#dwd budget
zot3-flopped · 2 years
Y’all mod said that DWD has faded away and no one cares about it anymore. And they keep saying that the movie flopped and it didn’t make many money. That’s not true, right? I saw it was the number 1 movie when it came out.
Go away, concern troll. Dwd has done much better than that ugly mod's faves.
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cantquitu · 2 years
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releaseholiday · 2 years
Yikes 😬 will they make it to the budget? I don't want her getting the backend deal
I’m really not an expert at this at all😭 but looking at the numbers I think they might? But I don’t think they’ll go over much
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zelda-cooper · 1 year
Thoughts, Headcanons and Comments on Liquidator (My AU).
This here is more of a commentary blog and maybe a rant, it can also be considered as a headcanon blog and also for Liquidator fans like me. Maybe I'll make the others Fearsome Five/Four, but I'll see about it... For those who want to, they can read it as they wish, but I'm already advancing that it's LONG and will have some low-level words (I'll censor it, but it's still worth it).
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I was watching Avatar these days while I was doing some drawings and I ended up realizing something that could kind of be used for Liquidator from Darkwing Duck... I thought something like this: "Calm down there, the water dog there is pure water... He was basically going to M@SS@CR@TE DWD with his powers alone! HOW THE F*CK DID THEY NOT EXPLORE MORE OF HIS POWERS?!?! LOOK AT THESE WATER BENDERS!!! WOULD KILL THE DARKWING DUCK EASY!!!"
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It was just like that... Only mentally...
But my point is... I understand very well that the series is a comedy, it shouldn't have that much budget for the series (correct me if I'm wrong) and it would probably take forever to animate moving water. But, man... LIQUIDATOR HAD ONLY ONE EPISODE OF HIS OWN AND THE OTHERWISE WAS ONLY WITH THE FEARSOME FIVE!!! SOME OF THE FANS DON'T EVEN PUT HIM ON DARKWING DUCK VILLAIN LISTS!!!! WHAT IT IS?!?! AHHHHHH-
*takes a deep breath*.... Sorry, my Liquidator fan side got pissed off. But I think you get my point. I don't know if ALL Dator fans will agree, but it's kind of my thought. Let's face it, Liquidator is already strong considering the dog IS PURE WATER, which makes it intangible. In fact, I suspect that even then, you can attack him. The Sandman, one of Spider-Man's villains, is sand, but he can be attacked and have his limbs like arms and hands shredded with specific attacks.
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(I didn't find a Gif showing this, so settle for that one. It could even be good to be this scene after Liquidator fell into the water tank...)
And we've ALREADY seen him manipulating water and CHANGING its states. He heated the water to the boiling point, it evaporated and he was good and he TURNED THE FUCKING SAINT CANARIAN OCEAN INTO A YELLOW BORBERCHUDY STUFF!!! (I guess it was some kind of resin or rubber, but I interpret it to be some kind of resin anyway)
But I think the writers forgot about his skills... I think it was to reduce the water dog's power, the villain was a bit stolen. But here are some thoughts of mine... I think it, itself, doesn't exactly control just water. This is MY headcanon, so you may disagree, but Dator controls her liquid and CHEMICAL components more. Let's face it, NOBODY knows what he put in the water tanks, but it was probably random chemicals so basically he's melting in that scene (and in the end he went swimming there to see if it worked... Because of Darkwing Duck... ). Let's face it, if he created resin in an OCEAN, he can make other compositions like acid or even glue. I'm not good at chemistry, but I don't find it difficult... To be honest, if Dator was stolen like that... I'd love to see it!
But obviously... Let's have LIMITS!!! And the first is... He's water, people... One of the points I liked most about his solo episode is the way he was defeated, which is coherent. Use cement powder! That basically left him a statue... He came back, but still (What I didn't think was cool was that they turned him into Jell-O in Justice Ducks, that was pathetic, it's diminishing the character's morals, in terms of comedy, it's got some laughs, but... no). There is another point that is also... He still feels tired, that is, if he uses too much he faints. He doesn't necessarily have to sleep (yes, he sleeps in my AU...), but a five minute break or an hour maybe. And the last one, this one is more specific, would be high sound frequencies. For those who are fans of DC, take the Black Canary, for fans of Ben 10, several of his aliens with sound powers. And that really loud sound frequency. This makes his form fall apart.
So the main weaknesses, um... Cement just in case the situation gets tough, if he uses his powers too much he gets tired and any weapon or high frequency sound powers dismantles his form.
I have more to say about my headcanons than my water dog, but I'll stop here so I don't have to make such a big bible. But, for those who like my drawings, here's one of my Sona with Liquidator. That's it... BYE!!!
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(I don't think he likes me...)
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(Inspired by this here!)
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destinyc1020 · 1 year
No offense to Dennis but non except Zendaya have shown they can bring people to theaters. Acting wise yes but box office no.Florence last film grossed 2.4 million DWD barely broke even. Bones and All didn’t even cover its budget. Actually Elvis did well we can give it to Austin but Tom hanks is a huge draw
Anon, I'm pretty sure Denis was primarily referring to his upcoming film "Dune: Part 2", and the 4 actors who are pretty hot right now. 🤷🏾‍♀️ I think many will go see the film simply because of them. I also think Denis was saying that they all have a great future career ahead of them, and I definitely agree! 😊
Y'all know I don't like to get into fandom wars on here. I think all 4 of them are great! 😁👍🏾
But by your logic, if we're really splitting hairs, Zendaya hasn't really LED a major motion picture film on the big screen yet, so one could argue that ppl are flocking to theaters because of Tom, Marvel, MCU, and the all-star cast of Dune. 🤷🏾‍♀️ 👀
But there's no doubt in my mind that Zendaya is def going to be a box office draw when she leads her first film. 👍🏾
Interesting that you mention Timothée and "Bones and All", which is an indie film, and one about canabalism (at that), but imo "Wonka" would be a far better comparison when it comes out, to see if Timmy can lead a film with a high box office. 🤷🏾‍♀️
With Elvis, I think people would have originally flocked to the theaters regardless, since Elvis had (and still has) such a huge fanbase. But you're right, it wouldn't have made as much as it did box office-wise had Austin's performance not been so GOOD. 👍🏾 So I agree with you there. That film had repeat viewings too, so I'm sure if it had sucked ppl wouldn't have been watching it over and over again. While Tom Hanks was I'm sure an initial draw, believe me, that movie wasn't getting repeat viewings due to Tom Hanks lol, no offense 😆
With Florence, I too have mainly seen her in supporting roles, but to me DWD didn't do that well due to all of the negative press surrounding it and all of the drama with the cast members. 🥴
But that's not to say that Florence won't be a box office draw in the future. 🤷🏾‍♀️
Overall, I think Denis gave a very nice compliment to all 4 of them, and after working with all of them, I'm sure he saw smthg special in each of them, otherwise he wouldn't have given the compliment. 😌
They definitely have the potential to become Hollywood's next GOATs of the future (imo) if they play their cards right. 👍🏾 We're literally watching their careers skyrocket right in front of our eyes! 😊
I don't see the need to try to put down others in order to lift up Zendaya. She's already great! Lol 😅
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talkingharrystyles · 2 years
Olivia hyped up so female directors and actress, expected them to do it in return for her and dwd! But what did she get? Ignored
She was exposed for creating a hostile work environment for her main actress, expose for lying about firing an abuser, and was exposed for begging said abuser to come back on set. Not to mention you cut out the people of colour in your movie to make more room for yourself and are being accused rightfully so of being a racist.People of Hollywood are starting to distance themselves from her. No one posted about this film besides the people who worked on it. She can’t even do with a full press tour because of the fact of how bad the backlash she got was. She did two interviews and that was it. None of the cast participated in any press. That’s fucking odd. Look at the press tour for Amsterdam, or Nope, Hell black panther press is starting now. You see everyone in that movie going around doing press junket, interviews, panels Q&A’s and no one from don’t worry darling did a thing. Chris pine pulled out of two interviews stating scheduling conflict. You know that he didn’t have much to do he just didn’t wanna be a part of a shit show anymore. Florence completely ditched press it is now promoting her new film. After gym a chance saw the movie she went stunted on the red carpet and hasn’t talked about the movie sense, Kiki Lane has been throwing Shade sense and Harry styles has been mum. Not one cast member did any interview for this movie. That’s weird, especially with a film that has a studio like Warner Bros. behind it you would think that they were trying to promote this movie as much as they could especially with all of the shit that has been happening to Warner Bros. this last year. Nobody wants to touch this film, nobody wants to be around it and nobody wants to associate themselves with it because of the method Olivia has created for herself. It failed at the box office. It only made 30 something million dollars domestically and 30 something million dollars worldwide. That’s not very good. But you have a movie like smile that has made almost $100 million That had less than half of the budget DWD did. This is the second time that Olivia Wilde has produced a box office flop. We all said that the movie wasn’t going to do well with critics and we were right, we all said that the movie wasn’t going to do well in the box office and we were right. Just because you make over the budget and you break it does it mean it’s a hit. You making less than your budget domestically is a flop. Olivia is trying to save face and attach her self to Harry as much as possible because of the fact that she still wants people to see this movie but also the stunt is coming to an end very soon.After the stunt is over there is this thing that happens to all of his girlfriends Where all of the fans that loved her will turn on her and all the fans that hate her will hate her even more. Because all of the people that support her and like her so much our first and foremost fans of Harry. When people start to speculate about why they “broke up” they will start to blame Olivia and turn their backs on her because they will never let Harry look bad. Unfortunately for Olivia losing the stunt means losing all of his connections. Nobody in Harries life is going to keep in contact with her. Not to mention she’s not a Taylor Swift or Kendall Jenner who has a big enough name to keep themselves relevant . The only reason with she’s being talked about is because she’s with harry. This is her biggest claim to fame. This is the most anyone has ever talked about her and it will be the most anyone has ever talked about her. After that she goes back to being a (D) list actress and a flop Director. Jason has hit a huge high with Ted Lasso and it’s only going off harry styles is Harry styles and will be famous and will only get more famous and Olivia Wilde will fade back into obscurity. She now has a stain on her reputation. It’s not a big one but it’s a stay nonetheless. She is an idiot who ruined her reputation and the only reason she is getting away with it is because of holivia stans. If we think things are bad for her now just wait until the break up article
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twopoppies · 2 years
Some of that thing posted by Anne is just things Harry and his team have no control over, and Anne and others should know that. Harry’s team didn’t buy bus ads or billboards for dwd. That was Warner Bros. Amazon is not necessarily equipped or wanting to promote MP to the insane extent WB did for dwd. It’s a smaller film with smaller budget. And we’ve already pointed out how he could’ve made that original London premiere before the film people moved it. But I DO think Harry could’ve joined in on some zoom calls at least or posted a few times, but there’s also more to it than even that, as that opens him up to scrutiny that we’ve pointed out could go very wrong for him (like RS). I think he could do some things, but the extent people are making this an issue is probably more than it is.
Personally, I agree with you. I think a lot of people read into everything going on and assume that Harry is somehow being mismanaged and sabotaged. But it really doesn’t make a whole lot of sense to me. I do find it odd that Anne retweeted that particular tweet from that particular person, though.
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goongiveusnothing · 10 months
her husband just died and you send her your…merch?! why does he think everybody wants his ugly merch??!? especially for something like that? just a bouquet would’ve been better
not only is it plain weird that he thinks everybody needs his merch but it’s also a way for him not to spend any money on anyone meanwhile he’s a millionaire
good for this person for thinking of it positively though I guess
he does this all the time!
remember when he gave his cheap tatty merch to the crew working on DWD as his "thank you" gift for the wrap. who the fuck wants your trashy shitty low budget bright pink children's clothing as a thank you? send them something expensive with your money. he refuses to spend his actual cash and use his imagination and consideration and empathy to give people anything. he just sees everyone as a rabid stan who is dying to wear his children's colored toy shirts that look like they're made of concrete.
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fallingsunflower · 2 years
Do you think Olivia and ppl who invested in the film are ok how it’s been doing financially?
Okay as in they're happy with how much it's made? No, I don't. I think most people, especially Olivia, are greedy and expected more. And it probably could have made more if there wasn't such a shit show behind the scenes. I probably would have seen it in theaters if I didn't dislike what was going on so much with Olivia and Harry etc. lol
Just for comparison, Black Swan (another psychological thriller - budget of $13 mil) made over $300 mil worldwide. It should be noted it was in theaters longer but I was looking at what it made daily during it's run and it only kept going up. At one point it was making $3 mil a day. DWD stopped making past $1 mil a day after the first or second week.
Another movie was Get Out. Made over $255 mil worldwide, budget of $4.5 mil. Get Out made $10 mil it's first night lmao and didn't slow down for a while.
I chose those films btw because on the screening info for DWD, they were looking for viewers who had seen those movies prior. So I think they expected to make as much as those, maybe even more given that DWD's budget was bigger.
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zot3-flopped · 2 years
The bomb of the weekend is David O. Russell’s star-packed film Amsterdam. The mystery-comedy opened to an estimated $6.5 million from 3,005 locations after getting skewered by critics. It currently rests at a 33 percent critics score on Rotten Tomatoes, one of the lowest of the filmmaker’s career, along with stars Christian Bale, Margot Robbie and John David Washington. Audiences gave it a somewhat better ranking of a B CinemaScore.
The Woman King and Don’t Worry Darling rounded out the top five, followed by the Avatar rerelease. Warner Bros.’ Don’t Worry Darling followed with $2.5 million for a domestic total of $38.5 million and global cume of $69.3 million.
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I didn't really get it. Did the movie make more money than expected?
Hi, anon!
The numbers I saw earlier this week fluctuated between a $16mil to $20mil opener. So I wouldn’t say it made more than expected, necessarily. It’s probably on track to make back it’s original budget. But as the snippet I posted pointed out, the opening weekend numbers could be due to the overexposure that came with all the drama (the stunt included).
It will be interesting to see if it continues to grow at the box office now that Harry fans and the curious general movie goer have given it a watch. Usually for that to happen, you need extremely good word of mouth from both critics and general audiences as well as a non-competitive box office. The most recent example of this I can think of is A24’s ‘Everything Everywhere All At Once’ that had a $25mil budget and made $100+ after it kept getting extended theater releases due its exception reception. It even when head to head with Marvel’s Doctor Strange and still performed incredibly well due to how much people loved it (myself included).
DWD doesn’t really have that working for it at the moment now since reviews across the board reviews are poor and we’re about to go into holiday film releases. That’s where the real Oscar contenders are going to make their debut and quickly overshadow it.
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daydreamrry · 2 years
Only production budget was revealed for DWD, we don't know marketing/promotion budget nor rental agreement between theaters and WB studio. Gross box office reveals nothing. However, Smile has already recuperated it's production and promotion budget domestic wise and this week it's going to be $100 mil gross surpassing DWD massively, now that's a success not DWD, don't be fooled by the way they present the numbers in the media, gosh, these higher ups people do love the uneducated- don't let them drive you crazy.
and i laugh.
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wellthatwasaletdown · 2 years
I’m not one to defend Olivia, but being a Hollywood director is an amazing achievement. There are a lot more people who pass the bar exam than direct a no. 1 in the box office film. And a lot fewer women than men ever achieve that.
That said, I doubt she’ll be given another mid budget movie in the foreseeable after she squandered the opportunity of DWD making bank.
She literally had her first film stolen from someone else and handed to her when it was almost done. Her second film was virtually unwatchable--and the only thing good about it was the lead actress that she's trying to trash in the press by implying that she cheated on her boyfriend.
Also, the only reason DWD was #1 was because it was in over 4,000 theaters and was still almost beaten by a 13-year old movie (and it was beaten by that movie in the worldwide box office).
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skepticalarrie · 2 years
I cant believe a 13 year old movie like Avatar, that has been released 3 times, gave Dont Worry Darling a run from his money this weekend. Internationally Avatar made more money in box office and in the US it made 9 million less that DWD with 3000 cinemas less showing vs DWD.. so if calculations are right, if Avatar was displayed in the same amount of cinemas as DWD was (around 4000 in the US), then Avatar would have debuted #1. Thats insane to me. Also DWD is expected to drop over 60% wow.
Yeah, wow! I’ve seen people posting about the numbers but I’m not following it closely at this point. The overexposure of this movie in the US was insane, they’re desperate to make back the original (massive) budget. The numbers are not consistent and people are losing interest very quickly…
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tim-hoe-wan · 2 years
I can't say I thoroughly care about DWD, but can you explain why it has to make 3x the budget for Olivia to get her backend deal or whatever people are saying. I'm curious since I always see marvel subs talk about how this and this movie is a flop against the budget even though I saw it made double the 200 mil budget already.
The thumb rule is generally a movie needs to make 2.5 its budget before people can say it made a profit.
The first people to get paid is the studio, expect that all the money from the opening weekend will go to the studio first. Next to be paid are the theaters or rather, they take a cut from the movie tickets so let's say DWD made 30m, that whole chunk will not go to the studio since a cut of that belongs to the theaters. Next is whoever is supplying the marketing, usually when a studio gives a film a budget, this does not take into consideration marketing. It's why producers look for sponsors and why you sometimes get viral marketing. Studios don't entirely shoulder the cost of marketing. Next they have to take into consideration if they went over the budget and the other expenses to be paid. Lots of films have to rent out other editing studios for example. There's a reason why a studio as huge as WB is having financial trouble. The movie business isn't actually as profitable as it looks. There's a reason why Get Out is considered more profitable than most MCU films.
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talkingharrystyles · 2 years
Okay. Believe it or not but a friend of mine is a film journalist based in Amsterdam. According to him all studios are aware that any money dwd is making, comes from Harry Styles fandom. Her next movie won’t have Harry in it and so his fandom won’t be bothered to see it. O actually did herself a disservice longterm with this stunt & relying solely upon his fandom for success as it will be a one time deal. Her 1st movie didn’t do well at the box office either & he wonders if she’ll work again.
I highly doubt she’ll be given a big movie again. Maybe a movie with a tiny budget and cast but nothing big. Unless she starts stunting with someone or Jason helps
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