#ear life updates
eiraeths · 5 months
they should make wrists that don’t pop constantly and render themself unusable with sharp pain while i’m in the middle of trying to write
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galaxystt · 10 months
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being a menace is full time work, time to get some zzzzs.....
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giftoflife · 6 months
Gift of Life: Chapter 2 - The Test (PART 2/3)
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fumifooms · 2 months
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I’m tired of being nice I want to go apeshit
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eemamminy-art · 1 month
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Have you ever seen a boy so beautiful yet so sad? 🌼
bonus: moonfire faire!!!!
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mekonfoy · 2 months
hii please check out the earrings that I'm selling!!
any pair is $15
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the material is resin. numbers 4-6 glow in the dark. pink glitter in 2-3 sparkles green (it looks amazing in the light)
they're studs!
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I can ship pretty much anywhere for $19. payment via hipolink. for more pics or questions feel free to DM me
sharing this post would be very appreciated<3
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fr-wiwiw · 3 months
not really an art update, more like a tiny (literally) update
meet Mip (read: meep), a baby RES turtle. idk if it's a he/she yet, it hasn't show much recognizable feature yet.
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i finally decided to keep a turtle as a pet again after years without them. i used to have a pair (male & female) who came when i called out their respective names.
hopefully Mip can adapt well to their new environment & adjust enough to start looking for pellets. still in the stressful stage for now, i just got them yesterday and it can take 3d-1week before it starts to seek food, hopefully
now, i am in the process of drawing the 2nd nsfw gahan post while simultaneously doing my art commissions so don't worry gahan lovers ^^
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the-spoonie-life · 3 months
Right that update i promised you all, this might be a long one.
First off me and my partner moved into a house, we’re renting but it’s nice and we’ve got the dog. Yeah that’s a thing I’ve got a dog, he’s adorable and cuddles up with me when he knows I’m not doing so good.
Second off I got a lot of complications following a cervical punch biopsy where one of the nerves got nicked and am still dealing with the nerve pain from it 4 months on.
Following on from that I’ve been getting super dizzy and turns out I’ve got Eustachian tube dysfunction (it’s all the pain and symptoms of an ear infection without the infection) which is actually super painful but now I’ve got an answer.
Hopefully I’ll be back to “normal” in a couple of weeks.
Sending lots of spoons
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niceminipotato · 1 month
I think I’m an overachiever. I don’t just get a little ear infection. Nope. I get a double ear infection and the bone right behind the ear infected as well. I thought toothaches were bad but like no. Ear aches are the worse thing in the world. Had to get morphine to calm it down. Haven’t slept the last 3 days either. But at least I’m off work for a week 🫠.
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neoninky · 4 months
Today was the last day of my now previous job before moving onto another one that isn't in face-to-face customer service or traditional retail.... I feel both immensely relieved and tired lol. And after working several customer based jobs over the past decade (and then some of my life), I've had this song on blast all day:
Some real ones were always a pleasure to work with but the majority??? Oh HELL no. So cheers to the people who treated me with respect and like an actual person but for the rest of them - this song is for you lolol.
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the-broken-pen · 4 months
You know what was not on my 2024 bingo card?
This tiny baby freshman standing up in the middle of my schools equivalent to homeroom and going (direct quote) “I know I’m so weird and quirky for this 🤪 but have you guys heard of archive of our own?”
But this tiny baby freshman didn’t stop there she proceeded to go “or fanfiction? I just hit 300k words on there, I know it’s so quirky of me and nerdy 😜”
And I just sat there, breaking into a cold sweat, because she used ao3’s full government name and our teacher then attempted to pull it up on her school computer
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eiraeths · 2 months
i would fucking kill for some gatorade rn
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env0 · 1 year
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It's been a trip yall. I'm back teaching 4 days a week tomorrow. Hopefully it's not hotter than all hell, or making me sadder than all hell.
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cvbullshit · 20 days
Went to Dragon Con w/ @redwolfstudios and another friend, I went as Lady Bone Demon, Redwolf went as Macaque, and the third friend went as Luffy!
Because of it all, we now have some headcanons along with funny scenes to draw
Headcanons from cosplaying/roleplaying/other:
Because Redwolf made my and her costume, we now headcanon Macaque makes Lady Bone Demon's dresses
Because of a funny scene that happened irl, we now headcanon that The Mayor casually has and wears heels
We headcanon that often Macaque, LBD, and The Mayor get drunk and/or high when working on outfits together because it's the only way they can all happily get along
We headcanon that Luffy calls LBD "Bone Lady"
We headcanon that Macaque was scared of glass elevators and escalators
We headcanon that LBD acts childish when drunk
We headcanon that LBD likes dolls and Hatsune Miku, she got her hands on a plush Miku and she hugged it like her life depended on it
We headcanon that, during the drunk outfit-making party that was happening, Mei canonically showed up for no reason somehow, high as shit on sugar, and joined in on the nonsense before randomly dipping.
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producthub · 3 months
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Earning ❤️
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ssspringroll · 1 year
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I love Zuar, he's such a cutie. He's one of my oldest sims, and you can tell because he's a bit plain in the skin details department. I just cant help myself anymore and i pile on as much as I can. But back then my sims were simpler folk... I can't believe he never got a cas photoshoot until now.
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