#dumb finnish shit
porttohuume · 2 years
The one who pisses without farting dies without fucking
- and other classic finnish sayings
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s0ull3ss-p3rs0n · 1 month
The best trio to ever listen to Caramelldansen is:
-Hates speaking Swedish
-Does not know what Swedish is, mishears the lyrics, does not care
-Does not know what Swedish is, mishears the lyrics, does care
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dreamofbecoming · 1 year
listening to of monsters and men and thinking about steve and robin moving to california after everything is done and dusted and starting a folk duo that accidentally takes off
thinking about the years they spend sharing shoebox apartments and working shitty retail gigs together and sleeping in the same bed not only because they can’t afford two rooms but because neither of them can sleep alone and no one else can stomach the nightmares, and one day they’re fucking around and robin’s got her trumpet out and they end up writing a song about feeling like your head is a haunted house and you’re the ghost, and learning to hold hands and walk the creaky stairs together, and they didn’t expect anything from writing it except to maybe exorcise some of their demons but someone convinces them to try it out at an open mic and maybe there’s an agent or a scout or something there and boom suddenly little talks is all over the radio
and so they keep writing and robin writes from finner and steve writes king and lionheart and they write sloom and mountain sound and slow and steady together and suddenly they have a whole record written and this isn’t where they expected to end up but they’re together and that’s always been enough
(also steve writes your bones about spring break ‘86 and it’s up to you if eddie survived and hears it and is like OwO or if he died and it’s a whole big angsty thing)
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bisonaari · 8 months
So!! How is Finland going so far for me?
If you've talked to me in the past days you've probably heard all of this so I'm sorry in advance, you can skip the post hahaha !
First of all: the temperature is the same as in Canada HAHAHA. Sure it's currently a bit colder, but nothing that would be unusual in winter in Canada. So we've been perfectly ok with our usual winter clothes!
We had troubles locating our airbnb when we arrived. But we've been helped by @katinkulta and @taidotonheiluja and everything went ok in the end! I have to admit that because of the stress, the lack of sleep, the fact that I don't speak finnish and the travel time, the first two days I REALLY wanted to just go back home hahaha. But I'm better don't worry. I'm just an anxious bean
The day after that, I've been helped by Elsa again (my saviour) and she went grocery shopping with me and my partner, so we finally got food! (I don't eat a lot when I'm stressed, but my partner is, surprisingly enough, a normal human being who needs to eat. Weird)
Elsa is absolutely lovely and I really adore her company. She's as much fun as she is on the internet! A blessing to have her as a friend <3
The day after that was UMK! We met with Elsa again and with @teal-skull to have breakfast together before the rehearsal started. WHY IS EVERY MUTUAL I MEET SO FREAKING NICE??? This will apply to every single person mentionned in this post because everyone is a sweetheart seriously!
This is also the moment where I realized that I just could… throw a "puhutko englantia" when speaking to employees at stores YES I KNOW IT TOOK ME TWO DAYS BUT I AM VERY DUMB WHEN I'M ANXIOUS OK so I did that and WOW SURPRISE!! The employees said yes and switched to english!! INCREDIBLE, RIGHT. Urgh I'm so dumb hahaha
The UMK rehearsal was incredibly fun, I've seen almost all the artists that I wanted to see in Finland good I can now leave and never come back (that's a lie). But like KUUMAA, Benjamin, Käärijä (with JUKKA !!! ON STAGE!! IN FRONT OF ME), Erika Vikman, Pilvi Hämäläinen (she counts ok), and all the UMK contestants were people who I wanted to see live so bad, and now it's done I'm super happy. I've seen Cha Cha Cha live!!!!
After the rehearsal we met with @omppupiiras @formulalakana and @smimon to go get food together <3 What is funny is that no one knew what the others looked like, but I'm so easily recognisable that we were able to find each other anyway lol
I'm so thankful for everyone that I've met so far. Also other friends that manifested in dms to help me if I needed it! Like @because-its-eurovision for example <3
Some things that surprised my partner and I in Finland so far:
I've said it to a lot of people but the trains are so silent??? Like in Québec, you can hear the metro a few minutes before you can actually see it arrived. Here we've been JUMPSCARED by sudden trains we didn't hear arrive???
Dish drying cabinets my beloved. How did I live before you??? This is SO useful holy shit
The food is so expensive ;A; I was expecting it to be more expensive, but not by that much hahaha. I guess we're gonna eat a lot of pasta during our trip hahaha
I love how pedestrian friendly the city is (I've only been in Tampere so far). The sidewalks are double the size I'm used to in Montréal! You can walk to anywhere, there are tons of trams and buses, this is fantastic (I'm too anxious to take the tram and the bus though lol)
See you in a while for another update!!
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discolesbo · 1 year
Political nicknames and such in Finnish
Kokkari = a member of the National Coalition Party
Demari = a member of the Social Democratic Party
Persu = a member of the Finns Party
Kepu = the Central Party (short of "Keskustapuolue")
Kepulainen = a member of the Central Party
Vihervassari = a green-leftist
Suvakki = from "suvaitsevainen" (tolerant) and "vajakki" (dimwit), an insult aimed at people who are pro-immigration
Rajakki = from "raja" (border) and "vajakki" (dimwit), an insult aimed at people who are anti-immigration, as they often say "rajat kiinni" (close the borders)
Perskeko = persut, keskusta, kokoomus (Finns Party, Central Party, National Coalition Party). Also means "ass pile".
Vassari = a leftie, also a member of the Left Alliance
Kommari = a commie
Stallari = a Stalinist
Porvari = a bourgeois, usually a National Coalition Party member/supporter
Femakko = from "feministi" and "emakko" (female pig), an insult against feminists
Öyhöttäjä = an insult against right-wing conservatives who get outraged about stuff all the time and whine about it on social media
Tolkun ihminen = basically like "common sense person". Someone who is calm and has a moderate approach on many things, doesn't get radical or heated up about stuff. Sets themself between the extremes. To some, tolkun ihminen is the ideal. To others, tolkun ihminen is an idiot who won't rise against injustice. What tolkun ihminen believes in depends on who you ask. The term was coined by Jyri Paretskoi specifically about the issue of immigration
Homorummutus = "gay drumming", a thing which homophobes complain about when they have to see Pride stuff or like, acknowledge the existence of queer people
Woke = with deep regret I must inform you, right-wing conservatives in Finland use this term too. With other dumb shit like "LGBT-ideologia"
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postpunkindustrial · 1 year
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Stewart Home - The Assault On Culture
Stewart home - Cranked Up Really high
Stewart Home is a writer, artist, cultural critic, something something, something.
Because I am lazy here is a brief description from his Wikipedia page:
Kevin Llewellyn Callan (born 24 March 1962),[1] better known as Stewart Home, is an English artist, filmmaker, writer, pamphleteer, art historian, and activist. His novels include the non-narrative 69 Things to Do with a Dead Princess (2002), and the re-imagining of the 1960s in Tainted Love (2005). Earlier parodistic pulp fictions work includes Pure Mania, Red London, No Pity, Cunt, and Defiant Pose which pastiche the work of 1970s British skinhead pulp novel writer Richard Allen and combine it with pornography, political agit-prop, and historical references to punk rock and avant-garde art.
What I have here is a couple of his books for your perusal.
The first is The Assault on Culture: Utopian currents from Lettrisme to Class War
A history of the What followed the Surrealist movements and how it affected culture.
From Stewart Home's Website where you can also read this for free:
This book was written in 1987, things have moved on since then (both for the author and in the world), so please bear that in mind....
Anyway If you want to read it you can get it from my Google Drive HERE
The title is pretty self evident but here is the blurb from Goodreads:
A lot of ink has been split on the subject of punk rock in recent years, most of it by arty-farty trendies who want to make the music intellectually respectable. Cranked Up Really High is different. It isn't published by a university press and it gives short shrift to the idea that the roots of punk rock can be traced back to 'avant garde' art movements. As well as discussing sixties garage rock and the British, American and Finnish punk scenes, Home devotes whole chapters to deconstructing Riot Grrl, Oil and the sorry saga of Nazi bonehead band Skrewdriver. This book champions the super-dumb sleazebag thud of The Ramones, The Stooges, The Vibrators, The Art Attacks, The Snivelling Shits, The Lurkers, The Queers, The Germs, The Child Molesters, The Ants and The Blaggers.
Also you can read this on his website or you can get it from my Google Drive HERE
He has his own spin on things but if you find these things worthy of reading about he is worth reading.
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suspiciouslandlady · 1 year
I don't know which Sweden it is that you're referring to, but I can reassure you that we love Käärijä as much as any other country (although not as much as you finns ofc), while we are proud of Loreen and her historic win I haven't talked to anyone who wasn't cheering for Käärijä to win by the end of the show, he is the people's winner and that include us as well :3
It is unfortunate to be in a position to rob you of the crazy party your entire country would host if he had won, especially as we do not find this win anywhere near as impactful of a win as the first time Loreen won. But at least this might make him even more of a legend who is beloved by all!
I'm talking about how media in general tends to blend Finland and Sweden together. If something is up in the news about Finland, people outside Nordics often brush it off as "Oh, it's something Swedish related probably" or "Finland and Sweden, they're just two peas in the pod" type of stuff I see a lot.
And it's really frustrating because it feels like you can't mention Finland in any context without adding Sweden into it every single time.
Also, I'm frustrated and annoyed by the fact that Sweden is right now trash-talking Finland a lot in their own media. Calling us a dumb nation and referring to us as "the former eastern part of the kingdom". All because Finnish televoters didn't give points to Sweden. Many times Finland has been left out or gotten just the smallest points from Sweden but we've never really complained about it. In a Facebook group I'm in someone said that the same type of Swedish fb group atm is just bitching and trashing Käärijä completely, saying how he's a disgrace and they'd be so ashamed if he was the one they sent to the competition.
For so many years has Finland been chewed up and humiliated by Sweden but still, we've thought of the whole country as our brothers in arms. Playful rivalry, which is now just turning even more sour than it was before.
It's honestly sad but at the same time, I feel like Finland finally needs to cut the shit. We've been getting bullied by both Sweden and Russia for so long that enough is enough.
Käärijä gave us something that we've been wanting to get from the world.
And that is to be seen as Finland, which in fact isn't the shadow of Sweden.
Finland, who you can talk about without ALWAYS adding Sweden into the same context or sentence. Finland isn't a shadow of anyone.
Finland is a proud independent country that despite being under the control of both Sweden and Russia never lost its own culture.
And never will.
That's what Finnish sisu is.
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saspitite · 3 months
hi bestie do u have hevisaurus headcanons or am i just in too deep
well, it's either normal to make headcanons for obscure finnish kids bands, or we're both in too deep, because you fucking bet i do
herra hevisaurus:
-everyone else calls him "herra hevi" because it fits the two word four syllable theme of everyone else's names
-so like he loves milk but he specifically goes for WHOLE MILK and detests all other forms of milk. he cannot keep to himself whenever he sees the other hevisaurs drinking anything that isnt whole milk and will eviscerate them to no end about how whole milk is infinitely superior
-he was the spoiled bratty kid but grew out of it (kinda) (sorta) (it still gets to him sometimes)
-despite heavy metal obviously being his favorite, country music has a special place in his heart and he will NEVER admit that because he'll absolutely get bullied for it
riffi raffi:
-his eyes glow faintly in the dark like a cat's
-although he can breathe fire he is So Bad at it. and he has asthma. so when he does it fucking wrecks him and he needs at least 5 hours to recover
-he's also really sensitive to smoke in general. beloved faildragon
-he does have wings but theyre 1: always tucked in his jacket and 2: too small for him to properly fly (due to bad genetics) and so can only glide for a short time
-he's a FIEND for piercings and jewelry
-has an intense fear of swimming for seemingly no reason. not even just the sea but swimming
-he's transmasc also. i don't make the rules sorry
komppi momppi:
-being an apatosaurus he's actually like 1/3 taller than the other hevisaurs and it's horrifying
-he's a polyglot (following the actual drummer that plays as him) and can speak several languages (still havent decided on which/how many lmao) essentially acts as the gang's translator when they're out abroad
-talks the absolute MADDEST shit but you cant help but listen to him while he does. he spills insane tea. he will always have at least one new story about a bad ex/hookup/falling out with a friend/etc. whenever you see him
-bi king
-but so bad at relationships. he has no foresight and cannot detect red flags so he's constantly meeting the worst people (riffi is always there to beat the shit out of anyone who tries to hurt him)
-as a sensory stim of sorts, he's basically always drumming with his hands, whether on his lap or on the table or whatever. average drummer behavior
muffi puffi:
-always teased for being dumb but he's keeping some absolute mastermind shit stored in his brain. sure he doesnt know his abcs but i can bet he knows how to hack his way into government protected information. he just has to store his smarts for specific things thats all
-he is autistic. also. his special interests include botany anthropology and bass guitar
-he has horrible back pain and cannot ever sit comfortably due to his big ol back spines :(
-his voice is Like That because he was once given 20 bucks to smoke an entire pack of cigarettes all at once and the effects hit him like a truck
milli pilli:
-i refuse to give into the "only female keeps all the male characters in check" stereotype. milli is the most chaotic of them all and is a hardcore thrill seeker. girly does not know when to stop
-she also just loves teasing and bullying the others in the most passive aggressive ways possible
-despite all that she does mean well and has love in her heart. shes just a little silly. milly silly
-milli loves gardening and managed to make a little garden next to the mountain they live in :) muffi comes in and eats the mint she has planted all the time. milli is convinced its a wild animal. maybe muffi is just a wild animal
(im not entirely sure how confirmed this is, tried looking everywhere and it seems to be a bit vague, so i'll just leave this like its a headcanon and if i turn out to be right about somethings then thats cool!)
-so the hevisaurs live in a mountain right, and since they were hatched and brought to life by a coven of witches, i like to think the entire coven then went on to adopt and take care of them all in that mountain. they'd be homeschooled there and everything. once they became of age, they'd start touring around in finland, but the mountain is ultimately their real home. the witches are basically like their mothers. all 13 of them. they have 13 moms. and yes i think all of the witches are poly
-they made their instruments all by themselves! although it was mostly komppi (i imagine he's the handiest of the gang)
-they regularly keep in touch with the other reoccurring characters (purppura lohikäärme, harri hylje, etc) via phone and whatnot, harri is their go-to ride if they wanna travel across the sea
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omppupiiras · 1 year
mä oon aivan loppu, loppu 💀 thank god joker out's nordic (finnish) tour is over and i can finally rest bc even though i only watched the live streams this shit was exhausting... here's a list of ways i was a mess of a human being today:
broke a machine at work today by being a dumbass
kept calling my brother's cat bojan and even as i left i said to boris the cat "BYE BOJAN" (thank god my brother did not question why i seemingly completely forgot his cat's name...)
the reason i went to my brother's place was to help him make a birthday cake and it did not go smoothly at ALL on my part
tried to put on my dishwasher without turning on the water supply for it
and generally i was just a shell of a functional human being today...
...but ofc i can't believe it's already over and i already want joker out to come back 😭 even though i'm not really in the JO fandom and their music is not really to my taste (i'm dumb and don't rly like listening to music in languages i don't understand...), i think i've been brainwashed this week & i'll most definitely be putting some of their songs on my spotify playlists now... hope this is not a slippery slope to me crashing into the joker out fandom too
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starandcloud · 1 year
Price headcanon
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This was some of the dumbest shit Price ever did
The dumb shit in question was betting with you that you'd be drunk off your ass before Soap was a horrible bet
You were Irish and Finnish, so it was kinda in your blood to hold alcohol well
So once Soap was brought out of the bar you expectantly held your hand up for the one-fifty John now owed you.
With a grumble he put it in your hand and you stood up.
Okay remember when we said you could hold your alcohol?
You could hold your alcohol...
As long as you were sitting
As soon as you stood up your legs gave out and you tumbled to the floor, you groaned and forced yourself up.
At the end of the night both you and John were wasted off your asses and ended up sleeping in the common room
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porttohuume · 1 year
Hi yes hello you used to know me as ecstasyandsapphism on here but I chose that username years ago and I kinda outgrew it (still sapphic and ecstatic but y'know) so for my non-finnish followers: my new url is a finnish pun on the word gateway drug— "porttihuume"— which I mistyped once in a text as "porttohuume." Now, portto is an old-fashioned word for a prostitute. So, my new url basically means Slut Drug.
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indescriptequilibrium · 9 months
yle.fi article comment sections are a fascinating glimpse to the finnish psyche. maybe i SHOULD run my mouth n vocalize my stupid-ass contradictory opinions n worldviews cuz none of these dumb fucks seem to have any issue sayin idiotic shit like "kafka described the soviet union in his works"
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gakehc · 9 months
My Sweet Enkeli: Chapter 7
"Enkeli": finnish word for "angel".
When Noah Sebastian met Nori Nurmi for the first time, he knew he wanted her more than anything. She was beautiful like an angel and dangerous like the devil.
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♡ Author's note: MERRY CHRISTMAS! So, this is the penultimate chapter. I hope you guys like what I decided to choose for Nori and Noah. Actually I had totally different plans when I started to write this but I changed my mind. Please let me know your opinions, I would love to know your thoughts 🖤 don't forget to repost so more people can read it! CHAPTER SIX HERE.
♡ Warnings: This is a work involving real people but it's 100% fiction written. Please remember that this is only for fun purposes and it doesn't reflect their real thoughts and behaviors. Don't take this work too seriously. +18 only. Smut, oral sex, penetration, unprotected sex, really dirty talk (please always use condoms!!!!)
♡ Characters: Noah Sebastian × Nori Nurmi (OFC).
♡ Words: 2.937
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The debut show in Finland was a success and now the bands and crew are celebrating in the after party thrown especially for Bad Omens. The Riff is the hottest place in Helsinki when it comes to rock ‘n’ roll and alcohol. The bar is a very cool place, pictures of bands and instruments hanging on the black walls, polaroids of special guests displaying for everyone to see how cool their clients are and some tables with stools and black couches for everyone to sit. The boys are feeling welcomed but also tired, they can't wait to go home tomorrow morning - but that doesn't mean that they don't have energy to party.
Nori can see that there's something bothering Noah. He always looks angry when he sings Dethrone but tonight he was looking really pissed off. The way he looked at the crowd earlier at the end of the show while he growled the lyrics was clearly showing that he was about to burst. This is making Nori feel worried about him, maybe he is bothered by Joel's presence but this wouldn't be something that would make Noah mad - at least not that mad.
When he's out of her sight, she wonders where he is and feels that she needs to be close to him, making sure that he enjoys his last hours in her homeland. Meanwhile, in the man's bathroom, it's like a match it's about to start. Noah didn't like to meet his arch enemy there and he couldn't hide it: his eyes turned black with the sight. It's just the two of them: the boys that are starring roles in Nori's love life. In one corner, the american ray of sunshine and singer of Bad Omens, Noah Sebastian. In the other corner, the Finnish dark prince and singer of Blind Channel, Joel Hokka. In the blonde one's mind, it's good that he is having the opportunity to be alone with the brown haired one - he definitely has some things to say.
“I hope you are not messing around with Nori, she doesn't deserve to be hurt” he says with a strong Finnish accent.
“More than you already did?”.
“You think you know something but you just came into her life… what? One or two months ago?”.
“I know what she told me. You treated her like shit and now think that you can have her back. She's not dumb”.
“Maybe she won't come back to me, but she also will not end up with you”.
“Because of what? She likes security? Bullshit. You are the one who doesn't know a single shit about her”.
“You think you are the king, Noah Sebastian”.
“I don't. The difference between me and you it's that I didn't hurt her and I never will. I would rather kill myself”.
“You are not going to win”.
“There's nothing to win, this is not a game and she is not an object or a prize. I just want her to be happy, if it's not with me then fine. But I'm sure that it's not going to be with you either”.
Noah storms out of the bathroom, his fists ready to punch Joel right in the face but he holds himself. He quickly grabs his phone and sends a message to Nicholas saying that he is going to the hotel as he walks straight to the exit, but a soft hand holds him by his biceps.
“Are you okay?” Nori's soft voice makes him stop.
“I gotta go, I can't stand this bullshit” he can't look into her eyes so he faces the floor.
“What happened? I know that you're not okay”.
“Shit, Nori!” He almost yells “Can we just get out of here?”.
“Sure. Let's go to my place”.
A five minute drive leads them to a small white brick building with vintage windows. The hallways are small and kinda dark, and soon they are on the third floor. Nori's apartment is a cozy place, there's an open concept kitchen with gray wood cabinets and a table with six chairs. In the living room, a large gray couch with lots of pillows in front of the big screen TV, some vinyl records and a record player, lots of plants decorating the place and renaissance paintings on the wall.
Noah sits on the couch, throwing his head back as he lets out a long sigh, his large hands covering his face. He is feeling tired, the little fight he had with Joel was exhausting. There's so much hate inside of him that he grabs Nori's hips with huge strength when she straddles him.
“What's wrong, huh?” She asks, trying to make Noah focus on her.
“Do you still love him?”.
Her green eyes get wider as she thinks about her answer. She doesn't want to lie to him. There's a mix of feelings inside of her heart and her brain is telling her that she needs to tell him only the truth and turn things clear; it's now or never. What it's going to be her future with Noah: friendship or something else?
“I don't know, Noah…” she sighs, remembering when Joel kissed her after the concert.
“When he kissed you… did you like it?”.
“You saw it”.
“I did. Please, answer me”.
It's such a relief for Nori to realize that in fact she didn't like it. There's not that magic between her and Joel that it used to have, it felt like there was something missing. Her heart didn’t beat fast with excitement like it used to, it felt wrong and painful. She can only find peace in somewhere else's lips now.
“No” she is sincere.
“Because I think I don’t love him anymore”.
They are both breathing heavier, their hearts beating fast like it’s their first time. Noah holds her cheek carefully like she is a porcelain doll and he is trying not to break her, but the way his lips clash against hers it's so intense that it's almost violent.
“Do you want him to be with you now? Do you rather he could be in my place?” He murmurs against her lips, eyes piercing her as he holds her chin forcing her to look at him.
“No, Noah. I don't want him”.
He moves his hands to the fabric of her shirt, grabbing it with strength, almost ripping it as they both desperately take the garment off.
“Tell me… who do you need?” He grabs her boobs and pulls her nipples.
“You…” she whimpers “I need you”.
“Say my name, angel”.
“Noah… I need you, Noah!”.
He quickly lays her on her back on the couch, opening her legs and pulling her jeans out. He spreads her legs widely so he can fit between them, her underwear already soaking wet for him.
“Look at you. So desperate for me” he groans, pupils so wide that his eyes turned black.
Nori never saw Noah like this. He is always so gentle with her, but this time he is looking possessed by a demon, ready to devour her like a monster. She feels turned on by him like never before, anxious to see what he is going to do with her.
“Does that guy make you wet like this?” He gets closer to her arousal but doesn't touch her yet.
“No, only you Noah… only you!” She is desperate.
It's torture how long Noah it's taking to touch her, to make her feel so good like he always does. He licks her belly going up to her boobs, then he bites her nipple and sucks it intensely. Going up her collarbone, he sucks her skin all over, leaving purple and red marks on her porcelain white skin.
“Now everyone will see that you are mine, Eleonoore” he groans.
They kiss so passionately while Nori tries to grab him even closer but their bodies are already glued together, the fabric of his hoodie brushing against her naked skin. She helps him to take his clothes off and soon he is standing fully naked in the living room, his cock hard like a rock making her even more desperate to feel him. It hurts to see him so hot in front of her but he is not touching her yet, he keeps staring at her like he is still planning what to do.
“Please Noah” she whimpers.
“What? You're such a desperate slut”.
When she decided to get up and go towards him, his strong hands hold her by her arms, turning her around and making her bend on the couch. He spread her legs with his knees before penetrating her without any warning, making her gasp at the feeling. He is deep inside of her with no mercy, moving in and out as one of his hands grips her hair, the other one positioned on her hips while he digs his fingers on her skin.
“Does it feel good?” He asks, his voice full of lust.
“Fuck yeah baby”.
“Did he fucked you that good?”.
“No, no honey”.
“I knew it. You are clenching around my cock already and I barely fucked you yet”.
Nori is so turned on that she quickly gets closer to her apex, her clit throbbing as Noah rubs it in circular motions. He suddenly takes himself off of her, getting on his knees and making her bend more. He has full access to her arousal, his fingers playing with her folds while her whole body shakes under his touch.
“I don't want you to come yet, angel” he says.
“Fuck you…”.
He giggles at her reaction, so satisfied to see that she has totally surrendered for him. Her back arches as she feels his tongue touching her, licking her folds so desperately like he always does. Her moans are like fuel to Noah, he already knows the way to make her cum hard and he uses his knowledge to drive her crazy with pleasure. He smirks when he sees her rolling her eyes, her hands trying to grip the fabric of the couch. Soon, they find their way to his hair, pulling some strands and pushing his head even more against her pussy, his face all smeared because of her wetness.
“I'm close…” she groans.
“I know, angel… but not yet. I want you to come on my cock, okay? Lay down”.
She does what he asks while he stands up and leans forward to be between her legs again, spreading them as much as she can take it. Soon, he is inside of her again, his cock getting all soggy from the tip to the base as he pounds nonstop inside her pussy, finding the right spot to make her finally have her orgasm.
“I can feel that you are close, angel… give it to me” he says.
“Fuck yes baby, I'm so close!” She grabs him by his hips.
“Give it to me, then”.
A huge pleasure starts to take control of her, she feels like she can't control her own body anymore. Nori thought that it was impossible to feel this way, but it's a reality now: she quickly pushes Noah back, letting a long squirt come out of her, wetting everything around.
“Oh fuck! Oh my god!” She moans as her legs shake uncontrollably.
“Fuck, angel!” Noah is mesmerized by the scene, his cock wet with her juice as he tries to breathe normally.
“I want more”.
He smirks before penetrating her again, they both can't get enough of each other. He loves the way her walls embrace him, so tight as he moves deeper and deeper. She is so sensitive and overstimulated that soon she is coming again, Noah's hand on her neck as he feels close.
“Yes, angel. Now let me fill you in, okay?” He says.
“Please, Noah…”.
A few more thrusts and Noah is releasing his warm liquid inside of her, his eyes rolling with so much pleasure. Nori holds him in her arms, caressing his hair slowly as he is panting against her sweaty breasts. He looks up at her eyes, his brown ones now showing vulnerability. She could see right through it. There is care and love; so much love on the way he looks at her. It makes her feel safe. Even though Noah didn't say the words, it's clear for Nori that he is in love with her.
“I want you to do whatever you think it's right for you” he says, making a pause to try to find the right words “I couldn't keep my promise and I'm really sorry about that, but I won't be a problem for you. If you and Joel are getting along, go after him. As your friend, I don't think it's the right thing for you but the heart wants what it wants”.
“I don't want to be with him. I want to be with you, Noah. I feel so fucking pathetic but there's no way I would not fall in love with you. I thought I could do it but I can't!” Her voice is soft “Olen enkelisi”.
“What?” He giggles.
“I'm your enkeli… your angel”.
“My sweet enkeli, only mine”.
They both sleep peacefully in Nori's room but soon Noah wakes up; he is too thoughtful to sleep. He feels so happy to know that Nori is in love with him, just like he is with her. His eyes wander at the place, everything so organized and clean just the way Nori likes. Everything around matches her personality like the red rose neon sign on the wall above the bed, the white wall paneling matching with the white sheets. There's also a board with polaroids near a desk, pictures of her with her family, friends and idols that she had the opportunity to meet. He gets up slowly and gets closer to see the pictures better and one in particular catches his attention: it's Nori when she was a kid, her hair was dark brown but her eyes were already colored in a beautiful and unique tone of green; they are unmistakable. He alsos sees a picture of her with her parents, she told him about them but it's the first time that he is seeing how they look like: her mother has a light brown hair and it looks too young to be a mother of three adults while her father has the same green eyes as Nori and her siblings.
“Get your pretty round ass back to the bed” she says, scaring Noah a little bit.
“Can't you live a single minute without me anymore?” He walks towards the bed.
“Too late. And you are going back home tomorrow so I want you here with me”.
Nori loves to see Noah's naked body full of tattoos, she wishes she could wake up with this sight forever.
“You look a lot like your father” he says as he lies down beside her again.
“Everyone says that” she laughs.
“You have a beautiful family”.
“Thank you baby. You know what? You can't leave without entering my board. Wait a minute”.
She quickly runs to the desk and searches for something inside a drawer. Soon, she finds her old polaroid camera.
“I won this camera from my mother on my eighteenth birthday. She said she wanted me to record the most special moments of my life with this camera” she lies back on the bed.
Noah holds her closer as she takes a selfie of them. A few minutes later and the picture is ready: them both with large smiles on their faces, Noah's nose brushing against her cheek while he wraps an arm around her breasts.
“Fuck, you are so beautiful it hurts” she says, leaving kisses all over Noah's face.
He giggles with the feeling. He wishes he could freeze the clock so he doesn't need to leave Finland anymore.
“I could live forever like this, just us laying on your comfy as hell bed. We wouldn't wear clothes at all so I could always see your smoking hot body whenever I want to”.
“And I would admire your perfect tall tattooed body whenever I want to”.
“And then we would fuck a lot until we don't have strenght anymore”.
“I would love that” she bites her lower lips.
“Maybe… if I stay here in Helsinki…”.
“The guys would kill you!”.
“If they kill you, I wouldn't be able to use your delicious body anymore”.
He laughs adorably, making Nori's heart ache with the idea of Noah leaving in a few hours. She will definitely miss everything about him, not only their sexual acts but also the things that makes Noah so precious like his laugh and sense of humor. She sighs with the thought of him so far away from her, literally on the other side of the planet.
“What are we going to do?” She asks.
“I don't know… I have no idea when I will be able to have some free time to travel back to Finland”.
“Me either, I can't just go to the U.S. I don't want you to feel attached to me. If you go back home and meet another person, I want you to move on”.
“Fuck… I wouldn't do that”.
“Distance can fuck everything up, believe me”.
“Let's take it slow, okay? Don't be so negative, please”.
Nori snuggles into Noah's arms, feeling his perfume that she loves so much. She will definitely miss his smell, his touch, his voice, his taste. She just hopes that she will have strength enough to live her life without him near.
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samyelbanette · 1 year
*resists the urge to DM my pals who speak Finnish, and annoy them with requests to translate whatever dumb shit Samy is saying on TikTok*
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bisonaari · 1 year
Rambling about the finnish language because I have thoughts. They probably won't make a lot of sense, but it's mostly for me hahaha
First of all if you haven't downloaded the app Drops, you should!! It's super fun to learn vocabulary so far, and the interface is soooo cute!! Idk how effective it is on the long term, but it can't hurt to practice more hahaha.
Then this should have actually been first but whatever lol. I'm having so much fun learning the language. I hadn't felt that since I started learning japanese in 2006, and I've tried maaaaany more languages since then lol. I'm genuinely looking forward to my duolingo everyday! Every time I understand a new word in a song or an interview or something it's like my brain has solved a new puzzle and the SEROTONIN I SWEAR
Finnish has started to sound familiar for me now? Like earlier today I was watching an estonian/finnish comparison video and when the guy started speaking estonian I was like "oh yeah I def recognise the intonation and a few words, but that's it". Then the other guy started speaking finnish and my brain had a moment of "OH!! I know this!!! This is our stuff!!" Like I don't even feel that with spanish, and my spanish is better than my finnish by a LONG shot lmao. (It's still shit though I'm like three years old toddler level lol)
Idk I wanted to say something else but I'm just so so so happy a a a a a
OH YEAH also I'm a dumb fuck and since my third language is japanese I've hard-wired myself into pronouncing stuff the japanese way every time a language is nor english nor french, and it PISSES ME OFF. Because I KNOW how to pronounce the sounds but my brain is like oh did you mean [japanese sound] lemme fix that for you NO I KNOW WHAT I MEANT LET ME SAY WORDS GDI
So here is a list of stuff that I need to deprogram
from japanese
U pronounciation. In japanese, u is like a y/u mix and it's so hard to undo once you start doing it URGH
Soft-rolled r. Rolling r hard is kinda bad manneers in Japan so I never really forced myself to do it
L/R confusion. Since it's the exact same sound for both in japanese sometimes I just L my R or roll my L it's so silly hahaha
From french
T/D stridulation. It's pronouncing t as ts and d as dz instead of a hard t or d. It's only found in quebec french and it took me A BILLION YEARS to learn when I moved here, and now I have to undo it???
Ä/A distinction. Already said it, but it's more of a matter of accent in french so I need to stop using them interchangeably
Learn to fucking read y/u and ö/o GDI BISON IT'S NOT HARD
Stress of the first syllable. Almost impossible for a french speaker BUT I SHALL PERSEVERE
From both:
Thank you for reading my scrambled mind lol. I'm training for another department at work and it's a lot of info so my brain is about to leak from my ears, and it shows in my writing lmao
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lucas-the-human · 1 year
I really should start posting on here more often. I'm still mainly using Twitter, due to all the cool people I know there. I've no idea what to post on here, though. I don't really wanna post short and dumb thoughts, or just copy something I said somewhere else.
I'm just kinda writing this without a goal, while listening to some Finnish power metal. I guess I could use this to play around with formatting and stuff, but I'm also incredibly lazy and like using the default. Hmm
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