#dx ferris
luteofthunder · 10 months
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The usual time would have been at 10am their time but it was changed to 6pm. That’s 1am my time. I’m just glad I got it. I celebrated with my brother a tiny bit since he was still awake.
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moriwanderer · 11 months
Been a Minnit, Ye?
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Apparently tumblr has been forcing people to create accounts to see these posts, even though I have that setting turned off. No idea why that's happening, but it's made me rather loathe to post anything until I could figure out what was causing it. That... hasn't happened yet. A combination of being too busy and taking a week-long trip to Hino (west of Tokyo) where the internet was trash didn't help matters.
Luckily next quarter my college is offering a course in Python, so maybe I can build my own site from the ground up. Unsure to be honest, as Python is just a language and a website uses many of them (HTML, Java, CSS, php, etc). We'll see what time brings.
Anyway, since Akiba I've gone to Kinugasa Yama Park, Yokohama Hakkeijima Sea Paradise, Yokohama Chinatown, a wander up the Yokohama coast (with the enthralling Cosmo World Ferris Wheel), a trip to the Pokémon Center Tokyo DX, a wander from the Hino apartment to the Showa Memorial Park, and a trip to Enoshima for the shrine/island and aquarium.
I would say that most of what I've noticed is that for as much as Japan wants the outside world to visit, they are not very keen on actually helping out. If you don't understand the language, good luck. They may learn English in school, but they certainly don't practice it or care to utilize it basically ever. This is fine, if you can train yourself on some useful Japanese phrases, but be warned: there's almost a sense of "foreigner" that they pick up on and tend to refuse to help or feign misunderstanding so that they won't have to deal with you. I didn't really notice this much back in Okazaki, but it's everywhere here in Yokosuka (might have something to do with the nearby US base? I don't know.)
Beyond that, check out the zoos and aquariums, if you like animals as I do. They're... neat.
Enjoy pictures!
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miryum · 2 years
HII!! I have a question! <33 Do you think you could make a Johnny x Reader where him and the reader go on like a carnival date and they have a whole night of activities planned (like winning each other prizes, eating together at the confession stands and going on the Ferris wheel, etc) but after they’re done they go to the lot to stargaze and he confesses to them!! TYSM LOVELY
I changed it just a bit cause I say the perfect opportunity and just had to go for it! Sorry if it's not what you asked for, but I can always rewrite it!
"Oh my god, they have balloon darts!" You squealed, grabbing Johnny's arm and pulling him along. Johnny laughed at your antics. It was a summer night in Tulsa and you and Johnny had decided to take full advantage of the carnival that had come to town.
You pulled out some coins you had saved for this occasion and smacked them on the table. The booth worker took them and handed you three darts.
"What do you want?" You asked, acknowledging the stuffed animals hanging around you.
"Aren't I supposed to win things for you?" Johnny asked.
You shook your head. "Not today. What do you want?"
"Uh... that panda." The boy pointed to a large stuffed blue or pink panda.
You nodded and threw the three darts consecutively. Each hit their mark. Johnny stared wide-eyed at you. You shrugged and mumbled, "I have a lot of free time on my hands. And remember how Steve got that dartboard?"
Johnny hummed in agreement, happily talking the panda from the booth attendant. "Well, now you at least have to let me buy you popcorn."
You and Johnny eventually ended up on the ferris wheel, pointing out places in town that you recognised. "There's the DX!" You said.
"And that's the lot, right?" Johnny pointed.
"We should go there after we're done," You suggested. Johnny agreed, smiling broadly at you.
The ride suddenly stopped when you two were towards the top and you took this time to show Johnny constellations. If you weren't looking towards the sky, you would've noticed Johnny not staring at the stars, but staring at you. "Shooting star! Make a wish!" You cried. You closed your eyes in concentration before opening them to meet Johnny's.
"What'd you wish for?" He asked.
"I can't tell you, otherwise it won't come true."
"I'll tell you what I wished for," Johnny suggested. You nodded, prompting him to continue. "Courage," he said simply.
You frowned. "But you have plenty of courage. You're one of the bravest guys I know."
"Not enough to tell you how I feel," Johnny's voice suddenly got lower and he looked out into the darkness, avoiding your gaze.
"What do you mean?"
"I don't know. Maybe this is the worst time to tell you. We're stuck two hundred feet in the air and you can't run away if you want to."
"Why would I ever run away from you?" You asked.
"'Cause you would be disgusted by the thought of me liking you," he mumbled, clutching his panda closer.
Heat rushed to your cheeks. "Really?"
Johnny gave you a small shrug, accompanied by a nod. "Why do you think I invited only you to the fair when everyone else also wanted to go?"
"Why would I be disgusted if the guy I have a crush on liked me back?"
Johnny turned to look at you. "Are you being serious right now? 'Cause if you're not, that's a really sick joke, Y/n."
You smiled lightly, silently cursing whoever made him self-conscious. "Do you wanna go to the drive-in with me?"
"I would love to." Johnny's smile seemed brighter than the carnival lights.
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saikourobyn · 1 year
Japan 2020 - Day 5
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Our continuing Tokyo travels take us to a dark warehouse, an abandoned museum and some tasty beverages.
Friday 28th February 2020
Today was out last day staying with Hiroshi and Aiko, they were getting married on Saturday and we needed to get out of their way.
Aomi, Koto City
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We headed out early to catch the train to Aomi (青海) an area of reclaimed land in Tokyo Bay. To get there we travelled across the Rainbow Bridge which is 798m long! At night the towers that support the bridge are lit up in rainbow colours.
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After getting off the train we enter an area known as Palette Town (not to be confused with Pallet Town from Pokémon) we walk between two buildings, into the circular area in the bottom right of the picture above, the VenusFort Venice-themed mall on the left and the Toyota City Showcase on the right. We were meeting up with Oli's parents, they had just gotten back to Tokyo from sightseeing elsewhere in the country.
We had some time to kill so we had a quick look at what shops and eateries the mall had to offer but decided to head in to the Toyota City Showcase, I'm not really in to cars but they did have some interesting exhibits of what they though cars might look like in the future (with jet packs... what do you mean I already made this joke 🤫) You can see more about it here.
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We walked through the Toyota City Showcase and on the other side we found the Daikanransha (大観覧車) Ferris Wheel, Oli suggested we ride it, I was initially hesitate because it seemed expensive but I realised that I was on Holiday and I should try and experience things if I can.
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We opted for one of the smaller 360­­° view cars and got some lovely views, the sky was nice and clear and it did the job of killing some time while we waited.
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When Oli's parents arrived we headed in to teamLab Borderless, I won't be able to do it justice here, it's a visual and auditory experience, when you enter you get lost in a giant maze and lose track of time much like Ikea.
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It's mostly dark except for projectors shining lights and imagery on to the walls, in other areas LED strips hang from the ceiling, these were controlled by the visitors from an app, to add a bit of interactivity.
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On the left is a sign showing different kanji's and the pictographs and on the right the corresponding symbols appear in the app.
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This is a great place to come and take some beautiful selfies, though beware some areas feature a mirrored floor, so skirts may not be the best choice of clothing. Although these areas are often in side rooms so you don't have to go in if you don't want to.
We had been in here for awhile and I was starting to get hungry, I left Oli and his parents and decided to head over to the food court of the mall next door. I didn't take any pictures here, it looks just like a mall food court with Venice theming and lots of Japanese food.
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Just a short walk from the mall in Palette Town is the Unicorn Gundam Statue (実物大ユニコーンガンダム立像) I don't anything about Gundam but it was impressive to see such a big structure just standing outside I had to stop by to admire it.
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II had hoped to visit The National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation (日本科学未来館) but unfortunately it was closed from today until 17th March 2020, I'm sure it'll all have blown over by then.
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I met back up with Oli and we headed back to Hiroshi and Aiko's place, we had to change at Tokyo station so took the opportunity to stop off at the Pokémon Center Tokyo DX (ポケモンセンタートウキョーDX) here I picked up an squishy Oddish and a Snivy plushie. There's also a café where you can enjoy cute Pokémon themed food and drinks, but we didn't try it this time.
It took until the last day we were staying with Hiroshi and Aiko for me to check out their nearest BookOff, it was a short walk away from the station, practically on the way to their apartment. There I purchased a Wii Remote, the idea being I could use it with the Wii U I had bought to test out the Taiko no Tatsujin Drum Controller before I took it home.
Hiroshi and Aiko kindly let us store some luggage at their place so we could carry on our journey across Japan with just one suitcase each, before we left they took us out to a local restaurant.
We met up with Oli's parents again and visited Junpei (じゅん平) for some okonomiyaki, Hiroshi took care of ordering for us all which was nice not to have to worry about. After the meal Hiroshi and Aiko left as they had a busy day tomorrow. We stayed in the restaurant for another drink, Oli's dad wanted Sake 🍶 but was having some trouble communicating with the waitress, I watched her trying to work out what drink he wanted for a moment. She was asking questions which didn't seem to relate to sake, I suddenly remembered that the word Sake just means alcohol and that in the west the drink we know as Sake is called Nihonshu (日本酒) with this information we were now able to narrow down the choices from alcohol to a specific beverage.
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After our drinks we hopped on the train to Shibuya, the station was being renovated and it was quite confusing to navigate after escaping we then found road works blocking our way so it took us a little longer to get to our AirBNB.
Once there we then had the confusion of working out how to get in to the building, but Oli found the code for the door and we got inside. The small apartment featured two sofa beds, a small kitchen, a washing machine a small shower room and an even smaller room with the toilet. While seated on the toilet you could reach out and touch the wall in front of you.
Tomorrow was the big day for Hiroshi and Aiko, I was invited to the wedding reception in the evening, so I had big plans to explore Akihabara on my own.
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dskimages · 2 years
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The one and only, main original Statue of Liberty in New York Harbor, USA. Of course there were two other smaller ones made as part of creating this one, and many hundreds exist around the world, but this is THE one. The first time I was in New York was just a few months after 9/11/2001 so the statue itself was closed. The next time was when I took this picture in 2017 from the ferry. Though we didn't get tickets early enough to go to the head, we did get up to the top of the pedestal. Though crowded on that fairly narrow ledge, it was still fun to at least get that high. It seems there has been some loss of liberty after the 9/11 attacks, but then there have been many times in the 100 years plus that liberty has been tested. How each of us defines liberty varies. So I think it's the hope she gives of liberty that may be more important. As long as we live in the real world, we will always struggle to have what we call liberty. But may she always encourage us to keep struggling for it. . May 2017 . I show all my pics here, or you can follow JUST my travel pics at @DSKwanders. . Nikon D7100, f20, 1/1600s, ISO-3200, 50mm, Nikon 18-135mm, 4.5-5.6 DX Adobe Lightroom enhancements . #DSKImagesNW #mydailypic #mydailyphoto #myphotooftheday #mypicoftheday #InstaDaily #InstaPic #myshots #myphotography #PicoftheDay #PhotooftheDay #PhotographyDaily #BestoftheDay #throughmylens #JustGoShoot #InstaFocus #PicturePerfect #MeandMyCamera #TakingPics #TakingPictures #cameraready #whatISee https://www.instagram.com/p/Cllp655uMYm/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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natethreepoint0 · 3 years
Yo! That's My Jawn: the Podcast - Ep. 2.4 - Top Ten Countdown Vol. 1
Yo! That’s My Jawn: the Podcast – Ep. 2.4 – Top Ten Countdown Vol. 1
Join Nate as he revisits the first ten guests of the show by selecting some of his favorite answers to the Top Ten Countdown. Feat. Randy Major, Paul Keen, Chiemena Ukazim, Kevin Mooney, Bill Schmids, Scott Miller, D.X. Ferris, Ben Arnold, Dan Reed and John Faye. But first, Nate reviews the 5.7.21 G. Love/Chuck Treece show at the Ardmore Music Hall. Apple Podcasts | Google Podcasts | Overcast |…
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6623press · 5 years
Big Buzz for Wrestling Book
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People like Good Advice From Professional Wrestling! (Click here to get it.) Here’s what they’re saying:
"This is something you're going to need to get. Check this book out." -- wrestling journalism icon Bill Apter, The Apter Chat
"What a cool book." -- Salina de la Renta, Major League Wrestling badass and Talento Dorado CEO
"Good Advice from Professional Wrestling: Full Contact Life Lessons from the Pinnacle Performance Art is a bright, breezy read from authors Darren Paltrowitz and D.X. Ferris. With a foreword by Diamond Dallas Page, one of pro wrestling's motivational masters, the book is a self-help manual with inspirational messages from such mat icons as Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson, Ric Flair, Chris Jericho, Mick Foley and Bruno Sammartino.." -- Mike Mooneyham, The Post and Courier
"This book sucks eggs." -- Maxwell Jacob Friedman, AEW
"I definitely recommend it. It can be read in a few hours. Grab it and keep it on hand. If you're having a rough day at work, look at a couple of the chapters. Overcome that negative mindset." -- Adam Holtzapfel , Otherworldly Culture
"Each short chapter offers a different slice of something you can learn." -- Stevie J, Thursday Night Amp, The Angry Marks Podcast Network
"I absolutely loved it." -- RJ Kruszynski, Revisionist Booking/Ringside Rant
"Phenomenal... It's a great book." -- Nick Newman, Nick's Rock n Wrestling Podcast
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larentsaloud · 3 years
Thyme the softest boyfie we all wanted
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He waits for her in the rain,🌧 even though Gorya hasn’t been replying to his messages earned 10 coins
He slams the umbrella ☔️ out of her hand, while giving her the puppy eyes. Misleading, but puppy eyes, so minus 2 coins
He gets the expression wrong and instead of calling himself a puppy says piglet. 🐖Bonus 3 coins because this makes him silly and I’ll always like this quirk.
He waited on the rain even though he could have gone to shelter. Gorya points this out quite succinctly and you have to wonder why. I’m suspecting our Thyme loves torture. Bonus 5 coins because their mutual sickness leads to Thyme showing up at her house and they end up taking care of one another. See?
He insists they have their date.♥️ I mean who wouldn’t want to go out with Thyme? You’d think. Gorya. After rolling her eyes they bicker and push and pull each other across the streets while eating and taking photos and eventually stumble across a Paddington bear. Thyme snatches her away from the claws of a bear. Plus 4 coins.
He says: don’t settle just to get free stuff. No coins because of previous behaviour.* But well done baby!
*This is coming form a man who almost had her hair shaved off and gifted her bunch of stuff for an apology, which she refused. What a guy. My baby growing up. 🥲🤧
He goes on a Ferris wheel ride🎡 even though he’s scared and it makes him sick — but they watch sunset. 20 coins. He overcomes his fear FOR HER and this is setting up us nicely for what's coming next:
He opens up about his family and listens to Gorya. 👂He falls into her embrace. Falls into her lap. She throws him across the wall. He doesn’t even blink. Lol. Bonus 19 coins for being the softest puppy looking up at her from her lap realising he’s just hit the jackpot.
He lets her give him a sponge bath 🧽. Coins melted in my pocket….
He tells his friends to show her respect..✊.No coins because previous behaviour, but also cancelled the red card. So.
He brings her medicine.
He gives her a cold patch.
He doesn't get jealous when he sees Ren's handkerchief.
He has the saddest story and yet remains unaware of it.
He eats the magic pork.
He offers to fix the gate. LOL.
He wants more dates.
Bonus: we see him looking at her through his eyes, and those moments have to be my favourite out of the whole episode:
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ladies and gentlemen and my non binary friends this is a boi in luv:
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Score? I'm out of coins. I wanna shower Thyme with so much love for this episode. Bright did an AMAZING job at nailing his expressions. And Gorya? Perfection. As Always.
Never heard of him.
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sanriosratz · 2 years
Ciero is fucked up. That’s it. That’s the whole post. (/hj)
@eldritch-hall-asylum i’m not back on my Ciero-spam bullshit, just clearing things up when it comes to Ciero’s dxs
TW for trauma, and mention of abuse, drug [use mention] (marry an iguana), ASK TO TW
under the cut for length!
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Ciero is fucked up. That's it.
Autism Spectrum Disorder (Autism/ASD)
Diagnosed in their early twenties? They'd shown symptoms their entire life (obviously lmfao.) that went ignored (because of Richard's ableism or just not seeing a problem? It's unknown). Special interests include Back to The Future, Lord of The Flies, Beagles, and Chickens/birds. (I also personally headcanon that they have a SpIn in flowers and bees).
Complex-Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (C-PTSD)
Don't know when he was diagnosed with this; maybe in his breakdown arc? I think it went 'ignored' for years (ignored, as in Ciero didn't want to deal with it). Formed from extreme trauma from childhood to adulthood.
Complex/Chronic Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS)
Developed due to being shot and bitten by an attack dog on the leg. Diagnosed a while after the hospitalisation from the wounds suffered (generalised age 29–30). I doubt that she'd take countless meds to control her pain. Instead, she may have Lumbar Sympathetic Blocks or a Spinal Cord Stimulator (SCS), which can reduce symptoms in her leg. She may have PRN medication (MMJ?*) that she'll use during bad flares. I'm also assuming that her whole leg is affected; it may have first developed in her lower leg and then spread up, stopping at her hip.
*I’m just putting this down to note; that Ciero might vape marry-an-iguana when flares occur (smoking/vaping causes the 'high' to come quicker than edibles). She might use edibles for PTSD to calm down and relax?
Hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (hEDS) *PENDING*
Diagnosed a little while after their trip to NYC (after everything with Alice). Dealt with symptoms their entire life, most commonly dislocations and joint pain. This could just be me being me, but I think that Ciero's hEDS to some degree would be moderate–severe. They'd get 9/9 on the Beighton score (hypermobility test) and have quite weak joints; especially their hips. They'd have general issues with their knees, shoulders, and wrists.
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Ferris Dorothy Windroe
Ferris is multipurpose. Mainly psychiatry to help Ciero manage her triggers and responses to triggers. He can guide her away from environments where she is triggered or help ground her within the environment. He can also perform mobility tasks (such as for her hEDS and CRPS). He can disrupt self-harming behaviours such as skin picking, scratching, etc. as well as interrupt flashbacks, panic/anxiety attacks, and dissociative episodes. He can also get them down to the floor if need be). He can retrieve items (such as items Ciero has dropped, Ciero's meds, his leash, etc.). He can do crowd control (circle handler to create space when needed; mild agoraphobia with Ciero).
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reddeadreference · 2 years
Blog Progress Update (Low-Honor Travel Blog 😈 #2)
Drafts: 93 - Queue: 59
Had a brief “Poll” up and I’m going to continue the 5 posts a day thing.
It’s gonna stay Location, Stranger, Mission, POI, Newspaper until I run out of one of those things. (Already running out of Stranger stuff so I’ll replace that with detail posts like outfits, specific rooms, etc. or other missions)
Queue as of 4/21/22
Missions: 33 - all but 2 from Ep 2 (Just because I need to make a gif smaller and get a photo of something else.)
POI: 8
Locations: 13
Stranger Missions: 3
Journal (Chapter): 3
Newspapers: 2
Low Honor Blogging!
-Insulted Pearson-
Pearson: Why are you being an idiot?
Me: *About to hit O to antagonize again*
Dutch: Don’t Arthur.
Me: O_O
-Went to get Sean-
Javi: “What are you doing, Arthur.”
Sean: DX
You both have arms and legs, you get him down XD
Okay I couldn’t say no to Mary-Beth when she asked me to dance.. I just couldn’t… HOWEVER I will say no to Mary-Mary when she asks me to go do shit for her…
Has the music while tracking the bear always been this fucking creepy????
Anyway I’m also getting alternate cutscene screenshots like this time I split up with Hosea instead of using bait. Poor Hosea. I’m sorry dad 
Oof I wanna help Mary just for Jamie but…no Mary. I’m not your errand boah!
Yeah okay no timeline keeping for this run it’s just taking too damn long I’ll do that for another run.
It is harder than I thought to be low honor… I gotta start robbing places but then there’s the hassle of them chasing me and shooting at me and ugh.
Didn’t help a lady under her horse… felt bad… didn’t help the blind man… felt bad… BEAT UP Downes… FELT BAD
When we take Jack fishing Arthur says “tough few weeks up in that snow” … Arthur… stop complicating the timeline…
Wait a minute… how did Dutch know Ross’ name??? When else do we learn about them??? I mean I guess it makes sense since they’re after Dutch he probably would know their names. Feel like he should be a bit more concerned…
“Why didn’t you take it?” wtf happened to make Dutch not trust us before the game even started???? We’ve been with you the second longest with Hosea being the longest. WTF HAPPENED? It makes sense after he hits his head and has a rat in his ear so much but in 6 months over 20 years of trust just down the drain?
Micah, you bitch, let me use your campfire damn it. Trying to be low honor I shot the sheriff (~But I did not shoot the deputy~ Actually I probably did…) in Strawberry and I gotta wait for Micah now.. Spawn! Spawn Cowboy Satan, Spawn! 
I have a solution. *CHUGS Alcohol* … *wakes up in jail* WHAT?!
Micah! *Jumps from cliff to land in front of him* Squeak Squeak MF! You owe me $62!
Micah: Hey Arthur. Good to see you.
Bitch, acknowledge my parkour... and pay me.
“Trying to protect his riding clothes.”
Bitch… do you not see the mud on me?
 I’ve also learned not to use what anyone SAYS for time reference because they use “few” as more than 3. They use couple as more than 2. (Couple=2 Few=3 Several= 4 and up) So maybe it felt like it was “weeks” in the mountains but it was probably one. Cause Arthur just said Micah’s been running with them a “few months” when we know it was 5 months of him in the gang before the Blackwater Ferry happened and he says 6 months during the walk to depression in Rhodes. 
Anyway I’ve been robbing and insulting every NPC I come across on the road and it is surprisingly hard to lose honor quickly unless I wanna go crazy and pull a Micah… no thank you.
Oh no…. Abigail is talking about Jack’s clothes (which is always adorable cause he’s like “wuh? Huh?”)… must.. Resist… urge…. To…. HELP….
I was insulting Pearson and it just suddenly showed him DECK me.
So about antagonizing in camp…
I’ve antagonized the following camp members: Bill, Kieran (and I die inside each time), Pearson, Uncle, Swanson, Sean (once and he made me feel so bad about it I just walked away), Dutch I think once…
People I’m scared to antagonize: Grimshaw
People I don’t want to antagonize no matter what to the point that I run away from them when they even greet me: Charles, Tilly, Lenny, Abigail, Jack, Hosea,
I don’t like being mean T-T I gotta grow Arthur’s beard and hair out and make him look different than my usual Arthur maybe that’ll help…
Oooo I’m gonna five finger filet with Lenny =D There’s nothing honor changing about that.
“Luck, skill, and just a dose of stupidity” These were the ingredients chosen to create the perfect little cowboy but Professor…. Uh… Van Der Linde accidentally added an extra ingredient to the concoction– Chemical R (I dunno, for Rockstar) Thus, The Cow…puff… boys… were born (this was better in my head) Using their ultra-super powers Sulky, Scar-Face, and Angry (Names from Sean not me) Have dedicated their lives to fighting- to crime and the forces of evil!
(I… really need to learn when to stop/give up on a bit… but I wanted to make this: John as Bubbles, Charles as Blossom, and Arthur as Buttercup. I did my best and spent way too long trying to make them look “good”. Obviously I used the “powerpuff yourself” thingy on CN.)
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Sped through chapter 2 cause I’m mostly skipping cutscenes unless there’s a scene I really like in one. 
I’m going to do my best to finish the main story in the next few days which shouldn’t be hard since I’m only doing story and skipping cutscenes. I went to get my white Arabian but instead of naming her Ruin like I usually do and changing her main and tail to the 17th colour I’ve named her Grimmora and made her hair RED. 
Okay WHO okayed the fricken xylophone music for the Valentine shoot out?
Dutch: “Arthur Shoot SOMEONE” bitch I’ll shoot you! (Why is “bitch” my go to when talking to Dutch and Micah???)
“Are you getting Strauss or not Arthur” I’M TRYING TO SHOOT PEOPLE
Alrighty chapter 3
Dutch just say Crick… buddy… pal… EE… it’s crEEEEk like how your brain CREEKS when you try to think of a good idea. (GOT EM)
Oh no O_O if I’m trying to do this as quick as possible… I can’t go fishing with Best Dad and not-so-good Dad! D=
=D But they still go fishing together! Aw I was hoping I’d see them out fishing or returning to camp by the time I got back lol that’d be neat.
Dang it I was gonna five finger filet Micah but I walked too close to the food wagon.
So I realized I never got the shopping list and Pearson's letter photos, I’m taking a photo the shopping list and Sadie “takes it” but i’m still holding it… omg… Arthur legit won’t read Pearson’s letter XD unless I broke the satchel with the shopping list thing that just happened. Nope he just won’t read it.
Sadie has a sister and a nephew?
Ah man I can’t give anyone their gifts if I’m mean! DX
Arthur: “Keep it cool”
Sadie: immediately pulls out gun* I LOVE HER T_T
“Told you I could shoot a gun, didn’t I?”
“I don’t remember asking you to prove it!”
Alright time to get those Caliga Hall photos I missed.
Did you know Beau has a sketch of Penelope in that book he has when we talk to him??? Q-Q Cause I didn’t…
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Beau is also magic. Before it goes into proper cutscene mode there’s a letter he’s writing on the book and magically it turns into an envelope and folder letter when we cut to another angle.
Okay.. went to race Dutch, hit a sign and failed because I “Attacked my horse” … really?
Ah Fenton…
Time to rob a bank
Burst into the station at Rhodes “Great Scott!” … Doc?
When Cain shows up “hi my friend, hi” Jack stop being so adorable! T_T
Gotta go get the Circus wagon in Great Plains, listening to SacAnime Summer 2019 panel for the RDR2 Cast and Gabriel, the actor for Javier, brought up that he had to fight to be able to have Javier point his gun UP instead of at Arthur and John during chapter 6 and I never even noticed that… And I agree with him that he doesn’t think he would have wanted to go against them. Those were his brothers...
Alright took a train to Annesburg just gonna wait til it’s more deserted area and rob it. This is a big train… Main train with coal, then two storage cars, four passenger cars, three baggage/storage cars and then an end car (That apparently is like a tiny apartment? It’s got two beds (one above the other, fold-able) a lil kitchen thingy, a weird wall cabinet set seat thing..
Arthur humming the mission impossible theme while he astral projects (photo mode) to see where guards are.
Dun dun duh-dun dun dun duh-dun dun dun duh-dun dun dun duh-dun dee-dah-doooooo dee-dah-doooooo~
Dang it the people always despawn when I rob trains!
Eh I robbed some, blew two safes… can I rob a bank? Where is there a bank? Okay so I was on the train in the middle of nowhere with my horse missing so my go-to was to drink until I was somewhere else…. HOW THE HELL did I end up in valentine jail? … DUTCH CAME FOR ME Q-Q I AM loved! Eh I needed a hair cut anyway
“Just got into town mister?” Bartend-dude… I know I have a fricken cat on my face but I’m wearing the same clothes I wore every time I came in here.. Alright I got a left parted fade 3 and I’m gonna keep growing out the facial hair I’m only at a 5.
I robbed the doctor… that gave me a pretty decent honor loss. Gonna see if I can - can’t rob the bank... I CAN however use the bank to shoot at the law from.
I was gonna go sell this horse I stole to get away… but I’m thinking of passing out drunk again and seeing if I get broken out of jail this time…nvm I have no booze…
WHOOPS okay so last thing I was doing was throwing dynamite as I ran from cops… went to rob a fella on the road… let’s just say neither of us were expecting me to do what I just did.
OOF I’ve never heard the dishonor music make THAT sound before…
On my way to the horse guys I got stopped on a bridge, took them out and Arthur just happily goes “Good plan fellers.” And I just lost it XD
One of the guys has an eyepatch o.o odd detail I’ve never seen on any other npc… and they were just random people too, not raiders or O'Driscolls. 
Well the horse I was gonna sell ran off.. But they have a wagon with two horses…
I”M SORRY HORSE I FORGOT GRAVITY WAS A THING (Horse is fine… just got plinkoed down the hill when I cut him free…).
Micah trying to pay Bill a compliment... Bill is like: SUS. Wondering if they’ll say anything else..nope.
Alright buddy time to die SIKE Ima go into the bank… there’s no one here… Arthur just sneaks into the bank, goes to the window and just stands there until Micah turns his head and scares the crap outta him XD
Ugh the music is just like “bad things… bad things are gonna happen…you’re gonna have a bad time~”
“You’re getting sloppy, Morgan” BITCH you only shot one of them I got the other shush your little rat face
UHHHHHHHHH O_O Whoa that journal scene was dark… I didn’t know honor changed those too.. I do not remember that scene. I already got one wolf dream scene (it was pretty awesome!)
Anyway I’m gonna end my night by burning the Braithwaite house because it is 4am.... 
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origami10 · 4 years
Ajin ch 86 thoughts
Okay, it’s been a little bit! Thoughts and spoilers under the cut! (Warning, this is very long)
Writing this in a word doc because a) I don’t want to risk going on tumblr and b) I don’t want to risk the post getting deleted in the middle  [note from the end: this ended up being four pages long in a Word document, so I’m sorry]
Ahhhh, last time buying the digital magazine ><    Until... if... Sakurai starts publishing something new...
It seems kind of unfair not to have Ajin be the cover feature if it’s ending DX I guess they’re just starting with a new series, though. Is that how that works? (It has a main character with white hair so I might be interested...) It’s at the beginning of the mag.
Okay, yeah, pages 111-175.  Aggghhhh I’ve always put off reading the end of series, but I think this is the first one I’ve been up to date with when it actually ended. Promised Neverland was close.
ooh completely new characters...?????? whoops overshot the starting page by a few ughhhh it’s definitely the last one... I mean we knew that, but still..... OMG NO IT’S IZUMI AND TANAKA ISN’T IT??    jeez woah  I can’t wait to hear other readers’ reactions    [edit: yes this was about clover, and she recorded her reaction, which was beautiful ;u;] also omg they’re at least appearing together
omg Sakurai’s author’s note: “It’s very cold, isn’t it. Everyone, I hope you don’t catch a cold.”       YOU’RE NOT EVEN GOING TO ACKNOWLEDGE IT’S ENDING?
okay, so at least some time skip Tanaka: New identity, who dis Ooh, Izumi called Tanaka “anta” – the rude/familiar version of ‘you’, rather than the polite one. Honestly I don’t remember but it’s probably what she called him previously. And then turns around and called him anata the next page X’D  Okay, I’m glad that not being consistent is okay in Japanese, I always worry/wonder about that ooooh so Tanaka doesn’t have a new identity YET. I wonder how long it’s been?? omg Tosaki prepared it??    Was he thinking that far ahead? Or is he not dead....   ???  okay so he made it ahead of time     oh, and Izumi was the one who asked him for it??? Oh wow, Izumi has yet another change of identity. I wonder if she’s back to (omggg I forget D: her original name... Tainaka [hah]) Also another great shot emphasizing their height difference X’) lmaoooo I always love when there manages to be some humor oh, they’re only about three years apart! I wonder if that helps pin down the timeline at all??
Aw, Izumi still respects Tosaki lmao  “I’m going home.” “You really have places to be?”  Oh I guess that wasn’t quite it- she really was wondering if he was had a living location... so he has been kinda on the run ><    [Sakurai. Sakurai, happy ending. There is, right? Right?]
Oh dude I really didn’t think we’d get any resolution on that ship and like, idk if this counts as resolution but it sure looks like it does right now okay I’m really sorry but part of me is like ///we’re using so many of the remaining pages on this///  although oh I guess it’s only been 10 pages... it feels like so many since the chapters have been so short lately...
heyyyyy  I mean we kinda knew the U.S. ajin would be back or else what was the point of introducing them Ogura not being dead at the end of the series is extremely impressive (also hopefully Kai :prayer hands:  as in I think he survived) so Ogura didn’t tell them he was coming back huh ... with the crew??? :eyes emoji: lmao AND they thought he was dead, I’m cackling oh okay so they had heard he wasn’t dead the close up of Jim’s face reminds of Kai somehow I guess this manga isn’t so long (and the U.S. ajin left enough of an impression) that at least we’re not like WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE “I’ll kill you!!” “Go ahead!!”  HA Winnn I think the people in this series need to get their idea of ‘fun’ checked I don’t really understand what he says in the bubble after that... I’ll have to check the English did he like, metaphorically die because he’s out of FKs? I’m not up on my cigarette brands enough to know if that’s an FK or not... I think it’s what the brand turned into...? oh no what’s this omg    is it gonna be Kai? Are they all gonna be in there? Kotobuki??   also this is already super sad that not everyone got out of jail free... unless they did and I’ll see... but also it’s realistic so all for the best I guess?  i have no idea OH HA I thought it was the juvenile detention center but it’s Takahashi !  o_o not entirely sure I understand what Takahashi says to the guard either at least everyone’s having... fun??? KAI KAI KAI    gahhhh this looks exactly like how ch 69 started and agh they’re both in juvie but ahhhhh they’re together??         I’m already scared to read and actually find out –o- oh wait they have dates to get out!  and they said plural ‘we’ “That was fast”  I feel like that panel represents what this chapter means to me somehow lmao they just want them to be not their problem anymore... that really wraps it up nicely, hilariously, and realistically I’m glad I’m not translating this because there are really a couple lines where I don’t completely understand them “something happened that day”  um, yeah WOW I did NOT think we were going to get an answer to whether Kai was an ajin now or not, but I feel like that definitively answers that question?????     also that’s terribly funny HE DOESN’T EVEN KNOW KEI REVIVED HIM??       -punches a wall-  Kai’s whole personality is  ‘I don’t really remember that happening’  >_____________________________> Kei... gave Kai a reason to live... because he almost died...?      I still kinda have faith in this wrapping up well but GOD Kai is not a character to invest all your emotion into, laughs cryingly Kotobuki: “You literally never make any sense, man.” oh no “ano natsu” GAH
I just realized that this almost certainly means Kai and Kou never met. There isn’t enough keysmashing in the world to express my desire to throw my laptop at a wall right now
In no way shape or form did I ever expect to get closure on Akiyama, even on him getting out of the barrel
Manabe definitely stole whatever it is he’s holding but it was probably some kind of personal effects...?  [my powers of prediction suck most of the time] he really looks beat up now ;u; Izukyū-Shimoda... Win, that’s not where you traveled, is it?  Maybe I saw it on the Sunday NHK travel program... but it’s also the end of the train line and has ferries going out into the ocean islands.  Is he getting away, or going home.......? or to Hirasawa or something...?
well that was an extremely abrupt shift are they really shooting Satou up into space they’re not using him as a test subject are they that sounds like an even more awful idea than I ever could have come up with okay... oh jeez can we please please not have Satou be Captain America you just KNOW he’s going to make trouble again, ,, , , ,!!
oh jeez Eriko! I didn’t expect to see her but it’s nice! it’s really sinking in that that’s all the closure we’re going to get on Kai isn’t it Eriko tsundere as if that needed confirmed okay cool, so she’s out of the hospital (for now)
It does seem appropriate? Likely? That Kei didn’t go home. WE BETTER SEE KOU THIS CHAPTER oh, it’s fall   (or winter? Izumi said it was cold...) oh phew
Sakurai said RIP KeiKai shippers I guess....  but they still influenced each other so that’s still shippable even though they’re not together?  sigh not everything is so straightforward and I guess it’s good it reflects that
Kei looks happy enough was Kei working a blue collar job with Kou or something? That’s 100% unexpected Kou adorable omg what is his new name gonna be Also ;-; so they’ve giving ajin rights but everyone’s still staying undercover...? or Kou isn’t I guess, that’s sweet oh wow we admit Tosaki’s great     I guess last chapter’s statement that they found his remains must have settled whether he’s alive or not ‘iroiro atta na’  YOU THINK    also pretty sure that’s Kai’s line from the drama CD what’s with that Kei face??? OMG PERF       also that is scarily close to what I wrote in a fic, but also pretty much to be expected crap I guess at least Tanaka and Izumi are with each other? KAI’S MOON JACKET   WITH THE SMILIE       we really messed up characterizing Kai as the sun haha he’s out he’s out he’s out is he going to meet someone literally zooming out on everyone (like at the end of last chapter too) is kinda messing with me Like they’re still around and doing stuff but we aren’t (don’t get to) watch them anymore Kou saying ‘let’s all meet again’... my heart is warm ;0; LMAO
we can at least rest assured that everyone stayed in character
I can’t I can’t I can’t  [note, this was when I thought Kei saying ‘nah’ was the last page]
omg Sakurai you’ve done it again bwahahaah a coworker hit him and is like ‘oh cool fine nevermind’ this is WAY more hilarious than I was expecting for this chapter How do I always forget that Ajin has so much comedy not remembering what page number the chapter ends on is nice
Tankobon releases May 7th in Japan Elizaaaaaa Kei’s got a Shion coat
alright uh well I guess that’s good, in a way, we still get to imagine whatever we want
Finishing it hasn’t sunk in yet, I’ve have to get back to you on that one.
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patchoulism · 3 years
That one scene in PreCure All Stars DX where Cures launch off from the ferris wheel... Damn.
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daryljdugdale · 4 years
TC and I love a boat trip. The crossing to Spain has become part of our travel experience, something we always look forward to and it never disappoints. Action and incident is always present. This time there is no exception. Storms in the Bay of Biscay, make the crossing like a 24 hour fun fair ride, leading to the ship being diverted to Santander instead of the expected destination of Bilbao. Our late departure and this change of destination means we have adjusted our travel plans. Instead of heading to Puerto Lapice south of Madrid and a six hour road trip, we will head for Segovia, just north of Madrid. The aire is in the car park of the municipal bull ring. A beautiful building with oodles of history. It’s only a 3.5 hour drive and if it’s open will act as our resting place for the night. Despite the stormy crossing, our trip so far has allowed us the opportunity to relax and unwind. Social distancing measures in place seem to be working and people are being respectful and wearing masks as they move around the boat. There certainly aren’t the same numbers of passengers as usual sailings. Smithy is sharing our cabin with us which has meant he’s avoided the dreaded kennel on top deck. He rewarded TC by pissing on her bed within the first half hour. He’s never done that before and I’m not sure why this time. Perhaps he was marking his territory or expressing his thoughts on the movement of the boat. Luckily we have a four birth cabin so additional duvets were available. Last night we played bingo, drank wine and had a lovely meal before retiring early to our cabin and a green tea and a good book before sleep. I haven’t slept so well for weeks, the motion of the boat, the dark and no doubt my red wine blanket all contributing to my state of slumber. As we inch closer to Spain the sun is shining brightly into our cabin, the deck is windy but warm and we’re thinking about how the process of entering Spain might present itself. What sorts of checks/ health and passport might take place. In the meantime we have another four hours of sailing to do, and I’m looking forward to a full English breakfast. As we have a Bon Voyage card we are entitled to £8.25 of breakfast each free. As we piled our plates with both a cooked and continental breakfast the total cost was £ 1.50. It gets better, I popped to the supermercardo on board to buy our packed lunch for the onward journey and was told by the cashier that the £15 worth of crisps and sandwiches would be free. I have no idea why, perhaps there was a weird error in their computer systems, I’m not complaining. Additionally an email from Brittany Ferries have offered us £15 compensation for the inconvenience of our delay and alternative destination. You’ve got to love a boat trip. Dx
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nightfurylover31 · 5 years
Highlights of VRAINS dub 50. Doing this because it’s one of my favorites: 
Lightning’s voice works for him. Sounds very stuck up.
Roboppy is confirmed to be male even in bot form. He said he and Ai were BBFs; best bots forever! 
Wow, Yusaku actually brought up the the other Ignis could be dead.
Takeru’s dub name is Theodore. It’s not that bad, but I’ll still probably call him Takeru.
Yusaku: How do you know about my identity? Theodore: Well this is awkward. 
Ai and Flame call each other by their real names, but it’s just beeping to us. And Flame continues to roast Ai on so many levels
Flame and the ferris wheel. It got better! 
"I believe we are more than capable of moving past conflict.” That’s my boy, Yusaku! 
Ai saying he was super careful in hiding the Cyberse, but feels he messed up. You did no such thing, sweetie! It was an inside job! Stop making Ai feel bad, Lightning! (grumbles because it’s going to keep happening)  
“And I find those wearing anaconda scarves are covering up for their ugly. Who wears sunglasses indoors, anyway?!” Good one, Gore. XD
“More off guard than the fact that Yusaku actually made some friends! Un real!” I love how Kolter continues to roast Yusaku over his lack of social skills. 
“I’m not really a straight A student.” Theodore’s still so precious! 
And now things that made me emotional because of the VRAINS finale... Contains spoilers from ending:
“You’re back home, Ai.”
I knew I’d be hit with feels right away, but I still wasn’t prepared. You had to say that, Yusaku? T_T
“Hey, Kolter! Remember me?” “Yeah. You’re kind of hard to forget even if you want to.” 
Just reminded me how Ai said that everyone would forget him eventually. But we all know it’s impossible to forget that lovable AI.
“The safest place for you is to be by my side at all times.” Aww, Yusaku~
Me: ^-^    *remembers the simulations: DX(
Ai prefers the name Yusaku gave him over his real one! Apparently he doesn’t like the meaning. That makes Ai asking for the definition even more moving. ToT
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pokemon-exploration · 4 years
Gone through your list of songs for the 100th time and want something different? Same. So, here’s a list of what I’ve been listening to recently. No one asked but I mean - if you’re stuck home bound, what do you have to lose? A lot of them (but not all) are either in Japanese or contain Japanese bc I cant just say ‘Hozier’s Wasteland, Baby album’ bc chances are you’ve already consumed it.
-Any song covered by Oktavia. Her voice is phenomenal and the videos are well mixed.
-A lot of Vocaloid songs by Ferry: particularly The Faulty Feline Philosophy and Punch it, Punk! Punch it, Punk is part of a series, and there’s a whole story attached to it, so you can become even more invested lmao.
-DEMONDICE KAREN’s Alkatraz is a new addition that I’d never heard of before until the YouTube recommended deities said ‘hey check this out’. Prison breaks are one of my favourite plot lines. This led me down a rabbit hole and a lot of the songs are fantastic and swing rap jazz - I’d say give it a try even if those aren’t your usual genres, and recently released was ‘you’re an ace, kid’ which is...Very Good.
-There’s this one video that I literally cannot title because there IS no title. It’s by [ ]. Yep that’s right there’s also no uploader. There’s 2 versions, both are the exact same except the images are reversed? I think? Hffff. Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UxM5UgpXYM4 don’t mind any cult comments, they’re joking. Maybe.
-Kiss From A Rose cover by Dan Avidan & Super Guitar Bros.
-Any song by e ve, but I am partial to Dramaturgy, As You Like It, Last Dance and Tokyo Ghetto
-The A Hat In Time soundtrack. A lot of these songs are just really good. There’s not much else to say. Also the associated meme song, ‘Smug Dancin’
-The Crane Wives: they’ve got some goooood songs. Curses is always replaying in one of my brain tabs, as is The Garden, and The Hand That Feeds is epic.
-The Dear Wormwood album by the Oh Hellos. All songs are fantastic, I cannot find fault with them. Soldier, Poet, King? Fantastic! This Always to Tryrants? Phenomenal! Whole album is good, even my sis likes their songs which...wow that usually doesn’t happen! She says that ‘if hozier describes the people in the bog, the oh hellos describe the bog’ or something to that effect.
-and, as always, the PMD soundtrack. Which PMD? ANY! I’m partial to PMD: EoS, but playing DX has really got me fired up!
So yeah, those are songs you can listen to In Bulk. Also, don’t forget to cycle to songs you listened to ages ago but left bc you squeezed all their repeats earlier. Like, I haven’t listened to one of Oktavia’s songs in months but went back to Wrinkle and nearly cried! So yeah the older songs may be refreshed.
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6623press · 5 years
The GOAT Wrestling Writer Says...
Bill Apter — the greatest wrestling journalist in the history of the game —plugged Good Advice From Professional Wrestling on his show, The Apter Chat, episode #8. It was in the mix with Al Snow’s Self Help and Mike Mooneyham’s Final Bell. Here’s what Apter had to say about Good Advice From...
“This is something you’re going to need to get. Check this book out.” 
After a lifetime of reading his works, it’s a gigantic honor. 
See screen pics below... the bottom one doesn’t really have Ronda Rousey in it... or does it?
You can see Mr. Apter’s show on the Jarrett Parsons Wrestling Channel on your Roku player, free. Check IT out.
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