#dunno that he was going out on the town too much yk
vamptastic · 1 year
FUCK i can't believe i forgot abt going to a drag show in boston... missed opportunity
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valeffelees · 3 months
hey Valen, umm, 🍕🥑🍎?
hey what's up, thanks for coming to hang out!
🍕 What's your favorite comment you've received on a fic?
oh fuck this is a hard question, because i don't think anything could have prepared me for the overwhelmingly kind things people had to say about without sun. i still haven't replied to any of the comments i've gotten on that fic bc when i scroll through them, i feel like my brain shuts down for a moment. i look at them and think, they can't be talking about me. they can't be talking about my story, my writing. but they are, and what the fuck am i even supposed to do with that, yk? every comment i've gotten on that fic feels like my favourite comment i've ever gotten. someone told me it was heartbreaking. someone told me my depiction of the mage was complex and intimidating. someone called my prose lovely, aching and beautiful. someone said the atmosphere was deeply haunting, that they hope i write for this fandom forever, that one of my scenes captured something extremely magic and extremely human and universal at the same time. i keep seeing all these words—visceral, melancholy, gorgeous, immersive. and i just, holy fuck. holy fuck. holy fuck? so yeah, i dunno, i really can't pick a favourite. (i have another fic i posted several years ago now, and every year since i've gotten an annual comment from the same user telling me that they still love the story, and that means a lot to me, too.)
🥑 What are you currently working on?
my main wips at the moment are: - without sun, a magickal mishap story in which simon snow accidentally curses the entirety of watford into thinking he's dead, allowing him to take a look into the lives of the people he loves most to see how they would handle a world without him, only for him to discover the reality of grief is not what he expected it to be. - ballad of the final sparrow, also known as bitverse. a non-magical alternate universe, set in small-town ontario, in which simon snow's mother has died, his best friend is moving away, he's pretty sure his girlfriend is ghosting him, and his father won't get off the couch. in other words: his life is falling apart, and to make it worse, he can't seem to get any sleep. he begins to spend his nights scrolling the back corners of the internet, diving through abandoned web forums and exploring old, innocuous threads. then, one night, he stumbles across the link to a private domain titled BAZ.ai/chatroom-1. this fic is unposted, but it's one of the most bleak, visceral stories i've ever attempted to write. - fragile things (and how to break them), once upon a time known as there's a werewolf in london. i talked about the plot at length before here, if you're curious, but something about it i don't think i mentioned in the orig post is how much of the story is actually a journey about baz and his vampirism, about him learning what it means to accept and be accepted, finding family in strange places, and discovering that sometimes true happiness starts with letting go.
🍎 How do you prioritize which stories to work on when you have multiple ideas?
and i answered this one here
[ask me things!]
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abnormalityjoseph · 2 years
Corey Cunningham • General Headcanons
Oh. Corey. The guy that lives in my head rent free right now? Headcanons for him? Sure.
Totally not like I just finished the novel and was scrambling to throw this out there.
But as for my thoughts on the novel and the movie,,,I like some of the movie’s change in dialogue, but I also feel like the novel gives more..context/insight? Idk how to explain it. Hopefully there’s an extended cut of the movie that I can watch eventually.
- A very polite and well mannered guy.
-> Well, he tries to be even when the entire town hates him.
- You might have seen my previous post, but I am a FIRM BELIEVER that Corey has some fluffy hair AND I WILL DIE ON THIS HILL
- He’s so??? Emotionally distant towards anybody. If Yk what I mean?
-> [Most definitely terrified of getting emotionally hurt again. Especially with how everyone started to alienate him post-accident.]
-> Oh but he’s really touched starved.
- He may or may not…go a tad bit overboard. With affections towards his friends or a significant other(s).
-> I just think that he may seek physical contact from trusted friends. Platonic actions that would normally be seen a romantic (like hand holding), yk?
- He either gives awkward hugs or really good ones. Never an in-between.
- Corey would be very cautious of somehow stepping on your toes/boundaries. He doesn’t make many friends or ever had a romantic relationship (or generally made many friends—?)
-> Besides, he lost any friends he made after the accident. Because no one wanted to associate with the ‘Psycho Babysitter.’
- Totally would rant about ANYTHING because he doesn’t know social cues or when to stop talking.
-> Or— well, he would rant about his interests and then apologize because he feels like he talked too much. And feel like he just scared away any friend he could’ve made because he wouldn’t shut up.
-> It’s fine though because he would listen to his friends/romantic partner rant for as long as they want to talk. He’s a good listener!
- Might be a bit of a weird one, but I think he’d enjoy Twenty One Pilots and Wilbur Soot’s music. Dunno, just him listening to La Jolla/Saline Solution or Fairy Local makes sense in my head.
-> Also think he’d listen to Ship in a Bottle by fin, but I’ll make a different post for songs. Maybe.
- As for family.. I don’t know, his family life is definitely rough and tense as is.
-Resents his mother for being so overbearing (if that’s the right word for it), but can’t seem to fully hate her because she’s his family.
- He sometimes wonders about his dad, Wally, and if his life would’ve been better with him in the picture.
- He also doesn’t know how to feel about Ronald, his step-dad. He wasn’t really involved in his upbringing, but he’s nicer and way less of an overbearing parent in his life. Yet he still doesn’t do much to stop Joan.
- He doesn’t have social media. That’s probably a given but still.
- I feel like he wouldn’t vent to a friend by text, since Joan can snoop through his phone. He’d rather talk about his problems face to face, so the person can also share their problems as well.
- You know, he saw a psychiatrist for a bit before stopping? I’m assuming that’s the time just after the accident. It’s not a headcanon but it’s just something I noticed while I was reading the novel. It’s on, I think, page 207 on the digital version?
-> “…Mostly he just stayed at home. He had weekly trips to a psychiatrist for a while, but that was it. And this went on for months…”
- Corey may be able to tolerate terrible/mean customers, and the scrutiny or insults that any passerby could give him, but it’ll boil over eventually.
- He used to keep a diary/journal. But Joan (his mom) kept snooping and would find it. Now he can’t keep one in the house.
-> Well— maybe he hides it outside or the house. Maybe nearby the the place he works at.
- I think he doodles. Just on the corners of his notebooks. It’s kinda bad but hey, he never said he was a good artist.
- Post-Accident Corey can’t find that much enjoyment in Horror movies, especially The Thing, after well..you know.
-> Post-Michael Corey can though. He loves horror movies, and doesn’t feel that uncomfortable watching The Thing anymore. Just..fascinated. Over the concept of the creature, I mean. Shapeshifting alien…maybe a slasher movie would be more preferred for him still.
I… will write more stuff about a romantic relationship with Corey in a different post. And I’ll try to write more about post Michael Corey.
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ashipiko · 1 year
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<33 some tenyuki art kinda like a redraw from the SS below the cut?? I LIKE HOW IT TURNED OUT THO I THINK IM MOTIVATED AGAIN!!!!!
🙏🙏 also decided to drop the cast list down below!!! MORE RAMBLES ARE BELOW THE CUT
LOUIS: Taichi
RAY: Yuzo
JUJU: Kazunari
Yukki’s the son of a seamster (Omimi) and so yukki works hard everyday in dreams of opening his own salon place thingy CLOTHING LINE? I DUNNO
Tenma’s the prince coming from his kingdom to visit New Orleans broke and w no idea how to navigate places and life <3 his lackey named haruto secretly hates him and they stumble upon a voodoo stop after tenma ends up getting lost
voodoo shop is owned by a guy named Reni and he convinces tenma that he’ll help him out around town (this is a lie) and convinces haruto that he’ll get him money and power
TADA tenten gets jebaited and turned into a frog <3 in the meantime MKYK is getting ready for a party (Mukkun heard news of tenten the prince and is ECSTATIC dunno if it should be romantic or if he just wants to fanboy or whatev) tenma stumbles upon yukki while they’re getting ready, tenma thinks Yukki’s a girl and then he jebaits him to kiss him IG?? THEN BAM DOUBLE FROGS
yada yada they meet Taicchan the alligator who dreams of vibing and being super cool <3 dunno if we’ll still use the music element Louis has or not I think it’d be super cute Taiten if Taicchan recognized him like “T-TENMA???? THE PRINCE?????? WHERE ARE YOU GOING??? ILL COME TOO!!!”
Taicchan tells them of Mr. Misu and Sir Kazu and says “yeahhh I’m super good friends w them!! LEMME SHOW YOU THE WAY”
THENNN they meet Yuzo and he joins the gang after calling Taicchan an idiot for going the wrong way 😔 makin their way to mr misu and MSKZ sings a fun little banger does some gay dances and tries to teach tenyuki about love (parent and children bonding moment amirite)
THEN ITS LIKE THE END OF THE MOVIE YADA YADA yk how it goes tenyuki and yukki gets his store thing!!! <33 happy end (ignoring yuzo and reni’s deaths)
<3 also the SS I redrew
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wigglepiggle · 2 years
if you see honeycomb answer the same infodump its cuz I want more ppl to know of this bitch (also I forgot to hand honeycomb the image of Charlie-)
SO, to start things off Charlie is a fandom oc for the fnaf fangame Dayshift at Freddy's (specifically a dsaf 3 oc for au reasons) but theres a lot more to him then that- right now Imma b honest his backstory is the more fleshed out thing then his current story cuz despite my dsaf hyperfixation (which is sorta kinda dying out) I was never rlly able to get thru watching a dsaf 3 playthrough so lemmie just graaaaaab the backstory and slap it here (no I'm not I'm tying it out cuz I only gave a tiny bit of it to Lem-)
so Charlie was born & raised in a small town in Colorado with a childhood that wasnt too odd but wasnt great either, he was bullied a lot for being feminine and his parents tried to steer him towards more stereotypically masculine activities & interests but it took several years before it ever really affected him, another issue was Charlie had undiagnosed ADHD & pretty bad mood swings which affected him quite alot and led to his parents usually being angry at him for things he didnt understand he was doing but he was usually resiliant even if he was secretly close to breaking down he just tried to ignore it & move on.
Later on in his life he became super into old-school radio and tv show hosts who had that whole vibe yk? I dunno how to word it so Imma assume you know- but anyways he got super into the persona those radio and show hosts had and started to imitate them almost down to a T and was almost perfectly able to mimic the typical voice they had in his late teens which he used to help further him in his plan to become a host for a simple entertainment show and yknow what? He did manage to get a spot hosting a show on a very local tv channel for about a year but sadly his twist on the classic tv host personality made people not want to watch his show because he acted "too feminine" and slowly ratings dropped until they had to cancel the show and his dreams were essentially ruined because he's quite stubborn and therefore wont (and probably cant) change his personality much just to be more 'palatable' to people since it'll make him seem fake anyways
[ spoilered bit contains death mention ] after that he spent around 3 years hopping from basic job to basic job usually getting fired for some dumb reason or another (cuz his personality was very 'weird' to those around him also this was like the late 70s early 80s they knew he was gay & they wanted him out) but then he found a job at the local resturant ||and yada yada died ngl his story when it starts to properly connect with the dsaf series starts to bore me out but also kind of didnt die at the same time? He ended up in an undead state and since he was still alive|| he was bound to the company forever so he basically got moved around from location to location until the resturant chain crumbled to the ground
then Jack rebooted the resturant chain by opening a new resturant & Charlie got hired as an employee because what else could he really do in his life? Not much- but anyways now he's currently working there and uh lemmie just graaaaaaaaaaaaaaaab some bullshit again & explain his relationship with his friend/crush or bf (depends on the au) Rowan
Rowan was already working at the place before Charlie got hired since Rowan was the 2nd one hired just after the phone guy and one day Charlie tried to strike up some conversation while they were on break which didnt go to well because Charlie's a bit bad at socializing but Rowan saw the effort and later on tried to chat with Charlie which did end up going well and gradually they started to sometimes have conversations while doing misc work stuff & soon they became friends
Charlie was slightly clingy but thankfully respected Rowan's boundries because Charlie had been desperate for an actual friend for years and didnt wanna fuck this chance up so gradually they grew closer and [boom time to au split motherfuckers]
Rack/Rowan x Jack au: Rowan knew Charlie was one of those "single but in a way where he has good relationship advice cuz of that" people & tried to bring up the fact he was catching feelings for someone, Charlie was slightly saddened because he developed a crush on Rowan but he was willing to give advice even if it was slightly obvious this hurt him and Rowan admitted he had a crush on Jack (I am too tired to explain Jack if ykyk if you dont then insert roblox oof sound here) and Charlie gave as much advice as he could because he could handle the fact Rowan didnt like him well enough where it didnt crush him and when Rowan & Jack started dating Charlie was supportive & the crush died down enough where Charlie didnt really care
CottonCandy/Rowan x Charlie au: Charlie slowly developed a crush on Rowan during their friendship and tried to keep it secret & push the thought down until it got too bad & Charlie had to confess sometime soon, that sometime came on a random night when Charlie was being a simping insomniac & had a really big urge to text (oh yeah surprise we're in 2023 timeline wise now) Rowan confessing that he loved them, thankfully Charlie's common sense dulled that down to pulling a "I think I like someone, have any advice?" text then hinting it's Rowan from there which he then proceeded to do, ngl the text was probably basic asf & Rowan sort of got the hint but he denied it at the same time until a week later after their day at work Charlie & Rowan decided to hang out at a local park & Charlie decided to confess to Rowan, Rowan was slightly surprised but also was thinking about the hints from earlier that week and even smaller hints from the past month or so and said he had to take a while to think about it, Charlie tried to remain calm and accepted the fact as best as he could because he thought he was being rejected but a couple days later Rowan texted Charlie saying to come to his place after work & after a few hours of hanging out Rowan said he liked Charlie back too
extra dumb tidbits:
gay gay homosexual gay (& probably graysexual)
keeps that piece of metal in his eye cuz it hurt too much to remove & it looks cool
intentionally has a feminine vibe to him cuz he embraces it nowadays
usually pretends to be a girl in public because his face looks naturally feminine & he doesnt feel like being harassed by assholes
usually kicks his legs out without paying attention..sadly he's kind of good at kicking & has accidentally hurt ppl doing this before Image:
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I have not seen anything related to dsaf in awhile but I love him!!!! Thank you for sharing him with me!!!!
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obsessivelyloved · 3 years
another idea for the four gods au!
so yk how some gods get like, punished for doing certain shit? preferably by being turned mortal?
i bet a billion bucks that when reader becomes a god, every chance they get they try to do the most treacherous shit to get on the four guys' nerves and hopefully get them to let reader go!
[ but i bet a billion more bucks that the guys would just be like "haha reader you silly goose, you shouldn't do that! it's okay ill fix it, but don't do it haha ily we'll be together forever" while reader loses their mind
but also takes the opportunity to punish the idiots that tried to leave them to die and shit bc who wouldn't man revenge is sweet ]
This was so much fun to write! I'm not sure if it's only for a specific set of gods, but I've seen their blood referred to as ichor and that's basically golden magic blood in these guy's veins. They basically leave reader in a marble structure for like a century or two, to let them figure out their powers and magic on their own. Thank you for sending this! <3
Here's the first part if anyone hasn't read it yet. Under a Read More bc it's a little long.
Stories upon stories of gods being punished have existed for generations. Some are short, telling the tales of gods being humbled for a short while. Some are long, with gods living out an entire lifespans as a human before being given their divine power back. Many of these were cautionary tales to not only gods but to any being with a divine power or powerful magic.
Not to you. To you, these stories gave you hope. If you got on the guy's nerves enough, created enough problems, you could go back to being normal!
And to start, you slowly poisoned your old town. You decayed their crops, ran the river dry, blew every storm cloud away to prevent rain. You encouraged the monsters in the forest to grow bolder.
Soon, every person in town feared you. They tried begging for your forgiveness. Left offerings at your place of death. You accepted none of it. They made their bed so now they had to lie in it. Watching them regret what they did to you tasted like a sweet victory.
Once the guys noticed, you grew excited. Surely they’d take away the divine power in your soul. Transform the ichor in your veins back to mortal blood.
“Oh you silly thing,” Edd laughed. “I know you're excited, but there’s no need to use your powers so destructively.” He lightly bopped your nose. “It’s alright dear, I’ll fix things. How about you do something kinder next time? I can show you how.”
That was how you ended up in his lap with him holding your hands. You spent ages sitting there with him. He talked to you gently, combining both of your magic to create extravagant things. He showed you how to create clean, fresh water. How to make friends with the monsters and convince them to leave the humans alone. Everything you had done to the village was undone.
By the end, you were left feeling stronger. Lighter too, from being forced to accept the offerings left for you at your death tree.
All in all your plan was a failure. You didn’t want to feel stronger! You wanted to go back to being a weak, tiny human!
Edd had finally freed you from his arms and kissed you. “Try things out yourself! Love you dear.”
You watched him leave off to wherever it was that he normally is and thought. Maybe they went by a trial and error system? A three strikes and you’re out system? Whatever it was, you’d just have to try again and find out.
You went bigger. You flooded the town. This time, there were no survivors left.
Tom was by your side in an instant. “Wow, you really made a mess of things this time. Dunno if I can fix things since all the humans are dead”
Hope flared up in your chest. Was this it?
“S’alright love, I never cared much for that town anyway. I only ever had eyes for you.” He sat down next to you and pulled you into his arms. “Let me show you what to do with the water, so nature can re-take what was once theirs.”
The hope shriveled up and died. Ugh this was getting old. Feeling your magic mix with his and sink into the land sucked. You didn’t want to feel creative! What the hell was it going to take for you to go back to normal? Third time had to be the charm, right?
Nature had reclaimed what was once theirs, blah blah blah. Tom kissed you and was gone in a purple mist.
You took a deep breath and searched. What could you destroy that would anger them? Scouring the land beyond what was once your town, you came across one of the neighboring towns. Vaguely, you remembered that this one worshipped these four gods more than yours did. Excitement fluttered in your chest. Destroying them and making them miserable had to give you the results you wanted.
With the new found knowledge of how to use the land, you forced their crops to grow faster. You had nothing against these people but watching them freak out as their only source of food became monsters was funny. You moved on. You pressed your hands against the cold marble floor and shoved your magic in the mortal soil, watching with glee as sharp thorny vines swallowed the four gods' temple.
All four of them were by your side within seconds.
“C’mon dear, didn’t I show you how to be more creative?” Edd asked, exasperated.
“Yeah, I didn’t show you how to do that with the intent of creating grass monsters.”
You didn’t look at any of them.
“Gee guess you gotta punish me huh. Make me mortal again to teach me that I’m not better than them?”
Tord snorted as Matt exclaimed, “But you are better than them!”
“Why the hell would we do that? If you’re afraid of us discarding you, don’t worry. You’re never going into the mortal world without one of us.” Tord asked. “Sure it’s annoying that you keep doing this but you look like you’re having such fun.”
Wow your hope was really short lived this time. Honestly, you wanted to tear your hair out.
“I bet you're just doing this because you’re lonely, huh?” Matt plopped down beside you. “Aw don’t worry love, we’ll stick around for a couple of centuries.” He pressed a kiss onto your cheek.
Tom was next to sit on your other side. “Yeah, we’ll show you properly how it’s done. Or, you could show us what else you’d like to do?”
You could feel Edd’s warmth radiating behind you as both he and Tord sat down behind you. Your eye twitched. With a flick of your wrist, you covered the town in sharp thorny vines.
Edd whistled. “Nice one, nature has reclaimed its spot.”
“That’s what I told them!”
You lowered your head in your hands as Tom excitedly rambled on about how he taught you that. Oh this was hell. You should’ve sucked it up and froze to death in the snow. It had hurt at the time but crossing the veil over to the land of death surely would’ve been better than this.
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totiredtowrite · 3 years
"The Reverend"
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Warnings - Religious themes
Note: Lowkey hate the minimalist pic for this one bc it's not how I think kita would look but whatever yk. This didn't feel very wild west-y, lowkey hate the fic too 🤨
/̵͇̿̿/’̿’̿ ̿ ̿̿ ̿̿ ̿̿
There are two sides to every coin.
This town is no exception. Tourists, visiting family or friends, people who just stop through, they only get one side of it. They get the kind people with bright eyes and even brighter smiles. They get the easygoing townsfolk who have absolutely nothing weird going on under the surface.
The reverend, on the other hand, gets the other side of that coin.
The church was put together. Well taken care of, cleaned regularly, polished and bright. The townsfolk, (aside from a few stragglers), came in on Sundays for the regular sermon, then they'd leave. Occasionally a funeral would be held there.
Of course, that wasn't all that happened. In fact it was far from it. Kita, working in arguably the most energy filled place in the whole damn town, has witnessed multiple things he wouldn't begin to explain. Birds who looked a little too human, whispering in the steeple, oddly quiet older women and men during Sunday service who he never sees again. He'd considered finding someone to work alongside him, though nobody was very willing.
At this point, he's just gotten used to it. And he's gotten used to you.
Hearing your voice in his head, seeing you prowling around his dreams, watching you occasionally lurk in the halls. Hell, he'll even say something back to you if your constant comments in his head about his 'stupid cross' got too annoying.
Not to say that he knows what you are though. What your name is, where you came from, if you're good or evil. He's just settled on neutral, much like an anarchist who would come through to say something about the church.
When it all started, he almost thought he was being punished for something. That some wayfaring god had sent you to torment him for the multitude of sins he's gathered during his day. Though, the longer it went on, the clearer it became that you were no lackey.
Tonight though, he could tell something was different. He could tell the moment you didn't disappear as he approached. You just kept sitting in his chair, feet propped up on his desk.
"What're ya doing here." He'd asked coldly. Kita hardly ever saw you. Usually you only showed in his dreams, or just as a disembodied voice in his head. When he did see you it was only for a couple seconds.
Your head shot up from the paper in your hands. (One that you clearly plucked from his desk). "Oh-! Hi father," you said, dragging out both of the words. Kita could already tell that this interaction was going to be hard to get through.
You, on the other hand, were elated. The cute human who you may or may not have a crush on is standing less than fifteen feet away from you, and you weren't booted back into the veil! Maybe today you could actually stay here.
Kita watched you pull your legs off of his desk, leaning forward to grip the edge of the chair visible between your thighs. The only reason why he wasn't startled or frozen at the moment was how...non threatening you looked to him. Maybe others would say otherwise, but he's seen you enough in his dreams or out of the corner of his eyes to be fine.
The abnormally large bat shaped ears jutting out from the sides of your head shifted with every expression you made, reflecting whatever you said. Two small horns, one larger than the other, grew out of your forehead. Aside from that and your weirdly glowy (e/c) eyes, you looked more human than he thought you'd be. Still, he could just feel that you weren't.
"Well," he sighed and leaned against the doorway. "Is there something you needed, demon?"
You gasped in faux offense, chuckling shortly after. "I'm not a demon, father," you rolled your eyes. "I'm more...meta human." You gave him a toothy smile.
His look didn't falter.
"Right," you deflated at his lack of interest in your antics, dragging out the word. "I jus' wanted to see you."
That caught him off guard, his hand instinctively reaching to the cross strung around his neck. "For what reason," he started slowly.
"Mm I dunno," you gave him another insufferable smile, "Maybe I jus' really like cute humans with grey hair."
He still looked far from impressed. "Well, leave," he said.
You looked shocked for a moment. You knew he was blunt but you didn't think he would just straight up tell you to leave. You shuffled awkwardly in his chair. "You don' wanna learn about me? N'my kind n stuff," you nervously trailed off.
He sighed heavily, dragging his large, well worked hand through his cropped hair. "No, I do not. Unless you've got something important to tell me, or show me, I do not need you here."
Your ears drooped a bit. You don't know why you thought this would actually go anywhere. The longer you watched him, the more you built up this image of how it would be in your head. You'd meet, he'd fall head over heels for you, you'd be 'stuck' in this realm, an adventure would ensue, and eventually it'd end with you staying and getting married to him.
Childish, sure. Childish and rather stupid, but oh well right? As it turns out, you were far less charming to him than he was to you.
He turned to leave. He hadn't anything important to do in his office anyways, though now he just wanted to head home. "Wait!" You called.
Kita could make out the sound of his chair being pushed out as you stood up. He paused, giving you a brief invitation to say what you wanted to say. "Can you just give me a chance! Please? I'll be good, promise," you nervously tugged on your larger horn.
He looked down, eyes closing. "A chance for what."
You ignored how it sounded more like a demand than a question. "I dunno! Just hangin around? I'll even work at the church! Just let me stay with you, only for a week!"
He perked up at your offer to work at the church. Turning around, he finally looked you dead in the eye. "Only if you work."
A smile split your face, head nodding up and down feverishly.
No way in hell was this a good idea, but at least he could keep an eye on you.
Do not repost, translate, or copy my work on to other platforms.
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Dean is 20, in college with a Mechanical engineering major, heartthrob of the entire damn town. Cas is 18, senior at highschool, and a nobody, except of course, for how he's dating Dean fucking Winchester. They're keeping it low, though, and Dean is in the middle of his finals and Cas misses him:
Cas is hanging out with Meg, trying not to think of Dean
Meg suggests a game where she prank calls random people for kicks and Cas is too distracted to object
She begins to go through Cas's list, and stops on Dean's name, looking at Cas for permission
Cas, half because yeah he wants to hear Dean's voice and half because its really not a big deal, says sure.
Meg calls from her own new phone, and a distracted sounding Dean picks up with a gruff "hello?"
Cas melts at the sound of his voice
Meg keeps up the act and says that she's one of Dean's classmates
Dean groans and asks what he could do for her, a perfect gentleman
Meg goes all flirty - "yeah, what can you do for me?" - but gets turned down dismissively by Dean who says he's busy and not in the mood
Cas flares, listening from the side
Meg asks him for details of the last project and Dean obliges, getting into the element and really starts explaining the particulars of constructing a working model of a generator
Cas and Meg exchange confused glances and Cas feels guilty for disturbing Dean like this, so he gestures to Meg to hang up
Meg cuts short Dean's scientific monologue and confesses that she wasn't really a student of his batch and that she doesn't really know him
"What the -" Dean replies, sounding exasperated. "This kid's got a fucking final tomorrow and y'all can't get over your fucking highschool pranks" and Meg looks subdued but Dean ends with a, "Well, use the time you got to have fun, kiddo, nothing bad 'bout that. But don't call me back for some crap like this." he hangs up
Cas and Meg stare at each other for a full minute, and Cas is blushing because damn Dean sounded hot saying that, he fucking sounded like an adult and he feels bad about being childish enough to aid something like that
Meg is kinda pissed off though because Dean told them off but she lets it go and they both go back to hanging out doing non-immoral stuff
And then the next day
Meg shows up at Cas's house in the middle of the afternoon, and actually looking apologetic
Cas knows something is up and asks her about it
Receives a reply on the lines of, "word got out that I prank called Dean Winchester and a lotta people have his number now"
Cas is stumped and asks her to be more straight with him
Meg tells her how she got drunk with some of her friends and confessed it over a game and then Anna sorta took Dean's number from her call logs and it just spread after that
She also tells him how Anna just messaged her saying that she tried calling him too, and actually flirted with him and that he flirted back and she thought he was into him. Meg admits that that's when she knew things had gone to shit and she had to tell Cas
Cas doesn't know what to say
Could Dean really do that? Would he do that to him? Was it all a misunderstanding? Was Castiel the idiot in the story? Was Dean into Anna? Was he cheating on him?
He doesn't even know how to confirm it because its not like he can call or text Dean to ask, because how the hell did he even know about the whole thing, if he wasn't a part of it somehow? He wasn't even supposed to know a thing.
He was considering sadly just being distant enough so that Dean dumps him outright and they don't have to get to the whole discussion regarding it - but he also liked Dean a lot and didn't wanna stop seeing this guy - when his phone pinged, and it was from Dean.
<<< Hey, you around?
<<< Was thinking of you
Cas paused. Wait. Did this mean Dean was gonna sideline the entire thing, and Cas was too chicken to bring it up anyways, so they'd just not talk about it? Or was it a different kind of 'thinking about you', than Dean's regular ones
Cas swallowed his fear and typed in urgently
>>> I'm here. Why about me
He waited, but Dean finished typing quickly enough to not be typing in all that he hated about Cas and the reasons why they should break up.
Okay, he wouldn't do that. Dean was still Dean.
But Cas allowed himself to worry, and bit his lip as he waited for Dean's reply
<<< Shouldn't you ask what ;)
Cas froze.
Oh. Well. Castiel relaxed a bit. Maybe this was not as big a deal as he thought. Maybe they could actually get past this. Maybe Dean just flirted like this with everyone or something, Cas wouldn't know everything about him, he'd only be dating him a month.
But then Dean began to type again.
<<< hey I needed to talk to you about something
Cas tenses again. He was getting serious. This was bad.
>>> yeah?
He waited for Dean to respond, but he was typing for a pretty long time
<<< I've sorta been getting these weird calls from a bunch of highschool chicks all day?? Nobody I know
Cas gulped. Dean didn't sound done.
<<< Guess I just wanted to be the done to tell you first I dunno
<<< This town is basically a giant gossiping sorority so
Cas let out a breath he'd been holding for very long. Thank God for Dean Winchester, being Dean Winchester.
He's actually told him up front. If he were cheating on Cas, he would'nt've. As simple as that. This was Dean. This was the Dean, Cas loved. He wouldn't do this to anyone, really.
Cas felt like an idiot.
He knew he should text back, but he couldn't really come up with anything other than thanks for being you, Dean
But then he did, just before Dean would start worrying Cas had had a stroke from all the not-replying
>>> Thanks for telling :) I'll beware the gossip
<<< yeah, you do that, hon
Cas read that in Dean's voice in his head, and almost grinned audibly. He was so cute. Cas loved his life at this moment. To even think of not being in a relationship with this man, who was perfect in all ways for him, was a ridiculous thought. Dean was Dean, and Cas loved him for it.
But Dean was typing again.
<<< This couldn't be Sam yk. Bitch is on my ass to study more all frigging year, he wouldn't give out my number to a million randos in the middle of my finals. Couldn't be Benny too. Maybe Bela? Whatcha think??
<<< I shouldn't think about it, that's what you think, don't you? I know
<<< What the hell, maybe its just some nobody spreading my personal number around for attention
Cas froze. Was he that?
Pretty much yeah, you assbutt.
Cas had never felt more guilty.
He needed to tell Dean. Now.
But he couldn't bear Dean talking to him in the patronizing adult-to-kid tone he used on Meg as he reprimanded him for being a childish idiot, when Dean had to be studying for a college second year final.
Goddammit why even was Cas stuck in this mess!?
Because he was a fucking idiot, is why.
He swallowed his fears, and decided to do it. It had to be done. Dean couldn't go on blaming everybody around him for something Castiel did. And he too needed to get it off his chest.
Yeah, tell your boyfriend you're the nobody who was giving his number around for attention
The voice in Cas's head was a real sonuvabitch.
But Cas grabbed Meg's phone, the original culprit, extracting a yell from her, and dialed Dean's number from memory in it. He put it to his ear, and waited.
His phone pinged once, and then Dean picked up. He sounded exhausted, and Cas felt even worse. "Hey? Think I told you not to call back, lady -"
"Hello, Dean."
He waited.
"Sonuvabitch," Dean cursed under his breath. "Isn't that you, Cas?"
Cas screwed his eyes shut as he confessed.
"And this is Meg's phone." Dean knew Meg. She was one of Cas's only friends. "She called, the first time. But uh - I'm the one you should blame. I let her. I -" he was stuttering now. "I'm sorry, Dean."
Dean breathed out on the other end. "But, I don't get it?"
"I'm sorry, Dean..."
And then they talked it out.
And Cas got to hear Dean's voice.
And then, Dean forgave him easily, on hearing Cas's explanation and told him to not blame himself, and trying to assure Cas that it was fine.
And Cas got to hear Dean's voice.
After they'd cleared the air, and Cas felt a million tonnes lighter, Dean suddenly began.
"Can I ask you a question, Cas?" He hummed, to say yes. "Its gotta be one of these two reasons, that you did it. Either, you wanted to see if I'd be disloyal to you -"
" - NO!"
Cas panicked at once.
Dean let out a soft chuckle. "Okay, good. Then its gotta be the latter? You wanted to show off your boyfriend's number?"
Cas blushed furiously, as he wondered how he could tell Dean, that what he really wanted was to hear Dean's voice because it'd been 2 days and Cas didn't want to disturb Dean by calling him since it'd mean they'd talk for hours, but Cas was a fucking baby who wanted to hear his boyfriend and his gorgeous voice
He didn't know how to say it, in a sense that'd not make him sound creepy. So, he didn't.
Dean went on. "Maybe you just wanted to show me off, huh?" He'd put the charms on, and Cas was squirming in his seat.
"Shuddup," He muttered. And earned a glorious laugh from Dean Winchester, and Cas could picture it in his head and heavens, he was beautiful.
"A question for a question?" Cas was feeling brave, suddenly, so he proposed and Dean agreed. "How did you, well, deal with all the people calling you?"
Dean let out a laugh. "I told most of them off, and that they should read a book. Some, I politely informed, would really benefit from Bible reading camp."
Cas laughed out loud, and Meg, who was kinda listening in on most of the conversation, snickered.
"More or less, I sounded adequately forty and grumpy." Dean went on. "And, uh, there were a few with whom I flirted back kinda, but that was only to get rid of them."
"Hmm?" Cas bit the inside of his cheek.
It was Dean's turn to panic. "No, no, no! Cas, please don't 'hmm' at me, like you think i meant it or anything! It was purely giving-them-what-they-want-to-make-them-go-away!"
"Its alright," Cas told Dean, endeared by the note of genuine alarm in his voice. He debated whether to tell Dean that Anna Miller, one of many actually, thought he was into them. But then, what was the use of saying this stuff that didn't matter? Those were probably wannabe tall tales anyways.
"Yeah! Must be a real pain in the ass to have hoardes of slutty teenage chicks crushing on you!" Meg yelled to be heard.
Cas shushed her, shooing her away from the phone.
"Say hi to Meg for me." Dean responded in a sullen voice, as Cas glared at his friend.
"And I swear Cas, it was nothing." Dean repeated.
"I said it was okay, Dean. Not-meaning-it flirting is in the bylaws." He added, grinning to himself.
Dean paused for a moment, like he wanted to say something about that, but then he didn't, laughing it off. "You're the best, Cas."
"No, I kinda gave away your personal number to strangers, so I'm pretty sure that doesn't make me the best."
"Would it help if I said I blame Meg?" Dean whispered, and Cas laughed again. "I mean, I'm over it by now, but if I had to blame someone, its her, hon." He was kidding.
Cas sighed into the phone, grinning. "Thanks, but let my conscience bear the brunt of the guilt it has earned."
Dean told Cas he was rolling his eyes at him.
They let it slide.
Towards the tail-end of the conversation, because Dean still had his finals after all and Cas still didn't wanna disturb him and it was Meg's phone to top it all off, Dean suddenly began.
"So, I know flirting back is not the best move, and pretending to be an old geezer who hasn't had sex in years doesn't always work because of how youthful I naturally happen to sound," He joked. "So maybe I should use some other tactics, hon?"
"Like?" Cas grinned too.
"How about, 'Excuse you lady, I'm spoken for'." Dean proposed, in a voice so dramatic that Cas could imagine the wink that accompanied it, and yeah. It was a good image.
Cas laughed out loud once again.
"Or maybe I could go with, 'If my man came to know about this, bitch, you'd regret ever calling this guy'."
Cas kept on laughing out loud. "You'd say that?"
"You think I have any shame, cherrypie?" Dean challenged, grinning back. "Of course, I could always go with, 'I got a boyfriend Miss, and he gets jealous easy'."
Cas had a lot of options to pick from, for a reply. He could object, that he didn't get jealous easy. He could mock Dean on his falsetto. But he said what came first to his head.
"You know what? You do that for me, sweetheart."
And he knew that he'd said the right thing, because Dean got flustered at the drop of a hat, and hemmed and hawed for a good minute after the sudden endearment.
And they uh
Lived happily ever after?
I dunno, I'm out
@awkward-penguin-in-a-trenchcoat @styggtroll @telefuckies @adventurous-blob @iamcharliebradburylevelperfect
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