#tw drug use mention
generic-whumperz · 2 months
The Aid Backstory
This is a collection of miscellaneous chapters separate from the progressing storyline that delve into Aid's past, including parts with members of the Sullivan clan such as Eleanor, Waylon, Taylor, Haylee, and—of course—Wyatt. As always, things will be routinely added after I finish them and are subject to change!
Once I have written a chap, it will be linked to its correlating summary.
Posting this is either incredibly ballsy or reckless of me, I can't decide which. I've only begun writing a few of these parts so far, yet here I am, throwing them out to the wind. This gives an idea of some backstory elements and a sneak peek into some upcoming works. Some of these are standalone, while others are mini-series or multi-parters.
These span about six years and are mostly in chronological order, but I may move them around as I see fit.
Home Sweet Home: Aid's travel and first couple of days in his new home.
Couture: Eleanor takes The Aid shopping for new clothes and has him pick out a birthday present for her son, Wyatt.
50th: The Aid meets the rest of the Sullivan family at Wyatt’s 50th birthday bash.
Loyalties: Waylon tests if The Aid can be trusted to take on the role of acting consigliere to the family business.
(WIP) Taylor: As requested by Waylon, The Aid is tasked with detangling the emotional battleground of his troubled daughter, Taylor. Smutty, dub-con bitch boy shit + femdomme + bad therapy (A few/several parts, a saga if you will). (*To be abundantly clear, The Aid & Taylor are around the same age and in their early 20s here.)
Snake in the Grass: Waylon uses The Aid to weed out potential traitors within the organization that are a threat to operations.
Poolside Margaritas: After The Aid does not return Taylor’s affections, she plans revenge and humiliates him in front of her newest lover.
Last Words: The Aid’s final moments with Eleanor’s before she dies, her hand held in his.
Funeral: Eleanor’s funeral, The Aid wonders what’s next for him.
The Will: Eleanor's will reading. When Aid finds out Wyatt is his new Master, they both don't take this information well.
Revoked: Wyatt removes many of Aid's "privileges" and instills new rules. He removes Aid's desk and bookshelf, rips off his doors, and takes away his TV from his unit's living room area.
High Roller: Wyatt takes The Aid to a casino and uses him to cheat on a poker game.
Cousin: Wyatt’s cousin, Vinny, comes over to celebrate Wyatt’s big win with a fat stash of drugs and call girls.
Pushing Boundaries: Events detailing Wyatt's increased abuse and seeing how much The Aid will take and deal with. First slapping him when he picks up an item that Waylon Sr. used to beat Wyatt with as a child. Evolves to foot rubs while Wyatt jacks off to porn.
Daughter: Wyatt’s daughter, Haylee, is in a bad mood during their weekend visitation which prompts him to use The Aid to figure out what is bothering her.
Blood lust: Defining moments of Wyatt's increased blood lust for The Aid. Starts with simple finger cuts and evolved into more. Ends with Wyatt licking wounds and finding out his new fav drug is Mystic blood.
Bad Dad: Haylee witnesses Wyatt beating on The Aid.
Happy Ending: Wyatt orders The Aid to his room, where he demands a full body massage and makes him give him a hand-job.
Weekend Get-Away: Wyatt and a few of the Sullivan business partners go on a hunting trip for the weekend. He brings The Aid along to carry gear and taunts and humiliates him in front of others. One of the partners brings their slave, too, and they have a gang bang, which Wyatt forces Aid to watch.
What's Owed: First time Wyatt assaults The Aid in the home office.
The Cabin: After the night of What's Owed, Wyatt gets The Aid stitched up and takes him to the family cabin where they have to fight off looters, and Aid has to choose between shooting Wyatt or the gang attacking them. They spend the week up there as Wyatt goes on a bender and torments the shit out of him.
Recordings: Wyatt plays videos of him torturing and assaulting The Aid and forces him to watch.
Escape Attempt: The Aid's attempted murder of Wyatt and the details of his week+ on the run and his recapture. He fights off anthrophages, raiders, and desert crackheads holding him for ransom money—a big multi-parter.
Basement Days: Another big multi-parter housing a collection of chapters detailing the 4 months of torture after Wyatt recaptures The Aid. This was originally where the story began, and I have a fondness for this time as a lot of things unravel here and affect Wyatt's motives and subsequent actions. Parts include but are not limited to:
(WIP) Reacquainted: The Aid's first 24 hours back home after Wyatt retrieves him from border patrol.
(WIP) Guilty: Wyatt drags The Aid down to the basement and beats a confession out of him.
Something in the Dark: The Aid learns he’s not alone in the basement, first sleep paralysis demon encounter.
Facility flashback: Approximately two weeks into his imprisonment in the basement, The Aid has a flashback of the day that changed his life forever.
Fido: Wyatt force-feeds The Aid wet dog food.
Lessons: After telling off Wyatt, The Aid is restrained inside a cage as punishment.
Cat’s Out of the Bag: Waylon Pays a Visit and finds out everything that's transpired between Wyatt and The Aid. But once Waylon learns The Aid betrayed his trust and tried to murder his brother, he turns the other way, but not before cutting Wyatt off financially.
Internet Superstar: With the help of Vinny, Wyatt turns one of his hobbies into a new source of income.
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oxipokebattles · 20 days
Can someone tell me why a student came into school with a shirt that said “I am high right now”???
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cryptid-moose · 2 years
Heres some owl house wips that i'll never finish + some toh doodles i did while baked lol
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ajdupontmoreau · 4 months
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Name: Aiden Jax du Pont-Moreau
Nickname: Aj
Age: 28
Birthday: April 15, 1995  (☼ aries,  ☽ libra,  ↗ pisces )
Gender/Pronouns: cis man; he/him
Sexuality: Doesn't like labels but is bisexual
Hometown: Long Island, New York
Length of Time in Cape May: On and off for 28 years.
Occupation: Billionaire (he does stuff just this is a simple umbrella)
Faceclaim: Nicholas Galitzine
trigger(s): mentions of rehab, drug use,
Aj was born into a very wealthy (which is still an understatement) family. His father Declan du Pont is one of the heirs to the du Pont dynasty and the current CEO of Tournay du Pont co. His mother is Cadieux CEO and famed fashion designer, Nadine du Pont-Moreau. He was born in Monaco during one of his parents' many trips there and partially raised in his father's hometown of Long Island, New York for the better part of his life when he wasn't off jet-setting to different parts of the world for any number of reasons.
He definitely grew up with a silver spoon in his mouth but has spent a great deal of time learning that he has privilege and he should listen before commenting on things he doesn’t understand.
AJ's rebellious streak growing up was not for the faint of heart. He spent a great deal of time flirting with and even sleeping with the wives (WANTED CONNECTION) of other rich men in their social circle, going to parties he had no business being at, doing drugs he shouldn't have been doing and streaking through Vegas (there's a tabloid story somewhere) all before he was even 21.
This rebellious 'phase' resulted in a short stint in rehab that his parents practically forced on him. He also had what he called an adult baby sitter assigned to him - even though it didn't stop him from going back to the same scene. A few more trips and he got the hint to get his shit together. While he's not fully sober, he's California Sober. He attends meetings if he feels he needs it and overall, hears his own body out.
AJ didn't take the traditional ivy league school option when he finished high school. He instead opted to go and see more of the world. He had all the money he needed at his disposal and what more could he learn in a classroom than in the actual world. He had travelled to parts of Africa, Asia, and South America in an effort to learn about different cultures and customs and then jetted off to North America, Australia and parts of Europe before finally settling back in France.
While he should've been cleaning up his act, the travelling, primarily the latter continents involved more partying and scandalous headlines that his parents didn't like - including a photo of their son passed out at the foot of the Cristo Redentor (Chris the Redeemer) Statue.
While it made Aj and his buddies laugh, his parents felt differently and told him he had responsibilities and he couldn't take over Tournay du Pont co & Cadieux if he was going to be reckless. They'd always told him it would inevitably be his to lead. He chose to enrol into a university and get his business degree like the good little rich boy they expected him to be - not without his fair share of frat parties of course.
The thing with AJ is he doesn't want to live up to the family name and live this boring stuffy life that keeps him so busy he can't live it. The double edged sword is that he's very good at it. He has a keen eye for both the fashion industry and the tech industry. He enjoys the work but he wonders if it's all he's worth. No one takes him seriously enough to do the job but they all expect him to do it regardless. 
He's feeling lost in trying to figure out his next steps and what he wants in life but he's also trying to distract himself from adulting by having meaningless hookups and avoiding forming connections because he feels he'll get too caught up in his 'birth right' jobs and not be able to commit to people the way they should be.
anything to do with the du pont-moreau lore can be found here.
Aj is very charming - whether that's something the money and confidence provides or just his natural essence, it is undeniable and can be quite frustrating at times.
He can be quick to anger when dealing with incompetence or certain levels of frustration but it's been a long while since someone has made him angry to a point that he expresses it.
He can be quite the nerd when in his natural element and thanks to the vast amounts of money afforded to him, he owns an expansive comic book collection.
He is very business savy and it shows from the types of investments he makes and the care he puts into those investments. There may be on reckless investment in the form of a race track at his home in Monaco.
Aj can be quite impulsive and either make a stupid mistake or say something stupid which tends to get him slapped or laid, sometimes both. See above about race track for impulsive decision making.
The one thing he chooses to keep to himself is that he is very generous. He takes a special interest in the foundations run by his family - his favourite elements of the 'businesses' he's inheriting. He actively attends the meetings and tries to make meaningful contributions which often get shut down because no one takes him serious but there are moments where his Uncle Pierre will support him.
He's got a decent relationship with both his parents despite their respective affairs and he has a good relationship with his sisters. It's ironic he's the black sheep despite being the only one who doesn't have issues with the others.
Inspired by: Prince Harry from The Royal Family, Logan Huntzberger from Gilmore Girls, Nate Archibald from Gossip Girl, Sebastian Kydd/Mr.Big from Carrie Diaries/Sex and the City and Seth Cohen (rich nerd) from the OC. also Paris Hilton.
wanted connections:
wife of someone in his social circle: this would be a woman that is significantly older than aj. she can be a friend of his parents' or a wife of a business partner of some sort but this could be an intricate plot
rival: someone aj doesn't get along with or has a poor history with. maybe aj slept with their mom or they are members of competing businesses (in any sector). Or maybe Aj was a douchebag when they crossed paths, he tends to have multiple personalities.
someone who's business he invests in: as stated above, aj has an expansive investment profile and this includes a few businesses. He's intelligent enough to know money doesn't last without having multiple streams of income in different sectors so this doesn't even have to be a topic aj would know about. It would be interesting to see where this plot could lead.
hookups: like i said, aj is trying to have some fun and distract himself and he's been doing that. this could Segway into other types of connections but putting it out there.
anything and everything under the sun is up for grabs. 
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stargazer-sims · 1 year
A Confrontation
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Taiji: Hey, I need to talk to you for a minute.
Senjirō: About what?
Taiji: About Haru.
Senjirō: I’ve got nothing to say about Haru.
Taiji: That’s funny, because you usually have lots to say about him.
Senjirō: Is this about the fire in the laundry room?
Taiji: Yeah, but it's about a lot more than that. Call it a conversation about ethics.
Senjirō: A conversation about ethics? Seriously, what do you want, Taiji?
Taiji: I just want you to listen, for a start.
Senjirō: Fine. I'm listening. What's this really about?
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Taiji: It's really about Haru. He doesn't like the way you and Keigo treat him, and neither do I.
Senjirō: If Haru doesn't like it, why isn't Haru talking to me about it?
Taiji: Because he doesn't like confrontation. It upsets him, even if the point of doing it is for his own benefit. But, I don't have that problem. I can handle confrontation, especially if it's to protect my friends or something else that's important to me. Or both.
Senjirō: What?
Taiji: Look, here's the thing. You and Keigo have to start being nicer to him. You don’t have to like him, but you gotta stop bullying him, ‘cause things are starting to get out of control around here.
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Senjirō: You think I’m bullying him?
Taiji: I don’t know what else to call it when you’re constantly being mean to somebody. Haru can’t help being the way he is, you know. It’s not right for you to call him stupid and lazy, and to always make fun of him for everything.
Senjirō: I don’t do that.
Taiji: Actually, yeah, you do. And you’re hurting him, whether or not you care about that.
Senjirō: He doesn’t seem particularly hurt to me. He’s never said anything.
Taiji: No, because he’s trying to hide it because he’s scared.
Senjirō: Of what?
Taiji: You.
Senjirō: That’s ridiculous.
Taiji: Is It? You already take advantage of his weaknesses. What do you think he imagines you’d do if you found out about a few more?
Senjirō: I don’t—
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Taiji: You’ve probably never been bullied in your life, have you? People like you are usually the ones doing all the bullying.
Senjirō: What do you mean, people like me?
Taiji: Rich people. Privileged people. Smart, popular, self-entitled people who think the world revolves around them, who freak out when even one tiny thing doesn’t go their way, or when they have to be near somebody they think is beneath them.
Senjirō: Excuse me?
Taiji: Shut up and listen, and I’ll break it down for you.
Senjirō: You—
Taiji: You want to know something about people like me and Haru? We’re not like you. We don’t come from ideal families.
Senjirō: My family isn't perfect either. There's no such thing as an ideal family.
Taiji: Ideal and perfect don't mean the same thing, you know.
Senjirō: My family isn't ideal, just so we're clear.
Taiji: Fair enough, but I'm guessing it's not nearly as bad as mine or Haru's.
Senjirō: I thought Haru's family was good. We've all met his grandparents, and they obviously love him and want the best for him.
Taiji: Yeah, but they're not his whole family, are they? His father abandoned his mother when she was pregnant, and she was so messed up on booze and drugs that she broke Haru's brain before he was even born, and then she died when he was a baby. And mine...? My father beat the crap out of me and my mother for the slightest thing he didn’t like, while he treated my sister like a princess.
Senjirō: Since when do you have a sister?
Taiji: Since forever. I just don’t like to acknowledge having one, but you’re missing the point. I was so scared of my father when I was little that I wished somebody would literally kidnap me and take me away from him. But, the point I’m making is, me and Haru both got dealt a shifty hand, and we both wished for a different life.
Senjirō: I'm sorry. That's awful, but what does any of it have to do with me and Keigo?
Taiji: It has to do with you because me and Haru both got our wish, but you’re ruining his. He’s awesome and talented, and he’s here because the people from Peak thought he had what it takes, but he’s constantly worried that he’s not really good enough.
Senjirō: Of course he's good enough. He writes half our songs, and nobody raps like he does.
Taiji: Maybe you should tell him that instead of putting him down all the time, then. He's constantly struggling with his self-esteem, mostly 'cause everyone said he'd never be able to do anything with his life. Like, he told me they said he'd never be able to go to regular school and learn to read and write, or learn to ride a bike or play an instrument, or even live independently. And yet, here he is, doing his best every day to be a functional adult, and here you guys are, mocking him whenever he doesn't do something the way you think a normal person should.
Senjirō: I didn't realize...
Taiji: Now you do.
Senjirō: I'm sorry.
Taiji: Tell that to Haru. Maybe grow up and take responsibility for something for a change.
Senjirō: Okay.
Taiji: Is that it?
Senjirō: What do you mean, is that it? What else do you expect me to say?
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Taiji: Okay, then.
Senjirō: Are we done?
Taiji: No.
Senjirō: Why not?
Taiji: Because I don't know if you really get how important this is. I'm glad you said you'd talk to Haru, but it can't just be a casual 'sorry' or whatever. That's not going to be enough.
Senjirō: What are you talking about? Why isn't it?
Taiji: 'Cause if you just say sorry for the sake of saying sorry and don't actually change, we might lose everything.
Senjirō: That’s stretching it a bit, don’t you think?
Taiji: You need to understand what Sugar Valentine means to Haru, and to me. It's not just our job. I don't know what we'd do if Sugar Valentine wasn't a thing.
Senjirō: You'd find another job in the industry. We all would. It wouldn’t be that bad.
Taiji: Maybe not for you, but what about me and Haru? Yeah, I probably could get another gig, but I wouldn’t want to. Without Sugar Valentine, I wouldn't have Ryu or Haru or the rest of you in my life. For better or worse, you guys are my family, and I wouldn't want to give that up.
Senjirō: Interesting, for someone who complains about the fans, the fame, and the schedule and everything.
Taiji: I might complain about it, but I'd rather be here with you guys than anywhere else.
Senjirō: Right.
Taiji: Anyway, this is supposed to be more about Haru than it is about me. If things don't change with you, he might just quit and go home, and he might not have the confidence to try again. Then what would he do? You gotta see what you'd be sending him home to. Do you think he could register for university? Or how long do you think he'd last working at some shit job like a convenience store clerk or office cleaner?
Senjirō: Not very long, I guess.
Taiji: Exactly. Peak Entertainment gave Haru the opportunity to do something meaningful with his life, that he’s good at and really loves to do. You could say it saved him, in a way, and I feel like I can say it saved me too. If the talent scout hadn't picked me out at the youth music festival, I don't know where I'd be right now. The way my father is, who knows if I'd even be around? The truth is, this company and this group were my lifeline.
Senjirō: That sounds like exaggeration to me.
Taiji: It absolutely isn’t. If you don't believe me about my father, ask my cousin Violet next time you see him. He'll tell you. Same with Haru. Ask his grandmother next time she’s here.
Senjirō: I’d rather not talk to your cousin.
Taiji: Whatever. Talk to him or not. Believe me or don’t. That doesn’t change the truth.
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Senjirō: Now are we done?
Taiji: I guess, but just so we're on the same page, I meant everything I just said. This is serious to me, you know, and I hope it's serious to you.
Senjirō: I got that you were serious.
Taiji: Good. Oh, and one more thing... If I catch you being mean to Haru any more, to prove how serious I am, I'll take you out behind the onsen and teach you something I learned from my father.
Senjirō: You wouldn't dare.
Taiji: You don't know what I'd do. I probably wouldn't, but I figure the uncertainty should motivate you to do better from now on.
Senjirō: Now who's being a bully?
Taiji: That's not bullying. I'm just telling you this isn't a game. Trust me, I don't want it to go any further than this, and if you can manage to act like a decent human for once, I promise it won't.
Senjirō: I'm going to tell Sarah—
Taiji: No. You're not. Neither one of us is going to tell anybody about this. We're going to deal with it on our own, like responsible adults.
Senjirō: Responsible adults don't threaten to beat each other up.
Taiji: I don't recall saying I'd beat you up. I didn't say specifically what I was going to do, or even if I was definitely going to do anything at all.
Senjirō: Whatever. Can I at least talk about it with Keigo? You said this has to do with him too, after all.
Taiji: Okay. Talk to Keigo. Make sure he knows what's at stake here, and both of you should think long and hard about it.
Senjirō: All right. I'll think about it.
Taiji: I'm going to be keeping an eye on you.
Senjirō: You can tone down the tough guy act. I’m not afraid of you.
Taiji: Maybe you should be.
Senjirō: You’re such an idiot.
Taiji: Yeah… I can see you’re off to a brilliant start with that attitude adjustment. Keep up the excellent work.
Senjirō: Go away, Taiji.
Taiji: I’m gonna leave the room, but I’m not going away. Like I said, I’ll be watching you.
Senjirō: …
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magicalshe · 1 year
headcanons and an explanation of drug names used on this blog.
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Okay, so I want you all to know that I will be using names for real-life drugs and the names of fantasy drugs on this blog. Why? Well, it mostly has to do with Lilim. In my canon, it's hard for demons, devils, and other supernatural with 'poison immunity' or 'poison resistance' to feel the effect of human substances (both drugs and liquor). This is because they were made for humans by humans who have a significantly lower tolerance than folks like the residents of hell. So instead of having to take an obnoxious amount of human drugs to feel anything, the supernaturals have developed their own drugs over the years (many of which have fun or interesting effects).
Under the cut will be a list of drugs that Lilim is known to take, both human and not, as well as some descriptions of the fantasy ones.
regular/real drugs.
alcohol via drinking.
cocaine via snorting.
psilocybin mushrooms via oral consumption, typically straight or in tea.
salvia via smoke inhalation.
cannabis via smoke inhalation or edibles.
LSD or acid via tabs or sheets meant to be taken orally.
MDMA or ecstasy/molly via oral consumption, typically pills or tablets.
PCP or angel dust via smoke inhalation or pills.
ketamine via snorting or oral consumption of pills.
fantasy drugs.
dragon spice. It's basically a fantasy mix of cocaine and ketamine that is meant to be snorted. Because of the name, many people wrongly assume it to be made of something like dragon scales. In fact, the name is a hint at the drug's largest consumer.
heavenly lotus flowers. These are heavenly flowers that look like red and gold lotus. They are made into a tea that gives a person a relaxed and euphoric feeling. It's popular amongst the heavenly hosts and those belonging to the Upper Realms.
nepenthe. Popular amongst the Greco-Roman crowd, it is made from the resin of unique trees that only grow on Olympus or in Hades. It promotes jovialness and is most often used at celebrations. It's consumed by mixing it into a liquid (preferably wine) and drinking it.
sundrops. A sweet, amber tablet meant to be dissolved slowly on the tongue or on the side of the cheek and is made through a fae alchemy process that combines liquid sunlight and an herbal mixture unique to the Seelie court. It has heavy aphrodisiac and pain relief effects and is popularly used by the fae during courtship dances or solstice celebrations.
blackroot. A lichen that grows on large rocks in all circles of hell. When chewed on, it causes the user to have a pleasant tingling sensation on the lips, tongue, and gum. It also gives the user a sense of mental sharpness, alertness, and quicker reflexes for a few hours. Blackroot is most popular among foot soldiers and lower-ranking demons due to its cheap price.
wandercaps. A mushroom that looks like a blue inkcap mushroom popularized by the fae of the Unseelie court. It's a hallucinogenic that allows one to see onto the ethereal plane for a number of hours. It's typically washed with moon water and then eaten plain.
sharpsugar. An energy-boosting iridescent white power that can be snorted or rubbed on the gums. It was made popular by stage performers and is well-liked by the upper ranks of hell for use during long meetings or gatherings. It has a side effect of whitening teeth and is fairly expensive.
stardust. Made from dead stars, it's typically used by eldritch space horrors but has been growing in popularity recently due to a new refinement process discovered by the fae. It's basically like space LSD. It is recommended to be mixed with water and then drank.
purified stardust. A more concentrated, powerful, and safer version of stardust.
shatter. An odd emerald substance that can be smoked or consumed in a tincture. It gives a potent and pleasant high. If taken in large and consecutive doses it is possible for the individual to split into copies of their self. The effect lasts until the copies are killed or the high ends causing the copies to turn into emerald green smoke. During this time, the copies are scarily realistic to all the senses.
fever fire. Made from the ground petals of a translucent flower that only grows in the coldest parts of hell, fever fire causes the body temperature of the user to rise and enter a pleasant yet foggy state of high. It can be paired with sundrops to force creatures into an artificial heat or estrous cycle.
redthyme. An odd concoction that is used to force that user into a violent, psychotic state. It is typically drunk and is infamous for its bitter taste. Prolonged use of this drug is known to wear down one's mental state quickly.
unicorn wax. It's basically fantasy top self cannabis and is normally smoked. Unicorn wax is in fact made out of unicorns and is very expensive because of that.
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sunlitmcgee · 2 years
shoutout, btw, with the greatest reluctance to ghostboo for inspiring part of a line I said at DND tonight. the one kindness that bag of rot ever gave to me.
Art, high ass fuck, sitting in a chair, plugged into a machine that allows robots to experience the effects of drugs and talking to some fellow(also high) Warforged: See, life. Existence. It's-it's like a ball. Not a party ball, no, no it is like a sphere it is an ORB. And we are all just coming down around across it like water. Flowing down over the surface until we trickle down...yes....
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(looked for source - TinEye pointed me to Safebooru but didn't give me further than image thumbnails. :C )
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bones-and-whatnot · 1 year
The Fascinating World of the Moldenhauer Bros. Cartoons (A Retrospective on a Forgotten Gem of Animation’s Golden Era)
Moldenhauer Bros. was a small animation studio of the 1920s and 30s, founded by brothers Chas and Jerry Moldenhauer, best known for their unique flagship character, Cuphead, who was often paired with his “pal” (or brother, depending on the cartoon), Mugman.
While the Moldenhauers enjoyed popularity in their heyday, after the implementation of the Motion Picture Production Code, the studio’s output, much of which had previously been reliant on violence, gambling and other such vices, began to gradually become blander and more watered down until they lost favor with audiences and had to close, becoming relegated to a footnote in animation history books.
Selected “Cuphead” Shorts
- The Cup-Heads: The debut of the earliest prototypes for Cuphead, Mugman and Elder Kettle. On a picnic basket-boat with a teakettle captain and a crew made up of other containers and dishes, two young teacup sailors try to complete all their tasks without bungling it up, which proves easier said than done.
- Forest Follies: Cuphead and Mugman get a job as milkmen. They are running late to deliver the milk to an old woman living out in the woods, so Cuphead suggests they go off the path and take a shortcut through the trees. They stumble upon a village of living plants who believe they’re being invaded and send out their military to fight back the boys.
- Treetop Trouble: Bugs have been getting into Cuphead’s garden. He wants to put a stop to it, so he follows them when they flee his old-timey bug spray gun. This leads him to a huge tree which the bugs (including some rather big bugs) have made into an apartment building. Cuphead goes to talk to the bug king, a dragonfly, about leaving his garden alone and the king challenges him to a duel, which Cuphead eventually wins using his old-timey bug spray gun.
- Funfair Fever: Cuphead, sick of life at home having to listen to adults, decides to run away and join the circus. However, he soon learns that working in the circus is not as much fun as he expected. The workers are harsh to him and rather than letting him do glamorous things like be a trapeze artist, strongman or lion tamer, he has to sell snacks, perform with the clowns and sit in the dunk tank. When he decides to run back, the circus folk chase after him, but he just narrowly makes it home, safe and sound.
- Funhouse Frazzle: Cuphead goes to a funhouse and laughs at his warped reflection in the funhouse mirror. However, being laughed at makes the reflection mad and it pulls him through the mirror into a bizarre, madcap world of living toys, weird creatures and generally surreal experiences. He eventually makes it out, but is extremely shaken by the experience, breaking the mirror.
- Rugged Ridge: Set in medieval times. Cuphead and Mugman are two young boys who wish to become great knights. The king, who doesn’t like them very much, says that if they can get to the top of Monster Mountain and defeat the Cyclops that lives there, he’ll let them. Overjoyed, they immediately set off, promising not to let him down. He chuckles, expecting never to see them again. The boys make their way up Monster Mountain, using their wits to defeat the various beasts they come across. Eventually, they reach the Cyclops and trick him into the ruins of an ancient building, filled with debris so that he trips and gets stuck. They tie him up, and drag him back to the king, who begrudgingly grants them knighthood.
- Perilous Piers: Cuphead and Mugman are goin’ fishin’! They’ve agreed to have a contest to see who can catch the most fish. They both have the same bright idea to cheat by buying some especially potent bait from a mysterious traveling merchant pig who’s recently arrived in town. Once the day of the contest arrives, each brother feels very self-assured, confident that their newly-bought bait will give them the upper hand over the other. What they weren’t counting on, is that the combined smell of each of their super-bait purchases attracts all manner of strange sea creatures who are now after the two of them. Putting aside their competitive spirits, the pair work together to overcome this legion of aquatic life.
- The Mausoleum: While traveling through a terrible storm, Cuphead and Mugman take shelter in a mausoleum. Unbeknownst to them, the mausoleum is inhabited by a gang of ghosts who like to cause mayhem and play tricks on the unsuspecting boys. Luckily, one ghost whom the brothers freed from an urn without realizing keeps saving them at the last minute. Cuphead and Mugman, of course, don’t notice any of these supernatural goings-on until the end. This cartoon was rereleased twice.
- All Bets Are Off: The Cup Brothers discover a mysterious and tempting casino, each room of which contains a different anthropomorphic vice and/or casino entertainer. They keep coming across the manager of the casino, a singing, dancing, rotoscoped man with a die for a head. Eventually, they discover that he’s a demon in disguise, trying to get them to gamble their souls away. They have to flee from him and all the casino inhabitants.
- One Hell of a Time: Cuphead finally kicks the bucket and (to no one’s surprise, really) ends up in Hell. Thankfully, they give him one phone call, which he uses to ring up Mugman and formulate an escape plan. Mugman sneaks in and the two traverse through Hades. Just as they reach the gates, who should show up, but the Devil himself! The two little mugs use all their pluck and rascally ways and manage to outwit him, bringing Cuphead to the land of the living once more. This cartoon was also rereleased as Don’t Deal with the Devil.
- The King’s Leap: Miss Chalice falls asleep playing chess and dreams of being in a chess kingdom where the king is holding a tournament for all his subjects. She makes it to the final round, but has to fight the irate queen, who has been betting against her. Upon defeating her, Chalice is crowned the new ruler of the chess kingdom and wakes up.
- One Hell Of A Dream: Cuphead falls asleep in a graveyard and has a surreal nightmare about angels and devils.
- A Dish To Die For: A Hansel and Gretel-type tale wherein Cuphead, Mugman and Miss Chalice are traveling and arrive at a seemingly empty town. Searching around, they do manage to find one inhabitant, a saltshaker chef who invites them in for sweets, an offer they eagerly accept. Only after entering, engaging in several gags with various items and ingredients in the bakery, and narrowly escaping an assortment of unnoticed traps and sneak attacks by the chef do they realize he plans to turn them into the promised desserts. In the end, the trio escapes as the bakery collapses. (In true fashion of the animation at the time, this chef character would reappear in later cartoons, despite seemingly dying at the end of his debut.) This cartoon was also rereleased as The Delicious Last Course.
Selected Stand-alone Shorts
- Botanic Panic: A garden of sentient vegetables tries to avoid being picked and eaten.
- Ruse of an Ooze: A blob cheats his way through a boxing tournament by shapeshifting, taking pills to grow larger, and even faking his own death.
- Threatenin’ Zeppelin: An aviator is terrorized by a troublesome blimp-witch after they “trespass” in her airspace.
- Clip Joint Calamity: A bumbling frog duo (Showing clear inspiration from Steinbeck’s George and Lennie) try (and fail) various methods of sneaking into a riverboat club run by flies to eat the patrons.
- Floral Fury: In a society of sentient plants, a group of policemen try to thwart and discover the identity of the mysterious leader of a group of flower gangsters, who turns out to have been hiding in plain sight.
- Sugarland Shimmy: The rulers of Sugarland suddenly fall ill, leaving their bratty daughter in charge. Her group of evil advisors try to manipulate her, but she refuses to listen to them, instead making their lives miserable. Eventually, they find her so insufferable that they turn themselves in and provide the antidote to the poison they slipped the former rulers.
- Carnival Kerfuffle: A curious clown causes various mischief at the carnival where he works while trying to avoid being fired by his no-nonsense boss.
- Pyramid Peril: A grave robber discovers a lamp containing a genie. He takes it, thinking all his problems are over, but the genie constantly gets him in trouble and chooses the worst possible interpretations of his wishes. Eventually, he gets so frustrated that he sneaks it back into the pyramid, and all’s well that ends well. At least, until another grave robber finds it at the end... (This short has been scrutinized in later years for its conflation of Arabian and Egyptian culture.)
- Aviary Action: A giant bird with a hair-trigger temper struggles to raise his troublemaking insufferable genius of a son.
- Fiery Frolic: A knight tries to rescue a princess from a lonely dragon who kidnapped her for some company.
- Honeycomb Herald: A look inside the offices of a newspaper run by a hive of bees.
- Shootin n’ Lootin: A pirate visits a kingdom of sea creatures and ends up taming a whale, which he then uses as a ship. Has a framing device of pirates swapping stories at a bar.
- Murine Corps: A group of militaristic mice sneak into a house through use of a Trojan Cat and proceed to wreak havoc on the homeowners.
- Junkyard Jive: A mad scientist creates a robot from scrap to take over the world, but he finds the robot is only interested in being an entertainer.
- High Seas Hi-Jinx: A group of sailors try to escape from the giant attention-crazed mermaid who has wrecked their ship for a captive audience.
- Dramatic Fanatic: A play is being put on, but behind-the-scenes, things keep going wrong and everyone is scrambling to keep the audience from finding out.
- Railroad Wrath: A criminal trying to escape the police accidentally stows away on a train to the afterlife, upon which the various ghosts and ghouls torment him before dragging him off to the Land of the Dead with them.
- Gnome Way Out: A merry band of gnomes discover a mountain cave rich with gold, however, when they begin to mine it, it gives a toothache to the sleeping giant that the mountain is in reality, and he wakes up, swallowing them whole. The rest of the cartoon is the gnomes exploring the giant’s inner workings attempting to find a way out before a short battle between them and him once they escape.
- Snow Cult Scuffle: A traveler wandering through a snowstorm comes across a building made of ice. They try to enter for some shelter, but are locked out, with a sign saying “MEMBERS ONLY”. They eventually sneak in by picking away at the walls, but stumble upon the secret proceedings of a blizzard wizard and his loyal legion of animate snowmen, who spot the traveler and chase them around.
- High-Noon Hoopla: A corrupt cowgirl cow girl travels in her mobile saloon to a down-on-its-luck town, claiming to be a sheriff, and scams everyone out of their valuables before they revolt and make her into sausages.
- Doggone Dogfight: A literal dogfight between a bulldog pilot and another canine flying ace. When the bulldog finds out his opponent is female, he falls madly in love with her and a flash-forward at the end shows them with four jet-powered pups.
- Bootlegger Boogie: Ant cops get a tip-off and raid a bug speakeasy. They dispose of the spider gangster running it, his fly flunkies, an insectoid singer and a drunken caterpillar who got roped in, only to be taken out by the man behind the man: The snail MC, who rides in on an anteater.
Other Moldenhauer Bros. Characters
- Ms. Chalice: Originally conceived as the ghost who protected Cuphead and Mugman in The Mausoleum, the design was then reworked and used as a fun-loving addition to the cast- Sometimes a friend, sometimes a love interest, sometimes in a completely unrelated role.
- Elder Kettle: A wise (but often confused or goofy) old teakettle, typically cast as some sort of oft-exasperated authority figure for Cuphead and Mugman. Parent, grandparent, mentor, teacher, monarch, leader, etc.
- Porkrind: A snake-oil salesman pig who rides into town peddling bottles of “Miracle Medicines” that have bizarre effects on anyone who drinks them.
- Chef Saltbaker: A jolly chef with a salt shaker for a head. Originally appeared as a one-off character who invited Cuphead, Mugman and Miss Chalice to his bakery for sweets and ended up trying to make them into tarts, he then became a semi-recurring adversary.
- Mac: The Moldenhauer Studio’s original star character. Once the Cup Brothers took off, Mac was reworked into a supporting character for them, sometimes acting as the slightly goofy, easygoing third to Cuphead’s brashness and Mugman’s timidity.
- Chip: The Moldenhauer Studio’s second major character, after Mac, but before Cuphead and Mugman. During his rise to popularity, Chip was usually teamed up with Mac- Having Mac as the straight man to contrast with Chip’s more scrappy nature. After Cuphead became the studio’s major crowd-pleaser, Chip’s tough-guy aspect was played up and he started being cast as a friendly (or otherwise) rival to the cocky crockery.
- Quint: A stingy, surly coin. Was often portrayed as the no-nonsense employer of Cuphead (and Mugman, when applicable) and would usually end up suffering as a result of their shenanigans.
- Canteen Hughes: A wacky inventor who would often enlist Cuphead and/or Mugman’s help in his latest experiment or project. It rarely ended well for them.
- Angel: A minor character in a cartoon about hunting ducks: As Cuphead is looking for a good spot to lie in wait, he passes a fish fishing in the lake. Later, he thinks he sees a duck and fires his gun, only for the same fish to come up to him a few seconds later, kick him into the lake and walk off disdainfully, revealing a dorsal fin shot full of holes.
- The Four Mel Arrangement: Appear as a running gag in a cartoon where Ms. Chalice gets kidnapped and Cuphead has to go rescue her. They show up early on, singing, and then keep popping up to sing the song out of increasingly unlikely places in the middle of tense moments during the short.
- Quadratus: Appeared in a cartoon where Cuphead and Mugman go for a walk and get lost in a spooky forest. They come across a pond. A giant, creepy old man head pops out of it and sings a jazzy song about all the ways you can die. After the sequence is over, they quickly run for home.
- Ginger and Buster: The protagonists of a stand-alone short about a pair of gingerbread people who come to life and try to navigate the proportionally-giant house, encountering various hazards and getting separated once or twice in the process.
- Lucien: The main character of a stand-alone short in which a professor gives a class. The students constantly interrupt and try his patience until he freaks out.
- Cora: Appeared in a cartoon wherein Cuphead and Mugman are sailors who keep getting bamboozled by a crafty, clever pirate girl.
- Tully: Appears in the last black-and-white Cuphead short. It starts with Cuphead’s girlfriend catching him in a fight and telling him that if he doesn’t clean up his act and stop scrapping all the time, they’re through. Cuphead promises to quit fighting, but isn’t sure he can do it. He walks the streets despondent, wondering what to do, when a little turtle pops up and says he can help him become peaceable. Cuphead then spends the short almost getting into several fights. Every time, however, the little turtle shows up and stops him, causing Cuphead to get completely beat up by whoever he was going to tussle with. At the end, a roughed-up Cuphead encounters the turtle once more, and, is so sick of pacifism, that he beats him up.
- Silverworth: Appears in the first color Cuphead short. A high society man throws a party and the inivitation meant for a pair of sophisticated gentlemen accidentally gets delivered to Cuphead and Mugman. They arrive at the party, are taken for the gentlemen it was addressed to, and proceed to wreak havoc.
- Ludwig and Wolfgang: Appeared in a stand-alone short about a man who loves nothing more than to listen to classical music on his gramophone. One day, however, he brings home a brand-new radio, and starts listening to music over it, instead. The gramophone gets jealous, and starts trying to sabotage the radio, hoping to reclaim its spot as the man’s favorite pastime.
- The Boatman: First appeared as a gag in Shootin n’ Lootin, where the pirate is lost in unfamiliar waters. As he looks at his map, trying to figure out where he is, he sees a small passing boat, in which a cloaked ferryman is transporting three skeletons, who wave to him. The pirate immediately turns tail and speeds his ship in the opposite direction as fast as he can. The gag was later reused in various other cartoons involving boat travel.
- The Honorable Judge Wise: An owl who served as the judge in a standalone short about various forest creatures holding a murder trial. (The short is rather loose about using animals that actually all live in the same habitat.)
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chaotiicus · 2 years
"Oh good. Things always are fun with you around, a little fiery habanero."
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❝ My, oh my! Flattery right off the bat, Val? I might just swoon, ❞ Lilim answered with a teasing smile. Taking her sunglasses off to slip them into her black leather purse, the archdevil looked the moth demon over from the corner of her eye. Turning to give him her attention, she smiled pleasantly and gestured at the bar. ❝ Care to drink with me tonight? I also have Dragon Spice if you're feeling really wild tonight. ❞
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shmorp-mcdurgen · 3 months
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gee wiz, it sure is cool that Gordon survived the resonance cascade, I sure hope he's doing well
Finally decided to give Gordon a ref for my au Aftermath (which i've talked about here. Once.)
Also bonus:
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faeriekit · 5 months
Despair of Your Discovery
Phic phight fill for @carelisswriting. I am so sorry.
(Relevant warnings are tagged below)
“Oh my god,” Danny says, horrified. “That’s…oh my god.”
The plant looks very innocent amongst the rows and rows of lush green pots in Sam’s greenhouse.
It isn’t.
“You cannot tell anyone,” Sam hisses, and shoves the wicker harvest basket back over the bush, as if there was anyone safe to tell! “Not a word. Not a whisper.”
“This is bad. This is really, really bad.”
“I know!” Sam snaps, looking two steps away from a screaming freakout. “But what can I even do with it?!”
The answer seems obvious. “Get rid of it?!” Danny exclaims, throwing his arms out for additional emphasis. “Making sure there isn’t any evidence left??”
“By what, burning it?!”
Danny opens his mouth to affirm the obvious— only to realize there is another, equally as obvious problem with the usual method of extermination.
“...Put it in the trash?” Danny tries again, grimacing. He crosses his arms, taps his toes. “I mean. It’ll go out eventually.”
“And if someone sees it in the trash?!” Sam volleys back, eyes wide with furious distress.
Okay. There's a clear problem here. All they need is a solution.
Tucker wanders into the greenhouse; he probably found out that they weren’t in Sam’s room and figured out their second location pretty quickly. “Hey, Sam; hey Danny. I thought we were doing Doomed today?”
“We’re not,” Sam and Danny chorus.
Tucker frowns. His eyes go back and forth between them. “...Is everything good?”
“No,” Sam says, cutting off Danny’s: “Sam stole another plant from the school garden again.”
“Oh. Is that all?”
Sam throws herself over the wicker basket and grooooooooans.
“Apparently someone was experimenting,” Danny offers flatly. “It’s bad.”
“How can a plant be bad?”
Sam straightens herself up, makes dead-on eye contact, and lifts the basket.
“Is that WEED?!” Tucker yelps. Danny immediately darts over to slap a hand over Tucker’s mouth, and the basket gets slammed back on top of the plant.
“Don’t shout!”
“Shouting is merited!! Sam grew drugs!!”
“On accident!!” Sam shouts back, very, very pale. “They just left the sprouts in the garden shed without any light or water!! I had to do something!!”
“Saaaaaamm,” Tucker groans, which is pretty unmerited, considering that Sam is probably the person suffering the most here. “Sam, we have to do something!"
“I know, I know!!”
“We know you hate pesticides, but isn’t there…some kind of natural weed killer? Or something?” Danny tries, struggling to think it through. “You can’t hand-pull all your weeds in this greenhouse. It’s massive.”
Sam bites her lip. She doesn’t answer.
“It’s a waste of plant life to kill it,” Sam whispers. Her two best friends groan out loud, angled in two different directions.
“Sam. It’s illegal. You’ve got to get rid of it.” Tucker’s logic is cold, and brazen.
The procedure for killing off a plant the organic way is apparently pretty simple; vinegar, salt, and sunlight. The plant is looking dead and crispy under the glow lights in Sam’s greenhouse in less than an hour; by tomorrow, it’ll be long gone.
“We can never tell anyone this happened,” Danny decides, for obvious reasons. Tucker nods solemnly.
Sam sniffles a little, mascara running. Danny gently rubs her back.
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danneroni · 3 months
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the end is death
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incognitopolls · 8 months
We ask your questions so you don’t have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.
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magicalshe · 1 year
🎲 (Lilim x Saint Michael) / ignore the last one xD
kiss roulette // @ashensanctum
23. A kiss influenced by alcohol/other substances
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⚸ ───── The sundrop melting on her tongue was just one of many Lilim had consumed that night. Grabbing Michael by the front of their tunic, the demoness pressed her lips against theirs. Their surprise was used as an opportunity to slide her tongue into his mouth. Lilim swirled their tongue with the saint's until the special candy had long since melted in the heavenly creature's mouth. Pulling back to see their blushing face and slightly foggy vision, the archdevil chuckled. ❝ Did you like your treat? I'll give you another one if you ask nicely, ❞ she hummed reaching into a small glass candy jar to retrieve another amber-colored sundrop.
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