#dw series flux
13thdoctorposts · 2 years
Do you know the actual problem with 13 era Doctor Who?
It’s not the bad faith criticism
It not even the possibility good faith ones
It’s that I think ‘oh I’ll put an episode on in the background while I do this thing’ and the next thing I know I’m not doing the thing because I’m sitting on the floor engrossed in the episode and clicking play on the next one. It makes me unproductive. Lol.
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mossflower · 4 months
ppl complaining about the master showing up too much in nuwho are wrong. personally i don’t think they’re around enough. they should be in at least one episode a season doing gay arch nemesis shit and every time they should die in increasingly bizarre and improbable ways and every time the doctor should buy it 100% and be baffled when they show up perfectly alive in the next season
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sapphichymns · 1 year
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gotyouanyway · 3 months
i think my issue with dw villains lately is they have no staying power or lasting consequences for the plot which isn't new and wouldn't be an issue for a monster of the week format except lately the villains are all so big and scary they SHOULD stay and have lasting effects on the story. either make them less world-altering or have them actually alter the world?
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picnokinesis · 9 months
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flux adjacent fic recs
in media res by wreckageofstars (3k, 1 chapter, gen) summary: “Well,” she said. “Now you know what the mattress is for.” Dan shifted. “And the trampoline?” “Best not ask about the trampoline.” //I think this is probably the first Dan pov fic I ever read, and it’s absolutely brilliant. This author gets the character voices down so perfectly it’s unreal, and the whole thing is just so wonderful to see from Dan’s outsider perspective. It’s set in the immediate aftermath of Once, Upon Time, and it does a fantastic job of exploring the impact of what happened in that episode – both from a whump perspective and an emotional one. Angsty, but also funny in the worst kind of way – someone please go give Yaz a break, she REALLY needs one. Anyway, it’s great, everyone go read it right now.
Hearts of Stone by weirdpug (previously xhonia) (1k, 1 chapter, thoschei) summary: The Doctor loses herself. The Master finds her. //Ohhh this one this one, it’s SO awesome – it’s one of those fics that does really cool things with the formatting? Which works great here, because it’s a weeping angel!13 fic and wow, wow! Extremely awesome indeed, and just beautifully written – the prose is just so full of character, even when the Doctor is losing herself and it’s so well done.
Divination by WalkerLister (6k, 1 chapter, gen) summary: “There was a name for someone similar to me once. They called them the Valeyard. You can call me that, if you like. I quite like it, it’s suitably eerie. Little bit of drama never hurt anyone.” //Right, so we all remember what happened when War of the Sontarans aired…we got that ‘next time’ trailer of Once Upon Time…and all collectively lost our minds over the inverted dark coat. Since then, I feel like everyone has been finding really creative ways to get it into fanfics, and this is a wonderful example. And, well, if the promise of dark coat!13 wasn’t enough, this fic is just an absolutely fascinating look at the concept of the Valeyard in the context of the fobwatch from Flux, but focused on Yaz and her relationship with/perception of the Doctor. It’s such a good concept and so so wonderfully done! (also, if you’re a fan of thasmin, this author has a ton of stuff, so definitely go check it all out! For the less thasmin-inclined folks, I highly recommend Ipesity, which is one of my favourite post-TTC fics)
three points where two lines meet by Ymae (4k, 1 chapter, gen) summary: The Doctor tries to get those memories back, and breaks herself, bit by bit. //Oh man. This fic. I still remember when this one first posted and hoooooo boy, it is a hell of a gut-punch and absolutely wrenched my heart right out of my chest but HHHHHHHHH wow!! WOW. Genuinely, I think this fic rewrote my brain a little bit. It's set in the immediate aftermath of Once, Upon Time where the Doctor makes some very unwise decisions about trying to tug at her timeline and it's absolutely incredible. Very angsty, very whumpy, and full of a HUGE amount of the Doctor messing with timelines and very visceral, tangible descriptions of her timesense. It is such a treat, guys. And if you like this one and want something with similar vibes, I also highly recommend this post-flux fic by the same author!
Sheer Poetry! by Papapaldi (57k, 5 chapters, gen) summary: Trapped within her own mind, the Doctor travels through an impossible house, with everyone she has ever been locked inside. Her body is an unresponsive, useless bag of flesh somewhere far and away in reality. The part of her brain that she knows, where her past resides, sits somewhere else entirely within the old machine. The Ravagers eat, buried memories beckon, and the Doctor's faith is shaken to its core. She will never be the same – but that's what she's all about, right? Incredible change. //oh my days. THIS FIC, guys - look, I see the word count, I know, I know. This fic is a serious undertaking, but like so many things in life it is soooooo so worth it. Bucket loads of absolutely ASTOUNDING imagery, more references to Lungbarrow and Timewyrm Revelation than you can shake a stick at, BUT you don't need to have read those stories at all to enjoy this absolutely fantastic saga (put it like this - I've not read those books, and I had a whale of a time). Incredibly poetic, a little nonsensical in the best kind of way (it IS a mindscape fic) but startlingly funny and so beautifully in character. I laughed, I cried. This fic is just a love letter to everything Doctor Who, weaving all of canon into this beautiful, cohesive tapestry. I highly recommend. (and, if you're hungry for more and want tpotd content, there's an excellent sequel as well)
every step i choose to take (begins to set the world aflame) by SleepyMaddy (12k, 1 chapter, thoschei) summary: In a spaceport lost in a remote quadrant of interstellar space, a Doctor who doesn’t know herself anymore runs into a Master who doesn’t know himself yet // Ok so the sheer concept of this one ALONE is absolutely brilliant – the Doctor, escaping from the Division and half out of her head, bumps into the Master, who’s not long regenerated from Missy. And, guys. It’s fascinating. Seeing the Master right at the start, before he finds out everything that comes to define him in this era, and then having him meet a version of the Doctor who is quite a lot further along than him and just completely out of it? It’s like catnip to me, guys. And, of course, it’s all helped by the fact that the writing is absolutely brilliant – the characters are just absolutely spot on, which is quite an incredible feat seeing as they are both in very different places to where we see them in the show, yet they still manage to ring true throughout the whole thing. And also the mindscape imagery? The psychic whump? The emotional gut-punch that is the entire fic? Absolutely unparalleled. (also, if you’re a spydoc fan? Just help yourself out and read this author’s entire set of works, because it’s all fantastic)
see me bare my teeth for you by picnokinesis (16k, 1 chapter, gen) summary: “Do you know your mission?” //This is a bit of a cheeky self-rec, but, in my defence, if you're looking for flux fics, then I think you'll enjoy this one. I wrote it in the week after Village of the Angels aired, and it's basically all my thoughts and theories about what was going to happen in Survivors of the Flux thrown into a 16k oneshot. I was...mostly wrong HAHA but I’m still really proud of it. If you like division!doctor, then this one is for you
we're only dreaming (tell me who i am) by SpaceBetweenGalaxies (2k, 1 chapter, gen) summary: more the-memory-house-is-Lungbarrow clowning //ok, so if you were like me when flux was airing and absolutely lost your MIND over the illogical house which was a bit too on the nose regarding Lungbarrow related things, then THIS FIC IS FOR YOU. Absolutely brilliantly done, with some gorgeous imagery that I'm still thinking about to this day, and just a wonderfully unsettling exploration of the Doctor and how she picks at those cut off memories in the aftermath of the Flux
the stars are bound to change by emptypockets (9k, 1 chapter, gen) summary: Being trisected across the universe has unexpected consequences for the Doctor, and Yaz is tasked with the responsibility of keeping her awake. //ohhhhhh this fic is so wonderful!! It's that weird sweet spot of 'soft angst', where it hits where it hurts but at the same time the whole thing feels like it's wrapping you in a warm blanket. Augh!! Such a lovely portrayal of the Doctor and Yaz's dynamic - I adore how this author writes these two so much. An absolutely lovely (but angsty!) character exploration, with a healthy dose of whump and sleepiness on the side. What more could you want?
Everything by rowanthestrange (24k, 13 chapters, thasmin) summary: In which Yaz wants to know everything, and the Doctor finally wants that too. //Ok, so full disclosure, I don't read that much thasmin, but this fic, guys. It's just gorgeous. A beautifully written exploration of Yaz and her relationship with the Doctor in the aftermath of Flux, which explores the years Yaz spent in the past and how that changed her; the Doctor grappling with her identity issues and how that's changed her; as well as all sorts of other wonderful things besides. Another fic that had tears streaming down my face (the TARDIS chapter got me...). It's such a poignant, emotional fic, and it's very focused on character in a way that I really adore. If you like thasmin, this is an absolute must-read. If you're not a fan of thasmin, I recommend it anyway (- signed: a thoschei shipper) because it's just such a brilliant portrayal of these two.
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rosecoloredlu · 2 years
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i miss her sm 🥹
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kyriefae · 2 months
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The Flux/Series 13 was a super fun series. (fair warning; spoilers ahead)
Am I a fan of the fact we were starved for content for so long just to get 6 episodes and a few specials in like what 3 years? No. But the episodes we DID get were so great!
I could feel the intent to inspire wonder in the world-building of the Whoniverse again. I heard lines purposively written to punch out a few cheap laughs while moving the plot forward. These are things that are inherent to the legacy of Doctor Who. Whimsy, coy humor, and satire.
Where certain plot points had fallen short of expectation, it was clear Chibs had taken at least some of that feedback and applied it to making the 13th series a memorable one.
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Karvanista! Who's a good boy?! 🤗 Wait, hold on, maybe that's too presumptuous. Who am I to judge anyone's moral status on appearance alone? 🤭
Such a fun character with a classic Doctor Who "secret backstory". On a deeper fan appreciation perspective, this series was and still very much is a sandbox for creative innovation.
The side characters we met in these 6 episodes felt so well established and grounded in the narrative. Eustacius Jericho facing his death in a poignantly heroic way, Vinder & Bel's love story, Dan's earnest appreciation of Liverpool (and most importantly history), heck even Claire was worth her salt as someone to revolve the story around.
Was she captivating? Well, we're talking about narrative structure here so *clearing throat; failing to hide obvious blushing* no? I mean, no. She's really just a vessel for the Weeping Angels to have a voice which makes for an interesting plot device but it also sidelines her own independent will in the story. Still, when that's a "weak point", you're doing well!
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Also, Yaz was incredible and I felt like we were finally able to grasp at her individual companion status. Prior to the departure of "the fam", she was the prototypical companion choice but we were splitting time with Graham & Ryan. A common fear people had before the series came out was the inclusion of Dan Lewis being an obnoxious and obvious replacement for Graham... but I don't believe his presence in the story had that lasting effect.
In fact, I think of the scenes we had with Yaz, Eustacius, and Dan as being a time for Yaz to shine in particular as a leader. Clever, calm, and concerted in her efforts. Yaz's demeanor is the only reason that facet of the journey was successful. Her relationship with the Doctor was empowering in that way we impact others through positive experiences. She pushed herself to become more motivated as our time with her moved along and we were rewarded with a meaningful degree of success in her arc through this story.
Plus her love for the Doctor felt so real; so fated to be one-sided.
Rose's romantic attachment to 9/10 had the advantage of an entire plot built around her; elevating her importance to the Doctor as a being we came to know, for a time, as Bad Wolf.
With Yaz, she is, in fact, an ordinary human who doesn't get to have some immense cosmically significant role with a title that gets plastered across the whole of the universe for the Doctor to piece together like a puzzle. She is an incredibly smart and capable person; she is also mortal.
Say what have you about Yaz + 13 (and I have my opinions too of them never kissing) but the Doctor keeping a distance from Yaz while acknowledging her feelings was still rather intentional and thematically moving.
You learn you're this being known as "The Timeless Child" and you've lost innumerable lifetimes of memories while beings you encounter ON THE REGULAR are persistently trying to tear the universe like a chew toy for their pleasure? Sorry, love. Maybe attachment to a human isn't a wise choice after all...
It's a decision made in a moment and a moment is all Yaz & the Doctor have. It adds levels to the tragedy of a romance with such a being that can travel all of time and space.
"All of time and space but no room for me?"
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-a line I may have written for Yaz before it was all over
Maybe I'll write some fan fiction one day around The Flux. Around 13 & Yaz. Maybe something with Karvanista & a version of the Doctor forgotten to time.
Anywho, I love this show. I love it for all it's many eras. I love it for many different reasons. I truly believe value can be had in finding those aspects of enjoyment even when one Doctor or one era speaks more to us individually because what does the opposite hold? What does boundless criticism of "the writing" ever truly amount to?
The internet is teeming with "expert opinions" on how Doctor Who should have been made after every new season but gods is it the rarest thing to find people who choose to love it for everything it has already been and everything it can always continue to be...
That's all from me for now, my lovelies. 💞 Take care, get a shift on, and snack on something that brings you a little joy. 🍪 Kisses.
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apoeticbookworm12 · 3 months
Hiya folks! I’ve noticed recently while talking with friends about Doctor Who a lot of them stopped watching when Moffat was showrunner (valid) and Capaldi was the Doctor (he gets better after series 8, I swear), but are interested in getting back into it with the new(ish) showrunner and new doctor. So I created a list of episodes from 12’s and 13’s eras I thought were worth watching. Hope you enjoy!
12th Doctor
Series 8
Into The Dalek
Mummy on the Orient Express
Dark Water
Death in Heaven
Series 9
Under the Lake
Before the Flood
Face the Raven
Heaven Sent
Side Note: youtube Doctor Who War Speech from the episode Zygon Invasion/Zygon Inversion, the eps are not the best but the speech is peak 12
Series 10
Ngl, I love this whole series but for specific episode recs:
The Pilot
Thin Ice
World Enough and Time
The Doctor Falls
13th Doctor
Series 11
The Woman Who Fell to Earth
The Ghost Monument
Demons of the Punjab
It Takes You Away
Series 12
Nikola Tesla’s Night of Terror
Can You Hear Me?
The Haunting of Villa Diodoti
Side note: if you are interested in experiencing the Timeless Child stuff then watch Fugitive of the Judoon, Ascension of the Cybermen, The Timeless Children, and Series 13.
2022 specials
Eve of the Daleks
Power of the Doctor
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ohmerricat · 7 months
everybody who gave up on chibnall era because of s11-12 & the timeless child don’t even know my best friends silly rabbits evil dan ‘liverpool’ lewis and karvanista and eustacius jericho and claire and mary seacole . you don’t even know about commanding officer inston-vee vinder :((
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iainjclark · 2 years
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Some of my 2022 Inktober pieces of Jodie and Mandip. My theme for the whole month was The Power of the Doctor, and what an absolutely fantastic episode it turned out to be. All images are inks on 250gsm paper.
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tinkerbitch69 · 9 months
Holy shit, village of the angels was so FUCKING good, like this is the first time since blink that they’ve actually been scary and I think if it wasn’t for the cutaway scenes to the other flux related stuff going on, I’d like it more than blink. Like, I hope we one day get a version of that story that’s more self contained like a target novelization or something cuz hot damn that was the shit!
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13thdoctorposts · 2 years
Since I post about 13 era DW I thought I’d do the dw positivity drive post with a short (for me) detailing about what I love. (I could go into each of these with far more detail but I’ll spare you in this post. Lol)
The 13th Doctor - Terribly deals with trauma just like us humans, and is so relatable with that, but has just a deep love of humans and her companions that she will often put her trauma aside to give her companions incredible experiences and adventures. Her ability to find joy in tiny things despite that trauma. She is a joy on screen. I wanna be mates.
Yaz - her story arc, it wasn’t rushed it was done in real time and it made her growth believable. She wasn’t changed just by meeting the Doctor or a couple adventures. You watch her grow up into a confident capable woman in a realistic time frame. I was so proud of Yaz in Power of the Doctor, and that pride was so earned by the character because of the pacing of her arc. And Yaz is just a delight on screen.
Dan - look I don’t know if Dan really had a character arc but I really just enjoyed Dans personality injected into the story. He was such a great counter to the Doctor and Yaz. By Flux, Yaz isn’t really as relatable as the viewers eye into the world of the Doctor because this is all old news to her so injecting Dan with his questions and humour (and wok) was so relatable. And his way to read both of them when they were trying not to be read, isn’t what you would typically expect from a character like Dan but was beautifully executed. To me he was definitely more Yaz’s companion than the Doctors and I actually love that because they were great together. I wish there was more Dan, but sadly there no more episodes.
Graham and Ryan - I love that their story was about building family, that going on adventure with the Doc was really a vehicle for them to find their relationship with each other. Plus they were both quite funny.
The Master/O/one time companion, lol. I love that he wasn’t redeemable and self loathing. Sometimes the bad guys aren’t redeemable, and as the Doctors best enemy but a new incarnation I’m glad he was different to missy. There’s no saving this version of the master.
13 era villains… I love them all, wish there was more time with all of them. Would love to see a version of Ashad again if there was a way to bring him back. It is Doctor Who anything is possible.
Costume and Creature Design in 13 era Doctor who… OMG! - I love the Doctors outfit, but also the Master, Ashad, the Sea Devils, Swarm, Azure just to name a few absolute gems oh and pretty much all the period costumes with Yaz’s Flux period costume just being peak period attire in Who.
The TARDIS - what a completely unique interior design. It was hauntingly beautiful, and felt so organic, and coupled with the sonic screwdriver it felt like the perfect pair for the 13th doctor.
The look and feel of the series - it’s visually stunning and when it’s on a BBC budget it’s incredible how stunning they were able to make it.
The music - the music for me always felt on point, it never distracted but always heighten the moment when it was called to. I loved when the theme kicked in when 13 entered on the train.
The episodes - I’m always smiling watching the episodes… except when regeneration starts. Than my heartbreaks. But there wasn’t an episode I didn’t enjoy. All to different extents and I definitely have my favourites but they are all worth a rewatch. Each series is so different, but because of that I find it hard to pick a favourite.
Flux - What an incredible feat pulled off during COVID… do people no longer remember how chaotic and crazy COVID was? Because I don’t see this getting enough credit. I’m so thankful Chibs made it happen.
13 era workplace - I love that from everything we’ve seen and heard from everyone who worked on Doctor Who they seemed to have had the best time working there with Chibs and Jodie making it a positive workplace.
13 era cast and crew - you just can’t doubt their passion and love for Doctor Who whether they were life long fans of new fans they put all their love, passion and commitment into making the show. And it shows.
And of course Thasmin. Both the Thasmin friendship and the Thasmin romance. I think they are a beautiful tragedy. My heart is so happy they found each other and so heartbroken they didn’t figure themselves out in time. Yaz’s love for the Doctor throughout the show, through basically just her looks at the Doctor is so subtle but strong, and so beautifully played.
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intuitive-revelations · 10 months
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I'm so glad we FINALLY have (some) acknowledgement of the destruction of the Flux.
(For a moment I even thought it was going to be a bigger part of the plot of this episode, based on the emptiness on the edge of the universe setting, before I remembered RTD suggested it was a relatively small part of the story.)
Even as someone who genuinely loved series 13 (and I did!), I felt even at the time the way it was wrapped up was by far the weakest part.
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Like, it's insane that this would be all that remains of the universe? You can literally see the individual spiral galaxies? While it's not at the exact centre, at least spatially, I'm pretty sure that the main spiral galaxy visible is the Milky Way. That's only like a few local groups wide, and even that's stretching it, going more by the density of galaxies than their relative distances. If we were doing the latter we'd be lucky to even squeeze in that.
At best, we can maybe imagine the map is logarithmic or something, but even then you can see galaxies quite close to the edge proving it's not scaling that quickly.
And remember this is before the 'final flux event'! The universe is probably even smaller by the end of the series. Thankfully we know it wasn't spreading evenly, so it reaching Earth in the finale doesn't necessarily mean it wiped out the rest of the galaxy around it.
However, even if we're really generous, and assume the CGI isn't representative of the narrative, "half the universe" is still likely understating it.
The universe is basically dead. The Flux pretty much succeeded.
(And you thought the entropy wave in Logopolis was bad?)
The only reason the DW!Earth isn't in chaos right now is that it's still got the incoming light from the destroyed universe, since the flux event itself happened in the modern day and not retroactively like the reality bomb.
Like... sure most of the stuff we care about as viewers remains, since a lot of it was in or near the Mutter's Spiral / Milky Way (Earth, Gallifrey, Mondas, Skaro and Sontar in satellite galaxies etc. - although even then some sources disagree on most of those), but anything else? Basically any other galaxy (eg. the Isop Galaxy) and any planets that we don't already know to be local to the Mutter's Spiral are gone, with all the potential retcon ramifications that comes with.
Sure, it was implied that it could potentially be restored, based on the whole 'compression' thing, but the Doctor was never actually able to do this. We didn't see her do so, nor were ever told so.
The fact the next two specials also included space-time being weird (seriously what was up with those constellations in Legend of the Sea Devils?!), gave me hope that restoring/'regenerating' the universe would have been a part of the central plot of Power of the Doctor, but that obviously didn't end up being the case...
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sapphichymns · 2 years
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Rewriting The Power of the Doctor as a finale to the 13th Doctor’s Era instead of an Anniversary Special
PotD's best parts were all 80s fanservice. It resolved none of Chibnall's plot threads, nor did it celebrate 13’s era overall. I’m not fully resolving the Timeless Child as that would need a different plot. But by adding more callbacks and payoffs I hope to strengthen this era overall as a worthwhile investment
International broadcasters split PotD into 2 episodes, and its first edit was 2 hours long. I’m thus splitting it from 1 85-min special to 2 60-min specials
Forgive my cringe attempts at dialogue.
What changes would you make to the story?
The Thijarian Assassins from 11x6 Demons of the Punjab appear in the background throughout the episode, like the Ood in the buildup to The End of Time, 
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Karvanista & Tie-ins to The Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos
Swap the space train in the opening for Karvanista, Bel & Vinder from Flux, transporting cargo for the Coalition of Galaxies from 11x10 The Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos
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Bel: Being boarded by Cybermen once was more than enough for me, thank you very much.
Karvanista recognises the Cybermasters’ regeneration.
When 13 sends Dan to stop the ship crashing he spars with Karvanista again:
Dan: Hello Muttley my son, it's been a while
Karvanista: Just what I need. Leave, you'll only make everything worse-
Dan: Rubbish, I just need to wave my space wand and-
[the ship accelerates]
Karvanista: 'Space wand'? Bloody useless! In my day she didn't need that rubbish.
Dan: Eh?
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He is still bitter- he doesn't want to be saved by 13 and when she fails to stop the Cybermasters he rips into her.
13: You lot are working for the Coalition of Galaxies now? Why?
Karvanista: Because two-thirds of the universe got destroyed and then suddenly reappeared after weeks of chaos. They need all the help they can get, and you certainly weren't offering, were you?
The cargo they carried isn’t the alien made  of pure energy. Instead it’s the young Ux from 11x10 The Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos, an omnipotent species who followed 13's advice to ‘travel hopefully’ and was using its abilities to help rebuild the universe
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Karvanista has a heart-to-heart with Dan after his near-death experience, encouraging him to leave 13 before she leaves him. Closure for their relationship.
Afterwards, Yaz asks why Karvanista was so angry. 13 finally opens up to her, last-minute character growth to make her regen more tragic:
13: We used to travel together. When I was Ruth. Remember her?
Yaz: Of course.
13: We were... sort of time spies together. For Division.
Yaz: The people who sent the Weeping Angels after you?
13: And the Judoon after Ruth. But my memory of that time was taken and I don't want it back. I want to focus on now. On our moment. On you. And Dan-
Dan, from the doors: You don't have to come back for me.
13, closing her eyes. Taking a steadying breath: Oh. Right then. OK.
13 REPLACES DAN'S HOUSE because leaving him homeless is careless and callous.
13: I get it. Life's important. Home's important. Speaking of…
[She produces Dan's miniaturized house on a little metal disc]
13: Just press the button and this should take care of itself. That, or you'll be transported to the moon. Worth a shot though, eh?
Dan: You just had that in your pocket ready to go?
13: I knew you'd ask to go back eventually, Dan. When you did... I didn't want to be holding you hostage.
After Dan leaves, instead of an out-of-nowhere rogue Dalek, 13 is contacted by the Order of the Custodians, the group from 11x11 Resolution, who guarded the divided pieces of a Dalek Scout for centuries. Being dedicated to fighting Daleks, they're investigating an incursion on Earth
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The Cyber-planet is a dead, Cyber-converted Gallifrey, after 12x10 The Timeless Children
The Ux is hooked up to the planet in the same lab Tecteun experimented on the Timeless Child in
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The Master is using the Ux to maintain his cyber-constructs like Tim Shaw did his fortress. By saving the Ux again 13 comes full circle from her first series.
As a young, omnipotent alien all-but alone in the universe, the Ux is a direct parallel to the Timeless Child. In a way, 13 is saving her younger self
Once they've found the Ux, 13 calls Karvanista & co to retrieve him. Karavanista comes alone (Karvanista > Vinder). After crashing he reports to Mark Addy’s character from 11x10 The Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos, via video screen. He promised to keep the Ux safe after that episode
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Karvanista recognises the Master’s perverted TARDIS exterior. It brings back bad memories.
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The Master & Nikola Tesla
Ra-Ra-Rasputin is great, but I’m swapping the Master taking over the Winter Palace for Wardenclyffe, the power station from 12x4 Nikola Tesla’s Night of Terror
We open on Tesla, years after we met him, stumbling out of the realtor’s into the rain. Wardenclyffe is being foreclosed and he is penniless
Tesla walks down an alley and in a flash of light is transported to the Kassavin’s dimension from 12x1-2 Spyfall. 
Tesla: What- where am I? Fascinating. What manner of construction is this? [hears rustling] Who’s there? Did you build this place? Please… you should know this isn’t my first time meeting creatures from beyond. If… If you want my help, my skills… perhaps a deal could be negotiated.
Distorted voice: Want your help? No no, I am going to help you, Nikola Tesla. With my help, your skills will change the universe.
Tesla: This place… did you build it?
Voice: No. But I was once trapped here, for an eternity or two. I picked up a few things. 
Tesla: Who are you?
Voice: I am the Doctor.
Tesla: Doctor?! You’ve come back for me- Is being trapped here why you never came back? [the Master appears] ...You are not the Doctor
Master: Not yet. But you’re going to help me with that.
He hypnotizes Tesla into building the cages that will force 13 to regenerate.
13’s favorite historical figure making the thing that kills her is a huge personal blow. The Master rubs in 13’s face that by ‘abandoning’ Tesla & letting history take its course, she let this happen.
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Ryan & Graham replace Ace & Tegan
Ace & Tegan were the best parts of PotD imo, but bringing in Classic companions last-minute doesn’t help tie up 13’s era 
Because I cut Rasputin, swap the missing paintings for tech-savvy Ryan investigating a sudden acceleration in Earth's technology. 
He tours VOR (Daniel Barton’s Google stand-in tech company from 12x1 Spyfall). At the end of that story Barton went on the run, so without him the company should have collapsed. Instead it’s leading a worldwide tech revolution.
It’s not just VOR; history itself is changing. Technological advancement is accelerating decade by decade. The microchip was invented 30 years early etc
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After leaving, Ryan hosts a group video-call: Graham is investigating the missing Seismologists with the Three Idiots Roaming from 12x6 Praxeus. At the end of that story they left to travel the world and protect it from environmental disaster, so they fit well for the volcano subplot
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Travel-vlogger Gabrielle is with Graham (she and Ryan are dating, building on the suggestion of flirtation in Praxeus, and Graham jokes about it) while couple Jake and Adam are investigating elsewhere. 
Reuniting with the Fam & the Daleks’ trap
13 remarks on Earth’s accelerating technology seeing UNIT’s new building. It’s part of a chain of cutting-edge facilities across the globe, designed as refuges for humanity in the event of another disaster like the Flux
13 & Yaz awkwardly reunite with Ryan, who has traced the acceleration of Earth’s technology back to a now super-successful Nikola Tesla in the 1920s. He shows them several newspaper articles, starting with NIKOLA TESLA’S NIGHT OF TERROR!, that show Tesla’s fall into ruin after they left him. A somber moment. But then Tesla re-emerges with a new ‘business partner’; the Master. The final article shows them taking over Thomas Edison’s factory 
Graham contacts Ryan; he and Gabrielle have followed their lead on the Seismologists to a university; we watch them enter via Gabrielle’s camera, when they’re captured by the waiting Master
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13 books it over there, high-tension, but the Master is just waiting for her to arrive.
UNIT arrives from another of their brand new facilities
Graham goes to UNIT with the Fam and the captured Master, but Gabrielle stays behind to help UNIT with the dead seismologists. She gives Ryan a parting kiss that Yaz makes fun of. He notes how much closer she and 13 are, which shuts her up
At UNIT, the Order of the Custodians call 13: They’ve infiltrated the Dalek base in the Bolivian volcano, unaware the Daleks are using them as bait.
In the Volcano, the Order try to give 13 a Dalek-killing chemical weapon they developed testing tiny samples of the Recon Scout mutant, when the trap is sprung
The Order are killed. Instead of trapping 13 in a Dalek casing a mutant puppeteers her, one of Chibnall’s best gimmicks
13 gets the Order’s Dalek-killing weapon to Yaz as she’s captured, and Yaz flees to the TARDIS as the Daleks open fire. The Order’s weapon will replace Ace’s Nitro-999 later
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Cyber-Attack & the Master in Wardenclyffe
No miniature Ashad: Instead the Cybermen appear like the Kassavin did in 12x1 Spyfall, in a blaze of white light, and invade from that pocket-dimension
This is how they appear on every floor at once: Army of Ghosts callback!
The Master escapes and travels to 1920s Wardenclyffe, where 13 is held captive
On using Tesla:
13: You’re telling me our Great and Powerful Master needs a lowly human inventor to work on his machines?
Master: Of course not.
13: Then why go to all the trouble of enslaving Tesla?
Master: Why? Why use one of your favorite scientists? The inventor after your own hearts, who you fought side-by-side with before abandoning him to the cruel fate history dictated? I found him penniless and alone! Your fault. You had the power to step in, the power to save anyone. Everyone! But you never had the vision to. 
Like international broadcasts, the forced regeneration is the cliffhanger for Part 1
The Master-Doctor 
The Master possesses 13’s body, calling back to the TV Movie. This is so Jodie can play the evil Master-Doctor, showing off her range and giving her more screentime in her final story (plus Sexual Tension with Yaz)
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Expand the Master-Doctor’s rampage. The Master brings the hypnotized Tesla along to restrain Yaz.
She leads a jailbreak, blowing a hole in the Judoon prison from 12x11 Revolution of the Daleks. Angela the Angel abducts a Judoon through the flickering lights; the P'Ting eats one of the guard's guns.
Master: This is payback for locking me up! [to the escaping prisoners] when you're out there spreading chaos through the universe, tell them the Doctor sent you!
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Then, the twin planets he visits are the ones from 12x7 Can You Hear Me?
Yaz watches helplessly as the Master introduces the planet’s peoples to the two evil gods- the enemies who affected Yaz most- and promises they will be just and noble rulers. She then encourages the gods to 'play' with her gift. 
The TARDIS jumps forward in time to show the planets a war.
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Yaz overpowers Tesla to lock the Master out
Fugitive Doctor: Guardian of the Edge
The Classic Doctor cameos were great but I’m cutting them for the same reason as Tegan & Ace. 
13’s personality has been buried deep in the Doctor’s subconscious, where she meets the Fugitive Doctor, also repressed long ago. The Fugitive is our Guardian of the Edge, trying to save 13 from the same fate that befell her
The Fugitive shows 13 a flashback of the ‘reality’ behind the last part of the Brendan visions in 12x9 Ascension of the Cybermen- namely his memory being wiped, which wasn’t covered in 12x10 The Timeless Children
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The Fugitive has her regenerations reset by Tecteun, in the same lab she experimented on her in as a child, the same one the Ux is being held in on cyber-Gallifrey
Tying up more of the loose ends from the Timeless Child arc leaves a blank slate for the next era. I don’t like the arc but the least Chibs could do is clean up his own mess before leaving. 
Fugitive: And now the Master has stolen Mother’s favorite punishment-
13: Don’t call her that.
Fugitive: She might be dead and she might’ve been a monster, but Tecteun is all we had. Now he’s out there making a monster out of us too, just like she always wanted-
13: Tecteun was not my family. We make our own family, you and me. Everywhere we go. Speaking of which… 
Cybermen and Daleks
Keep the hologram implants, letting 13 have final moments with Ryan & Graham
Graham gets Tegan’s job helping Kate fight the Cybermen at UNIT. 
It'd be cool if Ashad confronted Graham about his cancer
Ashad: You think you are rid of it but the traces linger. The ultimate betrayal of the flesh. Does the thought of it returning keep you up at night? We can free you from that fear!
Graham: Fear of death is what makes us human. It's what makes us value our time. Sure I suffered. But I found meaning in it too. I fell in love. You'll never know what that's like. And I feel sorry for you.
I was always bothered by the contradiction of the Daleks trying to destroy Earth when the Cybermen want to convert it. So, my adjusted Cyber-plan is to take over the new UNIT strongholds across the globe. When the Daleks blow the volcanoes, people will evacuate to the UNIT strongholds where the Cybermen will be waiting to convert them
(I basically stole Harmony Shoal’s plan from The Return of Doctor Mysterio but shhhh) 
Meanwhile, the Three Idiots Roaming feel the volcanoes start to activate, and lead the evacuation of people living nearby to the UNIT strongholds, but the Cybermen are waiting and trap them
 Ryan gets Ace’s role, parachuting off the roof (a big moment highlighting his dyspraxia). 
Yaz collects him and they save the Three Idiots from the UNIT stronghold, letting the evacuees flee.
Yaz drops Ryan and the Idiots under the volcanoes, using the Order of the Custodians’ anti-Dalek weapon to fight them as Ace did
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Meanwhile, once Graham saves Kate from conversion she self-destructs all the UNIT strongholds around the globe, stopping the Cybermen
Saving the Doctor
Karvanista gets Vinder’s role shooting the Master. He also comes face-to-face with the hologram of the Fugitive, his Doctor.
THASMIN KISS immediately after Yaz saves 13, when her guard is down in her post-regeneration haze, overcome with joy at being alive again. This makes their parting more tragic, but 13 doesn't look cruel like she would for initiating that intimacy when she knows she's dying, opening a door she knows she can't go through
After 13 has been saved, the Fugitive-hologram and Karvanista have a heart-to-heart like 5 & 7 do with Ace & Tegan in the original, giving him closure & resolving his bitterness.
Once freed from the Master's hypnotism, Tesla goes in the TARDIS and helps fix Karvanista's ship while 13 deals with the Master's TARDIS.
Once free, the Ux destroys the Cyber-constructs grafted onto Gallifrey’s architecture
Instead of the ‘what a universe. I’ll never understand it’ line, 13 looks back: We get brief flashes of Tecteun's experimentation on the Child and the Fugitive's forced regen, which both took place here. 13 finally makes peace with that loss and leaves it behind
The lasting effects of the forced regeneration are what kill 13. Like slow radiation poisoning.
Thasmin & Demons of the Punjab Callbacks
THASMIN HUG. 13 removes the hologram implant from Yaz, but then gifts it back to her as she leaves- the same projector she had in 13x5 Survivors of the Flux.
 She says "This is us. Our moment in time.", calling back to the watch from 11x6 Demons of the Punjab
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It'd also be nice to call back to 13’s speech on her family from 11x1 The Woman Who Fell to Earth:
Yaz: I'm not sure I can do this without you. You helped me.. helped me learn who I am-
13: And now you know. You don't need me, Yaz. I needed you in the end. Look at everything you did today, on your own. You saved me. You led everyone. Just- carry me with you, if you can. Just do that. What I would've thought and said and done. Make that a part of you. So I might be going from the universe, but I'll never be gone from you, eh?
Yaz, huffing through tears: What would the Doctor do?
13: What would you do?
As I’ve cut the Classic Companions, I’m replacing the Companion support Group with Yaz’s anniversary dinner with her sister Sonya from 12x7 Can You Hear Me, commemorating when she ran away as a teen.
In contrast to the lonely, somber affair of that episode, this time Yaz has invited Ryan, Graham, Dan and Diane round, as well as her parents and grandmother
Ryan's dad Aaron could also show up since he never appeared again after Resolution
13’s ‘Fam’ has become Yaz’s extended family and support network, highlighting how much she’s grown
We leave the companions with a similar sentiment to Graham’s idea of telling stories from the original. Yaz is ready to open up to her family and tell them about her time with the Doctor.
Intercut 13 leaving the TARDIS with Yaz calling back to Ryan’s opening line from 11x1 The Woman Who Fell To Earth:
Yaz: So tonight, we want to tell you about the greatest woman we ever met. Smart. Funny. Caring… Special. Proper special. 
The Thijarians are there to witness 13’s regeneration. They exchange a look of understanding with her before she goes
The story now ties in plot-threads from Series 11 (Demons of the Punjab, The Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos & Resolution), Series 12 (Nikola Tesla's Night of Terror, Praxeus, Can You Hear Me? & Revolution of the Daleks, as well as The Timeless Children) and Flux (Karvanista). Paying these plot threads off retroactively gives the era thematic unity, validating viewers’ investment. 
As it was, PotD’s refusal to resolve anything made the whole thing weaker and less worth investing in overall.
art credit to @lostcosmos and @softest-butch!
EDIT: I have now written a fic exploring some of these ideas, linking the Chibnall era together and giving the characters more closure. Check it out if you'd like!
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rosecoloredlu · 2 years
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