#dt17 critical
shadowjinx626 · 1 year
You know what, I thinks it's stupid that Ducktales thinks it's smart for acting like Mark Beak is racist with his microaggressions against Fenton and have the tone treat it as a bad thing.
When you have Duke Baloney, a Southern African character, change his name to Flintheart Glomgold and pretended to be a stereotypical Scottish guy, just so he one-up the actual Scottish character, Scrooge McDuck. And have the tone treat his actions as if it's one of his many funny character quirks.
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flower-boi16 · 5 months
Who else felt that Donald acted very OOC in Quack Pack? The season 2 episode Whatever Happened to Donald Duck shows that Donald cares deeply for Louie, Dewey and Huey, so much so that he channels his anger into protective parental instinct, because the mere idea of anything bad happening to the boys enrages him, and shows how deeply he cares for the boys as their surrogate father, who had to raise them himself after their mother's disappearance...
...and then Quack Pack comes along and ruins that. In the episode, Donald pretty much traps his whole family (including his nephews) in a sitcom-like fantasy world of his own making against their will, and when they explicitly tell him that they don't want this, he refuses to let them go just so he fulfills his selfish desire of wanting to have a "normal family", completely ignoring any consent from his family, including his nephews.
I don't really think the guy who would do anything to protect the three boys he raised for their whole lives would really do something like this. Sure, you could argue that Scrooge forcing a life of adventure onto Louie and Donald is just as selfish, but it's in character for Scrooge to do that. It's not in character for Donald to do this.
I LOVE Ducktales 2017 but man the third season's handling of some of the characters' was...questionable, to say the least.
EDIT: OK so looking back I get that Donald's motivations were not purely selfish, he DID want to protect the boys. But this still felt OOC for him to just ignore their consent like that. So ya, I got that part wrong...still stand by everything else.
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mrgladstonegander · 3 months
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i was gonna wait until i read anything to post stuff but ????? FCUKIGN HELLOOOOOO??????
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azural83 · 1 year
To this day I'm still mad that della never found out about scrooge and donald's fallout
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thelostexperiment · 1 year
As good as DuckTales 17 is, what is one thing you would change about it? I’ve noticed that its fanbase, while passionate, can be critical. Not overwhelmingly pretentiously critical like Star Wars fans, thank god. Critical out of love is more like it.
I'm actually one of the more forgiving fans of this show's flaws, because for what it was, it was a great reboot that exceeded my expectations when I first saw the promo art to it. It's a fun watch and got me hooked enough to make this blog.
That being said.
This may seem obvious but, the one thing I would change about the show is I would give it more seasons. As fun a ride as The Last Adventure was, it was obvious that there were still a lot of stories, character arks and adventures the show could have covered that it sadly didn't have the chance to because of its cancelation. I know that's not the show runners fault, more so the execs of the company that owns it.
It's not like the show isn't profitable or popular, or why else would there still be active fan discords of it, why have a DuckTales globe trotting event thrown in Epcot, why have the DT characters (specifically the 2017 version) be a prominent part of the chibiverse cast? (I have my own hangups about the chibiverse show)
There's still a market for the Duckverse otherwise the DarkWing Duck reboot wouldn't still be greenlit.
I'd at the very least like to get more DuckTales stories in comic or graphic novel form, there's still so much material and lore to explore.
I've already told some friends how much I'd love to see a graphic novel series on Isabella Finch's adventures. Have a narration from her published book play over the scenes or be written in the corners of the panels and show how things really happened in the scenes. Show more child Bradford, show us how Isabella really was. Give us an Interesting look at the characters and a great Indiana Jones or G rated Venture bros parody.
Give us more character growth arcs for some of the side characters that didn't get resolved in the show. Show us who Huey Dewey and Louie's Dad is and what happened to him. Show us how Scrooge and Webby handle the new biological father/daughter dynamic they both just found out about.
I guess what I'm really trying to say is, GIVE US MORE DUCKTALES, IGER!
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syrasenturi · 2 years
Enjoying the possessed kids comparisons but I've only seen 2 people bring Lena ducktales into the equation she deserves to be included
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duck-takes · 1 month
I find it funny how some people criticize Goldie’s design in dt17 for looking like a “normal lady with a beak”, yet I don’t see the same criticism being applied to Magica, Selene or Gandra who look just as anthropomorphic as she is
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rosiesdisneydrama · 1 year
Android Donald AU Idea
I was hit by a variant of an Android Donald au I've seen on here (this one, to be specific) while at work and I wanna share it. This is pre-dt17/in the same universe. Potentially pre-Spear of Selene as well.
Basically, Donald gets hurt really bad while out fighting. Like really, really bad. He manages to drag himself back to Ducklair Tower, but he's basically in critical condition. Uno isn't as ready as he would have liked for this, but he does have something that can help.
It's basically a healing pod that Ducklair (or maybe Uno himself) had made that wasn't any good for commercial/hospital use because of how much the material cost was and took a lot of time to do its job. But it would take a long time and Donald's family would notice if he just- went missing for a year (or likely longer). It could buy him, buy them, some time to figure out a more efficient way to heal Donald.
But he knows Scrooge and Della are off on an adventure at the moment (Donald had mentioned that it seemed like a long one this time), so he has roughly a month to come up with a plan.
He also has Layla and a tremendous laboratory at his disposal (and he's a supercomputer).
And he hits on something that should allow Donald's body the time it needs to heal as well as keep anyone from getting suspicious.
It's honestly a simple plan overall.
He makes an android body that looks like Donald and (through handwaved science things) he transfers the duck's consciousness to it and makes a link to his own servers with it. Even connecting himself to the body to make sure he can help/make sure he's alright at any time while this is set up.
Donald can pilot the droid body to keep his family from knowing that he'd been hurt while his real body is in the healing pod recovering. And, with the direct link to Uno, he can basically have his partner at a moment's call and even just- Have another person "with" him while dealing with his family. (Also, finances. Uno is a godsend for dealing with all the numbers that Donald just doesn't have a head for.)
The two of them continue this charade for a while, sometimes with Uno actually being with/in Donald's head for a few adventures.
Until Ducklair comes back and (unknowingly) royally screws up the previously smoothly working plan before vanishing into the aether again.
When he shuts down Uno and locks down the tower, Uno actually has part of his AI in Donald. So he's not gone, but he is cut off from his main network. He is still able to get data for the healing pod which is still working, thank the stars. But they can't get to it now since it's locked behind the security of Ducklair Tower.
Both of them are Stressed:tm: about this but there isn't much they can do. So they make do with what they have to work with and keep going. And things mostly go well.
Then the Spear of Selene happens and the duo have a whole new pot of issues to deal with.
Raising triplets is hard, but Uno and the scanners built into the android body make it easier. And Uno is down to help out with more than just that. So things are fairly good, if not as good as either of them would have liked.
Huey, Dewy, and Louie don't know that their Uncle is an android but they do know about Uno.
Since the two shared a body, it was impossible for the boys to never learn about Uno. But since they're really young, Donald and Uno agree that they probably won't understand that Uno is an AI. Advanced computer engineering and robotics are a bit beyond the understanding of a trio of four-year-olds.
The boys end up thinking that Uno is the ghost of a really smart scientist-friend of their Unlce that's possessing him now because he was locked out of his house by his wizard dad. (It wasn't explained in those words, but that was what the boys came away from the conversation thinking.) They have to keep Uncle Uno a secret because otherwise someone might think he was hurting Uncle Donald and would try to make him go away. And their Uncle Uno is cool and knows all kinds of cool things and they don't want someone to make him leave. So they promise to help keep him a secret.
Fast forward to the start of dt17.
I have more, but my brain is tired (it's 10 p.m. rn) so I will continue this later.
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okay so like this, i think this is funny. I talked about the dukctales subreddit last time. Now look at this
Like all these people are agreeing with that. The point so many DT17 critics have been making and they are agreeing with it????
Like it’s the big thing critics have been saying about DT17 Scrooge. And here the community that disagrees with it actually brings up the point themselves?? I’m so sorry for doubting you ducktales subreddit.
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polisena-art · 9 months
Do you think Donald and Jose have opinions about each other's parenting?
Hmmm... let me see... but also take it into account that the most parenting I've seen from Donald was in DT17, so I'm gonna go off of that. I think the first thing I notice is that while Donald feels much more like a dad to Huey, Louie and Dewey, José seems to fit more in the expected role of an uncle to Zico and Zeca. And, because of that, Donald is shown to be much more hands on when it comes to parenting the ducklings, even coming off as overprotective and completely nuts about safety at times (which fair, the man has TRAUMA). Meanwhile Zé is way more relaxed about letting Zico and Zeca do their own thing. I think if Zé had any critiscim about Donald's parenting it would be about him not letting the kids roam free enough,, "Just let the kids go crazy once in a while, man! Scrap their knees, ride their bikes with no hands, do a little tax fraud!!!" he'd say. But also, if anything I'm sure Zé would mostly commend Donald about how caring he is about his boys and how he manages to keep that boat house afloat. If Donald has any criticism of Zé's uncle-ing I have to say it would be about how HYPOCRITICAL his method of teaching and disciplining is. Zé is very much a "do as I say, don't do as I do" type of guy and, sure, it can work for a few life lessons, but kids are smart!! They're gonna pick up on your bullshit sooner or later and then you're simply not gonna make any progress with raising them properly. But I'm also sure Donald would see the good sides of Zé's trials at raising a pair of chaos twins, because it's clear as day how much José loves them and how he'll often make an effort to better himself and do good by them.
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daisy for the ask bingo?
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Just talking to @shychick-52 about her and she knows I will defend her with my LIFE I don’t care about her too much but I WILL defy whoever criticizes her god forbid women do ANYTHING I really love her in dt17 and the mickey shorts and mickeys once upon a Christmas she is my GIRL
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shadowjinx626 · 2 years
So surprisingly, Matt and Frank have different views regarding Bradford's involvement with the Spear of Selene...
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Not gonna lie, I'm on Matt's side.
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giddlygoat · 1 year
What do you think would happen if 91 Drake and 17 Drake crossed paths? Would it inspire them to do things differently?
honestly, i can see their interaction being VERY similar to drake and jim in dt17. obviously the context is different assuming they’re both darkwing and not active actors here, but i can totally see 91 drake being very critical and nitpicky about the way 17 drake does things LAWL.
they would definitely get on each other’s nerves and butt heads initially, though i think if they were swept into a fight, they would fall so amazingly in sync that even they would be flabbergasted by their own performance. the thought is incredibly amusing!!
at the end of the day, i think they’d come to an understanding and respect each other, even with their disagreements or different methods. and ultimately i think they would learn a LOT from each other just by being in either’s presence.
oh, and it would be criminal to leave out the one tiny detail that is 17 drake’s all consuming obsession with the 1991 cartoon. i think before any words can even be spoken he would be exploding with so much excitement and fangirl energy that 91 drake would misread it as some kind of hostility and they’d end up rolling on the floor getting their eyes poked LMAOOOO
and i know you didn’t ask but. 91 and 17 launchpad would get along SO well. can you imagine the sheer joy of 17LP excitedly spewing question after question about the classic darkwing, allowing 91LP to finally gush unabashed about him for two hours straight while they bounce off the walls together? now that’s a conversation i would pay good money to witness. their dynamic would be so interesting too considering the subtle but important differences in their characters between shows.
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mrgladstonegander · 3 months
wow its so fun seeing different views on ducktales 2017. i love when people are critical of their favorite shows, i wonder what other people have to- [sees the most bad faith take possible] okay i dont care at all
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thechaseofspades · 1 year
I always thought “DuckTales” ended too soon. We could’ve seen more of Violet’s dad. Whatever they had planned for Negaduck, and they could’ve bought Poe (Magica’s brother) into the mix making him and Magica co-big bads of a hypothetical S4
Hey so I accidentally did the thing again where I wrote like 500 words. Apparently I have strong feelings about this, so bare with me. Or don't. Either way works. But big thanks for the inbox! I really do appreciate it.
I really try to be happy with what we have, because Ducktales is my absolute favorite show and nothing's gonna ruin that for me.
But, yeah, being critical for a moment, the show ending early really messed with everything. Suddenly the large cast was fighting for a rapidly shrinking amount of screen time, and arcs had to be rushed or minimized to fit the overarching plot. It wasn't a great situation.
Like, it's not Owl House bad, where entire concepts need to be squeezed down into one or two scenes, or even montages. But the difference is that the Owl House seems to be managing that crunch a lot better than Ducktales did.
Again, the cast being as big and fleshed out as it is, it's hard to divvy up a 22-episode season where everybody gets adequate time and also wraps up their story in a satisfying way. But the DT crew decided to just keep adding and adding and adding. This was supposed to be their biggest season ever. Several ideas were thrown onto the screen and then not followed up on because there just wasn't time for it.
"Astro B.O.Y.D." is my favorite episode of Season 3. And not to diminish that fact, but does any of it get followed up on? I don't think we saw Boyd once until the finale. We just didn't have any time for that.
Bringing Poe in for "Life and Crimes" is an interesting concept. But why are you introducing that A WEEK BEFORE THE SHOW ENDS, especially if it will have pretty much zero impact on anything else.
May and June didn't even get to exist for longer than an episode. You're bringing in pivotal characters in the series finale?
Negaduck! Where was he? Oh, they couldn't fit him in the show! My point exactly.
*deep breath in* *deep breath out*
I have no doubt that the DT crew put these elements in as a love letter to the past. It's very neat that they would do that, and it introduces a younger person like me to these great characters. But it just leaves us asking these sorts of questions. Leaves us wishing we had more than just one episode, or even just one scene.
I get that Disney is weird about shows having three seasons, but I still to this day don't understand why Ducktales couldn't be an exception to that. It's a reboot of the show that made DTVA, but better. It introduced so many legacy Disney characters to a modern audience and was well-received pretty much anywhere you looked. Everyone involved loved working on it and probably would have kept doing so for as long as possible. Not only did they have more stories to tell, but they clearly wanted to tell them. I just... I don't understand it.
Amphibia ended because the story being told was over. The Owl House is ending because it's too gay. But Ducktales ended... just because.
If Disney green lights six DT17 spinoffs for D+ covering each team's post-canon adventures, I will upgrade to ad-free Hulu.
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starryduckpond · 1 year
Anyone who says that OG Drakepad is unhealthy, are we even watching the same show?
A well-written relationship has complexities and flaws and mutual growth by learning from each other.
Darkwing has consistently been shown to hold Launchpad’s opinion in such high regard. Whether it’s simply trying to impress him in a setting where it’s just the both of them, to asking desperately if he’s going too far in his self-confidence, to trusting him with stories about his life.
He did struggle with that at first. There was a whole episode where Launchpad has to make a point to remind him that while he is a sidekick, they’re both still heroes risking their lives. Drake does still struggle at times, but all Launchpad needs to do is remind him verbally now.
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He loves complaining and criticizing people, but never at Launchpad’s expense or discomfort.
That, in return, shows Launchpad’s patience for him. His loyalty, his respect, his love for him!
Ever since he became his sidekick, Launchpad has been shown to love getting to know Drake. His quirks, his mannerisms, his flaws. He accepts all of him without a second thought. He has said that every day with him is an adventure!
He’s his number one fan. He loves what Darkwing stands for. No matter what Drake chooses to do in his life, Launchpad wants to be by his side.
2017 Drakepad lacks all of this. They got along from the start. There’s no conflict, no depth, nothing! Even individually, it’s a disservice to both of their characters.
The fact that the Darkwing persona isn’t even Drake’s original concept, making him a glorified cosplayer.
Launchpad’s compliments isn’t even about Drake himself. He’s gushing over the show and comparing him to it.
DT17 took away everything that was special about Drakepad.
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