#dude had like 2 seconds in the trailer
ace-beef · 2 years
Chris Pratt isn’t trending on tumblr but Charlie is GET IT MY BOY
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sm-baby · 1 month
Most exciting part of the trailer for the next TADC episode for you?
More so an Analysis rather than things I'm excited about X3
I watched the sneak peek on loop I can process everything! Waahh!! I'm so excited for episode 2 💞 only a few weeks away! 💕
I wanna get this out of the way, I love Lizzie Freeman and Alex Rochon's Improv work on this promo 😭 they were really put in a booth together, were told to say things to promote episode two, and came up with that 😭 Genius.
The environment work is GORGEOUS! I love the look of everything, the world-building, the colors! It looks like a full-fledged movie guys! Absolutely beautiful and WONDEROUS work from the Glitch team-- it's so beautiful for half a year of work??? God damn!!
Haha! As an in-universe creation, Despite his little gags, Caine is genuinely such a good AI to make something so cool!
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You'll also notice that Ragatha is taking charge of talking with the princess! That would make sense for such fellow beautiful well-mannered women!
More on them later at the end! :3
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Dream sequence theory
Also, we all agree that these ones are all part of a dream right? Pomni is panicked, the strange sort of "slow woozy wobbly" animation exactly like a dream... even the dolly zoom!
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Then she is sent to the cellar with a an abstracted arm, but that shouldn't be the case since Caine could easily fix an abstracted arm with a snap of a finger.
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And then she wakes up, freaked out!!
Wahaha! Shout out to the Showtime server for pointing this out while we were discussing!
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This is either and "end of episode prize" from Caine, or he jumps in mid-episode to hand them a helpful item, ooorr he's telling them that that's their objective for the adventure :3
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also!! people have pointed out that Zooble isn't with the carriage with the others! Either this means that Zooble was given a surprise roll in the adventure, or she's off to have a fun solo adventure with Caine! Ohh! How exciting!
Zooble is a favorite character of Goose's, so to learn more about him and why Goose loves them so much would be so exciting!!
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Whats up with Jax?
hunched down, writing in the sand, hugging his knees, this topped with Goose's two-word description of the next episode to be "I"m nothing"... Oh Jax is gonna have a MOMENT...
We all know that no one likes the dude and he's going to get worse. I'm unsure if this will make me like the guy, but I'm optimistic!
I'm open to understanding and seeing another side of him that would make me like him! I already quite like how this scene is framed, how lonely he looks, the acting in these few seconds already tells me what kind of guy he is.
...despite one of the gummis being tied up in the corner
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If i had to hypothesize, this probably stemmed with Jax acting out, you know, the usual "being a nuisance" to make everyone miserable,
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Then It escalates
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This gets on Ragatha's nerves, first starting out as a silly "haha cute interaction" between them and it escalates while the episode goes on where Ragatha genuinely gets mad at him and tells him to stay put while they do the work.
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Speaking of Ragatha, She seems to be quite fond of the Princess! There is a part of me that wonders if she wants to sort of-- "prove" herself in a way, as a leader or otherwise. Ragatha does give me the "smart yet nice kid in class that everyone copies off of" energy... TwT This poor woman.
I don't know, just the way The Princess bends down and holds her hand, it's sort of sweetly mentorly or motherly in a way. I'm not saying this to infantilize Ragatha, I respect her so much as a mature 30-year-old adult, I say it as a testament to The Princesses' character. Princesses, Queens, and any sort of royalty have been characterized as the sort of "mother/father of all" sort of character type, which is sweet! And would be quite interesting!
I know that people are quick to do the shipping with these two, but I kind of like the idea of Ragatha wanting approval and validation.
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trashmouth-richie · 9 months
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summary: taking the back roads to Indianapolis was Eddie’s idea. the day trip there was Steve’s. But when Wayne’s borrowed truck grinds to a halt on the hottest day in September, the tension and the boys’ tempers aren’t the only thing to rise.
warnings: 18+ smut, alcohol use, drug use, drug mention, kinda sadboy! Eddie, king Steve being king Steve, modern times so things such as google and Snapchat are mentioned. no use of y/n, reader has a nickname, pet name usage.
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The blazing swell of the late September sun had been pelting down on you all day. Stuffed right between your best friend Eddie and his best friend Steve, the humid Midwest air trickled through the open windows in a hazy wave of oven door heat. 
  Between Steve’s hair-brained idea of driving to Indianapolis for tickets to the annual Irvington Halloween Festival and Eddie’s even more ridiculous idea of taking Wayne’s single cab truck, without A/C to make the 4 hour round trip drive— it was no surprise when the clunking metal of the brown ‘86 Chevy spluttered to a grinding stop alongside the highway. 
  100 miles from Hawkins, and nothing but pent up anger boiling at the surface to keep you all company.
  “Oh this is just great Munson,” Steve groaned, swinging open his door and slamming it shut with a metallic bang. A ring of sweat set deep in the Hawkins athletic shirt he was wearing, a heavy hand pushing his hair from his face, “dude, let’s take the truck!” he mocks the long haired metal head, “fuckin’ told you this would happen!” 
  The boys weren’t exactly getting along for the entirety of this trip. Eddie and you had made plans to decorate your apartment tonight for Halloween, a month too early just like you did every year, a night full of themed snacks and cheesy 80s horror movies, the perfect opportunity to finally make his move. 
  But when Steve showed up at the light blue trailer looking for his wingman to help him score at Hargrove’s party— he was less than impressed to find you peeking around Eddie’s outstretched arm holding open the door, a shit-eating grin on your face. Even more pissed when Eddie told him that you would be tagging along. A roll of his eyes and a scoff on his lips as he pounded down the concrete steps. 
  Steve wasn’t your favorite and you definitely weren’t his. He didn’t get the appeal.. Always too loud, too annoying, acting like one of the boys when clearly you were just too insecure to have any friends that were girls. 
  As he stomped through the dead grass he told himself it had nothing to do with the fact that you turned him down freshman year, never mind that it was six years ago and Steve had plenty of girls added to his belt, his snap score and drawer full of stolen panties proved it. Never mind that his bruised ego from that night at a bonfire in the woods pushed him into his King Steve era. He flicked a cigarette into the dirt, muttering under his breath. 
  “Fuck off, Harrington.” Eddie gripes as he shoves the gear shift into neutral, he lowers down to his left and pulls the hood jack towards him. “It’ll be an easy fix.” He says to you, his breath fanning your sweaty cheek as he shoves open the door and jumps out, boots crunching along the gravel as he pushes the hood open. 
  To be fair, Wayne’s truck had about a 50/50 chance of making the trek to Indianapolis, but Eddie had wanted to take it for a few reasons, and not one of them was for a trip down memory lane like he had told Steve. 
  The first reason he wanted to drive the truck opposed to Steve’s BMW, was lol was because it was a stick shift. An opportunity to let him float the gears and have his veins pop out that he knew was a panty wetter for most girls, he had only hoped you fit into that category. 
  The second reason was simple: there was no air conditioning, meaning the small tank top you were wearing would undoubtedly become very hot, and maybe… just maybe you would think of taking it off to cool down. 
  And finally the third reason mimicked the first… you would be sitting bitch in the middle, and with each shift between gears, his arm would be sliding around the soft plains of your luscious thighs. The same thighs that were bare besides a high waisted pair of cut off shorts that had his mind flipping the perv meter to dangerous levels when you hopped off your bike this morning.
  Greeting him with the same smile that cooked his brain to mush for years. 
  Only today— you were starting to flirt back with him, pushing your ass out and bending at the waist just to untie your shoes. Even though in the history of forever, you had never once taken off your worn converse in the Munson trailer. You also were wearing a tank top, accentuating your curves, and Eddie was ready to chew a hole in the makeshift drywall of his trailer when you bounced up the steps to greet him. 
  Usually you hid your body with a baggy shirt and a pair of jeans, your fuck-off attitude is what earned you the right to have Eddie as a friend in the first place. 
  Tonight he was going to push the limits, share a joint with you when the yellow harvest sun dipped low into the indigo trees, kiss your ear with chapped lips while he held you when the movie had a jump scare… he had a plan. And Steve ‘cockblock’ Harrington was being the worst wingman of all time. 
  Sliding out of Eddie’s door, the Navajo rug blanket snags against the cracked leather of the worn seat. The back of your knees were sticky and shiny with sweat, same as your cleavage, not a single stitch of wind to be found along the gravel road— unless you counted Steve’s annoyed huffs.
  Steve bitched and moaned the entire time Eddie was bent over the truck. Investigating what had gone wrong, “aren’t you supposed to be some sorta mechanic?” He grumbled, pushing his hair from his forehead, slotting his hands back into place around the Levi’s on his athletic hips, “swear to God if you make me miss this party, and what Lily has been teasing me with on snap,” his eyes roll into the back of his head at the thought of it, almost letting out a desperate whine.. “I’ll shoot you dead Munson.” 
  “Take it easy Stevie,” Eddie grunted, his jaw tensed and an irritated tone on his lips. His brows turned inward in concentration as he twisted a wrench with strong grease covered hands from behind the hood, “just need’t..  fuck.” Dark smoke started billowing out around him.
  His foul mouth spewed a string of words that barely made any sense, ending his fit with a slam of the hood and his wrench thrown into the ditch. 
  You walk pointed nails across his sweat covered bare back easing his bruised ego with a sickly sweet voice, “it’s okay,” you preen, pushing your chest into his side  when he wiggles from your tickling fingers, his dark eyes swirling into calm and the huff from his breath lost in his throat, “I’ll just call AAA.” 
  AAA did not service in your area, and according to google— the nearest gas station was twenty miles away, a podunk hole in the wall that sold newspapers for a quarter and had 1 star reviews. 
  “Fuck,” Eddie shouted, kicking the tires and hiding the burn of ache traveling up his leg, “the hell are we gonna do now?” 
  “Guess we’re fucking stranded! Great idea Munson, gonna die by the inbred hands of the family from The Hills Have Eyes, but god we just had to take this piece of shit!.” Steve spit as he flopped back into the bed of the truck. 
  Eddie pointed a greased finger into Steve’s chest, “you,” he said prodding with emphasize, “were the one who didn’t want to buy them online, oh God Eddie let’s just get out of Hawkins for the day, make Lily sweat a little bit, make her think I have a bitch in Indy..” 
  “Fuck off,” Steve said shoving Eddie’s hand away, sitting up, casting a stank eye in your direction, voice laced in venom, “at least my dick is getting w—”
  A pack of cards hits Steve right in the chest, hard and knocking the insult from his lungs. 
  It was your idea.
  The slick pack of cards in the glove box with paisley red design on the front was sure to lend some relief and make time pass between now and when Robin would be on the way, driving Steve’s BMW with white knuckles and the radio off no doubt. You had texted her when the boys were arguing, explaining the situation and promising her a small white baggy from Eddie’s stash when you got back. 
  “great idea,” Steve accuses, “s’ gonna take at least 2 hours to get here,” his hands fly in the air in defeat as he yells, “she’s failed her drivers test four fuckin’ times because she drives like my grandma, and that old bag has been dead for years!” 
  “Cool it, you didn’t have any other ideas besides whining Steve,” Eddie defends, fingers wrapped around the neck of a foggy glass bottle filled with amber liquor, he hands it to you in a slick move of his wrist bending and presenting both a blunt and the bottle like a flower blooming in his open palm, “might as well relax a little s Sswhile we wait, make it worth our while.” 
  The liquor went down with a burn, hotter than the pinked shoulders of Eddie’s sunburnt skin. And the small band of splotchy salmon across Steve’s nose. 
  Eddie wrestled a dusty moth bitten blanket from behind the seat, and spread it on the bed of the truck. Before you could push your ass up onto the tailgate, he had wrapped his hands tight along your hips and hoisted you up. A grip so tight he didn’t want to let go, your body feeling just right in his palms, and you were feeling it too. 
  As the liquor bottle got lighter and lighter, the tension eased, Steve was actually laughing at Eddie’s jokes and wasn’t rolling his eyes as much when he had to give you a card or when Eddie praised you for winning again. 
  When Steve threw his cards on the blanket and twisted his arms in a pout at losing another round of Go Fish, it was his idea to play another game. 
  “It’s real easy,” he explained around a puff of smoke as he shuffled the cards back into the pack with his large tanned hands, a single bead of sweat sloping down from his temple and curling around his chin. “You hold up five fingers, and if you’ve never done what one of us says, you keep a finger up, but if you have… you put a finger down and take a sh—- hey dickhead!” 
  Eddie’s lips turn sinister around the glass bottle as rogue drops of Crown dribble from his chin. “Ooops,” he says coyly, eyes bigger than Betty Boop’s and already feeling the combined high and drunken stupor take over his body, “were you needing this?” 
  Dragging a hand down his face, Steve sighs, “yeah it’s kinda the whole point of the game, fucker,” 
  “Hey…” Eddie whines, “be nice Stephanie.” 
  With another ten minutes of arguing about Eddie being a jackass and Steve being crabby in hot weather, you all agree to play the game, the loser has to finish the bottle and strip off an item of clothing. 
  “Okay so let’s start this easy,” Steve explained, “never have I ever been arrested.”
  Eddie puts a finger down and scowls, “good one Harrington,” he adjusts his legs and leans back against the frame of the truck, “just because you got away doesn’t mean your ass wasn’t just as guilty as mine.” 
  “Shoulda ran faster,” 
  The boys make annoyed faces at each other and it’s Eddie’s turn, “never have I ever… nope I’ve done that… never have I.. shit.. okay pass! I gotta think.” 
  “Your turn,” he says, passing you the bottle of almost empty liquor.
  “Okay, Uhh..” you hold the bottle with both hands and gently peel back the label with your fingernail, rubbing the sticky residue between your fingers, you rack your brain for something that would get them both, “never have I ever… peed standing up.” 
  The boys roll their eyes, and each put a finger down, “cheap shot,” Steve whines, and glowers when you stick your tongue out at him. 
  “Oh I got one!” Eddie says rubbing his hands together, splaying a wicked grin on his face, “never have I ever, socked Billy Hargrove in the face.”
  You push Eddie’s shoulder and slap his chest playfully, as he laughs like a hyena, “he deserved it!” 
  Steve chokes on his inhale of the passed blunt, “that was you?!” 
  “Fuck yeah it was!” Eddie says proudly, “that’s why she’s banned from the pool.” 
  Laughing at the now funny memory of Billy slapping your ass as you walked by him in your swimsuit. 
  The way Eddie’s fist felt in your hands as you shoved it down, the rage in his eyes as he was ready to beat the bricks off of Billy. 
  The sick twist of his mustache when it formed a grin knowing that Eddie was on his last strike with Hopper and couldn’t defend you. 
  And the satisfying crack of his molars splintering in his gum line when you knocked your fist into his jaw.
  The pain and swollen fingers were worth it. 
  “And I’d do it again,” you say lowering a finger and taking a swig from the bottle, the burn of the liquor barely there now. 
  Steve laughs, a new sense of almost admiration, as he looks at you with his hair in his face, grabbing the joint from Eddie’s fingers and holding it firm between his teeth, “my turn,” he says clearing his throat, “uh..never have I ever… kissed Eddie.” 
  You and Eddie look at eachother and giggle awkwardly around the cloud of dense smoke, but your fingers never budge. 
  “Seriously?” Steve says incredulously, looking from you to Eddie and back to Eddie and then you again, “can’t lie in this game, dude.” 
  Eddie had come close to kissing you on a few occasions. Once in high school at Steve’s party after winning the beer pong tournament, he looked at you the way someone would a lover, wetting his lips and looking at your mouth, but in the end he gave you a bone crushing hug and twirled you around the room. 
  Another time during the 4th of July fireworks last year when you had both smoked two bowls from the pretty pipe he gifted you earlier that year on your birthday.
  The air was warm, just like today, and you leaned your back into his front as you laid lazily on the roof of his van. He was singing a song you were too high to comprehend and when you turned your head into his shoulder and looked up at him. 
  His fingers wrapped around a lock of your hair and you hummed in approval. Snuggling further into him. And the next thing you knew it was nearly dawn and you had fallen asleep. 
  It just never seemed like the right time. 
  “So who’s turn is it?” Eddie said clearing his throat. 
  “Oh n-n-n-n-n-n-no!” Steve said leaning further into the circle, clearly interested to know what’s going on, “we aren’t just gonna skate past this.”
  “Drop it, Steve,” Eddie said all too fast, his boots stretching out to kick at his thigh. 
  The bottle in your hands is suddenly heavy and you set it down with a clunk on the bed of the truck. And you pick hastily at your nails, avoiding two sets of brown eyes. 
  “Fuck it,” Steve says, tongue dancing around his mouth trying to stop a smirk, “I dare you to kiss her.” 
  You're certain your heart stops beating. 
  “Jesus Christ,” Eddie sighs. Running his hand on the back of his neck, his open cut off flannel shirt showing off his tattooed chest. 
  “Y-you don’t have to Eddie, it’s okay…” you say trying to brush the tension off, not noticing the way his hands are fiddling with the ends of his shirt and how his eyes haven’t left you, “but I dare you to.” 
  It could have been the combined high. It could have been the fact that you hadn’t taken your eyes off of Eddie since you parked your bike against his trailer this morning. 
  He was always good looking, in that goofy best friend kind of way. And although your friendship was never normal, Eddie’s hands always searing through your skin like grill marks on a hotdog, it never crossed the boundary into something more. And you’d be lying if you weren’t curious about how his lips would taste. 
  That was all the convincing Eddie needed before he pushed himself up in a fluid motion, balancing on his knees, and leaning back with a second guess, but it’s you who leans up on your knees too, meeting him halfway.  
  His dark curls swing around your face as he gets impossibly closer. “You sure?” he asks, working a finger under the tip of your chin. 
  And your surprised when your nod is followed by soft lips, slipping against yours. 
  He tasted like the liquor you’ve been drinking and matches. Musky, and woodsy. Your tongue swipes against his bottom lip and catches into the corner of his mouth, the brine of sweat on your tongue has you whining into his mouth and he swallows your noises with glee. 
  He shudders when you pull him closer, fingers hooked into the fabric of his shirt. His eager hands holding your face, lips smacking against yours, and for the first time today, it’s not the heat that has your panties wet. 
  Kissing Eddie is like finding money in your jeans after they go through the dryer. It’s easy, and slow, and so fucking good. 
  Seconds, minutes, days? go by before Steve clears his throat and mutters an ahem! 
  Eddie finished the kiss by nudging is nose down the apple of your cheeks and kissing behind your ear. 
  “Fuck…” is all Steve can muster and you bite your lip and sit back down, lips still buzzing with Eddie’s spit still on them. 
  Eddie is smiling and looking at you, eyes drunk on lust. 
  “I— uh, yeah, it’s my turn I guess, ” straightening your back and crossing your legs in a pretzel, you know damn well you’d get at least one finger down from Steve. “Never have I ever… kissed Nancy Wheeler.”
  Steve rolls his eyes and puts a finger down, and when a long finger covered in grease despite the many wipes against denim jeans  also disappears into a fist… a sloppy grin lines Eddie’s mouth as Steve looks like he might throw up. 
  “Are you fuckin’ serious man?” 
  Eddie explains to a butthurt Steve, “let me explain, fuck— it was like a hundred years ago, after junior year, she kissed me!” 
  It was true. 
  Nancy went to Eddie to buy some “forget-‘ems” (Eddie’s coined word for ecstasy) after Jonathan left her for the pretty long haired new boy from California. She was scared and didn’t want to be alone while she took the white pill. Drug use being foreign to her entirely. 
  Eddie? She had asked kindly, unsure about herself for the first time. Take it with me? 
  His long curls bounced as he nodded his head, taking one of the pills from her dainty hands and placing it between his teeth. Tipping his head back with a quick jerk and a rough swallow, hoping it looked cool, he looked into her blue eyes and gave her a grin. 
  It was strange, having the preppy Nancy Wheeler in his trailer with her proper fitting cardigan and light wash skinny jeans. 
  He could tell she was uncomfortable, the normal glow of her skin was lost behind shallow cheeks and dark rimmed eyes, pressed tight with setting powder to try and hide it. 
  maybe she should have had a smaller dose, being that her small frame had never dealt with drugs before. And right when Eddie’s high took over, Nancy Wheeler had started to feel it too.
  She ran around the trailer giggling and feeling the rough edges of the peeling wallpaper. She did flips on Eddie’s bed and spilled cereal all over the kitchen, laughing with dark wide pupil filled eyes. Completely rolling. 
  The high lasted longer than Eddie had thought it would, and she started to cry when thinking about her mom, crying harder when she asked Eddie about his. Forgetting she was gone. 
  She took it a step further by kissing Eddie square on the mouth, wet cheeks and harsh lips pressed to his before he could pull away. And immediately after, Nancy threw up all over his lap. 
  Ending the high and the four hour sudden friendship they had gained. 
  Eddie had told you the story one night when he got too drunk, making you swear to secrecy the next morning that you’d never tell a soul, and you hadn’t. Keeping the pinky promise with your friend all the way to your grave— if he hadn’t just spilled it all to Steve. 
  “See,” you say to try to smooth things over, voice calm and cool through your own high, “no harm no foul, Stevieee,” you chirped, hiding a small giggle behind bit lips. 
  “Really?” Steve spit, flustered and a bit bold trying to mask his hurt with venom. Tongue pressing deep into his cheek and his dark eyes locked on your own, hands tapping onto his bent knees, “then maybe we should even the score, huh?”
  Eddie blows a ring of smoke into the air, following its lazy descent into the dense humid sky. “You wanna kiss Chrissy?” He looks at you with a quizzical expression, laughing at your stunned face, not understanding what Steve is getting at, “be my fucking guest, dude.” 
  “No,” Steve says firmly, not breaking eye contact with you, dark knives of fury peel back each layer of skin, “her.” 
  Eddie says your name in disbelief, and you’re stunned to your core, realizing the air was suddenly much stickier and hotter than before. 
  He sits up straight and leans over the discarded card game, pointing at Steve, eyes narrowed in on him, “you don’t even like her.” 
  “Sure I do,” Steve lies, sniffing loudly, his wicked eyes glance towards Eddie and he licks his lips when he turns his head back to you, eyeing you up and down, as he leans back on his palms, “don’t I, Taffy?” 
  Eddie’s nickname he had given you when you were kids for love of the cavity inducing candy, felt wrong falling from Steve’s mouth, especially in the grim sentiment it was said in. 
  Of course he was referring to the way he had approached you at that party at the lake all those years ago. 
  You could still smell his Acqua Di Gio cologne, the way the sun highlighted his hair that summer, the freckles on the bridge of his nose, the warm beer on his breath. 
  You make a face in disgust towards him, “I’m not kissing you, Harrington.” Crossing your arms in finality as if your words held enough power to command an entire kingdom. 
  Eddie shoves Steve’s shoulder, “what the fuck man,” mixed pleasure of pain and concern painting his face, “don’t be weird.”
  Steve knew how much Eddie liked you, having spent many nights on the roof of his practically abandoned home listening to Eddie through FaceTime over analyzing how to make his move. 
  “‘m not,” he says with a shrug, long fingers tapping against the metal of the truck bed behind him, legs stretched out so the tops of his air forces skim your bent knees, eyeing what he wanted, you. 
  “just trying to get even,” Steve said nonchalantly. 
  “She’s not gonna kiss you,” Eddie said, shaking his head and throwing his hands around, hurt lacing his voice, “give it up.” 
  Steve wiggled the toe of his sneaker against your knee, shooting you a wink, “not until she does.”
  It’s not as if the question hadn’t crossed your mind. It had more times than you’d like to admit. What would it be like to kiss Steve Harrington? 
  “Dude! She doesn’t wanna do it. Fucking leave her alone.” Eddie’s voice was loud and on the cusp of breaking as he pleaded with his friend.
  What would have happened if you fell for his charm instead of turning him down? He was definitely sweet back then, taking your hand in his and guiding you along the rough terrain of the woods. 
  “Let her speak for herself!” 
  Eddie’s eyes fall to yours in desperation, his heart aching for you to tell Steve off, “c’mon, tell him, Taffy.” 
  Pressing your eyes shut tight you can feel Eddie’s hand on your knee, rubbing soft circles in an attempt to remind you that he’s there. 
  “Just one kiss, then you need to shut up, got it?” 
  “Taff, you don’t have to do this, we can— we can just get home and I’ll pay him or something.” He’s desperate, willing to do whatever it took to not have this happen. 
  “It’s okay, Eddie, what’s one stupid kiss gonna hurt?” 
  You don’t hear the way he groans and throws himself back against the side of the truck, pinching the corner of his eyes between his fingers trying to ignore Steve’s low chuckle and smirk planted on his face. 
  “C’mon then,” Steve presses, man spreading his legs and patting his lap, “get over here.” 
  You roll your eyes and push yourself up again, “cocky aren’t ya?” 
  “all confidence babe,” he says back, licking his lips, and you roll your eyes again before kneeling in front of him. 
  Eddie groans and kicks at Steve’s leg again. 
  “Sorry dude, just bro code,” he said to Eddie, “and you,” he says addressing you with a nod, “ready?” 
  “Yeah, whatever.” 
  He doesn’t move like Eddie, he’s grabby and rough, taking what he wants and not waiting for cues. He bullies his way into your mouth with his tongue, colliding yours with his and massaging it wildly. It wasn’t bad, just completely different than how you were just kissed by Eddie. When his teeth bite the flesh of your lip you yelp in surprise.
  You turn your head and Steve’s lips trail down your neck, hungry hands grab at your waist and pull you into his lap. Your eyes are closed but his are open, looking at his friend and moving his hand in a wave to beckon him over. 
  A second set of hands is on your shoulders and you feel Eddie’s lips against your neck. 
  “This okay baby?” 
  His breath is hot and stuttering as you reach up and fist your fingers in his hair, your answer muffled by Steve’s mouth. 
  You moan their names, and it drives Eddie wild. 
  Eddie’s hands lower the strap of your tank top scraping your skin with the blunt of his nails. He groans when he sees the absence of a bra strap, diving into your warm skin with a lapping tongue, thrashing slow against your skin, working a strawberry shaped bruise into your skin.
  Steve’s hands are already working to pop the button on your jeans, and you whine when you feel his hard cock beneath your leg. 
  “So fuckin’ pretty,” Eddie breathes as you crane your neck to meet his lips, desperate for your lips to connect with his sgain. 
  His hands fumble on your tank top straps and he groans when his fingers skim over the swell of your tits, you twist his hair in your fingers when his rough hands pinch at your nipples.
  Steve takes his shirt off and tosses it carelessly, his skin is warm on your bare chest as he licks at your exposed neck and earns another moan from you, causing you to whine into Eddie’s mouth and move your hips against his cock. 
  You’re all a tangle of bare chests and sweat coated skin. The boys are barely giving you any time to breathe between open mouth kisses and lazy tongues before the other one commands your attention. 
  “oh, fuck,” Steve whimpers when he works your shorts down, his large fingers find their way into the wet folds of your pussy, “no panties?” 
  Eddie pulls his mouth from yours to let out a desperate groan as your hands unzip his jeans, “shit, all day and no bra or panties,” his hands caress your cheeks and his thumb slips into your mouth open, which you close around him and moan, “you’re a bad girl, huh?” 
  “With the tightest little pussy, fuck,” Steve groans as he pushes a finger into your slick walls. 
  “Mm’mm” you answer them both at once, grabbing needy at Eddie’s cock through his boxer briefs as it flips into your hand, heavy and leaking a pearl of cum from the slit. 
  Noises of all kinds flood the bed of the truck. 
  Wet sloshing from you gushing over Steve’s fingers, him coaxing an orgasm from you as quick as he could, determined to hear your pretty mouth hum. 
Eddie almost in tears as your mouth devours his length  and the head of his cock slides into your throat. 
  The velvet skin of Eddie’s heavy cock slides in and out of your mouth at a slow speed, a small patch of hair rubs on your nose as you take him deeper.
  He’s muttering incoherently and Steve is egging you on. His lips wrapped around your nipples and teeth nipping harshly. 
  “Jesus Jesus sweetheart, Taff— I’m gonna, don’t want to shit shit shit,” you open your mouth and he slides out on accident as you cum all over Steve’s fingers. Sloppy and wet as he rubs at your clit like a DJ. 
  “Thas’it,” he encourages, “so fucking wet, pretty little pussy, yeah, you like this? The two of us giving you what you want huh?” 
  “Yes, Jesus Christ yes!” you’re a blabbing mess, as your high peaks and Eddie spins you away from Steve.
  Steve’s jeans are soaked from you and he’s pitching a tent big enough to host a family reunion. 
  “My turn baby,” Eddie says kissing you sloppy on your lips, “been wantin’ to taste this sweet pussy for years.”
  He helps you lay down on the blanket, making a makeshift pillow with the discarded clothes from the three of you. 
  You’re covered in sweat and more than likely sunburnt in places no one ever should be, but you could care less. Being worshiped by Steve and Eddie had you feeling like the sexiest woman alive, and nothing could compare to the separate high that alone was giving you. 
  Eddie nudges his nose in the crook where your thighs meet, tongue lapping up the pleasure leftover from Steve. “What’d’ya think Stevie boy? Wanna bet I can make her cry?” 
  Steve’s busying himself with unthreading his legs from his jeans, his cock in his hand as he strokes it up and down at the sight of you spread out and naked for them. 
  “You’re on, Munson.”
  Eddie’s tongue was tantalizing. Demon-like against your puffy clit and going further into your pussy than any tongue has before, including Robin’s. 
  His nose pushes up against your clit as he goes deeper, swirling his wicked tongue and slurping your folds into his mouth. 
  You’re buzzing all over. Vibrating from the intense pleasure. Moaning and yanking Eddie’s hair between your fingers as he moves and licks and darts his tongue. 
  Pretty whimpers elicit your body and are swallowed by Steve’s lips, as he hungrily works his tongue into your mouth. The swirling and twirling is all too much.  Their tongues work like hands on a clock and your second orgasm arrives quick fast and in a hurry. The tears spill from your eyes as your writhe and moan beneath them, clawing every inch of their skin. 
  Eddie cleans you up with his tongue holding your hips in place as you shake and try to wiggle away from him. Too sensitive as you lay practically lifeless on the bed of the truck. 
  “Told you,” Eddie says as he sits up, with a sheen of your arousal all over his face. Smiling wide. “I’m just that good.” 
  Steve sits up and tucks his cock back into his boxers, pushing his hair back from his sweat slicked face, “yeah yeah, whatever…” he says, looking out towards the blue sky and the wavering, heat wave horizon, a stupid grin on his lips, “better get dressed sweet girl.” 
  “Thought we were just getting started,” you whine as Eddie kisses his way up your body, laying on his back next to you, his finger threaded with yours. 
  Steve chuckles and points a long finger to the road, “it’ll have to be another time, princess, our ride is almost here.” 
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I have a part two partly written .. lemme know what you would think of that?
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m4ttsturn · 5 months
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my brother's best friend (pt 1)
pt 2 pt 3 pt 4
pairing: matt sturniolo x y/n
summary: over the years you find yourself falling more in love with your brother's best friend.
warnings: none yet
this is the first story I've ever written, so sorry if it's bad. anyway, hope you guys enjoy.
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(the first day i saw him)
"mom!" I ran down the stairs. "yeah, what do you need?" "where's Nate? he said he would go to the movies with me over an hour ago." I was beginning to get upset, Nate promised that he would take me to see Spider-Man Homecoming with him. "I'm not sure, he said he would be home by 5" she responded. I let out a heavy sigh before walking out of the kitchen.
I went into the living room and sat on the couch, aimlessly scrolling on my phone. I watched as the minutes on the clock slowly ticked by, my eyes flicking to the front door every few seconds. it had been 3 hours before Nate had finally showed up, laughing as he walked through the door. three boys followed close behind him.
"dude that movie was so good" Nate said as he kicked off his shoes. "yeah, I still can't believe the way Spider-Man saved the Avenger's plane" one of the other boys spoke. I coughed loudly drawing the attention of my brother and his friends in the entryway. making eye contact with Nate, his face flashing with realization. "oh shit, y/n I'm so sor-" Nate tried to speak, but I stood up abruptly off the couch walking to my room and slamming the door.
the second I closed the door I could feel my eyes watering. it was one thing for Nate to blow of our plans because his practice ran late or something, but for him to go without me even though we had planned this out ever since the trailer came out, hurt. especially since he went with three people I've never met instead.
I jumped onto my bed, burying my face into the pillows. I could hear four sets of footsteps approaching my bedroom before someone knocked on the door. I knew it was Nate because he used the secret knock combination we came up with in order to tell if it was each other or our parents knocking. "go away Nate" my voice was muffled by the pillow. Nate had opened the door anyway, "y/n look I'm sorry, I totally forgot that we were planning to go to the movies today" I turned to face him when he spoke "yeah, yeah whatever Nate."
I glanced around him, taking in the appearance of his friends, each looking similar, but I could tell the differences once I looked a little longer. I made eye contact with the boy who was standing behind them all, almost not visible. I blushed and turned my head away so none of them could see it. "you can go, you obviously want to hang out with these people more than me anyway." Nate gave me a sad expression before walking out of my room, closing the door behind him. as I listened to the sounds of footsteps furthering from my door I decided to read a book instead of wallowing around.
the next time I looked at the clock it read 12:37 am. I decided that I might as well call it a night and changed into my pajamas, which consisted of a tank top and a pair of women's boxers. assuming that Nate's friends had gone home by now, I didn't bother to put on something more presentable as I left my room to grab a glass of water.
when I walked into the kitchen I was met with three pairs of eyes on me, with Nate being in the bathroom. "oh, you guys are still here" I uttered as I went to grab a glass. ''yep, seems like it" the one with longer hair spoke. my back was to them as I filled up the cup with water from the fridge. once finished I turned around to face the three boys. "look I'm sorry, I'm not trying to be rude, its just that Nate promised me he would take me to see that movie months ago. anyway I'm y/n." holding out my hand to them. The one with a nose ring takes it first "Nick" he shook my hand. "I'm Chris" the one with long hair spoke, dapping me up. "and you?" I turned to the last boy, realizing it's the one that I locked eyes with earlier. "Matt" he smiled slightly as he took my hand. my face flushed feeling the electricity buzzing through my fingertips.
"okay well nice to meet you guys, but I'm off to bed. tell Nate that I said he better take me to see that movie tomorrow, I don't care if he just watched it." "will do" Chris spoke, Matt and Nick nodded along. I headed back towards my room and closed the door, still thinking about the feeling of Matt's hand on mine. "well this is going to be a problem" I mumbled to myself before shutting off the light and snuggling under my covers.
· · ─── ·𖥸· ─── · ·
Nate had brought the triplets over again, many times over the next few years. each time my crush on Matt grew a little stronger. besides that I had actually gained a friendship with all of them.
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a/n: I'm probably going to move this story on pretty quickly I just wanted to get a little backstory out first.
let me know if there is anything I can do to write better, criticism is appreciated
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kennahjune · 5 months
Hop on board cause I’m making no promises of this being the last part
Tag list: @viridianphtalo @thisisallicouldthinkof @thatonebirthstone @swiftielouie55 @luthienstormblessed @spilled-jar @just-a-tiny-void @marklee-blackmore @stevesbipanic
True to his word, Eddie showed up to the shop around 10 with the Jeff and Gareth. And someone Steve didn’t quite know.
Steve chuckled as he watched the kids crowd him, all of them talking a mile a minute. Steve had informed them happily about Eddie’s DND background the previous night, and Lucas, Mike and Will were quick to jump on board.
El came to stand next to him behind the counter, quickly taking the open stool left behind there for employees.
“Too loud for you?”
El nodded.
“Yeah.” Steve chuckled. “They get like that. It’s pretty sweet, actually.”
El nodded.
Steve ruffled her hair and stepped out of the store to gather the shitheads.
“Hey, hey!” Steve clapped his hands. “Inside all of you! Let the guys in before you hound them!”
Will and Lucas both scurried inside, eager to hear more about DND and the weird shit that goes down in the trailer park. Steve huffed and looked pointedly at Max and Mike, who were loitering.
“You both to. Inside.”
They huffed and rolled their eyes, but made no arguments the second time around.
The guys walked in to, Steve moving out of their way as they all waved friendly hellos.
Eddie stayed by the door with Steve, both basking in silence and the chatter from inside the store.
Steve turned to Eddie. “Hey, uh, I get off of here at 2, and I have to drop the kids off, but um— I was wondering if you wanted to maybe come by afterwards?” Steve refused to look Eddie in the eye and anywhere in the face for that matter. His gaze remained on the floor of Scoops Ahoy while he picked at his bottom lip. He really needed some new chapstick.
Eddie bumped shoulders with him and Steve rocked with the hit. “Totally, Stevie. Why don’t you come by to mine, huh? I can even pick you up at 3?”
Steve did look at him this time, his eyes shining and picking up the nervous grin and bashful blush. Steve grinned merrily and held back a squeal and a clap. “Sure! Of course— totally, that works, uh— 3 then?”
“You got it sweetheart. I’ll see you at the 3.”
And with that, Eddie called the guys over and they all left. Steve finally let out that squeal and clap.
“Steve are you going on a date with Eddie!?”
Oh man.
“Eddie are you going on a date with Steve!?”
Oh man.
“No, Gare-bear. We’re just hanging out at the trailer later.” Eddie denied and denied. He snatched Gareth’s paper bowl of ice cream and took a bite. Gareth huffed and crossed his arms, mumbling about him owing 3 dollars.
“‘Not a date’ he says, and yet Harrington had him twirling his hair and smiling like a middle school girl,” Jeff taunted, giving Gareth his own ice cream to make up for his new lack.
Gareth took the ice cream with a grin and thanks.
“Shut it. I was not twirling my hair.” He so was. Still is, actually.
Brian scoffed. “Dude, get over yourself. You’re clearly into him— and from the looks of it he’s into you! What’s so wrong with saying that?”
Eddie frowned and shoved his hands in his pockets. “Cause I kind of wanted him to be an asshole.”
Jeff raised and eyebrow, stealing a bite of Brian’s ice cream.
“Like—“ Eddie waved a hand in the air. “—he was an asshole in high school, but also, not really? He never actually did anything to anyone. Barely even laughed. He was just bitchy, now that I look back on it. And I guess there was some part of me that wanted him to be an asshole so that I didn’t seem like a dick for hating him.”
“But you don’t hate him.” Gareth pointed out with his ice cream spoon.
Eddie scoffed and flailed his arms to turn around. “Yeah well— I don’t know!”
“You literally just asked him on a date?” criticized Brian.
“It’s not a date! We’re literally just hanging out!” Eddie continued walking backwards out of the mall.
“Yeah,” Jeff rolled his eyes. “You guys are ‘hanging out’ but he’s coming to your place at 3 and just the mere idea of it has you not only red in the face but so flustered you trip.”
“What?” Eddie asked incredulously. “I didn’t tri—“
He tripped over a curb in the sidewalk.
Gareth spit out his ice cream laughing at him. At least it didn’t get on Eddie this time.
It wasn’t a date.
It wasn’t a date.
But Steve was getting ready for it like it was.
Max and Mike were on his bed. Neither really wanted to go home and decided to stick at Steve’s for a bit longer. Steve let them, but he called Jonathan over beforehand to keep an eye on them. It got him an eye roll from both of them but it was whatever.
Mike and Max were sifting through the shirts he’d pulled out from his closet.
“You don’t have anything.. I dunno, darker?” asked Max.
Mike scoffed. “Don’t even. Eddie’s clearly into the pastel shit Steve wears.”
“I don’t see why.”
“Yeah well not everyone wants to look like a walking traffic cone.”
Max threw a polo at his face.
“Do you have any of those sweaters you used to wear with Nancy?” Asked Mike.
“What about that light blue one Nancy got you for Christmas last year?” Asked Jonathan from the bedroom doorway. They all jumped at the sudden intrusion.
“Christ, Byers!” screamed Mike.
“Don’t ‘Byers’ me, Wheeler. I’ll take your crayons.”
Mike stuck his tongue out.
“I don’t have the sweater right now, it needs washed.” Steve answered. He’d gotten batter on it when he was baking with Joyce and El a while back.
Mike bypassed him and looked through his closet. Steve let him. He knew he’d be missing a couple of button ups later (they all stole each others clothes one way or another) but it was whatever.
Jonathan joined Max on the bed.
“What about these jeans?” Jonathan held up a pair of light wash blue jeans that Steve still fit from junior year. Well— “fit” was putting it lightly. They squeezed around his ass and thighs a lot more than they used to. But maybe that was what he needed tonight.
“Yeah, those work.”
“These to!” Steve barely caught the shirts— plural— that were thrown at him from Mike. The first was one of his many white tank tops. He threw it on without much thought and examined the second shirt. This one was one of his more rare shirts; a short sleeve, light brown, flannel button up.
“Put it on, doffus.” Mike waved his hand at him in a scarily similar way to Erica. Steve wondered briefly if Erica got it from Mike or if Mike got it from Erica.
Steve put the shirt on and buttoned only the bottom button. He tucked it in the jeans very loosely.
It was oddly perfect.
“Now go change! Maybe I can do your eyeliner!” Max shoved him away.
Steve scoffed. There was no way he was letting her do his eyeliner.
Steve let her do his eyeliner.
It was painful. Max poked him in the eye with the pen at least 3 times and he kept having to remind himself that he couldn’t rub at his eyes unless he wanted to ruin it and go looking like a raccoon.
It was a pretty subtle touch, actually. Max and Mike made sure to keep it light while Jonathan watched from his desk chair. Mike even let Max do his eyeliner. The eyeliner brought just enough attention to his eyes but also distracted from his ungodly eye bags. He needed to buy some more concealer soon. Max offered hers but they aren’t the same shade.
Jonathan even convinced him to put in his diamond studs. Which sent Max and Mike into a frenzy about his ears being pierced. He’d gotten them done as a baby because his mom wanted them done but his dad refused to let him wear earrings.
Mike whined about wanting his ears pierced for a while.
In the end, Steve was happy with his new look.
Max and Mike stared at him, examining.
“I love it.”
“It suits you, oddly enough.”
“Happy to please.” Steve gave a dorky bow. Max and Mike scoffed.
“You look amazing, Steve. Before you go I do want a picture though.” Jonathan held up his camera.
“A picture? What for?”
“You’re first date with a guy, duh!” Yelled Max. Mike snickered.
Steve flushed. But in the end he let Jonathan take the picture.
That was when the doorbell rang.
It wasn’t a date.
But of course Eddie was treating it like one.
Which is why he sat with Gareth, Brian and Jeff in his room, rifling through his drawers for something half-decent while they tried their bests to pick up the absolute wreck of a room.
“Dude I promise he’ll like you in anything you wear. Seriously.” Reassured Jeff.
“I know I know! But I want a shirt that’s at least clean!” Exclaimed Eddie over the racket of Metallica playing from his radio.
Gareth and Brian shared a look.
“Eddie. Park your ass.” Gareth demanded.
Eddie opened his mouth.
“Park your ass right the fuck now.” Gareth snapped his fingers and pointed to the bed. Eddie huffed and sat like a dog. Gareth was scary when he was mad.
“Now listen. You’re fine. You have like half an hour before you have to pick him up. All you really need is a shirt and a pair of jeans that don’t smell odd.” Gareth went to take Eddie place rifling through his dresser. “Boom.”
The jeans he threw at Eddie were black (like all his jeans) and had rips in the knees. The shirt was a simple, white, used-to-be-t-shirt with the sleeves cut off and the entire thing cropped to just above his bellybutton. Not to mention all the holes in it from getting caught in fences and just deciding to take scissors to it one day. The black Metallica symbol was well faded with time and love.
Eddie deemed it good enough and changed quickly.
“Now.” Gareth clapped his hands. “Put your hair up in a bun, get it off your neck. But not a high bun, just right behind your head. Hang on lemme—“
Eddie, Jeff and Brian let Gareth do his thing. Surprise surprise; Gareth had actually been on his fair share of dates. A lot more than the rest of them anyway. And whatever the hell he was doing seemed to be working so fuck it.
Putting his hair up showed off where Eddie had pierced his ears all the way up, and the multiple studs and hoops going through the holes. Honestly it was refreshing getting his hair off his ears— strands kept getting caught in his earrings.
Jeff grabbed Eddie’s jewelry box from his dresser and sat down with it on his bed. Eddie stood in front of him while he attached chains to his belt loops for him.
Brian helped him clip a couple of silver necklaces and chains on as well and Gareth convinced him to put in his earrings and piercing. And soon enough Eddie was a menace to metal detectors around the world.
And right on time to.
Eddie rushed to put on his extremely worn out converse before running out the door with the other guys.
Gareth was dropped off first, then Brian. Then it was just Jeff and Eddie in the van while he drove.
“You’re gonna do great, man.” Jeff reassured. Eddie sighed.
“I know. I know that— but it’s like. Seriously nerve racking. Like I’ve been on little to no dates in my life but hanging out with Steve Harrington? Jeez.”
“Why are you so nervous? Make a move tonight! Ask him out for real this time man. I’m like 100% sure he’ll say yes.”
“Yeah but asking out Steve is like asking out a single mother. You don’t only have to lover her but the kids as well.”
“Those twerps?”
“Those ‘twerps’ were the subject of several of our conversations yesterday because of how much Steve loves them. I haven’t even met all of them apparently!”
Jeff laughed just as Eddie pulled up to his house. “You do you man. All I’m saying is make a damn move. Cause if you don’t, I will.”
Jeff got out of the car cackling while Eddie yelled at him from the drivers seat.
Steve opened the door and nearly fell over in astonishment.
Holy shit?
“Holy shit?”
Eddie grinned down at him. “‘Holy shit’ what, Harrington?”
“I— you— um. Uh.”
“Jesus, this is pathetic, Steve!” Mike yelled from the couch.
Steve hushed him harshly over his shoulder. He turned back to Eddie so quickly his bangs hit him in the face. “Sorry! Sorry. Mike and Max insisted on staying over for a bit. Come inside for a moment? I still have to grab a few things.” he smiled nervously and apologetically.
Eddie smiled back and accepted the invite in.
Steve is proud to say he only panicked a little. The back of his neck was moist with nerves and his hands were starting to get cold but he hasn’t burst into tears yet so he’ll consider it a win.
And honestly— with how Eddie showed up looking?— that’s such a fucking win.
God Steve wanted to to bite him.
Eddie made himself comfortable in the living room with Max and Mike while Steve dragged Jonathan upstairs to his room.
He closed the door maybe a little too loud but it’s fine. It’s whatever. What’s not whatever is the current impending breakdown over everything finally settling in.
“Steve. Sit down.”
He sat on the floor.
“That works.”
Jonathan sat right next to him and gathered him in his arms. “You’re ok. You looks amazing. Those jeans do wonders for your ass. I’m sure he thinks you look fucking fantastic. You’ve got this.”
And for a while that was how it went. Jonathan whispering small reassurances until Steve felt himself-enough to finally go back out there.
“God he looks so /good/, Jonathan! I wanna fucking bite him!” Steve put his head in his hands.
Jonathan smirked. “Save that for at least the third date, Steve.”
Steve groaned.
There was an insistent knocking on his bedroom door.
“If Steve’s done freaking out I think you guys should go soon!” yelled Mike from the other side.
Steve quickly stood with an uttered curse. The moment he walked back into the living room Eddie’s eyes seemed to lock on him.
Steve gulped.
Eddie gulped.
‘Holy shit’ was right.
Steve looked… he doesn’t even know. Ethereal? Divine? Like a fucking meal?
God Eddie wanted him.
And— Jesus Christ— was that eyeliner?
Steve Harrington was going to be the death of him. “Eddie Munson, 1965-1985, killed by the prettiest boy to ever walk this fucking Earth.”
Jesus H. Christ.
Steve invited him in and Eddie accepted. A smooth feeling of proudness and self-confidence flowing through him at the stuttered responses from Steve. Guess the guys were right. Though he’d never admit that to them.
The moment Steve closed the door behind him he was bounding off with Jonathan upstairs. Eddie tried not to think too much into /that/.
“He’s nervous.”
Eddie looked at Max.
“Hella. We’re talking 3 breakdowns and a panic attack nervous.” Confirmed Mike. “Dustin’s gonna be so pissed he missed Steve’s first date with a guy.”
Max snickered at that.
Eddie sputtered. “It isn’t—“
“—a date. Well I call bullshit. If you like Steve you take him out and you make him feel good, you hear me?” Max threatened.
Eddie put his hands up in surrender. “Nothing but the best for Stevie.”
Mike eyed him. The kid was actually kind of scary.
“You hurt him and I blow your fucking brains out.”
Jesus H. Christ. Steve Harrington control your kids.
Eddie sat on the other side of the living room from them.
When Mike went to go gather Steve and Jonathan after an impending 10 minutes, Eddie sat in momentary silence with Max.
“Mike means good. He’s a jackass but he’s been through some of the most with Steve.”
Eddie looked her in the eyes. “I promise on my weed stash and swear on my mothers grave that if hurt him neither of you will get a chance to fulfill your threats before I dig my own grave.”
Max snorted at that. Just as Steve came back, to.
Eddie’s eyes locked on him immediately, greedily drinking in the beautiful curve of waist and those plush thighs squeezed nicely by his jeans.
Eddie stood and gave a two-finger salute to Jonathan and waved off the kids. He and Steve were stepping out in no time.
“So— hang on. Are we gonna take my car or your van?” Steve asked Eddie once they’d stepped off the porch.
“Uhhhh,” Eddie hesitated for a second. “My van? And I can drop you off afterward.”
Steve nodded. “Okay. Okay cool.”
They got in the van.
Steve demanded control over the music, claiming to refuse to listen to “that bullshit” the entire way (it was only a 10 minute drive, tops), but Eddie let him have it. Although he complained immediately about the Wham! Steve had put in. Steve dismissed him jokingly and sang along quietly to Careless Whisper.
Eddie chuckled and watched him out of the corner of his eye. It was quite the scene; Steve Harrington in his van, singing to Wham! while tapping on his thighs.
Eddie focused on the road.
Eddie pulled up to the trailer at the tail end of Killer Queen by, well, Queen.
Steve forced him to stay in the car until the end. Eddie found it stupidly endearing.
When they did finally leave the car for the trailer, Eddie remembered Wayne being home. He waved at the old man sitting in the recliner. Steve followed his example and waved as well.
“Hello, sir.”
Wayne clicked his tongue. “Don’t use that ‘sir’ bullshit on me, boy. I ain’t your daddy.”
“Oh! Sorry, Mr. Munson.”
“C’mon, Stevie.” Eddie smirked.
Steve looked confused between Eddie and Wayne, before apologizing once more to Wayne and hurrying to follow Eddie to his room.
His room.
Steve held back a squeak. He was going to Eddie’s room! Oh man. He might pass out. Is he gonna pass out? Gosh that’d be embarrassing.
Eddie sat on the bed and patted next to him. Steve sat as well, but kept to the edge of the bed.
“Sorry, totally forgot Wayne didn’t have work for another hour.” Eddie rubbed the back of his neck.
Steve shrugged. He didn’t mind, really.
“So? What does the amazing Hair do in his free time?” Eddie’s asked, leaning his head in his propped hands and smirking at Steve.
“The amazing Hair carts around like 7 kids in his free time.”
Eddie snorted something ugly and Steve laughed at the noise.
Talking to Steve was easy.
Eddie never thought he’d find this kind of relaxation outside of his Corroded Coffin guys yet here he was, lighting up with Steve Harrington of all people while they traded banter like old friends.
It was one hell of a time.
Eddie’s regretful to say that they seemingly spent a good hour talking about other people instead of theirselves.
Steve waxed poetry on his kids, even as he gave each one a good hearted insult right along with the praise.
“Dustin’s a menace. The tone that boy has! I mean— sure he’s smart and a good kid but Jesus Christ someone needs to knock him down a notch!”
Eddie snorted, a plume of smoke coming out of his nose with it.
“And Mike can be downright insufferable sometimes. Don’t get me started on when he gangs up with Max. They’re fucking brutal.”
Steve was laying on his back on Eddie’s bed, his legs bent at the knees and were squished between himself and the wall. Eddie was right beside him, so close Steve’s head was practically in his lap.
He wouldn’t mind Steve’s head in his lap.
Shit— he wouldn’t mind his head in Steve’s lap. Eddie’s head, cushioned on those divine thighs? Mark him down as eager and horny.
Wayne popped in some time later, sending them both a goodbye. Much to Steve’s cute confusion.
“Why’d he say bye to me to?” He looked up at Eddie with wide eyes.
Eddie gave into an impulsive urge and booped his nose. He snickered when Steve went cross eyed watching the movement. His nose wrinkled adorably.
Steve Harrington was a sweetheart when high.
“Cause you’re here, ain’t ya? It’d be rude to not say bye.” Eddie shrugged taking a drag and passing the blunt to Steve. Steve took it with gentle fingers.
They blew out at the same time accidentally and it sent Steve into a fit of giggles.
He was an absolute sweetheart and Eddie was determined to get every cute reaction he could out of him.
They smoked for a few minutes longer, the blunt finally reaching the end and Eddie putting it out. Steve had moved to sit at the edge of the bed, his left leg crossed under his right. He was chewing at his nails again, staring into space.
Eddie sat next to him, and when Steve didn’t give any sign of acknowledgement Eddie finally reached over and grabbed his hand. He forced Steve to stop chewing on his already ragged nails by interlacing their fingers and his rubbing his thumb over his knuckles.
Steve sighed and leaned into Eddie’s shoulder, eventually dropping his head onto said shoulder and digging his forehead in as if trying to bury himself.
Eddie would let him.
“I haven’t relaxed like this since sophomore year,” Steve informed quietly.
Eddie hummed. “I think that’s when you first started buying from me, right?”
Steve snickered. “Yeah. And then I made Tommy do it for me.”
“Why, did I scare you?” Eddie teased.
“Something like that,” was the mumbled response.
Eddie hummed. “Well I shouldn’t. I’d never hurt a fly. In fact— flies kind of scare me.”
Steve snorted and giggled into his shoulder.
“It’s true, ok? Don’t laugh jackass! Flies are creepy little fuckers.”
“No, no.” Steve laughed quietly, his hands gripping Eddie’s arm weakly. “You didn’t scare me, per se—“
“‘Per se?’” Eddie mocked.
“Shush! —per se,” Steve continued pointedly. Eddie laughed. “You just— intimidated me?”
“Are you asking me?”
“You’re kind of an ass, you know that?”
“So I’ve been told.” Eddie snickered.
Steve rolled his eyes, but the grin on his face erased all doubts in Eddie’s mind.
“You’re a cool guy, you know that Steve?”
Steve looked up at Eddie, his eyes impossibly wide. It was cute, how his nose scrunched up and his eyebrows furrowed. How his pretty, pink lips parted with a sharp exhale. Eddie smiled.
“And you’re an oddball, Eddie.”
Eddie’s shoulders shook with the laugh that barreled out of him.
I’m so sorry this took so long to get out 😭
Writers block hit like a motherfucker after writing their outfits lmao. Lemme know if you wanna be tagged!! Part 5 should actually be the last part :)
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italiansteebie · 1 year
I think I've kept y'all waiting long enough. Part 2 of this
"we? sorry Eddie, but I think it was you who fucked up this time. we see the way you look at him man, and. if you say he's changed then. I dunno. I guess I believe you."
It's Gareth who says it.
Gareth who's Eddie's main man, his confidant, the robin to well... his Steve.
and that's what makes it worse because he knows the disdain Gareth has for the guy, and here he is, telling Eddie he fucked up by letting him go.
"What do I do?" he asks, voice at a whisper, like he's scared of the answer. "You stop fucking around and make our stupid ass babysitter smile again," and that could only be, Eddie turns, looking for the source of the voice. Yep. Mike wheeler.
Dustin stomps over to him, "dude. we've been over this. Steve likes you. not as a friend, okay? I know you like him too, hell. even max can see it and she's fucking blind!"
"true." and there's max and Lucas, slowly making their way down steve's basement stairs, hands tightly gripping the railing. and now he knows he's got no choice. He's in Steve's basement, with his brats, and the rest of hellfire staring at him wait for him to move, and he knows he can't put this whole thing off like he wants to.
because if he's being honest, he wants to cancel hellfire, send everyone who, make max get up from the seat she just settled in, and run back to the trailer and hide from the world.
but now he's got an audience of people, people who weren't even sure about the guy two seconds ago, who were willing to berate Eddie on his behalf.
so he's got to go make it right. (and maybe he's got to get over the humiliating fact that he too, has become absolutely enamored with Steve Harrington. and he shakes that thought away because it's not humiliating. the guys a real catch, Wayne loves him, and so do his friends apparently, and he's just down right, nice. which Eddie was not expecting).
so he huffs, looking around the room, even max's cloudy eyes are pointed in his direction, waiting. and he bounds up the stairs.
"Steve!" He calls,
"Steve, I need to talk to you,"
and Steve rounds the corner, looking tired, "Eddie, I swear I'll stay out of your hair, you don't have to leave. I- I know you don't like me but, I- I want to prove it to you that I've changed. I-"
Eddie cut him off, "Steve, Steve. you don't need to prove anything I- I was being an asshole. I was embarrassed to have a crush on you,"
"not helping your case, Eddie,"
"I know, I know, ugh! Im not-" he pauses to scrub a hand down his face. "Im not good at this so im just gonna come out and say it. You are- too good for me. you're so fucking nice. I don't get it, and here you are listening to me, and you don't have to! I hurt you and you let me play my stupid game in your basement! you apologized to me. and so. I was scared , okay? because im not stupid, I could see that you liked me, and I- I was so scared that I didn't deserve you that I got mean, and you don't deserve that, not from me, not from anyone and I- I'm just. I can't tell you how sorry, and stupid I feel,"
"no, Steve. let me grovel, okay?"
"Eddie, you don't need to. I- I forgive you."
"You do?"
"Yeah. On one condition,"
"whatever you want, Stevie."
"ask me on a date."
"wh- okay." Eddie breathed out nervously, wiping his palms on his chest, "Steve, would you do me the great honor, of going on a date, with- with me?"
he saw the shaking of steves shoulders, oh god, did he make him cry again? Jesus, what was wrong with him? he was about to open his mouth to apologize, "yes, Eddie," Steve laughed, cutting him off, "I'll go on a date with you," there was a twinkle in his eye, and Eddie almost cried at the thought that he was the one who caused it.
there was an eruption of noise behind him, turns out his audience had followed him, waiting to see the ending. "Kiss!" Dustin called, "Kiss! kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss!" Oh god they were chanting now, and Steve had an expectant look on his face. "Well?"
and there it was, the fairy tale ending.
Eddie pulled Steve in for a sweet kiss, only pulling him closer to deepen it. there were hoops and hollers from the crowd behind him, and once they pulled away from each other, Eddie looked at his friends and even caught a smile on none other than mike wheeler's, king of teen angst, face.
and who knew it would turn out like this? (I did. we all need a happy ending).
Tags: @hyperfixationgoddess
@vhelt @i-have-three-feelings. @queerdeerling @sunfloweringstories
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hbyrde36 · 3 months
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Times Like These (The Anniversary Edition)
CH 1 CH 2 Ch 3 Ch 4 Ch5 Ch6
Chapter 7: Running in Circles
WC: 6637 | AO3 link
The moment Eddie landed back in his body he fell to his knees and sobbed.
He wanted to lay down and die all over again. 
Anything to escape the agony of losing. Losing in general, losing Steve. Never mind that the loop had managed to reset itself, meaning there was a brand new Steve only a few miles away who was just fine. Who Eddie had another chance to save. 
But he wasn’t ready to think about that just yet. 
Not that he had any time for mourning. Time was both his greatest asset and his mortal enemy in this moment because he so desperately needed it all to fucking stop, if only for a little while. 
But, as the saying goes, time waits for no man. Chrissy was standing there, right in front of him, and the countdown to her demise had begun the second he landed back at the beginning of this godforsaken nightmare. 
He gave himself one minute to feel it. Sixty seconds of wallowing in heartbreak—of saying goodbye to a past that only he would ever remember, before shoving it all down and getting to work. 
He mumbled vague apologies to a very confused and concerned Chrissy when he finally picked himself back up, and then simply walked away, striding quickly to his room to take up his acoustic guitar and play for her again. 
It worked, even if he had some trouble putting his whole heart into it this time, and he was grateful that it did. He didn’t know what he would have done if it hadn’t. 
He held her close after she fell—still tried to put her back together again even though it felt impossible when he was missing so many of his own parts, but he didn’t give her long. He didn’t give either of them long enough to truly recover from their respective ordeals before dragging her to her feet.  
“Stay here a second?” He said, not waiting for a reply before returning to his room.
Frantically he dumped the contents of his backpack on the ground and filled it with clothes, his walkman, and his trusty black lunchbox. He had a feeling he might need it to get through the next few days. 
Back in the living room he grabbed his keys, took Chrissy's hand, and led her outside.
The goal was to grab Max and get the hell out of Dodge before Jason showed up looking for Chrissy, or a fight. He didn’t want to see that motherfucker ever again if he could help it, and he certainly could live without another broken nose. 
He flew up the front steps of Max’s trailer and began pounding on the door.
“Max!” He shouted, continuously banging his fist. “Code red, Max. Open up. We gotta go right now!”
The door flung open suddenly, revealing a very annoyed and very wide-eyed redhead.
“What the hell, dude?! Did Dustin put you up to this?”
“No Red, he didn’t, and there’s literally no time for me to explain, so–” Eddie shrugged one shoulder and pushed past her without waiting for an invitation, heading right back to her room while pulling Chrissy along behind him. 
“What are you doing?!” Max yelled, trailing behind.
It wasn’t like Eddie didn’t know he was acting, maybe, a bit erratic—but he was frustrated at once again being the only one who knew there was trouble brewing, and frankly he just didn’t have the mental strength to ease anyone into it. Any patience he had left died in the last loop.
“Pack a bag.” He told her as he perused her tape collection, picking out the right Pat Benatar tape. He checked for the other but it didn't seem to be on the shelf. It was probably already in her player.
“You’ll need your walkman, and your Kate Bush tape too. You might want to grab some clothes while you’re at it, we may not be back for a while.”
“Wait… what?”
He finally looked at her, really looked at her, and realized that under the show of annoyance, she was scared. He was freaking her out.
He sighed, running his hands roughly through his hair. “You saw the lights flickering earlier, right? Over at my place?”
She bit her lip, nodding reluctantly. “Is that what this is all about?”
“Yes,” he said, as softly as he could manage, picking up her school bag from the floor and handing it to her. “And I'm sorry, but we need to go now.”
“Where are we going?”
“Steve’s.” Eddie swallowed thickly. “Grab your walkie, we’ll call him from the road”
Max continued to eye him suspiciously but she didn’t argue. Sometime later he’d have to wonder why the girl went along with him so easily, but for now he was just grateful she didn't put up more of a fight.
Chrissy was quiet throughout the whole thing, and seemed a lot more shell-shocked than last time. Which was fair, considering he was acting like an insane person, had given her zero time to recover from her attack, and had explained exactly nothing. He just… he needed to get out of here. He needed to see Steve. Then maybe he could settle down long enough to tell her and everyone else what was going on. 
On the bright side, at least he wouldn't be showing up on Steve’s doorstep battered and bloody.
“Pass that radio up here, will ya?” Eddie asked once they were on the road, reaching back to where Max sat. She handed it over without a word.
He cleared his throat, holding the button down as he spoke into the device, steering with one hand. “Code red, I repeat, code red. Anyone who can hear me right now needs to meet up at Steve’s house as soon as possible. And, uh, Harrington, sorry to interrupt date night but you need to ditch the lucky girl and pick up Robin and Dustin on your way home.”
It all came out a little more manic and bitter than he’d meant it to, but it couldn’t be helped. It was all he could do to keep it together long enough to get to Loch Nora safely.
“Who the hell is this? Over.” Dustin said
“Hey, Henderson.”
“Wait… Eddie?”
“Yeah, man, It’s me. Listen,” Eddie paused, tapping the radio against his cheek. “I know you probably have like a million questions right now and I swear I will answer every one of them, but please just—hold off for a bit.”
“Is this some kind of joke?” Another voice asked.
Eddie sucked in a breath, eyes stinging as Steve came over the line. He knew the other boy would be listening, he should have expected it—had expected it, but somehow it still caught him off guard.
“I wish it was, pretty boy, I really wish it was. There was a little problem down at the trailer park. Max is with me, and a–friend. I’ll explain when we get to your place.”
After a moment of dead air, Dustin spoke again. “Steve?”
“It’s fine, Henderson,” Steve replied quickly, sounding irritated, if resigned. “I’ll be there to get you as soon as I can.” 
“Should I call the others?” Dustin asked.
“Yes.” Eddie cut in.
“Why not.” Steve scoffed. “Party at Steve’s! It’s not like I had plans on a Friday night or anything.”
It didn’t occur to Eddie until he turned the radio off and handed it back to Max that not once did Dustin complain about the lack of ‘walkie etiquette’. That maybe should have been his first sign that things weren’t exactly going well.
As soon as they pulled up to Steve’s, Max burst out of the rear doors of the van, all but running into the house before Eddie even had the chance to put it in park. Chrissy didn’t move or react. In fact, she’d done nothing but stare out the passenger window for the entire ride over. 
“Hey, Chris?” He said gently, turning in his seat to face her. “I know this whole night has been crazy and you don’t know me very well, but for what it’s worth I really can explain what’s happening… if you can trust me enough to come inside?”
She remained still and quiet for long enough that he was concerned she’d become catatonic, but eventually she tilted her head to look at him and gave a shallow nod. He jumped out, rounding the front of the van to open the passenger door for her. She faltered, stepping out on unsteady legs and he offered her a hand, which she took instantly, and held onto for dear life.
Eddie hesitated at the front door, his instincts telling him to just walk inside, but he wasn’t sure Steve, who barely knew him now—again, would appreciate that. 
Holding his breath, he rang the bell.
Intellectually, Eddie had known that the loop resetting meant Steve was alive, and he’d already heard his voice, but to actually see Steve physically standing there in one piece filled him with a sense of relief that made his knees weak. 
For a moment he forgot himself, stepping forward fully intent on wrapping the other boy up in his arms. He itched to press his face into Steve’s neck again, breathe him in deep and think about better days, but he caught himself at the last second and held back, instead giving Steve a friendly pat on the shoulder with his free hand while using the momentum of the near-hug to push past him and into the house, tugging Chrissy along with him.
“Sure, come right in.” Steve sniped.
Eddie didn’t look, but he knew that tone well enough to be sure Steve was rolling his eyes at their backs.  
He guided Chrissy to the living room and sat her down on the couch, while Steve blew past them, disappearing into the kitchen where Robin must have been. He could hear them whispering about him, though not quietly enough, because he heard it clear as day when Robin hissed, “oh my god, and he’s got Chrissy Cunningham with him?”
He stopped listening after that, in favor of paying attention to the girl in front of him. He hadn’t taken very good care of her this time around, and he needed to fix that as soon as possible.
“Can I get you some water or anything?” Eddie asked, crouching down in front of her, smoothing the hair out of her eyes.  
“Yes, water, thank you,” she said, managing a weak smile. 
“You got it, I'll be right back.” He patted her knee and marched straight into the other room, where Robin and Steve fell abruptly silent at his entrance. 
He ignored them, not really knowing how to act just yet—but did know, without a shadow of a doubt, that if he looked at Steve for too long right now he might lose his shit. Which would be less than helpful at this stage. He went to the cabinet where the glasses were, moving through the space like he was familiar with it—because he was—and crossed to the fridge, filling the cup he retrieved with the pitcher of water he knew Steve kept in there. 
“What—you—how?” Steve sputtered, narrowing his eyes. “Have you been here before?”
“No questions until everyone is here.” Eddie said over his shoulder, already walking away.
Dustin and Max had appeared in the living room while he was gone, and they watched curiously as he handed the glass over to Chrissy and sat down.
He leaned forward, dropping his head into his hands as he took a few deep breaths, remembering the way Steve had coached him through his panic attack on this same night, as he tried to settle his thoughts.  
“You know what? No. This has gone far enough!” Steve bellowed, rushing into the room. “You gotta give me something, man or I’m gonna… I don’t know. Call the police or something?”
Eddie dropped his hands but kept his eyes trained on the floor. Seeing first Steve’s socked feet come into view on the carpet in front of him, then Robin’s converse sneakers right behind. 
“Don’t give me that shit, Dustin. You see how he’s acting. He's clearly high on something. Or maybe drunk? Taking one of your D&D sessions a little too seriously? What?” 
Eddie looked up just in time to see Steve pull his signature move. His hands flew to his hips, and the accompanying glare was as fiery as ever, even though his hair flopped into his eyes when he tilted his head.
It almost made Eddie smile.  
“How the hell should I know?!” Dustin shouted.
“Well he’s your new best friend, isn’t he?!”
Oh, right. 
Eddie had forgotten this part. 
Up until their week-from-hell bonding session, or in the case of the last few loops, up until he learned the truth of what Eddie was going through, Steve had been jealous of his budding friendship with the kids—well—Dustin, in particular. Granted Eddie had been jealous too, but those days were far in the past for him. 
“Steve, that’s not–” Dustin sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Why would you assume he’s on drugs anyway?” 
“I hate to break it to you kid, but your new buddy here is the town–”
“Oh my god, Harrington!” Eddie quickly cut him off. Not that he really cared if the kid found out about his little side business, he’d be learning about it momentarily anyway, but he’d had enough. “I'm not high! And I’m not drunk either. I’m stuck in a fucking time loop.” 
“Bullshit.” Dustin snorted.
Eddie’s heart sank. Dustin always believed him. Had he really screwed things up so badly that even that had changed? 
Steve crossed his arms over his chest. “You can’t expect us to buy that.”
Eddie had to turn away from the hard look in Steve’s eyes. He’d understood it before, the first few times around when it had taken a bit of time, and a lot of explanation, for the other boy to trust him, but now it just… hurt.
He felt so alone.
“Dustin, you told me something, in the first loop. You said if I told you this thing, you’d believe me.”
Steve tapped his foot impatiently on the carpet. “Okay, let’s hear it then.” 
“Don’t be an asshole, Harrington.” Eddie snapped, getting up from his spot on the couch to approach Dustin. “It’s his secret, if he wants to tell you someday, he will." 
He bent down and whispered quietly into the kid’s ear, “You're adopted. Your mom told you a year ago and no one else knows, not even Steve.”
Dustin’s eyes went impossibly wide as he blinked up at Eddie in utter shock for a second, then his face spread into a wide grin. “Holy shit, he’s telling the truth! This is amazing! But what–” 
The smile dropped suddenly off his face as the implications started to sink in. “On the walkie earlier you said code red, but I didn’t think—does that mean this is…”
“Upside Down related?” Eddie finished for him. “Yeah, I'm afraid so.”
Steve watched the two of them with a deeply furrowed brow, no longer looking quite so bothered and skeptical, now he just seemed worried. Eddie softened, letting his own problems take a back seat for a minute. This was Steve, who—whatever he thought of Eddie right now—he cared about so fucking much. 
"I’m sorry, Steve.” Eddie said, and never had he meant those two words more. “I know what you’ve all been through over the past few years, and I’m sure this is the last thing you want to hear right now, but it’s the truth. You have no idea how much I wish it wasn’t.”
Erica arrived a short time later on her bike, and Eddie used the distraction to escape to the downstairs bathroom and splash some cold water on his face.
He’d only been near Steve again for less than an hour and he was already going out of his mind, how was he supposed to make it through an entire week?
“Hey, man, are you okay?” A voice called from the other side.
It was Steve, because of course it was.
A part of Eddie longed to let him in, to steal a moment with the boy he was almost sure he was in love with, but it wouldn't be the same. 
Steve didn’t remember the many nights they spent comforting each other and sharing their most intimate secrets. He didn’t know how they’d cooked for each other, and swapped stories, and kept each other sane in the midst of the world crumbling down around them. 
He could have let him in anyway, and maybe tried to start over, build them back up into a version of what they were, but Eddie didn’t think he could survive getting that close, going that deep, only to have it ripped away all over again.
Nancy's voice filtered in from down the hall, and assuming she’d brought Mike along that meant everyone was there and accounted for. It was time.
Plastering a fake smile on his face, Eddie took one more deep breath for good luck and opened the door.
“I’m good, Harrington. Let's get this over with.”
He tried to walk past but Steve stopped him with a hand on his elbow. “Eddie, wait.” 
Eddie stiffened, heart pounding. Déjà fucking vu, of the most painful kind.
“I’m sorry for giving you a hard time before.” Steve let him go, rubbing nervously at the back of his neck. “If Dustin believes you, then so do I. Honestly, after everything I’ve seen… it’s not even that much of a stretch.”
“Thanks,” Eddie said, looking anywhere but at Steve’s face.
In the process of avoidance, the closed door to Steve’s father’s office caught Eddie’s eye and it gave him an idea. He remembered Steve taking a phone call in there once before, and recalled that it didn’t look like an ordinary household model. 
“The phone in your dad’s office,” Eddie began, hooking a thumb in the room’s direction. “Any chance it has a speaker?”
“Yeah, why?”
Pushing his inner turmoil aside for the time being, Eddie filled Steve in on how the Byers and El needed to be brought into this too, and how much more efficient it would be if they could be on the phone listening as he explained what was going on.
Steve gaped a little, still not used to Eddie knowing so much about all these things that had been secret for so long, but ultimately he was on board, and took on the task of telling the others to cram themselves into the small office room. 
“What the hell is he doing here? And where’s my brother?" Erica asked Steve, spotting Eddie as they all piled in. "He didn’t come home after the game, I figured he’d be here.”
“He’s… ” Steve started to say but trailed off, looking to Eddie for an answer. “Where is Lucas?”
“Partying with the basketball team.” 
“Why are we talking in here again?” Nancy asked of no one in particular.
Robin shushed her, Mike laughed, and Eddie stayed out of it. He dialed the number Steve had given him for the Byers house in California and switched on the speakerphone, praying someone would pick up. 
Joyce answered on the second ring. 
When Eddie hesitated, realizing that the woman wouldn't know who he was, Steve jumped right in.
“Hey Joyce, it’s Steve. Uh, Harrington.”
“Oh, Steve. Honey, is everything okay?”
“I’m sorry to call out of nowhere like this, um, listen, I’ve got the usual group together at my house and uh, no. I guess everything's not okay? We have a friend here, his name is Eddie, and he has something to tell us. Can you get the kids and Jonathan to listen in too?”
It was proof of just how much these people had been through together that she simply said, “Ok, sure.”
After explaining, briefly, the whole him-time-looping thing in general, Eddie began by going over the original timeline in detail, starting with Chrissy’s death and ending with his own. He brushed over the next two loops, claiming they weren’t important. Which was true, he hadn’t changed anything or learned anything new, so nothing could be gained by forcing himself to recount them. 
Finally, he moved on to the last loop. He told them everything, apart from the private moments he and Steve had shared, and managed to keep it as clinical as possible until he reached the point in the story where the group had separated at Benny’s—falling silent as he replayed in his mind the moment he and Steve had said goodbye. 
Steve’s grip on his hip, the way his soft lips had felt pressed against Eddie’s own, the terror that had coursed through him when the clock chimed one, two, three, four times. 
“Shut it!” Steve shouted, drawing Eddie out of his reverie. 
While he’d been zoned out, Dustin, Mike, and Erica had been shouting over each other, badgering him to go on. 
“Give the guy a break will ya? He’s been through enough without having to deal with…” Steve broke off with a frustrated sigh, waving a hand. “All of you. Just give him a second.”
Steve Harrington to the rescue as always, Eddie thought with a pang in his chest. 
He started again, determined to finish the story and be done with it. 
“Obviously we weren’t successful, otherwise I wouldn’t be back here. I can’t tell you exactly what went wrong. I don’t even know if El managed to piggyback into Steve’s mind, but either it didn’t work or Vecna was too strong because…” He trailed off, struggling to swallow past the lump forming in his throat. 
He couldn't say it. He just couldn’t. 
Thankfully, they were all smart enough to follow the context clues, and he didn’t have to. 
“Why didn’t I pull Steve out with the music thing?” Dustin asked, a slight quiver to his voice.
And absolutely not was he letting this kid feel like it was his fault for even a fraction of a second.
“Jason fucking Carver.” Eddie said quickly, and with gusto. “He and Andy saw Steve’s car or something. They showed up at the Creel house, threatened you all with a gun and somehow broke the walkman in the process.”
“Oh god, I’m so sorry.” Chrissy blurted out. It was the first time she’d spoken since they left the trailer hours ago. “I should have broken up with him a long time ago, I knew he was a jerk, but–” She broke off sobbing. 
Eddie was too far away to reach out to her himself but Robin was there, throwing an arm around her, and Chrissy tucked herself into her side.
“None of this is your fault, Chris,” Eddie said, holding her gaze in hopes that would help it sink in—to make sure she knew he meant it. “I know you don’t remember, but trust me you helped us so much. You were there for me–at the end. I will never forget that.”
She nodded, but still dissolved into a new wave of tears against Robin’s shoulder. 
While everyone else was looking at her, Eddie felt Steve’s gaze on him like a physical weight, impossible to ignore. “You said the loop resets when you die, right?”
Before he could stop himself Eddie locked eyes with the other boy, and suddenly it was like they were the only two people in the room. 
“What happened to you last time?”
On top of everything else, Steve had just learned about his own mysterious death at the hands of a psychic monster, but here he was—not concerned with that, but with Eddie, and what his fate had been.
He tried to deflect, dropping his gaze to the desk as he spoke. “That reminds me, I should really hide my van when we’re done here so no one thinks you’re associated with me if something goes wrong.”
“Eddie, what happened to you last time?” Steve asked again, insistent.
With a heavy sigh, Eddie grudgingly answered. “After they took off from the Creel house, Jason and Andy showed up at Benny’s. I guess they saw the cars and got curious, or maybe they came to check the place out again after Patrick died. I don’t know, I didn’t exactly get to ask any questions. He, um… he shot me. Point blank in the chest.”
By the end he had the room’s full and silent attention again, save for a muffled sniffle over the phone’s speaker, and a warm palm landed on his shoulder. He didn’t even have to raise his head back up to know it was Steve, who’d moved to stand beside him at some point during his latest speech. 
He’d know the feel of those hands anywhere. 
“Okay, hear me out,” Dustin blurted wearing his patented, I’ve got a brilliant idea, face. “What if we call Owens now and get El together with him sooner. It sounds like she didn’t get the chance to fully regain her powers before they were ambushed, and I’m guessing her battery got drained in the escape with the whole helicopter thing, so she was definitely working at a disadvantage.”
It was a brilliant idea, Eddie had to give it to him. He didn’t realize they had a line to this other doctor guy.
“Yes, I think you are right.” Eleven agreed. “Eddie, you said… Papa was there? In the Nevada place?” 
“Yeah, he was there. Somehow he’s alive, I know you thought he wasn’t. I’m sorry. Jonathan said he helped you though, and that it had been your choice to stay.”
“It’s okay, I understand.”
There wasn’t much else to be said for now, and they needed to hang up so Joyce could make her phone calls, but there was one more order of business to deal with first. 
“Uh, Mrs. Byers, are you still on the line?” Eddie asked, eyes flicking back to Steve before quickly looking away again. 
“Call me Joyce, honey, and yes I’m here.”
“I need to talk to you alone for a minute, if that’s okay. Steve too.”
“Oh. Give me a second to make sure the kids hang up.”
Clearing the office out was a fight, Eddie had expected nothing less, and though they had to be as curious about what was going on as anyone else, Robin and Nancy stepped in and managed to convince the others to leave.
He was sure they’d demand answers at some point, but he’d worry about that later.
“Are you alone?” Eddie asked. 
“Yeah.” Joyce said.
“You might want to sit down for this.” He said to Steve, indicating one of the newly empty chairs in the room. Steve grabbed the nearest one, pulling it close so they were sitting side-by-side.
“Okay, there’s no easy way to say this… Hopper might be alive. Joyce got a package from Russia with a ransom note. Some guy named Murray is flying in tomorrow to help her figure it out.”
Joyce gasped, the noise echoing in surround sound for Eddie as Steve did the same beside him. 
“It’s real then?” She asked.
“I think so. You’re going to call the number tomorrow and the person who answers will tell you to fly to Alaska with some money. I don’t know any more than that. You called us once after you arrived, right before you went to meet with someone but we didn’t hear from you again. You said Hopper was being held in a Russian prison, and the guy who sent the ransom note was going to break him out.”
Steve went white as a sheet at the second mention of Russian involvement, and though he’d been thinking it would be smarter—easier, to keep some separation between them in this loop, Eddie couldn’t fight his instinct to reach out. He covered Steve’s hand that was resting on the surface of the desk with his own.
“I guess there’s nothing for me to do but follow the trail again.” Joyce said.
“But what if something happened, er, happens to you?” Steve asked.
“It’s Hopper." She said, as if that was an answer in itself. "I’m going to hang up so I can call the number Owens gave me. I’ll let you know what he says—and boys? Please don’t tell anyone else about this. Not until we know for sure.”
“Okay,” Steve mumbled, at the same time Eddie said, “of course.”
“Are you alright?” Eddie asked once they’d ended the call.
Steve was still staring lost in thought down at the phone, but at Eddie’s words he shook himself out of it. “Yeah, sorry. Just–”
“The Russians,” Eddie supplied, bobbing his head. “I know. I’m sorry, but I thought you deserved to know, and Joyce told you last time, so–”
“And then I told you?”
Eddie cleared his throat, abruptly taking his hand back as he leapt from his chair, heading for the door. “We should go, uh, check on the kids—make sure they’re not wrecking the place or anything.”
They wound up moving Eddie’s van into the garage. There was plenty of space, and it was such an obvious solution that he had to kick himself for not having thought to park it in there last time—for not having thought to hide it at all.  
He’d just sort-of assumed that if Chrissy didn’t die, and he didn’t become a suspect in her murder, the whole Jason thing would go away. 
He knew better now. 
Though, maybe this round he’d get a break since they’d skipped the run-in at the trailer park.
Dustin and Mike took charge of making the looped recordings for the party members who needed them, and were just moving on to the b-side of Max’s custom ‘Running Up That Hill’ tape, when Lucas burst through the front door. He froze in the entrance to the living room, looking from one friend’s face to another, and, much like the last time, did a double take when he spotted Eddie and Chrissy.
“I don’t know what’s going on, but Jason has lost his mind. He thinks Eddie did something to Chrissy and now he, Andy, and a few of the other guys are out looking for him.”
“Oh, come on!” Eddie yelled, throwing his hands up. “He didn’t even see me this time!” 
So much for getting a break from that asshole jock and his evangelical bullshit. 
“O… kay," Lucas said, blinking at Eddie for a beat before continuing. “Someone saw her leave the school with you after the game and—” He trailed off, finally noticing the music playing and the tape recording set-up. “What’s going on?”
Steve and Erica stepped in to explain, taking him through to the kitchen to talk. He wasn’t sure it was for his benefit but Eddie was thankful anyway, he didn’t want to hear it again anymore than he wanted to re-tell it. 
Not long after Lucas showed up, Nancy and Mike left to make their excuses at home for canceling Mike’s trip. 
Everyone else was staying over, and Steve had already made them all call home so no parents would panic. Even Eddie left a message on his home answering machine for Wayne since he was at work. He’d have much rather heard his uncle’s voice again, but it was undoubtedly easier to lie to a recording than it was to the man himself. 
Then it was time for bed. 
Again, Robin offered to share the guest room with Chrissy, while Max and Erica called Steve’s parents room—and as the boys gathered up the spare pillows and blankets they'd be using in the living room, Steve gave Eddie—a look.
He knew where this was headed, and honestly he’d never been so conflicted. Of course he wanted nothing more than to curl up in bed with Steve after the terrible day he’d had, but that wasn’t where they were with each other anymore. And, in the interest of keeping some distance between them, to save himself future heartbreak even if it meant feeling a little pain right now, sharing a bed had to be where Eddie drew the line. 
“I’ll stay down here with the boys.” Eddie said, before Steve could even make the offer. “They can share the big couch, I'll take the other one.”
“Oh.” Steve said, almost sounding disappointed. “Do you want something to sleep in at least?”
Eddie gulped, wondering what the odds were that Steve would give him the swim team top again if he said yes. He wasn’t sure he wanted to know.
“Actually, I packed a bag this time, so I’m all set.” 
After a visit to the garage to grab his bag from the van, Eddie changed into his own version of pajamas—an old ratty pair of faded black sweatpants and a cropped Iron Maiden t-shirt, so worn that the band’s logo was all but illegible. Lastly he took one of the pre-rolled joints from his stash and slipped out onto the patio through the kitchen’s sliding glass doors. 
He sat cross-legged on his usual lounge chair, facing the pool and the woods beyond as he lit up. He took a long drag, and as he blew out a plume of smoke heard the sliding glass door open and close again behind him. He didn’t bother to hide what he was doing, though he probably should have. It could have been anyone coming out to look for him, Dustin or Mike maybe, but somehow he knew it wasn’t.
“Sorry to interrupt,” Steve said when he got close enough that Eddie could almost feel the heat coming off of his body. He shuffled his feet, hovering next to the chair. “I saw you out here through my window and I just… I wanted to make sure you were doing okay.”
Eddie finally looked up, unprepared for the way seeing Steve in his usual blue flannel pajama bottoms and white shirt would make him feel like he was drowning. Coupled with the tousled hair and soft look in Steve’s eyes, it was almost more than he could handle.  
So he focused on something else. 
The headphones Steve wore loosely around his neck were quiet, the wheels of the tape unmoving inside the player that was hooked to the elastic band of his pants.
“You should really be using those.” Eddie said, sliding over on the chair and patting the empty spot next to him in invitation. “Or at least have it playing even if they’re off your ears.” 
As Steve sat down Eddie took another long hit, halfheartedly offering the joint up when he was done. He didn’t know if Steve still smoked or not, knew he used to when he ran with Tommy and Carol but it wasn’t something they’d gotten to talking about before. 
Steve accepted it, taking a drag like a pro and Eddie supposed that answered that question. He grinned despite himself. 
“After all the shit you gave me earlier?” Eddie said, knocking their shoulders together.
Steve ducked his head. “I meant like mushrooms or something, I don't know. Weed doesn’t count.” 
He passed the joint back and started fiddling with his walkman, popping the tape out, flipping it over, and hitting play.
“I didn’t even realize it had stopped.” Steve said absently, accepting the joint when Eddie passed it over again, their fingers brushing lightly. “You know I was thinking about that. What happens when we’re sleeping and the tape runs down?”
“I don’t know what Max or Chrissy did, but anytime I woke up I’d flip your tape over and restart it.” Eddie answered without thinking, catching what he gave away far too late to backtrack, blaming the weed for loosening his tongue. 
Steve stilled, staring at him incredulously. 
“You—did you stay with me last time? In my room, I mean?”
Eddie busied himself picking at a loose thread on his pants. He didn’t know what to say.
“Is that why you’re so uncomfortable with me? Did I do something wrong, or?” Steve asked when the silence had grown too heavy to manage.
“No, Steve.” Eddie shook his head. “God, why is it that you always think you’re the problem?”
“I’m… sorry?”
“No, Stevie. I’m sorry.” Eddie sighed, taking the offered joint back again. It was almost done, and he took one last hit from it before leaning down to stub it out on the concrete. 
“Yes, I stayed with you before. We all sorta paired up to keep an eye on each other, and I guess you could say we got… close, over that time, but–”
“Oh! So, we were friends, but now I don’t remember and you’re not sure how to act around me. Is that it?” Steve guessed, and it was criminally adorable how proud of himself he was for figuring it out.
Almost figuring it out, that is, but he didn’t know that.
Eddie smiled, huffing a laugh. “Yeah. Yeah, that’s it exactly.”
The almost-admission served to break some of the ice between them. Steve relaxed a little, and Eddie found himself following suit.
They sat under the stars talking off and on for over an hour, and with each glance up at the sky Eddie was reminded of Steve’s childhood dream. He smiled, picturing a tiny baby Stevie standing in this very same backyard—looking up at the moon and daring to imagine himself going there one day. 
He almost brought it up, more than once. 
They chatted about nothing important or in particular—the kids, mostly, how they were adjusting to high school and things like that. Eddie told him what he knew, and in return Steve told him about middle school dances, and sneaking their shared brood into movies at the mall. 
As much as it pained him to sit there, knowing that their every interaction meant much more to him than it did to Steve, he still found himself happy just to be in his presence. 
Maybe that could be enough. 
He could still be Steve’s friend, as long as he kept him at arm's length for now, and if they somehow managed to make it out alive—maybe then he could try to reclaim some of what was lost. 
Eventually their slowing words turned into yawns, and Steve suggested they should go back inside and get some sleep. “Maybe we should stick together again.” He whispered, as they made their way through the darkened kitchen. 
Eddie hesitated, he needed to maintain the boundary for his own sake, but he hadn’t considered Steve might be scared to be alone. “You’ve got your music now, just keep the tape going and you’ll be alright, I promise.” 
“It’s not me I'm worried about.”
“You don’t have to worry about me, Steve. In all this time, Vecna’s never come for me.” 
Even more so than the first time they said goodnight, Steve looked like he wanted to argue, but ultimately he let it go. “If you’re sure.”
He couldn’t do this again. He would not allow himself to fall further when the future was so uncertain—when he still didn’t truly know, would never know, what their one shared kiss had really meant.
“I’m sure. Good night, Steve.”
“Good night.”
Eddie watched him climb the stairs, not walking away until Steve turned the corner and was out of sight. 
It was better this way, he reminded himself, and he’d keep on reminding himself as many times as he had to—needing no more motivation to keep some separation than to recall Dustin’s trembling voice saying, he’s gone. 
That was the sound Eddie carried with him as he curled up on the small couch, turned to face the back of it, and silently cried himself to sleep.
Chapter 8
Special thanks to @penny00dreadful for being the best beta, friend and cheerleader.
Reblogs are always appreciated and if you want to be tagged, just let me know! I'd be more than happy to do so 💜
Taglist: @hitlikehammers @pearynice @cranberrymoons @thoroughlycollected @blubblesandink @finntheehumaneater @brbsoulnomming @estrellami-1 @hellion-child @manda-panda-monium @spicysix @kikidoesfanfic @dreamwatch @lawrencebshoggoth @stillfullofshit @lil-gremlin-things @mamafaithful @klausinamarink
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artiststarme · 1 year
Part 2 of the Van Vandalism fic but can be read as a stand-alone. This part was heavily influenced by a comment by @doubleb11 and @zerokrox-blog requesting a boyfriend for Steve lol.
Eddie had taken to spending all of his free time at Family Video. He couldn’t help it! Steve was so intoxicating and the more time Eddie spent with him, the more he wanted to hang around. It started with Steve loaning him the Beemer while he tried to raise enough money to replace the tires on his van. Eddie would drop him off at work then speed over to the garage to work his shift before hustling back over to Family Video to pick him up and take him home. Everything was going well and they had a system in place… 
Until Eddie found out that Steve sometimes forgot to pack a lunch on his long shifts. So, he had no choice but to add it to his schedule! Every weekday he would; pick up Steve, drop him off at work, go to the garage, take Steve some lunch, go back to the garage to finish his shift, pick up Steve, go out to dinner with him at the diner, take him home, sleep, then repeat. 
And what was he supposed to do when his day off didn’t align with Steve’s? Really, the only option he had besides being depressed in his trailer alone was hanging out with Steve at Family Video gossiping about the fellow people of Hawkins. It was a no brainer. He would take a seat up on the counter and talk to Steve while he rewound tapes or processed late fees. Hell, he even organized the shelves a time or two. Eddie thinks he was probably at Family Video more than Robin was and she worked there. 
It’s just… Steve was so perfect. He was kind and gentle and understanding. His kind actions spit in the face of what he used to be like in high school and it caused Eddie’s schooltime crush to return with a vengeance. It wasn’t like it was before in which Eddie would pine hopelessly and flee whenever Steve so much as looked at him. Now, being with Steve felt almost attainable and it filled Eddie with a hopeful joy he’d never experienced before. 
It was just another weekday that Eddie strolled into the video store to once again drop off lunch to Steve on his lunch break. He had an hour lunch and you better believe he was going to spend at least half of it with Steve (and the other half driving to and from work). The man in question looked up at the sound of the bell chiming and rolled his eyes humorously. “What are you doing here? I know for a fact that you have appointments until six today.”
Eddie grinned at him and detailed boisterously, “I’m bringing you lunch! You didn’t bring one with you today when I picked you up so I decided to display my unending gratitude with a bountiful harvest of nourishment!” 
Steve’s eyes squinted and his lips pursed as he tried to decipher his words. After a moment of silence, Eddie took pity on him and smirked. “I brought you lunch, dude. It’s the least I can do.”
He shook his head, “you don't owe me shit. It’s a favor and you don’t deserve to have to walk everywhere because some prick slashed your tires.”
“Agree to disagree. You gonna eat it or not?” Eddie waived off his explanation, he’d been hearing it every single time he brought him lunch, and raised an eyebrow in askance. 
“What is it?” Steve asked him, trying to take a peak of the brown paper bag where Eddie was hiding it behind his back. 
“Uncle Wayne’s famous chili, he made some for us last night.”
“Ooo, pass it over.” Eddie handed him the Tupperware container of chili as well as a spoon. Unfortunately, he didn’t have time to stick around and talk to Steve while he ate. He still had to replace an alternator in a Chevy today so he had to get back to the garage. 
“Alright man, I’m heading out. I’ll come back around 6:30 and we can hang until your shift ends. How’s the chili?”
Steve literally moaned as he ate a spoonful of the hearty soup which shocked Eddie enough for him to trip on air and fall over. He face-planted on the ground and just laid there for a second. What. The. Fuck. Thankfully, Steve was too busy being enamored with his bowl of chili to pay Eddie any attention. 
“Mmmm, dude this is delicious! Now I owe you one because this is the best chili I have ever tasted. How about I close early tonight and you take me on a date at seven?” Steve said, looking Eddie directly in the eye as he spooned another spoonful of chili into his mouth. 
Oh my god, it's everything Eddie had ever wanted in life. Has he died and gone to heaven? “Abso-fucking-lutely! Stevie, big boy, I would fucking love to go on a date with you! I’ll be here!”
“I would hope so, you’re my ride!” Steve laughed. “Now go, you’re going to be late. I’ll see you tonight.”
All Eddie could do was beam at him and nod his head rapidly up and down. “Okay!”
As he raced back to the garage to finish his shift, he only had one thought. He owed Wayne so much for making that chili. Because that chili finally allowed him to seduce Steve Harrington.
Permanent tag list:@doubleb11 @nburkhardt @zerokrox-blog @newtstabber @i-less-than-three-you @carlyv @pyrohonk @straight4joekeery @trippypancakes @conversesweetheart @estrellami-1 @suddenlyinlove @yikes-a-bee @swimmingbirdrunningrock @maya-custodios-dionach
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lunatic-pudge · 2 months
Postal Dad Headcanons
(Requested by Gojifan1962)
HAPPY POSTAL 2 DAY!!!!! Can't believe Dude is finally old enough to drink. Homie is going places and I'm proud of him!
-Aight, so I'm turning this request to a pregnancy/dad headcanons cause why not. Kill two birds with one stone and might as well start from the beginning, breaking the news that you're pregnant
-Now, Dude doesn't seem one to want kids. But since these are my headcanons, too bad. I'm sure he's thought about it before, but never really took time to truly consider it, especially with his deteriorating mental health and a marriage that has lost it's meaning long ago
-He's always had Champ to look at as his baby. His spoiled little baby at that. But now that he isn't with his ex-wife anymore, and is now in a happier relationship (with you, dear reader) having a kid or two might be something for him to start considering, might
-The pregnancy was definitely unplanned. A little "oops" if I may. It was nervewracking to tell him. How would he react? Does he even like kids? Could he handle being a dad?
-So, after some pep talk, you finally tell him. It doesn't register at first. KInda goes in one ear and out the other. It takes a few seconds of him blankly staring at you for him to finally understand what you said. And, surprisingly, he's ecstatic! Pick you up, swing you around, give you some smooches. Maybe some tears even shed
-But then the hard part starts, the big thing is that there's gonna have to be some changes (the crack addiction). After years of doing it, it's gonna be hell to quit. But if he kicks it now, it won't be a problem later when the baby is born. So be ready to have a cranky Dude around. You're both gonna be taking care of each other during this time. He's gonna need a lot of support during this
-Once the rough part of withdrawls is over, and he starts feeling better, he'll be already coming up with ideas for the baby's room. I'd like to think that his trailer has two rooms, one the guys you sleep in, the other is probably where he keeps his weapons. So he's gonna have to find a new place to put all his weapons cause we can't have the new baby trying to use the Napalm Launcher... yet
-At some point, he's gonna question if staying in Paradise would be the best choice. He doesn't want his kid to get hurt or deal with the consequences of being his kid, so you guys might pack the trailer up and start anew somewhere else, let's just hope the chaos doesn't follow
-As the months go on, Dude will start to get anxious. He worries that he won't be a good dad for the little one. He never had a good relationship with his Father's, one's dead and the other he basically has no contact with. He knows you'd make an amazing parent, no doubt about it. But he will need a lot of reassuring that he'll make a good dad. Plz help him
-He's ready to deal with anything and everything you throw at him. Morning sickness, cravings, he will go out at 3am to get you whatever you're craving if it means making you happy. He'll let you lay around and do nothing while he takes care of the place. Hell, even Champ will be loving on you as well. Staying by your side during the whole pregnancy (Dude gets a little jealous)
-When it's baby time, he's in full panic mode. Speeding to the hospital and refusing to leave your side. He'd be ready to fight the doctors and nurses if they don't listen to you or are even slightly rude. By the time the baby is born, he's gonna have a broken hand by how hard you were gripping it and he almost got kicked out of the hospital three times
-So now baby is born and Dude now has a new best friend. He just met his kid and he's already planning all the fun chaos the two will have. He's so excited to finally be able to hold his baby. He already knew he was gonna spoil the fuck out of them
-He's a lot more of an active dad than you'd think he'd be. He's rather a night owl so he doesn't mind being the one who's getting up to take care of the baby, he wants you to get your rest.
-Is the type to get the baby onesies that say things like, "I can't fucking read". He thinks it's hilarious. And if you don't stop him, he'll be trying to teach the kid how to swear and flip people off.
-The type of dad you'll catch sitting at the tiny kids table with your kid, wearing a tiara and getting his nails done by your kid. Yes, he will wear a dress if his kid asks. How is he supposed to say no to such an adorable face?
-He can't help but spoil them. Again, he struggles to say no to them. He would kill for his kid. He would steal toys for them as well. He will shank a bitch for an American Girl doll, he doesn't care. His child NEEDS this doll, and he will stop at nothing to get them what they want
-He will teach his kid how to defend themselves. He doesn't trust people and he wants to make sure his kid is safe. He'll be gifting his kid weapons once they turn 13. The kid will have an alarming knowledge about different types of weapons
-He doesn't want his kid seeing him killing people. He knows how traumatizing it can be to see such a thing. He'd feel so horrible if he was the cause of his kid's trauma. But he sees his kid kill someone, he's helping with hiding the body. If they're killing someone, then clearly that person was in the wrong cause his kid can do no wrong
-He really do be a dad that is chill and you can tell everything to. If his kid is in deep trouble, they know they can call their dad to help. Very rarely will Dude ever be mad at his kid. They have to do something really horrible for him to be upset with them. He's also the type of dad who wouldn't care if his kid smokes and/or drinks. He'd smoke with his kid if it didn't make his schizophrenia worse
-So to finally end this long post, Dude would be a good dad. He wouldn't be perfect, but he's trying. He would want the best for them. He does get overprotective of them as well. He'd be a content man in life with his family. Ain't nothing gonna ruin it <3
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queennai714 · 4 months
OK, so if you didn't know, im also REALLY into Ace Attorney and DUDE-
There's this fan series that has cases on Objection.lol AND walkthroughs +extras like prologues and shorts and stuff on YouTube that I've been following for a while (that video up top is the trailer btw) and the second-to-last episode of season 2 just dropped and I NEED TO SCREAM
I dont wanna give away anything but it gets CRAZY
Had me vibrating in my seat frfr
Plus, this series is just underrated af in general. First off, its basically one of those 'crack taken seriously' fics except every bout of outlandish nonsense is so well developed by characters and clever humor and exposition (that isn't boring and actually makes sense) and stuff that YOU end up taking the crack seriously too. Tbh it's a lot like danganronpa in the way that as the characters are fumbling their way through utterly bizzare cases, there's also a larger overarching plot working in the background the whole time, and occasionally taking center stage and I just- 🤩
Like, I can honestly say that this series has managed to invoke the same feeling for me as watching a playthrough of the actual game. All the characters are really well written and pretty damn accurate to canon, and the little ooc bits here and there are made up for by the fact that they're CONSISTENT.
I just- UGH
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courtingchaos · 1 year
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Rent the Space Inside My Mind
1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 I PT 6
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Female!Reader
Summary: During a hazy afternoon y'all get a little lost in your heads. Eddie tells you a really funny joke.
A/N: Jesus christ this got away from me. I've had this open for two weeks (???) just chipping away and rewriting and deleting everything. I need it off my phone. I'm so sick of looking at it! I really hope you guys enjoy it! This one gets a little spicy? Nothing crazy, just some daydreaming and just All of The Pining Imaginable. I'm not sick of these two being oblivious yet, so strap in friends. (AlsoAlso, just tossing this out there this is 18+, and will just get worse as it goes on so like don't interact if your a lil baby please) Y'all wanna see the gif again?
Friday afternoons were very specifically You and Eddie hangout hours. Typically quiet, never boring, it now usually started with a blunt since someone (you) had broken someone else’s ( Eddie’s) bong. It had truly been an honest mistake and while Eddie held no grudges, he did miss watching you pull on the thick smoke, so many thoughts rushing at him in those few precious seconds. You’d cough, eyes watering and he’d wonder if you’d make the same sounds with him buried in your mouth.
Slow your roll, cowboy.
It’d been maybe an hour since you kicked his bedroom door in, a McDonald’s bag held in either hand.
“Oh my queen, is that what I think it is?”
“Literally six large fries dude.”
You toss one bag at him where he’s laying on his bed, and beeline for his dresser to drop your stuff. You glance up at his first love while you shuck your jacket off and he’s obviously watching you because he playfully says “Go on, give her a kiss. You know you want to.”
Looking over, you’re 100 percent right. Fries sticking out his mouth, he’s got that shit eating grin plastered on his face, his dimples deep and soft and you just want to grab him there with your thumb and middle finger pressed in and push him back into his pillow.
“I’m not kissing your guitar.” You say flatly.
You on the other hand…
He pouts at you while you start digging around the top drawer, looking for the party supplies.
“You know, I wouldn’t go all haphazard in my drawers like that if I were you.”
“What, afraid I’m gonna find something dirty again?” You throw that over your shoulder while you search for the pre roll you know should be in there.
“Ha ha ha”, Eddie mock laughs, getting up from the bed to open a different drawer in the dresser. “I moved it, made more sense over here.” He pulls out a small wooden box and closes the drawer quick. You quirk an eyebrow at him and dart your eyes between him and the drawer his hand is still on. He just smiles easy and shakes the wooden box at you.
“Oh look at you, a whole box now? What, loose weed in your socks not your thing anymore?” You tease him and pluck it out of his hands to dig through it.
“Aha!”, the blunt you had so lovingly rolled on Wednesday in his van, parked outside of your own trailer before you went in for the night. Made like a pinkie promise for Friday afternoon, he’d taken it with a bow of his head; a knight receiving the fair lady’s favor.
“I’ll guard it with my life.” He meant it too.
Eddie had watched you, completely enraptured, run the tip of your pink tongue along a seam of the blunt, the smallest glint of metal peaking out of your mouth. He had tried being as sly as he could be, but he was sure he’d been actively panting by the time you handed it to him. This little fucking thing clutched in his hand had seen more action from you than he ever would. For that, it stayed in his possession.
“You better, that’s the last of that bag.” You’d held the empty ziplock up when you got out of the van, shrugging at him. Eddie promised to pick up only the best from Rick before Friday, so you dug forty bucks out of your wallet for him.
He’d long ago stopped arguing with you about paying since you were the one with an actual job. The bookstore downtown took up three of your afternoons normally, which is why Friday Fundays were created. If Hellfire wasn’t meeting and he didn’t have band practice, he’d sometimes bum around bothering you and your few coworkers.
They had all taken a liking to Eddie, firstly because he was pretty well read, and could quote Tolkien at them fast as lighting. Most of the older women you worked with were just as easily charmed by his big dimpled smile and his abundance of ‘ma’am’s’.
Secondly, he was typically quiet but always respectful so because of this, every single one of them had asked you on multiple occasions if you two had started dating yet. Always prefaced with a big sigh, you’d tell them ‘Why no, of course not, he is actually just my friend.’ It would always end with them tittering and smiling, talking about how boys were never friends with girls like that when they were younger.
“Georgia, it’s 1983, times do change.” You’d reminded your coworker one evening while you both watched Eddie rifling through books on a bottom shelf. Georgia had leveled a look at you and said, “I think after 62 years, I’d see when a boy likes a girl.” You’d wanted to remind Georgia of her coke bottle glasses but kept that one to yourself.
Eddie didn’t like you, not like that. You were positive. The two of you had come together as friends, nothing more. It wasn’t his fault you’d turned 16 and suddenly became aware of his dimples when he smiled at you, or how big his hands were when he’d grab at you when the two of you roughhoused. You’d kept this attraction on complete lockdown for two years and you weren’t about to let Georgia from the bookstore pry it out of you.
Firstly, and Most Importantly, he was your pit buddy. Very early on in the friendship, still both 15 and fresh faced and trying desperately to get into local shows, you’d realized you were both pretty hardy individuals. After saving Eddie from a beating by a Senior boy and then the next week starting a fight over one of the first uses of ‘Freak’ towards him, it’d given both of you an idea of what you could handle.
And it was glorious.
You’d only ever had girlfriends before meeting Eddie and while you did genuinely like doing the girly things, no one ever wanted to do the tomboy things with you. Now though you suddenly had someone who wasn’t afraid of getting into it with you, especially in the middle of a crowd of moving bodies. The first show had been some local band playing just outside of Hawkins, they were metal-ish and loud and fast and it was everything Eddie had promised it’d be. The two of you had spent the hour after the show waiting for your mom and wrestling in the grass next to the venue, taking turns throwing each other on the ground. That night had been the most fun you’d had in a long time and by the time you both climbed into the back of your mom’s station wagon you were breathless and covered in grass and laughing.
Your mom dropped Eddie off with Wayne, apologizing for the dirt child she was leaving on his doorstep.
“I have no idea what happened in an hour.” She’d kind of laughed, and Wayne waved her off telling her Eddie had come home looking worse.
“Tell Ms. Helen thank you.” Wayne said, herding him inside while Eddie yelled out goodbyes and thank you’s. On the short ride to your trailer on the backend of the park, your mom had tried to grill you for information about Eddie. You were honest with her, that the grass and dirt was from play fighting and the few cuts on your knees were from going nuts during the concert. Obviously she was concerned, but she admitted to you before turning the car off,
“I’m just happy you’re making friends hun, that’s all I want.”
Holed up in Eddie’s room, the window cracked just barely to help circulate air and keep as much warm in, you take your normal position on the floor, leaned up against the bed. His head is hanging off the edge while he tries to blow smoke rings.
He waves the blunt in front your face and you wave him off while you dig through your book bag to find your D&D notes. Diamond Head is on low in the background and you hum along while you look for the scribbles you’d jotted down during lunch earlier.
“What tragic character have you created now?” His voice is deep from the smoke and the angle he has his head tilted at. You don’t even chance a glance sideways, just clench your jaw and flex your toes in your shoes.
“No one new, I was thinking of some like, extra story for my cleric.”
“Oh Christ, not the corn god again.”
“Yes the corn god, all praise Helio.” You say it with no emotion but hold your hands up in praise above you. Eddie rolls his eyes and copies you, muttering ‘Praise Helio’ under his breath.
The two of you fall into quiet conversation, passing the blunt back and forth until it’s hard to pinch, stubbed out in the ashtray next to your leg.
Honestly you thought Eddie had fallen asleep with how quiet he was so you’d shifted away from the bed to lay next to it on the floor. Engrossed in notes from one of Eddie’s DM binders (and a good steady high), you don’t notice him slowly moving to keep you in his line of sight. He had been close to sleep but you shifting had stirred up your perfume from your hair and pulled him from his daze. Something sweet and deep that hung around his room long after you’d left.
He had only recently really admitted to himself just how head over heels he was for you so this attention he was leveling at you was still surprising to him. In fact, he’d picked up a new little habit: small things of yours that just happened to find their way into his pocket. Stuff you’d never really miss but little things that made him think of you. Hair clips that he actually used sometimes. A few chapsticks and one of your eyeliner pencils, a guitar pick you’d use when messing with his acoustic and a minifig that he knew you were looking for but it wasn’t important to this campaign so it didn’t matter right now. If a t-shirt of yours found its way in there it was none of his business.
Under the assorted stolen tchotchkes was a single Polaroid he kept tucked deep in the drawer under the little cigar box he’d handed over to you earlier.
That lived face down in the drawer lest you almost accidentally ever see it again. He’s not a pervert (Don’t lie to yourself Munson) but this was an accidental photo taken at an opportune time. Halloween the year before and you had shown up to his trailer in an Elvira getup that had Eddie clutching the counter to stay upright. Complete with black wig and tits out to the universe he was sure he’d never seen so much of you on display. Standing in the doorway you’d had to call his name a few times before he invited you in, Eddie stuck in a staring contest with your chest. You’d done a little half turn for him once inside where he all but vomited compliments at you over your painfully accurate costume. If he followed you around like a dog all night, it was only to make sure he was somehow marking you as untouchable to everyone else.
This was just one of the rich kids parties so Eddie was there to sell and you had tagged along for an excuse to dress up. Normally Eddie would plant himself in his van for an hour or two and then head home but you seemed to be enjoying the party, even though you barely left his side. He never actually partied with this crowd of rich assholes but the combination of you, beer, and everyone being moderately decent to him all night lent to him letting his guard down. By the time midnight had rolled around the two of you were a drunk giggling mess, looking everywhere for the wig you had eventually torn off in the heat of the house.
The morning had snuck up on you though, both of you jolted awake by an errant ray of light seeping through the blinds in the strange living room. You found your shoes by the front door and you two snuck out to Eddie’s van and headed home.
It wasn’t until he was sat outside his own trailer, smoking before heading in, that he found the Polaroid in the breast pocket of his jacket. Eddie had found a camera at some point, he can vaguely remember that. And he had taken this crooked photo of you, legs stretched out and propped up in front of you with the slit of your dress hiked up around your hip. Your head thrown back against the couch while a cigarette hung out of the corner of your mouth. The long line of your neck mapping a trail down to the deep cut neckline and just cleavage for days. Eddie stares and stares for so long before he notices in the bottom corner of the photo, your hand resting on his thigh, painted black nails digging into the dark denim.
It takes his forgotten cigarette burning down to the filter and burning his finger to snap him out of his lust daze.
That photo had lived beside his bed for a good while, serving as a bookmark in many things. (Which is how you’d almost found it one afternoon in his copy of Salem’s Lot.)
He’d stare at it before bed, imagining whatever scenario he could that involved you crawling over that couch and devouring him. Your lips painted dark red, leaving marks all over his neck and you hair, curled and soft from being pinned up all night dragging over his shoulder. He’d never been with a girl that had really taken her time with him but he imagined you would. He knew how soft your hands were, could imagine what they’d feel like dragging down his ribs over his stomach, tugging at his belt. You’d push his shirt up while pulling his jeans down and look up at him with that glint in your eye, the one you’d get before you really threw yourself fully into something.
Sometimes this would be the softest imagined scenario all quiet moans and gentle kisses, you handling him so carefully. Featherlight touches down his thighs, your hands soft around him while you whispered little praises up at him from between his knees. Those were nights where he was feeling especially lovesick (like when you were out on a fabled date). Getting deep into his feelings in the dark, sometimes not even actually jerking off, just thinking of you while he lay in his bed trying to sleep.
The other times though, those times he’d grab you up in front of everyone at that party and find a dark corner of that rich kids kitchen. He’d walk you backwards, up against a wall and cage you in with his body, one hand cradling the back of your head, the other ghosting down your side to grab at your hip. Without shoes on your only a few inches shorter than him, but you’d still have to look up at him from under your lashes. Your hands would wrap up the sides of his face and wind in his hair and you’d pull him down to you, lips soft and warm. He’d hook a finger in the neckline of your dress to try and get your tits out and he just knew they’d fit so perfect in his hands. You’d mewl at him and make all the little noises he could imagine you might make when he runs his fingers over the lace of your bra. He’d smirk at you while you pulled at his neck, trying to get him closer, pulling your body flush up against his. Slot your leg between his and grind up on him to feel the hard length of him against your thigh.
It didn’t take much for him to picture you bent over a bathroom vanity, hands braced on the sink in front of you and crying for him. His hand fisted in the velvet of your dress and pushing it up to your waist so he could watch himself bury his cock in you while you whined and moaned for him to not stop, never stop, keep going your gonna make me cum-
The shuffling of paper brings him back down into his room. Remembers that you are also in his room and he has to keep his fucking imagination in check because you can clearly see the raging hard on he has from your place on the floor. Only if you looked over that is, just a turn of your head and you could see him straining against his jeans-
He mentally slaps himself back in place and takes a deep breath to try to focus on something literally anything that isn’t you and your tits and your thighs and your breathing…
From your position on the floor you can see Eddie lying face up on his bed, eyes closed, fingers tapping on his chest along with the drum beat. The notes you’ve been looking at are held at such an angle that you’re actually just peering at him like a little creep over the top. Watching his fingers tap, watching his chest rise and fall, watching his face scrunch up when he hears the bass really kick in. It’s lulling you into a stasis of sorts; you’ve been good and toasty for a bit now, the two of you no longer essentially hotboxing his room. The floor was supposed to be grounding you so you’d stop imagining things like climbing up on the bed with him. Would he even open his eyes or would he just smile?
Assume you were trying to get comfortable.
You could surprise him. Tangle your hand up in his hair and pull his head back to hold him in place while you attacked his neck, leaving little red marks up and down the column of his throat. Maybe he’d laugh, all breath and a little gasping, the vibrations making you smile against him. You could move your way up to his mouth and he’d taste just like you’d imagined a hundred times before. Tobacco and weed and a little salty from the fries he’d been eating earlier.
This is not the first, nor will it be the last time, that you sit and wonder what secrets that mouth beholds.
You are slowly spinning out on the floor of his room, your mind going…well, more like an inch a minute rather than a mile. Eddie’s notes long forgotten next to you in the carpet, you’re just about to drift off into your daydream about his fingers tap tap tapping down your sternum when he clears his throat and turns his head to look at you, says something you don’t catch.
“I said ‘can I ask you something?’” He repeats himself and rolls over to lean on an elbow. His eyes are fixed on you, a notch between his brows making him look worried.
“What’s up?”
“Can I rain check next Friday?” He asks you almost hesitantly. It takes a few seconds for you to catch up before you frown a little yourself.
“And postpone the Friday night french fry extravaganza? What, you got a hot date or something?” You think you’re being slick but a blush starts to creep up his neck.
“No way! Did Gwen change her mind?!” You sit up from the floor to crawl over to the edge of the bed where you prop your chin to grin up at him. Your daydream is left with the notes while you rush into his space, face close to his own. Weed is still hugging your faculties pretty warmly so you don’t get a chance to stop your eyes drifting down his face to his lips.
He absolutely does not miss that look, but he’s also dipped pretty deep in this high so he lets it go because this is new. He’s never seen you look at him like that before; bites his bottom lip because he’s not entirely sure what’s happening in this moment.
No harm in letting you stare.
No harm in him watching you worry at your own lip.
Please let me bite that for you.
Your eyes finally snap back up to his with a questioning look in them.
Yes yes yes do it first please I’m too much of a coward.
Time is molasses the way the guitar in the background is molasses and you’re just staring at each other when you huff lightly.
Yeah, Gwen. Who’s Gwen?
“Uh yeah kind of? Nothing like crazy or whatever.” He breaks eye contact with you to stare at his blanket and pick at it. He’s not even sure why he’s still set on hanging out with her honestly, not with this huge fuckin’ crush he’s got burning for you. That first time he’d asked Gwen it had been with some actual feeling behind it. It’d only taken her a week to come back after turning him down though, a quiet question on her lips. Cornering him in the parking lot after school she’d made it a point to get him alone by his van where they were out of eyesight of everyone else. That should have been his first clue that this wouldn’t be a real date, but he’d been too caught off guard by the god damn cheer outfit.
“Does that offer still stand?” She’s sweet and a little naive maybe and he’s kind of weak for that so of course it does. Anything to get you off of his mind.
“For what?”
“Going out for a bite.”
“I mean sure, if you’re free.”
“Of course silly. Next Friday though.” She giggles and tucks a note with her number into his vest pocket.
He tells you all this, not looking up from his blanket the whole time. He admits that he knows she probably isn’t really interested in going out with him but she seems fun and nice and like who cares right?
“Yeah, she gets to test out what kind of freak I am and I probably get laid so…” he trails off. You’re still all up in his space so you can see his eyes darting around his blanket, looking for a distraction. This isn’t the first of these kinds of conversations between the two of you and you’ve seen that hurt in his eyes before. It’s not like Eddie is laying waste to all the girls of Hawkins High. He’s got maybe a solid handful of conquest under his belt, but they’ve all mostly treated him like a big secret. Something they got to do on a weekend or three and then moved on to something better. Something brighter. Something more well rounded and presentable.
“It’s not like she’s gonna take me home to meet mom.” His laugh is small and hollow when he rolls back over to stare at his ceiling. You pull yourself away from the edge of the bed, the cozy little spell broken.
“Listen man, you don’t have to go out with her. Just cancel it. What’s the worst that’ll happen? She doesn’t talk to you anymore?” You’re trying to break the sad tension with a joke and a gentle punch to his shoulder. He doesn’t budge, just sighs real big and continues to stare up at nothing.
You’re not super worried about this. Either he doesn’t hang out with her and you two get to have your normal Friday, or he does and you wait it out like you have with the others.
See, Gwen is an easy obstacle. She’s one of the nice cheerleaders, and she’s a year below you guys but she has no idea what she’s dipping her toe into. Eddie is a special brand of person and with his ability to talk an ear off, he’s sure to scare her off quickly. They’ll go out on their date and probably fool around a few times and then she’s going to comment on Hellfire. Or his band. Or his music. And then Eddie is going to get bored. He’ll remember what it’s like to talk about his interest unhindered with his little group of misfits and he’ll come back, acting like nothing ever happened.
So you have nothing to worry about.
Gwen will be easy.
💕Tags List💕
@edsforehead, @fracturedarkness, @munsonsguitarpick
Thank you again you guys!
257 notes · View notes
trashmouth-richie · 7 months
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pt 1: flicker
summary: Hawkins Annual Halloween Festival is in town, and this year you and your friends were lucky enough to work the event. But when some of your co-workers are missing, and a trail of blood leads to the woods behind the festival. Your friends work together to find out what’s going on. A killer is on the loose but who could it be? Or is it the town’s spooky secret of what really happened at Hawkins Lab?
[tickets] [flyer] [clipboard]
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summary: the day is finally here and our joyful crew arrives to get their assignments for the work day.
tw: 18+ only goodbye minors, billy hargrove smut, billy hargrove being a disgusting human being, mentions of drinking and drugs, character death x 3, hallucinations, drunk behavior, etc childhood background stories.
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The air is cool and crisp, fluttering an ombré of red and orange leaves all over the carnival. Staff was to arrive no later than 8 o’clock, sporting burnt orange Hawkins Haunted Carnival shirts with red hems on the neck and arms. “STAFF” printed on the back in black bold letters. 
Robin's hair and makeup looked exactly like it did last night, a little smudgy and unkept, the style suiting her personality and image to a T. She was holding onto Steve’s arm while picking gum from the bottom of her dirty converse. 
“Fuck I hate kids,” she grumbled, wiping the last bit of the pink wad of bubble gum on the grass. 
Argyle, Nancy, and Jonathan stood and watched. Nancy with her hair in a perfect pulled back ponytail showcasing her bone structure and light makeup, was wide eyed and bushy tailed, making up for the lack of enthusiasm everyone else brought with them this morning. 
Argyle’s long pin straight hair is braided down his back, and he looks almost half asleep, or maybe he was just high, but more than likely that was just him in general. 
You yawned loud behind your hand for the second time since racing into the parking lot, Eddie poked you in the ribs and shook his head, he had wanted to stop at the gas station for some badly brewed coffee this morning upon finding out that your apartment was lacking any sort of caffeine, but you were already going to be late and Mr. Creel’s speech last weekend about not being on time, would scare anyone straight. 
That is unless you were Billy Hargrove. 
Billy rolled in a full thirty minutes past the time all staff were expected to be dressed and ready to go. A cigarette hung lazily from his mouth and the hickies on his neck were splotchy and fading yellow on the edges. He was clutching a can of beer upon walking over to the group, finishing the contents and tossing it behind his shoulder. 
His chin nodded to Eddie in that douchey dude type of greeting. One he reciprocated with flared nostrils and tense shoulders. 
Billy and Eddie used to be as thick as thieves, running like hellions through the trailer park, with you trailing behind them, trying to keep Eddie out of trouble. They had disturbed any little sort of peace that the tenants ever found there. They tormented the occupants of Forest Hills by egging their houses or lighting bags of dog shit ablaze on their steps.
But the boys were left to their vices much like their parents were. Neil and Al knew each other from high school, oftentimes spending nights at the Hargroves kitchen table laughing after many beers about the cars they’d stolen and the broads they shared. Hands around their chests like parentheses to emphasize the breast size of one in particular. 
Billy’s apple didn’t fall far from Neil’s tree, a ladies man but rotten to the core.  However when it came to Eddie and Al, it was almost as if Eddie’s apple was from a different tree entirely, rough on the edges and a little banged up, but the inside was sugary sweet, much tastier than the sour bite Billy’s had to offer. 
You never forgave the blue eyed boy for pushing you off your bike, a scar still etched into your knees, or for chasing you around with a snake he caught by Coolwater Creek. 
Eddie wiped your tears when you cried to him about how mean Billy was. His own brown eyes welling seeing you so upset. He convinced him to leave you alone. And since that day, you were the driving wedge between them at 8 years old and you stayed there up until last year, when the tie that bound them together was ripped apart.
“You’re late Billy-boy,” Mr. Creel sneered, the pierce of his blue eyes shining like heated crystals, “do you not own a watch?”
“Just got in,” Billy said with a yawn, his muscular arms stretching over his head and showcasing his abs when his shirt rode up. 
“I guess I wasn’t aware you had another job.” 
“Oh I’m not paid for this type of manual labor, I do it for free.” He glances over at you and shoots you a wink. And the shiver that shook through you was anything but pleasant. 
Steve rolls his eyes, pulling Nancy into his front and resting his chin on the top of her head. 
Eddie shifts to the side of you that billy is closest too and blocks his view. He made your skin crawl like it was infested with bugs. 
You didn’t like him anymore than he liked you, Heather Holloway was one of the sweetest girls you’d ever met, and to this day you couldn’t figure out why she fell in his traps. He didn’t care about her, only used her to keep his bed warm when he was out doing God knows what with God knows who. His dick was dirtier than a pile of laundry, and he was out of detergent. 
“Let’s not make this a habit, we have a festival to run, and you,” Mr. Creel says, thumbing through a clipboard, “… are on Corn Maze Duty until sun down, then you’re driving the Haunted Hayride like we discussed last week.” 
“Munson, you and Pebbles? Is that a real name?,”
“no,” you say with a laugh, nudging Eddie in the ribs, he was the only one called who still called you that after your moms had decided to dress you both as Pebbles & Bam Bam for Halloween one year, for Eddie, the name stuck, “it's a nickname from when we were— 
“Don’t care.” 
 “You two are on rides, Hairyten—
“It’s Harrington,” Steve interjects but Mr. Creel doesn’t stop.
“.. will take over for you at sundown and then your ‘band’ takes the stage.” 
Billy scoffs around a lit cigarette and Eddie puts a hand on your shoulder to stop you from reaching around him to slap the mustache off his face. 
“Girl Wheeler and R-guy-el are on games… Buckley, you and Hairytoes will be working the ice cream stand, Byers you’re in charge of taking promotional photos. Please make sure the children are smiling. I don’t need any snot nosed little brats blubbering while getting their face painted like a clown, it will drive down sales.” 
Jonathan nods with wide eyes, checking his bag with fumbling fingers making sure he had extra lenses and plenty of film. 
Nancy stands at attention, flipping through her binder full of the game rules, she had been studying it all week, not wanting to give Mr. Creel any sort of assumption that she wasn’t taking her position seriously. 
“Relax Nance,” Steve purred, a little louder than a whisper, “you’re gonna kick ass at this.” 
You didn’t know Steve Harrington was capable of being supportive of another person until Nancy came along. When they first started going out Eddie and you took bets on whether or not it would last. Nancy wasn’t anything like the other trashy girls at your school throwing themselves at King Steve any and every chance they got. 
She was reserved and shy. Pretty in a classy way, minimal makeup needed on her cherub features. And Steve fell hook line and simp er for her. He lost friends, lost his title at school but he didn’t care. He felt unstoppable with Nancy on his arm. 
It made you wish you had a love like theirs, minus the breaking up part, you had dated before but nothing that would last. 
You remember spending a very drunk night with Eddie once on the roof of his trailer, begging him to tell you who he thought was the hottest girl in school. Going through every grade, every single girl from the mathletes to the athletes, the teased hair of Tina down to the short bob of Barb, but he wouldn’t budge. 
“Come on, Eddie .. that was every girl in the school besides Shit teeth O’Donnell.” you laughed and rolled into his chest, spilling beer onto his shirt, your chin sitting on his sternum as he looked at you with a serious stare.
“Not every girl.” 
“Yeah huh,” you poked at his ribs and his armpits only for him to overpower you completely and pin you down, the ends of his hair tickling your cheeks had you squealing. 
“Say uncle or I’m gonna make you piss yourself.” 
“You wouldn’t dare!” 
The dark glint of mischief in his eye wasn’t lost on you,
“D’ you know me at all?” 
The night ended with your jeans and underwear in Eddie’s washing machine, his boxers on your waist after you took a shower and used all of his conditioner. A $3.00 payback for him actually tickling you until you peed yourself, you were just happy Wayne wasn’t home when you waddled through the Munson trailer with wet pants and a hyena laughing Eddie behind you. 
Diversion was his best game, because he never answer your question. 
“Remember.” Mr Creel said pointing to you and Eddie, “two minute rides if there isn’t a line, one minute rides sounds perfectly fine, three minutes and they’ll puke on the floor, 4 minutes and you’re at Satan’s door.” 
He recited the creepy poem without blinking, simply looking from your face and back to Eddie’s, a grim smile on his Curt lips. When he was through he turned on his heel and walked away, snapping at Heather and Chrissy to get to the face painting station. 
“Well that wasn’t weird at all.” Eddie said, arms crossed and an eyebrow raised into his frizzy bangs, clearing his throat. 
“Yeah no shit,” Steve grimaced, “such a weird mother fucker.”
Nancy shut her binder and spoke to you, “sorry about last night— I think I’m just a little stressed.” 
“No worries, Nance, Eddie ended up staying at my place and we smoked a bit and went to sleep.”
“Don’t forget about that weird shit with the streetlights,” Eddie chimed in. 
“Streetlights?” Jonathan asked you, “what about ‘em?” 
“Nah man it’s cool,” Eddie chirped in, lighting a cigarette and offering it to Jonathan, “Pebs and I smoked a little too much, thought we saw some weird shit, that’s all.” 
“Well, my lights went out last night, went outside to check it out and the whole street was dark.” 
Maybe you weren’t high as fuck lastnight on Rick’s Redrum. What if there was actually something strange going on. 
“Did they turn red and explode?” you ask him, trying not to seem too alarmed that someone else who wasn’t high and on the complete opposite side of town experienced the weird lights. 
He picks a scab on his arm between blunt fingernails, uninterested in the conversation, “no idea, just noticed they were burnt out..didn’t see anything else, but hey, I’ll see you guys later okay, I forgot my wallet.” 
With that he turns and leaves, holding his satchel close to his body so the expensive camera attachments don’t break. 
Steve and Nancy kiss each other goodbye and Argyle steps forward to Steve batting his eyelashes, “what about me handsome?” He laughs before Steve can smile awkwardly and walks beside Nancy, asking about her new Reeboks. 
“Six months since we played truth or dare at Munson’s and that guy won’t let it go,” Steve says, shaking his head, “see ya later, don’t have too much fun,” with that he grabs Robin’s elbow and directs her towards the Scoops Ahoy stand. 
Eddie laughs at the memory of a peachy cheeked Steve leaning in to press his lips to Argyle’s. A dare that had Nancy in tears, and had you comforting her for an entire week. 
It was the same night that you had drunk almost an entire handle of vodka and woke up naked in Eddie’s bed, next to Jonathan. 
To this day you don’t remember what happened. 
You left in a hurry when you woke and realized the sleeping body next to you was not only naked but belonged to Jonathan Byers, and you didn’t have any panties on. 
Grabbing your clothes and shoving your feet into your shoes, you stepped over Argyle’s cocooned form in the hallway— using the bathroom rug as a blanket. 
Tiptoeing over the squeaky parts of the linoleum floor you made a glance to the living room and saw that Eddie was sawing logs in Wayne’s recliner. 
You felt dirty, full of shame and guilt as you looked at him forlornly, not able to nail down why you had felt that way. Eddie and you were friends, nothing more than that. 
The door shut behind you in a quiet creak and you sped home as fast as you could, bleary eyed and confused. 
Thankfully, Jonathan wasn’t upset when you told him the next day that you didn’t remember what had happened, and he was relieved, chuckling with a hand on the back of his neck, because he hadn’t remembered that night either. 
You vowed to never tell a soul about that night, and you waited for Eddie to ask you about it, to make some crack about him finding your panties in his room, but he never spoke a word of it. 
You stifle a nervous laugh, “yeah that night was crazy.” 
“yeah no shit, Wayne’s still mad that I ruined his cowboy boots.” 
You smack his chest with the keys, laughing at the memory of his white ass and wild hair running down the dirt road, wearing only Wayne’s boots and his cowboy hat to cover his dignity, the first dare of the night, “c’mon, Munson, I’ll race ya.” 
The day flew by, people came from all around to shove their asses into the metal seats of the rides you and Eddie were in charge of. 
Kids of all ages ate melty ice cream and got their faces painted into princesses, witches, pumpkins and spooky ghouls and goblins. 
Eddie’s little gaggle of DnD buddies from high school ran through the carnival like they owned the place. Hootin’ and hollerin’ making themselves look like a bunch of assholes, and you wondered if he sometimes missed that part of being in school. 
Steve and Robin were fending off Erica Sinclair and her many attempts at getting free samples, but realizing if they did give her what she wanted, they’d run out of ice cream and have to close up earlier than expected. Erica Sinclair would later leave the carnival with a sugar high and a stomach ache. 
Argyle gave away the giant stuffed bear on the first ring toss game, earning him a psychotic look from Creel and whiny kids all day not having anything to look forward to when they won, but nothing a few coupons to Surfer Boy Pizza wouldn’t fix when the parents got involved. Nancy was almost in tears at the way Argyle didn’t follow the rules and his dude-like approach to the day's events. 
Robin was in a mood, her normal chaotic rambling mouth self was eerily quiet today. An abnormality for the freckled face girl. And Steve was doing what any normal best friend would; hounding her on what the hell was going on. 
“Drop it pretty boy, I mean it I am fine!” She tossed the ice cream scoop back into the carton container and slammed the freezer door, huffing and lighting a cigarette. 
He saw the way her demeanor changed when Vickie showed up to the carnival with her boyfriend. The same boyfriend who Vickie had promised Robin that she had dumped months beforehand. 
Steve watched as Robin’s eyes flashed with hurt and anger as Vickie sauntered up to the Scoops Ahoy booth, no look of guilt or shame anywhere on her porcelain features, she acted completely oblivious to Robin’s behavior, like she had never even met her before. 
“She’s a bitch Robin,” Steve jabbed, hooking a thumb over his shoulder and wiggling his keys,  "I'll go run her over with my car right now if that’d make you feel better.” 
She had to admit, watching the light leave Vickie’s eyes might make her feel better. The crushing of her bones would play like a symphony in her head. She wanted her to hurt just as much as she was right now. 
“Nah,” Robin says shaking her head, “not worth it, let’s just get day drunk instead, or better yet,” she pushed her ass onto the counter, and swung her hips out to the opening, her long legs hitting the dirt and crunching beneath her converse, “is Argyle still working games with Nance?” 
“That’s what I’m sayin’ man, fuckin’ aliens and shit,” Argyle says with blood shot eyes, “this town, it’s crawlin with em, you’re not one of them are you, Byers?” 
Argyle was on one of his many pot induced tangents about aliens and monsters. It was hard to tell if he was just high or if he truly believed in multi dimensional beings that walked the same paths we did but were hidden from us by the government. 
“I think,” Jonathan says, adjusting his camera around his neck and holding it to eye level, “that you spend too much time with Munson,” he angled the camera just right and snapped the shutter button. Capturing candids of kids throwing softballs at steel milk jugs set into a triangle.  
Argyle wipes his upper lip and throws a braided lengthy lock behind his shoulder, “and how do you know Eddie is wrong? M-Maybe Dungeons & Dragons is real. And the dice is like, the days we have left,” his eyes widen further as he licks at his lips absentmindedly, rambling on, “Eddie’s putting us all into little situations, so he’s like a- a god or a master! Like figurines and shit…”
Jonathan tries his best to drown out Argyle’s stoned ‘epiphanies’ knowing all too well the rabbit hole he’d fall down and wouldn't be able to see the light of day until the lasting effects of purple palm tree delight subsided. 
Argyle’s eyes go wide, “…yeah I hope I got a long sword or something, I’ll definitely need it.” 
“DnD isn’t real,” Jonathan huffs in annoyance, “it’s a fantasy game, one designed to make you think outside of normal everyday life, at least that’s what Will says.” 
“Will the Wise,” Robin calls from behind them, her long fingers tangled in her hair, trying to put her short cut into two little ponytails, “isn’t that what they call him?” 
Jonathan nods, “yeah, yeah it is.” A smile of appreciation on his face, “how’s ice cream going? I saw Vickie… sorry.”
“Love that kid, and yeah that’s why I’m here, need to forget,” she says leaning against the softball toss, the toe of sneaker catching the knee of Argyle’s colorful pants, her forefinger and thumb up to her lips, “you carrying today or do I actually have to pay Munson?” 
“Nah little birdy, I’m all out,” Argyle says with eyelids half closed, “but I heard Rick’s runnin’ some new shit, kinda psychedelic like.” 
By six in the afternoon, Eddie was crabby and ready for Steve to take over. His hair was sweaty and a bandana was tied around his head. The sleeves of his shirt were rolled up, showing off his muscles and the tattoos on his arms. 
“Take it easy with this shit, ‘m serious,” Eddie says passing Robin the joint and pocketing the cash, “we saw some weird shit last night after smoking, just go to the woods or somethin where no one will see you.” 
Robins fingers clasp the paper of the joint and hold it into a loose fist, she bows and salutes Eddie, “Aye aye cap’n, I promise, I’ll be good.” 
He watched her leave and shook his head. He didn’t know the entire ins and outs of Robin’s relationship with Vickie, but he knew enough that Robin was hurt more than she was happy, and he felt bad for her. 
At least Robin was brave enough to be her true self. Eddie couldn’t even tell the girl he had a crush on for years that he liked her. 
“These kids are fucking assholes,” he said to you when you brought him a lemonade and bummed him a smoke, “yeah I’m talking to you Mayfield, shouldn’t even be on this ride with two broken arms but what the hell do I know?” 
The redhead flipped him a double bird and yelled out, fucker! as her basket on the Zipper spun faster and faster. 
“Were we like this sophomore year?” Eddie asks you around a puff of smoke. 
“Oh absolutely not,” you said matter of factly, “we were worse.” A smile breaks from your lips and Eddie returns it, only his crinkled out your favorite dimple. 
“Fuck man,” he exhaled, hitting a random button on the ride, and raising his eyebrows when it beeped back at him and shook the baskets loudly, “this whole town still thinks I did that shit to Higgin’s dog.” 
It wasn’t a secret what had happened. And as much as everyone swore it was Eddie who did that heinous crime, he was with you that night, stealing cartons of cigarettes from the gas station while the attendant was busy trying to get your number and look down your shirt. 
You knew Eddie was innocent but the town wasn’t convinced, even Wayne questioned him for a while about it. But Eddie wouldn’t squeal on you, knowing that you were just as guilty as he was, and he wouldn’t tarnish your squeaky clean reputation. Not even to save himself. 
“We know the truth, and that’s what matters,” you breathe, stealing the cigarette from his hands and placing it into your mouth. 
Eddie shakes his head, “yeah I know, just wish we knew who did do it.” 
“Ri runno Raggy,” you said using your best Scooby Doo impression, “rits a rystery.” 
Eddie chuckles and shows you his dimples again, a pretty blush painted on his cheeks, “you can always get me to laugh, even when I’m pissed the fuck off at some little shits.” 
He plucks the rest of the cigarette from your lips and takes the last drag between his thumb and forefinger before flicking it off into the dirt. 
He brushes an eyelash from your cheek with his knuckle, and he holds it there for a bit, unconsciously licks at his lips,  “That’s why you’re my favorite,” he admits for the one hundredth time, but it still felt good to hear. Still made your stomach somersault and the glittery butterflies flutter. 
Before you can say anything the kids on Eddie’s ride start screaming to get off, having been spinning upside down for over the time limit. Satan’s door according to Creel. 
“Shit,” he mutters before turning the ride down, the heat on your cheeks and the burn from his finger still there. 
“c’mon I know you wanna,” the clink of his flask unscrewing followed by the chugging slurp from his throat burned her ears, but not more than the red pock marks on her forearm from his cigarette ashes.
She didn’t want to lose him, she knew how lucky she was that he tolerated her and kept her around. After all he only fucked the other girls to piss off their boyfriends. But she meant something to him. Right? 
“Are you sure no one will see us?” She was used to the thrill of being with Billy, mistaking the fight or flight feeling for adoration, the crazed look in his eye for lust. 
He was everything all the other guys in Hawkins were not. A legendary bad boy. All leather jackets and tight jeans, the prettiest eyes she’d ever seen, a fast car that smelled of musky cologne, cigarettes and sex on Friday nights. 
He had shown her things only seen in movies, hickied her up in spots that only he would see, and fucked her in places that would make Satan himself jealous. 
Heather Holloway was completely wrapped up in everything Billy Hargrove brought to the table, only to be leaving starved for more. 
“Who fuckin’ cares,” he grunts, lighting a cigarette and blowing it towards the orange painted sky, “ain’t nothin’ they haven’t seen before.” 
She obeyed like she always did, a simple okay Billy and she was on her knees in the soft upturned soil, nothing but a single row of pale yellowing corn stalks behind her, rustling against the breeze and knocking against one another in a broken violin screech. 
She adjusts her dark curls away from her face, and waits with an eager mouth for what he has to offer. The teeth of his zipper purr as he undoes his pants, holding a thick meaty cock up to her pretty lipgloss smile. 
He’s putty in her hands, rocking his hips up to shove himself further into her mouth, and he groans when he falls into her wet throat. 
Fuck Heather, that’s it. 
He doesn’t hear the scraping of the corn leaves on a quiet shoulder, or the way the dirt crumbles underneath footsteps. He’s high above it, drunk on the feel of his dick in Heather's mouth, and the slight graze of her teeth against his shaft. 
The blade is dull, taking much effort to slice through the muscles of Billy’s back and angling upwards beneath his ribs into his lungs.
Billy gags and gurgles on his own blood, noises that could be easily mistaken for pleasure. The knife is unsheathed and slid across Billy’s throat in a fluid motion spilling claret colored blood down the front of his shirt, he’s dead before he hits the ground. 
Heather is frozen with fear, she lets out a scream that’s stopped cold by the blade puncturing her temple, her lifeless body falling to the soft ground with a thud. 
The blade is wiped clean. Any blood splatters are left on the mask and hidden in the tree line, their lifeless bodies are stuffed further into the corn maze, vacant expressions on their cold faces. 
“… Jesus Christ.” 
“Beautiful isn’t it?” 
Standing 10 feet tall and brandishing slick, gray translucent skin, the flower head shaped monster screeched at the sight and smell of blood pumping, racing.
“Exactly how he described, I can't believe the tunnel leads here.” 
“The tunnels are all over Hawkins, he designed it, just like they said he would. Now c’mon, sun is about to set and I need help figuring out this code, son-of-a-bitch wrote it like a damn puzzle.”
Eddie wasn’t kidding, the strain was powerful. Robin was walking in a dream land of brownie covered ground and licorice grass. She was seeing things;  beautiful, ominous, things she wouldn’t be able to describe. 
And she knew she was high when she heard a high pitch scream from the corn field on her right— damn this shit was good. 
Her face was sticky and so were her hands, the sky spun above her as she laid flat on the cake bed ground, watching the tangerine soda sky as it shifted above her like a kaleidoscope. 
But no matter how many times she blinked her eyes, one piece of the dream never blurred away. A figure standing straight in the air below a tree branch. 
Upon further eye squinting, Robin realized she recognized it to be someone she knew very well. 
She had seen those eyes before. She had felt those hands on her skin. And the gold ring on the delicate middle finger looked way too familiar to just be a coincidence. 
But there wasn’t any way that this could be real, just a prop for a good gag right, or the everlasting effect of the funny smelling joint from Eddie. 
Because why was Vickie standing stone still..? With a large knotted necklace around her pretty neck, covered in red paint, and why wasn’t she moving? 
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♡ thank you for reading, please consider a rb, or dropping a comment below, I would love to hear from you and your thoughts on this chapter.
♡ currently receiving messages in my askbox on who you think the killer is
♡tag list: @dashingdeb16 @emxxblog @mopeymopeymouse @pretendthisnameisclever @mommybaby-witch @eddies-acousticguitar @tlclick73 @figmentofquinn @eddies-stinky-battle-jacket @whenshelanded @micheledawn1975 @3rd-conchord * @leelei1980 @mopeymopeymouse @browneyes8288 @emilyslutface @mmunson86 @josephquinnsfreckles @eddiesxangel @elegantkoalapaper * @str4ngergirlw0rld * @corrodedcoffincumslut @nailbatanddungeon @katethetank @munsons-mayhem28 * @mandyjo8719 @joannamuns9n @littlebookworm86 @hunnybuns-world @littlegingerbat
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youngmoviemaker · 1 year
Elemental (Pixar) Thoughts
Okay so . . . I think I have gathered my thoughts for Elemental after seeing it four (yes really) times over the weekend. Spoilers incoming.
I wasn't expecting much from the movie, hell, I wasn't even going to see it but I had just gotten out of watching Spiderverse 2 for the second time and wanted to watch something cleanse my pallet. The trailers and marketing didn't really get me excited as it just came off as a bland Romano & Juliet esque film with the main hook being the characters were made of elements. Then there were the first few early reviews I've heard that called the film bland and another miss for Pixar.
So you can say i had low expectations going in.
But I was so so wrong.
I came out of my first viewing tearfilled, giddy, and gobsmacked. The film that was being advertised was not the film I had just watched and . . . I loved the film I had just watched . . .
The whole conflict isn't romantic shenanigans between cute Ember and sweet Wade, although that is important part of it . . .
It's about Ember being the child of immigrants, growing up in a city that wasn't built with her people in mind and which can be down right terrible to her just because she was born fire. It's Ember's struggle to live up to her family expectations and trying to be a good daughter all while slowly discovering that thing she spent her whole life preparing to do, wasn't what she wanted to do.
Ember's journey is very touching and relatable, leaving me to think about it hours after the film.
Then there's Wade and by extension, their romance.
Wade is honestly one of the sweetest and most loveable romantic interests I've seen in a long time. He's very attuned to not only his emotions but the emotions of the people around him. He's not afraid to cry and goes out of his way to cheer up those around him. The chemistry between him and Ember felt natural as they slowly fell for one another.
If I hadn't saw the trailer with him trying to help pick up her headphones, I honestly wouldn't have expected him to become her love interest. They start off in conflict with him writing citations for her father's shop but he ends helping her in her quest to get the tickets overturned.
The looks in this film is godtier, like, they were able to make elements so expressable (Wade being my favorite with how they were able to convey that he holds his heart on his sleeve.)
And it felt very refreshing that there wasn't a main villian (cough cough Zootopia cough cough). The main conflict is character driven by the choices and consequences of Ember.
It's genuinely making me sad that this film is being panned by a lot of people as being bland Pixar and boring.
I really hope that the film does do well at the box office. It deserves it.
And just because a film has a simplistic plot, doesn't mean it's going to be bad. It's the execution of it that matters. Pixar is known for this.
For me, film was refreshing drink of water on a pleasant summer's day.
Okay quick fire of my favorite moments and or scenes:
• The soundtrack was really good! I loved the scores that had singing in what I think is suppose to be firish? It provokes Atlantis: The Lost Empire vibes in me and that's my favorite score of all time so I see that as a plus.
• The openning scene of Ember's parents immigrating to Element City really set the tone for the film and was done really well.
• Wade giving his uncle the "that was uncalled for/are you fuckin serious" look whenever the uncle mentioned Ember speaks so well. The rest of the family is AwkwardPartyReactionMeme.exe.
• Yes customers can be that stupid and infuriating in real life. They were able to capture that so well. I feel you Ember, I gotta deal people like that everyday, it sucks.
• Butterfly, Windshield Wiper, Half . . . A Butterfly
• Wade really pulled out all the stops, nearly freaking confessing his love for her infront of his family who had just met her just to win a game. Like damn, you go dude.
• "I made you a painting of a sad man . . ." Uncle gives Wade a painting. It's of Wade crying.
• Ember's mom being able to sniff out love is hilarious to me.
• Kiss me I'm Firish
• Act of God or an act of Clooooood.
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un-pearable · 8 months
okay post sonic symphony post recap :D
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1st mezzanine sweep (could see both the orchestra + the singers excluding when they went in the audience at one point) + we were right next to the projector (cool!!!!) and some of the speakers (ouch)
setlist (as best i remember, i wasn’t writing it down, PLEASE correct me):
sonic 1
sonic cd
sonic 2
sky sanctuary
sonic mania
“welcome to 3D”
believe in myself/it doesn’t matter medley
chao garden
“three new ones”
rooftop run
aquarium park/planet wisp
frontiers medley w/ stuff from third DLC
i was so excitedly surprised to see the new visuals!!! they did a really great job combining the new origins cutscenes with gameplay and the timing was INCREDIBLE esp for a live show. infinite kudos and honestly i can appreciate them waiting two years to actually do this since the cutscenes really tied to first few medleys together
conductor absolutely CRUSHED IT dude was very understanding that the audience was going to be Losing It consistently and he made it work. so much love to that orchestra they did a stellar job and im so sad they’ll get overshadowed by the vocal parts (which. yeah obviously. but they did SUCH great work and the conductor did a great job directing the audiences applause to them)
felt bad they had to stop between every single medley for applause but such is life . also experiencing live audience reactions for stuff like the chemical plant zone drowning trap and amy being playable in the metal sonic race was amazing
enjoyed the sky sanctuary medley even though it took the place of the sonic 3k music overall, so much kudos to the video team that was SO cool (AND IT HAD THE FRONTIERS ANIMATED SPECIAL!!!!! YEAHHHH WIN FOR KNUCKLES FANS EVERYWHERE)
the believe in myself/it doesn’t matter one’s are always so sweet to me i love how they frame them using the cutscenes from each of their respective stories + the end card 🥺 now do that for everyone else’s themes!!!!!!!!!!
i’m definitely forgetting at least one bit in there but it was so delightful all around, the new arrangements were so fun, unleashed sweeps as always but one guy near me was SUPER passionate about aquarium park im glad he was happy. the frontiers medley ended w/ the new supersonic form and having not watched that trailer this was the BEST possible way to see that new content holy SHIT!!!!!!!!
intermission: that was the single most positive bathroom i’ve ever been in and i mean that in the least weird way possible. everyone was so so so excited and complimentary (ty to the person who liked my pins and whose fiancé liked the tails one. i like it a lot too :]) also kudos to the stunning wave cosplayer i saw she was killing it!!!!! molly whoever you were i hope you enjoyed the second half as much as i did
vocal tracks:
setlist (i actually did write this one down):
i am all of me
what i’m made of
open your heart
knight of the wind
escape from the city
(new!!) superstars intro theme
his world
reach for the stars
fist bump
endless possibility
(fake out ending)
break through it all
live and learn
the fake out of having only the orchestra on stage and then l having i am all of me just START even before johnny + jun got on stage. incredible. we were all so distracted i have to find a clip of the audible chaos when the music started going and everyone clocked it was SHADOW FIRST. anyway so so so funny they only showed cutscenes from shth . no gameplay. gee wonder why
interesting structure too, compared to the order of the OG one in 2021 (which focused more on ramping up to the classics + live n learn at the end) this order bookended some of the less popular songs (reach for the stars and the new superstars theme particularly) with the BIG names
you should have heard how much people lost it when johnny said “you are… what i’m made of” i’m so proud of you sonic symphony audience. we are all sonic heroes appreciators
oh also johnny + everyone’s clumsy attempts to name drop/imply song names in their inbetweens. hilarious. astounding. i’m glad we’re your knight johnny
^ re: prev i NEED a recording of that it was glorious. if anyone has one hmu
literally two minutes before the second half started i was telling my beloved friend i dragged along that all i needed to be happy was for them to have kept knight of the wind and it was the FOURTH SONG . WIN FOR JAY. 3 of my top fives within the first twenty mins of act 2. incredible
obviously escape from the city floored everyone. i think that got the most people singing but we were all already exhausted vocally it was very funny hearing what lines people mumbled. but it DID have the most call and response, with the biggest songs they would really just shut off the mics and let the audience sing a lot of lines it was so so fun
johnny took his leave from the stage (and complimented + thanked dave vives and also the fandom), said goodnight, and sometime around now tomoya ohtani was brought on (he deserved more applause and did eventually get it)
superstars theme was cool!!!! but right after city escape was funny bc . no one knows it. you go from most singable theme imaginable to everyone sitting as upright as possible and the half that wasn’t already recording to whip out their phones to capture it especially as they introduce it as “the first time this song has EVER played on this side of the ocean” lmao. hope you liked it london i’m glad you took us down a peg
his worrrrrrlddddd we all love it. we were all so tired. also we kept fumbling the lines bc we all like the zebra head version and rappings hard. i get it. video team did a fun job remixing the visuals for sonic + shadow + silver focus sections though it was really cool
reach for the stars really had people peetering out over the length partly bc we were all exhausted vocally and partly bc it’s sadly less iconic
i could not take fistbump seriously bc they had our beloved ian jr front and center for the whole video. it was glorious. they started w gadget for the opening bit and then bam ian jr everywhere. amazing . got a whole games worth of cutscenes with his beautiful face you did your creator (who was IN THE AUDIENCE) proud
good break before endless possibility though
possibilities are endless. ‘nuff said
jk the video was STUNNING and a lot of it was the opening cutscene which remains some of the best sonic animation ever to this day. and this song REALLY showcased how well the orchestra worked simultaneously with the band it was glorious . the use of the werehog transformation scene in time with:
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mwa. stunning choice. and once again damn the band’s vocalist (dave vives) CRUSHED IT. johnny gave him a shout out for being a worthy successor at the shows he can’t attend and it was so so so deserved y’all are in for a treat
around here my ears + voice started genuinely feeling weird. the sacrifices we make for an absolutely wild experience (it’s all fine now though dw <3)
at this point they thanked everyone for coming + the band walked off stage and they turned all the lights off for a joke. me knowing they wouldn’t leave w/o live and learn was skeptical <- totally forgot they had a whole other guest star who hadn’t done his signature contribution yet
“one more” chanting ensued and my bro says he thinks they definitely had someone planted to say that but like. they did way more than one more. no way that was an intentional phrase
the band returned!!!! KELLIN QUINN KILLED IT
it’s dead. it’s dead and gone . my hearing and also the ability to play sonic music it’s been forever changed . hearing those incredible songs from frontiers + a full live orchestra backing up the astounding vocals (HOW) was incredible. this is when i could feel the literal balcony shaking . my vocal chords are going to kill me tomorrow
obligatory “just one more” was undefeatable and ngl im so glad they did it second, the hype up with break through it all made it even better despite them going the opposite in the game . should have used the cooler going supersonic clip from the trailers rather in game though . no one is immune to undefeatable + the extending music video was crazy good
ANOTHER “one last one” in which johnny was called back on stage, pretended to not know what people were asking for/what he was supposed to sing, got the ENTIRE crowd yelling the name of the song, and then and he + kellin absolutely crushed live and learn
it’s live and learn. it’s the perfect end note ft. quinn’s unparalleled vocals. what more do you need
they showed the really funny still shot of shadow overlaid on the moon for the last shot of the video and i know it’s the actual ending but it lingered for like 15 seconds and i couldn’t stop laughing . they showed all the dialogue captions leading up to him dying so i though they were going to show him falling to earth but nah. stock render brain store ass pose
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still COOL AS HELL!!!!!!! they had us congratulate EVERYONE and all the individual band members and the orchestra and im so so so happy with how it went . one million thanks to these wonderful people they did a great job
a couple literally got engaged in the lobby. one group started belting sonic underground on like the third floor of the stairway. it was incredible. the oscar’s could never top this ty dolby theaterrr
absolutely incredible all around . special shout out to: the people lowkey cosplaying while still in formalwear (woman in a beautiful white dress wearing a rouge hairpiece i salute you. guy in blue suit and guy in orange suit you’re amazing. woman in the fanciest amy rose dress i’ve ever seen im in love). the people with awesome t-shirts i am among your ranks we love a fandom with cool shirt designs. people in full on cosplay i am so so happy for all the diversity in characters i saw. the line for merch that stretched all the way back into the theater at the end: what was the theater staff doing that was bonkers. the people handing out stickers that i missed i Will be stalking your online stores. all the people in normal formal wear carrying their plushies? amazing. the world is beautiful. goodnight everyone
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vilentia · 7 months
Healing Melodies - Part 2
Eddie Munson x reader
part 1 | part 2
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Dustin had always been known for his larger-than-life reactions to, well, pretty much everything. So, when he stumbled upon the truth about you and Eddie, his response was nothing short of a spectacle.
It happened on a lazy Saturday afternoon. The sun was high, casting a warm glow over Hawkins, and the air was filled with the distant sound of lawnmowers and children's laughter. You and Eddie were in his trailer, a record spinning softly in the background as you both poured over an intricate map for your next D&D campaign.
The door burst open, and in charged Dustin, wielding a walkie-talkie like a sword and a look of determination plastered across his face. He stopped short, the words dying on his lips as he took in the scene before him—Eddie's arm casually draped over your shoulder, both of you so engrossed in your shared world that you hadn't heard him enter.
"Dude! What the—?" Dustin's eyes widened, his mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water. "Is this a new campaign strategy session, or am I interrupting the 'All My Children' hour?"
Eddie chuckled, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "Calm down, Dusty. We were just—"
"Just what? Planning the ultimate betrayal of dungeon master trust?" Dustin interrupted, faux outrage coloring his tone. But the sparkle in his eyes betrayed his enjoyment of the melodrama.
You laughed, shaking your head at Dustin's antics. "We're not betraying anyone, Dustin. Eddie's just been helping me understand the finer points of necromancy. Right, Eddie?"
Eddie nodded, playing along. "Yeah, just some good old necromancy. Nothing to see here."
Dustin squinted suspiciously, taking a step forward. "Necromancy, huh? That's what we're calling it these days?" His gaze flicked between the two of you, a smirk beginning to form. "Wait a second... Are you guys... Are you guys a thing now?"
The air was suddenly thick with anticipation, the question hanging between you all. Eddie's hand squeezed your shoulder, a silent signal of unity.
"Come on, spill it!" Dustin urged, bouncing on the balls of his feet.
Eddie sighed dramatically, feigning resignation. "Alright, alright. Yes, Dustin. We're a thing."
Dustin's reaction was instant and explosive—a mix of shock, joy, and the kind of theatrical disbelief that only he could muster. "I knew it! I mean, I didn't know-know it, but I knew something was up!" He threw his hands in the air, circling the room. "This is huge! This is like, Return of the Jedi epic! My cousin and Eddie Munson? This is going to change the party dynamics forever!"
As Dustin continued to pace around the room, his initial shock transforming into an almost comical level of excitement, you and Eddie exchanged amused glances. Dustin, true to form, was already spinning scenarios in his head, his imagination running wild.
"This is like, the best character development ever!" Dustin exclaimed, his hands animatedly sketching out scenes in the air. "You guys are like, the unexpected alliance in a fantasy novel. The bard and the warrior princess, joining forces against the darkness!"
Eddie raised an eyebrow, a playful grin on his face. "Warrior princess, huh? I like the sound of that for [Your Name]. Fits perfectly."
You rolled your eyes but couldn't hide your smile. "Only if you're the bard who serenades me with metal ballads and slays monsters with his guitar axe."
Dustin clapped his hands together, his excitement reaching new heights. "Yes! That's exactly it! We'll have to update the Hellfire Club's campaign. This is going to be legendary!"
He began to pace again, his mind clearly racing with ideas. "Imagine the quests! The battles! The drama! This will be the best campaign ever. We’ll need a new storyline, new villains, maybe even a love triangle to spice things up."
Eddie laughed, shaking his head. "Easy there, Spielberg. Let's not get ahead of ourselves. We're just figuring this out as we go."
But Dustin was undeterred, his enthusiasm undimmed. "You guys have no idea how epic this is going to be. I'm going to need to brainstorm some ideas, maybe get some input from the others. This is going to be a total game-changer for the Hellfire Club!"
As Dustin continued to chatter excitedly, outlining elaborate plot twists and character arcs, you leaned against Eddie, feeling his arm wrap around you. There was a comfort in this moment—the joy of a new relationship, the amusement of Dustin's over-the-top reaction, and the sense of belonging in this strange, wonderful world of Hawkins.
Eddie leaned down, whispering in your ear, "You ready for all this?"
You looked up at him, your eyes meeting his, and nodded. "As long as it's with you, I'm ready for anything."
And in that small trailer, filled with the laughter of friends and the dreams of adventures yet to come, you knew that no matter what the future held, you and Eddie, together, could face it all.
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stinkysam · 1 year
Eddie Munson - 1985
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Warning : none
Genre : fluff
Synopsis : Knowing reader wants to be a tattoo artist, Eddie offers you his skin as training canvas but you refuse, not trusting your skills. You finally caves in at the idea of matching tattoos. If Eddie gets a shitty one, so will you.
Reader : male (he/him)
A/N : end is rushed. Don't wanna rewrite it. Maybe a part 2. Maybe not. Will see.
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The afternoon was warm and calm, P.E having exhausted most of the students for the rest of the day. So in this peaceful afternoon you had joined Eddie at his trailer and soon you found yourself sitting on his floor with Eddie on the side of his bed in front of you, his knee at eye level.
He stays silent as he watches you shave his leg meticulously, your head bopping out of beat to the music playing as you were too focused to be in sync.
You clean it up and take your pen as you quickly begin to draw on the shaved square of skin, ignoring your friend's intense staring, only pulling away after several long minutes. You’re not finished but Eddie gets up and walks to the mirror.
“Would be nicer if you’d let me finish, Munson.”
“I’m telling you, it’s gonna be sick” he says as he regains his place to let you continue.
With one hand you held his leg in place while you drew with the other one. You’ve never tattooed on a live canvas before, not even yourself, too indecisive to dare try. You couldn’t help but think this was a bad idea, but at least, in support of his ugly tattoo you’ll get one as well.
Once you’re done you allow him to go look in the mirror while you prepare your ‘workplace’ and remind him to not touch his skin. You give him a quick glance to judge his reaction in case he asks for modifications but he stays silent, admiring the soon to be tattoo from every angle.
"Already love this baby"
“Yeah I saw you flirt with the mirror.”
“Aw, don't be jealous now, darling,” he says, making you chuckle before continuing
“do you need me in the same position or do we have to change ?”
“Same position s’good.”
And with that Eddie sat back on his bed. As it crinkled under him he realized you had placed cling wrap and paper towels on most parts of the bed and floor, also covering the hanging bedsheet. He didn’t know if you simply didn’t want to leave any ink stain or if you were slightly becoming a clean freak. Maybe a bit of both.
“I won’t get it infected, relax.” he said.
But you ignore him, scrubbing your hands thoughtfully with soap before putting on some gloves. Good, now he’s stressing as well. Though it all washes away once he hears the buzzing of the tattoo gun, he’s beaming with excitement, ready as ever with a smile on his face.
“No second thoughts ?”
“You wish.”
Despite being familiar with that kind of pain, Eddie still grimaces from time to time but he says nothing about it. At this point it is more of an uncomfortable sting-like feeling than hammering pain. It’s only after an hour and a half that you pull away.
“Done ! Go check yourself in the mirror, do not touch it.”
“Oooh god ! It’s fucking metal, dude !"
You laugh at his reaction, silently sighing in relief at his pleased expression. It was not perfect, some lines were wobbly and it definitely will need to be touched up but you were still proud of your work. It was not so bad for a first time.
“I- Love- It. Now though,” he says as he abruptly turns around “it’s your turn, mister, and you cannot escape it.”
“I would never.”
You still clean up his skin and place cling wrap around his leg while reminding him how to take care of it. You know he knows but he lets you do. It reassures you and it helps you prepare for when you’ll really face someone you don’t know, when you’ll have actual customers. He kind of envies you. You already have it sorted out, you know what your dream job is and you have everything to make it happen, you won’t even need to leave Hawkins —although it’s heavily advised—. It’s also your last year while he’ll have to repeat his, again.
Eddie watches you replace all the cling wrap and paper towels on his bed by new ones. You’re clearly determined on doing it correctly. Once you’re done you also change the needle and ink and instruct him how to clean his hands correctly. Then you shave and clean your arm yourself for him to draw on.
You wait patiently while Eddie cautiously begins to draw on your arm, near the shoulder, he tries to not be shaky but he feels like the more he tries to contain his body the less it works. After a few minutes he lets you check in the mirror as he turns the small TV on. It’s wobbly and messy but it perfectly fits the style you want.
Eddie is careful while using the tattoo gun, holding it the way you showed him and how he saw his previous tattoo artists hold it. It's not his first time but he doesn't want to mess up your tattoo. And you're also stressing him out, watching over him and laughing when he sticks his tongue out in focus.
In the end, Eddie was almost a natural. Or maybe it was because it was not as painful as you thought.
“Careful, you’re gonna put saliva on my arm”
“Shut up, you’re stressing me, looking over my hand like a fucking hawk.”
“You did the same, dude”
When he finally stepped away you looked at it in the mirror. It looked funny and a bit different than planned. But you loved it.
Maybe matching tattoos wasn't so much of a bad idea.
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