#east falkland island
eopederson · 4 months
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Sheep and penguins, East Falkland Island, Islas Malvinas, 2022.
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endlingmusings · 1 year
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The fossilized skull of a Falkland Islands wolf, a rare find given the islands’ often acidic soil, which makes preservation difficult. Found on the grounds of Spring Point Farm on West Falkland, the skull is now on display at the Falkland Islands Museum and National Trust, East Falkland. [ x ]
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cardboardheartss · 1 month
Countries NEWJEANS Members Would Like To Visit
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KNoS, AoC (10oC), Magician
- Tasmania, Caribbean, Falkland Islands, South Africa
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6oC, 5oS, 10oC
- West Africa, Chile, Vanuatu, New Zealand, Micronesia, South Africa, South Asia, Colombia, Venezuela
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PoS, 8oS, Star, 2oS
- West Africa, Eastern Europe, Mongolia , Falkland Islands, Caribbean, Argentina
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6oC, 9oS, 4oP, 4oC, 9oP, The Chariot, AoW
- West Africa, Chile, Vanuatu, Southern Europe, Mongolia, Oceania, West Europe, Mediterranean, Asia, East Africa
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WoF, KNoW, The Lovers, The Devil
- Suriname, Guyana, Victoria (Oceania), North America, New Zealand, Peru, Western Europe, East Asia, Solomon island, New Caledonia, Australia, Uruguay, Bolivia, North Africa, Caribbean
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~ Haerins list is soooo much longer compared to the other members, but I mean it makes sense because she had mentioned that she really enjoys watching travel vlogs on YouTube!!
~ also not 3/5 of the members wanting to visit the Caribbean! that made me giggle while shuffling the cards lol!!😆
~ also Hyein and Hanni wanting to come to South Africa?! OML if they actually visit and I literally meet them irl I’m going to cry!!🥲
( I’m literally crying while thinking about it rn lol 😫🙏🏽)
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wajjs · 4 months
Have you ever wondered what interest the UK has in occupying two islands that are 12 thousand kilometers away, over 191 years?
(Text over the image within the dark blue square: The forceful takeover of the Malvinas in 1833 wasn’t an isolated event: it answered to a policy that sought to ensure the influence of the United Kingdom on the American continent.)
The colonization of the Islas Malvinas (Falkland Islands) reveals some of the motives of the colonization that began in January 3, 1833:
Around 1 thousand kilometers away, down south, is Antarctica, territory over which the UK maintains sovereignty claims that overlap with Argentina’s and Chile’s.
(Antarctica has 70% of the world’s fresh water reserves, plus large quantities of minerals and hydrocarbons.)
To the East is the Atlantic Ocean, where the UK also has control over the Georgias Islands and Sandwich Island, Tristan da Cunha, Santa Elena and Ascensión—where the UK has an air base.
(Text within the dark blue square: the Atlantic is the most traveled ocean in the planet and brings 1.5 billion of dollars per year to the global economy.
The UK owns a chain of islands that surrounds South America: The Georgias Islands, Sandwich Island, Tristan da Cunha, Santa Elena and Ascensión.
The air base in the Ascensión Island is used together by the UK and USA.)
To the West, there’s the uninhabited Patagonia and the passages of Drake, Beagle and Magallanes, the only pathways that connect the Pacific with the Atlantic ocean beyond the Panamá canal.
(In the Pacific Ocean, the UK owns the Pitcairn Islands since 1838.)
Up North there’s South America with its invaluable riches, and the Caribbean islands that are part of the British crown, plus the tail end of the Cuenca del Plata—through which millions of tons of food are transported to the rest of the world.
(British colonies: British Virgin Islands, the Turcas and Caicos, the Bermudas, Caiman, Montserrat and Anguilla.
Members of the British commonwealth: Guyana, Barbados, Dominica, and Trinidad y Tobago.
Members of the British commonwealth that recognize UK’s monarchy as the supreme authority: Antigua y Barbuda, San Vicente and the Granadinas, Belice, Canada, Granada, Bahamas, Jamaica, Santa Lucia and San Cristóbal and Nieves.
Free sailing/travel through the Cuenca del Plata was always of interest to the UK, which culminated in the War of Parana in 1845-1850.)
Having control over the islands means having control over an enormous maritime surface, with control of maritime traffic and exploitation of fishing and hydrocarbon resources.
(The sovereignty of the Islas Malvinas also includes Islas Georgias and Sandwich del Sur, plus the maritime spaces around them, which in total constitute a surface of 2.600.000 km².
-The fishing industry in Islas Malvinas extracted 26 thousand millions of dollars in the last 40 years.
-It’s foreseen that in 2025 the oil exploitation will start in the islands.)
Maybe all of that explains why the Islas Malvinas are one of the most heavily militarized territories in the world, where the biggest military base of the southern hemisphere operates.
(The military, missile, naval and air base “Monte Agradable” is located 700km away from continental Antartida.
With around 1500 soldiers over a population of 3000 people total, the Islas Malvinas is one of the most militarized territories in the planet.)
Despite all the protests and arguments from Argentina, the UK maintains ownership of the islands for 191 years, violating the territorial integrity and Argentina’s maritime and bicontinental integrity.
Until our flag (Argentina’s) flies over the islands again, we must continue to denounce that the Islas Malvinas are and will be Argentina’s, always.
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bantarleton · 1 year
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8 Dec 1914, Royal Navy defeats German East Asia Squadron in Battle of the Falkland Islands in S Atlantic. British battlecruisers outgunned opponents & could outrun them. 6 of 8 German ships sunk. 1,871 killed including Vice-Adm Spee & his 2 sons. 215 captured. 10 British killed.
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manessha545 · 4 months
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A memorial unveiled in 2007 to the SS Atlantic Conveyor at Cape Pembroke in the Falkland Islands (See Last photo)
Cape Pembroke Lighthouse
Cape Pembroke is the most easterly point of the Falkland Islands and lies just over 7 miles due east of Stanley. It is thought to have been named in the eighteenth century after Thomas, Earl of Pembroke and Montgomery, Lord High Admiral from 1690 to 1709.
An automated 18 metres (59 ft) lighthouse on Cape Pembroke was built in 1855, and rebuilt in 1906, and was restored in the 1990s. Previously, the nearby Billy Rock offshore had claimed fifteen ships, and there were unlit markers here.
The original light used rape seed oil, but as it burnt a thousand gallons a year, sea lion oil was attempted as a substitute. When it was rebuilt in 1906, it was converted to paraffin and worked by clockwork. After World War II a less romantic structure was built to the east.
A small lighthouse keepers cottage used to stand here. The lighthouse itself is now a listed building
Cape Pembroke - Wikipedia
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usafphantom2 · 9 months
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The story of the RAF Phantom who "asked" for refueling in flight of a KC-130 from Argentina
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 20/08/2023 - 15:13 in History, Military
The F-4 Phantom formed an important part of the Royal Air Force (RAF) combat aircraft force for more than twenty years and provided the British service with one of the most capable attack fighters in the world. Once, a crew of an RAF Phantom, as a joke, asked for fuel from an Argentine Air Force KC-130 flying over the Falklands.
Two versions of the Phantom with a Rolls Royce Spey engine went into service in the Royal Air Force. The FG1 (the version also used by the Royal Navy) in the role of interceptor and the FGR2 in the ground attack and in the tactical reconnaissance role in Germany.
From 1977, all the Phantoms of the British Royal Air Force were used ALMOST exclusively as interceptor fighters in the airspace of the United Kingdom.
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The following story titled "Surprise" appeared in Richard Pike's book, "Phantom Boys Volume 2".
"With the potential, as they say, to shoot in the foot, there was irony and surprise in the situation. But there it was, an important day, a day of new beginnings, a day of 1993 that was recorded in many diaries. When the colonel himself entered the crew room - a colonel who turned out to be big, mustachioed, exuberant - a sudden silence fell on the room. When squadron leader Archie Liggat, as commanding officer of Squadron 234, a unit of tactical weapons and advanced training in the RAF Valley in Anglesey, stepped forward, shook the colonel's hand and said: "May I introduce some of my employees and students, sir..." And as Archie went through the subtleties, he was aware that each move of his was under the scrutiny "Good weather, isn't it?" routines, he felt, deep down, the pressure of secondary agendas. Perhaps he fed thoughts that, despite the demonstration of joviality, the colonel could be hard, petty and selfish - not that Archie had anything against the subject personally, only that, given the circumstances, it was difficult not to feel more than a little confused by the process. And few would argue that the procedures were, to say the least, quite unusual.
It was three years earlier, on a day in October 1990, when Archie was a Phantom pilot based in the Falkland Islands, that the scenario was set up for the remarkable reunion that would take place, totally by chance, during the colonel's visit to Valley. On the one hand, it was by chance that Archie, along with his colleagues, was on rapid reaction alert service (QRA) on that specific day in the Falklands. The men were prepared to react, if necessary, while waiting in a special crew room next to a hangar with two fully armed Phantom FGR2s. On the day in question, Archie and his colleagues were informed of a special request from the Argentine government regarding a large section of Antarctic ice, part of the renowned Wilkins ice shelf, which detached and was adrift in the South Atlantic seas. The Wilkins ice shelf, evidently stable for most of the 20th century, began to fragment. Concerned about the effects of global warming, scientific researchers from Argentina were eager to make detailed observations of the air.
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As the aircraft to be used for these observations, a Lockheed C-130 Hercules operated by the Argentine Air Force (Fuerza Aerea Argentina or FAA), had limited range, the Argentines requested permission to fly over the Falkland Inner Conservation and Management Zone (FICZ). As this would be the first flight of this type by an FAA aircraft after the 1982 war, the subject was controversial. However, the UK government agreed to the flight on the condition that the C-130, when crossing the FICZ, was accompanied by two RAF Phantoms. To deal with language difficulties, Spanish-speaking air traffic controllers would be available at the Phantom base at RAF Mount Pleasant in East Falkland.
This is how the two QRA Phantoms took off that spring day in the Falklands to intercept, identify and escort the Argentine aircraft. The plan worked as planned and did not take long for Archie, as a pilot of the first QRA aircraft, to maintain the training on the left side of the C-130. When in position, he noticed that the Argentine aircraft, in addition to camouflage insignia and paint, was similar to the RAF C-130s of flight 1312 based at Mount Pleasant. The latter was modified to offer an in-flight refueling facility that the Phantoms occasionally used. While Archie and his navigator made a sentry on the left side of the Argentine, the other Phantom pilot maneuvered judiciously while his navigator took pictures. The Phantom crews did not make radio contact with the Argentine opposing numbers, although some polite nods occurred from time to time. With the C-130's cruising speed of less than 300 knots, the progress through the FICZ seemed, after a while, slow - in fact, strangely slow, actually tedious to the point that Archie started to get quite bored.
Possibly, at that point, Archie's thoughts may have wandered in different directions, including, perhaps, mental images of home, of his birthplace in Grantown-on-Spey, in the Scottish Highlands ... Suddenly, Archie had an idea; an idea he discussed with his navigator, which seemed quite amused with the absurd proposition. During the training, they discovered that the escorted aircraft was one of the two FAA KC-130s, a type of Hercules based on the U.S. Marine Corps variant used for in-flight refueling. Archie decided to accelerate his two levers to reposition the Phantom; he wanted to be fully visible to the Argentine cockpit crew. He then lowered his left hand of the two levers to the fuel panel below. With his eyes still watching Hercules, Archie's fingers carefully groped the switch of the in-flight refueling probe. The distinct shape of this switch was promptly identified. Now, when he operated the switch, Archie and his navigator heard the typical thuds and noises that indicated the movement of his flight refueling probe. When the device, normally leveled with the fuselage by the cockpit, left its housing, the movement signaled a standard silent procedural message interpreted by the aviators as: "I would like some fuel, please!"
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The response of the Hercules cockpit crew was immediate: the heads of both pilots turned to look at their escort. Meanwhile, several other crew members, with interrogative facial expressions, began to crowd against the side windows. The replica could be imagined:
“They're crazy!”
"How can we deal with these people?"
“They must be stressed!”
"It's a stratagem."
"No, it's just a joke. Let's play together. With this, one of the Hercules men smiled at the Phantom crew and made a positive sign. Thus encouraged, Archie maneuvered backwards to adopt the standard "waiting" position of replenishment. After a moment or two, to his astonishment, Hercules' refueling basket took a slight turn before starting to emerge from the hose drum unit. As the fuel line slowly stretched, Archie followed her back and began to move to a refueling position. At this juncture, however, the captain of Hercules must have decided that the prank had already gone too far: the hose bumped until it stopped, stopped and then was quickly rolled back into his accommodation. Archie has now eased his levers forward to resume his previous position in the Hercules cockpit. When he was there, he briefly lowered the oxygen mask to make an exaggeratedly taciturn expression. The reaction of Hercules' crew was intriguing: even more faces appeared on the side windows, all with wide smiles. Some shook their heads from side to side and shook their fingers as if they were a mischievous student.
Meanwhile, the captain of Hercules raised his cup of coffee in greeting, a sign that Archie interpreted as "no resentment". He therefore retracted his refueling probe and maintained a slightly broader formation as if indicating: 'Okay. It's agreed!' For the next hour, Archie maintained this position as the formation flew on the planned course that took the aircraft directly over the Mount Pleasant airfield and then towards the eastern limit of the FICZ. When there, Archie complied with the internationally agreed signal 'you are free to proceed' before giving a cheerful nod and moving sharply to the left as he headed back to Mount Pleasant.
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After landing, Archie and the other crew members were duly informed by intelligence officers who asked adequately intelligent questions. As usual, there were forms to fill out, documents to sign, do this and that to ensure a satisfactory bureaucratic progression, but in a short time, in the hustle and bustle of a hectic life, the incident began to retreat to the back of Archie's mind. In fact, three years passed before memory was awakened, three years during which he moved from Leuchars to the 74º Squadron at the RAF Wattisham in Suffolk, where, among other functions, he was the acrobatic exhibition pilot of the Phantom - the last type in the RAF. In the fall of 1992, coinciding with the transition from RAF Wattisham to the Army Air Corps, he was assigned to the RAF Valley as commanding officer of the 234º Squadron, a training unit whose motto 'ignem mortemque despuimus' may have instilled a sense of admiration in the student body. (especially when they learned the meaning - 'we
Perhaps this motto was also appropriate when issues related to Argentina arose, although, as it has been about ten years since the Falklands War, efforts were underway to normalize relations. As part of this process, a new Argentine air attaché was appointed, a colonel who was being introduced to staff at several Royal Air Force stations throughout the country, including RAF Valley. With the choice of Squadron 234 as one of the units to be visited, on the day in question employees and students lined up to receive their important guest. To greet the colonel, the officers' cafeteria had provided tea with adequate tea cups, cutlery, fine cookies, sandwiches, buttoons and everything.
When the colonel finally arrived, he turned out to be a great man, of an exuberant nature, who seemed to go well with a mustache that could have made the legendary 'Biggles' proud. To accompany the colonel, elegantly uniformed members of the aeronautical attaché's team were accompanied by a group of senior officers of the Royal Air Force. In contrast, Archie and his men wore their normal day-to-day flight suits. When Archie made the appropriate presentations, he was relieved to see that the colonel was an affable guy who talked freely with everyone present. Perhaps it was even more surprising, therefore, when the colonel suddenly stopped talking to look, stunned, at a badge he had just seen in Archie's flying costume. The badge, innocuous enough for Archie to think, revealed the achievement of 1,000 hours of flight in a Phantom.
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"Have you ever been to the Falklands?" asked the colonel. An embarrassed silence came down over the room.
“Yes, sir. On several occasions," Archie said, "although we called the islands something else." He looked nervously around the room. Some of the top officers of the Royal Air Force made an ugly face in disapproval.
"On several occasions?"
“Yes. I was assigned to fly in Phantoms.
"Interesting," said the colonel. After a break, he continued: "In fact, I flew there myself."
“In fact. That's... in a way.
“It must have been about three years ago. I was aboard a C-130 that was allowed to fly over the Falklands — the first FAA aircraft to do so since the war. We had to be escorted by two Phantoms, one of whom pretended to need in-flight refueling from our C-130." The colonel laughed and continued: "It was all a joke, of course. But he broke the ice, so to speak, and the captain of the C-130 was willing to play together to a certain extent."
Immediately, Archie waved to one of his students, whispered a message that made the student run to come back after a moment or two with Archie's logbook. Sneaking hurriedly, Archie found a specific page with a loosely inserted photograph. He extracted the photograph and showed it to the colonel whose face, while studying the photo, seemed at first shocked, then confused, amused and surprised. "Is this you...?" said the colonel. "Yes, sir. I was on duty that day - I was the Phantom pilot who pretended to need refueling in flight."
“My God...” The colonel stared at Archie and then, in a spontaneous act, patted him on the shoulder, shook his hand vigorously and grabbed him in a bear hug. Now, in a growing spirit of munificence, the colonel rummaged through his pocket to take out a leather bag that contained a medal from the Argentine aviation academy. Without further ado, the colonel solemnly fixed the medal on Archie's flying costume before, with his mustache bristled with pride, took a step back and greeted our gallant protagonist.
With this, the conversation in the room resumed while poor Archie, while struggling to recover from the momentary vertigo induced by such extravagance, was relieved to see that the group of senior officers of the Royal Air Force now seemed a little less sad. Maybe Archie felt a little dizzy, taken by surprise by the bizarre and unplanned experience. Was it, however, totally unplanned? Reflecting, Archie concluded that the colonel seemed, in some way, pre-prepared. If not, why carry such a medal anyway? Certainly not at the chance of finding some random individual who instantly needed one?
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Finally, when the colonel and his group made mention of leaving, he approached Archie to shake his hand warmly. “Goodbye, my friend. Please pay a visit to the Argentine air academy one day, huh?"
“Thank you, sir. That would be... Archie suddenly noticed the way the colonel was looking at him. When the colonel nodded and turned to leave, Archie got the clear impression that he knew all the time who Archie was. He could never be sure, of course, and as he watched the Argentine officer and his entourage leave, Archie realized that all that strange episode would have to remain one of life's little surprises.
Merely illustrative images
Source: The Aviation Geek Club
Tags: Military AviationFAA - Fuerza Aerea Argentina/Força Aérea ArgentinaFalklands/Malvinas WarHISTORYRAF - Royal Air Force/Royal Air Force
Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Daytona Airshow and FIDAE. He has works published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. Uses Canon equipment during his photographic work around the world of aviation.
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justforbooks · 1 year
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Although he was acclaimed as a travel writer, Jonathan Raban, who has died aged 80, disliked the term. He agreed with his fellow writer Bruce Chatwin, who famously turned down the Thomas Cook award, that the term was too limiting. He said he found it an “open form”, which was perfect for him because “I write between genres anyway”. When asked why, unlike Chatwin, he accepted the Cook award twice, he said: “I was hungry for prizes.”
He was also hungry to travel, to get away from his roots. The leaving of Britain formed a crucial part of much of his writing, even as he sailed around the island in Coasting (1986). The heart of his work was set on water; his writing mirrors the movement of the sea, its calm with turmoil always lurking beneath, taking you along with it, hiding and revealing. He mixes literary sources and knowledge with the people and places encountered on his journey; he’s less exotic than Chatwin, less caustic than Paul Theroux, but all of it comes in service to his real journey, within himself, escaping into travel. “Wherever I was, I felt like an outsider,” he said, and it is a feeling that permeates his writing, though he was drawn to America, a land of immigrants: the freedom of adjusting to this new world, and its contrasts with his old, became a major theme.
What he was escaping was the English world into which he was born, in Hempton, Norfolk. He was three when he first met his father, the Rev Canon J Peter CP Raban, an army captain returning from the second world war. He grew up in various parish postings, and his father came to represent “the Conservative party, the army, the church, the public school system in person”. It was his mother, Monica (nee Sandison), who “taught me to read, which was my one proficiency”.
He despised boarding school, to which he was sent at five, and eventually studied English at Hull University, where he organised a library committee in order to meet Philip Larkin, notoriously adept at avoiding students. They discussed novels and jazz, but never poetry. He married a fellow student, Bridget Johnson, in 1964. After graduating he taught English and American literature at Aberystwyth, then at East Anglia; he was captivated by American writers, particularly Saul Bellow, Bernard Malamud and Philip Roth, and published a study of Mark Twain’s Huckleberry Finn.
In 1969, he moved to London as a freelance writer, on the recommendation of Malcolm Bradbury, falling into the last hurrah of the Grub Street era, reviewing while living in the basement of the house shared by the poet Robert Lowell and the writer Lady Caroline Blackwood, after his marriage ended. His experience of Larkin and Lowell led to another book of literary criticism, The Society of the Poem. He joined the circle that emerged around the New Review magazine, in Soho’s Pillars of Hercules pub, and in 1974 published Soft City, a mix of personal memoir and London observation that became an early example of “psychogeography”.
His first travel book, Arabia Through the Looking Glass (1979), took a modern orientalist view of the area reminiscent of Charles Doughty’s Travels in Arabia Deserta and other classic travel writing on the Middle East. Old Glory (1981) was his first book set in the US, taking a skiff down the Mississippi River from Minneapolis to New Orleans. It recalls his study of Huckleberry Finn, blending the approaching age of Ronald Reagan into his inward experiences with America’s own eccentricities, and was a success on both sides of the Atlantic. Jan Morris called it “the best book of travel ever written by an Englishman about the United States”.
His first novel, Foreign Land (1985), follows an eccentric expat Englishman, George Grey, who leaves the Caribbean to return home, much to the consternation of his daughter, and sail a just-bought boat around Britain. Raban recapitulated the story himself in Coasting, in which he sails around the country, which, as the Falklands war erupts, seems an increasingly insular island nation. The book marks the perfecting of his classic English voice, that of the friendly faux-bumbler whose self-deprecation is itself a form of humble-brag, which has served British humour from Arthur Marshall to Bill Bryson; it made him a neutral sort of observer to Americans he met.
After publishing a memoir, For Love & Money: A Writing Life, he moved to the US, his journey across the Atlantic in a container ship told in Hunting Mister Heartbreak: A Discovery of America (1990), and, crucially, a poignant leaving scene that reflects the end of his second marriage, to the London art dealer Caroline Cuthbert.
He settled in Seattle, where in 1992 he married his third wife, Jean Lenihan; their daughter, Julia, was born in 1993. He continued travelling – Bad Land: An American Romance was set in Montana, dealing with the difficult dreams of immigrants to the beautiful but harsh Big Sky country. But his next book was perhaps his finest. Passage to Juneau (1996) is nominally another boat trip, on Alaska’s Inside Passage, a man leaving his wife and daughter for his travel. But midway through the trip, he returns to England, where his father is dying and his family has gathered. It is a travelogue of the writer’s mid-life implosion; he returns to finish his journey only to be greeted by his wife announcing she and his daughter are leaving him.
He remained in Seattle to concentrate on the joint care of his daughter. His 2003 novel, Waxwings, takes its butterfly title from Nabokov’s Pale Fire: “I was the shadow of the waxwing slain / By the false azure of the window pane.” Drawing on Bad Land, it is the story of an expat Hungarian-British man, in the dot.com boomtown that is Seattle, with an American wife, and an illegal Chinese immigrant worker who begins reconstructing his house. Raban was a distant relative of Evelyn Waugh, and the book recalls Waugh’s Men at Arms, where the social whirl does not stop for the newly launched war. My Holy War (2006), about the 9/11 attack and the US invasion of Iraq, was almost a companion piece.
In 2006 he published his third novel, Surveillance, in which a journalist tracks down a reclusive writer who has been kept hidden by his publisher lest he destroy the credibility of his Holocaust memoir. Its prime concern is the many-faceted ambiguity of liberty in the war on terror. “The world changed,” he said. “It didn’t change with 9/11. It changed with the Patriot Act, with the homeland security measures and the war on terror.”
His 2010 collection, Driving Home, is an eccentric mix of literary criticism, tales of great sea voyages, the state of the US in the 21st century and the mix of people he meets along the way, even as he remained in Seattle. A 2011 essay in the New York Times, The Getaway Car, detailed a drive down the Pacific coast to take Julia, now 18, to university at Stanford, outside San Francisco. Later that year, Raban suffered a massive stroke, which left one side of his body paralysed and confined him to a wheelchair. He continued writing, primarily for the New York Review of Books. It seemed an ironic fate for a writer who saw his journeys as “a means of escape, freedom and solitude, I could be happy … in a way I couldn’t be at home”. Yet he had always travelled through literature, and through his writing. And now he had a different sort of freedom in his daughter, which perhaps allowed him to address his own escape in his last book, to be published this autumn, a memoir titled Father and Son.
Julia survives him.
🔔 Jonathan Raban, writer, born 14 June 1942; died 17 January 2023
Daily inspiration. Discover more photos at http://justforbooks.tumblr.com
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brookstonalmanac · 4 months
Events 1.3 (before 1960)
69 – The Roman legions on the Rhine refuse to declare their allegiance to Galba, instead proclaiming their legate, Aulus Vitellius, as emperor. 250 – Emperor Decius orders everyone in the Roman Empire (except Jews) to make sacrifices to the Roman gods. 1521 – Pope Leo X excommunicates Martin Luther in the papal bull Decet Romanum Pontificem. 1653 – By the Coonan Cross Oath, the Eastern Church in India cuts itself off from colonial Portuguese tutelage. 1749 – Benning Wentworth issues the first of the New Hampshire Grants, leading to the establishment of Vermont. 1749 – The first issue of Berlingske, Denmark's oldest continually operating newspaper, is published. 1777 – American General George Washington defeats British General Lord Cornwallis at the Battle of Princeton. 1815 – Austria, the United Kingdom, and France form a secret defensive alliance against Prussia and Russia. 1833 – Captain James Onslow, in the Clio, reasserts British sovereignty over the Falkland Islands. 1848 – Joseph Jenkins Roberts is sworn in as the first president of Liberia. 1861 – American Civil War: Delaware votes not to secede from the United States. 1868 – Meiji Restoration in Japan: The Tokugawa shogunate is abolished; agents of Satsuma and Chōshū seize power. 1870 – Construction work begins on the Brooklyn Bridge in New York, United States. 1871 – In the Battle of Bapaume, an engagement in the Franco-Prussian War, General Louis Faidherbe's forces bring about a Prussian retreat. 1885 – Sino-French War: Beginning of the Battle of Núi Bop. 1911 – A magnitude 7.7 earthquake destroys the city of Almaty in Russian Turkestan. 1911 – A gun battle in the East End of London leaves two dead. It sparked a political row over the involvement of then-Home Secretary Winston Churchill. 1913 – An Atlantic coast storm sets the lowest confirmed barometric pressure reading for a non-tropical system in the continental United States. 1913 – First Balkan War: Greece completes its capture of the eastern Aegean island of Chios, as the last Ottoman forces on the island surrender. 1920 – Over 640 are killed after a magnitude 6.4 earthquake strikes the Mexican states Puebla and Veracruz. 1933 – Minnie D. Craig becomes the first woman elected as Speaker of the North Dakota House of Representatives, the first woman to hold a Speaker position anywhere in the United States. 1944 – World War II: US flying ace Major Greg "Pappy" Boyington is shot down in his Vought F4U Corsair by Captain Masajiro Kawato flying a Mitsubishi A6M Zero. 1946 – Popular Canadian American jockey George Woolf suffers a concussion during a freak racing accident; he dies from the injury the following day. The annual George Woolf Memorial Jockey Award is created to honor him. 1947 – Proceedings of the U.S. Congress are televised for the first time. 1949 – The Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas, the central bank of the Philippines, is established. 1953 – Frances P. Bolton and her son, Oliver from Ohio, become the first mother and son to serve simultaneously in the U.S. Congress. 1956 – A fire damages the top part of the Eiffel Tower. 1957 – The Hamilton Watch Company introduces the first electric watch. 1958 – The West Indies Federation is formed.[ 1959 – Alaska is admitted as the 49th U.S. state.
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 3 years
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“JUTLAND VETERAN SELLING APPLES,” Hamilton Spectator. December 20, 1930. Page 7. --- One of 19 Survivors of Crew of 1,200 Men --- Also Participated in Falkland Islands Battle --- The unemployed men that have taken up apple selling as a means of making an income, report brisk trade on most of the stands. The majority of the men on the street who are engaged in selling apples are war veterans, and although they said every one had a perfect right to sell apples, they object to people who had not seen service in the war displaying signs saying they were veterans. By making a tour of the various vendors, you can meet men who served on almost every front, and they all have their discharge papers to prove their statements. As one said to-day. there are so many fakers that it is best to have your army papers with you to prove you're not lying.
At Catharine and King streets, two naval veterans started in the trade this morning, one of the men being one of the 19 survivors of the crew of 1.200 that manned H.M.S. Invincible when it was sunk at Jutland. He was also a member of the crew when the Invincible took part in the battle of the Falkland Islands and exterminated the German South Pacific squadron of five ships. His partner served in the army from August, 1914, but a year later got his transfer to the navy. He proudly displayed a cigaret humidor that Princess Mary had sent to every man in the Imperial army the first Christmas of the war, containing cigarets and tobacco, with a new pipe. Other men were found who had served in the Libyan desert, the Dardanelles and in German East Africa. The majority, of course, had served on the western front in France.
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travel-voyages · 2 years
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South America detailed political map with capitals
South America is a continent situated in the Western Hemisphere, mostly in the Southern Hemisphere, with a relatively small portion in the Northern Hemisphere. It is also considered a subcontinent of the Americas, which is the term used in Spanish-speaking nations and most of South America.
It is bordered on the west by the Pacific Ocean and on the north and east by the Atlantic Ocean, North America and the Caribbean Sea lie to the northwest. It includes twelve sovereign states – Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Uruguay, and Venezuela – and two non-sovereign areas – French Guiana, an overseas department of France, and the Falkland Islands, a British Overseas Territory (though disputed by Argentina). In addition to this, the ABC islands of the Netherlands and Trinidad and Tobago may also be considered part of South America.
South America has an area of 17,840,000 square kilometers (6,890,000 sq mi). Its population as of 2005 has been estimated at more than 371,090,000. South America ranks fourth in area (after Asia, Africa, and North America) and fifth in population (after Asia, Africa, Europe, and North America). Brazil is by far the most populous South American country, with more than half of the continent's population, followed by Colombia, Argentina, Venezuela and Peru.
Most of the population lives near the continent's western or eastern coasts while the interior and the far south are sparsely populated. The geography of western South America is dominated by the Andes mountains; in contrast, the eastern part contains both highland regions and large lowlands where rivers such as the Amazon, Orinoco, and Paraná flow. Most of the continent lies in the tropics.
The continent's cultural and ethnic outlook has its origin with the interaction of indigenous peoples with European conquerors and immigrants and, more locally, with African slaves. Given a long history of colonialism, the overwhelming majority of South Americans speak Portuguese or Spanish, and societies and states commonly reflect Western traditions.
Countries of South America
Maps of Argentina
Maps of Bolivia
Maps of Brazil
Maps of Chile
Maps of Colombia
Maps of Ecuador
Maps of Falkland Islands
Maps of French Guiana
Maps of Guyana
Maps of Paraguay
Maps of Peru
Maps of Suriname
Maps of Uruguay
Maps of Venezuela
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eopederson · 26 days
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King penguin, East Falkland Island, 2022.
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Nations Of The World Retro: 1914
Round One Matches
1. Colombia vs British Honduras
2. Nicaragua vs South Orkney Islands
3. Amoy vs Togoland
4. Italian Somaliland vs Luxembourg
5. Chongqing vs French Indochina
6. Emirate of Afghanistan vs Persia
7. Uruguay vs South Shetland Islands
8. Khiva vs Union Islands
9. Federated Malay Islands vs Réunion
10. Bahama Islands vs New Zealand
11. Ottoman Empire vs Spain
12. Suzhou vs Monaco
13. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland vs Straits Settlements
14. Kingdom of Italy vs French Madagascar
15. Portuguese East Africa vs Panama Canal Territory
16. Saint Barthélemy vs Netherlands
17. Guernsey vs Alaska
18. Bechuanaland vs Barbados
19. Ethiopia vs Curaçao and Dependencies
20. Midway Atoll vs Brunei
21. Saint Martin vs German East Africa
22. Amoy vs Sverdrup Islands
23. Sulu vs Northern Rhodesia
24. Serbia vs Panama
25. German Kiautschou vs Norway
26. British Guiana vs Sikkim
27. Falkland Islands vs Argentina
28. Ha'il vs Mexico
29. French Guiana vs British East Africa
30. Switzerland vs Seychelles
31. Italian Tripolitania vs Quita Sueño Bank
32. Italian Cyrenaica vs American Samoa
33. North Borneo vs Portuguese Guinea
34. Portuguese India vs British Jamaica
35. Portuguese Sao Tomé and Principe vs Kwantung
36. Jiujiang vs Zanzibar
37. Karafuto vs Costa Rica
38. France vs Hawaii
39. Jarvis Island vs British Winward Islands
40. Terengganu vs Surinam
41. British Trinidad and Tobago vs Belgium
42. Newfoundland vs Ubangi-Shari
43. Palmyra Atoll vs Romania
44. Fernando Poo vs Portuguese Macau
45. Sierra Leone vs Wallis and Futuna
46. British Mauritius vs French Tunisia
47. India vs Spanish Sahara
48. Tristan da Cunha vs Navassa Island
49. Siam vs Tientsin
50. Guadaloupe vs Bulgaria 51. Wake Island vs Maldive Islands
52. Johor vs Isla de la Pasión
53. Sarawak vs French Morocco
54. Norfolk Island vs Hankou
55. Swan Islands vs German Empire
56. Johnston Atoll vs Saint Pierre and Miquelon
57. Egypt vs Baker Island
58. Trucial States vs Paraguay
59. Hangzhou vs Isle of Man
60. Victoria Land vs Emirate of Nejd and Hasa
61. French Oceania vs French India
62. Territory of New Guinea vs Mbundaland 63. Spanish North Africa vs Nigeria
64. Uganda vs Phillipine Islands
65. Basutoland vs Tibet
66. Elobey, Annobón, and Corsico vs Nepal
67. San Marino vs Andorra
68. Kongo vs Howland Island
69. Canada vs Muscat and Oman
70. Martinique vs Rhodesia
71. Bolivia vs Russian Empire
72. Ascension Island vs Dutch East Indies
73. China vs Fort of São João Baptista de Ajudá
74. Graham Land vs Serranilla Bank
75. French Equatorial Guinea vs Liechtenstein 76. Portuguese West Africa vs Australia
77. Kingdom of Montenegro vs Weihai
78. Honduras vs Papua
79. Perlis vs Haiti
80. Bhutan vs Iceland
81. Middlebrook Island vs Greenland
82. Guam vs Setul Mambang Segara
83. Denmark vs Bahrain
84. Serrana Bank vs Gold Coast
85. Italian Eritrea vs Taiwan
86. French West Africa vs British Hong Kong 87. Gibraltar vs French Algeria
88. United States vs Bermuda
89. Puerto Rico vs Finland
90. Kamerun vs Kelantan
91. Anglo-Egyptian Sudan vs French Somaliland
92. Shanghai vs Suez Canal Zone
93. Shasi vs Sultanate of Aussa
94. Bouvet Island vs Empire of Japan
95. Portuguese Cape Verde vs Zhenjiang
96. Spanish Morocco vs Kingman Reef
97. Venezuela vs Principality of Albania
98. Aden vs Portugal
99. Darfur vs German Samoa
100. Belgian Congo vs Malta
101. Heard Island and McDonald Islands vs Ecuador
102. Swaziland vs Kuwait
103. Bukhara vs Gambia
104. Cuba vs Corn Islands
105. British Somaliland vs German South-West Africa
106. Kedah vs Portuguese Timor
107. Liberia vs New Caledonia
108. Danish West Indies vs Peru
109. Northern Nigeria vs Saint Helena
110. South Africa vs Bajo Nuevo Bank
111. British Leeward Islands vs Roncador Bank 112. Sweden vs British Western Pacific Territories
113. Kingdom of Greece vs Mongolia
114. Brazil vs Chile
115. Austria-Hungary vs British Hong Kong
116. Uryankhay vs Rio Muni vs British Cyprus
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cardboardheartss · 1 month
Next Possible Earthquake Stricken Countries/Continents
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The Sun, 10oC, The Hermit, 4oP, AoC, High Priestess & 10oW
Falkland Islands
North America ✅
Northern Asia
South America
Southern Africa
Southern Europe
i had asked my tarot cards which country could possibly experience a major earthquake in 2024, and 10oW popped out.
10oW represents Southern European countries, these are the countries that could possibly experience a major earthquake this year:
Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, East Thrace (Turkey), Greece, Italy, Malta, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Portugal, Serbia, Slovenia, and Spain
(the countries i highlighted in red are the ones I believe are most likely to experience the earthquake due to their close proximity to the tectonic plate lines)
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enbaluka · 1 month
you post against settlers in the middle east yet argue in favor of the settlers in the malvinas islands? make it make sense
They're not displacing anyone. There are No indigenous people from the Falklands. Nobody was ethnically cleansed. It is one of the very few cases where "Terra Nulius" isn't complete bullshit. It's insulting that you would compare this to the genocide the Palestinians have suffered ever since the beggining of the zionist project. And unlike São Tomé e Principe and Cabo Verde, which were also uninhabited before the Europeans arrived, the brits who settled in the falklands didn't participate in mass-scale slavery. They're just shepards.
The only claim argentina has to those islands is a colonial charter by spain, which I don't find very convincing.
The only non-nationalist justification for why Argentina would take the Falklands would be as a first step in destroying the UK, which unfortunately doesn't seem to be the case.
I admit that my original comment was stupid as fuck, and that unfortunately my spanish is shit, now stop sending me hatemail.
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v4-v1 · 1 month
Argentine Republic[A]
República Argentina(Spanish)
Coat of armsMotto: 
"En unión y libertad"
("In Unity and Freedom")
Anthem:Himno Nacional Argentino ("Argentine National Anthem")
Duration: 3 minutes and 34 seconds.3:34Sol de Mayo[2] (Sun of May)
Argentine territory in dark green; territory claimed but not controlled by Argentina in light greenCapital
Guaraní in Corrientes[3]
Quechua in Santiago del Estero[4]
Qom, Mocoví, and Wichíin Chaco[5]
Welsh in Chubut[6]
78.2% Christianity
62.9% Catholicism
15.3% other Christian
20.5% no religion
1.3% other
Argentinean (uncommon)
GovernmentFederal presidential constitutional republic
• PresidentJavier Milei
• Vice PresidentVictoria Villarruel
• Chief of the Cabinet of MinistersNicolás Posse
• President of the Chamber of DeputiesMartín Menem
• President of Supreme CourtHoracio RosattiLegislatureNational Congress
• Upper houseSenate
• Lower houseChamber of DeputiesIndependence
from Spain
• May Revolution25 May 1810
• Declared9 July 1816
• Constitution1 May 1853Area 
• Total2,780,400 km2(1,073,500 sq mi)[B] (8th)
• Water (%)1.57Population
• 2022 census47,327,407[9] (31st)
• Density14.4/km2 (37.3/sq mi)[8](178th)GDP (PPP)2023 estimate
 Though not declared official de jure, the Spanish language is the only one used in the wording of laws, decrees, resolutions, official documents and public acts thus making it the de facto official language.
 Since 10 June 1945, but trains are still driven on left.
Argentina,[a] officially the Argentine Republic,[b] is a country in the southern half of South America. Argentina covers an area of 2,780,400 km2 (1,073,500 sq mi),[B] making it the second-largest country in South America after Brazil, the fourth-largest country in the Americas, and the eighth-largest country in the world. It shares the bulk of the Southern Conewith Chile to the west, and is also bordered by Bolivia and Paraguay to the north, Brazil to the northeast, Uruguay and the South Atlantic Ocean to the east, and the Drake Passage to the south. Argentina is a federal state subdivided into twenty-three provinces, and one autonomous city, which is the federal capital and largest city of the nation, Buenos Aires. The provinces and the capital have their own constitutions, but exist under a federal system. Argentina claims sovereignty over the Falkland Islands, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands, the Southern Patagonian Ice Field, and a part of Antarctica.
That's true
Except with the "Falkland Islands" thing we don't call them like that we call them Las Islas Malvinas
Fuck the English 🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕
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