#duck symbolism
effen-draws · 2 years
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It's my turn to do some dramatic dhmis art!!
Also have the sketch and a singular alt this time:
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"The name of this gem is Courage. It is a single gem made of two."
Remember how they were both supposed to die but despite all odds they became friends and that's what saved them??????? I'm normal about this show i swear. Anyways happy belated anniversary Princess Tutu!!
[ID: stylized digital painting of fakir lifting duck as princess tutu in the air in a ballet pose. Both have their opposite arm outstretched. Fakir wears his knight outfit, clad in all black. Behind them, is the claw like structure at the center of the swan lake but here it’s colored like a moon and the space behind them is filled with stars. End ID]
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prettycoolducks · 8 months
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decided to quickly redraw/draw over an old (and I mean OLD) GLaDOS drawing. I liked the idea I was going for! It's GLaDOS standing over Cave Johnson's corpse lol. Original drawing under the cut (:
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polisena-art · 2 years
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Doodles based on a headcanon shared by @thesunpapaya on twitter!
Set in WW2, Panchito becomes part of the Mexican air force and soon befriends feisty pilot Della and her sailor brother Donald.
Donald had already met José while briefly stationed in Rio (Saludos Amigos). They later meet again by chance after José scampers off to the US to try his luck with a musical career and surely NOT because he is avoiding the Brazilian army draft...
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zmzebra-art · 2 months
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Princess Tutu Aira
close up on the duck aira that i used in the background
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duckprintspress · 5 months
Aether Beyond the Binary Merchandise Spotlight: Sky-Whale Enamel Pin
Our most premium general merchandise offering for the crowdfunding campaign for Aether Beyond the Binary? None other than our lovely sky-whale enamel pin! Because the stories all feature outside-the-binary, non-binary, and genderqueer characters, we encouraged the artists we commissioned to look to the related Pride flags for color inspiration, and this is one of the results…
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This awesome piece, which will have glitter in the sky in the background and the non-binary symbol attached as a free-dangling charm, was designed for Duck Prints Press by Atomic Pixies and continues our tradition of making absolutely awesome enamel work merchandise to accompany our anthologies.
Alchemy is our preferred enamelware manufacturer and we’ve had a strong relationship with them for three years, so we really trust them to make this pin awesome. 
The main body of the pin will be 2 in by 2 in (5 cm x 5 cm), the purple will be glittery, the chain will be a smidge shorter than depicted, the metal will be dark gold, and the color sections will be hard enamel.
Truly, honestly, we cannot WAIT to see this merch actually produced.
Want your own? All backers at Level 4 (Trade Paperback + Merch) and Level 5 (Hardcover + Merch) will receive this pin as part of their order. If you backed at a book-only level (2 or 3) you can also get your own as an add-on. Want one for a friend? You can add that on, too!
This campaign ends January 25th, 2024. Become a backer TODAY!
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stainedvenom · 2 months
Random Headcanons!
I don't know if this is going to be a more daily thing, weekly, or couple of times a week. But I'm going to start posting random headcanons about the Mighty Ducks Animated Series because there was way too little explained about lots of things on that show. The headcanons can practically be plausible if explained enough
The first is based off this picture
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So we see the upside-down triangle quite a bit in the series, even as far back as the first couple of episodes. Nosedive’s got it on his vest in later episodes, Grin has the tattoo as well that we see, well, practically every episode.
The symbol shown could be something equivalent to a badge of honor to the fallen. If combined with something else, it means something else, such as the Mask being in front of it and that is the team logo. But if it’s just the triangle and sticks, I think it’s like their world’s version of a symbol of mourning.
Though this was the first episode, think of what had happened; Canard says he’s what’s left of the Resistance when he finds the brothers, so one goes on the armor for all fallen comrades. His arm could be for the Flashblades if he thought something had happened to them, or to someone else such as family. For Grin, who openly has the tattoo on his right arm, he more than likely had it for a similar reason.
I feel like this is something that could've been explained easily, like a fan asking or something, but the series only had the one season and so much was left unexplored about the culture. And since this particular symbol shows up a lot in apparel mostly, it's very possible that it is one of mourning.
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disease · 10 months
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"DUCKS IN SNOW" EDVARD MUNCH // 1913 [oil on canvas | U/D]
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lesbiradshaw · 1 year
every time theo ends up saving liam’s life it’s by pulling him to safety from behind… something to be said about liam silently trusting theo enough to give him his back (and theo’s unspoken willingness to have it even at the expense of his own safety).
#you can have my back any day. or you know. you could have mine.#something something you can be my wingman anytime bullshit you could be mine#sorry but ‘ive got your six’/battle boyfriends/girlfriends is one of my fav dynamics#i have one ship type at the end of the day….#im not dying for you. im not dying for you either. but i will fight with you. lets fight.#guys… that was their mid fight oath to each other….#theo in memory found: wraps his arms around liam from behind to drag him into the elevator away from the riders#theo in triggers: standing behind liam. pulls him to the side by his arm to keep him away from nolan and figure out whats wrong#theo in werewolves of london: walks up behind liam in the locker room and keeps him from killing gabe/doing something else he might regret#(side note the shot of their faces beside each other in the mirror is sooooo symbolic of theo being liam’s voice of reason in a lot of 6b)#theo in wolves of war: tackles liam from behind to keep the hunters from shooting him#ALSO theo in wolves of war: positions himself between the hunters and liam as they’re both running away so he can push him ahead/shield him#taking damage he probably could have avoided had he just ducked#LIKE. yeah. theo will probably never admit it but he is so protective in his own convoluted emotionally repressed way#and liam lets him do it also in his own convoluted emotionally repressed way bc he doesn’t HAVE to give theo his back or the room to be the#one that comes to his rescue#they are partners !#:( my sons i miss them#thiam#theo raeken x liam dunbar#theo x liam#theo raeken/liam dunbar#theo/liam#teen wolf
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fionacle · 7 months
In English class class last year I had a ‘Saving Holden Essay’ (short story) where I had to write Holden from The Catcher in the Rye meeting me and I help him work through stuff. Throughout the book I’d felt a strong connection to Holden, plus I was excited to try out the informal writing style, so it’s easily one of my favorite writing projects I’ve ever done. Decided to turn it into a Y/N thing for you guys because maybe others like him too, and even though I’m not romantically attracted to him, apparently a lot of people at my school have been, so if you interpret it that way I can offer some food to a crush that I assume doesn’t get too much content (I’ll google after I post this). Unfortunately me being (outwardly anyway) a girl is important to how Holden acts towards the reader (originally me), so it’s not gender-neutral.
In the first draft I had me keep refusing to accept his help because stranger danger, but then his continued insistence made him too much of a creep and 1. That sucks he deserves better and no one wants to read that and 2. How the hell is that supposed to transition into me helping him?? So help accepted.
Anyway, story under the cut :) (and yes the first couple sentences are taken straight from the book)
I didn’t know where the hell to go. I didn’t want to go to another hotel and spend all Phoebe’s dough. So finally all I did was I walked over to Lexington and took the subway down to Grand Central. My bags were there and all, and I figured I’d sleep in that crazy waiting room where all the benches are. And I woulda done it too. But on the way, I wasn’t looking where I was going, and I walked right into this girl.
We didn’t fall on top of each other or anything, like they do in the movies. Where the guy lands on the girl with his hands next to her shoulders. And it takes them a second to realize what happened. But then they see they’re in this real perverted position, and they get up all flustered and embarrassed. No, it was nothing like that. The girl just kinda dropped what she was holding on the floor, and started saying she was sorry over and over while she picked up her things. I told her it was fine, and figured I outta help her out, so I bent over and started picking them up too. I looked at her and noticed she was pretty pale, and had scabs and bumps all over her damn face, though not as bad as Ackley’s. Her hair was short and brown, and kinda messy, but she didn’t look half bad. I half expected we’d grab a book or something at the same time and accidentally touch hands, then she’d look away all shy, and I’d take her out to coffee to apologize. The goddamn movies, they’ll ruin you.
All the stuff had been picked up, so we stood, and she looked at me, probably expecting me to hand her her things. But I felt weird letting a girl carry all this on her own. “Let me carry it for you, where you heading?” You could tell by the look on her face that she wanted to accept the help, but didn’t want to seem rude. That killed me. “Oh, no. It’s no problem, really. I can handle it myself.” “I insist. Come on, where you heading?” I took a step closer, and she looked like was getting a little uncomfortable, but I didn’t really feel like stepping away. “Where you heading?” “Just going home after visiting a friend. Her apartment isn’t too far from here.” “I’ll come with you, got nothing else to do.” “Well, I mean, if you don’t mind.” She killed me, she really did.
We started walking down the road away from the waiting room, and there was a while where neither of us talked. I think we both wanted to say something, but there’s a point when you’ve said nothing for so long that breaking the silence starts to feel like a crime. But then I thought I might ask her about the ducks, and that felt like a reasonable enough excuse for breaking the law. No one else seemed to know, but she was new, so it was possible she’d have an answer. “You know the ducks at the pond?” She sort of jolted when I said that, and she gasped as if I’d just told her her mom died. Guess she wasn’t expecting me to talk. “S…sorry, which pond?” “The one in Central Park.” “Um, yeah, I guess. Why?” “Where do they go? During the winter, I mean.” “Oh, I’ve never really thought about it before.” “Well, I think more people ought to. Not enough people are worried about where the ducks go.” She smiled at that, a real big genuine smile. I wasn’t really sure why, you could tell I was really sort of frustrated. “I think they migrate, like butterflies.” “What the hell do butterflies got to do with it?” “Well, they migrate too. Have you ever seen pictures of monarch butterflies huddled together on trees?” “No, because I’m not talking about the damn butterflies! Everyone’s always bringing up other things, I’m not asking about the butterflies or the fish, I’m talking about the ducks!” Her smile fell, and she looked away for a second. And I almost felt bad that I’d sort of yelled at her. It wasn’t that I was mad at her or anything, really, just that I was tired of people avoiding the question.
She still didn’t look at me, but she said something. It was so quiet I barely even noticed she was talking until she was half way through the damn sentence. “I think they fly south, where it’s warmer, and then they come back when spring comes.” I stayed quiet.
She looked at her feet. “Why don’t you just look it up in a book? You banned from the library or something?” “No, I’m not banned from the damn library! I… just don’t really want to.” “I get it. I think.” “You do?” I tilted my head like a confused puppy. “Yeah, like… maybe you can just never remember to go, maybe you’re scared of the answer, maybe you’re scared of the search being over, or maybe all three. It sucks to lose something you can ask people about, and stuff isn’t as fun when you just give it a definitive answer. It just loses something. Sorry, I don’t know if that makes sense.” “No, it… it makes a lot of sense, actually.” She turned to face me again and we just silently smiled at each other, it felt nice.
“Oh, this is my apartment building. I can take everything from here.” “I can help you bring it in.” “No, I think I’d prefer to do it myself, thank you.” “I was thinking we could chat some more.” “Maybe another time, bud.” I put what I was holding into her arms and she adjusted her grip around the pile to make sure she wouldn’t drop anything.
She started to walk off, but then quickly spun back around looking real shocked and embarrassed. “Oh, I just realized I forgot to ask your name!”
“Oh, I’m-”
I thought for a moment. I wasn’t really in the mood to lie about my name, to tell you the truth.
“Holden Caulfield.”
She smiled, and sort of chuckled a bit.
“(Y/N) (L/N).”
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edgygayguy · 10 months
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Rebbeca after finally feeding the gays for the first time in years:
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lemonduckisnowawake · 6 months
Beyond the Four Leaves of Fortune
I actually wrote my @inklings-challenge (thank you to the runners for holding the challenge!) story on the 28th, intending to post it on the same day given the inspiration from Holy Innocents Day but, uh....didn't. Also, excuse some of the typos/clunkiness as I didn't really edit well because 3k words.
The most important thing to note here is that I took inspiration from Jeremiah 31: 16-17, the verse after the whole Rachel weeping thing. And also that it features the same characters from the previous challenge. With that, here it goes!
“I think…” Wynan began, side-eyeing the scene in front of her with the air of someone long-resigned to everything, “that it should be illegal for people who have read too many books for their own good to get wrapped up in adventures.”
Relani and Meryan glanced at each other, perhaps a little guiltily.
Or so Wynan chose to interpret, just for her sanity. They were, after all, hiding a rather overly large creature behind their backs and not very inconspicuously. She couldn’t identify the creature right away, not having the breadth of knowledge Meryan had on the nuances of other worlds nor Relani’s impressive mental encyclopedia of obscure creatures. But the important things was that it was dark blue, snake-like (or perhaps wyrm-like with its scales?), dripping an odd gray liquid on the living room carpet that was probably blood…and very, very visible.
“We readers know all too well how things go and end,” Wynan continued, abandoning the laptop she’d been writing something on. She leaned against the door to the kitchen (opposite to the entrance from the mudroom), crossing her arms and quirking an eyebrow. “There’s no stakes and no drama, so involving us in the plot really will be no fun because we’re gonna just make the most boringly safe choices.”
Like, for example, opposing the adoption—not healing, since it looked like it needed patching up—of a magical beast.
Meryan glanced at the wyrm-like creature half squished into the mudroom, then back to Wynan. “Um…he’s a wyrm from one of the fairy-tale-like worlds who almost got lost to the void,” she attempted, her voice robotically professional. “We’ve decided to name him Léf.”
At her words, the dark blue wyrm weakly floated into the room, able to fit due to magically decreasing his size. He made a huffing noise as he flopped on the floor, the gray liquid dribbling out of him staining the carpet.
Wynan made the mistake of looking into his eyes, black full of blue stars the same color as his scales.
Léf whimpered.
“After he’s all healed up, we do have to release Léf back into his world,” Relani admitted a few hours later, when they’d patched up the tragically compliant wyrm and put him into one of their emptier rooms.
Meryan turned around so swiftly that she almost spilled the pot of broth in her hands.
“What?? Why? What if Léf doesn’t want to go back?!” she half-heartedly protested.
Like Wynan, Meryan was also a reader and thus aware of how this story would play out.
Also like Wynan, though (or perhaps it was the reverse), Meryan had become captivated by the wyrm’s adorable eyes and his clear exhaustion of life. So despite knowing better, they decided that maybe this time they could let the story play out differently and keep the wyrm with them.
“I mean…this house does need a pet,” Wynan contemplated, far too innocently for someone who had said literal hours ago that she wouldn’t support any idea that came from this. “I know we have Meluan—”
“Meluan isn’t a pet,” Relani sighed, though she smiled at the banter thrown at the currently-absent fourth member of the house. “And do you really think she’ll allow this?”
All three of them flashed back to their various attempts to keep animals here at the edge of the universe.
“…she probably will, to be honest,” Wynan reminisced. “And then we’ll have to repair the walls again.”
“Or rebuild the roof,” Relani reminded.
“Or find an obscure chemical to remove sea monster mucus from the floorboards,” Meryan finished with a sigh, sitting down (bowl of broth and all).
It looked like the story wouldn’t play out differently this time, after all, Wynan thought. Well, she’d tried not to get attached…for all but two minutes, at least. But you couldn’t just give them a helpless animal and expect them not to get attached, so who’s fault was it, really?
But back to the matter at hand.
“Well…I wonder what led him here, anyway,” Wynan spoke up, frowning at the wyrm curled up on the fuzzy and currently blue carpet.
Right now, Léf was breathing easily and fast asleep, but there was something about its…everything that didn’t sit right with Wynan. Barring the fact that the Abode Before the Void rarely received animals—and, if they did, they were companions of (or remnants of) their owners who’d come to the void—there was just something about the wyrm that seemed…off. Clearly, he wasn’t a remnant of someone the sisters couldn’t save or they would have felt it but what was he?
Unaware of Wynan’s thoughts, Meryan easily supplied some of the information missing. “I can’t really tell what exactly the creature means to his world, but he comes from a fairy-tale-esque land…the ones where the myths and folk tales of other universes seem to come alive?” she explained, resting her arms on her knees with a fond look at the sleeping creature. “The unique point in this world is the way these fantastical creatures co-exist peacefully with a technologically advancing world. A modern fairy tale, to put it in other terms.”
Relani grimaced and crawled closer to the sleeping creature. “I can add a bit more.”
Fearlessly, she brushed asides the filmy light blue material that made up Léf’s mane. The wyrm slept on, affected by Wynan’s special power over dreams and rest to not wake unless necessary, and thus was unaware of the moment Relani revealed three white shapes on its forehead.
“Ah, I thought so,” Relani hummed. “He’s a familiar, or that world’s version of one, anyway. The shape on Léf’s forehead is a sign that he’s been claimed.”
She was about to edge away from the creature before Wynan stopped her.
“Hang on,” Wynan said, standing up and studying the marks.
“You sense anything?” Meryan remained where she was, simply resting her head on her arms as she observed her sister working.
Wynan nodded slowly, stepping back. “The mark is broken…I don’t know what exactly that means, but I can sense it was broken and that it wasn’t caused by either death or some…dramatic moment of sacrifice on the owner’s part.”
Wynan turned in time to catch the storms that were Meryan’s eyes narrow.
“Well, I do know what that means, and that means whoever Léf’s owner was, they broke their bond…crudely, too, if the mark is still there,” she explained, the professional tone she’d taken on again lined with fury. “No wonder Léf was driven here.”
“Broken bonds are no joke, between people but especially unequal ones like this,” Relani sighed deeply, stepping back as well. “I wonder what Léf’s story is.”
“I could try looking,” Wynan offered conversationally, sitting back down next to the creature. She absently scratched at the surface of the carpet. “I mean, there’s no guarantee on what he’ll dream about, but I could take a look in there and see what sorts of dreams he’s having. I’ve found that animals usually dream memories since they have more limited imaginations than those with souls.”
Relani scooted back a little, with a hand gesturing to, by all means, go ahead.
Followed by Meryan’s, “Oh, could you?” Wynan placed a warm hand gently on Léf’s neck. The touch wasn’t strictly necessary, but Wynan liked the thought of there being an action needed before invading the dreamspace of someone’s mind. Even if that someone was a less intelligent creature.
And, as it usually was with less intelligent but magic-touched creatures, the dreams she saw were more fragmented memories, coming from the limited perspective of a familiar clearly enslaved by the whims of his master or mistress.
Warm fires. Robotic pats that didn’t hold much affection but were appreciated nonetheless. Frustrated growls, not necessarily directed at him but terrifying nonetheless. Words of magic. Commands. Burning villages. Blood in the mouth. A prison he was banished into until called. A tattoo of a creature that looked like Léf.
And the clearest dream/memory?
It was of a figure in white smashing a glowing red crystal upon its head—its familiar mark, if Wynan had to hazard a guess. Pain soon followed, and Wynan instinctively let the warm blanket of her magic cover the terrible memory, soothing its sting as it passed like a video on a screen than a past reality lived.
She stayed in there for a while longer, knowing she had the full story but just in case Léf required more mental relief, but only felt his dull pain and exhaustion along with hints of relief in the darkness.
“Hmm,” Wynan commented upon exiting.
She was half aware of her sisters exchanging a look.
“Meaning?” Relani prompted soon after.
“I think he was bonded to an evil wizard or…whatever the magic people there are called,” Wynan slowly parsed, remembering the emotions.
Behind her, Meryan snorted. “No surprise there.”
At Wynan’s side, Relani’s lips thinned. Relani was also another reader, and the three knew way too many stories to hear that and not instantly conclude what happened.
“I mean, the story isn’t as smooth as that,” Wynan interrupted the silence, waving her hand in front of Léf’s covered mark. “His bond with his owner was severed, yes, but I don’t think it was done by them. I think they treated him…well enough. Perhaps not great, but there wasn’t any abuse to note of.” She thought about it a bit more. “But I think Léf was under the power of a storybook villain, if that’s anything.”
The fury in Meryan’s colorful eyes softened.
“I see…so Léf has his own stains,” she muttered, lifting her head up a little. “Things that stole his ability to claim his own innocence but wasn’t guilty of, not really.”
Wynan nodded. “That seems to be the story, yeah.”
“So, I’m supposing the hero of this story had to get rid of the villain’s steed before beating the actual villain once and for all?” Relani continued, lips twisting in a half-playful, half-regretful smile.
Again, Wynan bobbed her head in agreement, edging back to sit on Meryan’s side.
“I’m guessing lots of people had to bear the tragedy for the story to reach its happy ending,” Wynan concluded, looking at the poor wyrm driven to the edge of ever universe. “And we’re looking at one such innocent lost to the void.”
“Almost lost,” Relani corrected, stroking the wyrm.
At her comforting touch, Léf let out a deep sigh, as if relieved, as if trusting he was somewhere safe.
“Are you sure we can’t keep him?” Meryan half-heartedly attempted the question, not expecting anything from it. “Can we even let him return to his world when he was pretty brutally expelled from it?”
Continuing to pet the wyrm’s smooth scaled, Relani laughed quietly. “I’m sure Léf will be fine back there once he heals. We can only hope that he’ll find a better wizard or mage to bond with, if he ever allows himself to be caught again.”
Yep…as expected.
That was how the story always went. One of them found a helpless animal somewhere (not usually near the universe’s edge, though), they contemplated keeping it, a story of their appearance there was revealed, either mayhem or a realization that it had to return to its world followed, and then all of them went back to their lives missing the animal.
Still…it wasn’t so bad to get attached and maybe try to shift the story just a little, right?
Maybe that’s part of the story, Wynan thought, laughing a little to herself. Tell them we won’t get attached, get attached anyway, learn to let go. And with our life out here, it’s not like we won’t ever see them again.
Following the muffled shout, the door to the empty room housing Léf burst open, revealing a rather frazzled Meluan panting heavily and shouldering a rather large bag. She barely gave a second glance at the large wyrm taking up half of the space and waved her arms frantically at the other women.
“First of all, I’m back. Secondly, I am in need of support,” she gasped out between heavy breaths.
Unfazed, Wynan dryly sighed, “Stop panting. You literally cannot physically get tired in this house.”
At the same time, Relani chuffed and asked, “What did you do, Mel?”
“I’m emotionally tired! And need emotional support!” Meluan protested, her gaze bouncing from Wynan to Relani. “Also, I did nothing! You’re all the ones who forced me to make the library run this time, and unfortunately, the Librarian decided she wanted to tag along so someone please give me emotional support!”
Meryan, who had been laughing at the exchange, hopped up. “I’ll go,” she giggled, taking the large pot of broth with her. “You guys stay here and watch over Léf.”
“Have fun,” Relani saluted, the hand over her mouth not at all covering her mirth.
“And leave the bag behind,” Wynan added, knowing it likely contained the books they’d sent Meluan out to borrow.
Instinctively, Wynan caught the heavy bag immediately thrown at her, smiling at their usually unperturbed housemate looking so clearly bothered. “I’d wish you luck, but you’re just being dramatic,” Wynan called out as Meryan closed the door.
Incensed despite allowing herself to be dragged by Meryan, Meluan grumbled, “The Librarian is in my house! That’s not dramatic at all!”
“She’s not going to bite you in our house,” Wynan heard Meryan reply.
“Uh huh, anyway. What do you mean by having named the wyrm I saw? Or did he come prepacked with one?”
“…well, it hasn’t been long, but…”
Their voices faded away, leaving Relani and Wynan alone with the wyrm who had once been a familiar.
Léf’s quiet presence in the room reminded Wynan of a time long ago when she’d just been Wynan instead of…whatever she was now. That individual had loved dragons and had badly wished her world had them, to keep as a pet or simply just to ride. She’d seen a lot of dragons and creatures in the same genus since that particular Wynan’s childhood fantasy, but she’d hardly ever been able to exist in a room this peacefully with one.
“…it’s always gotta be the pets who can’t stay,” Wynan swore, though she smiled in spite of herself. “I hope Léf has a better story when he returns, at least.” Léf couldn’t be happy here, not with the limited space within their home and such nearness to the end of the universe.
Sending a smile her way, Relani laughed her agreement. “I hope so, too.”
“Kind of a shame his story had to end so tragically, though,” Wynan sighed, thinking idly back on the small tale they’d managed to piece together based on their collective knowledge of narratives and longtime experience. “It seems that in the fights between heroes and villains, there will always be innocents on both sides who will have to die.”
Relani’s brows furrowed in response, but Wynan wasn’t offended, knowing that her sister was merely thinking.
“But,” Wynan continued anyway, chuckling ruefully, “I guess it was like that for all of us, too…the way so many ‘faceless’ characters had to die for our story to continue, right?”
It made her wonder if one day they’d be those in the “faceless crowd” fated to die to advance the story and spur the hero to glory. She hoped not…she was content being the lost story that she was. But if there was one thing she as a reader knew about lost stories, is that there was always someone out there who wanted them found.
“Well, Léf’s story isn’t over yet, is it?” Relani suddenly interrupted Wynan’s musing, her eyes twinkling like veiled stars. “After all, there was someone before the edge to find him and help him recover so he could go back.”
Wynan almost rolled her eyes but found that she couldn’t really contest that statement. “Okay, not wrong. Of course you’d see it like that, though.”
“Oi,” Relani protested, leaning back on her arms, though her lips were still stretched with amusement. “It’s not optimism when it’s just the truth, Wynan. We know better than anyone how even those who have wandered off the edge, those actually lost within the void, have been found. No one is faceless in the end, even if it is true that to each other we can sometimes be mere side characters fated to die.”
Relani sighed, shuffling while still seated to throw an arm around Wynan, who leaned into the warmth offered as they both gazed at Léf’s sleeping form.
“Look…there are people who are mourning for the faceless who had to die to continue the story, aren’t there?” Relani insisted. “And there are going to be people who want to rescue them, too, like we do. But that’d be another story—their story, not the current protagonist’s—to tell.”
The only response Wynan had was to snuggle closer into Relani, suddenly feeling sleepy herself as happened with her (it had nearly given Meryan a heart attack once when she’d found Wynan sleeping inside a closet). Memories burst within her mind from Relani’s words, refutations and arguments as well as evidence and agreements to what her sister had said. How there was always someone in this multiverse that would know of a tragedy and mourn the people lost—that was why they were there for, too—and try and reach out to save them.
Well, Relani’s usually right when in these things, Wynan conceded, feeling her eyes shut. And she’s right in that we’ve always been there to fetch people driven to this point, aren’t we? But I’ll tell her she’s right when I wake up, though. I want to sleep…
The story would still be there when she opened her eyes.
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leonsleftbicep · 8 months
Not to derail from your post about your mum, but the white roses symbolism you mentioned reminded me of the lyrics in Take Me Back To Eden (white roses, black doves). Do you think that maybe Vessel is referencing a tainting of innocence?
i get to talk about my theories WOO
your not derailing at all, i love when ever people are actually interested in what i have to say about certain things 
ok so “white roses, black doves” im going to go ahead and breakdown their meanings.
white roses symbolize loyalty, purity, and innocence, its mainly used to symbolize innocence in most cases. 
black doves symbolizes hope, love, and new beginnings, its mainly used symbolize love and new beginnings 
(throw a black dove at your wedding instead of white because it will actually bring you good vibes in your life) 
i will say i don’t think its a “tainting of innocence” since if you look at the whole of the lyrics. it is more then the tainting of innocence.. its wanting to become innocent again, but not able to because of his own desires. i can put in a couple lyrics that really shine it through 
“Reset my patient violence along both lines of a pathway higher. Grow back your sharpest teeth, you know my desire”
“But I'll take a pound of your flesh. Before you take a piece of my paystub”
“I need you to see me for what I have become”
oh im just going to put the whole thing in here for this block of lyrics
“I guess it goes to show, does it not? That we've no idea what we've got until we lose it. And no amount of love will keep it around. If we don't choose it. And I don't know what's got its teeth in me. But I'm about to bite back in anger. No amount of self-sought fury. Will bring back the glory of innocence.”
so as i see this whole song as a whole. eden is a safe haven, and vessel is trying to go against what he has learned to be, to try and get rid of this taint of impurity. to get his glory back, if you will
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emilyyyyta · 1 year
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hyacinths-in-a-storm · 5 months
Am I crazy or do Ursa and Azula have the same eye-shape in the 'Azula in the Spirit Temple'
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mamawasatesttube · 1 year
GOD what i wouldnt give for a good kon enamel pin... something a bit subtle, something not too big. something i could like. wear on my denim jacket. im probably lucky theres not a lot of options out there bc this way my wallet is safe but augh
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