Civilians!” Tommy tried to convey what he wanted to do, but Techno didn’t seem to understand. “There’s civilians at the top of the tower!” Techno and Tommy were near the bottom of the tower, one more floor between them and the lobby and the outside.
“They aren’t our problem, Theseus, we need to leave.” Techno responded. Tommy’s eyes widened, and he tried to pull away, tried to yank his arm away from Techno, but he was unable.
He was also unable to phase through the other.
“Tech-?” Tommy was confused. He was scared. His eyes were wide, they were wet and watery from the smoke, and Tommy didn’t understand anything that was going on.
“Come on, we’re leaving this place.” Techno wasn’t going to take any arguments, and that was something Tommy had known for years. Tommy was forced to follow Techno out the door of the lobby, still feeling confused as to why Techno was against helping the civilians, and why two heroes had tried to kill Techno.
Tommy felt horrified. They’d gone to a villain to hide out from the heroes. Tommy also felt betrayed. Techno had a charm that could cancel hybrid traits, and had used it on Tommy to get him out of the hero tower.
He was given a room in the villains base, specifically in Angel’s base. Angel was a winged villain with midnight black wings and crows that were perched everywhere. His wife was also a villain, though the heroes didn’t know her villain name, she was too unknown to even be given a temporary one.
And Techno was a villain too.
That was probably the part that hurt Tommy the most.
Techno was a villain too. He was The Blood God. It probably scared Tommy a lot more than anything Techno had ever done before, and Tommy had watched Techno kill scientists that had tried to separate Tommy from him.
That had been instinct. Killing four heroes for helping civilians had been for fun.
Tommy had seen the videos, had read the files, had even done tests on villains. But he couldn’t connect his protector with the videos. He couldn’t connect The Blade with The Blood God. It was nearly impossible to do so. But they both had long pink hair, and had the same build…
Tommy was curled up in the corner of the room he’d been given to stay in. The room had led very thinly placed within the walls, supposedly to keep another villain out, but Tommy wasn’t quite sure he believed that.
He’d cried himself out nearly an hour ago, and thrown up twice in the bathroom from how hard he’d cried. He felt betrayed, he felt hurt, and he was confused.
He ignored Techno trying to talk to him, ignored that Techno was trying to explain everything to him. He had the strongest feeling that if he were to let Techno in, that he would hate his protector. He had the fear that they would fight, voices raised or fights thrown.
He had the fear that he would understand.
Tommy was correct that the two of them would fight, had Tommy let him in. Their voices had been raised, and Tommy had cried.
Tommy had flinched when Techno had reached out to comfort him like he had nearly a thousand times. Tommy didn’t know what hurt more; The fear of Techno that came out of nowhere, or Techno flinching back with hurt and pain in his eyes.
Tommy didn’t know which he would have preferred.
“They saved us!” Tommy had tried to scream, but his voice had failed him. He didn’t even get his voice raised above talking, and it cracked as tears started to fall. He hated fighting, of any kind. He didn’t want to fight, and he most definitely didn’t want to fight with Techno of all people.
But how could Angel, a villain, be anything but evil? By definition, Heroes were good and Villains were evil.
“No, they used us.” Techno responded, his voice even as he took a single step forward. “They used you.” Tommy’s heart dropped, his eyes widening as he shuddered. It was an instinctual reaction as his mind flashed to every time he was forced to do something he didn’t want to.
It started when he was young; with the kitsune girl and the wolf boy, to taking a bone from Techno… to every time that Blinkstorm had gotten mad that Tommy didn’t want to do something. Every time a petty thief was taken into cells below the hero tower.
Every single one had been one that he’d brought in.
Tommy never saw them again.
“No…” Tommy uttered, the silence had grown too uncomfortable for Tommy to handle. He took a step back from Techno, shuddering again, even when Techno crouched and took out a picture from his pocket.
“Come here.” Techno uttered quietly, one hand raised towards him the same way as when Tommy was thirteen, shaking and shivering after getting sick for the first time after the heroes saved them. Didn’t save them? How did that work when they were taken from the rings by the heroes, and taken from the heroes by the villains?
Tommy was shaking as he approached Techno, the only one to never truly hurt him. Scare him? Sure, Techno had scared Tommy plenty. But Techno had never hurt him.
Techno wrapped an arm around Tommy when Tommy curled into Techno, hiding against him and refusing to look at the picture that Techno was trying to show him. He felt like he was twelve again, sitting on Techno’s knee while the other bandaged his forearm after the scientists had gotten a little carried away and Tommy couldn’t heal. He’d been starving for nearly a week by then, and Techno had shared his food and used his own bandaging supplies to wrap Tommy’s arm and take care of him.
“Look, Theseus.” Tommy swallowed before turning his head to look at the picture. It was of Angel and his wife, who was holding a small bundle with love. It was obvious that they were in love, that they loved the baby in their arms. “Look at his wings.” Techno uttered, and Tommy noticed that the red… had not been a blanket like he’d first thought, instead it was wings.
Bright red wings with a white star on the back of both of them.
“Angel learned that the ring was connected to the hero tower, that we were never saved. They just had no more experiments to use on you, wanted you to worship heroes for saving us. For saving you.” Techno uttered quietly, even as Tommy’s breath hitched and he’d started to cry.
“We were never saved. They were just hurting you, using you, to hurt your father and mother.” Techno explained. Tommy turned his head against Techno’s shoulder as his wings twitched, as if to wrap around him but they couldn’t because he was leaning against Techno.
“I took this picture when you were a year and a half old.” Techno murmured, knowing that Tommy probably wasn’t listening almost at all. “You were taken nearly three months later.”
Tommy didn’t give him an answer.
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cricketblabbers · 2 years
Help finding a fanfic!(could contain spoilers)
I have been trying to find a fic for a while now and just can't figure out what it's called. Idk if it's been taken down or what but I want to read it again. It's a SBI hero/villain centered around Bedrock bros. Tommy and Techno are piglin hybrids, techno a brute and tommy a runt, 3/4 sbi are villains I think. Tommy is evil hero dreams brother and uses him to find weaknesses of piglins to fight techno. I think quackity is a lawer in later chapters that sapnap calls up to go against dream? It starts with tommy finding techno in an alley and their instincts cause them to bond and techno takes him home(not really kidnapping but could be idk) and Tom meets the fam. They descover dreams bad to him and want to keep him.
I don't remember much else but I forgot to save it and now I can't find it please help!
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stormzi13 · 3 months
the hyperfixation took over, so here's fem quackity from tcfsv guys. still kinda experimenting with my style, so (useful) tips are appreciated.
i don't draw full body very often because i struggle with proportions, so i'm proud of how this turned out
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