#du Bengale
spenceillustrates · 9 months
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Disco Elysium Warriors AU…. i have no idea what their names would be?? any suggestions lmfao?
If this is too niche it’s joever for me
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fredandrieu · 2 months
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Demande en mariage Lee Falk et Sy Barry Le Fantôme Spécial n° 16 août 1978
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vertigoartgore · 11 months
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Billy Zane and Kristy Swanson in 1996's The Phantom.
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felinefractious · 1 year
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Grace Jones Du Bateau Lune
🐱 SBT Bengal [Bengal Cat Terms]
📸 Du Bateau Lune
🎨 Melanistic [Bengal Cat Colors]
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Tigre blanc du Bengale - Il peut sortir pour chasser dans un territoire de forêts, marais et savanes mesurant jusqu'à 100km².
Lieu : Pairi Daiza, Belgique
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arjuna-vallabha · 2 years
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Lakshmi by artist Jagannatn Pramanik, Bengal
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papelpintadobarcelona · 11 months
Fibras Naturales para Decorar Paredes, Papel pintado Golfe Du Bengale
Papel pintado Jardines Peradeniya_7594_04_06 Nos dirigimos hacia una extensa bahía en el Océano Índico, salpicada de pequeñas islas. Atracaremos en la mayor de ellas, Sri Lanka también conocida como la Isla resplandeciente, por su abundante vegetación compuesta de montañas, bosques y manglares ¿Nos acompañas en esta aventura? Papel pintado Imitación Panel Japonés_7597_23_44 La colección Golfe…
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mimmixerenard · 2 years
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Der Tiger von Eschnapur / Das indische Grabmal (Fritz Lang, 1959)
I was watching Arte and got unironically caught up in the story of a two-parts movie that I was very, very judgemental of at first - watching it in its VO (german) with sub in my language (French)
My entire afternoon was spend in being involved in that story, which I was absolutely not expecting lmao
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chatdubengalblog · 1 year
nous allons plonger en profondeur dans les raisons potentielles de ce comportement, et nous allons également explorer des stratégies pour gérer la situation tout en maintenant une relation harmonieuse avec votre compagnon à quatre pattes.
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ferrstappen · 6 months
SLUT! l MV1 imagine
a/n: hey! I’m alive, I hope some of you are alive as well and willing to read something 💘 this is short and just a random idea I had before diving into writing some longer pieces with more plot, but I really hope you like it and as you know, feedback is very very welcome!!! Also I’m sorry if it’s weird or any mistakes bc I wrote this on my phone 💘
Summary: this isn’t your first time being a WAG, but people don’t seem to like the idea of you ending your relationship with Joe Burrow and falling in love with Max.
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Looking around, you could tell that this wasn't an ordinary place. The sound of engines revving, the vivid colors of various vehicles, and the hustle and bustle of multiple teams, engineers, sponsors, drivers, and fans walking around the paddock all added to the excitement. It was a truly remarkable sight to behold. The energy was palpable, and you couldn't help but feel a sense of awe taking it all in.
In your previous relationship, your boyfriend would make grand entrances at the stadium, sporting his fancy Cartier sunglasses and jamming to his favorite tunes. He wouldn't pay much attention to the photographers snapping away as he strolled past them, and you'd catch a glimpse of him from afar in a lavish suite. That was quite a contrast to your current situation, which you're still adjusting to.
You were greeted by a well-dressed individual who was sporting the logos of Red Bull, Oracle, and Honda all over their outfit. They handed you a VIP all-access paddock pass which had your name and headshot printed on it, along with details of whose guest you were. To top it off, they also put a Red Bull credential on your wrist. The assistant then guided you towards the power station, where you were hopping to finally catch Max after weeks of not seeing each other.
You never meant to be in this position. You were in a happy, stable, loving relationship, truly. But last year one night in Las Vegas, your boyfriend, Joe, was invited to the Las Vegas Grand Prix, and of course, you both attended, curious and excited about the event. Neither of you knew it would be the beginning of the end.
Your first meeting with Max was captured on camera.
Max and Joe, the reigning Formula 1 champion and the Cincinnati Bengals quarterback together was gold content for the Red Bull socials, and there you were in the back, knowing your place smiling at the interaction, but when you were least expecting it, the champion stretched his hand and introduced himself, catching you and your boyfriend off guard.
As soon as he spoke, I noticed his friendly yet polite tone. "Hi, I'm Max," he introduced himself with a warm smile. His simple gesture of introducing himself made him instantly likable and set him apart from the others in the crowd.
“Hi Max, I’m (y/n). Thanks for the invitation,” you shook the hand that wasn’t holding a can of Red Bull.
“Right. Max, this is my girlfriend. She’s the happiest here because she’s a Red Bull addict,” Joe added, earning a soft laugh from you and a smile from Max.
“Then you came to the right place, (y/n). The mini fridges are all yours, and I’m pretty sure the ones on the second floor have limited editions,”
You thought that was all you were going to see of him, barely catching him after his win to congratulate him, but oh were you wrong, seeing him with a warm gray pull-up hoodie and styled blond hair, sipping gin and tonic and waving his hand as people chanted his name to the tune of a song.
Tu Tu Du Du, Max Verstappen
Or something along those lines.
The moment he recognized you, a sudden rush of excitement and anticipation sent a buzz through your stomach that was impossible to ignore. You felt a mixture of nervousness and elation as he leaned in for a short cheek kiss, the scent of gin lingering on your nose as you briefly noticed the small mole on his upper lip. Despite the presence of your boyfriend standing behind you, you couldn't help but feel a flutter of emotions inside.
“I heard you ransacked the energy station,” A drunk Max Verstappen told you.
“What do you mean?” Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion, and at the same time you felt Joe’s arms tight around your waist.
“There weren't any Red Bulls left on the building after you left, maybe I'll have to send a PR package your way,” Max slurred, taking a new sip from his gin and tonic glass.
You couldn’t answer because Joe was faster: “we’ll sure enjoy that, thank you. Wanna go mingle, babe?”
That was almost five months ago as you made your way in sunny Melbourne, doing your best to avoid prying eyes who were aware of the events that took place last November and how you left Joe Burrow the quarterback for Max Verstappen the racing driver.
But it’s not like you wanted to.
After the first box full of sugar free Red Bull arrived with a note, you left a message on his Instagram before posting a story, tagging him and the team.
The he started sending silly memes, followed by the description of the Red Bull ingredients written in Arabic while on Abu Dhabi.
In February, things had reached a point where it was impossible to ignore any longer. You knew it was time to end things with Joe, and when you did, it felt like a weight had been lifted off your shoulders. Suddenly, you were free to do as you pleased, to go where you wanted to go. And so, when Max invited you to go to Bahrain for testing, you jumped at the opportunity.
It was on this trip that you experienced your first date with Max. You both had such a great time together, laughing until your stomachs hurt. You tried your best to hold back your wandering eyes, but you couldn't help noticing the adorable mole on his lip. And then, when the night sky had blanketed the Middle East, he leaned in and kissed you, sending shivers down your spine. It was a magical moment that you would never forget.
But the next day, your first day on the track, a random person recognized you and rumors went crazy, name-calling, attacks, fans carrying signs “What happened with #9”, grown men calling you a bitch, a whore, a gold digger, jumping from one dick to another. It was so much that Max decided to send you to his home in Monaco, not even caring if you were there for the first Grand Prix of the season, he just needed you to be okay.
As you walked towards the energy station, the ground beneath your feet felt firm, yet your steps were hesitant and shy. You were not alone, though, as someone from the team was following your every move, as per Max's orders. The team wanted to ensure that you were safe and secure as you made your way towards the Red Bull hospitality. Once you arrived, a collective sigh of relief was released, and you waited patiently for Max to arrive. The anticipation in the air was palpable as everyone eagerly awaited his arrival.
You vividly remember that moment when he finally arrived at the paddock, dressed in his Red Bull shirt, shorts, and cap, looking so handsome and sporty. You couldn't help but rush towards him, feeling a surge of excitement and joy. As you hugged him tightly, he smiled and hummed softly, clearly enjoying your touch and warmth. You noticed that he was trying to register your scent, perhaps to make the moment even more intimate and memorable.
You knew he was about to lean in for a cheek kiss, but something inside you urged you to do something bolder and more passionate. So, without hesitating, you turned around, making sure his larger frame was facing the outside, away from prying eyes. Then, you carefully grabbed his face with both hands, feeling his strong jawline and stubble under your fingers. You looked deeply into his eyes, savoring the moment, before leaning in and kissing his full lips.
The kiss was electrifying and unexpected, taking him by surprise, but he quickly responded with equal passion and tenderness. You felt his arms wrap around your waist, pulling you closer, as you lost yourself in the blissful moment. It was a moment of pure connection and love, one that you would always treasure in your heart.
Despite being called all sorts of names by people, you refused to let it get to you. You were determined to continue showing your deep admiration and affection for Max, no matter what others thought or said. You believed that your feelings were genuine and authentic, and you were not going to let anyone else's opinion sway you. Despite the challenges and obstacles you faced, your love for Max remained unwavering and waiting to grow bigger.
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museumofsins-rpg · 10 days
city gangs criminels low fantasy (-18) équipe admin; bengal, lux, mongrel.
ocytocine sur pourpre de lippes, qu'haleine furieuse exalte en belle faim. rictus pourléché, au gré du satan(é)-battant; ô perles de ruine, font gémir ces saints, quand toxines en sanglots rincent les infâmes. et galopent, en fumeuses susurres, les échos d'une plèbe soufflée par pandore.
---- épicentre de la lutte universelle entre le bien et le mal; newport est le berceau mystique des 7 vices et vertus de l'humanité. chaque personnage pourra choisir un vice et une vertu exacerbés parmi la liste originelle, à choisir à l'inscription. les dynamiques personnelles ou organisationnelles seront fortement impactées par votre décision. l'hypocrisie de l'homme n'aura jamais connu pareil paroxysme, puisqu'ici, tous s'accusent des pires maux ou se gargarisent des meilleurs pensées. alors, qui serez-vous?
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chic-a-gigot · 5 months
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La Mode nationale, no. 16, 19 avril 1902, Paris. Groupe de toilettes pour dames et jeunes filles. Bibliothèque nationale de France
(10) Robe d'intérieur pour jeune femme ou dame d'âge moyen en fantaisie beige. Robe droite à plis repincés; formant dans le bas un volant auquel une broderie ton sur ton sert de tête. Même broderie devant; même broderie dessinant l'empiècement. Décolleté carré sur une guimpe de linon blanc; col brodé. Manche droite, large, ornée de broderie.
(10) House dress for young woman or middle-aged lady in fancy beige. Straight dress with re-pinched pleats; forming a ruffle at the bottom to which tone-on-tone embroidery serves as a head. Same embroidery on the front; same embroidery drawing the yoke. Square neckline on a white lawn wimple; embroidered collar. Straight, wide sleeve, decorated with embroidery.
Matériaux: 7m,50 de lainage.
(11) Robe de visites pour jeune femme ou jeune fille, en voile bleu-pastel. Sur une première jupe à plis fins, tombe une seconde jupe également plissée à repincés. Corsage blouse décolleté entre-deux de guipure descendant pour dissimuler la fermeture. Basque rapportée derrière. Manche large, resserrée au coude, par un bouquet de fronces; ceinture drapée de soie blanche.
(11) Visiting dress for young woman or girl, in pastel blue voile. On top of a first skirt with fine pleats, falls a second skirt also with re-pinched pleats. Blouse bodice with insertion neckline and guipure descending to conceal the closure. Basque attached behind. Wide sleeve, tightened at the elbow, with a bunch of gathers; belt draped in white silk.
Matériaux: 10 mètres de voile bleu; 2 mètres de mousseline de soie; 0m,60 soie blanche.
(12) Robe élégante pour jeune femme, en bengaline rose bengale. Jupe en forme terminée par cinq volants un peu froncés. Au-dessus des volants, entre-deux de guipure en forme de dents rondes et faisant deux quilles de chaque côté du tablier. Des dépassants de taffetas noir encadrent l'entre-deux. Corsage froncé, voilé d'un grand col de guipure et de deux pattes rappelant la garniture de la jupe. La manche s'écourte sur un bouffant en mousseline de soie blanche.
(12) Elegant dress for young women, in bengal pink bengaline. Shaped skirt finished with five slightly gathered ruffles. Above the ruffles, guipure inlays in the shape of round teeth and making two keels on each side of the apron. Black taffeta overhangs frame the space in between. Gathered bodice, veiled with a large guipure collar and two tabs reminiscent of the skirt's trim. The sleeve is shortened on a white silk chiffon bouffant.
Matériaux: 10 mètres de bengaline; guipure en laize.
(13) Robe de ville pour jeune femme ou jeune fille. Jupe en lainage vieux rouge quadrillé bordée en forme d'un volant plat en taffetas rouge "légion d'honneur". Corsage-blouse, fermé devant sous une large patte de taffetas. Col en forme en taffetas et petit col rabattu en lainage bordé d'un biais de soie. Manche droite terminée par un biais remontant en taffetas.
(13) City dress for young women or girls. Skirt in old red checkered wool lined in the shape of a flat ruffle in red “legion of honor” taffeta. Blouse-bodice, closed in front under a large taffeta tab. Shaped collar in taffeta and small turn-down collar in wool edged with silk bias. Straight sleeve finished with a rising taffeta bias.
Matériaux: 5 mètres de lainage; 6 mètres de taffetas.
(14) Robe simple pour jeune femme ou jeune fille, en suédoise d'été "son mouillé". Jupe en forme ornée d'un biais en forme piqué et fixé de côté par un bouton fantaisie. Large biais de drap blanc piqué, posé en forme. Corsage croisé, décolleté sur un dessous de drap blanc; guimpe et ceinture en liberty saphir foncé. Manche froncée dans un poignet droit.
(14) Simple dress for young woman or girl, in Swedish summer "wet wool". Shaped skirt decorated with a pique-shaped bias and secured on the side with a fancy button. Large bias of white stitched cloth, laid in shape. Crossed bodice, neckline on a white cloth underside; gimp and belt in dark sapphire liberty. Sleeve gathered in a right cuff.
Matériaux: 5m,50 de lainage; 0m,50 de drap blanc.
(15) Robe de visites pour jeune femme ou jeune fille, en voile fleuri vert-d'eau. Jupe cerclée de biais de soie blanche. Boléro ouvert sur un dessous en mousseline de soie blanche. Hausse-col et col découpé liserés de biais blancs. Manche plissée à l'épaule et froncée dans un poignet droit. Ceinture à pointe en soie blanche.
(15) Visiting dress for young women or girls, in water-green floral voille. Skirt circled with white silk bias. Bolero open on a white silk chiffon underside. Ruffled collar and cut-out collar with white bias edging. Sleeve pleated at the shoulder and gathered at a straight cuff. White silk pointed belt.
Matériaux: 7 mètres de voile; 3 mètres de taffetas; 0m,60 de mousseline de soie.
(16) Robe de réception pour jeune femme ou dame d'âge moyen, en crêpe vieux rose. Robe composée de volants froncés bordés de dentelle; le devant est droit; les plis maintenus par une écharpe nouée en satin noir. Décolleté en V sur une guimpe de dentelle. Manche rayée en haut de repincés, froncés au-dessous du coude dans un poignet collant en dentelle à clair.
(16) Reception dress for young or middle-aged ladies, in old pink crepe. Dress composed of gathered ruffles edged with lace; the front is straight; the folds held by a tied black satin scarf. V-neckline on a lace wimple. Striped sleeve at the top, gathered below the elbow in a clear lace fitted cuff.
Matériaux: 12 mètres de crêpe.
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fredandrieu · 1 year
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ozkar-krapo · 2 months
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"Rythmes et Mélodies du Bengale"
(10". Le Club Français Du Disque. 1956) [IN]
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enigma-the-mysterious · 8 months
Ei matro tomar Bangla and Bangladesh anon er chhobi deoa post ta dekhlam, and just... wtfff😭😭😭
Amra ki ekhon America 2.0??? Nijer bhashay kotha bolleo oder mone hoye somalochona, abar bole reverse casteism ar Bangladesh e chole jao, e ki holo go Tumblr e? Tumi bolchho thinly veiled racism, e to mukhe makeup ar 33 ta bindi pore beriyechhe 😭
Tumblr pagol hoye geche COVID er por theke. Kichu lok bhabe je prithibi te shob kichui tader ke kendro kore 🙄 Tai shob kichu tei nijeder ke attacked mone kore ora. Ki ar bolbo
Oi anon mone kore je Bangladesh er saathe kono cultural connection West Bengal er bangali der khuje pawa ta paap. Acha, amader culture ke jodi bairer keu eshe chhino bhinno, roktakto kore, shetake du tukroe bhaag kore dei tader divide and rule policy er jonno, ar tar poreo jodi amra shanti bojay rekhe amader o parer bhai bone der saathe shodbhab rakhte chai, eta ki anyay, na oshabhabik? Ete bhul ta ki ache? Era ki jane na, je desh alada holeo, Bangladesh ar Bharat ke ekhono jure rekheche ek jon bangali kobir lekha jaatiyo shongeet? Odhbhut public ache kichu
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Tigre Blanc Royal - Sa couleur blanche est due à une mutation génétique. Il ne pourrait survivre dans la nature, car elle la rend incapable de se cacher dans les herbes sans se faire repérer par ses potentielles proies.
29 juillet : Journée mondiale du tigre
Lieu : Pairi Daiza, Belgique
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