#eagle hobo
songmingisthighs · 4 months
ateez : work
ateez's outfits : hobo
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megdrawsiguess · 1 year
“Come get a cosmic horror kitty! Prices vary depending on breed.”
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I had an idea with my friends for awhile to make the getters into cats and while I’m not super proud of this-evident by I didn’t bother to shade this-I’m still sharing this because someone’s bound to get a kick out of this.
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ol1verdrawsyt · 2 years
DO YOU HAVE ANY. U dialtown or dsaf headcannons idk if this was aske d buuut
yes. many. here's the dialtown ones. get comfy cuz were gonna be here for a while
- After being flattened by Mademe Mediocre, Bunny became partially disabled and uses a walking stick.
- Abel helped Bunny with his recovery and it was friends to lovers :)
- Jerry's dogs all attack him and his wife when they get home from work, but in a loving way
- Randy's jacket is torn to hell and back, and he refuses to get rid of it
- Oliver likes fnaf, and he explains the lore to the people hes closest with. Mr.Dickens didn't understand any of what he was talking about, Norm got lost like 5 minutes in but didn't have the heart to tell Oliver, Randy somehow understood him, and Gingi wasn't paying attention the whole time
- Mr.Dicken's wife's name was Julie and she owned a flower store
- Randy is autistic
- Gingi ate a rock once while Norm just kinda...watched
- Billy owned a fidget spinner. I say "owned" because he threw it at someone and never got it back
- Randy doesn't know how to cook for the life of him, but he does know how to make pancakes so at least he has that
- Callum and Marla are very affectionate towards each other to the discomfort of everyone around them
- Oliver has ADHD
- Gingi named each of their kids after the person it reflects. The horse is Carmel, the raccoon is Stromboli, the emu is Olive, the monkey is Squatch, and the eagle is Norman
- Gabby has a ton of candles around her shop that she changes for the seasons
- Norm absolutely despises winter and will spend all of it angerly sitting in front of the fireplace
- Karen clicks her pens when she's trying to concentrate, and it drives everyone crazy
- Gingi has bits of fur around their neck that grows as the seasons change and it gets colder. It's shortest in summer
- Pierre, Stabby, and Shooty are all friends
- Oliver lets his friends go through the scareshack for free sometimes
- Hobo was once paid to do a cartwheel, fell on his face, and was knocked out. He woke up a day later in some random dumpster near the center of downtown Dialtown
- Mingus is transfem
- Karen and Randy sometimes draw together. Karen is good with realistic things while Randy's style is a lot more cartoony
- Tango's favorite song is Living Island by Pogo
- Gabby loves talking with her customers, especially young teens who come into the store
- Oliver and Hobo watched a cheap rom-com they found in the dollar store once, and the night ended with Hobo breaking the disk over his knee and frisbee-ing it out the window. Oliver was just...too stunned to move. They don't talk about that movie.
- Abel is pretty good with card tricks
- Gingi acts a lot like a cat
- Callum and Marla met during one of Callum's early campaigns. Marla showed up to all of them and after a few, she slipped her number into his pocket.
- Randy's father was a priest and his mother ran the church he preached at
- Gabby hates the smell of cigarette smoke because she was around it so much as a kid
- Mingus has a pearl necklace that belonged to Marla that she wears a lot
- Oliver's music taste consists of: Lemon Demon, Will Wood, IDKHBTFM, Two Door Cinema Club, Brittany Spears, and Tally Hall
- Gingi behaves and is nice around Karen, but the second she leaves it goes back to being a gremlin
- Randy has severe religious trauma
- Norm hates any and all modern music. The only one he tolerates is Lord Huron
- Milton loves listening to Callum's rambles
- Finnaly, Mingus and Gingi act a lot like siblings
I told you I had a lot. This isn't even all of them, I'm just getting sick of typing.
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saurix5 · 10 months
Tagged by @punkxcalibur <3
Last song I listened to: Save Tonight by Eagle Eye Cherry
Favourite colour: Purple. Favorite color? More like a personality trait
Last movie/TV show I watched: The Polar Express
Sweet/spicy/savory? Sweet
Relationship status: Single babyyyyyy
Last thing I googled: The Spanish word for tie
Current obsession: Merlin & BG3
Tag Nine People: (I don't have nine ;.;) You don't gotta do it if you don't wanna @hobo-rocket , @huffleporg , @groundbreakingdot872 , @jollyrolls , @procrastinatedreamer , @aaand-read-all-over
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stuffwithart · 2 years
Clown Relationships with the Others
This is my oc relationships with the CPs and HPs
Not by Personal Opinion From @stuffwithart
Lord Zalgo
Ticci Toby
Tim Wright
Brian Thomas
The Observer
The Chaser
Charlie Matheson Jr
Jeff The Killer
Homicidal Liu
Jane The Killer
Nina The Killer
Eyeless Jack
Judge Angel
Bloody Painter
Nurse Ann
Dr Smiley
Hobo Heart
Good Doctor Locklear
Elska Ruth
Erin The Killer
The Puppeteer
Suicide Sadie
Akira Asahi
Laughing Jack
Isaac Grossman
Laughing Jill
Candy Cane
Candy Pop
April Fools
Papa Grande Di Magico
Jason The ToyMaker
The Doll-Maker
Nathan The Nobody
Knives Lollipops
The Item Stealer
The Skroll
Sally Williams
Lifeless Lucy
Lily Kennett
Sam Williams
Oliver Henderson
Ben Drowned
Lost Silver
Glitchy Red
Entity 303
Sonic Exe
Tails Doll
Mario Exe
Lord X
Mario 84
Skin Taker
Horace The Horrible
Pirate Percy
Captain Poppy
Suicide Mouse
Suicidal Squidward
Happy Appy
The Rake
Mr Wide-Mouth
Smile Dog
Grinny Cat
Seed Eater
Miss Pencilneck
Korbyn Jumping-Eagle
Tick Tock
Katy The Cheerleader
Hope Doll
Jeff The Hugger
Surprise Liu
Jenny Smile
Nina Smile
Cutie Jack
Joker Jack
Happy Puppet
Callie Williamson
Ben Swam
Frown Cat
The Bake
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fireintheflames · 1 year
An IRL Update!
Just a general update on things, and some fun life hacky adjacent type things!
It's been a busy summer for sure, been trying to find something fun to do every weekend so I can hibernate guilt free in the winter. Some highlights:
Concerts! Including Styx in the rain, which was very fun! Learned that earplugs at concerts are 100% a must for anything inside, if only for the crowd noise. We used cheap Harbor Freight ones, like $5 for 100, worked pretty good!
Camping! which was delayed due to a combo thunderstorm/flood. We made hobo pies! Recipe: 1 cast iron pie iron (~$20) 2 slices of Hillbilly (TM) Bread, or similar soft wheat/white bread (think wonder bread texture) Fillings (i highly recommend PBJ for sweet, or cheese and pepperoni for savory, melty is ideal) Optional: Non-stick cooking spray (Spray inside of pie iron), put bread in each side, add filling. Clamp pie iron. Place in hot coals for about 5-10 minutes each side, flipping once. The edges should be dark, but not actively on fire. Remove iron from fire and unclamp, turn pie out onto plate and let cool until heat comfort level is reached. Eat!
Gardening! My lobelia, obedient plant, vervain, verbena, harebell, and anise hyssop flowered! I picked blueberries! My petunias have lived! I successfully transplanted lemon balm from cuttings (to a pot, the stuff is very aggressive and I'd like to bring it inside in the winter)/I somehow kept the "finicky" plants alive, but killed a nanny-berry (a notoriously hardy viburnum variety). The squirrels keep digging up my wild bergamot! But a 100% increase in bees and bugs, as was the goal! We have fireflies in our 1/4 acre city lot, which is very nice! (to see more bugs/birds, find out your city's grass cut limit and hang tight to it. Where we live it's a pretty generous 10", so lot's of "weed" plants can come up. We actually need to remove a lot of the beech and maples that are growing in places they really shouldn't (like 6" from the house foundation), but we've let all the clovers/violets/asters hang out. We also use a push reel mower and an electric weed whip instead of a normal two stroke mower, which both do a worse job of mowing grass but a better job of not annihilating the things we want growing!
Art fairs! I bought so many mugs, I'm going to need a second mug hutch! (My first mug hutch was the first piece of furniture I bought because I wanted it, not needed it. It is red, with dark green insides. The doors stick and the glass is cracked, but I adore it!). I collect mugs, but I may need to purge if I keep this up. I also bought a "rice vest". It's like a hot sock, but a vest. It has a bunch of little sections full of rice so the weight is evenly distributed. You can microwave it or freeze it. Great for my tense shoulders! I love it so much, I attached a picture!
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Art classes! I took multi-media storytelling, which was basically working with collages! I made some pretty cool pieces, and it inspired me to start cleaning my side of the basement for an art studio. I'm going to sign up for more classes in the fall, see if I can get into the pottery courses (our local art center has all sorts of classes for adults, but the pottery ones are the most popular and actually have an order you need to take them to unlock them in). 100% recommend, it was nice doing something creative with other people.
Birding! Not too seriously, but I got a pocket guide and Miles bought some nice binoculars (the lad loves optics and lenses, it's the fun part of photography for him) and we take 'em on hikes! Highlights so far are some cedar wax wings (not uncommon, but not something we see a ton around where we live), a bald eagle, several great blue herons (the nature center by us is a big river/wetland, so lots of birds stop over), and a black crowned night heron. We also got caught in a surprise thunderstorm while looking at some red-winged blackbirds, which was an experience!
That's really for it, it's just been a busy time and I wanted to share! Have a wonderful day!
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commander-chaoss · 2 years
My interpretation of the Polar Express (the movie. from what I can tell the book is pretty cut and dry. Correct me if I'm wrong though cause I never read it.) is that just as much as it is about believing in Santa (and more accurately, the spirit of Christmas) it is about choosing the kind of person you want to be, and whether you want to believe in wonder and the fantastical at all.
My main reason to believe this is the use of Tom Hanks. Tom Hanks plays both the boy grown up, the Conductor (the believer), the man on the roof (the doubter), and Santa himself. In other words, he plays two endpoints for this character, the definitive endpoint for this character, and a aspect of this character.
The boy boards the Polar Express and meets the conductor, a whimsical and kind, but intimidating man. He climbs to the roof of the train to give the girl her ticket and meets a strange, cynical hobo of a man who tells him that seeing is believing. Shortly after the conductor tells him this: “Seeing is believing, but sometimes the most real things in the world are the things we can't see.”
Two very different perspectives, coming from the same voice. From the way the man on the roof appears and disappears, we are left to wonder if he even exists at all, leaving the possibility of him being some potential version of the boy very open. If he chooses to not believe, to let go of that whimsy and magic and faith, this is the path he will go down.
So what of the conductor? Well, the conductor tells the boy and the girl the story of how, his first Christmas Eve run on the Polar Express, he slipped on the ice and was saved by.....something. We are meant to note that this is exactly what happened to the boy, but it is not just some special knowledge we get as viewers. From the conductor's expression, I can pretty confidently say that he knows too.
Both characters share the voice of the grown boy, and both are offering him two different paths for where to go from here. One encourages him to be a skeptic, and the other encourages him to believe. Two extremes, and the narrator is what he does become.
So what about Santa. Where does he fit in here? Well, frankly I'm not sure yet. But if I were to guess I'd say the best light to interpret his purpose in is this line:
"This bell is a wonderful symbol
of the spirit of Christmas...
...as am I."
Santa is also representative here, but not of something the boy can become, but something he can accept and welcome as a part of himself: the spirit of Christmas. The spirit of believing.
The Polar Express builds on this concept by frankly, having some of the most absurd things I've ever seen happen. Skiing on top of a train, trains sliding freely on ice and miraculously being steered back on track, caribou communicating with a train engineer via his pained screaming? It's absurd. Just think of how the girl's ticket is lost and by luck is kicked back up into the wind by wolves, fortunately caught by a eagle, lost by the eagle's young and rolled up into a snowball before getting caught back in the wind and somehow swirling back inside the train car. It's absurd. It's ridiculous. It's an incredible stroke of luck.....or magic. It is precisely the thing the movie asks us to believe in. Magic. That things are actually all working out precisely how they intended to, that the impossible has happened and will happen again, and it asks you to let go, and just believe.
This wasn't the boy's crucial year because he was losing faith in Santa, it was his crucial year because he was losing faith in general. The Polar Express isn't asking us, or the boy to believe in Santa. It's asking us to have faith in the world, believe in others, and to hold onto the magic of being alive. Because it's either the hobo living on the roof, or a world of wonder.
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meatchcleaver · 1 month
Dream Journal 3
Dreamed I was at the vet with my bud watching mma fights between world leaders and pro wrestlers. Apparently the only rule was that each would have to be dressed like an asshole to fight.
I'm sure you're asking how did Trump fair against the Undertaker who was in a old timey swimming suit with a paper crown. Not great, that's the thing about wrestlers, isn't? Wrestling is fake but their muscles are real.
So friend reminds me we gotta go check on some old lady's cats, by the way we pass by some homeless dude inside an old abandoned garage staring at us.
We got to the house and the woman had a colony of malformed spider cats, looked like something out of an early AI image. One of the little bastards crawled over my keg and but I managed to catch it for the vaccine.
We passed by the old garage again and the homeless dude was dragging a kids corpse inside, the kid seemed like to have had his chest open and heart removed. My friend told me he was a satanist and that we had to report him to the church, so we did, we went to the church near my house and told one of the priests what had happened. The priest assured us a task force had been sent to deal with the satanic hobo and that he would burn at the stake for his crimes.
I went back home after that, getting out of the church I noticed there was a white cat in a jester outfit dancing and praying on top of the bell tower. He said he wanted to meet God and the night sky started to shine like it was a sunny day, beams of like and cherubs came down from the sky alongside a large, golden, two-haded eagle who took a dice in the car with its claws, disembowling him and ripping off limbs.
"Thou shall not use the Lord's name in vain"
I got home and found it was turned into an orphanage with a few orphans and nuns.
Some cat passed by one of the kids and she told the nuns that she wanted to see the kitty again. The lights went out and on again, this time the cat laid dead in the middle of a theater stage
The little girl started to cry and suddenly the cat lifted his head and started to grin at her, letting out a laugh while church organ music played. The girl ran away and the cat started to float after her, screaming everyone she loves would end up dying like her parents did.
Enough of that shit so I went for a walk in the village that was now covered in snow.
I saw a naked elf sitting near the well, freezing. I approached him to talk but all he did was scream for his eyes back, they had been gouged out
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theultrablog · 2 months
Pulp Storytime #30 Part 1: Hearts of iron, fists of clay!
Never trust stealth to a songbird, with Nazis right behind. I used to marvel at stories of player characters being extremely destructive. It always seemed a bit silly. But today, the players really wrecked stuff up. Our party (Oksana Larsson, Steel Eagle, Florence) was touring Prague Castle when a man rushed over. The skittish Oksana fled, and he pursued, and it could’ve gotten quite silly if Florence hadn’t intervened. The man was a messenger from the great synagogue, and they needed a Jewish hero at once! The mission was daunting. Take a 2000-pound crate containing the golem of Prague, the ancient defender of the Jewish people, and hide it where the Nazis couldn’t find it. The group had a rented lorry (Steel Eagle loves trucks!) and was loading up when an insistent blonde woman offered to help. The woman recognized Florence, but it wasn’t mutual… it wasn’t until she tried to run them off the road that Flo realized it was Claudia Knight, Starkweather's nazi personal assistant! The players rammed their way through traffic, shooting a traffic light to lose their Nazi pursuers, and pulled ridiculous favors to get onto the next train. Their destination was the Larsson farm in Gothenburg, Sweden. Unfortunately, Germany was in the middle, but the players earned themselves a lot of time with their frantic driving, artfully mislabeled cargo, and stealing Hugo Boss’s train ticket while he waited on the platform*. It was night when Claudia showed up, blew some cigarette smoke into the ladies' faces, and aimed pistols at them both. Would kindly join her at the front of the train? By the time Steel Eagle, aka Gyatso, the Tibetian spirit of Brooklyn, noticed something was wrong, the girls were cabins away. He and his sidekick Jimmy easily dispatched the five mooks sent to deal with him, sending teeth onto nearby passengers. Gyatso rushed ahead, telling Jimmy to kindly de-train the bodies. Up ahead, former hobo Florence was able to slip off into the darkness, but it didn’t help her rescue Oksana. Claudia proved more than a match for both women. As a Nazi, she was under no obligation to fight fair… and she revealed her companion, a newly enhanced KLAUS ADLER! The Ubersoldatan was decked out in new, servo-powered armor that made him a human tank. He grabbed the Swedish reporter with ease, and was about to hurl her from the train when Steel Eagle lept from above! Gyatso was barely able to stagger the man, however. His new armor made him impervious to fisticuffs! In desperation, Oksana unhooked the train cars. While arguably a smart and necessary move, this caused a minor derailment. ——
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Ok Larsson, ace reporter!
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rubyrain23 · 4 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Vintage Collectors Jars & Glasses 8 piece LOT.
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altimberlane · 9 months
(Timberlane Music) This is the 1st song I wrote in  2024, "Soar Like an Eagle," I sat by the wood-burning stove with my favorite guitar and rehearsed a few songs I will be using for shows in Mountain View in 2024. Some are 1930s Gospel Bluegrass and a few fun Hobo songs of the great depression. I took a break, got a coffee, and wrote this. Over the old homestead down below as an Eagle sours above, across green Ozark Mountains, the sun sets in brilliant orange, red, and yellow. I call it "Soar Like an Eagle.
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deblala · 9 months
Illegals Hoboing Into US on Trains Causes Eagle Pass and El Paso Rail Bridge Shutdown – HotAir
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bears-wolves-dragons · 10 months
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Fisher Price rollerskates, a fax machine, broccoli socks I bought (brand new), eagle with bad anatomy, old and cute seal, dead hobo art, and a German cassette tape.
Value Village in red deer, AB.
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sassybrassboutique · 11 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Tiara Women's Ankle Boots with Embroidered Flowers.
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stuffwithart · 2 years
Knives Lollipops Relationships with the Others
This is my oc relationships with the CPs and HPs
Not by Personal Opinion From @stuffwithart
Lord Zalgo
Ticci Toby
Tim Wright
Brian Thomas
The Observer
The Chaser
Charlie Matheson Jr
Jeff The Killer
Homicidal Liu
Jane The Killer
Nina The Killer
Eyeless Jack
Judge Angel
Bloody Painter
Nurse Ann
Dr Smiley
Hobo Heart
Good Doctor Locklear
Elska Ruth
Erin The Killer
The Puppeteer
Suicide Sadie
Akira Asahi
Laughing Jack
Isaac Grossman
Laughing Jill
Candy Cane
Candy Pop
April Fools
Papa Grande Di Magico
Jason The ToyMaker
The Doll-Maker
Nathan The Nobody
The Item Stealer
The Skroll
Sally Williams
Lifeless Lucy
Lily Kennett
Sam Williams
Oliver Henderson
Ben Drowned
Lost Silver
Glitchy Red
Entity 303
Sonic Exe
Tails Doll
Mario Exe
Lord X
Mario 84
Skin Taker
Horace The Horrible
Pirate Percy
Captain Poppy
Suicide Mouse
Suicidal Squidward
Happy Appy
The Rake
Mr Wide-Mouth
Smile Dog
Grinny Cat
Seed Eater
Miss Pencilneck
Korbyn Jumping-Eagle
Tick Tock
Katy The Cheerleader
Hope Doll
Jeff The Hugger
Surprise Liu
Jenny Smile
Nina Smile
Cutie Jack
Joker Jack
Happy Puppet
Callie Williamson
Ben Swam
Frown Cat
The Bake
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nakuuro1994 · 11 months
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So, here’s a quick storyline/plot summary and some quick redesign sketches (plus one art commission sketch) of my own personal AU version of the highly obscure Golden Age and Public Domain furry superhero named “Pussy Katnip” that I drew and wrote down just recently. So, I hope that you all like this and enjoy.
Pussy Katnip: Private Eye
~ (The Main Storyline/Plot):
So in the particularly strange midwestern metropolis of River City, USA on an alternate earth that is vastly populated by both regular humans, super-humans & anthropomorphic mutant animals, the normally fun-loving, thrill-seeking, easygoing & adventurous Priscilla “Pussy Katnip” Katz happens to be a famous torch singer and sometimes a private investigator who regularly operates at the local “Kitty Kat Lounge” that is located deep within the dangerous streets and slums of River City’s Mutt-Town.
However, whenever she “smells trouble” or any kind of danger, Pussy will sneak away to find some privacy as she takes a swig from either the hip flasks she often carries, or from a large bottle hidden in her apartment upstairs from the club, of a highly psychedelic super tonic she had invented which she calls "The Fizz” or “Katnip Fizz” that for a short time boosts her natural feline strength, speed, agility and reflexes to superhuman levels, while at the same time raising her “trouble senses” to full blown clairvoyance that lets her tell when “mugs” much bigger than herself were about to take a swing at her, among having various other psychic abilities such as telepathy & telekinesis. Thus with her enhanced abilities, she keeps the people of Mutt-Town safe from evil-doers and keeps them entertained as well.
~ (The Main Heroes/Protagonists):
* Priscilla "Pussy Catnip” Katz (The Famous Torch Singer & Super-Powered Part-Time Psychic Private Eye)
* FC. George “The Duke” Lupo (The Local Fire Chief of Mutt-Town & Pussy’s Partner)
~ (List of Pussy Catnip's Main Allies):
☆ (Mutt-Town Police Department):
* Captain Hobo Harper (Bloodhound)
* Lieutenant Bullseye Bannon (Doberman)
* Lieutenant Hunter Bowman (Labrador)
* Detective Chip Collins (Basset Hound)
* Detective Rocky Hall (Siberian Husky)
☆ (The Cloud Nine Tavern):
* Flip Falcon (Peregrine Falcon)
* Yank Wilson (American Bald Eagle)
* Black-Wing Turner (California Condor)
* Perisphere Payne (Great Horned Owl)
~ (List of Pussy Catnip’s Main Enemies):
☆ (The Mutt-Town Crime Lords):
* Remus "Uncle" Freeman (Mutt Town’s Local Crime Boss & Nightclub Owner)
* Nancy “Auntie” Freeman (Remus’s Right-Hand Woman & Beloved Witchy Wife)
* Prince Ferdinand Faust (Pussy's Arch-Enemy & A Former German Royal Turned Satanic Mad Scientist)
* Dr. Silvia Soulless (Prince Ferdinand Faust's Loving Wife & Main Henchman)
☆ (The Brer Patch Gang):
* Bumpy Freeman (a.k.a. “Brer Rabbit”)
* Gabe “Grizzly” Dunn (a.k.a. “Brer Bear”)
* Marianne Rose (a.k.a. “Brer Fox”)
* Suicide Smith (a.k.a. “Brer Wolf”)
* Tar-Boy (a.k.a. “The Tar Golem”)
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