#dt hdl
s-p-r-i-n-g-t-i-m-e · 2 years
okay I have been. holding this in for so long
my feelings on Della Duck
okayokay I recognise that I am biased bc of my daddy issues, I am in no way denying that - this is not fact, just 1000% my OWN personal feelings on Della and her character in the reboot
idk how to add the read more I’m so sorry
but the way her basically abandoning the triplets is never explored properly, and how she takes over Donald’s role as main caretaker, never addressing the extreme responsibility of taking care of children (even with Scrooge, who is still notoriously difficult to work with) that was dumped on them, even unintentionally
I think her arc could’ve been SO good. women are never allowed to make mistakes and own them in media. like Marinette in MLB being a huge creep never being addressed. or Wanda Maximoff barely getting a slap on the wrist after enslaving an entire town
I don’t think Della is a bad person, as we see she really didn’t mean to leave her family, but like. even if it was a mistake, she still went on that rocket ship. no one bribed or forced her (even if Bradford pushed her towards it, he didn’t hold a gun to her head to step onto the ship) but she still did it, KNOWING SHE HAD EGGS AT HOME.
and if they just ADDRESSED all this shit in the show, and at least had her realise how much damage she caused, even unwittingly, I would’ve been more lenient
her being a bad parent being somewhat explored (barely imho, she just releases a monster and they fight it together and wow we’re fine now) and the expectations Dewey puts on himself to be a badass adventurer, or Huey being pressured to leave his comfort zone, or Louie not connecting with her at all, all these issues could’ve been genuinely good arcs, but they’re all poorly handled in my opinion (except for Dewey, I do like the episode where Della tells him he doesn’t need to be some cool explorer for her to love him, ONLY THAT ONE THO)
don’t even get me started on the time travel shit with Louie. yes he should’ve been punished, but with all the extenuating circumstances, IT SHOULD NOT HAVE BEEN DELLA, and it CERTAINLY SHOULD NOT HAVE BEEN LEAVING HIM IN AN EXPERIMENTAL DEATH TRAP WHILE THEY RUBBED SALT IN THE WOUND BY GOING ON THE ONE ADVENTURE HE WOULD’VE ACTIVELY LIKED
and how all the issues with Donald how they immediately reconciled and (at least onscreen) never talked abt everything (or ANYTHING tbh) and instead just “omg we miss each-other and that makes everything okay yay”
anyways that’s a very condensed version of all my shit on Della Duck.
tldr; she could’ve been so good, if they just put more time into unwrapping her and having her basically redeem herself
if I ignore all of that tho, I can mostly enjoy her in episodes. the mermaid one, absolute comedy gold when she’s doing the tic tac toe thing, made me choke
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ducktalesnstuff · 1 year
Do you take request? Caused I really love your art and was wondering if I could get one from you with my oc Casey and Della together.
Here's what he looks like:
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Here you go! :D for everyone who is not @battlecry51 I asked and they said that Della and Casey are a couple :D
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honorarypines · 2 years
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nonnymousehouse · 2 years
So, let me get this straight...
...The “Webby is a clone daughter of Scrooge” was a backup idea that the writers had, in the event they got cancelled. 
It was not their first idea. It likely wasn’t even planned to be actual canon for the first two seasons. 
This explains so much.
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starlingdrawz · 4 months
More of her because yes
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Info on her
In the DT universe she's HDLs old babysitter
She's just a couple of years younger than Donald (3yrs)
Babysitting started out as a paying job, but after a while, she started doing it for free
Not because Donald didn't want to pay her, she just loved hanging out with him and the boys and didn't care for the money anymore
HDL see her as a mother figure the same way they see Donald as a father figure
She loves the triplets as much as if they were her own
Got attached WAY too fast lol
How could she not? They were ADORABLE as babies
She would stay the night if Donald worked super late into the night
Definitely involved the triplets in her culture (she's mexican)
Taught them as much as she could
mixed feelings on Della but tries her best to be respectful
Oh yeah and she totally gets together with Donald lol
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dellyduck · 1 year
Hm, it's been a while since I checked AO3
DT tag on AO3: *fanfic hating on Della* *Angsty, almost gory fanfic with HDL* *fanfic hating on Della* *fanfic about Louie being a poor little meow meow* *fanfic about how Donald is better than Della-*
Oh right, that's why I don't go here anymore.
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marziafantasia94 · 10 months
More DT/PKNA headcanons
As much as I like to imagine scenarios between Odin and Donald in my head, Ducktales isn't just made of Donald Duck; so what would the relationships be like between Odin and the rest of the cast? So here we go:
Killmotor Hill residents
Scrooge Mcduck: Odin and Scrooge are courteous to each other, although Odin is annoyed that Scrooge unintentionally brought harm to Donald during his adventures, while Scrooge secretly believes that Odin is too young, and therefore inexperienced, to go into business with him.
HDL: Huey, Dewey and Louie admire Odin from the first moment they meet him (Huey for his intelligence, Dewey for his popularity and charm, Louie simply because he is rich), but over time they get to know him better and Odin becomes a second guardian after Donald Duck.
Webby Vandequack: At first she’s suspicious of Odin because no one really knows anything about him, and the fact Scrooge doesn’t trust him might have influenced her, but changes her mind after her grandma vouched for him.
Beakley: Being a former S.H.U.S.H. agent, Beakley already knew One, so it wasn't difficult for her to recognize him in his new body; she had thwarted several cases thanks to the information given to her by Uno so she already trusted the Artificial Intelligence, it is not difficult for her to trust him now.
Della Duck: Della never knew Donald had a close friend outside of the manor, but she always felt sad when her brother would prefer spend time with said friend than his sister and uncle, so even back from the moon Della is jealous of Donald and Odin’s close bond and would try to follow them.
Launchpad Mcquack: These two are polar opposites; they don’t hate each-other but never put them in the same room, you would feel the awkwardness from a mile away.
Duckworth: I don’t think ghosts and androids mix well.
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justaboot · 1 year
Everything about HBO Dt is fantastic and provokes thought. I have to wonder more about HDL and their place in this universe. We know a little about Louie's arc season 2, but not a lot else.
Okay I've been thinking about this for ages and honestly, I think season 1 would stay pretty much the same. I think the big conceit would be it's a story told from the POV of the kids, but it's a bigger, less kind world that these incredibly kind people are maneuvering through. So what happens when you bring these young people who've got such strong ideals into a faster, harder setting? And it's a balance of how they impress their ideals on the world, changing and growing it for the better, but also, of course the world gets its fingerprints on them.
Dewey's would track the same, but they'd get much more time exploring, deep diving. They'd uncover more about The Mystery, digging up that it was actually a coverup job, and give very contrasting echos of who his mother was. Maybe they engineer more trips to places they knew she'd been, try talking to more people she knew/ran into. People would have vastly different memories/interpretations of her, and it'd be their job to try and discern what's true. You'd of course get Scrooge and Donald remembering these places, a bit more like in Spear of Selene, walking through old places filled with ghosts. It's never discussed outright between them and the kids, but sometimes its heavy, but sometimes it's fun. They used to have fun, they used to travel because they loved it and loved each other, and we slowly see Scrooge and Donald rebuilding, even if its by accident. They still love each other. There's no story if they don't both want it to be good again. I got myself :(
Season 3 overhaul. More time. Lemme think on that. But yeah, really lean into the ghosts for season 1.
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Headcannon (duck comics): What if Ludwig was Daisy's uncle? Like a DT version, sometimes she appears in her uncle's house to visit the family (Ludwig, her sister and April, May and June) what lives together. Sometimes she have to take care from her three nieces while she works and dates Donald.
To be more funny, I like to think Donald would visit her family many times and pass time with them (and he likes it), what make Scrooge and HDL be a little jealousy of him
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schoje · 2 months
A Administração Municipal de Chapecó promove neste sábado mais um Dia D da Saúde, desta vez focado na saúde dos homens. De acordo com o secretário de Saúde do Município, Luiz Carlos Balsan, as 26 unidades de saúde estará abertas, das 7h30 às 11h30 e das 13h às 17h. Balsan disse que a iniciativa tem como objetivo ampliar os horários de atendimento da população e atender as demandas que acabaram represadas durante a pandemia da Covid. A gerente de Atenção Básica da Secretaria de Saúde, Lígia Schacht, disse que mais de 500 profissionais estarão envolvidos. “Nós queremos que os homens compareçam nas unidades de saúde e façam os exames necessários e atualizem suas vacinas. Temos dados de que os homens realizam 1/3 menos exames dos que as mulheres”, disse Lígia.Ela afirmou que estão previstas nove ações: Ação 1 - Atualização da Caderneta de Vacinação: Anti-tetânica (dT); Hepatite B (Hep. B); Febre Amarela (FA) e Tríplice Viral (TV). Ação 2 – Solicitação de exames de rotina para posterior estratificação de risco cardiovascular. Exames a serem solicitados pelos enfermeiros para os pacientes do sexo masculino com idade de 20 à 59 anos, que há mais de 1 ano não fizeram exames laboratoriais de rotina: Hemograma; Glicemia em Jejum; Colesterol Total; Colesterol HDL; Colesterol LDL (podendo ser calculado conforme protocolo); Triglicerídeos; PSA (idade superior à 35 anos) e Solicitação de sorologias para ISTs (Infecções Sexualmente Transmissíveis) caso necessário (na ausência de TRs). Ação 3 – Saúde sexual e reprodutiva. Realização de TR (teste rápido) sorológicos para HIV, Sífilis, Hepatites B e C (se disponibilidade de TR). Orientações/educação sexual e reprodutiva, incluindo planejamento familiar e prevenção de ISTs. Ação 4 – Educação em Saúde para adoção de hábitos de vida saudáveis. Aferição de medidas antropométricas para o cálculo de Índice de Massa Corporal e orientações sobre o peso ideal; Ação 5 – Acompanhamento dos usuários beneficiários do Bolsa Família (Pesagem do BF); Ação 6 – Agendamento e atendimentos por livre demanda de pacientes idosos para aplicação da Avaliação Multidimensional da Pessoa Idosa; Ação 7 – Atendimento Odontológico para promoção da saúde bucal em homens e agendamentos de 6 pacientes com procedimentos; Ação 8 – Diabéticos: solicitação da Hemoglobina Glicada; Ação 9 – Hipertensos: aferição de Pressão Arterial e solicitação de exames de rotina conforme protocolo. Além disso, haverá vacinação contra a Covid, na maioria das unidades de saúde e também no Centro Estratégico de Vacinação (Centro de Eventos).Os locais, horários e agendamento estão disponíveis no site da Prefeitura (www.chapeco.sc.gov.br).Fonte: Prefeitura de Chapecó SC
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maxlovespigeons · 4 years
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I just remembered that episode exists and I really wanted to doodle something for it
here’s the sketch bc I rly like it too
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memorywitches · 3 years
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Happy birthday Huey, Dewey, and Louie !
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sassphie · 4 years
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HAPPY NEWS YEARS! we’re starting this year off right, with more jokes
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c0konk · 2 years
Beakley: Can you stop engaging in illegal activities…
Beakley, turning to the triplets: FOR FIVE MINUTES?!
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lucidrawings · 3 years
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waveypedia · 3 years
Huey: Hey Dewey, where are all my pens?
Dewey: No idea
Dewey: On an unrelated note, I am exactly 12 pens tall
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