lookslikechill · 5 years
My follower celebration plans quickly went from 200 to 300, and now I’m rapidly approaching 400.  Damn, guys!! I mean, wow!!
I was already planning to offer character moodbroad/aesthetic things with a three-song playlist.  Now I’m thinking as a little extra treat, I might release the original first nine or so chapters of DW?  I’ve seen wattpad floating around, haven’t used it before but I was thinking I might post the full chapters up there and post lil posts with a lil excerpt from the chapter and a link to it here?  Thoughts?
(The chapters are largely unedited and are probably gonna end up being completely reworked/rewritten once I’m finished with my first draft, since I’m fairly certain I want the story to start out in a different place now, but I’m not letting myself touch them until I’ve finished the first draft!!  They’re still a nice little intro to the original concept, world, and Clay and Quince’s characters.  (Alistair doesn’t show up at all in these chapters))
Tagging DW’s taglist to give this a little boost-  @transboywrites -  @cawolters - @agnesfagen -@requiemesque - @the-real-rg - @balletshoe-punk - @lie-hart - @phloxxiing - @teacupwriter - @newdivinities 
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lookslikechill · 5 years
Emotional Cocktail Tag
Tagged by: @metaphors-and-melodrama Thank you so much!!
Rules: Match from the list below one emotion from each taste to each character in your WIP and describe why:
Sweet: Intelligence - Reason - Love - Hope - Confidence - Delight - Curiosity - Patience - Kindness - Courage - Peace - Humility - Awe
Salty: Fear - Anger - Pride - Obsession - Envy - Regret - Shame - Guilt - Disappointment - Cynicism - Naivety - Emotion - Contempt
Spicy: Dominance - Submission (just a funny little extra taste for those who prefer it ;) )
I’m just gonna do this with my main four (surprise, Miles has been moved up to main character status!).
Quick warning for implied abuse and brief talk of sexual activity/behavior.  
Clay S. Calloway
Sweet- Intelligence
Clay is pretty sharp, and also performed well when he was in school.  He is good at noticing details in a scene, case, or situation, but isn’t quite as adept at reading and interpreting other people.  He is good at adapting his behavior to suit various situations- Serious-faced Law Enforcer Clay vs. Goofy, Loud, Grinning I’m-with-coworkers Clay.
Salty- Pride
He is very confident and charismatic, and, as an extension, rather prideful.  He likes to be liked and subconsciously expects respect.
Spicy- Dominance
Clay is a natural leader.  As a kid, he was typically the one who got things rolling among his friends and suggested all the outlandish schemes.  As an adult in a high positions among the Enforcers,  he heads off cases with a calm sense of control and directs his coworkers with confidence.
In bed, he is dominant and has no problem taking control, unless the other person wants to, in which case he can lay back and lay off.
Alistair J. Sheep
Sweet- Courage
Alistair experiences a lot of fear, paranoia, and anxiety, and while there are many places in his life where he bends to their will, there are also many where he grits his teeth and shoves through it.  He’s a fighter and a soldier, capable of defending himself despite the holes in his armor and the limited use of his right leg.  
Salty- Cynicism
That fear, paranoia, and anxiety, result in a lot of wariness and a standoffish disposition.  Alistair is difficult to befriend as he often outright avoids and prevents bonding with other people, and views them with great suspicion.  Why would they want to know anything about him?  What did they want?  What did they know? Who was watching?
Spicy- Submission
While he’s rough and sharp-tongued and full of resistence normally, Alistair is almost aggressively submissive in the bedroom.  He throws himself down and demands to be pressed into the floor and treated roughly.
Quince B. Heller
Sweet- Patience
Quince has always been a patient person, willing to sit and wait for something to happen or to hear anybody out.  He rarely gets irritable regarding delays or somebody taking too long.  He enjoys stillness and quiet.  
Salty- Naivety
Quince is naive in that, at least at the beginning of DW, he still believes Felicity will change and doesn’t fully grasp what is happening to him and has been happening to him for the duration of their relationship, really.  He’s in denial, and lacks self awareness.  In fact, he lacks a sense of identity and simply ghosts through his day to day life, often in an alcoholic haze.  
Spicy- Submission
Unfortunately, the trait of “patience” has been pushed to the extreme during his years of marriage to Felicity, as he is hardly capable of standing up for himself at all or resisting the will of others.
Miles J. Crawford
Sweet- Kindness
Miles is very kind, compassionate, and gentle.  Unlike Alistair, he is open, laidback, and easy to befriend.  He often does things especially for other people, but normally people he is especially close to.
Salty- Emotion
He is what some would consider soft, and it does have the potential to bite him in the rear end.  He is likely to give people second, third, or even fourth chances, making him more likely to get hurt in the long run.  He prefers to avoid hurting people so may attempt to go for courses of action that might not harm others even emotionally, but also might not be effective in the long-run regardless.  
Spicy- Dominance
Miles has a calm, mild sense of control about him.  He is decisive, takes action, and is often an effective mediator among his coworkers and friends.  (Plus he eagerly fills the role Alistair desires him to play.)
Tagging: @transboywrites @requiemesque @knightsofeclipse @writingonesdreams @cawolters @thecadmiuminkwell
And tagging the rest of the DW taglist since this is the first actual description of Miles I’ve posted here: @agnesfagen @the-real-rg @balletshoe-punk @lie-hart 
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lookslikechill · 5 years
The Worst Writeblr Tag Game Ever
I was tagged by @elliswriting and I’m already soooo amused, gonna do it for Alistair naturally.
Hi my name is Officer Alistair James Sheep and I have short dark chocolate hair that is wavy and parted on the right and a full close clipped beard (my boyfriend thinks it's smoking hot) and rich walnut brown eyes like muddy pond water and a lot of people tell me I look like Jack Falahee (AN: if u don’t know who he is go watch da hell out of the 1st season of How To Get Away With Murder).  I did serve in the war but I wish I hadn’t because I have major fucking PTSD now.  I’m bisexual but I’m really confused so I think I’m just gay.  I have pale white skin.  I’m also a cop, and I’m with the Police Department of Port Cassandra in California where I’m an officer (I’m twenty-eight).  I’m paranoid (in case you couldn’t tell) and I wear mostly my uniform.  I love the general store and I buy all my cigarettes there.  For example today I was wearing my giant police hat with my matching navy police shirt, grey police jacket and navy police pants, my badge and black police shoes.  I was wearing half an hour of sleep on my face, gun in its holster, lit cigarette and protective sarcasm.  I was running a red light trying to get to a crime ASAP.  A lot of other drivers stared at me.  I put up my middle finger at them.   
Tagging: @livingdeadwriteblr, @farrradays, @requiemesque, @storyteller-kaelo, @knightsofeclipse, @cawolters and anybody else who can’t pass it up!
Also tagging the rest of DW’s taglist bc I think you guys should see this:
 @agnesfagen - @the-real-rg - @balletshoe-punk - @lie-hart - @phloxxiing - @teacupwriter - @newdivinities - @omgbrekkerkaz(ask to be added or removed!)
Original under the cut in case you need it for reference
Hi my name is Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way and I have long ebony black hair (that’s how I got my name) with purple streaks and red tips that reaches my mid-back and icy blue eyes like limpid tears and a lot of people tell me I look like Amy Lee (AN: if u don’t know who she is get da hell out of here!). I’m not related to Gerard Way but I wish I was because he’s a major fucking hottie. I’m a vampire but my teeth are straight and white. I have pale white skin. I’m also a witch, and I go to a magic school called Hogwarts in England where I’m in the seventh year (I’m seventeen). I’m a goth (in case you couldn’t tell) and I wear mostly black. I love Hot Topic and I buy all my clothes from there. For example today I was wearing a black corset with matching lace around it and a black leather miniskirt, pink fishnets and black combat boots. I was wearing black lipstick, white foundation, black eyeliner and red eye shadow. I was walking outside Hogwarts. It was snowing and raining so there was no sun, which I was very happy about. A lot of preps stared at me. I put up my middle finger at them.
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lookslikechill · 5 years
Wild Idea!
Wow so an outrageous, radical idea I can’t stop thinking about: I split DW into two different wips, with miles/alistair and clay/quince as the main characters respectively.
I’m thinking the Clay/Quince wip would maintain the Daydream Walking title (for now) and would be futuristic fantasy/murder mystery/drama, (I would have to make some heckin decisions, like is there still timetravel involved??)
And the Alistair/Miles wip would be 100% historical fiction/murder mystery/romance, also most likely without the cocaine element bc it’s just not workin for me idk, I’m not feeling it.
I’m feeling a strong pull in this direction so like 99% I’m going to do this. I’ll make new wip intro posts and I’ll be keeping the taglist for both of them, so please please let me know if you don’t want to be on the taglist for one or both of these!!
@livingdeadwriteblr -  @cawolters - @agnesfagen -@requiemesque - @the-real-rg - @balletshoe-punk - @lie-hart - @phloxxiing - @teacupwriter - @newdivinities - @omgbrekkerkaz (and of course, give me a yell if you want to be  added!!)
DW’s Intro Post for reference and very rough initial descriptions for these wips as two separate works:
In the year 4146, in the futurecity of Astervale, New York, somebody is moving and dealing a new, concentrated form of alcohol.  A series of murders pave the way to this discovery.  While Enforcer (wizard cop) Clay Calloway comes under fire for “planting evidence” among other charges/accusations, Quince Heller struggles through his day to day life under his own alcoholism and the rein of his controlling, abusive wife, Felicity.
In the late 1940′s, in Port Cassandra, California, divorcee, veteran, and police officer Alistair Sheep engages in a risky romance with his partner in crime solving, Miles Crawford. While they work to curb/solve the murder and arson plaguing the city, Alistair must fight near constant internal battles, as well.
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lookslikechill · 5 years
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↳ H is for HUMOR
He was forced to swallow a laugh, but he could not keep the smallest, the tiniest, the itty-bittiest of smirks from sneaking onto his mouth.
Fitzgerald laughed, loud and harsh.  His teeth were white and straight like piano keys.
Clay chuckled. He discreetly located a hidden pocket on the inside of his robes. I am very authorized, he thought to himself.
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lookslikechill · 5 years
11/11/11 Tag Game
Tagged by @elliswriting!
rules: answer 11 questions, ask 11 questions, tag 11 people!
Tagging: @livingdeadwriteblr, @cawolters, @requiemesque, @storyteller-kaelo, @farrradays, @writingonesdreams, @elliswriting, @lie-hart, @the-real-rg, @quilloftheclouds, @pens-swords-stuff
What genre do you write?
So far? Ooof, Fantasy (futuristic), murder mysteries, historical fiction, scifi, adventure, “regular” mystery, “adult fiction”, and I feel the potential for so much more inside me.  I just have so many interests and the variety of things I would like to write lines right up with that!
Are you a planner, pantser, or planster?
I’m not 100% sure yet, but I’m feeling a bit more planner than pantser, even though I definitely dove into Daydream Walking with v e r y little planning.  (My new wip, The Mystery of Margaric, is receiving a lot more planning attention)
What is your approach to research?
Ahh, people have??  Approaches?
I just read and listen and watch things related to what I want to know about, and stockpile especially useful links, sometimes just piled up in my bookmarks and sometimes sorted/pinned into boards on Pinterest.  Sometimes I write things down if I need to.  
I don’t have the most organized approach oops
What POV is your novel? Why are you writing it this way?
Close second person and just because . . . that’s my favorite way to write!  The original chapters of Daydream Walking I’m currently releasing don’t reallyyyy reflect this, since when I wrote those I didn’t have the most confidence and was unused to writing a Story on My Own (I have a big long roleplay background).  I was holding back a bit, and I’m still working on breaking out honestly. 
I just reallyyy like digging into a characters feelings, thoughts, motivations, etc etc etc.  This can also make things kinda . . . lengthy, but I don’t mind. 
Do you know how your story ends before you start writing?
Ahhh I would like to have at least a vague idea, yes.  With Daydream Walking I had NO clue how it was gonna end, though now I have . . . sort of an idea?
When creating characters, what comes first: appearance, backstory, motivation, personality, something else?
Normally when I start creating a character, I start with name, age, gender/pronouns/sexuality, appearance, and a rough idea/list of character traits/values/motivations/desires/etc, and work on tying in family, background, and the rest of it from there.  
What trope do you actually like?
Oh God, I just can’t pick one
How did you come up with your title?
Daydream Walking: I literally don’t remember.  I think I heard something on the radio while I was traveling with my family that made me think about those words together and it just Felt right.  I also considered Nightmare Walking.
The Mystery of Margaric:  While I was messing around with the really really rough concept, I had just been calling it Harlow in Space, but as I developed it a bit more and decided what the story was I actually wanted to tell, I felt the desire to have something a little longer, a little more classic, old-school if you will.  Something you’d see on an old paperback, you know?  So once I knew that I knew I wanted it to be “The Mystery of ____” and I went about naming the planet.  Initially I wanted the planet to have an H name, probably of Greek origin, but then I didn’t like the idea of the planet and the main character both having names starting with H.  So I switched to M, and through some browsing of lists of M-words, I found the word Margaric, which basically means “resembling pearl”.  The word is basically only used for margaric acid and nothing else, so it seemed like the perfect thing to both stand out and also not be a completely made up word.  (Not to bash completely made up words, I just don’t feel I’m the most skillful at coming up with them.)  (The idea being that the planet looks very pearl-like (pale, blues and pinks and grays, but with a lot more jagged texture than a pearl normally has) from space.)
If your WIP had a theme song, what would it be?
Listen, I’m a music person, a music man, if you’ll allow that.  All of my everything has up to a dozen or more theme songs.  But if I had to pick ONE song for each wip:
Daydream Walking:
The Mystery of Margaric:
How has your MC developed, not within the plot, but since you first created them?
Alistair: Got more angsty and unstable 
Clay: Got more goofy & flamboyant (he was originally a lot more . . . all around suave)
Quince: Acquired more depth (re: things he’s passionate about and dreams he once had)
Miles: Is actually a morphed version of my of my bestest, oldest friend’s characters.  In my hands he has become completely different, he basically went from hotheaded tough boy with a heart of gold to a complete softie sweetheart who gives good advice.
Harlow:  Still not super developed but he’s gotten more and less sad as I’ve changed my mind about his backstory.  (Also he was originally going to be nonbinary but then I decided I wanted to write about another trans man)
Your MC faces certain death.  What are their last words?
Canonically (for now), sort of at least, in DW:  “Shit.”
My questions:
1.  Do you have a favorite “writing drink”?
2.  Do you have any books/comics/TV shows/any other media that inspire you to write?  
3.  Do you have a particular method for naming your characters and/or locations?
4.  How long have you been active as a writeblr?
5. Sprints: Useful or Stressful?
6.  How much control do you feel you actually have over whether or not (or how) your characters get along or don’t get along?
7.  Do you have a favorite character of your own right now?
8.  What was the last thing you read?  (doesn’t have to be a book)
9.  What was the last thing you listened to?
10.  Do you have a favorite texture?
11.  A place you would like to visit for the first time or return to?
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lookslikechill · 5 years
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Character Aesthetic//Daydream Walking ☇ Orion Royce
Fucking with me, and you'll get bitten most likely Howlin' at the moon - growling at the lightning
Stay Frosty Royal Milk Tea by Fall Out Boy
The only thing that's ever stopping me is me, hey I testify if I die in my sleep Then know that my life was just a killer dream, yeah
Don’t Fuck With My Money by Mystery Skulls
I told you don't fuck with my money This shit goes fast and life ain’t funny I told you don't fuck with my money if you're along for the ride
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lookslikechill · 5 years
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↳ G is for GORE
The healer, Cameron, who had treated him many times before that, their careers crossing over whenever blood or gore or horror were involved. 
The first time Clay had been in this house, Olivia and Kaden Morgan were splattered all over the kitchen, dining room, and bathroom walls.  It was an absurd amount of gore, among the worst he had ever seen.
His cheek was darkened and red, already beginning to bruise.  There was a short, jagged cut across his cheekbone that was still bleeding sluggishly.  There was blood smeared on his cheek, on his hand, trickling down to his chin. His eyes were wide, his mouth set.
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lookslikechill · 5 years
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↳ E is for EYES
He cracked his blue eyes and stared to the face to his right, so much closer than the one to his left.  He registered features, colors, textures, but could not put them together to make a whole.  His thoughts broke down too quickly.  Frustration burbled in his chest.
Quince stumbled around the corner, visibly unsteady and flushed.  He clung to the wall with one hand, swaying.  They both paused, like time slowed.  Quince lazily swung his head around to look at Clay.  His eyes were half-lidded, bloodshot, pupils blown wide.
What if… what if… His brain insistently whispered, imagining all the eyes belonging to his neighbors, strangers on the street, customers at the butcher shop in the next building over, tracking them as they disappeared into the apartment building, and then into his apartment, together.
Alistair was already hitting the gas and pulling away from the building by the time he noticed the long, steady look Miles was giving him.  He glanced at him briefly, feeling a bit like a mouse under the gaze of a cat who had been there longer than he realized.
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lookslikechill · 5 years
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↳ C is for COLD
The floor was cool.  The smell of chemical-lemon assaulted his nostrils.  
There was a rifle in his hands.  He had his head down, one eye screwed shut and the other lined up with the sight of the rifle. His face was cold but his hands and feet were colder, and wet despite his gloves and boots.  
“Do you remember where you were before I married you?” Felicity demanded, like marriage wasn’t a two-person ordeal.
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lookslikechill · 5 years
Daydream Walking: The Original Chapters
“Across town, at a bar.”  Clay hardly batted an eye at the idea of being at a bar at noon, on a Wednesday.  Jimmy was a farmer.
>> Chapter Three - Now live on Wattpad!
Taglist ✏ @livingdeadwriteblr -  @cawolters - @agnesfagen -@requiemesque - @the-real-rg - @balletshoe-punk - @lie-hart - @phloxxiing - @teacupwriter - @newdivinities - @omgbrekkerkaz (ask to be added or removed!)
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lookslikechill · 5 years
The Cafe Test: A Characterization Exercise
Tagged by @writingonesdreams!! Thank you!
I was going to do this with DW’s big four (Clay, Alistair, Miles, and Quince) but then I decided it would be nice to work with some other characters on this!  So I stuck 23 of DW’s biggest players, including the main four boys, into a randomizer and went with the first four:
Adrian Risinger
Daniel Morrin
Blake Elmfield
Daphne Donovan
Did they get a cafe they liked? What kind of cafe do they like? What does that say about their character?
Adrian and Morrin both exist in the small coastal city of Port Cassandra in the 40′s, so their options are limited to upwards of three local options.  
Morrin: Would be comfortable in any of them.  As a Port Cassandra Police Officer he’ll receive respect (and probably a small discount) at any of them, which he enjoys.  After Sinclair and alongside Sawtelle, he probably makes public appearances in local places/businesses/etc off duty the most often.  
Adrian: Would go wherever the crowd is thinnest, less racket, and would not make a habit of going to any one cafe too frequently, to avoid being noticed.  
Blake and Daphne live in the much bigger city of Astervale, in the year 4146, so they have a much larger variety of options.
Blake:  Would choose a cafe with a lot of different food options along the lines of sandwiches, soup, etc, even bordering on a diner.  If the cafe were to become a favorite of hers, it would probably have a rotating menu or specials that change very often.  She’s a total foodie who likes to try new things.
1. Where do they sit? (Near the door because there’s an exit? Near the back to hide? Where it’s shadowy? Where they’ll be seen by a waiter? Lots of table space for writing/drawing/hands? Minimal space? Would they ever sit with others? What do these things say about their character?)
Adrian: Would sit where she is somewhat hidden, especially from anybody passing by outside or just walking in, and never with other people.  As a wizard living in Port Cassandra’s tiny magical underground, she doesn’t want to be noticed when she’s among the regular population, and she doesn’t want to be questioned.  She would need minimal space, keep to herself, and make little noise since she would only be visiting for a short time and only for a small snack. 
Morrin: He would sit as close to the entrance as possible, or by/at a window, if not both at the same time.  He likes to peoplewatch and will start conversations unprompted.  He absolutely will take up more space than necessary, often filling up an entire other chair next to or across from him with his various possessions- hat, coat, briefcase.  He’ll stretch and spread his legs about, rest an arm on the chair next to him (and probably not the one he’s already filled with his stuff).  He’s a big guy with a big ego, he has no problem filling up space.
Blake: She would pick a seat with the best view of the city/outdoors to make the most of her outing.  Outside of work, Blake typically spends most of her free time entertaining and feeding herself at home, so going to a cafe would be a special treat for herself.  
Daphne:  Daphne would prefer a cafe with lots of floor space, furniture very spread out, and lots of natural sunlight.  However, Daphne is a community gal who will rarely be caught inside a restaurant/cafe/bar without a couple coworkers OR her entire family, so she may end up wherever other people want to go.  She’d need extra space just to accommodate the people in her company.
2. What do they order? (Is it sweet? Is it focused on hydration only? Is it expensive? (Can they afford it if it is?) Is it milky and warm? Is it to wake them up? To comfort them like a hot cocoa? Does it bring back memories? Do they get a drink connected to other people in their lives?)
Adrian: She’d get a great big mug of hot chocolate, hot and sweet.
Morrin:  The largest cup of coffee available, darkest roast possible, milk, no sugar. 
Blake: She would order some sort of hot tea, probably not anything fruity, and she would add no milk and no sugar. 
Daphne: She would get a small iced coffee with cream, sugar, and some sort of fruit flavoring like mango or blueberry.  Just a small taste of something sweet.  A treat in moderation, a show of self restraint.
3. If they get a snack, what do they get? (See above for similar questions to ask. Another good one is: Are they allergic to anything? Are there health concerns? Do they have to worry about their digestion for any reason? Or is their stomach made of steel?)
Adrian:  She would get a small cookie of some sort.
Morrin: He would get a plain bagel with butter, or something equally simple and flavorless. 
Blake:  She would get a good spread of food, between 2-4 different things, depending on what the cafe had available, and then she’d sit back and take her time consuming it all.  
Daphne:  Would order something balanced for herself, vegetables and fruit and eggs, perhaps with some kind of bread item on the side.  
4. How do they pay? (Are they rich? Poor? Do they count their pennies or do they throw a whole bunch of gold on the table? Or are they rich and stingy, counting their pennies because that’s how they got rich in the first place? Do they run out without paying? Do they not give a shit about the law? Are they desperate for a feed and want to pay but just can’t?)
Adrian: Isn’t poor, but the currency she possesses is useless outside of the Underground.  She would trick the waitstaff into thinking she paid with Magic.  Later, it would wear off and they would realize she never paid, but by then the memory of what Adrian looked like would have somehow crumbled.
Morrin: In coin, bc it’s 1947.  Probably just leaves the money on the table and walks out.  
Blake & Daphne: Pay cash?  Tipping is probably old hat . . . (I need to give currency & payment practices in 4146 NY/USA more thouhght)
5. How do they interact with staff? (No eye contact? Lots of smiles? Friendly banter? Awkward conversation?)
Adrian:  Small, polite smiles, limited eye contact, almost too quiet when she speaks.  
Morrin: He’d be perfectly charming, all grins and jokes and boisterous laughter.  As long as no mistakes are made, he’s pleasant, and even adored by the staff.  
Blake: Lots of eye contact and chatter.  She’ll want to know what their personal favorites are, what’s been most popular, etc, etc. 
Daphne:  Polite and pleasant, but clearly not there to spend much time socializing with the staff.  
Tagging: @transboywrites @requiemesque @mouwwie @nkta-ink
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lookslikechill · 5 years
Me: trying to worldbuild, character develop, and otherwise do some planning for DW
My brain: listen here, pal, listen closely . . . GAY C O W B O Y S
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lookslikechill · 5 years
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↳ D is for DAMAGE
Once he was able to move around, he wanted only to move until pure exhaustion weighed him down and pinned him in place.  Being stationary was the highest form of torture, or so it felt to him.
He was taut, as if an invisible string ran through him, from the ground straight up to the sky, tied messily in a knot in his chest.  He pressed his bare hand to the cool metal roof of the car and scanned their surroundings.
Felicity backhanded him across the face, wielding her hand like a venomous snake while her temper raged like a wildfire.  
“You give me a lot of reasons to be concerned about you,” Miles said.
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lookslikechill · 5 years
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↳ B is for BREATHE
His stomach lurched.  He turned his head stiffly and breathed through his mouth, deep and desperate.   
He felt a buzzing under his skin and in his veins.  Admittedly, he was a little bit tipsy, but there was no alcohol on his breath for her to smell.  There had been no alcohol in his mouth, in his throat, in his stomach.  Perhaps, if he was sober, he wouldn’t have been so bold. 
Fitzgerald stepped closed and spoke into his ear before Alistair had time to properly feel surprised.  He smelled of tobacco, coffee, and sharp, crisp cologne.  His breath was hot on his ear.  “Rosemary wouldn’t mind if I kissed you with this mouth, either,” he whispered, his voice sounding much more gravelly when he dropped it that low. 
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lookslikechill · 5 years
Last Line Tag
Tagged by @storyteller-kaelo! Thanks! Here is the last bit of dialogue I wrote for DW last night:
"That's a stupid name," Alistair scoffed.  "That is not her name."
"You said you wanted me to name her!"
"Not if you're gonna do it stupidly, I don't."
"Oh really, what are you naming her then?"
"I don't know, I have to think about it," he said as Miles dropped the kitten into his lap.
Tagging: @requiemesque @knightsofeclipse @farrradays @newdivinities @mouwwie and anybody else who sees this and wants to do it!
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