#dub interpretation of spring
riacte · 8 months
Considering everything, I would not be surprised if Martyn ends up actually canonizing treebark at some point. Like even as a one-sided or ambiguous thing for his own POV of the series. The final episode of the final season of the life series is gonna be them meeting in the void to hold hands and turning to look at each other affectionately, legend of korra style
😭😭 I do not think Treebark will be two sided canon (but if it happens, it might as well happen #SHIPtreebark) but I think Martyn is basically making it one sided canon. Reblogging posts that claims he’s in love with his boss. Not denying or acknowledging it when an ask said his character was in love with Ren. Literally everything that’s going on. It’s like fuckass Destiel. It’s somewhat canon in the Martyn dub.
Obviously they can do whatever they like and us fandom people also do whatever we like. And I also think Treebark is much funnier when it’s not canon and is whatever the fuck is going on atm. Also leaves space for non romantic interpretations :)
Also it seems very Martyn-esque if he ends his next Life series with like a voiceover of him dramatically declaring “Spring has arrived!” and the screen shows some cherrifire commissioned art of him and Ren holding hands at the ruins of Dogwarts now covered with ivy or something. And it fades out with Martyn’s voice saying “you and me together forever” and Ren echoing “forever!”
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mirai-e-jump · 1 year
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Hero Vision Vol.14 (2004/Spring) ft. Kamen Rider Blade Cast Interviews Ryoji Moromoto x Makoto Ito (Suit Actor) Segment (translation below)
Publication: May 20, 2004 (between episodes 17-18) Ryoji Moromoto (Hajime Aikawa) x Makoto Ito (Chalice Suit Actor)
"When did you two first meet?"
Ito: When? (laughs)
Moromoto: When we first met? I'm pretty sure it was before filming started. My first impression of Ito-san was that he was, "A kind big bro."
Ito: He made me think, "This year's also going to turn out cool" (laughs).
Moromoto: We talked alot about Chalice back then. You said, "Chalice has existed for 10,000 years, so I want to show you 10,000 years worth of my career." What were some of the other things you said again?
Ito:……not much, I really don't remember (laughs).
Moromoto: Ahaha! One thing we have in common, is that we have similar bikes, don't we? We've talked about how we want to go (motorcycle) touring together after the show ends. I ride a Yamaha SR400 and, ah...I'm sorry……(Note: The bikes used in Kamen Rider are provided by Honda)
Ito:…Sorry, but I'm also a WR250F (Yamaha) rider~, but before that, it's always been a Honda! I'd love to see Moromoto-kun's rumored SR. I've heard that they're loud and rather slow……
Moromoto: That's right! I actually modified it too much, and now it can only go about 80kph (50mph) (laughs). Right now, I'm too busy to work on it. I feel like my love for it is fading~!
"What were your first impressions of Chalice?"
Moromoto: I received a call from my agency, saying I passed the audition with, "You're Heart." "Eh?! You mean Momorenger?!," I was so surprised and alittle bit intimidated (laughs), but when I saw the design in person, it was cool and I liked it alot because it was something I had never seen before.
Ito: When I was first told about it, I jokingly thought, "Heart……(sinking in)…ah, alright then, I'll just act like a gay guy……" But, after seeing the design, I was relieved and thought about what kind of pose would suit this Rider. My first thought when I read his setup, was that it would be nice to have something wild and different from the other Riders. Compared to G3-X in "Kamen Rider Agito" and Knight in "Kamen Rider Ryuki," this is the wildest work I've ever done. Even with Kaixa in "Kamen Rider 555," I tried to keep martial arts like movements in mind, and to avoid any unnecessary movements. But with Chalice, there's just so many unnecessary movements…(laughs).
Moromoto: That's why I also tried to make the movements bigger in that fight scene (episode 9).
"Morimoto-san, "Hajime Aikawa is not a normal human being," what do you pay attention to when playing such a role?"
Moromoto: When my heart is closer to the human side, it's not so different, but when it's closer to Chalice's side, I try not to blink as much as possible, and when I talk to people, I try to give subtle pauses in my responses. It's almost like a foreigner hearing Japanese and interpreting it in their head before replying. In general, when I'm on Chalice's side, I don't think with my mind, but instead, try to act with my feelings
"Do you have any techniques for the dubbing process?"
Moromoto: I have a high pitched voice, so it can be difficult for me to make Chalice sound intimidating or violent. That's why I'm trying to lower the tone of my voice. I also did research by studying "monsters" such as the Hulk, Akuma from "Street Fighter II" and King Piccolo from "Dragon Ball Z." One time I even played the videos, and would try to voice the characters myself with the sound off, but there was still something wrong. What could it be…I don't know what Chalice's true form is yet, so my image may not be perfect. (Note: The actors have not been told where the story is going at this time.)
Ito: When it's my turn to "Henshin!," I'm trying to decide if it's better to change or to fight and further develop myself. Essentially, Chalice is supposed to be used to fighting, so I want to keep my methods in check. I'm so focused that I feel like I can see my opponent's movements, even when they've stopped. However, the tension is still high.
Moromoto: The way I say "Transformation" is different depending on if I'm fighting to protect Amane-chan or with my natural emotions. For Amane-chan, it's, "Henshin!" but naturally it's, "…Henshin" (lower tone).
"Did you face any challenges during filming?"
Ito: I'm not good when it comes to cold weather, so I almost cried during the snowy mountain shoot.
Moromoto: It was -15C (5F)! And when the sun went down, they brought out one of those giant fans! It kept spraying us with cold water! Man, I remember my face being scrunched up with anger (laughs).
Ito: When I did a test shot without the mask on, my hair ended up freezing. It wouldn't even melt when I put my head over the space heater, so I just had to keep it as is.
Moromoto: There was also the scene where Amane-chan's father gives Hajime the photo, with it being so cold I thought, "This guy, is he really going to die?!"
Ito: I'm bad with Winter, but I'm also bad with Summer too. When I wear a suit, my body temperature rises and my face turns bright red. My heart starts to race too and I think, "Ah, my life is getting shorter…"
Moromoto: It's good for Chalice though, isn't it? Blood rushing, a fast pulse, it's like an unleashing of the instincts.
Ito: But, when I get like that, I become quiet. In the Summer, Chalice becomes more like a domesticated cat (laughs).
Moromoto: Please keep doing your best~, I'm also prepared to risk my life for this role!
Ito: I also want to play the role of a Rider who will continue to remain in everyone's heart. Personally, it's frustrating to often hear people say, "Chalice looks like Gills (Agito)" (laughs), regardless, please continue to watch us in the future. We're going to give it our all!
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semi-sketchy · 5 months
Alright, since I'm at that episode, I'm gonna elaborate on my actual problem with Dark Sonic:
To be honest, I don't think there's anything really wrong with Sonic during the episode. He's angry his friends have been hurt by a villain, so he harnesses the power of the fake Emeralds (which he has a physical negative reaction to) and smashes said villain's testing robots to pieces.
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I never really considered this a problem. Sonic can get angry, be antagonized, the SA2 Shadow fight in Green Forest springs to mind.
Plus, Secret Rings has Darkspine Sonic, which is about as close to Dark Sonic as it gets. Sharha just died, trading her life for his, he absorbs the Rage, Sadness and Hatred Rings and transforms.
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Even after he leaves the transformation, he still seems pretty pissed at Erazor Djinn, with killing Sharha at the top of the list.
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So, yeah. It's not 1:1 and I'm not claiming these are the same, X is obviously more exaggerated, but I don't really have a problem with the concept. We can talk about how Eggman comes in, tells Sonic he needs to be better and not let his emotions overwhelm him, but frankly I think that's more of an X!Eggman issue than the transformation itself.
No, my real problem is, and always has been, how the fandom interpreted it. That's it. I've read so many fics, seen so many posts about Sonic just "turning dark" when angry, as if any transformations have ever been purely emotion without an external power-source. (Super requires the Chaos Emeralds, Hyper the Super Emeralds, Darkspine was 3 of the World Rings, Werehog was Dark Gaia energy, Excalibur Sonic was the sacred swords, Wisp transformations needed the Wisps, Super Sonic 2 was Chaos Emeralds + Cyber energy....you get it.)
The way I've always saw it, is yes, Sonic is upset, but he also is being affected by the fake Emeralds.
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This is the Discotek translation, I don't know enough Japanese to say how accurate it is, all I know know is "warui" means bad/sick depending on the sentence. An older translation (and the English dub) points to him feeling physically sick around them.
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Far as I can tell, he's already reacting bad to these Emeralds on top of being antagonized, so he uses power that's at his disposal does what the villain wants: fuck up his shit.
If the fake Emeralds didn't exist, this transformation wouldn't have happened. Additionally, since X ended and the only fake Emerald in the games was blown up in SA2, it can't happen again. (Unless you write scenario where someone makes fake Emeralds, but that requires writing for the form instead of just slapping it in à la characters in IDW.)
Perhaps I'm being too hard on a lot of kids that never really interacted with the source material and just wanted to write Sonic fanfics. I've read so many that made it quite obvious that the author didn't know anything about Sonic besides he's fast and I'm not really out here trying to say Sonic shouldn't inspire people to create. Never said I hated reading those fics, I got a good deal of entertainment out of them. It's simply this misconception has stretched so far, it's like the original context has been entirely erased.
And that's the part of Dark Sonic that bothers me.
I've seen plenty of arguments for why the transformation was a poor choice and I don't entirely disagree with them. For me, I could take it or leave it. It was a one-off short transformation in an anime where Sonic pretends to be Star Trek for a season, it just exists to me.
Although, it's been awhile since I last saw discussion of Dark Sonic, as a whole it seemed to be a bigger thing in the early 2010s. Possibly because now we have more recent Sonic shows and movies, it's not just X being the latest thing anymore. I certainly don't read fics like I used to, so I'd be surprised if it is still as heavily used as it used to be. Maybe if I get some time, I'll look up some fics and find out.
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pastelcheckereddreams · 9 months
Four Seasons Manor (四季山庄): Set Layout, Part Three!
This is the third and final post detailing my set sleuthing adventure, looking for the sets that make up Word of Honor's Siji Manor. If you're stumbling over this post in the wild - hi! I draw architectural drafts of cdrama sets, as accurately to the show as I can. A huge amount of research goes into creating my art, and so far no set location has been as elusive as this one.
Split across two sets - one located in Hengdian World Studio's Spring and Autumn Tang Park, and the other in Hengdian's Huaxia film studio - this post is the final part uncovering the layout of Siji Manor. (And nothing will make sense if you read this post first, go back to part one and part two!!)
A reminder, before we dive right back into the breakdown of my completed birdseye view, that this last part will cover the main courtyard of what I have dubbed the "interior" Siji set, highlighted in red below:
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Let's dive in!
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The Main Courtyard
The main hall (6), the largest building in this set, is what I and @minnarr, who shares my brainrot 🙏 and has been a great help in this process, have been calling "Everlasting."
This is because sign over the entrance reads, "萬古長青" (wàn gǔ cháng qīng), which to my layman's knowledge translates as "Everlasting and Evergreen," an idiom that can be extrapolated to mean "forever green throughout the ages," which describes a noble spirit or deep friendship that will last forever, like an eternal Springtime:
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In the above screenshots, you can see that Chengling's training area (9) is set up in front of this main hall, and over his head in the third picture, you can just about see the moon window that is a feature of WKX's room.
Importantly, the pavilion (10) just about seen behind Chengling's training area, marks a de facto boundary for this set as it appears in WOH, as the camera angles of these episodes never never stray past it. For a long time - until I began to watch Mysterious Lotus Casebook and Heroes, which handed me the final puzzle pieces to rule out this set as part of the film parks - I thought the entire set must finish just to the right of the pavilion.
That is not so. If I pull up some screenshots from MLC and reintroduce the scant few photographs I've found of the "Mansion Scene" Huaxia set itself from part two, you can see this main courtyard in full:
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In these photos and screenshots, we can now see the main courtyard almost in full: the main building with its projecting entrance (I'm unsure if the term portico applies to Asian architecture); the pavillion to its left, standing opposite Building 8 which we will come to in a moment; and Building 11 at the end of what, in MLC, is a central pathway - but that I have interpreted in my own drawing to be a path of scattered stepping stones like the rest of the set, considering the smaller courtyard (5) - as discussed in part two - appears to be taking on the role of a more formal courtyard.
'Everlasting' and 'Gentle Winds'
For a moment, though, I need to draw us back to the main building. This building - Everlasting - is very important as, by vehicle of drama magic, this is where the two Siji sets conflate.
In episode 24 we cut from a shot of the main building in the exterior Siji set, whose sign reads "風輕雲淡" (fēng qīng yún dàn), or "Gentle Winds and Light Clouds," to this interior shot of Everlasting:
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And to confirm that this interior shot is Everlasting, or building 6, we return to MLC, where we are treated to an outside-to-inside shot of the build, whose inset floor matches that of WOH's Everlasting building, seen clearest in episode 24, above, and episode 28:
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(I do have more screenshots that I may add in later, but right now I'm running out of steam, please just take my word for it. 😂)
Cold River Room
Now, unfortunately I've been unable to place the medicine room, in which ZZS grinds herbs, in what photo resources I have of this film studio. Likewise for the room I've taken to calling the "infirmary" (where WKX takes a healing bath after his confrontation with YBY). Equally as unhelpful, there's simply no discernible exterior details seen from inside these two rooms that I can dig my research claws into and try to identify a placement or orientation for them:
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The room they spend their first night at Siji Manor in, however, is a different story. That room - dubbed as the "Cold River Room" by Minna - is Building 8.
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This was quite easy to place, thanks to this screenshot of a behind the scenes video (that I've since long lost the link to, unfortunately - if you have a link, I'd be very grateful if you share it with me so that I may add the source). Here, we can see the column inscriptions on Everlasting through the window:
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So I can confirm this building to be the room they spend their first night as Siji in, seen here behind Chengling as well as in a MLC screenshot - showing its place across from the pavilion clearly:
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The Pond
The last part of the main courtyard - and of this set breakdown overall - is the pond and Building 11:
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I had suspected their was some kind of water trough or strip of pond between the seating area (4) and the pavilion (10) for a while, but never had the resources to confirm it. I still can't. However, a film studio's entire purpose is to shapeshift from one design brief to another. Sometimes, there is a pond and sometimes there isn't, as these two images show:
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The left image is a photograph from the article about Hengdian's film studios linked above, taken from the seating area (4), while the right image is a screenshot from Heroes episode 13, the camera positioned in front of Building 11. I simply decided that I liked the pond there, so I included it in my Siji layout.
As an aside, in this scene in Heroes, with the camera panning just a bit further right, we get a lovely clear shot of the archway from the formal courtyard (5) to this one:
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Finally, we come to Building 11. You'll notice that I called the courtyard of the QHZ snow scene in WOH a "formal" courtyard (5), on account of the clearly defined, linear paving.
However, it doesn't have the large gate of a main courtyard:
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This courtyard, the one with Everlasting, does. The winding steppingstones used as paving in the Siji set dressing of this location takes away from the formality of this courtyard that, once you see it in its entirety in shows such as MLC or Heroes, it certainly has. To that point, Building 11 - or rather, structure 11, as may be more appropriate to call it now - is actually a large gateway. This is easiest seen in Heroes, episode 13:
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Of course, that doesn't mean we have to designate it as a gateway in the Siji layout. I don't think it's meant to have that identity, based on the above - well, it's not meant to have an identity at all. It's never seen in the show. But, given the Siji set dressing and the resemblance it bears to Building 8, the Cold River Room, I might consider giving it the identity of one of the rooms I've been unable to locate - the infirmary, or the medicine room.
Let me hear your thoughts!
I'd like to hear your suggestions and thoughts on that. On all of it! Because despite all of this research, I am still left with the gargantuan task of drafting it all into a finished piece. And as such, I am still faced with the dilemma I began to outline months ago in part one:
How could I merge these two very different sets together? Should I merge them together?
I have rambled ideas at friends about presenting an architecture draft that is simply reportage - showing both sets, and summarizing the information I've given you all here before making suggestions on how they could combine into "one true set".
But on the other hand, do I draft the Siji I see emerging in the crossover of these two sets - the one I can feel starting to take shape in my brain? And then simply offer this research up as the facts.
There's still a long way to go, but thank you for being here! As always, if you'd like to support my research madness and help fuel my many artistic endeavors, please consider donating to my kofi or checking out my print shop:
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And happy new year! I hope 2024 brings you happiness and opportunity in all that you wish ✨
Part One | Part Two | Part Three
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readreactrant · 6 months
'Tale of Winter and Spring' another goyuu arranged marriage fic that might just become a fave despite some reservations of mine!!! Let me explain!!! (Rec Review and thoughts)
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This review was so sweetly requested by the actual author and lovely mutual of mine @star2112 (really love their name for some reason). So with that context and their permission I'll be going a bit more in depth, and letting them know where I feel they could improve upon. I do keep in mind that many ao3 authors aren't from the pro writing background so I'll be super gentle.
But before we get to that I will give you a quick summary and listing out the fic's strong points (and there are a lot (✿ ♡‿♡)
CW for review and the story itself: there will be spoilers in this rev so if you want to read it before hearing my thoughts go ahead and follow the link in the title. The story involves mpreg, omegaverse and dub con.)
Tale of Winter and Spring is set in historical Japan as all good fics should be, where Yuuji is given away to Gojo by his older brother Sukuna. Thing is Yuuji is in love with next heir of the Zenin clan, Megumi and he's very, very, very unhappy with what's happening. Nevertheless he goes through it all with some very un-Yuuji like gloom )don't worry, we'll get to that). Its an ongoing fic so we don't know the end or which direction the plot itself is taking but for now there's a whole lot of intrigue and hints of Geto coming into the picture to ruin (or maybe not ruin) everything happening.
There's a handful of things that made this story a bit challenging to read but one of the many things I have to give props to is the development of the FushIta relationship side of Yuuji's story. I don't hate FushIta but it's one of many jjk ships that makes me grit my my teeth when it's not a side story in a goyuu ntr fic. So reading the development of their bond here… actually made me kick my feet a bit, is the author a FushIta shipper in disguise??? We'll never know ig ¯_(ツ)_/¯
There's the flashback scene where they're talking about books they read and after some banter Yuuji's like,
"hey megumi… in the future, let's go North, and see if those demons are real or not."
And I felt that, especially since Yuuji does end up going North (Gojo's Clan location if I remember correctly) but Megumi isn't there with him and it's much colder and lonely for him since he can't relate to Satoru at all.
Genuinely almost sobbed ಥ‿ಥ
Another thing I did enjoy was Sukuna's backstory and part of me really wanted more of it and him. It's said he got his hands dirty but I'd love to know what exactly this entails as it would really add more depth to the evilness of his character which is mostly told but not shown. It's easy to so say oh this character does evil things and imply that constantly but harder to display those evil things and show them doing the tragedies that solidify them in the reader's mind like 'yeah, this dude is the worst'. Example, Sukuna throughout the entirety of jjk lollll.
And there was an opportunity for the story to show one of such things which I'll get to in the critique part of this review.
I also really love the characterization which is very important you're making and alternate world. You don't always have to put characters in roles they'll fit but one thing I do like is when a they reflect that role with their canon personalities. And I know someone's already going "well fanon doesn't care about canon" which is fine and true but realistically many fanfic readers, myself included aren't into ooc content. What counts as ooc does vary from person to person tho, especially bc different people interpret characters differently.
Despite the various interpretations there is a common way a character is viewed and enjoyed, which is why, despite how much I enjoyed reading, there was something about Yuuji that constantly…called out to me.
I'm getting into the critique section now to talk about that. Where the writing shines in dialogue and interesting world building, it's kind of falls back in consistency.
Somewhere at the start, in the wedding scene, Utahime says they all have high expectations of Yuuji putting Gojo in his place with kind of indicates a firey kind of attitude but up until this point Yuuji has being quiet and avoidant and kind of continues to be until some of the later chapters. So it's weird she puts this responsibility on him when his character hasn't shown any signs of it. It's not one of more glaring instances but it's one that precedes a few others.
There's another part where Yuuji apologizes for speaking angrily, but Gojo says he doesn't have to because he knows he's the problem. Yuuji's internal thoughts proceed to view that as his apology being discarded which don't exactly make sense to me and ends up feeling like he's looking for reasons to be nitpicky at this point.
Character building isn't a huge problem but it's always the little things that manage add to the overall picture. There's a scene where Sukuna wants to take Yuuji to the Zenin clan and Wasuke doesn't want him to bc everyone thinks Sukuna wants to sell him off. Thing is Sukuna says he's not depraved enough to use an omega child like that but in my opinion it would have done his story and Yuuji's a greater service for him openly consider it and hold that over Yuuji's head for good behavior. He's evil, even if he'd actually never do it, evil people say evil shit.
With all this talk about characters it's time I finally expand on what really got to me and that would be Yuuji. My baby boy is literally all over the place. Yuuji canonically is a very social characters, eager to please and more ready than usual to give other's the benefit of a doubt. Here he's very quick to judge and overly guarded to me.
Now, I'm not saying has to overly friendly either but there's a balance that could struck with him not insulting or assuming things of Gojo constantly, and yeah the white haired bastard doesn't make it especially easy but one of Yuuji's admirable traits is his fortitude and patience with those around him.
Nevertheless, a part of me does think this was a stylistic choice to convey the disparity of Yuuji's behavior with his two love interests; Yuuji is only truly his best self with Megumi and the worst with Gojo. And understanding this, I was able to look past his behavior with the hope and interest of seeing both him and Gojo warm up to each other.
Also, did I mention it's still a mystery why Gojo asked for Yuuji's hand in marriage. Either that or it was mentioned that it's bc of his scent and I forgot (I've been through a lot this week forgive me (〒﹏〒)
My final critique is the writing structure and grammar. Grammar and writing are like 80% of a fic for me. If I don't vibe, no matter how interesting the concept I just might not read.
Thing is, I do vibe with Star2112's writing a lot, it simple yet beautiful in the way in which it conveys the emotions and moods of the story and characters. I enjoyed reading the scene where Yuuji freaks out cuz Gojo didn't spend the wedding night with him and now it may harm his reputation and Sukuna's. I enjoyed every FushIta interaction and I most definitely enjoyed when towards the ending of chapter 8, Yuuji allows Gojo to touch his belly and feel the baby while the Alpha spoke it (also Gojo wants to be a girl dad and that made me throw my phone across the room screaming cuz cuuuute (●♡∀♡)!!!!)
What I didn't enjoy was the structure of the sentences.
"Sentences work like this," Ren says. ✅
" Not like this, " They add. ❌
Figuring out how dialogue and quotations work are a big step for every author's writing journey, it's common not to know if you end with commas of full stops but for the most part, that doesn't really matter. Leave no spaces between the quoted sentence and the quotations marks and always start a new statement with a capital, doesn't matter if it was a continuation of what they were saying in a previous sentence.
Grammar-wise, there were a lot of frequent errors but none to glaring and they could all be fixed with a more thorough read through. It can be pretty hard without a beta reader bestie but I believe you, there's so much talent for you not to give the best reading experience you're able to.
Overall, this is definitely a fic I would recommend to avid arranged marriage goyuu fans that love the DRAMA (and if you're like me who likes to read Megumi getting cucked, tho it's not exactly cheating here we'll manage ( ꈍᴗꈍ)💕
At the end of the day, a lot of this advice is partly objective, all authors are free to take what they feel they want to work on and leave the rest. Or leave it all because what matters about writing and fanfiction is that you enjoy what you do. Other's enjoying it is just a bonus/by product.
And to Star2112, you're doing so good, keep it up, I'm subbed and ready to see more, especially if I'll get to read goyuu raising their kid or kids, I'm a sucker for 'oop it's twins'. I'd also encourage you to read more books outside fanfic if you don't if you're still interested in dialogue and sentence structure. You have a strong voice and I think working on your weak points will really amplify that. I'm honored you came to me and hope I was able to help.
If anyone else wants to request, recommendations and reviews are kinda two different things. If you Recommend me a fic and I may or may not talk about it, depends. If you request I Review (for analysis and advice) a fic it has to be yours and you'll have to prove it to me. Depending on what you want I'll either write a post or just let you know my thoughts privately. DMs open so don't be shy.
Thanks for sticking to the end, go check out Star's work to get in on that action and happy Easter my precious freaks!!!
Ps: will edit this later, my brain is literally on fire, bye lovelies (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤
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sugarywishes · 24 days
In your AU, what do you think originally made William do what he did? And more pressingly, how did his motivations and goals change over time, as he got spring locked and eventually burned later on? I am very curious, especially with all the different interpretations around. And I wonder if it was a small thing at worse made worse by Evan's and/or Elizabeth's deaths, or if he was long gone even before they occurred...
May I just say, I absolutely love every question you throw at me, it gives me time to flesh out my rewrite of FNAF a lot and I really appreciate it! Answer below as usual. Also I guess, spoilers for my rewrite?? (As if I haven't been constantly yapping about this)
His original motivation was indeed Evan. He was his most treasured valuable, and losing him was horrible for everyone, and also having your family slandered by everyone in the community and getting fired made things even worse. It made William become more unhinged than he's ever been before, and he kills Charlie as a result (it was accidental drunk rage)
Anyways he totally freaks out at this and drives away before anyone could see him. He tried his best to forget abt it and avoid the restaurant and Henry but he went back to the location eventually to take cash (cause yk he doesn't have money so he resorted to steal some because Henry never took Will's keys, and also he didn't change the locks) and then he notices something off about the puppet animatronic, it seems almost too alive. Out of curiosity, he checks the old Golden suits in the back and sees that Fredbear's suit seems weirdly twitchy for being inanimate. And he notices that a weird dark ooze spills out of the robots so he takes some of it to investigate more in his basement
Some library scouring here, some personal experiments here and he dubs the substance Remnant and deduced that maybe enough of this could maybe bring Evan back to life (so his plan was to pull a Victor Frankenstein, holy shit) so he originally killed the MCI to collect more remnant to eventually use for Evan's corpse to hopefully bring him back, it successfully brought back a rat he was testing (but he failed to see that the rat kept decaying even when it was still 'alive') So who's to say that Evan just wouldn't become some sort of zombie or something?
But he starts getting a little too into the killing children thing. When he killed the first three, he did it out of a necessity and didn't really have any feelings when doing so. But after Fritz and Cassidy he started to enjoy it (and as i said in the Cassidy post he didn't have to kill her but he did because he wanted to) it was the first time he's felt joy since before Evan's death. It actually kind of grossed him out, so for a while, he stopped killing. (Internal conflicts, he'll eventually completely embrace this horrible part of him, and also because it's to show that he could've just not done that but yk thats the consequences of his actions so...) But he still thought it wasn't enough remnant (it's an excuse for him to keep killing!)
But as I said before he likes doing things the easy way, and he thought maybe if I make robots to kill kids I just get remnant faster and uh oh. Liz dies. And he doesn't really like the fact that the children that he does tolerate somewhat keep dying so he ditches that idea. It also makes him even more crazy!
This moment kinda awakens a fear of death in him (as if he hasn't been surrounded by death by KILLING KIDS) so now he starts killing the DCI/KCI kids to get some remnant for himself (and also cause he likes killing kids) to live longer to 'keep working on his Evan project' (which he has been sidelining), then yk then he dies. And in my other posts I said he doesn't remember much of anything in his human life when he becomes Springtrap, so in his memories he killed kids just cause he thought it was fun and he wanted to be immortal. Same thing applies to Scraptrap and Glitchtrap (at least until he sees Gregory and it awakens the locked away memories he had of his family, but that's a story for another time!)
He's always had the potential to be evil (as it think everyone has that) but it took a while for him to fully become the monster he is deep down. Or something like that idk how to sound cool in text lmao
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tokiro07 · 4 months
Dub is at ep 23 now, is it a good time to say the anime really fumbled Fuuko's character? The most insulting thing it did was making her a generic "Nice Girl" instead of a out-of-touch psychopathic NEET from 10 years of isolation in the manga. We really only get to see her unhinged self during the Victor fight and Andy's past. The Shueisha gun scene that got cut was the manga part that made me stop seeing Fuuko as genericly good and got very invested in the characterization of the main duo.
I think you could have said that while the anime was airing, honestly
I don't think the anime assassinated her character or anything, but it definitely undercut her a bit for the sake of censoring the gun scene
That said, the bit where Victor shot her was notably changed from the manga. Originally she was pretty terrified the entire time, but in the anime she stood up to him and seemed less panicked while looking for Andy as I recall
I think it's just a different interpretation of her character, but it will only really be apparent how strong of an interpretation that is once we see how they handle Fuuko in Spring or L101, since those are the points where she makes the most drastic character progression past her starting point
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accio-victuuri · 2 years
WYB’s 6th Single ( Analysis Post ) ☀️
a recap to start : first teaser clues, second teaser clowning, about the studio who made initial artworks and that letter z.
This will include multiple topics and it will be a mix of CPN ( heavily ) and about the track itself, lyrics, relation to yibo’s life and artwork. also my personal thoughts. If you are only here for the candies then feel free to skip to Part II and IV because I discuss it there. Thank you to Yibo for his end of year gift to all of us. 🤍
It’s a long post so get a snack or something. 🍟
I. The Song Composition
LTS is Yibo’s 6th single and as per the notes on the track, they credited the lyrics to Tang Tian and composed and arranged by the famous Qian Lei. Tang Tian has a lot of song credits. Qian Lei is a known piano composer and you can clearly hear that in this song. An important link is that the theme song for "Yesterday's Blue Sky", which is dubbed by Wang Yibo (for Qi Jingxuan), was written, composed and arranged by the two of them.
This information was actually already “leaked” a few days before the actual song was released. Now the next and common question will be if that’s the case, does it make the song less personal? Well, songs written by an artist themselves really are as personal as you can get. It’s their own words, but sometimes they can write about someone else’s life and experience. Yibo is not the first artist in the world who have people write and compose songs for them but that doesn’t mean he did not connect to it. Yibo only releases one single to his name everyday so it’s logical to think that he will choose one that speaks to him the most. It represents his feelings for the year and what he wants to communicate to his fans/audience. Think about this year, how he was relatively quiet and working, he only became active with BAH and SDC. He almost never posts something personal. This song, so to speak, is his chance to deliver a message to his fans.
The description of the song in streaming platforms is more general and geared towards the theme of uplifting others. This will likely be the same explanation that will be given by Yibo and his team — and they are not wrong. A song can have different meanings and intention. Yibo cannot easily say that this is a love song, that it’s from his experience with a specific person in his life. I don’t doubt that Yibo meant it for people to interpret as a hopeful song to give them warmth. That has always been a part of his character, wanting to uplift other people. A message of individuals coming together and how wonderful that could be.
"Like the Sunshine" is a song about encounter and hope. About hope that ignites the light of the world. Though the winter nights are long and lonely. Let's embrace each other when we meet, we will become a fire that warms each other's hope. The sun will always come inadvertently as usual, then we will discover- It is not the sun that lights up the world, but the light that everyone gathers. the sun is not far beyond the sky, every day we light up for each other. A cluster of flames is the light that illuminates the world
The same is echoed in the weibo post of the studio, Warriors Music.
The cold winter is gone, the warm spring is coming again, and the fallen leaves are new on the branches. We must embrace life like the sun, and we must bloom life like the sun.
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The studio has a really cool logo cause it has the word BRAVE that describes Yibo if i do say so myself. Also their tagline is : every author who dares to take risks, integrate, and innovate in music is a warrior! Yes. Sounds like a group of people that someone like Yibo would love to work with. This year 2022, their most notable products were songs for Eason Chan ( which Yibo is a fan of ) as well as Zhou Shen and Faye Wong. So you know that Yibo chose well.
Going back to the actual song, this single is definitely a clear departure from his previous tracks. From upbeat sounds and introspective lyrics to this. I see him trying dipping his toes in with Nian, which was a mix but in this he fully committed. You can say that he has matured and that artists really do evolve in terms of their sound and what they sing about. or if we’re talking political, he is trying to appeal to not having a problematic message to his song so censorship will not criticize him. He’s been lending his voice to a couple of “positive energy” songs this year and he can’t slip up. Now since i’m a turtle, my opinion will be the same as before, love makes you gentle. I could see at some point in 2019/2020 the frustrations Yibo had in his life as a celebrity. Although it’s still there, I wanna believe that he has a better hold of how his life should work now. He has a good support system and someone like GG to get him through. I can only imagine how isolating one’s life would be if you’re a celebrity like XZ/WYB, this is why I’m so thankful they found each other when they did. They saved each other from heartbreak by being there at the right time.
II. The Artwork
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The star of so much anticipation and speculation has finally been released. We talked about how a studio claimed ownership of the first two teasers, visualizer and stage design. However for this particular piece, they reposted YBO and their caption was more on the NYE stage which they already claimed ownership initially. If you look at their page, that seems to be their strength, integrating visual design to live performances. I am not trying to discredit this company because I honestly loved the work they do, I’m just pointing out how different this was presented. The previous 2 had their own posts, emphasizing it was creatively designed by them and this did not. I could be wrong about this but i’m adding it here.
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Now let’s look at some clues:
1. The strongest one that made me weep is the accidental z. We know that this is ZZ’s recent signature for his artworks and he can’t exactly put it anywhere if he wants to stay as the mystery artist. So being placed in the visualizer in that clever way is amazing. They thought we wouldn’t notice? Lol. This is not the first time a hidden Z was spotted in something related to Yibo ( p2 and p3 ). Add the WYB and XZ reference in the writing itself. We know ZZ is a master of hiding things in calligraphy.
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2. Also the similarity between GG’s previous works to this and Nian. We’ve all said this, it gives us that feeling of someone making the same thing. It’s his style. No matter how professional ZZ is and his experience in adapting to what a client wants, you will still see it. If you’ve been exposed to enough of his personal works. It’s like the soul of the artwork screams Xiao Zhan. Take a look. ⬇️⬇️⬇️ Zoom in on the colors of the branch too.
3. The leaves falling remind us of one of ZZ’s photos.
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4. A lot of BXGs are using previous Bazaar photos from their Thailand fanmeet and comparing it to the artwork. Black and White to Colored. It’s like when we are apart, we are B&W, but together, they become full of color. 😌
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5. I am still in the headspace that GG made this, if he didn’t he gave lots of input or a draft of what it should look like. He may be the one going for the chalk-drawing design and they found a studio with the same style and had more experience in it. Some people might say, ZZ doesn’t have the time. Lol. No. Have you seen him complete artworks in between works while in his trailer? Yep. He can do it. All the more if it’s for someone important like Yibo. I don’t think Yibo necessarily demands it but more of an unspoken agreement. It’s their way of collaborating.
III. Relation to Yibo’s life
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Parts of the lyrics that relate to him. I have already discussed in Part I yibo’s reason in choosing this. He had always been known as someone who is quiet and a slow starter but we have slowly seen him opening up to people. I am so happy with his message about the importance of having people around you to get through life. As much as he knows the pain of being separated from his family and friends most of the time, how it’s basically the norm in his life— he still believes that he can’t be alone. He is not Mister Lonely anymore.
How do I call you-the one in the shadows of the trees, the one who waits for the dawn, the one as silent as I am?
This is him acknowledging his trait of being silent and trying to reach out to someone like him. It doesn’t matter if he has hard time doing so, Yibo always had his own way of reaching out to people. Some may be surprised with how well he gets along with people he works with like Huang Xuan ( Luoyang ) , BAH cast and SDC when he is so aloof. However his aloofness doesn’t mean he won’t reach out, he opens himself up and when he does, he really captivates the people around him.
I have once journeyed a very long way, you dreamt a very long dream.
A line that resonated with lots of fans especially about his long journey. He started his career at a very young age, leaving his family, moving overseas and back just for his dream.
The many lonesome nights drift pass like fallen leaves, yet they will find a way to grow anew on the trees.
A very hopeful message about loneliness ending and that those nights will not last forever. I like how this is written because it does not say what’s the cause. It’s not heartbreak or anything — you are just lonely. It is something that a lot of people experience and usually feel guilty about. I think this speaks to Yibo and he wants to pass along the message that this feeling is okay and it will pass.
Dance-at every crossroad, in journeys, in the dawn, in the wind.
Dance. Very Yibo. You can probably use other words here to describe movement but they used dance because it’s very him. Dance has accompanied him in many aspects of his life, good and bad. Yibo will continue to dance through it all.
If we are together, the winter shall pass
Like birds flying through the darkest of clouds
Wherever you go, I wish you happiness
The same theme of coming together, the dark and lonely winter shall end ; It’s about holding on to the hope of better days. This year has been filled with ups and downs for Yibo and I have always loved his disposition of things getting better and having no regrets. There are incidents in year that i’m sure he felt like it’s “winter” but he hold on to the fact that better days are coming. I wish you happiness, his message to the people listening. It’s like wherever you find yourself going after all this, I hope you are happy.
When the winter is past-
Let us exchange our stories.
Finally, another message or coming together as a group. A message of Unity. I like the part of exchanging stories. Those times of “winter” and loneliness is not something to keep and be ashamed of. You can learn from it too and tell other people.
I love how open and vulnerable Yibo allows himself to be by singing these lyrics. He is not going for the “i don’t care” message anymore. He cares. He has such a big heart and wears it on his sleeve. Passer by might see him as an Ice Prince but those of use who watched him for some time know that this is not the case. He easily cries when things move him, fiercely loyal to his friends, attentive to other people and reaches out to those who need his help. That is the true Yibo and he is letting himself be seen now. 🤍
IV. Interpreting the lyrics to BJYXSZD and other clownery
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Soaking in the wind of the late spring, waiting for the rains, that usher in the new grains,gazing at the stars together with the wild beasts
gazing at the stars together. Need i say more. This is not just figurative in their case, they did gaze at the stars before. Add the countless star reference between the two. Well. It screams xz and wyb. ✨
As we talk the bonfire is lit, time stealthily passes like the scattering of petals.
This is giving me the imagery of them camping, you know, the bonfire. Which the both of them have talked about enjoying recently. It can also be a figurative description of how a fire was lit when they started talking back then. Once they started, it didn’t stop. It can also be that when they talk to each other by phone or video call — the time of them being apart seem to vanish. There are lots of LRLG submissions of them communicating constantly and I think this points to that.
I have once journeyed a very long way, you dreamt a very long dream.
BITCH! This line made a lot of BXGs cry. I talked about Yibo’s journey in Part III of this post and in this case “dreamed a very long dream” is XZ. It’s not a secret that XZ had a normal life as an office worker but he couldn’t let go of his dream of being a singer so he joined an idol survival show and the rest is history. Personally, I can dismiss all the other lines because this is the most important. It’s the two of them. This tells their story in one line.
If we are true to each other, the winter shall pass
The many lonesome nights drift pass like fallen leaves,
yet they will find a way to grow anew on the trees
You and I will meet just as surely as the world spins
Meeting after the winter sounds like their long distance relationship. It’s an assurance that no matter what happens, despite the lonely night, they will might again. As surely as the world spins. It’s the most natural thing in the world for them to find their way into each other’s arms again. 😭😭😭
Flickering light cupped in my palms for you-
bits and pieces of the happinesses I've picked up along the way
How do I call you-how gentle is your name?
I pray you speak it when the dawn breaks
The most romantic thing right here everyone. Here you go. This is a love song. Come and fight me. Such sweet imagery, bottling up all the happiness and saving it for you. Calling each other’s name. I feel so soft.
Wake just like the sunlight. Dance-at every crossroad, in journeys, in the dawn, in the wind.Wake just like the sunlight.
This is them going through things together, much like dancing in the rain — this has that same meaning. They both go through lots of shit with their lives as celebrities, but they remain unbothered ( mostly ).
If we are together, the winter shall pass
These two lines also speaks of their relationship. As long as they have each other they can get through anything. We see silent ways of them supporting each other. It’s like Yibo hiding ZZ’s rehearsal under his name. Their lawyers being related in practice. Suing the same companies.
Let us exchange our stories
Their usual never ending talking to each other about anything and everything under the sun. Whether in what we’ve seen with their interactions in BTS or Untamed promos— to the LRLG submissions. They always keep in touch. They are genuinely interested in what each other is doing.
In general, it’s the story of the love being present and remaining warm despite the distance. It does not deny that their is loneliness but it shall pass because their love is stronger. This has to be the most romantic song in Yibo’s roster of singles.
V. Final thoughts
My initial exposure to Yibo’s singing was Wuji and Bu Wang so you can only guess what kind of sound I fell in love it when it comes to his voice. I have always wished for a mellow song — a love song, and I am happy that gave it now. This seems like such a perfect time for a track like this. It’s so Yibo. It’s another aspect of him — not the cool/motorcycling/skateboarding/blank faced Yibo. It’s the Yibo that is warm and wants others to feel safe and heard.
This song will be so wonderful on stage. It will definitely be a unique performance, as expected of Yibo. It’s such a good way to end the year! Truly feels like a reward. 🙏🏼
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shefanispeculator · 5 months
What is the Met Gala theme this year?
The theme of this year's Met Gala stems from the latest exhibition by the Costume Institute of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, "Sleeping Beauties: Reawakening Fashion." 
"When an item of clothing enters our collection, its status is changed irrevocably. What was once a vital part of a person's lived experience is now a motionless 'artwork' that can no longer be worn or heard, touched, or smelled. The exhibition endeavors to reanimate these artworks by re-awakening their sensory capacities through a diverse range of technologies, affording visitors sensorial 'access' to rare historical garments and rarefied contemporary fashions," curator Andrew Bolton said. "By appealing to the widest possible range of human senses, the show aims to reconnect with the works on display as they were originally intended—with vibrancy, with dynamism, and ultimately with life."    
This year's theme goes hand-in-hand with a dress code, dubbed "The Garden of Time." 
The Met Gala's dress code is usually quite loosely interpreted by guests, and is used as a jumping off point for outfits, making for some memorable red carpet moments. 
What exhibition is the 2024 Met Gala theme celebrating?
"Sleeping Beauties: Reawakening Fashion" is the exhibit the Met Gala will be celebrating. 
The story behind the exhibit's name has to do with the garments that will be on display. Roughly 250 garments will be shown from the Costume Institute's collection of 33,000 pieces. Many of the ones that will be on display are typically never shown. Some are said to be too fragile to hang, for fear of them falling apart. 
Instead, they will lie in glass cases, like the fabled Sleeping Beauty. 
"The Met's innovative spring 2024 Costume Institute exhibition will push the boundaries of our imagination and invite us to experience the multisensory facets of a garment, many of which get lost when entering a museum collection as an object. Sleeping Beauties will heighten our engagement with these masterpieces of fashion by evoking how they feel, move, sound, smell and interact when being worn, ultimately offering a deeper appreciation of the integrity, beauty and artistic brilliance of the works on display," Met Museum Director Max Hollein said.    
What does "The Garden of Time" have to do with Sleeping Beauty?
"Sleeping Beauty" is a classic fable of a beautiful princess who is sent into a magical sleep only to be reawakened by the kiss of her true love. It is frequently interpreted as being about how true love will conquer all. 
"The Garden of Time" is a short story by J.G Ballard. The story concerns a couple living in a beautiful home. 
A mob is slowly making its way inevitably toward them, bringing destruction. In the couple's garden grow "time flowers," and each one that is plucked sends the mob back in time, further away from their inevitable arrival at their home. But the garden is no longer growing new flowers, and the destruction of their exquisite home and life together is inevitable. 
The exhibition itself, like a garden, will also be a multisensory experience, designed to stimulate all the senses. The galleries will be arranged "exploring a different theme inspired by the natural world," the Met said. As an example, the floors of one gallery space will be animated with snakes, and the ceiling of another with a projection of birds. 
"Punctuating the exhibition will be a series of 'sleeping beauties'—garments that can no longer be dressed on mannequins due to their extreme fragility—that will be displayed in glass 'coffins' allowing visitors to analyze their various states of deterioration as if under a microscope," the Met said. 
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sweetdreamsjeff · 3 months
This in my opinion is a beautiful homage to Jeff.
Emel Mathlouthi Covers Jeff Buckley's New Years's Prayer as an Electronic Tour De Force
Emel Mathlouthi knows her cover songs. The Tunisian singer-songwriter, who first gained fame when a viral protest song got her dubbed the “Voice of the Arab Spring” (she performed at the Nobel Peace Prize ceremony – take that, Grammys), told us about her five favorite covers last year. She also, on pretty short notice, pulled together a rare “All Along the Watchtower” cover that sounds nothing like all the other “All Along the Watchtower” covers for my book party (no joke, friends still mention her performance to me two years later). But her newest cover may be her best yet. Certainly her most unrecognizable.
She’s sort of covered Jeff Buckley before, performing a pretty straightforward interpretation of his “Hallelujah” cover early in her career. But that finger-picked ballad wouldn’t prepare listeners for what she’s done to Buckley’s lesser-known song “New Year’s Prayer,” also called “Fall in Light.” Dark and electronic and storming, her cover, rechristened “Fallen,” sounds like Nine Inch Nails or Portishead. Anyone but Jeff Buckley.
The reason it strays so far, she says, is that she didn’t set out to cover the song at all. To open a show a couple years ago, her band decided to improvise for a few minutes. “The guys started playing some dark pads and very psychedelic rhythms,” she says in an email. “‘Fall in Light’ came to my mind and I started improvising with that, until I created a new chorus for it with the word ‘Fallen.'”
It’s now become her standard concert-opener, and she finally posted a video on YouTube. It’s a stunning piece, nearly unrecognizable; a couple times I had to Google the words she sang to confirm they were indeed Buckley’s. Watch it below, as well as a more recognizable recent cover, a solo-piano “We Shall Overcome” she sang for the Women’s March.
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dorizardthewizard · 5 months
HSM (2006) rewatch pt 5
5: Audition time!
The ad cuts are taking me out hahaha
We see Sharpay give Darbus some sort of gift, we can guess she’s one of those students where the teachers think she’s the most loveliest thing on the planet but to other students she’s a nightmare
Ah, the first of the classic silly Chad shirts – “I come with my own background music”. How much time does he spend picking these out? And the watches from earlier?? If you think about it the only other guy with an outfit quirk is Ryan- /shot
Chad you’re a terrible spy
Obsessed with this kid who can’t speak because otherwise they’d have to pay the extra more. They actually try to dub over with a voice but it’s so faint it's not even subbed, looks like this kid just randomly grabs Chad’s hand to greet him it’s so funny, but Chad is just like “Oh, hi! :D”. Actually I am now proclaiming this guy is mute.
There’s an auto shop in this school???? So apparently some schools with a focus on trades do have these, huh pretty cool
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I love Kelsi’s fit. It’s just so her <3
The first girl is me when I try to sing
Girl with the pink flower's singing skills are about right for the plays I did tbh, it was a small thing in a church hall and not a single one of us kids were actually good at it. But it was fun!
Hey what was with the 2000s and thinking bad opera singing was the height of comedy? We’re only missing their glasses breaking
Darbus: What... courage! To pursue a note that has... not been accessed in the natural world! Bravo, uh, brava! Darbus: Perhaps the spring musicale?
SAVAGE. Also, spring musicale? SO THERE IS A SPRING ONE. WHEN?? If you’re doing AUDITIONS for the winter one in JANUARY, when is the spring one supposed to be??
Mad respect to this ballet guy. Maybe they let him join the ensemble? This reminds me, I caught Billy Elliott on TV the other day and I'm planning on watching Jump In soon, I'm just watching the same old themes this month huh
Darbus: Well that was just... very disturbing. Go see a counsellor
HELLO??? 😭😭😭 I mean I see they were going for the originality points and tried to do some interpretative dance, honestly it’s not too far from GCSE drama productions that always seem to have something to do with peer pressure, drugs or a car crash lmao
Reaction montage because same:
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OK now that Gabriella’s here I want to point out that Troy did actually come here of his own accord, of course he’d hoped Gabriella would be there as he was checking the audition sheet earlier, but I see this as being an “it’s less scary if it’s the two of us” thing, rather than him only being interested in the musical because of Gabriella. Sure, she sparked his curiosity as he realised how much he enjoyed the karaoke singing, but once he got to the theatre he wasn’t looking around searching for her - I think due to the sequels where Gabriella has to convince Troy to do the performance and he’s all reluctant at first, we kind of forget that initially, he was the one to take the first step, even if he’s too scared to actually audition here. I kind of wish they’d kept this and progressed it into the sequels so he’s more confident with his love of theatre going forward, but instead they keep repeating the whole “ahhhh I don’t sing” thing.
Gabriella: So you decided to sign up for something? Troy: Uh... no. You? Gabriella: No...
Hahaha Troy and Gabriella are basically like “No I won’t do it uh, unless you wanted to”
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Haha, little callback to when she asked him why he's whispering and he said his friends don't know about the singing thing.
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Okay Sharpay and Ryan’s version of What I’ve Been Looking For is more fun than Kelsi’s original for sure, but look Kelsi wrote the song that way for a reason – it probably fits the vibe of the scene and the emotions of the characters at that point in the story. So to see your vision ignored, and your song reworked without consulting you, that’s a pretty big insult for an artist. Like, that’s her song! Her creation! Also Sharpay and Ryan don't have the chemistry for the roles for obvious reasons, and their choreography can be a bit… idk... literal? At the line “that you were always there beside me” they often look at each other like “Oh! Haha there you are!” which is a bit of a shallow interpretation of the song imo. Like I get their limitation because they’re siblings, but that’s just showbiz you can’t expect to fit every single main role you audition for? Anyway it’s B tier for me, catchy enough but nothing show-stopping.
I like how there’s little hints at conflicts between the two though, like Sharpay stopping Ryan so she can walk out first, bumping into him during the number and her telling him not to do the jazz squares but Ryan doing it anyway. He’s not completely subservient to her.
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Sharpay is so mean to Kelsi and y’all wanna say she was the victim here? She’s an elitist that doesn’t encourage new talent or cooperation, she just likes to be on top.
Gabriella: I'd like to audition, Ms Darbus!
I feel like they could have portrayed Gabriella’s motivations a bit better because they’re a tad unclear for me – with Troy we had scenes about his conflict and we can see he’s genuinely curious about singing on stage, but Gabriella seemed pretty certain she didn’t want to do anything like that right at the start of the year, plus she’s got major stage fright. So what exactly got her to go to the audition? Did she guess Troy would be there? If anyone's got any thoughts or meta on that I'd love to hear it
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Troy is so kind to Kelsi aw, taking the time to boost her confidence. It’s not like he knew she’d play them the music, he genuinely just saw someone being mistreated and wanted to boost them up. In the novelisation, Kelsi is freaking out because THE Troy Bolton is talking to her and turns out he's just a nice sweet guy who doesn't think he's above everyone else, it's sweet.
OK I know people laugh at them being able to sightread here, but they already heard how the tune goes as they saw Sharpay and Ryan’s audition, and this is essentially just the same thing slowed down, with some prompts from Kelsi. It’s not thaaaaat farfetched.
So for Troy and Gabriella’s version of the song? I’m sure this version suits that part of the musical more, they have great chemistry when singing it and they can sing well, so I can see why Darbus would consider them. It’s just that in my personal rankings I wouldn’t really listen to this so it’s C tier, but that doesn’t mean it’s bad. The song does exactly what it needs to do at this point in the story.
Aw Kelsi’s so excited! Even inviting them to her house for breakfast practice ^^
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fnaf-altered · 11 months
Alright, people listen up. Fnaf is a janky lovable mess of a lore that needs fixing, I myself have not played a single game or read any of the books, but like all of you know it's potential is absolutely massive all it needs is more ironing out and fixing several inconsistencies so that's what I'm going to do how? Well, here's the thing about fnaf it's scared to move on from William, and it always tries to bring him back, and the story that was trying to be told ultimately got so lost via miss interpretation that I don't feel like anyone in reality knows what the lore is except for Scott himself and steel wool, so I'm going to rewrite it in a way that makes the lore in my opinion make more sense starting with the two main men themselves.
William and Henry, now I understand why people see these two as essential to fnaf because they are, they literally started everything...Buuuut there's a problem, William as far as we know is a legitimate killer who killed Henry's daughter (who as far as everyone's concerned is Charlotte/Charlie) for seemingly no reason then when he discovered began to experiment with life and honestly to me that doesn't seem good enough...So I'm gonna split Williams goal of immortality out of him and I'm going to give it...To a new character, now hold on I'm not going into crazy insane "Ocs everywhere!" Territory, I'm making one new character named Marcus a kind of third party to make William and Henry not a duo but a trio each with different ideologies, Henry is similar to cannon however that's not saying much because there's not a lot in cannon, what he is though is a man who feels like whatever his friends have done is his fault and that it's all up to him to fix it because it's his mess and no one else's. William is a man who's a legitimate psychopath, or at least BECOMES one after a certain event. Markus is a man who can't except that the past happens and aims to "fix all of it" by "undoing the tragedy." And in doing so has only created more tragedy.
Then we come to the children of William and Henry...Oh boy this is a doozy because, honestly, I'm not 100% sure this change is a good idea, but I'm going to make the crying child aka Evan (in this rewrite at least) be Markus's son because it gives Markus a reason for what he does even if it's not right.
Alright so the timeline goes as fallows
Henry Emily a very good at playing the system businessman, William Afton a man who's good at manipulating events to fit a narrative and a manipulater on a human level, and Marcus a bright man who's heavily into robotics meet in high-school and become friends, fast forward a few years later and William comes up with the concepts for two characters he dubs "Fredrick van Fazbear" a golden Grizzly bear with a voice like honey butter and a obsession with food and "Springsy" a golden magician rabbit who only wants to preform for kids, and from that idea Henry pulls some strings and Marcus starts to make the machines and by the end of the year their company Fazbear entertainment is opened with resounding success in their first ever location called fredbears, and everything goes well, they get money, and nothing seems to go wrong, then at some point Marcus and Henry started to take all of the credit, now while admittedly they were very important, Henry handled all of the Financials and expandansion of the fazbear brand, because of him they even got a TV show called freadbear and friends that was on it's third season, and Marcus did do most of the designing and the manufacturing of the animatronics, heck he even invented the revolutionary spring lock technology and managed to get a small deal with a friend to make a arcade cabinet for the fazbear brand, but William? Well, he was the guy who handled the front lines. If worker morale was down or if people were going through a tough time, he'd be there to make sure that they got home early and still got paid for full hours, he'd keep the workplace positive and was legitimately everyone's favorite boss man, hell even the customers liked him whenever they'd interact with him, and he made the ideas for the animatronics, the idea for this brand wouldn't have even existed without him! But somehow, he was still seen as the lesser of the three, and well, let me remind you, William IS a psychopath, he isn't going to just stand by...So he waited...And waited...And eventually he saw his opportunity when he found Henry's daughter, Charly locked outside of fredbears by some boys, he took his chance on oh pore little Charlotte had died...At least it seemed like she did...The puppet, a fourth member of the cast added when he was introduced in the fredbear and friends TV show first aired had been acting strangely and while William either didn't notice or care enough and Henry was drinking his sorrows away Marcus took note...Then a few days later Marcus's wife Barbra was hit by an oncoming car. And being devastated, he began to drink and lash out at his son Evan. The pore kid didn't deserve it, but he just did, then eventually he found out it was a purple car... Recently, William had mentioned his car broke down, so he was getting it replaced. He WAS purple, and he just so happened to show up only moments after Emily's estimated death time... By the puppet... then it all just kinda clicked, and he was furious. He was going to bring the wrath of God to William! But then stopped... The puppet, when William killed Charly the puppet wasn't right after, almost like it was...Charly. The thoughts of his dead wife circled in his mind... Then he came to an conclusion, he met with William, and they had a deal or sorts... One that William agreed to knowing that if Marcus went to the police that he'd be done for. And so began our little horror story...
"Project remnant."
And that's where I'm stopping here. Should I continue? Let me know because I do have ideas for this new lore that could be awesome to exploit mainly with Marcus and how this story will really end, which it will consider fnaf one through pizzaria sim to be part of one continuous story that ends at pizzeria simulator even if that doesn't mean the story itself won't continue it will it'll just be much more diffrent, that is all I have to say for now. Thanks for listening! And I hope you've enjoyed it even if I never actually continue
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soukita · 2 years
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Since his debut, Martin Margiela has been one of the most influential designers of this generation. Inspiring artists such as Raf Simons, Margiela’s influence continues to impact already established and up-in-coming designers. Jean Paul Gaultier’s former prodigé was notably confused with being a part of the Antwerp Six, but this Antwerp graduate made sure to set himself apart from his peers. Founded in 1988 alongside Jenny Meirens, he started his brand with the premise that he wanted his clothes to speak for themselves, without the influence of branding. The four white stitches at the back collar represent practicality and if one wanted, the branding could easily be removed. Debuting his first collection on October 23rd, 1988, guests were seated on wooden benches and white cotton fabric served as the runway. This peculiar makeshift set-up connected to the themes of deconstruction and interpretation that the collection represented. During Paris Fashion Week, fashion houses at the time hosted their shows within the 1st arrondissement however his show took place at the Café De La Gare, located in the 3rd arrondissement. It became a controversial way for Margiela to debut his collection. Creating garments out of vintage clothing was one of the reasons why Margiela is known for his artistry. He questioned the obsolescence of outdated garments and constructed them into something transformative to reveal their inner workings.
He was also known for using a variety of everyday elements such as duct tape, garment bags, and spray paint to make runway pieces.
The standards in the ‘90s were to have highly influential supermodels to sport your designs and to have frivolous and outgoing runways (i.e. Chanel and Versace). The models Margiela used, however, were friends and strangers he plucked off the streets. He did this because he wanted to show that his clothes can be worn by everyday people and to highlight the house’s main theme of anonymity. Kristina de Coninck, a model who walked for his shows, recalled her experience working for the designer.
“[…]When Martin was casting models, he was always looking for a certain attitude, to let our personality show through. The fall/winter 2000 show was such genius — elegant but done with a sense of humour and attention to the finest detail.”
During his 1995 Spring/Summer show, he had the models wear rhodoïd strips over their eyes, concealing their identity to refocus it onto the clothes. Fashion houses in today’s age have adopted the concept of having models who are descendants of famed moguls within the entertainment industry.
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Vogue dubbed Margiela a “Bad Boy” after his 1994 Fall/Winter Show because he refused to show his collection to the press before it hit the stores in September. Margiela’s name itself is extremely common in conversations and themes within the fashion industry, however, there are very few photos of him. Margiela did not want his physical image to speak for his designs, rather, he prioritized the brand being viewed as a collective, not one monolithic image.
In 2002, Diesel acquired Maison Martin Margiela due to financial troubles. During the acquisition, the brand had gone through major shifts in its identity which ultimately resulted in Margiela resigning from his position as creative director in October 2009. After his departure, the house’s anonymous design team who are famed for sporting white lab coats continued to design for the label until John Galliano was appointed creative director in 2014.
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John Galliano is a Central Saint Martins graduate who previously designed for big houses such as Givenchy and Dior. Galliano was known for his flamboyant personality, logomania, and interesting designs. Galliano himself was a figurehead, never shying away from the spotlight, walking down the runway dressed in outlandish costumes (i.e. astronaut and sailor). Since Galliano’s takeover of Margiela in 2014, he has shifted the ethos of the brand to focus on refinement, poetry, and storytelling. Although Galliano is known for highlighting these pillars (as seen in Spring/Summer 2022), he has made this once garment and design-focused house into a house that is catered to today’s youth, who are heavily attached to the digital world. John Galliano stated that “The online presence of fashion houses can feel cold, detached, and transactional […] much of our grammar at the Maison is founded in movement: dressing in haste, work in progress, the bourgeois gesture.” Ultimately, the sense of mystery was lost because of Galliano’s identity despite the anonymous approach that the house was founded upon.
The brand also introduced more logomania items and had numerous collaborations. This has strayed away from the brand’s pre-Margiela departure ethos and it spiralled into a mass-consumerism, nonsensical, and somewhat profit-chasing brand. Maison Margiela is known for its collaboration with H&M, Reebok, and Samsung.
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Margiela was a minimalist brand based on the bias of deconstruction, intricate designs, and practical wear. Now, it is a part of the public sphere and has been somewhat reduced to their popularized Tabi shoe due to the boom of social media. On TikTok alone, the hashtag “tabi maison margiela” has amassed 219.7M views. A brand that was originally known for going against industry trends, has now turned into the one setting them. Margiela is coined as the founding father of Anti-Fashion, and he’s up there with the greats such as Rei Kawakubo and Issey Miyake. Although Galliano is a talented designer, he tried to establish himself within the Maison in order to not lose all of the brand’s foundation. Galiano has a podcast called “The Memory Of… With John Galliano” where he narrates the collections he creates under the brand, further revealing the mystery of this once tight-lipped brand.
Although Galliano and Margiela are two different designers, they’ve still found a way to be some of fashion’s most reputable figureheads. Galliano may be a change of scene from the original ground built upon the foundation Martin had framed for the past several years.
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backtothepiano · 1 year
A Moment with Schubert
Schubert seems to condense everything music offers in just a few measures. Elegance is the word that springs to mind.
Somewhere in history—specifically in the history of music—amongst giants like Beethoven and Mozart, there dwells a composer named Franz Schubert.
Often cited in the encyclopedia as belonging to the late classical period, I tend to think that Schubert has one foot in the classical and the other in the romantic, still at times he seems to have both feet firmly grounded on romanticism. Only by immersing oneself in his music can one utterly understand.
Schubert is a fascinating character: anonymous to the public of his time, he was loved by a select group of friends who provided him with support.
A prolific composer, Schubert wrote tirelessly, but fell short in other areas of his life. Unsurprisingly, his financial situation was catastrophic, a common pattern among many great artists throughout history.
To help the poor genius, music-loving friends supported him and provided him with housing; Schubert repaid them with nightly soirées, affectionately dubbed “Schubertiades,” masterfully portrayed in Julius Schimidt’s painting.
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I remember the late Gilberto Tinetti in his excellent program “Pianíssimo” on Brazilian Rádio Cultura. Tinetti described Schubert’s daily cycle was as follows: at night, he played songs and improvised with new ideas; the next morning, he wrote down the themes from the night before; in the afternoon, he strolled in parks and read outdoors.
For Schubert, composing was so commonplace and natural that, careless with the works scribbled on lined paper, now and then he lost them in his wanderings between parks and taverns in Vienna.
My passion for Schubert was ignited when I first heard anthological recordings by Alfred Brendel, Maria João Pires, and Vladimir Sokolov on Radio Cultura. They brought to life Schubert’s Moments Musicaux, Impromptus, and the sonatas heavily influenced by Beethoven—a composer that Schubert admired most—but infused with their own character and color.
During my study cycle between 2006 and 2009, I practiced one of the Impromptus. Now, it was about time to explore the Moments Musicaux, which I admire for its rare combination of clarity, simplicity, and lyricism. The Moment in C Major is a particularly perfect example. Its simple opening begins with an airy melodic line that later reappears in a graceful counterpoint section and culminates in a resounding succession of soaring chords. Schubert seems to condense everything music offers in just a few measures. In trying to describe his style, elegance is the word that springs to mind.
During my studies, I aimed for a classical technique in my fingers and a romantic interpretation in my heart. Inspired by Brendel and Jõao Pires, I embarked on my humble rendition, working to refine my dynamic control to meet the demands of the musical material. The Yamaha U1J provided invaluable support with its greater range and fuller sound compared to my old Schneider.
Recording this piece was an enchanting experience, and I look forward to further exploring Schubert’s repertoire.
Recorded in Curitiba, in March 2023, on the Yamaha U1J piano with a Shure MV88 microphone.
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ddelline · 4 months
fic OST | halcyon (and on and on)
blurb | rehash from the last of these I posted: it’s me, so ofc there’s a fic OST to accompany the main thing. hereby: the music which has enabled me to go on a 40k (and counting) writing spree, doing bkg dirty (or am I) by having him seethe in a sorry, messy, pining pile (all of his own making) for all & everything that is midoriya izuku.
no spoilers rly, however ost may be interpreted as exploring both bk/dk perspectives, even though halcyon (and on and on) such as it’s been written remains firmly rooted in bkg, and bkg’s pov
what | 24 tracks ranging from dub → classic noughties trance → ambient → nu era pop → golden age rock & more (& then some for good measure)
playlist → spotify
tracklist | under cut
01 | orbital — halcyon and on and on
02 | donato dozzy — vaporware 07
03 | HNNY — till dig
04 | smith & mighty — maybe for dub
05 | kelela — contact (karen nyame KG remix)
time is surreal, now I’m floating in outer space
06 | depeche mode — precious
I pray you learn to trust have faith in both of us and keep room in your heart for two
07 | jai wolf & BANKS — don't look down
sometimes I overthink compulsively get in my head wait for the truth to sink in to feel my own skin
08 | jonathan johansson — släng alla heartbreakstråkar (transl swe -> eng)
caught the last bus from the cinema and you fell asleep on my lap our takeaway got cold, oh god oh god, what is this
09 | mAsis — skin
settle into your skin settle into your skin breathe in the stillness
10 | fleetwood mac — silver springs
I’ll begin not to love you turn around, see me running I said I loved you years ago
11 | burial — archangel
holding you; couldn’t be alone, couldn’t be alone, couldn’t be alone loving you; couldn’t be alone, couldn’t be alone, couldn’t be alone
12 | seinabo sey — still
I’ve been thinking about tomorrow instead of drowning in the past oh, we had good times even back when dreams were all we had to last
13 | kelela — divorce (DJ manny remix)
under the surface I’m lying fighting the tide, now I’m drowning steady I’m diving in deep
14 | joakim berg & maria jane smith — sommaren (transl swe -> eng)
nothing happens without cause and all the alleys lead back to you your blood on my hands—it calms me
15 | nothing but thieves — you know me too well
I want you all to myself oh, but you know me too well forgive me cause sometimes I forget I got my own two hands clenched around my neck
16 | foals — mountain at my gates
oh, give me some time show me the foothold from which I can climb yeah, when I feel low you show me a signpost for where I should go
17 | kent — innan himlen faller ner (transl swe -> eng)
as the sky falls down you’re everything I have and I’ll do anything to keep you as the sky falls I’m everything you have and I’ll do anything for you to keep me
18 | the kills — doing it to death
baby lately the plans we’re making are the shape of things that never come hold your horses, the light’s up
19 | the last shadow puppets — miracle aligner
often the humble kind but he can’t deny he was born to blow your mind or something along those lines
20 | bishop briggs — be your love
bad blood come and go but you’re still coming home ain’t no mountain tall, tall enough baby we rise, we fall
21 | omoinotake — 蕾 (transl jp -> eng)
I’m reaching you to you; will you hold my hand?
22 | rui da silva — touch me
touch me in the morning and last thing at night keep my body warm, baby you know it feels right
23 | tyla — water
make me sweat, make me hotter make me lose my breath, make me water
24 | sylver — turn the tide
you have the bravest heart the strongest emotions after all the harm I’ve caused and you still want my loving
25 | orbital — halcyon and on and on
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lowkeynando · 1 year
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manitestation Svarog or Nebo ("Heaven"), and still others refer to its triune cosmic manifestation, Triglav ("Three-Headed One"):
Prav-> Yav-Nav, Svarog->Belobog-Chernobog, Svarog->Dazhbog-Stribog, or Dub-> Snop-Did.
[18] Rod is also "Time" (Kolo), scanned by the cycle of the Sun, ad reflected in the turning of the hours, the days, the months, the seasons, and the year. [191
The root *rod is attested in sources about pre-
Christian religion referring to divinity and ancestrality. [20] Mathieu-Colas defines Rod as the "primordial God", but the term also literally means the generative power of the family and
"kin", "birth", "origin" and "fate" as well. [14] Rod is the all-pervading, omnipresent spiritual "life force" which also gives life to any community of related entities, as defined by the Russian volkhvs Veleslav (Ilya Cherkasov) and Dobroslav (Aleksey Dobrovolsky). Its negative form, urod, means anything that is wrenched, deformed, degenerated, monstrous, anything that is
"outside" the spiritual community of Rod and bereft of its virtues. [21] Sometimes, the meaning of the word is left deliberately obscure among Rodnovers, allowing for a variety of different interpretations. [22] Cosmologically speaking,
Rod is conceived as the spring of universal emanation, which articulates in a cosmic hierarchy of gods. [25] When emphasising this monism, Rodnovers may define themselves as as CLONES
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