mediumgayitalian · 6 months
the apollo kids:
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aphrodites-warrior · 3 months
Hey, so, who are your best friends outside of your cabin at camp?
Hmmm, hard question, but I guess I'd have to say Lee Fletcher. Our cabins share a number of activity slots, so we've spent a lot of time together over the years. He's actually the one who taught me how to shoot! He's also been really patient with all the random crap I have a tendency to freak out about, though he's also the first to call me a dumbass when it's stupid things I don't need to worry about. Or if I get injured in a stupid way. All in all he's a solid, dependable guy who's helped me a lot over the years, and provides an honest, no nonsense perspective when I need it. He also makes an absolutely killer s'more and plays the best songs at the campfire. Here's a photo I have of him being a good sport and letting me put a flower crown on him after he had a long infirmary shift . (He hates those, he'd always rather be at the archery range.)
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I have a lot of other friends, but he's the only one who'd truly earn the title of "Best Friend" I think. Well, that's still alive anyway... But we're not going to get into that right now, it's too depressing.
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tanis-zed · 3 months
Sudden brain blast over morning coffee:
John Gaius, necrolord whatever, cringiest man alive, refuses to let the earth die. And not just in the literal sense of locking the earth’s soul in a barbie on ice, in subtler ways too.
The most obvious is the memes, John constantly references memes that are dated even to us, but are in universe from a culture that died ten thousand years ago!
Slightly more subtle is the years. Why does everyone in the Houses measure in earth years? It’s been ten THOUSAND years since anyone lived on the earth! But John keeps them as a unit of measurement.
Even more subtle is the language. In sci-fi and fantasy we’re all used to the idea of the translation for the reader, people don’t speak english in lord of the rings, or dune, but the dialogue is in english for us, the readers. Not in The Locked Tomb. In this series, they ARE speaking english. Modern, bog standard english, to the point where two people born thousands of years apart speak similar enough dialects that one can pose as the other (dulcie/cytheria).
Now, this could possibly fall under that standard sci-fi trope, EXCEPT!!!! In Nona The Ninth, we see the non-house humans! And they speak dozens of languages, like you’d expect after TEN THOUSAND YEARS of linguistic drift!
John is trying SO HARD to keep the earth alive that he’s forced a language to stagnate for, say it with me now, Ten Thousand Years, to the point where even completely new things with no equivalent in our world don’t even have new words, just repurposed old ones (flimsy, sonic).
John Gaius, the first necromancer, could resurrect the planet itself, and millions of people, but he couldn’t resurrect the culture. So, John, cryogenics researcher, tried to put the culture on ice, to keep it as close to the one he remembers as possible. And he still failed.
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scalierpepper · 4 months
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Pyrrha Dve ‼️
close-up under cut
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deirdresart · 2 years
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had to do a post-lyctorhood Pyrrha Dve to go with my pre-lyctorhood Pyrrha Dve
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nonas-third-tantrum · 11 months
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the vibes are off at the mithraeum <-prev | next | masterpost
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lady-harrowhark · 2 years
I’ve been thinking a lot lately about Gideon’s blood and the Tomb. I’ve got two points here that dovetail somewhat…
Let’s review some key events. I realize these probably seem a bit all over the place, but I do believe they come together. I’ve tried to put these in roughly chronological order.
John attempts to consume the soul of the Earth, and then creates a physical body for Alecto: “I ripped half my ribs from my body and made you from the dirt, my blood, my vomit, my bone.”
Ten thousand years later, Gideon and Harrow duke it out. The initial recollection of the fight says that “Harrow had scratched until she’d had half of Gideon’s face beneath her fingernails.” The more candid HtN version has Gideon telling us, “You clawed my face so bad that my blood ran down your hands; my face was under your fucking fingernails.”
Harrow opens the Tomb with Gideon’s (read: John’s) blood on her hands.
Harrow sees Alecto, falls in love with her, and decides to live. 
At some point while in the Tomb, Harrow apparently kisses Alecto: “She hadn’t come on purpose; the scrap of black-eyed meat had asked for it—the chain of a kiss: the ice that burnt the flesh of the mouth that had stuck to the mouth that was frozen.”
At Canaan House, Ianthe ascends and tells the others that step six of the process is to “consume the flesh. Not the whole thing, a drop of blood will do to ground you.”
Harrow’s letter tells her she owes Ianthe “the favour of the chain”, which extends “into the House, but NOT into the Tomb.” The agreement takes precedence over any oaths sworn to others, including John, except for the Holy Corpse.
Harrow kisses Ianthe to inspect her jaw and re-swears the oath.
Harrow’s Nova AU has her retrieving the chain of Samael from the Anastasian. This is considered a sin severe enough that the Reverend Father whips her, but she is allowed to keep the chain. Denied the role of Reverend Daughter, Harrow tells Ortus that she is “the unfulfilled vow and the bloody teeth of the unkissed skull.”
Alecto kisses Harrow, bites her, and recognizes her by her blood - the blood of Anastasia’s line. Alecto tells Harrow that she is very sorry about Samael, and she vows the favour she had promised to Anastasia to Harrow.
We see over and over this theme of consuming another life, whether body or soul: we get two sides of this coin when we compare Gideon’s “All I ever wanted you to do was eat me” to John’s statement that “it’s the human instinct, to take.” Consuming the flesh is, per Ianthe, one of the steps to taking in a cavalier’s soul and becoming a Lyctor, directly paralleling John consuming the Earth, both physically when he eats dirt and spiritually when he takes in her soul. Thus far, though, we don’t know how or if Harrow consumed Gideon’s flesh in the interim between chapters 36 and 37 of GtN. 
But here’s what I’ve been wondering: assuming Ianthe is correct (and telling the truth) about the steps to becoming a Lyctor, to what extent does the order and timing actually matter? I think there’s a distinct possibility that Harrow had consumed Gideon’s flesh years before they even came to Canaan House.
Because Harrow had Gideon’s face under her fingernails. And Harrow bites her nails.
HtN, chapter four:
You held your left hand up before your face, before the light, the even white light with its hot tungsten filaments. The thumbnail was whole and even. Too even? Were you wont to chew your fingernails still, that unattractive tic of your girlhood?
And again in chapter twenty-one:
She took off her gloves, and with the edges of her fingernails - bitten to the quick, and never much help - she started to prise open one wrinkled corner.
If the steps do not have to be completed strictly in order, Harrow may very well have already checked off step six if she were biting her nails with Gideon’s flesh and blood still clinging to them.
The other thing going on here is that we get these repeated connections between chains and favours and kisses. I don’t feel like we have quite all the pieces yet to draw any definitive conclusions, but it seems that the favour of the chain may have something to do with the Reverend Family’s vow to protect the Tomb. Particularly, Harrow describing herself, sans Reverend Daughter title, as “the unfulfilled vow” as she wields the chain of Samael lends itself to this interpretation. I also find it very interesting that this unfulfilled vow is paired with “the bloody teeth of the unkissed skull” given that upon waking, Alecto kisses Harrow, bites her, and draws blood which then allows her to recognize Harrow as one of Anastasia’s descendants.
Before that kiss, though, there was another. Alecto describes being called back by Harrow’s kiss, presumably when she broke into the Tomb as a child. I have to wonder if blood was playing a role here too. Alecto says that Harrow’s flesh stuck on her frozen lips, that the ice burned her. If this kiss also drew blood, it could be that the blood of Anastasia’s line was the key to calling her back. However, there may have been someone else’s blood on Alecto’s lips that day. If Harrow had been biting her nails, which she’d earlier used to claw Gideon’s face, she very well may have had Gideon’s blood in her mouth as well. As John’s daughter, her blood was able to open the Tomb. Was it able to call Alecto as well? Could “the chain of a kiss” be referring to Harrow transferring John’s blood between Gideon and Alecto?
Overall, it seems like we’re circling something akin to a blood oath or living blood ward. The thalergetic nature of blood certainly aligns with the symbolism of life and light that we see connected to the Earth and Alecto, in contrast to the thanergy that John cultivates. Alecto’s physical form is derived from John’s blood, and his power is derived from her soul. If indeed a kiss and a few drops of John’s blood, shepherded into the Tomb by Gideon and Harrow, are enough to call Alecto, I cannot even imagine the pyrotechnics show that we’re in for now that he’s had a run-in with the business end of her sword.
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majorgammage · 7 months
Wonder if this is anything…
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Augustine claims they were planning Dios Apate Major for 500 years.
Doctor Sex’s study was sealed 460 years ago when the Sixth were 13, so that would put the sealing about 467 years ago at the time of htn, or 448ish years before the birth of Gideon Nav.
Doctor Sex was known for his “impressive work on post resurrection psychometry”. He would’ve conceivably been doing that work for decades before his death caused the lab to be sealed, putting ~500 years ago well within his lifetime.
Did Dr. Sex make a discovery about the resurrection that shook the lyctors’ faith? Did it have to do with psychometrically dating that note in the puzzle box? Did they GIVE him that note to confirm their own theories at the time?
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number-onekidqueen · 3 months
heyy !! i hope ur doing well (: can you write a luke x gn!reader where they are chubbier and short and luke Lovess the height x size difference but they thinks like making fun of them but in reality he’s just teasing ): they open up to him about past issues regarding that and he comforts them and says he’ll protect them ): maybe a bit of protective!luke
𝐖𝐡𝐨 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐰𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐟𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐚𝐥𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐦𝐲?
Luke castellan x gn!chubbier!shorter reader
Summary: Luke loves to talk about all your physical differences and how you still fit together perfectly. But you have a few bad memories. 
Anon, I am sooooo sorry this took so long, I've had a mad case of writer's block lately, and I no time. It's kinda short and sweet (if you get what I mean *wink*) but I hope this is what you were picturing, and that you enjoy <3
warnings: mentions of fatphobia, mentions of insecurity, panic, teasing.
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“Hey shawty!” 
Immediately, you stiffened. Even if you recognised the voice as one you trusted - Luke, your boyfriend of nearly a year, who you loved dearly - the nickname still made you feel cold all over. But Luke didn't mean the nickname in that way, you were sure.
You didn't have much time to ponder it however as a warm hand materialised around your waist, pulling you into him. You let the sandwich you had been making for lunch settle onto the table, freeing your arms so you could reciprocate his embrace, although rather stiffly.
"How you been?" He murmured into your hair, while he peppered kisses on your scalp. And then he noticed. He pulled away from you, still gripping your shoulders but gazing at you with concern. "What's wrong?"
You decided to drop it. He wouldn't have meant it that way. Even if your boyfriend before had, Luke wouldn't do something like that. "Nothing," you replied, forcing a smile, "you just caught me by surprise is all."
There was a pause in which he scanned your face, searching for signs you weren't telling the truth. He still appeared wary, but he seemed to let it slide for the moment, scooping up your sandwich plate and tugging you along to his table. Loud greetings hooted about, as his fellow Hermes siblings noted his and your appearance.
Your suspicions were confirmed as you sat, after saying hello to everyone, when he clasped his hand in yours, resting it on his knee. This was something he always did when you were feeling overwhelmed or sad, to reassure you that he was always there. He hadn't been convinced by your facade then. Damn.
Beginning to eat your sandwich, you were wincing at the near-stale texture of the bread, and how hard and dry it was in your mouth. Chiron must be running on his last few loaves and forgot to get extra supplies. You were glad for the distraction of Chris, who was always happy to explain his schemes with grand theatrics, and hand gestures that often tipped over glasses. That and Luke's wild laughter from beside you got you through the unpleasant meal.
"-and you won't believe what happened next, and even though it is coming from me, it was pretty damn impressive-"
"Ok man, I'm gonna interrupt your yap session right there while I can. Anyone getting seconds?" Luke asked, holding up his own plate.
"No dude, I'm sooooooo full, how are you not?" Chris groaned, laughing.
"He didn't steal my bag of jerky, Rodriguez!" Someone down the table accused.
"Hey, that was in the middle of the cabin floor, it was fair game!-"
"I'll have some," you volunteered, turning to Luke, and accepting his hand to help you rise from the benches.
"See, lucky I can be a big back with them!" He laughed, walking away with you and back to the table filled with food.
You weren't hungry anymore, at all. Every delicious, hot meal on the table that had tantalised you only moments before now seemed like soggy sticks. Luke had mentioned stuff about your body twice now, in such a short period. You were sure he meant it now. He must be just like your ex in that respect, even if he had treated you better. He felt the same as your ex had done. Even after all this time, your body wasn't good enough- you weren't good enough-
"Hey, you can't decide? Try the macaroni, I just had a bit and oh my Gods-"
"Uh- I don't really feel too hungry anymore." You said awkwardly, gulping down your insecurity.
"Ok," he said slowly, and there was his brown eyes again, deep and full of questioning. "Are you sure everything's okay?"
"Yeah, yeah, it's all fine just... not hungry." You smiled weakly, praying he would drop it as he did earlier. Your stomach rumbling punctuated the silence. He frowned at you, second helping forgotten and pulled you to the side of the dining pavilion, near some dense bushes where you wouldn't be seen.
"Hey. Please tell me what's going on," he begged, squeezing your hand. When you looked in his eyes, you knew you were a goner. You cracked.
"Do you still- like-like- do you still like me?" you mumbled, gazing down at your feet.
"What do you mean?" He asked, confused, "Y/N, I love you, so yeah, of course I still like you."
“I- just- I- I know you didn’t mean any harm and I know you only meant to tease, but it just reminds me of my ex sometimes.”
"Wait, what? What does?" He urged, pulling you closer.
"Just the... you know, like little comments- it's just-it's kinda like the stuff he used to say that hurt my feelings."
He pulled away from you, face hardening. 
“What did he say to you?”
“It was nothing, just he commented on my weight constantly and how much shorter I was than him and sometimes- look it doesn't really matter. It's just that the 'hey shawty' and 'big back' and all that, it shouldn't, it's stupid of me, but it reminds me of him... and like, I know it was a mistake dating a guy that was older in the first place, but the biggest mistake I made was letting him say the stuff he said."
"Don't you dare call yourself stupid," he began sternly, "because if anyone here is, it's me. My gods, baby, I'm so sorry I said stuff like that, it was just a joke or a little pet name to me, I-I didn't know it reminded you of that-ugh, if I had known I would've bleached my mouth out."
You laughed a little, and his face brightened.
"You know I don't wanna be anything like him, right? Man, if he was here I might have a hard time stopping from doing something to him, what a dick."
Laughing again, you nodded, smiling at him.
"And, you know you're also perfect right? Like who cares if you're shorter or a different shape to me? That's what makes you, like you, and I love you for all of it."
He kissed you swiftly, sweetly. It was warm, and you were both smiling through it. He was Luke, not your crusty ex that had broken contact the minute he got accepted to college. And he would always love you for who you were, you were sure of that now.
He broke apart, your noses brushing. "I love you," he whispered, each syllable falling softly on your upper lip.
"I love you too," you whispered back. He backed away reluctantly, holding your hands in both of his tightly.
"Ok, let's get you some macaroni now, because I'm not kidding when I say that it hits-"
And you let him lead you back to the chaotic normality of camp, with all of the delicious food and comforting people you loved.
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fortjester · 11 months
per discussion w/ @theriverbeyond - a comprehensive list of things gideon nav should get the chance to do post-canon:
be free
accidentally kill one too many potted plants
self-publish a middling erotic comic
make a mean spaghetti
start a band
commit light arson
develop a skill she can apply in a post-canon world that fulfills her need to be useful without being extremely toxic (eg. cooking, woodworking, zumba class instructor, etc.)
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liesmyth · 9 months
John grew up playing with secondhand toys, went to a school where the majority of the student body were on scholarship — he probably didn't have much money. Probably same goes for G—, John's childhood friend
But Augustine. Augustine who was the liaison with the project investors and whose little brother was an hedge fund manager... I hope we can all agree that A— grew up rich. Alfred showed up at the cow compound in his leather briefcase and gucci loafers
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One of my fav headcanons about percabeth is Percy being Annabeth’s first friend.
Because Annabeth, seven and new and experiencing a loss, iced everyone out. She’s friends with Luke and Grover and Chiron cause that’s all she needs and honestly all she can handle.
Yes, yes, she knows all about the other campers. The Stolls version of hazing is stealing you blind when you first arrive. Clarisse is constantly fighting to prove herself, just like her. Selina believes in true love and not breaking hearts. Katie thinks straws are killing the economy. Beckendorf has a secret room all to himself. Lee secretly listens to Lady Gaga.
Some things are general public knowledge, some are secrets no one else knows. She doesn’t figure it out cause their friends, no. It’s because she’s been watching them since they arrived. From Thalia’s tree, from the Athena table, from under the shield of invisibility.
She watches, but she doesn’t interact. They don’t either, hearing stories of the little girl who stalks campers during their first week. Freaked out but mostly uncaring.
She had her people, her routine, unchanging and stable.
And then Percy came along.
He sticks around after the first week, which is weird but she’s teaching him Greek so it’s fine. But then he takes her on a quest, her FIRST one. And it’s so wonderful seeing the world and seeing it with him isn’t so bad. And then they nearly die but still come home and he’s still there. He shows her movies and music that isn’t Chiron’s old operas.
And, suddenly, she finds herself WITH him, not watching him. She’s in the moment, living it as it happens, not watching from afar.
She finds herself with a friend.
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aphrodites-warrior · 3 months
What's your favorite part about being an Aphrodite Kid?
The absolute, unshakeable knowedge that the beauty industry is full of shit. I look at myself and my siblings and I see so many things the industry tries to tell us are undesirable, some of us are fat, have glasses, or braces, Lance has vitiligo, I have stretch marks, and we're all children of the Goddess of Beauty. That means she found these traits beautiful enough to pass them to her children, and who can argue with that?
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i so badly want to do a group cosplay of pre-resurrection dios apate like right after john got the powers. just running around a con in character frantically arguing over geopolitics in negotiation strategy and which streaming platform will garner the widest audience for a God Reveal™ without getting us shadowbanned
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valewritessss · 1 month
Seeing pictures of Leah at the age Annabeth would have been at when she ran away makes my heart hurt
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[Loud, agitated, angry] Christ, I know you can't hear me, but I only did what you wanted me to.
Christ, I'd sell out the nation, for I have been saddled with the murder of you.
[More despairingly] I have been spattered with innocent blood
I shall be dragged through the slime and the mud.
I have been spattered with innocent blood
I shall be dragged through the slime and the, slime and the, slime and the mud!
[Pause, voice comes in high and tight with desperation]
I don't know how to love him, I don't know why he moves me.
He's a man, he's just a man.
He is not a king, he is just the same as anyone I know
He scares me so!
[Hesitating] When he's cold and dead, will he let me be?
Does he love - does he love me too? Does he care for me? [Agonized wail]
[Pause, punctuated by smaller shrieks; organs and a clock-like drum play, then guitar comes in]
My mind is in darkness now!
Oh God, I am sick.
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