needsmorewlw · 2 years
Okay, just out of curiosity, on a scale of most to least, how would you rank each character in terms of being a cuddlebug?
Oh this is the ask Ive been dreaming of thank you
I'm doing least to most. Scaling up in the cuddle-ometer to the ultimate cuddler. I'm also rating them on how nice they'd be to cuddle because why not.
9. Abi
She'd love to love cuddles but she just can't. She's always thinking about if she's sweating and if her sweat is bothering the one she's cuddling and is she's too warm and even in cold weather, if she's uncomfortable she just won't say anything to avoid being a bother so she'll lie there being uncomfortable till the other person moves. 0/10 too much anxiety
8. Kaitlyn
She's just not a cuddler. She's not into extended displays of affection. She will however, drape herself over someone's lap like a lavish goddess if there's no where else to sit. Mostly Dylan or Nick because their laps have the most surface area and they'll resist the least. 2/10 you're her chair now.
7. Ryan
As firm as I am about his growing to love cuddles, he certainly doesn't start off that way. His personal space bubble has a five foot diameter. He doesn't like being touched and being leaned on/sat on/sitting on someone, makes his brain itchy. But he's higher than the other two because I think once he's comfortable enough he will accept the cuddles maybe even enjoy them if they're from the right person. 4/10 resistant but willing to try.
6. Laura
Laura's a mid tier cuddler. She can get into them if she's asked but she has pointy, jabby elbows and will wriggle if she's not comfortable but if she gets settled she's set for a few hours. However when she's drunk she's basically a baby koala, she'll hang on no matter what. 5/10 selfish but powerful. Safe in those arms.
5. Jacob
Big jump in the ratings here. Jacob is big into cuddles and he's got the ideal cuddling bod but he runs hot. Like hugging a heater with soft pillowy pecs. If you're into sweating after five minutes it's no problem but unless it's the middle of winter, the temperature regulation is not ideal. 7/10 soft but sweaty and not in the fun way
4. Nick
Another one who's big on cuddles but he won't take the initiative. Nick's not sure how to make the first move. How do you ask someone to sit/lie with you for prolonged periods of time? Nick sure doesn't know. He'll put his arm around the back of the chair and that's about it unless his cuddle partner does the rest. But once you get into the cuddle it's wonderful. 9/10 shy but naturally skilled
3. Emma
Hold her. Just fucking do it. She needs it. The second you open up your body language in her direction she's already planning how to ferret her way into your lap. She'll be casual about it though. Real slick with it. And then she'll curl up like a cat and and be asleep in approximately ten minutes if left undisturbed. She smells so good and her skin is soft. She'll fold herself to fit your position. 10/10 expert nuzzler
2. Dylan
Dylan is just looking for an excuse to hold you. You look cold? Hug. You look sad? Hug. If you look at him for too long, he'll assume you want a hug. He will raise an arm in your direction and you can cuddle under that thing to your heart's content. Wide chest, perfect for laying on. Warm and smells good and he'll rub your back during. 20/10 high priority cuddles
1. Max
This is a man who loves to cuddle and knows how to do it right. He craves cuddles. What's the point of just sitting next to someone when you can be all up in their grill? Years of having to bend around Laura's elbows of steel made him too powerful. He basically learnt how to cuddle on hard mode. He may be shorter but it's his vibes that send it home. He's so calming. He's like a living scented candle. Warm and comforting. He'll play with your hair, draw shapes on you and write messages on your back and get you to guess. it's a experience worth paying for. 100/10 what dreams are made of
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queenofbaws · 1 year
Hello! For a six sentence sunday, could I please request your interpretation of how they find out that some of the Hacketteers are still infected?
It was the sprinkler system that woke him up, almost like he was the idiot main character of some crappy college flick waking up after an all-night bar crawl.
Jacob turned his head to the side and squinted hard against the rising sun, bringing his hands up to knead away some of the hangover reverberating around his skull...and maybe, all right, to cover in face in hopes of clinging to a tiny shred of what self-respect he had left. He couldn't remember going out last night, was the thing, couldn't remember no matter how hard he tried; the closest he got was a fuzzy feeling he'd gone to the dining hall for something to eat, that he'd been so unbelievably hungry that he'd been ready to totally empty out his meal swipes, but even that felt uncertain, like maybe he was confusing his days.
"Oooh...sweet mamma jamma, remind me to stick to the kiddie rides next time..."
The sound of Kaitlyn's voice did what the sprinkler's icy water hadn't been able to - Jacob sat up with a start, the pounding in his head doubling, then tripling, then sending an emergency SOS down to his stomach that he only just managed to push through before the smell hit him.
When finally their eyes met over shaking hands and pale lips, Jacob saw the same realization, the same understanding, the same terror he felt in his bones playing clear as day across Kaitlyn's face: How much of the blood staining the courtyard was theirs...and how much wasn't?
six sentence sat(or)sunday!!!
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With the research you’ve been doing for your fics, do you think Dylan would love Stranger Things because of how utterly fascinated he is by the Upside Down and the concept of parallel/alternate dimensions?
I don’t know much about quantum physics so please forgive my bimbo brain
Surely right? Surely he would love that show and be an absolute pain to watch it with because he'd be sitting there, bouncing his legs trying to hold back the biggest speech of his life about how theoretically something like that could be possible under the theories of quantum physics
and I just imagine Ryan sitting next to him, pausing the show and just saying "go ahead" and Dylan breaks into a fifteen minute presentation
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emmamountebanks · 2 years
Your new pfp is so good! I've fallen in love with 50s Emma so hard
THANK U omg. same here. i have so many more photos of her on my pc and she’s so pretty in all of them. it’s a pfp dilemma
im still in love w the 80s look for her high ponytail and jewelry but man i ended up more obsessed w the 50s look than i thought id be
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dylanlikesmenfr · 1 year
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Mermaid Dylan courtesy of a friend on discord sending a mermaid message to the chat!
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iamsuperbi · 2 years
original poster is @lowonmelatonin
Favorite and least favorite counselor. Why?:
Favorite might be surprising to some who’ve read my fanfics or seen my fanart, because it USED to be Dylan (i still love him obvi). But now, it’s actually Ryan. I adore how complex his character is and how much time we get with him (though some may complain about that). I just wanna give him a hug.
Least favorite is Jacob - but I don’t hate him. He just makes too many dumb choices and actions that the gamer isn’t allowed to fix. This is probably due to Supermassive being rushed in finishing the game so they had to scrap a lot of stuff, but it results in me not really caring about Jacob as much as the others.
Favorite chapter and least favorite? Why:
Favorite chapter is a tie between Chapter Five and Chapter Nine. Chapter Five because of the radio hut scene and all the conversations between Dylan and Ryan (i’m weak for them). Chapter Nine because a LOT of fun stuff happens, though especially the scrapyard scene.
Least favorite is also a tie—Chapter Seven and Chapter Ten. Chapter Seven is because of how long and secluded it is with the backstory. Although it was necessary to know what Max and Laura went through, it felt like they were dragging it as far as they could and it got a little boring. And then, Chapter Ten, because it was a little lackluster after all the buildup and the fact that it ends with no closure for our counselors.
Favorite ships (max of 3)?:
Radiohead, Lauramax, and Jacob/Therapy Blygbank! (though, if you read my fanfics, i tend to do Emma/Abi/Nick which is also a big one of mine)
Biggest counselor crush?:
Kaitlyn. KAITLYN. Brenda Song playing a badass final girl? YES PLEASE. Especially when she’s got those yellow eyes when she’s infected in chapter ten. Hubba hubba.
How would you survive The Quarry?:
I probably wouldn’t. I have a natural body tremor so I’m basically always shaking so staying still would be useless. And my stamina is… awful. My only chance would be using one of the boats and sitting in the middle of the lake, but knowing my crappy luck I would somehow still die.
Favorite fanfic writer/fanartist?:
Fanfics: @lowonmelatonin and @drylan (my brain is blanking NOOO)
Art: @lieutkenny (there’s definitely more but I’m cracking under the pressure oh god)
Shoutout your friends in the fandom?:
I have to admit I’m a wee bit of a loner in this fandom. I haven’t really made friends, sadly. BUT! I am open to it. Just ask! Cuz I’ll most definitely say yes. <3
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drylan · 2 years
Hackett’s Quarry Summer Camp Tag (lazy answers edition)
i’m lazy, old, and dont know how these tag games work, but @apocalypticnova tagged me (make sure to check out their blog as well) none of these answers are interesting or surprising, and might be a wee bit depressing/boring
original tag list by @lowonmelatonin
Favourite counsellor and least favourite counsellor. Why?:
favorite is dylan, because he’s dylan. not sure if i want to be him or i’d like to be loved by someone like him more.
don’t have a least favorite, but i find laura a bit frustrating for out of universe reasons - don’t like how she pushed the central cast aside and dominated the second half of the game. poor creative/writing choice and dragged the game down.
Favourite chapter and least favourite chapter. Why?:
favorite chapter is between 5 and 9 - all the radio hut fun and the scrapyard. honorable mention goes to chapter 2, it’s like a life is strange game but with better dialogue.
least favorite chapter is 7, it dragged the first time i played it and drags even more on replays.
Favourite ship (you can pick a maximum of 3)?:
dylan/ryan, don’t really have anything else i’m a big avid shipper of.
Biggest counsellor crush:
don’t really have one, but if i did it would probably be dylan, which is embarrassing given i (mostly, it is complicated) present as a woman and he’d have 0 interest in me. embarrassingly, my gaydar was broken in high school and i crushed on a number of gay guys (never acted on it, thank god). now i’m just a forever alone virgin loser who doesn’t crush on anyone anymore, even fictional. 
How would you survive The Quarry?:
i wouldn’t. i’d die being mauled by a werewolf - fat, slow, ugly, and POC with no interesting quirks or special talents - mfers like me die instantly in horror in humiliating ways if we even make the casting cut
Favourite The Quarry fanfic writer and fanartist:
this is incredibly difficult, because literally everyone is amazing and the creative collective brain in this fandom is amazing, despite possible discourse and differing opinions. if you are missing from this list, doesn’t mean i don’t like your content. just means i’m lazy and have a bad memory or don’t remember your tumblr vs your ao3. these are also the first ones that came to mind quickly, otherwise i’d be tagging half of the fandom:
fanfic:  @five-rat-lore  @iamsuperbi @craneoperatingwolf 
fanart: @divomria @kawaiifryingpan @nicca11y @iamsuperbi 
Shoutout some friends you have made being involved in the fandom!
honestly, i do not engage w/other folks enough to really be considered much of a ‘friend’ to anyone in the fandom, but here are some fun people to check out that i haven’t tagged earlier in the post:
@me-ladie @needsmorewlw @homohaamu @stressedanime @riverrunscold @116t98 @mythicalheartbeat @vampireinthesun (won’t let me tag :() @hyperfigations @mothamcity
sorry if i missed anyone. you’re all great fun and i appreciate this fandom and the escape it provides. i hope to provide more content and ficlets in the future, for as long as people will like it.
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werewolfnick · 2 years
Can we just talk about how amazing fanfics can be? Like, if we forget about the Fifty Shades of Grey trilogy and the After franchise, fanfics can be a great way of expressing creativity. 
Its like “what if Cho Sang-woo didn’t kill Kang Sae-byeok, but instead it was reversed”. Fanfiction is a “what if” or at least that’s how I view it. “What if”. And that’s how all of my fanfics start and I’ll give you some examples of real fanfics I am currently writing: 
What if Changbin is a hellhound who is assigned to protect Felix, a university student who has no knowledge of the supernatural world? 
What if San is an undefeated MMA fighter that is going up against Wooyoung, a MMA fighter who is starting to make a name for himself in the MMA ring? 
What if after the events of Teen Wolf, Liam Dunbar and Theo Raeken get together but their explicit act causes something unexpected and unplanned to come? 
You get the idea. To me, fanfics are good stepping stone to those that want to be writers. I have written fanfics since I was fourteen, I’m now almost twenty one. I will whole heartedly admit, the fanfics I first wrote at fourteen are absolutely shit. No plot, very basic characterization of the celebrities and characters I wrote about. Now as a nearly twenty one year old, I will say my fanfics have gotten better since then. 
Characterization has gotten better and each fanfic I have now has a more structured plot now. I think this became a little more deeper than I thought it would be, oop. Sorry XD. 
Anyway, keep writing fanfics (I’m looking at you @lowonmelatonin, don’t stop writing ok?), and keep reading them too. Bye :D
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riverrunscold · 2 years
Hackett's Quarry Summer Camp Tag (super late edition)
I was tagged by both @drylan and @wlwmages a month ago, sorry for the wait!
The original tag was created by @lowonmelatonin
Favourite counsellor and least favourite counsellor. Why?:
My favorite would have to be Dylan. I just love his awkward joking and backtracking when he realizes he maybe went a tad too far because it's just really fucking relatable. Also I want both his voice and gender.
My least favorite, even though I don't really dislike any of them, would probably be Jacob or Nick. Jacob because he's a kinda typical dude-bro early on and I just don't vibe with those characters often. Also he did get them all stuck there though he obviously didn't know there would be werewolves, still a dick move.
And Nick just because we don't get a lot of him and the bits we do get are mostly just angry werewolf.
Favourite chapter and least favourite chapter. Why?:
My favorite chapter would probably be 2 or 3 because the not only the gay kiss but also drama ensues. Plus I love just seeing all the counselors having fun and being the dorks they are.
Least favorite would probably be The Laura Chapter. I say this as a Laura lover, as well as a lauramax enjoyer, that chapter draaags. The first time through it's interesting and fun but the second you really start to feel the pacing slow and it stays that way for a while. And of course after that Laura takes over a majority of the game, which I don't hate, but I wish we could've had Ryan choose to go with Laura or not so maybe we could see more of Ryan and Dylan. Also Ryan and Kaitlyn because they barely had any scenes together. At this point I'm really hoping for The Quarry: Director's Cut.
Favourite ship (you can pick a maximum of 3)?:
Probably not at all a surprise but I love Dylan and Ryan (rylan or radioheads, whichever you prefer). The dynamic is delicious. Just two neurodivergent nerds, one more extroverted and one more introverted. It's a tale as old as time. Also they just find each other both so fascinating They are each other's blorbos. They both want to study each other in a lab. The best dynamic honestly.
Another one would be Blygbank because they have big cheerleader/nerd energy, which I love. Again one more introverted, another more extroverted. The sunshine (both of them) and the sunshine protector (both of them again). Their interactions in game are also really cute and wholesome and also of course I have to mention the first thing we see Abi do is draw Emma.
Honorable mention to Lauramax. Unhinged woman and babygirl malewife my beloved.
Biggest counsellor crush:
Dylan and Kaitlyn. Also Ryan and Laura. If you're making me pick though, I'd have to say Kaitlyn. Not only am I attracted to her badass energy, I've also had a crush on Brenda Song my whole life.
How would you survive The Quarry?:
Absolutely not. I am a fat queer person, the rules of the horror genre say I must die. But mostly because I'm bad at thinking on my feet at least 60% of the time so it'd really be a toss up on whether I'd survive at all. Maybe I'd just turn into a werewolf, who knows?
Favourite The Quarry fanfic writer and fanartist:
I of course have to tag @sh5 because his art is so soft and beautiful and he has only the most correct thoughts on these characters. Some more tags would have to go to @drylan and @queenofbaws, who are both so good at writing! Check them out!
Shoutout some friends you have made being involved in the fandom!
Definitely have to shout-out @wlwmages because they rule! As well as the people I have mentioned above!
I am tagging @indigothenonbinaryunus and @queenofbaws if you would like to join in! As well as the other people I've tagged
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five-rat-lore · 2 years
Hackett’s Quarry Summer Camp Tag!
I’ve been tagged by a few people in this and wanted to give it a go :3
original tag list by @lowonmelatonin
Favourite counsellor and least favourite counsellor. Why?:
My favourite has to be Dylan. I read ATLITW a few weeks before I played the quarry and that already set me off struggling with my gender (again), but the moment I set eyes on Dylan something snapped in me. He’s my gender euphoria <3 I wrote A Guy Like Me literally as soon as we finished the game.
First time I played I liked Laura the least (ironic because she’s my husband’s favourite), but I have a new appreciation for her after replaying. I think maybe Abi is my least favourite, but only because I wish she’d had more to do! Same with Nick tbh.
Favourite chapter and least favourite chapter. Why?:
Chapter 5 is my favourite, hands down! I love the scrapyard, but the radio hut is just superior imo
Me and Chapter 8 have personal beef because when me and my husband picked our characters at the start of the game, I chose Dylan, Abi, Nick and Emma, and he picked Ryan, Laura, Jacob and Kaitlyn. Which means I didn’t get to play for the whole of chapter 8!!!
Favourite ship (you can pick a maximum of 3)?:
Dylan/Ryan (also Dylan/Ryan/Kaitlyn)
Biggest counsellor crush:
Dylan. At first I joked that I didn’t know if I wanted to be him or be with him, turns out it’s both lol
How would you survive The Quarry?:
my toxic trait is thinking I would survive the quarry. I’m scrappy and I’ve been waiting my whole life to go horror movie feral.
Favourite The Quarry fanfic writer and fanartist:
My all time fave is @drylan his work is *chef’s kiss* and then I also love @dylan-lenivy-appreciation-day works too, Better Left Unspoken has me in a vice grip. and I can’t talk about my fave fics without mentioning @cloudycaffeinatedcryptid obviously :)
I need to follow more fanartists, I’m like really bad at using tumblr so I pretty much just live in the radioheads tag. But I do love @divomria art, it’s so good!
Also @needsmorewlw for their fandom content, their headcanons and fandom content are up there with the best fanart and fanfics for me
Shoutout some friends you have made being involved in the fandom!
Okay so heres the thing, I have this constant crushing fear that everyone finds me annoying and does not want to be friends with me. I desperately want fandom friends but I’m such a coward. And I also feel that everyone else is already friends and I’m just... here. I think I make content as a way of reaching out but I never know where to go from there.
but my special shout outs go to @mothamcity @stressedanime and @me-ladie (as well as everyone I’ve already tagged)! Maybe this is me finally taking that next step to actually become friends with people in the fandom.
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needsmorewlw · 2 years
Okay so I've just been thinking of what if like Emma, Max and Dylan did something sort of similar to Unus Annus? Like, how crazy do you think they would get as they try to top the previous video? And also roping in the others occasionally (especially Jacob cause he'll basically do anything)
My favorite trio doing literally anything? Sign me up.
It occured to me that some people may have zero context for what Unus Annus is but just imagine a bunch of progressively more unhinged challenge videos or investing way too much time into an obscure topic.
But I'm so hooked. like Laura, Abi and Ryan would be behind the camera like Amy, filming, helping them come up with ideas, and also watching things unfold incase they inevitably hurt themselves.
Dylan makes the "I get to shoot you with a paintball gun at one random point during a video sometime in the future" deal with Max and Max agrees but then they're halfway through a video like 3 months later, Dylan walks off screen and comes back with a paintball gun and Max is begging for his life. (I'll continue under the cut)
Max simultaneously being like "I wanna test how much my body can take- not because I'm a masochistic." The camera pans over to Laura and she's just staring at it.
Emmas the one who came up with the "*video idea* but with impending sense of doom" stuff bc ofc she did.
They start a running joke where Emma gets subtly and gradually more unhinged in every video. Random shots of her examining a knife in the background and staring at the boys while they're talking, then looking at the camera and it cuts back to the original video topic without explanation.
Whoevers behind the camera zooming in on her phone screen while she's searching "how much poison does it take to kill a grown man?"
"Discussing ways I would murder Dylan and Max and hide their bodies (this video is definitely a joke)" and the thumbnail is something absolutely bonkers like a deep fried image of Emma holding a chainsaw or smn.
"Duct Tape Crucifixion (Abi please don't watch this video)"
Lots of videos filled in Emma and Abi's house titled (Abi please don't watch)
I thought about the "Building IKEA furniture without instructions" video but I actually think Max and Dylan would be pretty competent at it? Emma's fully expecting it to be chaotic but instead the boys just get really quiet and focused and Emma's standing there commentating on it like a babysitter.
However "building the world's hardest IKEA furniture without instructions" drives all three of them insane.
Dylan absolutely breaks his nose on the aerial hoop and then re-breaks it in a later challenge. Dylan tries to keep going with the videos and Ryan's off camera like "boy if you don't stop filming right now-"
"Dylan accidentally injures himself for 20 minutes" compilation"
I can't see any of them doing the fitness stuff, I think they would lean hard into the funny editing to make the videos insane or somewhat spooky/unsettling. Also all three of them are masters at holding deadpan faces for the sake of comedy.
"Max injures himself on purpose for 30 minutes" compilation
"Max being a menace with a taser for 10 minutes"
Dylan's the one ordering all the insane shit. The world's hottest peppers, the crazy Amazon products, the wubble, the personal sauna. They make several videos called some variation of "Dylan continues to be irresponsible with his money"
I could go on but I need to stop. But I encourage any more asks about this topic specifically
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116t98 · 2 years
Put your favorite playlist on shuffle and list the first ten songs then tag ten people! no skipping!
Thanks for taking me @who-is-taking-all-the-good-urls!
I don’t actually have a favorite playlist of mine, so I’m gonna cheat a little by using my entire song library instead 🤫
Get Down - SHINee
Hey there Delilah - Pain White T’s
Don’t Touch Me - Ailee
Goddess - Jaira Burns
Whenever, Wherever - Shakira
Gotta Go - Chung Ha
The Mighty Fall - Fall Out Boy
Larger Than Life - Backstreet Boys
Holiday - Lil Nas X
4 Minutes - Madonna
I’m gonna tag @stressedanime @hyperfigations @kitkat-tat @lowonmelatonin @needsmorewlw @galahadwilder @gentil-minou @sparklylovegiver @youreastarburst and anyone else who sees this and wants to participate!
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I just saw your post on how smart Dylan is to be able to study quantum physics and I'm wondering on when do you think the other counsellors (aside from Ryan) would find out? And do you think that he ever goes on these tangents about it and everyone is so confused, but they let him ramble cause they know how happy it makes him?
hmmm this is a cute concept.
I think Nick knew just from context clues. They spent a lot of time together and Nick could tell he was smarter than he pretended to be. Every now and then he'd say something that made Nick go 🤔 like Dylan definitely went on a tiny tangent before catching himself and Nick didn't bring attention to it bc I think Dylan and Nick are similar like that 😌 so when it was eventually revealed Nick just goes "Wow I knew you were smart but I didn't know you were smart-smart."
I feel like Kaitlyn suspected it. She would talk to Dylan sometimes during camp then after she would think about the interaction like "that boy's hiding something." And at first she has no idea, but then he off handedly uses some physics theory to win an argument and Kaitlyn just goes "I fucking knew it! you're a goddamn nerd". Then they start this whole little dramatic fake soap opera argument bc they're besties.
Kaitlyn: you were hiding this under my nose...this whole time...
Dylan: I swear I was going to tell you! I just...needed time. [clenches fist]
Ryan is standing off to the side like "Why do I like these people?"
Jacob doesn't believe it. Nick or Kaitlyn mentions it and Jacob laughs and goes "Pff. That idiot? Please." Then Nick and Kaitlyn find Dylan and get him to say something smart so he just starts explaining the process of energy and the law of thermodynamics and Jacobs face just slowly goes dumbfounded. He accuses them of pranking him and says shit like "you could literally be making stuff up and I wouldn't know." And it takes Dylan sitting Jacob down and having a heart to heart about how he lied to him and they bro it out. At some point Jacob asks Dylan to help him fix his resume
I feel like Abi's just super cute about it. She's surprised at first but then she asks him questions because she's interested and does her best to follow along when Dylan talks about it. But Dylan's good at explaining it in an easy to understand way.
Emma doesn't really care about it. She thinks it's cool and texts him when she needs homework help but the part she mainly cared about was him hiding it all camp and she just goes "Hah lmao fucking same, up top." And they bond over their camp personas
Max and Laura aren't surprised because they meet him when he drops the persona so they just get the genuine nerd experience.
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alwaysher · 2 years
@lowonmelatonin made this tag and i was tagged by the lovely @wlwmages ! tysm <3
favorite counselor and least favorite counselor. why? :
my favorite counselor would probably have to be ryan honestly <3 he reminds me a lot of myself and i sympathize a lot with his story and i feel like he’s heavily misunderstood by a lot of people who play the game. he can come off a bit cold but i think i really appreciate the way he shows his love for the other counselors and chris and his kids- again he just reminds me a lot of myself and i think he’s gotta be one of smg’s best characters in my opinion, he’s just beautifully complex and so sweet in his own way.
my least favorite counselor is probablyyyy unfortunately nick, which definitely isn’t to say i don’t like him, i actually love him!! i think evan did a great job of explaining the complexities of nick’s character- his insecurities in his own personality, how that manifests as he starts to turn, etc. but unfortunately i think a lot of that characterization is thanks to evan’s elaboration and can’t be credited as much to the actual game. obviously nick would have less screentime as the one who Has to turn and his turning is a (literal) turning point in the story and i appreciate it for its plot value but i wish they’d made more use of his screentime before that and really given us more than just “sidekick who puckers up for his crush’s best friend” because there’s definitely more to him they couldve explored.
favorite chapter and least favorite chapter. why? :
i actually really like chapter 5 mostly for rylan/radioheads purposes HDFGD i just really like playing with them all in a big group, seeing kaitlyn take charge in the lodge and getting to see ryan and dylan develop. i also just think the radio shack scene is >>> and definitely my most memorable of the game.
my least favorite is definitely 7 </3 such fun story stuff but it’s so long and also probably the birth of a bunch of the laura/travis shippers or just. travis fuckers in general so that’s a big pass from me
favorite ship (max of 3):
when i saw this question i thought it’d be super easy and now im struggling so im allowing myself an honorable mention.
radioheads, blygbank, and lauramax and an honorable mention goes to emma/abi/nick polyship i love them too much DHFGD
biggest counselor crush:
uhhh probs kaitlyn?? an artist once drew her like. all buff and mechanic looking and yeah <3 im weak for that shit
how would you survive the quarry?:
if i survived the quarry (huge if) it would probablyyy be by locking my ass in the surveillance room- i am not brave, i would not be helpful, i would probably end up dead but. if i didnt die that’d be how.
quarry fandom faves:
i can’t differentiate the urls of my favorite creators in the fandom so!! here are my faves in general:
@wlwmages @needsmorewlw @amberpriceenthusiast @lenivycunt @dylan-lenivy-appreciation-day @sharkflan @stressedanime @emmamountebanks
and all of my mutuals in the fandom <3 feel free to do this!!
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wlwmages · 2 years
@lowonmelatonin originally made this so thank you for that and thank you @kitkat-tat for tagging me <3
favorite counselor and least favorite counselor. why?:
my favorite is hard bc i’m an indecisive bitch but i think it’s a solid tie between kaitlyn and dylan. kaitlyn is just. my girl. took charge, didn’t take shit from anyone, got shit done. but also when the situation isn’t life threatening she’s a bit of a dork and i love her for it. dylan bc i am a sucker for characters who use humor to cope with the fact that they’re awful in social situations and are terrified of rejection. also he just cares sO much and it makes my heart go <333
least favorite is also hard bc i actually really do like all of them or at the very least understand them but if i had to choose it’d probably be jacob. i promise i don’t hate him, he was just the one who i still had conflicting feelings about by the end of the game
favorite chapter and least favorite chapter. why?:
favorite honestly 2-4 take your pick from those. 2 and 3 are just nice to see the counselors have some fun before everything goes to shit, get a feel for the relationships and dynamics. 4 is when things are starting to go wrong but not super intense. you still get some fun and lighthearted moments while the stakes are still relatively low
least favorite, everyone has already made excellent points as to why but chapter 7 </3 has some good moments, was fun the first time around, drags on during later playthroughs. love lauramax tho
favorite ship (you can pick a maximum of 3)?: 
rylan, blygbank, and lauramax my beloveds
biggest counselor crush:
now i know this may come as a big shock to you all: kaitlyn. my girlfriend, my love, my special little booboo bear <333 
how would you survive the quarry?:
well the truth is that i probably wouldn’t lmao. i’d like to think i would have some common sense and not die bc i was being stupid but i knowing me i would probably trip and fall while being chased. but if i were to survive, my best bet would be hiding in the storm shelter
favorite the quarry fanfic writer and fanartist:
writer(s): @cloudycaffeinatedcryptid, @needsmorewlw, @dylan-lenivy-appreciation-day, @iamsuperbi, @mothamcity
artist(s): @eternalseal, @lenillusion, @lenivycunt, @denkicide
shoutout to some friends made in the fandom :)
@amberpriceenthusiast @stressedanime @kitkat-tat @alwaysher @emmamountebanks @riverrunscold 🥰
honestly the people i would tag for this have already been tagged above so feel free to jump in 💞
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dreamqueenkala · 2 years
Credit goes to @lowonmelatonin for the taglist below.
Favourite counsellor and least favourite counsellor. Why?:
I ADORE Max Brinly just because he’s so sweet and kinda goofy, but in a cute “I wanna be your knight in shining armor but I’m more of a puppy” kind of way.
I absolutely LOATHE Abigail Blyg—she reminds me too much of myself sometimes, but her naivety and her just general demeanor the majority of the game makes me want to punt her across a room. I’m not exactly sure why I feel that way so bad, because I can tolerate and sometimes like her when she’s around Emma, but without Emma she annoys tf outta me.
Favourite chapter and least favourite chapter. Why?:
I gotta say my favorite chapter is prolly Chapter 5: White Noise—I just love the growing climax with the tension of Nick’s impending transformation and the cute scenes between Dylan and Ryan. I will never NOT drool over those two, I swear.
My least favorite chapter, however, has to be chapter 10: Bricks & Mortar/The Final Girl—I love max so very much and the fact the he got barely a five minute segment to be played out of the whole game is both incredibly frustrating and completely unfair. I dislike this chapter simply because I feel Max should’ve been given more gameplay time and had a better storyline in his end, since it was almost like he was completely disconnected from the actual story we get to play through.
Favourite ship (you can pick a maximum of 3)?:
Dylan x Ryan
Jacob x Nick
Emma x Abi
Biggest counsellor crush?:
It’s a tie for me between Max & Dylan. I refuse to make a final decision
How would YOU survive “The Quarry”?:
That’s a tough question. I personally believe I’d have the same level of resilience as Dylan does with his infection and be able to fight it off most of the night. Due to this, I’d gladly allow myself to become infected towards the beginning and I’d use it to my advantage to protect the rest. If it came down to a point where I would put them in danger or I was likely to turn, I’d head for the food cabins from the first segment of the game(where Emma and Jacob raided the cabin for alcohol, watermelons and a shotgun—yes, I remembered the cages in it) and have myself locked in a cage, informing those I was with beforehand of where I was going and why so they could free me in the morning.
Favourite “The Quarry” fanfiction writer and fanartist:
My favorite writer prolly has to be @drylan because their headcanons and ficlets are absolutely TO DIE FOR. My second favorite has to be @lovelenivy—genuinely an adorably sweet person with a lot of talent—and my third favorite would have to be @lowonmelatonin just because of the amazing content and the sweet vibes, not to mention the creativity and positivity this writer has. ((Lowkey suggest checking out @supermassive-games for fan-based The Quarry stuff if you’re not just looking for fanfiction))
My favorite fanartist currently is @donutdrawsthings
I’m going to tag the following people to do the same thing I have;
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