#dynamo merch
dynamo-deepblue · 3 months
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The real super power of teamwork - on your wrist! And whether you need 50 rings, or 100, or more to get your emerald - never stop running ✨
Coming soon along with my WING EMBLEM ita bag!
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13thfunfa1r · 5 months
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and i have this dynamo roller charm. it's kinda beeg and it's also holographic and stuff. reminds me of the locker sticker you get after 3-starring a weapon!
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bugslap · 1 year
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finally…after months of sending a bajillion files back and forth…my collaboration with merch genius TORIPNG on twit is dropping!! my Splatoon weapon deconstruction series is combining with his holo-back floating frames to create a gorgeous dynamo roller display just in time for gold dyna's debut hehehe
launching on toris site on 8/24 at 3 est :3
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celepom · 1 year
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Went to the Starry Dynamo art market today and bought a bunch of stuff from local queer artists
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seahdalune · 10 months
moe dynamoe
-i think he's really, really proud of his hair swirl. it's like a "signature style" like how a cartoon character has a certain attribute that makes them stand out from the rest of the cast. and it does make him stand out! aside from being the comic guy, it's the other thing he's most known for. i still don't get how Ninjoy hasn't realized who Dynamoe is.
-Moe is the one who officially sells Dynamoe merch, and it's actually his biggest income at the moment. how do people know it's official? one night, he graffiti'd a link to a site that would lead to a Dynamoe themed shop. some (not the police, to note) have tried to catch him through the link, but efforts have been fruitless.
(sidenote: Ninjoy doesn't have an official merch store, and most things you'll find on shops are bootlegs or fan merch. besides, she's a menace according to the news, so why the hell do you wanna buy merch of her, huh?)
-you've all waited long enough. behold, the second worst love square of all time. made around like June, but aside from my art style i haven't changed my thoughts on it at all.
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sharktistic · 10 months
runs into your ask box and nearly collapses MOE DYNAM—(I am shot dead)
I like to think ‘Moe’ is short for something like Mortimer
I see him as the flipverse equivalent of a German-American
Uses the money he steals for his geek merch
i have two orientation hcs for him bc I cannot decide on one and one of them is that he’s a Genderfluid lesbian ❗️❗️❗️❗️
Only listens to video game OST’s
He’s usually really chill but when he’s the dynamoe there’s possibility of him being very passive aggressive
he designed his villain outfit himself. He made the conscious decision to sew on YELLOW POLKA DOTS ON RED
was a B+ Student and is still sour about not getting an A+
my voice claim for him is Jason Schwartzman (either as Gideon Graves or The Spot)
I have two diffrent charecterizations of his and Joys relationship but one of em is genuinly romantic and he doesn’t realize that she’s Ninjoy
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naruto-fantasy-zine · 3 months
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The Naruto Fantasy AU Zine welcomes Shiaroo!!!
@/Shiaroo is a merch dynamo with the cutest style you've ever seen and so much character in their work!💖
Their favorite fantasy genre is: "Cute fun design type fantasy, like fairy tales I guess? There's something special about taking something simple and making it… ~more~"
⊱⊹⊰ Twitter ⊱⊹⊰ Instagram ⊱⊹⊰
We're so excited to have such an amazing artist on our team!
Don't want to miss out on pre-orders? ✨Join our mailing list HERE!✨
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itchyofficial · 2 years
12.11.2022 CH-Zürich - Dynamo
Alter. Köln und München haben uns mal richtig massiv die Haare nach hinten geföhnt. Ich verstehe das total, dass es sich langsam abnutzt, wenn wir ständig erzählen, wie krass dieser und jener Abend in Stadt XY war, aber die Tour ist eben wirklich etwas besonderes. Ein Austausch an Energie, Emotionen, unbändiger Freude und ganz schlimmen Schweissgeruch. Es ist einfach so schön wieder unterwegs sein zu können.
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Unser Nightliner fährt heute – wie der Name schon sagt – über Nacht nach Zürich. Sibbi muss morgens um 7Uhr aus seiner Koje aufstehen, um unseren Merch beim Schweizer Zoll anzumelden. Ich kann mir wenig bessere Dinge vorstellen, die man Samstags um 7Uhr in der Früh, nach 4,5h Schlaf machen möchte. Immerhin wird er nicht festgenommen oder angeschossen. So langsam werden wir warm mit den Zöllner*innen dieses durchaus bergigen Landes.
Das Konzert im Dynamo heute Abend ist völlig zurecht ausverkauft. Tags zuvor haben wir übrigens vom Club noch eine Kostenliste für unsere Catering-Wünsche zugesendet bekommen: In der Schweiz ist ja alles so ein kleines bißchen um das hundertfache teurer als bei uns. Nachdem wir uns die Kostenliste einige Minuten lang mit panisch aufgerissenen Augen angeschaut haben, nahmen wir einen geliehenen Kugelschreiber und fingen hektisch an, 85% unserer Wunsch-Getränke wieder raus zu streichen. Vielleicht braucht man ja gar keinen Orangensaft. Rum ist generell eh überbewertet. Statt Cola kann man ja auch Wasser trinken und vom Wasser brauchen wir vielleicht auch nicht so viele Flaschen. Kohlensäure kann auch raus. Wir sind die größten Cliché-Schwaben die es gibt. So viel steht fest.
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Ehrlicherweise muss man zugeben, dass die letzten Shows eine paar Spuren bei uns hinterlassen haben: Sieben Konzerte in zehn Tagen und dazwischen war auch nicht an Runterkommen zu denken. Jedenfalls pennen wir heute alle gefühlt den halben Tag im Backstage rum und versuchen Reserven für den Abend zu mobilisieren. Dass unser VfB Stuttgart um 15.30Uhr eine 0:2-Arbeitsverweigerung in Leverkusen abliefert, hilft leider nicht so wirklich beim auf-Touren-kommen. Platz 16 schon wieder. Seid bloß froh, wenn ihr euch nicht für Fussball interessiert. Hat man nur Ärger mit.
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Als Support heute zum letzten mal dabei sind unsere Freunde von Pabst und zusätzlich die All-Female-Band Mamba Bites aus der französischen Schweiz. Wir ergreifen natürlich umgehend die Chance, um unser katastrophales Schul-Französisch nochmal aufflammen zu lassen und werfen mit zahlreichen Begriffen wie „Bonjour“, „Qu´est que tu fait?“, „Je m´apelle Panzer et toi?“ etc. um uns. Geantwortet wird uns daraufhin meist auf Englisch. Naja. Nen Versuch wars wert.
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Mamba Bites haben dann sichtlich riesigen Spaß auf der Bühne und Pabst drehen den Laden anschließend schon mal ordentlich auf links. Danach sind wir dann dran und Tourmanager Jonas prophezeit in vorausschauender Weitsicht einen „Hexenkessel“. Er sollte recht behalten.
Zürich dreht komplett durch. Die Securities haben alle Mühe die dutzenden Crowdsurfer aus der Menge zu ziehen und es ist einfach nur unglaublich wild alles. Als das Publikum ohne unsere Beteiligung den Refrain von "Down Down Down" singt, zeigt das Dezibel-Messgerät des Züricher Ordnungsamt einen Wert von 107 Dezibel an. Kreissägen und Presslufthämmer liegen in diesem Bereich. Respekt. Es ist wirklich unglaublich gut heute.
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Nach der Show treffen wir noch einige alte Freundinnen und Freunde, trinken unseren überteuerten Kühlschrankinhalt leer und sind einfach nur glücklich über den tollen Abend.
Noch drei Shows auf dieser Tour. Wir freuen uns auf jede einzelne!
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theuncannyimp · 3 months
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"Idle Hands" | 07.17.2024
Streaming Bandcamp (+ Merch)
Music Videos: Black Magick
Tracklist: 1. An Explanation in Good Faith Before We Begin 2. Petulant 3. adult swim bump (feat. Rogue Dynamo, Victor Mariachi, & Lithium Pineapple) 4. Black Magick (feat. ariesfoolmoon, prod. freespottie) 5. Lockjaw (prod. PYJIGN) 6. *69 (prod. Kaffo, the Sensei) 7. Follow the Music (feat. Ali Sahir & T H R O N E) 8. Rhetorical Question (prod. Jarhead the Nobody) 9. Good Grief (prod. Fendi Pendergrass) 10. Hammer in the Lake (feat. Solar Plexus Super Punch, quirkless, & Se'nam Palmer)
Credits: Ali Sahir: Vocals (7), Co-Mix Engineering (7) ariesfoolmoon: Vocals (4), Additional Mix Engineering (4) Dylan Welch: Drums (10), Recording Engineer (10), Co-production (10) Fendi Pendergrass: Additional Vocals (2, 9), Production (9) freespottie: Production (4), Additional Vocals (4), Additional Mix Engineering (4) Hayatheus: Vocals (7) Imp: Vocals (all tracks), Production (1-3, 7, 10), Mix/Master Engineering (all tracks), Post-Production (4-6, 8) Jarhead the Nobody: Production (8) Kaffo, the Sensei: Production (6) Lily Berz: Guitar (10) Lithium Pineapple: Vocals (3) PYJIGN: Production (5), Additional Mix Engineering (5) quirkless: Saxophone (10) Rogue Dynamo: Vocals (3) Sam Boss: Bass (10) Se'Nam Palmer: Guitar solo (10) Steven Schlosser: Keyboard (10) Yvhikv: Vocals (7) Victor Mariachi: Vocals (7)
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dartducks · 4 months
2. teams I have a soft spot for
The flyers!! They have a bunch of guys I really like (including my beloved former cap garnet hathaway I miss you so much) and their vibes just seem generally very fun. Perhaps I need to get more into them next year.
Also from euro hockey, dynamo pardubice! Nate's propaganda has worked and sedsy is beautiful
5. favourite piece of hockey memorabilia I own
I don't actually have any proper hockey merch yet (working on that, I owe myself a jersey. as a treat) so I'm gonna say the bracelets you made me!! I love them so much they're so pretty <3
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dynamo-deepblue · 5 months
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✨ WING EMBLEM Ita Bag 2024 Release Info Thread! ✨
Preorders will work differently this time so more people can have a chance to get one (because last time, in June 2023, there were only 100 and they sold out in 4 hours. Lots of disappointed people!). Please read below!
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In late June/early July 2024, I'll send out a preorder form on various platforms and via social media that'll be open for 1-2 weeks. Fill out this form to claim your bag! When the form closes, bags will be produced based on the number of forms submitted. Payment will be collected once bags are in my hands (estimated around October 2024).
You'll also be able to order 2 matching accessories on the form - the SPECIAL STAGE wallet and the SPEED HEROES wrist lanyard! These items are still being manufactured currently, so when I can get photos I'll post them. But for now, here's some art mockups. (I anticipate having the samples of the wallet and lanyard in my hands in June, so that's why the preorder form will not be available until then. I want you all to see the photos!!)
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The WING EMBLEM ita bag will be priced at $95 USD, the SPECIAL STAGE wallet at $25 USD and the SPEED HEROES lanyard at $15 USD. (+ shipping. Worldwide shipping is available!)
If you miss the preorder form, don't worry! In-store stock will also be available this time 🎉 This includes the bags, wallets and lanyards.
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You can find more information about all these items at this link (also makes a good bookmark and will be updated periodically).
Don't want to miss out? You can also sign up for my newsletter to have info and updates straight to your email. Great if you don't check social media too often.
In the meantime, I'll be working on other merch projects, fandom-related and otherwise! I do art full time and thrive on your support, so if you'd like to help me and my cat survive and make fun things, you can commission, visit my shop or tip me on Ko-fi!
If you have any questions, feel free to reply to this thread, or contact me on any site I frequent, or via email, and I'll do my best to answer. If I have further updates I will also add them to this thread. Thank you all for taking a look - I hope you all will look forward to it!
Website | Commission Info | Shop | Ko-fi | Telegram Art Feed
Twitter | Tumblr | Mastodon | DeviantArt | Bluesky | Fur Affinity
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rainofdauwuand0w0 · 8 months
go check out their stuff, it is amazing, take a look at their cool art, tell your friends, share it around pls
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limoteethw · 1 year
Orioles Tropical Sea And Parrots Hawaiian Shirt – Orioles Hawaiian Shirthttps://limotees.com/product/orioles-tropical-sea-and-parrots-hawaiian-shirt-orioles-hawaiian-shirt/
Buy It Now: Buy It Now: Your connection was interrupted A network change was detected. ERR_NETWORK_CHANGED Buy It Now:Orioles Tropical Sea And Parrots Hawaiian Shirt – Orioles Hawaiian Shirt Buffalo Bills Hawaiian Shirt Buffalo Bills Palm Tree Sunset Blue Hawaii Shirt Buffalo Bills Aloha Shirt This site can’t be reached This site can’t be reached Aberdeen Ironbirds Baseball Logo Shirt t shirt This site cFunny Windsurfing Saved Me From Being A Pornstar Hawaiian Shirt Gift For Beach Trip
n’t be reached ERLegends Jim Palmer BroJoe Burrow Cincinnati Bengals Sweat T Shirt
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Baltimore Ori5 Brooks Robinson 1937 2023 Thank You For The Memories Signatures Shirt
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Buy It Now: Buy It Now: Your connection was interrupted A network change was detected. ERR_NETWORK_CHANGED Buy It Now:Orioles Tropical Sea And Parrots Hawaiian Shirt – Orioles Hawaiian Shirt Buffalo Bills Hawaiian Shirt Buffalo Bills Palm Tree Sunset Blue Hawaii Shirt Buffalo Bills Aloha Shirt This site can’t be reached This site can’t be reached Aberdeen Ironbirds Baseball Logo Shirt t shirt This site cFunny Windsurfing Saved Me From Being A Pornstar Hawaiian Shirt Gift For Beach Trip
n’t be reached ERLegends Jim Palmer BroJoe Burrow Cincinnati Bengals Sweat T Shirt
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Baltimore Ori5 Brooks Robinson 1937 2023 Thank You For The Memories Signatures Shirt
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Damn Right I Am A Louisville Cardinals Fan Win Or Lose Shirt
TION_CLOSED Home Page: Hippie Bus Under Sunset Palm Tree Beach Themed Pattern Hawaiian Shirt LimoteesI May Live In Georgia But I’ll Always Have The Notre Dame Fighting Irish In My DNA 2023 shirt Bootleg ss shirt Houston Dynamo FC 2023 Lamar Hunt U.S. Open Cup Champions Shirt 15% OFF 10 items get 15% OFF on cart total Home Page: Limotees
Home Page: Limotees
Damn Right I Am A Louisville Cardinals Fan Win Or Lose Shirt
TION_CLOSED Home Page: Hippie Bus Under Sunset Palm Tree Beach Themed Pattern Hawaiian Shirt LimoteesI May Live In Georgia But I’ll Always Have The Notre Dame Fighting Irish In My DNA 2023 shirt Bootleg ss shirt Houston Dynamo FC 2023 Lamar Hunt U.S. Open Cup Champions Shirt 15% OFF 10 items get 15% OFF on cart total Home Page: Limotees
Home Page: Limotees
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corvidaescreations · 1 year
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Tadbulb: Tadbulb shakes its tail to generate electricity. If it senses danger, it will make its head blink on and off to alert its allies. Bellibolt: When this Pokémon expands and contracts its wobbly body, the belly-button dynamo in its stomach produces a huge amount of electricity.
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ghostcultmagazine · 1 year
Catch up on what you missed this week in the world of Rock and Metal news with our show! #musicnews #rocknews #interviews #newmusicfriday #metalfestivals #tourdates #metalconcerts #vinylcollector #metalmerch Check out our new Affiliate partner @merchbar-musicmerchvinylre7215 official licensed band merch and music! Discounts on every order with our link: https://bit.ly/MerchbarGCM #RIPBigLeeLloyd #RIPDaveCohen #RIPCayleCharlton Support this awesome compilation album raising money for the DSA SF Strike Labor Board: https://ift.tt/Xpveia1 Check out our linktree - updated daily with top stories https://ift.tt/LxDKiMA Cayle Charlton of Param-Nesia GoFundMe for his family https://ift.tt/TZoeXDY Year of the Knife - recovery fund https://ift.tt/z2f6HmB Please donate to Jesse Malin's recovery fund via Sweet Relief https://ift.tt/epLm9Qw Buy us a Ko-fi https://ift.tt/agWFdtx or We now take Cashapp $ghostcultmag Follow us on Twitch: https://ift.tt/CWwXmbt Sub to us on Reddit: https://ift.tt/ayUhpBQ Solidarity Voices comp from Fine Shammy Records, Forbidden ROYAL THUNDER Scowl Glacially Musical Grand Funk Railroad RPM Fest Wacken Open Air Dynamo Metalfest, Throwdown to Furnace Fest, Metal Hammer Paradise fest, Riot Fest Creed Cruise, Disturbed tour underway, Baroness Mudvayne kicks off summer tour, Possessed over Europe, Boris and (the) Melvins Judas Priest 2024 plans, Mammoth WVH headline tour, Wardruna at the Acropolis, Strife in the OC, Capra new album and tour, Heavy Temple and Howling Giant, Tragedy on tour in Europe this weekend, Stabbing Westward new tour dates, Atreyu new EP and tour, Metal at Comic-Con International (SDCC), Creem Summer Sunburn, Guns N' Roses new music imminent, Slipknot new old video, Poppy new album news, who is the biggest Metallica fan in the world, Brujeria new album and video, Filter new album details, Keanu Reeves' Dogstar band returns, Dolly Parton covers Queen, Fugitive two new singles, Panzerfaust strikes back, Dino of Fear Factory vs Merch Cuts, Josh Middleton dishes on Architects split, Deicide new album and label deal, Jason Costa splits from All That Remains, Devin Townsend 7 new albums to relax you, Mayans M.C. finale reps Motorhead, Imperial Triumphant go all in on Jazz cover, the definitive book on black metal gets a reissue, Boy Harsher side project soundtrack, and in out Mailbag a box of stuff from Nuclear Blast! #RIPBigLeeLloyd #RIPDaveCohen #RIPCayleCharlton #RIPChesterBennington #RIPChrisCornell Gear we use: - ***These are affiliate links and Ghost Cult makes a small commission on every sale. Set up A: Sony A7 III - https://amzn.to/3tQm422 Tamron 17-28 - https://amzn.to/3ePrlTd Tamron 28-75 - https://amzn.to/3fqCjgY Desview Mavo-P5 Monitor- https://amzn.to/33LlTub Manfrotto Befree Travel Tripod - https://amzn.to/3hxbL0e Lighting: YONGNUO YN600L - https://amzn.to/2QkNrn5 YONGNUO YN300 Air - https://amzn.to/2QjN5gu Dfuse Softbox - https://amzn.to/3uQq4AN Aputure MC - https://amzn.to/3oirFgx NanLite PavoTube II 6C - http://bit.ly/NanLitePavoTubeII Light Stands - https://amzn.to/3uSBl3x 5 in 1 Reflector - https://amzn.to/33KHdjo And our iconic Rope Light https://amzn.to/3ycdmyz For the full list of Ghost Cult gear: http://bit.ly/OJCPicsKit
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thecrownbaltimore · 1 year
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Friday, 7/07 - 808s: MISS KAM/ Asliyann/ Loubasquiat/ King Q + MORE | 9PM | $10 | at the Pink Room
Friday Night Karaoke! FREE - 9 PM at the Back Bar
Saturday, 7/08 - BRUSE WAYNE: The Elevation Concert | OG Hip Hop Night | 8PM | $10 adv $20 atd | at the Pink Room
Graver / GLOOP / Sloth Herder | 7:30 | $7adv $10 atd | at the Back Bar
Plus: Baltimore Club Town Hall w/ Ducky Dynamo - free - 4 to 6:30 - at the Back Bar
Sunday: 7/09 - grudge, quiet man, mar ( mem. Sunrot) , + mast year | 7PM | $10
note: due to scheduling conflicts, @versionbaltimore merch pick ups are currently scheudled for the next two tuesdays! 7/11 and 7/18 . Follow them for more info!
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