#dylan is a ferret
cartoonkitten · 2 years
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stanleypolecat · 3 months
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Some sketches I made these days
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csny · 6 months
“my stinky pet ferret named bob dylan”. could have been said by someone in the world at some point and they actually had a ferret named bob dylan
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lifeofkaze · 1 month
Happy WBW! I'm fairly sure you've joked about writing a story about Alan the ferret in the past. But if you WERE to do so, what sort of ideas do you have on a possible plotline for the lil guy? - @hphmmatthewluther
Hiiiiii, and SORRY for taking so long to answer this ask.
Life has been... uhm... well 😅😅😅
Anyhow - it's funny that you should mention the Alan 'series' - I've heard quite some people asking me about it over the last couple of weeks. Lil dude has a solid fan base (and who could blame them).
So originally, the Alan series was supposed to feature Alan the Ferret's experiences and thoughts during Selene's time of travel as a self-made/taught dark arts expert. It was supposed to be in a sort of postcard style, mostly addressed to Ethel Hexley (because duh).
Unfortunately, Alan's godmother @the-al-chemist and I fooled around some a whole ferret-lifetime ago and wrote a heartbreakingly funny sad scene describing Alan's viking funeral (there's even a poem *somewhere* in our chat history) and timeline-wise, it only made sense for this to happen while Selene and Ethel were still at school. So... no Ferret Travel Guide to Ancient Tombs, I'm afraid.
*If* I *were* to write a series on Alan now - which I MOST DEFINTELY will not be doing under any circumstances whatseover - it would feature Alan's perspective on Selene and their brief but wonderful life together, and their even better and much longer non-life (seeing as Alan returns as the Ferret Ghost of Fraser Hall). He would like to tell of his rivalry with Selene's Uncle Mortimer, his undead companionship with Henry Lovecraft, but mostly, he would love to tell of all the other people he has loved and protected as his family - of Caitlin, and Lexie and Michael. Of Lizzie. And of course of Reva and of Dylan.
He would love people to know that Selene has lived on, even long after she has gone and that as long as his little ghostly paws trod the halls of Fraser Hall, she will never be forgotten.
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piece-of-the-pie-if · 8 months
getting real basic but what’s each RO’s favourite animal?
such a cute question! I'll go favourite animal in general and also, as a treat, favourite animal as a pet!
Dylan──Aurelia Jellyfish/Black Sable Mitt Ferret
Shay──Red Panda/Sugar Glider
Kinsley──Koala/Holland Lop Bunny Rabbit
J──Whale Shark/Samoyed Dog or Alaskan Malamute Dog
Theo──Hedgehog/Calico Cat&Tabby Cat
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needsmorewlw · 2 years
Okay, just out of curiosity, on a scale of most to least, how would you rank each character in terms of being a cuddlebug?
Oh this is the ask Ive been dreaming of thank you
I'm doing least to most. Scaling up in the cuddle-ometer to the ultimate cuddler. I'm also rating them on how nice they'd be to cuddle because why not.
9. Abi
She'd love to love cuddles but she just can't. She's always thinking about if she's sweating and if her sweat is bothering the one she's cuddling and is she's too warm and even in cold weather, if she's uncomfortable she just won't say anything to avoid being a bother so she'll lie there being uncomfortable till the other person moves. 0/10 too much anxiety
8. Kaitlyn
She's just not a cuddler. She's not into extended displays of affection. She will however, drape herself over someone's lap like a lavish goddess if there's no where else to sit. Mostly Dylan or Nick because their laps have the most surface area and they'll resist the least. 2/10 you're her chair now.
7. Ryan
As firm as I am about his growing to love cuddles, he certainly doesn't start off that way. His personal space bubble has a five foot diameter. He doesn't like being touched and being leaned on/sat on/sitting on someone, makes his brain itchy. But he's higher than the other two because I think once he's comfortable enough he will accept the cuddles maybe even enjoy them if they're from the right person. 4/10 resistant but willing to try.
6. Laura
Laura's a mid tier cuddler. She can get into them if she's asked but she has pointy, jabby elbows and will wriggle if she's not comfortable but if she gets settled she's set for a few hours. However when she's drunk she's basically a baby koala, she'll hang on no matter what. 5/10 selfish but powerful. Safe in those arms.
5. Jacob
Big jump in the ratings here. Jacob is big into cuddles and he's got the ideal cuddling bod but he runs hot. Like hugging a heater with soft pillowy pecs. If you're into sweating after five minutes it's no problem but unless it's the middle of winter, the temperature regulation is not ideal. 7/10 soft but sweaty and not in the fun way
4. Nick
Another one who's big on cuddles but he won't take the initiative. Nick's not sure how to make the first move. How do you ask someone to sit/lie with you for prolonged periods of time? Nick sure doesn't know. He'll put his arm around the back of the chair and that's about it unless his cuddle partner does the rest. But once you get into the cuddle it's wonderful. 9/10 shy but naturally skilled
3. Emma
Hold her. Just fucking do it. She needs it. The second you open up your body language in her direction she's already planning how to ferret her way into your lap. She'll be casual about it though. Real slick with it. And then she'll curl up like a cat and and be asleep in approximately ten minutes if left undisturbed. She smells so good and her skin is soft. She'll fold herself to fit your position. 10/10 expert nuzzler
2. Dylan
Dylan is just looking for an excuse to hold you. You look cold? Hug. You look sad? Hug. If you look at him for too long, he'll assume you want a hug. He will raise an arm in your direction and you can cuddle under that thing to your heart's content. Wide chest, perfect for laying on. Warm and smells good and he'll rub your back during. 20/10 high priority cuddles
1. Max
This is a man who loves to cuddle and knows how to do it right. He craves cuddles. What's the point of just sitting next to someone when you can be all up in their grill? Years of having to bend around Laura's elbows of steel made him too powerful. He basically learnt how to cuddle on hard mode. He may be shorter but it's his vibes that send it home. He's so calming. He's like a living scented candle. Warm and comforting. He'll play with your hair, draw shapes on you and write messages on your back and get you to guess. it's a experience worth paying for. 100/10 what dreams are made of
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ifurcillo · 2 years
assigning tq counselors animals
nick -> tasmanian devil
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or a dog, specifically an australian shepherd
emma -> ferret
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just something about her screams ferret mama
dylan -> raccoon
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just yea he is a raccoon
abi -> cat (scottish fold)
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she is a cat no matter what.. ill also take her as a bunny too (a holland lop - droopy ears)
ryan -> hedgehog
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max -> gibbon (ape not monkey)
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kaitlyn -> otter
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laura -> straight up turtle
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not sure why she made me think about a turtle but shes a turtle now
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carbuckety · 1 year
<- is a very clingy ferret
(-> is also a very clingy ferret who missed his friends on his computer very much)
HIIIII IVE BEEN PRETTY GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! missed u lots too :-) i havent listened to bob dylan or tom petty in 2 WEEKS im SO wrecked lollll
doing lotsa laundry cause im taking off to canada tomorrow, then alaska, but this time i will have an internet connection phew
its good to be back hehe
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ncmcrcy · 1 year
Dylan? Has ferret energy. I will not elaborate.
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rarebluechairdog · 1 year
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Here’s the practice ferret I drew before I drew Dylan Ohio
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voidselfshipp · 2 years
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"Ah, summer. The season that fills my heart with joy! Now! Who wants to go camping?"
🌱Name: Nova Terreus (meaning Earth Born)
🌱Age: 22
🌱Studying: Animation and Acting
🌱Camp Counselor for Hacketts Quarry
🌱Born in: South America. Argentina. Region not specified.
🌱Height: 5'5
🌱Personality Tarot Card: Judgement
🌹Helping Children
🌹Painting, Drawing, Reading, Writing
🌹Tending to plants and animals.
🌹The sea, Swimming.
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"I Guess You Could Say Im A Genderfluid Druid?"
Descending from a long line of Druids. Nova was raised at the outskirts of a beach town somewhere in the Argentine coast.
Soon as she reached the age of 18, they embarked on a journey to the US. To pursue their dream to become an animator and actor.
With the ever present company of their pet Mouse, Micelium, Nova soon found themself acting as a camp counselor during the summer to have a little bit more money to support themself. What best place to start than Hacketts Quarry, a place full of mystery, nature and animals.
Quickly grew to be respected by the locals and the werewolves, the locals could tell something was off with Them. But never questioned them.
The kids love him. So much so that Mr. Hackett himself has asked him year after year to come back to camp. Nova always obliged.
Xey Also stay to protect the kids and other counselors from harm at night. Nobody touches the camp while xey patroll the outskirts.
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->Nature bending/growth. (Able to grow plants and other flowers. Trees take a bit more of time and effort)
->Speaking with animals. (From common creatures to the big werewolves).
->Shapeshifting. As long as they know how an animal looks like they can replicate it. And also can change into a more female/male/androgynous bodytype.
Most used animals to shapeshift: Owls, Bears, foxes, ferrets
->Empathetic abilities, underdeveloped telepathy. (Can only communicate things. For a two way conversation more concentration is required).
->Earth bending. Sismic sight (can see through the vibrations of the soil and nature around them).
->Likes to hang out near the lake and the island during very sunny days, or at odd hours of the night.
->Has a beautiful reindeer mask made by the elder druids of her clan.
-> Micelium was a gift from the same elders that gave her her mask.
-> mice can grow as big as a bear and has control over elements. On extreme ocasions they can catch on Fire.
->Romantic Interests: Dylan, Chriss H. (Maybe?)
-> Bffs: Kaytlin, abigail, Mischa (@80sboyfriends s/I!)
->Dislikes: Emma. Cant stand her.
-> Conflicted feelings about Jacob. Very conflicted.
->The only people that know about her Druidic nature is Chris, Travis and Mischa
-> She was introduced to the quarry by Eliza. Whom she sees as a familiar figure.
->Her favorite Tarot Card is The Hermit
->Can live off of sunlight, she can photosynthesize. So they are frequently found sunbathing with the biggest grin youve ever seen.
Only mutuals/tagged people allowed to rb. Pictures arent mine but the moodboards are.
I havent finished the game so please no spoilers:D
Taglist: @tex-treasures @80sboyfriends @malewifehenrycooldown @mercuryships @sennamybeloved
Sorry for the Long post
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usernoneexistent · 2 years
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This is my master post for all my written short stories for the summer break prompt challenge that I'm hosting for which you can find the list here. I hope you enjoy and this time my running theme is songs as titles to set the mood/idea of each story instead of a little blurb. BTW, there are more OCs that are in the stories but they are not the main.
Day 1: Seashells ~ Með hækkandi sól (ft. Juniper Moss & Marwa)
Day 2: Hat ~ Somewhere only we know (ft. Colin Moss x Euphemia Macnair)
Day 3: Watermelon ~ Watermelon Sugar (ft. Zola Albatross and Rory McTavish)
Day 4: Travel ~ Girls just want to have fun (ft. Winona Rosewood & Victoria Summers)
Day 5: Water ~ Yakety Sax (ft. Glenn Rosewood, Ethel Hexley, Selene Fraser, & Alan the ferret)
Day 6: Fireworks ~ Teenagers (ft. Duncan Ludwig & Marceline Lane-Adler)
Day 7: Sunset ~ Woodland (ft. Tarragon Weasley-Moss, Patrick Hopper-Lee, Dylan Amari & Saffron Summers)
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stanleypolecat · 4 months
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Silly thing I drew in these last days (not too much tho, school kills me)
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gldnlitskies · 2 years
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GRAYSON PIERCE ( HE/HIM ) is a CIS MALE, THIRTY-THREE year old BAKER AT DELIA’S who has been living in Moorbrooke for FOUR YEARS. They were born on JULY 23rd and right now, they are currently residing in OAKLEY COURT. It has been said that they look suspiciously like DANIEL SHARMAN and if they had to choose a song to describe themselves, they would choose SHAMELESS by THE WEEKND. 
FULL NAME: grayson pierce
NICKNAMES: gray, hey asshole (depends on who’s talking to him)
SEXUALITY & PRONOUNS: pansexual (he&him)
ROMANTIC STATUS: it’s complicated
BIRTHDAY: july 23rd, 1989 (33)
ZODIAC: libra, aquarius moon
HOGWARTS HOUSE: gryffindor with slytherin tendencies
PETS: a white ferret named “draco malfoy”
HOMETOWN: chicago, illinois
CURRENT LOCATION: moorbrooke, maine
OCCUPATION: baker at delia’s cafe
PARENTS: caroline pierce (living), dylan pierce (living)
TATTOOS & PIERCINGS:none at the moment! (perhaps a potential plot idea?)
born and raised in chicago, illinois, grayson came into the world packing a punch from day one. he cried, and cried, so much that nurses were afraid his lungs would eventually give out. they didn’t, and neither did grayson.
growing up in a household where your father made most of the rules, and your mother listened to every bit of it, well, it got to be a bit much for grayson. mainly because his father is a highly controlling man who always wanted grayson one way when grayson wished to be another, it was a constant battle, though they did have their moments in which they got along. but there was no denying that it was evident from an early age that grayson pierce would be trouble. in one form or another.
when his sibling was born, something in grayson sparked. he became incredibly protective of his younger sibling, which often got him into trouble at school and off school grounds. it was as if no one could even look wrong at his sibling, or grayson was meeting their face with his fist. one too many times did he have to face a couple of angry parents for leaving their kids with bruised eyes and ego. he didn’t care, for his sibling, grayson would do anything.
the older he got, the louder his voice became. he wasn’t shy to express who he was or how he felt. when it came to dating, he was shameless about flirting with whoever caught his attention, he had the most challenging time committing. if his relationships lasted longer than a month, grayson considered it a miracle. but despite being terrible at relationships, grayson was, and is, an incredible friend to have by your side. much like he’d fight for his siblings, he’d lay his life for a friend as well. because of this, grayson doesn’t call many people his friend. most people in his life are considered acquaintances, and it takes a lot to gain his trust.
college was never in the books for grayson. heck, the guy could barely manage to make it to his high school classes. don’t get him wrong, he did attempt to take a semester of college…but then ended up at more parties than classes and never returned after winter break.
(tw: drugs mention) however, what grayson was good at was making money. one way or another, the guy always found a way to save and get by. eventually he became the person almost everyone went to when they needed a quick fix, refill, or someone to keep the party going. with every transaction grayson would put aside money in a savings account that he slowly grew throughout the course of a couple of years.
he did a bit ‘living on the road’ for a bit before stumbling upon moorbrooke. in that time he met a person who managed to break through his walls and flip his world upside down. before them grayson had never thought about slowing down but with them, he wanted to stop time to live in the moment forever. in his heart he always felt like things couldn’t remain good forever and part of him had always suspected he would be the reason it didn’t. his suspicions were partially true, however, instead of him leaving, he ended up waking up one morning to a voicemail saying ‘goodbye.’ and something about having a good life. just like that, everything turned upside for grayson once more. after this break up the guy was even more terrified of commitment.
from the moment he saw moorbrooke, grayson was hooked. so when he saw a ‘roommates wanted’ ad the guy answered it almost instantly, soon he found himself living in oakley court and landing a job as a baker at delia’s cafe. after living on his own for a little it got lonely and boring being alone so he searched the ads to see if anyone was in search of a roommate. that’s how he stumbled upon andre’s roommate ad 4 years ago, and he’s never looked back since. 
on/off again boyfriend: andre vårvik is not just his roommate, he’s also his on and off again boyfriend. grayson can’t remember how this entire thing between them began but he also can’t seem to let go of it. he’s got it in his head that andre is better off without him in the end, but he also doesn’t have the heart to completely let the guy go. perhaps living with him may not be the smartest of ideas, but he has zero plans of moving out anytime soon. even if they don’t end up together in the end  grayson knows he will always be a ride or die for the guy. 
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lifeofkaze · 2 years
Two questions for you! 🧡
1. Which member of the Fraser-Jameson-Amari family lineage has the best relationship with Alan’s ghost?
2. What does the future hold for the Fraser whiskey company?
Coming right (totally not a whole day later lol) up 💛💛💛
1) Which member of the Fraser-Jameson-Amari family lineage has the best relationship with Alan’s ghost?
Let's take SELENE out of the picture here for obvious reasons. Alan has pretty much good relationships with all/most of the Frasers (Mortimer included, but neither would admit that), but their all very different. CAITLIN never liked him growing up, but Alan always felt protective of her, and he took Selene's last wish to take care of (a very much adult and aged by then) Caitlin very seriously. In a way, she was thankful for that. LEXIE and MICHAEL saw Alan as a fun addition to her grandmother's fun and strange home, and they made up horror stories about him Alan found hilarious and then passed on to Jake and Lizzie. Both second-gen Jameson kids had the same stance on him as their aunt and dad, but after the war, Alan was there to cheer LIZZIE up in some of her very darkest moments, when she wouldn't let anyone else near her. DYLAN was always fascinated by Alan and he's been around for so long that even fervent animal-friend Dylan never questioned why someone let a ferret play with a whiskey barrel in the first place. Out of all her ancestors since Selene, REVA is the one member of the family who reminded Alan of his beloved Selene the most and the two spawns of chaos immediately bonded.
If you'd ask Alan who he liked most, however, the answer would be very clear - his eternally grumpy-but-somewhat-slow bro, DARWIN the Tortoise.
2) What does the future hold for the Fraser whiskey company?
Selene handed the reins of Fraser Whiskey to her granddaughter Lexie when she thought it was time for her to step down. Since Lexie doesn't have children of her own, she had hoped for one of her brother's kids to follow her, but Jake moved to the US and Lizzie pursued her very successful career in Quidditch. It was only when Dylan and his then-fiancée Dana Parkin decided to return to the UK after having lived in France for a period of time, that the future of the family business was secured again.
Dylan and Dana will be upholding the legacy - all of the whiskey company, Uncle Mortimer's duelling room, and Aunt Ethel's now impressively grown herd of Highland cows. Who is taking care of what I'll leave to your guesses.
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cksmart-world · 8 months
The Completely Unnecessary News Analysis
By Christopher Smart
October 24, 2023
Well, he's gone and done it. Utah Sen. Mitt Romney has dropped a biography, “Romney: A Reckoning,” and took some scalps along the way. The genteel Mormon didn't hold back with his disgust of Sens. Josh Hawley and J.D. Vance. As for Vice President “Kiss Up” Mike Pence, Mitt didn't mince words: “No one was more willing to ascribe God’s will do things that were ungodly (read Donald Trump).” But Mitt's alpha dog was just getting started. He castigated GOP Reps. Marjorie Taylor Greene and Paul Gosar, comparing them to morons. Yes Wilson, he really said that, so the staff here at Smart Bomb decided to ferret out more of the book's funnest moments:
*Newt Gingrich is a ridiculous blowhard who babbled about America building colonies on the moon.
*Chris Christie is a prima dona who can't tie his own shoes.
*Ten Cruz is a scary demagogue who spends a lot of time in front of a mirror.
*Ron DeSantis has odious qualities and looks like he has a tooth ache or undies that are too tight.
*Donald Trump is unquestionably mentally unstable, a racist, bigoted, misogynistic, xenophobic, vulgar and prone to violence.
Mitt Romney can't lie. And he can't tell a joke. No wonder he's leaving the Senate.
Mick Jagger is 80. Holy shit. How did that happen. Keith Richards is 79, Ronnie Wood is 76 and Charlie Watts is dead. The Rolling Stones got together in 1962, a mere 60 years ago. Six-Zero. That was before JFK was assassinated; before John Glenn was the first American in space; and before Marilyn Monroe died. Six decades on and the Stones have just released its 31st studio album, “Hackney Diamonds.” Think about that — 31 albums. Along with The Beatles, the London rockers provided a great deal of the soundtrack of the '60s, '70s and '80s with (I Can't Get No) Satisfaction, You Can't Always Get What You Want, Brown Sugar, Sympathy For The Devil, Wild Horses, Paint It Black and Gimme Shelter and on and on... They say their biggest influences were Chuck Berry and blues greats Howlin' Wolf, Bo Diddley and Muddy Waters. Of course Jagger, Richards and Wood aren't the only rock geezers still warbling. Dylan is still about as is Paul McCartney, Eric Clapton and Van Morrison. The Beatles broke up in 1970 — 53 years ago. But the Stones remain at the center of the rock pantheon — the ultimate rock band. And all these years later their new album is getting good reviews from tough critics. The last song on the album is Muddy Waters' “Rollin' Stone.” 'Nuff said.
You gotta love the GOP — the white party of Lincoln — because they know how to get stuff done. Everybody knows how good they are at cutting taxes for the wealthy, but there's so much more. Republicans are really good at investigating things: Hunter Biden, Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, the Department of Defense, the FBI... Man do they know how to get to the bottom of stuff. No wonder so many people in Utah identify with the GOP. They are so, so good at running the economy and work to make it even better — they want to do away with the Affordable Care Act, Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, all the wasteful stuff. It's high time those slackers that vote for Democrats start pulling their own weight. That's why Americans in the know elect folks like Jim Jordan, Matt Gaetz and Majorie Taylor Greene. They don't mess around. Of course, Jordan has not passed any legislation in his 16 years in office, but look at all the other stuff he's done — he yelled at conspirators like FBI Director Christopher Wray, DOJ Secretary Merrick Garland and Dr. Anthony “The Covid Guy” Fauci. The stiff-necks in the Freedom Caucus, Tea Party and Trumpers say that government doesn't work and they're proving it every day. They can't even govern themselves. When government does nothing everyone wins.
Post script — That's it for another killer week here at Smart Bomb where we keep track of history so you don't have to. Hey Wilson, do you and the guys in the band like history, 'cause we're making a lot of it these days. There's the meltdown of the GOP and an ex-president who's been indicted in four different jurisdictions. Historians, like Doris Kearns Goodwin and Michael Beschloss are licking their chops. There still is a war in Ukraine although the new war in Gaza is stealing the headlines. Closer to home, the 11,000-year-old Great Salt Lake is drying up and the Utah Legislature is set to pass legislation making pantsing people illegal. (They have yet to get to wedgies.) How much pop-culture becomes history is anyone guess. Britney Spears got pregnant while dating Justin Timberlake; the ex- of Taylor Swift's new boyfriend says he cheated; and Utah A.G. Sean Reyes insisted that he hardly knows Tim Ballard. Years from now people might ask, who cares. A South Jordan neighborhood recreated Barbieland and went viral; Kevin Costner fans can stay at the Oakley ranch where “Yellowstone” is filmed; and Celeste Maloy, the cousin of extremist Amon Bundy, is the odds-on favorite to win a Utah seat in Congress. OK, relax, if it doesn't get in history books then it didn't really happen — kinda like slavery in Florida schools.
Alright Wilson, we just have to close it out with the Stones for old times sake. How often does a rock group make it to 60. So get your band out of the van no matter what condition they're in and take us down memory lane with one of the Stones iconic numbers that's still apropos today:
Please allow me to introduce myself I'm a man of wealth and taste I've been around for a long, long year Stole many a man's soul and faith I was 'round when Jesus Christ Had his moment of doubt and pain Made damn sure that Pilate Washed his hands and sealed his fate I stuck around St. Petersburg When I saw it was a time for a change Killed the Tzar and his ministers Anastasia screamed in vain Pleased to meet you Hope you guessed my name, oh yeah But what's confusing you Is just the nature of my game Just as every cop is a criminal And all the sinners saints As heads is tails Just call me Lucifer Cause I'm in need of some restraint So if you meet me Have some courtesy Have some sympathy, and some taste Use all your well-learned politesse Or I'll lay your soul to waste Pleased to meet you Hope you guessed my name, um yeah But what's puzzling you Is the nature of my game (Sympathy For The Devil — The Rolling Stones)
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