clannfearrunt · 1 year
I think I've unwittingly become the fucking Splatoon Gender Bad News Guy but I would not get your hopes up in the slightest:
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The translation in Splat 3 has been kind of Weird, not with the major shit as far as I know (thankfully) but with little things on the side; they have little oddities that would not be fucking there if the English team were communicating well with the JP team, which doesn't inspire confidence in the quality of their already pretty Meh english twitter posts.
I would watch the info on Dedf1sh's Official Bio on their splatbands info section of their website:
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(sorry every website I use is in comic sans it's the firefox settings)
If they change Ded's pronouns to they/them in here, THEN I would get out the bottles. Or if they use they/them in the actual game when Side Order comes out.
tldr: bizarrely, I super would not trust the goddamn official Twitter account for info which is certainly a fucking sentence but it's true! Shit's weird. Shit's weird in the game even. Just don't get your hopes up and get them shattered or god forbid start up discourse I can't do this again you Cannot Start Dedcourse 2. HOLD YOUR HORSES EVERYONE we have jumped the gun on Dedf1sh Translation before and it ended in disaster learn from the mistakes of the past
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mikelwave · 5 months
1, 2, 5, 10, 11, 12, 13, 16, 19, 21, 23, 25, 28 >:3
1. what song makes you feel better?
Depends on what mood I'm in, but generally a lot of 80s disco songs help me feel better. When I feel lonely I listen to a lot pf Phyrnna stuff, especially slower ones like this and this! I was always weird with music so I never know how to answer this one concretely lol
2. what’s your feel-good movie?
A lot of early Pixar films fit this category, but if I had to name one it'd be Wall-E.
5. who do you feel most you around?
Probably my sister, especially in the last 10 or so years I feel like she's been the only person I could really be truly open with and not worry that whatever I say would get used against me in some way :/
10. what’s something you’re excited for?
I'm really looking forward to World of Goo 2, I haven't been this hyped for a game since the Ace Attorney Chronicles! In general I'm excited to finally be working on a story I had in my mind for almost 10 years as well!
11. what’s your ideal date?
AVGN marathon I'd be really happy to be able to take someone to a place they previously told me they always wanted to go to, but keep it a surprise until we got there. If not that, then just a quiet time enjoying each other's company and not stressing out about daily life.
12. how are you?
I'm actually a lot better! I feel like I really needed to break the cycle I've been in for the last 7-ish years, I feel more in control of my life than I've been in a long time \o/
13. what’s your comfort food?
16. compliment the person who sent you this number.
Your septum ring looks very handsome today :3
19. most important thing in your life?
This sounds corny as hell but it definitely would be the friends I've made in my late teen to adolescent years, next to that it'd prob be my art!
21. if you could tell your past self one thing, what would it be?
Don't force yourself to fit into groups that didn't care about accepting you in the first place. It's better to be alone than be surrounded by people who'd drop you as soon as you stopped fitting their strict agenda.
23. favorite piece of clothing?
I got this hoodie last fall and it's still my favorite one to wear!
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25. what’s the best personal gift someone could give you (playlist, homemade card, etc.)
drawing of an oc of mine or just a character I like is the best gift you could possibly give me, no need to spend money n shit
28. hugs or hand-holding?
def hugs!
ask game
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stealthrockdamage · 5 months
5, 6, 10, 12, 28?
5. who do you feel most you around?
my gf penny forsure... i think our similarities and the way we have always been able to be completely ourselves around each other is a lot of what drew us together initially...
6. say three nice things about yourself (three physical and three non-physical).
nice things about me physically ??? hmm... i think i have a cute impish smile. i like my waist a lot. and i think my height is really quite ideal... nice things about me non-physically... i'm funny... i'm tender and love to care for people... and i like to think of myself as approachable
10. what’s something you’re excited for?
getting to cuddle with my gf again... moving out of my parents' place...
12. how are you?
i'm doing lovely. i'm super duper sleepy right now. thinking of what i want to do this weekend but mostly i'm just getting cozy in bed.
28. hugs or hand-holding?
hugs for sure... i'm a hugger... i love to snuggle up always. like a cat.
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fettery-fetterie · 5 months
5, 7, 10, 13, 16, 20, 23, 25, 28! :o
5. Who do you feel most you around?
No one as if yet, and out of personal philosophy I don't think that's even possible
7. What color brings you peace?
Probably white
10. What's something you're excited for?
For development of world 2 to start. I wanna meet and learn about the boss so bad!
13. What's your comfort food?
Nothing really
16. Compliment the person who sent you this number
Nice haircut! (Trying my best not to reference the liberal store video)
20. What do you want most in the world right now?
Can't say for sure
23. Favorite piece of clothing?
Can't pick one 😢
25. What's the best personal gift someone could give you (playlists, homemade cards, etc.)
Drawings of my ocs are just a good get-go
28. Hugs or hand-holding?
What can I say, I'm a sucker for hugs
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pluralthey · 2 years
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another character design commission! the first image is by @duskittycat -- the design is also for them :)
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gibbonhugdotgif · 1 year
rules: shuffle your on repeat playlist and post the first ten tracks, then tag ten people
Haven’t seen one of these in a while! Thanks for tagging me @tea-kettle-tea-kettle !
1. What It’s Like - Everlast
2. Believe - The Bravery
3. Limb by Limb - Phish
4. Ramble On - Led Zeppelin
5. Mutilated Lips - Ween
6. Careless - Royal Blood
7. Cough Syrup - Butthole Surfers
8. Radio Free Europe - R.E.M.
9. Burn it Down - AWOLNATION
10. It’s Easy - Weezer
I’ll tag @dannydevitodevoted @orionsvelt3000 @traviisano @scrumptiousloafofbread @pepsisvegetables @duskittycat @hauntedstairs @hornpoint @oddly-okay and @batekush
Tag me when you post so I can see what you’re listening to!
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kniesguy · 6 months
Tagged by @maxipowell & @mitchyohara
ily thank you 🫶🫶
Post your nine favorite albums:
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New Skin for the Old Ceremony - Leonard Cohen
Preacher's Daughter - Ethel Cain
From Under the Cork Tree - Fall Out Boy
The Rise & Fall of a Midwest Princess - Chappell Roan
Born to Run - Bruce Springsteen
evermore - Taylor Swift
Oops!... I Did It Again - Britney Spears
Forgiven - Los Lonely Boys
Bury Me At Makeout Creek - Mitski
Tagging @couthbbg @kwinhyuse @donttelltheelff @handwrittenheroes @crent-trimm @chapellroan @pinolitas @tiger-balm @muppetjohntavares @butchmarner @homophobicranch @duskittycat & anyone who sees this & wants to do it :)
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nebulaniggatry · 3 years
the concept of "straight passing bisexuals/straight passing privilege" is actually so disgusting and harmful to bisexuals and i wish more people would actually realize that lmao. like as a personal anecdote it actually is rly hurtful when people (both cishets and other lgbts) call me cishet bc they see me with my cis bi boyfriend and just assume im cishet bc i look like a straight cis woman to them. even as a joke that shit is not funny and i wish ppl would stop assuming "man + woman = cishet"
forgot to include; i'm nonbinary but am frequently read as a (cis) woman so it's especially hurtful for people to assume i'm cis/het and then claim i'm privileged because of that. i certainly don't like being read as cis nor do i think it's a privilege lmao)
I rlly don’t think we’ll ever get to the point where ppl stop bc they even use “straight passing” against gay ppl. It’s so obvious that’s it’s just a way to fear monger, freely shit on some1, and push certain groups away from the community bc of their own personal prejudices . All this comes down to is both communities havin an overall lack of respect and/or understanding of our issues & how the “straight passing” myth contributes to our alienation + others as well.
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bramblepaws · 2 years
top 5 foods?
Rory this was almost too hard for me to answer--
Americanized Asian food is SO good... I love pad thai, vermicelli, fried rice, panang curry, sushi rolls (eel especially OOUGH), teriyaki meats. A good burger is also SO good. Salads and french fries. If i had to eat only one food for the rest of my life though it'd probably be burgers.
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katribou · 4 years
HI i could have dreamed this up entirely but did you at some point draw some variants of the inkbrush (herobrush lite, bamboozler-like brush, etc)?
youre completely right! i did these awhile back
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eishis · 4 years
2, 19?
2. what band/ artist needs more love?
Laurel halo........... alexandra savior? idk many artists and bands i like get a lot of love OR are disbanded/retired so it’d be moot to bring up. small disbanded bands that need more love are mukimukimanmansu and u-bahn. I could also list every band i love ... animal collective , of montreal .... cuz they deserve much more love, but they had their peaks in the music world too
19. what artist did you know about before they got big?
honestly i don’t think anyone ive listened to has blown up since i discovered them .... bill wurtz kindaaa but i got into his music in 2016ish which was post history of japan, so he was still somewhat big at the time. Idk i discovered most music i like in the past 5yr so im not a hipster for anything yet  
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nebulaniggatry · 4 years
hi as a bisexual i love & appreciate your blog 😊 idk how to articulate it but your takes and viewpoints always feel really grounded n straightforward. its really refreshing to see when so many people online are just paggro n hateful
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bramblepaws · 3 years
everyones like "ugh not another mike centered chapter im sick of seeing him" regarding the last few pages of burnt bridges and on one hand i get it, like eternal flame was a VERY long chapter and heavily mike-focused, ntm how awful and frustrating it was seeing him go through the same unhealthy patterns of behaviour (pushing his friends away, idolizing sandy, treating lucy unfairly) and how any progress he made with lucy in that chapter was instantly undone the second sandy called back. that being said though it's like... from a narrative perspective it makes sense that so far we're mostly seeing mike's guilt and reaction to the consequences of his actions immediately after we got a chapter that almost exclusively focused on him fucking up lol. im excited to see what direction this chapter takes and i wish people didnt just turn everything into a mike bashfest!!
no hate to people who are sick of mike, cuz like, I Get It, but can you imagine if this chapter had just stayed with the jordon-rachel crew. it would have been such a letdown! the story needs to linger on this big crazy thing that just happened in the last chapter! and it can’t linger on Lucy because we already KNOW all of her feelings on the whole thing -- it was very obvious how upset she was by the whole ordeal. we also know what she’s going to do from here on out: go back to ignoring and staying away from Mike. 
on the other hand, it’s NOT entirely obvious what Mike feels about it. he clearly has mixed feelings, but we’re not entirely sure to what degree he feels as though he fucked up. we have SOME idea of how he’s going to act moving forward, but not a lot. also idk about anyone else but i am SO stoked to see Mike and Augustus interact lmfao, like, they’re both so different and don’t really have any personal history between the two of them!!! 
but anyways i completely agree that eternal flame was really hard insofar as Mike... being.... just, like, extremely difficult to have to Look At. he kept doing things that were SO BAD...... but i need him to grow as a character and he’s not going to do that if he doesn’t get focus in the comic u_u
all in all, 🤝 to this ask
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eishis · 3 years
12, 21, 24, 28
12: A song from your preteen years
this song always made me feel like i was sinning when i listened to it in 2013 LOL
21: A favorite song with a person’s name in the title
24: A song by a band you wish were still together
my journey with this band was a fucking rollercoaster... they're like unknown outside of australia but they fucking rule and just when i was getting super super into them they disbanded and deactivated all social media and the lead singer/songwriter seems to not exist anywhere online..... how sad......
28: A song by an artist with a voice that you love
this mf never sounds human
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bramblepaws · 3 years
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