urboymutual · 2 years
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pinkprincessminki · 3 months
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and no matter what ATINY will always be by ATEEZ side 🤍
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tkachuktkaching · 8 months
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Ryan Lomberg mentions Matthew's generosity in a Q&A
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ratatatastic · 2 months
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The Hockey News | 7.15.24 (x)
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garadinervi · 10 months
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An Open Letter on the Misuse of Holocaust Memory, by Omer Bartov, Christopher R. Browning, Jane Caplan, Debórah Dwork, Michael Rothberg, et al., «The New York Review», November 20, 2023
«Appealing to the memory of the Holocaust obscures our understanding of the antisemitism Jews face today and dangerously misrepresents the causes of violence in Israel-Palestine.»
(Image: Berlin's Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe, August 28, 2015. Fotogoocom/Wikimedia Commons)
(Via: Laia Balcells)
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sar3nka · 1 year
I scored a misandry win today also
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safeikik · 2 years
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sunlight, sunlight, sunlight
hozier/andrea dworkin/the big fish/shirley jackson/dostoyevsky/van gogh
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fandomfem · 2 months
glad radblr is having a normal one. as always.
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William F Buckley EPIC FAIL! Forgets Inar Bergman name! ("That swedish guy" 😂😂😂😂)
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catchmewjsn · 2 years
really want to do my nails today but i need to wash my hair before and this is the thing i really do not want to do
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librarycards · 6 months
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tdov. I love being [practicing / becoming / eventing / illuminating] trans & all who do this vital wor(l)dwork.
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Would appreciate book recommendations about Shoah/Holocaust refugees and countries almost always refusing to give them visas. Grandfather only member of family to get visa to go to USA because had cousin in USA and was working age young man (19 years old).
(Have brain damage; if available as audiobook easier for me to understand but partner can read with me and explain if not available. Also books at simple reading level are easier for me but I prioritize rigor since my partner can help me)
Hey you! I'm working on bibliographic and footnote formatting + job apps rn, so i'm going to copy and paste in the relevant works from the bibliography of my MA thesis. WorldCat.org can help you locate the audiobook editions.
Abella, Irving and Harold Troper. None is Too Many: Canada and the Jews of Europe 1933-1948. 3rd ed. Toronto: Key Porter Books Limited, 1983.
Dwork, Debórah and Robert Jan Van Pelt. Flight from the Reich: Refugee Jews, 1933-1946. New York, NY: Norton, 2009.
Feingold, Henry L. The Politics of Rescue: The Roosevelt Administration and the Holocaust, 1938-1945. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, 1970.
Kaplan, Marion. Between Dignity and Despair: Jewish Life in Nazi Germany. New York: Oxford University Press, 1998.
Laqueur, Walter. Generation Exodus: the Fate of Yong Jewish Refugees from Nazi Germany. Hanover: Brandeis University Press, 2001.
Wyman, David. Paper Walls: America and the Refugee Crisis 1938-1941. 1968, Reprint, New York: Pantheon Books, 1985.
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tkachuktkaching · 5 months
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Matthew Tkachuk, after glancing on the stat sheet, on the physicality of game 1:
"Everyone got a hit. I don't think I've ever seen that. Somebody had 10."
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ratatatastic · 2 months
grown millenial men going 😁✌️ at the camera will never not be funny to me oh someones feeling cute today!
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heterophobicdyke · 1 month
I’ve been seeing similar anon ask on this page so I wanted to chime in, but I generally don’t get why some radfem go after people for shaving and wearing make up more than they critic being in a heterosexual relationship.
Like yeah that stuff is pushed by the patriarchy too, but honestly someone who shaves for whatever reason but is celebrate / trying to lead a separatist life, seems like they’re doing a better job than the feminists who critique the beauty industry on their blogs till the cows come home, but still choose to partner with men. I don’t understand how someone can repeat the phrase “ feminism is a liberation movement “ but then turn around and have a husband / boyfriend. How are you “ liberating “ yourself here ? Women on here pass around that one joke line from the SCUM manifesto about men wading through shit if they think they’ll get sex at the end of it ( paraphrasing here I don’t remember the full line) but some how don’t put 2 and 2 together with their male partners and their tolerance of their feminist beliefs? It just seems like a mental block. Like it a justification they tell themselves. How can you make fun of “libfems” talking about the 4bt/6b4t ( is that the correct acronym?) movements and the supporting it when talking about their male partners in the same breath, when these radfems are doing the same thing ?how are you going to have a tag on your blog called “dump him” but not apply those standards to yourself ? Do you not see the irony ? If pick better men is bullshit, then surely you must understand that you are not better than the average woman and her ability to discern because you perceive your standards to be higher. Or does that only apply when conservatives are harassing“ libfems” with the phrase?
Why do you think it’s a running gag in media / even irl sometimes, that your average house wife was a bra burning feminist in the 70s but the dropped it as soon as they married? Hell even Dworking had all that shit going on with her life.It’s weird to me how there’s older women out there who still wear make up, shave etc, but got divorced and choose not to date / marry again and instead focus on their family / friends, who are doing a better job at this so called separatist thing than the self titled radfems here. My occasional shaved leg hair is a betrayal to the movement but your male partner isn’t ? Why is that ? Am I really the brainwashed one here ?
And look, I understand it just such being faced with the idea of living a life and never having a romantic partner, I’m a lesbian I’ve grappled with that since puberty. It’s not easy I won’t lie. And I understand why you’d choose that over the cause. Hell I would too. I think many of us would. I don’t fault anybody, but the point is, lesbian, bisexual, and heterosexual all have different things they’ll need to give up for the movement if they want to see progress. Neither is a better or worse sacrifice. It’s about rising to the needs of the movement, not bending it to fit your definition. And before it gets brought up, no this isn’t some ideological purity thing, see it more as a “ you told me you’re someone who feeds the poor but I don’t see you at any soup kitchens ever” thing. Like if have no problem with most libfems / older women who do this, and it’s because they don’t go around called themselves the better/ strong / more serious feminists,
I just don’t understand why we can’t talk about the elephant in the room. Some of you aren’t radfems and that’s okay. You don’t have to be , just dump the label. I’m not even a radfem either, I just have the common sense and decency to not use labels that don’t apply to me. It’s not bullying to expect you to follow through with the political beliefs of the label you’ve adopted. I’m just confused and fed up with the hypocrisy that plagues this space, and I don’t even go here half the time ! I can’t image what it’s like to just be here constantly... it must suck.
I’m actually hoping this ask gets a bit big, because I do want to hear the other sides . I genuinely am confused on how one could essentially double think themselves on a concept that’s pretty straight forward when it comes to women’s liberation.
But hey maybe that just me being one of those evil exclusionary lesbians I keep hearing so much about.
go off 👑
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pillarsalt · 7 months
Hi!! Saw the ask you received from an ex-transmasc and reading her experience filled me with so many different emotions...I just wanted to say that the only reason I didn't become transmasc was bc during my childhood and teenage years, when I was full of internalized misogyny and hated being a woman and it caused me extreme distress, transactivism and gender ideology was simply not a thing in my country. It's unbelievable how things change in 10 years. If it wasn't for that, I would have been in the exact same situation, and I wanted to say that I feel the exact same way she described when I discovered radfem writings! I also felt relieved, I felt that I wasn't crazy, that the things I experienced had a name, that they have been stutied, that there were women in the past and the present who believed the same things I did and didn't know how to explain and for the first time ever I felt I wasn't insane and I wasn't alone. It was just 3 years ago and it changed my life dramatically.
Dworking is right, acknowledging the misogyny that permeates everything is excruciating, but it motivates me to build a life as far from misogynystic people/environments/things/etc as I can and that brought many positive changes in my life during these years. Opening my eyes was painful and is painful to see the things I didn't want to see when I was a teen still today, but I suffered more back then when I had no idea what was happening and was just a helpless kid. Today I suffer because I see the violence against women, and not because I hate my body for being female like I used to do, and that changed my life completely.
Idk what I just wrote or if it makes sense, Im just feeling very emotional, I just wanted that person who sent you the ask and all other women and girls who might read this that they're not alone, no matter how the world is designed to separate us and isolate us and makes us believe we are
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