#early childhood care education
sampark25 · 2 years
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Children of Devadasis: Challenges and the Need for Future Reforms
While the existing devadasis continue to suffer repercussions of their dedication, the children of Devadasis too face and grapple with the undeserved struggles that have become bitter remnants of the past – a past which risks ruining their present and future.
Present Challenges
According to a study conducted by Sampark, 62 of 70 Devadasi respondents reported that they had children. When asked if they had ever considered dedicating their children, all made it clear that they would never wish such a life upon their children. Yet, the wishes of a few suffering, helpless women are not what society considers. Despite the practice being illegal, young female children are pressured to become Devadasis to support their families. More often than not, the Devadasi and her children are ostracised by the village community, forcing them to live a life of neither respect nor acceptance.   
Early years education and childcare NGO In terms of education,  the scenario isn’t great either. Even if one ignores the uncivil comments passed, these children are usually deprived of a good education. The figure below illustrates the answers to the question, “Have your children been educated?” A whopping 23 mentioned that not all of their children had completed schooling, and 12 respondents said that none of their children had. The main reasons cited for non-completion of even primary levels of education were usually a lack of financial security, which forced them to drop out and contribute economically. Another frequently cited reason was the lack of interest from students.
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Additionally, the documentation process in most institutions mandates the filing of the father’s name but not the mother’s. Devadasi children are neither allowed to take the names of their fathers nor exercise a right over their properties. 
This brings forth the challenge of inheritance and maintenance. While these are important rights in civil law, in the case of Devadasis, since there is no marriage, the children traditionally are considered to be born out of wedlock and are the children of the Devadasi alone. There is an operational hurdle too. Since some Devadasis may cohabit with more than one partner, there are difficulties in ascertaining parentage, responsibility and benefits. The onus of proving parentage is also upon Devadasis which is difficult and compounded by the social dynamics (NCW 2016). 
There is thus, at least societally, no onus on the partner to provide for the child. In fact, in the study conducted by Sampark, 42% of respondents mentioned that their partners did not provide for the children at all, while some had not even seen their faces. Similarly, in the NCW study, 82% of Devadasis themselves opined that their children were not able to inherit the property of the father or use their name, while only 6% asserted that they are expected to inherit (NCW 2016). This deprives the children of crucial financial support and assets that could assist social mobility but instead places the burden of care entirely on the Devadasi who is usually already economically vulnerable herself. 
What Needs to be Done?
Out of the overall help and support that is provided to Devadasis and their children, the majority comes from NGOs and through informal sources; no absolute help is received from the government especially in terms of rights, healthcare, education and law. Consequently, Devadasis have limited support systems; while the pension provided by the Government helps to a limited extent, more such systems need to be in place. One mechanism is to ensure that the Devadasi community can be channelized in support of each other. While the Government can play some role on this front, an important stakeholder to take this forward would be Civil Society Organizations. Apart from this, steps must be taken to legally ensure that Devadasis receive support from their partners. This can be done by recognizing the partners of Devadasis as has been done in the case of the Domestic Violence Act in the case of Live-in Relationships. The support thus garnered may not necessarily be beneficial directly for Devadasis but may aid them in the development of their children.
Education-wise, these children are eligible to join any course – medical, engineering, IAS, KAS, etc. For the children to have a good foundation, the government must develop measures that ensure that no child is left behind. This must include some form of financial incentives or reservations as well as support in terms of easing their enrolment and access to schooling and higher education. The existing scheme for daughters of Devadasis also needs to be further publicized and possibly reviewed to ensure improved uptake. They also need to be added as beneficiaries of schemes that children of other backward classes are eligible for. 
Childcare NGO in Bangalore. Once a good foundation is laid through education, the next key step is to ensure access to good quality livelihoods which also ensures dignity of labour. To achieve this, there needs to be a targeted skill development approach. This will ensure that some of the challenges mentioned by Devadasis concerning their children accessing jobs can be overcome.
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Kindergarten students in five hamlets across Nunavut are about to attend school full-time.
The Government of Nunavut announced in May that it would roll out full-day kindergarten for the first time as a pilot project at Nanook School in Iqaluit, Victor Sammurtok School in Chesterfield Inlet, Qaqqalik School in Kimmirut, Jimmy Hikok Ilihakvik School in Kugluktuk and Inuglak School in Whale Cove.
Kindergarten students at those five schools will attend class from Monday to Friday with hours varying slightly depending on the regular hours set by each local district education authority, according to Education Minister Pamela Gross.
“It’s an exciting time for the students, parents and teachers to know that full-day kindergarten is being offered,” she said.
Schools across Nunavut have staggered start times, with some already welcoming students back and others set to reopen over the next few weeks. [...]
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Tagging: @politicsofcanada
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falcqns · 2 years
im on early childhood educator tiktok and i love it but some people in the comments know nothing about child development, and the importance of social and emotional learning and it fucking shows.
let me explain something:
children cannot gaslight. this is especially true for those who are not school-aged, so 0-4. them crying or throwing a tantrum is not them trying to get their way through manipulation. they are not overreacting, they do NOT need to stop crying, especially when they are hurt.
children are allowed to be upset. they are allowed to cry, scream and shout. they are allowed to feel their emotions. when you tell a child no, and they flop to the ground and throw a tantrum, they are not trying to manipulate you into giving them what they want. they don't know how the world around them works yet, so yes of course a child is going to get upset you tell them "no, you need to wear your coat." or "no, you need to sit on your bum while you eat." they don't understand that if they don't wear their coat they could get hypothermia because they are little and cannot regulate their body temperature as well as we can, and they don't understand that running around and playing while eating can lead to choking. they don't understand things like that.
it is our jobs, as adults, educators, parents, family, etc. to teach them these things. to help them to understand, to help them to regulate. by telling them things like "stop crying," "you've got no reason to be upset," or "i'll give you something to cry about," you are telling them that them, and their feelings don't matter. that they have to go along with what you say no matter what, and that they should be respecting and trusting you no matter what happens, which is NOT true. they don't need to respect and trust you. exactly like how a child needs to earn your trust, YOU have to earn theirs. if they don't trust you, they don't have to respect you. it's your job to show them that you are someone they can trust, and with that trust comes respect.
going back to if they are hurt, instead of saying things like 'you're fine,' try saying 'you're going to be fine,' or asking 'are you hurt, or are you scared?' or even a simple 'are you okay?' is better.
if they are throwing a tantrum, don't do anything. let the tantrum happen. if someone was having a seizure, would you be standing over them while they seize and tell them to suck it up, that they're fine?? no, you wouldn't. you'd make sure the area around them is safe, put them in the recovery position, and you'd wait it out. the same thing is true for children. they cannot process information when they are upset. yes, it might be frustrating, and yes, it always happens at the most inopportune time, but it's not their fault. so when they are melting down, just sit and wait for them to finish. if you need to, walk away from them to take a breather for yourself. when they calm down, tell them you're there, that you love them, and offer comfort. don't force it, offer it. children deserve autonomy. my body, my choice, remember. try to remember that the reason for the tantrum is because they can't communicate what's wrong. they can't explain 'hey, im sad because i can't wear my crocs in the snow.' they have to show it, and crying is how they express that.
children cannot gaslight. they cannot manipulate. they are tiny humans who didn't ask to be brought into this world, and therefore as the adults in their life, it is our jobs to help them navigate and learn the world around them. there are going to be setbacks and tough moments. there are going to be times when you want to yell at them to stop and behave. there are going to be times when you feel like you can't do this, but it's important to remember that you can. it's even more important to remember that if they are acting out/throwing a tantrum, etc. with you, it means they trust you, and you are a safe place for them. just as you learned to express your feelings without throwing a tantrum, so can they, they just need it to be taught to them, and more importantly, modelled to them. the moment you view them as competent and capable, trust me, your view of them will entirely change.
'It's not our job to toughen our children up to face a cruel and heartless world, it is our job to raise children who will make the world a little less cruel and heartless.' - L.R. Knost
'Tantrums are not bad behaviour. Tantrums are an expression of emotion that became too much for the child to bear. No punishment is required. What your child needs is compassion and safe, loving arms to unload in.' - Rebecca Eanes
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Early Childhood - Gardening
Care of the environment, including care of plants and animals, is part of the Practical Life curriculum and an important part of Montessori education. This student is caring for our outdoor gardens, ensuring these plants receive enough water in the warm weather. Gardening allows students to observe the interconnectedness of all living things—the bees pollinating, the worms aerating the soil, and the plants providing food and oxygen. 
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lith-myathar · 5 months
#i joke about it and all but like. i cannot emphasize enough what an impact it had on me to be uhhhhhb#micro-institutionalized in the way that i was for the first 14 years if my life#and i am honestly going to count the time i soent in ''elementary'' school bc it wasn't a normal school. it was a charter school#that began as a parent organized alternative and swiftly devolved into an authoritarian nightmare#a bunch of people who were simply not ready to educate children let alone ''problem'' children#of which there were MANY because that school got all the kids who had been turned out of public school for behavioral issues#there were hardline rules about literally everything. normal childhood behavior was pathologized and punished and as a kid#you had no way to understand WHY#and so many of your peers were having problems because ofc those ''problem'' kids were typically severely traumatized#or were actively being abused#so even if it wasn't happening TO you you were being exposed to it in a hundred little ways every day#so i was confused and miserable all the time AND was struggling academically bc i had undiagnosed adhd#(or possibly just trauma?? i honestly neither know nor care which came first at this point)#so my mom pulled me and my brother out. him at 11 and me at 6 and said ''i'll just do it myself'' and#raised us in a way that wasn't religious but resembled evangelical or lds stuff#i couldn't watch commercial tv or listen to popular music bc my parents didn't want me exposed to what they considered inappropriate#and while i still had extracurriculars i was always the odd one out bc i had no exposure to pop culture or normal socialization#for my age group#it resulted in me always feeling alone and like i didn't belong. and since most of my social life was my parents and their friends#that was the perfect soup for adultification#i was fine with adults. put me with my peers and i was a mess#it made the transition to high school incredibly difficult but i DID make it#but that was only 4 years still in an institution. everything began to unravel once i tried to move into anything resembling ''real life''#and then my dad's suicide which was a major trauma in early adulthood which only made my mom's grip on us tighten#i did get to START life until 26. not really. and it's just been a game of catch up for the last 5 years#and im so *angry* at the unfairness of it all. at the time and experience and milestones that were taken from me. at how i blamed myself#for it for so many years and the problems i developed because of it all. dissociation and substance abuse and suicidality#the fear that still has a death grip on me#the courage required to just exist#it's *exhausting*
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creekfiend · 2 years
I'm on the like, on the one hand I don't like states and shit, don't trust government etc, but on the other hand someone's gonna wind up organising things and I dunno how to stop these people from forming a government without hampering their useful organisation functions. I mean I guess someone could fire/imprison/kill them if they get too government-y but that would mean that the firing/killing/imprisoning people would become the government instead, which is probably worse.
I haven't read enough about what the Alternatives To Government would look like to have any kind of real criticism but also yeah
I think things like... local government are pretty distinct in my mind from The State but also like again I am not informed enough about political theory to really say anything aside from all of this makes me leery and the way things are is terrible and it should not be like this
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jannamarie123456 · 1 year
Changes To The Educational Services Teachers Award For ECT’s In Early Childhood Services
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Recent changes made to the Educational Services Teachers Award for Early Childhood Teachers (ECTs) in Early Childhood Services. These changes, effective from January 1, 2022, include revisions to classifications, pay rates, and allowances. The new classification structure is aligned with professional standards for teachers and reduces the previous 12 levels to five.
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bipspreschool · 12 days
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nupalcdc · 12 days
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Is your child or loved one struggling with speech difficulties? A specialized speech therapy clinic can provide the right support. Find out how expert therapists can help improve communication skills effectively.
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How a Childcare Centre Can Support Your Child’s Early Development Milestones
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Choosing the right childcare centre is one of the most impactful decisions you can make for your child’s early development. These centres play a crucial role in shaping your child’s growth and learning during their formative years. But what exactly makes a childcare centre beneficial for your child’s milestones? Let’s dive into how these centres support early development through their structured programs and activities.
1. Building Social Skills and Friendships
One of the biggest advantages of a childcare centre is the opportunity for your child to interact with peers. Social skills are foundational for a child’s development and future success. At a well-run childcare centre, children have the chance to make friends, share, and learn how to work as a team.
From group activities and collaborative projects to simple playtime, these interactions teach kids how to communicate, negotiate, and resolve conflicts. For toddlers and preschoolers, learning these skills early on helps them feel more confident and prepared for the social environment of school.
2. Encouraging Cognitive Growth with Engaging Activities
Early childhood is a prime time for cognitive development. Quality childcare centres offer structured programs that challenge and engage your child’s growing mind. Activities like puzzles, educational games, and interactive lessons are designed to stimulate thinking and problem-solving skills.
Preschool programs often introduce basic concepts such as numbers, letters, and shapes in a fun and engaging way. By making learning enjoyable, these centres help foster a love for knowledge and set a strong foundation for future academic success. The curriculum is carefully crafted to spark curiosity and support critical thinking.
3. Supporting Physical Development Through Play
Physical development is just as important as cognitive growth. Childcare centres incorporate plenty of physical activities into their daily routines to help children build strength, coordination, and motor skills.
Whether it’s running around in a playground, climbing on jungle gyms, or engaging in dance and movement activities, these experiences are crucial for developing gross motor skills. For younger children, activities like stacking blocks or playing with playdough enhance fine motor skills. A well-equipped childcare centre ensures that children have a safe space to move, explore, and grow physically.
4. Fostering Creativity and Imagination
Creativity is a vital part of early development, and childcare centres are fantastic places for nurturing this trait. From art projects and music to dramatic play, children have numerous opportunities to express themselves and explore their imagination.
These creative activities not only make learning fun but also help children develop problem-solving skills and self-expression. Crafting, painting, and role-playing allow kids to experiment with different ideas and learn in an interactive way. Creativity is encouraged through a variety of materials and experiences, helping children build confidence in their abilities.
5. Enhancing Language and Literacy Skills
Language and literacy development is a major focus in childcare centres. Programs are designed to support your child’s ability to communicate effectively and develop a love for reading and writing.
Storytime, singing, and interactive conversations help build vocabulary and listening skills. Preschoolers might engage in activities that involve letter recognition, phonics, and basic writing skills. By integrating these language-rich activities into the daily routine, childcare centres help children develop the foundational skills needed for reading and writing.
6. Providing a Structured and Safe Environment
A well-organized and secure environment is essential for a child’s comfort and development. Childcare centres create a structured routine that helps children understand what to expect each day. This structure provides a sense of stability and helps children feel more secure.
Safety is a top priority, with centres ensuring that the environment is clean, well-maintained, and supervised. This allows children to explore and learn in a safe setting, giving parents peace of mind while their kids are away.
7. Encouraging Positive Behavior and Responsibility
Childcare centres play a key role in teaching positive behavior and social responsibility. Through consistent routines and guidance, children learn about respect, kindness, and responsibility. Caregivers model appropriate behavior and reinforce good habits, helping children understand the importance of following rules and treating others well.
Programs that include group tasks and community projects teach children about working together and contributing to their environment. These experiences instill a sense of responsibility and empathy, which are crucial for their social development.
8. Instilling a Love for Learning
Perhaps one of the most important roles of a childcare centre is to instill a love for learning. By offering a variety of engaging and stimulating activities, these centres make education an enjoyable experience. Children who associate learning with fun are more likely to develop a positive attitude towards school and continue to seek out knowledge throughout their lives.
In conclusion, a childcare centre provides a wealth of opportunities to support your child’s early development milestones. From social interactions and cognitive challenges to physical activities and creative expression, these centres offer a comprehensive approach to early childhood education. By choosing a centre that aligns with your child’s needs and interests, you ensure they receive the best possible start on their path to growth and learning.
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123vivero · 18 days
Reading to your children
It is a well-known fact that regularly reading to your young child can enhance your relationship with them. Spending time with your child is one of the most significant ways to positively influence their development. Reading together provides a fantastic opportunity to establish a consistent, shared event where you can enjoy spending time with each other. Through shared reading, your child will develop a sense of trust and expectation that you will always be there for them. This trust is critical to young children and cannot be emphasized enough.
Especially with infants and toddlers, they may not be able to understand what you’re saying when you read to them but reading aloud provides a level of invaluable nurturing and reassurance. Very young babies love to hear familiar voices, and reading is the perfect outlet to create this connection.
Reading daily to young children, starting in infancy, can help with language acquisition, communication skills, social skills, and literacy skills. This is because reading to your children in the earliest months stimulates the part of the brain that allows them to understand the meaning of language and helps build key language, literacy and social skills.
At a broader, more scientific level, it’s the parent-child relationship, nurturing relationships between either mother or father and children that set a positive life course. If you are able to read aloud with your child at a predictable, scheduled time that fits with the daily routines of home and school, you’ll be able to provide something constant that they can expect and likely even look forward to.
Reading aloud together and having a shared activity gives you and your child something to talk about, which in turn supports the development of reading and writing skills. And down the road, reading together can be used to discuss real-life experiences and issues. A children’s book can provide springboards to meaningful discussions about many different topics which can further develop a child’s critical thinking skills. Reading to your child helps to expose them to all types of subjects and concepts, building our children’s understanding of humanity and the world around them.
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philipstal4u · 27 days
How do the Preschools Help the Children in Developing Healthy Eating Practices?
In 2024, almost all the parents out there will come up with a common complaint regarding their children, i.e., unhealthy eating. As almost all working parents are completely entangled in the web of 9-to-5 jobs, they hardly have the time to concentrate on instilling healthy eating habits among their children. Acknowledging this unhealthy eating habit as one of the major culprits of contemporary…
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jadeannbyrne · 1 month
Exploring California Communities’ of Supports: A Deep Dive with the The California Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation (IECMHC) Network
https://iecmhcnetwork.org/about/the-iecmhc-network/ Exploring California Communities’ of Supports: A Deep Dive with the The California Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation (IECMHC) Network Imagine stepping into a world where every child has the opportunity to thrive—where they are nurtured, supported, and given the tools to face the challenges ahead. That’s the vision behind…
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globalmontessori · 1 month
Global Montessori: The Ultimate Destination for Teacher Training Excellence in Gujarat India
In the evolving world of education, the role of a teacher is more crucial than ever. At global Montessori, we understand that a strong foundation in early childhood education is the key to nurturing the next generation of leaders and innovators. Located in Gujarat, India, global Montessori offers comprehensive training programs designed to equip educators with the skills and knowledge they need to excel. Our specialized courses include the teacher training course, early childhood teacher course, and nursery teacher training course.
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Why Choose Global Montessori?
Global Montessori is renowned for its commitment to excellence in early childhood education. Our programs are meticulously crafted to meet the needs of aspiring teachers and seasoned educators alike. Here’s why our training courses stand out:
Expert Instructors: Our courses are led by experienced educators who bring a wealth of knowledge and practical insights into the classroom.
Comprehensive Curriculum: Our training covers all aspects of early childhood education, including developmental psychology, classroom management, and innovative teaching methodologies.
Hands-On Experience: We offer practical training opportunities that allow you to apply theoretical knowledge in real-world settings.
Flexible Learning Options: Whether you're looking for full-time or part-time study, our courses are designed to fit your schedule.
Teacher Training Course
Our Teacher Training Course is the perfect choice for those looking to make a significant impact in the field of education. This course covers:
Educational Theories and Practices: Gain a deep understanding of the latest teaching strategies and learning theories.
Classroom Management: Learn effective techniques for managing a classroom and fostering a positive learning environment.
Curriculum Development: Develop skills to design and implement engaging lesson plans that cater to diverse learning styles.
Early Childhood Teacher Course
The Early Childhood Teacher Course is tailored for those who wish to specialize in early childhood education. This course emphasizes:
Child Development: Understand the stages of child development and how to support children’s growth and learning.
Learning Through Play: Discover how to incorporate play-based learning into your teaching practices.
Parent-Teacher Interaction: Learn strategies for effective communication with parents to support a child’s educational journey.
Nursery Teacher Training Course
Our Nursery Teacher Training Course is ideal for those interested in teaching young children in nursery settings. This course focuses on:
Foundational Education: Learn the basics of early childhood education, including literacy and numeracy skills.
Creative Activities: Explore creative activities and techniques to keep young learners engaged and motivated.
Health and Safety: Ensure a safe and healthy environment for young children with essential knowledge on health and safety practices.
Why Gujarat is the Perfect Location for Your Training
Gujarat, with its rich cultural heritage and progressive educational landscape, offers a vibrant backdrop for your training. Global Montessori’s location in Gujarat ensures that you receive training that is relevant to the local educational context while also preparing you for global standards.
Enroll Today
Embark on a rewarding career in education with Global Montessori's Teacher Training Course, Early Childhood Teacher Course, and Nursery Teacher Training Course. Our expert faculty, comprehensive curriculum, and supportive learning environment are here to help you achieve your professional goals.
For more information and to enroll in our courses, visit Global Montessori today. Take the first step towards becoming an exceptional educator in Gujarat, India.
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Early Childhood - Caring for Animals
Care of plants and animals is part of the Practical Life curriculum and an important part of Montessori education. Care of animals can be a perfect way for young children to develop a number of skills along with many positive character traits. Including live animals in a child’s daily life greatly enhances their abilities to learn responsibility, empathy, and compassion for other living things, respect for life, and the natural development of living things. The lessons that are instilled in a child through caring for animals will remain with them for the rest of their lives. Students can be heard asking questions like, “Why is he so big?", "Why does he need water?", and "Why is a goat in there with a pig?”. Our students learn about the world around them through these experiences, as well as learn boundaries and respect for how the animals should be treated.
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thirlmerepegasusnsw · 2 months
Discover Thirlmere Pegasus: Leading Pre-Education Centre in Sydney
Thirlmere Pegasus is the leading pre-education centre in Sydney, offering exceptional early childhood education programs. Our tailored approach ensures each child receives the attention and care they need to thrive. Visit us to learn more about how Thirlmere Pegasus can make a difference in your child's life.
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