#durga puja festival
sheltiechicago · 5 months
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This photo was shot on a rainy day in a street in Dhaka. I saw this rickshaw puller taking shelter from the rain in his rickshaw, trying to save himself from the rain. The longing on his face made me emotional.
In the realm of fine art photography, Ashraful Arefin, hailing from Dhaka, Bangladesh, has a unique gift for transforming everyday moments into extraordinary art. Born on May 3rd, his photographic journey began in 2013 with a 365-day project that ignited a deep passion for photography.
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This image was shot in the river Yamuna, Delhi. I saw this man rowing his raft filled with trash collected from the river. Suddenly there were migratory birds surrounding him in search of food. I found it really interesting and he looked like a character from a storybook.
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This image was shot during the Durga Puja festival in Dhaka, Bangladesh. 
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Celebrating Durga Puja in Seattle
Celebrating Durga Puja in Seattle
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subir-astrologer · 1 year
Among the festivals of the Hindu tradition, Navratri is endowed with a great significance. It is the symbol of victory of good over evil.
The nine day festival culminates on the tenth day which is the day of victory and success. This festival also marks the symbolic journey from humanness to divinity thereby reminding people of the real goal of human life.
The chief deity adorned on these days is the feminine principle of the divinity. Therefore, all the forms of Mother Goddesses are heralded, worshiped and adorned on these days. Called as Shakti, the female energy represents the universe, while Shiva represents the consciousness or soul.
Maa Durga is the ultimate source of power who takes care of the entire universe and feeds it. The Navratri festival glorifies the eternal power of Durga and seeks her blessing and protection. As per the legend, there was a demon called Mahishasura who was a terror to all the three worlds.
As per the boons he had received, he could not be killed by any gods, humans or demons except the feminine energy, which he underestimated to be insufficient to vanquish him. To save all the worlds from his captivity, Mother Durga, assumed a terrific form and waged a war against him for nine days and killed him on the tenth day. The word Durga also means the power which destroys misery and sufferings.
A Sanskrit verse heralds Mother Durga as “Durga Dhurgati Nashini”, the one who destroys afflictions. Worshipping Mother Durga on these nine days is said to confer joy, prosperity, wealth, hope, wisdom, success and lasting happiness.
The Navratri festival is a sort of refreshing and recharging
one. Homes, educational institutions, businesses and organizations clean their premises and conduct pujas and worship on these nine days.
Charities are given away and cultural events are held. In several possible ways, divinity is worshipped and praised. The three first days are dedicated to the worship of Mother Durga, the second three days herald Mother Lakshmi and the third three days are in praise of Mother Saraswati – the three energies that rule over the universe and do the creation, sustenance and destruction.
The final day is also called as Vijayadasami on which Mother Durga won over the demon. Any tasks started on this day is said to be successful.
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coming-of-age-witch · 11 months
october november december. they pass by so fast but its heavily decorated with joy and pleasant moments. i love to look forward to them because of all the things they have in them, but once we reach january the first month goes away in looking back to these months and wishing i could go back and have the same kind of fun again
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you know that? i am so excited about october and pujo. i am excited to go pujo shopping, i can't wait to lie in bed at 5 in the morning listening to mahalaya, i am excited to watch my neighbourhood light up in strings of yellow lights, i am excited to go pandal hopping with friends and family, i am so eager to eat all the hearty bengali meals on all the five days, i am excited to wear sarees and jhumkas, i am excited for nabami night outs, i am excited for dhunuchi naach and even for bishorjon. though bishorjon will bring me all the melancholy, yet i am so excited. i can barely contain my excitement.
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It's that time of the year again...
The city has been cleansed with the after showers of monsoon. Blue sky peeking through fluffy clouds resembling the cotton candy carried by the street vendors. The smell of durga puja coming in through the open windows. Standing outside Kumortuli is a small smiling face in shabby clothes and dirty hair. The departure of idols might be significant for the whole city, but not for the little boy whose father will be coming home after months of crafting the inanimate joy that would fill the city for the next 10 days.
The single mother spent her bonus on the little piece of jwellery she had seen her daughter longingly looking at in Gariahat. The transferred father took a few extra days off. A son remembered his father on the banks of the Ganges, while the recently widowed woman longingly glanced at the idol's red saree. They felt what the poets may describe as peace and happiness but for them it was just plain old durga puja.
She arrived with her children, shaking the whole city from its slumber, a ray of hope within the gloomy times. Every year she arrives with the same smiling face and listens to all our problems. To the lost boy trying to find his place in society, to the queer person trying to figure out why they were wrong, to the girl who never saw her father after that day in court, to the lady who never knew what happened to her daughter the night she went out with her friends. Lives filled with tragedy after tragedy lie at Maa's feet asking for a way ahead. Maa listens. She gives them hope and sometimes tragedies do go away. The boy lands a job while the queer person is invited back to their family. The girl recieves a gift from her father while the lady cries at the station,report in hand. Maybe not happy endings, but closure. That's what Maa gives. Hope is just the surface of the abyss of our mind which actually seeks closure.
The bright lights and bamboos wrapped in colourful clothes stand as a symbol of the hardwork of all those people who worked relentlessly to make this festival a pathway to overcome tragedy. The people live another day to fight, blessed by Maa.
At the break of dawn on Mahalaya, someone replaces the oxygen with adrenaline, and for 10 days, the city does not sleep.
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thingsdavidlikes · 3 months
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Devoted-rhythmic souls.. by Fahim Faisal Khan Shapnil
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oyeevarnika · 2 years
नवरात्रि के चतुर्थ दिन, मां कूष्मांडा जी की पूजा की जाती है। यह शक्ति का चौथा स्वरूप है, जिन्हें स���र्य के समान तेजस्वी माना गया है। मां के स्वरूप की व्याख्या कुछ इस प्रकार है, देवी कुष्मांडा व उनकी आठ भुजाएं हमें कर्मयोगी जीवन अपनाकर तेज अर्जित करने की प्रेरणा देती हैं, अपनी मंद हंसी द्वारा अण्ड अर्थात् ब्रह्माण्ड को उत्पन्न करने के कारण इन्हें कूष्माण्डा देवी के नाम से अभिहित किया गया है। जब सृष्टि का अस्तित्व नहीं था। चारों ओर अंधकार ही अंधकार परिव्याप्त था। तब इन्हीं देवी ने अपने ईषत् हास्य से ब्रह्माण्ड की रचना की थी। अत: यही सृष्टि की आदि-स्वरूपा आदि शक्ति हैं। इनकी आठ भुजाएं हैं। इनके सात हाथों में क्रमश: कमण्डल, धनुष बाण, कमल-पुष्प, अमृतपूर्ण कलश, चक्र तथा गदा हैं। आठवें हाथ में सभी सिद्धियों और निधियों को देने वाली जपमाला है
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Hey fellow Bangalis!
Today is one of the most important days of the year for a bengali: mahalaya. Later today starts দেবী পক্ষ, and the holy fortnight (the 14 days of durga puja). But. Today is also the end of পিতৃ পক্ষ. Today is the day of tarpan (recalling late ancestors, essentially). As someone who has lost a lot of people (including all 4 of my grandparents) today is not the happiest day. Don't get me wrong, I love durga puja. But this day is usually a lot of reminiscing (especially during the mahishashur mardini sangit bidhi in the wee hours of the morning) and quite a bit of mourning.
Sorry for saying all that. What I mean is, mahalaya wasn't, historically, supposed to be a very happy occasion. And I have been painfully aware of this my whole life. So, I get a little sad when people wish me 'shubho mahalaya'.
The real happiness starts from tomorrow.
I just wanted to put this out there.
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naturenova-herbals · 1 year
🙏 শুভ মহালয়ার শুভেচ্ছা এবং আন্তরিক অভিনন্দন।☸️
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🕉 দেবী পক্ষের সূচনার সাথে সাথে আপনার জীবন ✨ আনন্দে এবং সুখ ভরে উঠুক। আপনাকে এবং আপনার পরিবারকে জানাই 🙏 শুভ মহালয়ার শুভেচ্ছা এবং আন্তরিক অভিনন্দন।☸️
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shikhersimagery · 2 years
A lesson to derive by Shikher's Imagery Via Flickr: She takes shape from the earth and immerses back to become the earth again. What better lesson could we derive than realising that we belong to where we come from. We are not the entities that we falsely take pride in being.
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kabhi-kabhi-aditi · 2 years
🌺🐚 শুভ বিজয়া। 🐚🌺
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দুর্গাপুজোর কিছু মুহূর্ত ফিরে দেখা। আসছে বছর আবার হবে। আশা করি তোমাদের সকলের পুজো ভালো কেটেছে।
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dreamcatchesworld · 2 years
Feeling 11/10 ✨
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festivalblogs · 5 days
Dussehra 2024 (दशहरा कब है ?
दशहरा यानी की विजयदशमी भारत में बहुत ही धूमधाम के साथ मनाया जाता है । इस दिन भगवान श्रीराम ने रावण का वध करके बुराई पर अच्छाई की जीत प्राप्त की थी। शास्त्रों के अनुसार, विजयदशमी के दिन ही माँ दुर्गा ने महिषासुर राक्षस को मार कर विजय प्राप्त की थी । और इस दिन माँ दुर्गा की नौ अलग-अलग रूपों में पूजा की जाती है । इसी दिन को ही दशहरा या विजयदशमी के रूप में मनाया जाता है। आइए जानते है दशहरा कब है। Read More....
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Durga Puja in Hyderabad 2024: A beautiful Celebration of Culture, Tradition, and Unity with Sur-O-Dhwani Foundation
Experience the vibrant Durga Puja 2024 with Sur-O-Dhwani Foundation in Hyderabad! From traditional Bengali food to cultural performances and impactful social initiatives, join us in celebrating unity devotion and community. #DurgaPujahyderabad #SurODhwani
Experience the grandeur of Durga Puja in Hyderabad with Sur-O-Dhwani Foundation. Discover cultural performances, authentic Bengali traditions, and impactful social initiatives at one of the city’s largest and most vibrant festivals. Join us in celebrating devotion, unity, and community. Introduction Durga Puja, one of the grandest festivals in India, transcends religious boundaries to become a…
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oyeevarnika · 2 years
नवरात्रि के पांचवें दिन स्कंदमाता की अराधना की जाती है। भगवान शिव और माता पार्वती के पुत्र कार्तिकेय को स्कंद के नाम से भी जाना जाता है। भगवान स्कंद को माता पार्वती ने प्रशिक्षित किया था, इसलिए मां दुर्गा के पांचवें स्वरूप को स्कंदमाता कहते हैं।एक पौराणिक कथा के अनुसार, कहते हैं कि एक तारकासुर नामक राक्षस था। जिसका अंत केवल शिव पुत्र के हाथों की संभव था। तब मां पार्वती ने अपने पुत्र स्कंद (कार्तिकेय) को युद्ध के लिए प्रशिक्षित करने के लिए स्कंद माता का रूप लिया था। स्कंदमाता से युद्ध प्रशिक्षण लेने के बाद भगवान कार्तिकेय ने तारकासुर का अंत किया था।
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या देवी सर्वभू‍तेषु माँ स्कन्दमाता रूपेण संस्थिता। नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नम:।।
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