#dutchy my king
dutchysasscheek · 8 months
Trying to play rdr without getting horny, level ; impossible
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brf-rumortrackinganon · 5 months
My central thesis has always been that the Harkles wanted everything the Wales have and more. I know I remember reading that she cried after hearing William was made Prince of Wales. Right from the get go, her PR was all "Meghan is way better suited to be royal". Then there were all the Commonwealth flowers on her bridal veil and their insistence that they move into Windsor Castle. Now I don't believe everthing Neil Sean says, but his latest video mentions that Megxit was an ultimatum to get Windsor. As that is the traditional home of the Monarch, I feel as though they were attempting a coup.
Then there is the thought that Harry believes that the Dutchy of Cornwall should be split and he should eventually be made co-King or King of the Commonwealth. Let the Wales have that tiny island while they are jetted and feted around the world.
Here's my question for you. Did Meghan and Sparry REALLY believe they could leapfrog over the Wales??? I know her jealousy and envy of Catherine is bunny boiler level and he absolutely eviscerated his brother in Waagh. Has this been their plan all along?? Death by a thousand cuts for the Wales to force them to resign their place in the LOS or that they could somehow convince Charles to make Harry the heir??
I'd like to know where you think the delusions stem from. It wouldn't be the first time in history that younger brother has attempted to remove old brother from the throne.
Sincerely appreciate your blog and all the work you put into it. I'm always learning something new.
I'm pretty sure that was exactly their plan: they wanted to use their popularity to force The Queen to name them as her successors. I don't remember where I read this or when, but allegedly Harry sent "documentation" to someone - to whom specifically I can't recall, but options are The Queen, Charles, William, and/or grey suits - providing evidence for claims that he and Meghan were more popular than any of the others and deserved more than what they were getting.
And if they couldn't get the actual crown, they were going to do their damnedest to try and get a co-kingship with William. That's where Meghan's obsession with the Commonwealth came from; she had been told (again, I don't know by whom - all signs point to Harry exaggerating to keep her interested or maybe Charles spitballing ideas during his 'Magnificent Six' planning circa 2012) that William would rule Britannia and Harry would rule the Commonwealth.
I think that's why Meghan went all in on 'racist Kate.' Not only did she want to knock Kate out of the spotlight, she wanted to do enough damage that Commonwealth/realm nations would threaten to quit and The Queen would capitulate by offering to install Harry and Meghan as new leaders. This actually had a chance of working; it's been said quite often during her last years and since her passing that The Queen saw the Commonwealth as her greatest legacy and there was speculation that she would have done anything she could have to keep it in tact. And had Meghan played her cards right, she and Harry probably could have ended up becoming the main ambassadors of and for the Commonwealth, like a Commonwealth version of the UN Secretary-General.
But where the plan failed, obviously, was that it required blaming Kate for problems and issues that don't exist. Because remember, in 2021 when Meghan was making these claims, we'd just gone through the huge global reckoning that was Black Lives Matter and the agreement during/after BLM was "call racist people out on their BS. Put them on blast. Don't let them get away with it anymore." So not only would Meghan have been perfectly justified to name names, cite events, bring receipits, air the real dirty laundry and everyone would've been so much more supportive of it. But she didn't. Instead she played coy and said something like "I'm protecting them even though they don't deserve it."
Girl, please. That was Meghan's one chance to go justifiably scorched earth and air out all the dirty laundry and she fumbled hard.
Anyway. Let's get this train back on track. Where do the delusions come from? Traumatic childhoods courtesy of Mommies Dearest.
We all know Harry's story with Diana. She was a young, fun, free spirited loving mom larger than life with a neediness that she depended on her children to fill, rather than her own husband or other adults her age, so Harry grew to find satisfaction in supporting and providing her what she needed. He probably saw, and understood, the way Diana received what she wanted by exaggerating what she needed and following it up with excluding or isolating herself until whoever came chasing after her to give her what she wanted. And ultimately this led her (and Harry) down a path that ended up killing her; she exaggerated the relationship with Dodi to get attention from Hasnat or the BRF, then isolated herself in France to force whoever (Hasnat? Charles Wales? Charles Spencer?) to come chase after her. We know how that ends.
That's where Harry's delusions, IMO, come from. He saw how it well it worked (mostly) for Diana - exaggerate her needs/wants, then run and hide until she gets it - so he does it too. He probably started doing it right after she died, when no one knew what to do or how to handle him so they kept indulging in everything he wanted, so those wants kept manifesting bigger and bigger. And I think the way we see the BRF treating Harry is what would have happened to Diana had she lived; eventually the public would sour on her (this was already happening, by the way), which would then enable the BRF to grey rock her, devenomizing her in effect, and move on without Diana having too much of an influence on their day-to-day.
It's sort of similar for Meghan. We don't know specifically what happened (the way we do with Harry and Diana), but we know that Doria was a young, fun, free-spirited mother herself married to an older husband who had other priorities (eg kids from his first marriage). Unlike Diana, Doria probably didn't want the responsibilities of motherhood (which is the vibe Meghan and Thomas have given about Doria during Meghan's childhood) and left. And like the BRF, Thomas may have also overcompensated Doria's absence in Meghan's life by giving her everything she asked for, which made her asks get bigger and bigger and when Thomas couldn't deliver, she threatened to leave him...like Doria did and Thomas, erstwhile girldad he was, just kept throwing more and more at Meghan to keep her happy. Her delusions come from preying on other individuals' trauma to ensure she gets what she wants. The bigger her wants (ie the more grandiose her delusions), the harder she manipulates other people's trauma to make sure she gets what she wants. Which is kinda the opposite of Harry and Diana; they create the trauma to get people to do what they want, whereas Meghan exploits it to get people to do what she wants. Both are skills they learned after being abandoned (metaphorically and literally) by their mothers.
And all of Meghan's PR about "young mother," I think it's more insidious than that. Yes, it's a very overt evocation of Diana's narrative. Yes, it's a judgement against Kate. But it is also digs at Doria. "See? Motherhood is hard but I'm prioritizing my kid. How dare you to have left me" kind of spiteful digs meant to shame her for whatever happened that caused her to disappear. Meghan is the kind of person who must always have the last word, so I wouldn't be surprised if she's been targeting or belitting Doria about not knowing certain things about Archie/Lili because she wasn't around when Meghan was that age.
I've realized now that this is the third or fourth Wednesday in a row that I write these super long analytical/in this essay I will posts. I guess Wednesdays are my thinking days...
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artemis-lynn · 7 months
Ok. So. I've been needing to make this for a while, so I'll just put down my favorites in no particular order, it's SO hard to pick...
Summer Camp AUs :3
Mountain Ridge Camp for Boys by timetogoslumming
Javey & Sprace, T, 22/22
This is a really good summer camp AU of newsies! I love how it combines canon plot with a modern AU!
Summary: David was just looking for a summer job when he applied to work at Mountain Ridge Camp for Boys. He had no idea how much would change. For the first time in his life, David is part of a brotherhood, but not everyone is on the same side.
How I Spent My Summer Vacation by studentnumber24601 (Itsy Royal)
Javid & Specs/Dutchy (Sputchy?? Idk, but I <3 this ship) & Blink x OC, T, 40/40
The prank war in this is honestly the best + the reluctant ladies man Mush is LOL, it had me guessing the ships till the very end, especially with Blink.
Summary: Modern-day newsboys at summer camp. Will wacky hijinks ensue? Gee, ya think?
Make Off Like a Band(it) by thespiritscalling
Sprace, G, 14/14
OMG. It's the funniest summer camp au I've read that sheds light on band camp (I'm an orchestra kid so this was hilarious to me). I especially love the That's Amore remix near the end lmaoo
Summary: It's the summer after graduation. Race is ready to hit the road- metaphorically, of course- but before that happens, it's time for one last stint at the Camp To End All Camps: band camp. Armed with nothing more than a French horn, two best friends, and reckless abandon, Race decides it's going to be the best final year of camp anyone's ever had. It'll be full of excitement, laughter, music, and an absurd crush on the lead trumpet player. Wait. What?
Canon Era :3
Their Mistake Is They Got Old by PenzyRome
David & Katherine, but the side ships are Newsbians and Javey, T, One Shot
You're gonna need the tissues for this one. I literally sob every time I read it, it's literally one of the best fics I've ever read. It's poetically tragic and heartbreaking and beautiful and HOLY CRAP!
Summary: Katherine Plumber, 17, had been so sure that she could stay the same, that she could stop the world, that she'd stay young forever. The world kept moving, though, no matter how hard she tried to stop it, and it forced her to move with it.
When Manhattan Met Brooklyn by warrior_sif
No ships cause they're kids, T, 4/4 (but the second one isn't finished :( )
Wow. Just wow. This one is honestly sad and I love the brother relationship between Jack, Race, and Spot and how Jack feels abandoned, like Race chose Spot over him. READ IT.
Summary: The only Manhattan newsies that Spot Conlon deals with are Jack and Race. A look back at how they met, eight years before the strike, when neither Jack nor Spot were leaders and Race just wants to sell at the racetracks.
False Rumors and The Truth Behind Them by FrogmanFae
Sprace, M, One Shot
This one is...heavy. The Refuge is such a bad place :( I love it though, the writing is beautiful.
Summary: Rumor has it that Spot Conlon and Racetrack Higgins met when Race started selling in Brooklyn because of his love for gambling. That isn't as true as the other boys in their lodging houses tend to make it seem. Though, they don't necessarily mind the false rumors. They hide the much darker truth. The truth that still causes Race to make the walk from Manhattan to Brooklyn in the middle of the night sometimes, even several years later. Or...It's pretty easy to form connections with someone you're forced into sharing a bed with while you're both being tortured.
The King & The Cowboy by goldenbiebah
Sparah <3, Spot/Sarah/Jack love triangle, T, 11/? (not completed :sob: )
I love this one, it really touches on how Jack is kinda toxic and how Sarah can have someone wayyyy better *cough* Spot *cough*
Summary: Spot Conlon and Jack Kelly are the fearless leaders of all the newsies in Brooklyn and Manhattan. They have a perfect system and hundreds of boys who respect and look up to them. But what will happen when the two leaders let selfishness and pride break up their friendship? And what happens when Spot's dark past begins to catch up with him? And where does Sarah Jacobs fit into all of this? Find out in The King & The Cowboy. Fights will break out, romances will clash, and lives will be lost in an epic struggle to salvage both new and old relationships.
Modern AUs :3
We Are Newsies by VeronicaWeasley (this is my sole ff.net one but likeeee it's too good to be ignored)
There are so many ships that I can't remember but I do know Sprace is one, T, 80/80 (I know that's a lot but it is SO worth it holy frick)
Ok. So. This one is like SO good. It's my fav high school AU because it has a really genius way of incorporating the canon plot with the perfect amount of angst, fluff, and more! :D
Summary: The same old story, the same old song. A tale in which the newsies of Lower Manhattan go on strike, and David Jacobs gets roped into it. High School AU set in 1999. Told through the eyes of multiple characters.
Captivity by Hexmari
No ships :), M, One Shot
I LOVEEE this one it's so crazy and you're in for a wild ride when (it's so cute that you think I'm letting that be an if :) ) you read it.
“Ma– you seriously can’t do this to us!” Jack argued, “I mean it's Halloween!”
Charlie was quick to back his older brother up, “Yeah, do you want us to become hermits? Because that's what keeping us captive here all night will do!”
Medda rolled her eyes, “You will not become hermits by staying in for one night. It won’t be too bad, you can break into our Halloween candy and put on some horror movies, and Ester will be here with David soon. No kids are going out tonight, it’s just a safety precaution. Especially because of recent events.”
When a kid in their town goes missing, paranoid parents decide to keep their kids home on Halloween. Even after their mom forbids them from going out Jack, Race, Charlie, and their friend David sneak out, coming up with a theory that their old neighbor is behind the boy's disappearance.
The Beast of Brooklyn by ArtemisRayne
Sprace + side Javey, M, 26/26
This one is soooo worth staying up late for, it's amazing in every way and my heart aches for Spottie boy. And Race. And Jack. And David. But mainly Spot :)
Racetrack Higgins always thought it would be his own vices that got him into trouble one day; turns out it's his Ma who does it for him. When Ma Higgins crosses the local drug lord and leaves him high and dry with a target on his back, Race's saved by a mysterious stranger who gives him a safe place to hide—a short-tempered and anti-social stranger covered in horrifying scars, with a past as dark as the marks on his body. However, the longer Race spends in the Brooklyn house, the more he comes to discover about the boy beneath the scars: a boy who is just as trapped as Race and twice as damaged. Befriending the two men who live in as hired help, and chipping away at the mysterious "boss" and his walls, Race might even manage to find a place to call home.*Beauty & the Beast/Beastly AU fusion*
Forever With You by 손 현숙 (safarikalamari)
Sprace, T, 14/14
ajlskdfjalkjdkajl this one is so sweet. The concept of it is super interesting and I just LOVE ittttttt.
Summary: In 1899, Spot Conlon is the leader of the Brooklyn newsies, writing away his thoughts and hiding them inside his desk for safekeeping. Meanwhile, in 1999, Tony Higgins receives an antique desk for his birthday and finds an old letter stuffed in one of the slots, the name, Spot, his only lead in this mystery. What becomes of that summer is a series of time-traveling letters, falling in love, and the realization that Spot and Tony know each other better than the two ever could have imagined.
Pirate AUs :3
The Truth About The Stars by ArtemisRayne
Javey + side Sprace, T, 10/10 (long chapters but it's worth it!)
OMG. This one is amazingggggggggggggggggggggggg I love the fantasy/pirate twist on the best movie/musical on the planet Earth!
Summary: The rest of the world might not think Jack Kelly is destined for much, but Jack knows better. He just needs to get away from the city, to some place where he can be more than just another nameless orphan in the chaos of New York City. So when someone offers to pay his way to Santa Fe in exchange for crossing the Wall and retrieving a fallen star, he jumps at the chance. He just wasn't expecting the star to be so, well, human. Jack makes a deal with the fallen star named David to get them both home, but the magical kingdom of Stormhold has so much more in store for them both. People are tracking David, secrets from Jack's past leave him in danger as well, and injustice is rampant in the kingdom. Throw in a climate of political upheaval, a renegade noblewoman, and a crew of fugitive sky pirates, and soon all of Stormhold will know that change is coming.
A Pirate's Life Is Never Easy by ChaosFairytale <3
Sprace + side Blush & Bumlets x Swifty, M, 9/? (it's an ongoing one shot series that has frequent updates)
OML I LOVE U SO MUCH CHAOS YOU'RE MY FAVORITE FANFIC WRITER AND I LIVE FOR YOUR WRITING TYSM FOR EXISTING!!!!! Her writing is the best and this is such a good story! (read Toss A Coin To Your Pirate first)
Summary: A Pirate's story doesn't start easy and it won't end easy, but there are many fantastic stories to tell throughout it. A series of One-Shots set in the "Toss a coin to your Pirate" universe containing different POVs, Backstory of a lot of characters and shorter stories about the relationships of the characters over the years.
Toss A Coin To Your Pirate by ChaosFairytale <333
Sprace + side Javid and Blush, M, 2/2
YUSSS CHAOS AGAIN!!!! <3 a million kudos. She writes almost exclusively about 92sies and I'm so here for it! READ THIS!!!!!!
Summary: Racetrack hadn't expected to see his hook-up ever again and had certainly not expected him to be the feared pirate Spot Conlon, but he also didn't have time to worry about that right now since his captain, Jack, desperately needed his help. He'd wonder later how he could maybe seduce the pirate captain once more. Because you'd miss every shot you didn't take, right?
Drumroll please...my all time favorite fanfiction....
FIVE by stress
Sparah + Davey/OC/Jack love triangle <3, T, 11/11
I finished reading this last night and got literal chills. The plot twist is wild and I love it so much, but you might need the tissues again! Can't spoil, but you NEEEEEEEEEEEEED to read it >:( It is the absolute best piece of reading on the Earth and I can't get over this. It's just...wild.
Summary: A lot can happen in five years. Don't believe me? Ask David. Ask Spot. Ask Jack, or Racetrack. You can even ask Oscar Delancey. They know. They're the five who've been waiting for this moment. Waiting for what? They'll never tell - but this story will.
Idk if I should be doing this....but I'm gonna plug my own work and also give a fanfic update!
What Feels Like a Thousand Years by yours truly, ArtemisLynn
Sprace + mentioned Jatherine, G (?), One Shot
I'm honestly so proud of this one, it's one of the best pieces of writing I have ever done...
Summary: War has always been a foreign concept to Racetrack Higgins.. Even when America goes to war in 1941, he never gives it much thought....until it hits a little too close to home and his secret boyfriend, Spot Conlon, is drafted into the U.S Army. Will he make it home safely, or will Racetrack's one and only love be lost overseas...forever?
I also have chapter 1 of Jack Kelly's Guide to Being a Parent out, though I don't know if I'm going to complete it....
Fics I'm working on: -I have a couple chapters of this one boarding school newsies modern AU I'm doing done but not posted
-A Sparah fanfic that currently is in the early stages
-A Sparah princess bride AU in the planning process
-I'm toying with the idea of a newsies Descendants AU....thoughts?
Damn this post became long. ANYWAYS. Bye and have a great (insert timezone)!!!
<3 Artie
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aita-blorbos · 5 months
The other side to "AITA for double-crossing a man who blindly conquered half a continent?"
AITA for annexing half a continent by accident?
Apologies in advance if this is a confusing read. There's a lot of princes and countries involved. I (25M) am the heir to a dutchy... or at least I used to be, before I got framed for treason. But more on that later. Our country was accused of murdering the Prince of another country, which we had no part in. It was likely an accident, as I heard he was traveling in the desert when it happened, but I don't see why they would blame us. Anyways, most of the army went to the front lines, including my father. That left our borders vulnerable. In a very unexpected twist of events, the rather peaceful king of yet another country allowed his sons to cross over and pillage. They kidnapped a childhood friend of mine and almost killed her retainer. As soon as I heard about the attack I sprang into action, rushing to her castle and finding I was too late. Her retainer pointed us in the right direction, and we set off to rescue her.
It took a bit, and we ended up halfway into the country before we found my friend. We also found the prince of the country that declared war on us. It turns out he and his aunt had fled there to avoid the war, and the goons blackmailed his aunt into fighting for them. They're free now, don't worry! The aunt is actually married to my friend now, and they've got twins.
Anyways, the youngest prince of the country we were in asked us if we could help convince his father to stand down. It was too late, though-- his advisor mortally wounded him. Thankfully my wife was around to nullify the sorcerer's magic, but we couldn't save the king. We annexed the country under the instruction of the crown and I was stationed near our border.
(Side note, but it was during this campaign that I met my wife. I love her and miss her so much. She went missing a while ago and left our son behind. She is soft and fluffy and I love her. If you know a woman with wonderful lavender hair and eyes, the sweetest voice known to man, and the temperament of an angel, please tell me, for I wish to see her again.)
It didn't end there. The country to the north, home of my great friend E (M25), lost their king suddenly. Their prince took charge soon after. He saw us being stationed near their border as a threat. I can't say I blame him there. What I blame him for is imprisoning E when E tried to reason with him. I set out to rescue E and, well, in the process of doing so, we annexed some of that country too. E was infuriated when we rescued him. We made a deal with him and the prince that we would withdraw after a year of rebuilding.
It took about six months for the prince to snap. He sent E after me, and while I managed to get E to stand down, the prince accused E of treason and had him killed. From there on, we didn't have a choice. The only thing we could do was keep fighting. In the end, the whole country was annexed.
I never did find out how that ended up. See, soon after that incident, I received word that our crown prince was killed and the crime was pinned on my father and I. How anyone believed this, I don't know, as my father and the prince were the best of friends. He would never betray him like that! And how was I supposed to plot against him when I was busy otherwise? We were offered sanctuary in yet another country, and we are staying here until our names are cleared. Sorry if this seems dour in tone. I've been depressed lately with my father and I being framed and my wife having disappeared (and maybe been kidnapped). I also blame myself for E's death. Well? AITA? I sure didn't mean for things to end up like this. Edit: Well, I think things might be getting better! I got a letter from one of the dukes back home that he's pardoning me. He's going to set up a welcome for us and everything! I really want to get this whole mess with me and my father cleared up. Maybe he'll even help me find my wife! I really miss her :(
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omegaremix · 1 month
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Summer 2022 Mixtape:
Front Line Assembly: Mechanical Soul
Omar Shooli: “Hab Isii (Hug Me)”
Iftin Band: “Sirmaqabe (No Secrets)”
Mukhtar Ramadan Iidi: “Baayo (Hey Woman)”
Musical Youth: “Pass The Dutchie”
Clancy Eccles: “Feel The Rhythm”
Days Spent: “Gaslighter”
Pure Hell: “American”
Tears For Fears: “Everybody Wants To Rule The World”
Girlpool: “Nothing Gives Me Pleasure”
Funkees, The: “Mimbo”
Krigshoder: “Aktiv Dodshjelp”
A Number Of Names: “Sharevari”
Nas: “Brunch On Sundays”
Constant Smiles: “Run To Stay”
King Woman: “I Wanna’ Be Adored”
Grandmaster Caz & Marley Marl: “Punk What You Gonna’ Do About It?”
Petrol Girls: “Fight For Our Lives”
Dalek: “Decimation (Dis’ Nation)”
Public Enemy: “Food As A Machine Gun”
Catharsis: “Choose Your Heaven”
Rid Of Me: “Smells Like Teen Spirit”
Les Rallize Denudes: “People Can Choose”
Ho99o9: “Battery Not Included”
Alexisonfire: “Sweet Dreams”
Snooper: “Powerball”
Einsturzende Neubauten: Alles In Allem
Mom: “Things Comes Into Place”
Solomon Shibeshi: “Endet New Negerwa”
Alchemist: “Broken Bottles”
Benny The Butcher & P. Diddy: “Ten More Crack Commandments”
Anders Rhedin: “Mediation Music #1″
Nite Jewel: “To Feel It”
Camp Cope: “Blue”
Consolidated: “Two Minutes To Midnight”
Feels Fine: “Washed Out Blue”
Fontaines D.C.: “I Love You”
Grivo: “Fatal Blue”
Mount Kimble: “Maybe” (James Blake RMX)
Lou Reed: “Street Hassle”
Nick Klein: “Tambourine Player”
Unknown Me: “Traffic (Taipei)”
Public Service Broadcasting: “Lichtspeil III Symphonie Diagonale”
Shit Narnia: “Abundant, Scattered”
Ruste Juxx & Tone Spliff: “For Every Shell”
True Blossom: ”Serious Boys”
New Mexican Stargazers: “Santa Fe Cruiser”
Pinch Points: “Am I Okay?”
The Offset: Spectacles: self-titled
Corrosion Of Conformity: “Elphyn”
Deeper: “Only A Shadow”
Maraudeur: “Robot Machine”
Daniel Johnston: “In A Lifetime”
Taqbir: self-titled
Black Dresses: “Hertz”
Beauty Pill: “At A Loss”
Raooul: “I Had Richie Bucher”
KRS-One: “Raw Hip-Hop”
Las Eras: “Frio”
Revolting Cocks: Big Sexy Land
Rid Of Me: “My Own Summer”
Lee ‘Scratch’ Perry: “People Funny Boy”
Iguana Moonlight: “V”
Haircuts For Men: ”Dead Friends”
Constant Smiles: “You Are Still Out There”
Chastity: “Innocence”
Dum Dum Girls: “Hey Sis”
Slant: “Casualty”
Glare: “Floating”
Rixe: “Coups Et Blessures”
Skanks The Rap Martyr ft. Ruste Juxx & Tone Spliff: “Double Cross Ranch”
Scary Hours: “Uvalde”
Men, The: “L.A.D.O.C.H.”
Free Kitten: “Oh Bondage Up Yours”
Snooper: “Come Together”
Grimes: “Shinigami Eyes”
Hesitation Wounds: “Guthrie”
Tewodros Mekonnen: “ሐገሬ (My Country)”
Ultimo Resorte: “Cementerio Caliente / Peligro Social”
Kriegshog: “Burn”
Neo-Punkz: “If I Watch The T.V.”
Yeastie Girlz: “Sue Your Friends”
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defjux · 2 years
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100 of my favorite beat tapes. by no means an all inclusive list but these are just some recommendations in no particular order in case you're looking for something to bump. let me know what you think and if you have any favorite beat tapes or instrumental albums that i should check out. you can click on the name of one of the projects below and it'll take you to bandcamp/youtube/soundcloud or wherever you can hear it. i could also do another one of these in the future if anyone is interested. peace. Chart with names included 1. Oh No - Oh No Vs. Now-Again 2. 10th Letter - Primitive Shapes 3. cOlD sElTzEr - AHOY/LANDHO 4. Vik - (sub��)​conscious 5. Ohbliv - Lewse Joints VI 6. Dak - youstandit / leftrecord 7. Adventure Time - Of Beyond 8. Dutchy - Traversal 9. Delofi - CLOAK 10. Whoarei - Thoughts Blunted 11. foisey - NowOrNvr. 12. Grap Luva - Neva Done 13. Maker - Maker vs. Now-Again 14. Dday One - Heavy Migration 15. Budamunk - Baker's Dozen: Budamunk 16. brainorchestra - Labrynth Winds 17. ewonee - Molecular Structure 18. Dirty Art Club - Basement Seance 19. Rah Zen - Midnight Satori 20. Devonwho - Betaloops 21. Dr. Quandary - Wayfarers 22. SadhuGold - The Gold Room 23. Dimlite - Runbox Weathers 24. spacemayor - guilt milk 25. S.Maharba - Pure Eternal Light 26. Dr. Who Dat? - Beat Journey 27. A.M. Breakups - Out of Four Came Many Soldiers 28. Dibia$e - Sound Palace 29. Paul Hares - Blurred 30. Dil Withers - Studies 31. Sir Froderick - The Eclectic Spanking of War Babies 32. Paul White - Paul White And The Purple Brain 33. DJ Rozwell - NONE OF THIS IS REAL 34. EAR.DRUM aka QTHREE - DEAF RAY 35. GrayMatteR - Tao Te Gray 36. Damu The Fudgemunk - Vignettes 37. Kankick - Warped Dis Strict Project, Vol. 1 38. The Midnight Eez - The Midnight Eez 39. dakim - sleeptight 40. K, Le Maestro - Lab Sounds 41. aaronmaxwell - aaronmaxwell 42. Mecca:83 - NinetyFour 43. EvillDewer - Caliginous Sky 1​.​5 44. Swarvy – Shadows Remixes 45. Dirty Tapes - DT002: OHBLIV / DIL WITHERS 46. Spectacular Diagnostics - Raw Visions 47. EDAC - DITTOS 48. George Fields - Beyond Realm 49. Bluestaeb - Everything Is Always a Process 50. Massimo e Massimo - Massimo e Massimo
51. Tuamie - Masta Killa 52. LuvJonez - Messengers 53. Ill Sugi & Tajima Hal - Illmahal 54. olasegun - JUST A SLICE 55. Ahwlee - dead[ist] 56. EYTREG. - Chasma. 57. Eludem - A.dvanced B.alcony M.aneuvers 58. Elder Orange - All My Friends Believe in Ghosts 59. Small Professor - A Jawn Supreme 60. Bugseed - Quiet Times 61. Kutmah - A Tribute to Brother Ras G 62. Shamana - To All Hell 63. ΔKTR - LALA 64. AshTreJinkins - Zone of the Enders 65. SPELLWRKS - Transitions 66. Wowflower - feverdream 67. Jansport J - Soulfidelity 68. Jitwam - selftitled 69. Kenja & RXN - C O Z Y 70. ELWD - TOO MANY DAYS 71. lo_tek - It Will All Make Sense One Day 72. z. - torn 73. Astro Mega - WARP LOUNGE 74. phedee - i hope you're doing okay 75. TMCT - LAND CRUISER 76. Poptartpete - 8 cavities 77. Jemapur - Dok Springs 78. D-Styles - Noises in The Right Order 79. Nosmo King - Drawn Out 80. Fuzzoscope - Earwax Shelf Life 81. Javier Santiago - Javi's Beats Vol. 4 82. AKEEDRO - House Of Spirits 83. Odeeno - Diamond Sand 84. ILLingsworth - Worth the Wait 85. PRGMAT - HAPPY HERBAL HARVEST 86. Kent_Williams & iLL SCOTT - Golden Coast 87. TOSHIKI HAYASHI(%C) - b(ackr)oom sounds 88. Kenny Keys - Everything Must Change 89. Emapea - Zoning Out Volume 2 90. Dpee - Garbage Day 91. Letherette - Brown Lounge, Vol. 1 92. Fuzzoscope - Earwax Daydream 93. Elusive - Headspace 94. nipple tapes - aaa 95. Randal Bravery - Hamaon 96. RND1 - Brain Clustrs 97. Scruffnuk Dust - Moods 98. Meaty Ogre - Grenades! 99. yungmorpheus - A Glimpse Of Power 100. Nothing_Neue - RE: Collections
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skippyv20 · 2 years
I will not read the book spare as I did not watch the Netflix documentary because I can read about it from articles and here. However I did see the little clip from Cooper Anderson's interview and I can't believe what a big baby Prince Harry is.
It is actually sickening that he can get away with it and that any interviewer is bothering with him but I understand the concept of being paid money.
I never thought Megan was sent out to capture Harry to help take down the monarchy but I actually think it now. If Charles does not stop them somehow they will just keep going on and on and on until there is enough damage that William will be the last king. There are a lot of people including my sister-in-law that believe all this nonsense regardless of the glaring truth that they lie and lie and lie and are just out for the money. One thing I've always been told is to teach people something you just keep repeating it repeating it and repeating it. They need to be stopped. And I don't care how it's done at this point. Just shut them up. There is some group that is after those castles and crown jewels not to mention the Dutchy of Cornwall.
There are backers that want the end of the monarchy….❤️
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flamingbee · 2 years
what i think about my newsies children
jack-he’s a cowboy,david’s boyfriend,first one i simped for 5 years ago,first one i adopted, really wants to go to santa fe, he doesn’t use his real name, he kisses sarah which i hate(but we love sarah) he’s gay for david
david-davey,has a lesbian sister and a tiny child brother,jacks boyfriend,adopted this year, a very confused boy,hates the strike,walking mouth with a brain
les-a tiny child,can literally sleep through anything,he’s got a sword, i ship him with boots,he sees jack as a brother,wrapped his food in a newspaper
mush-one of the other first ones I adopted 5 years ago,dating blink, he is scared of jumping off high things,knows how to do flips,got hit with shaving cream by jack,likes to bully jack
blink-my new husband,started simping for him this year,my fav child,dating mush,blonk,has the best voice and funniest lines, eyepatch,almost missed a gate,why does he have a eye patch,where’s his eye,he is hot,i could say a lot about him,died in the fuckin toilet(not giving context,but it wasn’t newsies),wants a saturday night with the mayors daughter
spot-brooklyn is here,he is the king of brooklyn,dating race,he can fight,a funny boy,probably hates denton,him and blink are friends,will fight anyone for the Manhattan newsies,almosy hit his head on a fan once
race-AN OLD MAN(he was 24),child abuser,a literal gambler,likes horses, racetrack, dating spot,gets payback from skitts,pass the towel,one of the other first ones i adopted,died by falling off a roof(not giving context) he has a fucking harmonica
skittery-Skitts,my other husband, my murdered(don’t question its context),won’t pass the towel,they almost all know how to read(are you okay sir)(don’t question that either),wears pink,almost got kicked by a child,looks like he doesn’t know what’s going on 24/7,got shot/dragged by a car/hung/shot again/set on fire and finally died(NOT GIVING CONTEXT)
crutchy-another i first adopted, my crippled kid,FREE MY BOY,crip, sings at random times,looks like he is faking his broken leg(don’t question my contex),LET HIM OUT OF JAIL
snitch-don’t know a lot about,you look very annoyed half the time,i’ll probably watch the movie and focus on every character to learn
more about you and the others
boots-ur a tiny child,i ship you with les,not afraid of brooklyn but is afraid of spot,just wants a suit with fitted knickers,got yelled at my kloppman
snoddy-don’t know a lot about you but ur hot,you like to stand a way from the group,tall as fuck,will pay attention to you next time i watch yo get to know you more
jake-smiled at jack once,don’t know a lot,will also look at you next time to learn more
dutchy-MY SPELLING BOY,got stabbed to death before he could find his “porno” magazines(not giving context),he’s blonde,i like
his accent,will pay attention to when i watch again
snipeshooter-he likes to annoy the shit out of race,”how about a crooked politician”,short,hot abused by race,probably a trouble maker,will pay attention to you when i watch again
itey-looks cool,has a nice face structure,don’t know a lot about him
bumlets-rip dominic,shipped with specs by me,he is a athletic boy,he can flip,he likes holding a stick,he’s not that tall,will pay attention more when i watch again
pieeater-i literally know nothing about you,ur names cool,gonna pay attention to you when i watch newsies again
specs-shipped with bumlets by me,he killed some of the newsies(not giving context)he has a cool hat and glasses,he’s like the “father” of the newsies alittle, cool accent
swifty-flexible as shit,like to flip over jack,will pay attention to him more when i watch it again
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dutchysasscheek · 2 months
„We need more complex characters!“
Y’all can’t even handle him, my one and only bbg Dutchy💜
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angreebees · 2 years
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I’m heavily in love with @twilightsaint ‘s art and I have been for years. I asked to make art of our dutchies together a million years ago and I finally did it.. I was finally good enough hahaha!! I’m coming for your crown, king. (I’m kidding but you’re my goals and I’m so sorry for blowing your socials with this, I just want you to see it more than anything)
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detectivesus · 10 months
a win is a winnnnnn for my dutchies <3
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On kingsday we wear orange (it's a Dutch thing) 🇳🇱🎉
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eomer-eadig · 7 years
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First teaser for REDBAD (NL, summer 2018)
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aita-blorbos · 5 months
AITA for double-crossing a man who blindly conquered half a continent?
I (M30) recently became Emperor of my country. Prior to that, I was a Duke, having inherited the position at a young age after my father's passing (he was not a good man, and I have no sympathy for him). A few years ago our country was accused of murdering the heir to another country's throne, an act we did not commit. I suspect it was a certain underground group that I am (unfortunately) entangled with. We went to war, and most of our men were sent to the front lines. Not long after that, the country bordering us to our southwest attacked and kidnapped a noblewoman.
This is where S (M25) comes in. S was childhood friends with this noblewoman, as their dutchies border each other. S set out with a small band of men (including my half-brother (M23)) to rescue his dear friend. This spiraled into S annexing that country by complete accident. The youngest prince of said country ended up joining him, and I believe there was intent to rebuild and give power back, but things never got that far.
The crown was so impressed with S that they stationed him at the border their country and ours, as well as a third to the north. A civil war broke out in that third country and S rushed up to assist his old classmate. Once again, it ended with our country occupying theirs. S and the crown agreed to stay for a year until an agreement was reached. It did not last. The king of said country grew impatient and began an assault six months in.
It was around this time I met my wife, D (F23?). She had amnesia and could not remember anything from her prior life. I suspected foul play. But I could not keep my heart from falling for her-- she is the sweetest, most beautiful woman you will ever meet. We found out later that she was the lost granddaughter of our king, and that whoever married her was next in line for the throne. I must admit, the thought of becoming king made me giddy, but I assure you I married her for love.
Also around this time, two of the other dukes killed the crown prince and framed S's father for the crime. S and his company fled to a neutral country in the north that gave them sanctuary. To no one's surprise, S managed to get himself involved in that country's civil war as well.
S sent word of his innocence to the capital, as well as a plea to help locate his missing wife. I had a hunch I knew who it was-- my beloved D. With my engagement confirmed to her, I realized I had to make a move. I invited him back under the pretense of forgiveness. He brought his company back. I sent my aide to fetch them. She lead them right into our trap. I brought out D to test my hypothesis, and I was correct-- S cried out for his wife, who failed to recognize him. D tried to speak with him but I had her rushed back to the castle. I set S ablaze, and my men massacred his.
I know my actions were rather harsh. D was distraught for weeks without knowing quite why. I will never dare tell her what happened, for I do not want her to hate me. My half-brother disappeared after the battle and has not contacted me since, and I fear for him. Yet I did this all in the name of a better future.
In the time since I became Emperor, I have established many policy changes aimed at bettering the life of the commonfolk. These changes are all in their infancy, but we have seen an improvement in the general quality of life, as well as had many members of the gentry rise to ranks otherwise unachieved.
S was a good man, but he blindly supported a system based solely on the merits of the nobility and never questioned the impact his actions had on the commonfolk. For him to become king would have been a disaster. Perhaps in another world he could have lived, but not in mine.
Edit: Yes, D is doing fine now. We are expecting a child! Some of the doctors say it may even be twins.
Edit Two: Regarding the group I am involved with, it is not a willing relationship. It is blackmail. One of my plans for my rule is to shake them from my grasp while also leading my country to a more tolerant future. It will take a lot of effort, but perhaps by the time I die I will see my efforts come to pass.
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littlemisslol-fic · 3 years
The Silent Opera
Chapter Five: Off Key
Summary: In a world populated by Soulmates— people drawn together by wordless music connecting them to their destined other half— Varian is an anomaly. He is Songless, someone without a Soulmate of his own. He makes due with the cards dealt to him, used to being the castle oddity by now, but when an interesting blond takes up residence in the castle, he can't help but be drawn to him.
Hugo, on the other hand, is horrified to find that not only is his Soulmate a palace brat, but that Varian doesn't hear him back— meaning Hugo is trapped in a one-sided bond. When presented with a horrible choice between completing the theft Donella had sent him to do, or taking a frightening step into vulnerability, Hugo finds himself at an impasse he just might not be able to charm his way out of.
And then politics get involved.
Notes: Hey hey everyone! The honeymoon phase is over-- lets get this party started!! Time for me to start earning that meodrama tag! In other news, the beautiful notapeacefulduck on tumblr drew some absolutely ADORABLE art for this fic, which you can find over here!! I love how it's so cute, and Ruddiger is my favorite little mans 🥺🥺
Hugo, not from lack of trying, ends up stuck in the great hall.
One of the maids— Fate? Whatever, she’s forgettable— snags him by the elbow and tells him all castle employees have to be present for the announcing of their guest, though whyHugo couldn’t tell you. Maybe to make their visitor feel like a super special big boy, maybe to make up for the fact that he looks like a fucking peacock.
Up close, the man isn’t exactly much to write home about. He’s maybe a bit older than Hugo—by a year or two at best—with pale, almost sunken skin and darting, black eyes. A gruff, well-trimmed beard frames an impossibly blank face, the man regarding the people of Corona with an impassive stare. His jacket is emblazoned with medals, silvers and gold and little flags that mean fuck all, and his shoulders are draped in a large cloak of rich, dark fur. The guy looks like a ponce.
He enters the great hall in even, measured strides, barely sparing a glance to the crowd as he leads his procession. The king and queen sit on their thrones, as does the princess and her husband. Oddly enough, Varian stands with them. Hm. That’s odd; in all the other royal court business Varian’s been stuck next to Hugo. He knows this, because last time they’d had a grand procession, Hugo had spent the entire hour trying to step on Varian’s toes to break his composure
Hugo’s thrown from his thought as the Song shrieksin his ear, a terrified cacophony of noise that makes him flinch at the abruptness. He nearly brings his hands up to cover his ears, only just stopping himself before someone can notice. Hugo’s eyes snap back to Varian, the alchemist standing ramrod straight next to Eugene. Varian’s eyes are bright, his skin pale; Hugo’s eyes widen in surprise— is he scared? Varian looks like an animal caught in a trap, stiff and shaking. The Song screams even louder as the visitor approaches the dais, ramping up in octave and sound—
Nigel, next to Frederick, unrolls a large piece of parchment, clears his throat and reads it out loud to the crowd.
“Announcing Grand Duke Landis Fountaine, Lord of Dorgoil House,” Nigel declares, his voice ringing through the castle. “Emissary for the Kingdom of Socria, heir apparent to the Grand Dutchy of Kaivell; Son of Grand Duke Sevim Fountaine, nephew of King Fehnur of Socria. The Kingdom of Corona welcomes you, Your Grace.”
Blah, blah, blabbity blah. What a long-winded way of saying some guy born into money.
Landis stops his march in front of the royal family, bowing deeply. “It is an honor to be invited to fair Corona,” he says, voice echoing. Barf. “I hope that we are able to come to an amicable agreement for both sides.”
The Song, somehow, manages to ramp up another octave. Fuck, what is it with Varian? There’s got to be some kind of history here, right? Sure, Landis has huge douche energy but he’s nowhere near scary. The FearTerrorAnxiety Varian’s projecting is definitely out of proportion; it makes Hugo feel twitchy, a million ants crawling under his skin. He fucking hates it.
“Of course,” Frederick says. His voice fills the room, authoritative to a fault. He turns from Landis then, addressing the rest of the castle staff. “The Grand Duke is my honored guest. He and his men shall be addressed with the same respect you would give to a member of our own nobility. You may return to your duties.” He then turns back to his guest, standing from his throne. “If you would follow me, Your Grace.”
The royals all begin to file out through a door to the back of the room. The rest of the castle occupants begin to leave through the main doors, scattering to the wind. Hugo has half a mind to try and follow the royal family, more to sate his own curiosity than anything, when he registers the Song growing louder.
He forces himself not to turn around until he feels a hand on his elbow, ignoring Varian until anyone else would know he’s there. When he does turn to be face-to-face with Varian, his first thought is oh, he looks much worse up close.
Because he does. The paleness in his skin is much more pronounced, his freckles standing out much more; his eyes, shiny and blue, dart around a little, flicking from Hugo to the throne room, and back again. He’s hiding it, but not well. Interesting.
“H--hey,” Varian says. Hugo finds it within himself not to comment on the voice crack. “Hey, sorry I just kind of. Uh. Left you. In the garden.”
“Oh, yeah.” Yeah, he had, hadn’t he? “Whatever, it’s fine.”
Hugo rubs a hand along the back of his neck, already wanting this conversation to end. Shit, his hair’s getting long, he might need to cut it while he’s here… oh, shit, Varian’s still talking, right.
“—I just needed to get ready for, uh, this, you know?” He gestures to the empty thrones, the royals long since fucked off to do whatever. Probably gloat about how great they think they are. Hugo’s silence seems to spark something in Varian, his words coming quicker to fill the gap.
“Because, you know, with everything, I had to, uh. I didn’t want to be here, but since— with Landis, and—”
Hey, yeah.
“What is that about, anyways?” Hugo tries to keep his tone light. He regrets the question the second he says it; Varian’s Song almost stutters in a freeze, the needle hopping the record tread in Varian’s thoughts. For a heart-stopping second, things go quiet. Hugo barely has time to breathe before the Song returns, strong once more. Varian coughs roughly into his fist, looking away.
“I—right. You weren’t here, last year.”
“Last year?”
“They were here. Landis and his father. This was back when we were only just starting to hear whispers from Equis.” He pauses then, looking around. Though the crowd has thinned, he scans the area and must deem it lacking, as Varian juts his chin and gestures for Hugo to follow.
They leave through a side door, into a service hallway. Hugo hadn’t even known this one was here, what the hell—
“Okay.” Varian keeps walking, but at a slower pace so Hugo can keep up. “This time last year, Socria sent Landis and his father here, at our request.”
Something about how Varian refers to the guy so casually makes Hugo want to bite something.
“Okay, got it. Why are they back?”
Varian winces. “Fred wants an alliance. Socria has one of the largest armies in a thousand leagues; if we were allied with them, Equis would think twice about doing anything… rash.”
“That doesn’t answer my question, goggles.”
Varian huffs. “I’m getting to it. Last year negotiations hit a— I don’t know, call it a bump. They wanted something, something a little more binding than a contract.”
“What, a human sacrifice?”
“No— what? No, why would you even think that?”
Hugo shrugs, pulling a face. Varian rolls his eyes, clearly unimpressed.
“No, not that. Corona and Socria aren’t… the best of friends. A little ink on paper isn’t enough for them. We frankly offered more than we should—” he grumbles that part, someone must be bitter, “—but they wanted a guarantee that the bargain would be upheld. That’s where Landis comes in.”
“And? What’s the ponce going to do?”
Varian scratches the back of his neck. He stops, then, in the middle of the abandoned hall. It’s darker here, less light from the torches throw Varian’s face in shadows.
“He’s Songless, too,” Varian says, like that explains anything. Hugo’s face must show how confused he is, as Varian curses under his breath. “Fuck’s sake. He doesn’t have a Soulmate, Hugo. Neither do I. I know Koto had the same idea with their Songless nobles, one of your princesses went through the exact same thing two years ago.”
Hugo wracks his brain, trying to remember. He’d been on a job in Galcrest, but he’d heard talk of a big stir in the political landscape between Koto and Ingvarr, one that finally ended through…
Oh fuck.
“An arranged marriage?!” he squawks at the very idea, stumbling back a few paces. His back smacks into the wall, his thoughts reeling at the implications. Shock flows through him, an electric current up Hugo’s spine. What the fresh hell--
Varian throws his hands up, covering Hugo’s mouth with a snarl. “Shut up!” His face twists into an ugly expression. “Do you want half the castle to hear you?!”
Hugo slaps at Varian’s arms, offended. Varian fixes him with a look before letting him go, backing off enough that Hugo can breathe. The blond gasps for air, still reeling.
“Are you kidding me?” Hugo asks, searching Varian’s face for some indication of a joke— he can’t find one, but that won’t stop him from trying. “Goggles, you?”
Varian’s sneer gets a little more pronounced. “And what’s that supposed to mean?”
Hugo rolls his eyes, gritting his teeth against his beating heart. “You know I don’t mean it like that, I mean, why not some other noble kid, why you?”
Varian bristles, shoulders hiking. “It wasn’t my idea,” he snaps, still whispering despite how alone they are in the hallway, “and everyone else is protected by having a Soulmate already. In deals like this, they take what they can get.”
But this isn’t what was supposed to happen.
“—What if you don’t get along? Do you even like him?”
Varian shifts back at that, blinking rapidly at the sudden shift in gears. Hugo nearly does the same— where the fuck did that come from?— but stops when his back meets the stone wall once again. Varian scratches at his cheek, not meeting Hugo’s eye. “He’s alright,” the alchemist says vaguely, “I only met him a few times, last year. Mostly that was Frederick showing off what I could do— what I could make. He’s… he’s fine. It’s fine.”
“It doesn’t sound fine.”
Varian sucks in a breath through his nose. “It’s an honor to serve my country.” It’s robotic. Obviously a line that’s been fed to him. His face softens, turning into a simple frown. “And untimely, it’s not up to me. You have to keep this to yourself, okay? The general public doesn’t know, we’re keeping it quiet until the contracts are signed— so no blabbing.”
That’s accented by Varian shoving his finger into Hugo’s face. It’s not very threatening, but Hugo’s still reeling. An arranged marriage… his Soulmate’s in an arranged marriage—
“Sure.” His voice is choked. “Yeah. My lips are sealed.”
Dinner that night is interesting. At least, that’s a word for it.
Usually, the castle staff eat in a canteen, one near the kitchens deep in the center of the castle, while the royals above dine in luxury. Though really, even the servant’s food here’s pretty good; Hugo would be lying if he said he could do better. Usually, Hugo would sit on his lonesome in the dining hall, off to the side by his own doing. He likes to take the time to decompress, to get lost in his own thoughts. Varian rarely joins him, usually dining with his father or the princess, but there’s still the occasional time he would show up and eat next to Hugo, the silence a mile wide between them. Hugo’s pretty sure, if he weren’t there, Varian would eat alone too.
Tonight, however, is a grand feast to celebrate the Grand Duke’s arrival, so unfortunately for Hugo he ends up trapped in the great hall of the castle with every other schmuck who’s ever worked here, doing his best to pretend he has table manners while also trying to wipe the last of his stew from the bowl with a piece of bread. He gets a few bitchy looks from some of the maids, but fuck them; food is food, and he won’t let it go to waste.
Up at the head table sits the royal family and their esteemed guest, the guy who already pisses Hugo off. If you asked why, he wouldn’t be able to tell you… other than the usual. Hugo already can’t stand the way the ponce struts around like a fucking peacock, all wrapped up in fancy clothes like they make him any more of a man. Fucking irritating.
Hugo presses his lips flat as he catches sight of a familiar crown of black hair walking up near the nobles’ table; Varian shifts awkwardly as he makes his way to the front, returning from a brief absence a few minutes ago. Hugo tracks him with his eyes, zeroing in on him as the Song flutters with anxiety. It picks up the closer Varian gets to the table, until it’s almost a high-pitched scream that rattles around Hugo’s skull.
Landis sees Varian’s arrival, standing from his own seat to pull Varian’s out for him. Disgusting. Varian seems awkward about it, which does absolutely nothing to simmer down the boiling pot that is Hugo’s mood right now; if anything it’s worse, when Landis says something and Varian politely smiles. Fuck. Fuck.
Hugo slaps his spoon down onto the table with an audible clack. He’s suddenly not very hungry. In fact, he’s starting to feel suck. A clustering, twisting feeling settling into his stomach, one that grows every second he has to look at the ponce and his little entourage. Just a wannabe tough guy, who probably never did a day of hard labor in his life— and yet here he was, just getting whatever he wanted, like usual for fucking royals.
Hugo’s muscles feel tight. Like he’s ready to jump the table and either run away or punch someone in the face. He feels fucking feral. And the worst part? He’s not entirely sure why.
Rapunzel doesn’tkick up the same reaction, neither does Eugene. Varian makes Hugo want to antagonize him, but not like this. Not like a thousand little ants crawling under his skin, itchy and demanding and making him twitchy. Maybe it’s something in Landis’ smug, punchable face that makes him so very easy to hate. Maybe it’s the way he walks, stomping around in his stupid boots and towering over everyone. Hell, maybe he’s just an asshole.
Either way, Hugo can’t wait for this whole thing to blow over. He glares at the nobles again as Landis leans over to whisper something to Varian, pulling a genuine laugh from him. The Song trills in amusement, but Hugo’s sure if Varian could hear him back—
But he can’t. Right. Right.
The blond winces, looking down into his empty bowl. Of course. Varian can’t hear him. The twist in his stomach rises up into his chest, a thick knot in his throat he can barely breathe past. Varian can’t hear him. Varian doesn’t know that Hugo’s mind rattles with his Song every hour of the day, doesn’t know that he’s not Songless for no reason, doesn’t know that Hugo can’t man up and fucking try…
Whatever. He can’t crumble about some stupid fucking pretty boy with a martyr complex. Hugo’s better than that. Better than whining over a bond that isn’t reciprocated. Better than wanting a Soulmate, better than wanting to Sing.
Better than wanting to try.
Landis stands then, toasting the crowd with a graceful movement. Uppity prick. The ponce smiles at the castle staff with teeth so bright they almost shine. His back is ramrod straight with one arm tucked behind him. He stands like a soldier. He stands like an asshole.
“Good people of Corona,” Landis says to them, voice absolutely dripping with slimy smugness, “I thank you all for your hospitality. It has been far too long since I was in the presence of such amicable people, and in such a beautiful House. I’m sure that this conference shall bring the people of Socria and Corona together as allies, and as friends. I’m sure the coming months will prove to be beneficial to all parties, and I once again thank you for welcoming myself and my men to your fair country.”
Polite applause breaks out across the hall as Landis toasts them again. Hugo can’t even bring himself to join it, instead crossing his arms pointedly and glaring at the man.
He scowls, glaring as the royal family stand from their seats. Frederick gives another boring address to the crowd, bidding them all a good night, before they begin to leave. The King and Queen go first, Rapunzel and Eugene following close behind. Landis walks next to Varian; Hugo zeros in on where their hands brush against each other, almost touching.
He looks away before he actually vomits.
Hugo’s been acting weird. Well, weirder than usual.
Varian can’t quite put his finger on it. He’s more irritable, that’s for sure, snappy and tightly strung, but Varian can’t figure out why. It can’t be because of the garden, right? Hugo had said they were okay about that, hadn’t he? Varian combs through his memories, trying to pick out what exactly he’d done to sour Hugo to him, but comes up empty.
Ah, well. Unfortunately, Varian has more to worry about. Hugo would have to wait.
The party from Socria had settled well into the castle. It’s hard to believe it’s only been a week since their arrival; Varian’s felt the tension tightening with every second Landis is here, the crank turning and turning until something is going to snap. He’s not sure why— but he knows better than to question his gut, by now. He’s nervous, and he knows it— something that isn’t helped by not only the King, but Nigel, Rapunzel, and Eugene all breathing down his back every second of the day.
It’s agonizing. Varian’s never been the most charming of people, especially not when it came to things of a more romantic inclination. He stillcringes when he thinks back to m’lady, of being fourteen and convinced that he liked a woman nearly twice his age. Not his finest hour. Not his worst, either, but it’s definitely up there. He’s only thankful that, in matters of this whole charade, Landis is the one who is in charge of doing the court-ing, as he’s the one with higher stature. Quirin may be a village leader but he’s still only a knight: Frederick’s vassal. Neither he, nor Varian as his heir, had anything on a Grand Duke, of all things.
So. At least there’s that.
Varian rubs at the bridge of his nose, blankly staring at the book in his lap. He’s on one of the many balconies, sitting on a stone bench and blatantly ignoring his work as he puzzles over everything. If Varian had his way, he’d be locked away in the lab or the library, hidden deep in the depths of science and information— you know, where things make sense. Where X=Y and reactions are spot on every time; not surrounded by people who constantly twist their words and try to pin him like a bug to a board.
He sighs, scratching behind Ruddiger’s ears. The raccoon, curled up near his hip on the bench, lets out a coo and snuggles closer in his sleep. Hm. At least someone’s happy.
He rubs at the place where eye meets nose, blinking the sunlight away and trying to read again. Despite his best attempts, the words refuse to stick, no matter how many times he reads the first paragraph. His thoughts scatter to the wind, swirling around and impossible to catch for long enough to get a coherent concept of them. Brutal, just brutal.
Oh. He twists on his bench, tilting his head in acknowledgment at the figure standing in the doorway.
“Hi, princess,” he says, turning back to his book. Rapunzel helps herself to the spot next to him, so that Ruddiger sits between them. She’s fidgety, her bare feet tapping on the tiles in a little rhythm only she can hear. Probably to Eugene’s Song, if Varian were to guess. Rapunzel shifts on the bench, turning a bit so she faces him. Oh boy, here we go.
“Soooo,” she draws out the word, hands clasped together as she sways back and forth. Varian keeps his face carefully blank, tensing as he waits for the inevitable question. She taps her fingers twice more before she finally speaks. “How’s your day been?”
Oh, wait, that’s not what he was expecting.
“Fine, I guess—”
“And how are you and Landis getting along?”
God fucking damn it.
Varian groans, tilting his head back until it hits the stone back of the bench with a small thud. Rapunzel winces, patting his arm.
“That bad, huh?”
The alchemist can feel his nose wrinkling, his entire face scrunching together as he tries to find a diplomatic way to say what he needs to. He finally settles on something, though it’s not quite right.
“He’s… okay.”
Rapunzel bites at her lip, trying to hold back either a laugh or a grimace. Varian can’t figure out which.
“You can say what you want to,” she tells him, “I promise I won’t tell anyone.”
Ha, as if. She’d never do it out of malice, but if she knew exactly how miserable he already was, she’d surely stage a coup or something else drastic. But… her eyes are earnest, honest. Varian sighs: he knows that she’s just worried about him, probably feeling guilty in a way. Cutting out his loved ones isn’t going to do him any good.
“He’s not very fun to talk to,” Varian admits. “Kind of boring. He’s… very serious, about this whole thing. I don’t know, it feels awkward.”
She nods. The hand on his shoulder loops around to tug him into a half-hug. “Awkward like you just don’t know him yet, or awkward like he’s been saying something?”
Varian mulls it over, nibbling at his bottom lip. “Awkward like he’s treating this like a business transaction?” It comes out as a question. “Hm I— I guess I was hoping he might be a little more… friendly. Since we’re going to be. Uh. You know.”
Rapunzel nods. “I understand that,” she says, “maybe he just needs a bit longer to get used to everything, too. I’m sure both of you being under a lot of pressure to get along also isn’t helping.” She grumbles the last part; Varian knows she’s thinking about her father’s insistence on this deal working.
He sighs. Varian scratches idly at his cheek, not meeting her eye, thinking hard. “I…” he finally breaks the silence, “I never thought of it that way. I guess it’s a weird spot for both of us.”
“Give it a bit more time. You never know, maybe you two will find a common ground somewhere.” When he looks at her with a flat expression, she laughs. “Hey, it’s a long shot, but I said maybe.”
He can’t help but giggle when she tugs him into another hug. He hugs her back, this time, arms wrapping around her. Varian’s hip hurts from leaning on it to avoid Ruddiger, but his heart feels warm for the first time in days.
“I can give it another shot,” he says, “and I’ll try my best to make it work.”
“That’s more than we could ask for,” she replies. She pulls back and looks him in the eye, her expression serious. “But if he says anything you don’t like, you come right to me, okay? Just because he’s a Duke—”
“—Grand Duke.”
“—Whatever. Just because he’s got a fancy title, that doesn’t mean you don’t get a say, alright?”
Varian scratches at Ruddiger’s ears again, not quite meeting her eye. “I can take care of myself,” he assures her.
She pouts, punching his shoulder in jest. “Oh, I’m aware.” Her voice doesn’t even fluctuate, “But last time he was here, he called Pascal a newt; I just want to find an excuse to hit him.”
That does it. Varian bursts out laughing, wheezing as Rapunzel joins him. The seriousness of the moment dissipates, turning to dust as they giggle together. Rapunzel wipes a tear away, leaning over to bump their shoulders together.
“It’ll all work out,” she tells him, “just give it some time.”
Varian bumps her back, still smiling as she takes her leave. She rustles his hair when she passes him, laughing when he swats at her. Rapunzel’s footsteps are quiet against the tile, fading out as she disappears back into the castle. The alchemist sighs, brushing Ruddiger again.
“Give it some time,” he says quietly. “Yeah. I can try that.”
“I’d appreciate it, if you would,” a voice comes from behind. Varian twists in his seat, seeing Landis standing in the doorframe. Ah. Okay.
“Your Grace,” he says, standing from the bench. Landis steps forward— gods, he’s tall. At least a head and a half taller than Varian, and maybe a dozen stone heavier— and fixes Varian with an expectant look.
“Varian,” he greets. “I was wondering if you’d care to go on a walk around the castle together.”
Maybe you two will find a common ground somewhere…
Varian smiles hesitantly, nodding. “Sure,” he says, “that sounds nice.”
Easy way to get to know each other, he thinks to himself. It could be fun.
It’s fucking awkward, is what it is.
Varian rubs at the back of his neck as they walk down the halls together, one covered in different vases and paintings from different countries. He doesn’t know one from the other— beyond blueprinting, he was never much of a connoisseur— but thankfully this little tour isn’t very in depth. Instead, he tries to make light conversation, his hands wringing together to fight the shaking trying to take over. Gods, it’s just a conversation, he needs to get a grip.
“So,” Varian starts, looking off to the side. A painting of a pair of birds looks back at him. “Um, how are you liking Corona, so far?”
Landis stares ahead, keeping an even pace. “It’s too hot.”
“Oh, well, I know that the lower levels are cooler, they’re not as fancy, but if you wanted we could—”
“No, thank you. Your king will take it as an insult.”
Shit. Right. Varian feels his face heat up, wincing at his own idiocy. Landis blinks once, his face smoothing over. The frown leaves, but it’s still not a smile— just less of a grimace.
“Sorry,” the Grand Duke says, “I’ve been told I’m blunt.”
“Oh, no, no, it’s— it’s fine.” Fuck, he keeps tripping over his words. “I’m just not used to all… this. I’m pretty bad at politics.”
Landis only tilts his head in agreement. “I am the same,” he admits. “Was always more suited for war, than diplomacy. But there are very few Songless in each generation; we become important because of that.”
Varian winces at the term. “Right,” he agrees. His future is ruined because he’s fucking Songless—
“But I hope we can at least be amicable.” Landis’ face quirks up then. It’s not quite a smile, still too stony and cold, but it could be, under the right lighting. “Seeing as we’ll be in close quarters soon enough.”
Varian laughs, awkwardly. Seven Hells, he hadn’t even thought of that, yet, let alone their impending future. The heat in his face gets worse.
“Anyways.” Landis stops, then, standing in front of one of the paintings. “While we may not be Soulmates, I’m sure we can at least find comradery in the silence. A lot more than our futures lay on the shoulders of this deal.” He turns back to the painting, looking it over. Varian mirrors him, grateful for the lull in conversation.
It’s an old one, from well before Frederick’s grandfather’s time, given to them from a kingdom far across the seas. Varian sighs, staring up into the painted scene of the god Apollo chasing the nymph, Daphne. Rapunzel had told him the story: one she’d read in her mythology books. He can’t help but sympathize. Turning into a tree wouldn’t be so bad, Varian thinks.
Because Landis is right, of course. With the rumbles of military activity in Equis, an alliance like the one presented is Corona’s only real hope at survival. If it falls through, so much more than Varian’s future will be ruined; war, regardless of who won, was always hell on either side. Varian sighs, shaking his head. He knows Rapunzel is furious about him having to take the fall for them all. It’s not fair— but it’s what has to happen. And it all flows back to one, singular problem.
“I never did hear it,” Varian admits quietly, “the Song. I was born without it.” He’s not sure why he’s extending this olive branch. Maybe to find that common ground Rapunzel had talked about. Maybe just to sate his own curiosity. Though he’s been all over Hell’s half-acres looking for someone to fix him, he’s never actually metanother Songless person. It makes him want to compare notes.
Landis’ eyes seem distant, his back straightening a little more. Varian fidgets, waiting for a reply—how the fuck did he mess this up already? The silence stretches just that bit too long, breaking into something awkward, before he speaks.
“I used to.”
Ah. Shit.
“I— I’m so sorry, you don’t have to tell me—”
“It’s fine.” Landis looks at him then, staring down the bridge of his nose. “I never knew her. One day I woke up and the Song was just… gone. I was around seventeen, at the time.” He laughs then, shaking his head. It sounds bitter. “Is it strange, to mourn someone you’ve never really known?”
Varian puzzles on it for just a second, before shaking his head. “I don’t think so,” he says. “You may not have met— her?— before, but she was still a part of your life. Our whole kingdom mourned Rapunzel for eighteen years, before she came back, and she was only the princess to us.” He turns to Landis, who’s looking away again. “Of course it’s natural to mourn her loss. I’m sorry I brought it up.”
Landis doesn’t look back to him, focusing in on Daphne’s painted face. She looks terrified, as she runs from Apollo. A rabbit, running from a wolf. The Grand Duke smiles then, a real one, but showing altogether too many teeth.
“You’re an interesting thing, Varian.” His voice makes a slight chill run up the alchemist’s spine. Landis spins on his heel and bows to him then, never breaking eye contact. “Though I must go to continue discussions with your King, I look forward to our next conversation. This one has been quite… enlightening.”
“And before I forget, your King, Frederick, was saying that he planned on hosting a masquerade in the near future. I’ll be escorting you, so make sure to wear something other than red. It’ll clash.”
“Aren’t you supposed to ask me—”
“I just did. Again, no red.” Landis straightens his jacket, turning away. “Until next time.”
And just like that, Landis walks past him, in the direction they’d already come from. He moves fast, for such a big guy; he’s almost around a nearby corner when the alchemist realizes what’s happening. Varian blinks quickly, shaking himself and watching the man disappear behind the corner before Varian can get a word out.
“Right… okay, good talk.”
And Varian thought he was fucking weird. Maybe Landis had taken one too many jousting spears to the head.
Varian huffs out a rush of air, shaking his head. That was the conversational equivalent of slamming his own foot in a door, but at least this time he’d managed to keep from making a total ass of himself. Something still felt somewhat… off, though; like there’s something he’s missing, some feeling in his gut demanding he look harder.
Nerves? Maybe, though Varian’s not one to ignore his instincts on a whim. The alchemist sighs, rubbing at the bridge of his nose. Too much stress, not enough sleep: he’s probably going fucking crazy.
Fuck it, he’s going to the lab. He’s spent too long pretending that nothing was weird about this whole charade, he needs to go back to the land of textbooks and experiments. He’s spent too much time in the land of uncertainty—he needs something solid and quantifiable.
He needs some time to decompress.
Hugo’s been put semi-in-charge of the plant thing. He doesn’t know exactly why; fucking Varian is the one who figured that shit out, and he’s the one who grew up in buttfuck nowhere growing corn or whatever. He should be the one testing soil acidity, that uppity fuck. If Varian wasn’t so busy with this whole thing with the Socrians, surely he’d be the one mixing together a bunch of useless compounds. But no, since Varian’s busy, Hugo’s the one stuck down here in this shitty lab with thirty shitty bean stalks in individual cups.
The raccoon had joined him about an hour ago, looking grumpy without his usual human. Varian’s pet had taken up residence on the table near Hugo, watching him with beady, judgmental eyes. So maybe it’s like Varian had never really left, actually.
Hugo stares right back at Ruddiger, pointing at him with a glass pipette.
“Don’t you have anything better to do?” he asks, like the raccoon is going to reply. “Like, I don’t know, digging in garbage? Eating a rat? Something?”
Ruddiger blinks slowly before turning in little circles for a brief second and settling down with a huff. When Varian’s pet had entered the lab through a little pet door, Hugo had expected his royal pain in the ass to show up soon after, but he hadn’t.
So, it’s just been Hugo and the fucking trash panda this whole time.
Hugo sighs, letting his hand drop. He takes a test of the new compound, using the pipette to extract the correct amount before dropping it on a small beanstalk. It’s labeled with the number seventeen, the other sixteen set off to the side in little groups depending on what he’d boosted the soil with. The rest are to the side, awaiting their mixtures, lined up like little soldiers.
Hugo sighs, watching the blue liquid drip into the dirt, absorbing quickly. The Song’s been mostly quiet lately, subdued, and sad in a way that made Hugo’s heart heavy. Varian must be miserable, wherever he is… though Hugo’s still annoyed by having to pick up the slack he leaves behind. Babysitting a bunch of plants wasn’t really on his bucket list, but hey, at least it’s quiet…
Until Varian strolls in like he owns the place.
Okay, well technically it’s his lab, so he does, but that’s beside the point. Varian slumps into a chair like he hadn’t even registered Hugo’s presence, though from the exhausted expression on his face that absolutely might be the case.
“Oh, why hello there,” Hugo greets. “It’s about time you came back to help me with our children.” He holds up beanstalk seventeen by the pot, wiggling it gently and pitching his voice to be high and squeaky. “Father, why have you forgotten us?”
Varian blinks, squinting. The Song pauses for a second as Varian’s brain continues to chug along, before sparking into a rush of mirth. Varian, in turn, laughs, reaching over and taking the plant from him.
“Oh, I’m so sorry my son,” Varian coos, holding the plant close, “I’ve been so busy.” He goes so far to press a smooch to one of the leaves. Laughter bursts out of Hugo’s chest before he can stop it, ending in a wheeze that echoes around the lab. Varian’s voice joins him, a harmony that fills the room with glowing joy. It’s… it’s stunning.
Hugo has to take his glasses off, wiping at his eyes to chase away the laughter. The Song swells, burrowing into a little space under his heart and sending warmth through his chest. He’s never felt anything like this, the way Varian’s own laughter mixes with his own and amplifies it. Even without the Song to sing its joy, being able to let go and goof off is… well, it’s nice. He never got many chances, back home. Hugo laughs as his breath is stolen, gone for a terrifyingly exhilarating second.
Hugo sucks in air at last, overwhelmed. The Song is all encompassing, loud and amazing and terrifying and beautiful— the sunlight just catches Varian’s eye, making them twinkle. Hugo’s stomach swoops out from under him, but it’s not a bad feeling; just one of connection, of a puzzle piece slotting in place. The little click in his heart feels like coming home.
Which is fucking horrifying. The joy—one built by the Song demanding attention, no more no less—simmers right out, a dying ember under torrential rain. Because what the fuck is that about? He’s not some simpering fuck, no matter what his one-sided bond wants to demand of him. He takes Varian’s distraction to shake himself, shoving the Song to the back of his mind—where it fucking belongs.
The other alchemist finally settles, gasping for breath and completely ignorant of Hugo’s turn of thoughts.
“Oh, Sun help me,” Varian wheezes, putting the plant down. “I haven’t— Hugo, you can’t go being funny when I’m trying to sulk, you’ll ruin my whole thing.”
“Sorry, sweetcheeks,” the blond says. He needs to get this back to familiar waters—back to antagonism and pulling proverbial pigtails. “I see a sad face and I just have to fix it; you’ll have to get used to it.”
Varian fixes him with an unreadable look, something halfway between amused, calculating, and jubilant— Hugo, for once, doesn’t feel judged or like he’s being picked apart; Varian looks at him like a puzzle to be solved, one that the alchemist wants to fiddle with until he finds his answer. It’s exhilarating, the idea of this cat-and-mouse that’s slowly making itself known. C’mon, catch me.
A smile breaks out across Varian’s face, one that’s warm in so many wonderful ways.
“I think I could.” He says it lightly, leaning an elbow on the table to prop up his head, “Get used to it, I mean. Given enough time.”
Hugo opens his mouth to make another witty reply, to keep the game going, to listen—
A knock, at the door.
Varian perks up, looking at the door. The smile’s gone, slipping into something carefully blank. Hugo twists in his chair, his good mood vanishing when he sees who has interrupted them.
“Varian,” Landis says, his voice flat. He looms in the doorway, eyes slowly looking around the lab. For just the briefest second, his lips pinch, especially when he sees their current experiment. Hugo meets his dark eyes, refusing to look away. Landis’ eyes narrow, holding his stare for justlong enough for it to be weird, before he looks back to Varian. Hugo’s stomach boils, the previous joy solidifying into something hard and angry.
“If you’re not too busy,” their unwanted visitor says, “in about half an hour I’ll be meeting King Frederick and Queen Arianna in the garden for tea. I would like to request you come as well.”
Varian stiffens a bit, but he never falters. “Of course,” he says. “I’ll finish up here and meet you soon.”
Landis stands there for another agonizing second. His eyes meet Hugo’s one last time before he smiles, a baring of teeth. The thief’s jaw tenses— any tighter and he’ll crack a tooth— but Landis finally ends their suffering with a nod of his head, taking his leave.
Varian remains tense until the footsteps outside go quiet, a full minute of awkward, strained waiting. Hugo’s stomach is in knots, a flip-flopping feeling fumbling through his guts.
Once they’re finally alone again, Varian lets out a gusty sigh, bodily slumping. Hugo doesn’t look away from the door, his heartbeat so loud in his ears he barely registers anything else. His hands are shaking— why the fuck are his hands shaking—
A small kick, to his shin. Not enough to hurt, just to get his attention. Hugo’s head snaps around, eyes locking with Varian. The other teenager frowns at him, but from the furrow in his brow it’s obviously out of concern. Hugo sucks in a deep breath, trying to ignore the sudden urge to lunge.
Varian looks to the door, biting at his lip, before leaning closer to Hugo. He looks almost… nervous? Maybe not the word for it—something more like unnerved. It’s a new expression for sure, and not a happy one.
“Sun, he’s so weird,” Varian whispers. “Like, he’s weird, right?”
Hugo blinks, the words taking him by surprise, before he begins to snicker. “Oh, absolutely,” he agrees. “I think you’ve got your work cut out for you there, darling.”
Varian kicks him again, this time much harder. It’s definitely going to bruise. “Shut up!” he whines, but the trill of laughter in his voice is unmissable. “No, no you don’t get to laugh— stop, I swear I’ll throw our son at you!”
“Not Seventeen!” Hugo gasps, reaching for the plant and tugging it close. “He’s innocent, leave him alone!”
Varian cackles again, trying to reach for the plant, only to be foiled by Hugo’s long arms. The laughter that follows is almost enough to chase away the hard rock of dread that had settled in Hugo’s stomach. He, just for a bit, almost forgets what waits for them outside that door.
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lebaronlordking · 2 years
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Saturday Afternoon Reggae Show DJ LeBaron Lord King September 17, 2022 [email protected] kpoo.com
4:00 PM Bob Marley - 400 Years 4:03 PM Barrington Levy - Black Roses 4:07 PM Errol Dunkely - Black Cinderella 4:10 PM Proteje - Late at Night 4:12 PM Yaadcore - Police in Helicopter 4:16 PM Inezi - Roots & Culture 4:19 PM Stephen Marley - Break Us Apart 4:23 PM Luciano - Can't Stop Jah Works 4:27 PM Don Carlos - Crazy Girl 4:31 PM Skip Marley - Call Me Human 4:36 PM Macka B - Edutainment 4:44 PM Junior Delgado - Sons of Slaves 4:48 PM Leroy Sibbles - Jah Far I On a Pinnacle 4:58 PM Mysta - Empress Divine 5:01 PM Bob Marley & The Wailers - Waiting in Vain 5:05 PM Peter Tosh - Pick Myself Up 5:09 PM Koffee - Pull Up 5:12 PM Capleton - In the Game 5:15 PM Queen Omega - No Love 5:19 PM The Drumkeys - Conversation & Weed 5:22 PM I-Realms - Life is not a Game 5:27 PM Jackie Mittoo - Ghetto Organ 5:34 PM Black Uhuru - Guess Who's Coming to Dinner 5:35 PM Luciano - Here We Go Again 5:38 PM Lee Fry Music - Di General 5:42 PM Stephen Marley - Hey Baby 5:47 PM Tappa Zukie - Judge I Oh Lord 5:51 PM Jah Peter - Silent Zone Rock 5:53 PM King Kong - Jah's My Best Friend 5:57 PM Maah Jesty - Wolf Inna Sheep Clothes 6:00 PM Kabaka Pyramid - Red Gold & Green 6:04 PM Black Uhuru - Chalice 6:08 PM Bob Marley & The Wailers - Is This Love 6:12 PM Jah Lightin Mountain - Them Afi Surprised 6:15 PM Third World - Not the Only One 6:19 PM Kristine Alicia - I & I 6:23 PM Musical Youth - Pass the Dutchie 6:27 PM Dennis Brown - Wolf and Leopard 6:33 PM Smiley Culture - Police Culture 6:36 PM Junior Murvin - Police & Thieves 6:43 PM Imeru Tafari - Awaken 6:47 PM Anthony B - Raggamuffin 6:51 PM Jah Myhrakle - Eyc on Fyah 6:55 PM T'Jean - Divine Majesty
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