#earring magic ken was also his work
extraaa-30 · 6 months
i see you "Aziracrow are the cryptid guardians of the gays/ soho angels/ patron saints of queers throughout history" fic writers
Allow me to propose an addition:
what happens when modern gays discover, through some offhand remark, that they were literally the original inspiration for elements of queer culture
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scribe-of-stories · 1 year
Hi, I'm Scribe
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(Art by Kollapsar)
About: As per the title you can call me Scribe; I also go by JL and or Knight (see Avatar) They/Them. I am a ex-professional Psychologist, I pretend to know things about Philosophy, and I have been known to write things that take place in my own silly little world. Also a TTRPG hobbyist that dreams about making my own one day. I mainly write modern fantasy with horror elements from a first person perspective. Things tend to get existential and there is often not a difference between reality and metaphor. Also there is no shortage of queer folk with super powers or deep occult knowledge in my stories. Currently most of my work is in the form of short stories and flash fiction, with a novel/serial in the works here or there.
Intent: What an ominous section title. Honestly I'm here to make friends in the writing community. I want to read other people's works and I want others to read my work. I want to encourage and be encouraged. I want to see the little notification number pop up on my screen and give my brain the good chemicals. Take this as blanket consent to tag me in games, to send me asks, and to send me messages. Tell me about your OCs and I'll gladly talk your ear off about world building. I also intend on getting published one day. It would be lovely to meet others going through the process.
Lexical Earth: Is the setting of most if not all of my writing. It's a modern fantasy setting who's hidden magic side was forcefully revealed during the year 2000, when the First Wave of Inscribed started showing up. Now governments are struggling to retain control, Thought Entities are going public with their machinations and hunger, and there is no small population of super heroes and villains trying to impose their views on reality. The magic system of this setting is generally soft with harder rules the closer one is to the material world. The Realm of Spirit is swirling occult bullshit, but it takes someone with actual knowledge to pull it down into reality. Experiment with Jungian masks, personas, and shadows; see the connective tissue of stories stretch across cultures; and walk those paths. Alternatively write words on your Soul and bend reality to the whims of your Inscription.
Directory: Bellow is a collection of the works I have posted and a short description of which each is about. Let me know if you would wish to be added to a general Lexical Earth tag list or if there is a specific series/protagonist you'd want to be tagged for.
(Under construction, there are a few works buried deep in my blog that I need to go excavate)
Samuel Smith, the Smith of Masks: Private investigator, grumpy and sarcastic, and part of the pre-inscribed world of Lexical. He's paid to solve issues between the Wyrd and the human; and often gets too emotionally invested. 1 – PI just wants to read books between jobs but Wyrd stuff is happening. Technically the first Lexical short I ever wrote. 2 – Sequel to the previous short. PI has a bad time working on this case, ends up having to sell part of his soul. 3 – Stand alone story. PI forgets what he's doing several times before solving a serial killer problem. Marian Wheeler would be proud.
Ken “Host of Fangs”, Lord of Hearts: Telepathic Inscribed that makes a hivemind with animals as his main power. He has substantial family and old life trauma and a masc., non-binary, partner who's soul is shaped like a jellyfish. 1 – Date gets interrupted by old woman/man Humanity handing out super powers. 2 – Ken gets a letter from his Ex and has big feelings about it.
Wander/er, Wanderer of Spirit: First Wave Inscribed that noped out of reality and went deep into the Realm of Spirit to learn about the Wyrd side of things. Generally an important person who shows up around big events, but more an advisor than a hero. 1 – Wanderer and a Thought Entity friend travel a bit too far away from earth. Careful not to wake Slumbering Kings.
Lexical Lore: For the World building and TTRPG side of Lexical. 1 – Inscribed, how do they work? How do you become one? Would they make a good RPG player character? All answered here. Go and make your own Inscribed and @ me with the results.
Lexical One-Offs: for stories that don't have a named protagonist or just aren't part of a series. Bedroom – Someone wakes up and gets ready for work. The Recursive Tree – The life cycle of one or more Thought Entities as seen from the perspective of a Soldier.
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hullomoon · 9 months
hullomoon's 2023 works: part one
it’s the end of the year, which means it’s time for a work round-up! i had a pretty busy year so i didn't post as much, but i also know i did more longer works. so it probably balances out in the end. if you haven’t yet, check out my 2019 roundup, 2020 roundup, 2021 roundup, and 2022 roundup! all works are ordered in chronological posting order.
part one | part two | part three | part four | part five | part six
[podfic] don't blow those pipes | Schitt's Creek | David/Patrick | 03:25
Patrick picks up another new instrument. David is not thrilled.
[podfic] your love is a secret i'm hoping, dreaming, dying to keep | Heartstopper | Nick & Nellie, Nick/Charlie | 0:10:06
“You know, you’re technically the first person I’ve come out to. Or first… creature.” Nellie licked his face. Or, five times Nick could only talk to Nellie about his feelings for and about Charlie, and one time he found the courage to talk to a human.
[Podfic] Haus Bylaws that Need Added to the Wall: No Hanging Chads | Check, Please! | Gen | multivoice | 0:10:37
If a Chad approaches Lardo, allow her to set up fucking ruining him before pouncing. [sub a) In all cases of Chad, Shitty is wingman because Bitty punched that one Chad.] (sub b) He deserved it.) {sub c) He totally did.}
[Podfic] winter's upon us, so won't you stay? | A League of Their Own (TV) | Jo/Maybelle | multivoice | 0:23:15
“I was just so worried about you when you left,” Maybelle says, eyes wide and full of softness. “I wish I coulda been there to take care of you, honey. You deserved that. You shouldn’t have had to leave alone.” No one has wanted to take care of Jo in so long. or: jo goes to maybelle's for the holidays, and finally figures out what she wants.
snowed in with you | Schitt's Creek | Rachel/Alexis | 4,079
Rachel just wanted to get away and destress. Then she learned that someone else was already at the cabin. And then they got snowed in.
99 Podfics | Podfic Fandom | multivoice | 0:16:01
Voiceteam Mystery Box 2022 presents their project for the "It's a Trap!" challenge. The challenge was: "Create an audio fanwork with contributions from at least 90% of this round's Voiceteam Mystery Box players. If at least 90% of players contribute, every Voiceteam player gets 90 points outside of their point cap. If less than 90% of players contribute, nobody gets any points. Either way, this challenge is completely meaningless pointswise." We didn't quite get to 90%, but we did make some beautiful chaos!
you came in like a wave when i was feeling alright | Stranger Things | Steve/Eddie | 840
Eddie likes to watch the rugby team practice
[Podfic] Sherlock Sands and the Mystery of the Pie Thief | Schitt's Creek | Alexis/Twyla | multivoice | 06:19
When Twyla Sands' pumpkin pie disappears from the table, she goes on a quest to discover the thief.
[podfic] a boy, a tender age | Stranger Things | Joyce & Steve | 01:08:53
Joyce Byers loves her boys. So when she's walking down the hospital hall in the late afternoon and she looks into a room, empty save for a lone boy on the bed, she thinks, well what's one more? my 101st podfic
[podfic] Haunted Doll Watch: Magic Earring Ken Doll Edition | Supernatural & My Brother, My Brother and Me | multivoice | 0:11:10
The listing: Haunted Ken Doll Seeks Gay Owner (Lesbian or bi okay too)
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luminouslumity · 1 year
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Finally got the chance to see both (specifically, Barbie, Oppenheimer, and then Barbie again) and I'm glad I did! Watching them back-to-back was certainly an experience and I'm not even joking when I say they really made me think about life and all that it entails.
As someone who grew up on the old animated Barbie movies, I had a lot of fun watching the new film, especially when it came to all the doll jokes and references had me laughing more than once (Magic Earring Ken, anyone?). Kinda mad they didn't have any references to the animated movies though, or at least none that I'd noticed.
Speaking of Ken, wasn't sure about him being the villain at first, but I can see what they were trying to do and I thought it worked pretty well all things considered, that Kens have just as much of a right to live alongside the Barbies as the Barbies do them and not just in the shadows of each other. If this film is anti anything, I'd say it's anti-Patriarchy as well as anti-Matriarchy. Preachy, sure, but understandable. Really, I'm more annoyed with how this apparently went over so many people's heads even with how blatant it was; seriously, President Barbie even says the message of the film after the Kens fail, so how anyone could've misinterpreted it is beyond me! The only thing that comes to mind is when the Narrator says that the Kens will be treated just as well as women are treated in the real world, and to be fair, that statement alone can be interpreted in a lot of ways depending on certain factors, but I don't know, I feel like that should be a wake-up call more than anything.
Barbie herself was also really interesting, though throughout the film, I found myself wondering if she was meant to be the Original Barbie with an upgraded look or just a random Barbie who's basically just an amalgamation of all the others (like she says, she's what everyone else thinks of when they think of the doll). Either way, this certainly adds a whole new layer to the relationship between her and Ken because keep in mind, when the film says that Ken was created for Barbie, they mean it literally.
Going into a bit of history here, Ken Carson was created in response to the backlash Barbie was facing two years after her own creation for the horrific crime of... *checks notes* being single. Since then, Ken has had a few jobs of his own, but it's still nothing compared to Barbie's—this even becomes a joke in the Life in the Dreamhouse series, where the Ken in that series worships the ground Barbie walks on. Probably literally. This man didn't even get his own car until 2012! Then there was the whole seven-year break-up incident because Ken apparently didn't want to put a ring on it (yeah, Barbie has in-universe lore and it goes hard!) so keeping all this in mind, it's no wonder Ken seems to be as attached to Barbie as he is in the film, all while also struggling with his own identity as an individual.
Yes, I probably am looking too deep into a children's film about dolls coming into the real world. This is my life now.
The Mattel scenes were definitely one of my favorite things about the film, especially with how dedicated the CEO is when it comes to his job and how he genuinely wants what he believes is best for everyone, but my favorite part are definitely the scenes with Ruth, which absolutely had me crying! And hey, glad to see I was at least partially right! She made an appearance, just not in the scene I thought it was going to be (also, apparently the sweet old lady on the bench isn't even Barbara, it's costume designer Ann Roth).
Narrators also tend to be hit-or-miss for me, but I thought it worked really well in this film! I especially loved how self-aware the story is and how if you're going to try and make Barbie look ugly, Margot Robbie isn't the way to go. And the cutaway to Depressed Barbie? Hilarious, but now I low-key want that to be a thing lol! And just the world in general was super fun!
Honestly, if I had any complaints about the film, it would absolutely be the pacing. Sasha in particular seemed largely unnecessary and her turnaround to at least tolerating Barbie happened way too quickly, even if she did only want to help for her mom's sake. It would've been nice if the film had had at least one or two scenes where she realizes that while the Barbie brand has its issues that deserve to be addressed, it's also not as bad as what she'd originally thought it to be. And also, it would've been great to just see more of this world in general; after all, Barbie and Ken only spend time in LA for less than a day, and even then, it's only for a few hours at most.
Basically, I wish the film had been longer, but what we got was still great.
As for Oppenheimer, I never really have much to say about biopics, but I love history in general and am always fascinated when it comes to warfare and all of the ethical questions that come with it. This is also the first Nolan film I've actually watched, so I knew this was going to be an interesting time, at least. Let me start by saying that the special effects with the bomb dropping and tense silence afterwards were beautifully done and I thought the use of black-and-white for some scenes and color for others was a really nice touch too, as well as the fact that the film went beyond just WWII and that we get to see Oppenheimer deal with the guilt he'd faced afterwards. I also always forget that Einstein would've still been alive during the time most of the film takes place, so his appearance was certainly a surprise, but a pleasant one nonetheless. I was also wondering in what context the "I am become Death" line would come up, so the fact that the film actually addresses that it comes from Sanskrit rather than suggesting it originated from Oppenheimer himself was such a great detail! Overall, a great film about a very complicated man!
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from the article: (i think i may try to design the blade im going to make off of this story) (most likely designed for a tv show or film)
The Tale
The story takes place in the 11th century with Ken Arok, the child of Hindu god Brahma taking centre stage. After a hedonistic life, he is tamed by Hindu priest Lohgawe who persuades him to stop robbing and gambling and lead a decent life. Lohgawe helps Ken Arok to get a position working for one of the most powerful local leaders, Tunggul Ametung as a bodyguard.
Unfortunately, Ken Arok falls in love with Tunggul’s wife, Ken Dedes, and believes that she has been chosen to give birth to a line of kings. He also believes that by taking her as his wife he too will become a king.
Ken Arok resolves to have Ken Dedes by whatever means he must, and approaches Mpu Gandring, a famous Keris maker. He asks Mpu Gandring to make him a Keris which is particularly strong and powerful. Mpu Gandring agrees but cautions it will take a year to do. Five months later Ken Arok visits Mpu Gandring to check on progress and sees what he thinks is a completed Keris. However, Mpu Gandring warns him that although it may look finished, there is much work yet to be done to carry out the necessary rituals that would prevent the Keris from becoming a force of evil.
Mpu Gandring’s words fall on deaf ears as Ken Arok wants to kill Tunggul Ametung before his wife gives birth to an heir. Ken Arok grabs the Keris and stabs Mpu Gandring, mortally wounding the man. In his dying breath Mpu Gandring places a curse on the Keris. There have been various interpretations of the curse; some say the blade was cursed to kill seven people, others say the curse was destined to kill seven generations of Ken Arok’s heirs. But both versions agree, the Keris was cursed to kill Ken Arok.
Ken Arok’s plan was sly; he gave the Keris to another bodyguard Kebo Ijo who was so proud of it that he showed the blade to everyone he met. Once the ownership of the Keris was well-known, Ken Arok stole it back from Kebo Ijo and used it to stab Tunggul Ametung to death while he was sleeping.
In the morning, Tunggul Ametung’s body was found with Kebo Ijo’s famous Keris by his side, and the innocent bodyguard was blamed for the death. Ken Arok leapt into action, slaying Kebo Ijo with the Keris in an apparent act of revenge.
It seemed as if Ken Arok’s plan had worked as he claimed Ken Dedes as his wife and took over as ruler. Ken Dedes had already born a son to the deceased Tunggul Ametung, Anusapati. No one told Anusapati that he was not Ken Arok’s real son but he got suspicious and learned the truth about not only his parentage but who really killed his father. In a rage, Anusapati grabbed the cursed Keris and ordered his assistant to kill Ken Arok, which he did.
To ensure nothing was said about his role, Anusapati used the Keris to kill his assistant who had carried out the murder. However, it wasn’t enough as Tohjaya (Ken Arok’s son from his first marriage) discovered Anusapati’s murderous secret. He took the Keris from Anusapati at a cockfight, and killed him with the blade.
Tohjaya then took over the ruling of the region but made unwise decisions, leading to a revolt which ultimately cost him his life. Tohjaya was stabbed, with the Keris.
Mpu Gandring, Ken Arok, Tunggul Emetung, Kebo Ijo, Anusapati, Anusapati’s assistant and Tohjaya: the seven deaths foretold in the curse of the Keris.
It’s not clear what happened to the Keris after this, but legend says it was thrown into the Java Sea where it transformed into a dragon.
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winterapocalypse · 5 months
Winter Apocalypse 56
prof Bolton and prof Wilde
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"Why?" Jeff asked, close to Emily's side, as he felt the negative vibes the girl was giving off. "Do you want to keep us away from school?" asked the gothic girl with long black hair and green streaks, flaying the professor alive with her icy ice-colored eyes, surrounded by heavy eyeliner and a layer of deep black eyeshadow that shimmered an eerie green.
"The camp is no longer usable. There have been problems." Melisandre chimed in, quick as a peregrine falcon.
"The camp?! I've just been there, everything was fine!" Ken interrupted, overshadowing even the very tall red woman, who had to raise her head even just to look at his face. "Well, it's not anymore. What were you doing here? A Lys potion? Aren't foreign potions made inside the school illegal? You work for the school, you should know what the rules are for staying and working here." she glared at him, and Ken had to go back to sit next to her younger sister, while Pallina crouched against the school with her large head tucked under her feathered wing.
"But it was just to make them feel better-" the big blond boy tried to justify himself, but Melisandre once again attacked poor Ken, who had never been particularly good with words. "And then, keeping such a large beast within the Castle walls is extremely dangerous, as dangerous as your sister Aston's eagle, who enjoys bullying and injuring important students of the Night's Watch! And the smallest… some Hufflepuffs said that it was you, Dennis, who set off a cold fire bomb on the pitch, together with your friends Ravenclaw and Slytherin. Maybe we should punish you, and not send you on a trip to Skagos."
"But it wasn't us!" Dennis shouted in his annoying little voice, even higher pitched in such a tense moment. "I didn't move from here! I went to Omega Mart and then we stayed here playing in the snow! It's not fair!!"
At the mere mention of Hufflepuff, Theon paled, as if something had suddenly occurred to him, and dropped the bottle of butterbeer that he had hidden when he saw the professors approaching. Melisandre didn't miss the opportunity. "And you're drinking alcohol too! Stannis, I suggest a suitable punishment for this group of boys… why don't we send them to Castle Black? Shireen, Aegon and Eddie can stay here to serve their punishment. They are useful to us.. . in good shape. Even the zombie boy… the pale boy could be useful."
The boys jumped. Except Beric, who didn't know what happened to Castle Black because he had died around that time and couldn't remember a thing.
Sheamus leaned down and spoke in his ear. "The Night's Watch moved here because something dangerous happened to their Castle. And then Dennis and Aegon overheard that there's something really dangerous there, we risk our lives if they send us there!"
Beric let out an astonished expression at the thought that someone would endanger his beloved Aston, and placed his hand on the sword at his side, ready to set the sword on fire and fight the now furious Red Woman fire with fire.
"Who told you that you could decide for our students?" came a mournful voice from behind them.
Stannis and Melisandre turned to find themselves facing the head professors of Slytherin and Ravenclaw houses, respectively the Gothic professor of magical anatomy and head of Slytherin Roose Bolton, and the professor of mind reading and non-verbal magical languages and head of Ravenclaw Frankie Wilde, both definitely annoyed.
Roose Bolton wore a suit jacket and trousers, pale pink with several rubies and red spinels in the shape of drops of blood sewn onto them, the stitching on the suit jacket was blood red silk, the color of the shirt he wore under the suit. A black leather jacket that reached down to his knees covered his shoulders, covered in silver and green embroidery the color of his house depicting skinned men, from which also hung several small chains, in silver and green metal.
Frankie Wilde, next to Roose, was not so elegant. He had an army green parka lined with thick black and white fur from the Giant Carnivorous Badger, an extremely dangerous animal voracious for wizard meat that Frankie himself had decapitated after a hard fight. Under the parka, the only thing covering his bare, athletic chest were several necklaces with the most disparate pendants, most of them runestones for powerful magic and talismans. His designer ripped jeans went down to his knees, and he wore his usual flip-flops, probably more expensive than Stannis Baratheon's entire wardrobe alone.
0 notes
cleverasthcdevil · 11 months
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Name: Kristina Katano
Age: 28
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Species: Kitsune and Witch
Face Claim: Adeline Rudolph
Physical description:
Hair color/style: Long, straight black hair
Eye color: Brown
Height: 5'7"
Body type/build: Lean and toned
Distinguishing features: Pointed fox ears and tail when in Kitsune form
Personality Traits: Positive - Loyal, courageous, persistent, disciplined, resilient, adaptable. Negative - Stubborn, hot-headed, competitive, impulsive, guarded, perfectionistic.
Interests/hobbies: Martial arts, swordplay, exploring magic
Hometown: Tokyo, Japan
Current residence: Beacon Hills
Occupation: Sword and Martial Arts Expert
Parents: Koujou and Kim Katano
Siblings: Older brothers Ken (35) and Kit Katano (32)
Kristina's father Koujou was born into a long lineage of martial arts masters in Japan. His family's dojo had been passed down through generations and he was rigorously trained from childhood to someday take over. In his early 20s, Koujou met Kim, an American exchange student studying at a university in Tokyo. Despite coming from very different backgrounds, they fell in love. Koujou's family was initially resistant to him marrying someone not Japanese, but eventually came to accept Kim.
After getting married, Koujou took over running his family's dojo in Tokyo. He and Kim settled down and soon had their first son, Ken. As soon as Ken could walk, Koujou began training him in martial arts, determined to raise an heir to one day run the dojo. Two years later they had their second son, Kit. Kit showed less natural interest in martial arts, but was forced into training alongside his brother.
By the time Kristina came along, Koujou was eager to have a daughter but also insisted she undergo the same martial arts training as her brothers. From age 5, Kristina was pushed to excel in her training and strive for perfection. Her older brothers took two very different paths - Ken fully embraced the martial arts lifestyle and seemed destined to take over the dojo one day. Kit grew more rebellious as a teen, losing interest despite his father's objections.
In their late teens, Ken was being groomed to inherit the dojo, with Kristina also undergoing intense training. But Ken surprised the family by announcing he was moving to America to train with law enforcement where he eventually joined the Beacon Hills Police Department. Kit pursued his love of architectural engineering and got a job working for a prestigious architectural firm in New York, leaving their sister to be the only one left in Japan. This put pressure on Kristina as the next viable heir, increasing her anxiety about living up to expectations. The family always kept in touch, so when Ken stopped responding to calls and texts, it left everyone worried. Kristina and Kit were tasked with finding their brother, who they have yet to learn is dead as he was killed for his Kitsune abilities by the partner of the Nogitsune.
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theloniousbach · 1 year
BILL CHARLAP with Jeremy Pelt, Nicole Glover, Steve Wilson, Ken Peplowski, John Pizzarelli, Renee Rosnes, David Wong, and Dennis Mackrell
I signed up for this wrap up to the 92NY series which BILL CHARLAP curated evidently for the last time. I swapped out last Thursday’s piano extravaganza for the Veronica Swift/Caleb Teicher set which wasn’t technically part of the program. I forewent the multiple piano set for the same reason that my expectations were muted for this show—lots of folks to shepherd across the stage, juxtapositions that would be more curious interesting than successful interesting. Last year Charlap had tenor favorites Chris Potter and NICOLE GLOVER together with guitarist Mike Stern and that was, er, interesting. There were some moments like that, but it worked.
‘S Wonderful was the opener and everyone got solo space. Ken Peplowski’s clarinet was, here, kind of clunky and old fashioned and John Pizzarelli’s vocals were charming but thin though his chordal guitar solos was fine. I am very fond of Jeremy Pelt’s smooth tone and improvisational ideas and Glover’s overall edge. It has been good to see her in Artemis, with Allison Miller, and in these settings with Charlap where she exhibits that she sure can play standards.
But the revelation was Steve Wilson whose alto work was lyrical and fresh. I didn’t hear much Charlie Parker in him, but also not Lee Konitz nor Paul Desmond. I have to then guess that he perhaps draws on Johnny Hodges. In any case, Charlap said that no one sings with the horn like Steve Wilson. He always captures something about his bandmates in his always generous comments, but they do sometimes seem over the top. Still, in this case, yes, Steve Wilson sings—on that opener, A Time for Love, a blues, and the closer.
Pizarelli sang the opener, It Had To Be You with Jeremy Pelt as his foil, and Three Little Words with Ken Peplowski’s clarinet beginning to grow on me. I was fully in his camp as he took up Rosnes’ Life Does Not Wait with Glover. It was a very different tune with each horn, including how the composer comped for them, and that widened my ears.
Rosnes and Charlap reprised Lyle Mays’ Chorino from their Double Portrait album with projected camera shots of each keyboard above the stage to help sort things out. Piano duets are risky but one was worthwhile. Rosnes has brought Mays’ Slink into the Artemis book so I have to think she’s the one with the appreciation of him and so it is for her that I will do my homework on him. It was she not her husband who had the piano seat for the A Time For Love with Steve Wilson and the It Had To Be You.
But it was Charlap who was on the bandstand for Kenny Dorham’s Windmill, a Sweet Georgia Brown contrafact, perfectly suited to Pelt and Glover. As with the John Scofield gig on Tuesday, Charlap, of course, knows and can play jazz compositions. That was a fun one, in part because I enjoyed seeing Glover on a bigger stage.
Charlap offered extensive appreciative comments for any and all concerned in the production of the series, including the stage crew, but also his family, including Rosnes, he reflected on inheriting this series from Dick Hyman and in turn that Aaron Diehl will do just fine (and he will, but he’s not as special to me as Charlap). But then he, David Wong, and Dennis Mackrell played a whisper quiet, simply exquisite Some Other Time which I last heard from Tony Bennet and Bill Evans on a 1976 Canadian television program.
The rollicking closer was inevitable and just fine, well played all around. But it was a reminder of how crowded the stage can get particularly when there’s magic like the Dorham or the two sides of Rosnes’ tune or especially that magical Some Other Time.
I’ll see Bill Charlap next season at Jazz St Louis, maybe twice. He’s worth it as he proved over these two weeks with 92NY.
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webionaire · 1 year
Mr. Graves, who is coincidentally featured in an exhibition opening Saturday at Jack Fischer Gallery in San Francisco, died May 3 2016 at John Muir Medical Center in Walnut Creek. The cause of death was a stroke, according to his wife and collaborator, Eva Lipman of El Cerrito. Their show, “Sweet Surrender: Ken Graves and Eva Lipman,” will open as planned.
Also opening Saturday is the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, which has 21 works by Mr. Graves in its permanent collection. One of these is on display in “California and the West,” one of the opening exhibitions. The image is called “Ping Pong,” dated 1970, and shows just that. All you see are the arms and the faces of the players, cropped at the ear.
I found myself, upon discharge, in a city and at a particular historical moment characterized by rebellion and protest against the dangers implicit in too much authority,” he later said.
While a student he started roaming the Bay Area, and not just the obvious places like Haight-Ashbury. He hit county fairs and air shows and parades and the suburbs.
“He was looking for Americana in all the public spaces,” said Lipman. “He was interested in taking the ordinary and transforming it into something magical.”
Mr. Graves received his bachelor of fine arts degree in 1970 from the art institute and his master of fine arts degree in 1971. After knocking around as a house painter, he was hired as a professor of art at Penn State University, where he taught undergraduates how to take pictures and then how to turn these pictures into handmade books.
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thelittlestancient · 2 years
FIC: From High Towers (4/6)
Fandom: Final Fantasy XIV Characters: Elidibus, Warrior of Light (Sosomeni Tutumeni), G'raha Tia (finally) Rating: General Audiences Words: 914 Note: Parts are getting longer! Should only be two left after this one, assuming the length stays steady. We are also done with the Fictober 2022 prompts, though I may return to mine the prompt list for later work!
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
In spite of his short legs, Sosomeni made quick time through the city.  The bazaars, and even the streets themselves, remained mostly empty; the threat of beasts emerging from one's companions at any moment made even the shortest of journeys a risk most considered not worth taking.  The Scions had settled in properly at Mehryde's Meyhane, which was near enough to the Hall of the Radiant Host to be accessible without being underfoot, and the staff were grateful for at least a little custom in such troubled times.
Soso was tempted to pause for a drink himself--he'd never been particularly fond of coffee until he'd had the Hannish preparation--but time was of the essence and he headed directly for where G'raha stood by the windows, staring out.  "G'raha!" he callled out, even before he'd made it all the way to him, "I'd considered calling you by linkpearl, but I decided to come for you myself.  I need your help."
G'raha flicked an ear in Soso's direction as soon as he hears his name, turning to face the lalafell.  The expression on his face wasn't quite a smile, but it bore the first sign of hope he'd felt in what felt like ages even though the Warrior of Light had been gone barely a day.  "Ah, Sosomeni!  Have you been to the First, then?  Did you learn aught of use?"
"Elidibus doesn't remember anything that might be an answer," Soso started, only to see G'raha's face immediately fall.  "But!  He has offered an alternative solution, a working of magic that will take considerable energy.  So he wants to be moved to the Crystal Tower here, in Mor Dhona.  Something about the Source having more power for him to draw from?  I'm no aetherologist, but what he said seemed to make sense to me.  He said he'd still be bound to the Tower, though, just in a different place."
G'raha crossed his arms in something akin to satisfaction.  "Ah, yes--the rejoinings which the Source has undergone.  Between that and the fact that the one here hasn't had me making use of it, he thinks it will have more energy for him to draw from.  A sensible train of thought, though I question exactly what it is he intends to do with it.  If the Tower of the First sufficed to draw so many souls, even incomplete, across the Rift, what more is even possible?  Does he mean to call forth souls from the Lifestream itself?"
Sosomeni deflated a bit under the intensity of G'raha's scarlet gaze.  "No, actually.  He, well, he said he intends to send me back in time, that I might observe his people for myself and see what I can learn from them."
G'raha drew in a breath.  "That a single Ascian might manage alone what took the engineers of the Ironworks generations to combine Alexander and Omega to do...truly, these are forces beyond our kenning.  But if he believes it is the only way..."
"I believe it is the only way," Soso replied, voice firm as he drew out G'raha's own crystal.  "He's in here.  He just needs your help accessing the Tower, I think."
G'raha took the crystal from Sosomeni, turning it over in his hands.  "I have questions indeed, and I shan't get the answers standing around Radz-at-Han.  To Mor Dhona, my friend!" "Wait!  Shouldn't you let the others know you're leaving?  Where are they, anyways?"
"Ah, yes--we have split ourselves into patrol groups, working with the Radiant Host to keep an eye on the city.  Thancred, Urianger, and Y'shtola are out now; the twins and I had just recently returned, and I sent them to get some rest.  But I admit I have been troubled since your departure: I did not know whether I sent you to your doom when I spoke of asking Elidibus, or whether it might simply prove another dead end in the search.  I am profoundly grateful it was neither."
"At least call them on the linkpearl then, let them know where you're going," Soso said, starting off again towards the city's main aetheryte.  His gaze found the crystal, still held tight in G'raha's hand.  "...he's been nothing but honorable--even before, right since the fighting ended.  He offered more than I was willing to take from him, actually.  The magic would have worked from the First, but it would have taken all of him, it would have killed him.  And that felt...cruel, somehow.  Enough people have cast aside their own lives that I could make a better world.  He, all of the Ascians, they spent so long seeing the worst of us that they forgot anything else existed.  I think it's only fair that he gets to see the best of us too, now that he can see it, and not just wielded against his people as a weapon.  You know?"
G'raha stared at the crystal in his hand.  "That we all are, in Emet-Selch's words, worthy of inheriting their place as caretakers of the star; that you do not stand alone as our champion.  I do indeed see."
The rest of their walk was occupied by the call G'raha made to Thancred about his departure from the city; in truth, they hadn't needed to visit the main aetheryte at all, but another round of patrols was not an unwelcome sight, especially with the Warrior of Light along.
And that alone was enough to give G'raha Tia pause, after what Sosomeni had said.
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aveegrex · 2 years
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Or why exactly winning a bet against Nanami feels like he still has an upper hand.
genre: smut prompt pairing: Nanami x gn!reader word count: 0,9k cw: filmed masturbation (m!), confessions, food play
author’s note: I am NOT responsible for this. I wrote it half-asleep and @diaphanoso okayed it so now y’all have it. Whatever :/
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You and Nanami have been working together for so long that your relationship progressed past the boundary of an office one.
You not only share lunches, but also dinners sometimes - well, two foodies finding one another in lifeless walls of a lifeless financial firm, what a modern day romance.
So, there’s this little game you two have. A challenge. Every day each of you tries to outdo the other cooking-wise. Every day you and Nanami head to either your or his place and while one is working their magic, another has to wait patiently for said magic to bless their tastebuds.
One day, you surprise him though.
“Bet I can make you hell of a sandwich” you say, munching on his homemade vegan lasagna.
His brows fly up. “A sandwich?”
You swallow, a playful hum indicating your satisfaction with the meal of the day. “Yeah, a sandwich. But-“ you chug lukewarm tea and Nanami winces, still annoyed at your barbaric afterwork habits. “I bet I can make it just like your favorite one, from the bakery. You won’t tell the difference”
He scoffs at that, wiping his hands with a cotton napkin. “You do realise they put some chemicals there to postpone the due date, right? You won’t find it on a shelf in some sto-“
“Yeah, yeah. Whatever. You’re up?”
He shrugs, tongue gliding over his teeth behind the tomato-stained lips. “I guess. What’s the catch?”
You grin, a chuckle rumbling through your chest. “You’ll owe me one wish. Any wish. However weird or crazy. And vice versa, sure”
“Okay” he grins back, certain of his victory.
Days pass, and a couple of dozens of shared dinners later, when he’s effectively forgotten about the bet, you present him with a package.
“Open up” you smile, devious glimmer blatant in your squinted eyes.
Nanami cocks his brow, turning from the keyboard to face you. He weighs the package in his hands, familiar pleasant heaviness and softness hinting at exactly what’s inside.
Wrapper gone, he ogles at the perfect piece of handiwork, indistinguishable from his guilty pleasure.
“Eat up already, come ooon” you whine, foot tapping at the hardwood in anticipation.
He nods, teeth digging into the crunchy bread nonchalantly, and stills. The taste is exact, just absolutely the same taste he’s had this morning. Identical.
Bemused, he raises his blown wide eyes to you, and you snicker at the silliest face of Nanami Kento the “please keep the noise down” coworker.
“How?” he’s wondering, impartial to the fact that he’s speaking with his mouth full.
“No, no, it’s only magic if you don’t know!”
“But-“ you lean closer to his ear, careful to never let the pre-pension age accountant in the corner hear you. “Now you owe me, Ken”
He nods, intent.
“Now, you owe me a set of nudes because I was dying to know what’s under the shirt of a man so hot I’d fuck his goddamn lunch”
He stills again, mouth slightly ajar to welcome another bite in. Putting the delicacy aside, he simply nods, not finding it in himself to word out anything to such a lewd confession.
After that encounter, you and Nanami stagnated. Too professional nods shared in the hallways, an order for one - for once, - in the nearby cafe, you pondered if you’ve ruined everything you two had going on, a sweet friendship that you threw away to honour your annoying horny.
The chat with him was unusually quiet all weekend, and you were head deep into your notes app, failing to formulate a makeshift apology for your inappropriate request. Words never stuck together right, and you were about to give up for the night, when a loud ping breeched the silence of your room.
Nanami Ken👨‍🦳: a video attachment.
Hands shaky, you open the dialogue too fast for your own good, finger tapping at the video the second it downloaded.
And you gasp. There, in a dim light of what you recognise to be Nanami’s kitchen, stands Nanami himself. Or so you guess, since his face is only there up to the nose.
Also, Nanami is naked.
Your silent room fills with small huffs and tiniest squelching sounds and your eyes blow wide. He’s stroking himself, perfect body flushed and glistening with sheen, his right hand moving characteristically for the deed. There are only glimpses of his dick, but what you manage to catch is impressive to say the least. Appetising.
He’s letting out the shallow moans, lips pressed tight, and you fail to hold your thighs from squeezing, barely restrained sounds of his pleasure exciting your own.
He’s close, and you anticipate to see his lips opening up to wash you over with what you believe will be the best moan of your life, but...
It’s so much fucking more.
Seconds away from climax, he yanks something from out of the frame and blood rushes to your core: a fucking sandwich sits atop of the table. Nanami shifts the camera with a shaky hand and you can see everything now: the full length, his contorted face, and how cum spurts lusciously out of his angry tip, covering up the bread and planting onto the lens in few drops.
Breathe in. Breathe out.
“Bon appetit, bun”
MDNI, reblogs and comments are welcome, eat well
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© 2022 AVEEGREX, all rights reserved. reposting and copying my works without my consent is forbidden.
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theminecraftbee · 2 years
Grian paces in front of the Entity. “Okay, but it definitely kept me alive,” he says. “Right? I had feather falling boots but that was too much of a coincidence all at once, it definitely kept me alive.” There’s a track in the dirt. “If it kept me alive, then—well of course I don’t know why, it’s—we’re both concerned here! I’m not an idiot—"
“…Grian?” asks Mumbo. Grian snaps to attention and turns to look at Mumbo. “You good there buddy?”
“Yep! Everything’s peachy over here!” He leans over against the Entity, trying to put on a charming, disarming grin. He misjudges and ends up flapping around like a bird someone had pushed off of a tree for a moment instead before scrambling back to his unconcerned position.
“Okay,” Mumbo says slowly, “because it sounds awfully like you were talking to your rock.”
“What? Psshaw. No. Perish the thought! To a rock. Really.” It wasn’t that subtle. No, shut up, it was about as subtle as he’s ever been. It’s not that subtle though. Not that the Entity can talk. Well, it’s had much less time to practice being subtle about things well it can suck Grian’s—
“Are you absolutely certain you’re okay?” Mumbo asks. “If you aren’t, I can always, er. Well I’m not entirely certain, but Scar still has a standing offer about vex magic that—”
“Absolutely not!” Grian yelps at the same time as the Entity yells about absolutely not allowing that in his head.
“Okay, okay, geez. You just seem a bit off, is all. Did something happen?”
And the thing is—did something? It had definitely saved Grian’s life. Maybe it liked Grian! But it wasn’t supposed to do that. Not that Grian would know, the Entity just keeps dropping these things—well it’s not like the Entity realized Grian wouldn’t understand—look, if the Rift is broken that’s a problem because Grian’s already started pulling out more limbs of the Entity and if they have a conflict on their hands that’s Bad. But just because the Entity doesn’t think it’s supposed to happen doesn’t mean that it’s bad, right? Grian’s meddled with plenty of things beyond the mortal ken without a pushy rock! Even if he hasn’t meddled with this—
“Grian? Hello? That’s it, I’m going to get either Xisuma or Scar, whoever I run into first.”
“No! There’s nothing wrong at my megabase that’s concerning me and also any beings I may or may not have invited into my head and we should absolutely stay neighbors because there’s no danger to you at all!” Grian blurts out.
Everyone—including the Entity—is silent for several long, agonizing seconds.
“That’s… specific,” Mumbo says diplomatically.
Grian turns to the Entity, giving up. “This is entirely your fault,” he complains. “Now we’re going to have an elf poking around at us.”
A pause.
He turns to Mumbo. He smiles. Mumbo steps back. “Uh, Grian. Not liking the expression there, I have to say. Maybe—maybe we will just forget this, how about? And I have another lump I can move to, really, this will all work out—”
The Entity whispers something in Grian’s ear. Grian listens.
If he can’t solve one problem, he can at least knock out another one. He’s not sure why he hadn’t thought of this sooner. Honestly, Mumbo won’t mind, will he? They’re friends! And, anyway, Mumbo won’t really remember until it’s done.
“I think it will all work out,” Grian says, and he opens his wings and steps towards Mumbo once more, cornering him against the side of his nearby base. “Don’t worry. I’m really excited to be neighbors!”
(Somewhere, Grian tries to reach to decide who’s thinking that, between him and the Entity. He gives up. It doesn’t matter, though. He has far too many other things going on to pay attention, right now.)
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saintkiri · 3 years
dom! draken | tr headcannon
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currently thinking about dom!draken
warnings: bdsm dynamics, dom/sub dynamics, dom!draken, spanking (once), non- established relationship (in the beginning), pet play (collar & leash), daddy kink, sex toys, edging, orgasm denial, pet names, punishment, car sex, exhibition, teasing, brat taming, semi-possessive!draken, cockwarming, aftercare, confessing feelings, and soft!draken in the end.
authors note: after a month of this being in my drafts..i finally got it done..finally. this is the first real piece besides my mini series that i have gotten out in the past two months?
tokyo revengers m.list
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dom!draken loves to punish you. it's simple really, he can't be having you acting like a brat in front of his friends. you didn't see any harm in it at first, you thought it would be fun..you also wanted to see the reaction that you would get out of it. "you think it's so funny!?" you bit the inside of your cheek, trying to hold back your laugh. he grabs your cheeks, squeezing them together, "you're gonna regret doing that shit." you raised your brow, trying to smirk, when suddenly you were forced on your knees, "good luck tryin' to cum tonight."
dom!draken loves edging you. as you're being punished, he can feel your orgasm coming. he's finger deep in that sweet cunt of yours, "k-ken! 'can't take it 'nymore." you gasp out, hearing his evil snicker, "you did so well for me today, doll." the pad of his index and middle finger gliding against your g-spot, "p-please." you begged. little whimpers of moans were leaving your mouth, "look how pretty you are, beggin' to cum." you try to clench your thighs together as an impulse, "don't you fuckin' dare." your 'sorry, daddy' pleads were blended with moans. just as you could feel your orgasm approaching, draken's fingers slowed down, "one more time."
dom!draken loves his toys. he has lots of them too. when you first met him -and made boundaries, he took you to a sex toy shop, and got an idea of what you liked and what you were into. before you two left there..he picked up a couple toys. as soon as you both got into his car, he pulled behind the shop, turning off his car, "pants off now." you knew what would happen if you were to say no, so you obeyed. you slid off your jeans, "now, panties." as you slid them down -to your ankles, you watched him go through the black shopping bag, then pulled out a remote controlled vibrator, "we're going out t'night."
dom!draken loves taking his time with you. he could eat you out for hours. his tongue lapping over your puffy and sensitive clit, your moans were music to his ears, hearing all your begs and pleads drives him to do more. his hands wrapped around your thighs, forcing them to stay open as he devours you. "taste so fuckin' good, doll." his tongue works its magic to make you come. draken knows when you're about to come, your moans become more drastic, "c'mon, cum for me. i know you want to." and again, this happens over and over again until you're begging, or he's done with you.
dom!draken loves to experiment with you. pet play? he's done it with his other subs, but they weren't like you. your puppy eyes, with your puffy lips were just meant for this! he even got you a cute 'lil collar! it's a black leather collar with a gold hoop, and a D gold charm. draken was sitting at the foot of the bed, you were naked, sitting on your knees waiting for instructions like the good 'lil sub you are. "crawl." one word, many meanings. and you knew damn well what would happen if you didn't listen. so, you did as you were told. you got on all fours, as he gently pulled the leash, and crawled to him, "good 'lil pup." his smile gleamed with pride. you watched him slowly start to undo his belt, you moved a little closer, your eyes and smile widening. "if you gonna drool, do it over my cock, will 'ya?"
dom!draken loves payback. and boy is it a bitch. you decided to play little games with him. at first it was simple, you rolled your eyes, then it went onto edging him. and god, he was pissed. he was right there, so close to painting your walls white. you were riding him, when suddenly, you stopped. before you could blink, you were on your stomach. your ass up, back arched, hands pinned behind your back. his other had was pressing you into the mattress, "you think that shit's funny?" you giggled nonchalantly. the sound of his hand slapping against your ass ringed through your ears, "yeah, now what's so funny?"
dom!draken loves car sex. especially with you. you and him had just gone out with his friends to a bar. he saw you talking to some other man, and jealously fueled him. he's possessive over you..and he wasn't shy about it. he sent you a pretty straight forward text; meet me in my car in 5. you did what you were told, you walked to his car -which he moved farther away from the bar, seeing him leaning against it. the next thing you knew it, he was fucking you so hard you could see stars. "'don't wanna see -fuck- you talking' to another man." his thrusts became more harsh, not caring if someone were to walk by and hear you two fucking. it was honestly an even more of a turn on for you both.
dom!draken loves cockwarming. he loves watching you squirm on his cock, hearing you beg for more. it wasn't planned, but watching you try for more ignites something in him. you lost track of time, you were laying against his chest, as his cock was against your sweet spot. every time you begged, he added on five minutes. every time you squirmed, he added on five minutes. but you had enough, you sat yourself up, moaning softly from the friction, "daddy, please move. i-i've been a good girl! i just- i just wanna feel you-" he cuts you off with a soft slap to the cheek, "you are feeling me, doll. and what did i say 'bout you beggin'?" you brought out the puppy eyes, crossing your arms, "f-five minutes added on." he gave you a couple soft taps to your cheek, "if you would've waited another couple minutes..i would have been able to take care of ya’." he let out a couple tsk's, "naughty pup. s-so naughty. can't listen to one damn rule, can you?"
dom!draken loves aftercare. although draken is a hard dom, he cares about you and aftercare. after you both finish, he immediately gets up, he walks to the bathroom, and turns on the shower. when he walks out, his eyes wander to your shaking legs, "you think you can walk?" you shake your head with a laugh. he picks you up bridal style, and gently puts you down in the shower. as he shampoos your hair, he leaves small kisses on your next, "was everything-" you cut him off with a small laugh, "yes, draken. everything was great. i told you that i would tell you if there was something wrong. or if there was something i didn't like." he playfully slaps your ass, warning you about interrupting him. "i know, but i just wanted to check up on 'ya." you turn around, washing out the shampoo, "i care 'bout you, y/n. 'ya know that, right?" you nod with a smile, leaning in to kiss him. this kiss wasn't a role-play..dominate kiss. this kiss..was filled with lust and love. in that moment, you both knew how you both really felt about each other, and in that moment, he showed you for the first time how he really felt.
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tr taglist: @haitanihime @twiixiies (feel free to join my taglist!!)
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vaguely-concerned · 3 years
I just replayed jaws of hakkon again and the avvar still fucking rule honestly haha. listening to all these chantry-educated people (listen I love you all but you are being so RUDE I can't take you anywhere!!!!) lose their goddamn minds over how they treat magic while the avvar side eye them like '...okay weirdos' never fails to bring me joy.
BUT also since the avvar take a bunch of inspiration from scandinavian culture, I thought I'd put on my friendly neighbourhood norwegian hat and muse about some of them!
- most people probably know this by now, but 'storvacker' means literally 'big beautiful' with swedish spelling haha. (with kind of an implication that it's beautiful because it's big, or that the bigness is integral to the beauty? it's really quite sweet as a name)
- hakkon seems to be a riff on håkon/haakon (listen I don't have time to explain all the tedious langague history right now but let's say for short that the pronounciation is the same either way and from a norwegian pov it has a lot to do with being under danish rule for a couple of hundred years there) which is a very common name for scandinavian kings through the ages. and yes a bunch of them did love them some war so it's not a bad choice at all! the current norwegian crown prince is named haakon (and his dad is harald, which is one of the other most common name for kings. there's also a 'sverre magnus' in the family now, so between them they hit about 75% of all norwegian kings through the ages lmao)
- avvar poetry works somewhat along the lines of traditional norse poetry, being heavy on the alliteration and kennings and heiti (essentially turning perfectly normal words into metaphors and shit, calling a boat a 'wave-steed' would be an example, often to ensure the alliteration haha. one of the reasons odin has so many fucking names, you can find a way to alliterate that dude with just about anything through pseudonym.)
- more on names because it's h i l a r i o u s to me for some reason-- the fisherman dude you meet on the shore and who would otherwise be perfectly forgettable? well, his name is arvid rolfsen. having a character named 'arvid rolfsen' in a fantasy universe is like... that's just a normal man. like 'that's the name of my denist' level of just some guy. dragon age often does the fantasy name balancing by having at least either the first name or surname be kind of unusual/fantasy-ized, but those are simply two incredibly common names hahaha.
avvar names ending in '-sen' and '-dotten' is a very obvious parallel to how scandinavian surnames traditionally work (and still do in iceland), in that it's 'parent's name' + sen/son (son) or dotter/dottir (daughter). however. in changing the female ending of that to 'dotten'. some Things have happened, to my norwegian ear. namely that 'dott' (which turns into 'dotten' in the definite singular form, the dott as it were) means... hm.
1) most literally, something like a small untidy ball or clump of something, like hay, dust, wool -- my instinctive translation would be something like 'fluffball', probably.
2) a useless weakwilled hapless and naive but ultimately harmless person
3) slang term (though a mild one) for the vagina. yup it's another one of those, as if boba 'fett' didn't already fill that particular cross-language hilarity niche (though that one is a whole league more obscene and technically dialect). especially 'kuldsdotten swamp' (so something like... the cold ahem ahem swamp) conjures... Imagery.
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kaijime · 4 years
Can I get some dom Kenma please? The thought of that man choking me makes my brain go brrrr
learn your lesson
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includes. kenma kozume
cw. fem reader, dom content, lingerie?, begging, panty stuffing, choking, bratty reader, masturbation
wc. 1.2k words
a/n. isn’t it funny how a piece of lingerie can inspire to write a request that’s been in your inbox for over a month?... yeah...
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It’s been a long time since you and Kenma got in the mood. It always took a lot of convincing to take him to bed, but as much as he whined about it he would always take over with as dominant. Even if you were on top, he’d control your every move, telling you how to do this, when to do that, etc.
It’s frustrating to be in the mood for him while he’s busy playing with his friends, and teasing him often led to trouble, but it was the quickest way to get him to pound you into the mattress. Maybe that’s why you decided to tease him.
You looked at yourself one last time in the mirror, everything seemed to be in place. The blue mesh hugged the curve of your breast, while small flower patterns were littered on the fabric. You’d bought this a long time ago, but you’d never had a chance to wear it for him.
Well not until now.
You made your way to his gaming room, not too far away from your bedroom, but you could still feel your stomach sink on the way there, the anticipation for his reaction was killing you, but having second thoughts right now was an idiotic idea.
There was no taking it back, not when you’d already pushed the door open and walked over to stand next to him. Even if you were right by his side, he didn’t even spare you a glance.
“Kenma?” You called out to him, he just shook his hand in your direction. It was his little way of telling you ‘not right now’, it was also your last chance to go back to your room, take off your little outfit and avoid a punishment. But you weren’t going down now, you made it this far.
You swung a leg over his, positioning yourself between his lap and rubbing up against his bulge. His eyes fell on your exposed body, finally giving you the attention you needed, even if it was just a small look.
“Kenma?” You repeated, this time in a sing-song voice, teasing him even further. Even if he hadn’t said a word, you knew what was going on in his mind: he was searching for ways to make you cry, to make you suffer for what you did.
“What is this?” The questions fell off his lips in a sweet tone, like he knew exactly what this was, but he wanted to hear it straight from your mouth.
“I missed you Kenma, I’ve been so needy and-... a-and I want you” you whispered close to his ear.
“Want me to do what, kitten?” He teased.
“Want you to fill me up, to stuff me full, please...”
“What was that Kenma? You’re cutting off” you heard Kuroo’s voice over the blonde’s headphones,
“Yeah, my internet is acting strange” he shot you a look with something you couldn’t quite decipher, it was a mix of anger and lust “I’m gonna mute myself for a second, see if it works better”
“Alright” Kuroo replied. As soon as he muted his microphone he put the controller aside and put his hands on either sides of your hips, straddling you against his already hard member.
Aside from the feelings of want and need you were going through, you also had a sense of pride. You’d convinced him to fuck you, and all you had to do was put on a pretty outfit for him. Normally there would be a punishment involved, but this time he’d gotten down so easily. How foolish of you to think that.
You leaned in to kiss him, your lips barely inches from each other and if you’d just go closer... but he stopped you. He let out a warm chuckle, and at first you thought nothing of it, until one of his hands came up from your hip to your jaw, holding it with brute force. He didn’t care of he’d leave a bruise, he just wanted to teach you a lesson.
“Ah- Kenma... let go, it hurts” your hand grips his wrist, trying to tear his hand away to no avail.
“Oh, but I thought you liked it when it hurt, I though you said you were my little masochist, aren’t you?”
“Y-yes but this isn-“
“Shut up, you brought this onto yourself, stand up and take off your panties” he instructed. You stood up, still on top of him and slid off the revealing piece of clothing. When you were about to throw it to the side he grabbed it in his hand and lowered you down just enough to have a small space between his crotch and your dripping heat.
He’d made it clear he was going to punish you, but the fact you didn’t know how he was going to do it was killing you slowly.
You watched as he bunched up the panties in one of his hands and took said hand to your cunt, prodding his fabric covered fingers at your hole.
“Kenma, what are you-“
“You better not start whining, you said you wanted to be stuffed” he pushed the mesh fabric in your hole with one finger and watched as your face was turned into a lewd mess.
“Y-yeah but not-“
“You didn’t say how you wanted to be stuffed, so you better take it now. You ungrateful whore, I give you what you’ve been asking for and you give me such a shitty response?” He clicked his tongue, seemingly in disappointment. He continued to shove the underwear up your heat as you held onto his shoulders.
“Hahh-! Kenma!” He shushed you before tucking the last piece of fabric between your folds and running his hands through your heat, he touched the small strings that hung out of your hole and lightly tugged them.
“When will you learn to shut up?” He seemed so much meaner than other days, maybe you pushed him over the edge today. “I’ve had enough of your bratty behavior”
“‘m sorry, just wanted you to fuck me, pl-please” you begged. At least you felt full, you told yourself.
“You’re always playing these tricks and you always end up getting punished, haven’t you learned your lesson?” At that moment you played with the thought of telling him you hadn’t, maybe he’d finally give you what you wanted and fuck you.
“So what if I- if I haven’t learned my lesson? What are you going to do about it?” Those were the last words you were able to mutter out before you felt his hand wrap around your neck and lift you a bit higher.
“What am I going to do? Hm, I’m not going to do anything. You? You’re going to lay down on the floor and play with yourself until you cum” he commanded.
“But I can’t if I have these inside” you grabbed the little strings and showed them to Kenma as proof.
“I don’t care how you do it, but you’re going to make it happen. Understood?” He looked at you with cold eyes, and didn’t even give you a second to think about it before a hard slap hit your thigh. He repeated his question “Understood?”
“Yes, daddy” and with that you lifted yourself and laid on the floor, massaging your clit in hopes it would magically made you cum. You knew it wouldn’t, you never came just from touching your clit, but any effort was good when you were trying to escape your inevitable punishment.
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©️ mi1kkbread 2020 | all content belongs to mi1kkbread, do not modify or repost
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quinntheebrain · 3 years
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The first of my inspired by music pieces
Paring: Future!Draken x Reader
Rating: SFW
Fic: Fluff, romance
Author’s Note: I used _____ instead of y/n cause I wanted to see how I liked it. I really hate seeing “y/n” for some reason lol
“Castle on a hill / let’s build it out of steel / girl, I know that this love, it will last / journey up the road / ain’t gotta take it slow / you know that I don’t want no one else … It’s like heaven, oh, feels like heaven when I’m with you”
Draken is the type of man who appreciates every moment every moment with you. Whether it’s some grand occasion or cuddling on the couch watching tv — he cherishes them all the same. But, if he had to pick his favorite moments with you, it would be when he whisks you away on his bike — embarking on random adventures and taking pictures with the Polaroid camera you got him. It’s similar to what’s happening right now, but instead of his bike, you’re riding in his car. Also this isn’t some random adventure, though Draken won’t tell you where you’re going. The camera hangs from the rear view mirror, his left hand intertwined with your right, a nice breeze kissing your face, your playlist and Draken’s heartwarming smile — the ingredients for the perfect car ride.
“Where are we going?” you ask for the millionth time, interrupting Draken’s rendition of Isaiah Rashad’s verse on West Savannah. He cuts his eyes at you for a second before continuing to rap the lyrics without saying a word to you. “I’ll cut it off,” you threaten him, raising your phone to remind him that you are in charge of music.
“Damn,” you hear him playfully smack his teeth, “just enjoy the ride. we’re almost there.” he smiles, cutting up the music before you have a chance to reply.
You pout, but he doesn’t notice — too busy concentrating on the winding roads. Deciding to leave him because he looks particularly focused, you look out the window — lush green trees waving as Draken speeds past. Before you know it the destination leaves your mind and the journey is all that matters. Your playlist flows from one melodic song into the next, creating a smooth ride with zero skips. Soon enough Draken is pulling over on the side of the road — a few miles from the town you rode through and a good distance from the closest house. He grabs the camera and exits the car, you skeptically follow suit.
“Um,” you examine your surroundings, eyes taking in the open field. “where are we?”
“Our future home,” he laughs, quickly pulling out the camera to snap a photo, capturing your confused face. The sound of the film emerging is akin to a timer — Draken is just waiting for the lightbulb in your brain to go off. He places it in his oversized pocket to shield it from the sun — he’d hate for exposure to ruin this perfect photo.
“I’m confused.”
“It’s a plot of land.”  he narrows his gaze — you’re smart but sometimes he worries. “I bought it. I’m paying a contractor to build our house here.” simple sentences that work magic. Your confusion turns into pure joy and he snaps a photo just as you begin to cry. He does the same thing — placing the photo in his pocket — before joining you on the land. He’s behind you, hands around your waist as he utters romantic words.
“You’re joking,” you laugh, completely overwhelmed.
“I’m so serious.”
“We’re an hour from the city. What about the shop?” panic ensues, eyes wide in fear. Had he thought about the consequences of his actions. everything he’s worked so hard for is in Tokyo
“Some days I’ll take the train, some days I’ll drive. It’s pretty peaceful.” He shrugs, “you work from home.”
“Your apartment?”
“We can keep it for when we want to stay in Tokyo.”
“But we’re not even —,”
Draken has a solution for every problem you bring up — this is no different. He’s a mind reader, not allowing you to finish your foolish statement as he slips a ring in your finger. to Draken it doesn’t matter if you were married or not, but now feels like the time — everyday with you is perfect. the metal is cool against your skin — it’s the only way you know this moment is real. rings have never been your accessory of choice; it feels so forgein, but this engagement ring feels right. “but we can be,” his voice vibrates against your ear. “Marry me,” he places a gentle kiss on your cheek. it’s more of a statement and less of a question but he still expects an answer. all you can do is nod enthusiastically — forgetting how to even speak. “Oi, say something,” he teases, squeezing you tight.
“Yes,” you turn around to meet his gaze with teary eyes. hand snaking around his neck, pulling him down so you can kiss him.
He learned his lesson long ago — tell the people you love that you love them while they’re still around to hear you say it. But honest and responsible Draken has never been a man of many words, he’s a man of action. He’s not too cool to show you he loves you — he’s well past that phase of his life.
It’s silent on your ride from the plot of land that will soon be your shared home — the home you’ll eventually start a family in. The home where you’ll host events and gather with your friends. You’re looking out the window as Draken drives through the countryside, absentmindedly turning the ring on your finger while you watch the stars. He takes small glances every now and then to make sure you’re still awake and admire your beautiful side profile. “This is like heaven,” he says, squeezing your thigh, imagining your future together.  “I love you, ____.”
Turning toward him with a sincere smile, a smile that makes him blush, you reply, “I love you too, Ken.”
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