#dumbass website
mediumgayitalian · 6 months
the apollo kids:
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huebris808 · 3 months
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so i guess they're like. never gonna fix this shit lol
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chthonickore · 1 year
Tumblr doesn't tell you if someone has answered your ask anymore apparently???
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purlty23 · 2 months
Have you had Nazi propaganda blazed onto your dashboard? Me too.
Its no secret that Tumblr doesn't give a damn about its user base. It's been made abundantly clear to me that not only do they not care. Tumblr is allowing posts with direct links to nazi propaganda and chatroom sites to be blazed!
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The only reason I found this post? Because Tumblr put it in front of my face on my dashboard.
In the notes of this post there were dozens of reblogs with things like "is this an ARG?" "Oh whats this, save for later". One comment that said "tempting".
This is a neo nazi trying to recruit you.
Report this immediately. Do not click links. Email [email protected] telling them that you don't want neo nazis paying them to show us this garbage.
If you want to know how I figured out what this was in more detail, I'll put it under a read more so that everyone can be a little safer and a little smarter out there.
First: I went to the persons blog.
This one in particular is clever enough to have an ask about palestinian donations as their first post. The second is the one screenshot above.
I kept scrolling. Most are youtube links posted with 0 notes or interaction. This is another link to the same site here.
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If you scroll far enough, you'll see they've reblogged an original post.
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If you directly copy and paste this text into google, you'll find exactly one result. A PDF in Bulgarian hosted on a website named aobg.org.
Sounds legit, right?
Its the official website for the Bulgarian Society of Anthroposophy. A 'new age spiritual movement based on German idealism'. A cult.
As soon as I made the connection, I knew that clicking the original link would lead me to something similar. I felt confident enough to click it safely (DO NOT TRY AT HOME), and was launched into the shittiest little pro Nazi website with a live chatroom on the side.
There are always signs, always queues. Do not be stupid out there. These are NOT ARGs. If you aren't sure, block and move on.
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greensapphic · 1 month
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My fave delulu queenssss
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lea-andres · 1 month
Strongly ignoring that Toby is USUALLY not technically Sherlock's dog and just a dog he frequently borrows for cases (I see what's technically canon, but what's technically canon is stupid lmao), I'm now imagining Sherlock and Watson go somewhere (either for a case or on vacation) and they can't bring Toby with, Mrs. Hudson is unavailable to care for Toby while they're away, so they saddle Mycroft with the dog. Probably last minute and against his will lmao.
Mycroft gives me 'dad who was against the pet but becomes the most attached to the pet' vibes.
Mycroft: The dog is staying in the garden until Sherlock gets back. I won't have that thing in my home making messes.
Mycroft two days later: *Toby is curled up in his lap snoring while he works on government documents*
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mainalias · 2 months
thinking about compiling screenshots of golden/silver age batman exclusively calling dick his ward to combat the allegations that it was “initially a father-child relationship”
#dc#batman#brudick#i don’t even ship it#i think i'm still mad at the poll when people were trying to refute the brudick points#by saying shippers are also biased and ignoring the history and that it really was a familial relationship early on#me the only asshole on this website enough of dumbass to try to read early batman “no it fucking wasn't”#if you hate the ship fine but don't back up your argument with complete lies#the pro-brudick camp has receipts which gives them way more validity than the haters#i'm sure somewhere out there there's dick grayson pre-crisis saying bruce is like a father to him#there's so many comics and i've barely scratched the surface#but i did read both the first golden age compilation book of batman and silver age world's finest compilation#and neither of them say anything like that#and no “his ward dick grayson” is how he's called constantly it's one of the stock phrases in the ever present narration#early comics fundamentally didn't understand they were a visual medium and are full of very tedious and unnecessary text panels#and to be fair each issue needed to function as an intro to someone who had never heard of batman and robin before so#“and his ward dick grayson”#every damn time#their relationship was adult man and his plucky kid sidekick he inexplicably hangs out with#which doesn't make sense and doesn't parallel to real life real social interaction#but neither does a man going in a batsuit to fight crime#and the out-of-universe explanation is because this comic was aimed at kids who were supposed to project onto dick grayson#and the kids want to be batman's kid-partner not his kid-son#it's not that complicated this trope still exists today#kid who should not be here but is because it's a kids' show/book/movie/etc#i stg i'm gonna become a brudick shipper out of spite at this point#and WHILE I'M COMPLAINING i am also going to be mad at the people who get all up-in-arms#about all the evil heroes doing child endangerment on their poor abused sidekicks#should there be kid heroes? no but cape comics would suck without them so stop complaining and enjoy yourselves#RL vigilantism is also always bad stop bringing real world standards into this they don't apply
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onefey · 1 year
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this flopped on the tweeter but i like how it came out so pspspsps dedf1sh fans
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bruceawaynefrfr · 5 months
here come all the bitches saying "i hope youre happy" i am very happy dont act like this was ever a good idea
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essektheylyss · 2 months
picnic lunch of cheese and crackers made exponentially more hedonistic by the inclusion of a pluot, mankind's closest attempt at achieving godhood to date
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It likely won’t be done in time with the ref sheet for the beginning of Artfight but I made a joke that went too far and I now I have a crack AU where Sutekh is anthro and is a companion, and the TARDIS’ running joke is that every now and then she’ll alter the perception filter so he’s seen as a fursuiter.
Eventually it comes in handy when they find some more of the Chuldur running amok at a furry con and Sutekh has to act as bait
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iridescentis · 5 months
i am fucking done with them I WILL THROW UP.
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plaguedocboi · 1 year
Okay so whenever I click on any image or video now there’s going to be a 50/50 chance it will show me a totally different image or video? That’s a cool tumblr feature and not at all infuriating
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yuridovewing · 26 days
cinderholly? >:)
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LMAOOO i like cinderholly :3 i went with hollywillow in my au for the drama of it all, but there's a lot to love about cinderholly too. that little argument they have in sunrise after the gathering scene where cinderheart goes on about how hollyleaf's actions created nothing but pain... in the context of them being in a relationship...... dare i say.... very very yuri............... they had infinitely more potential than lioncinder and i'll die on that hill forever and ever.
i'm a sucker for childhood friends to lovers, especially if it's yuri, it's very very sweet to me <3
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feddy-34 · 1 month
idk i think there is something to culturally shaming smoking. yes people will smoke for many reasons and a huge part of that is stress relief but smoking impacts other people too. and it often impacts people who have zero choice in the matter, like my mama who had to sit through cross-country road trips inhaling endless amounts of secondhand smoke because her adult relatives refused to open the windows.
there will always be addicts and these people dont deserve to be individually treated like shit but i am 10000% for broadcasting just how disgusting and awful cigarette smoking can be. put the pictures of mouth and throat cancer all over the boxes. billboards of the blackened and shriveled alveoli of lung cancer pts. show the videos of people people with emphysema so bad they cant even finish a sentence without coughing.
hell, when i was in second grade they showed us a video of a lady whose trachea was so destroyed from her chain smoking she had a neck stoma. that's a straight up hole in your neck cut through to the airway. i was eight when i saw that and it gave me nightmares for months but that shit worked.
i really really do believe there is something to this.
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amplexadversary · 2 months
... Ow. I took the advice to read the old man's dialogue in Dracula in as close to an north english accent as I can manage.
Which is nowhere close. I kept ending up in the US South after two to three sentences, because whenever I try to do an accent I end up teleporting after that amount of time.
So now my throat hurts. At least no one's home. And I managed not to mangle the vowels in a way where the accent I accidentally migrate to becomes a really racist one (I hate hate hate hate hate it so much this is why I never practice accents in front of people)
I think I get the gist of what he's saying though. Basically, "all these ghost stories and supernatural creatures are made up to scare people, people here love to tell falsehoods, hell, most of these epitaphs are completely untrue."
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