#ear infection in USA
tiredwitchplant · 11 months
Everything You Need to Know About Crystals: Chrysoprase
The Stone of Venus
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Requested by @acovenoftwo
Chemical Formula:  SiO2
Color: Apple green, lemon
Rarity: Easy to obtain as a tumble stone, finer quality is expensive
Hardiness: 7
Type: Chalcedony
Chakra Association: Heart and Solar Plexus
Deities: Venus
Birthstone: May
Astrological Signs: Gemini, Taurus
Element: Water
Planet: Mercury
Origin: Formerly Poland, Now Australia, Brazil, Madagascar, Russia, Tanzania, USA
Powers: Encouraging development, Compassion, Tolerance, Growth, Forgiveness, Connection to Nature
Crystals It Works Well With: Mountain “jade”, Tourmaline, Smokey Quartz
How It is Created: Chrysoprase is a type of chalcedony quartz with a microcrystalline structure. Its color comes from nickel deposits, and it can be found in pale shades through to brighter green. Raw pieces have a granular appearance, similar to pieces of coconut, and a waxy sheen when polished.
History: Chrysoprase, called Stone of Venus because in antiquity it represented the goddess of divine love, the famous Venus, is a magnificent apple-green nickeliferous chalcedony belonging to the family of microcrystalline quartz. The ancient Egyptians also used chrysoprase for practical purposes such as sealing letters, but they would also wear pendants, amulets and other jewelry made of chrysoprase. For hundreds of years, the only major source of chrysoprase was a region of southwestern Poland between the Czech Republic and Germany, formerly known as Lower Silesia. This area has a complex geology and is extremely rich in all kinds of mineral deposits, including gold, silver, serpentine, quartz, marble, granite, alabaster—and chrysoprase. Stone artifacts from as far back as the Iron Age show the long history of Silesian carving and masonry. In the eighteenth century, Frederick II, King of Prussia (now part of Germany), conquered Lower Silesia. In particular, he wanted its deposits of green chrysoprase, which he used to decorate the halls of his favorite palace at Potsdam near Berlin.
What It Can Do:
Known as the healer of the heart space and helps connect you with infinite supply of compassion and love
Supports cardiac health and provides a centered peace
Helps people suffering from melancholy and manifests optimism and joy
Can be placed by homegrown herbs and vegetables to boost production
Perfect to artist as it increases creativity and talent
Encourages fidelity, forgiveness, compassion, and nonjudgmental thinking in relationships, while banishing greed and selfishness
Helps with inducing deep meditative states and promotes the love of truth
Calming and nonegotistical, creating openness in new situations
Stimulates fluent speech and mental dexterity, preventing you from speaking out unthinkingly in anger
Lifts oppressive and recurrent images, preventing nightmares, especially in children
Is said to detoxify heavy metals in one’s body and stimulate liver function
Is said to enhance fertility, reverse effects of infertility that are caused by infection and guard against STIs
Increases the absorption of Vitamin C
How to Get the Best Out Of: Wear as a necklace, bracelet, earrings or even use it in an elixir. Carrying chrysoprase for long periods attunes to the devic realm, a band of frequency found present on Earth which can connect you to nature and the planet directly
How to Cleanse and Charge: Can be cleansed briefly under running water then recharged overnight among a host of rock crystals for a few weeks. Cleanse during a rain shower for optimized cleansing,
Crystal Grid:
Healing for Children (Nightmares)
Shape: Fruit of Life
• 6 “issue” or calming stones
• 4 grounding crystals
• 2 light-bringing crystals
1. Hold your crystals in your hands and state your intention for the grid.
2. Lay the central keystone to represent your child.
3. Lay six crystals around the keystone to assist with the challenge or issue. (These crystalscan either represent a single issue, or different ones—whichever feels best to you. However,it may be more effective to address separate issues by laying individual grids.)
4. Lay four grounding crystals to anchor the grid at each corner of the “square.”
5. Lay a light-bringing crystal at the top and bottom.
6. Leave in place until the issue or issues have been resolved, remembering to cleanse thegrid regularly.
Crystals to use: Chrysoprase, Amethyst, Prehnite, Bloodstone
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ididit-allofit-foryou · 2 months
was at the doctor about an hour ago (ear infection yayy) & an old white lady across the waiting room from me kept giving me the stank eye. couldnt tell if it was because:
a) i was wearing a mask
b) i was wearing compression socks as a Young, Not-Visibly Disabled Person
or c) i'm dressed like the slayful dyke tranny faggot that i am in Small Town Southern USA™️
(it was probs all of the above tbh. shame i was too busy not trying to pass out from a POTS flare that i couldn't glare back lmao.)
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there-goes-trouble · 6 months
Okay in case you need help for any reason (USA)
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If other forms of financial aid aren't coming through, try 211--one phone call can save you hours of headache while you're already in a tough spot:
Separately, while there are still public funds for it, you can be tested for COVID & FLU by a nurse from home in just abt every state:
Online resource for people who hate calling:
Food for Women Infants and Children:
Health & Human Services for medical help:
More medical help:
⬆️got a hospital bill for a procedure that you did not consent to expressly?⬆️
Help for homeowners about to lose their home (involves placing a lien on property):
This is for finding natal care related to living in a post-roe v. wade world:
There is so much pride in using resources our government might provide if you qualify because why shouldn't you get help? Tough spots happen, thats why these programs exist. & that's pretty cool.
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You said Unicorn kid, I HAVE A UNICORN KID, LET ME SHARE HER!!!!
Alice Quinn
Age: 15
Hair: White-Gold
Eyes: Solid Black
Height: 6'9" (at the moment)
Personality: Deadpan, stoic, calm. Seems completely relaxed, aloof, almost ethereal at all times. Actually a foul-mouthed snarker, who likes to play on people’s perception of the unicorn kid as sweet and innocent, so they don’t see the sucker punch coming. Has issues with people who don’t take their health seriously, and will go off if you try to do something while you are injured or sick. Actually great with kids, has a good bedside manner “But you shits rarely ever DESERVE IT, GET BACK IN BED, YOUR FUCKING LEG IS BROKEN!”
Hero Name: Alicorn (note: I know Alicorn now means a winged unicorn, but originally, “alicorn” was the name they gave powdered unicorn horn, the stuff that was supposed to be a miracle cure, get rid of poisons and shit)
Quirk: Unicorn (satyr version) - User has physiology similar to a Unicorn, cloven hoof feet, long tail with a tuft at the end. fingers Have last digit end in a claw, or keratin-like growth similar to a claw (weird note, but look at Alastor’s hands from Hazbin Hotel). Has a single spiral horn in the middle of the forehead. Face and ears are somewhat goat/deer like. Eyes large and solid black, cannot see the pupils, unless she is in a state of high and intense emotion, when the pupils will glow white, pupils are slit like a goats, horizontal. Has very long eyelashes. Body covered in short “fur”, which is longer around the ankles. User may or may not have wings.
User has healing/purification abilities. Horn glows when using these abilities. Purification abilities manifest as a silver cloud of sparkly dust, healing as a golden glow. Healing works by granting energy to cells in the body, encouraging them to heal. User has massive stores of energy with which to heal others, but said stores can be depleted. Purification works more generally, clearing the air or area filled with the silver “dust” of impurities. Can be used to fairly easily get rid of poisons or venoms. Can be used to get rid of viruses or infections, but it would take a lot of training.
Backstory: Ok, so, for me, I made up this whole story about how there’s this group that controls a lot of medical care for Japan in the MHAverse (in Japan, the Tenshi Group, internationally the Abbotts Angels) who are all a family of basically Angel Quirks. They have wings, horns that glow and look like halos, and healing abilities. And there’d be two factions of this family, one which was all about medical research and healing people, while the other was big on capitalism, and made people pay them big money to “heal” all sorts of things, like terminal diseases (which they can’t really do???). And faction two would try to frame it as “What if people take advantage of us?? We’re only thinking of the family!!!” which like, ok, being taken advantage of is a legit concern, but bitch, you are scamming people and charging stupid amounts of money to the poor, You are basically the American Healthcare System. And then this second faction would be all into family lineage and “purity” - like yeah, they’re mutation types, but the RIGHT KIND of mutation types, yeah? So they get real mad when one of their “heirs” or whatever has a fling with a random hero from the USA, the “Jersey Devil”, a guy with a “demonic” Quirk (goat-looking, ram horns, bat wings) and gets pregnant, and has a Unicorn looking kid. Now either A) Momma manages to hide the pregnancy enough, and put the kid up for adoption, or B), has the kid, and the family kind of raise her through proxy by a series of nannies, cause god FORBID anyone find out their line birthed THIS, but also they are pretty sure she’s going to have a healing Quirk, and THAT has to stay in the family.
(Do with this what you will)
I am totally on board with Pony/Kinoko. Koda … hmmmm (actually, I just remembered, Koda has a baby sister.) Ok give Koda a gentle giant husband, a big big man. A teddy bear grizzly. Huge man. Fluffy man. Also doesn’t talk much. He and Shoji are fighting for “Best Hugs”. He and Koda met … third year? Third year UA, he’s a transfer. They have … . give me a minute … 4 kids. They adopted a group of siblings that would have been separated if they didn’t step in. All of their kids are younger than most of the others - like, 4, 6, 7, 9 - so they aren’t at UA.
How’s that sound?
Honestly my plan for the unicorn baby was 100% ‘looks like an anthro Lady Amalthea but can and will say ‘fuck’.’
I think I can let you keep that backstory because as much as I love the drama I’m thinking this one’s simple. However that’s still fun because honestly I should swing over to the healer Quirks because YEAH those are highly wanted and it’s a miracle they’re not kidnapped more often.
As for Koda I’m loving the vibes but also again on the like. I feel like this should be hammered out more in the future. But also I /do/ agree that obvs not everyone is gonna meet their future spouse first day of high school so having him meet someone later works for me
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wistfulcynic · 2 years
in December 2008 i moved permanently from the USA to the UK and promptly got an ear infection. It was intensely painful, like an ice pick through my skull. i took some OTC painkiller and lay in bed, moaning and miserable. 
my (English) husband looked at me like i’d grown a third head. 
“if it’s that bad why don’t you just go to the doctor?” he said. 
“i--i can go to the doctor in this country!” was my reply. 
at that time, it had probably been 5-6 years since i’d seen a doctor. Not since i stopped being on my dad’s insurance. Even when i’d had my own insurance (via my grad school institution as part of my teaching assistantship compensation, the same insurance as the professors had. Probably pretty good. Still too confusing and scary for me) i never felt like i had the spare cash to cover a copay, was always afraid that what i needed wouldn’t be covered by the insurance. i ignored an abscess in my mouth for weeks until it finally burst in a geyser of pus you definitely don’t want me to go into further detail about, because i was worried that would count as dental and i didn’t have dental coverage. 
you get the picture. Health care in the US sucks hard. 
when my ear was infected, my husband phoned his local GP surgery (with which i was not registered, i was an immigrant on a spouse visa, only arrived the previous week), got me an appointment later that day. They saw me, diagnosed me, gave me a prescription for antibiotics for which i paid (i think, at the time) roughly £7. Cleared up in a few days. 
all i paid for was the prescription. 
some years later my husband made me go to the doctor again. i was having random symptoms i wasn’t even sure were symptoms, a weird laundry list of stuff that could be connected or could be nothing. i went to the GP with this list, worried that they’d take one look at a heavyset woman and immediately go “lose weight fatty!” or “diabetes!” They did not. The doctor was a young-ish woman who listened carefully to everything i told her, looked at my list of symptoms, and said “we’ll test for other things, but I’m 99% sure this is a problem with your thyroid. i’m going to start you on some medicine while we wait for the test results.” 
prescriptions were by then something in the neighbourhood of £8. 
a few days later i got a call from the lab that had run my blood tests. They told me that my thyroid levels were through the roof, so high they were actively dangerous. Cardiac arrest was a likely outcome if it was left untreated. They advised me to get a prescription immediately, and were audibly relieved when i told them i already had one. 
if i’d not been living in a country with free-at-the-point-of-service health care, i would not have seen a doctor. The NHS saved my life. 
why am i going on about this? Well. It’s because NHS workers have planned a strike for later this month, and the press are already on the attack. Fearmongering about how this will throw the system into chaos, patients will go untreated, etc etc blah blah all with the very unsubtle spin of “blame the workers. Blame the strikers. They’re putting your lives in danger.” 
zero mention of how dire the situation is in many hospitals. Not enough nurses (because Brexit among other reasons) and the ones we do have are overworked and underpaid. Too many patients not enough beds. Old buildings, old equipment. 
none of which is a problem with the system. The system’s great. The system works. The problem is the predatory Tory government who would love nothing more than a privatised, US-style insurance-based healthcare system off of which they and their cronies can profit. The problem is how the government has been starving the NHS of funds for over a decade, under the guise of “austerity” and how we all need to muck in together. Except them, obviously. They’re different. 
the problem is absolutely not the people striking because they, like nearly all of us in this country, are shamefully underpaid. Because they deserve compensation for their hard and dangerous work. Compensation they are not being given, despite their attempts at negotiation. 
whenever collective action happens there are always people eager to blame the workers. Greedy nurses, refusing to treat us when we need them because they think their pay is more important. How dare they? They have a responsibility to do their jobs! i am urging all my UK mutuals and anyone who reads this not to be taken in by these spurious arguments or any spin doctoring from the news rags. Side with the workers! Side with the nurses. Side with the people who want the NHS well-funded and thriving. A robust national health service is a universal good. Ours is creaky and wobbling but that is from mistreatment, not because the principle is unsound. i promise you, however frustrating you find the NHS, an American-style system is far, far worse. 
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reviewshubsworld · 3 months
✅Official Website:
✅Official Website:
ZenCortex, envisioned by Jonathan Miller, is a natural auditory support formula designed to combat tinnitus and improve overall auditory health. This innovative product, based on advances in herbal science, aims to strengthen auditory functions, enhance memory, and increase mental acuity.
ZenCortex is presented in liquid form, with each 60ml bottle sufficient for a month's use. Composed of natural ingredients and free of GMOs, the formula excludes allergens, stimulants, and addictive substances. Produced in the USA, it follows strict FDA and GMP safety and quality guidelines.
Satisfied customers report significant improvements in their auditory health after using ZenCortex, available exclusively on the official website with a 60-day money-back guarantee.
🔬 Proven Efficacy: The formula is based on research suggesting that many auditory problems originate in the brain. Ingredients like green tea and maca root are highlighted for their neuroprotective and auditory improvement benefits.
📋 Key Ingredients:
Grape Seed: Antioxidant and wound healing.
Green Tea: Improves blood flow to the ears and reduces noise-induced hearing loss.
Gymnema Sylvestre: Supports healthy hearing.
Capsicum Annuum: Heals infections and relieves earaches.
Panax Ginseng: Treats tinnitus and improves mental acuity.
Astragalus: Boosts ear immunity and auditory clarity.
Additionally, it includes chromium picolinate, maca root, guarana, African mango, L-glutamine, among others, for comprehensive auditory care.
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Gertrude Ederle by Katherine Krizek
“When somebody tells me I cannot do something, that’s when I do it”
Gertrude Ederle became the first woman to cross the English Channel in 1926, beating the men’s record by two hours. Abandoning the standard swimming costume of the day, a wool dress, stockings, and shoes she designed a lighter, two-piece swimsuit cut from the fabric of a standard one-piece and her own goggles in a controversial move.
The City of New York held its first ticker-tape parade to honor a woman. She also held world records in five different events and won one gold and two bronze medals in the 1924 Olympics. Dubbed as “Queen of the Waves” and “America’s Best Girl”, Ederle paved the way for generations of female athletes by challenging societal narratives of women as the weaker sex.
An ear infection from the swim worsened her childhood hearing problems and she became deaf. This inspired her to become a swim instructor for deaf children at the Lexington School for the Deaf.
1905-2003, USA
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woonietune · 1 year
Reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated, for I was only wiping countertops with my left hand and weeping into my collagen supplements, not being dissected by first-years at the medical school
Lots of catching up to do. I haven’t posted in a while. I got sick. I mean, I know I’m always getting sick, but this time I got so sick that I lost a lot of the use of my right hand. I couldn’t pick up one of my fluffy chickens without the owies--and I have a high pain threshold. I thought maybe I was having a stroke--or a bad case of hypochodria but once those things were ruled out, no one knew what it was. It wasn’t Covid. It wasn’t some weird autoimmune thingie (as of yet--I suspected that--but it wouldn’t be that). Maybe my allergies had evolved into some Godzilla version? I couldn’t sweep a broom across the porch. The inflammation was so bad I couldn’t wear my rings, and worst of all, I couldn’t type. 
I couldn’t get an appt with my PCP for three months (because this is the way things are in the USA in a state where Bobby Fuck U Jindal let five private insurers compete for Medicaid clients and basically set into motion the now standard Republican model of Let Disabled People Die Who Needs Them). Anyway, I did see a nurse practitioner who sent me to get x-rays in one hospital and to get bloodwork in another--and the results came back that there was nothing wrong with me. I was reporting pain 8/10 but was told to take Tylenol and that the doctor would see me in three months.
That was back in December? I don’t think I’ve gone ever without writing for 3 months. I paid out of pocket for some acupuncture (never had it before--it was cool beans) and got some relief; I adjusted my diet, already vegetarian to as sanctimonious a vegan, anti-inflammatory diet as I could manage, and I felt a little better. I used Google Voice to chat with fandom friends. Google Voice told of the adventures of Dog Food, the great warrior, and Wound, the former assassin of Cooks Up a Wrong, and I was miserable. I wanted to write. Writing was my only real down time. Without it, my brain was in the wilderness.
During my no-writing period, I had two ear infections, my therapist gave leave, the family got mild Covid infections (during which time my arm felt oddly better), and I knew instinctively I had to rest. I picked up a heavy detergent bottle and got the owies bad the next day, so I let the house go to hell. I spent a lot of time lying in a dusty room I couldn’t clean (this was before the maid from Hell--I’d never hired a maid before in my life, but when I did, whoever hexed me made it so I got one that made already made beds and put the flat sheets under the fitted sheets, didn’t wash the cleaning foam out of the bath-tub, left large swaths of rug unvacuumed, broke several little minatures--I superglued them back but STILL--and left the kitchen floors grimy and put an envelope marked IMPORTANT on the kitchen in a super secret place among a bunch of bookshelves), and I let my mind wander the way it had when I was twelve or so....
Why am I trapped in this consciousness? Why can’t I be in the mind of that person or that other person? Or why can’t assume the presence of a tree or a cloud? Why am I me? And did I choose to be me? And where am I going? 
Agnosticism on any issue was the default, and if I wasn’t writing, it wasn’t only my right hand that was hurting, it was my brain. It hurt from awareness.
The maid from Hell cleared away some of the dust in the house (not much), but mostly she kicked my head out of its dusty sophomoric philosophizing. I was so mad over her bad house-keeping that I got up and started to clean my own house with one hand. I didn’t do a bad job, and my disabled family helped, even if they did turn some white clothes pink in the wash. Nobody died. The house never had a chance to grow black mold. 
When the PCP appt finally rolled around, the doctor examined my arm this way and that and guess what? I had a torn bicep! She recommended physical therapy but there was a waiting list (of course). I went on YouTube to get some practice videos, and there were all these muscle guys who lifted weights there who’d torn their biceps. I don’t know how I’d injured myself, but I’m always doing things I’m not supposed to. I mean, besides picking up 40 lbs dogs. I overestimate my strength and think I’m stretchier and younger than I am. I haven’t done yoga since before the Pandemic, so I must’ve just thought my arm was a squeegee pole or something and strained to clean a cobweb in ceiling corner, who knows.
I was prescribed super antihistamines for my allergies, given meloxicam for pain (lol), and told to rest (lol lol lol). Eventually I could type a little; then I could type a little more; before I knew it I had written more than 100K words in less than a month in a little fandom mini-arc, and my fandom wife was busy whipping my crazy manuscripts into shape because my writing was as out of shape as I was. I’d lost 10 lbs when I’d caught that nasty stomach flu everyone was getting (and I mask and take hazmat-like protocols nearly everywhere because my greatest fear is infecting someone high risk--I’m only moderate-high--and killing that person--I know all kinds of very sick people). My wife was sick too, and I don’t know how she does it, but apparently she can find a backwards quotation mark with a fever 101 and point out a paragraph that needs “more” even if she’s been puking for days and can’t stand up in the shower.
Fandom people are crazy. But we love what we love.
And we love writing for our historically inaccurate historical dramas.
I’ve actually been typing too long already.
This was supposed to be a master post of fics I haven’t uploaded in the past few months.
I’m back in bed, not sick so much this time as overwhelmed by all things overwhelming, and I want to write, but at the same time I want to just lie here and cry.
This world is a terrible place. It’s been blasted with meteors and nuked several times over, and the blood of a million wars have seeped into it, and the Ice Age has come and gone, and here I am, wondering if I’ll get a chance to swim in the ocean again before I die or maybe catch a coffee with a friend or see my dad who can’t fly here because of his bad lungs. Does it matter if I have words? Or are words the greatest illusion of meaningfulness--they’re just blabbity, and they disintegrate into cyberspace just like that stuff--remember paper?--paper used to fall apart when we picked up hundred-year-old books that had gone untouched. 
Actions matter. What we model for our children matters. Decency and kindness, compassion and persistence. Charity and hope, all those things that sound like dull bells until they are live faces with stories in front on your own.
But I don’t get out much anymore. I’m scared of the outside. I don’t march anymore, and my family needs me at home. The animals need me to refresh their water, and the old cat needs me to cut his pills twice a day, and oh, some people need to get over this “don’t enable disabled people.” It’s not enabling a disabled person who has broken legs if you hold his crutches while he sits in a car to go to a doctor’s appointment. You don’t know all the circumstances. Parents of disabled children--well, many of them, research hard and try many things, advocate hard, make phonecalls every day and we thank you for your judgement very much. We live in fear every day that our children will die in the system when we’re gone. 
Some days I feel all I have are my words. These words that are nothing. These words that are my playing around. I was diagnosed with cataracts not long ago. I am afraid of going blind now. But some surgery in a few years, they say--I’ll be fine. I hope so. I may not be fine in other ways. I knew there was something wrong with my eyes. I have optical migraines. My fingers don’t move they way they used to. My brain feels young--younger than ever, maybe twelve, the age I was wondering why I couldn’t share consciousness with a fish in a pond. Later, maybe when the bipolar was kicking in, I felt that I did share consciousness with it. And who will tell me I am wrong? The world’s great religions--not just my own with it’s Sh’ma Yisrael, the World is One, but so many others, speak of the great inter-connectedness of things.
Are the words in the way, or are they little stepping stones? Or are they both?
I don’t like to touch or hug people very much because of childhood traumas. I save my hugs for my dearest ones and my animal companions, but I throw words around freely, like chicken feed. C’mon and get it... or let it settle and rot in the earth, along with the blood and paper and other forgotten things.
My time isn’t over. This blog will last until... there are new technologies. I thought Tik Tokers would be the new talkers, but it doesn’t seem to be the place. Novelists haven’t disappeared; neither have poets. And despite Elon, Disabled Twitter is still going strong. There’s no telling.
So I’ll keep telling. I still have secrets and untold things. And many pockets full of untold stories. More later. The little fictions (oh this last one is 12k... sorry. Whoever reads it gets a cookie. A pretty Korean one from the palace).
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brokehorrorfan · 2 years
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Sinphony: A Clubhouse Horror Anthology will be released on DVD on November 29 via Dark Sky Films. Conceived entirely on the social media platform Clubhouse, the 2022 horror anthology is currently available on VOD.
It consists of nine segments directed by Haley Bishop, Jason Ragosta, Sebastien Bazile & Michael Galvan, Mark Pritchard, Kimberley Elizabeth, Jason Wilkinson, Nichole Carlson, Steven Keller, and Wes Driver.
No special features are included. Read on for the trailer and more details on each segment.
The Keeper - Writer: Gregg Green; Director Wes Driver - USA
A small-town innkeeper's growing concern over domestic abuse between his new guests takes a horrific turn as he stumbles upon their monstrous secret.
Ear Worm - Writer/Director Steven Keller - USA
A young contractor hired to remove mold from a house, inhales strange spores, causing hallucinations and murder.
Tabitha - Writer/Director Jason Wilkinson - USA
After a botched robbery, a young woman bleeds out in her car, while being terrorized by a ghostly figure.
Do Us Part - Writer/Director Kimberley Elizabeth - Canada
A recently separated couple comes to terms with the fact that one of them is a ghost.
Mother Love - Writer/Director Jason Ragosta - USA
A witch must summon the power of her coven to defend her child from a crazed killer.
Limited Edition - Writer/Director Mark Pritchard - UK
Intent on capturing an original moment in time, a woman faces a deadly battle when the moment fights back.
Forever Young - Writer/Director Haley Bishop - UK
In a desperate attempt to preserve her youth, a 30 year old woman engages in a social media dance craze that may have dire consequences.
Maternally Damned - Writer/Director Nichole Carlson - USA
The anxiety of a woman unplanned pregnancy intensifies as her body goes through a series of unexplained changes.
Symphony of Horror - Writer: Sebastien Bazile; Directors Michael Galvan & Sebastien Bazile - USA
A parasitic brain infection causes by a cursed song when heard, sends ordinary people into a killing frenzy.
Pre-order Sinphony: A Clubhouse Horror Anthology.
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killed-by-choice · 2 years
Lisa Marie Hoefener, 19 (USA 1970)
“Even though I was still wet behind the ears, I know that this pale, frightened little girl was still 10 weeks pregnant and her blood count was only half of what it should be. The private, attending doctor came in and took the patient to surgery immediately that night, where he repaired the hole that had been torn in the back of her uterus, which had caused her massive internal hemorrhage.
Over the course of the next few days, infection set in which did not respond to antibiotics, and we made the painful decision to perform a hysterectomy. Tragically, the shock from the infection severely damaged her lungs and her course was steadily downhill. As I helplessly watched, she slipped into unconsciousness and a few days later she died.”
— Dr. Paul Jarrett, one of the doctors who tried to save Lisa.
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Many women and girls were killed by legal abortion before Roe v. Wade. California and New York’s laws legalized abortion early, killing people from across the country as they were attracted by the lure of abortion tourism.
One of these people was 19-year-old Lisa Marie Hoefener. She was an intelligent student who was well-known in Shelbyville, where she’d lived with her family until she left for college. She was a graduate of Shelbyville High School, where she won the Vestavna Award as the highest-ranking girl scholar and winner of the PPG Industries Scholarship. At SHS, she served as chairman of the Teenagers' Program for the March of Dimes Foundation in Shelby County and helped with the Sunshine Society program for Danny Thomas' St. Jude's Hospital Fund. She was named a Hoosier Scholar for two years in a row at Indiana University, where she was enrolled when she died.
The intelligent and hard-working teenage girl was a sophomore in college when she became pregnant. Lisa didn’t know what to do, and she ended up on a plane to New York for a “safe and legal” abortion.
The abortionist began the first-trimester suction and curettage abortion, but did not remove the placenta or any part of Lisa’s baby. He told Lisa that she wasn’t pregnant in the first place (indicating that she hadn’t been examined) and sent her home.
When she got back to Indianapolis, Lisa suffered from vomiting, nausea and intense abdominal pain. She was admitted to the Indiana University Medical Center’s William G. Coleman hospital. A doctor performed a laparotomy with disturbing results.
Lisa actually was pregnant, approximately 10 weeks along. Her baby was still inside her uterus, which had a hole ripped in it.
Emergency surgery was done to fix the hole in Lisa’s uterus, but she was already sick and suffered from respiratory shock. She’d been bleeding internally and her blood count was dangerously low. Lisa’s condition deteriorated and the infection resisted antibiotics. She had to undergo a hysterectomy, but the shock from her infection damaged her lungs so severely that she developed bilateral pneumonia. There was nothing the doctors could do to save Lisa and they could only watch as the terrified girl died slowly and painfully.
Lisa Marie was referred to as Yvonne Roe by researchers until she was identified through death records and her death certificate.
Maternal Mortality Associated With Legal Abortion in New York State: Jul. 1, 1970 – Jun. 30, 1972; Berger, Tietze, Pakter, Katz, Obstetrics and Gynecology, 43:3, March 1974, 324.
“Cluster of Uterine Perforations Related to Suction Curettage; Conger, Tyler, Pakter, Obstetrics and Gynecology, 40:4, October 1972, 553
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prodentbeenfit · 1 year
ProDentim - Price, Reviews, Results, Uses & Where To Buy?
Product Name - ProDentim
➾ Main Benefits – Dental SoluTion
➾ Side-Effects—NA
➾ Rating: — ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
➾ Dosage - 2 Pills per day
This 100% natural product boosts the immune system in the nose, throat, and ear while providing you with a fresh, clean breath. It helps expand beneficial bacteria to support your dental health. ProDentim has been rated as effective and safe by thousands of users from the UK, Australia,
Does ProDentim Work?
ProDentim is a natural probiotic that protects your gums and teeth. This dental supplement will give you a fresher breath and prevent your teeth from yellowing.
ProDentim, a probiotic treatment that also protects the gums, will improve your teeth. This product was created by Dr. Drew Sutton in order to maintain dental health. It stops the growth of harmful bacteria and reduces their negative effects.
The organic blend helps reduce bleeding and inflammation of the gums. ProDentim Reviews can help you detoxify your mouth and support your immune system.
This product continues to eliminate bad odours from your mouth while also reducing harmful germs. It protects dental health by reducing salivation around the mouth. This book provides practical ways to treat gum disease and cavities. This ProDentim supplement is made in the USA and contains soft-flavored capsules that help maintain your health.
==> Read More Here: Don’t Miss Out Today’s Special Offer <==
Prodentim Canada & USA Reviews
ProDentim Reviews is a front-line oral supplement that contains a unique blend nutrient and bacterial strains, which have been proven by clinical trials to enhance the growth of gums and teeth.
ProDentim is not a toothpaste or mouthwash, but it does contain essential dental components. ProDentim is a solution that you have never experienced before. It is the only supplement that replenishes the beneficial bacteria in your mouth with billions probiotic strains.
It is a blend of mineral and botanical extracts with anti-inflammatory properties.
ProDentim products are regularly tested for purity, resistance to pollutants and poisons, and have been thoroughly verified as safe.
Effective as ProDentim
ProDentim Ingredients List ProDentim is a doctor-formulated blend that combines five powerful strains of bacteria with 3.5 billion beneficial ones.
ProDentim contains only pure herbal probiotic strains. Each ProDentim also contains five clinically tested substances unique to each ProDentim, which together with over one billion probiotics strains, improves the health of your gums and teeth. The following active ingredients are listed for your reference.
* Lactobacillus ParacaseiA lactobacillus paracasei probiotic helps maintain healthy gums and nasal openness. The ProDentim cap helps turn your food into energy-dense fuel, supports a healthy digestion system and protects against bacterial infections.
* Lactobacillus Reuteri This probiotic organic guarantees healthy teeth, fresh breath and helps reduce inflammation. This probiotic promotes intestinal health, and helps treat both acute and chronic periodsontitis. ProDentim helps reduce harmful factors which contribute to diarrhoea and irritable intestinal syndrome.
* Lactis BL-04Your oral microbes and intestinal bacteria's balance is in part maintained by B.lactis. ProDentim aims to improve the respiratory system. A healthy mouth cavity preserves the ability to boost immunity. It reduces the amount infection caused by gut bacteria.
BLIS K-12 These strains of probiotics help maintain healthy respiratory and dental health. It boosts your immune system and reduces the harmful effects of pathogenic bacteria on your mouth. Streptococcus salirius, the probiotic strain in Pro Dentim is made by bacteria.
BLIS M-18 The BLIS M-18 strain helps maintain a healthy smile and the color of your teeth. These strains are naturally found in your mouth and throat. It helps to keep them clean. ProDentim oral tablets help maintain a healthy mouth, reduce bad breath and promote fresh breath.
Inulin: It helps eliminate bad breath and promotes oral flora growth. It helps to maintain healthy teeth, gums and mouth. ProDentim promotes a healthy gastrointestinal system, and helps to boost beneficial oral flora.
How to take ProDentim pills? Each ProDentim capsule contains 30 capsules. The composition of each capsule has been scientifically tested and is designed to support healthy gums and teeth, as well as fresh, strong breath.
Take one tablet with a glass of water to keep your digestive tract and system in good shape. Each capsule contains a probiotic strain that is great for your oral hygiene.
ProDentim is easy to use and all-natural. Your body will absorb it quickly. It does not contain stimulants or form habits. Take one capsule per day to strengthen your immune system and improve health in the ears, throat and nose. The recommended dosage is for maximum results. Please do not increase the dosage above.
Is ProDentim a Scam or Real? ProDentim, a real and 100% legitimate dental health program that strengthens your gums and teeth health. This product cannot be purchased online or offline at Amazon, e-Bay Walmart, Chemist Warehouse etc. There may be a cheap product or a duplicate. Please keep a good distance from these sites if you see this product.
ProDentim should only be purchased from the official website to ensure that you receive an original product and money-back guarantee. ProDentim can be used by both women and men of all ages.
==> Read More Here: Don’t Miss Out Today’s Special Offer <==
What are the benefits of using ProDentim tablets? ProDentim is a daily supplement that provides the following benefits to everyone: The health of the teeth and gums is improved. It also promotes the growth and development of healthy bacteria in your mouth Fresh breath that lasts for a long time * Boost immunity It is good for the ear, nose and throat. The microbiome in your mouth can be balanced by using this product * Natural and safe * Zero side effects Men and women can both benefit from this product It is easy to use
Where can I buy ProDentim Supplements in Canada and USA? ProDentim is only available through the official website of their supplier in Canada and USA. This legal oral product is delivered to all major regions in Canada and USA (United States Of America). The product is also available for express shipping to New Zealand and Australia. The manufacturer offers a variety of payment options, including credit cards and paypal. No other charges or automatic debit systems are applied. You can buy your bottle without wasting time today!
==> Read More Here: Don’t Miss Out Today’s Special Offer <==
ProDentim Final Verdict ProDentim was designed specifically to protect the health of teeth and gums. Even the beneficial microorganisms can help improve your dental hygiene. As you chew it, the probiotics reduce gum irritation, and help maintain your teeth and gum health.
There are several additional ingredients that can support better dental health, including those that promote whiter smiles, healthy gut bacteria, fresh breath and natural anti-inflammatory agents.
Each purchase could include a bonus that strengthens your teeth and gums organically. Each ProDentim package includes a 60-day 100% money back guarantee. You have nothing to loose, so try it risk-free!
More Info ===>https://www.outlookindia.com/outlook-spotlight/prodentim-official-website-price-update-2023-prodentim-truth-surprise-you-must-read-this-news-272517
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All About Alice
Trigger Warnings: Death, bullying, and homophobia.
Basic Information
Full Name: Alice Lyn Kingsleigh
Nickname(s): N/A
Age: 25
Date of Birth: March 30th
Hometown: London, England
Current Location: Evermore, USA
Ethnicity: White
Nationality: British
Culture: UK
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She / Her
Orientation: Pan/Polysexual/romantic
Occupation: Burlesque Dancer/Waitress at Wonderland
Living Arrangements: Apartment
Language(s) Spoken: English, French
Accent: “Proper/Posh” British
Religion and Beliefs: Alice is a bit agnostic. She was raised Presbyterian, but never bought into it. It all sounded like a story to her, as do most other religions. Who is she to say who got the story of the literal universe correct?
Political Affiliation: Liberal
Social Issues: Alice believes in equality for all, and will fight for it when any opportunity arises.
Physical Appearance
Face Claim: Virginia Gardner
Complexion: Clear skin
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Blue
Height: 5′7
Weight: 130 lbs
Build: Slim
Tattoos: Splatterings of flowers under her breasts, along her ribcage, down her shoulders/arms, and down her hips. Lavender on her middle finger on her left hand. 
Piercings: Basic ear piercings as well as more unusual ear piercings. 
Scars: Alice has some scars on her hands, elbows, and knees from accidents when she was younger and would try to explore. They’re fairly minor and mostly healed. 
Common Hairstyle: Mostly Alice just let’s her hair do what it’s going to do. She runs a brush through it and just leaves it however it is, which isn’t exactly crazy, but it’s definitely a natural wavy, full head of hair. Occasionally she’ll straighten or curl it, and might even wear a braid or some ribbons in her hair, but that’s mostly if she’s getting dressed up for an event or something similar.
Clothing Style: Quirky. Alice likes clothes that speak. (I could say that’s metaphorical, but Alice really does feel like she hears things speaking to her sometimes, so.) Anything that’s considered alternative or different or out-of-date calls to Alice. Basically, she has a unique sense of fashion made up from random finds in thrift shops and the like.
Mannerisms: Alice tucks her hair behind her ears a lot. It’s just sort of a quirk, she’s always trying to get her hair out of her face. She’s also restless, so her leg will bounce if she’s sitting still for too long.
Usual Expression: Curious and tentatively optimistic!
Overall (do they get sick easily?): Alice is actually pretty healthy. She only gets really sick maybe once a year. Other than that, she just has pretty bad seasonal allergies that can sometimes develop into colds or sinus infections.
Physical Ailments: N/A
Neurological Conditions: Alice has Anxiety, Bipolar Disorder, and it is likely she has NOS (Dissociative Disorder Not Otherwise Specified) as well.
Allergies: Seasonal weather allergies
Sleeping Habits: Alice can fall asleep literally any time, anywhere. It’s been a problem in the past - falling asleep during lessons or in the car - and can still sometimes cause trouble to this day. Alice loves her sleep, and so she loves to nap. She just has such a hard time waking up. She never feels fully rested. 
Grooming Habits: She takes good care of herself. She loves sleep, she loves bathing, and she enjoys painting her nails when she has the time and patience for it. Alice doesn’t go out of her way to participate in skin-care or go beyond what is necessary to stay clean, though.
Eating Habits: Not only is Alice a picky eater, but she also eats like a bird. She has never had a particularly large appetite, and her mother always yelled at her for “playing with her food.” (Okay, so half of the time in her mother’s defense, Alice was literally playing with her food.)
Exercise Habits: Alice likes to bike! It’s her most frequent form of exercise, since she doesn’t go out of her way to use a gym or anything.
Emotional Stability: Ask, and Alice will tell you very sternly that she is perfectly normal and emotionally stable, thank you very much. The truth is, however, she is anything but. Below any positive emotion, there is always a layer of brimming anxiety, threatening to push her into a polar opposite emotion. She tries to keep level-headed because she hates being labeled as “crazy,” but when she snaps, she snaps big.
Sociability: Alice is naturally curious, so she’s very sociable. She thinks that everyone is interesting in their own light, and everyone has a story to tell. And she wants to hear them all!
Body Temperature: She gets cold easily, and loves to bundle up.
Addictions: Easily addicted to alcohol and other substances once exposed, though she currently has no specific addictions.
Drug Use: Marijuana, the occasional opioid
Alcohol Use: She drinks to excess whenever she has the excuse to.
Archetype: The Explorer/The Activist  
Positive Traits: Creative, curious, sensitive, unique
Negative Traits: Guarded, stubborn, flighty, distracted
Good Habits: Taking care of things around the house; going to sleep at the same time every night
Bad Habits: Sleeping too much, not eating enough, not cleaning her room or things often enough
Goals/Desires: Alice honestly just wants to live life and see where she ends up, she doesn’t really strive for anything in particular other than to make friends and be happy. Her biggest goal right now is to change how people are being treated at Wonderland.
Weakness: Her emotions.
Fears/Phobias: People thinking she’s crazy, being thrown into an asylum or mental institution, etc
Secrets: That she was briefly institutionalized after her parents death. 
Regrets: Alice regrets being at a protest the night her parents died.
Proud Of: Her strength to keep trudging on after all she’s been through
Embarrassed By: Her toothy grin, her occasional clumsiness.
Attitude: Curious and realistic. She hopes for the best, but expects the worst in most situations.
Pet Peeves: Arrogance, mistreatment of others, lying
Inner Conflicts: Working for Reina, mainly. Wanting to explore but being trapped in Evermore. 
Motivation: To be happy and normal, but an interesting enough person. To save others from injustice.
Hobbies: Reading, writing, baking, partying, adventure, etc.
Talents/Skills: Alice doesn’t really think she’s a good writer because she just kind of let’s her hands take over, but she is actually pretty good. She is a very skilled and knowledgeable lock-picker.
Intelligence: Alice is book-smart, having grown up with knowledge at her fingertips and a need to learn things beyond school curriculum.
Driving Style: Awful. Don’t let her on the roads, she’ll get you killed.
Favorites, Likes, and Dislikes
Weather: Alice honestly tries to make the most out of any weather, but she does love herself a beautiful, semi-cloudy afternoon.
Color: Yellow, Blue
Music: Indie, electropop, edm
Movies: She can’t sit still long enough to watch them, honestly
TV Shows: She really likes cartoons?? Adult and children shows alike; she likes shows like American Dad but also Adventure Time, for example
Books: Action/adventure or fantasy books are her go-tos!
Magazines: She finds magazines cliche and ridiculous, tbh
Sport: She doesn’t play any, though she’ll watch things like Rugby or Roller Derby for entertainment
Beverage: Tea, tea, and more tea
Food: She’s a big fan of sandwiches and pastries
Animals: Cats and rodents (i.e: hamsters, mice, gerbils, etc)
Quote: “One of the biggest lies we are told is that art has to be pretty and that it has to mean something. Sometimes art’s purpose is just being. It is alright if that is your purpose too.”
School Subject: History
Possession: Her father’s pocket-watch.
Websites: Instagram, TikTok
Favorite Toy or Game: Growing up she used to always love to play hide and seek. It was her absolute favorite - especially when no one knew she was playing. She liked it when people found her and seemed worried, even if it was only temporary and they got angry afterwards. Alice has also always been very good at chess as well as card games.
Father: Thomas Kingsleigh  [DECEASED]
Mother: Samantha Kingsleigh [DECEASED]
Father’s Occupation: Owner and CEO of Ascot Trading Industries
Mother’s Occupation: Homemaker
Siblings: One older sister
Birth Order: Youngest
Children: None
Other Close Family: None
Pet: A cat named Dinah
Family’s Financial Status: Extremely Wealthy
Relationship With Family: Alice loved her father, and was very much a “Daddy’s Girl.” She missed him when he was away on long trips and always ran into his arms when he returned, sucking up as much time with him as she could before he had to leave again. Her relationship with her mother was far more strained, as her mother was always nit-picking everything about her and coming down on her too harshly. 
Home Life During Childhood: As a child, Alice got picked on a lot by her peers. Mostly, Alice remembers being alone quite a lot, and feeling awfully lonely.
Bedroom Through The Years: Alice’s bedroom in her family home has always been the same. Very pristine with elegant furnishings and little personal decor. When she turned ten, however, she got to pick out new bedding, and chose a fluffy white duvet with blue and yellow flowers sprawled all over it, and matching pillows. Her bedroom in her current apartment is much more personal. Plants and artwork everywhere, lots of books and journals, little trinkets, etc. It’s very light and cozy.
Best Memory: She has a vivid memory of her family taking her on a picnic when she was very, very little. They were in a field of flowers, and her mother read to Alice and her father while they ate and made commentary here and there.
Worst Memory: The death of her parents.
Type of Student: Alice is extremely easily distracted, but with the right teacher (or the most strict) she was very focused and did well.
Extra Curricular Activities: Theatre
Best Subject: History
Worst Subject: Math
Popular or Loner: Loner. Even before Alice begun getting home-schooled, she was bullied and harassed a lot by her peers for being a bit odd.
Schooling: Graduated from home schooling, graduated from Kingston University London.
Current Details and Relationships:
Town: Evermore, USA
Home: Apartment
Neighborhood: Apartment Complex
Car: None, but she has a bike!
Love Life: Impulsive and sporadic.
Best Friends: TBD
Other Friends: TBD
Enemies: Reina Amador
Past Lovers: Ronald: A boy Alice was foolish enough to snog at a party when she was sixteen and very drunk, and continued to fool around with for about a year and a half. He took her virginity and Alice was very certain she might have loved him. However, he broke up with her when a rumor started circulating that she was a “lesbo,” which grossed him out, and he verbally attacked her. They got into a fight, which ended with her having to be pulled off of him because she was scratching at his face. Elizabeth: Not really a past lover, but Elizabeth is a girl that Alice found herself growing close to at the same parties during which she met Ronald. They would get drunk, dance together, and always found themselves collapsed somewhere laughing by the end of the night if Alice wasn’t with Ron. She could swear she felt sparks with Elizabeth, and that their chemistry was almost tangible. But one night when she was drunk, Alice tried to kiss her, and Elizabeth promptly flipped her lid. She slapped Alice in the face and called her a “freak” and a “lesbo” before running off to tell everyone Alice had tried to force herself on her.
Zodiac Sign: Aires
Enneagram: 4w3, The Individualist/Aristocrat
Temperament: Sanguine
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor
Moral Alignment: Chaotic Good
Primary Vice: Lust
Primary Virtue: Humility
Element: Fire
Dream Career: Undecided
Dream Life: Happy and healthy, and loved, somewhere cozy and safe.
Important Events: -TBD
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gladiolidiaries · 2 years
Yeah its kinda weird looking back on it now cause Dream made it sound like it would be agony being apart from George after meeting him and only getting to stay with him in the UK for a couple of months or whatever. He was like "If I go to London, I-what? See him for a couple of weeks and then say bye and go back to America without him, getting to have fun meeting everyone else? No, that's dumb" (paraphrasing here obviously) I think Dream just didn't want to be stuck in the UK having face revealed without anything to do but hang out with George in his leaky flat. We know how much Quackity struggled to get George to take him to places in London to sightsee and stuff. And Dream couldn't go to the UK without having face revealed cause someone might spot him with George. On the other hand, I think George couldn't risk going to the USA before his visa was approved cause it might not be approved if he were to do work there before he got his special work visa. And if George did decide to go to the USA before he got his visa in order to meet everyone without doing any streams or videos...that would be a waste.
Yes I think overall it was just better for them to wait. I mean George's flat didn't even have a guest room right? Sapnap would have had to stay on the couch if George had let him stay while he had his ear infections, So Dream would have had to get a hotel. I think that's just not how they envisaged their meeting so they wanted to wait.
I hope however that Dream will go to London with George the next time he visits his family. I'm sure Sapnap would love to go, he talks about how much he loved London all the time.
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🌈Plz read this piece. Just takes 2 mins.
Medical Officers in the USA has sent this through to help each and everyone. Please read and take care of yourself - Dr. Okyere.
The rate at which young people are suffering from Kidney disease is alarming. I am sharing a post which can help us. 
Please read below: 
Barely two (2) days ago, we all received the news of the demise of the Nigerian actor as a result of kidney disease.
ALSO OUR MINISTER OF PUBLIC WORKS, the Honorable Teko Lake is currently in the Hospital on life support with Kidney problems. I want to show you how to avert this menace of kidney disease.
1. Delaying going to a toilet. Keeping your urine in your bladder for too long is a bad idea. A full bladder can cause bladder damage. The urine that stays in the bladder multiplies bacteria quickly. Once the urine refluxes back to the ureter and kidneys, the toxic substances can result in kidney infections, then urinary tract infections, and then nephritis, and even uremia. When nature calls – do it as soon as possible.
2. Eating too much salt. You should eat no more than 5.8 grams of salt daily.
3. Eating too much meat. Too much protein in your diet is harmful for your kidneys. Protein digestion produces ammonia – a toxin that is very destructive to your kidneys. More meat equals more kidney damage.
4. Drinking too much caffeine. Caffeine is a component of many sodas and soft drinks. It raises your blood pressure and your kidneys start suffering. So you should cut down the amount of coke you drink daily.
5. Not drinking water. Our kidneys should be hydrated properly to perform their functions well. If we don’t drink enough, the toxins can start accumulating in the blood, as there isn’t enough fluid to drain them through the kidneys. Drink more than 10 glasses of water daily. There is an easy way to check if you are drinking
enough water: look at the colour of your urine; the lighter the colour, the better.
6. Late treatment . Treat all your health problems properly and have your health checked regularly. Let's help ourselves... God will protect you and your family from every disease ever.
(3) Avoid these Tablets, they are very dangerous:
* D-cold
* Vicks Action-500
* Actified
* Coldarin
* Cosome
* Nice
* Nimulid
* Cetrizet-D
They contain Phenyl Propanol-Amide, PPA which
causes Strokes & Are banned in USA.
Please, before deleting, HELP your friends by passing it..! It might help someone. Fwd to as many as u can. 
WhatsApp is free, so plz..plz read and forward this. 
Doctors in the United States have found new cancer in human beings, caused by Silver Nitro Oxide. 
Whenever you buy recharge cards, don’t scratch with your nails, as it contains Silver Nitro Oxide coating and can cause skin cancer. 
Share this message with your loved ones. 
*Important Health Tips:*
1. Answer phone calls with the left ear.
2. Don't take your medicine with cold water....
3. Don't eat heavy meals after 5pm.
4. Drink more water in the morning, less at night.
5. Best sleeping time is from 10pm to 4 am.
6. Don’t lie down immediately after taking medicine or after meals.
7. When phone's battery is low to last bar, don't answer the phone, because the radiation is 1000 times stronger.
Can you forward this to people you care about?
I just did. 
Kindness costs nothing But Knowledge is power...
Please send it to all your friends! _
_Do not save this message, send it now the other groups that you belong to. _
_It is for your good and that of others, giving somebody relief is always rewarding.
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drityagi · 14 days
Top ENT Care in Lucknow with Dr. Isha Tyagi: A Patient’s Guide
In the bustling city of Lucknow, finding exceptional ENT care can be challenging. However, patients seeking the best ENT surgeon in Lucknow need to look no further than Dr. Isha Tyagi. With over 20 years of experience, Dr. Tyagi has established a reputation for excellence in ENT surgery, particularly in cochlear implant procedures. This guide will provide insights into why Dr. Tyagi is considered a leading ENT specialist and how patients can benefit from his expertise.
Why Choose Dr. Isha Tyagi? Dr. Isha Tyagi is renowned for his expertise in ENT surgeries, including micro ear surgery and nasal endoscopic surgery. His affiliation with top hospitals in Lucknow, such as Javitri Hospital, ensures that patients receive the highest quality care. Dr. Tyagi's compassionate approach and dedication to patient satisfaction have earned him numerous accolades, including awards from the House Ear Institute of the USA and Nagoya University in Japan 1.
Expertise in Cochlear Implants Cochlear implants are a revolutionary solution for individuals with severe hearing loss. Dr. Tyagi is recognized as a leading cochlear implant surgeon in Lucknow, offering state-of-the-art surgical techniques that enhance patient outcomes. His meticulous attention to detail and commitment to using the latest technology make him a preferred choice for patients seeking cochlear implants 2.
Comprehensive ENT Services Dr. Tyagi offers a wide range of ENT services, catering to various patient needs. His practice covers:
Ear Infections and Surgeries: From treating chronic ear infections to performing complex ear surgeries, Dr. Tyagi's expertise ensures effective treatment plans. Nasal and Sinus Conditions: Patients with sinus infections, nasal polyps, or deviated septum can benefit from Dr. Tyagi's advanced nasal endoscopic procedures. Throat and Voice Disorders: Whether it's tonsillitis, laryngitis, or throat cancer, Dr. Tyagi provides comprehensive care and surgical solutions. Patient-Centric Approach Dr. Tyagi's patient-centric approach is evident in his practice. He takes the time to listen to his patients, ensuring they feel heard and understood. This approach not only builds trust but also leads to better health outcomes. Patients consistently praise his gentle bedside manner and thorough explanations of treatment options 3.
Advanced Facilities and Technology At Javitri Hospital, Dr. Tyagi utilizes cutting-edge technology to deliver superior care. The hospital is equipped with modern surgical tools and diagnostic equipment, enabling precise and efficient procedures. This commitment to technology ensures that patients receive the best possible outcomes from their treatments.
Success Stories and Patient Testimonials The success of Dr. Tyagi's treatments is reflected in the numerous positive testimonials from satisfied patients. Many have shared their experiences of overcoming chronic ENT issues and regaining their quality of life. These success stories highlight Dr. Tyagi's skill and dedication to patient care.
Booking an Appointment For those seeking the best ENT surgeon in Lucknow, scheduling an appointment with Dr. Isha Tyagi is a straightforward process. Patients can book online or contact Javitri Hospital directly. Dr. Tyagi's flexible scheduling options ensure that patients can receive timely care without unnecessary delays.
Conclusion Dr. Isha Tyagi stands out as a top ENT specialist in Lucknow, offering a blend of expertise, compassion, and advanced technology. His commitment to patient care and his proficiency in cochlear implant surgery make him a trusted choice for individuals seeking ENT treatments. With Dr. Tyagi, patients are assured of receiving exceptional care tailored to their unique needs.
For more information or to schedule an appointment, visit Dr. Tyagi's profile on the Javitri Hospital website or contact the hospital directly. Experience the best ENT care in Lucknow with Dr. Isha Tyagi.
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miratiwari-7 · 1 month
Best Head Lice treatment in India
What is Pediculosis or Head Lice?
Head lice (Pediculosis capitis) are a very common, itchy, highly contagious condition that often occurs in nurseries, day care centers, and schools. It is caused by infestation with the human head louse, Pediculus humanus capitis.
- What is the life cycle of the head lice(louse)?
Lice are very small insects that feed on human blood. In head lice, the female louse attaches her eggs to the base of hair shafts. The eggs (nits) hatch 8–10 days later. While the adult louse cannot survive more than 2 days off of the human head, a nit can stay alive for up to a month off the body (on clothes, hairbrushes, or carpets, for example). Lice can spread from child to child by close personal contact and by sharing belongings.
- Who’s at risk?
Children aged 3–10 are most likely to become infested. Girls are more likely to have head lice than are boys.
- What are the signs and symptoms?
The most common locations for head lice infestations include:
Behind the ears
Moving lice or non-moving nits may be seen on the scalp and hair. Each louse is approximately 1–2 mm long and is white-gray in color. The white nits are smaller (0.5 mm), are firmly attached to the hair shaft, and are usually located very close to the scalp. Small red bumps may be seen on the scalp, neck, and shoulders. Occasionally, the lymph nodes behind the ears or in the neck may be swollen. Head lice infestations are quite itchy.
- How can you take care?
Search for lice and nits on wet hair using a fine-toothed comb.
Use an over-the-counter medication for head lice exactly as directed. These medicines are insecticides and should not be applied in greater quantity or more frequently than recommended. These medications are not recommended for children younger than 2 years old.
Wash bed linens, towels, hats, etc, in hot water, and dry them using the hot cycle for at least 20 minutes.
Vacuum floors and furniture used by the infected child.
Do not share combs, hair brushes, hats, towels, bedding, clothing, headphones, stuffed toys, or other items with someone who has head lice.
Treat the immediate contacts of the child also.
Consult a dermatologist if self-care measures have not successfully killed off (eradicated) the infestation who can recommend:
Permethrin lotion or shampoo
Malathion lotion
Lindane lotion, cream, or shampoo (not used as much anymore due to potential toxicity)
Ivermectin pills
- What will be the cost for the treatment of Head Lice?
The cost for the treatment is dependent upon the type of treatment chosen. Generally, a single consultation with Dr. Rinky Kapoor would cost approximately INR 1000/-. It is very important that, along with the treatment, your child should follow all the preventive measures to get rid of these head lice once and for all.
For more information on Dr. Rinky Kapoor’s work, click on: https://www.rinkykapoor.com/
The Esthetic Clinic is a world class center dedicated to skin care and plastic surgery of the entire body – and specializes in housing an experienced Dermatologist, Dr. Rinky Kapoor, who can provide world class Skin Treatments, for skin diseases and make your skin look beautiful. So if you want to go ahead and get your hair, skin, and nails treated, The Esthetic Clinic is the best option for you.
A lot of our patients visit us from Hyderabad, New Delhi, Chennai, Bangalore, Kolkata, Pune, Ahmedabad, Chandigarh, Jaipur, Nagpur, Kolhapur, Cochin, Trichy, Bhopal, Indore, Assam, Manipur, Mizoram and many other cities in India. Many of our consumers (medical tourism) also come in from the USA, Singapore, Dubai, Qatar, Canada, Nigeria, Kenya, Mauritius, UK, South Africa and many other top countries in the world.
Locally, from Mumbai and the surrounding areas, we cater to consumers from Thakur Village, Thakur Complex, Kandivali, Borivali, Dahisar, Andheri, Dadar, Malad, Powai, South Mumbai, Worli, Thane, Bandra, Santacruz, Chembur, Navi Mumbai, Mira Road, Bhayender, Vashi, Panvel, as we have multiple centers in Mumbai.
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