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letras-virtual · 8 months
Sinto sua falta. E não há nada que eu possa fazer...
Infelizmente houve contratempos e erros de comunicação.
Só queria não sentir essa solidão. Por que quando estou com você, a distância de quilômetros não é nada.
Talvez seja egoísmo meu. Me perdoe por querer algo que eu não posso ter.
Sabe... Eu não te contei, nem mostrei o que estava acontecendo por aqui. Talvez você tenha pensado que aquela raiva era toda com você, mas não era.
Nem tudo depende só de nós. E nem tudo depende só do outro. Há vários fatores que interferem.
Eu não deveria ser tão dependente, eu reconheço. Não sei explicar o efeito que tem em mim...
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mrjinx87 · 6 days
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A.I. “art” needs to just die already.
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bunbunsa · 6 months
Hi, if you are still doing readings, can I know if my future husband has dreams of me (and if it's possible could I know what kinds)? Thank you so much *#💖 - E.A.
Hi! 🤍
He might have some dreams of you sometimes, but it's more like a fogged view (I‘d say that you're not really visible there). Those dreams are mostly about you two getting married and a house where you'll live—it brings him comfort.
Cards: VI of Pentacles in reverse, IV of Wands.
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tarotbyflora · 2 years
Hello Flora. How are you?
I am E.A.
My question is: is M.T. my twin flame?
I hope you will be able to answer this. Thank you! 🦋
Hello ☺️
I don't see M.T is your twin flame but you both are definitely soulmates! You meant to be together! 💕
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nobrashfestivity · 9 days
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Part of Pratt Institute Libraries Special Collections Terms and copyright © E.A. Séguy 1929
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antiqueanimals · 3 days
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Animal Coloration: An Account of the Principal Facts and Theories Relating to the Colors and Markings of Animals. Written by Frank E. Beddard. 1895. Signed "E.A. Brockhaus".
Internet Archive
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fansiesmemes · 8 months
Judge: I find you all guilty of-
Spot: Objection, lack of evidence
Judge: You can’t just-
Race: Objection, lack of bitches
Judge: But-
Spot: Objection, lack of a father
Race: Objection, lack of a hairline
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byou-shin · 3 months
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‎══ ୧ ⋅ ⋅ ∘ ˖︵ ꕀ ♱ ꕀ ︵˖ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ୨ ══
. . . . . . n e w c h a r a c t e r s . . . . . .
༺ Pope Gregorius XVI ⊹ ﹏ Head of the Catholic Church, Ruler of the Papal States, Head of Sanctus Dei. ༺ Anshelm E. A. Sangfroid ⊹ ﹏ Earl of Lincoln, Prince of Albion. ༺ Shalva Bahadur Rana ⊹ ﹏ Aghori-Sannyasins from Bagmati River, Lieutenant of Zion Sangriento's Armed Force. ༺ Ayse Raziye ⊹ ﹏ Duchess of Tigris, Misr Inspector General. ༺ Judy Doll ⊹ ﹏ Maiden of Red Zephyr, Overseer Assistant of Madam Zoftig's House of Exotica. ༺ Lucy Doll ⊹ ﹏ Maiden of Red Zephyr, Overseer Assistant of Madam Zoftig's House of Exotica. ༺ Matteo R. Guidetti ⊹ ﹏ Catholic Priest, Sanctus Dei member. ༺ Rafael Carmona ⊹ ﹏ Baron of Cantabria, Colonel of Albion Navy.
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a-murder-of-ravens · 11 months
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roseillith · 7 days
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 PICCADILLY  (1929) dir. E.A. DUPONT
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bichambered-reservoir · 9 months
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Remember when I mentioned that m.usic m.an like a month ago who was a house inside
It took me so long bc i hate drawing instruments 💀
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gawrkin · 6 months
I normally don't like Tennyson's narrative around the female characters due to his framing of them being the source of all the faults in Camelot.
But there's a part of this story that often catches my attention and its Guinevere's rejection of Arthur:
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Like, I can't help but dig idea that Guinevere rejects Arthur because of his virtue. As if his holy character actively irritates her.
If I was writing, I would take it further and outright imply Guinevere is some kind of demonic being. If Tennyson can get away with turning Arthur into a mysterious, divine entity that Merlin found instead of being born of Uther's misdeeds, then I don't see why I can't apply that to Gwen.
Welsh Myth already provides the idea of Guinevere as a Fae/Giantess so I would just present her as a "Reverse Persephone" -
Guinevere is actually a mysterious girl who came up from the "Kingdom beneath the Earth", "a daughter of a Colossus of Old" and is reared as ward of one of Arthur's vassals. Arthur, being taken by her beauty, took her as his wife. "And so, the Worthiest and Most Righteous King on Earth married a she-devil, the fairest of all her race, and made her his Queen."
The reason she finds Arthur repulsive is because she's a "primal spirit" who was born deep underground and can't stand the presence of someone so "Heavenly", so divorced from "the touch of the Earth". Camelot falls into "sinfulness" because Guinevere is in fact a physical avatar of all Materialism and Worldly Values, both good and bad.
And instead of Guinevere repenting of her actions, I would just take a cue from E.A. Robinson and have Gwen reject Arthur to the very end:
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And if Arthur and Guinevere ever meet again, Guinevere could go as far as threaten to eat Arthur - "as is the habit of my kind, says the Queen" - especially if Arthur starts posturing about his (Victorian) morals and being chaste for her.
If there was a way to present Guinevere as a proper Anti-heroine or compelling villainess without the usual sexism/misogyny, this is how I would do it.
She's not so much an actively evil force as she is simply incompatible with the "Blameless" Arthur and indeed, the marriage's eventual failure was inevitable.
But for a time, while the marriage endured, Camelot was the place where the Spiritual and Material meet as fellows and prosperity ensued.
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dragontoothedmaw · 2 months
Preds with pharyngeal jaws
Great for fans of toothy maws — you get two for one!
Great for fearplay:
Maybe the prey has never been eaten before. They're just barely keeping their fear in control and trying to accept the fact that they're about to be swallowed down a gullet, when woosh a second pair of jaws comes out from the dark throat and pulls them down.
Or maybe the prey is experienced but was absolutely not expecting more jaws instead of the usual gentle swallows. Gives them a good startle. Will they laugh at the adrenaline rush or be ticked off at the pred for not warning them?
Great for preds teasing / scaring their prey. The pred could push the jaws forward, flashing double the fangs.
Great for unexpected gentleness and softness. Despite how scary they look, the inner pair of jaws could grab you oh so gently and pull you down.
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detroitlib · 1 year
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Studio 3/4 portrait of unidentified young woman posed by wooden settee. Bows at waist and neck back. Embossed on card front: "E.A. Kepler & Co., 236 Woodward Ave., Detroit."
Burton Historical Collection, Detroit Public Library
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edgarallan--hoe · 1 year
it's a frozen, winter evening. you're inside of poe's dimly lit office, sitting on an armchair besides the roaring fire as he writes. you can hear the eager scratching of his quill. occasionally, he murmurs something to himself. karl is curled up in your lap, fast asleep. the atmosphere is warm and calm.
every now and then poe lifts up his head to glance over at you. when, finally, he notices that you've drifted off, he decides that he's written enough for tonight. he stands up, walks over to you, gently picks up your slumbering body, and brings you to bed.
the next morning you wake up in your large, shared bed, with poe's arms wrapped around you and karl laying at the foot of the bed. the bedroom is bright, but it's still warm inside. you decide to tuck yourself into poe's embrace and sleep in for a few minutes more. everything is alright. you are safe, and you are happy.
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